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2019 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and

Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress

LoRa Communication Maps of Medium-Sized

Rural City in Japan via Community Bus Services
Ken T. Murata Kohei Mizutani Yoshiaki Muroyama
National Institute of Information National Institute of Information National Institute of Information
and Communications Technology and Communications Technology and Communications Technology
Tokyo, Japan Tokyo, Japan Tokyo, Japan

Kazunori Yamamoto Kazuya Muranaga Takamichi Mizuhara

National Institute of Information Systems Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd. CLEALINKTECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.
and Communications Technology Tokyo, Japan Kyoto, Japan
Tokyo, Japan

Praphan Pavarangkoon Kazuki Kobayashi

National Institute of Information Shinshu University
and Communications Technology Nagano, Japan
Tokyo, Japan

Abstract—We conduct communication environment measure- distance communication with low power consumption. It is
ment in Chikuma city, Nagano prefecture, Japan, utilizing com- possible to operate autonomous sensors by solar power supply
munity bus services via private Long Range (LoRa), which is one and storage battery, and Long Range (LoRa) features long
of the low-power wide area (LPWA) communication technologies.
Chikuma city has approximately 119.8 km2 area and a population distance propagation. LoRa is one of the regenerations of
of 59,380, which is a medium-sized rural city in Japan. In this the LPWA, which is known as has ability of long-distance
experiment, we set up LoRa relay stations at three locations in communication. Recently, a record of LoRa communication
the city: the Koshoku city hall building (at the northern part over 700 km using LoRaWAN technique is reported in [1].
of the city), the Togura municipal building (at the southern Surely on such an ideal condition as from one mountain top to
part of the city), and the Amenomiya drainage station (at the
eastern part of the city). In addition, beacon transmitters are another mountain top, one may attain long-distance communi-
installed in the community buses (nine routes in all). The location cations using LoRa. However, in general city areas, it is almost
and time information are transferred from the routes of the impossible to present such ideal conditions. There are high-
buses to a cloud system in real time through the relay stations. altitude buildings, towers, and other artificial architectures.
Experimental results are summarized in an area map, indicating Mountains, hills, rivers, lakes, and other geographic obstacles
that we succeed in communicating in 61.3% of data points on the
bus routes and confirm the possibility of covering the entire city also refrain from communicating in long distance.
by the LPWA. We are able to expand the LoRa communication Many trials have started to examine LoRa communications
area by adding more relay stations paying attention to terrain in the city areas. Although there have been several attempts on
effects. watching or monitoring urban or rural area using LoRa (e.g.,
Keywords—LPWA; LoRa; communication map; Chikuma city [2]), the target area is limited and area maps are not disclosed
in most of the cases. In this paper, we conduct communication
environment measurement of the whole residential area of
Chikuma city, Nagano prefecture, Japan. Chikuma city has
In recent years, new information communication technolo- approximately 119.8 km2 area and a population of 59,380,
gies such as Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, artificial which is a medium-sized rural city in Japan. In this exper-
intelligence (AI), etc. are effective tools for enhancing services iment, we first install LoRa relay stations at three locations
and solving problems by utilizing the data of local residents. in the city. Then, using beacon transmitter equipped on the
IoT, which connects many sensors to the Internet, is an impor- community buses running on wide-area routes over the city, we
tant basic technology, and various regional IoT technologies survey communication area of LoRa over the city. This paper
are being developed and promoted so far. Low-power wide- is composed of the following sections. Section II describes
area (LPWA) communication technology is capable of long experiment environments briefly. Section III presents a exper-

978-1-7281-3024-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 1054

DOI 10.1109/DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech.2019.00189
iment in Chikuma city. Experimental results and discussion TABLE II. Specification of beacon transmitters
are presented in Section IV. Finally, Section V concludes the Data transmission Retransmission
paper. Type # Memory size
interval data size
1 5 10 sec. 1 data 256 data
II. E XPERIMENT E NVIRONMENTS 2 5 30 sec. 5 data 256 data

