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IGCSE Human Bio Cell Structure vocab lists:


1. **Cell**: The basic structural and functional unit of living organisms.

2. **Cytoplasm**: The jelly-like substance inside the cell, where organelles are
3. **Organelles**: Specialized structures within a cell that perform specific functions.
4. **Nucleus**: The central part of a cell that contains genetic material (DNA) and
controls cell activities.
5. **Chromosomes**: Thread-like structures made of DNA and proteins, carrying
genetic information.
6. **Genes**: Units of heredity, composed of DNA, that determine traits and are passed
from parents to offspring.
7. **Enzymes**: Biological molecules that speed up chemical reactions in cells.
8. **Cell membrane**: A semi-permeable barrier surrounding the cell, controlling the
movement of substances in and out.
9. **Partially permeable**: Allowing some substances to pass through while blocking
10. **Selectively permeable**: Allowing only certain substances to pass through.
11. **Endoplasmic reticulum**: A network of membranes within the cell involved in
protein and lipid synthesis.
12. **Ribosomes**: Cellular structures where proteins are synthesized.
13. **mRNA (Messenger RNA)**: A type of RNA that carries genetic information from
DNA to the ribosomes for protein synthesis.
14. **tRNA (Transfer RNA)**: A type of RNA that carries amino acids to the ribosomes
during protein synthesis.
15. **rRNA (Ribosomal RNA)**: RNA molecules that form the structural and functional
components of ribosomes.
16. **Transcription**: The process of copying DNA into mRNA.
17. **Translation**: The process of synthesizing proteins from mRNA at the ribosomes.
18. **Protein synthesis**: The process of building proteins from amino acids, involving
transcription and translation.
19. **DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)**: The molecule carrying genetic instructions for
the development, functioning, growth, and reproduction of all known organisms.
20. **RNA (Ribonucleic Acid)**: A nucleic acid molecule involved in various cellular
processes, including protein synthesis.
21. **Codons**: Three nucleotide sequences on mRNA that specify a particular amino
acid during protein synthesis.
22. **Anticodons**: Three-nucleotide sequences on tRNA that complement codons on
mRNA during protein synthesis.
23. **Mutation**: A change in the DNA sequence.
24. **Gene mutation**: A mutation that affects a single gene.
25. **Substitution**: A type of mutation where one nucleotide is replaced by another.
26. **Inversion**: A type of mutation where a segment of DNA is reversed.
27. **Deletions**: A type of mutation where a segment of DNA is lost.
28. **Duplication**: A type of mutation where a segment of DNA is copied.
29. **Gametes**: Reproductive cells (sperm and egg) that carry genetic information to
the next generation.
30. **Polypeptide**: Chain of amino acids, beginning of the protein molecule

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