Game Theory-Or Notes

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4. GAME THEORY INTRODUCTION 1 games : When there Ovo person zero = stm gal ie petitors playing a game, it is called "two person game Whoo the algebraic sua of gains andl losses oF all the players the game is called "zero-sum game Saddle point : A sade point of pay-off mattis of a game that position in the pay-of? matrix where the maximu na coincides with the minimum ofthe column max Maximin principle : The maxinwm of the orinimunn gains is {now as the maim vale and the corresponding altemative is called as mavimin strategy Mi aciple + The minimum of the maximum losses is now as the minimay value and the corresponding alternative 8 Value of the game : The pay-off at the saddle point is © the value of the game and this is equal to the max 3 GAME OF PURE STRAT DLE POINT) mine pare strateg Step {+ Find the minimum value in each row and write it Step 2+ Now find the maximum value in eas = | step 3 step 4 Player A Satution game THEOTY —— rep 3: Now, select the largest elemem enclose it in circle and select the lowe: Step 4: Find the element which is same in rectangle and mark position of such by &. It is the saddle point which represents th of game. WORKED EXAMPLES [Sai the following (wo person game whose pay off matrix i Eanes Player 3 B, ByBs rae ee Maye % | ener (i) Ce tions Rese 44 Searc Minimax = 1, Maximin = 1 Saddle point = | 2. Find the value of the game Player B | B, B,B, Biaves Oth (10eSia20 a, [os 50 40] A, \ss 20 30) Solution : Player B By Row Minima Player A 4. So (los A, |65 50 a, \55 20 0 Column maxima 65 so [40] — Minimax = 40, Maximin = 40 23] Saddle point = 40 Hence, the value of the game = 40 4. Solve the following two person game whose pay-off matrix as follows Player 11 u m1 Vv Solution Player 1 it m1 IV Column maxim: Player TI ABCDE 93180 5 ¢ bia 2t-se-s 5692 2 1, Player I ABCD Row Minim: 93 1 sho 654 67 96 fils s Maximin = 4, Minimax = 4 Saddle poin Hence, the value of the 1. Solve the following game problem Ay Ap Ay Player A EXERCISES | Player B B, B, B, | (10 5 -2 Te 3 | 4 Bjiea: ane | a a 47 gare TREY and mixed Gann (@) Two pion mre soe game and (b) Pur strategy, the game.[B Sc., April 2015 1 (a) Saddle point (b) Value of [B.B.A, April 96] 5, Defin Find the saddle points and solve 4 Player B B, B, Bs ye (ee manner" * ao Fe fl) 5, Find the value of the following gue Payer B | B, B: Bs | a (20.15 2) \as 45 40 | | Pach Seal | A (18 20 25) | 6, Solve the rectangular game ith pay off matrix Player B B, By Bs Be nee | Aa eo ay) ov. 91) Player A mot 48 Operations Research = Solve the following game with pay off matrix sid aa Player B B, B, B, B | A, (12 1 30 -10 A, | 20 0s PlayerA A; | -5 -2 25 0 A, (15s -4 10 6 8._ Find the value of the following game. Player B The B, B, By B, Ar Ay Player AAs | as | Examp ANSWERS 4.-V=5 5.V=35 6.V=6 7. 8. V=3 ' 4.4 GAME WITHOUT SADDLE POINTS, MIXED STRATEGIES Solutic Formula Let the pay off matrix corresponding to 2 sum game for player A be 2 two person zero B, B; A (a1 eas) Player A A, ay ay WORKED EXAMPLES Solve the following 2 <2 games Player B B, By Example 1: [MU., BSc, April 2018] Player A x Solution Player B B, B Row Minima A PlayerA A, eoven! 6 (9) Minimax = 0 7 2 414 Operations Re 20-3 We ) Vv Example 3 ; In a game of matching wins, player A wins Rs, 2 if fl there are two heads wins nothing if there are two tails and loses Re. 1 when there is one head done tail, Determine the pay ‘off matrix, best strategies for each player and the value of game WA. Solution The pay-off matrix for A will be Player B ; nr Row Minima H( 1 1 Paver Alo (saan ® Column Maxina 2 [0] { Minimax ¢ Maximini No saddle point Now we will use mixed strategy formula a4 ; 4, Soh QO) - DCD 4 o+l 4 5, Tw ' on ies va EXERCISES f 1. Solve the following games and determine the value of the Bane Player A ame without saddle point. 