Green Black Simple Thank You Design Instagram Story Post - 20240326 - 204043 - 0000

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As I began to sketch my design, I started with the basic shapes - four

squares, four circles, and one triangle. I carefully positioned each shape,
ensuring they were evenly distributed across my canvas. This
symmetrical balance design was all about precision, and I was
meticulous in ensuring that each shape mirrored its counterpart on the
other side.

The squares were the foundation of my design, solid and sturdy. They
provided a strong base, grounding the entire composition. Next, I added
the circles, their smooth, continuous lines contrasting beautifully with
the rigid squares. Finally, the triangle, with its sharp angles and defined
points, added an element of dynamism to the design.

I then began to overlap the shapes, creating new forms and patterns. It
was like a dance, each shape moving and merging with the others,
creating a harmonious balance. The overlapping areas were then filled
with varying shades of gray, transitioning from black to white. This
gradient effect added depth and dimension to the design, giving it a
sense of movement and life.

Throughout the process, I felt a sense of tranquility and focus. The act of
creating this design was almost meditative, each shape and line a
reflection of my inner balance. The principles of shapes and balance
were not just elements of my design, but also a metaphor for my state of
mind. With each stroke of my pen, I was not just creating a design, but
also expressing my inner peace and harmony.

In the end, looking at my completed design, I felt a sense of

accomplishment and satisfaction. I had created a symmetrical balance
design that was not just visually pleasing, but also a reflection of my
inner self. The process was a journey of self-discovery, a testament to
the power of art and design to express our deepest emotions and

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