Feedback Lab Open Ended

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Subject: Feedback Control System Batch: 21 BME Year: 3rd Term: 6th
Open Ended Lab-01
Name: ___________________________________________ Roll No: ____________________
Score: __________ Signature of Tutor: _______________________ Date:____________________

To design a model of bioethanol production using MATLAB

Lab Objective: To design a model of bioethanol production from glucose by employing
saccharomyces cerevisiae.

List of Equipment/Software:
Following equipment/software is required:

• Constant
• Matlab function
• Add
• Integrator limited
• Scope 
• Gain

The continuous development of industrialization and transportation activities around the world has led to
an incredible annual increase in fossil energy consumption by 2% to 3% per year, which triggers rapid
fossil fuel resources depletion. As the most popular alternative to gasoline, ethanol has gained
remarkable attention from researchers which lead to the rapid development of Bioethanol production from
glucose by employing microorganisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The optimum conditions for
glucose fermentation using Saccharomyces cerevisiae to obtain maximum ethanol production were at
25°C to 40°C and can tolerate a wide range of PH. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is superior to bacteria other
yeasts and filamentous fungi in various physiological characteristics regarding ethanol production in
industrial context.

Mathematical Model:
Simulations are proven to be dynamic tools for evaluating the fermentation processes that significantly
reduce the cost for carrying out experiments especially for the design, control, and scale-up. It is
necessary to conduct a kinetic study supported by mathematical modeling. The glucose in the
fermentation is converted to ethanol by the yeast and continuously released from the yeast cells. Kinetics
models to quantitatively describe the process are proposed. The data measured during the fermentation
process was the concentration of glucose and ethanol dissolved in the solution at various times.
Parameters that can be set in the mathematical model are K La,HS,µmax,KSX,qm,KSE,YX/S, and YE/S. To obtain
the values of these parameters were solved with the help of the MATLAB (Simulink) software. The main
process parameters we use in are model is that initial concentration of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is
1.5kg/m3, initial concentration of glucose is 220 kg/m 3 and fermentation temperature is 300C. The
parameter values is obtained through the calculations by using matlab functions.
Kinetic Model:
 The microbial growth kinetics has the expression:

[x] is the concentration of saccharomyces cerevisiae, t time, μmax maximum specific cell growth rate, [S]
concentration of glucose, [P] concentration of ethanol, [P]max ethanol concentration above which cell
growth ceases and Kd constant of microbial death rate.
 The substrate consumption kinetic has the expression:

Yx/s is the microbial yield, m constant of substrate maintenance rate.

 The product formation kinetics has the expression:

Yp/s is the product yield.

Kinetic Parameters:

• with T in K
• 𝐊𝐬 = 𝟏. 𝟕kg/𝐦 𝟑

• [𝐏]𝐦𝐚𝐱 = 𝟗𝟑kg/𝐦𝟑
• 𝒏 = 𝟎. 𝟓𝟐
• Kd = 𝟏𝟐. 𝟏𝟎𝟖𝐞𝐱𝐩 (− 𝟔𝟖𝟔𝟎 )𝐡−𝟏

• 𝐦 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟑𝐡−𝟏

1. Type Simulink at the Matlab command prompt, Simulink Library Browser is opened or Go into
“Simulink libraries” present in upper toolbar in Matlab.
2. Create a new model.
3. Choose the blocks from following groups, see Figure 1.

Block used:
• Constant
• Matlab function
• Add
• Integrator limited
• Scope
• Gain
4) Connect all the components as shown in figure 2:


Model of bioethanol production on Simulink (fig: 2)

5) Set the parameter of constant:

6) Set the function for Matlab Functions:

7) Set the parameters For Gains:

8) Set the parameters For Integrator limited:

9) Observe the results on scope:

A model is based on the phenomenological mechanisms involving the biochemical reaction of
glucose by Saccharomyces for bioethanol production has been successfully developed. The
kinetic knowledge of producing bioethanol from glucose by employing Saccharomyces is of
high importance for process optimization and scale-up towards commercialization of this fuel.

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