Work On Listening

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 There are six sound files to listen to. Each file contains a very short conversation. There are
four questions on each part. After each part, you will have ONE MINUTE to select answers on
the answer sheet.
 Listen to part 1, then answer the first four questions. Then, listen to part 2, answer the next
four questions, and so on.
 You will listen to the files TWICE.
 You will get your results after you have answered all the questions.
If you had scored 1/24 to 9/24, your level would be Beginner - CEFR level A1.
If you had scored 10/24 to 15/24, your level would be Pre-Intermediate - CEFR level A2.
If you had scored 16/24 to 19/24, your level would be Intermediate - CEFR level B1.
If you had scored 20/24 - 22/24, your level would be Upper-Intermediate - CEFR level B2.
If you had scored 23/24 or 24/24, your level would be Advanced - CEFR level C1/C2.

Listen to part 1 now

1. The woman is from ____.
A. Croatia B. Russia
C. Australia D. Germany
2. The woman says that you can travel from Croatia to Germany in two hours by ____.
A. bus B. train
C. plane D. car
3. The man thinks ____.
A. Croatia is a part of Germany B. the woman is from Germany
C. he doesn’t know enough about D. his geography is very good
4. The woman thinks the man’s mistake is ____.
A. very serious B. not serious
C. stupid D. funny

Listen to part 2 now

5. What are they looking at?
A. A picture or a photo. B. A newspaper.
C. A story in a book. D. An email.
6. The man in the picture is ____.
A. the man’s mother’s older brother B. the man’s father’s older brother
C. the woman’s father older brother D. the man’s father’s younger brother
7. The woman thinks the man’s uncle ____.
A. looks unfriendly B. is handsome
C. looks kind D. is kind
8. The man doesn’t see his uncle often because ____.
A. his uncle lives too far away B. his uncle and his dad don’t have a good
C. his uncle’s wife and his dad don’t have a D. his uncle and his mum don’t have a good
good relationship relationship

Listen to part 3 now

9. This conversation takes place in ____.
A. someone’s house B. a supermarket
C. a bar D. a restaurant
10. The restaurant ____.
A. doesn’t have any more salmon B. is very busy today
C. only serves fish D. doesn’t sell salmon
11. When the waiter tells the woman that she can’t have salmon, she is ____.
A. a bit sad B. a little disappointed
C. very angry D. quite irritated
12. The waiter ____.
A. apologises many times B. suggests a similar dish
C. tries to sell the woman a more D. tells the woman he will choose a dish
expensive dish for her

Listen to part 4 now

13. The woman ____.
A. is early B. is a bit late
C. is on time D. is very late
14. The woman ____.
A. doesn’t want to walk far B. doesn’t want to go anywhere
C. doesn’t know where to go D. doesn’t feel well
15. The man is surprised that the woman ____.
A. is so late B. doesn’t know where it is
C. has been there before D. is wearing such unsuitable shoes
16. The woman ____.
A. went there last week B. wishes her friend were with her now
C. would have gone there once before, if D. would have gone there once before, if
her friend had come with her her friend hadn’t come with her

Listen to part 5 now

17. They are in ____.
A. a cinema B. the woman’s house
C. a restaurant D. a shop
18. The woman ____.
A. agrees to give the man a refund B. rudely refuses to give the man a refund
C. considers giving the man a refund D. politely refuses to give the man a refund
19. The thing the man bought is ruined because ____.
A. the product was low quality B. the product was faulty
C. he dropped it D. he didn’t look after it properly
20. The man ____.
A. complains that he was not given the B. blames the woman for the situation
instructions with the product
C. does not accept the woman’s decision D. accept the woman’s decision

Listen to part 6 now

21. The woman is ____.
A. appalled B. surprised
C. anxious D. scared
22. The man tries to be ____.
A. sympathetic B. dismissive
C. reassuring D. flirtatious
23. The woman who they are talking about ____.
A. doesn’t have a mobile phone B. often forgets things
C. never usually forgets things D. has forgotten many important things
24. The man decides ____.
A. to call her from his mobile phone B. to call her from a different telephone
C. to send her an email D. to call her from the woman’s mobile

When you meet someone, you will probably want to ask them a lot of questions about
their life. There are a number of questions in this dialogue.

