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Advanced Oxford Oxfor Practice Grammar Advanced Tests Contents Test 1: Sentences, Test 2: Tenses Test 3; Modals. Test 4: Negatives and questions. Test 5: The passive Test 6: Articles and nouns, Test 7: Determiners and quantifiers Test 8: Pronouns, substitution and ellipsis. Test 9: Adjectives and adverbs, Test 10: Prepositions Test 11: Infinitives and gerunds Test 12: Reporting Test 13: Noun clauses. Test 14: Relative clauses. Test 15: Conditionals, Test 16: Adverbial clauses. Test 17: Connectors and focus structures Exit Test B 15 U7 19 a 23 25 7 29 31 33 35, Test 1 Bencues (® choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 1 He couldn't rest or sleep because too much coffee. adrinking bbeendrinking chad been drinking dhe had been drinking 2. My brother, together with his friends, always. round collecting wood for bonfire night. ago bgoes cgoing dgone 3. Somme ofthe girls in my group are surprised that | don't wear make-up, but I don't awear bare cdo dlike 4. The team all wanted coffee so made aitthem bsomeit csomethem d ther some 5. The director ‘0 us that there had been financial probslers earlier in the year. aconclided boffered crevealed d told (B identify the one underlined expression (A, 8, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence. 1. The tour of the palace jncluded a vis to the old kitchen where they were bakina bread and the huge underground wine cellar which was containing thousands of bottles and felt ikea prison. 2 None of the children yants to be in the group that has to stay inside because everyone prefer to go outside andplay, 3 The od ladies yore collecting money for people who peeded sorne help at Christmas so after my wife and | discussed it, we decided to put £20 their collection box 4 Elaine handed Michael the letter that someone had sent her and told hirn to read it to me, but | asked hirn to show it ne because I wanted to see the signature. 5. When Fox became president, this seemed to be the first thing that made happy all the young people, especially those who had felt anary with the old government leaders © complete this text with appropriate forms of the verbs. Add the other words in the appropriate places. begin catch give include sneeze fever inNovember it the flu Anyone who has a history of health problerns and people who are 65 or older should getaflu vaccination every year before the flu season " Flu or influenza, is a serious infection of the nose, throat and lungs. Symptoms 2 _ cough, runny nose, sore throat, headache and tiredness Anyone can? and* to thers. is soread when an infected person coughs or 1 Oxford Practice Grammar + Advanced + Test 1 (D complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1 Nick told one of the detectives that he had taken the cash box. Nick admitted ee Ho 2 The police said it was too dangerous and we were convinced The police persuaded ae 3. After the princess kissed the frog, he suddenly became a prince The frog suddenly turned So 4. Two hours won't be enough to finish the job, he said to us, He ON en 5. The wallis white, Someone did it yesterday, Someone painted ee (© complete this text with appropriate forms of the verbs plus a complement in each space. be(x2) become seem stand alone better clear quitesatisfied ready Donald's presence certainly made a big difference to the speed we arose that day. There was ‘no question of Tam lounging about in bed until the last minute, and we" for work by half past seven, Donald had his own map of the job, with all the fences marked ‘out in red ink, and the first thing he did was go for a tour of inspection, accompanied by ime, We followed the hill up to the summit, and then came down by way of the cross- fence, Donald all the time checking for wire tension and, of course, straightness. When ‘we got to the encircling fence he? with what he'd seen. ‘men, quite professional’ he sai. Aftera while we came to the gateway that® Donald looked atitfora moment, and then said, ‘Yes, ahways think it to do the gate first and build the fences round it? Donald had put on some overalls, and it soon ® that he Intended to work alongside us during his vist. 2 Oxford Practice Grammar « Advanced + Test 1 Paces Test 2 kiss (® choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 1 [think Mr Wilson. in this school since 2005 or maybe earlier. ateaches bisteaching chastaught d taught 2. [stopped watching the garne before the end, but | thought we. ahadwon bhavewon chavebeen winning d will have won 3. That's very sad news. If sooner, | would have tried to help. alknow blliknow clknew dfd known 4 My sister me once or twice since she's been living in Athens. awas messaging bhas messaged chasbeen messaging d had messaged 5 According to the memo, were the meeting at noon tomorrow. ahaving bhave cgoinghave dwill have (BD identify the one underlined expression (A, 8, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence. 1 Mynext door neighbour, who js usually shy and doesn't say much, is beina very friendly this morning and has a big party tonight for all his friends 2. Martin yas used to srnoke @ lot when he was studying, but since he has been working in the bank, he aan been smoking as much 3. People wore slipaing on the wet floor because no one had cleaned! up the water that all of us ete knowing had leaked from the coffee machine 4 When you wil make a promise, you tell sommecne that you yill definitely aive them something or that you defintely will or won't do something 5 Aswe yere entering the building, poticed a sign that sorneone has put above the door which sald, ‘Be alert’ © complete this text by choosing only one of the verbs from each pair for each space. had decided was walking hadn't changed thinking decide wak wasn't changing thought werelooking whispered saw wasn't wearing atelooking was whispering see didn't wear Uhad a very embarrassing moment last Monday. | to school and™ about the weekend when [noticed that people . {at me in a strange way. | couldn't understand it, and just when If Las imagining things, 1° my best fiend. ‘Look down! he * tome. Then lunderstood. v any shoes.1* ‘out of my fluffy slippers. (Oxford Practice Grammar « Advanced + Test 2 (D complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1 We are spending £300 on repairs before we sell the car. By the time we sell the car, we 2. Inever had to think about my health before this, This isthe first 3 Juliet started working here about six years ago Jallet has: 4. | did't think it would be good, but it’s really bad. Ws even worse 5 Thaver't talked to my parents since Christmas. Ie was Christrnas when | complete this text with these verbs. belive holds beexperiencing had have been changing willkeep lets ishappening have been _have created ‘The wotld is getting warmer and the oceans are rsing, Why” this 7 One answers that it could simoly be part ofa natural process. Afterall, there? ice ages and long periods of warmth in the past, so we could just? another warming tend. This kind of answer more supporters a few years ago, What scientists now . is that human activity is the cause, For more than 200 years, humans © gradually the atmosphere, mainly as a result of industrial pollution, We”, ‘an atmosphere around the earth that, ke a giant glass container, heat from the sun through and then ® itin™ temperatures and sea levels rising? The general answer is unfortunately, yes 4 Oxford Practice Grammar » Advanced + Test 2 Test 3 Dieres {® choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 1 You'te 18! You're to be able to look after yourself by now. ahave bought cshould d supposed 2. Apermit is a document which states that you to do something. aareallowed bcannot cmay d shall 3 He have helped us if hed really wanted to. acould b may cmust duwill 4 My lantop be old, butt stil works realy well acen beould emay dwould 5 someone please tell me where the library is? aCan bMay cMust d Should {BD identify the one underlined expression (A, 8, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence. 1. They say it gan be going to rain later So you should take an umbrella or you night get wet. 2 Iyyas going to ask you if you would read over my essay before | have to hand itn, but when you read it, you gught not be too critical or negative 3 His right hand may have been bacly injured and he probably yon! pe able to type, so though that pill offer to do some typing for him. 4 Andy was so generous. asked him, ‘Could | borrow your car he would always say, ‘Of course, you could and he would immediately start looking for the keys 5 really wish l would have a car of my ovin so that | could go for a drive in the country and | ould be able to go when I want to and not have to wait for a bus or a train. {© combine one modal and one verb phrase to fill each space in this text. can maynot must becharged bepaid be used will won't befamilar be required Note: Credit cards are used instead of cash, interest is charged and part payments allowed Charge cards are used instead of cash, but no interest is charged an¢ full payrnent is required. AAs a new customer of the bank you with the difference between a charge card and a credit card. Both cards? instead of cash in most places to pay for goods and services. Later, when you receive your charge card bil, the total? in full every time. However, when you receive your monthly creditcard bil, you * ‘0 pay the total amount. Fyou choose to pay only part ofthe bill you interest on the amount not paid 5 Oxford Practice Grammar + Advanced! Test 3 (D complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1 Students may not patkhere Students are 2 It's possible that his tip was cancelled at the last minute. His trip may 3. She had to get up at five o'clack every morning and she didn't enjoy i She ditt €njOY nee 4 Itwas