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Code: INS109001

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Date: 7/12/2023 …………
Time: 9h15-10h00


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Choose an article in about 700 – 1.000 words in a 3-day-updated international newspaper or

magazine with its exact sources to identify the linguistic features as required below:

I, Grammar: Find two examples to illustrate for different kinds of

1. Syntactic functions of five kinds of phrases

2. Kinds of dependent clauses according to their functional classification

3. Seven basic sentence patterns in both simple sentence and complex one.

II, Lexicology: Find two examples to illustrate for 8 kinds of word formation in English.

1. affixation

2. compounding/word composition

3. shortening

4. conversion

5. sound imitation

6. back derivation (back formation)

7. sound and stress interchange

8. word from names (metaphor and metonymy based words)

III, Phonetics and phonology

1. Find two examples to illustrate for word stress patterns:

a. Two-syllable words:

• |’_ _|
• |_ ‘_|
• |,_ ‘_|
b. Three-syllable words:

• |’_ _ _|
• |_ ‘_ _|
• |,_’_ _|
• |,_ _’_|
c. Four-syllable words:

• |’_ _ _ _|
• |_’_ _ _|
• |,_’_ _ _|
• |,_ _’_ _|
• |,_ _ _’_|
• |_,_ _’_|
2. Find three examples illustrate for cases of assimilation, elision and liking happening.

3. Find three examples to illustrate for using different kinds of tune”

a. Glide down (falling tune)

b. Glide up (rising tune)
c. Take-off (second rising tune)
d. Dive (falling – rising tune)

Note: Plagiarism is prohibited under any circumstances. Students who commit

plagiarism are penalized in accordance with the course regulations and could be marked
as not completing the course.

(Write your answer below)

I, Grammar: Find two examples to illustrate for different kinds of

1. Syntactic functions of five kinds of phrases

a) Nouns phrases
Syntactic functions of Nouns phrases

S (Subject) - Xing Wei graduated from a vocational high school in northeastern
China in 2003 and went to work as an electrician in an auto parts
factory in the country’s south.

- Beijing needs to shift workers to sectors that are still growing fast,
most notably electric vehicle manufacturing.

Od (Direct object) - “There was air-conditioning, but because we had to pay the
electricity ourselves, we basically didn’t turn it on,” Mr. Xing said.
- A frenzy of construction and expansion of factories has made
electricians and robotics specialists a hot commodity.

Oi (Indirect object) - A frenzy of construction and expansion of factories has made

electricians and robotics specialists a hot commodity.
- Mr. Xing set up a stamping line in nearby Ningbo for Zeekr, a division
of Zhejiang Geely.

Co (Object complement) - There is no Object complement in this article

Cs (Subject complement) - China’s electric vehicle market is the world’s largest and fastest

- the Tar Heel State is the beneficiary of a rush to lithium mining

fueled by demand for electric car batteries.

Cpre (Prepositional complement) - Mr. Xing set up a stamping line in nearby Ningbo for Zeekr, a division
of Zhejiang Geely.
- He attended a vocational high school, where his teacher said he should
look for work in southeastern China, near Hong Kong.

App (Appositive) - Mr. Xing set up a stamping line in nearby Ningbo for Zeekr, a division
of Zhejiang Geely.
- The number of teenagers entering vocational and technical high schools
plummeted 25 percent between 2010 and 2021, the year with the most
recent data.

A (Adverbial) - Last winter, he bought a $52,000 Nio ES6 sport utility vehicle.

- A report issued last year by the Shanghai government found that the
highest-paid 10 percent of senior factory technicians earned at least
$51,000 a year.

C.Adj (Adjective complement) - That is double the proportion in the United States, which also has a
shortfall of welders, electricians and other industrial workers.

b) Adjective phrases
Syntactic functions of Adjective phrases

Pre-modifiers - Beijing estimated in 2021 that the country had more than twice as many jobs for
skilled technicians as the actual number of qualified workers.
- But that goal has collided with the rising aspirations of Chinese parents who
have shown less interest in sending their children to vocational high schools to
learn the skills of an electrician, a machinist.

Post-modifiers - According to the International Federation of Robotics, businesses in China

installed more industrial robots in 2022 than the rest of the world combined.

- The largest of them, BYD, has 570,000 workers, compared with 610,000
worldwide for Detroit’s Big Three combined.

Co (Object complement) - Younger Chinese “find it demeaning,” she said.

Cs (Subject complement) - “Factory jobs are often associated with the ‘three D’s’ — dirty, dangerous
and demeaning,” said Minhua Ling, an associate professor specializing in
China’s vocational education system at the Geneva Graduate Institute.

- “Feeling like a machine is not meaningful to them.”

Head of noun phrase - Fueled by loans from state-owned banks and assistance from municipalities,
Chinese automakers are building electric car factories faster than sales are rising,
prompting a price war that has left most companies losing money.

