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Rupee falls below 80 against dollar,

raises worries over imported inflation
Ukraine conflict, crude prices, global

E SBI chairman: Artificial


tightening major reasons: Sitharaman risks
SKM rejects from domestic markets.
● remain intervention doesn’t work
ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU Significant dollar demand COMMODITY PRICES have
MSP panel, MUMBAI, NEW DELHI, JULY 19 fromoilimportersamidelevated
crude oil prices and concerns
eased from their peak, but
are expected to pose sig-
says it’s full of RAISING CONCERNS over high
imported inflation, the rupee
about swelling trade deficithave
also been key catalysts behind
nificant risk for inflation
since almost three-fourths
MUMBAI, JULY 19 Dinesh

govt loyalists
Tuesday fell below the psycho- the steep descent seen in the of inflationary pressure is INDIA’SLEADINGbankerandSBI Khara
logical level of 80 to 80.05 Indiancurrency,whichhasfallen seen emerging from im- Chairman Dinesh Kumar Khara
against the US dollar intra-day by over seven per cent since ported inflation. is of the view that an artificial in-
amid tightening monetary con- January this year. tervention does not have a long- the 80 mark to a dollar for the RANIL VS DULLAS VS ANURA
Lanka elects Gota
ditions and risk-off sentiments Although the rupee has termimpactanditdoesn’twork. first time.
& RAAKHI JAGGA as well as persistent outflows CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 On Tuesday, the rupee breached CONTINUED ON PAGE 2


successor today in
Prasada’s PWD is under three-way contest
would not join the 29-member
panel set up by the Centre to
make minimum support price
Former chief of
Mumbai Police
cloud in UP: His OSD and
(MSP)more“effectiveandtrans- Leftist Janatha Vimukthi
parent”. The Union government Peramuna (JVP) will see Sri
hadnotifiedtheformationof the held in money Lanka's Parliament elect a new
committee the day before.
of farmers’organisationsthatled
laundering case 5 officers out for ‘payoffs’ President Wednesday to replace
Gotabaya Rajapaksa who fled
the country and resigned after
the protest against three central Adityanath suspended five offi- public anger over the country's
farm laws for over a year, forcing Police personnel at the crime scene in Nuh, Haryana. PTI EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE ASAD REHMAN cials including the PWD head of worst economic crisis exploded
the government to repeal them NEW DELHI, JULY 19 LUCKNOW, JULY 19 department for their alleged in- EXPRESSINSRILANKA on the streets 10 days ago.
last November — took the deci- volvement in the matter. On the eve of the vote,
sion at a meeting of its coordina-
tion committee. Haryana DSP run over AFTER QUESTIONING former
Mumbai Police Commissioner
the Congress and joined the BJP
A government spokesperson
said action has been taken SHUBHAJIT ROY
Opposition leader and Samagi
Jana Balawegaya (SJB) candidate

by dumper truck during

In a statement, the coordina- SanjayPandeyatleastthriceear- to become a member of the Yogi against Engineer-in-Chief COLOMBO, JULY 19 Sajith Premadasa decided to
tioncommitteesaid,“Thereisno lier in connec- Adityanath cabinet weeks later, (Development) and HOD Manoj withdraw from the Presidential
scope to discuss the MSP law in tion with the PWD Minister Jitin Prasada now Kumar Gupta, Chief Engineer A THREE-WAY contest between raceandsupportAlahapperuma.
theagendaof thiscommitteefull
of government representatives
and its loyalists. Samyukta Kisan
raid on illegal mining National Stock
(NSE) co-loca-
has his back to the wall.
On Tuesday, a day after Anil
Kumar Pandey, Prasada's Officer
Rakesh Kumar Saxena, Senior
Staff Officer Shailendra Kumar
Yadav, Administrative Officer
Acting President
Alahapperuma, a rebel leader of
Premadasa, son of President
Morcha has rejected the com- tion scam, the on Special Duty (OSD), was re- Pankaj Dixit and Head Clerk the ruling Sri Lanka Podujana
mittee formed by the PAVNEET SINGH CHADHA Deputy SP Enforcement moved over allegations of trans- Sanjay Kumar Chaurasia. Peramuna (SLPP) who is backed
Government of India on MSP NUH (HARYANA), JULY 19 Bishnoi was Directorate Case linked fers in PWD in exchange for “It was found that they were by the Opposition, and Anura RELATED REPORT
and other issues, and has de- set to retire (ED) on to ‘phone- money, Chief Minister Yogi CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 Kumara Dissanayake of the PAGE 12
cided not to nominate its repre- A 57-YEAR-OLD Deputy in three Tuesday ar- tapping’
sentative in the committee.” Superintendent of Police (DSP) months rested him in
The SKM went on to add, “All of Haryana Police, who was set connection
the doubts of Samyukta Kisan to retire in three months, was with the alleged phone-tapping BUSINESS AS USUAL
Morcha about this committee run over by a dumper truck dur- identified as Ikkar, was later ar- of NSE employees which, the
have come true with the notifi- ing a raid to check illegal mining rested a few kilometres away agencysuspects, could be linked BY UNNY
cation issued by the in Nuh district on Tuesday after- from the spot following “an ex- to money laundering.
Government. Obviously, there is noon, officials said. change of fire with the police” in Pandey was taken into

Filmmaker detained for SC grants interim relief

sharing Shah’s old photo to Nupur Sharma, says
with tainted IAS officer ‘no coercive action’
FILMMAKER AVINASH Das was THESUPREMECourtonTuesday of cases
detained on Tuesday outside his granted suspended BJP against her
Mumbai residence by a team of spokespersonNupurSharmain-
Ahmedabad Police for allegedly terim protection from “coercive
sharing on social media "a five- Avinash Das was detained in action” in connection with the the bench had declined to enter-
year-old photo" of Union Home Mumbai by a team of casesfiledagainsther,acrossdif- tainSharma'spleaforclubbingthe
MinisterAmitShahwithIASoffi- Ahmedabad Police. Express ferent states, for her remarks on multipleFIRsagainsther,andhad
cer Pooja Singhal, who was ar- the Prophet. reprimanded her, saying she has
rested in Jharkhand this May by The bench of Justices Surya a “loose tongue” and is “single- VOTE TO EDGE
theEnforcementDirectorate(ED) hadregisteredanFIRagainstDas Kant and J B Pardiwala also clari- handedly responsible for what is CLOSER TO FINAL
in a case of money laundering. on May13, basedonacomplaint fied that it “never wanted” happening in the country”. SPOT IN UK PM RACE
The Ahmedabad Police’s from a Police Sub Inspector (PSI) Sharma to go to “every court” to Senior Advocate Maninder PAGE 12
Detectionof CrimeBranch(DCB) CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 seek relief in the cases. On July 1, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Modi, Yogi posters in garbage cart: UP sanitation

worker reinstated, says ‘won’t repeat mistake’
PAGE 1 garbage cart with photos of familysharesatwo-roomhouse,
ANCHOR Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the kitchen also serving as
andUttarPradeshChief Minister a sleeping area at night. The
Yogi Adityanath, to an outpour- house has barely any furniture,
ing of support, to his reinstate- the most prominent feature a
MALAVIKA PRASAD mentletteronTuesdaymorning. narrow wooden stool.
MATHURA, JULY 19 Officials said he will resume While the salary is notmuch,
his duties soon. itwasthebestanilliterateBobby
AGRATEFULBobbyKhareprom- The sole breadwinner of his couldhopefor,growingupinthe
ises he will “never repeat the family, Bobby (who prefers go- Valmiki Basti of Mathura. A san-
mistake” again. The 40-year-old ing by just one name) has five itation worker for the past two
sanitation workerfromMathura children — three of them girls, decades (he doesn't recall ex-
struggles for words to say more, the eldest 20. Only one of the actlyforhowlong),Bobbygener-
overwhelmed at the events of sons has been to school. He also ally works in two shifts – 6 am to
the past four days — from being supports the family of his de- 10 am, and 3 pm to 6 pm — earn-
sacked on Saturday after photo- ceased brother, including two of Bobby Khare with his wife in Mathura. Gajendra Yadav ing roughly Rs 20,000 a month.
graphs surfaced of him pulling a his children, he says. The joint CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

New Delhi


Rupee falls “We do see some more pain commodity prices coming off wouldsaythat,ifatallthebalance
depreciatedagainsttheUSdollar, for the domestic currency in the peaks, the RBI seems to be more of trade is in our favour, that will WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM
it has appreciated against other nearterm,butitislikelytoremain comfortable with a modest pace perhaps work better."
majorcurrenciessuchaseuroand cushioned by the 81-mark amid of rate hikes. The RBI has been intervening
the Japanese yen. “Global factors a host of factors. For one, the “India’sinflationproblemsare from time to time to contain the

such as the Russia-Ukraine con- strengthinthedollarindexseems predominantly imported in na- volatility in rupee, by selling dol-
flict, soaring crude oil prices and unsustainable at higher levels, ture.Hence,therecentreversalin lars and buying rupee from the CheckourUPSCguidetounderstandcurrentaffairsifyouareareader
tighteningofglobalfinancialcon- with expectations that the several commodity prices is eas- market,andithasoverthelastsix
ditions are the major reasons for EuropeanCentralBankandother ing sequential inflation momen- months or so resulted in a deple- of‘TheIndianExpress’.ScantheQRCodeontheleft
the weakening of the Indian ru- developed market central banks tum.Recentcommoditypricede- tionofforeignexchangereserves.
pee against the US dollar,” Union willalsohikeinterestratesaggres- clinesoffertheRBIsomeroomto "Already a lot of our forex re-
Finance Minister Nirmala sively,” said Sugandha Sachdeva, reviseitsinflationforecastsmod- serveshavegone.Fromover$600
Sitharaman said in a written re- Vice President, Religare Broking estly lower amid stable growth billion plus, we are now at $ 580
ply to Parliament. Ltd.Therupeehasdepreciatedby signals.Weexpectmonetarynor- billion," said Khara. spective.Someofthelongonlyin- lordships, the threat is genuine mother Lanka and its people to replied the same day.
CurrenciessuchastheBritish around 25 per cent since malisation to continue, but see It is important to note that in vestorslookatthecountrywitha and real now,” he said. come out of this disaster." Showcause notices were also
pound, the Japanese yen and the December 31, 2014. signsthattheRBIisturningmore thefirstweekofSeptember2021, lot of interest for the simple rea- “Have we understood Alahapperuma, who belongs issued to the sanitary inspector
euro have weakened more than According to analysts, long- comfortable with a modest pace theforexreservesstoodat$642.4 son of the political stability and correctly that you are willing to to Mahinda Rajapaksa’s party and sanitary supervisor for “not
the Indian rupee against the US term inflation expectations have of rate hikes,” Barclays India said billionandasonJuly8,2022itwas alsothewayacountryhasgotac- go to one place of your choice?” SLPPandwasinformationminis- briefing” Bobby on the photo-
dollar and, therefore, the Indian fallen in the US, and concerns of in a recent note. down to $580 billion — drop of ceptedgloballyintherecentpast. the court asked. ter for mass media, has emerged graphs of dignitaries and public
rupee has strengthened against super-sized tightening by the US The Consumer Price Index or $62 billion in ten months. In the I think that these are some of the Singh replied that since the as the Opposition's candidate. representatives,officialssaid.One
thesecurrenciesin2022,shesaid. Fed at the forthcoming meeting CPI-basedinflationhasbeenover sameperiod,therupeehasweak- reassuringfactorswhichthesein- first FIR was registered in Delhi, Dissanayake belongs to JVP, official earlier told The Indian
In a Twitter post last week, have eased, which is leading to a 6 per cent for two straight quar- ened by nearly 10 per cent from vestors look at." Sharma must be allowed to one of the smaller parties in the Express, “The contract of Bobby
Sanjeev Sanyal, Member, retreat in the dollar index from ters, remaining above the upper 72.96 to 80 to a dollar. challenge it before the Delhi Opposition fold. His party has was terminated because the PM
EconomicAdvisoryCounciltothe multi-year highs and aiding the limit of the RBI’s medium-term While RBI has taken several Nupur Sharma High Court. He also sought a supportedtheprotestmovement andCMcouldbeidentifiedinthe
PrimeMinister,hadsaid,“TheRBI local unit. Besides, the US central targetrangeof2-6percent.Most measures including temporarily Singh, who represented direction from the court to stay as well. photographs easily.”
is using reserves to smoothen bankmightbeforcedtopauseits of the risks to inflation are seen permitting banks to raise fresh Sharma, had then requested all other existing and future Wickremesinghe, who has The Nagar Nigam Mathura-
movebutcorrectlyallowingmar- rate hike cycle going forward emergingfromthecrisisintheaf- FCNR(B)andNREdepositswith- the court's permission to FIRs based on the same case. been Prime Minister six times Vrindavan said it had taken cog-
ket adjustment… the only real given the concerns about reces- termath of the Ukraine-Russia outreferencetotheextantregula- withdraw her plea instead of The court noted that after now,istherulingSLPPcandidate. nizance of the video which went
causeforconcernisimportedin- sionaryrisksanditseemsthatthe war. tions on interest rates, in a bid to having it dismissed. The bench its order on July 1, various Ithasthenumberstopullitoffun- viralonsocialmediaSaturdayfea-
flation from energy prices. Given worst is likely to be over soon. With the inflation print ex- attractforeigninvestment,Khara had allowed the petition to be incidents including “one lessAlahapperumaisabletosub- turing Bobby with the garbage
oil import dependence, there is “Secondly, the RBI and the pectedtostayelevatedincoming saidonehastowaitandwatchto withdrawn, with liberty to Salman Chisti, claiming to be stantially split the party’s votes. cartandphotographsofModiand
little India can do about this in government have recently taken months, the RBI is one quarter seetheimpactofthesemeasures avail alternate remedies. On Khadim of Ajmer Dargah, has SLPP chairman G L Peiris, for- Adityanath. Dr Karim Akhtar
shorttermbeyondsomedomes- several measures which might away from having to explain its as it has been only over a week Monday, Sharma filed a fresh circulated a video calling for mer Foreign Minister, said the Qureshi, the Nagar Swasthya
ticadjustments(saycuttingtaxes stemthefallintherupee.Theru- failuretokeeptheinflationwithin that banks have raised the rates. application seeking protection killing the petitioner; another partywillvoteforAlahapperuma Adhikari, said Bobby apologised
atthemargin)but allsuchmeas- pee-dollar exchange rate is ex- the stipulated band. As per the "FCNR (deposit scheme) is a from arrest and clubbing of person has circulated a video and the appointment of Sajith for what had happened to the
ures have a price.” pectedtohoverinthe78.50to81 mandatebythe monetarypolicy very rate sensitive product. And cases against her. threatening to behead the Premadasa as Prime Minister. MunicipalCommissioner,follow-
Even as commodity prices band till September,” Sachdeva framework, if the average infla- weareobservingthatindifferent Hearing her plea on petitioner, and some more FIRs The nominations were ac- ing which he was reinstated.
have eased from their peak, they said. tionratebreachesthe2-6percent markets, interest rates are on the Tuesday, the bench issued have been registered.” cepted by Parliament Tuesday. Qureshi told The Indian
areexpectedtoposeasubstantial Foreign portfolio investors targetforthreeconsecutivequar- upswing. But normally, it hap- notices to the Centre and The court also took note of Lawmakers will vote through a Express: “Bobby filed a represen-
risk for inflation as almost three- (FPIs)havepulledoutRs2.37lakh ters, the RBI will have to explain pens that when it comes to the several states, including Delhi, Sharma's apprehension that secret ballot Wednesday morn- tationwhereheapologisedforhis
fourths of India’s inflationary crore since January this year and tothegovernmentthereasonsfor NRErupee,normallytheflowsgo West Bengal and Maharashtra, she may be arrested as the ing, and the results are expected actions and assured he won’t
pressure is seen emerging from forex reserves have dwindled by breach in the inflation target. upwhenevertherupeeweakens. and asked them to respond by Kolkata Police had issued a by late afternoon. make the mistake again and will
imported inflation. Capital out- $62 billion from the September “OneofthereasonsthatRBIis Andit'sarepatriableaccountalso. August 10, the next date of lookout circular against her. In the House of 225 seats, 113 continue to work with sincerity
flows and the RBI’s defensive ac- 2021 peak of $ 642.4 billion. intervening so heavily is because The kind of reliefs which the RBI hearing. seatsinfavourof acandidatewill and honesty. He also stated that
tiontoprotectrupeefromasharp Although commodity prices of imported inflation pressure hasgiven,perhapsitisessentially “In light of the subsequent Sri Lanka decide the elections. he was the sole breadwinner of
slide against the dollar have re- have come down from their re- andithasbeenabigdriverof this for FCNR (B) scheme. We also in- events, the concern of this assassinated by an LTTE suicide his family. Based on this, he was
sulted in lower forex reserves, cent peaks, they are still elevated particular inflationary cycle. The creasedtherateofinterestonJuly court is how to ensure that the bomberin1993,saidhisdecision Sanitation staff reinstated.”
posingconcernsforthecountry’s foralargertradedeficitorcurrent underlying domestic services in- 10. It's too early to really gauge petitioner is able to seek was made for the "greater good" Recalling how the image of Mahesh Kaju, Mahamantri,
currentaccountdeficitinthisfis- accountdeficit,whichisexpected flationisactuallyrelativelybenign whatthelikelyimpactis.Wehave alternate remedy. In order to of the country. his garbage cart with Modi and Uttar Pradesh Safai Mazdoor
cal. to be 3 per cent. and a lot of these services, which to wait and watch," said Khara. explore such modality, we In a Twitter post, Premadasa Adityanath's photos landed up Sangh, Mathura, said they had
OnTuesday,therupeetraded “That is putting pressure on are showing higher prices, are While FDI and FPI invest- issue notice,” said the bench. said, “For the greater good of my onsocialmedia,Bobbysaid:“On never heard of a similar incident
neutraltorange-boundbetween currency.Thecapitalflightwhich driven by imported components ments hold key to rupee stability “To that extent, we are countrythatIloveandthepeople Saturday, while I was at work, in Mathura before.
79.85-80.05 and closed at 79.95 is taking place, this year we are like public transport etc because and India has witnessed a sharp correcting. We did not intend I cherish I hereby withdraw my three men approached me near AboutwhathetoldtheNagar
as the dollar index stayed in likely to have a deficit on the bal- ofhigherfuelcosts,”RahulBajoria, outflowofoverRs2.64lakhcrore that you have to go to all candidacy for the position of SubhashInterCollegeandasked Nigam, Bobby says: “I said I had
muted trading sessions. ance of payments. So basically, Chief Economist, Barclays, said. byforeignportfolioinvestorsfrom places,” it said. President. @sjbsrilanka and our why the photographs were been only doing my job, which
“Further, the capital market our capital account inflows are Indianequitymarketssinceocto- “In the meanwhile, as an alliance and our opposition part- there in my cart. I explained to was to collect the garbage from
showed positive performance likelytobelowerthanthecurrent SBI chairman ber2021,Kharasaidthatinvestors interim measure, it is directed nerswillworkhardtowardsmak- thementhatIwasjustdoingmy Ward-19. I submitted my repre-
which helped the rupee stay in a account deficit. And if we look at SpeakingtoTheIndianExpress, looking for FDI investments are that no coercive action shall be ing @DullasOfficialvictorious.” job.” sentation before the commis-
range-bound session. In opening ourforexreserves,whicharepre- Khara said, “I think that it (inter- lookingatIndiawithalotofinter- taken against the petitioner He also reached out to India He pointed out that he had sioner Monday, stating that my
trade, the rupee touched a fresh dominantly filled up from debt vention by central bank) really est and India's 'Political stability' pursuant to the impugned and Prime Minister Narendra just picked up the posters which actions were not ill-intentioned
low of 80.05 but took support flows,theyarelessthanIndia’sex- doesn’twork....Artificialinterven- isabigcontrinutingfactortothat. FIRs/ complaints or such FIRs/ Modi: "Irrespective of who be- werealreadylyingatthegarbage andapologisingforthesame.The
thereafteraninchhighertowards ternaldebt,aphenomenonwhich tiondoesnotreallyhaveanylong- "They're all looking at India complaints which may be comes the President of Sri Lanka collection spot. day I was terminated from serv-
79.85. The rupee range can be was not observed in the last term impact, it can only have a withalotof interest.Butyes,per- registered/ entertained in tomorrow it is my humble and Afterhefinishedhismorning icewasaSaturday.AsSundaywas
seen between 79.70-80.25 going decade or so,” Devendra Kumar temporary impact.” hapstheywillwaitandwatchbe- future," said the bench. earnest request to Hon. PM Shri shift, Bobby said, he was sum- aholiday,Icouldfilemyrepresen-
ahead,” Jateen Trivedi, VP Pant, Chief Economist, India He, however, added that we cause many of them particularly, Earlier in the day, Singh said @narendramodi, to all the politi- moned to the civic body office to tation only Monday.”
Research Analyst at LKP Ratings, said. should instead focus on balance when it comes to FDI, invariably Sharma was facing increasing calpartiesofIndiaandtothepeo- explain what had happened and FULLREPORTSON
Securities, said. Experts said that with global of trade. "As compared to that, I come with a very long-term per- threats. “I beseech your ple of India to keep helping given a showcause notice. He

Delhi Assembly invites online applications from meritorious and outstanding youth to be engaged in the Delhi Assembly Research
Centre (DARC) of the Delhi Legislative Assembly as Fellows/ Associate Fellows.
With the objective to create a repository of valuable research and reference material for use of the lawmakers and other stakeholders
involving the young and talented youth of Delhi, DARC proposes to engage 34 Fellows and 53 Associate Fellows and 04 Associate
Fellows (Media), initially for a period of one year extendable by another year based upon their performance. The number of seats
may increase in case of additional requirement.
While DARC seeks to gain from the fresh perspective and solutions offered by the Youth, the Fellows/ Associates Fellows get the best
opportunity for an inside view of Legislature and Governance.

About the Programme Key Features

Ÿ Delhi Assembly provides a unique opportunity to young minds to Ÿ Fellows / Associates Fellows will be assigned to work with the
be part of the Delhi Assembly Research Centre (DARC). Legislators and Delhi Assembly Secretariat and in close
Ÿ DARC aims to establish itself as a world class Research Centre for coordination with the Departments of Delhi Government.
Legislators, Government and public spirited Citizens and Ÿ They shall have a clear interest, aptitude and commitment to
Organizations. public service.
Ÿ Meritorious Youth would be involved in crucial phases of Ÿ A consolidated sum of ₹1,00,000 per month to Fellows and
Legislation, Committees and overall Governance. ₹60,000 per month to Associates Fellows will be provided in the
form of Stipend

Last Date to submit applications – 10th August 2022

For more details and to apply online, visit -

Delhi Legislative Assembly

New Delhi
Woman delivers baby outside Safdarjung 5 held for duping
over 300 people

Hospital, action ordered against 5 doctors Faridabad: Police have arrested

five members of a gang which
allegedly conned 335 people
across several states on the pre-
text of offering them lucrative
is completed. The lady and the motherorthechild,anyonecould trasound, but never turned up at jobs with a private airline.
ARANYASHANKAR& newborn are currently in care of have lost their life,” she said. thewardatnight,”thedoctorsaid. A computer, a laptop, two
ANONNADUTT the SJH hospital,” sources in the The hospital, however, has a Usually,if apatientisinactive phones, a cheque book and Rs
NEW DELHI, JULY 19 health ministry said. different version. “As Safdarjung labour,hospitalstaff escortherto 3.97 lakh were recovered from
The hospital, however, has Hospital has a no refusal policy, the labour room. But in this case, their possession, police added.
THE UNION Health Ministry said the woman was offered ad- shewasexaminedbytheSR(sen- asthewomanwastobeadmitted They were held from different
Tuesdaysetupahigh-levelprobe mission on Monday but did not ior resident) on duty at 5:45 pm to the ward, she was asked to go locations in UP and NCR. ENS
and debarred five doctors of the show up. on July 18 and her condition was on her own. The hospital has
Safdarjung Hospital from duties, “ShewasreferredfromDadri foundtobe33+6weeksgestation askedtheheadofthedepartment
afterawomandeliveredherbaby to Noida and then to Safdarjung. withpreeclampsiainearlylabour. ofgynaecologytosubmitareport
on the floor outside the emer- We reached here around 4-4.30 A team from Health Ministry The patient was offered admis- ontheincident.“Wewillgetmore
gency department Tuesday pm yesterday and kept running visited the hospital. Archive sion but she did not return with clarity on what happened once
morning, steps away from an from pillar to post through the the admission paper,” the official we get the report,” the hospital
overflowing dustbin. evening and late into the night, spokespersonsaidinastatement. spokesperson said. Once the de-
Sources said the action was butshewasn’tadmitted.Thiswas said Poonam had started vomit- “The next day, the SR on livery was done, Suman said she
taken on the directions of Union despitethefactthatshehadhigh ingbythenandwasinacutepain. morningGRRdutywasinformed called up the police. “I told them
Health Minister Mansukh blood pressure and swelling in “Thehospitalclaimstheyoffered thatapatientwasdeliveringout- the entire incident, and we will
Mandaviya. her body,” said her husband admission. But even when I ar- side. A team from GRR was dis- definitelygiveacomplaintinwrit-
The woman, Poonam (20), Harpal Morya (21), a farmer. rivedtodaymorning,nobodytold patchedimmediatelyandthepa- ing as well. This should not hap-
deliveredherinfantgirlalmost15 He said the hospital made me that Poonam should be ad- tient’sdeliverywastakencareof,” pen to anyone else,” she said.
hours after she reached the hos- them run around from one de- mitted immediately. I was also they said, adding that Poonam DCP (Southwest) Manoj C,
pital to get herself admitted. The partmenttoanotherforanultra- made to run around for an ultra- was admitted to ward while the however, said they had not re-
familyhasallegedshewasforced sound.“Till11pm,wekeptgoing sound.Around9:30-10am,while baby was admitted in the nurs- ceived a complaint so far.
to deliver outside as the hospital aroundforanultrasoundbecause I was running around inside, I ery. Both are in stable condition. The Delhi Commission for
kept postponing her admission theycouldnotadmitherwithout called and got to know that her Thehospitalalsosaid101pa- Womenhastakensuomotucog-
and did not act in time. it. But after running around sev- waterhasbrokenandshehasde- tients were attended in 24 hours nizance of the incident and
“A team from the Ministry eraltimes,Iwastoldat11pmthat livered outside,” she said. onJuly18bysixdoctorsinthegy- soughtinformationonwhenthe
visited SJH for fact-finding in the theywouldn’tdoitanymoreand “It was two of our relatives naecology department. woman first came to the hospi-
matter of the delivery incident weshouldcomebacktomorrow. whoheldasareearoundherand A doctor told The Indian tal, reasons for refusal of admis-
that took place at SJH today Nobodytoldusthatshecouldbe helpedinthedelivery.Thehospi- Express that the hospital had put sion, enquiry report and action
morning.Fiveofthedoctorshave admitted,” he said. talstaff onlycametocuttheum- her down for admission but she taken report in the matter, etc.
been debarred from duties till a Suman Morya (29), a relative bilicalcord.Thisisanegligentand was asked to get an ultrasound
high-level probe into the matter who arrived at 6 am on Tuesday, risky act by the hospital. The before that. “She did go in for ul-


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29,661 19,44,978 ICU BEDS 2,115 2,078 Cases N/A N/A

Cases Recoveries Deaths Tests Deaths N/A N/A
July 18
July 19
Total 2,040* 19,16,642 26,296 3,93,37,875
*Total active cases in Delhi Deaths 0 0

DSP RUN OVER IN NUH Parking argument

DSP killing puts illegal mining back in focus, takes fatal turn in
Haryana plans steps to end menace for good Saket, ex-bouncer
beaten to death
DSP was set to hang up JIGNASASINHA

boots, take up farming A 32-YEAR-OLD man was
thrashed to death, allegedly by a
DSPduringaninspectiontocheck tor in 1994. group of five-six men, following
illegal stone mining in Nuh dis- PAVNEET SINGH CHADHA He was earlier posted in a fight over a parking space near
trict has again put the spotlight (Left) At Pachgaon in Tauru; NUH, JULY 19 Kurukshetra and was the nodal Saket Metro station in South
onthe‘miningmafia’,whichcon- the DSP’s nephews Sunil and officer for emergency response Delhi. Police further said one of
tinues to thrive despite plenty of Dinesh Bishnoi SURENDER SINGH Bishnoi, the vehicleservices(dial122)inNuh. the accused has been arrested
FIRs, arrests, fines and vehicle deputy superintendent of police SinceJune2020,hehadbeen while others are on the run.
seizures. (DSP) who was mowed down by posted in Tauru. Thedeceased,RohitKashyap,
The Supreme Court ban on stateslikeRajasthanorhillyareas with this, all vehicles carrying domination exercise to check il- a dumper truck during a raid to His relatives said that Singh’s who earlier worked as a bouncer Rohit Kashyap
mining activities notwithstand- intheAravallisquarrystonesand miningmaterialwillbeequipped legal mining in Nuh, a dumper check illegal mining, had been son is pursuing higher studies in at a club and a personal security
ing, illegal quarrying of stones drop them in crusher zones in with GPS. carryingstoneshadrammedinto looking forward to quieter days Canada and his daughter works officer (PSO) for a few years, was
from the Aravallis in Nuh and Faridabad, Nuh and even “Illegalmining...alsoincludes a police vehicle. ahead. He was due to retire from at a bank in Bengaluru. recently running a food cart in fight and death on Sunday, they
neighbouring locations of Gurgaon. Between 2019 and illegal transportation of mined TheSuperintendentof Police, the police force in less than three “He was a thorough profes- Saket. His family said he was the said. After Rohit’s death, a case of
Faridabad, Sohna and Alwar is a March2022,weseized2,400ve- material. Such vehicles are con- Nuh, Varun Singla, under whose months,onOctober2,andhehad sional and did not discuss work sole breadwinner and has been murder and attempt to commit
persistent headache for authori- hicles involved in mining activi- fiscated by the Mines and supervision the inspection was been looking forward to settling affairs with his family members. working since he lost his father. culpablehomicidewasregistered
ties,withtrucksanddumpersof- tiesintheSouthHaryanaregion,” Geology Department as well as going on, and his team had downinhisnativevillageinHisar, He had a bold personality and Police said that on Friday at Saket police station. Officers
ten caught carrying large stones said the officer. the police. The department re- jumpedoutof apoliceSUVasthe DSP Bishnoi’s relatives told The wasdrivenbyasenseofduty.We night,Rohitwentoutwithfriends said teams were formed and
andbouldersacrossstateborders, The Haryana government on centlyreceived18policeperson- dumper tried to run over the po- Indian Express on Tuesday. hope that the police nab the cul- after shutting his shop. They CCTV footage was scanned to
police officials say. In January Tuesday said that as many as 68 nelondeputationtocheckillegal licemen. A policeman had suf- Atthecommunityhealthcen- prits and strict action is taken drove around Saket and went to identify the accused.
2022,fivepersonswerekilledand vehicles involved in illegal min- mining.Around60moreperson- fered injuries in the incident, tre in Nuh, where his post- against the mining mafia. Nizamuddin. Around 1 am on “With the help of technical
threeinjuredinalandslideatthe ing have been seized and 23 FIRs nel will join soon,” said the which took place near a hotel on mortemwasconducted,hisfam- Otherwise,awrongmessagewill Saturday,theycamebacktoSaket surveillance, one of the accused,
Dadam mining site in Bhiwani, registered in Nuh district in this spokesperson. the Nuh-Alwar road. Police had ilymembersrememberedhimas gooutandthemoraleofthepub- and were trying to park the car Priyanshu, 22, was arrested. He
prompting a probe. financial year alone. During this “Strictdirectionshavebeenis- registeredanFIRatNaginapolice a dedicated officer. “He worked lic and police force will be low,” when they got into a fight with confessedhewaswithhisfriends
At the hillock in Chilla- period, a fine of Rs 4.28 lakh has sued by the government to the station and the dumper driver with a sense of responsibility. He said Dinesh Bishnoi, Singh’s the accused, who refused to give when the victim and his friends
Pachgaon in Tauru, where the beenrecoveredfromillegalmin- Deputy Commissioners and the had managed to escape after wasabouttoretireinOctoberand nephew. them space for parking. Police arrivedinacarandweretryingto
dumper mowed down the DSP, ers in Nuh. SuperintendentsofPoliceregard- abandoning his vehicle. often spoke about settling down InspectorDharamSingh,who saidbothpartiesstartedfighting, park. Priyanshu said the victim’s
truckmarkswerevisible,withlo- According to a spokesperson ing illegal mining. Illegal mining Singla said there was no ‘or- and doing farming on his ances- was posted as SHO in Tauru City andtheaccusedallegedlypicked friend started honking and dis-
cals claiming that dumpers car- of the Haryana government, 138 should be investigated and sen- ganised mafia’ as such in Nuh. tral land afterwards. Our family betweenAprilandJunethisyear, up bricks and stones to hit the turbing them,” said an officer.
rying stones and boulders for FIRshavebeenregisteredforille- sitive areas prone to illegal min- “There is no blasting happening has a farming background. I had had worked closely with DSP men. Police said a PCR call was
mining pass through the area of- galmininginHaryanaduringthe ing should beidentifiedand spe- here for mining. It is mostly done spoken to him last night and he Bishnoi. He said, “He had been a made at 2.53 am. DCP (South)
Rohit was our only
ten, early in the morning or late same period and a fine of Rs 1.31 cial teams of officers should atalocalleveldrivenbyeconomic hadmentionedthathewouldre- part of several such raids in the BenitaMaryJaikersaid,“Thestaff hope, says brother
at night. crorehasbeenrecoveredbycon- regularlyinspectthesensitivear- factors.Mostly,theyusehammers turn home in a couple of days,” past. Jaise hi soochna milti thi… rushed to the spot but nobody Since his father’s death 6-7
A senior police officer, re- fiscating 253 vehicles. eas,” added the spokesperson. and sickles and load the trucks to said Singh’s nephew, Sunil. fatafat taiyari karte the aur nikal was found there. We conducted yearsago,Rohitwastheonlyone
questing anonymity, said the Thespokespersonaddedthat This is not the first time that drop the stones in crusher zones DSPBishnoi,whohailedfrom jaatetheraidpar(themomenthe anenquiryandfoundthatagroup supporting his younger brothers
menace is exacerbated in South it has been decided to use satel- those involved in illegal mining innearbydistricts.Wearecontin- Sarangpur village in Hisar’s would get an input from an in- ofmengotintoafight.OnSunday, and mother. Speaking to The
Haryana districts. “Overloaded lite imagery for regular monitor- have targeted the police. On uously making efforts to ensure Adampur,hadjoinedtheHaryana former about mining, he would we received a call from Indian Express, Rohit’s brother,
dumpers from neighbouring ing of mining in the state. Along December17,2021,duringanight that such activity is barred.” police as an assistant sub inspec- immediatelyheadoutforaraid).” Safdarjung Hospital around 4.49 Mohit (30), said, “My mother is
am. They said Rohit had suc- traumatised.Rohitbhaiyawasal-
cumbed to injuries” ways nice to everyone and never
BRIEFLY UPHAAR CINEMA FIRE Rahul Yadav (23), Rohit’s
got into fights. Why would any-
one kill over a parking space is-
InstallCCTVs, Court releases Ansal “We had picked up Rohit and my
other friend around midnight.
sue? Also, my brother was only
trying to save his friends. I wish
disposeof We went for a drive and dinner. hehadnotjoinedthemthatnight.

garbage:HCto brothers in evidence We were coming home when

one of the accused stopped us
from parking. He hurled abuses
office for hours. Why didn’t they
inform the police on time?”
New Delhi: Directing the
tampering case at me. We went out to confront
him but he ran towards his
friends. We were outnumbered.
The family said Rohit worked
hard over the last few years for
their livelihood. He opened a
Delhi Development They were aggressive and small hotel but suffered losses,
Authority (DDA) to take thrashed us with bricks.” and had to shut it. He then
immediate measures to EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE Rahul also alleged the police worked as a club bouncer and
stop garbage from being NEW DELHI, JULY 19 didnothelpthem.“Wesawapo- alsoasaPSOforapropertydealer.
thrown in the Ridge area liceman and thought he would During the lockdown, he lost
under its management, A DELHI court Tuesday granted help us. He left without doing these jobs. He then started his
the Delhi High Court has relief torealestatetycoonsSushil anything. Had he inquired about own food cart.
said the DDA can install Ansal and Gopal Ansal, ordering the situation, I would have told “He was passionate about
cameras, including the their release from jail by asking him. It was around 2-3 am when cooking. I would help him at
ones with night-vision them to serve only the sentence Inside the charred Uphaar weourselvespickedupRohitand times but he was doing every-
features, to monitor and already undergone, in a case of cinema. Archive tookhimtomyoffice.Itwasdiffi- thing. It was going well. We re-
identifypollutersandini- tampering with evidence in the cult because he weighs around ceived a call about the incident
tiate against them for 1997Uphaarcinemafirecase.The 140kg.Wewerebadlybeatenup. around 8.30 am on Saturday. My
harming the ecosystem court observed that a trial court After all court hearings, they will Later, his family was informed,” brother was lying at his friend’s
of the Central Ridge. The
was "punitive and retributive in
nature" to teach them a lesson.
walk free. This is injustice. This
ruling will send the wrong mes-
sage to society that culprits can
Delhi Police denied the alle-
gations and said the policeman
office for hours. Nobody, includ-
ing police, came to help. It was a
friend who video-called me and
garbage was being A magisterial court had con- getawaywithalenientsentence." Wax statues at Madame Tussauds museum at DLF Mall of India, Noida. With its opening on on duty had only spotted Rahul showed me my brother’s body. I
thrown there. victed and awarded seven-year SenioradvocateVikasPahwa, Tuesday, the museum has marked its re-entry in India. Abhinav Saha who had no injuries. His friends wasshocked.Mymotherisstillin
jail terms to Ansals, besides im- appearingfortheAVUT,saidthat didn’t inform police on Saturday shock and isn’t speaking to any-
Delhigovt posing a fine of Rs 2.25 crore on
each. On Monday, the court of
municated to jail authorities, the
andtheycametoknowaboutthe one,” added Mohit.

planscultural DistrictJudgeDharmeshSharma Ansal brothers can walk free.

