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’s true that Kara’s mum will never come back.

Aunt Bev continues ramblingsaying that Kay (Kara’s mum)

left her responsibilities, at this point, Kara has hadenough and scowls back at Aunt Bev. Dad and Aunt
Bev fight but he gets a callthat someone has put up an oer for Moana.Chapter 6:In the morning, Kara
makes Daisy a simple breakfast and then they head out, shesees that Daisy has a bag full of things and
she questions Daisy but Daisyreminds her of Lauren’s party. Kara wishes that she could go back to
primaryschool because she felt safe there. She has to go to Mrs. Barker’s class formultisensory
development, there she has to write on sand but while writing sheremembers memories of her with her
parents at the beach. Mrs. Carter comes into talk to Kara, they go outside and Mrs. Carter talks about
how Kara broke Jake’snose. Mrs. Carter asks why Kara ripped the Bible but Kara doesn’t answer. The
bellrings and Kara oers to help mend the Bible, Mrs. Carter asks Kara to apologizeto Jake but she would
not apologize, she’d rather die.Chapter 7:Kara goes to school the next day but feels that everyone is
staring at her. Shenotices a new boy in the class with a physical disability. At lunch time, her
friends,Chloe and Ella give her a cold shoulder because they are scared of Jake and hisdad and their
power. Jake and Ethan threaten Kara and blame her mother forbeing the cause of Jake’s brother’s death
which is the reason why Kara is beingbullied.Chapter 8:After school, Kara picks up Daisy from the party
and takes her to a café as a dealfor not going with her to the beach. There they see Felix with his mother
shouting.Jake and Ethan are also making fun of him. Felix feels like Kara and Daisy are alsoa part of this.
So when Daisy goes to Felix for support after standing up for him,he responds rudely towards her. His
response makes Daisy cry, she throws theice-cream that Kara bought for her and runs out of the
café.Chapter 9:Kara comes to know that Felix called Daisy Fat Fairy Godmother which made hercry. So to
make her smile, Kara takes Daisy with her to the harbour. There they seeMs. Penluna who is famous for
her ‘bird-sanctuary’. She is known as Bird-lady andeven a witch by the town people. She asks Kara about
her mum which makes Kararealize that Ms. Penluna doesn’t know about her mother’s disappearance.
WhenKara tells Ms. Penluna about her mum, she is taken aback when Ms. Penluna saysthat she’ll ask
angels to look for her.Chapter 10:Aunt Bev and Uncle Tom are talking with each other. Dad and Kara are
havingbreakfast in the kitchen. Daisy enters the kitchen, has her plate and tells that they’s true that
Kara’s mum will never come back. Aunt Bev continues ramblingsaying that Kay (Kara’s mum) left her
responsibilities, at this point, Kara has hadenough and scowls back at Aunt Bev. Dad and Aunt Bev fight
but he gets a callthat someone has put up an oer for Moana.Chapter 6:In the morning, Kara makes
Daisy a simple breakfast and then they head out, shesees that Daisy has a bag full of things and she
questions Daisy but Daisyreminds her of Lauren’s party. Kara wishes that she could go back to
primaryschool because she felt safe there. She has to go to Mrs. Barker’s class formultisensory
development, there she has to write on sand but while writing sheremembers memories of her with her
parents at the beach. Mrs. Carter comes into talk to Kara, they go outside and Mrs. Carter talks about
how Kara broke Jake’snose. Mrs. Carter asks why Kara ripped the Bible but Kara doesn’t answer. The
bellrings and Kara oers to help mend the Bible, Mrs. Carter asks Kara to apologizeto Jake but she would
not apologize, she’d rather die.Chapter 7:Kara goes to school the next day but feels that everyone is
staring at her. Shenotices a new boy in the class with a physical disability. At lunch time, her
friends,Chloe and Ella give her a cold shoulder because they are scared of Jake and hisdad and their
power. Jake and Ethan threaten Kara and blame her mother forbeing the cause of Jake’s brother’s death
which is the reason why Kara is beingbullied.Chapter 8:After school, Kara picks up Daisy from the party
and takes her to a café as a dealfor not going with her to the beach. There they see Felix with his mother
shouting.Jake and Ethan are also making fun of him. Felix feels like Kara and Daisy are alsoa part of this.
