DVT IDE For Visual Studio Code: Keyboard Shortcuts and Commands

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Ctrl + P
( No prefix in the Palette )
Ctrl + Shift + I / Ctrl + K Ctrl + F Format file / selection F12 / Ctrl + Go to Definition

Go to symbol in workspace Shift + Alt + F / Ctrl + K Ctrl + F

Ctrl + T Ctrl + Shift + F10 Peek Definition
( # in the Palette )
Ctrl + Shift + P Ctrl + Space Trigger suggestion / autocomplete Alt + F12

Go to symbol in file
+ + + Show References (usages)
( @ in the Palette )
Show Command Palette Ctrl Shift O Ctrl + Quick Fix Shift F12
( > in the Palette )
Go to symbol in workspace
Rename symbol and all usages Ctrl + T
(# in the Command Palette)
Go to Line...
( : in the Palette )
Ctrl G
Go to symbol in file
+ + Start a refactoring operation Ctrl + Shift + O
(@ in the Command Palette)
Ctrl Shift R

DVT: Expand Macro All Levels Inline Cursor on the macro call Shift + Alt + H Calls: Show Call Hierarchy
BASIC EDITING DVT: Collapse Inline Macro Expansion Cursor on the pragma
Show positional tooltip - cursor on
Ctrl + Shift + Space argument/port connection to see corresponding
Ctrl + S Save current file
method parameter / port definition
+ Split
Save editor
Ctrl \
current file
Show list of open editors - switches
F8 / Shift + F8 Go to next / prev error or warning
Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab
immediately upon release of Ctrl
Ctrl + W Close current file (last closes window) #<type>:<filter_text> Semantic search
Go back / forward in the navigation
Ctrl + Alt + - / Ctrl + Shift + -
history - similar with a browser checker, class, configuration, covergroup, Available <type>s
Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + Shift + Z Undo / Redo enum, file, generate, interface, library,
Alt + / Alt +
macro, module, package, primitive, program,
Copy / Cut / Paste struct, typedef, union, uvm_agent, uvm_driver, uvm_env,
Ctrl + C / Ctrl + X / Ctrl + V
Ctrl + K Ctrl + Q Go to last edit location uvm_monitor, uvm_scoreboard, uvm_sequencer, uvm_sequence,
uvm_sequence_item, uvm_test, uvm_component, uvm_object,
uvm_mem, uvm_reg, uvm_reg_backdoor, uvm_reg_frontdoor,
Ctrl + Shift + K Delete current line Go to File... uvm_reg_sequence, uvm_reg_adapter, uvm_reg_block,
Ctrl + P
(No prefix in the Command Palette) uvm_reg_field, uvm_reg_map, uvm_reg_predictor,
Alt + / Alt + Move current line or selection up/down uvm_reg_fifo, uvm_reg_file
Ctrl + G Go to Line...
#class:monitor Show all classes with 'monitor' in name
Ctrl + / Comment/uncomment lines Jump one word to the left
Ctrl + / Ctrl +
/ one word to the right #file:*_reg_def Show compiled files with '_reg_def' in name
Expand selection to next level / reduce
Shift + Alt + / Shift + Alt + DVT: Show Readers / DVT: Show Writers
previously expanded selection Ctrl + Shift + \ Jump to matching bracket
Go to the next / previous match of DVT: Open Design Breadcrumb Instance
Ctrl + F3 / Ctrl + Shift + F3 Go to the next / previous match of
selected text F3 / Shift + F3
selected text DVT: Design Breadcrumb Navigation...
Shift + Alt + / / / / Column selection
Ctrl + Shift + F / Ctrl + Shift + H Find / replace in all files DVT: Jump to Assignment
Shift + Alt + / Ctrl + Shift + Alt + / / /
DVT: Verification Breadcrumb Navigation...
Ctrl + F / Ctrl + H Find / replace
File: Save All Files Types: Show Type Hierarchy
Ctrl + K R Reveal active file in Explorer
Transform to Uppercase / Transform to Lowercase DVT: Go to Super Implementation