impossible for him to have committed the crime, according to the report He 5. Itwas a bad idea to put this shirt in the washing machine, ‘This shir {B complete this text with these words. beableto couldn't might was ableto would x2) bewilingto hadto should was going to ‘Hello! Mr Appleton! ‘The voice was some distance behind him, He stopped raking the leaves and turned to see two ‘women struggling up the driveway towards him, They were wearing identical white T-shirts ‘which had MADD in large lack letters actoss the front. He had a sudden strange thought that they? be crazy people who? spell. But they didn't look crazy. As they carne closer, he? make out smaller letters under each of the big letters, spelling out the words ‘Mothers Against Orunk Driving. 1m so glad we found you Im Nettie Albright and this is Agnes Miller’ He shook their outstretched hands. Agnes was wearing thin gloves. ‘We ake to your fe his morning and she's the one who told us we * find you here She said she hadrit realy witnessed the accident, but you had. We were hoping you ¢ testify’ She . stop and take a deep breath "You mean the car crash?" "Yes, exactly the crash, We need witnesses. That awful man says it wasn't his fault. He ° be jailed immediately! He's a menace to society. We need your help to put him away! Ithad happened one early evening in July." just cross the street when a car came racing through the red light, narrowly missing me, but smashing into another car in the riddle ofthe junction. The wornan in that car died. When the rman who hit her turned out to be very drunk, it all changed from being an accident to being a criminal case 6 Oxford Practice Grammar » Advanced! Test 2 Test 4 Negatives and questions {® choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 1 What do you think me? atold b theytold cdidn'ttell d did he tell 2. Whynot the meeting for Monday morning? aschedule b scheduling cyouschedule ddo you schedule 3 They explained that she couldn't take the course, ? acould she beouldntshe cdidshe didn't they 4 real work was done in the office while the boss was away, aNota bNotany ¢No dNone 5 Good morning, gentlemen of you is frst inline? aWhich bWhose Who dWhom 'B identify the one underlined expression (A, 8, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct these sentences. 1 My neighbour used to say, How about helping me carry ths” or Give me a hand with this, would your, but at no time he asked me if ever needed help with anything 2 Tim pottrying to workmore, but quite often | have no time for lunch or | don't have much of an appetite, and 50 take no longer a whole hour for my lunch break, 3. told Sarah that it wasn't my party | explained that itwas my brothers party, so none of my friends had been invited. I quess she didn't believe me because her fist question was, ‘Whyyou dict invite me to the party?” 4 ‘Did you see those students cheating during the exam?” ~ ‘No, but didnt you tel the teacher?” ‘Idecided pot to tell her because | didn't really thinkit was my business and no one wants to bea tell tale, does he? Don't say anything about this to anyone, will vou" 5 Not many people realize that a spider s no insect because insects don't have eight legs and none of them make webs. {© Fillin the missing words in this dialogue. A. ‘Isn't window-shopping fun? Look at these lovely vases." they beautifull” B Theyre okay! A ‘Let's buy one!” B With? 7 A. Oh, come on, just one. B ‘No, don't think so. They're? nicer than the ones we already have at horne! 7 Oxfore Practice Grammar + Advanced! Test 4 ‘Oh, youre such a spoilsport! No, Im simaly trying to avoid spending money that we havent got” A 8 A ve buy anything at all” 8 ‘No. But you can enjoy looking, That, after all is what window-shopping means” (D complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1 The room wasn't only col, it was also very damp. NOt see nine 2 Your sister said she gave the money to sorneone. WR 3 Andreas thinks that something has been stolen What i 4 She suggested that | take the train instead of driving, She Said, Why ee ee 5 ‘What's his narne and where does he live?” They asked me Oe (® complete the text and questions with these words. Then answer the questions. did how never no nothing what where which who why Your parents have sent you a ticket to fly to New York where they are planning to celebrate their wedding anniversary." much is happening at work, you've 2 bbeen to New York and you've had * holiday trips for more than a year, so youve auickly packed a couple of large suitcases and headed to the airport. You are now siting on board flight YZ-23, non-stop from London to New York, waiting to take off. Ihe flight attendant hands you a questionnaire. You decide to complete it. * is your flight number? 5 are you taking this light? Business| Jor Leisure “ paid for your flight? Myself{_|or Somebody else) 7 you check in bags for this fight? om airport did you board this flight? . will you leave ths fight? many flights have you made in the last 12 months? 