Part 1. Grammar: asking questions

When you meet someone, you will probably want to ask them a lot of questions about their
life. There are a number of questions in this dialogue.

Listen to five questions from the dialogue and put the words of the question in the order that
you hear.
1. wanted/practise/Spanish/to/I/and/to.
2. here/visiting/you/are/you/live/or/do?
3. Spanish/you/do/much/speak?
4. Southern California/a/there/of/Spanish/lot/are/speakers/in.
5. people/I/learn/to/here/a/of/Spanish/know/lot.

Part 2. Listening skill: thinking language

If you don’t know someone, you might be nervous when you talk to them, or maybe you
need time to think of what to say. In this situation, it’s normal to use ‘thinking’ language –
words that don’t add meaning to the sentence, but give you time to think.
Listen to five clips from the dialogue and identify the example of thinking language in each
The speaker makes some words very long while she is thinking; then speaks much
faster when she has decided what to say.
The speaker says something one way then says the same idea a different way.
The speaker says ‘you know’ – this doesn’t mean anything in the sentence, it just
fills time.
The speaker makes sounds like ‘um’, which don’t mean anything.
The speaker repeats the first two words.

Part 3. Vocabulary: prepositions

Prepositions are small words like ‘at’, ‘to’ and ‘for’ that link a noun with other
information in the sentence. Sometimes, prepositions indicate physical location – e.g. ‘on the
table’ – but other times the prepositions are just part of phrases without their own meaning.
Read five sentences from the dialogue and complete the gaps with the prepositions used by
the speakers.
1. Let me just put my bag ____ the floor.
2. I’m ____ California.
3. My family’s from Cardiff, but I live ____ London now.
4. There are a lot ____ Spanish speakers in Southern California.
5. Pleased ____ meet you.

Part 4. Comprehension: understanding details

Now that you have studied some of the language in the dialogue, how much do you know
about the two people speaking?
Look at seven facts about the speakers – five of them are true and two are not.
A. The speakers are in Guatemala.
B. The man lives in London.
C. The woman is from the USA.
D. The man’s family is from England.
E. The woman is currently studying.
F. The man is currently travelling.
G. Neither of them speaks any Spanish.

Listen to the conversation again and identify which five facts are true. Then, in the answer
spaces below, write the five letters (A-G) for the things that are true, in the order that you hear

Where are you from? What is your country like? Listen to two people talking about
where they are from.

PART 1. Vocabulary: adjectives to describe places

Can you identify five words for describing places?
Listen to sentences from the dialogue and write one word in each gap.
1. Write the adjective that means ‘not big’.
“It’s a _____ country.”
2. Write the adjective that means ‘very nice to look at’.
“Do it have _____ beaches?”
3. Write the adjective that describes something or someone from Britain.
“It’s a bit like _____ food.”
4. Write the adjective that describes information which you didn’t know but you are
interested to learn it.
“Very _____ !”
5. Write the adjective that means ‘in the west’.
“It’s in _____ Europe.”

PART 2. Grammar: correct the mistakes

Listen to five sentences from the conversation. There is a grammatical mistake in each one.
Write one word in each gap so that the sentence is grammatically correct. You should not
write the words that the man says!
1. “_____ it have beautiful beaches?”
2. 2. “Ireland? But where’s _____ ?”
3. “I _____ _____ anyone from Ireland before.”
4. “Your name’s Mary, _____ it?”
5. “_____ like to go there some day.”

PART 3. Listening comprehension: true or false

Now that you have studied some of the language in the dialogue, listen again and decide if the
statements are true or false.
Write T for true or F for false.
1. The woman is called Mary.
2. She is from Europe.
3. Her country does not have a coast.
4. The food from her country is completely different from the food in other countries.
5. The man and woman are speaking in the woman’s country

PART 4. Pronunciation: understanding elision

When we put words together in sentences, the sounds at the beginning and ends of words can
change. One common example is called elision. This happens when a word ends with a /t/
sound and the next word starts with a consonant. In this situation, it’s very common for the
/t/ to disappear – and it also happens when we add ‘s’ to a word that ends with /t/.
Listen again to some sentences from the dialogue and identify the word that the woman says.

1. “Yes, ____ right.”

