Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 11th Ed-160-177

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properties. A significant portion of the regulatory appa-

BIOLOGIC ROLES OF CALCIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
ratus of the body is concerned with the protection of
Calcium and the Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
this second function (e.g., all the activities and roles
of parathyroid hormone [PTH], calcitonin [CT], and a
METABOLISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
key activity of vitamin D). Calcium is the most tightly
Homeostatic Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
regulated ion in the extracellular fluid (ECF). The struc-
Absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
tural role is discussed in greater detail in the chapter on
Excretion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
osteoporosis, whereas the cell metabolic, regulatory, and
DIETARY CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
nutritional aspects of this critical element are discussed in
Food Sources and Bioavailability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
this chapter.
Nutrient–Nutrient Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Intracellular Messenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Calcium and the Cell
Cofactor for Extracellular Enzymes and Proteins . . 142 The calcium ion (Ca2) has an ionic radius of 0.99 Å and
Bones and Teeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 is able to form coordination bonds with up to 12 oxygen
ASSESSMENT OF CALCIUM STATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 atoms (1). The combination of these two features makes
DEFICIENCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 calcium nearly unique among all cations in its ability to
REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDED INTAKES . . . . . 143 fit neatly into the folds of the peptide chain. Cytoplasmic
Infancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 proteins are extremely flexible to the point of being liter-
Childhood and Adolescence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 ally floppy. They typically assume hundreds of different
Peak Bone Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 three-dimensional configurations each second. Some of
Adults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 these configurations have the capacity to bind critical
Pregnancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 ligands or to assume catalytic functions. Without calcium,
Lactation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 these configurations are so short lived as to be of little
ADEQUACY OF CALCIUM INTAKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 functional significance. Calcium, when present in the
RISKS OF EXCESS DIETARY CALCIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 cytosol in sufficient concentration, binds to, for example,
CLINICAL DISORDERS INVOLVING CALCIUM . . . . . . . . . 147 aspartate and glutamate side chains on the peptide back-
bone and thus builds intramolecular linkages that bind
together different folds of the peptide chain and “freeze”
BIOLOGIC ROLES OF CALCIUM the protein into a functionally active, particular shape.
Magnesium and strontium, which are chemically similar
In higher mammals, the most obvious role of calcium is to calcium in the test tube, have different ionic radii and
structural or mechanical and is expressed in the mass, do not bond so well with protein. Lead and cadmium
hardness, and strength of the bones and teeth. Calcium ions, by contrast, substitute quite well for calcium, and, in
has another fundamental function, however: shaping key fact, lead binds to various calcium-binding proteins with
biologic proteins to activate their catalytic and mechanical greater avidity than does calcium itself. Fortunately, nei-
ther element is present in significant quantity in the milieu
in which living organisms thrive. Nevertheless, the ability
Abbreviations: 1,25(OH)2D, 1,25–dihydroxyvitamin D; AI, adequate of lead to bind to the calcium-binding proteins is part of
intake; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; ATPase, adenosine triphospha- the basis for lead toxicity.
tase; Ca2ⴙ, calcium ion; CaSR, calcium-sensing receptor; CT, calcito- Binding of calcium to thousands of cell proteins trig-
nin; DAG, diacylglycerol; ECF, extracellular fluid; IGF-I, insulinlike gers changes in protein shape that govern function (2).
growth factor-I; InsP3, inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate; Naⴙ, sodium ion;
NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; PIP2,
These proteins range from those involved with cell move-
phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate; PTH, parathyroid hormone; ment and muscle contraction to nerve transmission, glan-
RyR, ryanodine receptor; VDR, vitamin D receptor. dular secretion, and even cell division. In most of these


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situations, calcium acts both as a signal transmitter from salts exhibit intermediate solubility, calcium is found both
the outside of the cell to the inside and as an activator or in solid form (rocks) and in solution. It was probably pres-
stabilizer of the functional proteins involved. In fact, ion- ent in abundance in the watery environment in which life
ized calcium is the most common signal transmitter in all first appeared. Today, seawater contains approximately
of biology. It operates from bacterial cells all the way up 10 mmol calcium per liter (approximately eight times
to cells of highly specialized tissues in higher mammals. higher than the calcium concentration in the extracellular
When a cell is activated (e.g., a muscle fiber receives water of higher vertebrates); and even fresh waters, if they
a nerve stimulus to contract), the first thing that happens support an abundant biota, typically contain calcium at
is that calcium channels in the plasma membrane open concentrations of 1 to 2 mmol. In most soils, calcium exists
up to admit a few calcium ions into the cytosol. These as an exchangeable cation in the soil colloids. It is taken
bind immediately to a wide array of intracellular activa- up by plants, whose parts typically contain from 0.1% to
tor proteins, which, in turn, release a flood of calcium as much as 8% calcium. Generally, calcium concentrations
from the intracellular storage vesicles (the sarcoplasmic are highest in the leaves, lower in the stems and roots, and
reticulum, in the case of muscle). This second step very lowest in the seeds.
quickly raises cytosol calcium concentration and leads to In land-living mammals, calcium accounts for 2% to 4%
activation of the contraction complex. Two of the many of gross body weight. A 60-kg woman typically contains
reactions involving calcium-binding proteins are of par- approximately 1000 to 1200 g (25 to 30 mol) of calcium in
ticular interest here: (a) troponin C, after it has bound her body. More than 99% of that total is in the bones and
calcium, initiates a series of steps that lead to the actual teeth. Approximately 1 g is in the plasma and ECF bathing
muscle contraction; and (b) calmodulin, a second and the cells, and 6 to 8 g are in the tissues themselves (mostly
widely distributed calcium-binding protein, activates the sequestered in calcium storage vesicles inside of cells, as
enzymes that break down glycogen to release energy for discussed earlier).
contraction. In this way, calcium ions both trigger the In the circulating blood, calcium concentration is typi-
contraction and fuel the process. When the cell has com- cally 2.25 to 2.5 mmol. Approximately 40% to 45% of this
pleted its assigned task, the various pumps quickly lower quantity is bound to plasma proteins, approximately 8%
the cytosol calcium concentration, and the cell returns to a to 10% is complexed with ions such as citrate, and 45% to
resting state. These processes are described in more detail 50% is dissociated as free ions. In the ECF outside of the
later in this chapter. blood vessels, total calcium is on the order of 1.25 mmol,
If all the functional proteins of a cell were fully acti- which differs from plasma concentration because of the
vated by calcium at the same time, the cell would rapidly absence of most plasma proteins from the ECF. It is the
self-destruct. For that reason, cells must keep free calcium calcium concentration in the ECF that the cells see and
ion concentrations in the cytosol at extremely low levels, that is tightly regulated by the parathyroid, CT, and vita-
typically on the order of 100 nmol. This is 10,000-fold min D hormonal control systems.
lower than the concentration of calcium ion in the extra- With advancing age, humans commonly accumulate
cellular water outside of the cell. Cells maintain this con- calcium deposits in various damaged tissues, such as
centration gradient by a combination of mechanisms: (a) a atherosclerotic plaques in arteries, healed granulomas,
cell membrane with limited calcium permeability; (b) ion other scars left by disease or injury, and often in the rib
pumps that move calcium rapidly out of the cytosol, either cartilages as well. These deposits are called dystrophic
to the outside of the cell or into storage vesicles within the calcification and rarely amount to more than a few grams
cell; and (c) a series of specialized proteins in the storage of calcium. These deposits are not caused by dietary
vesicles that have no catalytic function in their own right calcium but by local injury, coupled with the widespread
but that serve only to bind (and hence sequester) large tendency of proteins to bind calcium. Calcification in tis-
quantities of calcium. Low cytosolic [Ca2] ensures that sues other than bones and teeth is generally a sign of tissue
the various functional proteins remain dormant until the damage and cell death. This process is greatly exaggerated
cell activates certain of them, and it does this simply by in conditions such as end stage kidney disease, when the
letting [Ca2] rise in critical cytosolic compartments. calcium  phosphorus product of the ECF exceeds 2.5 to
In contrast to proteins that are activated by rising cyto- 3.0 mmol2/L2.
solic [Ca2] are enzymes such as several proteases and
dehydrogenase, which are activated or stabilized by bound METABOLISM
calcium independent of changes in [Ca2]i.
Calcium metabolism and transport, as affected by age,
race, and sex, on intakes approximating requirements
OCCURRENCE AND DISTRIBUTION IN NATURE (1000 to 1300 mg/day), are given in Table 7.1. Part of
Calcium is the fifth most abundant element in the bio- dietary calcium is absorbed into the bloodstream where
sphere (after iron, aluminum, silicon, and oxygen). It is the it is in intimate exchange with ECF calcium. Part of the
stuff of limestone and marble, coral and pearls, sea shells absorbed calcium is returned as endogenous secretion
and egg shells, and antlers and bones. Because calcium to the gut, where it is excreted along with unabsorbed