Supertech demolition: Noida Authority
Ansals and two others who had
challenged conviction by a mag-
"There are some cases which are
stoptheirrelease.Wewillappeal to consult research body over audit No clarity yet on
New Delhi:To celebrate
the 75 years of India’s
Independence, the Delhi
isterial court. It, however, acquit-
ted one co-accused, Anup Singh,
and granted him bail.
the order before the Delhi High
court," he said.
In his sentencing order, the EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
dit of their buildings to make
sure that there is no damage to
Engineering has partnered with
South Africa-based Jet
engineering degrees
cultural festival from
Association of Victims of Uphaar
Tragedy (AVUT) Neelam
judge considered the nature of
the crime, social and economic
status of the convicts, and many

THE NOIDA Authority Tuesday

theirhousesbecauseof thedem-
olition exercise.
The decision to involve CBRI
Demolition to prepare the blast
plan and execute the explosion.
A note shared by the
announced by DU
August 1 to 15. A mega Krishnamoorti,whowaspresent other factors like the impact on said that an expert opinion from was taken during the discussion Authority said the vibration pre- planned to start it this year, but it
event, with concerts and in court, District Judge Sharma thespeedof trialinthemaincase the Central Building Research of thevibrationpredictionreport dictionreportsaysthatthemax- ARANYA SHANKAR maybeslightlydelayed.TheUGC
other programs, will be said, "We empathise with you. tostatethatthe"quantumofsen- Institute (CBRI) will be taken to submitted by Edifice imum vibration because of the NEW DELHI, JULY 19 (University Grants Commission)
organised, said officials. Many lives were lost, which can tence of imprisonment awarded assess the need for a structural Engineering, which has been demolition is expected to be 34 had recommended our proposal
An official said, “We will never be compensated. But you bythetrialcourtisnotonlyharsh, audit of the neighbouring build- contracted to raze the two tow- mm per second, while the struc- THE DELHI University’s plans to aroundthreetofourmonthsback
appeal to the public to must understand penal policy is onerous but also disproportion- ings in view of the demolition of ers. The meeting was headed by tures in zone-5 are designed ac- introducetechnicalcoursesfrom and is now pending with the
participateinprogramsin notaboutretribution.Wehaveto ate to the offence committed”. the two Supertech towers in Noida Authority CEO, Ritu cording to the norms of 300 mm the 2022-23 academic year are Ministry(ofEducation).Theyhad
largenumbers.Eventslike consider their (Ansals) age... The judge said the “tone and Noida Sector 93 A. Maheshwari. per second, and there is no need in limbo, with the Ministry of asked for more details such as
culturalprogramsinvolv- Nothing can compensate your tenor of trial court order would The demolition will take The Supreme Court, on for a structural audit. Education yet to give its final ap- building plan, number of faculty
ingpatrioticsinging,danc- loss...," he said. show the order was... punitive place on August 21 at 2.30 pm, August 30 last year, had ordered Theauthoritysaidif CBRIrec- provalforthedecision.However, required,etc.Wehavesentthem
ing,streetplaysandclean- Following the hearing, and retributive in nature so as to the authority said. the demolition of the twin tow- ommends a structural audit, senior officials in the university all the relevant information.”
liness drives will be Krishnamoorti told The Indian teach a lesson to the appellants Residents of Emerald Court ers within three months,for vio- Supertechwillhavetogetitdone saidtheyarepreparedtostartthe Asked if DU was prepared to
conducted." ENS Express, "I am angry with this or- Sushil Ansal and Gopal Ansal”. and ATS Village and others have lating regulations on the dis- byareputableconsultantimme- courses as soon as they receive a offerthecoursesintheupcoming
derbutnottheleastbitsurprised. (With inputs from PTI) beendemandingastructuralau- tance between buildings. Edifice diately. nod. academic session, if it received
The university’s Vice- the ministry’s approval, Gupta
Chancellor Yogesh Singh made said, “Why not? If we get the ap-
the announcement about start- proval today, we can start the
ing three technical courses – courses in August. There is no
FOR SAFETY OF DELHIITES BachelorsinTechnology(B.Tech) problem. The first year of B.Tech

PWD project to resolve dark spots and network issues

in Computer Science and haspapersinPhysics,Chemistry,
Engineering, B. Tech in and Maths. All three subject de-
ElectronicsandCommunication, partments are very strong in DU,
and B. Tech in Electrical soweshouldnotfaceanyhurdle.”
Engineering – in March, while DUwillshifttoafour-yearun-
cently,directingcivicagenciesto Besides police, the PWD also Delhi Metro station, Outer Ring underpasses and tunnels, said address the issue,” said an offi- talkingaboutDU’scentenarycel- dergraduate programme in the
GAYATHRI MANI address dark spots and ensure conducts surveys from time to Road, Savitri Nagar Metro sta- officials. cial. ebrations this year. upcoming academic session, in
NEW DELHI, JULY 19 security and safety for women timetoaddresstheissue,saidof- tion, PWD Road Triveni-I mar- A PWD official said police re- Some locations where the As per DU’s plans, the three line with the National Education
and children. ficials ket complex, and Asiad Village cently conducted a survey on network drops are Pragati courseswillhave120seats each, Policy (NEP), 2020. The
TO CREATE a safer environment A senior PWD official said, Officials said more than 500 entry. dark spots and low-network Maidantunnel,Signaturebridge, andwillbeofferedbytheFaculty Undergraduate Curriculum
at night for residents of the city, “Installation of street lights is an LEDlightsalongwithhighmasts As per officials, the PWD has spots to find that there are Outer Ring Road, ITO bridge and of Technology.Othercollegesare Framework,adoptedbyDU,isan
especially women and girls, the ongoing process and dark spots will be installed. Some key receivedaround900complaints around 1,000 locations across Lajpat Nagar market. notallowedtorunB.Techcourses attempt to include two of the
Public Works Department have already been identified by stretcheswithdarkspotsinclude regarding non-functioning of the city where the connectivity “A proposal/plan will be pre- as per the All India Council for mosttalked-aboutfeaturesofthe
(PWD) has kicked off aproject to thepolice.They’llprovideusdata Outer Ring Road from Keshopur street lights, of which about 150 deteriorates. pared to install network boost- Technical Education (AICTE) NEP – multidisciplinarity and
eradicatedarkspotsbyrepairing with which we will install lights ManditoMeeraBagh,RingRoad, are pending. “Network connectivity is a ers and sent to the government rules. multiple exit-points through the
damaged street lights and in- or carry out repairs if existing Rohtak Road, GTK, Azadpur The PWD is also planning to major problem. Due to low net- for further approval soon,” said However, there has been no course. Doing away with its old
stalling more LED lights. ones are damaged. Since the L-G Chowk, Nangloi, Sarita Vihar, install network boosters to pro- work connectivity or sudden in- the official. news of implementation of the system of admissions through
According to officials, the has sought a quick resolution to and Mathura Road. vide better internet and mobile ternet/network drop, people in Officials said there are more plan since the announcement. cut-offs based on Class 12 board
Delhi Police along with an NGO this, we have been identifying The PWD has already connectivity. They will be in- emergency situations face prob- than 1,100 WiFi hotspots in the Saying that the matter was marks,itisshiftingtoadmissions
conductedasurveyof darkspots, stretches prone to criminal ac- floated tenders for installation stalled at different locations, es- lems in calling an ambulance, city.ThePWDalsoplanstomake now with the Ministry of with the Common University
and Delhi L-G Vinai Kumar tivities for repairs and installa- of high mast poles as well as pecially at places with low con- police or family. We will ap- allhospitalsandcampusesWiFi- Education,RegistrarVikasGupta EntranceTest,whichisbeingheld
Saxena also held a meeting re- tions." lighting on stretches like Chirag nectivity, such as flyovers, proach telecom companies to enabled. told The Indian Express: “We had between July 15 and August 20.

New Delhi


Monsoon Session

Govt says strong lessons from Sri Lanka crisis,

brings up freebies, fiscal health of some states
Opposition leaders retort at all-party meeting: Confine discussion and briefing to issue at hand
Jaishankarsaidtherehavebeensome“mis- what more can we do?.... The government
MANOJ C G informed comparisons” in the context of Sri said Sri Lanka is a sovereign country and it
NEW DELHI, JULY 19 Lanka and some people have asked whether needs to stabilise the situation, but they are
"suchasituation”cantakeplaceinIndia.“The doing the best they can.”
THEREARE“verystrong”lessonstobelearnt lessons from Sri Lanka are very, very strong. Roy said the Opposition objected when a
from the turmoil in Sri Lanka, including les- They are of fiscal prudence, responsible gov- mention was made about the fiscal condi-
sons on fiscal prudence, responsible gover- ernanceandthatthereshouldnotbeaculture tion of states. “They were making the point
nance and abandoning a culture of freebies, of freebies,” PTI quoted Jaishankar as saying. that the situation in Sri Lanka came about
External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said at Jaishankar’s mention of freebies came because of lack of fiscal prudence. Some
an all-party meeting held on Tuesday to dis- daysafter Prime Minister NarendraModi ac- states also have..they mentioned Telangana
cuss the Lankan crisis. cused political opponents of promising free- S Jaishankar at an all-party meeting to and Andhra. We objected to it…(asked gov- Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde with Shiv Sena MPs during a press
But a mention of the debt and fiscal con- bies in exchange for votes. discuss the situation in Sri Lanka. PTI ernment to) make a separate presenta- conference at Maharashtra Sadan in New Delhi on Tuesday. Praveen Khanna
ditionof statessuchasTelanganaandAndhra “Today,inourcountry,attemptsarebeing tion…why are you bringing it in the context

Shinde camp scores

Pradesh during a presentation by the gov- made to collect votes by distributing free of Sri Lanka,” Roy said.
ernment triggered vociferous protests from revdis (sweets),” Modi had said while inau- Baalu said they came for a discussion on TRS’s Rao told The Indian Express: “The
the Opposition leaders, who asked the gov- gurating the Bundelkhand Expressway last Lanka, not on the Indian economy. presentationshowedthatTelangana’sdebtis
ernment to confine the briefing and the dis- week. “This revdi culture is very dangerous FormerFinanceMinisterPChidambaram, about 23 percent of GSDP(Gross State

first, clinches post

cussion on the crisis in Lanka. for development of the country...” who attended the meeting along with Domestic Product). They wanted to put the
In the meeting, Jaishankar said India, as BesidespresentationbyForeignSecretary Manickam Tagore for the Congress, is also blameonstates…ItoldthemthattheCentral
the immediate neighbour, is naturally wor- VinayKwatraonthecrisisinLankaandassis- learnttohavesaidthatthediscussionsshould government’s borrowing is close to 60% of
ried over the “very serious crisis” in the is- tance extended by New Delhi, there was a be confined to the Lankan issue. GDP. They said FRBM (Fiscal Responsibility
land-nation. presentation by the Economic Affairs TMC leader Saugata Roy told The Indian and Budget Management) should be 3.5%. It

of Lok Sabha leader

“The reason we took the initiative to re- Secretary, which led to the protests. The sec- Express: “The government made a presenta- istruethatwe(Telangana)haveexceeded3.5%
quest you all to join an all-party meeting ond presentation, Opposition MPs said, tion explaining the Lankan debt position. but the Centre's fiscal deficit is close to 6%.”
was...this is a very serious crisis and what we made a mention of the debt and fiscal condi- They said the condition in Sri Lanka stems CPI’s Binoy Viswam tweeted,
areseeinginSriLankaisinmanywaysanun- tion of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. from economic collapse. They also gave fig- “Unfortunate that the government diluted
precedented situation... Given the proxim- Several members, including DMK’s T R ures of Indian help rendered to Sri Lanka. I the meeting on Sri Lanka. There was no need
ity, we naturally worry about the conse- BaaluandTRS’sKKeshavaRao,objected.The asked why didn’t the government intervene tomixupIndianstates'debtdatathere. They
quences, the spillover it has for us,” he said. presentationwasthereafterstoppedmidway. before; how much were we able to help and were keen to hide the national fiscal crisis...” After representations by both Shiv Sena camps,
Speaker Om Birla recognises Rahul Shewale
From The Gallery
GOHIL,CONG THE SHIV Sena group led by Maharashtra
Chief MinisterEknath Shindereceivedashot
MP,SPEAKSTO in the arm on Tuesday when Lok Sabha
MANOJ C GON Speaker Om Birla recognised Rahul Shewale
OPPOSITION as the party's floor leader in the lower house.
PROTESTS A circular from Lok Sabha Secretariat on
Tuesday evening refreshed the party's posi-
What are the Opposition parties tions in the House, “consequent upon the
demanding from the government? change in leader of Shiv Sena Party in Lok
We want a discussion on price rise Sabha”. It mentioned that Shewale will be Home Minister Amit Shah and Shiv
and hike in GST rates. We are not floor leader of the 19-member party. Sena MP Hemant Godse at the House. PTI
saying hold a discussion The recognition came a day before
immediately, but entertain our Supreme Court takes up for hearing a clutch
notices and fix a day for discussion. of petitions on the dispute between Shinde him along with a few other party MPs, that
But the government is running away. and Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray. While the they should present a letter from the party
Thackeray camp claims the Shinde-led gov- whipintheHouse,BhavanaGawali,withsig-
But there are many notices. Some (From left) Priyanka Chaturvedi of Shiv Sena, Elamaram Kareem of CPM, Congress MPs K C Venugopal and Rahul Gandhi, ernment in the state is "illegal" until the top natures of at least two-thirds of the total Lok
Opposition members want Samajwadi Party MP Ram Gopal Yadav, Congress MPs Mallikarjun Kharge and Rajani Patel, and NCP MP Supriya Sule protest court decides on disqualifications, the rebels Sabha strength of Sena.
discussion on Agnipath as well. at Parliament House on Tuesday. Anil Sharma claim they are the real Sena with an over- The Sena has 18 MPs; and Dadra and
Price rise and GST hike are common whelming majority of party MLAs. Nagar Haveli MP, Kalaben Delkar, is affiliated

House stalled for 2nd day as Opp parties

(issues). The entire Opposition is The Shinde group has also approached to the party in Lok Sabha.
united in demanding a discussion the Election Commission seeking recogni- During their meeting with Birla, the MPs
under rule 267. tion as the Shiv Sena made four demands: to recognise them as
Shewale, 49, a two-time MP from the real Sena; provide them separate seating
Till when does the Opposition
plan to continue the protests?
When the BJP was in Opposition,
continue uproar over price rise, GST hike Mumbai South Central constituency, has
been associated with Sena for over two
decades, and was the first party MP to write
arrangements in Lok Sabha; accept Gawali
as their chief whip; and recognise Shewale
as leader of the party in the House.
the late Arun Jaitley and their other to Thackeray, urging him to support The Maharashtra CM, who met Prime
leaders used to say that it was the the UPA time and now. Despite the protests, discussed during other things, I have not ad- Droupadi Murmu in the Presidential polls. Minister Narendra Modi and BJP leaders dur-
responsibility of the government to EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Speaker Om Birla took up Question Hour. mitted them. On price rise and other issues, SourcesinLokSabhaSecretariatsaidBirla ingtheday,convenedameetingintheevening
ensure smooth functioning of the NEW DELHI, JULY 19 Birla took exception to the protests when we can have discussion; I have no problem.” has taken into account the legal positions atsonSrikant'sresidenceanddiscussedways
House. So, the onus is on the the MPs refused to pay heed to his repeated He then adjourned the House till 2 pm. taken in the past. They pointed out that in to “resolve the technical problem”.
government. PARLIAMENT REMAINED paralysed for the requests to go back to their seats when a But there was no word from the govern- 1988,theAttorneyGeneralhad submitted in Before the Shinde group approached
second straight day on Tuesday due to question on legal guarantee on MSP came ment side. Supreme Courtthatthere are differences be- Birla, the party's present leader in Lok Sabha,
The Congress had lined up several protests by Opposition members who up. “You should know the rules. As per rules, Once the House proceedings resumed in tween a party leader and a floor leader. Vinayak Raut, had written to Birla and in-
issues for discussion. You want a soughtadiscussionontheissuesof pricerise it is not allowed to bring placards inside the the afternoon, Deputy Chairman Harivansh “Whoever comes to the Speaker with a formed him about removing Gawali as chief
debate on all? and hike in GST rates. In a show of unity, sev- House,” he said. asked External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar majority of MPs seeking to change the party whip and replacing her with Rajan Baburao
These are the issues that we have eralOppositionpartiesjoinedaprotestinthe “You have to follow the rules. You do not to move The Weapons of Mass Destruction leader in the House will have to be accepted Vichare, MP from Thane. Sources said Birla
prioritised. We are not demanding Parliament complex organised by the want to discuss the farmers' issues. Outside and their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of after verifying credentials of MPs who are had asked the Thackeray camp MPs, too, to
discussion on these under rule 267. Congress before the House assembled. the House you talk about the farmers and Unlawful Activities) Amendment Bill, 2022, supporting (her/him),” an LS Secretariat of- bring signatures of a majority of party MPs
We have several other opport-unities Inside the House, there were uproarious here you do not want to talk about them,” which he did amidst sloganeering by the ficial said. “In this case, the Speaker's office to accept their demand, but they could not.
and instruments for these. But the scenes and abrupt adjournments. the Speaker said before adjourning House Opposition MPs. The House was then ad- has verified that 12 of 19 MPs are requesting Sources in BJP claimed the Shinde group
issue of price rise is important. In Lok Sabha, the Opposition MPs proceedings to 2 pm. journed till 11 am on Wednesday. a change of leadership in the House.” will get the backing of the required numbers
stormed the well of the House shouting slo- The House met again at 2 pm but could In the morning, Congress MP Rahul The LJP had also been hit by a crisis after to protect themselves from provisions of the
Some opposition parties, such as gans against the government over the price not function as the Opposition members Gandhi led a protest at the Gandhi statue, Paras andfourotherMPsoustedChiragfrom anti-defection law. They said seven MPs are
the TMC, were missing when rise issue. While the Congress MPs led the continued their protests. whichwasattendedbyOppositionMPsfrom theposts of partypresident and leaderof the with Uddhav at present: Raut (MP from
Margaret Alva filed her papers. protest, those from the DMK, TRS, NCP, SP Similar scenes played out in the Rajya both the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. Several party in Lok Sabha. Ratnagiri Sindhudurg), former Union minis-
Are there cracks? and Left parties joined them. Sabha as well. MPs including Kharge, the Leader of the Earlier on Tuesday, MPs from the Shinde terArvindSawant(Mumbai-South),Vichare,
I don’t know about that. All the VeteranTMCleaderSaugataRoywasalso AstheOppositionmembersdemandeda Opposition in Rajya Sabha, Adhir Ranjan camp had approached Birla and sought Sanjay Jadav (Parbhani MP), Delkar,
parties were there for a protest at among those protesting. Congress MPs held discussion,ChairmanMVenkaiahNaidusaid, Chowdhury, K C Venugopal, SP’s Ram Gopal recognitionof theirgroupastheofficialparty, ChandrakantKiritkar(MumbaiNorth-West)
the Gandhi statue. In the House also, placardsthatshowedthedifferenceinprices “I have received a letter from (Mallikarjun) Yadav, Shiv Sena’s Priyanka Chaturvedi and among other demands. Sources said the andOmprakashRejnimbalkar(Osmanabad).
they protested. We are united. of LPGcylinder,thevalueof Rupeeagainstthe KhargeandfromsomeotherMembersgiving CPM’s Elamaram Kareem took part in the Speaker had instructed Srikant Shinde, Sena Oftheseven,atleastthreeMPsarelikelyto
Dollar and the unemployment rate during noticeunderRule267. As those issues can be protest. MP from Kalyan and son of the CM, who met jointheShindegroup,accordingtoBJPsources.


Uddhav was keen on alliance
House panel suggests CCTV with BJP, had met PM: Shewale
recording at fair price shops VALLABH OZARKAR
BJP leaders were
also upset, as there
responsivetotheneedsof theusersandmost MUMBAI, JULY 19 was no outcome of
HARIKISHAN SHARMA of thetimethecallsgounattendedbytheau- their discussion
NEW DELHI, JULY 19 thorities,” it stated. RAHUL SHEWALE, who was appointed the with Thackeray.
“The Committee, therefore, strongly rec- Shiv Sena leader in the Lok Sabha by the Shewale said,
APARLIAMENTARYStandingCommitteehas ommends that the department make inde- Eknath Shinde-led group, claimed on “Several times,
suggested use of CCTVs at fair price shops pendent surprise visits and (conduct) in- Tuesday that Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray Uddhav Thackeray
(FPS) to ensure effective distribution under spections at Fair Price Shops (FPSs) or was himself keen on patching up with the discussed the al-
thePublicDistributionSystem(PDS)andalso entrust the job to some other independent BJP soon after the MVA government was Rahul Shewale liance(withBJPlead-
to check diversion. agencies or vigilance committees to evalu- formed in Maharashtra. ers).Buttherewasno
Headed by TMC member Sudip ate the situation and to take action thereon,” Speaking to mediapersons in New Delhi, positive response to
Bandyopadhyay,theStandingCommitteeon it added. PTI Shewale claimed that the patch-up did not theBJPfromSena.Duetothis,BJPleadersalso
Food, Consumer Affairs and Public The Committee further expressed con- occur due to the antagonistic stand taken by gotupset...UddhavThackerayhimself toldus
Distribution has also recommended setting cern, saying so far “only 11 Quality Control certain members of the Sena against the BJP allthesethings.Hetoldusthat‘Ihavetriedmy
upmore‘QualityControlCells’toensuresus- Cellshavebeensetupindifferentstates,cov- and Thackeray’s procrastination. best, now you also try’.”
tained quality of the ‘Central Pool’ stock of ering a minimum 2 States/ UTs”. “UddhavThackeray,duringaninteraction “We MPs held four to five meetings with
foodgrains, right from procurement to dis- Calling it “too less in wake of implemen- with Shiv Sena MPs, had told us that he was Thackeray and kept insisting that the party
tribution. tation of the National Food Security Act, keen on an alliance with the BJP. He said he should form an alliance with the BJP.
In its report tabled in Lok Sabha Tuesday, 2013”,itrecommendedsettingupmoreQCCs haddiscussedtheissueof alliancewithPrime However, every time, Thackeray would tell
the panel said it was surprised that, despite
a joint inspection of the foodgrains stock in
FCI godowns and presence of QCCs in the
expeditiously to address “issues of quality
check/ control and to prevent losses arising
due to damaged foodgrains”.
NEW INNINGS Minister Narendra Modi when he had gone
to meet in 2021,” he said.
sponse (from the BJP)."
Shewale also blamed Sena Rajya Sabha
Departmentof Food and Public Distribution, “The Committee also note that the num- AAP Rajya Sabha MP Harbhajan Singh therewasanAssemblysessioninJuly.During MP Sanjay Raut for the strain between the
many beneficiaries “complained of getting ber of inspections carried out by QCCs at with Congress MPs Pramod Tiwari and the session, 12 BJP MLAs were suspended. BJP and the Sena. “On one hand, attempts
inferior quality foodgrains.” FSDs during 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 Imran Pratapgarhi; (left) athletics star SeniorBJPleadershadthenbecomeupset,as were being made for the alliance, and on the
“This could be thehandiwork of some in- were 1159, 940 and 641 respectively, as P T Usha at Parliament House on they felt that ‘on the one hand, we are talking other hand, Raut was holding meetings with
termediaries, which leads to diversion of against the targets of 1140, 1140 and 1040 re- Tuesday. Usha, who has been aboutalliance,butontheotherhand,theyare MVA leaders and supporting UPA's Vice-
good-quality foodgrains…,” stated the re- spectively.” the Standing Committee report nominated to the Rajya Sabha, met BJP suspending our MLAs’," Shewale added. President and President candidates.”
port. stated. chief J P Nadda who congratulated her On July 5, 12 BJP MLAs were suspended When contacted, Raut, however said
Thereporthasalsohighlightednon-func- “Due to Covid pandemic/ nationwide and wished her a good tenure as MP. from the House for one year for allegedly Shewale’s claims were false. “Uddhavji
tioning of helpline numbers. “Everybody lockdown, the targets could not be achieved Anil Sharma abusing and manhandling the “Speaker in shares everything with us and I don't know
knows that these toll-free numbers are not during 2019-20 and 2020-21,” it added. chair” Bhaskar Jadhav. He further said that where this came from,” he said.

New Delhi

AgnipathScheme:SC Accompanied by Opp leaders, V-P POLLS

transfersPILstoDelhiHC Alva files her nomination papers DELHI CONFIDENTIAL


granting liberty to the petition-
erstomove the DelhiHighCourt
NEW DELHI, JULY 19 afresh but we are desisting from on recruitment
following that course of action, MARGARET ALVA, the joint
THESUPREMECourtonTuesday to obviate any further delay in cancellation today OppositioncandidatefortheVice
transferred to the Delhi High withdrawal of the petitions and Presidential election, filed her
Court PILs challenging the filing of fresh petitions,” the nomination Tuesday.
Agnipath scheme for recruit- bench said. EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Shewasaccompaniedbysen-
ment in the armed forces, and The Agnipath scheme has NEW DELHI, JULY 19 ior leaders of opposition parties
also requested the High Court to been challenged before the high barring the TMC, the party that
ensure their “expeditious dis- courts of Kerala, Patna, Punjab THE DELHI High Court Wednes- tooktheleadindecidingthejoint
posal”. and Haryana, and Uttarakhand. day will hear a batch of petitions Opposition’s candidate for the Margaret Alva with opposition leaders after filing
“We request the Delhi High The Supreme Court said a challenging the cancellation of presidential elections. nomination papers on Tuesday. Anil Sharma
Court for expeditious disposal of
the writ petitions after hearing
copy of the order be placed “on
recordof theproceedingsineach
various pending recruitment
processes in defence services in
Opposition leaders said both
the TMC and the AAP will an-
theparties,”saidthebenchcom- of the high courts by the counsel light of the introduction of nounce support to Alva “closer to that belongs to “each and every Among them who accompa- GEARINGUPforprotestsonJuly21,thedayCongresspresident
prising Justices D Y appearingonbehalf of theUnion Agnipath scheme. the polling date”. one of us”. nied Alva were Congress’s Rahul Sonia Gandhi will appear before the Enforcement Directorate,
Chandrachud, Surya Kant and A of India.” At least six petitions raising The ruling NDA has fielded “We fight for what is impor- Gandhi,MallikarjunKharge,Adhir the party has reached out to other Opposition parties request-
S Bopanna. The Supreme Court also said similarquestionsandseekingap- former West Bengal Governor tant to us: to uphold the pillars of Ranjan Chowdhury, Jairam ing them to show solidarity. MPs of the Congress may stage a
The bench rejected the re- that if any petitioners in other pointments in accordance with JagdeepDhankarfortheelection, democracy,to strengthenourin- Ramesh; NCP’s Sharad Pawar, protestinParliamentwhileseniorparty leaders willassemble
quest by petitioners to transfer high courts do not want to argue previousadvertisementsinArmy, scheduledtobeheldonAugust6. stitutions, and for an India that is CPM’s Sitaram Yechury, DMK’s at the AICC headquarters, 24, Akbar Road. At a meeting of
the cases pending before several before the Delhi High Court as a Navy and Air Force are listed be- With the numbers not in her ‘saarejahanseaccha’,thatbelongs Tiruchi Siva, CPI’s D Raja, RJD’s OppositionleadersonMonday,sourcessaid,MallikarjunKharge
high courts directly to the result of Tuesday’s order, they fore the division bench of Chief favour,Alvasaidwinningandlos- to each and every one of us,” she Manoj Jha, Shiv Sena’s Sanjay and Jairam Ramesh requested the other parties to join the July
Supreme Court. should be allowed to keep their Justice Satish Chandra Sharma ing is a part of life and that the toldreportersafterfilingthenom- Raut, Samajwadi Party’s Ram 21protestandalsotheoneagainstpriceriseandGSTrateshike
However, it said it would be cases pending till the Delhi High andJusticeSubramoniumPrasad. Opposition's fight is for an India ination papers. Gopal Yadav, and MDMK's Vaiko, in Parliament on Tuesday. Many Opposition MPs did join the
appropriate to have a “consid- Court has heard the issue. Thedivisionbenchheadedby protest at the Gandhi Statue on Tuesday.
ered view” of the Delhi High It also refused to entertain a Chief Justice Sharma on Tuesday
Court first. plea by lawyer M L Sharma, who adjournedafreshPILfiledbya22- 16TH ROUND OF INDIA-CHINA MILITARY TALKS
“In this backdrop, we are of
the view that the three writ pe-
sought the cancellation of the
tioner Rahul, from Hisar, in the Talks positive, forward-looking: Beijing CHANGE OF MIND
titions, which have been insti- theschemeasmorethan70,000 pleasaidthattheArmy,Navyand ON MONDAY when the NDA allies assembled for nomina-
tutedbeforethiscourt,shouldbe aspirants who have undergone AirForceissuedseveraladvertise- Leh-based 14 Corps, while the hesaid,addingthatthetwosides tion fling by their vice-presidential candidate Jagdeep
transferred to the Delhi High training were waiting for their ments in 2020 and 2021 for re- KJMVARMA Chinese team was headed by alsoagreedtostayinclosecontact Dhankhar, the members of rebel Shiv Sena group (those who
Court and renumbered under appointment letters before the cruitmentandthatheappliedfor BEIJING,JULY19 South Xinjiang Military District and maintain dialogue through havejoinedChief MinisterEknathShindecamp)wantedtobe
Article 226 of the Constitution. pandemic and now their career the posts. However, the written Chief Major General Yang Lin. militaryanddiplomaticchannels with them. According to sources, the MPs belonging to the
Ordinarily, we would have dis- hasbeenshortenedbytheintro- examwascancelledinlightofthe CHINA ON Tuesday termed as China-India Corps and work out a mutually accept- rebel group were too eager to accompany Dhankhar during
posed of these petitions by ductionof theAgnipath scheme. introductionofAgnipathscheme. “constructive and forward-look- Commander Level Meeting was able resolution of the remaining the nomination filing. Sources said it was only when they
ing”the16throundofChina-India held in a "constructive and for- issues at the earliest. were pointed out that accompanying the NDA candidate be-
talkstoresolvetheoutstandingis- ward-looking manner", Chinese “A joint press release was is- fore getting recognition as a separate group in the Lok Sabha
DELHI JAL BOARD: GOVT. OF NCT OF DELHI sues on the remaining friction ForeignMinistryspokesmanZhao sued by both sides which com- or by the Election Commission could be taken as a violation
OFFICE OF THE ADDITIONAL CHIEF ENGINEER(M)-7 points in the eastern Ladakh bor- Lijian told a media briefing here mented positively on the meet- of the party's direction and they could face action under the
THROUGH EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (TENDERING)M-7 der and said a joint statement is- whilereplyingtothequestionthat ing,” he said. anti-defection law that the plan was dropped.
H-BLOCK UDYOG NAGAR INDL. AREA PEERA GARHI CHOWK DELHI-110041 sued by both sides commented therewasnobreakthroughatthe About reports that India had
NIT No. 40/EE(T)/ACE(M)-7/2022-23/ Press Notice Tender “positively” about the meeting. talks. “They had a candid and in- lodgedaprotestoverChineseair-
S. Name Of work Amount EMD Tender Dt. of release of Last dt,/time of receipt The latest round of military- depth exchange of views..., in craftwhichflewclosetocontested
No. Put to
Fee’s tender procurement
solution/I.D. No.
of tender through
leveltalkstookplaceonSundayat keeping with the guidance pro- border areas, he said, “I do not COAL PILFERAGE CASE
Laying of 500 mm Dia Sewer line from India Pride School Dagra 98,36,677/- 1,96,800/- 1000/-
Road to near Nangloi Railway Metro Station Rohtak Road by
at 3.00 P.M.
of Actual Control).
for the resolution of the remain-
ing issues at the earliest,” Zhao
have information about the spe-
cific question you raised.”
Anup Majhi among 41
named in CBI chargesheet
Trenchless Technology in Mundka AC- 08 under AEE(M)-08.

