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Biblical vs Secular

{ comparison
{ Secular { Biblical
 For man  For man
 By man  By God with man

as junior partner
 Limited to  Limitless

human effort
{ Secular { Biblical
 Improved quality  Quality of life as
of life determined determined by
by felt need God’s intentions
{ Secular { Biblical
 Man-centered  God-centered
 Selfish  Servant

 False Faith  Reality-centered

 Ultimately  Ultimately heals

Key Distinctives

The goal & agenda

of development is
Key Distinctives

Development goals are

determined through
study of scripture, prayer
& meditation, and the
need as measured
against God’s reality.
Key Distinctives

We have a model of
development and of
God’s intentions in
the life of Jesus.
Key Distinctives

Primary source of
development is
Key Distinctives

Prayer & obedience

to God’s laws are
critical & essential
elements in
Key Distinctives

God’s principles are

valid across cultures,
worldviews &
customs. They call us
to repentance &
submission to His rule.
Key Distinctives

The church’s role is to

be an active participant
& leader in
development activities
– as a servant leader.
Key Distinctives

Development is the
task of both the poor
& the rich.
Key Distinctives

Development is the
responsibility of all
believers. We are
commanded to love
our neighbour as
Key Distinctives

When development is
done on the basis of
Scriptural principles,
we can be confident of
the outcome with or
without immediate,
observable results.
Key Distinctives

Biblical development
is done according to
God’s timetable –
across generations &
throughout history.

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