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How unethical patriarchy for both gender

I grew up in a system where men are labeled as superior and dominant. That I, as a
woman should and always follow them, that their validation is THAT important.

Men domination in both public and private spheres is tiring and stupid. It seems like
men are considered as gods and women as followers. But as a woman myself, I
humbly disagree. This made-up system is rather unethical and gender-biased.

Society labels females as weak, fragile, child-bearer, forcing us into the void of
motherhood. But I believe, we are more than that. If people give us the opportunity to
speak for ourselves, we can be so much more. The amount of oppression women gets
from men or misogynistic creature in this cruel world is insane. But, unfortunately, if
you speak for your rights and fight for yourself, they’ll consider you as a hater or a

Misandry is term for a person who dislikes, despises or is strongly prejudiced against
men. But i believe such terminology should not exist, YOU CANNOT OPRESS THE

To define Patriarchy. It is a system of society or government in which men hold the

power and women are largely excluded from it. Although, despite women being the
victim and men being the superiors in this so-called-system, we can’t deny that men
can be victims of these stereotypes too. They have to be what the society wants them
to be.

Society says men should be strong, dominant, inexpressive. That, men showing
sadness or vulnerability is “not so manly” at all. Women in their eyes, on the other
hand, should be soft and fragile, and if a woman acts tough and strong, they’ll consider
it as bossy, arrogant and even masculine. Neither have we seen a woman who fits in
the “ideal” definition of women, nor did we see a man who is “manly” enough. This
invalidation, manipulation tactic, and confusing-made-up standard should stop, and
gender equality should be implemented.

the key to unlock the door to gender equality lies in our hand, we have to fight against
this unjustifiable system.
As what poet John Donne said “no man is an island”, and i couldn’t agree more. In this
world full of invalidating and degrading creatures, we only have each other, no one is
as self-sufficient as an island after all. My point here is, we should embrace everyone
regardless of their gender. Let everyone be vulnerable, tough, feminine, and
masculine. Superiority and inferiority should not be a thing. And patriarchy should not

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