- When not driving around, electric vehicles could help utilities by storing their
solar and wind energy and releasing it to meet surges in demand.

Supplementative Adj. Cl - There is no Supplementative Adj. Cl

c) Adverb phrases
Syntactic functions of Adverb phrases

Adjunct - Volkswagen is hiring for a new research center near Nio, in Hefei, that
will staff 3,000 engineers to develop electric cars, and it is preparing to
build electric cars there.

- Today, his parents are living in the condo while Mr. Xing and his wife

and their two sons pay $350 a month to rent a 1,300-square-foot
apartment in Hefei.

- Electric school buses work especially well.
-“There was air-conditioning, but because we had to pay the electricity
ourselves, we basically didn’t turn it on,” Mr. Xing said.

Conjunct There is no Conjunct in this article

As modifiers

Of adjective
- Tesla began delivering its much delayed, highly anticipated
Cybertruck pickup to customers, entering one of the most lucrative but
competitive segments of the auto industry.

- By 2019, he had bought a nearly 1,100-square-foot condo in an

outlying suburb of Ningbo, 800 miles from Guangzhou.

Of adverb
- Electric school buses work especially well.

Of prepositional phrase - Most in demand are skilled technicians and engineers like Mr. Xing.

Of determiner - For several decades, factories in China could count on a constant flow
of farmers’ sons and daughters who arrived in cities and would take
practically any job, no matter how dull.

Of noun phrase - China, and particularly the electric car industry, is trying to use
automation to address its shortage of willing hands.
As complement of preposition - In 2016, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
predicted that the electric car industry would need 1.2 million workers
in 2025, and warned that China had only 170,000 people then with the
necessary skills.

d) Prepositional phrases
Syntactic functions of prepositional phrases

Adjunct - But Beijing faces a shortfall in vocational training, as well as a surplus

of young people with university degrees who aren’t interested in factory

- He lived on free cafeteria meals at the factory and saved his pay, $100
a month, to buy a $1,195 IBM laptop.

Disjunct - To be sure, more than two-fifths of the country’s 11 million college

graduates each year study topics related to science and engineering.

Conjunct There is no Conjunct in this article

Post modifier in a NP - The training would help set him up for a career in the electric vehicle

- By 2019, he had bought a nearly 1,100-square-foot condo in an

outlying suburb of Ningbo, 800 miles from Guangzhou.

Complementation of a verb -“That’s why all the companies are looking for automation and robotics
- But robots can make up for only some of China’s growing demand for
factory technicians.

Complementation of an adj -“We are already very concerned about the shortage of hands,” said Ji
Huaqiang, Nio’s vice president of manufacturing.

-“Factory jobs are often associated with the ‘three D’s’ — dirty,
dangerous and demeaning,” said Minhua Ling, an associate professor
specializing in China’s vocational education system at the Geneva
Graduate Institute.

e) Verb phrases
Syntactic functions of verb phrases

Finite verb phrases - Two decades later, Mr. Xing, 42, makes close to $60,000 a year.

- Last winter, he bought a $52,000 Nio ES6 sport utility vehicle.

Non-finite verb phrases

A - When not driving around, electric vehicles could help utilities by

storing their solar and wind energy and releasing it to meet surges in

- Before moving to Hefei in central China two years ago to work for Nio,
Mr. Xing set up a stamping line in nearby Ningbo for Zeekr, a division
of Zhejiang Geely.
S -“Feeling like a machine is not meaningful to them.”

O - If you want to recruit people with relevant experience, there are
relatively few people in this industry,”

- Nio plans to replace half its managerial positions with artificial

intelligence and a third of its factory workers with robots, said Mr. Ji,
the company’s vice president of manufacturing.

Cs There is no Cs in this article.

Co - All of these companies have a hard time to find blue-collar labor.

Cadj - We are also constantly recruiting,” he said, “and we are not able to
recruit suitable, relevant personnel.”

Cprep - When not driving around, electric vehicles could help utilities by
storing their solar and wind energy and releasing it to meet surges in

- When not driving around, electric vehicles could help utilities by

storing their solar and wind energy and releasing it to meet surges in

App - The number of teenagers entering vocational and technical high

schools plummeted 25 percent between 2010 and 2021, the year with
the most recent data

- At the same time, the number of students attending academic high

schools barely changed.

Modifier - He works as a senior electrician installing industrial robots at electric

car factories for Nio, a Chinese automaker. (post – modifier)

- Fueled by loans from state-owned banks and assistance from

municipalities, Chinese automakers are building electric car
factories faster than sales are rising, prompting a price war that has
left most companies losing money. (pre-modifier)

2. Kinds of dependent clauses according to functional classification

a) Nominal clauses

- Finite clauses
+ “That” clause

S There is no S in this article
A report issued last year by the Shanghai government found that the
highest-paid 10 percent of senior factory technicians earned at least
Od $51,000 a year.