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White pubertal 1,330 494  232 112  35 918  253 100  54 1,459  542 1,177  436 282  269
girls (12–14)
Black pubertal 1,128 636  188 109  50 680  178 46  38 1,976  540 1,496  528 484  180
girls (11–14)
Asian pubertal 1,068 567  27 104  17 604  19 87  6 1,369  86 992  89 378  22
girls (11–15)
Asian pubertal 1,211 662  30 154  19 702  20 78  6 2,416  95 1,986  97 430  24
boys (11–15)
Young white 1,330 283  122 121  39 1,138  143 203  79 501  129 542  212 41  165
women (19–31)
Postmenopausal 1,083 221  58 151  49 1,092  256 121  63 307  138 415  192 108  110
women (576)
1 mg Ca  25 mol.
Data from Wastney ME, Ng J, Smith D et al. Am J Physiol 1996;271:R208–16; Bryant RJ, Wastney ME, Martin BR et al. Racial differences in bone
turnover and calcium metabolism in adolescent females. J Endocrinol Metab 2003;88:1043–7; Spence LA, Lipscomb ER, Cadogan J et al. Differences
in calcium kinetics between adolescent girls and young women. Am J Clin Nutr 2005;81:916–22; and Wu L, Martin BR, Braun MM et al. Calcium
requirements and metabolism in Chinese-American boys and girls. J Bone Miner Res 2010;25:1842–9.

calcium. Part is excreted in the urine through the kidney, in the liver. The second hydroxylation by 25-OH D-1--
and part enters the slower exchange pools of soft tissue hydroxylase (CYP27B1) in the proximal convoluted tubule
and bone. Dietary calcium influences calcium absorption cells of the kidney converts the vitamin to its active potent
and, consequently, fecal calcium and, to a lesser extent, form, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)2D] or calcitriol.
urinary calcium excretion. An obligatory loss of calcium (See the chapter on vitamin D for additional details.) This
occurs through endogenous secretion, urine, and skin.
Gender, age, and racial differences in calcium metabolism
exist. Adolescents are more efficient at using calcium than
are young adults, and elderly persons are the least effi-
cient. Boys are more efficient at calcium metabolism than
girls, and blacks are more efficient than whites.
Low serum Ca2
Homeostatic Regulation sensed through
CaSRs in
Plasma calcium is tightly regulated at approximately parathyroid gland
2.5 mM (9 to 10 mg/dL). When serum calcium is more Improved serum
than 10% away from the population mean, one has rea- Ca2+ and Pi status
son to suspect disease. The regulation of serum calcium PTH
concentration involves a system of controlling factors and 1. Increased Ca2
feedback mechanisms (Fig. 7.1). reabsorption

Plasma calcium concentrations are detected by surface decreased PO43
calcium-sensing receptors (CaSRs) found in parathyroid Increased reabsorption.
bone Ca2
+ 2.Increased renal
and the clear cells of thyroid glands, kidney, intestine, 1-α-hydroxylase
bone marrow, and other tissues. When plasma calcium
concentrations are elevated, PTH release is inhibited and
CT release is stimulated.
When plasma calcium concentration falls, the parathy- Increased
intestinal Ca2+
roid gland is stimulated to release PTH. PTH increases resorption;
renal phosphate clearance and renal tubular reabsorption decreased Pi
of calcium; it activates bone resorption loci, augments reabsorption
osteoclast activity at existing resorption loci, and activates
vitamin D to enhance intestinal calcium absorption.
Fig. 7.1. Homeostatic regulation of calcium (Ca2) depicting the
Activation of vitamin D occurs in two steps. An initial changes in vitamin D and parathyroid hormone (PTH) when plasma
hydroxylation is catalyzed by vitamin D-25-hydroxylase calcium falls to less than 2.5 mM. CaSR, calcium sensing receptor; Pi,
(CYP27), a microsomal cytochrome P-450 enzyme system inorganic phosphate; PO43, phosphate.

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latter step is stimulated by PTH and is augmented by a

fall in serum phosphate. PTH and 1,25(OH)2D act syner-
gistically to enhance renal tubular reabsorption of calcium Lumen Enterocytes Blood
and to mobilize calcium stores from bone. PTH acts in a ATP PMCA
classical negative feedback loop to raise the ECF [Ca2], –
CaT1 Ca [Ca] = 10 3M
thereby closing the loop and reducing PTH release. Some Ca Ca
evidence indicates that the intestine also has CYP27B1 Ca ADP Transcellular
activity that could produce 1,25(OH)2D for local use; this –
[Ca] = 10 3M Ca
would explain observations of increased calcium absorp- Na
tion with increased serum 25(OH)D levels without change 1,25(OH)2D3 VDR

in serum 1,25(OH)2D levels (3). Ca Ca

Although the sophisticated regulatory mechanism Ca Paracellular
described earlier allows a rapid response that corrects absorption
transient hypocalcemia, in the presence of a chronically Ca Ca

calcium-deficient diet, it maintains ECF [Ca2] at the cost Lysosome

of depleting the skeleton. The three tissues supporting Brush border
serum calcium levels (i.e., gut, kidney, and bone) operate Fig. 7.2. Calcium (Ca) absorption showing active, transcellular absorp-
independently of one another, and altered responsiveness tion and passive, paracellular absorption. Paracellular absorption is
of any of these can increase bone fragility. For example, bidirectional; transcellular absorption is unidirectional. Ca enters the
low fractional calcium absorption capacity was associated cytosol down a concentration gradient. Ca enters the cell through
with increased hip fracture risk in elderly postmenopausal CaT1 and is transported across the enterocyte against an uphill gradi-
ent with the aid of vitamin D–induced calbindin, probably at least
women (4). partially through endosomes and lysosomes. Finally, it is extruded at
When plasma calcium concentration rises in response the basolateral membrane primarily by the plasma membrane calcium
to increased calcium absorption or increased bone resorp- adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) pump (PMCA) and secondarily by
tion, extracellular Ca2 binds to CaSR on the surface of the sodium (Na)/Ca2 exchanger or by exocytosis. ADP, adenosine
parathyroid cells and thus stimulates a conformational diphosphate; VDR, vitamin D receptor.
change in the receptors leading to an inhibition of PTH
secretion from the parathyroid (5). PTH augments tubular
reabsorption of calcium. That reabsorption has a maxi- complexes such as calcium oxalate and calcium carbonate
mum (the TmCa), and when that maximum is exceeded, can be absorbed intact (6).
additional filtered calcium is excreted. Fractional calcium absorption (absorptive efficiency)
In infants and children, a principal defense against generally varies approximately inversely with the loga-
hypercalcemia is release of CT by the C cells of the thy- rithm of intake, but the absolute quantity of calcium
roid gland. CT is a peptide hormone with binding sites in absorbed increases with intake (7, 8). However, only 20%
the kidney, bone, and central nervous system. Absorption of the variation in calcium absorption can be accounted
of calcium from an 8-oz feeding in a 6-month-old infant for by usual calcium intake (9). Rather, individuals seem
dumps 150 to 220 mg calcium into the ECF. This is to have preset absorptive efficiencies; approximately 60%
enough, given the small size of the ECF compartment at of the variance in calcium absorption among individuals
that age (1.5 to 2 L), to produce fatal hypercalcemia if other can be accounted for by their individual fractional calcium
adjustments are not made. Instead, CT is released, in part absorption (10).
in response to the rise in serum calcium, but even before
that, in response to gut hormones signaling coming absorp- Mechanisms of Absorption
tion. This burst of CT slows or halts osteoclastic resorp- Calcium absorption occurs by two pathways (Fig. 7.2):
tion, thus stopping bony release of calcium. Then, later, 1. Transcellular: This saturable (active) transfer involves a
when absorption stops, CT levels also fall, and osteoclastic calcium-binding protein, calbindin.
resorption resumes. By contrast, CT has little significance 2. Paracellular: This nonsaturable (diffusional) transfer is
in adults because absorption is lower to begin with, and a linear function of calcium content of the chyme.
the ECF is vastly larger. As a result, absorptive calcemia
from a high-calcium diet raises ECF [Ca2] by only a few The relationship between calcium intake and absorbed cal-
percentage points, and the absence of CT (as with thyroid cium is shown in Figure 7.3. At lower calcium intakes, the
ablation) has little impact on calcium homeostasis. active component contributes most to absorbed calcium.
The Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) for the active com-
ponent in adults is calculated to be 3.2 to 5.5 mM (equiva-
lent to a calcium load of 230 to 400 mg) (3). As calcium
Calcium usually is freed from complexes in the diet during intakes increase and the active component becomes satu-
digestion and is released in a soluble and typically ionized rated, an increasing proportion of calcium is absorbed by
form for absorption. However, small-molecular-weight passive diffusion.

