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Software Requirements

Specification (SRS)
Digi Innov College of Engineering
Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Scope
2.1 Target Audience
2.2 System Architecture (High-Level)
3. Specific Requirements
3.1 Login Page (Staff Only)
3.2 Public Access
3.3 Home Page
3.4 Branches Page
3.5 Admission Process
3.5.1 Online Application Form
3.5.2 Admission Workflow
3.6 Finance Page
3.7 Contact Us

4. Non-Functional Requirements
4.1 Performance
4.2 Security
4.3 Usability
4.4 Reliability
4.5 Compliance
4.6 Scalability

5. Constraints
5.1 Legal and Regulatory
5.2 Technology Constraints

6. Appendices
6.1 References
1. Introduction

 Project Title: Digi Innov College of Engineering Website Development

 Document Author: Prashant Chandra Sekhar
 Date: 12th March 2024
 Revision: 1.0
 Purpose: The purpose of this Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is to
provide a detailed description of the Digi Innov College of Engineering Website
development, outlining its functionalities, features, and constraints.
2. Scope
The scope of this document is to define the requirements for the development of the
college website, with separate functionalities for staff and public users
2.1 Target Audience:
 College Staff (for accessing specific functionalities)
 Prospective Students (for applying and learning about the college)
 General Public (for accessing college information)

2.2 System Architecture (High-Level):

 The website will consist of a front-end (user interface) and a back-end (server-
side logic and database).
 The front-end will be developed using technologies like HTML, CSS, and
Javascript. (Specific technologies can be adjusted based on chosen
development stack).
 The back-end developed with Node.js will handle user authentication, data
storage, and processing functionalities. (Technology choices can be mentioned
here if applicable).
3. Specific Requirements
3.1 Login Page (Staff Only)
Functional Requirements:

 Display username and password input fields.

 Implement secure password hashing for user authentication.
 Include a "Forgot Password" functionality with an option to reset the
password via email.
 Upon successful login, redirect the staff user to a dedicated staff
 On failed login attempts, display an appropriate error message without
revealing specific login details.

3.2 Public Access

Functional Requirements:

 Users who are not logged in can access all website content except staff-
specific areas (e.g., staff dashboard).
 The website should gracefully handle unauthorized access attempts to
restricted areas by redirecting users to the login page or displaying an
appropriate error message.

3.3 Home Page

Functional Requirements:

 Display college name, logo, and tagline prominently.

 Include a navigation menu with links to all major sections of the website
(e.g., About Us, Branches, Admissions, Contact Us).
 Feature a hero section (banner or image) showcasing the college's key
offerings or achievements. (Content provided by client).
 Display a brief welcome message or introduction from the college principal
(Content provided by client).
 Include a section with a brief history of the college and its founding
members (Content provided by client).

3.4 Branches Page

Functional Requirements:

 List all offered branches (e.g., IT, Computer Science, Mechanical, Civil,
 Each branch listing should link to a dedicated page with detailed
information about that specific branch (e.g., course curriculum, faculty
 The branch page content can be static or dynamically generated from a

3.5 Admission Process

3.5.1 Online Application Form

Functional Requirements:

 Provide an online application form for prospective students to apply for

 The form should capture relevant student information like name, address,
phone number, email address, and desired branch.
 Implement form validation to ensure required fields are filled and data is
entered in a valid format (e.g., email format, phone number format).
 Allow users to upload required documents (e.g., transcripts, certificates)
as part of the application process.
 Upon successful form submission, display a confirmation message and
provide options for the user to track the application status or download a
copy of the submitted application.
 Store application data securely in the system's database.
3.5.2 Admission Workflow

Functional Requirements:

 The system should allow authorized staff to view submitted applications

and manage the admission process.
 Staff users can view applicant details, download application documents,
and schedule face-to-face interviews.
 Implement a functionality for staff to conduct online assessments or
exams (if applicable).
 After the interview and assessment, the system should allow staff to make
admission decisions (accept/reject).
 Upon admission acceptance, the system should automatically notify the
finance team and generate a welcome email to the student.
 Rejected applicants should receive a notification email with a brief
explanation (optional).

3.6 Finance Page

Functional Requirements:

 Clearly display available payment methods for admission fees:

 Netbanking
 Credit Card
 Debit Card
 (Note: Cash payments should not be an option)

 Integrate with a secure payment gateway for online fee collection.

 Upon successful payment, the system should update
3.7 Contact Us Page

 Functional Requirements:
 Display the college's contact information on a dedicated "Contact Us"
 Phone number
 Email address
 Physical address
 Implement a contact form (optional) allowing users to submit inquiries or
 The form should capture user information (name, email, message)
 Upon successful form submission, display a confirmation message
thanking the user for contacting the college. (Optional)
 Store contact information and messages securely in the database.
 Send an automated email acknowledgment to the user's email address
confirming receipt of their inquiry. (Optional)

4. Non-Functional Requirements
4.1 Performance
 The system should respond within 3 seconds for any user action.
 The website should load pages quickly and efficiently.
 The system should be able to handle a high volume of concurrent users without
performance degradation.

4.2 Security
 Implement secure password hashing for user authentication.
 Protect user data (application details, financial information) using appropriate
security measures.
 Ensure secure communication channels for online transactions using HTTPS.
4.3 Usability
 The user interface should be intuitive and accessible.
 Mobile responsiveness for various devices.
4.4 Reliability
 The system should have a 99.9% uptime.

4.5 Scalability
 The system should be scalable to accommodate future growth in user base and
data volume.
4.6 Compliance
 The website should comply with web accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG).

5. Constraints
5.1 Legal and Regulatory
Compliance with data protection laws (e.g., GDPR).
5.2 Technology Constraints
Compatibility with major web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari).

6. Appendices
6.1 References
List of documents and standards referenced.

End of Document

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