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(Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics)

Course: Compulsory English-II (1424)

Level: B.A/AD Semester: Autumn, 2023

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Assignment No 1
Total Assignment

Q.1 Read pages 1-14 carefully (the content is related to ‘academic
writing’ and various types of ‘essays’) and briefly answer the
following questions (in your own words).
Write an academic essay (of about 250 words) on ‘Pakistani

Answer: Pakistani Culture: A Mosaic of Diversity and Tradition
Pakistani culture is a rich tapestry woven with the threads of history, tradition, and
diversity. Situated at the crossroads of South Asia, the Middle East, and Central Asia,
Pakistan's cultural landscape is a reflection of its complex history and geographical
location. The culture is deeply rooted in the traditions of the Indus Valley Civilization,
with influences from various conquerors, including the Persians, Greeks, Arabs, and
the British. One of the most distinctive aspects of Pakistani culture is its unity in
diversity, as it comprises a myriad of ethnic groups, languages, and customs.
The vibrant cultural mosaic of Pakistan is manifested in its art, music, dance, and
literature. Traditional forms of music, such as qawwali and classical music, coexist with
modern genres, creating a harmonious blend of the old and the new. The Pakistani
cuisine, with its aromatic spices and diverse flavors, is a testament to the country's
culinary heritage.

Additionally, the festivals and celebrations, like Eid and Basant, showcase the
communal spirit and hospitality ingrained in Pakistani society.

However, Pakistani culture also grapples with the challenges posed by modernization
and globalization. The clash between traditional values and contemporary influences
has given rise to a dynamic cultural landscape, marked by a constant negotiation
between the old and the new. Despite these challenges, the resilience of Pakistani
culture continues to thrive, celebrating its uniqueness while adapting to the evolving
global context.

Q.1 Read pages 1-14 carefully (the content is related to ‘academic
writing’ and various types of ‘essays’) and briefly answer the
following questions (in your own words).
b)Define ‘Narrative essay’. How it is different than other types
of essays? Write one paragraph on ‘Travel to Hill Station’
using the techniques of narrative essay.
Answer: Narrative Essay: A Journey Through Words
A narrative essay is a form of writing that tells a story, often from a personal
perspective. Unlike other types of essays that may focus on analysis or argumentation,
a narrative essay is centered around a narrative thread, guiding the reader through a
series of events, experiences, or emotions. It typically employs vivid descriptions,
sensory details, and a chronological structure to engage the reader and create a
compelling narrative.
Travel to Hill Station
Last summer, as the sun cast its warm glow over the city, I embarked on a journey to
a quaint hill station nestled amidst the towering peaks. The winding roads, adorned
with lush greenery, served as the gateway to a serene escape from the hustle and bustle
of everyday life. The crisp mountain air enveloped me as I ascended, and with each
turn, a new vista unfolded. The journey became a tapestry of sights and sounds – the
rustle of leaves, the distant melody of a mountain stream, and the breathtaking
panoramic views. Arriving at the hill station felt like stepping into a different world,
where time moved at a leisurely pace and nature embraced in its purest form. The
narrative unfolded not just in the physical journey but in the emotions stirred by the
picturesque landscapes, creating a memorable chapter in the book of my experiences.

Q.2Read pages 31-34 carefully (the content is about formal and
informal styles of writing) and decide what type of writing style
(formal/informal) is used in the following text and how?
Hey, you can listen to my story of selecting biology as my favorite
subject. Biology has always been a passion of mine. Ever since I was
searching for frogspawn in my grandpa's pond as a four-year-old
kid and annoying my mum with a battery of jam jars on the window
sill in which I was trying to raise tadpoles, I have been fascinated
with observing nature in detail. Even in English, reading Death of
a Naturalist by Seamus Heaney, I found myself thinking up an
experiment to do with dragonflies and bluebottles. I have a fish
tank at home with three different sorts of fish. I've noticed that they
all respond differently when I feed them/I'm wondering what else
is different in their behavior so, in this extended essay, I'm going to
find out how they react to light.
The writing style in the given text is informal. Several features contribute to this informal
style. First, the use of casual language and contractions, such as "Hey," "you can," and
"I've," gives the text an informal and conversational tone. Additionally, the personal
anecdotes and details about childhood experiences, like searching for frogspawn and
annoying the author's mom with tadpoles, add a personal touch and make the writing more

