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By Ramon C. Reyes

"La filosofia è quello che, con cui e senza cui tutto rimane comunque uguale"
“Philosophy is that which, with which and without which everything remains the same

At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

 Classify the different points of intersection of lines of event in his/her life
 Value his/her “structure” according to the different crosspoints of his/her life
 Appreciate his/her personality through digging the past

According to Mr. Reyes, man is a cross point or point of intersection of certain lines of events on
various levels: Physical, Interpersonal, Social, Historical

First level: Natural and Physical

Nature follows the principle of conservation of mass and energy whereby the totality of energy in
the world is constant: what happens is simply that energy goes from one form into another.

 Approximately 50 billion years ago, the universe underwent the Big Bang, a colossal
explosion that marked its beginning.
 About 4.5 billion years ago, the Earth formed through a process called accretion, where
cosmic dust and debris in a swirling disk around the young Sun gradually came together
to form the planet. The elements comprising Earth, including those crucial for life like
carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen, were originally forged in the cores of ancient stars
billions of years prior to our planet's formation.
 Approximately 2.5 billion years ago, evidence suggests that primitive life forms emerged
on Earth.
 Around 700 million years ago, during a period known as the Cambrian Explosion,
chordates appeared on Earth.
 Among mammals, approximately 250,000 years ago, Homo sapiens, or anatomically
modern humans, emerged in Africa.

Point of intersection in Physical events

Man is a cross-point of physical events and he is conscious of himself as a cross-point.
 The Earth the natural processes took that a long time ago to form man's brain, to finally
polarize and organize matter that is in him and then came his consciousness - man
become a psycho-biological organism.

 In this cross point, man is composed of natural, chemical, and physical elements and at
the same time a point of intersection of physical world of events.

Man becomes a conscious cross point of a conscious point of intersections

To be conscious means
 Man is a cross point of physical events and he is conscious of himself as a cross point
 Because he is conscious, he is conscious of himself of his limitations and his possibilities
 As a body, you are a source of activity; and being conscious, you have a certain power to
be creative

Insofar as mas is a conscious point of intersection of world lines of events; he has the power to
control these lines of events up to a certain point within certain limitations

Second level: Interpersonal

Points of Intersection in Interpersonal events

involving relations between persons

: being, relating to, or involving relations between persons
At the interpersonal level of historical action, individuals are understood as cross-points of
various personal relationships, as described by psychologists like Freud and Erickson. Our
personalities are shaped by the intersecting personal lines of events from our relationships with
parents, siblings, peers, and friends. These personal lines of events are influenced by the
personalities and backgrounds of our family members. Therefore, our personalities are not solely
our own but are deeply intertwined with the dynamics of our personal relationships.

This understanding leads to several key points:

1. Unique Intersection of Personal Lines: Each individual is a unique intersection of

personal lines of events, contributing to their distinct personality and identity.
2. Consciousness of Interpersonal Dynamics: Individuals are conscious of themselves as
being shaped by interpersonal relationships, leading to an awareness of both limitations
and possibilities within these relationships.
3. Source of Activity and Creativity: Consciousness of personal limitations and
possibilities empowers individuals to act as sources of activity and creativity. They can
actively shape future personal lines of events, bringing people together or causing
separation, thus demonstrating the second level of human creativity.

Overall, individuals serve as nuclei of personal relations within families and groups, capable of
influencing future interpersonal dynamics through their consciousness and action

Third level: Social and Historical

Point of intersection in Social events

In essence, at the social level of historical action, individuals are not merely physical or
interpersonal cross-points but are also products of their societal context. This societal context
encompasses various historical events and influences, shaping individuals into certain social
products. Whether consciously acknowledged or not, individuals carry the traits and
characteristics of their society, influenced by events such as colonization (Malaysian, Spanish,
American, Japanese-occupation past in the case of the Filipino context). These societal
influences manifest as social habits, collectively forming a culture. Despite individuals' efforts to
change or conceal these influences, they remain inherent. Thus, individuals, as social products,
embody certain qualities and types due to their intersection with historical events, leading to a
consciousness of both limitations and possibilities within their societal context.

Points of Intersection in Historical events

-Historical Intersection encompasses how historical events; and cultural dynamics intersect
with people’s lives and shape their experience s, choices, and identities over time.

 You are a historical product whether you like it or not. You are born of a certain age,
certain period of history. Not earlier, not later.

(Another slide)

 Historical events shaped you, it shaped who you are right now.
i.e., History or Christianity, Islamism, Modern Experimental Science, Industrialization,
Modern Medicine, The History of Colonialization and Decolonialization,etc.
 If the course of history had been different, we would not have been who we are right now.
We might not even exist.
 As we become conscious of ourselves as historical products, we become aware of the
historical possibilities we have. We can shape the history of the future generations.

Last level: Existential

The point of intersection between yourself as an individual

The point of intersection between a person and their time as an individual expresses the unique
interaction between an individual’s life and the broader context of the era they live in. This
intersection is where the individual’s actions, beliefs, and experiences intersect with the events,
values, and challenges of their time. Let’s delve into this concept more thoroughly:
-Cultural Context
-Technological Advancements
-Cultural Productions
-Social Movements and Activism

Abduljalil, Sohayyah S.
Acmad, Princess Jasmine G.
Anuar, Haneen

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