2, Solve the following Player B B, By Ay (6 9 PlayerA | 3 4) DOMINANCE PROPERTY When one of the pure strategies of either player is inferior to a least one of the remaining ones, the superior strategies are said to General rules for dominance are Ifall the elements of a row say f®, are greater than or equal 1 the corresponding elements of any other row say the row is dominating r® row. Also * now is dominated row (b) If all the elements of a column, say &* are n of equal to the corre sments of any other column, sa then A column is dominating the r* column Steps to apply the dominance property : Step 1: Remove the dominated rows. Step 2 : Remove the dominating columns. ‘Step 3 : Continue the steps until the matrix is reduced to 2 Step 4 : Now apply the formula method. WORKED EXAMPLES Example 1 : Find the value of the following gs Player B B, 2 Player A 7 Solution : Hee 1 We know Valt a ee vere cot ave to tied column sence osed male apply mixed strategy formula ows WE value of the Value of the game V = Example 2 : Find the value of the following game Player B B, B, By A pie 2 £ _ Minin Player A Aa lnaed Aste 1's There Solution Player B B, By B Ay aoe Player A hoe Le Ashe 186 Ze Step 1 Here 2 row is dominating the 3" row. Hence remove the row. [dominated row] The problem reduces to Player B B, B, B Ay 2 Player A ' Step 2 Here 3" column is dominating the 1" column, Hence re The problem reduces t Value of the game V = = 1-2 OQ-OM 10 ve4 Note : The above problem can also be solved using column dom poser * Saesio™ = The problem + Player & 423 3; Solve the follow Player B By BBs Ae He koa) 6 2) 8 Player A? a, lo 1 6 a ea Solution Player B B, B, B. a, . player A 82 A, (6 1 6 step 1 Here all the elem jumn are equa a the elements of 1* co jumn, Hence ren dominating The problem reduces tc Player B B, B. Minimax # Maximini No saddle points We use mixed strategies and solve it. Value of the game V = a = We know that { . he ~ (2 + a1) (+7) ple V g EXERCISES gaapnicat Maibod seep? seep? ' MU 9s sep 3 meet WORKED EXAMPLES sraphical method, solve the rectangular Example 1. Using whose pay-off matrix for player [MU-Noy. Player B Player A Solution Here oof iteol ene 3 columt | nating 3" gon rhe problem Player A Here, there Now, let us Axis formant 2 : Xind tho optional srwtgicn snd value of the game for the pay off matrix given below + [April 2013} Player B Digeais 4, (3 2 4) A, | -1 4 2] roe real ie) 498 versione Resear ARITHMETIC METHOD (ODDS METHOD (OR) MATRIX METHOD) tees and game vale. Fit 0 optimum ates. Applying the ft and second the maces Cand R Fuample 1, Solve the fllowing 3 * 3 game by the method of matrices. Player B Omit 20. Omiting he second] 7 Reals] 6 al” 26m no METHOD OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING fe T From the above tbls eving variable and oo ate From the above temering a as 7 ae meatoe be Pp eHitals z-c[elolo ‘Sic 2-20, onal cho rea sequencing ~_5, SEQUENCING INTRODUCTION : The sequencing problem arises whenever there is a need to determine an optimum order of performing a number of jobs by various machines, $0 as to minimise the total time or cost ete. Examples : 1. Consider the example of printing a book. Here the first job is printing which is done by a particular machine. Second job is binding which is done by a different machine, We ean include typing work and cutting work also along with this which are done by different machines. Typing work must be done first so, itis the job followed by printing and binding ‘works which are done by different machines. Here the fourth job is cutting which is done by another machine. 2. Consider the example of sewing, The order of jobs here will be cutting, sewing and pressing. These are done by three different machi In the first example, if there are 10 different books to be printed, in which order the books must be taken for processing such that the time is minimum is studied in this chapter. Similarly in the second example, if there are five shirts to be stitched in which order the shirts must be taken for processing so that the time consumed is minimum is studied in this chapter. Step 6: Step 7 Step 8 : Step 9: Step 10: Step 11 Step 12 Step 12 To calculate the total elapsed time and idle time of m Operations