So when Daisy goes to Felix for support after standing up for him,he responds rudely towards her. His
response makes Daisy cry, she throws theice-cream that Kara bought for her and runs out of the
café.Chapter 9:Kara comes to know that Felix called Daisy Fat Fairy Godmother which made hercry. So to
make her smile, Kara takes Daisy with her to the harbour. There they seeMs. Penluna who is famous for
her ‘bird-sanctuary’. She is known as Bird-lady andeven a witch by the town people. She asks Kara about
her mum which makes Kararealize that Ms. Penluna doesn’t know about her mother’s disappearance.
WhenKara tells Ms. Penluna about her mum, she is taken aback when Ms. Penluna saysthat she’ll ask
angels to look for her.Chapter 10:Aunt Bev and Uncle Tom are talking with each other. Dad and Kara are
havingbreakfast in the kitchen. Daisy enters the kitchen, has her plate and tells that they’s true that
Kara’s mum will never come back. Aunt Bev continues ramblingsaying that Kay (Kara’s mum) left her
responsibilities, at this point, Kara has hadenough and scowls back at Aunt Bev. Dad and Aunt Bev fight
but he gets a callthat someone has put up an oer for Moana.Chapter 6:In the morning, Kara makes
Daisy a simple breakfast and then they head out, shesees that Daisy has a bag full of things and she
questions Daisy but Daisyreminds her of Lauren’s party. Kara wishes that she could go back to
primaryschool because she felt safe there. She has to go to Mrs. Barker’s class formultisensory
development, there she has to write on sand but while writing sheremembers memories of her with her
parents at the beach. Mrs. Carter comes into talk to Kara, they go outside and Mrs. Carter talks about
how Kara broke Jake’snose. Mrs. Carter asks why Kara ripped the Bible but Kara doesn’t answer. The
bellrings and Kara oers to help mend the Bible, Mrs. Carter asks Kara to apologizeto Jake but she would
not apologize, she’d rather die.Chapter 7:Kara goes to school the next day but feels that everyone is
staring at her. Shenotices a new boy in the class with a physical disability. At lunch time, her
friends,Chloe and Ella give her a cold shoulder because they are scared of Jake and hisdad and their
power. Jake and Ethan threaten Kara and blame her mother forbeing the cause of Jake’s brother’s death
which is the reason why Kara is beingbullied.Chapter 8:After school, Kara picks up Daisy from the party
and takes her to a café as a dealfor not going with her to the beach. There they see Felix with his mother
shouting.Jake and Ethan are also making fun of him. Felix feels like Kara and Daisy are alsoa part of this.
So when Daisy goes to Felix for support after standing up for him,he responds rudely towards her. His
response makes Daisy cry, she throws theice-cream that Kara bought for her and runs out of the
café.Chapter 9:Kara comes to know that Felix called Daisy Fat Fairy Godmother which made hercry. So to
make her smile, Kara takes Daisy with her to the harbour. There they seeMs. Penluna who is famous for
her ‘bird-sanctuary’. She is known as Bird-lady andeven a witch by the town people. She asks Kara about
her mum which makes Kararealize that Ms. Penluna doesn’t know about her mother’s disappearance.
WhenKara tells Ms. Penluna about her mum, she is taken aback when Ms. Penluna saysthat she’ll ask
angels to look for her.Chapter 10:Aunt Bev and Uncle Tom are talking with each other. Dad and Kara are
havingbreakfast in the kitchen. Daisy enters the kitchen, has her plate and tells that they’s true that
Kara’s mum will never come back. Aunt Bev continues ramblingsaying that Kay (Kara’s mum) left her
responsibilities, at this point, Kara has hadenough and scowls back at Aunt Bev. Dad and Aunt Bev fight
but he gets a callthat someone has put up an oer for Moana.Chapter 6:In the morning, Kara makes
Daisy a simple breakfast and then they head out, shesees that Daisy has a bag full of things and she
questions Daisy but Daisyreminds her of Lauren’s party. Kara wishes that she could go back to
primaryschool because she felt safe there. She has to go to Mrs. Barker’s class formultisensory
development, there she has to write on sand but while writing sheremembers memories of her with her
parents at the beach. Mrs. Carter comes into talk to Kara, they go outside and Mrs. Carter talks about
how Kara broke Jake’snose. Mrs. Carter asks why Kara ripped the Bible but Kara doesn’t answer. The
bellrings and Kara oers to help mend the Bible, Mrs. Carter asks Kara to apologizeto Jake but she would
not apologize, she’d rather die.Chapter 7:Kara goes to school the next day but feels that everyone is
staring at her. Shenotices a new boy in the class with a physical disability. At lunch time, her
friends,Chloe and Ella give her a cold shoulder because they are scared of Jake and hisdad and their
power. Jake and Ethan threaten Kara and blame her mother forbeing the cause of Jake’s brother’s death
which is the reason why Kara is beingbullied.Chapter 8:After school, Kara picks up Daisy from the party
and takes her to a café as a dealfor not going with her to the beach. There they see Felix with his mother
shouting.Jake and Ethan are also making fun of him. Felix feels like Kara and Daisy are alsoa part of this.