Go to Implementations

DVT: Show UVM Sequence Tree

OTHERS Ctrl + , User Settings Ctrl + K Ctrl + S Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl + K P Copy path of active file
Show Hover

DVT-VSCODE-KS-1123 https://www.dvteclipse.com/ support@amiq.com

+ P
( No prefix in the Palette )
+ + I / + K + F Format file / selection F12 / + Go to Definition

Go to symbol in workspace + Peek Definition

+ T F12
( # in the Palette ) + Space Trigger suggestion / autocomplete
+ + P + + F12 Show References (usages)
Go to symbol in file + Quick Fix
+ +
( @ in the Palette )
Show Command Palette O Go to symbol in workspace
+ T
( > in the Palette ) (# in the Command Palette)
F2 Rename symbol and all usages
Go to symbol in file
+ + O
Go to Line... (@ in the Command Palette)
( : in the Palette )
+ + R Start a refactoring operation + + H Calls: Show Call Hierarchy
DVT: Expand Macro All Levels Inline Cursor on the macro call
Show positional tooltip - cursor on
BASIC EDITING DVT: Collapse Inline Macro Expansion Cursor on the pragma + + Space argument/port connection to see corresponding
method parameter / port definition
+ S Save current file
BASIC NAVIGATION F8 / + F8 Go to next / prev error or warning
+ \ Split
Save editor
current file
Show list of open editors - switches #<type>:<filter_text> Semantic search
+ / + +
immediately upon release of Ctrl
+ W Close current file (last closes window) checker, class, configuration, covergroup, Available <type>s
Go back / forward in the navigation enum, file, generate, interface, library,
+ - / + + -
history - similar with a browser
macro, module, package, primitive, program,
+ Z / + + Z Undo / Redo struct, typedef, union, uvm_agent, uvm_driver, uvm_env,
uvm_monitor, uvm_scoreboard, uvm_sequencer, uvm_sequence,
+ K + Q Go to last edit location uvm_sequence_item, uvm_test, uvm_component, uvm_object,
+ C / + X / + V Copy / Cut / Paste uvm_mem, uvm_reg, uvm_reg_backdoor, uvm_reg_frontdoor,
Go to File... uvm_reg_sequence, uvm_reg_adapter, uvm_reg_block,
+ P uvm_reg_field, uvm_reg_map, uvm_reg_predictor,
+ + K Delete current line (No prefix in the Command Palette) uvm_reg_fifo, uvm_reg_file

+ G Go to Line...
+ / + Move current line or selection up/down #class:monitor Show all classes with 'monitor' in name

Jump one word to the left #file:*_reg_def Show compiled files with '_reg_def' in name
+ / Comment/uncomment lines + / +
/ one word to the right
DVT: Show Readers / DVT: Show Writers
Expand selection to next level / reduce + + \ Jump to matching bracket
+ + / + +
previously expanded selection DVT: Open Design Breadcrumb Instance
Go to the next / previous match of Go to the next / previous match of
+ F3 / + + F3
selected text
F3 / + F3
selected text DVT: Design Breadcrumb Navigation...

+ Column selection DVT: Jump to Assignment

+ + F / + + H Find / replace in all files
DVT: Verification Breadcrumb Navigation...
+ + / / /
+ F / + + F Find / replace
Types: Show Type Hierarchy
File: Save All Files
+ K R Reveal active file in Explorer DVT: Go to Super Implementation
Transform to Uppercase / Transform to Lowercase
Go to Implementations

DVT: Show UVM Sequence Tree

OTHERS + , User Settings + K + S Keyboard Shortcuts + K P Copy path of active file
Show Hover

DVT-VSCODE-KS-1123 https://www.dvteclipse.com/ support@amiq.com

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