The writer also shares thoughts and observations in a casual manner, mentioning reading
"Death of a Naturalist" and thinking up experiments. The use of ellipses ("...") contributes to
the conversational flow, suggesting a natural pause or a moment of reflection. The writer even
uses the first person, saying, "I have a fish tank at home" and "I'm wondering what else is
different in their behavior," which is typical of an informal, personal writing style.
Q.3Carefully read the text titled as ‘Chronology of the Mughal
Kings’ on pages 51-52 carefully.
Now WRITE down a narrative essay about the story of a
kingdom of your choice (for example, the Queen Elizabeth of
England, Muhammad Zahir Shah – the last king of Afghanistan)
by using appropriate SEQUENCE MARKERS. You are
required to use at least FIFTEEN sequence markers in your
answer (You can take help from Wikipedia)
Answer: The Rise and Fall of the Kingdom of Afghanistan: Muhammad Zahir
Shah's Reign

In the annals of history, the Kingdom of Afghanistan stands as a testament

to the ebb and flow of power. Its story unfolds with the ascent of Muhammad Zahir Shah,
the last king to helm the nation. At the onset of his reign, marked by the year 1933,
Afghanistan found itself at the crossroads of tradition and modernity. Zahir Shah's early
years were characterized by a series of reforms, denoted by the implementation of the 1931
Constitution and the initiation of modern infrastructure projects.

As the narrative progresses, a pivotal moment arises with the 1964

promulgation of a new constitution, ushering in an era of constitutional monarchy. Yet, the
kingdom faced challenges, with political unrest and external pressures shaping the
subsequent chapters. In 1973, a significant turning point, the sequence of events took an
unexpected twist as Zahir Shah was ousted in a coup, marking the end of his reign and the
onset of a republican era.

The narrative, punctuated with sequence markers, reveals the intricacies

of Afghanistan's journey - from the early years of reform and modernization to the climax
of political upheaval. Subsequent chapters delve into the repercussions of the coup, the

Soviet invasion, and the ensuing decades of conflict. Notably, the sequence markers guide
us through the tumultuous years, such as the Soviet-Afghan War in the 1980s and the
emergence of the Taliban in the 1990s.

In the final chapters, a glimmer of hope emerges as the nation navigates

the post Taliban era, with the establishment of a new government. The sequence markers
illuminate this complex narrative, elucidating the rise, fall, and resurgence of the Kingdom
of Afghanistan, offering a profound understanding of the historical tapestry that defines this
once-royal realm.

‫السﻼم عليکم‬
‫عﻼمہ اقبال اوپن يونيورسٹی کے ايسے طلبہ جو اپنی‬
‫مصروفيات کی وجہ سے اپنی ورکشاپس اور‬
‫اسسائنمنٹ وغيره نہيں بنا سکتے اگر وه اپنا کمپليٹ‬
‫ورک مجه سے کروانا چاہتے ہيں تو اپنے ارڈر کنفرم‬
‫کروا ديں ۔‬
‫شکريہ‬ SK ACADEMY
Q.4 Read the text titled as ‘A Day in the Life of a Nurse’ on pages
56-57 carefully. Also, read Exercise 9 given on page 58.
Now write down a PARAGRAPH of about 150 words on ‘A Day in
the Life of an Air Hostess’. Follow the use of SEQUENCE
MARKERS in your answer.
Embarking on a day in the life of an air hostess unveils a meticulously
orchestrated sequence of events that epitomize grace under pressure. The morning
commences with a pre-flight briefing, a crucial juncture where responsibilities are
allocated and safety protocols reiterated. Following this, the cabin crew meticulously
inspects the aircraft, ensuring every detail aligns with aviation standards. As passengers
board, the air hostess seamlessly transitions into the welcoming phase, utilizing
impeccable hospitality skills to set a positive tone for the flight. Once airborne, the
sequence unfolds with the delivery of in-flight services, ranging from meal service to
responding promptly to passenger needs. The mid-flight phase is marked by vigilant
monitoring, and the air hostess adeptly navigates potential challenges. As the aircraft
descends, the crew orchestrates a synchronized effort to prepare for landing, prioritizing
passenger safety. Post-landing, a debriefing session concludes the day, providing a
forum for reflections on the journey, ensuring continuous improvement in the delivery
of top-tier service. The life of an air hostess, thus, encapsulates a meticulously
sequenced ballet of tasks and responsibilities, each moment contributing to the seamless
orchestration of a safe and comfortable flying experience.