Further details in this regard can be seen at Sd/- The Indian delegation at the said. ways conducts normal activities
ISSUED BY P.R.O. (WATER) (SATISH KUMAR GUPTA) talks was led by Lt-Gen Anindya Thetwosidesagreedtomain- inborderareasinaccordancewith
Advt. No. J.S.V. 245 (2022-23) EXECUTIVE ENGINEER(T) Sengupta, the commander of the tain the security and stability on relevant agreements..” he said.
"STOP CORONA: Wear Mask, Follow Physical Distancing, Maintain Hand Hygiene" thegroundintheWesternSector, PTI Eastern Coalfields Ltd (ECL). Four
EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE among those named in the
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)
Narayan Nanda, Gurupad Majhi
BHOINAGAR, BHUBANESWAR - 751022 Investigation (CBI) on Tuesday thecoalmafia,”saidanofficial.
Tel: 91 -0674-2542983, 2542802, 2545526, Fax- 2542102, e-mail - submitted its first chargesheet in So far, the central probe
CIN: U40101OR1995SGC003963 the coal pilferage case in which it agencyhasarrested13people,in-
No: OHPC:TECH:C&P/11/2022-23/ 4719 Date: 15.07.2022 has named 41 people, including cludingprimeaccused Majhi,ECL
TENDER CALL NOTICE NO. 13/2022-23 the prime accused Anup Majhi officials and others.
Sealed tenders are invited in two parts i.e. (i) Techno-commercial bid (ii) Price-bid alias Lala. CBI will issue summons to
for providing different categories of commercial petrol/diesel AC vehicles on monthly
basis, day basis & km basis for official use at Corporate Office, Odisha Hydro The multi-crore coal pilferage those named in the chargesheet
Power Corporation Ltd. (OHPC Ltd.), Bhubaneswar for a period of 02 (two) years scam is related to the Eastern but are currently out on bail, an
from individual vehicle owners /travel agencies/firms having PAN & GSTIN.
CoalfieldsLtd(ECL)minesinWest official said, adding that more
Government of Odisha, e- Procurement Notice Description of type of services Cost of tender Date of sale of
Bengal'sKunustoriaandKajoraar- names would be included in the
and vehicles paper in Rs. tender documents
INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) Providing hired commercial petrol/diesel 10000 + 1800 21.07.22 to easofPaschimBardhamandistrict. chargesheet.
Bid Identification No. C.C.E.Dkl.(R&B) 06,2022-23 AC vehicles to Corporate Office, OHPC (GST) = 11800/- 05.08.22 “A total of 41 people have been The CBI had filed a
Email Ltd, Bhubaneswar named in the chargesheet. They chargesheet on November 27,
Letter No 1670/Dt. 06/07/2022 For details of the tender document, terms & conditions please visit our website include eight public servants, for- 2020,allegingthatpublicservants
The Chief Construction Engineer, Dhenkanal (R&B) Circle, Dhenkanal from Dt. 21.07.2022
C & P Head
mergeneralmanagers,chiefman- and unknown officials fraudu-
on behalf of Governor of Odisha invites Percentage Rate bids in double agersandsomecurrentofficialsof lently misappropriated coal.
Corporate Office, OHPC Ltd.
cover system to be received in ONLINE MODE from eligible contractors
OIPR- 04012/11/0015/2223
for construction of Building work as detailed below:
1. Name of the work : Building works The Kerala Minerals & Metals Ltd.
2. No of works : 01 (One) No. (A Govt. of Kerala Undertaking)
3. Estimated Cost : Rs. 8,46,93,019/- (An
An ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 &SA8000 Certified Company)
Sankaramangalam, Chavara - 691 583, Kollam, Kerala, India
(as given in column No. 03 of table) Phone : +91-476- 2651215 to 2651217.
4. Cost of tender paper : Rs. 10,000.00 Fax : +91- 0476- 2680101, 2686721.
E-mail :, CIN-U14109KL1972SGC002399
5. Class of contractor : ‘Special’ & ‘Super’ Class Competitive Tenders are invited for following. For more details please visit the
(as given in column No. 06 of table) E-Tendering Portal, or
6. Period of Completion of : 11(Eleven) Calendar months No Tender ID Items
work (as given in column No. 07 of table) 1. 2022_KMML_499949_1 For the supply of Seal Leaf for Rotary Kilns
7. Date and time of : From Dt. 13.07.2022 to 5.30 P.M. of 2. 2022_KMML_499856_1 For the supply of SS Pipe
availability of bid Dt. 27.07.2022 Chavara 19.07.2022 sd/-DGM(Mtls) For The Kerala Minerals And Metals Ltd
Document in the website Our Products:Titanium Dioxide, Titanium Tetra Chloride, Nano Titanium,Titanium Sponge,Rutile, Zircon & Sillimanite

8. Date of opening of bid : Dt. 28.07.2022 at 11.30 hours

The bidders have to participate in ONLINE biding only further details

can be seen from the e-Procurement Portal: Any addendum / corrigendum /
cancellation of tender can also be seen in the said website.
Chief Construction Engineer NIRMAN SOUDHA, BHUBANESWAR
OIPR- 34016/11/0009/2223 WORKS DEPARTMENT
Bid Identification No. CE-DPI & R-10/2022-23
1. The Chief Engineer (DPI & Roads), Odisha on behalf of Governor of Odisha
invites percentage rate bids in double cover system in ONLINE MODE from
eligible contractors for Road work as mentioned below.
2. Nature of work : Road work
3. No. of work : 30 Nos
4. Tender Paper cost : Rs.10,000.00 GUJARAT ELECTRICITY
5. Class of Contractor : Super Class
6. Available of bid Document in : From 10.00 A.M. of 30.07.2022 to 5.30
the website PM of 22.08.2022 6th Floor, GIFT ONE, Road 5C, Zone 5,
7. Date of opening of bid : Dt. 23.08.2022 at 11:30 AM. GIFT City, Gandhinagar, Guj.-382355.
8. The Bidders have to participate in ONLINE bidding only. Further details can be (O) 079 23602000, (F) 079 23602054/55
seen from the website: Any addendum / e-mail-
corrigendum / cancellation of tender can also be seen in the said website.
Chief Engineer (DPI & Roads),Odisha,
O/o Engineer-in-Chief (Civil) Odisha,
OIPR- 34111/11/0016/2223
The Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission
(GERC) hereby invites proposals from
Office of the Director, (Horticulture)-III
Horticulture Department, 16th Floor, Block E-1 Consultancy Firms for the assistance to the
Dr. S.P. Mukherjee Civic Center, JLN Marg,
New Delhi-110002.
Commission in various Regulatory Tasks on
NOTICE INVITING TENDER retainership basis.
Online Open Tenders are invited under single stage-Two Bid system
from experienced and financially sound eligible firms as per NIT no.
Details in this regard is available on GERC's web-
DDH/HQ/III/NIT/2022/02 dated 18.07.2022 (Tender ID No. 2022_ site
NDMC_122723_1) for the work of “Supply, Installation, Testing &
Commissioning of Hi-Tech Nursery at Roshanara Bagh under Last date for submission of bid is 10.08.22 up to
Horticulture Deptt. Tender Cost: 1000/- EMD: 71000/- Estimated 1800 hrs. Sealed envelope marked to the cap-
cost: `35.50 lacs. Date of Download & Bid Submission is w.e.f. tioned address, containing Bid may be submitted
20.07.2022 to 01.08.2022 upto 03.00 P.M. Opening of Technical
Bids: 02.08.2022 at 03.30 P.M. After getting themselves registered (If mentioning "Bid for Engagement of Consultancy
not registered earlier for e-tendering) Bidding Documents with detailed Firm on the top cover:
terms & conditions can be downloaded from the website OR visit MCD website "The Secretary, Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Helpdesk Nos. Commission, 6th Floor, GIFT One, Road 5-C,
for Online tendering are 011-23227413 & 011-23227414 or mail to: All details of Revisions, Zone 5, GIFT City, Gandhinagar - 382355.
Clarifications, Corrigendum, Addendum, Time Extension etc., if any, in Gujarat."
respect of above tender will be uploaded on MCD website only and will
not be published in a newspaper(s) separately. Interested Bidders Sd/-
should regularly visit the website to keep themselves regularly updated
in respect of these tenders.
Gandhinagar Roopwant Singh, IAS
RO No. 16/DPI/MCD/2022-23 DY. DIRECTOR (HORT.)HQ-III 15/07/2022 Secretary, GERC

New Delhi
Kerala Youth
Cong leader held AfterYogiorders‘strictaction’, TOP CHOICE FOR INDIANS

in connection Number of persons who
renounced Indian citizenship
with protest on

flight with CM 1,44,017
2020 2021

Malicious attempt to disrupt communal harmony, says UP Chief Minister relinquishedtheircitizenship
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE ■ 2019 ■ 2020 ■ 2021
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, unnecessary issues.” vestment towards the state”.

JULY 19 MANISH SAHU Lucknow Police Also on Monday, the police



Commissioner D K Thakur said detained a man who identified

THE KERALA Police on Tuesday the identity of four others seen himself as Mahant Paramhans


arrestedYouthCongressstatevice DAYS AFTER a video was circu- UP CM Yogi in the video is yet to be ascer- DasfromAyodhya.Themanwas
president and former MLA K S latedonlineof agroupof menof- Adityanath tained. Additional Divisional detained outside the mall after


Sabarinadhan on charges of con- fering namaz inside the newly Commissioner of Police he entered into an argument



spiracyandattempttomurderin opened Lulu Mall in Lucknow, (Lucknow)RajeshSrivastavasaid with the police posted there. He
connection with last month’s triggeringallegationsof religious All those arrested are in their the police traced the four ar- wasreleasedlater,thepolicesaid.
Youth Congress workers raising bias against the establishment, 20sandrelatedtoeachother,the rested with the help of surveil- The mall was opened to the USA Canada Australia UK Italy New Germany
slogan against Chief Minister the police on Tuesday arrested police said, adding that Lokman lance and electronic devices. public on July 11, a day after its Zealand
PinarayiVijayanonboardaflight. four persons who, they said, fig- and Noman are brothers. Rehan, The namaz video had trig- inauguration by the Chief
Laterinthenight,asessionscourt ured in that clip on charges of Atif and Lokman are students gered a social media campaign Minister.
promoting enmity between
while Noman helps his father in
the family business, the police
that it had employed mostly
After the namaz video went
viral, the mall management reg- Over 3.9 L Indians gave up citizenship
in past 3 yrs to settle abroad: govt data
custody.Inresponsetothearrest, The arrests came a day after said. members of the Muslim com- istered a case over the incident
YC state president Shafi Parambil UP Chief Minister Yogi Late on Monday night, munityfromoutsidethestate.In on July 14 under IPC sections
MLA called the CM a “coward”. Adityanath pulled up the Adityanathsaidthata“commer- response, the Rs 2,000-crore 153-A(1)(promotingenmitybe-
The police had issued a sum- Lucknow administration and di- cial establishment has been mall, which is part of the UAE- tween groups), 295-A (deliber- tabled by the Union Ministry of zens renounced their “for rea-
mons to Sabarinadhan to appear rectedthemtotake“strictaction turned into a political ground”. based Lulu Group with an an- ate and malicious acts, intended EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Home Affairs. Of them, more sons personal to them”.
on Tuesday in connection with a against miscreants who create “Unnecessarystatementsarebe- nual turnover of $8 bn, took an to outrage religious feelings of NEW DELHI, JULY 19 than 78,000 took US citizenship, According to the data, apart
WhatsApp chat where he sug- nuisanceandtrytovitiatetheat- ing made by certain people and unusual step and released a any class by insulting its religion it added. from choosing countries such as
gested waving black flags at the mosphere”. demonstrationsarebeingorgan- statement saying that “over 80 or religious beliefs),341(wrong- MORE THAN 3.9 lakh Indians While 1.44 lakh Indians gave Singapore (7,046) and Sweden
chiefministeronaflight. Hismes- The four arrested have been ised to obstruct the movement per cent” of its staff was Hindu. ful restraint), and 505 (state- haverenouncedtheircitizenship up their citizenship in 2019, the (3,754), many have also re-
sage read, “CM is coming to identified as Lucknow residents of people,” he said. Earlier on Monday, UP ments conducing to public in the past three years, the gov- datashowed,thenumbersfellin nounced their citizenship for
Thiruvananthapuram by flight Mohammad Rehan and Atif Saying that a “malicious at- Minister for Infrastructure and mischief). ernment told the Parliament on 2020 to 85,256 in 2020, before Bahrain(170),Angola(2),Iran(21),
fromKannur.Iftwopersonsboard Khan, and Sitapur residents tempt” is being made to create Industrial Development Nanda Two days later, the police ar- Tuesday, with America emerg- rising again last year. andIraq(1)—onepersontookthe
theflightandblackflaghim…any Mohammad Lokman and communal disharmony, the Gopal Gupta “Nandi” told The rested four persons for allegedly ing as the top choice among 103 Responding to a question by citizenshipofBurkinaFasoin2021.
why they cannot be grounded...’’ Mohammad Noman. According Chief Ministersaid:“Strictaction Indian Express that the incident attempting to enter the mall to countries where the emigrants BSP MP Hazi Fazlur Rehman, Morethan1,400personstook
YC workers Farzeen Majeed to the police, preliminary inves- should be taken against miscre- atthemallwastheworkof “anti- recite the Hanuman Chalisa in settled. Union MoS for Home Nityanand Chinese citizenship, the data
andNaveenKumarwerearrested tigations have shown that there antswhoaretryingtocreatedis- social elements” who are “trou- responsetothevideo.Theywere More than 1.63 lakh Indians Rai told the Parliament that ac- showed, while 48 persons re-
onchargesofattemptedmurders was“nomotive”behindtheiract turbance and spoil the atmos- bled by the constant success of booked on charges of breaching relinquished their citizenship in cording to the Ministry of nounced their citizenship for
after raised slogans against of offeringprayerinsidethemall. phere by promoting the government in attracting in- peace. 2021alone,accordingtothedate External Affairs the Indian citi- Pakistan’s.

DGCA grounds two GoFirst Govt in LS: No

13. LDF convener E P Jayarajan,
who was on the same flight, Pak man held for Not thinking of
workers when they allegedly ap- crossing border bringing any Bill
peared to be approaching the
chief minister. Thearrestedwere
granted bail by the high court, aircraft after technical snags to kill Nupur
Sharma: Police
plan to bring down for population
control: MoS
fisheries subsidies
while a third accused YC worker,
who travelled in the same flight, all airports. This was discovered
was granted anticipatory bail.. PRANAV MUKUL The incidents took during spot checks by the DGCA Jaipur: A Pakistani national, who
Based on the WhatsApp sug- NEW DELHI, JULY 19
place a day after the inlightoftheincreasingincidents. hadcrossedtheinternationalbor- EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
gestion shared in the YC group, The regulator also pointed to der to kill former BJP spokesper- NEW DELHI, JULY 19
policearrestedSabarinadhanun- INAprotractedepisodeof Indian DGCA flagged rising an "increasing trend" of mini- son Nupur Sharma for her re- LIZ MATHEW
der sections 120 B (conspiracy), airlines facing engineering mal- engineering issues mum equipment list (MEL) re- marks against Prophet, was NEW DELHI, JULY 19 THE CENTRE is not contemplat-
307 (attempt to murder) and 34 functionsontheiraircraft,Wadia leases of aircraft. An MEL allows arrested by the Border Security ing any legislative measures for
(act done by several persons in Group-owned GoFirst saw inci- with Indian carriers the plane to be operated safely Force(BSF)lastweekinRajasthan, AMID APPREHENSION that Parshottam population control, Minister of
furtherance of a common inten- dents on two of its flights and asked airlines to even if something is broken on police officials said on Tuesday. there would be curbs on fishing Rupala State (MoS) for Health Bharati
tion) of the Indian Penal Code. Tuesday on Airbus A320neo air- plug gaps by July 28 theplaneonlyunderspecificcon- Rizwan Ashraf, a resident of subsidies following the WTO Pravin Pawar told the Rajya
As per the summons, craft, equipped with Pratt & ditionsorforarestrictedflightdu- Mandi Bahauddin district in GenevaPackageagreements,the Sabha on Tuesday.
Sabarinadhan had turned before Whitney engines. ration before it has to compulso- Pakistan, was nabbed from near Centre on Tuesday clarified in quire and modernise their rela- Pawar was responding to a
citypoliceat10.30amonTuesday. These aircraft have been temperature went over limit. rily undergo maintenance. the India-Pakistan International Lok Sabha that it has “no plan to tively small fishing vessels, pur- questiononwhetherthegovern-
Halfanhourlater,thedistrictses- grounded by the Directorate “We are investigating and in Multiple incidents were re- BorderfenceintheSriganganagar bringdownfisheriessubsidiesin chaseequipmentforvessels,and menthastakennoteof thestate-
sions court in Generalof CivilAviation(DGCA), the meanwhile, both these air- ported to have occurred on air- sector, they said. the country.” as insurance charges, the gov- ment by a Union Minister de-
Thiruvananthapuramtookuphis and will only fly after cleared by craft are being grounded and craft operated by Indian carriers Two knives, including a “Marine capture fisheries in ernment stated. mandingabillbebroughtforthe
anticipatory bail. His lawyer the regulator. This is in variance shall fly only when cleared by over the last few days from en- cleaver, three religious books, a the country are mostly small- Theagreementincludessub- purpose of population control.
wanted the court to hear the an- from the established practice of DGCA,” a senior regulatory offi- gine snags and burning smell in nationalidentitycardof Pakistan scale in nature. As such, there is sidies given by countries on Pawar said that according to
ticipatory bail plea as the peti- an airline's maintenance unit cial told The Indian Express. cabin to a bird entering the air- and other items were recovered no large-scale industrial fishing overfishing,deep-seafishingand the Sample Registration System
tionerfearedarrest.Thecourtgave clearingtheairplane toflyaftera A GoFirst spokesperson did plane cockpit. Low-cost airline from him, police said. in the country... The government unregulated fishing. of the Census, the Crude Birth
an oral direction to the prosecu- fault is discovered. not comment on the issue. SpiceJet saw at least eight inci- “OnthemidnightofJuly16-17, has no plan to bring down fish- India provided $277 million Rate (CBR) had declined to 19.7
tion not to arrest the petitioner. In the first incident, which Theincidentshappenedjusta dents in less than a month, and a person crossed the border and eries subsidies in the country,” in 2018 to small fishers. per 1,000 people in 2019, and
However, around 11.45 am, the happened early Tuesday, a Leh- day after the DGCA flagged rising the regulator issued a show- camenearthefencing.BSFguards Minister of Fisheries, Animal According to the Central "hence, the government is not
governmentpleaderinformedthe bound flight from Mumbai di- engineering issues with Indian causenoticetotheairline,saying challengedhimandlaterarrested Husbandry and Dairying, Marine Fisheries Research contemplating any legislative
court that police had already ar- verted to Delhi after a fault was carriersandissuedamissiveask- ithad“failed”toestablishsafe,ef- thepersonwhowaslaterhanded Parshottam Rupala, said in the Institute (CMFRI), as per Census measures."
rested the petitioner at 10.50 am. found in the right side power ingairlinestopluggapsbyJuly28. ficient and reliable air services. overtothepolice.AnFIRwasreg- House. 2016, the country's marine fish- The MoS further highlighted
Later, while being taken out from plant's engine interface unit. In Initsorder,theaviationsafetyreg- Meanwhile,inanotherGoFirst istered and a multi-agency joint Rupala, who was replying to erfolk population is 3.77 million, that the government “accords
Valiyathura police station in the the second occurrence, the air- ulator said that airlines are im- incident on Tuesday, an aircraft interrogationcommittee(JIC)was questions raised by Congress comprising approximately 0.90 top priority to the National
city, Sabarinadhan alleged con- craft operating on the Srinagar- properly identifying causes of re- abouttotakeofffromLehforDelhi formed to question him,” MPs from Kerala, Hibi Eden and million families. Nearly 67.3 per Family Planning Program,which
spiracy behind his arrest, which Delhirouteturnedbacktoitsori- porteddefectsonaircraft,andare had to reject take off after a dog Sriganganagar SP Anand Sharma M K Raghavan, said the agree- centof thesefamilieswereinthe is guided by the tenets of the
was recorded only at 12.30 pm. gin airport after the exhaust gas notplacingqualifiedengineersat was spotted on the runway. told reporters. ENS&PTI ment on fisheries subsidies was below poverty line (BPL) cate- National Population Policy 2000
unanimouslyadoptedonJune17 gory. and National Health Policy 2017,
by the members duringthe 12th There are around 2 lakh fish- to address the unmet need for
In poll year, Centre proposes tribal session of the Ministerial
Conference of the 164-member
ing crafts, of which only 59,000
(37 per cent) are mechanised.
Family Planning, with the objec-
tive of attaining Population

Projects near LoC, status for Himachal’s Sirmaur region

WTO, held at Geneva. The deal
— Geneva Package — included
The estimated fisheries poten-
tial is about 4.4 million tonnes,
Stabilization by 2045”.
“Efforts of the government

those of strategic value

agreements on curbing harmful and the marine capture produc- have been successful in reining
fishing subsidies, and a tempo- tion in 2019 was 3.8 million in the growth of population, ''
not be considered due to want of criteria. The state rary patent waiver for produc- tonnes. she said in a written reply.
won’t need green light
government has been pursuing tribal status for tion of Covid-19 vaccines.
NEW DELHI, JULY 19 people of the region since 2016. India had sought a 25-year BEFORE DEBTS RECOVERY TRIBUNAL-III, DELHI
The demand has been most vociferous from transition period, contending

Months before Himachal Pradesh goes to the the Hattee community of Sirmaur district. Out of that fisheries sector in the coun- Notice under Section 19(4) of the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act.
Assembly polls, the Ministry of Tribal Affairs has five Assembly constituencies in Sirmaur, the de- tryrequiresgovernmentsupport 1993 read with Rule 12 & 13 of the Debts Recovery Tribunal (Procedure Rules) 1993.

In the matter of OA. NO. 1103/2019

EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE All-clearfor proposed to grant Scheduled Tribe (ST) status to mand has been present in four constituencies. since millions of fisher folks in UNION BANK OF INDIA Vs M/S VIRDI ETHNIC WEAR AND ORS
NEW DELHI, JULY 19 the people from Trans-Giri region of the state's Of these Hattee-dominated Assembly con- coastal areas still rely on small- Applicant Defendants
controversi Sirmaur district. stituencies, two have BJP representatives while scale fishing for their livelihood. D-1 M/S VIRDI ETHNIC WEAR
THE MINISTRY of Environment, ● alproject The proposal, in its “final stages”, will be sent the other two have elected representatives from They are given subsidies to ac- THROUGH ITS PROPRIETOR NAMELY MRS. MEGHNAJAIN
Forests and Climate Change has to the Union Cabinet soon for clearance, it is learnt. opposition Congress. PITAMPURA, OPP. METRO PILLAR NO. 336, DELHI-110034
notified amendment to the THE EXEMPTION to be ac- “This is a very old demand in the area. While There are 144 gram panchay- D-2 MRS MEGHNA JAIN PROPRIETOR M/S VIRDI ETHNIC WEAR
EnvironmentImpactAssessment corded to highways of many Scheduled Caste (SC) communities live here, ats in these four constituencies, W/O PRADEEP JAIN, C-165,ASHOK VIHAR, PHASE-1, DELHI-110092
(EIA) Rules, exempting highway strategic importance does this demand has primarily arisen from the upper and a population of 3.5 lakh peo- G.B. PANT NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HIMALAYAN ENVIRONMENT ALSO AT: C-76, ASHOK VIHAR, PHASE-1, DELHI-110092
Whereas the above named applicant has instituted a case against you and whereas it
projects of strategic and defence away with the need for caste communities, including Rajputs and ple. Sources in BJP said tribal sta- KOSI-KATARMAL, ALMORA 263 643, UTTARAKHAND, INDIA has been shown to the satisfaction of the Tribunal that it is not possible to serve you in
importance, which are 100 km green clearance for con- Brahmins,”asourcesaid.“Oncethisstatusisgranted, tus,ahighlyemotiveissueforthe Walk-in-Interview will be conducted on ordinary way. Therefore, this notice is given by advertisement directing you to make
from the Line of Control, among structionof thecontrover- all communities in the area will enjoy ST status.” communities living in Sirmaur, 26.07.2022 (10:00 hrs.) for purely project based appearance in this Tribunal 05.09.2022 at 10.30 A.M.
Take notice that in case of your failure to appear on the above mentioned day before
otherlocations,fromenvironmen- sial Char Dham project, The demand first surfaced in 1969-70, soon af- will most certainly pay electoral temporary position of Junior Project Fellow (01 this Tribunal, the case will be heard and decided in your absence.
talclearancebeforeconstruction. which includes widening ter neighbouring Jaunsar Bawar area of dividends to the ruling party and No.) at Kosi-Katarmal campus of the Institute. Due to ongoing Pandemic situation, all the matters will be taken up through Video
The EIA is a process of evalu- of 899kmroadsinecolog- Uttarakhand was granted a similar status. help the party wrest the two For details (age, emoluments, qualification, Conferencing and for that purpose:-
(i) All theAdvocates/Litigants shall download the Cisco Webex application/Software;
ating the likely environmental ically sensitive areas of “ThecommunitiesinJaunsarandSimrauliwere Hattee-dominated Assembly etc.), please see Institute website (ii) Meeting ID and Password for the next date of hearing qua cases to be taken by
impacts of a proposed project or Uttarakhand to improve both underthe Simrauli kingdom, so customs, lan- seats that voted for the Congress ( Registrar/Recovery Officer-l/ and Recovery Officer-II shall be available one day prior to
development. It also takes into connectivitytoKedarnath, guage and dress are common between the people in the last elections. the next date at DRT Official Portal i.e. under the Public Notice Head.
Office Superintendent (iii) In any exigency qua that, the Advocates/Litigants can contact the concerned official at
account human health and so- Badrinath,Yamunotri,and from the two regions,” the source said. “Families Ph. No. 23748469.
cioeconomicimpactonthecom- Gangotri shrines. are also split between the two regions — while Given under my hand and seal of the Tribunal on this 18TH day of July, 2022.
munity living in proposed area. some relatives enjoy ST status by virtue of belong- By Order of the Tribunal
Initslatestamendmenttothe ing to Uttarakhand, the Himachal side of a family
Rules, published on July 14, the fishermen, will be exempted doesn’t (enjoy similar status).”
ministry has made several ex- from environmental clearance. Sources in the government pointed out that
emptionstogainingthisenviron- Toll plazas that need more once the Cabinet clears the proposal, it will either
mentalclearance.Thermalpower width for installation of toll col- be tabled in Parliament, or the government may
plantsupto15MWbasedonbio- lection booths to cater to a large consider bringing in an ordinance.
mass or non-hazardous munici- number of vehicles, and expan- Despite the persistent demand, the Centre has
palsolidwasteusingauxiliaryfuel sionactivitiesinexistingairports repeatedly turned down tribal status for people
such as coal, lignite or petroleum related to terminal building ex- from the area. In a reply to Mandi MP Pratibha
products up to 15 per cent have pansion without increase in the Singh earlier this year, the Tribal Affairs Ministry
also been exempted — as long as airport's existing area, rather hadsaidthatgrantingtribalstatustotheareacould
the fuel mix is eco-friendly, ac- thanexpansionof runways,etc.,
cording to the notification. To en- aretwootherprojectsexempted.
couragesuchactivities,theCentre For projects of strategic im-
“deems it necessary to increase portance, the notification says,
the threshold capacity for such “Highwayprojectsrelatedtode-
Thermal Power Plants for which fence and strategic importance
Environmental Clearance shall in border States are sensitive in
not be required,” it stated. natureandinmanycasesneedto
Taking into account issues of be executed on priority keeping
livelihood security of fishermen inviewstrategic,defenceandse-
involved at fish handling ports curity considerations. In this re-
and harbours, and less pollution gard, the Centre deems it neces-
potential of these ports and har- sary to exempt such projects
bours compared to others, in- from the requirement of
creasing the threshold of ports EnvironmentalClearanceinbor-
which exclusively deals in fish der areas, subject to specified
handling, and caters to small StandardOperatingProcedure...”

New Delhi


Loan diversion
ED arrests Hemant’s political aide KERALA NEET ROW
case: CBI arrests
2 former DHFL Pankaj Mishra in illegal mining case 5 women who frisked
girls before exam held
promoters Rajmahal, Mirza Chauki and
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Barharwa areas, seizing docu-
ANAND MOHAN J RANCHI, JULY 19 ments and Rs 5.34 crore “unac-
NEW DELHI, JULY 19 counted cash” on July 7.
THE ENFORCEMENT Directorate Barhet is the Chief Minister
THECBIonTuesdayarrestedtwo (ED) on Tuesday arrested Hemant Soren’s constituency
formerpromotersof DHFL,Kapil Jharkhand Chief Minister and Pankaj Mishra is CM’s rep- Student outfits protest, damage property NTA forms
andDheerajWadhawan,follow- Hemant Soren’s close aide resentative.
ing which they were sent to Pankaj Mishra in connection Theactioncomesmonthsaf- fact-finding
eight-day CBI custody in a case with the alleged illegal mining ter the ED arrested senior IAS of- SHAJU PHILIP MUMBAI: GIRLS MADE panel, NCW
related to alleged diversion of
case, sources privy to the matter
said.However, there wasnooffi-
ficerPoojaSinghal inconnection
with the MNREGA scam in
The two were formally ar- cialconfirmationfromtheEDon Khunti district dating back to Mumbai: Some girls who ap- writes to DGP
rested after orders passed by Mishra's arrest. 2009-10 when she was the KERALA POLICE on Tuesday ar- pearedforNEET atShantabai
Additional Sessions Judge Vishal “Mishra was questioned by deputy commissioner there. rested five women in connection GoteCollegeinWashimhave
Gogne at Rouse Avenue Court, the ED on Tuesday and later On May 3 last year, a woman with the cases registered over al- alleged they were forced to EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
following their production from taken to Kotwali police station police officer Rupa Tirkey had leged forced removal of inner- remove‘burkha’and‘hijab’at NEW DELHI, JULY 19
Lucknow, where they are under where he will be locked up dur- died allegedly by suicide in wearbeforelettinggirlssitforthe the exam centre. Parents of
investigation in a separate case. ing the night. He will be pro- Pankaj Mishra after his questioning by ED in Ranchi. PTI Sahebganj district. NEETatacentreinKollamdistrict two girls have submitted a THE NATIONAL Testing Agency
The CBI had also produced duced before a court on Tirkey had been investigat- on Sunday. written complaint to the po- (NTA) has formed a fact-finding
co-accusedAjayNawandar,who Wednesday,” the source said. ing a case against Pankaj Mishra. Ofthefivearrested,threewere lice.CollegeprincipalGajanan committee to look into the com-
was sent to two more days of On July 15, the ED had said: With this, the total seizure of the bank accounts of Dahoo Supported by the BJP, Tirkey’s deployed by a private security Kubade, however, said: “Full plaints that girl candidates ap-
custody. “Cash totalling Rs 11.88 crore cash and bank balance linked Yadav, an associate of Mishra. family petitioned the Jharkhand agency, Star Securities and sleevesarenotallowedwhile pearingfortheNEETatacentrein
The court said investigation generated from illegal mining with illegal mining stands at Rs The ED had earlier conducted High Courtseeking a CBIinvesti- Placement, hired by the National sitting for NEET. Burkha has Keralaweremadetoremovetheir
is “necessary to probe their role in Jharkhand lying in various 36.58 crore.” searches at 19 locations in gation into the case, which was Testing Agency (NTA) and two long sleeves.” ENS innerwearbeforetakingthemed-
in obtaining a large volume of bank accounts has been seized. Cash was also seized from Jharkhand’s Sahibganj, Barhet, granted in September last year. others were cleaning staff of the ical entrance exam on Sunday.
loans of about Rs 42,000 crore, exam centre, Mar Thomas The committee, constituted
of which they occasionally de- Institute of Information and onthepartoftheexamcoordina- bytheMinistryof Education,has
faulted in paying back Rs 34,000 AFTER DELHI HIGH COURT’S REFUSAL ARUNACHAL Technology, Ayur in Kollam. torsappointedbytheNTA,’’police beentaskedwithascertaining“all

