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Section: 2-A BS ENTREP

Market Research Report: Kojic Soap

1. Product of Market Research: Kojic Soap

The focus of this market research is to understand consumer preferences, usage

patterns, and perceptions regarding Kojic soap. Kojic soap is known for its skin-
lightening and blemish-reducing properties, making it popular among those seeking
skincare solutions.

2. Respondent Group: Students, Elderly

The respondents targeted for this research include students and the elderly
demographic. This selection provides a diverse range of perspectives from different age
groups, offering insights into varying preferences and needs.

3. Market Research Questions:

1. What brand of Kojic soap do you use?

2. Where do you typically encounter or hear about this brand of Kojic soap?

3. What is the main reason for using this particular brand of Kojic soap?

4. Have you observed any specific benefits or changes in your skin after using this

5. Where do you usually purchase this brand of Kojic soap?

6. On a scale of 1 to 5, how important is the price point when deciding to purchase this
Kojic soap? (1 being not important, 5 being extremely important)

4. Method of Gathering Answers

The answers for the market research questions were collected through messenger
platforms. This method allows for easy communication and direct responses from the
chosen respondents, ensuring convenience and real-time data collection.

5. Analysis and Interpretation of Results

Upon reviewing the responses, it was noted that many users of Kojic soap cited benefits
such as skin lightening, scar removal, and reduction in pimple marks. This suggests a
positive perception of the product’s effectiveness among consumers. However, there
were also mentions of no noticeable effects on the skin.

6. Conclusion and Recommendations

Based on the results of the research, the following conclusions and recommendations
can be made:

- Conclusion:

- Kojic soap is perceived positively by users for its potential benefits in skin
lightening, scar reduction, and pimple mark removal.

- There is a segment of users who did not observe any significant changes in their
skin after using Kojic soap.

- Recommendations:

1. Product Improvement:

- Manufacturers should focus on product quality and effectiveness to ensure that

users experience the promised benefits.

- Consider incorporating additional ingredients or formulations to enhance the

soap’s effectiveness.

2. Marketing Strategies:

- Highlight the proven benefits of Kojic soap in advertisements and marketing

materials to attract more consumers.

- Target specific demographics, such as those concerned with skin lightening or

scar reduction, to tailor marketing campaigns.

3. Customer Education:

- Provide clear instructions on how to use Kojic soap for optimal results.

- Offer tips on skincare routines that complement the use of Kojic soap for better

4. Price Point Consideration:

- Since price was noted as a significant factor in purchasing decisions, consider

offering competitive pricing or promotional offers to attract budget-conscious
By implementing these recommendations, manufacturers and marketers of Kojic soap
can potentially enhance customer satisfaction, attract new users, and strengthen their
position in the market. Ln

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