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Mohit Singhal +91-9027239566

Bachelor of Technology

in Electrical Engineering, Minor in CSE
Indian Institute Of Technology, Ropar

Degree Institute/Board CGPA/Percentage Year
B.Tech (Electrical Engineering, Minor in CSE) Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Ropar 8.51 2022
Senior Secondary (XII) (Institute Topper) Central Board of Secondary Education 96.4% 2018
Secondary (X) (Institute Topper) Indian Certificate of Secondary Education 95.6% 2016
Work Experience
• Urban Company Pvt. Ltd. May 2022 - Present
Software Development Engineer - 1 ( Full Stack Developer ) Gurugram, India
– Implemented a greedy algo to create optimized hubs ( UC marketplace ) based on past demand at Uber H3 level
– Designed & Developed a scalable orchestrator microservice from scratch using Node.js, TypeScript & MongoDB that provides
an automated solution for deploying & updating the above auto restructured hubs
– Added Fault tolerance in the above system using MongoDB sessions to ensure 100% data consistency in the hubs DB
– Auto assign UC service providers to these hubs using a Greedy Strategy based on partner deliveries at Uber H3 level
– All the above builds were responsible for:- reducing the distance travelled by partners b/w jobs by 15%; increasing the GR
on UC platform in AC season by 1%; reducing the BO bandwidth by 60%
– Integrate a page and chat bot in UC Provider App using React Native and Maps SDK for Android & IOS to enable providers
to visualize & change their hubs; brings down Partner contact rate to BO and saves 60 lakhs annually
– Currently, I am the Owner of the entire hubs system and some majore highlights in functional excellence:- added auto linting;
increased UT’s coverage to more than 90%; resolve existing MongoDB slow queries in hubs service by correcting the DB
Indexing; the entire code is modular, extensible & aligned with SOLID principles
– My half yearly PR ratings ( latest first ):- 5, 4, 4 ( out of 6 ) [ UC is conservative in PR ]
• Flipkart Pvt. Ltd. May 2021 - Jul 2021
SDE Summer intern Work from home, India
– Created an app landing page for Shopsy using Vanilla JS, CSS and HTML
• GIS for Fishing boat Activity Clustering and Timeline Studying 2021
Runner-up, ASEAN-INDIA Hackathon, 2021 Github
– Use neural networks to identify over-fished areas and cluster vessels with an accuracy of 98%
– Compile above results into a SQLite database and then implemented a Web GIS using Django to enable easy visualizations
• Intelligent vehicle recognition and Tracking in surveillance videos 2020
Winner, Smart India Hackathon, 2020 Github
– Fine-tuned YOLO on our own dataset to capture 4 attributes of a car(Type, Model, Color, Number Plate of vehicle) from
CCTV footage with an accuracy of 90% along with timestamp and location which are then compiled into a SQLite database
– Created A web application using Django to visualize the queries for easy identification and tracking of suspicious vehicles
bringing down investigation time from hours to seconds

–Programming: Javasceript, TypeScript, Node, C, C++, , Java, Python, HTML, CSS, Django, React, POSIX
–IT Constructs: Data Structures & Algorithms, OOPs, Functional Programming, REST & gRPC API’s, Agile Development,
Distributed Systems, SOLID principles
–Databases: MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch
–Tools: Git, Linux, UNIX Shell, ELK, Kafka, Grafana, Snowflake
–Deep Learning Engineering: Tensorflow, Keras, numpy, pandas, scikit-learn, OpenCV
–Soft Skills: Problem solving, Ownership, Bias for Action, Leadership, Teamwork
Relevant courses taken
–Core CS: Data structures, DBMS, Operating Systems, Computer Architecture, Design & Analysis of Algorithms
–CS Additional: Artificial Intelligence, Fundamentals of Data Science, Deep Learning
–Mathematics: Probability & Stochastic Processes, Advanced Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations
– Runner up,ASEAN-INDIA Hackathon (International Hackathon) 2021
– Winner,Smart India Hackathon (National Hackathon) 2020
– Runner-up,AI-hackathon, Advitiya IIT Ropar (Inter-college Hackathon) 2020
– Winner,Debug It, Quintessence IIT Ropar (Intra-college competition) 2019

Positions of Responsibility in College

– Member,AI-community, IIT Ropar 2019 - 2022
– Ex-Executive,Event Management E-CELL, IIT Ropar 2020 - 2021

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