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View of all users:

CREATE VIEW all_users AS SELECT * FROM user;


2. View of all banks:

CREATE VIEW all_banks AS SELECT * FROM bank;


3. View of all companies:

CREATE VIEW all_companies AS SELECT * FROM companies;


4. View of all prices:

CREATE VIEW all_prices AS SELECT * FROM price;


5. View of all investments:

CREATE VIEW all_investments AS SELECT * FROM investments;


6. View of all profits:

CREATE VIEW all_profits AS SELECT * FROM profits;


7. View of all bills:

CREATE VIEW all_bills AS SELECT * FROM bill;


8. View of all transactions:

CREATE VIEW all_transactions AS SELECT * FROM transaction;


9. View of users with a specific phone number:

CREATE VIEW users_with_phone_no AS SELECT * FROM user WHERE phone_no =

10. View of banks with a specific account number:

CREATE VIEW banks_with_account_no AS SELECT * FROM bank WHERE account_no =


11. View of companies with a specific ISIN code:

CREATE VIEW companies_with_ISIN_code AS SELECT * FROM companies WHERE

ISIN_code = 'US0378331005';

12. View of prices at a specific time:

CREATE VIEW prices_at_time AS SELECT * FROM price WHERE time = '2024-03-28


13. View of investments with a specific symbol:

CREATE VIEW investments_with_symbol AS SELECT * FROM investments WHERE

symbol = 'AAPL';

14. View of profits with a specific bought price:

CREATE VIEW profits_with_bought_price AS SELECT * FROM profits WHERE

price_bought = 100;

15. View of bills with a specific id:

CREATE VIEW bills_with_id AS SELECT * FROM bill WHERE bill_id = 1;


16. View of transactions with a specific type:

CREATE VIEW transactions_with_type AS SELECT * FROM transaction WHERE

transaction_type = 'buy';

17. View of the total money in a specific bank:

CREATE VIEW total_money_in_bank AS SELECT SUM(money) FROM bank WHERE
bank_name = 'Bank Name';

18. View of the total volume of a specific investment:

CREATE VIEW total_volume_of_investment AS SELECT SUM(volume) FROM

investments WHERE symbol = 'AAPL';

19. View of the total volume of a specific profit:

CREATE VIEW total_volume_of_profit AS SELECT SUM(volume) FROM profits WHERE

price_bought = 100;

20. View of the total price of a specific transaction:

CREATE VIEW total_price_of_transaction AS SELECT SUM(transaction_price)

FROM transaction WHERE transaction_type = 'buy';

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