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Total the cytoplasm to the basolateral pole did not occur in the
absence of the ability to synthesize calbindin (16). Thus,
calbindin serves both as a Ca2 translocator and a cytosol-
ic Ca2 buffer to resist toxicity in chick intestine (17), but
Amount Absorbed

its role in mammalian intestinal epithelial cells has been

questioned (3). Much remains to be understood about
calcium transport across the intestine because in a double-
calbindin D9k/TRPV6 knockout mouse model, calcium
absorption still responded to 1,25(OH)2D, although that
Saturable response was reduced by 60% compared with wild-type
mouse (18).
Vitamin D–induced calcium transport also involves
activation of a Ca2-dependent adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) pump (PMCAlb) to effect extrusion of calcium
against an electrochemical gradient into the ECF (19).
Luminal Calcium
Relative Ca2-binding capacities across the enterocyte
Fig. 7.3. Calcium is absorbed by both saturable and nonsaturable
pathways. Total calcium transport (the sum of a saturable component
are brush border, 1, calbindin, 4, and the ATP-dependent
[A] defined by the Michaelis-Menten equation and a concentration- Ca2 pump, 10; this gradient ensures unidirectional trans-
dependent, nonsaturable component [B] defined by a linear equation) fer of Ca2 (20). A rapid increase in calcium absorption
is described by a curvilinear function. resulting from transcaltachia, which involves 1,25(OH)2D-
mediated (but not transcriptional) events, also appears to
be at work (3).
Active absorption is most efficient in the duodenum
Paracellular Calcium Transport. In the paracel-
and next in the jejunum, but total calcium absorbed is
lular pathway, calcium transfer occurs between the cells.
greatest in the ileum, where residence time is the longest.
Theoretically, this transfer can occur in both directions,
In one rat study, net calcium absorption was distributed
but normally the predominant direction is from lumen into
as 62% in the ileum, 23% in the jejunum, and 15% in the
blood because much of the transfer is by solute drag, which
duodenum (11). Absorption from the colon accounts for
is predominantly from lumen into ECF. The rate of transfer
approximately 5% to 23% (or ⬃1% of ingested calcium)
depends on ingested calcium load and tightness of the junc-
of the total absorption in normal individuals, but it may
tions. Calcitriol also enhances flux of ions including Ca2
be important in patients with small bowel resections and
(21). Water probably carries calcium through the junc-
when colonic bacteria break down dietary complexes.
tions by solvent drag, which is stimulated by 1,25(OH)2D
Transcellular Calcium Transport. Calcium entry
through induction of tight junction proteins (22).
into the epithelial cells occurs primarily through a calcium
channel, TRPV6 (CaT1) (12), although it is not a rate- Physiologic Factors Affecting Absorption
limiting step (13). Calcium transfer occurs down a steep Various host factors affect fractional calcium absorption.
electrochemical gradient and does not require energy. Vitamin D status, intestinal transit time, and mucosal mass
The main regulator of transport across the epithelial cell are the best established (23). Phosphorus deficiency, as
against the energy gradient is 1,25(OH)2D. As illustrated may occur through prolonged use of aluminum-containing
in Figure 7.2, 1,25(OH)2D, which is responsive to serum antacids, can cause hypophosphatemia, increased cir-
calcium levels, regulates the synthesis of calbindin by bind- culating levels of 1,25(OH)2D, and elevated calcium
ing with vitamin D receptor (VDR) in the cytoplasm and absorption.
translocating to the nucleus, where it binds to response Stage of life also influences calcium absorption. In
elements to initiate transcription of calbindin mRNA. infancy, absorption is dominated by diffusion. Therefore,
The essentiality of VDR and 1,25(OH)2D in the control the vitamin D status of the mother does not affect frac-
of calcium absorption was established with transgenic tional calcium absorption of young breast-fed infants.
mice (14). Intestinal calbindin, a 9-kDa protein in mam- Both active and passive calcium transport is increased
mals and a 28-kDa protein in birds, is capable of binding during pregnancy and lactation. Calbindin and plasma
2 Ca2 per molecule. Calbindin operates by binding Ca2 1,25(OH)2 and PTH levels increase during pregnancy.
on the surface of the cell and then internalizes the ions From midlife onward, absorption efficiency declines
through endocytic vesicles that may fuse with lysosomes. by approximately 0.2 absorption percentage points per
After release of the bound calcium in the acidic lysosomal year, and at menopause, an additional 2% decrease
interior, the calbindin returns to the cell surface, and the occurs (24). Decreased calcium absorption efficiency
Ca2 ions exit the cell through the basolateral membrane with age is related to increased intestinal resistance to
(15). Using ion microscopic imaging of injected 44Ca2, 1,25(OH)2D, as illustrated by a steeper slope in the rela-
calcium entry into the villus was observed in vitamin D– tionship between fractional calcium absorption and serum
deficient chicks, but the rapid transfer of Ca2 through 1,25(OH)2D3 in elderly postmenopausal women than

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in young premenopausal women (25). The age-related directly related to gut mass (and hence to food intake).
decrease in calcium absorption from intestinal resistance Urinary calcium increases during childhood up to ado-
to 1,25(OH)2D3 has been associated with decreased VDR lescence. Endogenous fecal calcium values in adolescent
levels (26), as well as with reduced estrogen levels (23). girls do not differ significantly from those of young women
Decreased stomach acid, as occurs in achlorhydria, (as shown in Table 7.1).
reduces the solubility of insoluble calcium salts (e.g.,
carbonate, phosphate) and thus could, in theory, reduce Urinary Excretion
absorption of calcium unless fed with a meal (27). In the kidney, an increase in ECF calcium ion concentra-
Absorption of calcium supplements improves when they tion decreases the glomerular filtration rate, has a diuretic
are taken with food irrespective of gastric acid status, action in the proximal tubule, and inhibits the actions of
perhaps by slowing gastric emptying and thereby extend- antidiuretic hormone (34). Machinery for calcium trans-
ing the time in which the calcium-containing chyme is in port described earlier for the intestinal epithelial cells is
contact with the absorptive surface. also present in the nephron. Paracellular transport domi-
VDR polymorphisms have been studied for their rela- nates in the proximal tubule as reabsorption occurs across
tionship with calcium absorption efficiency. One study a concentration gradient, and it also occurs in the thick
showed a significant association between the VDR Fok1 ascending limb of the loop of Henle, the distal nephron,
polymorphism and calcium absorption in children (28). and the collecting ducts.
Both active transport and passive transport depend on
calcium load, are detected through CaSR, are stimulated
Excretion by PTH and 1,25(OH)2D, and have a microvillar myo-
Loss of calcium from the body occurs in urine, feces, and sin I–calmodulin complex that could serve as a calcium
sweat. Differences in losses between adult women and transporter (35). PTH acts on proximal tubular cells to up-
adolescent girls on equal and adequate calcium intakes are regulate CYP1 expression. Calcium enters renal epithe-
given in Table 7.1. This table demonstrates the conserva- lial cells through a calcium channel, ECaC or CaT2 (36).
tion of calcium at the kidney for building bone during the Active transport occurs in the distal convoluted tubule
rapid period of skeletal growth during puberty. African- against a concentration gradient. In the mammalian kid-
American girls absorb more calcium and excrete less ney, vitamin D regulation works through calbindin-D28k,
calcium than do white girls, and this characteristic results which binds 4 Ca2 per molecule and shares no sequence
in greater net bone deposition (29). African-American homology with calbindin-D9k of the intestine. This calci-
women average 10% higher bone mineral content than do um-binding protein has been cloned and is regulated by
white women (30). both transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms.
Turnover of the miscible calcium pool in healthy adults Administration of 1,25(OH)2D to rats induces calbindin-
is approximately 16%/day, and the rapidly exchanging D28k mRNA and VDR mRNA in vitamin D–sufficient
component (of which the ECF is a part) is approximately animals (37). However, in the absence of vitamin D,
40%/day. The filtered load of the kidney is determined by hypercalciuria is not observed, as would be predicted
the glomerular filtration rate and the plasma concentra- if mechanisms were similar to the gut. A fall in filtered
tion of ultrafiltrable calcium (ionized plus that bound to load is associated with slight reductions in urine calcium.
small-molecular-weight anions). In adults, this is approxi- Even so, renal calcium clearance is reduced in vitamin D
mately 175 to 250 mmol/day (7 to 10 g/day). More than deficiency and is increased in PTH deficiency—findings
98% of this calcium is reabsorbed by the renal tubule indicating that the major effect on conservation of calcium
as the filtrate passes through the nephron, but 2.5 to is exerted by PTH.
5 mmol (100 to 200 mg) are excreted in the urine daily. During the rapid growth of adolescence, urinary calcium
Endogenous fecal excretory loss is similar to the amount is little influenced by load. Absorbed calcium is diverted to
excreted in the urine. Loss in the sweat is typically 0.4 to bone growth at calcium intakes typically ingested, except
0.6 mmol (16 to 24 mg)/day (31); and additional diurnal for obligatory losses in urine, skin, and endogenous secre-
losses occur from shed skin, hair, and nails, thus bringing tions. Tubular reabsorption decreases in postmenopausal
the total to as much as 1.5 mmol (60 mg)/day. Cutaneous women.
losses from children average 1.3 mmol (52 mg)/day (32).
Moderate exercise can increase calcium loss (33). DIETARY CONSIDERATIONS
Endogenous Fecal Calcium Dietary sources and calcium intakes have altered consid-
Fecal calcium includes that calcium that is unabsorbed erably during human evolution. Early humans derived
from the diet plus calcium that enters the gut from endog- calcium from roots, tubers, nuts, and beans in quantities
enous sources, including shed mucosal cells and digestive believed to exceed 37.5 mmol (1500 g)/day (38) and per-
secretions. Endogenous fecal calcium losses are approxi- haps up to twice this when they were consuming food to
mately 2.5 to 3.0 mmol (100 to 120 mg)/day. These losses meet the caloric demands of a hunter-gatherer of contem-
are inversely proportional to absorption efficiency and are porary body size. After domestication of grains, calcium