Figure 1 shows an outlook of the private LoRa transceivers

used in this study. The antenna used in the transceiver has an Figure 2 is a LoRa communication system diagram used
omnidirectional dipole one. The LoRa communication setting in this study. The beacon transmitter acquires position and
parameters are shown in Table I. In this experiment, the time information from the global navigation satellite systems
frequency bandwidth is set at 125 kHz, the spread spectrum (GNSS) module and transmits them as a beacon signal. There
coefficient is set at the maximum of 12, and the transmission are two types of beacon transmitters (Table II). Type 1 trans-
output power is set at the maximum of 13 dBm. In general, mits a beacon signal every 10 seconds, and type 2 transmits
frequency band width is adjusted to, for example, 62.5 kHz it every 30 seconds. When both types receive an ACK from
when there is interference in the urban area, and raised up to the relay station within 3 seconds after the transmission, it
500 kHz when the data rate is increased. is judged that the transmission is successful and the beacon
information is deleted from the memory on the transmitter. If
ACK can not be received within 3 seconds, the information
is stored in the memory and retransmitted as non-arrival
point information when the next communication succeeds.
The number of retransmission data transmitted simultaneously
with one regular data is 1 for type 1 and 5 for type 2. In
both types, the memory size is for 256 dataset storage, and
if memory data size exceeds the memory size, the oldest is
deleted from the memory. The beacon information received
by the LoRa relay station is delivered to the web server in
real time via the LTE/4G mobile network and visualized on
a geographic information system (GIS)-based web application
that will be introduced in Section IV for displaying the LoRa
communication area map. The web application is installed in
the NICT Science Cloud [3], [4] to display the status of the
LoRa communication environment from the bus route. This
web application has passed the security diagnosis by the same
cloud project [5].
Figure 1. Outlooks of private LoRa communication devices:
Beacon transmitter (left) and Relay station (right).
The experiment was conducted in Chikuma city, Nagano
TABLE I. Specification of LoRa setting parameters prefecture for 2 days on March 19 and 20, 2018. We install
Frequency bandwidth 62.5 kHz, 125 kHz, 250 kHz, 500 kHz LoRa relay stations to three locations as shown in Figs. 3: (a)
Spectral diffusion coefficient 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 the Koshoku city hall building (at the northern part of the city),
Transmission power -4 dBm, -3 dBm, . . ., 13 dBm (b) the Togura municipal building (at the southern part of city)
and (c) the Amenomiya drainage station (at the eastern part
of the city). The relay station boxes are bonded to the poles
or handrails on the rooftop of the buildings in a simplified
The locations of these three relay stations are indicated in
Fig. 4. Chikuma city is a rural city, and there are not so many
tall buildings and towers. We select these locations in terms
of the following policies:
• The relay station should be installed on the rooftop of
municipal buildings, since one of the future applications
of us is a regional disaster mitigation system that would
be operated by local government.
• The building should be higher than 10 m, and has a nice
Figure 2. LoRa Communication Network.
panorama sight on the rooftop, as seen in Figs. 3(a), (b)
and (c).

(a) Relay station at Koshoku.

(b) Relay station at Togura.

Figure 4. Community bus route map in Chikuma city and

locations of relay stations.

TABLE III. Ratio of successful LoRa signal to relay stations

Number of Number of
Relay station Arrival ratio
data successful data
(c) Relay station at Amenomiya. (a) Koshoku 5,778 3,436 59.5%
(b) Togura 5,599 3,494 62.4%
(c) Amenomiya 3,567 2,234 62.6%
Total 14,944 9,164 61.3%

of the city’s residential area, which is suitable for surveying

the whole city and creating LoRa communication area maps
throughout the city. In order to guarantee the reliability of the
experiment, in principle, measurements were conducted by bus
route circulation at least twice for community buses. During
the two days of experiments, we also conducted measurement
(d) Beacon transmitter installed at the bus front. throughout the city by moving on foot, by bicycle, passenger
Figure 3. Relay stations and beacon transmitter installations. car and train as well, for the areas other than bus lines.
During and after the experiment, measurement results were
immediately checked on the LoRa area map web application.
• The buildings are chosen at the eastern, the middle and
the southern parts of the city to cover all of wide city IV. E XPERIMENT R ESULTS
area. A. Summary
Furthermore, as shown in Fig. 3(d), a small beacon trans- Figure 5 shows the LoRa communication area map of
mitter equipped with a GPS antenna was installed on the Chikuma city in this experiment. The area map is created
dashboard ahead of the driver’s seat in the Chikuma city on a proprietary GIS Web application using CESIUM, an
community bus. As shown in Fig. 4, the Chikuma city open source geographical survey map [6]. Each point (small
community bus route (9 lines in all) has a wide coverage dot) indicates the position of the beacon transmitter. The

