Utkarsh Vikram Singh - Sca - Tedtalk - Summary

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MBA Batch: 2023-25


Submitted to: Dr. Pooja Gupta

Associate Professor

Submitted by: Utkarsh Vikram Singh Chauhan

URN: 2352176
Section: A
- Christopher Cummins
The speaker delves into the intriguing concept of the "Dark Magic of Communication,"
metaphorically characterizing communication as a force that can be wielded for both
benevolent and malevolent purposes. They intricately explore the transformative nature of
communication, drawing parallels between its intricate processes and the complexities of
magical spells.

A central theme of the talk revolves around communication as a form of control, with the
speaker expressing a particular fascination with how communication can be employed to
influence individuals without invoking critical thinking. Introducing a risk algorithm that
breaks down risk into magnitude and probability, they provide an analytical framework for
understanding how communication contributes to risk assessment.

The narrative then shifts to the potent role of emotions, notably fear, in the realm of
communication. The speaker delves into the affective responses to stimuli, emphasizing the
psychological and physical states that shape how individuals perceive and react to information.
Fear emerges as a powerful emotion capable of steering individuals away from perceived
threats, and the speaker argues for a nuanced understanding and strategic utilization of
emotions in health and risk communication.

Throughout the talk, the importance of a sophisticated approach to communication is

underlined, recognizing its potential for both constructive and harmful outcomes. The nuanced
interplay of emotions, risk assessment, and communication strategies remains a central theme.
The speaker advocates for a balanced and responsible use of the power of communication,
given its profound impact on shaping individuals' perceptions and decision-making processes.

In a thought-provoking historical case study, the speaker illustrates the impact of language and
framing on public perception of a health risk in the UK. A strategic shift in terminology, from
a technical term to a more relatable one, showcases the potential manipulation inherent in

In summary, the talk revolves around the metaphor of the "Dark Magic of Communication,"
exploring its transformative potential, its role as a tool for control, and the intricate dynamics
of emotions within the realm of health and risk communication. The historical case study adds
depth to the discussion, highlighting the nuanced and impactful nature of communication
- David JP Philips

The speaker begins by sharing a personal journey of analyzing 5,000 public speakers over
seven years to distill the qualities that make a speaker good, great, or outstanding. They identify
110 core skills related to public speaking and emphasize that the more of these skills a speaker
possesses, the greater their impact.

The speaker focuses on five key skills, with a demonstration centered around body language.
They illustrate the significance of intentional gestures and the impact of body language on
communication, highlighting the importance of aligning verbal and non-verbal cues.

Moving on to voice, the speaker discusses the influence of pace and tone on audience
engagement. They demonstrate how matching positive facial expressions with contrasting hand
gestures creates a powerful effect, underscoring the importance of congruence in

The speaker introduces the rhetorical proposition that every decision in life is based on
emotion, emphasizing the role of emotional connection in effective communication. They
stress the importance of balancing pace in speech to convey significance.

In a rhetorical problem, the speaker contrasts the impact of different pacing styles, showcasing
how emotions play a crucial role in decision-making. They caution against signals of
uncertainty, such as excessive filler words.

The speaker shares additional small skills, like the power of a genuine smile, linking it to
increased happiness and life satisfaction. They present a personal journey of learning the "Kane
smile" and the positive impact it had on their well-being.

The talk concludes with a metaphorical combination similar to boxing, where the speaker lists
a sequence of skill numbers, summarizing the various elements discussed during the

In essence, the speaker explores the intricate art of public speaking, emphasizing the
importance of intentional body language, voice modulation, emotional connection, and small
skills like smiling. The talk emphasizes the transformative impact these skills can have on both
the speaker and the audience.

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