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True or fafse

• ~ t h e correct answers to com
plete the sentences below.
(i) Nit rog en/ oxygen makes up the
largest proportion of the atmospher
(ii) Almost 25% / 21% of the air is
made up of oxygen.
(iii) Clouds are found in the tropos
phere/ stratosphere.
(iv) The ozone layer / stratosphe
re absorbs harmful radiation from the
(v) The greenhouse effect / global
warming keeps the earth at an ave
of 14°c. rage temperature

Pencffsat the ready!

2. Using page 185 of your textbook
to help you, draw and label a ske
tch in the box
below to show how the greenhous
e effect occurs.

' .
'Jbe winds of change
3. Examine the diagram to the righ
t. Fill in the correct
answer in each of the following
statements. 1- --- ~: :.. ..; ;.. --~ ~~ :J
(i) The winds at A are _ _ _ _
because they
are blowing towards the equator.
(ii) The winds at Ba re _ _ _ _
_ _ __
trade winds.
(iii) Areas of _ _ _ _ pressure are
found at c.

\ 120 I s
15. The Ea,ttJ's Atmosptie,e

a,eci and connect

7, connect the key term with its matching explanation.

' -- -------=---=--~
1 Rainfall triggered by land heated by the sun.

Labrador Current 2 The layer of atmosphere closest to the surface.

I rain A cold ocean current between Greenland and

e The second layer of the atmosphere where planes
fly to save fuel.
r-:-7 The pathways water takes between land, air and
-~L:J sea.

iersget mm, ready!

Sample question
8. (i) Name the ocean current labelled X and the ocean current labelled Y.

(ii) Explain two effects that the ocean current Y has on the climate of Ireland.

or Ctlrrutt Ocean current Y: rhe North l!tlant;c

as on the climate of Ireland: rhe North l!tlant,'c J>r;.f't

ol' Zrdand 4'abo«t 8°C. 7""h;.s ('eep.S Ol-(r .Seas
t.~r lat,'tttde and ,·n w,'nter /t ('eep.S the coast

'MS tk prevail,'":) .south-westerly w,'nd.s and

add.$ wafer V'it'Ol-(J- to the prevail,'":) .so«th-
'Mt:¥1'1taihS ,'n the of' Ireland, th,'.s

Th e Re s At mo sp he re :

Ch ap te r 11
He ati ng th e Ea rth

1. Insert the names of the gases in the atmosphere

on this pie chart.


2. Study this diagram showing unequal heating

of the earth's surface by the sun.
(a) Which of the following statements is true?
Heat from the sun is greatest in the
northern hemisphere at X.

Heat from the sun is greatest at the

Equator at Y. 1be sun's rays

(b) Describe why the heating effect of the sun is

different at X and Y.

_ Look carefully at this diagram.

Gases in the atmosphere trap some of the heat
from the sun. This process is called:
Greenhouse effect
Acid rain

4. (a) Explain, with the aid of a diagram, how global warming occurs due to the greenhouse effect.

5. Answer parts (a) and (b) using the
newspaper extract provided:
Global warming is already beginning to
affect Ireland. A recent scientific report
shows that average
\ temperatures in Ireland have increased
I by o.7°C over the past hundred years
and that most of this increase
has happened since 1980. All the indicati

I winter rainfall is expected to increase by

anything up to 20% . These climate chan
ons are that mean temperatures will con
about 15%, while summer rainfall leve
tinue to rise. Meanwhile
ls are predicted to fall by

ges could have terrible effects on agricult

ure and domestic water
supplies. It is expected that the south
and east of the country will be worst affe
Irish Examiner, 10 June

(a) By how much have average tempera

tures increased in Ireland over the pas
t one hundred years?

(b) Which parts of the country are likel

y to be worst affected by the climate chan
the extract? ges mentioned in

(c) Describe two causes of global war

ming. (Note: these are 11ot mentioned
in the extract.)

6. Examine this diagram, which shows

global pressure belts and air movements.
North Pole


South Pole

Circle the correct answer in each of the

following statements:
(a) A belt of high pressure I low pressure
exists at the place labelled A.
(b) The winds at Bare the south-weste
rly anti-trades I the north-easterly trad
(c) The winds at Care cold winds I warm
Examine this map. Circle the correct answer in each of the statements

(a) The current at Xis a warm I cold current.

(b) The current at Y is a warm I cold current.

(c) The current at Y is called the Labrad or Current I North Atlanti

c Drift.
s. Insert hot or cold after the following currents.

Current Hot I Cold

Labrador Current

North Atlantic Drift

Canaries Current

9. Explain each of the following terms in relation to weather.

(a) Prevailing winds _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_______ _ _ _ _ _ __

(b) High pressure _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..L_____;_•_

_:'' - ' - - - - ' ' -------------

(c) Coriolis effect _·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,_'.__

_____:c__....:,...__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


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