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0976672866 -> Zalo
Textbook: Essentials of Business Communication (Cengage) – American edition
TED Talks
The Economist
Grading: Mid 30%; Class time 10%; Final 60% (informal report + informal proposal)
- Midterm:
 Presenting score: Group
 8 students
 Score individually
 Top 3: Bonus (0.3 -> 0.1)
 Mini test/Online score (Mindtap)
 /2 (average)
Sell yourself -> Personal branding
Write a short paragragh about how you would do personal branding and how you would like others to
know about yourself.
Write a short reflection on what you think is the most interesting about today’s topic:
- Types of communication
- Types of context
- Dimensions of culture
-> Deadline: Thursday (Google Docs)
ChatGPT -> Talk more on Friday
TED Talks (Your body language may shape who you are)
Splinternet + Digital nationalism

- Types + examples:
 Verbal: Phone calls, speeches,…
 Non-verbal: Eye contact, facial expressions, body language,…
 Visual: Mindmap, infographic,…
 Written: Letters, emails, faxes,…
- Advice for successful communication at a workplace:
 Hold face-to-face meetings.
 Express your ideas related to others’ hobbies.
 Create a friendly atmosphere, avoid intension.
 No judge but listen.
 Combine verbal and non-verbal communication.
- secondment (n): a period of time when an employee is sent to work somewhere else, to increase
the number of workers, to replace other workers, or to exchange experience or skills
- Understanding culture and communication:
 Definition of culture: The complex system of values, traits, morals, and customs shared
by a society.
 5 key dimensions of culture: context, individualism, time orientation, power distance,
and communication style.
 Context refers to the stimuli, environment, or ambience surrounding an event.
 2 main types of contexts in communicating:
 High-context cultures assume that the listener does not need much
background information.
E.g.: China, Japan, Middle Eastern countries,…
 Low-context cultures depend little on the context.
E.g.: North American, Scandinavia, Germany,…
 Đọc slide.
Loneliness epidemic: “The more you are connected, the lonelier you feel.” -> connected on the surface.
Digital nationalism is
Splinternet is the breaking or fragmentation of the Internet, once known as a global network which is
united. Some countries may implement content filtering or censorship due to differences in religions,
politics or government, etc. One notable example that everyone may know is China. They have their own
social media platforms or search engine, such as Baidu, Weibo, Wechat,… Citizens are banned from other
foreign websites and if they try to access any website that is prohibited, it may redirect them to the
website which has the content approved by the government only. Sometimes it may be dangerous because
they cannot know a piece of information from different sides and have a biased thought towards the
propaganda that is fed by the government.
1. Understanding Culture and Communication:
- Exploring the Communication Process:

Fill in the blank:

- Encoding
- Decoding
- Interruption/Noise
- Feedback
2. Applying the 3x3 Writing Process to Business Messages:
- 3 steps:
 Prewriting:
 Analyze.
 Anticipate.
 Adapt.
 Drafting:
 Research.
 Organize.
 Draft.
 Post-writing:
 Edit.
 Proofread.
 Evaluate.

Midterm: 35p (kể cả Q&A) theo thứ tự topic trong sách.

Types of sentences:

- Simple sentence: 1 independent clause

- Compound sentence: 2 independent clauses
- Complex sentence: 1 independent clause + 1 dependent clause
- Compound-complex sentence: 2 independent clauses + 1 dependent clause

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