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3rd Quarter - Summative Test no. 3

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Score_____________
Section______________________________________________________________ Date______________

Activity 1: Directions: Rearrange the letters and write it on the space provided in each number.
1.HONEPORMIC ____________________ 6. SPAEERK ____________________
2.SETDAEH ____________________ 7. PHNEOTRAMS ____________________
3.SERWORB ____________________ 8.ELAIM ____________________
4.SEGENSEMR ____________________ 9.OOKFBACE ____________________
5. PUCOMRET ____________________ 10.OOGGLE ____________________

Activity 2: Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

1. A _________________ is a multimedia presentation with text, graphics, and photos.
(spreadsheet, PowerPoint)
2. The most popular electronic spreadsheet program that we use today is _________________.
(Microsoft Excel, publisher)
3. __________________________can help your basic math such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division. (spreadsheet, PowerPoint)
4. Business transactions that used to take days or even weeks can now be completed within
minutes through online communication and _______________________________.
(collaboration tools, bookkeeping)
5. It is the systematic process of communicating and working with other people from different
locations through online or virtual means. ________________________________________
(tele-collaboration, communication gap)

Activity 3: Directions: Write True if the statement is correct; write False if incorrect.
_______1. You can run an enterprise and earn profit without having a physical shop or store
with the help of ICT.
_______2. A researcher can conduct market and product surveys through the internet.
_______3. Online collaboration tools empower the business person or entrepreneur.
_______4. Bookkeeping is not important in operating a business. It does not show whether the
business is profitable or not.
_______5. There is no online netiquette that you have to follow.

PERFORMANCE TASK: Study the Computer Keyboard and give what is asked. (20 points)

1. Draw the keyboard in a short bond paper (Do not forget to write your name & section.
(10 points)
2. Highlight with yellow crayon the following shortcuts: control + A (5 points)
3. Highlight with green crayon the following shortcuts: shift + J (5 points)

TLE-3rd Quarter-SUMMATIVE TEST # 3

Activity no. 1 (10 points)
1. Microphone Activity no. 2 (5 points) Activity no. 3 (5 points)
2. Headset 1. True
3. Browser 1. PowerPoint 2. True
4. Messenger 2. Microsoft Excel 3. True
5. Computer 3. Spreadsheet 4. False
6. Speaker 4. Collaboration Tools 5. False
7. Smartphone 5. Tele-collaboration
8. Email
9. Facebook
10. Google


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