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Mathiha Farveen. M, M.Com,

Assistant professor of commerce– Vivekananda College of Arts and Science for women.
Kothainayagi. T, Abi. J, Nandhini. M, Santhiya. C, Anusha. N– B. Com,.
Vivekananda College of Arts and sciences for women.
The majority of the sector has undergone considerable changes in the current period of
globalisation, along with the world’s nations and subsequently their Communities. Internet
marketing has been observed to broaden its horizons with the huge increase in internet
usage. This article will discuss the Meesho app, a new Selling platform. The results of this
study will aid business people in decisions on the development of their products. The results
of this study will assist the Meesho App understand how customers perceive Meesho.
(Keywords: Meesho, online shopping, internet, affordable prices, clothes)


In today era of globalization not only the nations in the world and thereby communities
have come closer to one another but also most of the sector have undergone significant
changes. Online shopping has attained immense popularity in recent days mainly because
people find it convenient and easy to shop from the comfort of their home or office and also
eased from the moving from shop to shop in search of good choice. Retail is a process of
selling good and services to customers through multiple channels of distribution.
Meesho has delivery order from 100K + registed suppliers till date to over 26000 pin codes in
more than 4800 cities generates over 500 crore in income for entrepreneurs and serving
customer than 4500 tier 21 cities _bringing e_commerce to india. Meesho claims to have
more than 13 million entrepreneurs and women. The spcial commerce platform helps their
own online business with zero investment. Meesho is the latest company to join the unicon
club. In just 5 years they touched the milestone of 1$ billion valuation. They currently raised
funds soft bank vision fund 2 of 5300 million.
Meesho is an india based social commerce platform that was founded by two IIT Delhi
graduates in December 2015 the platform enables small business and individual to start their
online stores via social channels such as whatsApp, facebook, instragram etc... their motto to
start-up is empower the women they aimed to celebrate the financial independence of india
women.Vidit Aalrey said meesho stands for meri shop or apnideekann meesho helps
individual to start their own online selling business with Zero investment because most
individual want to start their own business but they do not have access to capital. It helped
many individuals turned self_employed people to grap the opportunity and something by

© Fereshte Rasty,seyyed HabibollahMirgafoori(2021) 1: , identified 18barriars affecting

trust in online shopping and were prioritized Through the combination of FMEA, Entropy
and VIKOR methods in an intuitionistic fuzzy environment. intuitionistic fuzzy environment.
They found out that the most important trust barriers includes privacy risk, lack of feel and
touch associated with online purchases and social risk. In order to increase customer trust
marketing managers should focus on improving and promoting the infrastructure security of
their online shopping sites and also by presenting satisfied consumer’s testimonials.
©AbetarePrebreza, Blerona Shala (2021)2:, found that consumer trust with online shopping
is directly dependent on a few factors. There is a constant dilemma in the market related to
the question, which online shopping determinants affect the customer trust. This paper deals
with the analysis of custome satisfaction, with the aim of utilizing the empirical research on
the Kosovo market in Covid-19 period in order to determine the connection between
customer trust and certain determinants of online shopping.satisfaction, with the aim of
utilizing the empirical research on the Kosovo market in Covid-19 period in order to
determine the connection between customer trust and certain determinants of online
shopping. Usatisfaction, with the aim of utilizing the empirical research on the Kosovo
market in Covid-19 period in order to determine the connection between customer trust and
certain determinants of online shopping. satisfaction, with the aim of utilizing the empirical
research on the Kosovo market in Covid-19 period in order to determine the connection
between customer trust and certain determinants of online shopping.
© Umama Nasrin Haque, Rabin Mazumder (2020)3, found out that customer loyalty is
primarily achieved by satisfying customers’ expectations. In online shopping, since the
products are intangible, it is important to build trust among the customers. This study
attempts to study the relationship between customer loyalty and customer trust in online
shopping since trust is the glue that holds customer relationship together in the current
competitive market. The result of this study gives the idea that trust of the customer acts as a
mediating factor which enhances the loyalty of customer in regard to the further purchase
and consumption of the particular product or service in the online environment.
©Paulo Duarte, Susana Costa e Silva, Margarida Bernardo Ferreira (2018)4:, found that in
addition to offering competitive prices, keeping a high level of online shopping convenience
has become a strategic driving force for online retailers to promote and maintain customer
loyalty. The main aim of this research is to study what convenience dimensions more heavily
influence customer’s satisfaction and intention to engage and recommend online shopping.
They found out that frequent monitoring of consumer’s perceptions and expectations about
online convenience is a prerequisite for achieving continuous improvement in providing
highly convenient online services.