A. it’s B. it
C. that’s D. that
2. “Well, ____ a small country.”
A. it’s B. its
C. it D. is
3. “Yes, ____ does. It has a lovely coast.”
A. it’s B. its
C. it D. is
Questions 4 and 5 are from the same sentence. Write one word in each gap.
4. “The food’s good. It’s a _____ like British food …”
5. “… _____ it has its own style.”

 There are two sound files to listen to. Each file contains a very short conversation or
announcement. There are six questions on each part. Listen to part one, fill in the missing
information in the space with no more than three words and/or a number, and so on.
 You will listen to the files twice.
 You will get your results after you have answered all the questions.

PART 1. You will hear a short talk about Saira’s family. Fill in each blank with a word or a
number. On the answer sheet, find the number of each question and write down your
answer in the gap. You will have some time to read through the questions first.
Saira is a (1) _____ teacher and her husband is a doctor.
Saira has (2) _____ daughters and one son.
Her oldest child is (3) _____ years old.
Her oldest daughter has (4) _____ eyes.
Hassan likes playing (5) _____.
She is buying a (6) _____ for her daughter.

PART 2. You will hear a short talk about Lee’s holiday in Russia. For each question, choose
the right answer A, or B. On the answer sheet, find the number of each question and write
down your answer in the gap. You will have some time to read through the questions first.
7. Lee went by ____ to Russia.
A. train
B. car
8. It was ____ in Russia.
A. raining
B. snowing
9. They stayed in a ____ in the city.
A. flat
B. house
10. Lee’s dad has a friend called Anton. Anton is a ____.
A. manager
B. driver
11. One day, Lee visited a ____. Anton and his wife have a house there.
A. village
B. beach
12. Lee’s favorite place in the city is the ____.
A. museum
B. station

PART 3. Listen to Matt talking about sport. For each question, choose the right answer A,
B, or C. On the answer sheet, find the number of each question and write down your
answer in the corresponding space. You will have some time to read through the
questions first.
13. Matt enjoys basketball because ____.
A. it’s good for him
B. he likes the other players
C. the game is exciting
14. Matt’s favourite sport is ____.
A. tennis
B. basketball
C. swimming
15. The sport centre Matt goes to is
A. opposite the library
B. near the library
C. in front of the library
16. Matt goes to the sports centre ____.
A. on Tuesday some weeks
B. on Tuesday each week
C. on Tuesday most weeks
17. Matt’s tennis lesson starts ____.
A. after 7.30 p.m.
B. at about 5.30 p.m.
C. at 6 p.m.
18. Matt really wants to learn how to
A. ride
B. sail
C. climb

PART 4. Listen to a TV star called Laura who travels a lot for her job. For each question,
choose the right answer A, B, or C. On the answer sheet, find the number of each question
and write down your answer in the corresponding space. You will have some time to read
through the questions first.
19. Last summer, Laura was away travelling for work ____.
A. for two months
B. every weekend
C. for several weekends
20. What happened to Laura at the South Pole?
A. She hurt her fingers.
B. Her glasses broke.
C. She wrote some stories.
21. Why was Laura’s trip to Australia bad?
A. Someone stole her computer.
B. She lost her passport.
C. Her suitcase went missing.
22. When Laura was in Turkey ____.
A. she travelled by boat
B. she did some sightseeing
C. she went fishing
23. On holiday Laura usually likes to ____.
A. write
B. read
C. keep busy
24. What is Laura doing next?
A. She is getting married.
B. She is going to an island.
C. She is going to climb a mountain.
PART 5. Listen to the recording. Decide which appearance would be the most suitable for
each picture. Mark the correct letter (A - J) on your answer sheet.

1. __ 2. __ 3. __ 4. __ 5. __ 6. __ 7. __ 8. __ 9. __ 10. __

 There are two sound files to listen to. The first file contains a talk and the second file contains
an announcement. There are ten questions on each part. Listen to part 1, then answer the first
ten questions. Then, listen to part 2, answer the next ten questions.
 You will listen to the files twice.
 You will get your results after you have answered all the questions.

PART 1. Listen to Jean’s voicemail message for her husband. On the answer sheet, find the
number of each sentence and write down whether the sentence is true or false. You will
have some time to read through the questions first.
True False
1. Jean is calling Bill to ask for some information.
2. Jean is coming home from work because she is not feeling well.
3. There are people visiting Jean’s company today.
4. Jean and Bill have a family.
5. Bill needs to pick up the children when their lessons finish.
6. Jean will arrive home to have dinner with everyone.
7. Jean asks Bill to do something for her.
8. Jean made a curry from the chicken and chilli that her sister
9. Jean will buy a sandwich from the café upstairs.
10. Jean says she will not arrive home after 9 o’clock.