Nio, for example, announced in November that it laid off 10 percent of its

Cs There is no Cs in this article

App There is no App in this article

Cadj There is no Cadj in this article

+ “Wh-” interrogative clause

S There is no S in this article

Od There is no Od in this article

Cs That’s why all the companies are looking for automation and robotics
That means even more demand for specialists like Mr. Xing, who already
has trouble filling his own team of electricians
He attended a vocational high school, where his teacher said he should look
for work in southeastern China, near Hong Kong.

Cadj There is no Cadj in this article

Cprep There is no Cprep in this article

+ Nominal relative clause

S There is no S in this article

Od There is no Od in this article

Oi There is no Oi in this article

Cs There is no Cs in this article

Co There is no Co in this article

App There is no App in this article

Cpre There is no Cprep in this article

+ Yes/ No interrogative
S There is no S in this article

Od There is no Od in this article

Cs There is no Cs in this article

App There is no App in this article

Cadj There is no Cadj in this article

Cpre There is no Cprep in this article

- Non – finite clauses

+ “To” infinitive
S There is no S in this article

- If you want to recruit people with relevant experience, there are relatively
few people in this industry,”
Od - Nio plans to replace half its managerial positions with artificial
intelligence and a third of its factory workers with robots, said Mr. Ji, the
company’s vice president of manufacturing.

Cs There is no Cs in this article

Co - All of these companies have a hard time to find blue-collar labor.

App There is no App in this article

Cadj - We are also constantly recruiting,” he said, “and we are not able to recruit
suitable, relevant personnel.”

+ Bare infinitive
S There is no S in this article.

Cs There is no Cs in this article.

Co The training would help him set up for a career in the electric vehicle sector.

+ -Ing participle
S “Feeling like a machine is not meaningful to them.”

- Tesla began delivering its much delayed, highly anticipated Cybertruck pickup to
customers, entering one of the most lucrative but competitive segments of the auto

Cs There is no Cs in this article.

Fueled by loans from state-owned banks and assistance from
municipalities, Chinese automakers are building electric car factories faster
than sales are rising, prompting a price war that has left most companies
Co losing money.

That means even more demand for specialists like Mr. Xing, who already
has trouble filling his own team of electricians.

App There is no App in this article.

Cadj There is no Cadj in this article.

But that goal has collided with the rising aspirations of Chinese parents who
have shown less interest in sending their children to vocational high schools
to learn the skills of an electrician, a machinist or another technician.
When not driving around, electric vehicles could help utilities by storing their
solar and wind energy and releasing it to meet surges in demand.

b) Comment clauses

Adjunct There is no Adjunct in this article.

Disjunct There is no Disjunct in this article.

Conjunct There is no Conjunct in this article.

c) Comparative clauses

Cs - Companies in China have been slower than those in some countries,

like Germany, to set up long-term apprentice programs to train future
factory floor leaders.

S - More than 1.5 million people now work at dozens of electric vehicle
companies in China and their suppliers.

- To be sure, more than two-fifths of the country’s 11 million college

graduates each year study topics related to science and engineering.

Od - Beijing estimated in 2021 that the country had more than twice as
many jobs for skilled technicians as the actual number of qualified
- According to the International Federation of Robotics, businesses in
China installed more industrial robots in 2022 than the rest of the
world combined.

Oi There is no Oi in this article.

A - Fueled by loans from state-owned banks and assistance from

municipalities, Chinese automakers are building electric car factories
faster than sales are rising, prompting a price war that has left most
companies losing money.

d) Relative clauses

Post modifier in NP - But that goal has collided with the rising aspirations of
Chinese parents who have shown less interest in sending
their children to vocational high schools to learn the skills of
an electrician, a machinist or another technician.

- That means even more demand for specialists like Mr.

Xing, who already has trouble filling his own team of

e) Adverbial clauses

- Finite Adverbial Clauses
As soon as he earned his high school diploma, he packed his bags.
Clauses of time The seeds of the labor shortage were planted years ago when the Chinese
government’s economic planners failed to see the scale of the electric car
boom and to train enough workers for it.
He attended a vocational high school, where his teacher said he should
Clauses of place
look for work in southeastern China, near Hong Kong.

“If you want to recruit people with relevant experience, there are
Clauses of condition relatively few people in this industry,” Mr. Xing said

Today, his parents are living in the condo while Mr. Xing and his wife
Clauses of concession and their two sons pay $350 a month to rent a 1,300-square-foot
apartment in Hefei.
China misjudged the rapid expansion of its electric vehicle sector, leaving
a shortfall of skilled technicians as young people shun manufacturing
Clauses of reason
There was air-conditioning, but because we had to pay the electricity
ourselves, we basically didn’t turn it on, ” Mr. Xing said

Conditional concessive There is no Conditional concessive clauses in this article.