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intakes decreased substantially because the staple foods 37% of the difference between milk and spinach by the
became grains (fruits), the plant parts that accumulate presence of milk (46). The absence of complete exchange
the least calcium. Pre–Iron Age milling practices were and the failure to find equal absorption from the two foods
based on limestone and hence added appreciable calcium intermediate between the values for the foods fed singly
as calcium carbonate to the otherwise low-calcium flour. suggest that calcium does not completely form a common
Consequently, the modern human on average consumes dietary pool, as has been reported for iron and zinc.
insufficient calcium to optimize bone density. The food Phytic acid, the storage form of phosphorus in seeds, is
group that supplies the bulk of the calcium in the Western a modest inhibitor of calcium absorption. The phytic acid
diet is now the dairy food group. content of seeds, which depends on the phosphorus con-
tent of the soil where the plants are grown, influences cal-
Food Sources and Bioavailability cium absorption (47). Fermentation, such as occurs during
bread making, reduces phytic acid content by virtue of the
Milk and other dairy products supply more than 70% of phytase present in yeast. This process results in increased
the calcium in the US diet (39). Although corn tortillas calcium absorption (48). Since the early balance studies of
processed with lime and dried beans provide the bulk McCance and Widdowson, who reported negative calcium
of dietary calcium for some ethnic groups, it is difficult balance during consumption of whole wheat products
for most individuals to ingest sufficient quantities of (49), it has been assumed that fiber negatively affects
calcium from foods available in a cereal-based economy calcium balance through physical entrapment or through
without liberal consumption of dairy products. Thus, food cationic binding with uronic acid residue (50). However,
manufacturers have developed calcium-fortified products. it is more likely that the phytic acid associated with fiber-
Many individuals have turned to dietary supplements rich foods is the component that affects balance because
to meet their calcium needs. However, it is prudent to purified fibers do not negatively affect calcium absorption
remember that calcium is not the only nutrient important (51). Only concentrated sources of phytate such as wheat
to health supplied by dairy products. Milk intake has been bran ingested as extruded cereal (48) or dried beans (52)
associated with intake not only of calcium but also of have substantially reduced calcium absorption. For other
potassium, magnesium, zinc, riboflavin, vitamin A, folate, plants rich in calcium (primarily the Brassica genus, which
and vitamin D for children (40). Median intake of milk in includes broccoli, kale, bok choy, cabbage, and mustard
the United States meets the recommended intake in chil- and turnip greens), calcium bioavailability is as good as
dren aged 1 to 8 years, although 25% of children do not that from milk (53). The Brassicas are an anomaly in the
consume the recommended 2 cups daily (41). In contrast, plant kingdom in that they do not accumulate oxalate as
the median intake for older groups falls well below the a mechanism to detoxify excess calcium to protect against
recommended 3 cups daily (i.e., 1.9 cup equivalents for cell death.
girls and 2.4 for boys aged 9 to 13 years, 1.5 cup for girls A comparison of several foods for calcium content,
and 2.3 cups for boys aged 14 to 18 years, and 1.2 cup for bioavailability, and number of servings needed to equal
women and 1.6 for men). the amount of calcium absorbed from one serving of milk
Aside from gross calcium content, potential calcium is given in Table 7.2.
sources vary importantly in bioavailability. Fractional True enhancers of calcium absorption have not been
calcium absorption from various dairy products is simi- well characterized. Lactose appears to enhance calcium
lar, at approximately 30% (42). The calcium from most absorption in infants. However, in adults, calcium absorp-
supplements is absorbed as well as from milk, because tion from various dairy products is equivalent regardless
solubility of the salts at neutral pH has little impact on cal- of the lactose content, chemical form of calcium, or pres-
cium absorption (43). A few calcium salts, including cal- ence of flavorings (54). Nondigestible carbohydrates can
cium citrate malate and calcium ascorbate, have superior increase calcium absorption in the lower bowel, where
absorbability. However, adjuvants added to supplements they are fermented and where the resulting short-chain
or food matrices can substantially alter bioavailability. fatty acids produced lower pH and increase solubility of
Several plant constituents form indigestible salts with calcium (55). Some proteins can enhance calcium absorp-
calcium and thereby decrease absorption of their calcium. tion acutely, but the effect disappears with long-term
The most potent inhibitor of calcium absorption is oxalic feeding when calcium absorption adapts by up-regulation
acid, found in high concentration in spinach, rhubarb, and, of transport proteins (56).
to a lesser extent, sweet potatoes and dried beans (44).
Calcium absorption from spinach is only 5% compared
Nutrient–Nutrient Interactions
with 27% from milk ingested at a similar load (45). When
these two foods of dissimilar bioavailability are coingested Several nutrients and food constituents affect aspects
during the same meal, calcium fractional absorption from of calcium homeostasis by means other than a simple
milk is depressed 30% of the difference between milk effect on digestibility, as described earlier. Several dietary
and spinach fed alone by the presence of spinach, and components influence urinary calcium excretion. Dietary
calcium fraction absorption from spinach is enhanced by calcium has relatively little influence on urinary calcium

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Milk (or 1 c yogurt or 260 300 32.1 96.3 1.0
1½ oz cheddar cheese)
Beans, dried 177 50.0 15.6 7.8 12.3
Broccoli 71 35 61.3 21.5 4.5
Bok choy 85 79 52.7 41.6 2.3
Kale 65 47.0 58.8 27.6 3.5
Spinach 90 122 5.1 6.2 15.5
Tofu, calcium set 126 258.0 31.0 80.0 1.2
C, cup.
Adjusted for load; for milk, this is fractional absorption (Fx abs)  0.889–0.0964 ln load; for low-oxalate vegetables, after adjusting by the ratio of
fractional absorption determined for kale relative to milk at the same load, the equation becomes Fx abs  0.959–0.0964 ln load.
Calcium content (mg)  Fx abs.
From Weaver CM, Proulx WR, Heaney RP. Choices for achieving adequate dietary calcium with a vegetarian diet. Am J Clin Nutr 1999;70(Suppl):543S–
8S, with permission.