Q.5 Read the text titled as ‘The Evolution of Computers’ given on
Pages 64-65 carefully. Now write down a paragraph (of about 200
words) on ‘The History of Railway Train’ in your OWN words and
using appropriate SEQUENCE MARKERS.

The history of the railway train is a fascinating journey through time,
marked by a series of transformative events that revolutionized transportation. In the
early 19th century, the advent of steam power laid the foundation for the first steam
locomotives. The inaugural passenger service, initiated by George Stephenson's
'Rocket' in 1825, marked a crucial milestone. Subsequently, the construction of railway
networks gained momentum, connecting distant regions and facilitating the movement
of goods and people. The sequence of events in the railway's evolution includes the
introduction of standardized time zones in the 1880s, enabling efficient scheduling and
coordination of trains. The 20th century witnessed the transition from steam to diesel
and electric engines, enhancing speed and efficiency. The creation of high-speed rail
networks in the latter part of the century further transformed rail travel. Today,
magnetic levitation technology and other innovations continue to redefine the narrative
of rail history. The use of appropriate sequence markers delineates this historical
progression, showcasing how the railway train has evolved from a modest steam-
powered locomotive to a sophisticated and integral part of global transportation

Q.6 Classification is a writing style (which you studied in Unit 3).
Read the text given on pages 73-88 carefully and WRITE a
classification essay on ‘Types of Cars’ starting with an introduction,
then going through main body and ending with proper conclusion.
The automotive industry boasts a diverse array of vehicles, each designed to cater to
specific needs, preferences, and lifestyles. The classification of cars is a
comprehensive endeavor, encompassing a wide spectrum of features, sizes, and
functionalities. Understanding these classifications is essential for consumers looking
to make informed choices based on their individual requirements.
Main Body:
1. Economy Cars:
At the heart of practicality and fuel efficiency, economy cars are
designed for the budget-conscious consumer. These vehicles prioritize affordability
and optimal fuel economy, making them an ideal choice for daily commuters seeking
cost-effective transportation.
2. Sports Cars:
In the realm of exhilarating speed and sleek design, sports cars
captivate enthusiasts with their dynamic performance and aerodynamic aesthetics.
These vehicles prioritize acceleration and handling, providing an adrenaline-fueled
driving experience.
3. SUVs (Sport Utility Vehicles):
Built for versatility and spacious interiors, SUVs have become
synonymous with family-oriented transportation. With ample cargo space and the
ability to navigate various terrains, SUVs cater to those who prioritize comfort and
4. Luxury Cars:
Elevating automotive experiences to the pinnacle of opulence,
luxury cars combine cutting-edge technology, superior craftsmanship, and lavish
interiors. These vehicles cater to those who seek the epitome of comfort and style.
5. Electric Cars:
In the era of environmental consciousness, electric cars represent a
sustainable alternative, relying on electric power rather than traditional combustion
engines. These vehicles appeal to environmentally conscious consumers aiming to
reduce their carbon footprint.
In conclusion, the classification of cars mirrors the diverse needs and
aspirations of consumers. Whether it's the economic pragmatism of economy cars,
the thrill of sports cars, the versatility of SUVs, the luxury of high-end vehicles, or
the eco friendliness of electric cars, the automotive landscape offers a model for every
driver. Understanding these classifications empowers individuals to make choices
that align with their lifestyles and preferences, shaping the road ahead for the future
of transportation.

