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Hanee Farzana Hizaddin

Department of Chemical Engineering

University of Malaya

At the end of this class, you should be able to

Convert between various units

SI units With special emphasis on

 molar amount
 pressure
 temperature
 the ideal gas law
cgs units
engineering system

 Example: Only terms with the same units can be
 A correlation between the height added or subtracted
and the mass of people:

M = 23.4 h 2 − 5.4 h + 2.5  Every term must have the units of

M, i.e. kg
where  Units for the 1st coefficient:
 M = mass in kg
 h = height in m [23.4h ] = kg

kg kg
What are the units for the coefficients [23.4] = =
in the correlation? [h 2 ] m 2
 Attempt the remaining terms

 In arithmetic operations, treat units like algebraic variables:
12 ft − 7 ft = 5 ft 12𝑥𝑥 − 7𝑥𝑥 = 5𝑥𝑥

12 ft − 7 cm = ? ? ? 12𝑥𝑥 − 7𝑦𝑦 =? ? ?

5 ft × 3 lbm = 15 ft∙lbm (5𝑥𝑥 × 3𝑦𝑦 = 15𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥) Units on the

LHS must
3s = 9 s2 3𝑥𝑥 2
= 9𝑥𝑥 2 equal units
on the RHS!!
9.0 kg
= 3 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞
3.0 kg

miles 𝑥𝑥
55 × 3 h = 165 miles 55 × 3𝑦𝑦 = 165𝑥𝑥
h 𝑦𝑦

“translation” of engineering language

Quantity SI Others
Length 2.54 cm 1”
0.3048 m 1 ft (or 1’) = 12”
Mass 1 kg 2.205 lbm
Temperature 1oC change 1.8oF change
1K change 1.8oR change
Force 4.45 N 1 lbf ≈ 32.174 lbmft/s2
Pressure 101 325 Pa 1 atm = 760 mmHg ≈ 14.7 psi
= 1.01325 bar

Energy 4.1868 J 1 cal

1 kJ 0.9478 Btu
Power 0.746 kW 1 hp
Convert (150.0 ft) to cm:

Given: 1 ft ≡ 0.3048 m; and 1 m ≡ 100 cm

Correct to how many sig. fig.?


Example: Convert 30 m3/h into cfm

cubic feet
per minute!

Given: 1 ft ≡ 0.3048 m; and 1 h ≡ 60 min

m3 m3 h ft ft 3
30 = 30 �=
h h min m min

Correct to how many sig. fig.?

Convert 0.02562 g�in/min2 to ton�miles/week2

Conversion factor:

1 ton = _____ kg = _____ g

1 mile =_____ ft = _____ in

1 week = _____ days = _____ hours = _____ min

 Solution:
 Example:
 Express all existing quantities in
 The concentration of methanol the new quantities:
in a reactor varies with time as
c = 4.5 exp(− 0.063t )

 c is in molarity
 t is in minutes  Substitute into the original
The client requires c to be in
kg/L and t in hours. Do the
 Molar amount of material
 Pressure
 Temperature
 Quantities from the ideal gas law

 Mole’ is actually ‘gmole’, e.g.  This allows molecular weights
 12 g C = 1 gmole C = 1 mole C be expressed in other units
where convenient, e.g.
 If we raise it by 1000 times, 16 g 16 kg 16 lb m
 For CH4: = =
 12 kg C = 1 kgmole C = 1 kmole mole kmole lbmole

 What is the mass of 100. lbmole

 If we use other units, we define of HCN in kg?
 12 tonne C = 1 tmole of C
 12 lbm C = 1 lbmole C
 12 ounce C = 1 ounce mole C
or any other
fanciful units!
 How to derive the key unit  1 atm = ? psi (lbf/in2)
conversion factors (when
you forget!):  Convert the basic units first

P = hρg
 Height of water vs pressure?
 1 atmosphere equals to …  Introduce the definition of pound-
N 1kgms −2
101325 2
P m 1N
h= ≈ ≈ 10.3m H 2 O
ρg  3 kg  m
 10 3 
9.81 2   Convert ft2 to in2:
 m  s 

 Human psychology:
Add a pressure gauge (meter) here!

 “0” ⇒ “no pressure”

(pump not running)
How does the
operator know if this
pump is running?  We are rarely aware of
atmospheric pressure

 To reduce mistakes,
pressure readings often
remove Patm, i.e.
accessed 07 Sep 2015 Pmeter = Pabsolute – Patm

 More human psychology …
 Pressure gauges (meters) that
show zero reading at atmospheric
pressure give the “gauge  Which one is easier to imagine
pressure”: and to read?
 101.325 kPa
Pgauge = Pabsolute – Patm  14.7 psia or “pounds”

 34 ft H2O
-1  1 atmosphere or “1 a t m”
“g” for
“gauge”  1 bar

0 barg –1 barg
Atmospheric Absolute vacuum Not exact, but
 is easy to use and
 makes little difference at low pressures

These require
 Remember these scales: 

T (K ) = T ( o C ) + 273.15
K oC oF oR
T ( o R ) = T ( o F ) + 459.67
273.15 100 212 459.67
+100 +212
 Derive this:
1K 1 oC 1 1 The Fahrenheit
oF oR
gap is smaller T ( o F ) = 1.8T ( o C ) + 32
273.15 0 32

0 459.67

Other than temperature itself,  Example: convert the
virtually all other quantities units of the specific
that involve units of
heat capacity of
temperature imply ∆T.
water to kcal/kg.oF :

 For temperature
changes: 4.2
= 4.2
kJ K ℃ kcal
kg.K kg.K ℃ ℉ kJ

 1 K = 1oC
 1oR = 1oF
 1oC = 1.8oF
 AtSTP, one mole of an
 Rearranging to give the ideal gas occupies
universal gas constant: about 22.4L, what is a
PV possible value of R?

It can have
many possible

At least remember one

value, e.g. 8.314 kJ/kmol.K

 For an ideal gas,
how do you convert
its volumetric flow
rate (at T and P) to
that at standard
conditions (at To and

 Solution:

 The molar flow rate You must be comfortable

remains the same at
both conditions moving in between these two
volumetric flow rates
Key idea!

 For an ideal gases  The
mole fractions of
at a given P and T: species-k is then given by

P, T
n1 , n 2 , n 3 … nk RT
xk = =
∑r n r  P ∑ Vr 
PVk  RT r 
nk = Volume
RT occupied Vk
= = volume fraction
Moles of
by species k
∑ Vr
species k r

 The 3 key steps to convert units correctly are:
 write units as numerator and denominator

 multiply by suitable powers of the conversion factors 2 2

 simplify the numbers

 The common quantities that require extra care with units are:
 molar amount
 pressure: gauge or absolute
 temperature, temperature difference
 those involving the ideal gas law, e.g. flow rates, volume fractions


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