Figure 5. LoRa communication area map.

colors correspond to the Received Signal Strength Indication from Togura municipal building to the area is within LoRa
(RSSI) value which is the received signal intensity when reachable distance (4 km) in north direction. Although the
communication is successful to any relay station. When a cause is unknown, it is expected that the influence of the
beacon signal successfully reaches to multiple relay stations, building structure in the vicinity of the relay station antenna
the strongest signal RSSI value is displayed in color. The black (in particular, influence on multipath) can not be ignored. The
dots are communication disabled points. In this study, 61.3% Goka area is one of the central areas in Chikuma city where
of data points are radio reachable (dotted in colors). Detail population is increasing, which is a practically unignorable
results are shown in Table III. result in terms of governmental management. With regard to
such priority areas, it is effective to improve communication
In Fig. 5, it is comprehensive that the LoRa communication coverage by adding multiple relay stations within or near the
area spreads throughout the city in this experiment at a area. Data communication improvement to or in such mountain
glance. This suggests that the LoRa communication is able area is one of the future tasks of LoRa.
to be used for practical purposes in this medium-sized rural
city. Moreover, there are sporadic communication disabled B. Terrain Effects
points (black spots) locally. In case of LoRa communication Figure 6(a)-(c) shows dependences of RSSI values on dis-
using the 920 MHz band, depending either on temporary tance from three relay stations to the beacon transmitters in this
direction change of the community bus (for example, when experiment. Only successful points where the beacon signals
the direction of the bus is behind the relay station) or on are reachable to the stations are drawn in each panel in Fig. 6.
bus location in the city (for example, a place in between In this figure the RSSI values shows negative correlation to
high buildings), radio wave occasionally does not reach to the distance from relay stations, which is not contradictory
any relay station. On the other hand, we are able to conclude to our understanding of radio wave properties. However in
that an area where all neighboring points are filled with black Fig. 6(c), one may find enhancements in the RSSI values in
dots is a communication disabled area. For example, many the regions longer than 5500 m from the Amenomiya relay
part of the roads in the Otawara line of Chikuma community station in Fig. 4(c).
bus in Fig. 5, where most of the parts are mountain areas, Figure 7 shows the LoRa communication area map in the
are communication disabled. In addition, the Goka area in same format with Fig. 5 but only of signals able or disable
Fig. 5 is not a communication area despite the distance to arrive at Amenomiya relay station as well as in Fig. 6.

(a) Koshoku.

Figure 7. Location and RSSI value to Amenomiya relay

(b) Togura. station: only successful communication event.

Figure 8. Night view from JR Obasute station.

(c) Amenomiya.

value at (C) is lower than that at (B). It corresponds to our

basic understandings that LoRa communication is generally
advantageous for locations with such high altitude and good
visibility. The JR Obasute station is famous as a beautiful land-
(d) Topographic profile between Amenomiya relay station and JR scape (night view) as shown in Figure 8, which complements
Obasute station. this experimental result.
Figure 6. Dependences of RSSI values of successful signal on
distance from three relay stations and topographic profile. C. Discussion
In terms of basic telecommunication technology, electro-
magnetic wave transmission properties are of interest. In our
This figure is to discuss the influence of terrain on the LoRa design of regional LPWA networks, we need to survey radio
communication area to the Amenomiya drainage station. This transmission and create communication maps on GIS tools.
outstanding area corresponds to the slope of the west bank Several reports have been opened that measure relationship
of the Chikuma river in Fig. 7, which includes the Obasute between wave intensity and distance [7]- [11]. Panels (a),
station of Japan Railway (JR) company. Figure 6(d) shows (b), and (c) in Fig. 5 indicate RSSI value dependence on
a topographic profile on the line between Amenomiya relay the distance for Koshoku, Togura, and Amenomiya relay
station and JR Obasute station. This topographic profile line stations, respectively. In our outdoor experiments, it is hard
is depicted in Fig. 5. The altitudes of both (A) Amenomiya to estimate them since the environments are conducted on the
drainage station and (B) JR Obasute station 7,500 m away non-ideal conditions as discussed in Section IV.A. Multipath
are 354 m and 548 m, respectively. The altitude of (c) west effects inside on outside of the bus bodies are not negligible
bank of Chikuma river, where is 5,000 m away from the as well. Taking these ambiguities into account, we evaluate
Ameomiya drainage station, is 364 m that is almost same the intensity (RSSI value) and the distance between beacon
as that of Amenomiya drainage station. Note that the RSSI transmitters and three relay stations.