loss, especially during growth (57). In contrast, a major secretion (67), or the hypocalciuric effect of phosphorus in
determinant of urinary calcium is urinary sodium, which high-protein foods can offset the hypercalciuric effect of
reflects dietary sodium (58, 59). Sodium and calcium protein. At the other extreme, inadequate protein intakes
share some of the same transport systems in the proximal compromise bone health and contribute to osteoporosis
tubule. In adults, each 100 mmol (2.3 g) increment of in elderly persons (68). There appear to be dietary pro-
sodium excreted by the kidney pulls out approximately tein–calcium interactions such that calcium absorption
0.6 to 1.0 mmol (24 to 40 mg) of accompanying calcium increases to offset the calciuric effects of high dietary
(60). Because urinary calcium losses account for 50% of protein more at low than at high calcium intakes (69). The
the variability in calcium retention, dietary sodium has a benefits of calcium supplementation in mitigating bone
tremendous potential to influence bone loss at suboptimal loss in elderly persons are greater with higher protein
calcium intakes in women; each extra gram of sodium per intakes, however (70).
day is projected to produce an additional rate of bone loss Concerns about high phosphate consumption, especially
of 1% per year if the calcium loss in the urine comes from with the popular trend toward high phosphate consumption
the skeleton (61). A longitudinal study of postmenopausal in soft drinks, has been raised for bone. A metaanalysis of
women showed a negative correlation between urinary calcium balance studies in response to phosphate intake
sodium excretion and bone density of the hip (58). The showed decreased urine calcium and increased calcium
investigators concluded, from the range of values avail- retention despite increased endogenous secretion with
able to them, that bone loss could have been prevented by increasing phosphate intake (71). Cola beverages have been
either a daily dietary calcium increase of 891 mg calcium associated with reduced bone gain in children (72), but it
or by halving the daily sodium intake. Racial differences in is more likely that the explanation is the displacement of
the effect of dietary sodium on urinary sodium and calci- milk than the phosphorus intake. Furthermore, cola bev-
um excretion are observed as early as puberty (62). White erages typically contain no more phosphorus per serving
girls excrete more sodium and calcium on high-salt diets than orange juice and substantially less than many of the
compared with black girls, a finding that may partially calcium-fortified orange juices now marketed.
account for lesser vulnerability to hypertension through Although caffeine in high amounts acutely increases
water retention, but greater vulnerability to osteoporosis urinary calcium (73), 24-hour urinary calcium was not
with bone loss as they mature (62, 63). altered in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (74).
Another dietary component that influences urinary cal- Daily consumption of caffeine equivalent to 2 to 3 cups
cium excretion is protein. Each gram of protein metabo- of coffee accelerated bone loss from the spine and total
lized increases urinary calcium by approximately 1 mg; body in postmenopausal women who consumed less than
thus, doubling purified dietary proteins or amino acids in 744 mg calcium/day (75). The relationship between caf-
the diet increases urinary calcium by approximately 50% feine intake and bone loss in this observational study may
(64). The acid load of the sulfate produced in the metabo- be the result of a small decrease in calcium absorption
lism of sulfur-containing amino acids that produces acid (76) or a confounding factor such as a probable inverse
ash is mainly responsible for this increase. However, a association between milk intake and caffeine intake.
metaanalysis concluded that little evidence exists for Fat intake has a negative impact on calcium balance
the acid ash effect on calcium balance (65). Increases only during steatorrhea. In this condition, calcium forms
in calcium absorption (66), decreases in endogenous insoluble soaps with fatty acids in the gut.

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Increased use of calcium supplements and fortified morphology that is exacerbated by calcium deficiency
foods raised concern about high calcium intakes on pro- (84). The extent to which changing ratios of minerals pre-
ducing relative deficiencies of several minerals. High dispose to chronic diseases is not well understood.
calcium intakes produced relative magnesium deficien-
cies in rats (77). However, calcium intake does not affect FUNCTIONS
magnesium retention in humans (78). Similarly, except for
Intracellular Messenger
a single report in postmenopausal women (79), decreased
zinc retention has not been associated with high calcium Ionized calcium is the most common signal transduction ele-
intakes. The nature of this interaction is unclear and ment in cells because of its ability to bind reversibly to pro-
requires further study. Iron absorption from nonheme teins. To effect a regulatory change, an internal or external
sources is decreased by half from radiolabeled test meals stimulus (physical, electrical, or chemical) causes a change
in the presence of calcium intakes up to 300 mg calcium/ in [Ca2] at a specific site in the cell by releasing a store of
day, after which no further reduction occurs. Thus, prac- Ca2 from within or by causing Ca2 to enter the cell from
tically speaking, it is prudent to set iron requirements the outside (Fig. 7.4). [Ca2] is maintained at approximately
assuming that individuals are going to ingest the amount 100 nM in the cytosol by many binding and specialized
of calcium in at least one glass of milk with each meal extrusion proteins. This is necessary because Ca2 is not
(80). The inhibition of iron absorption by calcium does not metabolized in the same way as other second-messenger
appear to be a gut effect and may involve competition with molecules. A released Ca2 ion probably migrates less than
the transport of iron in the intestinal mucosa (81), pos- 0.1 to 0.5 m and exists as a free ion for only approximately
sibly at the level of mobilferrin (see the chapter on iron). 50 milliseconds before encountering a binding protein. The
Calcium supplementation for up to 12 weeks does not endoplasmic reticulum (sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscles)
produce changes in iron status (82), probably because of with its Ca2-ATPase pumps is the major intracellular cal-
compensating up-regulation of iron absorption, nor does cium sink housing Ca2-binding proteins. Accumulation of
long-term supplementation reduce total body iron mass Ca2 in the cytosol would lead to cell death because it would
accumulation in adolescent girls (83). Single-meal iron precipitate phosphate (vital in energy transfer).
absorption studies quite possibly exaggerate inhibitory The [Ca2] is perceived by the body through CaSR.
effects that disappear in the context of the whole diet. Iron Thus Ca2 itself is one stimulus represented in Figure 7.4
deficiency in growing rats has a detrimental effect in bone detected by the G protein–coupled receptor, CaSR. In this


Protein Ca pump
Stimulus G +
Reception GDP Cell membrane
Entry channel
Ca Ca
Kinase Ca2+ InsP3R
SERCA pump
Protein Phosphorylation

Cell response Endoplasmic reticulum or

Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Fig. 7.4. Intracellular calcium (Ca2) signaling. ADP, adenosine diphosphate; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; CA PUMP, plasma membrane calcium
adenosine triphosphatase (Ca2 ATPase) pump; DAG, diacylglycerol; GDP, guanosine diphosphate; GTP, guanosine triphosphate; InsP3, inositol-
1,4,5-triphosphate; InsP3R, InsP3 receptor; PIP2, phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate; PKC, protein kinase C; PLC, phospholipase C; RYR,
ryanodine receptor; SERCA pump, plasma membrane calcium adenosine triphosphatase (Ca2 ATPase) pump. (Adapted with permission from
Clapham DE. Calcium signaling. Cell 2007;131:1047–58.)

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way, calcium is an important extracellular “first” messen- Trigger Proteins

ger, as well as a key intracellular second messenger. The Calcium receptor protein pathways are almost universal
plasma membrane is important in maintaining calcium and are present in both excitable and nonexcitable cells.
homeostasis because the resting membrane is only slightly They are important for fast switch processes in which
permeable to entering Ca2, and a Ca2–magnesium ion Ca2 acts as an on–off switch. Examples of excitable cells
(Mg2)–ATPase pumps Ca2 out of the cell cytosol back are skeletal muscle, neurons, smooth muscle, and taste
to the ECF space. The pump is activated by calmodulin, cells that respond to salt. Excitable cells contain voltage-
an intracellular Ca2 receptor protein that lowers the Km gated Ca2 channels in the plasma membrane in addition
of [Ca2] from a level of 400 to 800 nM to 200 nM and to the system described earlier for nonexcitable cells that
increases the total capacity of the pump. Thus, a momen- allows dramatic increases in intracellular Ca2. Entering
tary increase of cytosolic [Ca2] caused by an influx of Ca2 activates ryanodine receptors (RyRs) to release Ca2
Ca2 is quickly returned to preexcitation levels. Other from internal stores.
less important pathways of Ca2 flux across the plasma This one diffusible ion can regulate such diverse cel-
membrane include influx pathways, potential-operated lular processes as proliferation, differentiation, neuronal
(voltage-gated) channels in excitable cells, receptor- adaptation, and movement because it can be localized at
operated channels in postsynaptic membranes, sodium one spot in a cell or spread throughout a cell by adjusting
ion (Na) channels, and efflux pathway, which is an Na/ the amount released (amplitude modulation); and it can
Ca2 exchange pathway maintained by the Na pump. be released in pulses of different frequencies (frequency
Calcium messenger systems include sustained responses modulation).
and trigger proteins (1).
Sustained Responses Cofactor for Extracellular Enzymes and Proteins
When an external or internal stimulus such as a hormone Calcium is necessary to stabilize or allow maximal activity
or neurotransmitter binds to a receptor in the plasma for certain proteases and blood clotting enzymes. These
membrane, a series of responses occurs. Receptors can functions are not significantly affected by changes in
be G protein–coupled receptors, as shown in Figure 7.4, extracellular Ca2 concentration. Those substances that
or receptor tyrosine kinases. Phospholipase C is activated, do not seem to be calmodulin activated by the system
and this hydrolyzes phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate described earlier include glyceraldehyde phosphate dehy-
(PIP2) bound to the inner layer of the plasma mem- drogenase, pyruvate dehydrogenase, and -ketoglutarate
brane into inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate (InsP3) and diacyl- dehydrogenase.
glycerol (DAG). Released into the cytosol, InsP3 binds to
G protein–coupled receptors in the endoplasmic reticu-
Bones and Teeth
lum (or sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscles) membrane,
a process that induces liberation of Ca2 from internal The role of calcium in bones and teeth is described more
stores. Ca2 can also enter the cytosol through plasma fully in the chapter on osteoporosis. Calcium exists pri-
membrane Ca2-selective voltage-independent channels. marily as the insoluble hydroxyapatite with the general
Cytosolic Ca2 concentrations can change from 100 to 2 formula Ca10(PO4)6 (OH)2. Calcium comprises 39.9% of
mM or 20,000 times higher. The increased cytosolic Ca2 the weight of bone mineral.
binds to calmodulin, which, in turn, activates kinases to Aside from the obvious structural role, the skeleton is
phosphorylate specific proteins. This system accounts for an important reservoir of calcium to maintain plasma cal-
the secretion of aldosterone from adrenal cells in response cium concentrations. Mobilization of calcium from bone
to angiotensin II, insulin secretion from cells, contrac- may involve as yet unidentified calcium-binding sites (87).
tion of smooth muscles, exocytosis, activation of T cells The bone calcium pool in adults turns over every 8 to
and B cells, adhesion of cells to the extracellular matrix, 12 years on average, but turnover does not occur in the
apoptosis, and many other processes. teeth. Remodeling of bone continues throughout life.
Meanwhile the lipid portion of PIP2, DAG, remains in Bone-resorbing osteoclasts begin this process by attach-
the membrane and activates another membrane-attached ing to a bone surface and then extruding packets of citric
enzyme, protein kinase C, which stimulates activity of the and lactic acids (to dissolve bone mineral) and proteolytic
calcium pump. Thus, waves of Ca2 are initiated by extra enzymes (to digest organic matrix). Later, bone-forming
Ca2 cycling in and out of cells (85). As Ca2 concentra- osteoblasts synthesize new bone to replace resorbed
tion returns to resting levels following action of Ca2 bone. Usually, these processes are coupled. Bone forma-
pumps, recovery occurs in approximately 1 second and tion exceeds resorption during growth. Bone resorption
sets the stage for another Ca2 spike. With the cloning of exceeds formation during development of osteoporosis.
CaSR, signal transduction pathways influenced by CaSR Osteoblasts have receptors for PTH, 1,25(OH)2 vitamin
are rapidly being discovered. CaSR activates phospholi- D, estrogen, and prostaglandin E2. Osteoclasts have
pases and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and receptors for CT and various cytokines. Bone resorption
inhibits adenylate cyclase (86). is enhanced by PTH and is inhibited by CT.

