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Royal Holloway, University of London PH1140/1150 Scientific Skills Department of Physics

B14: Stefan’s Law and the Inverse Square Law

14.1 Aims
The aim of this experiment is

• to investigate the Stefan-Boltzmann Law relating the

power radiated to the temperature of the radiator;

• to test whether radiation from a small heated electric

filament varies with the inverse square of the distance
from the filament.

14.2 Background
An object at a any temperature above absolute zero radi-
ates electromagnetic energy. An ideal black body radiates a
power per unit area (W m−2 ) of

P = σT 4 (14.1)
where T is the absolute temperature and σ is the Stefan-
Boltzmann constant (= 5.67 × 10−8 W m−2 K−4 ). In gen-
eral the radiated power is less than this and can be written

P = εσT 4 (14.2)
where ε is the emissivity, which may depend on wavelength.
N.B. The temperature must be expressed on the absolute
temperature or Kelvin scale (0◦ C + 273.15 K).

Q1 From Equation 14.2, what would be the form of a

graph of log P against log T ?

The intensity of radiation spreading uniformly in all di-

rections from a small source will vary with the inverse
square of the distance from the source, i.e.
W (x) ∝ (14.3)
Figure 14.1: Stefan-Boltzmann lamp
where W is the intensity at a distance x.

14.3 Equipment
Important Safety Warning Caution lamp will get hot,
handle using the base only
This experiment uses the Pasco Stefan-Boltzmann Lamp
TD-8555 (Figure 14.1), and the Radiation Sensor TD-8553
(Figure 14.2).
The filament of the lamp is made of tungsten. The varia-
tion with temperature of the resistance of tungsten is known

B14: Stefan’s Law and the Inverse Square Law 1 VA 11/1/2020

Royal Holloway, University of London PH1140/1150 Scientific Skills Department of Physics

will place the sensor about 6 cm away from the lamp


• Place the foam heatshield between the lamp and the

sensor, with the metallised side facing the lamp.

• Connect the output of the radiation sensor to a digital

multimeter, set on its most sensitive voltage range.

• You need to know the resistance of the lamp filament

when cold. This can be obtained by applying a (small)
voltage, V , across the filament and measuring the cor-
responding (small) current, I.

Q2 Why is it important to use a small voltage and current?

Q3 How can you decide whether your voltage and current

are small enough?

Q4 Measure V for a value of I around 100 mA.

Q5 Calculate the filament resistance under these condi-

Figure 14.2: Radiation sensor tions.

Q6 Calculate the power dissipation in the filament during

and is shown in Figure 14.3. Hence if the resistance of the your measurement.
filament at room temperature is known, the temperature of
the filament can be obtained from a measurement of its re- Q7 The rated power of the bulb in normal use is 36 W.
sistance. Explain whether you think that the filament will have
The Radiation Sensor measures the relative intensities of been at approximately room temperature during the
incident thermal radiation. The sensing element, a miniature measurement.
thermopile, produces a voltage proportional to the intensity
Q8 If you think the values you have used are appropri-
of the radiation. The spectral response of the thermopile is
ate, then you have already measured the resistance at
essentially flat in the infrared region (from 0.5 to 40 µm),
room temperature, Rroom . If not, then choose a differ-
and the voltages produced range from the microvolt range
ent voltage/current pair and obtain a value for Rroom .
up to around 100 millivolts.
A spring-clip shutter is opened and closed by sliding the Q9 Measure V , I and the output of the radiation sensor, S,
shutter ring forward or back. During experiments, the shut- for a number of voltages in the range up to 12 V. Take
ter should be closed when measurements are not actively care to avoid exceeding 13 V input to the lamp at any
being taken. This helps reduce temperature shifts in the time. Note that you need to alter the connection on the
thermopile reference junction which can cause the sensor ammeter when the current exceeds 2 A. Remember
response to drift. to change the connection back when you switch the
ammeter back to a lower range. When taking each
14.4 Investigation of Stefan’s law reading, move the heat shield out of the way and open
the shutter on the sensor for as little time as possible.
Identify and list any potential hazards associated with this
Q10 For each value of V , calculate R = V /I and hence find
experiment and what control measures are in place to min-
the filament temperature from the empirical equation
imise the risk
(A mirror image of) the general layout of the apparatus is T = A α3 + B α2 +C α + D
shown in Figure 14.4.
where A = 0.109 K, B = −4.99 K, C = 231 K, D =
• Set up the circuit shown in Figure 14.5 to supply power 74 K and α = R/Rroom , the relative resistance of the
to the lamp. Connect the voltmeter directly across filament to that at room temperature. (This is the curve
the lamp terminals so that voltage drops along the plotted in Figure 14.3.)
wires from the power supply will not affect your read-
ings. For the initial readings, set the voltmeter on the Q11 Use Python to plot log S against log T .
200 mV scale and the ammeter on the 200 mA scale.
Q12 Use and the the result of Q1 to find
• Move the radiation sensor so that the the marker on a measured value for the exponent of Equation 14.2.
the base is on the 10 cm line on the metre rule. This Compare this with the expected value.

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Royal Holloway, University of London PH1140/1150 Scientific Skills Department of Physics

Variation of resistivity with temperature for tungsten









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Relative resistivity

Figure 14.3: Dependence of the resistivity of tungsten on temperature

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Royal Holloway, University of London PH1140/1150 Scientific Skills Department of Physics

Figure 14.4: General layout of the apparatus

Make each reading as quickly as possible and between

readings keep the heat shield in front of the lamp to
avoid heating up the sensor.
Q15 Adjust each value of S by subtracting the background

Q16 Use Python to plot a graph of S against x.

Q17 Use Python to plot a graph of S against .
Q18 Use to test whether your points lie on
a straight line, indicating agreement with the inverse
Figure 14.5: Circuit for the lamp square law? If not, is it the points corresponding to
small or large values of x that show the most marked
14.5 Investigation of the inverse square law deviation from the straight line?

In this part of the experiment you will investigate whether Q19 Replot your graph, using only the region correspond-
radiation from the lamp follows the inverse square law. You ing to a straight line.
use the same apparatus as the first experiment.
Q20 Deduce over what range of x your measurements fit
Q13 With the lamp OFF and the foam heatshield removed, the inverse square law. Discuss how your answer is
record the sensor output voltage, S, at 10 cm intervals related to the size of the radiating filament.
along the track. Average these values to determine the
background thermal radiation level. 14.6 Summary
Replace the heat shield.
Q21 Write a short summary of your work, outlining the ob-
Q14 Make a series of readings of the sensor output as a jectives of the experiment, giving the main results ob-
function of x. Remember that you expect the output tained (referring to graphs where appropriate) and the
to change as the inverse square of the distance; you conclusions you have reached.
should therefore choose your distances so that when
you plot against 1/x2 the points will be approximately
equally spaced along the 1/x2 axis.

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Royal Holloway, University of London PH1140/1150 Scientific Skills Department of Physics

Equipment list
• Pasco Stefan-Boltzmann Lamp

• Farnell L30E Power Supply (12V DC, 3A)

• 3 Black Star DMMs for measuring the lamp voltage,
the lamp current, and the radiation sensor output
• Pasco Thermal Radiation Sensor

• PTI 1 meter optical bench

• 2 PTI standard bench saddles

• Pasco stand, large croc clip and heat reflector

• 1 metre and 0.5 metre rules

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