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爱的细节 (Details of Love)

细节 [xì jié] details,particulars

入围 [rù wéi] shortlisted, be selected,become a candidate
评委 [pínɡ wěi] Judges n.法官
如何 how
瘫痪 [tān huàn] paralysis n.
可能性 [kě néng xìng] possibility n.
自杀 [zì shā] sucide
鼓励 [gǔ lì] encourage vt.
如一日 [rú yī rì] as first day,very consistent
照顾 [zhào gu] care for,take care of, look after
抱怨 [bào yuàn] complain,moan
十分 [shí fēn] very adv. Often
感人 [gǎn rén] touching adj。
感动 [gǎn dòng] touch v. (emotional)
随后 [suí hòu] soon afterwards,subsequently adv. (随后。。。。。)
十几年 over a decade
婚姻 [hūn yīn] marriage n.
从来没(有) [cónɡ lái méi yǒu] never adv.
任何事 Anything pron.
红过脸 blush
吵过架 argue
相亲相爱 [xiāng qīn xiāng ài] love each other deeply
相进如宾 idiom. (of husband and wife) to treat each other as honoured guest or
with mutual respect
轮到 [lún dào] be one's turn
你得等着轮到你才行。You'll just have to wait your turn.

仍然 [réng rán] still adv.

他仍然很忙。He is still busy.

肩膀 [jiān bǎng] shoulder

喊醒 [hǎn xǐnɡ] call loudly to wake up sb.

伸出 [shēn chū] v. protrude, extend, stretch 伸出手指 [shǒu zhǐ] protrude fingers

歪歪扭扭 [wāi wāi niǔ niǔ] adj crooked (shapeless and twisted)


How do you expect me to read this scribble?

一行 [yī háng] a line,a row (measure word)一行字,一条线,

递给 [dì gěi] to hand it (aforementioned item)to sb

脑袋 [nǎo dai] head n.头

叙述 [xù shù] narrate vt.讲

给作解说 narrate,comment,作结论 conclude,pass a verdict

解说 [jiě shuō] explain orally,comment n.

催 [cuī] v. hasten,rush n. hurry 急忙 [jí máng]

催她快点, 我们都在等她呢! Hurry her up! We are all waiting for her.

一项 [yī xiàng] a (art.)a (formality, etc.): 支持 [zhī chí] 一项提议 approve a

proposal; 它是我们必须办理的一项手续。It's a formality which we have to
go through. [shǒu xù] formality,procedure ,routine 一项奖项 a award;
一项工作 a job

奖 [jiǎng] n award,prize

恩爱 [ēn ài] affectionate adj. 恩爱夫妻 an affectionate couple

2. 爱的细节 (Details of Love)

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