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ASSESSMENT OF CALCIUM STATUS strategies for reducing the risk of osteoporosis are to maxi-
mize development of peak bone mass during growth and
Assessment of calcium nutrient status presents challenges to reduce bone loss later in life. Achieving optimal calcium
unique among the nutrients. The skeleton, as noted in intakes is a goal for both these aims. Further details on the
the chapter on osteoporosis, functions as a very large cal- role of calcium in preventing this debilitating disease may
cium reserve both for the maintenance of ECF calcium be found in the chapter on osteoporosis.
concentrations and for the critical cellular functions of The intracellular messenger function of calcium,
calcium. This reserve is so large that deficiency of calcium described earlier, is not affected by variations in calcium
at a cell or tissue level is essentially never encountered, intake in the range usually encountered in the popula-
at least for nutritional reasons. However, because the tions of industrialized nations. It nevertheless plays a role
mechanical function of the skeleton is directly propor- in calcium deficiency indirectly, however. Some of the
tional to skeletal mass (i.e., to the size of the calcium consequences of low calcium intake involve systems not
reserve), it follows that any reduction whatsoever in the directly related to the calcium economy. High circulating
reserve will result in a decrease in bone strength. In this levels of 1,25(OH)2D, such as would occur in response to
sense, calcium is the only nutrient for which the reserve low calcium intake (see earlier), open calcium channels
has a major function in its own right. The size of that in the membrane of certain cells (e.g., smooth muscle
reserve can be assessed by total body bone mineral esti- and adipocytes) and thereby elevate cytosolic [Ca2],
mation using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) with all the consequences described earlier (i.e., activa-
(see the chapter on osteoporosis). A problem arises in tion of various tissue-specific responses, such as contrac-
the interpretation of the results: the reserve can be low tion in arteriolar smooth muscle and up-regulation of
not only for nutritional causes, but also for other reasons, fat synthesis and down-regulation of lipolysis in adipo-
such as a lack of adequate physical activity, weight loss, cytes). In this way, low calcium intakes contribute to the
gonadal hormone deficiency, and various medical dis- development or severity of disorders such as obesity and
eases and their treatments. hypertension (89).
In a research setting, calcium balance (intake minus Calcium intakes required to prevent bone loss may also
excretion) can be used to determine whether losses of improve serum lipid concentrations and protect against
calcium from the body are being met by the intake of the the risk of hypertension (90, 91). An inverse association
controlled diet. If an individual is in negative balance, cal- exists between calcium intake and the risk of some can-
cium is being lost from bone. However, the calcium status cers including colon (92) and breast (93). Recurrence of
of a free-living population on self-selected calcium intakes colorectal adenomas is reduced by approximately 20%
cannot be readily assessed. with calcium supplementation (94).
The other aspect of calcium metabolism, the con- Adequate calcium intakes decrease the risk of kidney
centration of [Ca2] in blood and ECF, can readily be stones (see the toxicity section later in this chapter) (95).
measured, however. Altered serum [Ca2] usually means Unabsorbed calcium in the gut forms a highly insoluble
some abnormality of parathyroid function. Although a oxalate salt and thereby reduces absorption of oxalate
postabsorptive rise in serum calcium is detectable follow- from the diet (96). Large calcium supplements are
ing large calcium loads, serum [Ca2] is rarely ever low accepted therapy for the kidney stone problem of intesti-
because of dietary calcium deficiency or high because of nal hyperoxalosis.
high calcium intakes. This is basically because (as noted An emerging set of etiologic factors accompanying
earlier) the skeleton serves as a very large calcium reserve the increase in the overweight population has a dietary
and protects the ECF [Ca2] essentially without limit. As component. Consumption of dairy products (which may
described elsewhere in this chapter, it is the function of be partially or wholly related to calcium consumption)
the parathyroid glands to draw down calcium from these is associated with a lower risk of developing insulin
reserves for the maintenance of ECF [Ca2]. resistance syndrome and its components (e.g., obesity,
hyperinsulinemia, and insulin resistance) (97). Low-fat
DEFICIENCY dairy products are also part of the Dietary Approaches
to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet recommended for
Overt, uncomplicated, calcium metabolic deficiencies are
managing hypertension by the Joint National Committee
almost nonexistent given the large skeletal reserves as
on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of
discussed earlier. Calcium-deficient rickets does occur,
High Blood Pressure (98).
however, in some parts of the world, such as a rickets-
endemic area or Bangladesh, where the incidence is as
high as 21.5% (88). Even a supplement containing only
50 mg calcium per day was reported to be enough to pre- The calcium requirement is the amount of dietary cal-
vent rickets in 1- to 5-year-old children. cium required to replace losses in the urine, feces, and
Adequate calcium intakes have been definitively estab- sweat, plus the calcium needed for bone accretion dur-
lished as protective against osteoporosis. The primary ing periods of skeletal growth. Recommendations across