SC to hear woman’s plea to

crore but also diverted funds to Earlier in the day, police regis- sources said. The arrested clean- thefactsabouttheincidentonthe
the tune of Rs 29,000 crore."
It said their custodial interro-
One labourer tered a case under sections 354
(assault or criminal force to a
ingstaff areKMariyammaandM
the examination centre” at the
gationwill“likelyrevealmaterial dead, 18 missing womanwithintenttooutrageher and Jyotsna are from the security time of the alleged incident.
acy, complicity of other accused
terminate 23-week pregnancy from site near
modesty) and 509 insult to the
fore a magistrate.
been constituted by the NTA to
ascertain the facts in detail.
the alleged diverted funds”. Thewoman,apermanentres- Pregnancy (MTP) Act allows ter- China border Rural police district after record- general manager Ajith Nair said Furtheractionwillbetakenbased
The CBI has booked the duo EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE ident of Manipur who lives in mination of pregnancy between ing the statement of the girl who theirstaffhadthejobofonlyfrisk- on the report of the committee,”
for allegedly defrauding a con- NEW DELHI, JULY 19 Delhi at present, told the HC that 20 and 24 weeks only to certain was the first to complain. Later, ing the students. On the other anofficialstatementissuedbythe
sortium of 17 banks of over Rs the pregnancy was a result of a categories of women under spe- DEBRAJ DEB four more girls registered similar hand,theinstituteblamedthepri- Ministry of Education said.
34,000 crore. THESUPREMECourtonTuesday consensual relationship she had cial circumstances. AGARTALA, JULY 19 complaintswiththepolice. vate agency for the incident. “We Earlier, the National
The CBI case has been regis- agreed to hear an urgent plea by had and that she wanted to ter- As per Section 3B(c) of Rules Police sources said the NTA hadonlyprovidedinfrastructure; Commission for Women (NCW)
tered on a complaint from the a 25-year-old woman seeking minate it, as her partner had re- prescribed under MTP Act, A LABOURER was found dead had hired Star Securities and ourstaff hadnorole,’’saidcollege alsotook“seriousnote”of thein-
Union Bank of India (UBI), the permission to terminate her 23- fused to marry her. She told the womenwhoundergo“changeof while 18 others were missing Placement for frisking girl candi- principal Prof K Jacob. cident,describingitas“shameful
lead bank in the consortium. week pregnancy. courtthatshefearsstigmatisation marital status during the ongo- from a strategic construction dates. “Neither the women de- Meanwhile,studentoutfitsof and outrageous to the modesty
AdvocateVijayAggarwal,who A bench comprising Chief as a single, unmarried woman. ing pregnancy (widowhood and site of the Damin-Huri road puted by the security agency nor various political parties took out of young girls”.
appeared on behalf of Wadhwan Justice of India N V Ramana and She will complete 24 weeks divorce)” are allowed termina- near India-China border in the cleaning staff at the institute protest marches to the institute, Earlierintheday,NCWchair-
brothers, stated that the remand Justices Krishna Murari and of pregnancy on July 18, the tion of pregnancy. However, the Arunachal Pradesh’s Kurung had any training on how to han- where they clashed with the po- person Rekha Sharma wrote to
period"shouldbeasshortaspos- Hima Kohli said the plea will be court was told. law does not account for change Kumey district. dle the situation. There was no lice.Theprotestersdamagedwin- theNTA,seekinganindependent
sible", and that this was "not a listed soon. “Wewillnotpermityoutokill of relationship status between The 19 workers, who were proper communication from the dow panes of the institute build- inquiry into the allegations. The
strongcase,butageneralone",so Thepleacomesthreedaysaf- thechild;23weeksareover,”the spouses beyond marriage. involved in the construction of NTA. While security agency staff ing. Police had to resort to commissionalsowrotetoKerala
no remand should be granted. ter the Delhi High Court refused bench said. “The child will be in The petitioner had also chal- a Border Roads Organization friskedthegirls,thecleaningstaff lathicharge. Many students and DGP to conduct a fair investiga-
Senior advocate Vikas toallowterminationof thepreg- the womb for how many weeks lengedthisprovisionwhileseek- (BRO) road project, fled the site askedthemtoremoveinnerwear. policemen were also injured in tion and submit an action-taken
Pahwa, who appeared on behalf nancy. In oral observations, HC fornormaldelivery?Hardlyhow ing interim relief for abortion. after they were denied leave for Wearealsoexaminingthelapses the incident. report within three days.
of Nawandar, told the court that judges suggested that the many weeks are left? Give the TheDelhiHCrefusedtheinterim Eid-ul-Adha by the contractor
he was "nowhere connected woman should carry her preg- child to somebody in adoption. relief but issued notice to the on July 5.
withtransactions"mentionedin nancy to term and give up the Why are you killing the child?” Centre on the challenge to the Kurung Kumey Deputy MORE PARENTS COME FORWARD TO COMPLAIN
the CBI case. newborn for adoption. The Medical Termination of Rules. Commissioner Nighee Bengia
said 19 labourers were engaged
at the site, roughly 200 km She borrowed mother’s stole: father
Magadh University, Bihar: Result delay affects away from Koloriang, the dis-
trict headquarters. After the
contractor denied them leave of girl made to remove inner wear
students as corruption taint cripples top offices for Eid-ul-Adha, they fled the
site on July 5, he added.
The official said the body of NAVMI KRISHNA
dent, stating that since she could
hook of her brassiere set off an
2,000 teachers. are currently out on bail. Bachelor of Education (2019-21, one of the labourers was found NEW DELHI, JULY 19 notarrangeanythingtocoverher- alarm, after which the teen was
SANTOSH SINGH MU's vice-chancellor A delegation of MU students examination held in December floating in the local river of selfwithafterremovingtheinner asked to step aside into a room,
PATNA, JULY 19 Rajendra Prasad has been ab- on Tuesday made an unsuccess- lastyear);andfirst-yearBachelor Kurung Kumey district THE FATHER of the 17-year-old wear, she tried to use her hair. where at least two dozen girls
sconding since November 2021 ful bid to meet Chancellor-cum- of Education(2020-22,examina- Meanwhile, rumours went vi- who claimed she was forced to “Iwanted tofileacasesothat werepresent,thegirlhastoldher
THE RESULTS of at least half-a- after the state vigilance unit Governor Ohagu Chauhan. The tion held last December). ral on social media that remove her inner wear for tak- no student faces such a plight in parents, according to her father.
dozen undergraduate and voca- (SVU) charged him with corrup- students now plan a march from Besides, the final result of claimed 16 bodies were seen ing the National Eligibility-cum- future. It was heartbreaking to Intheroom,awomanofficial
tional courses offered by tion. The Patna High Court had MagadhUniversitytoRajBhavan. Bachelor of Library Science (ex- afloat in a river. the deputy Entrance Test (NEET) at a private see my child so shaken,” the fa- asked the girls to remove their
Bodhgaya-based Magadh rejectedhisanticipatorybailplea Preeti Nandini, an activist, aminationheldinOctober2021) commissioner, Bengia, how- centre in Kerala's Kollam district ther of the 17-year-old said. He inner wear and keep it on a table
University (MU) are pending for in May. The V-C is accused of fi- told The Indian Express: “MU is pending, Nandini said. ever, clarified that only one has said his daughter had to bor- said he is satisfied with the and there was allegedly no pri-
six months to one year, thus nancial irregularities in the pur- has been without management A delegation of students had was recovered so far. row his wife’s stole to cover up. Centre and the state govern- vacy or a separate room for this,
jeopardising the career of hun- chase of OMR sheets, answer for sometime now. There is no metBiharEducationministerVijay He said the labourers be- SpeakingtoTheIndianExpress ment’s response: “They seem to the father said.
dreds of students. The main rea- books and library books worth top official who could be con- KumarChoudharylastmonth. longed to Assam and might overthephone,thefather,alocal be taking the case seriously.” Once the exam was over, the
son behind the delay is corrup- several lakhs of rupees. The SVU sulted on the status of pending Choudhary told reporters on have taken a route through the businessman,saidthatthe“trau- In alettertoUnionEducation girls were directed to the same
tion cases being faced by the hadseizedRs90lakhincash,for- results. The fate of hundreds of Monday:“Wehavereceivedmul- jungle, which was different matic experience” compelled Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, room to retrieve the garments,
varsity top-brass, including the eign currency worth Rs 7.5 lakh students is hanging in balance.” tiple grievances from Magadh from the usual one. One of him to file an FIR with local po- Kerala Higher Education which were all heaped together
vice-chancellor who is abscond- and jewellery worth Rs 15 lakh The results which are pend- Universitystudents.Wehavede- them might have accidentally lice,andhedidn’twantanyother MinisterRBinduexpressed“dis- on a table, he said. “I could ask,
ing since since November 2021. duringraidsatPrasad'spremises. ingincludepart-IIof 2018-21ses- cided to send a team to the uni- tripped into the river, he added. person to go through such “hu- mayandshock”atthe“nakedas- ‘what if there was a hidden cam-
Founded in 1962, MU offers In December 2021, the SVU sion, the examination of which versity soon and review and as- The Koloriang circle officer miliation”.Theteendidnotwant sault on the dignity and honour era in the room’, but I believe this
704coursesacross13undergrad- had arrested MU Registrar wasconductedinOctober2021; sess the situation.” A Raj Bhavan has been directed to visit to speak with the media. of girl students” who took the behaviourcamefromaplaceofig-
uate, post-graduate and other Pushpendra Kumar Verma, and part-Iof 2019-22session(exams official said there had been no Damin and take stock of the sit- Meanwhile,atleasttwomore exam at the particular centre. norance rather than deliberate ill
streams.Ithas44constituentcol- ProctorJainandanPrasad,library held in November last year); word yet on appointing a new V- uation. The officer has also girls who took the exam at the A third girl's father said his intent,” this girl’s father said.
leges and 85 institutes are affili- in-charge Prof Binod Kumar for part-III of 2018-21 vocational C. Patliputra University, Patna, V- been directed to verify if other same centre in Kollam district’s daughter reported similar treat- He added he will not file a po-
atedtoit.Theuniversityhasover allegedly conniving with V-C courses (exams held in October C RK Singh has been given addi- labourers have drowned, Ayur have reported similar inci- ment — she, too, is unwilling to licecomplaintbecauseitmightad-
two-lakh students and over Prasad.Thethreevarsityofficials last year); second-year result of tional charge of the MU. deputy commissioner added. dents.Onegirlhasspokentolocal speak with the media. While go- verselyaffecthisdaughter’sfuture.


SKM no to panel Kumar Choudhary is a member dumper truck carrying stones to and was admitted to Nalhar phone calls and text messages Pandey held vestigators, the compromise al- in Bihar and is the director of the
of the National Executive of the the hill. Medical College, Nuh for treat- fromTheIndianExpressforcom- lowedoneof the tradingcompa- critically acclaimed movie
no rationale for sending our rep- RSS-affiliated Bharatiya Kisan “The dumper did not have a ment. Police teams are continu- ment. custody after another round of niestoallegedlygetunfairaccess Anaarkali of Aarah, the Netflix se-
resentatives to such an anti- Sangh.GunwantPatil,associated registration number on the rear. ously conducting raids to arrest OSD Pandey, who was re- questioning, lasting seven hours. to the system. riesShe,andtheZee5movieRaat
farmerandmeaninglesscommit- with the Shetkari Sangathana, is After a brief chase, the dumper other absconding accused.” movedMonday,hadservedwith LastThursday,theEDhadbooked Pandey had served as the Baaki Hai.
tee.” Questioning the aWTOadvocateandgeneralsec- stopped at the top of the hill and An FIR was registered against Prasada in Delhi when he was a PandeyandarrestedNSE’sformer Acting Maharashtra DGP before Das was booked under IPC
compositionoftheMSPpanel,the retary of the Swatantra Bharat startedunloadingthestones,due Ikkar, Mittar and “3-4 other ac- ministerintheUPAgovernment. managingdirectorandCEOChitra hisfour-monthstintasMumbai’s section 469 (forgery), section 67
farmers’ outfit said, “The chair- Paksh Party. Guni Prakash has to which our car also came to a cused”onchargesof murderand Taking cognizance of com- Ramkrishna in the money laun- Police Commissioner, which of the IT Act and sections of the
man of the committee is former been a pioneer in opposing the halt.Wealightedfromthecarina other sections of the IPC, Mines plaints of irregularities in trans- dering case. ended with his retirement on Prevention of Insults to National
Agriculture Secretary Sanjay farmers’ movement. These five bid to nab the driver and his 3-4 and Minerals Act, 1957, fers in the PWD, Chief Minister “During investigation, we June 30. Honour Act, 1971, based on the
Agarwal who drafted all three people spoke openly in favour of accomplices,” it stated. Prevention of Damage to Public Adityanath had ordered a probe foundthatafirmlinkedtoPandey complaint from K P Patel, a
anti-farmerlaws.Heisaccompa- all three anti-farmer laws and “As we called for them to PropertyAct,1984,andArmsAct on July 12. The probe report was snoopedonasmanyas91office- Das detained Technical PSI with Ahmedabad
nied by Ramesh Chand, a mem- mostofthemhavebeenspewing comeoutofthevehicle,thedriver at Sadar Tauru police station. submitted on July 16. “Based on bearers of the NSE on the direc- with the crime branch, for al- DCB. Following the FIR, Das had
ber of NITI Aayog who was the venom against the farmers’ Mittar and cleaner Ikkar, who Police said they had seized the therecommendationoftheprobe tions of its then managing direc- legedly sharing the picture that moved the Bombay High Court
main advocate of these three movement.” were both armed, threatened to dumper. report,actionwastaken,”thegov- torRamkrishnaandsuchtapping was reportedly taken during a for a transit pre-arrest bail plea,
laws. As experts, it is the econo- shoot us. We started backing DSP Singh, who hailed from ernment spokesperson said. wasgoingonsince1997.Wehave public event in Ranchi in 2017. which was rejected on May 24.
mistswhohavebeenagainstgiv- DSP run over away and heard the accused SarangpurvillageinHisar,wasre- The probe committee com- madethearrestafterfindingsuf- According to the FIR, Das Subsequently, he moved a ses-
ing legal status to MSP.” which he "sustained a bullet in- mentionthatiftheywerecaught, cruitedasAssistantSub-Inspector prisedUPAgricultureProduction ficienttechnicalevidenceagainst shared “a five-year-old photo of sionscourtinAhmedabadforan-
The SKM said that while the jury" on his leg, officials said. The theywouldonlybeissuedachal- in Haryana Police in 1994. Commissioner Manoj Kumar him (Pandey),” ED sources said. Amit Shah on May 8, 2022, to al- ticipatorybail,whichwasrejected
names of three of its representa- driver,Mittar,isabsconding,they lan for mining and that they According to Singh's relatives, he Singh and another senior officer, “Wewanttoknowthemotive legedly mislead people and de- on June 7.
tives had been sought, “in the said. would teach the police a lesson," issurvivedbyhiswife,asonwho Devesh Chaturvedi. Action behind tapping the phones of so famethereputationofShah”.Das Das had then moved the
name of farmer leaders, the gov- According to the police, DSP it stated. is pursuing higher studies in against Pandey was taken after many NSE office-bearers and was also booked in the same FIR Gujarat High Court for anticipa-
ernmenthasplaceditsfiveloyal- SurenderSinghBishnoi,whowas “Suddenly,thedumperdriver Canada, and a daughter who is the Chief Minister met the offi- with his arrest, we will confront on charges of insulting the na- tory bail, which was rejected on
ists who openly advocated for all posted in Nuh's Tauru, received spedthevehicleinabidtorunus working at a bank in Bengaluru. cialswhoinvestigatedthematter. both of them (Ramkrishna and tional flag by allegedly sharing a June 27. Das had subsequently
three anti-farmer laws”. The five information around 11.30 am re- over. We all jumped to save our- Haryana Chief Minister The government spokesper- Pandey),” sources said. “morphed picture of a woman movedtheSupremeCourtforan-
are Gunwant Patil, Pramod garding illegal mining near a selves. DSP Singh also tried to Manohar Lal Khattar announced sonsaidactionagainsttheofficials The ED case is based on a CBI wearingaTricolour”onFacebook. ticipatory bail. The plea was ex-
Kumar Choudhary, Krishna Veer hillock in the area and headed to jump,butthedriverintentionally acompensationof Rs1croreand was part of the UP government’s FIR registered in 2018 against “Das was detained from his pected to be taken up on July 22.
Choudhary, Guni Parkash, and the spot with his staff, including ran him over and killed him. The a job to one of the family mem- policyof “zerotolerancetowards 1986-batchIPSofficerPandey,an residence in Mumbai and will be On May 6 this year, the ED
Syed Pasha Patel. his reader (administrative staff), dumper then unloaded the bers of DSP Singh, and “martyr corruption”. auditcompanylinkedtohisfam- brought to Ahmedabad,” said a conducted raids at at premises
The SKM alleged in its state- gunman and a driver. stones and escaped. All this hap- status” for the officer. The state government, in its ily, and others, including seniorofficerofAhmedabadDCB. linked to Jharkhand Mining
ment,“Allthesepeopleareeither The FIR, lodged on the com- penedaround11.50am,”saidthe order Monday, stated that com- Ramkrishna. Police sources said the DCB team SecretaryPoojaSinghalaspartof
directly associated with the BJP- plaintofthereaderSanjayKumar, complainant. Yogi ire plaints were received against TheCBIisprobinghowtheau- hadbeencampinginMumbaifor itsprobeinacaseofmoneylaun-
RSS or support their policy. said the DSP, ASI Sanjay Kumar, A Haryana police spokesper- involved in irregularities and Pandey. “He is relieved of his du- ditcompanyiSecServicesPvtLtd, oneweektoarrestDas,whoisex- dering involving the alleged di-
KrishnaVeerChoudharyisassoci- gunman Umesh Kumar and son,said,“Thecrimebranchteam hence, they have been sus- tiesandisgoingtobesentbackto which was incorporated in 2001 pectedtobebroughttothecrime version of MGNREGA funds.
ated with the Indian Farmers’ driverconstableAmitreachedan ofthepolicehasarrestedaccused pended,” an official said, adding the Central government... a vigi- byPandeyandsubsequentlycon- branchheadquartersbyTuesday Singhal was arrested on May 11.
Society and is a leader of the BJP. unpaved track on a hillock in Ikkar in this case after a brief ex- thattherecouldbefurtheraction lance probe and disciplinary ac- tracted by NSE, did not red flag night.Noarresthasbeenrecorded (WITHSOHINIGHOSH)
Syed Pasha Patel is a former BJP Pachgaon for a raid to stop illegal changeoffire.Duringthis,thear- in the matter. tion is recommended against that the exchange's servers were so far. FULLREPORTSON
MLC from Maharashtra. Pramod mining and saw a six-tyre restedaccusedwasshotintheleg, Prasada did not respond to him,” it stated. compromised. According to in- Das,46,hailsfromDarbhanga

New Delhi

If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to


What `80 to a dollar means

Sinhalese for ‘struggle’, now synonymous with the
movement that led to the fall of the Sri Lanka government

UDITMISRA Russia-Ukraineconflict,
plus) to “balance” the BoP.
NEW DELHI, JULY 19 CHART1 Theotherthingthatcanhappenisthatthe
THE INDIAN rupee breached the psychologi-
RUPEE-DOLLAR EXCHANGE RATE RBIswoopsinandremovesallthesurplusdol-
lars from the market and uses them to in-
cally significant exchange rate level of 80 to a crease its forex reserves. It does so by buying
US dollar in early trade on Tuesday. It recov- 80 dollars and replacing them with rupees. In
Global Taper
ered some ground to close at 79.90. Since the 2021-22, for instance, India’s forex reserves
financial tantrum
war in Ukraine began, and crude oil prices 68 went up by $47.5 billion.
started going up, the rupee has steadily lost crisis Eurozone In fact, both these things happen through
value against the dollar. There are growing outbreak crisis 4ratehikes the year. The RBI keeps monitoring the BoP
concerns about how a weaker rupee affects 55 byFed,QExit every week and keeps intervening in such a
the broader economy and what challenges it Grexit/bailoutfearBrexit byFedandECB manner which ensures that the rupee’s ex-
presents to policymakers, especially since 43 Fedratehike change rate does not fluctuate too much. In
India is already grappling with high inflation QEtapering other words, the rupee’s exchange rate and
and weak growth. RiseinUSyields forexreserveslevelsaretwosidesof thesame
30 coin.
What is the rupee exchange rate? 01/01/2008 22/12/2015 19/06/2022
The rupee’s exchange rate vis-à-vis the Source: Crisil What will be the effect on the economy?
Protesters carry an effigy of Sri Lanka’s acting President Ranil Wickremesinghe dollarisessentiallythenumberof rupeesone CHART2 Sincealargeproportionof India’simports
in Colombo on Tuesday. Reuters needs to buy $1. This is an important metric are dollar-denominated, these imports will
to buy not just US goods but also other goods HOW VULNERABLE IS INDIA ON THE EXTERNAL DEBT FRONT get costlier. A good example is the crude oil
and services (say crude oil) trade in which import bill. Costlier imports, in turn, will
lay its messages. happens in US dollars. End- India’s Ratio of Ratio of Debt widen the trade deficit as well as the current
NIRUPAMA SUBRAMANIAN AsSriLanka’sParliamentvotesforanew Broadly speaking, when the rupee de- March External Debt External Debt Foreign Exchange Service account defict, which, in turn, will put pres-
CHENNAI, JULY 19 President on Wednesday, some sections of preciates, importing goods and service be- (US$ billion) to GDP Reserves to Ratio sure on the exchange rate.
the aragalaya — which attracted the partic- comes costlier. But if one is trying to export Total Debt On the exports front, however, Sen noted
ITSTARTEDwiththefarmers.Theywerethe ipation of a wide range of people from stu- goods and services to other countries, espe- 1991 83.8 28.3 7.0 35.3 thatitislessstraightforward.Forone,inbilat-
first to protest after an edict in April 2021 dents to professionals, from trade unions to cially to the United States, India’s products eraltrade,therupeehasbecomestrongerthan
by Gotabaya Rajapaksa, then Sri Lanka's the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna — have become more competitive because depre- 2001 101.3 22.1 41.7 16.6 many currencies. In exports that happen via
President, that they should switch over to sent out the signal that they will not accept ciation makes these products cheaper for 2008 224.4 18.3 138.0 4.8 thedollar,“sincerupeeisnottheonlycurrency
organic farming. The sudden change came a leader who bats for the status quo. Ranil foreign buyers. 2013 409.4 22.4 71.3 5.9 weakening against the dollar, the net effect
as the country's foreign exchange crisis had Wickremesinghe, the acting President, and will depend on how much has the other cur-
2021 PR 573.7 21.2 100.6 8.2
started to show, and by stopping the use of a frontrunner in the election, is unaccept- How bad is it for the rupee? rencylosttothedollar”,Sensaid.“If theother
chemical fertilisers, Rajapaksa was trying able to the aragalaya. Chart 1 shows the rupee’s exchange rate 2022 P 620.7 19.9 97.8 5.2 currencyhaslostmorethantherupee,thenet
to cut down on the import bill. Paddy farm- In the eyes of these sections, he repre- against the dollar. The dotted line shows the R: PR: Partially Revised. P: Provisional; Source: RBI effect could be negative.”
ers began to express their concerns as the sents the ancient regime. A nominated long-term trend of depreciation. If the rupee Sensaidthatundernormalcircumstances,
yalaseason,thefirstinthecultivationcalen- member of Parliament, without a single depreciates at a rate faster than the long- CHART3 rupeedepreciationisgoodforthecurrentac-
dar, came upon them in May. By the time of
the second season or maha in September,
elected parliamentarian from his party,
Wickremesinghe is not just dependent on
term average, it goes above the dotted line,
and vice versa. In the last couple of years, the INDIA’S BALANCE OF PAYMENTS ($ BILLION) countdeficitbecauseitleadstohigherexports.
But at present, India is already facing high in-
farmers had begun coming out in the hin- the votes of the parliamentarians of the Sri rupee has been more resilient than the long- 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23* flation and continued depreciation may be
terland, trying to make their voice heard. LankaPodujanaPeramuna —the Rajapaksa term trend. The current fall has brought Current account deficit –24.7 23.9 –38.8 –120.5 makingmattersworse.“Costlierimports(be-
Aragalaya,theSinhalesewordfor“strug- party — but is also seen by the protesters as about a correction. causeof aweakerrupee)addtothecost-push
Trade deficit –57.5 –102.2 –189.5 –276.3
gle”, is being used widely to describe the someone who will protect the discredited Another thing to note is that, at least as of inflation and bump up domestic inflationary
dailygatheringof peopleatColombo'sGalle and ousted former leaders, and may even now, the rupee is still more resilient (that is, Invisibles surplus 132.8 126.1 150.7 155.8 process,” Sen said.
Face Green that began with the demand enable Gotabaya's return to Sri Lanka. it has remained relatively strong against the Capital account surplus 83.2 63.7 86.3 41.4 Sudipto Mundle, Chairman, Centre for
thatGotabayaresignasPresidentandmake In May, after Gotabaya appointed Ranil dollar) than it was in some of the previous FDI 43.0 44.0 38.6 45.0 Development Studies, pointed to another
way for a new dispensation, even “a new WickremesingheasPrimeMinister,theara- crises such as the Global Financial Crisis of complication. “A weakening rupee hurts for-
FPI 1.4 36.1 –16.8 35.0
system”. That gathering marked 100 days galaya lost some momentum. But as the 2008 and the Taper Tantrum of 2013. eign investors, who came looking for a good
on July 17, after forcing Prime Minister shortages worsened, and the anger spread, Moreover, the US dollar is just one of the Others** 38.8 –16.4 64.5 –38.6 return, as well as Indians, who have loans
Mahinda Rajapaksa to step down on May 9, it got second wind, culminating in the July currencies Indians need to trade. If one looks Total change in forex reserves –59.5 –87.3 –47.5 79.1 abroad,” he said.
and two months later, sending his brother 9 protests that led to Gotabaya’s resigna- at a whole basket of currencies, then data
Gotabaya fleeing. tion. By then, Wickremesinghe was being suggests the rupee has become stronger (or *Nomura forecast; **Banking Capital, Loans, rupee-debt service, etc. Source: RBI, Express Research Should policymakers prevent the fall?
But it had begun months before in the tagged as “Ranil Rajapaksa”. appreciated against that basket). In other Mundlesaiditisneitherwisenorpossible
hinterland, forcing a government U-turn The occupation of Temple Trees, the words, while the US dollar has become for the RBI to prevent the rupee from falling
on the ban on chemical fertilisers, and per- Prime Minister's official home, and the ar- stronger against all other major currencies Why are the rupee-dollar exchange rate the BoP is that it always “balances”. indefinitely. Defending the rupee will simply
mit the import of ammonia-based fertilis- son at his private residence were two signs including the rupee, the rupee, in turn, has and forex reserves falling? In 2021-22, India had a trade deficit of result in India exhausting its forex reserves
ers. In its essential meaning, aragalaya also that there would be no easy transition. The become stronger than many other curren- To understand movements on these vari- $189.5 billion. That is, the country imported overtimebecauseglobalinvestorshavemuch
captures the struggle of individual Sri expectation that the people would cies such as the euro. ables,onemustunderstandIndia’sBalanceof more goods (such as crude oil) than it ex- bigger financial clout. Most analysts believe
Lankans to find food, fuel and medicines go home after Gotabaya’s resignation has “It is important to remember that it is Payment (BoP) statement. The BoP is essen- ported, and the net effect was negative. But that the better strategy is to let the rupee de-
on a daily basis, bringing them all together not materialised. If Wickremesinghe is more of a story of the dollar strengthening tiallyaledgerofallmonetarytransactionsbe- the Invisibles account showed a surplus of preciate and act as a natural shock absorber
in a “janatha aragalaya” — a people’s strug- elected, the aragalaya may continue, per- thanthe rupee weakening,”saidPronabSen, tweenIndiansandforeigners.Hereitisshown $150.7billion.Asaresult,thecurrentaccount, to the adverse terms of trade.
gle. It has been mostly leaderless, though haps in new and different ways, and with former Chief Statistician of India. inUSdollarterms.Ifatransactionleadstodol- which was in surplus in the previous year,
some individuals have spoken for the group more involvement of political parties op- This suggests that as things stand, India larscomingintoIndia,itisshownwithapos- went into a deficit of $38.8 billion. What should policymakers do?
on occasion. It also used social media to re- posed to him. is still not facing an external crisis. Take for itive sign; if a transaction means dollars leav- Onthecapitalaccount,however,therewas Mundle's prescription is that “the RBI
instance the issue of external debt. Long- ing India, it is shown with a minus sign. asurplusof$86.3billion,thankslargelytofor- (whichisinchargeofmonetarypolicy)should
term data shows that India is in a relatively The BoP has two broad subheads (also eign direct investments (FDI) providing more focus on containing inflation, as it is legally
comfortable position. called “accounts”) — current and capital — dollars in the shape of loans etc. Foreign port- mandatedtodo,andthegovernment(which
This does not mean there is nothing to to slot different types of transactions. The folio investors (FPI) pulled out $16.8 billion. isinchargeof thefiscalpolicy)shouldcontain
worry about. While India is fine as of now, current account is further divided into the Attheendoftheyear,theBoPwasatasur- its borrowings”. Higher borrowings (fiscal
INSTITUTE FOR IAS EXAMINATION trends suggest things are getting worse. For trade account (for export and import of plus of $47.5 billion — that is, the net effect of deficit) by the government eat up domestic
instance, forex reserves have fallen by over goods) and the invisibles account (for export all transactions on current and capital ac- savings and force the rest of the economic
Online & Classroom Programmes $50 billion between September 2021 and and import of services). So if an Indian buys counts was that $47.5 billion came into India. agents to borrow from abroad.
now. In these 10 months, the rupee’s ex- an American car, dollars will flow out of BoP, Now, two things can happen from here. If Sensaidpolicymakers(bothinthegovern-
change rate with the dollar has fallen 8.7%, and it will be accounted for in the trade ac- nothing is done, such a huge surplus would ment and the RBI) have to choose what their
General Studies Optional Subjects CSAT from 73.6 to 80. For context, historically the count within the current account. If an leadtotherupeeappreciatingagainstthedol- priority is: containing inflation or being hung
rupee depreciates by about 3% to 3.5% in a American invests in Indian stock markets, lar. That will bring about a change in people’s up on exchange rate and forex levels. “If they
9-B, Bada Bazar Marg, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi - 110060, Ph: 011-41007500; year.What’s worse, many expertsexpect the dollars will come into the BoP table and it buying and investing preferences. For in- choosetocontaininflation(thatis,byraisingin- | Email: rupee to weaken further in the coming 3-4 will be accounted for under FPI within the stance, India’s exports will become costlier terestrates)thenitwillrequiresacrificingeco-
months and fall to as low as 82 to a dollar. capital account. The important thing about and import cheaper. Over time, the trade nomicgrowth.Sobepreparedforthat,”hesaid.

Pythagorean geometry in Vedic-era texts, centuries before Pythagoras

rule’.Thereareprobablyatleasthalf adozen
tablets that establish that they knew this
NEW DELHI, JULY 19 lars, as detailed in Dani’s paper, were based rule,” said Professor Norman Wildberger of
on triangles whose sides were in the ratio theUniversityof NewSouthWales,whohas
APOSITIONpaperbytheKarnatakagovern- 3:4:5 or 5:12:13. These sides follow the done research on the tablet Plimpton 322.
mentontheNationalEducationPolicy(NEP) 1900-1600 BC 800-500 BC 570-490 BC 300 BC Pythagorean relation, because 3² + 4² = 5², The earliest evidence of a proof comes
2020,uploadedrecently,hasreviveddiscus- MESOPOTAMIA INDIA GREECE/ITALY GREECE and 5² + 12² = 13². Such combinations are fromaperiodafterthesulbasutras.“Theold-
siononsomethinglongknowntohistorians ■ From Old Babylonian ■ Sulbasutras (the oldest around 800 ■ Pythagoras’s time. Statement ■ Axiomatic proof of called Pythagorean triples. estsurvivingaxiomaticproofofthetheorem
of mathematics — that what we call the civilisation, several BC) have statement of Pythagoras’s of the theorem, and possibly its Pythagoras’s theorem is in the Elements of Euclid from around 300
Pythagoras theorem today was already tablets show familiarity theorem, examples of Pythagorean proof, is attributed to the published in Euclid’s Did the Indians prove the equation? BCE.Butagain,itseemsextremelylikelythat
known to Indians from the Vedic times. with ‘diagonal rule’ triples, and their use in construction Pythagorean School/Society Elements ThereisnoevidencethattheIndianshad many more-or-less formal geometric ratio-
The position paper, part of Karnataka’s a proof, nor even that Pythagoras did, Dani nalesforthe‘Pythagorean’relationwereun-
submissions to the NCERT for a National said.“Theideaofamathematicalproofbased derstood by many of its users long before
Curriculum Framework, describes founded in Italy. Relatively little is known janas) performed by Vedic Indians. The old- Chennai Seminar’ in 2008. on an axiomatic structure is unique to the Euclidrecordedhisrigorous-demonstration
Pythagoras’s theorem as “fake news” and as about his mathematical achievements, be- est of these is the Baudhayana Sulbasutra. Kim Plofker, and Associate Professor of Greeks—thusinrespectoftheothercultures, version,” Plofker said.
the “so-called Pythagoras theorem”. causethereisnothingtodayof hisownwrit- “The period of Baudhayana Sulbasutra is UnionCollege,NewYork,whospecialisesin ‘proof’ of a geometrical statement only
“The Pythagoras theorem is disputed in ings (History of Mathematics Archive, uncertain (as with other sulbasutras), there thehistoryof Indianmathematics,citedtwo meant some means of carrying conviction, How relevant is the discussion on who
manyinternationalforums.Notthecontent, University of St Andrews, Scotland). beingnodirectinternalevidenceusefulinthis of the sutras in the first chapter in the whichwouldhavebeenthereinvariouscul- got to the equation first?
but Pythagoras claiming it as his own… The Pythagoras theorem describes the respect.Itisestimatedbasedonlinguisticand Baudhayana Sulbasutra: “The areas [of the tures (since it is indeed not a ‘self-evident’ The Indian Express put this question to
Therearetheoriesthatsaytherewasnobody relationship connecting the three sides of a other secondary historical considerations, squares] produced separately by the length statement),” Dani said. Dani.“Thecurrentdebateisobviouslyonac-
called Pythagoras,” Madan Gopal, a retired righttriangle(oneinwhichoneangleis90°): and has varied substantially depending on andthebreadthofarectangletogetherequal And Plofker said, in an email: “Given the count of the position paper in Karnataka,
IAS officer who heads Karnataka’s NEP task a² + b² = c² the author. By and large, in recent literature, the area [of the square] produced by the di- evidentfamiliarityof thesulbapractitioners wheretheyirresponsiblycallPythagorasthe-
force, told The Indian Express. He referred to where a and b are the two perpendicular Baudhayana Sulbasutra is taken to be from agonal.Thisisobservedinrectangleshaving with geometric constructions, I take it as a orem‘fakenews’.Thereisanimplicitclaimof
the Vedic-era composition Baudhayana sides,andcisthelengthof thediagonalside. around800BCE,”saidmathematicsprofessor sides3and4,12and5,15and8,7and24,12 given that they knew and understood geo- ownership; that is the thing that one needs
Sulbasutra,inwhicha“specificshlokarefers If any two sides of a right triangle are Shrikrishna G Dani, currently with the and 35, 15 and 36.” metric rationales supporting those to clarify,” Dani said.
to the theorem”. known, the theorem allows you to calculate UniversityofMumbai-DepartmentofAtomic ‘Pythagorean’ sutras.” “... This kind of attitude that everything
the third side. Extended to the sides of EnergyCentreforExcellenceinBasicSciences. In what context is this equation was there in India, generally referred to as
Did Pythagoras exist, and what is the squares and rectangles and their diagonals, “It has been known for quite long in aca- discussed in the sulbasutras? How did knowledge of the equation ‘Jagatguru syndrome’ — that needs to be
theorem named after him? the equation is of immense importance in demic circles that Baudhayana Sulbasutra The yajana rituals involved construction evolve over the centuries? countered. Some things are partially true,
MathematicianscontactedbyTheIndian construction, navigation and astronomy. contains a statement of what is called of altars (vedi) and fireplaces (agni) in a vari- The earliest evidence is from the Old along with that a whole lot of garbage goes
Express said the evidence suggests that the Pythagorastheorem(itwasknownratheras etyofshapessuchasisoscelestriangles,sym- Babylonian civilisation (1900-1600 BCE). into the sense of cultural superiority, which
Greekphilosopher(around570–490BC)did How do we know that Indians from the ageometricfact,andnotasa‘theorem’),”said metrictrapezia,andrectangles.Thesulbasu- “They were well aware of Pythagoras’s the- is actually very detrimental. As long as we
exist. However, there is an element of mys- Vedic period knew this? Professor Dani, who wrote a paper describ- tras describe steps towards construction of orem: but since that was more than a thou- think that we are the masters, living in the
tery around him, largely because of the se- There are references in the sulbasutras, inggeometryinthesulbasutrasin‘Studiesin these figures with prescribed sizes. sand years before Pythagoras, they did not past,thecountryisnotgoingtomakeserious
cretive nature of the school/society he which are texts pertaining to fire rituals (ya- History of Mathematics, Proceedings of The Pythagorean equation comes into callitthat:theyreferredtoitasthe‘Diagonal inroads into modern development,” he said.

New Delhi



Start with what is right rather
than what is acceptable.