So when Daisy goes to Felix for support after standing up for him,he responds rudely towards her. His
response makes Daisy cry, she throws theice-cream that Kara bought for her and runs out of the
café.Chapter 9:Kara comes to know that Felix called Daisy Fat Fairy Godmother which made hercry. So to
make her smile, Kara takes Daisy with her to the harbour. There they seeMs. Penluna who is famous for
her ‘bird-sanctuary’. She is known as Bird-lady andeven a witch by the town people. She asks Kara about
her mum which makes Kararealize that Ms. Penluna doesn’t know about her mother’s disappearance.
WhenKara tells Ms. Penluna about her mum, she is taken aback when Ms. Penluna saysthat she’ll ask
angels to look for her.Chapter 10:Aunt Bev and Uncle Tom are talking with each other. Dad and Kara are
havingbreakfast in the kitchen. Daisy enters the kitchen, has her plate and tells that they’s true that
Kara’s mum will never come back. Aunt Bev continues ramblingsaying that Kay (Kara’s mum) left her
responsibilities, at this point, Kara has hadenough and scowls back at Aunt Bev. Dad and Aunt Bev fight
but he gets a callthat someone has put up an oer for Moana.Chapter 6:In the morning, Kara makes
Daisy a simple breakfast and then they head out, shesees that Daisy has a bag full of things and she
questions Daisy but Daisyreminds her of Lauren’s party. Kara wishes that she could go back to
primaryschool because she felt safe there. She has to go to Mrs. Barker’s class formultisensory
development, there she has to write on sand but while writing sheremembers memories of her with her
parents at the beach. Mrs. Carter comes into talk to Kara, they go outside and Mrs. Carter talks about
how Kara broke Jake’snose. Mrs. Carter asks why Kara ripped the Bible but Kara doesn’t answer. The
bellrings and Kara oers to help mend the Bible, Mrs. Carter asks Kara to apologizeto Jake but she would
not apologize, she’d rather die.Chapter 7:Kara goes to school the next day but feels that everyone is
staring at her. Shenotices a new boy in the class with a physical disability. At lunch time, her
friends,Chloe and Ella give her a cold shoulder because they are scared of Jake and hisdad and their
power. Jake and Ethan threaten Kara and blame her mother forbeing the cause of Jake’s brother’s death
which is the reason why Kara is beingbullied.Chapter 8:After school, Kara picks up Daisy from the party
and takes her to a café as a dealfor not going with her to the beach. There they see Felix with his mother
shouting.Jake and Ethan are also making fun of him. Felix feels like Kara and Daisy are alsoa part of this.
So when Daisy goes to Felix for support after standing up for him,he responds rudely towards her. His
response makes Daisy cry, she throws theice-cream that Kara bought for her and runs out of the
café.Chapter 9:Kara comes to know that Felix called Daisy Fat Fairy Godmother which made hercry. So to
make her smile, Kara takes Daisy with her to the harbour. There they seeMs. Penluna who is famous for
her ‘bird-sanctuary’. She is known as Bird-lady andeven a witch by the town people. She asks Kara about
her mum which makes Kararealize that Ms. Penluna doesn’t know about her mother’s disappearance.