8 Oxford Practice Grammar » Advanced Test 4 B=) a9 The passive {® Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. 1 We were told to put it where it was usually abelonged bfit chad d stored 2 Itwasn't the first time they had been how it worked. ataught reported cexnlained ddescrived 3 DNAtests accepted in court cases. aareknown bwereused chavebeen dwill have 4 Something happened or they would be here ly now. amust bmustbe emusthave dmust have been 5 There to be serious flaws in the design. aclimed breported cweresaid d were told (B identify the one underlined expression (A, 8, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct these sentences. 1. When he said they weren't going to, get engaged because they were getting married right away, | assumed he wasn't already got married, but I cicn't know he had just got divorced that day. 2 Noone dled, but four people were injured and had to be taken to hospital after a small plane yyas.ctashed near Dublin last night. 3. The main door couldnt tt pad been locked by a special key that the caretaker didn’t have. He had been given a large set of keys, but none of them fitted the rain door 4 The sign said parking yas prohibited, but my car wasnt lef there more than five minutes while Iran to pick up the shoes wre repaired at Menders, but | was given a parking ticket anyway. 5. Anew company has faken over the office which Jocated next to yours and it’s going to be redecorated after it's been cleaned up a bit. © complete this text with appropriate passive forms of these verb phrases plus by, if necessary. believe bite consider can cure experience recommend may say A hangover isthe unpleasant physical feeling which" the day after drinking too much alcohol. The expression ‘a hair of the dog that bit you! refers to another drink of alcohol that you might have to help you recover from a hangover. Inthe past, it? that, ifyou™ amad dog, yout placing a hairfrorn that dog on the wound. This treatment 5 widely doctors up to the riddle of the 18" century, but it * no longer effective. The same” about trying to use more alcohol as a cute for a hangover 9 Oxford Practice Grammar + Advanced! Test S (D complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1. "They didn't build Rome in a day! ‘Theresa saying that Rome Oe Ss 2 They have collected the tests and checked the answers. The tests 3. Abee sting is more likely to cause death these days than a snake bite, Death a i 4 Itwes reported that there were serious problems with the new design. There 5. Noone gave us instructions or showed us what to do. We (B® choose one verb phrase from each pair to fill each space in the text. a atefeeding ¢ arebeing caused e being hit 4g brought b arebeing fed d have caused having hit h was brought i died k ffightened m have driven © to take j wasdied | was‘rightened —_n_ have been driven p tobe taken Thailand has a problem with unemployed elephants which " onto the streets by the country’s economic crisis and a loss of traditional employment, Many of them? by tourists who lke? photographs of them. Major traffic problems * by homeless elephants wandering the streets, Trafic ® toa standstill one day by a raging bull elephant which € by the sounds of motorcycles and cars. Another elephant 7 after" by a car in Bangkok last month, 10 Oxford Practice Grammar» Advanced + Test S 8 (<3 & 6 Articles and nouns {® choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 1 Ademonstration is an act of showing by giving proof or ‘evidence. aa ban cthe d- 2. What's in this book? Look at the page. accontent bontents ¢content’s d contents 3 Dessert is any sweet food eaten at end of ameal aa ban cthe d- 4. She worked here for a while then. afternoon she just quit and left. aan bone cthe d- 5. The police have anew in thei search for the bank robbers aassistance belue cprogressdinformation (B identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence. 1 Two metres are about the size of most doorways 2 take the bus to the university and meet Torn at she sports complex so we can play the tennis, 3 In gne class we had to do a research on ghe lanquaae used in business 4 He took one pair of shoes, two shirts and two trousers, but he forgot to take socks. 5 Jeenagers with credit cards like to buy device's and clothing, {© complete this paragraph with a, an, the or no article (-). Int morning, Sam listened to® performance by ® Royal Philharmonic Orchestra on *. radio. Then he took * children to * school and went on to” hospital where he works. Two new patients were in, hospital with * virus, and *. ‘elderly lady with '* pneumonia. Around ™. midday, he met his wife Clara who teaches ™ physics at ™. university. They ate ™ lunch with Hamptons, a couple who work for BBC 11 Oxford Practice Grammar « Advanced + Test 6 2 (D Rewrite these headlines as sentences with appropriate articles and other necessary changes. 