PART 2. Listen to Brad Grey introducing Windsor College adult courses. On the answer
sheet, find the number of each sentence and write down whether the sentence is true or
false. You will have some time to read through the questions first.
True False
11. Brad Grey is not a student.
12. Brad Grey wants to find out some information about adult
13. It is best to phone for evening course information.
14. There are four evening classes available this term at Windsor
15. Brad explains a few changes to the courses this year.
16. There are no spaces left on the Chinese course this term.
17. For some subjects, the college is offering more classes than last
18. The quickest way to join a class is to do it on the Internet.
19. The college doesn’t want the course money until the classes start.
20. Brad says a map is available online.

 There are two sound files to listen to. Each file contains a long conversation. There are ten
questions on each part. Listen to part 1, then answer the first ten questions. Then, listen to
part 2, answer the next ten questions.
 You will listen to the files ONCE.
 You will get your results after you have answered all the questions.

PART 1. Complete the form below. Write no more than two words for each answer.
Name Robert Goddard
Destination Melbourne
Total number of visits (1) __________
Best thing about the city (2) __________
Favourite attraction (3) __________
Best thing about the destination’s dining options (4) __________
Method of transport to destination By (5) __________
Age group (6) __________
Income level (7) __________
Purpose of visit - On business
- (8) __________
Occupation - (9) __________
- write for a travel magazine
Opinion of cost of accommodation (10) __________

PART 2. Complete the table below. Write no more than three words and/or a number for
each answer.
Number of trips per month 5
Visit places which have:
- Historical interest
- Good (1) ____
- (2) ____
Cost: between 5 pounds and 15 pounds per person.
Note: special trips organized for groups of 3 (3) ________ people
Time: departure 8.30 a.m. and return 6.00 p.m.
To reserve a seat: sign name on the (4) ________ 3 days in advanced


place date number of seats optional extra
St. Ives (5) ________ 16 Hepworth museum
London 16th February 45 (6) ________
(7) ________ 3rd March 18 S.S. Great Britain
Salisbury 18th March 50 Stonehenge
Bath 23rd March 16 (8) ________
For further information:
Read the (9) ____________________ or see Social Assistant: Jane (10) ___________

PART 3. Practise listening for simple factual information and checking meaning. Listen to
a man talk about a programme called ‘See Asia!’ and choose the correct answers to the
questions. For each question, choose the right answer A, B, or C. On the answer sheet, find
the number of each question and write down your answer in the corresponding space.
You will have some time to read through the questions first.
1. ‘See Asia!’
A. a TV programme B. a radio show C. a book
2. This is…
A. the first part of ‘See Asia!’ B. one part of ‘See Asia!’ C. the last part of ‘See Asia!’
3. You can watch…
A. ‘See Asia!’ again on B. a different part ‘See Asia!’ C. the last ‘See Asia!’ next
different channel. each week. week.
4. The last thing on ‘See Asia!’ will be about…
A. animals. B. cooking. C. sightseeing.
5. The programme will be shown again for people who…
A. didn’t see any of it today. B. are worried about C. want another
something. opportunity to see it.


PART 1. Listen to five conversations then answer the questions. You will hear the
recording twice. For each question, choose the right answer A, B, or C. On the answer
sheet, find the number of each question and write down your answer in the corresponding
space. You will have some time to read through the questions first.
1. Where does the man suggest going on holiday?

2. Which animal did the children enjoy seeing most?

3. How did they travel to France?

4. What does the boy want to borrow?


5. What is the girl going to do this weekend?


PART 2. Listen to four conversations. You will hear the recording twice. For each question,
choose the right answer A, B, or C. On the answer sheet, find the number of each question
and write down your answer in the corresponding space. You will have some time to read
through the questions first.
6. How did the woman feel when she watched the programme?
A. Anxious
B. Disappointed
C. Satisfied
7. How does the man feel?
A. Lucky
B. Amazed
C. Delighted
8. What’s wrong with David?
A. He feels confused by having too much to do.
B. He feels unable to do any of the homework.
C. He feels curious about the mark he will get for his homework.
9. How does the woman feel now?
A. Guilty
B. Angry
C. Afraid

PART 3. Listen to Dan and Sonia.