10 | P a g e
Q.7 Read EXERCISE 9 given on page 96 (which is about the
classification of teachers into five types). Now WRITE a descriptive
paragraph about Principals you have seen in your life (during your
own school/college life) classifying them into various types and
categories. (10)
The following questions are based on Unit – 4. Read the unit
carefully and answer the questions/solve the exercises given below.
Answer: During my school and college life, I encountered a spectrum of principals,
each embodying distinct characteristics and leadership styles. Firstly, there were the
Visionary Principals, individuals with a forward-thinking approach who consistently
sought innovative ways to enhance the educational experience. Their passion for
progress was contagious, inspiring both students and staff.
On the flip side, some principals were best described as Disciplinarians.
These individuals maintained a strict adherence to rules and regulations, ensuring a
structured environment within the institution. While their firm hand was at times
challenging, it undoubtedly contributed to a sense of order and decorum.
Another category included Supportive Principals, individuals who
prioritized fostering a positive and nurturing atmosphere. These leaders were
approachable, offering guidance and encouragement to both students and teachers alike.
Their emphasis on a supportive community created a conducive learning environment.
Conversely, some principals were marked by their Administrative prowess.
These individuals excelled in efficiently managing the logistical aspects of the
educational institution, ensuring smooth operations. Their organizational skills were
paramount in the seamless functioning of the school or college.

11 | P a g e
Lastly, there were Inspirational Principals who, through their charisma and
motivational abilities, instilled a sense of purpose and pride in the school community.
Their uplifting speeches and active involvement in various activities contributed to a
vibrant and engaged educational environment.

‫السﻼم عليکم‬
‫عﻼمہ اقبال اوپن يونيورسٹی کے ايسے طلبہ جو اپنی‬
‫مصروفيات کی وجہ سے اپنی ورکشاپس اور‬
‫اسسائنمنٹ وغيره نہيں بنا سکتے اگر وه اپنا کمپليٹ‬
‫ورک مجه سے کروانا چاہتے ہيں تو اپنے ارڈر کنفرم‬
‫کروا ديں ۔‬
‫شکريہ‬ SK ACADEMY
12 | P a g e
Q.8 Read about ‘Cause and Effect’ (as given on page 107-111)
carefully and WRITE down TWO possible causes for each of the
following effects:
a. All the students passed the exam with top grades.
b. There is a water shortage in most of the countries.
c. His mother was happy to see him.
d. They are not friends anymore.
e. The political leader was imprisoned for many years.
f. He welcomed them to his house.
g. Aslam came home quite early today.
h. The mobile phone’s battery was dead.
i. Finally, he got his driving license.
j. The ATM was in order.
a. All the students passed the exam with top grades:
Effective teaching methods and dedicated instructors providing thorough
understanding of the subject matter.
Implementation of fair and well-structured examination procedures, fostering a
conducive environment for student success.

b. There is a water shortage in most countries:

Climate change and irregular weather patterns leading to droughts and reduced water
Inefficient water management practices and over-extraction from water sources,
13 | P a g e
depleting natural reserves.

c. His mother was happy to see him:

A surprise visit after a long time, creating a sense of joy and connection.
Positive life developments or achievements on the part of the son, contributing to the
mother's happiness.

d. They are not friends anymore:

Miscommunication or a series of misunderstandings leading to strained relations. A
shift in interests, priorities, or values causing a growing rift between them.

e. The political leader was imprisoned for many years:

Conviction on charges of corruption or illegal activities.
Violation of laws or political dissent leading to legal consequences.
f. He welcomed them to his house:
Hospitality and a friendly nature, promoting a welcoming environment. Strong social
or familial ties, fostering a sense of openness and camaraderie.

g. Aslam came home quite early today:

Completion of work or tasks ahead of schedule.
Personal reasons or a change in routine prompting an early return.

h. The mobile phone’s battery was dead:

Prolonged usage without charging, leading to battery depletion. Technical issues or a
faulty charging system causing the battery to drain.

14 | P a g e
i. Finally, he got his driving license:
Successful completion of a comprehensive driving training program. Meeting legal
requirements and passing the necessary tests for obtaining a license.

j. The ATM was in order:

Regular maintenance and prompt resolution of technical issues.
Efficient monitoring and management of the ATM network to ensure continuous

15 | P a g e

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