1 Masked Man Robs Woman Outside Post Office Yesterday - So 2 Bank of England Raising Interest Rates by 1.59% In business Rew 5, So 3. Murder of Priest in Kent Shocks Community Yesterday's news of So Ho 4 New Account of Scottish History by English Wilter Criticized Reviewers have criticized _ {B) wiite the correct forms of these noun combinations, with articles, in the spaces below. authors/ report earth/heath group / latest report centuty/middle envitonmentatdiaster/threat organization /Sims challenges / urgency destruction /environment population / world ‘The Earthguard Institute has issued 2 report warning of * the threat of environmental disaster by" unless we do something soon, 2 facing us requires action now; said Dennis Sims, one of ® “ isa watchdog group that regularly issues reports on * and its people According to ® _rising temperatures, falling water supplies and shrinking forests are problems that will only get worse as 7 Increases to 9 billion by 2050. "People’s optimise about the future is blinding them to the potential for worldwide disaster! Sims warmed, ‘We must try to reduce global warming by replacing coal and oil with renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. fwe continue : _ our grandchildren will inherit a wasteland’ (Oxford Practice Grammar « Advanced + Test 6 § -<3 a @ Determiners and quantifiers (® choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. 1. When Mary said to the dog, ‘Stop wagging your tal, tall started wagging faster. ayour bhers cits dtheir d quantifier 2. The new job provided rnoney for expensive toys, but not very time to play with thern, alittle bfew much dalot 3. They said on the news that cof Scotland was covered in snow. aeach bhalf cwhole dany 4. Cars were parked on side of the street aall booth ceach devery 5. She liked to say that she was just one of his happy customers aall blotsof cmany dsome B® identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence, 1 Alltheir neighbours each gave a ttle money and some theit friends helped too. 2 /Athitel of them had blue triangles anc! swo-thitds had green squares or circles, but Idi’ ike either colours or any of the designs. 3. We spent g oreat deal of time looking through g large number of books to help him find a fpwinformation about Berrnuda, but he knew most of it already, 4 [talked to the students and ll think that both Mike and I have Jats of money, but we really don’t have very uch. 5 Claire and Charlie said that they'd seen mast of the Europe on their trip and they both mentioned that _gvenccy centre was starting to look the sare, with only q few exceptions [© choose the best word from each pair to complete this text. all/both any /some many/alotof —eyntenine afew/alittle elther/neither that /the When we were young, * my sister and Ispent time together on our own. Our parents? worked and they always seemed to bbe busy with big project. One of them was usually there when we came home from school, but sometimes * ‘of them could make it home before dark and they would ask our neighbour, Mrs Green, o check f we were okay. remember one time when we were playing basketball. My sister got annoyed and threw the ball at me. turned ry back and it bounced off and hit her straight in ® face Asher nose started to bleed, Mrs Green artived and let out a terrible shriek. We all gota fright, but there was only* blood, k wasn't serious, We decided not to tell our parents about it 13 Oxford Practice Grammar » Advanced + Test 7 1% (D complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. There aren'ta lot of people who are willing to help others. Not many We've written fifty per cent of the report already. Half We weren't given any explanation forthe delay No We all want to live forever. Al (| complete this text with these words plus of where necessary. no many more most (x2) little twice agreatdeal 88 percent 51 percent Arecent article on “Injuries in Extreme Sports" in the Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research presented 2 summary of the finding: area, as well as advocating for more doctors with relevant professional expertise, of medical research in Extreme sports are activities involving high speed, real or perceived danger, , physical exertion, specialized equipment and spectacular stunts, Participation in these activities is associated with * eG injuries and deaths than regular sports. One major reason is that they often take place in remote locations with * or Q access to medical care. * the injuries reported are fairly predictable. Since skydiving involves jumping from a plane and waiting as long as possible before ‘opening a parachute, the majority of injuries, around” occur during landing, with * them involving the lower extremities. The risk of serious injury from snowboarding is estimated at about . that of traditional downhill skiing, with