Trusting the rupee

India’s economic fundamentals are robust. Fall of
currency is a result of international developments

RUPEE@80 Soumya Kanti Ghosh

The RBI should desist from launching a defence of the THE GEOPOLITICAL CONFLICT underway eral countries including India are attempting July21meeting.TheFedlookssettoraiserates
since February 24 has thrown financial and todiversifytheirforeignexchangereservesin by at least 75 basis points on July 27. A higher
currency. Let rupee find its own level

energy markets across the world into a tizzy. favour of non-dollar currencies. hike by the ECB should immediately cool off
N TUESDAY, THE Indian rupee crossed a psychological barrier, touching 80 AdirectcasualtyoftheUkrainewaristhatthe In principle, Bretton Woods ensured that the dollar, bringing parity between two ma-
againstthedollarduringearlytrading.Whilethecurrencyrecoveredmargin- Indian rupee has now depreciated by 5.6 per thedollarwouldbea“trust”currency.TheUS jorcentralbanks.Othercurrenciesshouldgain
centagainstthedollar.Intermsofrelativeper- can run current account deficits unimagin- ground ceded to the dollar. Even then, the
ally thereafter, ending the day at 79.95, the rupee has been under pressure.
formance,however,therupeehasdonequite ablefortherestof theworld.TheUSsitsatthe short-termreturnsforthedollarlookpromis-
This weakness in the currency can be tracedtoa combination of factors — ag- well compared to most of its counterparts — centre of an international financial system ing, with a precarious EU economy making
gressive tightening of monetary policy by the US Federal Reserve as it attempts to bring barring the Indonesian Rupiah. where its assets have been in high demand. the US the only credible investment avenue.
inflation under control, the strengthening of the greenback, foreign portfolio outflows In an ideal world, if domestic economic For instance, frantically growing Asian Coming to the US multi-year high infla-
and the rush to safe assets as fears of a recession begin to gain traction, and widening cur- fundamentals are strong, the depreciation of economies whose penchant for US govern- tion print, our research suggests that the Fed
rent account deficits. However, the Indian currency isn't alone. Across the world, curren- the rupee should be accompanied by an ap- mentsecuritieshavealsomadethemsuscep- was almost nine months late in raising the
preciationoftheDollarIndex(DXY)alongsim- tible to sudden changes in expectations and rates, even as the RBI has been able to get a
cies have fallen against the dollar. In fact, when compared to other currencies, the rupee
ilarlines.BetweenJanuary2008andFebruary economicsentimentssweepingtheglobe.The grip on inflation -- it has already hit a peak.
has fared relatively better. 2012 and October 2012 and May 2014, on a recentdisturbancesintheglobalsupplychain The Fed is now caught in a situation of a high
With the US Fed embarking on one of the steepest rate hike cycles in recent times, in- cumulative basis, the rupee had lost a whop- and volatile commodity prices have only job vacancy rate and a low unemployment
vestors have rushed to the dollar. The dollar index (which measures the currency's value ping48.7percentagainsttheUSD,evenasthe made the job more difficult. rate. Our technical analysis indicates that
against six major currencies), though has corrected of late, has recently registered its DXYhadappreciatedbyamodest5.2percent. As currencies reel under the weight of an there is more than a 97 per cent chance that
highest level since 2002. Higher than expected inflation in the US — inflation rate stood This indicates that much of the decline in ru- unrelenting dollar, questions on the rupee’s this will be the status quo for some more
at a 40-year high of 9.1 per cent in June — has only increased the odds of the Fed contin- pee value then was purely because of weak performance and future are a natural corol- months. This, in turn, might create a wage-
domestic macro fundamentals. lary, more so in the wake of hitting the psy- price spiral that will not be a pleasant sce-
uing with its aggressive stance. In fact, many expect it to hike interest rates by 75 basis
Now, fast forward to the current situa- chological mark of Rs 80/dollar. While most nario for emerging economies.
pointswhentheFederalOpenMarketCommitteemeetsnextweek,suggestingthatthese tion. The rupee has depreciated by a modest of the conversations in domestic circles have So, what's next?
trends are unlikely to reverse in the immediate. Then there is also the pressure from 5.6 per cent since the Russian invasion of The rupee has depreciated by centred around the known knowns, a closer Interestingly,in2013,whentherupeewas
higher current account deficits. Recent data showed that the goods trade deficit in the Ukraine, though the DXY has appreciated by a modest 5.6 per cent since look at the behavioural changes and the un- in a free fall, stability was finally restored but
April-June period stood at $70.25 billion, more than double the level observed last year. 11.3 per cent. If we extend the period from dercurrents that eventually become mega- it came at a cost — a debt buildup of $34.5
March 2021 till July 2022, the rupee depreci- the war broke out, though trendsinshapingthepolicyperspectivesand FCNR(B). This time, the RBI and government
Many analysts are now penciling in a current account deficit upwards of 3 per cent of
ation is 9.7 per cent and the DXY apprecia- the DXY has appreciated by directionsgloballyareworthponderingover. have taken a long-term view of bolstering
GDP this year. In the current global macroeconomic environment, financing this will be
challenging, lending a depreciating bias to the currency.
tion is a sharp 17.4 per cent. Thus, the recent 11.3 per cent. If we extend the The recent gains in the dollar have come dollarinflows,whichisperfectlyjustified.This
decline in the rupee has been more because period from March 2021 till along expectations of aggressive monetary would mean that the rupee could still face
On their part, the government and the RBI have announced a series of steps to attract of thestrengtheningof thedollarandnotbe- policybytheUSFedcomparedtoothermajor headwinds in the short term. The enormity
capital inflows to support the currency. These range from relaxations on NRI deposits to cause of weak fundamentals at home. This July 2022, the rupee jurisdictions, particularly, the Eurozone and of the challenges can be gauged by these
easing investments in government and corporate bonds. The central bank has also an- is a good omen and is also substantiated by depreciation is 9.7 per cent Japan. Markets expect the Fed to continue on numbers:Sincethebeginningof war,foreign
nouncedmeasuresforsettlementof internationaltradeinrupeestoeasepressuresonthe the Indian economy navigating the Ukraine and the DXY appreciation is its path of interest rate normalisation with exchange reserves have declined by $51-bil-
conflict rather well. multiple rate hikes. lion, total portfolio outflows have been $23
currency. It has, reportedly, also intervened in the currency markets to stem the rupee's a sharp 17.4 per cent. Thus,
In fact, a one per cent change in the DXY On the other hand, the European Central billion,andthecurrentaccountdeficitisnow
slide. However, unlike in the past, it should desist from launching a currency defence. It (oranappreciationof thedollar)leadstoa1.7 the recent decline in the Bank(ECB)appearsbehindthecurve,itscom- certain to breach $100 billion. July, however,
must let the rupee find its own level. A weaker rupee will act as an automatic stabiliser. per cent change in rupee exchange rate (de- rupee has been more because munication with markets is as uncertain as has been much better with the outflows till
While in the near term it increases the risks of importing inflation, over time, it will boost preciation of the rupee), considering the 15- of the strengthening of the the political and climatic hot winds criss- date only at $1.3 billion.
the competitiveness of the country's exports, providing a much needed fillip at a time year period ending July 2002. If we go by the crossing the Eurozone. The Bank of Japan has TheRBI,inclosetandemwiththegovern-
dollar and not because of taken a completely divergent path, continu- ment,hasbeensupportiveoftherupee,andis
when the global economy is facing strong headwinds.
at 90/dollar currently. weaker fundamentals at ing its accommodative monetary policy de- also now embarking on an unprecedented
Havingestablishedthattherecentdecline home. This is a good omen spite the hammering of the yen. This has au- journeytointernationalisethecurrency.With


in rupee value is mostly to deal with the DXY and is also substantiated by gured well for the dollar, obscuring the theIMFGlobalUncertaintyIndexcurrentlyat
strengthening,thelogicalquestionis:Isthere question of how the Fed failed to anticipate historicalhighs,wecanonlyhopeforthebest.
the Indian economy the surge in inflation.
larsupremacyinthenearfuture?Theanswer navigating the conflict Forecasters are indecisive about whether The writer is Group Chief Economic Advisor at
Asking exam candidates to remove innerwear to check isperhapsa“no”atthispointeventhoughsev- rather well. theECBwillgofora25bpsor50bpshikeinits State Bank of India. Views are personal
cheating shows abysmal level of trust in the young

HERE IS NO justification for the alleged actions of officials under the National
Testing Agency (NTA) at an examination centre in Kollam, Kerala. On


Thursday, according to an FIR filed by a parent, several young women were
forced to remove their innerwear by officials as they sought to appear for
the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) for admissions to MBBS and BDS pro-
grammes. The current episode is not the first such instance: In 2017, “overzealous” teach-
ers at a Kerala school were suspended for asking a girl to remove her innerwear before
entering a NEET exam centre. The mandate of new agriculture panel raises questions
To humiliate students for an article of clothing — or, as the “rules” would have it, “any
ornaments/ metallic items” — is unconscionable and symptomatic of a deep suspicion of
aspirants on the part of the NTA. How can an earring, or a hook on an item of clothing
Ajay Vir Jakhar
leadtocheating?Andexactlyhowmanycandidatessmuggedcheatsheetsinthesewires? LIKE THE MONSOONS, just when everyone Manywillcriticisethecommitteeforhav- cultural GDP comes from rearing animals. It
Yet, the NTA's list of prohibited items — which includes shoes, jewellery and all metallic was giving up hope, it poured with a ing farmers who mirror the government reminds one of John Maynard Keynes's per-
objects — only empowers the person on the ground to police the bodies of aspirants. vengeance. The government made a com- stand,whichinmyopinionisunfair.Onemay ceptive comment: "The difficulty lies not in
Bureaucratic “rules” too must aspire to common sense. As a governance reform in the mitment last year when it repealed the farm disagree with some of Anil Ghanwat’s views the new ideas, but in escaping from the old
healthcare and education sector, the NEET has much to recommend it. Like the Joint laws to constitute a committee. This body but he is a sensible voice on the committee. ones”. Given this state of affairs, it is not dif-
has finally been constituted to promote zero Vested interests need to be eliminated from ficult to understand why things have gone
budget-basedfarming,change croppatterns the committee. so wrong and why there is a threat of them
sion standards across states and objectivity and transparency in candidate selection. and make MSP more effective and transpar- It is also a little curious that the Former turning worse.
What is common here is an assumption of guilt — of “cheating” — and the impunity aris- ent. It is an exhaustive body of 28 members Secretary,Ministryof AgricultureandFarmer Like the lawyers in the US judicial system
ing from the vaguely-worded rules used to humiliate students. with cross representation from the Central Welfare Sanjay Agarwal has been appointed speculatingontherulingofajurybasedonits
The local police has filed an FIR in the matter and the NTA has sent a team to Kerala to and state governments, farmers, agricultural the committee's chairman. He was at the composition, may I venture into unfamiliar
conduct its own investigation. The offending officials must be brought to book. But a scientists and economists. vanguard of the misconceived government territory, but confidently predict some of the
wider conversation on reforming the guidelines and powers of the NTA is also needed. The new committee was preceded by a campaign on the farm laws. Agarwal should majoroutcomes?Thecommitteewillpropose
Supreme Court-appointed panel that in its recuse himself from the position for the sake toendtheopen-endedprocurementofgrains
The guiding principle of such reform must place the dignity of students and aspirants
wisdom spokeagainst the withdrawal of the of propriety and, more importantly, to allow atMSP(wheatandpaddy)whilemakingMSP
front and centre; it must ease their burdens while ensuring that exams are conducted controversialfarmlaws,sayingthatthe"ma- space for building the trust of those scepti- availabletoalargernumberof farmersacross
fairly. Mechanisms must be put in place to ensure that those conducting tests — whether jority" of the farm unions supported them cal of the exercise. It is quite out of order for Indiageographically.Itwillalsoendunlimited
NEET, JEE or any other such examination — are sensitised to their role as enablers for the and a repeal would be "unfair to this silent a NITI Aayog member with a rank and status availabilityandaccessofsubsidisedfertilisers
youth, who are already under tremendous pressure. To strip-search a candidate to pro- majority". Parking this issue for the time be- of a Union Minister of State to be asked to forallfarmersbyproposingtoshifttowardsa
tect a test means there’s something terribly wrong with the testing— not the candidate. ing, questions need to be asked about the Like many who equate serve as a member under Agarwal. mechanism of direct fertiliser subsidy trans-
composition of the new committee and the Again, the committee, by design, has no ferintofarmeraccounts.Lipservicetonatural
crux of its agenda. incomes with livelihoods, state representation from Punjab, a major farming will continue to be the norm. Lastly,
Of theeight farmermembersinthecom- the committee's mandate grain procurement state. This could be used the committee which has not been given a


mittee, five were nominated by the govern- obscures changing cropping to whip up divisive sentiments in the state. time frame to deliver the report and can be
mentandare knownto be sympathetic toits Like many who equate incomes with expected to circumambulate to eventually
patterns with diversification.
views. Three were to be nominated by the livelihoods, the committee's mandate ob- giving recommendations after the 2024 par-
Samyukt Kisan Morcha. But SKM's boycott It is, at best, a subset of scures changing cropping patterns with di- liamentary elections.
Bhupinder was an elegant, soulful singer of the committee, citing under-representa- diversification. The versification. It is, at best, a subset of diversi- For the rest, we seem to be wasting time
who found his niche in Hindi film music tion, was a foregone conclusion. agriculture department may fication. The agriculture department may squabblingoversmallmandates.Wearelim-

Contrary to the expectations of those have an understanding of the problems but ited by imagination as we lose largely
IS WAS A soulful voice that effortlessly transferred the angst and forlorn- who supported the farmer agitation, many
have an understanding of the it now needs to comprehend that they can- unimagined opportunities of a food systems
ness of poetry from words to music. Bhupinder Singh, who died 82 on of the SKM members contested the Punjab problems but it now needs to not be solved by having discussions centred approach that are now deemed to be
Monday, got to sing his first Bollywood number in 1964 under the leg- elections and, predictably, lost spectacularly. comprehend that they around cropping choices and practices. utopian.Itwill,inafewyears,becomeessen-
endary composer, Madan Mohan. But it was only in the Seventies that he Candidates identified with farmer protests cannot be solved by having Solutions require a systems approach. This tial thinking, making us reinvent the way we
met with the same fate in the UP elections. cannot happen when the mandate is limited do everything.
found his niche in the cinema industry with haunting melodies that composers such as
The SKM has lost much of its sheen and rel-
discussions centred around to crops, with the Secretary, Ministry of
Jaidev, Khayyam, R D Burman, and, of course, Madan Mohan, had created mainly for the evance. Unions should now strive to earn re- cropping choices and AnimalHusbandrynotevenamemberof the The writer is chairman,
middle-of-the-road cinema of that decade. The A-list of Hindi film music — Mohammed spect, not popularity. practices. committee,eventhoughone-thirdof allagri- Bharat Krishak Samaj
Rafi, Talat Mahmood, Mukesh, Kishore Kumar, all born in the 1920s — was very much de-
livering hits then, but composers sought out Bhupinder, mostly to sing filmy ghazals.
Bhupinder, along with Yesudas, Suresh Wadkar and Jagjit Singh, came to represent the
generation that succeeded Rafi, Kishore and others. By then, music had started to take the
backseatinBollywood.Filmsstartedtohavefewersongs.Thepoliticalandsocialupheavals JULY 20, 1982, FORTY YEARS AGO
of the1970shadinfluencedwriterstodiscoverheroesinangryyoungmen,whoexpressed
their angst and anger in fiery dialogues and stunts, unlike the lead characters of a previous NEW UP GOVERNMENT MINUTES FABRICATED such a way as to shield some transactions
and certain individuals”.
artistssuchasSanjeevKumar,FarooqSheikh,AmolPalekarandNaseeruddinShahmorethan SIX OUT OF 16 cabinet ministers and 14 out AT LEAST TWO MPs who were members of
the big stars of the time. Songs such as “Dil doondta hai” (Mausam, 1975), “Ek akela iss she-
of 25 ministers of state of the outgoing 48-
member ministry were axed when the two-
the Committee on Public Undertakings have
stated in writing that the minutes of meet-
hermein”(Gharonda,1977),“Karogeyaad”(Bazaar,1982),“Kisinazarko”(Aitbaar,1985)as tier 26-member ministry of Sripat Mishra ings of the Committee dealing with the Kuo ISRAELI FORCES AND Palestinian guerrillas
wellasduetssuchas“Beetinabitairaina”(Parichay,1972)haveanenduringquality.Though assumed office in Lucknow. The new UP Oil deal have been fabricated to shield cer- traded artillery and tank fire on Beirut's
theopportunitytosingcameinfrequently,Bhupinderwasamuchsoughtafterinstrumen- ministry was installed in office after the tain individuals. In separate letters to the southern outskirts and Israeli jets staged re-
talist,whoseguitarbecameamemorablefeatureofsomeoftheiconicnumbersofthe1970s caretaker ministry led by Vishwanath Speaker, Lok Sabha, and the Chairman, Rajya peated flightsoverthePalestinian Liberation
— “Dum maro dum” (Hare Rama Hare Krishna, 1971), “Chura liya hai” (Yaadon Ki Baraat, Pratap Singh had remained in office for 20 Sabha, R R Morarka, member, Rajya Sabha, Organisation's beseiged redoubt in the
1973), “Chingari koi bhadke” (Amar Prem, 1972) among others. days. V P Sing resigned on June 28 in the and Harikesh Bahadur, member, Lok Sabha, Lebanese capital. The police said the pre-
wake of the carnage in Kanpur and have stated that they attended the relevant dawn and mid-morning duels "strained but
Inthe1980s,Bhupinderreinventedhimself asaghazalsinger.Withwife,Mitali,hewas
Mainpuri districts. All the 10 cabinet min- meetings and that by their personal knowl- did notcollapse”acease-firearrangedbythe
instrumental in popularising the genre through Doordarshan shows among non-Hindi isters who took oath of office and secrecy edge they know that the minutes, “do not at US eight days ago. The US chief mediator,
speaking populations. His corpus may not be large, but Bhupinder leaves behind a few along with Singh 25 months ago have re- allreflectwhattranspiredatthosemeetings”, Philip Habib, held a conference with
gems that will ensure him a following in the times to come as well. mained in the new ministry. that they have been “deliberately drafted in Lebanese intermediaries.

New Delhi



“Human history has never seen two giant neighbors with a population of over
1 billion each like China and India developing together before. We should
resist 'public opinion harassment' by the US and the West to make China
and India partners rather than rivals.” — GLOBAL TIMES, CHINA

Numbed by violence The absentee

Our response to acts of violence often becomes an argumentative tug of war, as we
seek victory on social media and during discussions among friends and family groups
Indian MNCs have been absent in discussions on
digital policies including data governance,
privacy, anti-trust. They need to speak up
bution channels that retail through inter-
mediary platforms or their own websites.
IN GOOD FAITH Neu. Others will follow. If so, one wonders

By T M Krishna theselandmarkpoliciesthatwilldetermine
the future of Indian commerce. Reports
Mansi Kedia have quoted the group as acknowledging
BETWEEN THE TIME when I thought of datagovernanceasoneoftheirbiggestchal-
writing a piece on violence to when I actu- THEREARETHOSEwhosaythatIndia’sdig- lenges. The issue is also at the centre of the
ally sat before my computer, my immediate ital economy has been operating in a regu- current policy debate. Tata is not alone in
and larger world has gotten more violent. latory vacuum. Perhaps a more appropri- dealingwiththechallengesof dataintegra-
Violence has exposed itself in all spheres of ate formulation would be of a regulatory tion across group companies. But most of
human experience, in the form of abuse, roller coaster. In 2022 itself, the Ministry of them have been mute.
threat, intimidation, instigation, manipula- Electronics and Information Technology Government relations and outreach
tion, assault and killing. We have all re- (MeitY) has announced the draft amend- functionshavealwaysbeenimportanttobig
sponded to these occurrences in varied ment to the IT Rules 2021 (June 2022), the businesses.Indianjuggernautsthatpushed
tones and decibels. With this never-ending draftIndiaDataAccessibilityandUsePolicy back on the opening up of the economy af-
barrage of violence circling us, our immedi- (February2022),NationalDataGovernance tertheneworderwasimplementedin1991,
ate reflex is to rank each violent act. Its seri- FrameworkPolicy(May2022)andthenew cametobepopularlyknownastheBombay
ousness and impact are quickly accessed. cyber security directions (April 2022). Club. The government did heed their plea,
But the parameters that determine the rank- Besides these, the most awaited and criti- andtheopportunitiesforforeignbusinesses
ing are varied. The severity, geographical lo- cal e-commerce policy and the Data remaineddilutedtoallowIndianbusinesses
cation, identities of the assaulter and victim, Protection Bill, both of which have been in tocompeteinthedomesticmarket.Though
their ideological bent, and the position taken the making for at least a few years now, are a separate debate, some fear that the advo-
by those we admire or detest curate our “in- likely to be announced soon. This hyperac- cacy of inward-looking protectionist poli-
dependent” decision. Depending on all these tivity signals the accelerated growth of the cies in recent times, rekindles such opposi-
variables, an emotional response is gener- digital ecosystem which needs regulatory tion — a Bombay Club 2.0 version. At what
ated, causality determined and a self-con- nurturing. With due credit to the policy- point and in what manner MNCs interact
vincing explanation internalised. There is makers, all these proposals have been put with the government will of course vary.
very little ambiguity about the “why” and outforconsultation.Infact,thegovernment Usingasector-specificexample,alltelecom
“how” behind the violence. hasrecentlyinvitedstakeholderstoanopen companiesinIndiacommittedlyparticipate
But this set of actions comes from the housediscussionon theproposed changes in TRAI’s open houses, industry delibera-
need for immediacy. All that we are fed totheITRules.Thispiece,however,isabout tions and written submissions so that they
from within our carefully cultivated envi- those missing from these discussions. can nudge policymakers toward industry-
ronment enables us to come to a quick con- There has been an enormous backlash friendlydecision-makingthatsitswellwith
clusion that “our” environment will find ac- againstthegrowingpowerandinfluenceof overall growth objectives. On general con-
ceptable. The obvious knots in our internet giants They do bring benefits to cerns such as infrastructure and the ease of
arguments are brushed aside and we pro- consumers, businesses and governments, doingbusiness,interventionfromtheindus-
claim argumentative victory on social me- but then they also enjoy dominant posi- try is much more indirect and often an ex-
dia and during discussions among friends C R Sasikumar tions, engender misinformation and at the post phenomenon, that is, after the policy
and family groups; each bending over back- extreme,underminedemocraticprocesses. has been announced. To be fair, this is also
wards to win. A tug of war in search of vic- not sacrifice our mind at the altar of any ately or measure the damage. We cannot Governmentshavebeenpushedtorespond because the government does not always
tory over an argument about violence! “head” who claims to provide answers. put a number on it; hence, we presume it tomyriadaspectsof the digital economy — consultbusinessesbeforeannouncinganew
There are many casualties due to this There are many such from within religion to be a lesser evil. The courts have a legal fromfinancialsectorregulationtoanti-trust policy or regulation.
procedural and repetitive episodic drama and outside it. All they do is redirect our vi- necessity to categorise violence but that is to data privacy. With so much at stake, Big The case of the digital economy is dif-
that we participate in. First, the victim is olence towards a target of their choosing or not the discussion here. Tech platforms have upped their advocacy ferent. The practice of multi-stake-
lost. In fact, even the sufferer’s identity is sharpen our daggers if we have mutually In humanistic terms, how are we to per- by hiring qualified professionals and fund- holderism in policy formulation is present
manipulated. With each occurrence, every- agreed on the target. But we cannot go ceive violence that is viewed as relatively ingempiricalresearch,notonlyinIndiabut in letter, if not always in spirit. There are
one who repeatedly participates in this about this search without carefully observ- benign because it is non-physical? More of- alsoacrosstheworld.Ascepticwouldview multipleopportunitiesandavenuesforpar-
twisted discourse sheds another layer of ing our repetitive behavioural pattern when ten than not, the actual physical act occurs thisasanotherwaytoinfluencethegovern- ticipating in dialogue, even if the final pol-
humanity. Soon, none of us are addressing confronted with violence. after a sustained period of psychological vi- ment. The balance is somewhere in the icy document is the same as the first draft.
the violence; we are only ensuring that The most common trap is attaching our- olence. During that gestation period we en- middle. But I am digressing. The point is Thepolicyteamsof BigTechmakethemost
peace does not return. We even derive vi- selves with a causality that justifies vio- The most common trap is thusiastically participate in its enactment. Google,Amazon,Facebook,Twitterandthe useof thesechannelstopresenttheirpoint
carious pleasure from being part of the vi- lence. When someone from a background attaching ourselves with a We also train, encourage and brainwash likes are all actively engaged in policy dis- of view and hope for reconciliation on is-
olence that affects another. that irks us is the target of violence, after perpetrators. We do not speak to him di- cussions, either directly or through third sues, with the final policy document at-
But isn’t the overall cause-and-effect de- the initial feeling of pity, our mind charges
causality that justifies rectly but our nurturing of his psychotic en- partiestoputforthapointof view.Similarly, tempting to strike a balance between busi-
sign obvious? It is communalism, casteism, to find a way to turn the tables. There has violence. When someone vironment is not an accident. We know that start-ups,thinktanks,civilsocietyorganisa- ness viability and government objectives.
patriarchy and all the other “isms” that fol- to be a justifiable reason for this to have from a background that irks our every word and action is a trigger, yet tions and academics invested in the issues Over the last few years of active debate on
low this train of thought. They are aggra- happened to this horrible person. We find us is the target of violence, we keep pushing until someone some- of the digital economy either as users or as critical digital policies including those on
vated by timeless wrong doings that flow fault with the victim, blaming him for his ill where snaps. Then, we quickly wash our observerscontributetothepolicydiscourse. datagovernance,privacy,anti-trust,andin-
into the present and create fear of the fu- fate or digging out an old action that por-
after the initial feeling of pity, hands off the entire episode. When some- Then who is missing? termediaryliability,therehasbeenanover-
ture. As the final act, politicians and their trays him as an offender. Soon, violence be- our mind charges to find a one points at it, we accuse him of equating Indianoriginmultinationalcorporations whelming presence of the Big Tech Indian
stooges weaponise people for their own comes retribution and the victim’s past ac- way to turn the tables. There words and swords. — the Tatas, Reliance, Aditya Birla Group, start-ups competing in this space, as well
electoral benefit. Irrespective of political af- tion denies him the right to feel aggrieved. has to be a justifiable reason But is all physical violence equal? I will Godrej, ITC, Bajaj, and Hero — have collec- astheiraffiliatedassociations.IndianMNCs,
filiation or beliefs, everyone will agree with This entire sequence of internal thought leave you with these disturbing questions. tivelycontributedtothecountry’sdevelop- forreasonsunclear,hasbeenmostlyabsent.
the above statements. They will disagree on processes is demonstrative of violence in for this to have happened to Do we react to the killing of an army ment.Theycutacrossinfrastructure,appli- Whatthishasresultedinisadisproportion-
who is responsible for the wrongdoings, the play. Yet, we do not see ourselves as violent. this horrible person. We find man and an alleged offender in the same ances and consumer electronics, atepolicyfocusonkeepingBigTechincheck
truths behind sectarian practices, the iden- We claim that the violence was committed fault with the victim, manner? Is the murder of an oppressed automobiles, food processing, fashion, as against creating an enabling, secure and
tities of the stooges and the political party by evil people. We are just deeply interested blaming him for his ill fate or Dalit comparable to that of an oppressive pharmaceuticals and energy. While these trusteddigitalecosysteminIndia.Asmany
that furthered the agenda. But there will be and emotionally affected onlookers. casteist? Is the assault of a Muslim equal to may not be quintessential digital compa- issues highlighted by Big Tech are likely to
concordance on the flow of events. Violence is always evaluated hierarchi- digging out an old action that that of a Hindu? nies,exceptforRelianceJio,manyarework- bepainpointsforIndianbusinessesaswell,
This informs us that the problem cannot cally. The physical placed right on top of the portrays him as an offender. At this point, none of us can engage ing towards adopting digital technologies participation of Indian MNCs could break
be addressed from within the structural pile. Of course, taking away a person’s life Soon, violence becomes thoughtfully with these questions because for manufacturing, distribution, and client the“usversusthem”problemplaguingpol-
normative. This does not mean we remain or dismembering someone is an irrecover- we are buried in violence. service. While it may be difficult to predict icy making in India today.
retribution and the victim’s
mute when violence erupts; we should re- able state. But emotional and psychological whentheIndianindustrywillbecomedig-
spond. But the mind must observe from a violence can be deeply affecting and debil- past action denies him the Krishna is a musician and author of The ital-first, it is near certain that it will do so. The writer is Senior Fellow, ICRIER.
different place, a dispassionate one. We can- itating. There is no way to see it immedi- right to feel aggrieved. Spirit of Enquiry: Notes of Dissent Many companies now have online distri- Views are personal


The art of Twitter diplomacy HOUSE FREEDOMS new Middle East’ (IE, July 19). Israel
Theplatformmayyieldpoliticaldividends,butwon’tmakestatecrafttransparent THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘Unsayable and the Arab states share a backchan-
in the House’, (IE, July 19). In times of nel understanding on regional issues.
Vihang Jumle and Christophe Jaffrelot shifting political sands, a notification
like this is trivial. Our elected repre-
The Abraham Accords, brokered by
the US, merely mainstreamed the
sentatives are keen to jump ship for arrangements already in place under
EXTERNALAFFAIRSMINISTERSJaishankar’s tional and domestic politics. Former External Third,atoolof outreachthatcanfitinside the 23.6 million Twitter users in India, per- personal gain. Those in power are en- the watchful eyes of both the
Twitter handle has taken an interesting turn Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj actively built one’s pocket (or is easily outsourced) allows hapslargelyscatteredinurbanareaswithde- gaged in wholesale horse-trading. Americans and the Russians. The com-
lately,bothintermsof itsmessagingforado- aneffectivebrandaroundheroutreachthatwas flexibility to personalise one’s way of doing cent literacy levels, which also happen to be Under these circumstances, the use of munal, ethnic, and sectarian fault lines
mestic audience as well as for those outside appreciated domestically. But Jaishankar has business. It makes diplomacy politically rel- the BJP’s political stronghold. Is foreign pol- sharp debates will take a backseat as a in the region are so intertwined that
the country. In the past, he rarely tweeted so taken this modus operandi to another level evant by making it less elitist and easily di- icy emerging as an effective political mo- matter of course. The question is: no external power can exploit them.
frequently in languages other than English. sinceJune2019whenhesetuphisTwitterac- gestible. Adopting Prime Minister Modi's biliser? That remains to be seen. Does the list of “unparliamentary” The vilification of the Iranian regime is
March, April and May 2022 saw a consider- countafterbeingswornin.Hisuseof theplat- style, Jaishankar increasingly uses pictures- The lessons we derive from the Indian words muzzle the freedom of speech seen as the common ground for the
able increase in Hindi tweets (102 over the formsincethenhasonlyincreased,withanav- in-actionattachedtohistweetsandtheword casehaveuniversalimplications.Manyinthe of parliamentarians? With the recent diplomatic breakthrough in the
three months), even more than his tally in erageof 67,74,124,176tweetseachmonthfor “friend(s)” in different contexts, sometimes foreign office are adopting this personalised Monsoon Session underway, it's im- region. New Delhi has much to gain
2021 (72 Hindi tweets). In fact, the score for theyearsbetween2019to2022. toaddresshiscounterparts.Thecountof such formof diplomacy.Andwhyshouldn’tthey? portant to remember that the produc- from this recent bonhomie.
Hindi has been on the rise yearly from 18,50, Second,theincreasinguseof regionallan- tweets has also gone up over the last three The popular dividends they derive are tivity of a parliamentary session can- Sudip Kumar Dey, Barasat
72,and133(already)between2019andJune guages (or non-English vocabulary), espe- years. Placed in context, it flows from what tremendous, including internationally. Who not be gauged by the number of bills
2022. In end-May 2022, for a change, there
ciallyHindi,istellingof howthegovernment
hopes to connect foreign affairs with popu-
he said in his speech at St Stephan’s College
in March 2022 about keeping aside the
Australian prime minister cooked samosas
passed alone.
Abhishek Kumar Anshu, Patna
his 2020 total. This is significant, given the lar sentiments — both domestically and “learned analysis of the state of the world” (in 2020)? This addition of intimacy to for- THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘A pros-
backdrop of the upcoming assembly elec- abroad.His tweets often speak of productive and,instead,focusingon“whattoanaverage eign relations works both ways (but doesn’t THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘Unsayable perity lesson for India’ (IE, July 18). The
tionsinGujarat.JunesawhimtweetinTelugu discussionswithheadsof otherstatesandar- person is a ‘good’ foreign policy”. Emerging necessarily make the process less opaque). in the House’ (IE, July 19). The recent author has previously spoken of the
13times(forthefirsttime).Since2019,hehas eas of collaboration, and sometimes have an communication tools make it convenient to What remains to be seen is if the increased decision to enlarge the number of need for the liberalisation of Indian
tweetedinatleast30languages,including24 anecdotal tone, as seen in a recent, warmly- break from traditional foreign affairs vocab- involvementof thepopulaceinforeignaffairs words proscribed from being used in agriculture. We should begin with
tweets in Tamil in March 2022. What does wordedtweet— “aapsebaatcheetkeliyetat- ulary and add dimensions of intimacy to it. leads to its democratisation. Statecraft has Parliament by MPs is a welcome move China's model of TVEs (Town and vil-
this tell us about the current government’s parhoon”(“alwaysathandtohaveaconver- This was not the case in the past and even traditionally been a specialised, elite job — to enhance the quality of House pro- lage enterprises), implemented first
outlook on foreign policy? sation with you”). This is meant to give the now, these tools aren't accessed by most and for good reasons. A potential politicisa- ceedings. To say that it stifles discus- at local levels and subsequently ex-
First,itshowsthatthegovernmentseesfor- sense of a personalised one-on-one connec- Opposition parliamentarians. It is especially tion of foreign policy might end up adding sions by clamping down on the free- panded to state and national levels.
eignpolicyasatoolwithdomesticpoliticalim- tion with his Hindi-speaking Twitter audi- advantageous for those in charge of the for- more ambiguity to the world order. dom of speech of MPs is unfair. The This can be a sustainable strategy to
plications. This has been the case with the BJP ence at home. The same principle is at work eignoffice.Itisyetanothersignthatwelivein move doesn't restrict dignified debate. advance the liberalisation of the agri-
since 2014. The massive media coverage of when Jaishankar tweets in a similar tone in an era of populism. Jumle is a public policy student in Berlin, Ravi Mathur, Noida cultural economy. Education, nutri-
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s foreign trips foreign languages to expand the scope of bi- Inthiscontext,itisworthnotingthatfor- Germany. Jaffrelot is senior research fellow tion and skill among women need to
is a case in point. The image of him as a world
leader that this extensive coverage has con-
now speaks not only to other heads of state
eign policy is rarely a matter for discussion
on Prime Minister Modi’s Mann Ki Baat (on
at CERI-Sciences Po/CNRS, Paris, professor of
Indian Politics and Sociology at King's India
NEW GROUND be the focus, since these factors lead
to economic and political growth.
veyed in India has been a major factor in his but also with the people of those countries, radio), which reaches the grass roots. On the Institute, London, and non-resident scholar THIS REFERS TO the article ‘Delhi to H Upadhyay, via email
popularity.However,itistheforeignaffairsmin- adding a new digital dimension to its other hand, the only beneficiaries of this at the Carnegie Endowment for
isterswhohavebeenattheinterfaceofinterna- traditional diplomacy. emerging personalised communication are International Peace

New Delhi

Giuseppe Paterno, who is 98, has become Italy's oldest graduate - again. Paterno has
added a masters in history and philosophy from the University of Palermo to an ini-
tial degree in the same subjects he earned there two years ago. He passed the latest de-
gree with top marks, again, his proud family said on Facebook. He has no plans to rest
and wants to write a novel using his trusty typewriter.


