Kota SR in Ivar Pooja Ry

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Smt Nirmala Sitharaman

Finance Minister
Government Of India
15, Safdarjung Road,
New Delhi.
Tel. - 23793791, 23793792

Subject: Addressing the Pertinent Issue of Cooking Gas Cylinder Prices

Honorable Madam,

With the highest esteem and profound regards, I trust this communication finds you in excellent
health and spirits. I am penning down this letter to bring forth a matter of utmost significance as we
approach the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections, a momentous event that looms on the horizon in a
matter of mere months.

It is with deep appreciation that I recognize the meticulous governance and leadership demonstrated
over the past nine years under the aegis of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The sterling
administration coupled with the adroitly executed policies of the BJP-led Central Government have
paved the path of progress. I am however compelled to note that in the recent past, there seems to
be an air of apprehension within the ranks of the opposition, particularly the Indian National
Congress (INC). The Congress party has engaged in a series of promises and offerings, particularly
in Himachal Pradesh and even in my home state of Karnataka, seeking to achieve electoral gains
through such grandstanding. It has come to my attention that they intend to adopt similar tactics
witnessed in Karnataka to impede the BJP's triumph in the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections.

Evidently, our nation's economy is poised to ascend to a position of global eminence, a feat that
evokes great pride and admiration. In this context, the role of our Finance Ministers in propelling
the nation towards economic prosperity cannot be overstated.

The imminent Lok Sabha elections necessitate unwavering stability in the pricing of essential
commodities, with particular emphasis on the cost of cooking gas cylinders. Sustaining uniformity
in the pricing of these vital commodities holds unparalleled significance in the months that lie
ahead. I believe that if the BJP-led government can ensure stability in the pricing of cooking gas
cylinders, it is bound to yield a substantial impact on the outcome of the impending general
elections, tilting the scales decidedly in favor of the BJP.

I submit that the Central Government must undertake an extraordinary initiative to extend
subsidized cooking gas cylinders to households across our nation, employing the services of
Petroleum Companies specialized in bulk cylinder distribution. By ensuring the availability of
reasonably priced cooking gas cylinders to households across all strata of our society, encompassing
middle-class and lower-middle-class families, the BJP can carve a substantial niche in the
forthcoming general elections.

It is with a sense of conviction that I assert the prevailing perception, one that resonates across our
great nation, underscoring the BJP's dedication to serving the needs of the common citizenry. It is
on this premise that I earnestly beseech the Central Government to take an epoch-making decision
that benefits every household, wherein an offering of Rs. 500 per cooking gas cylinder is extended,
with the remaining cost being defrayed through the instrumentality of Central Subsidy or any such
other avenue. I am steadfast in my belief that such a move will usher forth a remarkable positive

With your august position as the Union Minister of Finance, your consistent efforts towards the
well-being of the common citizenry have been laudable. It is in this light that I humbly request your
esteemed attention to this pressing matter, and implore you to adjudicate upon a decision that not
only serves as a beacon of progress but also resonates as a harmonious cadence of the nation's well-

With the highest expression of respect,


Kota Srinivas Poojari

Member of the Legislative Assembly and Former Minister
Government of Karnataka

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