10. What are they talking about?
A. Where to go for dinner.
B. What to eat for breakfast.
C. Ordering food
Listen again and fill in the missing word.
Sonia: Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?
Dan: Great idea! Where would you like to go?
Sonia: Hmm, let me think. You know I love (11) ________ food. Perhaps we should try that new
Thai place in town.
Dan: Yes! One of my colleagues has just told me about it. He said he tried a really (12) ________
(13) ________ and (14) ________ soup there.
Sonia: Look, I’ve got the menu here on my phone. “(15) ________ papaya salad” - mmm, that
sounds (16) ________.
Dan: Mmm, it does. Can you get their phone number? Let’s see if we can book a table for 7 p.m.
Here are six adjectives from the recording used to describe food. Match them to their
spicy tasting very good
tasty how chilli tastes
raw the opposite of cold
sour not cooked
hot tasting very good
delicious how a lemon taste

PART 4. Kate has an unusual hobby of growing bonsai trees. Listen to Kate speak on a
radio programme and answer the questions about her hobby. For each question, choose
the right answer A, B, or C. On the answer sheet, find the number of each question and
write down your answer in the corresponding space. You will have some time to read
through the questions first.
1. The radio programme is about:
A. a well-known hobby that B. a hobby that is easy to do C. an interesting hobby that
a lot of people do. yourself. someone does.
2. When Bob hears about this hobby, he is:
A. surprised. B. shocked. C. worried.
3. Bonsai trees are
A. not hard to grow B. not as big as other trees. C. not kept indoors.
4. You put a Bonsai:
A. on a small pot B. inside a small pot. C. under a small pot.
5. Who lives in London?
A. kate did last year but B. Kate’s Japanese friend C. Kate does and so does
doesn’t now. but not Kate. her Japanese friend.
6. Bonsai trees grow very…
A. tall. B. carefully. C. slowly
7. kate took lots of Bonsai photos
A. to show Bob. B. to put online. C. to send to listeners.

PART 1. Listening comprehension:
Answer five questions about the conversation. The first is about the general context and the
others ask about details.
1. What role does the female speaker have in the conversation?
A. She is the customer.
B. She is a sales assistant.
C. She is the shop manager.
2. What item does the customer want to return?
A. A hat
B. A bag
C. A fan
3. Why doesn’t the customer want to keep the item?
A. It doesn’t work properly.
B. She ordered the wrong one by mistake.
C. She doesn’t have space for it.
4. What has the customer failed to bring to the shop?
A. The item she bought.
B. The receipt for the item.
C. Her bag.
5. What two things does the sales assistant give to the customer?
A. A refund receipt
B. Vouchers
C. Cash

PART 2. Grammar: modal verbs

Modal verbs like ‘can’, ‘may’, ‘should’ and ‘must’ have more than one meaning. They can
be used to make language more polite and also to express certainty. There are many examples of
this in the conversation.

Read five sentences that are used in the dialogue. Then, listen again and write one modal verb
from the box in each gap. Sometimes, more than one modal verb may be possible, but you
should write the one used in the recording.

Can can’t could may might must mustn’t should will woul

1. _____ I ask why you’re returning it?

2. _____ be in my bag.
3. I _____ have left it at home.
4. _____ you bend the rules a little?
5. _____ use them any time.

PART 3. Vocabulary: questions and answers for customer service

Some of the language used in this dialogue can be adapted for any customer service situation.
Read five questions that are similar to those asked in the recording. Then, move the sort
elements into the correct answer spaces on the right.
1. How may I help you? A. I’m sorry, but we need the receipt.
2. Could I ask what the problem is? B. I wanted to return something I bought here.
3. Do you have the receipt with you? C. No, it’s valid at any time.
4. Can you make an exception? D. It’s just not right for me.
5. Does this voucher expire? E. I thought I did, but it must be in my other

PART 4. Listening skill: identifying hesitation sound

One very common feature of speech that doesn’t appear in the full text of the dialogue is
what happens when the speakers are hesitating. We do this when we’re thinking, or when we’re
nervous because we’re preparing to ask something but don’t expect the answer we want.