Online selling app has gained a lot of importance in the present marketing conditions
but every application are not known to public. And the awareness about the new application
are very rare. This is one of the major problems for the business people who are introducing
the new application through online marketing. The area of survey is consumer awareness and
satisfaction towards to the meesho app. Growth rate of E-retailers in India is found
astonishing. Day_By_Day new E_Retailor are entering in to the Indian market to capture
potential & untapped markets in India to attract customer graudually E_Retailers announcs
new offers. The study talks about the various factor's like security. Website, design, time
convenience, comparability of product to analysis what are all the factors influenceing online
shopping preference.

1. To study about customer satisfaction toward Meesho.
2. To study the various features attracted by the customer in Meesho app.

Both Primary and secondary data were used Primary data were collected through
questionnaires using random sampling Method.
The secondary data were collected from the various unpublished records, books, Journal and
1. Some of the respondents were able to express their idea freely.
2. This study was conducted at sirkazhi town.
3. Limited time was spend for is study.

Represents Age category of respondents
S. No. AGE Number of Percentage (%)
1 Less than 18 17 17%
2 18-25 49 49%
3 26-38 23 23%
4 39-55 10 10%
5 Above 55 1 1%
TOTAL 100 100%

S. No. GENDER Number of response Percentage (%)

1 Male 38.6 38.6%
2 Female 61.4 61.4%
TOTAL 100 100%
The above table shows 49% of response from age between 18-25,23% of response from age
between 26-38, 17% of response from age less than 18 years, 10% of response from age 39-
55, 1% of response from age above 55, 38.6% of respondents are male, whereas 61.4% are
Represents Prefer Meesho for shopping
SI. No. PREFERENCES Respondents Percentage
1 Least price 57.1 57.1%
2 User friendly 20.8 20.8%
3 Fast delivery 3.9 3.9%
4 Quality of product 18.2 18.2%
TOTAL 100 100%


=(C-1) (R-1)

=(4-1) (5-1)

=(3) (4)


 0.05 = 21.03

 Calculated value = 30.3901

 Table value = 21.03

Table value is less than calculated value, so null hypothesis is rejected
Represents Quality of Meesho products
SI.No. Ratings Response Percentage
1 Excellent 38 38%
2 Good 44.7 44.7%
3 Fair 17.1 17.1%
4 Poor 0.2 0.2%
Total 100 100%
It is the majority above 44.7% respondents are good by using the quality of product and
remaining 0.2% are choosing poor

1. It was found that 49% of the respondents are between 18-25 age group.
2. It was observed from this analysis that 61.4% of the respondents are female.
3. It was observed that 37.7% of the respondents know about online shopping app through
social media.
4. It was clear that from this analysis that 71.4% of the respondents told that Meesho is the
best online shopping app.
5. It was clear that 76% of the respondents told that best reselling app is meesho.
6. It was observed that 24.6% of the respondents said that Meesho gives more discount for
7. It was clear that 43% of the respondents give ratings of five star for Meesho.
8. It was found that 57.1% of respondents prefer meesho app for least pricing.
9. It was observed that 55% of the respondents feel that discount provided in Meesho app is
10. It was found that 73% of the respondents buy clothing and accessories from Meesho
11. It was analyses that 43.2% of the respondents sometimes use the Meesho app.
12. It was observed that 36% of the respondents have been using Meesho app between 1-2
13. It was found that 44.1% of respondents told that quality of product in Meesho is good
14. It was found that 30% of respondents having the queries about meesho are slow
1. It is suggested the app must provide more advertisement about their online Shop.
2. It is suggested the Meesho app should increase the level of providing more offers &
3. It is suggested the meesho should increase their customer expected products.
The Meesho online shop is providing minimum cost of the shop is fastest one. The quality of
the products are satisfied bye the consumers overall. Meesho may be a growing, successful
company that shows possibility within the way they develop. Over 13 million entrepreneurs
have used meesho to determine their own internet companies with no investment. After
conducting th study it was found out that majority of the respondents preferred online
shopping. This is because of the convenience and door step delivery in online shopping.
Customers can purchase almost any kind of product through online. Customers are ready to
make repurchase from Meesho. That means, Meesho have loyal customers. So, it is clear that
meesho Succeeded in building ‘ Customers Trust’ by years of its hard work and
implementation of critical marketing and advertising strategies.

1. Abetare Prebreza, B. S. (2021). The trust in online shopping during Covid-19: Case study
from Kosovo. Open Access Library journal, 1-15.
2. Anand Thakur, R. K. (2017). An empirical study on consumer trust in online shopping in
Punjab. Indian journal of marketing, 47-59.
3. Baljeet Kaur, S. M. (2013). Factors influencing trust in online shopping: an Indian
consumer’s perspective. European journal of business and management, 132-138.
4.David Gefen, E. K. (2003). Trust and TAM in online shopping: An integrated model. MIS
Quarterly, 51-90.
5.Fereshte Rasty, S. H. (2021). Trust harriers to online shopping: Investigating and
prioritizing trust barriers in an intuitionistic fuzzy environment.

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