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Introduction To microprocessors and organization of 8085

(a) Explain functions of the following pins of 8085 Microprocessor : (Prepare all 40 pins )

(b) What is Vectored Interrupt ? State all hardware interrupts with their vectored addresses, write the priorities of
hardware interrupts.
(a) Write any three difference points between Memory Mapped I/O and I/O Mapped I/O Addressing Scheme.

(a) Write a function of following functional units of 8085 Microprocessor:
(i) Instruction Decoder (ii) General Purpose Register

(iii) Data/Address Buffer (iv) Status Register

(a) Explain I/O Mapped I/O Scheme in 8085 Microprocessor. (Ch. 1, Q. 20)

(b) Flag register contains data D5H. Interpret its meaning. (Ch. 1, Q.53)

(b) Write any three primary functions of Microprocessor. (Ch. 1, Q. 4)

(c) What is Microprocessor ? List its functions.
(a) What do you mean by Interrupt? List all the software interrupts of Intel 8085. (Ch 1, Q. 21 and Q. 23)
(b) What is an Interrupt? List any four hardware Interrupts of Intel 8085 with their vector addresses. (Ch. 1, Q. 21
and 22)

(a) What are Hardware Interrupts? List them according to priority. Also state call location of these interrupts. (Ch 1
Q. 26 & Q. 28)

(a) What is Interrupt? List Hardware Interrupts according to Priority. Explain maskable and non-maskable in
interrupts. (Ch. 1/Q. 21, Q. 22, Q. 27 and Q. 28)

( c ) Draw a bit pattern of flag register of Intel 8085 and write the functions of any four flags. (Ch 1, Q. 39)

(a) Explain following unit of 8085 Microprocessor


(i) Temporary Register (Ch 1, Q. 34(II))

(ii) Serial I/O Control (Ch 1, Q. 34(V))
(b) Explain 16 bit Register used in 8085 Micro-processor. (Ch 1, Q. 34 & Q. 35)

(b) Explain ALU of 8085 Micro-processor with suitable diagram. (Ch 1, Q. 30)
(a) Draw and explain functional block diagram of ALU. (Ch 1, Q. 30)

(a) Write functions of following register of 8085 Microprocessor.

(i) Program Counter
(ii) Stack Pointer
(iii) Temporary Register (Ch. 1/Q. 34 & Q. 35)

(a) Define following registers of Microprocessor 8085.

(i) Accumulator (Ch. 1/Q. 34(I)
(ii) STACK Pointer (Ch. 1/Q. 35(b))
(iii) Program Counter (Ch. 1/Q. 35(d))
(iv) Instruction Register (Ch. 1/Q. 35(c))

(a) Write any three functions which accumulator perform other than any other general purpose register in 8085
Microprocessor. (Ch. 1/Q. 34)

(a) Distinguish between Maskable and Non-maskable interrupts any three points. (Ch. 1/Q. 27)

(a) What is multiplexed BUS in 8085? Give its advantages. (Ch. 1/Q. 18)

(a) Explain any three features of 8085 Micro-processor. (Ch. 1/Q. 7)


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