As race to lead
Russia pounds Ukraine as Putin UK heats up, Rishi

US House Speaker
Raisi, Putin discuss Director Jafar
Sunak holds lead
Nancy Pelosi. AP
boosting ties in Panahi to serve THE FRACTIOUS race to replace Rishi Sunak 118
Boris Johnson as Britain’s Prime Penny Mordaunt 92
CHINA transportation,
Willtakestrong energy, and trade
6-year sentence Minister entered an unpre-
dictable endgame Tuesday as
Liz Truss 86
three candidates for Kemi Badenoch 59

ASSOCIATED PRESS Conservative Party leader were
US’sPelosivisits KYIV, JULY 19
left battling for the two spots in
a run-off vote.

Taiwan:China IRAN’SJUDICIARYonTuesdayor- Kemi Badenoch, a previously Sunakmay
Beijing: China will take
RUSSIAN MISSILES struck cities dered one of the country’s lead- little-known lawmaker who has losefinal
andvillagesineasternandsouth- ingfilmmakerstoserveoutasix- become a rising star of the
“resolute and strong ern Ukraine Tuesday, hitting year prison sentence from a party’s right wing, was elimi- ● round:Poll
measures” should the homes, a school and a commu- decade ago that had never been nated from the contest after re-
Speaker of the US House nity center as Russian President enforced. The order came as the ceiving the fewest votes from RISHI SUNAK would lose
of Representatives Nancy VladimirPutinwasinIrantodis- governmentseekstosilencecrit- Conservative lawmakers in their to any of his remaining
Pelosi proceed with re- cussaUN-backedproposaltoun- icism amid growing economic fourth round of voting. opponents if he makes it
ported plans to visit blockexportsof Ukrainiangrain. turmoil and political pressure. After the latest vote knocked through to the final stage
Taiwan, the Chinese Putin,arrivedinIranforarare Masoud Setayeshi, Badenoch out, former Treasury of the contest when rank
Foreign Ministry said international visit that empha- spokesman for Iran’s judiciary, chief Rishi Sunak led the shrink- and file party members
Tuesday. A visit by Pelosi sises how the two countries are said Jafar Panahi, would fulfill his ing field of candidates and had get to vote, polling
would “severely under- becoming more aligned amid six-year prison term handed all but secured his place in the fi- showed on Tuesday. The
mine China’s sovereignty their isolation from Europe and Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) with Iraniam Raisi at the Saadabad palace, in Tehran. AP down in 2011 on charges of pro- nal pair. Trade Minister Penny YouGov poll of
and territorial integrity, the US In an interview with an ducing anti-government propa- Mordaunt andForeign Secretary Conservative Party mem-
gravely impact the foun- Iranian broadcaster ahead of ganda. Although Panahi was Liz Truss, who were neck and bers showed Sunak
dation of China-US rela- Putin’s visit, his spokesman, But perhaps most crucially, theissueshavebeenresolvedyet, oping at a good pace,” Putin said banned from travelling over past neck behind him, will now would lose a runoff vote
tions,” Foreign Ministry Dmitri S Peskov, evoked the his- the Tehran trip offers Putin a but it’s good that there has been at the start of the meeting with years,thesentencewasneveren- scramble to woo Badenoch’s against either Kemi
spokespersonZhaoLijiang tory of 16th-century diplomacy chanceforahigh-stakesmeeting some progress,” Putin added. Raisi, noting that Moscow and forced and he continued to make supporters before a final elimi- Badenoch, Liz Truss or
said at a daily briefing. “If between Russia and Persia to set withErdogan,whohassoughtto After his arrival, Putin held Tehran “strengthen their coop- underground films, which were nation vote on Wednesday. Penny Mordaunt.
the US were to insist on the scene for what he promised help broker talks on a peaceful talks with Raisi that followed eration on international security released abroad to great acclaim. Meanwhile, outgoing British
going down the wrong wouldbeaneweraof friendship settlementof theRussia-Ukraine meetings in Moscow in January and contribute significantly to Authorities detained Panahi Prime Minister Boris Johnson
path, China will take res- between Tehran and Moscow. conflict, as well as help negotia- and again last month in the Syrian settlement.” Raisi last week when he visited the chaired his final Cabinet meet-
olute and strong meas- Peskov said Iran and Russia tions to unblock Ukrainian grain Turkmenistan. During his fifth voicedhopethatPutin’svisitwill Tehran prosecutor’s office to in- ing on Tuesday, ahead of ling climate change. “This gov-
ures to safeguard its sov- could soon sign a treaty on through the Black Sea. visit to Tehran, Putin also met help expand cooperation on re- quire about filmmakers, Conservative Party parliamen- ernment has fought some of the
ereignty and territorial strategic cooperation, expand- Speaking to Erdogan at the Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah gional and international issues. Mohamad Rasoulof and Mostafa tarianscastingtheirvotesfor the hardest yards in modern politi-
integrity,” Zhao said. AP ing their collaboration in bank- start of their meeting, Putin Ali Khamenei, continuing what According to the IRNA news al-Ahmad. Rasoulof and al- fourth round in the secret ballot cal history. We’ve had to take
ing and finance, and moving thankedhimforhismediationto Kremlin foreign affairs adviser agency,RaisiandPutindiscussed Ahmad were swept up earlier on to elect a new leader. Johnson some of the bleakest decisions
awayfromusingthedollartode- help “move forward” a deal on YuriUshakovcalleda“trustingdi- boosting ties in energy, trans- charges of undermining nation’s defended his government's since the war, and I believe that
nominate their trade. Ukrainian grain exports. “Not all alogue.”“Our relations are devel- portation and trade. security by voicing opposition. recordandcommitmenttotack- wegotthebigcallsright,”hesaid.
debateagainst Senior Indian official EUROPE SIZZLES Covid cases triple
Bangkok:Thailawmakers injured in Sri Lanka Britain records highest temperature across Europe,
began debate Tuesday on
the fourth and final no-
confidence vote targeting
High Commission urges Indian ASSOCIATED PRESS
double: WHO
Prime Minister Prayuth citizens to make movements safely
Chan-ocha’s government BRITAIN SHATTERED its record ASSOCIATED PRESS
before its four-year term forhighesttemperatureeverreg- LONDON, JULY 19
ends next year. With gen- PRESS TRUST OF INDIA isteredTuesdayamidaheatwave
eral elections due in COLOMBO, JULY 19 thathassearedswathsof Europe, THE WORLD Health
March, the government as the UK’s national weather Organisation said Tuesday that
faces its last no-confi- ASENIORIndiangovernmentof- forecaster said such highs are coronavirus cases have tripled
dencevoteaftersurviving ficial posted in Sri Lanka sus- now a fact of life in a country ill- across Europe in the past six
three others in as many tainedgrievousinjuriesinanun- prepared for such extremes. weeks,accountingfornearlyhalf
years. The debate target- provoked assault, the Indian Thetemperatenationwasjust of all infections globally.
ing Prayuth and 10 of his High Commission here said on the latest to be walloped by un- Hospitalisation rates have also
Cabinet members is Tuesday as it urged its nationals usuallyhot,dryweatherthathas doubled,althoughintensivecare
scheduled for four days, to remain aware of the latest de- triggeredwildfiresfromPortugal admissions have remained low.
with the lower house to velopments in the island nation to the Balkans and led to hun- In a statement on Tuesday,
vote on Saturday. AP and plan their movements and dreds of heat-related deaths. WHO's Europe director Dr Hans
activities accordingly. Imagesof flamesracingtowarda Fire engulfed homes in the village of Rainham, east London, on Tuesday. Reuters Kluge described Covid-19 as “a
UK The Indian High Commission French beach and Britons swel- nasty and potentially deadly ill-

Officialsraised in a tweet said the relations be-

tween the people of India and Sri
tering have driven home con-
cerns about climate change. SadiqKhancalleda“hugesurge” Extreme heat broiled other ing 42.6°C in July 2019. In the
ness” thatpeople shouldnot un-
derestimate. He said super-in-
concernsover Lanka have always been cordial
The UK Met Office weather
agency registered a provisional
in fires because of the heat. The
parts of Europe, too. In Paris, the
thermometer in the French capi-
Gironde region of southwestern
fectious relatives of the omicron
variant were driving new waves
asylumpolicy tion, #Indian nationals in reading of 40.3 degrees Celsius jor blazes it was fighting across tal’s oldest weather station – uedtospreadthroughtinder-dry of disease across the continent
London: Officials at #SriLankaarerequestedtoremain at Coningsby in eastern England the city Tuesday, half of them openedin1873–topped40°C for pines forests. Portugal has re- and that repeat infections could
Britain’s Foreign Office awareoflatestdevelopmentsand — breaking the record set just grass fires. Images showed sev- just the third time. The 40.5°C ported over1,000 deaths due to potentially lead to long Covid.
warned against the UK’s accordinglyplantheirmovements Officials of High hoursearlier.BeforeTuesday,the eralhousesengulfedinflamesas measuredtherebyweatherserv- the heatwave, with the health “With rising cases we're also
plans to deport asylum- andactivities.Youmaycontactus Commission of India with highesttemperaturerecordedin smoke billowed from burning iceMeteo-FranceonTuesdaywas chiefwarningonTuesdaythatthe seeing a rise in hospitalisations,
seekers to Rwanda, citing whenrequired,"itsaid. Vivek Varma. PTI Britain was 38.7°C , set in 2019. fieldsinWennington,avillageon thestation’ssecond-highestread- countrymustgearuptocopewith whichareonlysettoincreasefur-
the country’s human In another tweet, the High London faced what Mayor the eastern outskirts of London. ing ever, topped only by a blister- the effects of climate change. ther in the autumn and winter
rights record, as per docu- Commissionsaiditsofficialsinthe months,” Kluge said. “This fore-
morning met “Vivek Varma, an values, established institutions castpresentsahugechallengeto
Biden acts to deter unjustly holding of citizens abroad
ments cited in a lawsuit
broughtagainsttheBritish Indian national and Director of and constitutional framework. the health workforce in country
government. In written IndianVisaCentre,whosustained Meanwhile, acting President after country.” Earlier this week,
submissionsfiledTuesday, grievousinjuriesinanunprovoked Ranil Wickremesinghe has said editors of two British medical
lawyer Raza Husain said assaultlastnightnearColombo". thatmuchofthecontentsinhispri- most recently on the case of loved ones home. volved in hostage-taking. journals said at no other time in
ForeignOfficeofficialstold Thematterhasbeenbrought vate residence here were not sal- REUTERS WNBA star Brittney Griner, who The US does not provide an “The sanctions authority in- the country's National Health
then Foreign Secretary to the attentionof the SriLankan vageableafteragroupofirateanti- WASHINGTON, JULY 19 has been held in Russia since official figure for how many US cluded in this EO enables the Service have so many parts of it
Dominic Raab in March authorities, it said. It is probably government protesters torched it February and is on trial on drug citizensaredetainedabroad,but UnitedStatestoimposefinancial been so close to collapse.
that if Rwanda were se- the first time that an Indian na- onJuly9,destroyinghis125-year- PRESIDENT JOE Biden signed an charges. the James W Foley Legacy and travel sanctions on those Kamran Abbasi, of the BMJ
lected for the policy, “we tional has been attacked since old piano and more than 4,000 executive order on Tuesday Butsomefamiliessaidtheor- Foundation, named after an who are responsible for unjustly and Alastair McLellan of the
wouldneedtobeprepared anti-government protests books,someofthemcenturies-old. aimed at deterring and punish- der achieved little in concrete American journalist abducted holding US nationals, whether Health Service Journal wrote in
to constrain UK positions erupted in Sri Lanka in March. In remarkable scenes of a country ingwrongfuldetentionof UScit- terms. They lambasted the ad- and killed in Syria, says that over theircaptorisaterroristnetwork a joint editorial that the UK gov-
onRwanda’shumanrights TheSpokespersonoftheMEA in meltdown, anti-government izensabroadbyauthorisinggov- ministration for not allowing 60US.citizensarewrongfullyde- or a state actor," US Secretary of ernment was failing to address
record, and to absorb re- last week said India looked for- protesters set Wickremesinghe's ernment agencies to impose them to ask questions during a tained in about 18 countries. State Antony Blinken said. persistent problems worsened
sulting criticism from UK wardtoanearlysolutionofthesit- private residence at Cambridge sanctions and other measures. Monday video call previewing The executive order autho- On Tuesday, six countries -- byCovid-19,includingthequeu-
ParliamentandNGOs.” AP uationrelatedtothegovernment Place on fire, hours after they The move came amid grow- the action while saying rises agencies to impose costs Myanmar, China, Iran, North ing of ambulances outside hos-
and its leadership in Sri Lanka stormedthePresident'sHouseand ing pressure on Biden from fam- Washington still lacked a solid and consequences, including fi- Korea, Russia and Venezuela -- pitals too overloaded to accept
through democratic means and otherkeybuildings. ilies of hostages and detainees, strategy on how to bring their nancial sanctions, on those in- will receive the warning. new patients


Chinese banking scandal tests faith in Communist Party system

my credit card and have to repay ing account. Financial issues are “The government takes our scandal has exposed more sys- drawals.Theauthoritieshavenot
VIVIAN WANG my carloan,” he said. “I have two allthemoresensitiveastheecon- taxpayer money and then beats temic issues in China’s financial said how much money was
& ZIXU WANG sons. They’re all waiting.” omy weakens, with China last us,” Sun said in a phone inter- system, including potential cor- frozen, but protesters claim the
BEIJING, JULY 19 Thefinancialscandalensnar- weekreportingitsslowestrateof view before the authorities ruption and weak regulatory number is as high as billions of
ing Sun and thousands of others growth since the beginning of warned depositors against oversight at rural banks. yuan. As weeks went by without
THE SAVING opportunity with across the country could pose a the coronavirus pandemic. speaking to the media. “My “Iftheycannottrustanyofthe resolution,somebankcustomers
the rural bank in central China serious test to the ruling Manyarejustasunnervedby worldview has been destroyed.” banksanymore,andtheyalready begantogatherin Zhengzhou,for
looked, to Sun Song, a 26-year- Communist Party, which prizes the local government’s indiffer- Maintaining public trust in don’t trust the housing market, a series of protests.
old-businessman, like a great stability and its ability to control ent, if not outright hostile, re- theCommunistPartyisespecially then what would that do to peo- Immediately,officialstriedto
find. It would be linked to his ex- any threats to it. While the sponse to the scandal. The crisis crucial this year, when China’s ple’ssenseof securityabouttheir silencethem.Censorsshutdown
isting account at a large, rep- amount of money at riskis small has engulfed five rural lenders leader, Xi Jinping, is expected to livelihoods?”saidZhiwuChen, a protesters’ messaging groups.
utable state-owned bank. The relative to China’s economy, it that the police say may have tighten his authority further at a professor of finance at the The local authorities manipu-
rural bankwas also offering high strikes at the core promise of the been controlled by a criminal Protesters in the central Chinese city of Zhengzhou. NYT majorpoliticalmeetinginthefall. University of Hong Kong. “The lated depositors’ mobile health
interest rates, making it seem party that it will provide a better gang that illegally transferred But it is already being tested by extent of this anxiety shared by codes to bar them from enter-
like an ideal place to park his future for the people. funds into other accounts, a theeconomicslowdown,bornin peopleisincreasingveryfast.It’s ing public spaces. But after the
roughly $600,000 in savings. For members of the Chinese schemethatstartedadecadeago. involvedinfraud.WhenSunand mostly located, they were phys- partof thegovernment’sdracon- not good for social stability.” manipulation attracted wide-
Then the bank abruptly froze public, it has revealed how vul- Officials have mostly refused hundreds of other depositors ically attacked by a mob of men ian campaign against the coron- The depositors began com- spread condemnation, local of-
hisaccountthisyear,andofficials nerable their money could be, to guarantee the money will be gatheredthismonthforaprotest whilepolicestoodby.Manypro- avirus and a regulatory crack- plaining in April when the banks ficials retreated, and protesters
said they were investigating po- even in a transaction as seem- returned and have suggested inHenanProvince,wheretheru- testers have since reported be- down on the once-booming real in Henan and Anhui Provinces continued to gather, including
tential fraud. “I owe money on inglyroutineasputtingitinasav- thatsomeof thedepositorswere ral banks in question were ing harassed by the police. estate industry. This banking suddenly froze electronic with- on July 10. NYT

New Delhi



`50,290 ` 79.95/USD $105.72 `55,539
Note: Gold, silver rates at Delhi spot market, gold per 10g, silver per 1 kg; Crude oil (Indian basket) as of July 18

SENSEX: 54,767.62 ▲ 246.47 (0.45%) NIFTY: 16,340.55 ▲ 62.05 (0.38%) NIKKEI: 26,961.68 ▲ 173.21 HANG SENG: 20,661.06 ▼ 185.12 FTSE: 7,243.42 ▲ 20.18 DAX: 12,973.72 ▲ 13.91
International market data till 1900 IST


No GST on 11 food items when sold to

‘Industry survived due
domestic tourism;
loose; decision with consensus: FM infra is key catalyst’ posal, taking into account the crore,” she said. Sitharaman also
GST COUNCIL DECISION tax leakage,” she said.
When GST was rolled out, a
cited VAT on rice levied before
2017 in Punjab, Telangana, Uttar EVEN AS the hospitality industry
tax rate of 5 per cent was made Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala wasoneofthehardesttobehitby
FINANCE MINISTER Nirmala “ALL STATES, including applicable on branded cereals, and Bihar. thepandemic,IndianHotelsCom-
Sitharaman on Tuesday said the non-BJP states (Punjab, pulses, and flour. Later, this was Till July 17, unbranded food pany Ltd (Taj Group) continued
5 per cent Goods and Services Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, amended to tax only such items items such as rice, wheat and with its expansion plan it charted
Tax(GST)leviedonitemssuchas Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, which were sold under a regis- pulses were exempt from GST. outin2017.Havingsigned100ho-
cereals, pulses and flour was ap- Andhra Pradesh, tered brand or brand on which But when branded, they at- telsoverlastfiveyearsandwith40
proved by the GST Council after Telangana, Kerala) agreed enforceable right was not fore- tracted 5 per cent GST, leading of themopenedtillnow,IHCLhas
a nod from all states, countering with the decision. This gone by the supplier. “However, to some companies disowning nowsetevenhighertargetsandis
criticismoverthenewimposton decision of the GST Council soon rampant misuse of this brand names with a disclaimer bettingbigger,enthusedbythein-
labelled and unbranded pre- is yet again by consensus,” provision was observed by re- to avail the tax exemption. frastructuredevelopmentandex-
packaged foodstuff. Finance Minister Nirmala puted manufacturers & brand After two days of delibera- pected growth of tourism in the
She, however, clarified that Sitharaman said File owners and gradually GST rev- tions on June 28-29, the GST country. PUNEET CHHATWAL,
11 items when sold loose, and enue from these items fell sig- Council decided to bring a large MDandCEO,IHCL,toldSANDEEP
not pre-packed or pre-labelled, nificantly,” she said. numberof suchproducts,includ- SINGHthathehasbeenfollowing
won’t attract GST. Sale of such states (Punjab, Chhattisgarh, Further, the group of minis- “Is this the first time such ingcurd,lassi,buttermilk,paneer, a multi-brand strategy and look- Puneet Chhatwal
items may therefore see rise in Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, West ters that recommended these food articles are being taxed? honey,makhana,wheat,riceand ingtoexpandandgrowprofitably
demand, she said. The items that Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, changes was composed of No. States were collecting signif- puffed rice, under the GST net. through cost optimisation, asset
will not attract GST when sold Telangana, Kerala) agreed with members from West Bengal, icant revenue from foodgrain in Unbrandedpre-packagedandla- monetisation and strategic part- the pandemic? segments,butwheredoyou
loose include pulses, wheat, the decision. This decision of the Rajasthan, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, the pre-GST regime. Punjab belledfooditemssuchascereals, nerships.Focussedonrevamping There was this belief that this thinkthebigopportunitylies?
oats, maize, rice, flour, suji, be- GST Council is yet again by con- Goa and Bihar and was headed alone collected more `2,000 pulses and flour weighing less Ginger,expansionofTajhotelsand phase shall pass and everything At the moment, we are fo-
san, puffed rice and curd. sensus,” Sitharaman said in a se- by the Karnataka chief minister. crore on food grain by way of than25kg/litreattract5percent resorts and homestays, Chhatwal will be fine in a few months. So, it cussedonlyonfoursegmentsand
“All states, including non-BJP ries of tweets. “It carefully considered this pro- purchase tax. UP collected `700 GST from Monday. WITHFE has also set his eyes on two new was the belief and, then, we kept withtimewemightaddoneortwo
segments, ‘Hostel’ and ‘All adapting. We had partners who more.Tajhasseveralbrandexten-
Inclusive’, as he expects an uptick were doing more hotels with us sions. The rest is pretty clean - in
Investment via P-notes drops;
Twitter, in domestic and international
mass tourism in India going for-
and so we kept signing. However,
had the closure been for a longer
we have the reimagined Ginger;
Musk head
ward.Editedexcerpts: periodorhadweknownitisgoing andSeleQtionsisaplatformforho-
tostayshut,Iamverydoubtful,we tels that have a clear identity and
volatility to stay in near future Whiletheindustrywasinpain, wouldhavedonewhatwedid.It’s arestrongbrandnamesinthecities

Over 3 times more Investment in Indian capital markets through

participatory notes (P-notes) declined to ` 80,092 cr
to Oct trial youwentforexpansionaswell
they are, such as The Connaught
have always stayed focussed on
till June-end, according to Sebi data

women in part-time
Wilmington: Twitter Inc’s It is not that we started doing a soul at the Gateway of India. It very elitist, rich, heritage tourism.
lawsuit to hold Elon Musk to his something during the pandemic. looked like a haunted place. So, it But when we start going for mass
Lowest level in 20 months $44 billion WecameupwithAspiration2023 wasbadtwoyears,butwehadvery tourism — both domestic and in-
seen in investment via P-notes in SHARE OF TOTAL

jobs than men: NSO

takeover will strategy in 2017. It was very clear good three months (April-June), ternational — that will be a game
June,onaggressiveratehikebythe P-NOTE INVESTMENT go to trial in and it had a two-year clean run - andwehavealongwaytogo. changer.Goingforward,Icanimag-
USFederalReserve IN JUNE October after 2018and2019.Partoftheplanwas inedoingtwomorebrands,which
Equities `70,644cr a Delaware to increase the top line, increase Whatgivesyoutheconfidence will make a lot of sense for us and
Volatile P-note investments Debt `9,355cr judge said on margins by 800 bps, reduce cost togowithanaggressive are not present in a strong way in
Hybrid `92cr
Tuesday the and monetise. So, we were well expansion? India. One is ‘Hostel’ (as it is called
NEWDELHI,JULY19 globaluncertaintyandvolatilityin social media aheadintothatcostjourneyandit I think the positioning of globally)whichisforbackpackers
■ As per the report capitalmarkets company de- Reuters file waseasierforustochangegears. tourism, hospitality and aviation andthoselookingatcheapaccom-
THEEMPLOYMENTrateoffe- by the National served a quick resolution of the As bad as Covid was, it also could be a game changer. modation.Thesecondis‘Allinclu-
`86,706 cr:

males at all-India level for the Statistical Office, deal’s uncertainty. gavetimetotheindustrytoreview Globally,tourismisthebestmul- sive’,whereyoubuyaplaneticket
age group 25-49 years living the trend is related The ruling is a blow to Musk its cost base, look at what is really tiplier of jobs with stay, food,

in a household with at least to the increase in whopushedforatrialinFebruary needed, what does the customer and it can fulfil drinks and all,

one childunder 3years of age female labour force investmentsinIndianmarkets— which his lawyer told the court want and restructure the way we thejobrequire- includedinone.
islessthantheiremployment participation equity,debt,andhybridsecurities— would allow for an extensive in- operate.Thisindustryislabourand ments of a Given our
rate in a household with no atMay-end,asperSecuritiesand Amountpulledoutbyforeign vestigation into the true number cost intensive, and, on top of that, young popula- At the moment, we are landscape
child under 3 years during ExchangeBoardofIndia(Sebi)data investorsfromIndiansharesin ofspamaccountsontheplatform. youhave120years’legacy,soalot tion. Pre-pan- focussed on 4 segments within Tata
2017-18to2019-20.Formales, cymakers in the apparent June—thehighestnetoutflowin Twitter had requested a of cleaning up was needed. Also demic, more and with time we might groupischang-
however, the presence of a
child under the age of 3 in
move towards more flexible
working arrangements is the `78,686 cr: overtwoyears–amid:
■ AggressiveratehikebyUSFed
September trial. Chancellor
Kathaleen McCormick of the
because we were so Taj centric,
everything else was like a step
than 10 per
cent of global add 1 or 2 more”
have three air-
households does not seem to riskthatsuchworkingarrang- PreviouslowestlevelofP-note ■ Elevatedinflation Court of Chancery in Delaware child. Over the last 5 years, we GDP and jobs lines(ormaybe
makeadifferenceintheirem- ements may be less econom- investments,seeninOctober2020 ■ Relativelyhighervaluationof said the parties were capable of signed more than 100 hotels. It were related to two going for-
ployment rate, as per the lat- ically secure and less stable domesticequities handling an expedited trial. “The tookus115yearstogetto120ho- tourismsector,andalmost25per ward), there is an opportunity to
est labour indicators released
on Tuesday by the National
than full-time employment.”
Rural females working `50,203 cr: Source: Sebi data/PTI
ble harm to the sellers,” she said,
tels and it has taken 5 years to get
to 240. We have also added 90
centofthenewjobscreatedwere come up with something like
from this sector. I think we also whatisofferedinseveralEuropean
Statistical Office (NSO). part-time in the working age referring to Twitter. REUTERS homestays.Thiswasalsobecause have that opportunity. While in- nations. I think India must get all
Further, more females population (15+ years) at all- of the multi-brand strategy — we ternationaltouristshavenotbeen inclusiveinanother1-2years.Iam

For UCBs, RBI chalks out

work part-time than males India level is between 23-24 are expanding some, revamping coming,theindustrysurvivedbe- building all the hypothesis on the
across all age groups in both percentasagainst7-8percent others and looking to enter new cause of domestic tourism and new infrastructure focus of the
ruralandurbanareas.Thepro- forruralmalesduring2017-18 segmentsandconcepts. that has proven that we have the government. With what I have
portion of employed persons to2019-20.Forurbanfemales In the five years, we also en- possibilities.Indiaisactuallya12- heard,readorseenoninvestments

4-tier regulatory framework

working part-time in the 46- workingpart-timeinthesame tered25newdestinationsandwe month destination and we have goingintoinfrastructuredevelop-
59yearsagegroupatall-India agegroupatall-Indialevel,the now cover 100-plus destinations notusedit.Ithinkiftheinfrastruc- ment,includingportsandroads,I
level was more than 10 per number is 15-16 per cent in India. It is going to get deeper. ture improves, the opportunity is think it will really help in the
cent between 2017-18 and against 3-4 per cent for urban Lastyear,weopened13hotels.We hugeanditisgreattoseethegov- growth of tourism. And that is
2019-20; in the age group of males for the same period. vised norms, it said. The decision are looking to add more than 15 ernment’sfocusoninfrastructure. whenyoucanstartmasstourism.
BASED ON REPORT is based on the report by NS
hotels per annum and if we add
Infrastructure is the catalyst for
tourism,tourismisthecatalystfor Talkingof masstourism,are
part-time was more than 15 of total employed are more in The minimum CRAR require- easilybeat330-340.From2010till GDP,andGDPisthecatalystforall youlookingtorevampGinger?
per cent, the NSO said in its the 60+ age-group among THE RESERVE Bank of India (RBI) ment for Tier 1 banks is retained 2017, our average margin was the jobs. I personally feel there is We are building a 371-room
Working Paper on males and urban females, the has decided to adopt a simple atthepresentprescriptionof9per around 13-14 per cent and in our anopportunityandamulti-brand Ginger property at Santacruz in
Compilation of Labour report said. Employment rate four-tieredregulatoryframework cent under current capital ade- Ahvaan2025,wehavegivenguid- strategywouldwork. Mumbai.Asimilarthingiscoming
Indicators of Minimum Set of of workers living in a house- with differentiated regulatory quacyframeworkbasedonBasel- ance for EBITDA margin of 33 per Iwouldsaythatasanindustry in Bangalore. They will be trans-
Gender Indicators. hold with no child under age prescriptions aimed at strength- 1rules.ForTier2,Tier3andTier4 cent — a 2.5 times increase. We we did not care as much for do- formationalandwillrepositionthe
It noted, “There has been three years rose to 61.2 per ening the financial soundness of UCBs,whileretainingthecurrent have also stated that we will re- mestic tourism as we do today. brandGinger,and,soatotalGinger
rapid growth in part-time centin2019-20from58.37per the existing urban co-operative capital adequacy framework, it structure our portfolio to achieve While Covid had its impact, over revamp is on the way. This 371-
■ The RBI decision is
work in the past few decades cent in 2017-18 in the 26-49 banks (UCBs). has been decided to revise the a 50-50 mix between owned/- the last two years we have seen room Ginger at Santacruz will act
based on the report by
indevelopedeconomies.This years age group and 59.6 per The RBI has stipulated a mini- minimumCRARto12percentso leased and managed hotels. people driving long hours, taking like a billboard. As of now, Ginger
NS Viswanathan
trendisrelatedtotheincrease cent in 2018-19. The propor- mum net worth of Rs 2 crore for as to strengthen their capital Currently,weareat54-46.Allthis theirfamiliesoutonholidays.Ithas has 55 hotels in operation. Very
Committee on urban co-
infemalelabourforcepartici- tionofemployedpersonswho Tier1UCBsoperatinginsingledis- structure, the RBI said. has kept our people busy and en- created a new segment. Now this soon,itwillbe100.Ofthepipeline
operative banks (UCBs).
pation, but also results from are employers in the 15+ age trict and Rs 5 crore for all other “TheincreaseinCRARrequire- gaged. At Tatas, we don’t fire peo- has become very important. The of 62 hotels that we have signed,
policies attempting to raise groupstoodat2.02percentin UCBs(ofalltiers).“Thisisexpected mentisreasonableastheseUCBs ple. During the pandemic, em- development of road infrastruc- almost30areGinger. Besides,we
labourmarketflexibilityinre- 2019-20, down from 2.17 per to strengthen the financial re- do not have full capital charge for ployees got their salaries, ture,people’swillingnesstodrive, are also doing ‘Qminisation’ of
action to changing work or- cent in 2018-19 but up from silienceofthebanksandenhance therequirement.TheUCBsthatdo market risk and currently main- shareholders also got dividends anddigitisationisgoingtobevery Ginger. So, all-day dining of all
ganisation within industries 1.91 per cent in 2017-18. theirabilitytofundtheirgrowth,” not meet the requirement will be tain no capital charge for opera- fromreservesandwealsousedthe beneficialfortheindustryoverthe Ginger hotels will be done by
andtothegrowthof theserv- Full report on itsaid.Asperthedatareportedby provided a glide path of 5 years tional risk,” it said. entiretimetobecomedebtfree. nextfewyears. Qmin, and every Ginger will have
icessector.Of concerntopoli- UCBs as on March 31, 2021, most with intermediate milestones to Full report on aQmin. Full interview on
of thebanksalreadycomplywith facilitate smooth transition to re- What kept you going during Youarepresentacrossvarious

BRIEFLY Philanthropy network GivingPi 5G auction: How earnest money deposits

New Delhi: HindustanUnil-
ever (HUL) posted a 13.85%
eyes raising $1 bn a year by 2030 shed light on telcos’ spectrum buying plans
rise in its consolidated net others. While families can be itypointsdependingonitsEMD,
profitto`2,391croreforthe ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU CLOSE TO 75 part of this network for any SOUMYARENDRA BARIK HOW IS EMD SIGNIFICANT based on which it can target a
quarter ended June. MUMBAI, JULY 19
MEMBERS SO FAR causes, they would need to con-
tribute a minimum of Rs 50 lakh
THE AMOUNT of earnest
certain quantum of airwaves in
select spectrum bands. A Credit
Vedantapayout A GROUP of leading philanthro-
pists and Dasra, a strategic phil-
■ Set to be launched in
August, GivingPi has
annually towards the develop-
ment sector in the country.
AS THE country gears up for 5G
spectrum auctions starting later
money deposit (EMD)
signals the intent of a
Suisse report said Adani’s low
EMD compared to others “does
New Delhi: Vedanta said its anthropic organisation, have Jyotirmoy Chatterji, head of this month, Reliance Jio has put company about the indicate that its participation in
close to 75 members
boardhasapprovedthesec- joined hands to launch GivingPi, GivingPi, said “We aim to reach in an earnest money deposit amount of telecom thespectrumauctionwilllargely
so far. While families
ond interim dividend of India’s first family philanthropy 200 members this year, and are (EMD) of Rs 1,400 crore com- spectrum it wishes to buy be limited to the 26GHz band”.
can be part of this
`19.50 per equity share for network that aims to provide $1 already close to reaching our pared to Rs 5,500 crore EMD as it indicates its bidding Jio, meanwhile, can buy spec-
network for any
the current financial year. billion annually by 2030 to fund goal of 75 select members by submitted by Bharti Airtel, Rs strategy and spectrum trum worth around Rs 1,30,000
causes, they would
The total payout would India’s social development. India@75.” Speaking about the 2,200 crore by Vodafone Idea buying capacity File crore and could also bid for the
need to contribute a
amountto`7,250crore. PTI Set to be launched in August, network, Dasra co-founder (Vi), and Rs 100 crore by the premium 700 MHz band.
minimum of `50 lakh
GivingPi has close to 75 mem- Neera Nundy said, “Family phi- Adani group, according to data
annually towards the
Googlepayment bers at present and has been
supported by Aditi and Rishad
development sector in
the country
lanthropy has tremendous po-
tential that once unleashed can
shared by the Department of
Telecommunications (DoT).
group, which has said
How is the EMD
Does it mean Adani is not
competing other telcos?
Brussels: Google said it will Premji (chairman, Wipro), Bill be transformative for India’s de- With a stark difference be- it is entering the auc- The amount of The Adani Group has previ-
from Tuesday cut fees to and Melinda Gates Foundation, velopment.” tween the Adani group’s EMD tions, starting July 26, EMD signals the intent ously said that it is participating
12%,from15%,fornon-gam- Rohini Nilekani, Manisha and India currently has 113 bil- and the other three telecom tobuildprivate5Gnet- of a company about in the auctions only to build pri-
ing app developers on its Ashish Dhawan (co-founder of JetSynthesis), Skoll Foundation, lionaires, and 6,884 ultra high- companies, especially Jio, ex- works, could possibly the amount of spec- vatenetworksforbusinessverti-
GooglePlayAppStorewhich ChrysCapital), Nikhil Kamath Tara Singh Vachani (CEO, Antara net-worth individuals and it is perts believe that the conglom- become a competitor trum it wishes to buy cals like airports, power genera-
switchtorivalpaymentsys- (Zerodha), Nisa Godrej (chair- Living), Vasvi Bharat Ram (vice expected to grow to 12,000 in erate might not directly take of telecom companies in the en- as it indicates its bidding strat- tion plants, logistics, and ports,
tems. REUTERS person, Godrej Consumer chairperson, The Shri Ram the next 5 years, said a release them on in the consumer 5G terprise solutions vertical, as per egyandspectrumbuyingcapac- among others. Full report on
Products), Rajan Navani (CEO, Schools) and Vivek Jain among issued by GivingPi. space, at least for now. analysts. ity. An applicant is given eligibil-

