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TITLE OF ACTIVITY Webinar on Mastering the Art of Classroom

DATE OF March 25, 2024
VENUE Facebook Live
TRAINER/S Ronald Piper R. Rambaoga, RN, MA

A. Report on the Proceedings

a. Opening Ceremonies:

The webinar started with an opening prayer. After that, the resource speaker made a
opening message before the webinar started. He shared about himself as well, that he is
a registered nurse before, became an instructor as well in the field of nursing. And now
he is a Virtual Coach and Trainer in the field of Marketing. As well as, presenting a
different organization he had or his originated academy for training.

b. Topic 1: Understanding Classroom Management (Ronald Piper R.

Rambaoga, RN, MA)

The discussion had begun by giving an outline of the topic, she asked why do we need
to understand classroom management, the behavior of the learners, etc. He said as well
that having a good classroom management can help or have a results which is a good
learning outcomes of our learners. He said too that “An effective classroom management
can positively build a better relationship of the learners and the students.”

According to the resource speaker, classroom management refers to the strategies

and techniques that teachers use to maintain order, discipline, and a productive learning
environment in their classrooms. It involves establishing and enforcing rules, promoting
positive behavior, managing student interactions, and addressing any disruptions or
challenges that may arise during the learning process. He explained it very simple that
classroom management is likely how the teacher will control the classroom, how they will
implement routines, and it is likely a Manager in one office. The Manager are the one to
create plan how the management flow smoothly, same as a teacher in one classroom.

He identified the roles of the teacher in creating a conducive learning environment.

And these are the following:

• Facilitator of Learning
• Cultivating a Positive Learning Culture
• Providing Lifelong Learning

He also discussed the impact of effective classroom management on the learning

outcome. And these are the following:

• Improved Focus and Engagement

Where a classroom is well-managed, students are more likely to stay focused on the
lesson and actively engage in learning activities. As well as, clear expectations and
routines minimize distractions and disruptions, allowing students to devote their attention
to the material being presented.
• Enhance Academic Performance

Where effective classroom management created an environment conducive to

learning, where students feel supported, motivated, and confident in their abilities. As well
as, teachers who establish high expectations, provide clear instructions, and offer timely
feedback help students stay on track academically and strive for excellence.

• Positive Social and Emotional Development

Where a well-managed classroom fosters positive relationships, mutual respect, and

a sense of belonging among students. As well as, when the teachers create safe and
inclusive learning environment, students feel comfortable expressing themselves, sharing
their ideas, and collaborating with their peers. It seems that a teachers need to
acknowledge his/her students, their different perspectives and opinions in different

c. Topic 2: Key Principles of Classroom Management (Ronald Piper R.

Rambaoga, RN, MA)

To begin his discussion, he asked a question too, on why do we need to study different
key principles of classroom management. But it will help us as a future teacher to
minimize distractions and disruptions, delivering the instructions accordingly, as well as
in the students to concentrate on their studies. He outlined a different subtopics entered
on the main topic. The first one is establishing clear expectations and rules, and these
are the following:

• Collaboratively Set Expectations

• Be Clear and Specific
• Consistency is key
• Model Desired Behaviors
• Regularly Review and Reinforce

He discussed too a building positive relationships with students, where it is essential

because it fosters a supportive and inclusive learning environment, enhances academic
motivation and engagement, improves classroom management, and contributes to better
academic outcomes and social-emotional development. He emphasizes the reason why
we need to build a positive relationship with students:

• Enhance Learning Environment

• Improved Classroom Management
• Increased Motivation and Engagement
• Better Academic Outcomes
• Social Emotional Development

And the last subtopic was all about the Consistency in Enforcing Consequences
and these are the following:

• Establishes Credibility and Authority

• Maintains Order and Discipline
• Promotes a Positive Learning Environment

d. Topic 3: Proactive Classroom Management Techniques (Ronald Piper

R. Rambaoga, RN, MA)
To begin the discussion, he has 3 subtopics under of the main topic number 3. And
the first subtopic was using proactive strategies to prevent disruptions. Using of proactive
strategies to prevent disruptions is important because it helps keep the classroom calm
and makes it easier for everyone to learn.

• Establish Clear Expectations

• Create Engaging Lessons
• Implement Classroom Routines
• Use Positive Reinforcement
• Utilize Non-Verbal Cues
• Build Relationships

He tackled the second subtopic which is implementing effective transitions

between activities. It is the tips on how to implement effective transitions between

• Establish Clear Signals

• Prepare in Advance
• Engage Students

The third subtopic is incorporating positive reinforcement techniques, and the

following are the tips on how to incorporate it:

• Specific Praise
• Reward Systems
• Celebration and Recognition

Closing Program

The closing program was held right after the last topic discussed. He open a table for
a questions and answers portion about the webinar today. After that, they had some
announcements for the processing of certificates on the different webinar.

a. Attainment of the Learning Objectives

(The Polytechnic University of the Philippines Human Resource Management

Department would like to get your views and feedback of the attended training to
enable us to objectively evaluate the performance of our Learning Service Provider.
Please encircle the number that corresponds to your preferred rating and return to the
Human Resource Management Department for processing and analysis.)

This training and seminar met its objectives, resulting in improved learning outcomes
for myself and my classmates. The guest speakers were so good at expanding on the
topics they discussed for us that they’ve met our needs to know and learn in a specific

b. Learning Service Provider Evaluation

The Polytechnic University of the Philippines Human Resource Management

Department would like to get your views and feedback of the attended training to
enable us to objectively evaluate the performance of our Learning Service Provider.
Please encircle the number that corresponds to your preferred rating and return to the
Human Resource Management Department for processing and analysis.
All feedbacks will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you.

1 2 3 4 5
Poor Fair Satisfactory Very Excellent
Clarity of Training Objectives 1 2 3 4 5
Relevance of Content 1 2 3 4 5
Sequence of Content 1 2 3 4 5
Usefulness of Learning Materials 1 2 3 4 5
Mastery of the Subject Matter 1 2 3 4 5
Time Management 1 2 3 4 5
Appropriateness of learning
1 2 3 4 5
Professional conduct 1 2 3 4 5
Training objectives were met 1 2 3 4 5
Learning environment 1 2 3 4 5
Pre-Course coordination 1 2 3 4 5
Assistance to participants 1 2 3 4 5
Professional Conduct 1 2 3 4 5

What were the most useful in the training?

Mostly the topic are useful.

What were the least useful in the training?

I think the first topic because it was very common sense.

Would you recommend this course to colleagues? _̸__Yes ___ No, Why?
Even it was short training, the topic discussed are still useful to every teachers and
future educators.
Prepared by:


Participant’s Signature Over Printed Name



Signature Over Printed Name of OJT Instructor/Professor


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