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Case Study on Agile Development

Agile Development Model

 Introduction
This case study delves into implementing Agile development
methodology within a software development team at an IT company.
It outlines the team's challenges, the Agile framework adopted, and
the results achieved through iterative and collaborative
development practices.

 Challenges
Agile is based on the principle of continuous change and evolution,
so it's incompatible with Waterfall, which typically doesn't allow
changes once a stage has begun. This can lead to delays and
unexpected costs. Some challenges of Agile include:
 Resistance to change
 Insufficient agile experience
 Changing requirements
 Expectations from agile
 Inadequate leadership support
 Insufficient planning
 Lack of team ownership
 Inadequate test coverage
 Slow feedback loop
 Performance bottlenecks
 QA wait time

By: Astha Patel Enrollment No: 20230203020032

Case Study on Agile Development

 Implementation
Some steps are followed to implement the agile development model.
The steps are given below:

 Plan
o In this phase, you must define the requirements. You
should explain business opportunities and plan the time
and effort needed to build the project. Based on this
information, you can evaluate technical and economic
o It involves defining the project’s scope, objectives, and
o Establishing a budget and schedule.
o Creating a project plan and allocating resources.
 Design
o Developing a high-level system architecture.
o Creating detailed specifications, which include data
structures, algorithms, and interfaces.
o Planning for the software’s user interface.

By: Astha Patel Enrollment No: 20230203020032

Case Study on Agile Development

 Develop
o Writing the actual code for the software. Conducting unit
testing to verify the functionality of individual
 Test
o This phase involves several types of testing:
 Integration Testing: Ensuring that different
components work together.
 System Testing: Testing the entire system as a
 User Acceptance Testing: Confirming that the
software meets user requirements.
 Performance Testing: Assessing the system’s
speed, scalability, and stability.
 Release
o Deploying the software to a production environment.
o Put the software into the real world where people can use
o Make sure it works smoothly in the real world.
o Providing training and support for end-users.
 Feedback
o Addressing and resolving any issues that may arise after
o Releasing updates and patches to enhance the software
and address problems.

By: Astha Patel Enrollment No: 20230203020032

Case Study on Agile Development

 Result
The adoption of Agile methodologies resulted in several positive
 Improved Flexibility:
o Agile allowed the company to respond quickly to
changing customer requirements, leading to enhanced
customer satisfaction.
 Increased Collaboration:
o Cross-functional Agile teams fostered better
communication and collaboration among team
members and stakeholders.
 Shortened Development Cycles:
o The iterative nature of Agile development reduced
project delivery times and improved time-to-market
for products.
 Enhanced Transparency:
o Agile project management tools provided stakeholders
with real-time visibility into project progress and
allowed for better decision-making.
 Higher Quality Products:
o Continuous testing and integration practices improved
the quality of deliverables and reduced the number of
post-release defects.

By: Astha Patel Enrollment No: 20230203020032

Case Study on Agile Development

 Benefits
The benefits of agile methodology are given below:
 The project is divided into short and transparent iterations.
 It has a flexible change process.
 It minimizes the risk of software development.
 Quick release of the first product version.
 The correctness of functional requirements is implemented
into the development process.
 Customer can see the result and understand whether he/she
is satisfied with it or not.

 Conclusion
The successful implementation of Agile methodologies for solutions
enabled the company to overcome the challenges associated with
traditional Waterfall methodologies and deliver higher-quality
products more efficiently and collaboratively. The case study
highlights the importance of organizational commitment, team
collaboration, and iterative improvement in achieving Agile success.

By: Astha Patel Enrollment No: 20230203020032

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