New Delhi
20 JUL

Lt Puneet Nath Datt, Ashok Chakra N.I.T. No. 02 (2022-23) (Re-invite)

(POSTHUMOUS) laid down his life, S. Name of work Amount put to Earnest Tender Date of release Last date / time of
combating militancy in the Kashmir Valley No. tender Money Fee of tender submission of tender
1 Reconstruction of Garage and Servant Rs. 26,70,362/- Rs. Rs. 500/- 19.07.2022 02.08.2022
on 20 Jul 1997. Lt Puneet was and alumnus Quarters in Bungalow No. E-1 and E-2 at 53,500/- (non- up to 03.00 PM
of NDA and IMA and was commissioned Chandrawal Water Works. (Re-invite) refundable)
into 1/11 Gorkha Rifles on 09 Dec 1995. On Tender ID No. 2022_DJB_226366_1
20 Jul 1997, during a Cordon and Search Operation in Note: Any further amendment/corrigendum made in this NIT will be uploaded and can only be seen on wesbite
Srinagar, Lt Puneet Nath Datt Was instrumental in clearing a
Sd/- (Parveen Kumar Gupta)
house infested with militants. He laid down his life in a true Advt. No. J.S.V. 247 (2022-23) E.E. (EAP)-II
act of Valour. The Officer will always be remembered for his STOP CORONA (i) Wash Your Hands, (ii) Wear Mask, (iii) Maintain Social Distance
enthusiasm. To this brave hearts we pledge that we shall
always be guided by his immortal spirit and do his name


Phone: +91-172-2793589/91 | Fax: +91-172-2793589/90 Extn: 400
E-mail: | Web:
(Ref. No. MGSIPA/C/4102, Dated: 19.07.2022)
The MGSIPA invites online bids for the contract of “Maintaining
Grass Lawns, Flower Beds, Plants & Cleaning/Maintenance of
Vacant Area” in its Campus.
Closing Date & Time: 10.08.2022 at 11.00 A.M.
For details log on to at website.
NOTE: Any corrigendum(s) to the Tender Notice shall be published on
the above website only.
15763/Pb Director General

Regd Office: PSEB Head Office, The Mall, (Patiala)

CIN: U40109PB2010SGC033813, Website:
(Contact Number: 96461-07151)
Tender Enquiry No. 569/GHTP/EMC/SSMC-170/Vol-VI Dated: 19.07.2022
Superintending Engineer/Electrical Maintenance Circle, Guru
Hargobind Thermal Plant, Lehra Mohabbat, invites E-Tender for
Breakdown, periodical & preventive maintenance of building lighting,
Street lighting, security lighting and allied equipment like cabling junction
boxes, control penels etc. in plant area (except CHP) of Stage-I & II under
Sub-Station Mtc. Cell, GHTP, Lehra Mohabbat, District Bathinda, Punjab
as per details given in the tender specification for a period of one year on
lump-sum basis.
For detailed NIT & Tender specification please refer to from 25.07.2022 from 11.00 A.M. onwards.
NOTE: Corrigendum & addendum, if any will be published online at GHTP-38/22 15774/Pb

Directorate of Mines
Department of Mines & Geology Governmen
Governmentt of Jharkhand
Nepal House (Yojna Bhav
an), Dor
anda, Ranchi - 834002,
Email: director-mines@jharkhandmail.g
Notice Inviting Tender
“Invitation of Bid for grant of Mining Lease”
In exercise of the power conferred by Section 15 of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation)
Act, 1957 and in accordance with the Jharkhand Miner Mineral Concession Rules , 2004 (Subsequent
Amendments) and the Jharkhand Minor Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2017 (SubsequentStoneAmendments) notified
thereunder, Government of Jharkhand has identified a Stone block for the purpose of grant of Mining Lease in
[East Singhbhum] District, Jharkhand, through electronic auction and hereby invitesbids in digital format only,
from eligible bidders.
Terms and conditions, deadlines etc. for participating in the electronic auction are provided in the Tender
Document. The Model Tender Document for the Mineral Block and Mineral Block Summary are available free of
cost in electronic form and can be downloaded from website of MSTC [https://www.mstce] for the purpose of information only. Timelines,
notification, updates and other details of the e-auction process are available on the website of MSTC and the
website of Department of Mines & Geology, Govt. of Jharkhand
The details of the mineral block are summarized below
Last Date of sale Last Date of
Concession Resource submission of Date of
of Tender
Area Ha. technical bid Opening
Block (Cubic meter) Document on
&IPOon MSTC ofTender
MSTCwebsite website
Kerketta and Bara 3.05 Acre
Hariyan Stone (1.23 Hectare) 128025.52
Block 10.08.2022 12.08.2022 16.08.2022
Those interested and eligible for bidding can participate in the bidding only after online purchase of the Tender
Document on payment of the tender fee of INR 25000.00 (Indian Rupees Twenty Five Thousand only) plus GST as
applicable (non-refundable), from the website of e-auction platform provider.The applicable GST should be paid by
Reverse Charge Mechanism by the Bidder and the GST Paid Slip should be attached with the Bid Letter.After purchase of
the Tender Document, eligible bidders can register themselves on the above-mentioned website. On successful
registration, eligible bidder will obtain Login ID and password necessary for participation in the e-auction process.
Sd/- Director Mines
Department of Mines & Geology
PR 274031 Mines and Geology(22-23).D Govt. of Jharkhand

y f
r ffoorrjj..kk ffuux
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vYidkyhu bZZ&fufonk la[;k%& 51@2022&23@fo0fo0ea0@esjB] fo|qr forj.k

[k.M r`rh;] esjB ds vUrxZr 33@11 dsoh midsUnzks ,oa ykbZuks esa czsdMkmu gks
tkus ij fofHkUu izdkj dh {kfrxzLr 11 dsoh ghV flaxzdsfcy TokbfVax fdV dks
cnyus gsrq vYidkyhu bZ&fufonk vkeaf=r dh x;h gS ftls ij izdkf”kr fd;k x;k gSA dk;Z dks iw.kZ djus dh vof/k
60 fnu gSA lUnfHkZr fufonk gsrq /kjksgj jkf”k #i;s 2000-00 gSA vkWuykbZu
fufonk Hkjus dh vafre frfFk fnuakd 06-08-2022 ¼12%00 cts rd½ gSA vYidkyhu
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esjB ds vUrxZr dEI;wVj fcfyax dkmUVjks ds vfrfjDr 33@11 dsoh fo|qr
midsUnzks ij LFkkfir ikoj ifjorZdks] 11 dsoh fLopfx;j] 33 dsoh fLopfx;j ,oa
vU; midj.kks dh dSfedy vfFkZx dk dk;Z djkus bZ&fufonk vkeaf=r dh x;h gS
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dh vof/k 60 fnu gSA lUnfHkZr fufonk gsrq /kjksgj jkf”k #i;s 2000-00 gSA
vkWuykbZu fufonk Hkjus dh vafre frfFk fnuakd 06-08-2022 ¼12%00 cts rd½ gSA
vYidkyhu bZZ&fufonk la[;k%& 53@2022&23@fo0fo0ea0@esjB] fo|qr forj.k
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dsoh oh0lh0ch0 dh vksojgkfyax ,oa ejEer dk;Z djkus gsrq vYidkyhu bZ&fufonk
vkeaf=r dh x;h gS ftls ij izdkf”kr fd;k x;k gSA
dk;Z dks iw.kZ djus dh vof/k 60 fnu gSA lUnfHkZr fufonk gsrq /kjksgj jkf”k #i;s
2800-00 gSA vkWuykbZu fufonk Hkjus dh vafre frfFk 06-08-2022 ¼12%00 cts rd½
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forj.k [k.M prqFkZ] esjB ds vUrxZr 33@11 dsoh fo|qr midsUnzks ij LFkkfir
ikoj ifjorZdks dh ,pVh@,yVh cqflax jksM] cqflax o vkW;y xSl fdV cnyuk
,oa vU; lEcfU/kr dk;Z djkus gsrq vYidkyhu bZ&fufonk vkeaf=r dh x;h gS ftls ij izdkf”kr fd;k x;k gSA dk;Z dks iw.kZ djus dh vof/k
60 fnu gSA lUnfHkZr fufonk gsrq /kjksgj jkf”k #i;s 2000-00 gSA vkWuykbZu fufonk
Hkjus dh vafre frfFk 06-08-2022 ¼12%00 cts rd½ gSA vYidkyhu bZZ&fufonk
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gsrq vYidkyhu bZ&fufonk vkeaf=r dh x;h gS ftls
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fufonk gsrq /kjksgj jkf”k #i;s 2000-00 gSA vkWuykbZu fufonk Hkjus dh vafre frfFk
06-08-2022 ¼12%00 cts rd½ gSA dk;Z dh ewy ek=k] fufonk fof”k’Vhdj.k o vU;
fu;e ,oa “krsZ bZ&fufonk iksVZy ij miyC/k gSA v/kksgLrk{kjh dks fcuk dkj.k crk;s
vYidkyhu bZ&fufonk fujLr djus dk vf/kdkj gksxkA fu/kkZfjr frfFk ds foLrkj
rFkk “kqf) i= ls lEcfU/kr lwpuk ;fn dksbZ gksxh] dsoy osclkbZV ij Mkyh
tk;sxhA vr% Loa; dks viMsV j[kus ds fy, mijksDr osclkbZV dks fu;fer ns[ksA
^jk"MÑ fgr es fctyh cpk;s* v/kh{k.k vfHk;Urk fo|qr pksjh dh lwpuk
1800&180&3002 ij nsaA fo|qr forj.k e.My&esjBA Ik=
la[;k&5539@fo0fo0ea0@esjB fnukad&19-07-2022

New Delhi
I,Kamal S/O Hans Raj Luthra I, Seyed Kamran Qumar S/o Shri I Md Muhazzam Alam R/o K- I,Indu Sharma,W/o-Late Ramesh
R/O 101,A New Lahore Seyed Qumrul Islam R/o 555, 180/3, SV, Jaitpur, N Delhi-44 Paul Sharma,R/o BD-97,MIG
To be known to all that, my client SMT. MANVINDER
Colony,Shastri Nagar.East Street No.20, Zakir Nagar, New have changed my name as Md Flat,Janakpuri,New Delhi- KAUR wife of S. Satnam Singh R/o E-25, Arland Cottage,
M.P. Udyog Ltd., Moti Vihar, Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpur,
Delhi-110031.have changed Delhi-110025 have changed my Muazzam Alam. My father’s 110058,have lost my Share U.P., inherited the (1) 50% HALF UNDIVIDED SHARE OF
my Name to Kamal Kumar son’s name Seyed Maheer and mother’s correct names Certificate, Allotment Letter & PITAMPURA, DELHI ON THE BASIS OF INHERITANCE,
after the demise of her mother Late Smt. Kuldeep Kaur and
Luthra. Possession Letter of Flat
PERSONAL Kamran to Sayed Mahir
Kamran. He will be known as
are Qamre Alam instead of Md
No.4C/447,Third Floor, Vartalok
after the demise of her father Late Shri Avtar Singh. As
after their demise there are only two legal heirs (1)

0040623036-6 Kamar Alam and Shahina MANVINDER KAUR & (2) BALJEET SINGH GUJRAL
(Expired on 09/04/2022). And my client also the owner of
I,hitherto known as Sayed Mahir Kamran for all Khatun instead of Simmi Society,Vasundhara ENTIRE FIRST FLOOR WITH COMMON ROOF RIGHTS

Chaman,son of Sh.Dharam I,KAMNI SHARMA,W/O future purposes. Ghaziabad.finder please


respectively and henceforth virtue of regd. GIFT DEED as Document No. 3223, in Add.

Pal,employed as Inspector PARVEEN SHARMA,R/O.H.NO- contact.karan Sharma ph no.-

Book No.1, Volume No. 5068, on pages 100 to 105. on

0040623074-1 will be known as above for all dated 29/03/2014 in the office of Sub-Registrar VI-A,

(Employee.No.176378) in 353 A/1, PLOT.NO 81,GALI.NO.9, 9810388275.

Pitampura, Delhi And my clients have legal rights to Sell

JHARKHANDI ROAD BHOLA purposes. 0040623035-1 the above mentioned property. If any person(s) claiming
any objection in the said property may contact with above
Office of the Department of I, Seema, W/O Parveen Datt R/o
NATH-NAGAR SHAHDRA 0040623122-3 named person/clients at above address/phone no.

I Koppolu Kanchana W/O,

7007404359 within 15 days of publication of this notice. All
Income Tax,Drum Shape Friends Colony Gali No. 1, the information given by my client and I, Vinod Wadhwa
DELHI110032,HAVE CHANGED Najafagarh Road, House No. Supreet Batra R/o 213 Second I,Rashmi Kalra,D/o-Desh Raj Advocate, giving this Public Notice on behalf of my clients.
Building,IP Estate,New Delhi- VINOD WADHWA (Advocate)
MY NAME TO KAMINI SHARMA. 877/13, Bahadurgarh, Jhajjar, Floor Gulmohar Residency Hans,R/o-B-126,Suncity Sector- Enrl. No. D/769/2005
110002,Residing at Village-
Post-73/1,Garhi Harsaru, 0040623036-2 Haryana- 124507. have Ashoka Enclave Part 3 Sector 54,Gurugram Haryana,have
Distt.-Gurugram, Haryana- changed my name and shall 35 Faridabad 121003 have lost my Original-Builder Buyer
I,JASBIR SINGH,S/O SH.VIKRAM hereafter be Known as Seema Agreement of Plot.No.304,A-
122505,have changed my changed my name to K
SINGH R/O-229,WEST-GURU Datt Block, Sushant Lok-II,
name and shall hereafter be Kanchana Batra for all
known as CHAMAN SAINI. DELHI-110092,HAVE CHANGED 0070795251-1 purposes. 0040623106-1
122011.Finder Please-Contact
0040623110-7 MY NAME JASVIR SINGH TO I, Sangeeta Malik Singh d/o I Himanshu Mehta D/o Rajesh at above said address.
JASBIR SINGH, FOR Yash Dev Prakash s/o 79, Om Mehta R/o A-24, Gali No-01,
I,Smriti Sharan Gaur W/o Ajay
Kumar Gaur R/o Assotech
Vihar Phase-4, Mohan Garden, Hardev Nagar, Jharoda Mazra
Uttam Nagar, Delhi-110059 Burari, Delhi-110084, have Whilst care is taken prior to acceptance of
Celleste Opp. Botanical
Garden, Busstand, Sector-44, I,JAIDEV JAGDMANIS/O-RAMA have changed my name to changed my name to SITUATION VACANT advertising copy, it is not possible to verify its
NAND SHARMAR/O-128 HARI Noora Hossain permanently. Himanshi Mehta contants. The Indian Express (P) Limited cannot
Vesta-9, Noida(U.P) have Wanted a qualified Company
NAGAR ASHRAM DELHI- 0040623023-1 0070795235-1 be held responsible for such contents, nor for any
changed my name to Smriti Secretary having an
110014, changed my name to loss or damage incurred as a result of
Gaur for all purposes. I, SHIVETA ASHWANI RAINA, I Divya Krishna Nivas experience of 4-5 yrs. contact :
JAI DEV SHARMA. transactions with companies, associations or
0040623084-1 W/o ASHWANI RAINA, R/O- C- Vipinachandran Nair D/O,,
0040623110-6 1/72, 2nd Floor, PIF, ARDEE Vipinachandran Nair R/o 9811024165. 0040623075-1 individuals adversing in its newspapers or
I,Shashi W/o Rambir,R/o 1 Link City, Sector-52, Gurgaon, Urbtech Xaviers, Flat No Publications. We therefore recommend that
Road Bhati Chaupal Sector- Haryana-122009 have M1606, Sec 168, Noida, 201305 readers make necessary inquiries before sending
36,Narsinghpur MEERUT,UTTAR PRADESH- changed my name to SHIVETA have changed my name to any monies or entering into any agreements with
Gurgaon,Haryana,have been 250404 Changed my name to RAINA for all purposes. Divya Krishnanivas advertisers or otherwise acting on an
KRUSHNADEV Matrimonial- As
changed my name to Shashi IRSAD ALI. 0040623110-5 Vipinachandran for all per your expectation with advertisement in any manner whatsoever.
Bala 0070795232-1
purposes. 0040623107-1 Brides/ Grooms of all Hindu
I,Gurmeet Kour W/O Jaswinder
0040623111-4 Singh R/O,H.No-19,Gali.No-3,A-
I Chaitanyaa D/O, caste/ Divorcees/ Widows. Office of the Superintending Engineer,
JODHRAJ R/O-35/7/1 MATA Register :-
I,Shailash Prasad S/o Chandra 2Block,West Sant- WALI GALI BAKHTAWAR PUR Swaminathan Kalyanaraman
2nd Circle, P.W.D., Nainital -263002
Shekhar Prasad R/o Flat.No- Nagar,Burari Delhi- DELHI-110036,changed my R/o V-1 Gf, Eldeco Green Phone/ Fax:- 05942-235728/ 232030 E-mail:
110084,have changed my 9004139985, 9004739985.
00099 Block-Ebony Mahagun name to DHARAMPAL Meadows, Sector Pi-1, Greater
Mywoods, Sec-16C, Greater name to Gurmeet Kaur. Noida, 201310 have changed 0070795180-2 Letter No 2503(1) /41-M 2/ Dated:- 19/7/2022
Noida West UP.have changed 0040623111-5 my name to Chaitanyaa Short Term National Competitive Bidding(E-Tendering)
my name to Shailash. Swaminathan for all purposes. PUBLIC NOTICE Superintending Engineer, 2nd Circle. Public Works Department Nainital on behalf of
I,GULFAM QURAISHI, S/O. General public is hereby informed
0040623112-1 I, Rani W/o Bhim Sen Kukreja 0040623109-1 that my client Mr.Mukut Dhari S/o Governor of Uttarakhand invites e-tender (two bid system). For further details please log
SHAHID QURAISHI,ADD.IN Sh.Dubri Gaur R/o G-24 B,Gali No.-
R/o 10/1, Prem Nagar, on to from 20.07.2022.
16, Raja Puri, Uttam Nagar, West
Janakpuri, N.Delhi-58 have Delhi-110059 having UID No.6266-
24,MASURI DISTRICT- 5710-6178 hereby sever all his Sl. Name of work Earnest Cost of Validity Time of Contractor's
Lal,R/o-H.No-A-597/2, Street changed my name to Rani affirm that my name on the relations with his son namely No money (in Tender of tender completion category of
No-21,Sadh Nagar Part- Kukreja. CBSE Class X Marks Statement 7160-2041 and his wife namely Lakh Rs) Registration
201302,changed my name to Shruti Rani due to their
2,Palam Colony,Delhi- 0040623122-1 cum Certificate of my son 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
GULAFAM disobeying, misbehavior and
110045,have changed my AYUSMAN BARDOLOI is hereby disowned and debarred
1 Construction work of 60 meter 10.70 5000 120 18 Registered in
KURAISHI,permanantly. them from his all movable and
minor son,name Krishnam I, Rajesh Kumar S/o Dwarka incorrect. The correct name is immovable properties forever. span steel girder bridge on Sukhi +18% Class "A" and
0040623036-5 Nath Khanna R/o-7/26, FF-3, Any person dealing with them river to connect village G.S.T. above in any State
Sandeep Bhiranyaa to BARNALI SARMA BARDOLOI. shall be doing so at his/her/their
Krishnam Bhiranyaa. Sec-2, Rajendra Nagar, own risk and responsibility. My Laxhampur (Nakel) in Govt./ Central
I,Ex-No- 9102527W, NK Fayaz 0040623031-1 client will not be responsible for Vidhansabha Lalkuwan Govt. or any Govt.
Sahibabad, GZB have changed their any act & deeds.
0040623112-4 Ahmed Khan, R/O- Gutlipora, Pardeep Kumar (Advocate) Constituency, Distt Nainital under taking in
Tehsil/District-Kupwara- my name to Rajesh Khanna. I AYUSMAN BARDOLOI affirm Lawyer’s Block,SR-II, Janak Puri, under Hon’ble Chief Minister Bridge work
Delhi-58, Regd No. D/2443-B/99
I,SUNIL KUMAR GUPTA,S/o 193222 . In my service records 0070795227-1 that the name of my mother on Announcement No 319/2013
CHANDER PRAKASH the name of my son has been the CBSE Class X Marks
GUPTA,ADD.1/507,GOPI I, Praveen Chandra Verma S/o Statement cum Certificate of
wrongly mentioned as Tufail
COLONY,NEAR SARVODYA Lt Jograj Singh Verma R/o M-
Fayaz instead of Tufail Fayaz mine is incorrect. The correct
HOSPITAL, FARIDABAD, 10, Shiv Ganga Avas, Prem
Khan. It needs correction. name is BARNALI SARMA
HARYANA-121002,Changed my Nagar Bareilly, declares that
Objections be filled to JAKLI BARDOLOI.
Name to SUNIL GUPTA. spelling of my name be read
record office within seven
and used for all the future 0040623032-1
0040623036-3 days. 0020442417-1
purposes as “Praveen
I,SAROJ KUMARI ARORA,Wife of I, Habiba, W/o Kashifuddin, R/o Chandra Verma” as appeared
14/55, First Floor, Zoya in my Aadhar, instead of
Apartment, Civil Lines, Kanpur “Praveen Chandr Verma” as
ARORA,Resident of,B- HAPUR(UP)-245301, changed
Nagar, Uttar Pradesh-208001, appeared in my son’s (Vishal
2/147,SAFDARJUNG my name to ZISHAN ALI,
have changed my name and Verma) passport no T7787586
shall hereafter be known as issued at Ghaziabad.
110029,Inform That SAROJ
Habiba Kashif Uddin. 0040623029-7
KUMARI and SAROJ KUMARI 0040623054-1
ARORA are both one and the I,YOGESH,S/O.PRAVEEN
I, Pooran S/o Ram Dutt Sharma
same-person only. I,Ex-No- 9098646M, HAV KUMAR, ADD-239,GF,SOUTH
Ishtiyaq Ahmed Khan, R/O- R/o-H.No-A-7, Gali.No-22
0040623110-8 Block-A, Dayalpur, Karawal BLOCK ,SURYA NAGAR PHASE-
Chowkibal, Tehsil-Kralpora, 2 SECTOR-91,TILPAT,
District-Kupwara. In my Nagar,Delhi-110094, have
I,Roopam Aggarwal W/o FARIDABAD, HARYANA-
service records the name of changed my name to Pooran
Ravinder Kumar R/o A-105 121003,changed my name to
my son has been wrongly Sharma
Prashant Vihar Delhi-110085 YOGESH KUMAR,For All, Future
changed my name to Rupam mentioned as Rahib Ali 0040623056-2
Mittal. instead of Rahib Ishtiyaq as in
I, Payaswini Bansal D/o Shri
Board of School Education 0040623029-8
0040623111-2 Sunil Kumar Bansal, R/o H.No.
certificates. It Needs
22, Second Floor, Gopal Nagar, I,UROOJ FATMA,
I,Rakesh Kumar Taneja,S/o correction. Objections be
filled to Unit 12 JAKLI within Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-110018, D/O.MOHAMMAD ARIF, ADD-
Tulsi Ram R/o-Q P-76, do submit that in Passport 1847,KATRA SHAIKH CHAND
Pitampura,New Delhi- seven days. 0020442416-1
Record my name has been BAZAR LAL KUAN,DELHI-
110034,have changed my I,Anuj Kohli,S/o Ram wrongly mentioned as Payas 110006, changed my name to
name to Rakesh Kumar Charan,R/O H.No.1/758,Gali Bansal. Payaswini Bansal & UROOJ, permanently.
0040623112-3 No.8,Gt Road,Village Payas Bansal are one and the
Khera,Shahdara,Delhi- 0040623111-6
same person.
I,Rajdeep Singh Grewal 110032,declare that my name
0040623064-1 I,Shalini,D/O Pratap Singh,R/O IN THE COURT OF SH. BHUPESH
S/o,Hardeep Singh Grewal R/o- has been mentioned as DAAL KUMAR, JUDGE, FAMILY
Village-Jaghina Post -Jaghina COURTS, CENTRAL DISTRICT,
Flat-No.63, Pushpanjali- CHAND in my Aadhar-Card & I, Nikhita Khurana W/o Pulkit District-Bharatpur Rajasthan- TIS HAZARI COURTS, DELHI
Apartments, Plot-No.10, NIOS certificate,But I have Chawla R/o-B-1/22, Paschim SUMMONS/ NOTICE FOR
Sector-4,Dwarka, N.Delhi- changed my name as ANUJ Vihar Delhi-110063, have Name,from Shalini to Shalini A NEWSPAPER (O.V, R.20)
78,have changed my-minor KOHLI,for all,future purposes. changed my name to Nikhita MT-04/20
Singh,vide-Affidavit dated- SHIVANI .... Petitioner
son’s name Anhad Grewal to 0040623110-12 Chawla 16.06.2022,before-NCT of- V/S
Anhad Singh Grewal. I,Anish Gupta,S/o- RAKESH ...Respondent
0040623056-1 Delhi. To,
0040623122-2 D.R.Gupta,residing at,G- SH. RAKESH S/O SH. RAJESH,
I, Naresh Pal Choudhary S/O 0040623036-9
240,sector-57,sushant lok- R/O 49, BLOCK-B, GALI NO.-5,
I,Pratap Singh,R/O Village- Mahavir Singh, R/o House ROSHAN VIHAR, NEAR RAM
2,have changed the name of I,SURAJ S/0-RAVINDER R/0- MAN SINGH SCHOOL,
Jaghina Post- Jaghina,District- Number-B-191, MIG Flats East
Bharatpur,Rajasthan Singhal(Age-5years)and he Of Loni Road, Shahdara, Whereas (Pititioner) SMT. SHIVANI,
321021,have changed my shall hereafter be known as Mandoli, Delhi- 110093, have W/O SH. RAKESH, D/O SH.
daughter’s name,from Pari to Riyan Gupta. 0040623111-7 changed my name and shall STOREY, OLD CHANDRAWAL,
hereafter be Known as Naresh
Pari Singh,vide CIVIL LINES, DELHI has instituted
I,Ajay Kumar Nama S/o the above suit U/s U/s 125 Cr. P.C
affidavit,dated- Pal. 0040623029-4 for grant of of maintenance. You are
16.06.2022,before NCT-of- Bhagwan Das Nama R/o-A- hereby summoned to appear in this No. BOARD REFERENCE/ BOARD DETAILS/EMAIL
Delhi. 1/1003,Tower-Height court in person or by a pleader on
Apartment,Pitampura Delhi- I, NAVEEN KUMAR KOCHHAR, DUDEJA R/O HNO.1233, 06.10.2022 at 10.00 A.M to answer 1. UHBVN 01/PRO/UH/2022-23 APPOINTMENT OF SOCIAL MEDIA 9780104304
0040623036-10 the same, failing which the suit will MANAGEMENT AGENCY FOR
110034,changed my,minor S/o R L KOCHHAR, R/o PD-111 SECTOR-14,SONIPAT- be disposed of Ex-Parte.
I,Patel Diya Rajat D/o Rajat daughter name Veenam to A, Pitampura, Shalimar Bagh, 131001.HAVE CHANGED MY Given under my hand and the seal of
the court on 28.05.2022.
Patel R/o V-197,15C,Vijay Veenam Nama. 0040623111-3 North West Delhi-110088, have NAME TO SAJAL DUDEJA, FOR Sd/- 21.07.2022 UPTO 15:00 HRS. AND
Park,Delhi-110053,have I,ANILL KUMAR THIPPESWAMY, changed my name to NAVIN Seal
Judge, Family Court AT 15:30 HRS
changed my name to Diya S/o THIPPESWAMY KOCHHAR for all purposes. 0040623029-1 Central District, THC Delhi
Patel. YARAGUNTAPPA, ADD.2- 0070795233-1 11238/HRY
I, Mariadass Arokianathan
Prabhu R/o 249, SFS Flats, GROUND-FLOOR WEST
I,POONAM W/0- RAVINDER R/o- 110001.Changed my name to
BAPROLA DELHI-110043 HAVE Nagar Road, New Delhi-110049 110009,HAVE CHANGED MY EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (T2)M-5
POONAM SOLANKI. PRESS NIT No. 55 (2022-23)(M)-5
BAPROLA DELHI-110043,HAVE future purpose MAGGO.
0040623029-5 CHANGED MY NAME TO S. Name of work Amount put E/Money Tender Fee Date of release of Last date/time
0070795275-1 0040623036-1 No. to Tender (EMD) (Non- Tender/Tender Id. of receipt of
I,PAWAN DUDEJA/PAWAN Refundable) tender
0040623029-3 I, Kirat Kaur w/o Sandeep Singh, I,BABLU KUMAR, S/O. PANNA
KUMAR S/O TEK CHAND R/O 1 Shifting/replacement of old 12” dia. (300mm dia.) ` 37,30,743/- ` 74,700/- ` 500/- Dt. 18/07/2022 01/08/2022
R/o 8/68A, Second Floor, Moti LAL, ADD-1601-P,SECOND-
HNO.1233,SECTOR- I,ABRAHAM NANDALATHU water line from 150, Double Storey to Andh 2022_DJB_226335_1 Upto 03.00 PM
Nagar, New Delhi-110015 have FLOOR SECTOR-
14,SONIPAT-131001.HAVE KUNJUKUNJU,S/O: EASOW Vidhyalaya, New Rajender Nagar under EE(West)-
changed my name to HARJEET 46,GURGAON,HARYANA- ll AC-39 Rajender Nagar (Re-invite).
C,POCKET-F, MAYUR VIHAR KAUR 122018,Changed my name to B Further details in this regard can be seen at
PHASE-2,DELHI-110091, 0040623103-1 K GARG,for all,future ISSUED BY P.R.O. (WATER) (Mohd. Idris Ali)
Changed my name to Purposes. Advt. No. J.S.V. 246 (2022-23) Executive Engineer (T2)M-5
I, Jyoti W/o Balwinder Sachdeva
I,Nidhi Shrotriya Sharma W/o ABRAHAM NANTHALATHU “STOP CORONA Wear Mask, Follow Physical Distancing and Maintain Hand Hygiene”
R/o H.No.54, Plot No.21, Ram 0040623029-9
Vaibhav Sharma,R/o FF-1, 540 KUNJUKUNJU. 0040623036-4
Nagar, Karnal, Haryana, have
Nitikhand-I, Indirapuram- I,ARSHAD ALI,S/O.NOOR
I, VASU S/o Rajesh Kumar R/o changed my name to Jyoti
Ghaziabad-201014,have MOHAMMAD,ADD-
WZ-409 E-1 PLOT NO 13 JANAK Sachdeva.
changed my name to Nidhi PARK HARI NAGAR NEW DELHI-
Shrotriya. 0040623041-1 ,MEWAT NUH HARYANA-
110064 have changed my name
to VASU MADANPOTRA for all I, Jyoti Sharma W/o Manish 122107, Changed My name to
future purposes Sharma R/o-173 S.F. Kapil ARSAD HUSAIN, permanantly.
I,Narender Kumar Bhalla,S/o 0040623088-1 Vihar,Pitampura Delhi- 0040623029-6
Kewal Ram,R/o-A-593,Bhooton 110034,changed my minor
wali Gali, Nangloi,Delhi- I, Siddharth Verma S/o Swayam I, Kumud Maurya w/o. Bharat
daughter name Siddhi
110041,have changed my Prakash Verma, R/o 192, Kumar R/o. GS-602, Supertech
Parashar to Siddhi Sharma.
name to Narender Kumar Sahyog Apartments, Mayur Eco Village-1, Sector-1,
Vihar Phase-1, Delhi-110091, 0040623111-1 Greater Noida, Gautam Budh
0040623112-2 declare that name of my wife To be known to all that I, SMT KUSUM
I, Balwinder Singh S/o Sardul Nagar, Uttar Pradesh- 201306 LATA W/O SH. JAI NARAIN R/O FLAT
I,Namee Divyang Tanwar,S/o has been wrongly written as
Singh R/o-H.No.54, Plot No.21, declare that my husband’s NO. 77, POLICE APARTMENT, A-3,
Parveen Tanwar Sanchayita Verma in my minor
Ram Nagar, Karnal, Haryana, name Bharat Kumar Maurya PASCHIM VIHAR, NEW DELHI-110063
daughter Swarna Verma aged
R/o.H.No.504/5,Patel Nagar, have changed my name to wrongly written in my purchaser/owner of DDA SFS FLAT
13 years in her School Records. NO. 159, 2ND FLOOR, CATEGORY-II,
Gurugram(Haryana)- Balwinder Sachdeva. passport his actual name is
The actual name of my wife is PKT-GH-12, PASCHIM PURI NOW
122001,have changed my Bharat Kumar . 0040623078-1
Sanchayita Deb Verma 0040623041-2 KNOWN AS PASCHIM VIHAR, NEW
name to Dev Tanwar,for all
0070795237-1 DELHI has applied for conversion
Purposes. I, AMAR DEEP, S/O Pratap
of the aforesaid flat from leasehold
I, Shakti Singh S/O Bhawani Narain Mishra, R/O - 70, LOST & FOUND to freehold.
Singh, R/o House No-1008, Pocket-10, Sector-22, Rohini,
I,Chander Mohan alias Chandra That the original Demand Letter
I,MUKSH KUMAR S/O GIAN Sector-9, Near E S I Hospital, New Delhi-110086 have against 5th & Final Instalment
CHAND R/O 1677,STREET Gurgaon, Haryana- 122001 changed my name to Mohan Arora,S/o Late issued by the DDA regarding the
BRAHMIN,SOHAN GANJ,SUBJI have changed the name of my Amardeep Mishra. Sh.Ganga Bishan,am one and said flat has been lost/misplaced,
MANDI,DELHI- minor Son Kabir Singh aged the same person,R/o-C- An FIR against this effect has
0070795253-1 49A,Mahendru-Enclave,G.T. been lodged in Police station.
110007.CHANGED MY NAME TO about 2 Years and He shall
I Shashi W/o Sh. Sachin Singh Karnal-Road, Delhi-110033,PAN Any persons claiming any right,
MUKESH KUMAR. hereafter be known as Arjun
No.AAFPM6397P, have Lost interest, having any objection or
Singh. 0070795245-1 R/o H.No.461, Mukhmelpur,
0040623110-1 Shares held by me of M/s found in possession of said original
Delhi-110036 have changed my
I hitherto known as Anupama Sukhjit Starch and
document, may write contact with
I,Km Vandana Singh W/o name to Shashi Singh for all above named person at above address/
Chakarvarti W/o A D Chemicals,Phagwara, Vide
Sudhanshu Shekhar R/o F- purposes. phone No. 9999256353 with 15 days
Chakravarti residing at House Folio.No.0014,Certificate.No.70
1206, Plot-GH-03, Stellar No. FD-3, Shivaji Enclave, 0040623024-3 from the date of publication of this
Jeevan, Sector-1, Greater 407 and Distinctive No.3695177 notice. The person claiming any right,
Rajouri Garden, Delhi-110027 I Sachin Rana S/o Sh. Vir Singh to 3696572 amounting to a total
Noida(U.P.) have changed my have changed my name and interest, objections with respect to this
name to Vandana Singh for all R/o H.No.461, Mukhmelpur, Number of-1396 Shares.If property can personally inform or write
shall hereafter be known as
Delhi-110036 have changed my found-please inform at to Dy. Director(SFS) or Director(H)-2,
purposes. Anupama Chakravarti.
name to Sachin Singh for all Mob.No.9810081639. D-Block, 2nd floor, Vikas Sadan,
0040623084-2 0070795223-1 purposes. 0040623024-4 0040623112-9 INA, New Delhi.