Whenever new equipment arrived, foreign experts connected it to
Clauses of circumstance
laptops and made all the decisions on test runs

Clauses of manner There is no Clauses of manner in this article.

Fueled by loans from state-owned banks and assistance from
municipalities, Chinese automakers are building electric car factories
faster than sales are rising, prompting a price war that has left most
Clauses of comparison companies losing money.

According to the International Federation of Robotics, businesses in

China installed more industrial robots in 2022 than the rest of the world

“The demand rose so quickly that the education system was caught flat-
footed, and it takes a few years to adequately prepare and train top-
Clauses of result
notch technicians,” said Gerard A. Postiglione, an emeritus professor of
higher education research at the University of Hong Kong.

Clauses of proportion and There is no clauses of proportion and preference.


- Non-finite Adverbial clauses
+ “To” infinitive clauses
He lived on free cafeteria meals at the factory and saved his
pay, $100 a month, to buy a $1,195 IBM laptop.
A of purpose
Today, his parents are living in the condo while Mr. Xing and
his wife and their two sons pay $350 a month to rent a 1,300-
square-foot apartment in Hefei.
A of result There is no A of result in this article.

+ “Ing” participle clauses

When not driving around, electric vehicles
could help utilities by storing their solar
and wind energy and releasing it to meet
A of time surges in demand.

Before moving to Hefei in central China

two years ago to work for Nio, Mr. Xing
set up a stamping line in nearby Ningbo
for Zeekr, a division of Zhejiang Geely.
There is no A of circumstance in this
A of circumstance

A of manner There is no A of manner in this article.

A of reason There is no A of reason in this article.

There is no A of preference in this

A of preference

There is no A of condition +
A of condition + concession
concession in this article.

+ “Ed/3” participle clauses

A of time There is no A of time in this article.

A of place There is no A of place in this article.

Fueled by loans from state-owned

banks and assistance from
municipalities, Chinese automakers are
A of condition building electric car factories faster
than sales are rising, prompting a price
war that has left most companies losing

+ Bare infinitive clauses

There is no A of preference in this

A of preference

+ Verbless adverbial clauses: Adjectival contingent clauses (with or without


A of circumstance There is no A of circumstance.

A of reason There is no A of reason

A of concession There is no A of concession

A of condition There is no A of condition

A of time There is no A of time

3. 7 sentence patterns in both simple sentence and complex one

a) Simple sentence

S+V -

S+V+A -

S+V+C -

S+V+O -

S+V+O+A -

S+V+O+C -

S+V+O+O -

b) Complex sentence

IC -

IC + CC +IC -

IC + S + IC -

IC + AC + IC -

DM + C + IC -


RP + C -

DC + IC + CC + IC -

II, Lexicology: Find two examples to illustrate for 8 kinds of word formation
in English.

+ Affixation:
● Prefixation

Noun - forming

Adjective - forming

Verb - forming

Adverb - forming

● Suffixation

Noun - forming

Adjective - forming

Numeral - forming

Verb - forming

Adverb - forming

+ Compounding/ Word composition




+ Shortening


+ Conversion


+ Sound imitation

Sound imitation

+ Back derivation (Back-formation)

Back derivation (Back-

+ Sound and stress interchange

Sound and stress

+ Word from names (metaphor and metonymy based words)

Word from names
(metaphor and metonymy
based words)

III, Phonetics and phonology

1. Find two examples to illustrate for word stress patterns:

a) Two-syllable words

|’_ _|



b) Three–syllable words

|’_ _ _|

|_’_ _|

|,_’_ _|

|,_ _’ _|

c) Four–syllable words

|’_ _ _ _|

|_’_ _ _|

|,_’_ _ _|

|,_ _’_ _|

|,_ _ _’_|

|_,_ _’_|

2. Find three examples illustrate for cases of assimilation, elision and liking




3. Find three examples to illustrate for using different kinds of tune”

a) Glide down (Falling tune)


b) Glide up (Rising tune)

c) Take-off (second rising tune)

d) Dive (Falling – rising tune)

Words account: ……..

---The End-----
Writing Argumentative Assignment Scoring Rubric


1. The essay fits the assignment. It is an 15

argumentative essay on the topic of ….

2. The essay has an introduction, body, and 15


3. The essay has a funnel or attention-getting 10

introduction with the thesis statement at the end.

4. The thesis statement clearly states the writer’s 10


5. The body paragraphs support the writer’s point 20

of view and rebut the opposing point of view.

6. Each argument is supported with facts, 10

examples, statistics, or quotations.

7. The conclusion summarizes the main points of 5

in-text citations.

8. The essay has correct formatting and form of in- 5

text citations.

9. The essay uses correct punctuation, 5

capitalization, and spelling.

10. The essay has correct grammar and sentence 5





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