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Calcium accretion continues throughout childhood. The
1997 ADEQUATE 2010 RECOMMENDED rate of growth slows between the ages of 2 and 8 years.
INTAKE (AI) DIETARY ALLOWANCES Between the ages of 9 and 17 years, approximately 45% of
GROUP (mg/d) (mg/d) the adult skeleton is acquired, but the rate is not uniform.
Infant Expected growth in children aged 1 to 4 years is achieved
Birth–6 mo 210 200 (AI) at intakes of approximately 470 mg/day (102). Maximal
6 mo–1 y 270 260 (AI)
accretion occurs during the pubertal growth spurt, which
1–5 y 500 700 occurs for most girls between the ages of 12 and 14 years
4–8 y 800 1,000 and for boys at 14 to 16 years (103). Calcium intake,
Adolescents 1,300 1,300 race, and markers of puberty such as serum insulinlike
8–18 y growth factor-I (IGF-I), and premenarcheal age are the
largest predictors of skeletal calcium retention (104). The
19–50 y 1,000 1,000
50 y 1,200 1,200 lowest estimate of the intake required for mean maximal
Pregnant and calcium retention in adolescent girls is 1300 mg/day
lactating (57). Calcium intake higher than this level, compared
14–18 y 1,300 1,300 with lower, increases bone calcium accretion through
19 y 1,000 1,000
increased absorbed calcium and suppressed bone resorp-
Data from Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine. Dietary
tion (105). However, whether calcium intakes lower than
Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D,
and Fluoride. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1997; and recommended in Table 7.3 will lead to suboptimal adult
Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine. Dietary Reference bone mass is uncertain (106). Calcium intakes estimated
Intakes for Vitamin D and Calcium. Washington, DC: National
to yield observed, but not necessarily optimal, rates of
Academies Press, 2010, with permission.
bone accretion in a longitudinal study of white boys and
girls were 1000 mg/day for girls and 1200 mg/day for boys
aged 14 to 18 years (107). Animal studies showed that cal-
the life span for optimal calcium intakes by the Institute
cium deficiency during the pubertal growth period results
of Medicine Food and Nutrition Board are given in
in partial, but incomplete, catch-up growth (108, 109).
Table 7.3. Bone health is the primary consideration for
Retention on follow-up of the differential gain in bone
determining adequate calcium intake because extraskel-
mass between calcium supplementation and placebo
etal needs are easily met through accessing skeletal
groups in randomized controlled trials in humans waned
calcium when dietary calcium is inadequate. Calcium
after cessation of calcium supplementation (106, 110).
requirements for bone health throughout life are not
uniform because of changes in skeletal growth and age-
related changes in absorption and excretion. The many Peak Bone Mass
studies of the relationship of calcium or dairy product
After adult height is achieved, calcium accretion continues
intake and skeletal health for all ages were reviewed
to occur during the phase of bone consolidation. At the
(99, 100). Approximately 75% to 80% of the studies
end of consolidation, when the maximum amount of bone
showed a positive relationship of increasing calcium
has been accumulated, the adult is said to have achieved
intake with calcium balance, increased bone gain dur-
his or her peak bone mass. In girls and women, 90% of
ing growth, reduced bone loss in later years, or reduced
total body bone mineral content is achieved by age 16.9
fracture incidence. A metaanalysis of randomized con-
years, 95% by 19.8 years, and 99% by age 22.1 years (111).
trolled trials in adults 50 years old or older showed that
However, the timing of peak bone mass varies with the
calcium and vitamin D supplementation reduced the
skeletal site. The hip achieves peak bone mineral density
relative risk of fractures by 12% (101).
first, at approximately age 14.2 years for the greater tro-
chanter, 18.5 years for the femoral neck, and 15.8 years for
Ward’s triangle, whereas the spine can add mass through-
A term human infant contains approximately 0.65 to out most of the third decade of life in women (112). The
0.75 mol (26 to 30 g) calcium. By the end of the first skull accumulates bone throughout life, as does the femur
year of life, total body calcium increases to approximately shaft (113).
2 mol (80 g). The rate of calcium deposition in relation Approximately 60% to 80% of peak bone mass is
to body size is higher than at any other period during genetically predetermined. These include diverse genes
life. Required intakes of calcium are based on adequate controlling all aspects of calcium utilization from those
intakes (AIs) determined from the mean intake of human influencing skin pigmentation, which affects vitamin D
milk for infants fed primarily human milk during the synthesis and thereby influence active calcium absorption
first 6 months and milk plus solids during the second efficiency, to those controlling renal tubule reabsorption
6 months. efficiency, to those controlling body size. Additionally,

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numerous environmental factors affect bone mass (114). compromised to meet calcium demands of the fetus, and
The main determinant of bone density in adolescent the fetal skeleton is protected except at exceptionally low
girls is calcium intake (115). During this period, urinary calcium intakes (123). These changes are accompanied by
calcium is relatively unaffected by calcium intake (38, 57), a fall in biologically active PTH, increases in CT during
a finding indicating an ability to use for bone accumulation early pregnancy, and increases in prolactin by up to 10- to
all the absorbed calcium resulting from the range of 20-fold. Calcium supplementation increased bone density
intakes studied. Adequate dietary calcium influences bone of neonates of malnourished women in India (124) and
size and geometry in addition to bone mass, both of which improved calcium balance and bone formation rates across
also contribute to bone strength (116). pregnancy and lactation in women with habitual intakes of
Aside from calcium intake, other lifestyle choices that less than 500 mg/day (125). No benefits to bone mineral
affect peak bone mass include physical activity, intake status of infants occurred with calcium supplementation to
of other nutrients that affect calcium balance (covered pregnant Gambian women whose habitual calcium intakes
earlier in this chapter), anorexia, and substance abuse. As were 9 mmol (360 mg)/day, however (126).
may be expected, dietary calcium and exercise positively
interact in forming strong skeletons (117–119). Beyond Lactation
the timing of peak bone mass, lifestyle choices can affect
rate of bone loss, but the window of opportunity to build Calcium transfer to breast milk varies mainly with changes
bone has passed. in volume; calcium concentration is relatively constant at
7  0.65 mmol/L (280  26 mg/L) and is independent of
the calcium content of the mother’s diet. Wide variability
Adults in the amount of calcium transferred to milk daily has not
The mature woman has 23 to 25 mol (920 to 1000 g) body generally been associated with bone mineral growth or
calcium, and the mature man has approximately 30 mol status in infancy (127). However, low dairy consumption
(1200 g) total body calcium. The population coefficient by pregnant African-American adolescents was associated
of variation around these means is approximately 15%. with decreased fetal femur length (128). Daily calcium
Total body bone mass remains relatively constant over the transfer from maternal serum to breast milk increases from
reproductive years, as decreases in the proximal femur 4.2 mmol/day (168 mg/day) at 3 months following parturi-
and other sites after age 18 years are offset by continued tion to 7 mmol/day (280 mg/day) at 6 months following
growth of the forearm, total spine, and head. Then age- parturition. The increase in intestinal calcium absorption
related bone loss occurs, which varies with the individual, at the end of pregnancy gradually disappears after child-
but it occurs most rapidly during the first 3 years after birth and during the lactation period. To meet the need of
menopause in women. The average adult loses bone at a milk production, some renal conservation occurs, but more
rate of approximately 1% per year. Age-related decreases importantly, the maternal skeleton is depleted at a rate of
in calcium absorption and increases in urinary calcium approximately 1% per month; this loss is not prevented with
contribute to this loss. These physiologic changes are calcium and vitamin D supplementation (129). Increased
more abrupt at menopause in women. Loss of estrogen bone turnover during lactation may be under the control
and aging are associated with loss of intestinal VDR (3). of PTH-related peptide (PTHrP) produced by the lactat-
Further, explanations for bone loss during aging include ing mammary gland (130). A postlactation anabolic phase
declining calcium intakes (discussed later) and physical allows recovery of bone density to prelactation levels.
activity and decreased levels of gonadal hormones. The Whether this recovery is complete in all individuals, such
calcium intake required by older adults to achieve mean as older lactating women, is not known. Epidemiologic
maximal retention or minimal loss was determined to studies have found no association between pregnancy and
be 1200 mg/day by the Panel on Calcium and Related lactation and the risk of osteoporotic fractures.
Nutrients (see Table 7.3) (117).
Usual calcium intakes by age for the male and female
Fetal skeletal calcium accretion is not great until the population of the United States, as collected for the
third trimester. During the third trimester, approximately 1999 to 2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination
5 mmol/day (200 mg/day) of calcium are required for Survey (NHANES), were compared with the 1997 AIs
fetal growth. The mother’s calcium absorption and renal and tolerable upper intake levels (ULs) for calcium set by
conservation increase beginning by the second trimester the Dietary Reference Intake Committee for the Institute
to meet fetal demands and to store calcium for the sub- of Medicine (131). Mean calcium intakes were lower
sequent lactational drain governed by PTH and IGF-I than the recommended intake for calcium in persons
(120, 121). From before pregnancy status to the third older than 9 years. Only 21.3% of girls and women and
trimester, fractional calcium absorption increases 60% to 43.7% of boys and men in the United States had usual
70% (122). At low calcium intakes, the mother’s skeleton is intakes higher than the AIs for calcium (131). Milk

