What Do You Understand by Wrapping The Text

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1. What do you understand by wrapping the text?

Text wrapping refers to how text behaves around a graphical object or illustration, such as a
picture, shape, textbox, or even a table. It controls how text positions itself or flexibly flows
to the position of a graphic in your document. Here are some options for text wrapping in
Microsoft Word:
- In Line with Text: This option places an image on the same line as surrounding text. The
image will move as text is added or removed.
- Square: This wraps text around an image on all sides at right angles, as if it had a
rectangular box around it.
- Top and Bottom: Text wraps above and below the image so it is on its own line.
- Tight: This is similar to Square but without the rectangular box, so text wraps around the
edges of the image itself.
- Through: Similar to Tight, but text will also fill any white gaps within the image.
- Behind: Places an image behind the text, allowing you to add a watermark or background
image on a page.
- In Front of Text: Places the picture in front of the text.
The best choice will depend on your needs, but Square and Tight work in most cases. After
adding an image to a document, you can adjust the text wrapping to make sure it fits with
the surrounding text.

2. What do you understand by Text orientation? How will you

change the direction of text with 120 degree?
Text orientation refers to the direction in which text characters are displayed in a line. Here
are some values for the text-orientation property:
- Mixed: This is the default value. It rotates the characters of horizontal scripts 90° clockwise
and lays out the characters of vertical scripts naturally.
- Upright: This lays out the characters of horizontal scripts naturally (upright), as well as the
glyphs for vertical scripts.
- Sideways: This causes characters to be laid out as they would be horizontally, but with the
whole line rotated 90° clockwise.
- Sideways-right: This is an alias to sideways that is kept for compatibility purposes.

In calc to change the direction of text to 120 degree the steps are
Step 1 – Open spreadsheet write text in cells
Step 2 – Select the cell and go to properties.
Step 3 – Go to text orientation in alignment group.
Step 4 – Type the desired angle which is 120 degree in the drop down option .
3. How do we enter Date and time in a Calc

In LibreOffice Calc, you can enter dates and times in various formats. Here's how you can do

### Entering Dates:

1. **Manual Entry:**
- Type the date in the desired cell using the following formats: `MM/DD/YYYY` or
- Calc will recognize the entry as a date and format it accordingly.

2. **Using the Date Input Toolbar:**

- You can use the Date Input toolbar for a more interactive way of entering dates.
- Go to `View > Toolbars > Date Input`.

3. **Cell Format:**
- After entering the date, you can change the cell format to "Date" to make sure it's
recognized as a date. Right-click on the cell, choose "Format Cells," and select the "Date"

### Entering Times:

1. **Manual Entry:**
- Type the time in the desired cell using a 24-hour clock format, for example, `HH:MM:SS`.
- Calc will recognize the entry as a time and format it accordingly.

2. **Using the Time Input Toolbar:**

- Similar to the Date Input toolbar, you can use the Time Input toolbar for a more
interactive way of entering times.
- Go to `View > Toolbars > Time Input`.

3. **Cell Format:**
- After entering the time, you can change the cell format to "Time" to ensure it's recognized
as a time. Right-click on the cell, choose "Format Cells," and select the "Time" category.
### Combined Date and Time:

If you need to enter both date and time in a single cell, you can use a format like `YYYY-MM-

Remember that the display format can be different from the input format. You can customize
the cell format by right-clicking on the cell, selecting "Format Cells," and choosing the
appropriate date or time format from the "Numbers" tab.

These instructions are based on the general usage of spreadsheet software like LibreOffice
Calc, and the specific steps may vary slightly depending on the version of the software you
are using.

4. Write the steps for converting numeric data into labels.

To convert numeric data into labels in Calc, you can follow these steps:
- Select one or more cells with the numeric data you want to convert into labels. You can do
this with the help of the keyboard or mouse.
- Insert a single quote (') character before the number. This will cause Calc to treat the
number as a label.
- The number will now be left-aligned as a label.
Please note that this method will not change the actual value of the cell. If you perform
calculations on the cell, Calc will still use the numeric value.

5. What is Fill Handle? What is its use?

The Fill Handle in Calc is a small black box located at the bottom right corner of the active cell
or the selected range of cells. It's used to extend (and fill) a series of numbers, dates, or even
text to a desired number of cells. Here's how you can use it:
- Click in a cell, and type a number.
- Click in another cell and then click back in the cell where you typed the number.
- Drag the fill handle in the bottom right corner of the cell across the cells that you want to
fill, and release the mouse button.
- The cells are filled with ascending numbers.
To quickly create a list of consecutive days, enter Monday in a cell, and drag the fill handle.
Hold down Ctrl if you do not want to fill the cells with different values.
If you select two or more adjacent cells that contain different numbers, and drag, the
remaining cells are filled with the arithmetic pattern that is recognized in the numbers. The
AutoFill function also recognizes customized lists that are defined under Tools - Options -
LibreOffice Calc - Sort Lists.

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