bone fractures the common type of injury. The number of people participating in extreme sports continues to increase with the inevitable result that more medical professionals will be needed with specializations in orthopaedic surgery. (Oxford Practice Grammar « Advanced + Test 7 8 (<5 &-} Pronouns, substitution and ellipsis {® choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 1 a phone in here? als blsit clsit’s disthere 2- Billy's shoes look really dirty. Didn't he bring clean ? aone bones cany dsome 3 You cantt carry all those boxes. Ill get someone else to for you, ado bdoit cdoso ddo these 4 He came with his parents and two friends of. athem brheir etheirs d themselves 5 asked Megan earlier if she thought itwould rain and she said,'1 ahope bhopeit chopenct don't hope so (BD identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence. 1 She dicin't bring a jacket or anything ike that with herself, so | gave her gne of mine 2 There were two men arguing with each other in the car park when suddenly gne punched gther and knocked him to the ground. 3 After fresh tea is made, she puts mikin the tea cup, then pours the tea and adds alittle sugar before shosastes 4 The couple who ought the old pub in Torbrex tunity to gnake money and enjoy themselves too. 5 Iimnot sure why it was necessary to evacuate the whole airport, but there was discovered a knife in someone's bag after they hag gone through an electronic securty check without being stopped {© complete this text by writing two of these words in each space. do(x2) else it myself someone something them Im not sure exactly why | became a regular blood donor Perhaps it was because a few years ago started feeling a need io do something positive instead of just feeling helpless in a world full of disasters. t's sort of the sare feeling | would have if saw someone drowning, Itwouldn’t make ary difference whether knew them or not. Iwould have to" tohelp. IFI didn't think | could save . would try to find * who could * It’s the same thing for me when I give blood or when | can get other people to come with me and give blood. I's just a good thing to do. 15 Oxford Practice Grammar « Advanced + Test 8 ns, eae (D complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1 Having wealthy parents should have been useful, but they didn’t actually support her. It 2. He doesn’t lke her and she doesn't lke him, They 3. Someone will beat the airport to meet you, Im sure, I'm sure there 4. Togo swimming out in the ocean by yourself would not be a good idea, 5 Thousands of people were said tobe affected by the ral strike There - - So So B® complete this text with these words. anyone anywhere him himself it me myself one ours she that My mum andl got a guard dog because" sometimes has to go away on business tris and didn't want to leave athorne by 2 We called * Rufus. When Rufus was about four months old, he started barking if _ came near the cottage, especially the postman, When friends of ¢ ‘came to visit, Rufus would go to the front door and growl even before we knew they were outside. We didn't train him to do 7 he just seemed to train * to be our watchdog. However, when he was about seven months old, he started growling at people in the street and barking ferociously #* ‘of thern came near our car ina car park. It has become really embarrassing and now we can't take him" with us, We like” that he's protective, but we are now afraid that he might become really dangerous and even attack someone, Wee not sure what to do, 16 Oxford Practice Grammar « Advanced + Test 8 #3) mS) Adjectives and adverbs 4 {® choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. tim a swimmer as my sister. abetter bgoodas cnotasgood dso good Is StPauls the oldest cathedral Britain? afrom bin cof dio When we heard the good news, we were adelight badclighted ede ting ddelightful Im waiting up here with Anthony, but Amber has gone aalready bdownstais conce dyet Heft the book on the table, someone else has borrowed it. rfecily b Personally ¢Presumably d Properly {B identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence. 1 2 | stared into the long rectanaular black hole, six deep feet, and shuddered After the fist real attack started, some aftaid soldiers didn't want to fight gny mote so they ust surrendered I get up gary shower fist, then I drink ysually sorne tea and get dressed as fast as can We all yery agree that some tests are not dificult gnough and others are just f00 hard The Butch are playing the lalla fist, and then the Spanish and the Portuguese play {© Add one pair of adjectives/advetbs to each sentence in this text. already/never black/round easier /eventually further /just__ longer /reading short / suddenly Lknow tm inmy 40s, but | imagined that! would need lasses I kept tying to read the newspaper by holding it away. | really had to decide whether to get arms ora pair of lasses _ chose the solution. , with