Listen to five short clips from the dialogue and identify how hesitation occurs each time.

1. In which position does the man make a hesitation sound like ‘um’?
“Okay, (A) may I (B) ask why you’re (C) returning it?”
2. When speakers are nervous, or still deciding what to say, they often repeat words. Which
words does this speaker repeat?
“Do you happen to have the receipt on you?”
A. do you
B. happen to
C. have the
3. When they’re thinking or looking for something, many speakers ‘hesitate’ during words by
making them unnaturally long. Which of these words is longer than the others?
“Yes, just a minute, it should be in my bag. Oh no! I think I’ve forgotten it! I must have left it at
A. be
B. bag
C. left
4. Which two hesitation tactics does the man use here?
“Yeah, I’m not saying that you didn’t, but unfortunately, we do need the receipt.”
A. He repeats a word a lot near the start of the sentence.
B. He extends some one-syllable words and also the last syllable of a multi-syllable word.
C. He makes a sound like ‘um’ near the end of the sentence.

Listen to a conversation at a coffee shop. A woman is ordering a drink and something to

PART 1. Grammar: Word order in polite questions

When you go to a coffee shop, the shop assistant will ask you a lot of questions.
Listen to four questions from the dialogue. Put the words of the question in the order that you
1. you?/help/can/I
2. would/like?/what/you/size
3. get/to/eat?/I/can/anything/you
4. here/take/that/or/have/away?/to/is

PART 2 – Vocabulary: Answering questions

When a shop assistant asks you questions, do you know how to answer? Match questions from
the dialogue with the answers that the woman says. When you’ve chosen your answers, listen
again and check.

Can I help you? Sure, it’s sarah.

What kind of milk would you Yep, spot on.
Have I got that right? Yes, I’d like a latte, please.
Can I have your name, please? Just regular, thanks.

PART 3 - Pronunciation: Intonation

When we ask questions in English, the voice can rise or fall at the end, but it depends on
the type of question. If the answer to the question is ‘yes’ or ‘no’ we use rising intonation; if the
question is asking for information or a choice between options, we use falling intonation.

Listen to four questions which the shop assistant asks and identify the intonation that he uses.

The man’s voice rises at the end. The man’s voice falls at the end.

PART 4 - Listening skill: dictation
Writing the exact words that you hear is an excellent way to practise your listening. It helps
your ear recognise the sounds of English. Listen to four sentences from the dialogue and write
one word in each gap.
1. We do latte in ______, medium or ______.
2. Yes, ______. I’d ______ a chocolate brownie.
3. Er, I’ll ______ it ______, thanks.
4. That’s great ... and ______ pence change. I’ll only be a ______ minutes.

PART 5 - Comprehension: Understanding details

Now that you have studied the language in the dialogue, can you answer four questions about
what the customer asks for.
1. What drink does Sarah order?
A. a latte B. a cup of tea
C. hot milk D. a cappuccino
2. What size does she choose?
A. small B. medium
C. large D. she doesn’t choose
3. What other item does she buy?
A. something to eat B. extra milk
C. another drink for a friend D. something to take away
4. How much does she spend?
A. £4.18 B. £5
C. £5.20 D. £4.80

Have you enjoyed studying English? Have you learned anything interesting or met people you
get on with during your studies? Listen to two people talking about language learning. This is a lesson for
pre-intermediate learners.

PART 1 - Comprehension: correcting information

Check how well you understand the details in this conversation by correcting five
statements about the speakers.

Before you listen again, read the five statements and predict what information could be
wrong. When you know the correct information, complete the gaps to re-write each statement
1. The woman speaks four languages, including her mother tongue.
= The woman ........................................................ , including her mother tongue.
2. The woman doesn’t speak all those languages perfectly. For example, she hasn’t practised
German for a while.
= The woman doesn’t speak all those languages perfectly. For example, she hasn’t ..........
..................................................... for a while.
3. The man speaks more languages than the woman.
= The woman ........................................................ languages than the man.
4. The man is currently studying French, which the woman thinks is a nice language.
= The man is ...................................................................., which the woman thinks is a nice language.
5. The man thinks anyone can learn a language if they work hard.
= ............................................................anyone can learn a language if they work hard.