New Delhi

OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)
The Moon is The Moon puts the
presenting a friendly focus on travel,
face in your chart, communication and
which means that discussion. It's a day
you can only benefit from long- to get out and about, to talk
distance and creative contacts. over your feelings and
Those of you who have generally get on with all
arranged to travel today are the lively activities. Sedentary
smartest Ariens around. And Librans may be frustrated,
those of you developing artistic though, so don't sit
skills could be the happiest. around while the world
passes you by.
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21)
Vague feelings may SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 23)
be stirred up as Not for the first time
passionate feelings the single most
become more specific aspect in
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson intense. From somewhere deep your solar chart
inside, you are about to points to long-distance love. It
discover a sense of renewed therefore goes without saying
commitment. If you feel stuck that travelling Scorpios are
in a rut at work, then start by better placed to have pleasure
going back to first principles than those at home. But there's
and see where that gets you. another possibility as well,
ACROSS DOWN which is that a stranger comes
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) to you.
1 Magazines laid so price may be 2 Order found in the dictionary
Your efforts at work
seen (11) (5)
should be rewarded SAGITTARIUS (Nov 24 - Dec 22)
9 Any evil simply expressed 3 Time to change article
financially at last. If Your job may be to
(7) (4)
you don't achieve supply support and
10 Great arterial way 4 This poet makes uninteresting
some sort of monetary assistance to other
(5) study (6)
satisfaction, then there's clearly people, thus putting
11 Food of love at first sight 5 Yet he stands at the head of the
something in your solar your own interests in second
(4) board (8)
horoscope which is not being place. Are you capable of such
12 Good looks? (8) 6 Unsteady dog?
adequately expressed. Perhaps selfless actions? In the final
14 Companion of an American (7)
you have not taken sufficient analysis, I doubt if you'll have
star (6) 7 Warrant to arrest or set about
responsibility for your any choice. You'll see the
16 Not a Mr mistaken for a Mrs soldiers (11)
own decisions. situation much more clearly in
(6) 8 Capricious desire to overtake
18 I’m sent back with money for someone (7,4) MARVIN by Tom Armstrong CANCER (June 22 - July 23)
a couple of days.
betting slips 13 Twists up, moved in front, all In spite of CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
(8) spread out (8) impressions to the You might be about
19 Get a larger size 15 The stone archaeologists treat contrary, partners to double-book
(4) so cryptically (7) are on your side. yourself, so don't be
22 South African by birth? 17 Such a surgeon knows his drill Still, you may experience a too swept away by
(5) (6) sudden flare-up in an intimate social invitations or personal
23 Stumble on crude oil in North 20 Swiss river heron in distress relationship, although you initiatives. A business or
Africa (7) (5) might feel better for it in the financial matter of dubious
24 Old-timers (11) 21 Offers to take the lot? (4) long run. Let the scales fall from origin is now hovering on the
your eyes at work and figure horizon, and you'd be advised
out what you need to do next. to clear up outstanding issues
sooner rather than later.
SolutionsCrossword4797:Across:1Pillar,4Emission,9Nelson,10Fraction,12 LEO (July 24 - Aug 23)
Lois,13Bowls,14Flat,17Propositions,20Straitjacket,23User,24Smart,25Plot, You often AQUARIUS (Jan 21- Feb 19)
28Firmhand,29Single,30Exercise,31Deaths.Down:1Penelope,2Lollipop,3 experience If you wish, you may
Aeon,5Moralvictory,6Sack,7Icicle,8Ninety,11Logicalminds,15Route,16Sneak, emotional conflict issue ultimatums to
18Skylight,19Stutters,21Ruffle,22Hearse,26Chic,27Like. and insecurities colleagues, but only
which are derived from the if you are certain
position of the sensitive sign that all will be settled within a
Cancer in your solar chart. The few days. There's one snag, and
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel5s
best estimate at the moment is it's that partners have the edge,

that any such feelings are so if controversial actions are

Instructions misplaced, and you may well coming up, you might be wise
Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, be surprised at the support to think again.
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 that's on the way.
PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)

theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe
BurtReynoldsonce______.Iwasinhisroom.-PhyllisDiller(5,2,3) VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23) Midweek arrives
nineverticalcolumns,in If you have a and still the stars
eachoftheninehorizontal problem, it's a support the Piscean
DMAEE BIOTDU rowsandineachofthe tendency to be too mentality. It is as if
nineboxes. hard on yourself. As the whole world is swinging
of now, you should no longer behind you and your hard-
feel quite so threatened or working and creative
RTOST ANSUKM DifficultyLevel
thwarted as so often in the past. talents. For a lot of people,
The fact is that your social stars though, there may be extra
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; are extremely bright and confusion and uncertainty, so
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; there's a whole new world don't be put out if partners
5s=VeryHard;6s= waiting to greet you. miss the point.
Answer: Burt Reynolds once asked me out. I was in his room. - Phyllis Diller Genius

New Delhi

Norway women's coach Martin Sjogren has resigned from their roles after
the team were knocked out of the European Championship, the country's
football federation (NFF) said on Tuesday. Twice champions Norway
failed to get out of the group stages for a second edition in a row, losing
their last two games -- which included an 8-0 thrashing at the hands of
hosts England -- to finish third in Group A. REUTERS

Sable pegged back in slowest race
New Delhi: Former Supreme Court
judge Vineet Saran has taken over as
Coach Scott Simmons says Indian needs to clock sub-8 minutes and 10 seconds consistently to challenge the best; El Bakkali wins gold
the BCCI's ethics officer and om-
budsman, filling the dual posts lying
vacant for a year. Saran has suc-
ceeded Justice (Retd) D K Jain, whose
term ended in June last year. Name/Position WC'22 PB* SB*
"Honourable Justice Saran's ap- A MOROCCAN made history and broke the ElBakkali(1) 8:25.13 7:58.15 7:58.28
pointment was made last month," a stranglehold of the Kenyans, a cameraman Girma(2) 8:26.01 7:58.68 7:58.68
BCCI official said. Saran, 65, is a for- on track was an unusual obstacle and an Kipruto(3) 8:27.92 8:00.12 8:08.76
mer Chief Justice of Odisha High Indian national record holder was schooled
Sable(11) 8:31.75 8:12.48 8:12.48
Court, and also served as a judge in when some of the best runners in the world
PB: personal best; SB: season best
Karnataka and Allahabad High turned the men's 3000metre steeplechase
Court. When contacted, Saran, who into a masterful tactical battle.
calls himself a cricket lover, said: "I In the slowest steeplechase final in the race in which Sable finished 5th to break the
took charge last month, but I have history of the World Championships, national record for the eighth time with
not passed any order yet." PTI Morocco's Soufiane El Bakkali, the Olympic 8:12.48.KiprutohadnarrowlyedgedoutSable
champion, used his speed over the final 400 with 8:12.47.
Anish,Rhythmwin metres to end Kenya's streak of gold dating
back to over a decade and a half. Ethiopia's
Rabat witnessed a fast race, Eugene was
aslowthriller.Thepaceof theraceorthelack
bronzeatWorldCup Lamecha Girma was second and defending
champion, Kenya's Conseslus Kipruto was
of it kept even the runners on tenterhooks
with nobody wanting to risk exhaustion by
Changwon:Teenage shooters Anish good enough only for bronze. launching a dash only to realise that others
Bhanwala and Rhythm Sangwan El Bakkali's 8:25.13, Girma's 8:26.01 and could keep pace.
won bronze in the 25 rapid fire pis- Kipruto's 8:27.92 were pedestrian times. “I am very happy to win my first world ti-
tol mixed team event at the ISSF Outright speed wasn't on anyone's mind till tle after the Olympic gold,” El Bakkali was
Shooting World Cup here on the final stages of the race. There were quoted as saying by World Athletics. “The
Tuesday. The Indian duo emerged medals to be won and nobody was risking race was very difficult; it was very tactical
victorious 16-12 over Czech going all out and 'hitting the wall' too early. and slow. I positioned myself well on the last
Republic's Anna Dedova and Martin The tactics of the leading pack perhaps lap. I am very strong in the 400m and it
Podhrasky in the bronze medal caught India's AvinashSable by surprise. The worked out for me.”
match. This was Anish and Rhythm's man who has broken the national record EvenGirma,withfourmajorsilvermedals
second medal as a pair in the ISSF eight times, most recently at the Rabat inhiskittynow,couldnotfoxhiscompetitors.
Shooting World Cup, having won the Diamond League last month, finished 11th “The pace was very slow today,” he said. “My
25m rapid fire pistol mixed team with8:31.75.Sableisusedtorunninginfront tactic did not work and that cost me the gold. A cameraman recording the women's triple jump came in the way of runners on the first lap of the steeplechase final at
event at the Cairo World Cup in in domestic competitions but when the I was trying to change the tactic but the pace the Athletics World Championships. Reuters
March. PTI world's best start to dictate the pace, espe- limited me very much. I will go for gold next
cially when they slow it down, he will have yearandmytrainingisstartingfromnowon.”
NewAsianGames to find a strategy which works best for him. If Sable is to challenge the elite runners

Sable is capable of going much faster as
his national record stands at 8:12.47. He did-
n't try to push the pace in the World
he will have to be prepared for a similar race
strategy in the future. But to get closer to a
Barshim and Rojas clinch third consecutive
Beijing: The postponed Asian Games
will be held from September 23 to
October 8 next year in Hangzhou,
Championship final with the best in the
world chugging along smoothly. A brave
tain the speed till the end of the race.
"Ithink onceSablerunsunder8:10(eight
gold medals as Kipyegon wins 1500m
the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) of the runners ahead of him in the final. to push it. Like he did in the prelims (heats).
announced on Tuesday. The 19th Nineof the15finalistshadapersonalbest Itisaseriouslearningexperienceforhimand
edition of the Games were originally below 8 minutes and 10 seconds and two of for others too," Scott Simmons, India's dis- REUTERS THREE IN A ROW
slated to be held from September 10 them El Bakkali and Girma had run sub-8s. tance-running foreign coach who trains EUGENE(USA),JULY19
to 25 this year but were suspended There were 12 athletes with better personal Sable, told The Indian Express. Women’striplejumperYulimarRojas(Venezuela)andmen’shighjumperMutaz
on May 6 after a spike in COVID-19 bests in the final. By the end of the first lap it Simmons described the race as the 'cra- QATAR'S MUTAZ Barshim won an unprece- Barshim(Qatar)havewonthelastthreeWorldChampionshiptitlesintheir
cases in China. "The Task Force over was clear no record was going to be under ziestchampionshipsteepleever'."Extremely dentedthirdsuccessiveworldhighjumpgold respectiveevents,whilecontinuingtobetter ormatchtheirbestattempts.
the last two months held various threat, except for the collective slowest one. slow and then got even slower. Never saw instyleonMondayasheclearedaworld-lead-
discussions with the Chinese The runners also had to dodge past a anythinglikethisbeforeandlikelywillnever ing2.37metreswitheaseasallhisrivalsstrug- WOMEN’S TRIPLE JUMP
Olympic Committee, Hangzhou cameramanfilmingthewomen'striplejump again. With two Olympic gold medalists and gled to get close. Pos. Name WC 17 WC 19 WC 22
Asian Games Organising Committee final while being oblivious to the start of the twosilvermedalists, noonedecided topush. Barshim, who famously shared Olympic
(HAGOC) and other stakeholders to steeplechase. ElBakkaliandGirma,thegoldandsilverwin- goldwithItaly'sGianmarcoTamberilastyear, 1 Yulimar Rojas 14.91m 15.37m 15.47m
find a window for the Games which The top athletes have a strong finishing nersfromTokyoOlympics,werethetwoma- jumpedbeautifullyallnighttogowellbeyond MEN’S HIGH JUMP
did not conflict with other major in- kickinthefinal400metresandthatiswhere jorplayersandbothhadsub-8timesbutthey his own season's best of 2.30m.
ternational sporting events," the the3000metresteeplechaseiswonand lost. only focussed on gold and silver between Thetitlewasjustaboutsecureafterhehad Pos. Name WC 17 WC 19 WC 22
OCA said in a statement. PTI El Bakkali ran the last 400 in 58 seconds them and never even pushed. So no lesser cleared 2.35m but he then eased over 2.37m 1 Mutaz Barshim 2.35m 2.37m 2.37m
andsodidGirma.Kiprutowasaweebitslower athletes felt compelled to challenge," looking almost in slow motion.
FSDLmovesSCas butthepacethetopthreeproducedintheend
Simmons said.
oneattempt at achampionshiprecord2.42m
Rojas collects third crown So I feel really blessed right now to be among
AIFFcrisisdeepens The runners in the lead took 69 seconds to
time this year. It could come as early as the
Commonwealth Games or at the Diamond
but failed.
"The target for me for today was gold
Venezuelan Yulimar Rojas underlined her
status as queen of the triple jump on Monday
these special women."
New Delhi: Indian football being hit slowerwithanaveragetimeofcloseto72sec- League this year. "But he needs to do that to medal,ifeventheworldrecordistheonlything aftertheOlympicchampionjumped15.47me- in March with 15.74m and is the first woman
with a FIFA ban looked a real possibil- onds. get on the level with the best.” Istillmiss,"saidBarshim,whosebestof2.43m tres to win a third straight world title. towinthetriplejumpoutdoorchampionship
ity after the commercial partners of El Bakkali's finishing kick, once he crossed Major championship races can produce issecondonlytoJavierSotomayor's2.45mset Jamaican Shanieka Ricketts collected her threetimes,smiledbroadlyastheVenezuelan
the sport's governing body ap- thefinalwaterhurdleinthirdplace,andstorm- slowtimesif theleadinggroupof athletesde- in 1993. secondconsecutiveworldsilverwithabestof national anthem played at Hayward Field.
proached the Supreme Court over ing-run into the last bend was too fast for the cide to conserve energy for the final straight "Three worlds golds in a row is some- 14.89m on the first try, leaping from the sand Rojashassetagoaltobreachthe16mmark
contentious clauses in the draft con- rest of the field. Kipruto was leading till the fi- instead of going all out and risking a medal. A thing that has never have been done be- onherfinalattemptandrunningtothestands but after whipping up the crowd for her final
stitution.Many state associations and nal 200 metres but could not respond to recentexampleofanextremelyslowracewas fore. I feel like I have a name in our sport, tohughersupporters."Thisisaspecialcompe- attempt on Monday she finished well short.
Football Sports DevelopmentLimited Girma's pace. At the final hurdle, Girma for a the men's 1,500 metre final of the 2016 Rio but I have been never felt like the greatest tition for me," said Rojas. "I came with the goal to get closer to my
(FSDL), the All India Football second looked like he had enough in the tank Olympics.AmericanMattCentrowitzclocked one in the field," added the modest Qatari, "Itstillhasn'tsunkinyet.Iwantedalonger world record," she told reporters. "The wind
Federation (AIFF) marketing partners to challenge El Bakkali but ran out of steam. 3:50.00,theslowestchampionintheeventat who also has two Olympic silvers and a jump, but I am happy to return to this beauti- affected my run-up. I tried to adjust, but the
who run the Indian Super League The quick changes of lead in the last the Summer Games since 1932. world silver to his name. ful stadium, to see the crowd." most important thing was to win the medal
(ISL), have both filed separate inter- stages of the race made for edge-of-the- When El Bakkali won the Olympics gold WorldindoorchampionWooSang-hyeok American Tori Franklin took bronze, the and stay consistent over 15m."
ventionapplicationsincourt with the seat viewing but what preceded was a last year, beating the Kenyans, he had put his of South Korea needed three attempts to get UnitedStates'firstworldmedalinthewomen's
bone of contention being which wait-and-watch game with no athlete achievement in perspective. “I am so used to over2.33mbutthenalsocleared2.35matthe event, to the delight of the home crowd in Kipyegon storms to gold
among the I-League and ISL would be ready to break away and set the pace at the seeingKenyanswin,it'sabigaccomplishment secondattempttotakesilver.Ukraine'sAndriy Eugene, Oregon. Kenya's Faith Kipyegon stamped her au-
thecountry'stop-tierleague.Initsap- Hayward Field. forme,"hehadsaidlastyear."Ihavebeenaim- Protsenko collected bronze on the back of his "Ithasbeenlongandtoughcoupleofyears thority on the women's 1,500m final almost
plication, the FSDL has mentioned El Bakkali had run a blistering time in his ingforthisforyearsandthiswasmyopportu- 2.33m clearance. for me," said Franklin, who failed to make the fromthestartonMondayanddroveonrelent-
that the SC-appointed COA has last race before the World Championships. nity to show that Morocco is capable of win- Tamberi had a nervous path into the final, final at the Tokyo Olympics. lessly to take her second world gold in three
"failed" to take into consideration its El Bakkali's gold-medal winning time on ning this prize. I have tried so many times to twice failing at 2.25m and then twice again at "I have gone through a lot and I am happy minutes, 52.96 seconds.
objectionsandalso"rejected"sugges- Tuesdaywas8:25.13,nothingcomparedtothe compare myself with the Kenyans and 2.28m in Friday's heats. In the final he failed that I am finally competing to the best of my Ethiopian Gudaf Tsegay and Briton Laura
tions. The case will come up for hear- 7:58.28 he clocked to win at the Diamond Ethiopians to see whether I could reach this twice at 2.30m but then cleared 2.33m at the ability.Itissotoughrightnowinoureventbe- Muir, who matched Kipyegon stride for lung-
ing on Thursday. PTI League in Rabat in June. Girma was nowhere gold, and I did.” A year on, it appears he has second attempt before bowing out at 2.35m cause Rojas is just amazing jumper. busting stride until the last 300m, took silver
close to the 7:59.24 he produced at Rabat, a made it a habit. to finish fourth. "Shaniekaalwayscomeswiththisenergy. and bronze.

Shafique ton keeps Pakistan on course SC to hear BCCI plea on cooling-off clause
were no further hiccups. period of three years.”
ASSOCIATEDPRESS Earlier in the day, Sri Lanka's Dinesh SHAMIKCHAKRABARTY InDecember2019,theBCCIfiledanappli-
GALLE,JULY19 Chandimalwasleftstrandedon94whentheir KOLKATA,JULY19 cation before the Supreme Court, with a re-
secondinningswasendedon337withthead- quest to amend itsconstitution, including the
OPENERABDULLAHShafiquewas112notout dition of only eight runs. Jayasuriya was the ASPERthecurrentBCCIconstitution,approved watering down of the clauses about the cool-
and leading Pakistan at 223-3 in its chase of last man out for 4. bytheSupremeCourt,BoardpresidentSourav ing-off period, changes in disqualification cri-
342 to beat Sri Lanka in the first test at Galle Theseriesisbeingplayedagainsttheback- Ganguly and secretary Jay Shah will have to teria,curbingthechiefexecutive’spowersand
Stadium on Tuesday. dropofaneconomicandpoliticalcrisisengulf- stepasideforamandatorythree-yearcooling- conflict of interest. It also sought an amend-
The fourth day would have belonged en- ing Sri Lanka. offperiodinSeptember,whenthenextAnnual The BCCI had filed an application to ment to Rule 45 that made the Supreme
tirelytoPakistanbutcaptainBabarAzamwas The second test, scheduled to start on GeneralMeeting(AGM)isscheduled.Both,and water down the cooling-off clause for Court’s nod mandatory for any change in the
outsixoversfromtheendfor55afterthebest Sunday, was switched from Colombo to Galle alsojointsecretaryJayeshGeorge,havealready office-bearers two-and-a-half years existing constitution. The proposed amend-
partnership of the match. because Sri Lanka Cricket decided not to take served six years as office-bearers, in state as- ago. File mentshadreceivedverbalconsentfromall38
That gave Sri Lanka a sniff of hope that it anychanceswithpotentialpoliticalprotestsin sociations and cricket board combined, and members at the cricket board’s 88th AGM.
can still win, but the odds are with Pakistan, the capital. goingbytheconstitution,needtovacatetheir Anotherapplicationwasfiledinthisregardin
whichneeds120morerunswithsevenwick- The venue switch was confirmed on posts for a mandatory lay-off. comprising CJI NV Ramana and Justices April 2020, but due to the Covid-19 outbreak,
ets in hand and a full day. AbdullahShafique'sunbeaten112 Monday around the time Ranil TheBCCI,however,seeksanamendmentto KrishnaMurariandHimaKohliwouldtakeup normal court proceedings were disrupted.
ThehighestsuccessfulrunchaseinGalleis containedfivefoursandasix AP Wickremesinghe declared a state of emer- the cooling-off clause and has filed a plea be- the matter for hearing. Itwouldbeinterestingtoseehowthehear-
268andPakistanwentaboutachievingtheun- gency. He became acting president last week fore the apex court in this regard. At long last, Ganguly became Cricket Association of ing pans out on Wednesday, with some legal
likely showing determination and skill on a after Gotabaya Rajapaksa fled abroad and re- the matter will be up for hearing on Bengaljointsecretaryin2014beforebecoming heavyweights in attendance. The apex court
pitch that slowed down and lacked bounce. liveries and hit just five fours and one six. signed after months-long mass protests over Wednesday. The last Supreme Court hearing the state association president a year later.He haspermittedsenioradvocateHarishSalveto
Sri Lanka made it easy with poor field The second century of Shafique's six-test the country's economic collapse. on BCCI matters took place in April 2021. took charge of the BCCI as its chief in October appear virtually on Wednesday.
placements. Despite having almost 350 runs career could be a match-winning one. There SLC was forced to postpone the Lanka The BCCI had filed an application to water 2019. Going by the existing constitution, State association office-bearers, too, will
to defend, the host spread the field early in was a nervous moment when he was on 4 PremierLeaguewhichwasscheduledfornext downthecooling-offclauseforoffice-bearers Ganguly’s six-year term as an office-bearer also be keeping a close eye on proceedings.
Pakistan'sinningsandthebatterswerehappy and a loud lbw shout was turned down. The monthduetotheeconomiccrisis.Officialsalso two-and-a-half years ago and the Supreme ended in 2020. Shah became an office-bearer Some of them have completed their respec-
toknockoffthesinglesandputupasolidfoun- Sri Lankans reviewed and Shafique was nar- admittedtheAsiaCuptheywerescheduledto CourtwassupposedtohearthematterinJuly of the Gujarat Cricket Association in 2013 be- tivesix-yearterms.Accordingtoafewofficials,
dation.Theopenerscombinedfor87runsand rowly saved. Spinner Prabath Jayasuriya, Sri hostinlateAugustisslippingawayfromthem 2020, via video conferencing, before a Bench foremovingtotheBCCIasitssecretarysixyears the BCCI’s functioning could be hampered if
the start Pakistan needed, although Sri Lanka Lanka'smainweapon,brokethepartnership due to the crisis. comprising then Chief Justice of India (CJI) later. George’s six-year term ended in August continuityisbroken,withIndiahostingtheICC
claimedthewicketsofImam-ul-Haq(35)and when he got one to spin from the rough out- JusticeSABobdeandJusticeLNageswaraRao. 2020. World Cup (50-over format) next year. Then
Azhar Ali (6) in quick succession. side Babar's leg stump and the ball clipped BRIEF SCORES: Sri Lanka 222 and 327 Butitdidn’ttakeplace.Thematterwasun- The BCCI constitution says: “An office- again, the existing BCCI constitution has been
First-innings century-maker Babar added the off stump bail much to Babar's bewilder- (Dinesh Chandimal 94; Mohammad Nawaz resolvedduringtheApril16,2021hearinglast bearer who has held any post for two con- approved by the highest court of the country.
101 runs for the third wicket with Shafique to ment. A better defensive shot using his feet 5/88) vs Pakistan 218 and 222/3 (Abdullah year as well. Both Justice Bobde and Justice secutive terms either in a state association Meanwhile, BJP leader Subramanian
help Pakistan seize the initiative. could have saved him. Shafique112batting,BabarAzam55;Prabath NageswaraRaohaveretired,whiletheamicus or in the BCCI (or a combination of both) Swamy has filed an intervention petition be-
Shafique was unbeaten at stumps having Vice-captain Mohammad Rizwan, 7 not Jayasuriya2/89).Pakistanneed120runsin90 curiae, PS Narasimha, has been elevated as a shall not be eligible to contest any further fore the Supreme Court, opposing the BCCI’s
battedforclosetosixhours.He'dfaced289de- out,joinedShafiqueandthepairensuredthere overs with seven wickets in hand. judge. On Wednesday, a three-judge Bench election without completing a cooling-off move.

Vol XC No. 215 Regd.No. DL-21046/03-05 R.N.I. No.506/57. Printed and Published by R.C.Malhotra on behalf of The Indian Express (P) Limited and Printed at The Indian Express (P) Limited Press, A-8, Sector-7, Noida -201301 and D B Corp Ltd, Dainik Bhaskar Village Unan Tola,
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hibited. The Indian Express ®

New Delhi
COMMONWEALTH B I R M I N G H A M Commonwealth of emotions: Breaking stereotypes, a novice’s dare,
GAMES, 2022 28 JULY- 8 AUG a desire to end poverty, a mother’s struggle and curious origins.

One hoop-ring to rule them all

Short, snappy, compact, breathless . Even some NBA players struggle when they first play 3x3

play with one and two-point baskets (no were self-taught, a fruit of numerous hours
SANDIP G three pointers) over a single 10-minute pe- spentre-watchingVHS tapes,reading sports
NEW DELHI, JULY 19 riod with a 12-second shot clock. The game magazines brought by his sports journalist
can end sooner if a team reaches 21 points father and practising those a hundred times
WHEN 3X3 basketball became an Olympic before the stipulated time. If a game is tied on the court.
sport,fiveyearsago,America’sfavouritepas- attheendof regulationtime,thefirstteamto Incidentally or not, Bulut is the market-
time was picking the best all-time trio from score two points in overtime wins. Each side ing face (and force) the fledgling sport was
the NBA galaxy. Should it be LeBron James, isawardedtwofreethrowsfromthe seventh desperately looking for. “Every sport needs Indian team facing the heat.
Michael Jordan and Kevin Durant or should team foul, then two free throws and posses- a guy like me to survive. A dash of glamour. I
it be Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar sionafterthe 10th.Theballis slightlysmaller might not earn like an NBA guy. But I can be
and James Worthy? Or Shaquille O'Neal, than in the 5x5 game to promote snappier happy that I have done my best to make this HOCKEY COACH SPEAKS

‘It’s hot but it

Kobe Bryant and Robert Horry? handling, only one substitute per team is al- game (three-a-side) glamorous,” he says.
The common myth was that 3x3 is just a lowed and in-game coaching is not allowed. There is enough evidence, he says, that
shrunk version of the 5-on-5 basketball. At “Canitbecalledthesameif therearesomany suggests the exponential growth in the
its best, a leaner versionto woo the attention
-challenged in this era of instant gratifica-
tion. “With the many options that young
differences?” he asks. And a single common
hoop to aim at.
Half a court does not make the game less
sport’s viewership. “As many as seven hun-
dred thousand streamed the last game I
played (in America’s Big3 league). That too
is what it is’
peoplehave,wecannotexpectanymorethat strenuous either. “There are two fewer men in baseball season,” he points out. THE HEATWAVE is sparing none.
they will come automatically to us. We have on the court, which means there is no time Steve then dispels another misconcep- India’s women’s hockey team landed
to go to them,” the International Olympic to sit back and relax for even a second. It’s re- tion, that 3x3 is a resort of NBA rejects. inNottinghamonMondayandwithin
Committeepresident,ThomasBach,hadrea- lentless and an ultimate test of your en- “Please don’t consider us as failed basketball the first 24 hours, they experienced
soned. durance. Even some of the NBA players.BasketballisnotjustabouttheNBA,” the unusual weather, with coach
At its worst, a gimmicky players would struggle when Almost every NBA hall-of-famer, almost everyone who had held a basketball in he requests, Janneke Schopman wondering
marketing trick to melodrama- they first play 3x3,” he says. his hands, might have played informal 3x3 at some point of their life. Reuters File He has seen the cynicism in the eyes, felt whether it’llbea boon for her teamor
tise basketball, more Harlem
Globetrotters than NBA, more
make-belief than real. Even the
8 DAYS As did Canada’s Stephen Sir,
who was a shooter for
Milwaukee Bucks. “It is attack indrivewaysandbackyards,assomebelieve. 3x3.Itwasalwaysmorepopularhere,”hesays.
that in words and often enough, he has been
asked in a condescending tone by strangers
and acquaintances: “Why 3x3? Couldn’t
have an adverse impact.
on Tuesday. The women’s hockey
modernists crooned: “Why
to 48 minutes) shorter? Why
TO GO attack and attack. It’s so back-
and-forth with the way the
game is played, where if the
Incidentally, the first organised 3x3 tourna-
ment was played out in a driveway in
Michigan, organised by a group of 18 friends
The conventional version almost caged
make it to the NBA?” He does not blame the
snides, because for the world at large, bas-
ketball begins and ends with the NBA.
team trains in Bangalore, which is
mostly cool, but had spent a consid-
erable time camping in Bhubaneswar
suck out all the drama and ac- other team scores and I’m de- who played for a tournament purse of $18. focated. In 3x3, I can be what I am,” he says. Bulut agrees: “NBA still is the highest this year for their Pro League games.
tion that rolls on in this span? fending, we’re taking it out of Later, they called it the Macker Basketball “IcanbewhatIam”meansalotof theatre form of basketball, and it would be difficult Schopman and forward Monika said
Why overcomplicate a simple sport?” thenetandrunningouroffenceimmediately. Tournament,afterthemainorganiser’snick- and stunts (rather than moves) . He has for 3x3 to match its popularity. We exist not training in Bhubaneswar, which can
To the cynics and doubters, Dusan Bulut, It’s a continuous game, and coming from a name. patented the Shammgod Nutmeg, which as competitors but as a different sport.” be quite hot, will help them adapt to
3x3’s GOAT, has just one request: “Please 5x5 background I was drained,” he says. There were several iterations of this ver- Bulut calls the Bodiroga in honor of the As for America’s favourite fantasy of all- the conditions in Birmingham if the
watch one game and come back. Because if There are other subtle differences too— sion around the world with different rules, Serbian 5-on-5 basketball legend Dejan time trio, the US men’s team did not even heatwave continues to persist during
you have watched even one 3x3 game all defensive rebounds and steals must be before FIBA chalked up a unified set of rules Bodiroga. He throws the ball in front of his qualify for the Tokyo Games. So specialised the Games. “We have trained and
closely, you wouldn’t be comparing the two. cleared to the arc, fast breaks are non-exis- in 2007, three years before the first 3x3 body, drops his shoulder, pulls it back with the game has become that it’s simply not a played in Bhubaneswar where it is
These are two different disciplines. There is tent, thus placing a greater emphasis on World Cup. hisoppositehand,performsacrossoverdrib- matter of throwing three NBA stars together also quite hot and humid. We also
so much in common, but there is much not screens, isolation plays, quick backdoor cuts The presence of 3x3 was visibleyet invis- ble and nutmegs the marker. to win a medal. “There are still a lot of places haven’t seen the actual field in
in common” he tells The Indian Express. andoffensiveplayersbackingdowntheirde- ible. It was everywhere—perhaps predates He explains the move with characteris- wherethesameteamplaysbothformats.But Birmingham, but however it is, we
Hestrikesaparallelfromathletics:“There fenders into the post. As a result, the players the 5-on-five—but still considered informal. tic gusto: “It starts with the eyes, your eyes 3x3 has a separate circuit and more coun- have to make the best of the circum-
are a lot of events that come under athletics, enduprelyingasmuchoncunningandtrick- Under different guises and forms--streetball move that side, you move this side. You drop tries have begun to pick different teams for stances that are on offer,” Schopman
alotof eventsthatrequiredifferentskill-sets. ery as on stamina and physicality. “You have themostconspicuous--ithasexisted.Almost your eyes this way and move the opposite different formats. We’ve been training for said.
The skills required for 100m and 1000m to be versatile—shoot, dribble, pass and play every NBA hall-of-famer, almost everyone way,” he says as though it is as simple as years,” says Steve. The women players adapted well
races are different. You can’t expect Usain defence. I thought half-court was easy, I was whohadheldabasketballinhishands,might throwing a piece of paper into the dustbin. Stretching the point, the US, the undis- to the conditions in Tokyo last year,
Bolt to win a marathon, don’t you? Or a wrong,” he explains. have played informal 3x3 in some point of There are other eye-popping stunts up puted basketball powerhouse of the world, ensuring that their improved fitness
marathon champion to win 100m, even And be more physical—the referees take their life. his sleeve too—behind-the-back-assist, Euro has won just one of the seven 3x3 World levels helped them play at a high in-
400m? It needs totally different techniques a more lenient approach to grappling. Once Step layup, a move where he moves in one Cups. And the only time it won, they had no tensity in soaring temperatures. The
and different practices. It’s the same here, a team commits seven fouls, the other squad Be what you want to be direction before exploding the opposite way NBA galactico in the team (two of the four team, will carry out a final prepara-
3x3 and 5x5 are different disciplines. shoots two free throws, but no one can be But in Novi Sad, the second largest city in after picking up his dribble, and a step-back don’t even have wiki pages). That perhaps tioncampfortheCWGinNottingham
Personally, I think it's closer to handball.” sent off. Serbia where Bulut grew up, 3x3 was more shot. nailsthedebateabout3x3asacrunchedver- before they leave for Birmingham on
Everythingfromrulestotempoandscor- Simply put, it’s not a game for a middle- popular than 5x5. “More than 75 percent of These are tricks you do not find in text- sion of basketball or whether it’s a different July 23 for their first match against
ing system to the ball are different. Teams aged, out-of-shape wannabe Kevin Durant basketball games I have played in my life is books or coaching manuals. Most of them discipline altogether. Ghana on July 29.

New Delhi

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