It is hard to measure the expected number of the relay sta- [5] H. Watanabe, S. Ueno, and K. T. Murata, “A Method for Cooperation
with A Secure Web Application Development by The NICT Science
tions to get more coverage, e.g., more than 80% reachability in Cloud,” Japan Society of Information and Knowledge, vol. 24, no. 3,
Table III. In this study, we mainly carry out our measurements pp. 291-296, 2014.
by the beacon transmitter installed in the community buses. In [6] CESIUM: An open-source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes
and maps. (2019, Apr 15). Cesium Consortium [Online]. Available:
these cases, the obstructions of the line of sight by architec-
tural buildings, hills and mountains, and bus bodies lead to [7] LoRa experience in a real city environment. (2019, Apr
decrease of the reachability. However, the effects caused by 15). - Technology Blog [Online]. Available:
the infrastructures are hard to measure quantitatively. We need real-city-environment/
more detailed study for our understanding of LoRa properties [8] M. Cattani, C. A. Boano, and K. Römer, “An Experimental Evaluation
in a city. of the Reliability of LoRa Long-Range Low-Power Wireless Commu-
nication,” J. Sens. Actuator Netw., vol. 6, no. 2, 2017.
V. C ONCLUSION [9] O. Iova, A. L. Murphy, G. P. Picco, L. Ghiro, D. Molteni, F. Ossi,
and F. Cagnacci, “LoRa from the City to the Mountains: Exploration
We conducted a private LoRa communication environment of Hardware and Environmental Factors,” in Proc. 2017 Int. Conf.
measurement in Chikuma city, Nagano prefecture, Japan, Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, 2017, pp. 317-322.
[10] N. Blenn and F. Kuipers, “LoRaWAN in the Wild: Measurements from
utilizing community bus services via private Long Range The Things Network,” arXiv:1706.03086, 2017.
(LoRa), which is one of the low-power wide area (LPWA) [11] J. Haxhibeqiri, A. Karaagac, F. Van den Abeele, W. Joseph, I. Moerman,
communication technologies. Chikuma city has approximately and J. Hoebeke, “LoRa indoor coverage and performance in an industrial
environment: Case study,” in Proc. 22nd IEEE International Conference
119.8 km2 area and a population of 59,380, which is a on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2017.
medium-sized rural city in Japan. As a result, it is found
that the residential area in the city is widely radio reachable
even by a small number (three) of relay stations of LoRa
communication. We succeeded in communicating in 61.3%
via our private LoRa communication toolkits.
The LoRa relay stations are attached to existing facilities
(poles and handrails) on the rooftop of buildings (city hall
building, municipal building, and drainage station building)
and therein special constructing technique was unnecessary. It
is noted that LoRa uses unlicensed frequency band, 920 MHz,
in this study. In other words, it suggests capability to construct
a region-watching LPWA network with high acceptability at
low cost. It is expected that there are many other municipalities
that can apply the methods and results of this experiment, since
the city is in medium size, typically structured, and facilitated
in Japan.
The authors would like to thank the city employees
and residents of Chikuma city for their help in con-
ducting experiments. We also thank Geospatial Informa-
tion Authority of Japan (GSI) for providing Global Map.
This research and development work was supported by the
MIC/SCOPE #165009001 and JSPS KAKENHI Grant Num-
ber JP17K00158. Part of this work was supported by JST
CREST Grant Number JPMJCR15K4, Japan.
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275-290, 2014.


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