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1. What is Candida?

it is a yeast

2. What are the names of the yeast that cause Candida? (Name
at least 3)
C. Albicans ( most common)

C. Parapsilo

C. Tropicalis


C. Krusei


3. What is opportunistic microbe according to the video?

It is candida
4. What are the morphologies of Candida?
Yeast cells



5. What is pseudomembranous candidiasis?

It is the overgrowth of candida which causes to destroy the cells and keratin protein in the outermost layer

6. Who are susceptible to pseudomembranous candidiasis?

young infants and elderly

7. What is erythematous candidiasis?

It is the overgrowth of candida which causes increased blood flow to the affected tissue with red painful lesions

8. Where do Candidal Infections mainly occur? (Name at least 2)

In the mouth
Diaper region of babies

9. Which clinical procedures can be used to diagnose the

condition? (Name at least 2)
tissue biosy
antigen test

10. What are the characteristics of candida treatments? Give

Oral thrush with oral nystatin suspension
Vulvovaginitis and skin with topical antifungals
Severe infection with amphotericin

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