MNHD11e_CH007.indd 145 09/24/12 5:10 PM


intake drops more than 25% from early childhood to late have calcium intakes higher than 5000 mg/day (and often
adolescence, and this explains the drop in calcium intake appreciably higher), roughly 5 to 10 times what people of
(111). As estimated from NHANES 2003 to 2006, 43% industrialized nations ingest. Such pastoral peoples are not
of US residents use calcium supplements (132). Calcium known to have any unusual incidence of hypercalcemia or
supplements were taken primarily by adults and substan- kidney stones.
tially increased the percent of individuals meeting the AI Hypercalcemia, metabolic alkalosis, and possibly renal
(i.e., for men older than 71 years, 15% from food alone insufficiency have been increasing, especially in post-
compared with 31% from food plus supplements; and for menopausal and pregnant women with a history of
women older than 71 years, 39% with supplements met excessive (typically 4 g/day) ingestion of supplemental
the AI for calcium compared with 8% from food alone). calcium and often absorbable alkali, which raise the pH
Assessment of calcium intakes of populations is impor- of the urine and predisposes to calcium deposits in the
tant for determining nutritional status and for drawing kidneys (139). Elderly persons are vulnerable to this
conclusions about the relationship between diet and “calcium alkali syndrome” because they are in a state of
health and disease. Assessing usual calcium intake of net bone resorption in which bone is less of a reservoir for
an individual is fraught with errors, however (133). buffering against excess calcium. Pregnant women who
Calcium intake can be assessed with food frequency ques- have enhanced calcium absorption and volume depletion
tionnaires, diet recalls, diet records, or duplicate plate may also be vulnerable.
analysis. Duplicate plate analysis eliminates many of the Kidney stones are not usually caused by dietary calcium.
errors associated with other methods but is not practical More often, individuals with kidney stones have high
for assessing large groups of individuals. Food frequency urine calcium because they have a renal leak of calcium.
questionnaires assess calcium better than they do some Accordingly, they often have some degree of reduction of
other nutrients because dairy foods are the major source their skeletal calcium reserves. Lowering calcium intake in
of calcium, and individuals recall dairy product consump- such individuals rarely affects their kidney stone problem,
tion reasonably well. Hidden calcium taken as food addi- but it always leads to further reduction in bone mass.
tives (e.g., anticaking agents), water, fortified foods, and High calcium intakes may contribute to kidney stone
components of pharmaceuticals can be easily overlooked, formation in certain susceptible individuals. Calcium
however. When calcium intakes from fortified foods were and vitamin D supplementation in the 7-year Women’s
considered in assessing diets of Asian, Hispanic, and Health Initiative trial was associated with a 17% increase
white 10- to 18-year-old children and adolescents, higher in the risk of kidney stones (140), but the events labeled
calcium intakes were observed than previously reported “kidney stones” were not medically confirmed. Therefore,
in national surveys, but most subgroups still fell below the significance of this finding is uncertain, especially
the recommended intakes for that age (134). The gap because most studies show no increase in stone risk with
between calcium intakes and recommended intakes is calcium in diet or supplements (141). In individuals with
greatest for African-Americans (135). Diet recall and diet recurrent calcium oxalate stones, the stone problem is
records suffer from errors in estimating portion size, from actually helped by increasing calcium intakes to 30 mmol
variability in food composition, and from inadequacies of (1200 mg)/day together with restricted animal protein and
existing food composition tables. Multiple diet records can salt, compared with individuals on low-calcium diets of
improve the estimate of an individual’s average calcium 10 mmol (400 mg) calcium/day (95). The reasons are that
intake. However, the generally large variability in calcium urinary oxalate excretion is a more important risk factor
intake from day to day precludes confidence in estimates for stones, and dietary calcium binds oxalate of dietary
of usual calcium intake of an individual (136, 137). origin in the gut, prevents oxalate absorption, and thereby
reduces the urinary oxalate load.
Concerns over prolonged calcium supplementation
have been raised in connection with the risk of prostate
Nutritional toxicity of calcium means an elevation of blood cancer (142), myocardial infarction, and vascular calcifica-
calcium levels (hypercalcemia) by reason of overconsump- tion (143). A metaanalysis reported that the use of calcium
tion of calcium or an elevation of urine calcium excretion supplements was associated with almost a 30% increase
(hypercalciuria) to the point that either the kidneys calcify in cardiovascular disease risk (144). Possible mechanisms
or renal stones develop. Hypercalcemia, particularly if are not established. Regarding the concern over cardio-
severe, results in lax muscle tone, constipation, large vascular end points, the beneficial effects of calcium on
urine volumes, nausea, and ultimately confusion, coma, serum lipids and blood pressure seem inconsistent with an
and death. It essentially never occurs from ingestion of increased risk of disease. It is prudent not to exceed the
natural food sources. A good illustration of the safety of upper level of recommended intakes from supplements
food calcium sources is provided by nomadic, pastoralist while these relationships are further studied. If it turns
peoples, such as the Masai (138). Because their diets out that a real increase in risk exists, the evidence indicates
consist mostly of the milk of their herds and flocks, they that it would apply only to supplemental sources because

MNHD11e_CH007.indd 146 09/24/12 5:10 PM


population studies (e.g., the Masai cited earlier and from the parathyroid glands and bony response to PTH
Swedish men with high dairy consumption) (145) showed, depend on magnesium, and both are defective in magne-
if anything, a beneficial effect on cardiovascular disease sium deficiency. Evidence that both steps are impaired is
from high food calcium intakes. provided by the findings that PTH levels in magnesium-
deficient patients fail to rise adequately in response to
hypocalcemia and exogenous PTH fails to elevate bone
remodeling in these patients, as it should. Magnesium
As noted earlier, low calcium intakes, coupled with low repletion corrects both problems.
calcium absorption efficiency and high obligatory calcium
losses from the body, deplete skeletal calcium reserves. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
In other words, low intakes cause subnormal bone mass
This work was supported in part by Public Health Service (PHS) grant
(and strength). This is one of the contributing causes of HD 061908.
the disorder called osteoporosis, which is covered in the Disclosure: CMW is a member of Pharmavite Advisory Board.
chapter on osteoporosis. Genetic mutations can alter
intracellular calcium signaling. For example, alterations REFERENCES
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eds. Nutrition and Bone Development, vol 41. Philadelphia: CJ, eds. Nutrition: ThePrevention and Treatment of Disease. 2nd ed.
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8 KIMBERLY O. O’B R I E N , J A N E E . K E R S T E T T E R , A N D K A R L L. I N S O G N A

BRIEF HISTORICAL REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 BRIEF HISTORICAL REVIEW

BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Phosphorus was discovered in 1669 by Hennig Brand,
Importance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 who isolated this mineral from urine. His observation that
Distribution and Body Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 phosphorus glowed when exposed to air led to the name
Circulating Concentrations in Plasma. . . . . . . . . . . 151 of this element that is based using the Greek words for
Hormones That Regulate Phosphorus light (“phos”) and bearer (“phoros”). In nature, phosphorus
Homeostasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 is monoisotopic and has an atomic weight of 30.97. Two
WHOLE BODY HOMEOSTASIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 radioisotopes of phosphorus exist: 32P, which has a half-life
Dietary Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 of 14.28 days; and 33P, which has a half-life of 24.3 days. As
Intestinal Phosphorus Absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 early as the 1920s, George Hevesy et al used 32P in plant
Endogenous Phosphorus Secretion. . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 models to elucidate the biologic roles of this mineral (1).
Renal Phosphorus Excretion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Over the next decade, Hevesy used animal models and
DIETARY PHOSPHORUS REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 phosphorus radiotracers to characterize the distribution of
ASSESSMENT OF PHOSPHORUS REQUIREMENTS . . . . . 154 phosphorus once absorbed into the body and to identify
Dietary Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 the integral role of phosphorus in mineralized tissues (2).
Assessment of Phosphorus Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 Early human metabolic balance studies were undertaken in
Bioavailability of Phosphorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 the 1940s by McCance and Widdowson (3). Their seminal
ACQUIRED DISORDERS OF PHOSPHORUS studies highlighted the essential role that renal tubular
METABOLISM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 phosphate handling plays in whole body homeostasis of
Chronic Kidney Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 this mineral. During this same era, Harrison and Harrison
Starvation and Refeeding Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . 156 characterized the impact of parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Metabolic Bone Disease of Prematurity . . . . . . . . . 156 and vitamin D on phosphorus metabolism and urinary
Medical Causes of Hypophosphatemia. . . . . . . . . . 156 phosphorus excretion (4). Although these early studies con-
GENETIC DISORDERS OF PHOSPHORUS tributed greatly to the understanding of phosphorus flux in
METABOLISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 the human body, many aspects of phosphorus metabolism
X-Linked Hypophosphatemic Rickets . . . . . . . . . . . 157 remained elusive. More recently, the discoveries of the
Autosomal Dominant Hypophosphatemic Rickets . . 157 phosphatonin, fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) and
Autosomal Recessive Hypophosphatemic Rickets . . 157 the FGF coreceptor Klotho gene clarified the long-term
Hereditary Hypophosphatemic Rickets with hormonal regulation of phosphorus metabolism. These
Hypercalciuria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 advances improved our understanding of the bone-kidney
SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 axis in phosphate homeostasis and established the genetic
basis for several inherited disorders of phosphorus metabo-
lism (5–7). This enhanced understanding of the biology
of phosphorus metabolism may lead to new therapies for
individuals with dysregulated mineral metabolism. Better
Abbreviations: 1,25(OH)2D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D; ADHR, biomarkers of phosphorus homeostasis in human health
autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets; AI, adequate intake; and disease are still needed.
ARHR, autosomal recessive hypophosphatemic rickets; ATP, adenosine
triphosphate; CKD, chronic kidney disease; DKA, diabetic ketoaci-
dosis; EAR, estimated average requirement; FGF, fibroblast growth BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY
factor; GALNT3, N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase; HHRH, heredi-
tary hypophosphatemic rickets with hypercalciuria; NaPi-2a/NaPi-2b, Importance
sodium-phosphate cotransporters; PHEX, phosphate-regulating gene
with homologies to endopeptidases on the X-chromosome; Pi, inorganic
Phosphorus is a ubiquitous mineral in the human body and
phosphorus ion; PTH, parathyroid hormone; UL, tolerable upper is integral to diverse functions ranging from the transfer
intake level; XLH, X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets. of genetic information to energy utilization. Phosphorus


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