my new glasses, those wiggly ines at the top of the page turned into words. And the spots that seemed to dance on the floor becarne ants, 17 Oxford Practice Grammar « Advanced + Test 9 jec dver (D complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1. We all thought they organized the event well and we were all excited by it. Everyone thought the event a a Os 2. You will get there quicker if you leave here earler. Theeatler i i 3. Markis a good cook, but David is 2 better cook Marks NOt a8 a Co 4 Da you have any scarves? Itn looking for one that’s woollen, green and faify long, lim looking fora scarf Oe Oe (B® choose the most appropriate word from each pair for each space. acute /acutely —colour/coloured far/further just /only _pleased//pleasing certain / certainly early / earlier Japan / Japanese now/yet young / youngest One evening in the spring of 1936, when | was a boy of 14, my father took me toa dance performance in Kyoto. | remember only two things about it. The first is that he and Iwere the! \Westemers in the audience; we had come from our home in the Netherlands only a few weeks * sol had not § adjusted to the cultural isolation and stil felt it* ‘The second is how 5 | was, after months of intensive study of the Japanese language, to find that | could now understand fragments of the conversations | overheard. As for the “ 7 women dancing on the stage before me, remember nothing of them except @ vague impression of brightly * kimono. 1? had no way of knowing that ina time and place as away as New York City nearly 50 years in the future, one among them ‘would become my good friend and would dictate her extraordinary memoirs to me. 18 Oxford Practice Grammar « Advanced + Test 9 § ( low-paid jobs for people * poorer countries? Is this a bad thing? It may actually mean that some poor people who have been . work * along time can start te have a better life and other people will have to work a bit harder to maintain their comfortable lifestyle 19 Onfore Practice Grammar « Advanced Test 10 (D complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1 This building will be closed for renovation from the beginning to the end of August. During 2. What else did you do in addition to shopping when you were in Rome? Besides 3. Haven't you eaten anything else today besides the apple I gave you earlier? Apart _ 4 We won't be able to do ruch unless we get more financial support. Without {BD complete this text us across along at by into of past towards under with 1g these prepositions. Whenever I see a newspaper lying on the ground beside a door, I think of Jacob. A few years ago, Jacob had to travel to a meeting and his fight wes delayed for several hours because of bad weather.’ the time he got to his hotel it was > ‘midnight. Once in his room, he felt realy tired so he just undressed and got into bed. * some point during the night, he had to get up and go to the bathroom. He wasn't really awake and it was very dark, but he could see alight * the bathroom door, so he walked © the light. He opened the bathroorn door and went in, The bright light blinded him for a moment. As the door closed behind him, he vaguely wondered why there was a doormat on the bathroom floor. Facing him was another door a number on it It was number 325, That was strange. Then he realized he wasnt in the bathroorn. He wasin the corridor, He tured to go back” his room, but the door ‘was locked, And he was naked, He heard voices coming ftom the far end of the corridor. What was he going to do? Then he noticed a newspaper on the floor beside the door . number 325. He quickly grabbed the newspaper and held itn front of him as a man and a woman in dark uniforms came * the corridor towards him, The man sald, ‘Good morning, sit Having a bit of trouble?" They were security guards. Jacob explained his embarrassing situation and they unlocked the door for him. He thanked them as if they had just saved his fe. After they left, he opened his door, made sure it wouldn't close again, stepped the corridor and put the newspaper back on the floor outside number 325. Sorneone else might need that newspaper. 20 Oxford Practice Grammar + Advanced + Test 10 855 at Bf @ Infinitives and gerunds {® choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 1. You know they don't allow inhere, ae eat and drink d eating and drinking stand drink b you eat and drink ¢ 2 He never doing that aagreed bconcentrated mentioned d persuaded 3 Flights kept because of bad weather. delaying being delayed chaving delayed d having been delayed 4. Inmy dream, Brad Pit offered me a ride on his motorbike and I told him I rather awak bwalking cwalked dtowalk 5. Mrs Jacobson reminded us of the importance our passports in a safe place. akeep bkeeping ctokeep dofkeeping {B identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentences. 1 [really do regret not fo leam to play the piano when had so many opportunities to learn and practise in school. 