PART 2 - Vocabulary: guessing meaning from context

When you are listening or reading, there will be words that you don’t know. Of course,
you can check the meaning in a dictionary, but in real life you can’t always do that. You need to
think about the other words in the sentence and make a decision about the most probable
meaning of the unknown word(s).
Listen to five sentences from the dialogue and choose the correct definition for the highlighted
words. Try to guess without checking the meaning in a dictionary first, but use the full
transcript above to help you understand what comes before and after the clips.
1. What does ‘rusty’ mean in this sentence?
A. Bad at something because you don’t have any natural ability.
B. Bad at something because you haven’t practised for a long time.
C. Very good at something.
2. What is a ‘natural’?
A. Someone who can do something very well without trying very hard.
B. Someone who has learnt to do something very well.
C. Someone who has learnt a lot about nature.
3. What does ‘count’ mean in this sentence?
A. Ignore
B. Forget
C. Include
4. What does ‘it all comes down to hard work’ mean?
A. Hard work is one of many important things.
B. Hard work is the most important thing.
C. Hard work is the last thing to worry about.
5. What does ‘I wish I could’ mean?
A. I can’t now but would like to.
B. I could do it when I was younger.
C. I plan to in the future.

PART 3. Grammar: present simple v present continuous

Complete five sentences from the dialogue with a verb in present simple or present
continuous form. Write the missing verb in the form used by the speaker.
1. How _____ you _____ it all in your head?
2. It just _____ how much _____.
3. _____ you _____ anything at the moment?
4. I _____ _____ like _____ _____ anywhere.
5. I _____ it really difficult, actually.

PART 4. Listening skill: learning multi-word chunks

Listen to five clips from the dialogue and complete the gaps with the last three or four words
you hear. Do not write every word in the clip – just the number of words in each instruction!
You do not need to write any punctuation.
1. Write the last three words.
2. Write the last three words.
3. This time there are only three words! Write all three of them.
4. Write the last four words. Do not write a question mark.
5. Write the last four words.

If you spend time working or studying in an English-speaking country, you’ll need to go to the
bank and open an account. Learn some useful English words and phrases for going to the bank and
opening a bank account in this free Oxford Online English listening lesson. This is a lesson for pre-
intermediate learners.

In many situations you can use a general word that describes a category (e.g. ‘money’) or
something more specific (like ‘a five-pound note’). Using general and specific words is a good way
to add variety and avoid repetition.

Read five sentences that use general and specific words to describe things. Write one word
from the dialogue in each gap. The questions are in the order that the words appear in the

1. Your passport and your driving licence can both be used as proof of ……………
2. A gas bill and an electricity bill are two examples of ……………………. bills.
3. A bank account could be a savings account where you keep money that you don’t intend to
spend yet, or a ……………………. account for everyday use.
4. A bank offers different types of card: a credit card, which you use and then pay later, or a
………………... card, which you use and the money is taken from your account immediately.
5. For administrative purposes, there are different types of days: ‘five calendar days’ includes
every day of the year, but ‘five ………… days’ does not include weekends or public holidays.

PART 2. Grammar and syntax: put the words in the right order
Move the words into the right order to create five sentences from the dialogue. Capital letters
at the start of the sentence and punctuation at the end (e.g question marks) are not shown
1. how/get/everything/done/it/to/long/will/take.
2. I’ve/brought/

Listen to part one now
1. The woman is from
A.. Croatia B. Russia
C. Australia D. Germany
Man: "You're from Russia, aren't you?" Woman: "No no, I'm from Croatia."
2. The woman says that you can travel from Croatia to Germany in two hours by
A. Bus B. Train
C.. Plane D. Car
Man: "Is that near Germany?" Woman: "Not really. It's about two hours by plane."
3. The man thinks...
A. Croatia is a part of Germany B. The woman is from Germany
C.. He doesn’t know enough about D. His geography is very good
Man: "I'm sorry. I should study geography!"
4. The woman thinks the man’s mistake is
A. Very serious B.. Not serious
C. Stupid D. Funny
Woman: "Don't worry about it."

