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slabusfor Werkmen's Inspeetors (Mining)
tor Opencast Metalliferous Mines onty)
duties &&responsibilities of Workmen's Inspectors
generalandalso as member of Safety Committee
Inspecions of workings, Inquiry into accidents, incidents,
prepatation of sketch plan of accident/incident and writing of
provisions regarding First Aid, Medical appliances, Health
1 Sanitationas per Mines Rules, 1955.
Statutory provisions regarding welfare amenities, employment of
4 ersons,leave with wages && Overtime, maintenance of statutory
registersas per Mines
Rules, 1955.
dust during different operations, its suppression
Dangers of mine
$and treatment.
Ocupational Health hazards & precautionary measures including
6 medical examination of persons
statutory provisions regarding
employed or to be employed in mines.

7. Statutory
provisions regarding different types of plans, study of
plans with a view to hazard spotting.
Dangers from surface & U/G water and precautionary
suggested by
including statutory provisions and various conditions
DGMS from time to time.
of cap lamps,
9. Standard of lighting at various places, maintenance & vibrations.
personal protective equipment & problems of
Organisations, other safety
10. Role and functions of Internal Safety
forums and safety planning.
O/C mines and conditions
11. Statutory provisions regarding manual
stipulated by DGMS in general.
mechanised O/C mines and conditions
12 Statutory provisions regarding
stipulated by DGMS in general.
O/C workings, common
13. Ditferent types of explosives suitable for
unsafe practices and precautionary measures.
dealing with misfires.
1*. Conditions for deep hole blasting and
ANFO explosives in accordance with
* Use of site mixed slurry and
Ihe conditions stipulated by DGMS.
storage of explosive.
l6. measures du:ing transport and

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