Resear, Time time out of the first job is the time in of the secong Job. Add the duration of the second job with the above time This isthe time out of the second job. Continue the process tll the last job. The ime out corresponding to job 1 of machine 1 is time in for first job of machine 2. Ada the du ration of first job of machine 2 with the above This is the time out of first job under machine 2. Compare the time out of first job under machine 2 and the time out of second job of machine 1, enter the number under time in of the second job under machine 2 Add the duration of the second job of machine 2 with the above. This is the time out of machine 2. Continue the process til the lat job. whines = Total elapsed time is given by last number (time out) of machine 2 Idle time of Machine 1 otal time elapsed ~ Time consumed by Machine 1 Machine Find the elapsed Solution Step 1: Dra Step 2: The wt be p Thi Step 3: The will Step 4: The Step 6 2 C u ‘Step 1 Draw a bi 4 7 Step 2 3 4 13 Is tr saa 8 29 31 sequenc Conclusion The total time elapsed = 31 2. Idle time of machine A sed ~ Time consumed by machine A. Idle Total time consumed — Time consumed by machine B. Note : Time out of first job in M, is 7. But time out of second job in M, is 4. Since 7 > 4, we have to enter 7 in the time in column of M. ond job. Similarly, other timings for M, are entered. 2. Five jobs are to be performed, first on machine X and then Jobs Find the se Solution : Step 1: Draw a figure with 5 Step 2 : The smallest processing time between the two mach 4 which corresponds to job B of machine X. Thus j be processed first as follows, [B 1 | J Thus, job B will not be considered further: Step 6 ime between tw processed. Here, job D corresponds to considered. Thus job D will be processed as follows i T Le [> Ea Thus, job D will not be considered further. The next smallest processing time between two mach is 16, which corresponds t of machine X. Thus job ( is processed as follows: T Beef eA Oxf dBc lerd, he sequer ncing of the given problem is as follows Bap jaeal ele sponds to job B and D. But job B is Conclusion 3. The proc as follow Jobs [a | M Calculat: Machine | Time in ut | Time in Time out be i 6 | 1 3 | 6 2 | ieee 10 | 4 10 B 7 3 25 26 Conclusion ‘otal time elapsed = 26 hrs. al | | 4. Abo and 1 perf box. Cons of MI. TI small dur correspon from the r of ML. Th e 2. Idle time for machine A Total time consumed ~ Time consumed by machine A. Idle time for Machine B Total time consumed — Time consumed by machine B, 4. A book binder has one printing press, one binding machin and manuscripts of a number of books. The time required to perform the printing and binding operations on each book tare shown below. The binder wishes to determine the order in which the books should be processed, so that the total I books is time required to process Books L 30 | 120| 50 Printing time ( Binding time (hrs)| 80 | 100| 90 Solution = durations is 10 whieh Here, the smallest duration out of 2. Therefore, ster job 6 in the last job 6 of machine corresponding tox. Consider the next smallest duration 20 which corresponds to job 4 of MI. Therefore, enter the job 4 in the first box from the left. Next small duration is 30 which corresponds to job 1 of MI. Therefore enter job 1 in the second box from the If. There is another 30 which corresponds to job 5 of M2. Therefore, enter job 5 in the second box from the right, Next smallest duration is 50 which corresponds to job 3 ib in third box from the left. of MI. Therefore, enter jo Sequoncing {which corresponds o jobs 2 and S, therefore enter job 2 in the third tox from the right and enter job in the third box from the lef, Next uration is 7 which corresponds to jobs 3 and 6, both these jobs are smallest duration 7 which sy eared, therefore, job 7 {nthe fourth box from the lef. job G of M2, Therefore, enter job G in the jt. Next smallest duration is 14 which somesponds to jb A of MI job in the hid bor fom the eft next “The sequencing of the given problem e Lol ajuiec

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