Listen to part two now

5. What are they looking at?
A.. A picture or a photo B. A newspaper
C. A story in a book D. An email
The man says "That's my uncle..." and later he says: "I haven't seen him for ten years." So, they
must be looking at a picture or a photo.
6. The man in the picture is:
A. The man’s mother’s older brother B.. The man’s father’s older brother
C. The woman’s father older brother D. The man’s father’s younger brother
Man: "That's my uncle, my dad's older brother."
7. The woman thinks the man’s uncle:
A. Looks unfriendly B. Is handsome
C.. Looks kind D. Is kind
Woman: "He has a kind face."
8. The man doesn’t see his uncle often because:
A. His uncle lives too far away B. His uncle and his dad don’t have a good
C.. His uncle’s wife and his dad don’t have a D. His and his mum don’t have a good
good relationship. relationship
Man: "His wife and my dad don't get along very well."

Listen to part three now

9. This conversation takes place
A. Someone’s house B. A supermarket
C. A bar D.. A restaurant
The man talks like a waiter, and the woman is ordering food, so they must be in a restaurant.
10. The restaurant:
A.. Doesn’t have any more salmon B. Is very busy today
C. Only serves fish D. Doesn’t sell salmon
Woman: "I'll have the salmon." Man: "I'm sorry, but we've run out."
11. When the waiter tells the woman that she can’t have salmon, she is:
A. A bit sad B.. A little disappointed
C. Very angry D. Quite irritated
Woman: "That's a shame." This does not have a strong meaning.
12. The waiter:
A. Apologises many times B. Tells the woman he will choose a dish
for her.
C. Tries to sell the woman a more D.. Suggests a similar dish
expensive dish
Man: "May I recommend the cod? It's a similar fish dish, and it's very tasty."

Listen to part four now

13. The woman:
A. Is early B.. Is a bit late
C. Is on time D. Is very late
Woman: "How long have you been waiting?" Man: "Not long, it's fine."
14. The woman:
A.. Doesn’t want to walk far B. Doesn’t want to go anywhere
C. Doesn’t know where to go D. Doesn’t feel well
Woman: "Is it far? These heels are really painful." Heels = high-heeled shoes. The woman's shoes
hurt her feet, suggesting she doesn't want to walk a long way.
15. The man is surprised that the woman:
A. Is so late B.. Doesn’t know where it is
C. Has been there before D.Is wearing such unsuitable shoes
Man: "Haven't you been there before?" The negative question (with 'haven't') suggests that the
man thought the woman had been there before.
16. The woman:
A. Went there last week B. Wishes her friend were with her now.
C.. Would have gone there once before, if D. Would have gone there once before, if
her friend had come with her. her friend hadn’t come with her
Woman: "I was going to go last week, but my friend cancelled at the last minute." 'I was going
to...' expresses a plan that you made in the past, but didn't do in the end.

Listen to part five now

17. They are in:
A. A cinema B. The woman’s house
C. A restaurant D.. A shop
The man asks for a refund, and is talking about a product of some sort, so they must be in a shop
18. The woman:
A. Agrees to give the man a refund B. Rudely refuses to give the man a refund
C. Considers giving the man a refund D.. Politely refuses to give the man a
Woman: "I'm sorry sir, but we can't help you." The woman is polite, but does not accept the
man's point of view.
19. The thing the man bought is ruined because:
A. The product was low quality B. The product was faulty
C. He dropped it D.. He didn’t look after it properly
Man: "I used it once and it's destroyed!" Woman: "Yes, sir, because you didn't follow the cleaning
20. The man:
A. Complains that he was not given the B. Blames the woman for the situation
instructions with the product
C.. Does not accept the woman’s decision D. Accept the woman’s decision
Man: "Well, it's ridiculous."

Listen to part six now

21. The woman is:
A. Appalled B. Surprised
C.. Anxious D. Scared
The woman is concerned that her friend (or whoever she is talking about), has not arrived yet.
Her language indicates anxiety/nervousness.
22. The man tries to be:
A. Sympathetic B. Dismissive
C.. Reassuring D. Flirtatious
Man: "Look, I'm sure she'll be here."
23. The woman who they are talking about:
A. Doesn’t have a mobile phone B.. Often forgets things
C. Never usually forgets things D. Has forgotten many important things
Woman: "She's so scatty. It's just like her to do something like this."
24. The man decides:
A. To call her from the woman’s mobile B.. To call her from a different telephone
C. To send her an email D. To call her from his mobile phone
Man: "I'll try her from the landline." Landline = a telephone with a fixed line (not a mobile).

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