2. When lasked the students fo helo me mave the chats, some git yoluntecred zo carry one each for me and some boys offered to take the others, but Mark refused me to help at all. 3 When we're ready to leave the house, my mother always tells us wait while she checks in the kitchen because she's afraid to. go out wit making sure everything is turned off. 4 Iwill never forget jovist Egypt as a child. twas so exciting to stand beside the pyramids. When it vas time for us fo ao home, my parents say | cried and begged ther not to leave 5 Itreally is better to ask for helo instead of pretending to know how to do something when you are probably not capable to do it at all {© Add these pairs of verbs to this text, with the first verb in an appropriate tense and the second verb as an infinitive or gerund, allow/go assume/be _hear/ sneeze remember/tell smell /burn | had just arrived at the International Adventure Camp in Florida. They had spent the afternoon, assigning us to our cabins and telling us all the rules. The evening meal wes pizza. Now it was after ten o'clock and we were all’ inbed asleep, Iwas still awake, stretched out on the uncomfortable camp bed, when I? someone outside the cabin window. Just once, then silence P the camp leader us that we weren't ‘ ‘outside after dark. Someone was breaking that rule. Then Ithought Icoula* a cigarette There was another rule against that 21 Oxford Practice Grammar + Advanced + Test 1 iia {DB complete each sentence, using an infinitive or gerund, in such a way that itis as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1. It’s sometimes hard finding a place to park. Applace t0 park a — 2 Iskeeping all these old files really necessary? Isit really necessary a - Ho 3. He shouldn't buy a new car now. Itwould be a mistake for - i So 4 Amy was bitten by a dog when she was very young and she still remembers it. Amy stilremembers. a a - 5. The boy said that he hadn't dene anything wrong, The boy denied a a (B® Add one of these verbs as an infinitive or gerund in each space in this text. go look put start regain do keep lose stop try Ifit’s so hard to lose weight, why do people keep? 27 Because they want 2 better isthe usual answer. The problem is that going on a diet is Ikely . _ more harm than good, according to health experts. There is @ strong tendency * all the weight lost within one year of * the diet, Only three per cent of those who take off weight have been found * it offfor at least three years, Moreover, the yo-yo" patter of, adiet, . some weight and then? it back on may be tote harmful to an inaividual than not ona dict in the fist place. 22 Oxford Practice Grammar + Advanced + Test 11 =< a 2p Reporting {® Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 1 They recommended that the windows. opened, ahedio bnotbe coughtnot tod should not 2 He to take part aadvised not then binvited not them coffered then not d ordered thern not 3. She that she liked cold coffee, adescribed breplied cspoke dtalked 4. The teachers were talking about a trp to see castles and the students were wondering awhytogo. bwher ‘y go? cwhenitwas, dwhat were they? 5 Herfather that Ellen had been to Prague before. amentioned bpersuaded creminded dtold {B identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence. 1. We thought flying would be faster, but when Thomas suggested she go by train Marla realized he had enough time and she willbe able to see all the small towns along the way 2. Because | suspected that our bill yas t00 high, | asked our waiter ifhe yould check it again and he agreed me there had been a mistake. 3. Jessica was complaining to the coach that she felt ted and told him she had to rest, but he ¢gncouraged not to quit and said she din’ have much farther to go. 4 One student jnquied about ifit was okay to ask what was going to be inthe test and the teacher's only commnent was that he had already told them what would be tested 5 Welve invited Josh to come and he's offered us to bring extra food, but Linda has warmed us that he sometimes promises 0 do things then forgets completely {© Complete this text with appropriate forms of the verbs. ask explain pointout reply notsay not speak tak tell In her best-selling book You Just Don't Understand, Deborah Tannen recalled a joke that her father tked to" people. In the joke, a woman went to cour to get a divorce from her husband. When the judge? her why she wanted a divorce, she? that her husband * anything to her in two years. The judge turned to the husband and asked him why he * to his wife in two years, The husband * _ did't want to interrupt her! Tannen, 7 that the joke was loased on an old-fashioned stereotype of women: that they * all the time, Her research had shown that it was, in fac, a false stereotype 23. Oxford Practice Grammar + Advanced + Test 12

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