WhenKara tells Ms. Penluna about her mum, she is taken aback when Ms. Penluna saysthat she’ll ask
angels to look for her.Chapter 10:Aunt Bev and Uncle Tom are talking with each other. Dad and Kara are
havingbreakfast in the kitchen. Daisy enters the kitchen, has her plate and tells that they’s true that
Kara’s mum will never come back. Aunt Bev continues ramblingsaying that Kay (Kara’s mum) left her
responsibilities, at this point, Kara has hadenough and scowls back at Aunt Bev. Dad and Aunt Bev fight
but he gets a callthat someone has put up an oer for Moana.Chapter 6:In the morning, Kara makes
Daisy a simple breakfast and then they head out, shesees that Daisy has a bag full of things and she
questions Daisy but Daisyreminds her of Lauren’s party. Kara wishes that she could go back to
primaryschool because she felt safe there. She has to go to Mrs. Barker’s class formultisensory
development, there she has to write on sand but while writing sheremembers memories of her with her
parents at the beach. Mrs. Carter comes into talk to Kara, they go outside and Mrs. Carter talks about
how Kara broke Jake’snose. Mrs. Carter asks why Kara ripped the Bible but Kara doesn’t answer. The
bellrings and Kara oers to help mend the Bible, Mrs. Carter asks Kara to apologizeto Jake but she would
not apologize, she’d rather die.Chapter 7:Kara goes to school the next day but feels that everyone is
staring at her. Shenotices a new boy in the class with a physical disability. At lunch time, her
friends,Chloe and Ella give her a cold shoulder because they are scared of Jake and hisdad and their
power. Jake and Ethan threaten Kara and blame her mother forbeing the cause of Jake’s brother’s death
which is the reason why Kara is beingbullied.Chapter 8:After school, Kara picks up Daisy from the party
and takes her to a café as a dealfor not going with her to the beach. There they see Felix with his mother
shouting.Jake and Ethan are also making fun of him. Felix feels like Kara and Daisy are alsoa part of this.
So when Daisy goes to Felix for support after standing up for him,he responds rudely towards her. His
response makes Daisy cry, she throws theice-cream that Kara bought for her and runs out of the
café.Chapter 9:Kara comes to know that Felix called Daisy Fat Fairy Godmother which made hercry. So to
make her smile, Kara takes Daisy with her to the harbour. There they seeMs. Penluna who is famous for
her ‘bird-sanctuary’. She is known as Bird-lady andeven a witch by the town people. She asks Kara about
her mum which makes Kararealize that Ms. Penluna doesn’t know about her mother’s disappearance.
WhenKara tells Ms. Penluna about her mum, she is taken aback when Ms. Penluna saysthat she’ll ask
angels to look for her.Chapter 10:Aunt Bev and Uncle Tom are talking with each other. Dad and Kara are
havingbreakfast in the kitchen. Daisy enters the kitchen, has her plate and tells that they’s true that
Kara’s mum will never come back. Aunt Bev continues ramblingsaying that Kay (Kara’s mum) left her
responsibilities, at this point, Kara has hadenough and scowls back at Aunt Bev. Dad and Aunt Bev fight
but he gets a callthat someone has put up an oer for Moana.Chapter 6:In the morning, Kara makes
Daisy a simple breakfast and then they head out, shesees that Daisy has a bag full of things and she
questions Daisy but Daisyreminds her of Lauren’s party. Kara wishes that she could go back to
primaryschool because she felt safe there. She has to go to Mrs. Barker’s class formultisensory
development, there she has to write on sand but while writing sheremembers memories of her with her
parents at the beach. Mrs. Carter comes into talk to Kara, they go outside and Mrs. Carter talks about
how Kara broke Jake’snose. Mrs. Carter asks why Kara ripped the Bible but Kara doesn’t answer. The
bellrings and Kara oers to help mend the Bible, Mrs. Carter asks Kara to apologizeto Jake but she would
not apologize, she’d rather die.Chapter 7:Kara goes to school the next day but feels that everyone is
staring at her. Shenotices a new boy in the class with a physical disability. At lunch time, her
friends,Chloe and Ella give her a cold shoulder because they are scared of Jake and hisdad and their
power. Jake and Ethan threaten Kara and blame her mother forbeing the cause of Jake’s brother’s death
which is the reason why Kara is beingbullied.Chapter 8:After school, Kara picks up Daisy from the party
and takes her to a café as a dealfor not going with her to the beach. There they see Felix with his mother
shouting.Jake and Ethan are also making fun of him. Felix feels like Kara and Daisy are alsoa part of this.
So when Daisy goes to Felix for support after standing up for him,he responds rudely towards her. His
response makes Daisy cry, she throws theice-cream that Kara bought for her and runs out of the
café.Chapter 9:Kara comes to know that Felix called Daisy Fat Fairy Godmother which made hercry. So to
make her smile, Kara takes Daisy with her to the harbour. There they seeMs. Penluna who is famous for
her ‘bird-sanctuary’. She is known as Bird-lady andeven a witch by the town people. She asks Kara about
her mum which makes Kararealize that Ms. Penluna doesn’t know about her mother’s disappearance.
WhenKara tells Ms. Penluna about her mum, she is taken aback when Ms. Penluna saysthat she’ll ask
angels to look for her.Chapter 10:Aunt Bev and Uncle Tom are talking with each other. Dad and Kara are
havingbreakfast in the kitchen. Daisy enters the kitchen, has her plate and tells that they

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