Philippine Administrative System

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Oftentimes, we heard the news about the Department of Interior and Local
Government or the DILG especially this time of the pandemic. We heard them releasing
statements about giving of Ayuda, condemning of CPP-NPA, hiring of contact tracers,
awarding of Safety Seals to LGUs, Devolution Transition Plan, border controls, barangay
development fund, among others. With this huge capacity, DILG can never be
This essay provides insights, information, and assessments of the role of this Agency
in society. This will also try to give different views of the role and functions of the DILG in
various aspects of local management.


The DILG is an executive agency and is considered as one of the closest agencies to
the Office of the President in the country. The DILG, with the guidance of the President, has
the power of general supervision over the local government units and on the country’s public
order and safety: advises the Top Chief Executive in the promulgation of policies, rules,
regulations, and issuances related to local government and on public order and safety;
establishes, recommends, and monitors the rules and policies about the public order and
safety and advocates local autonomy and community empowerment. The agency adheres to
formulate policies that could equip all the local government units in the country to have
sound management in all aspects; preparedness to any kind of emergencies; promotes for the
safety and peace and order; meet the delivery of all services to the public; offers excellent and
innovative training solutions to government employees anchored to the principles of good


The DILG is mandated to provide general supervision over all local government units
in the country. This is to ensure that all government units are providing excellent
performance to their jurisdiction. Understanding the mandates of general supervision of this
agency focus on five components: Capacity Development, Performance Oversight and
Incentive, Community Empowerment, Local Autonomy, and Administrative Power
Hierarchy. These five have their meaning and significance that greatly contribute to the
country’s goals and objectives. In general, the DILG is tasked to develop and enhance the
capabilities of LGUs by giving performance oversight and incentives for excellent
performance. This role of the DILG has a positive chain effect on society. The motivation
greatly influences the LGUs into development where order and public safety still prevail.
Because of the supervision of the agency over the LGUs, the drive for clean, honest,
and good governance is achievable. The LGUs recognized self-reliance wherein they can be
able to grow on their own within their limit and capacity. It must be taken into note that the
LGUs serve as the battleground for any developments. The success and failure are mainly
depending on the behavior and performance of local officials of the LGUs. Transparency,
accountability, participation, and effectiveness of the provision of public service despite the
challenges can be delivered if the DILG and LGUs are both robust to meet their mandates.


Good governance is pivotal to the development and economic progress of the country. To
ramps up the good governance in all local government units is one of the top goals of the
DILG. The said Agency launched ways on which the DILG and LGUs can work together for
the attainment of efficient results and binds the communities for a much better one. These
initiatives also encourage the LGUs and citizens to actively participate and learn what they
can do for the country. Citizens’ empowerment is always crucial.
 Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG). A progressive assessment system over the
LGUs based on four core areas such as financial administration, disaster
preparedness, social protection, and peace and order. This should also include at least
one of the three essential areas of business-friendliness and competitiveness,
environmental protection, or tourism, culture, and arts. The selected LGU could
receive a remarkable distinction from the agency.
 Performance Challenge Fund (PCF). This is an incentive fund to LGUs awarded with
the SGLG on which fund can be used to implement development programs and
projects. The LGUs must also comply with the eligibility criteria focused on sound
fiscal management and transparent and accountable governance.
 Full Disclosure Policy (FDP). This concerns the activities of the LGUs in disclosing
documents on their budget management, disbursement, and utilization to their
 Business Process Licensing System (BPLS) Automation. This mandates the LGUs to
shortened the procedures of securing business permits.
 Sagana at Ligtas na Tubig (SALINTUBIG). This allows the completion of water
projects in waterless municipalities.
 Assistance to Disadvantaged Municipalities (ADM). A water project and local access
projects mainly focus to improve basic services to the public of some “not so well”
 Support to Conditional Matching Grant to Province (CMGP) for Road Repair,
Rehabilitation, and Improvement. This provides opportunities to LGUs through
capacity development that strengthen their capacity to plan, design, procure,
implement, and manage their local road networks.
 Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentive Awards (LTIA). These recognition awards are for
those members of “Katarungang Pambarangay” who resolve personal conflicts and
issues in the community.
 Citizen Satisfaction Index System (CSIS). The program is set to collect and generate
citizen’s feedback on the services and efforts of the LGUs. This proves the drive for
gearing up the commitment of the DILG and LGUs towards the type of governance
that focuses on transparency, accountability, participation, and performance.
 Public-Private Partnership for the People Initiative for Local Governments Program
(LGU P4). This encourages private corporations and companies to participate in the
projects of the government.
 Operation Listo. An advocacy program that mandates the LGUs for disaster-
preparedness using the whole-of-government approach.


In all walks of life, democracy matters. Every human being needs to enjoy their
freedom without doubt and fear. The main strength of democracy lies in how the government
and people interact with each other. With this capacity, the DILG becomes the sword and
armor of democracy in the country. The six (6) offices linked to the Department had proved
that every Filipino should enjoy democracy by providing order and public safety and
preparing the local government units for effective and efficient delivery of frontline services.
Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC)
Section 66 of RA 6975 created the PPSC that envisioned developing a top educational
institution that offers responsive and relevant training, human resource development, and
continuous education to PNP, BFP, BJMP, and other public safety and security stakeholders
that develop A-listers national security professionals.
Local Government Academy (LGA)
As one of the offices linked to DILG, it is committed to providing quality training and
human resource development services to local government officials for professional and
personal development that could create a healthy working environment and lead to excellence
in the delivery of services to the public.
National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)
This exercises administrative control over the Philippine National Police.
NAPOLCOM is also responsible for advising the President about the administrative and
technical operation of police matters.
Philippine National Police (PNP)
This ensures public safety and takes prompt steps to maintain peace and order. They
also protect lives and properties
Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)
This prevents and suppresses all destructive fires in the community. This also
encompasses the enforcement of the Fire Code and conducts legal action which includes
incident investigation and filing of a complaint.
Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)
The BJMP supervises, exercises control of all the city and municipal jails. This is
responsible for the safekeeping and custody of Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL) while the
hearing for criminal charges is still in progress.
Under the Republic Act No. 10121, ensuring disaster preparedness at the sub-national
level is on the DILG. With this, the agency shall implement projects and programs that could
prepare the LGUs for man-made and natural disasters. Meanwhile, Climate Change Act (RA
9729) provides that the DILG shall facilitate training and development of the LGUs on
climate change.
In a rapidly changing world, the role of the DILG in preparing the LGUs for natural
and man-made occurrences requires a great sense of authority and dedication because it
concerns the overall safety of the people.

In reaping information about the DILG, there is an indication of a strong internal
capacity of the department. This means that the DILG has the competence to perform its
capacity building and performance oversight mandate. The mandate of general supervision
over the LGUs pursue and hold the key to make the latter achieve their endeavors in public
service. This Department is very coherent in its mission of good governance. The
implementation of Capacity Development interventions while exercising Performance
Oversight and provision of Awards and Incentives to deserving LGUs has scaled up the
government units to adhere to good governance that can pave the way for progress and
The Department’s invaluable contribution in maintaining peace, order, and safety is
also indispensable. We cannot live a perfect life, but, we can assure that the DILG can protect
democracy so we can have a better place to live in.
The fact that the DILG recognizes the private sectors and people’s participation
through community empowerment in achieving the ideal governance proved that this
Department is an enabling institution that could help public service a worthy one. These all
make sense.

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