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For the people who have not found their fairytale yet, it is out there waiting

for you. Keep fighting.
Copyright © 2020 by Kayla Silvers
"He was her dark fairytale and
She was his twisted fantasy.
And together they made magic"
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Chapter One
If my life was a fairy-tale, the birds would be singing, and the light would
be shining through the windowpane.
I thought it was a load of shit.
My home at the first level of the apartments on Luther Street was not high
enough for the birds to be chirping and there was no light source due to the
other block of apartments across the road blocking the sun. The buildings
were situated in a way that at mornings, the rising sun would peer through
the window and ruin my plans to sleep until noon.
If my life was a coming-of-age movie, I would be trying on clothes at this
moment in time to a nineties pop band.
My room was currently quieter than a graveyard and my clothes only
consisted of two styles. The styles being graphic band tees or plain black
Sometimes the colour of my room added to the overall shittiness of my life.
The walls were sickeningly plain white. Not white as snow or as white as
ice cream. I could not quite think of a way to describe the void of colour
apart from miserable.
It was a colour that reflected how abandoned the apartment was.
A long-lengthened mirror hung on one of the plain white walls. Above that
was a photo collage. Smiling back at me in one of the pictures was my
freshman self and my best friend Lana.
It felt as if it was only yesterday that the photo was taken. The only
evidence that it was an old photo was that my current green hair was
nowhere to be found.
My best friend Lana looked the same, however.
She had always been beautiful with her long blonde hair and her rosy
cheeks that decorated her porcelain skin in the form of two red circles. Her
permanent blush and smile gave her a girl-next-door charm.
Lana and I had originally bonded over our lazy habits of watching trash
television and watching life pass us by. Although, a massive difference
between the two of us was that she was going places.
I imagined myself being her number one fan and right by her side when she
finally would be scouted by a record labelling company. I imagined going
to all of her tours when she decided to release one of her songs that she had
written to the world.
It was that or I would rot in the four walls of my bedroom. I could always
curl up with my books and hide away from the world.
A familiar voice was shouting from outside and it broke me out of the study
of my room.
Starting at the photo had made me summon the song-writing devil.
I jumped up from my bed to race to the window, trying not to fall over the
huge pile of to-be-read books stacked up on my floor.
It was always a challenging task to cross my bedroom floor without
standing on a hardback classic. My room had gotten so bad a mess that I
had forgot what colour my carpet was.
On top of the unread book pile was one that had already been read. Several
times. It was a collection of poems by Edgar Allan Poe. The bound poems
was one of my favorite things to read. It was a place that I went to over and
over again when I wanted to escape the walls of my bedroom.
Perhaps if a one-word speaking raven showed up or a telltale heartbeat
appeared underneath me then my life would not be so lonely or mundane.
The books that filled my apartment were my escape from reality.
Sometimes I felt like I lived in the pages of the books I read. In the confined
space away from the outside world, I was somebody.
It was no secret that fictional worlds were much better than reality. Unless it
was a dystopian world.
The only good thing about living in a high block apartment building was the
view of the seafront. My street was on a slight inclined hill that overlooked
the promenade and ocean.
From my bedroom window, I could see the august sun setting outside. The
orange sky was melting into a red horizon beyond the waves.
I stared at the sunset and let out a curse.
"Ella!" Lana sang threateningly from the street below "If you don't get out
here in the next two seconds then I am leaving you behind!"
I looked down to see my best friend standing on the sidewalk outside the
building. She had her hands on her hip despite the large friendly smile on
her face.
Grabbing my black denim jacket from the bed, I quickly rushed along the
hallway of my cramped two-bedroom apartment and then I raced down the
main stairway of the building.
Lana was patient and it was a good thing to. She had accepted that
punctuality was not my strong point. A recurring theme in our friendship
was my lateness and her tolerance to it.
A cool bitter breeze hit my face and reddened my nose as I pushed open the
door and walked outside.
She greeted me with a faux expression of anger. She appeared more like a
cute little puppy with scrunched eyebrows and pout on her face.
"You do know that you don't look scary." I remarked with laugh "A little
constipated but not scary."
Both of us began leisurely strolling down the street. Our arms linked
together, and I rose a little on my toes that we appeared more the same
"Just because you look like The Hulk when you are mad." She giggled, her
angry expression history "Especially with that green hair of yours. You are
Bruce Banner if he wore a Thrasher t-shirt and black combat boots."
We were turning the corner away from my block when I raised my eyebrow
and pointed out "I am just impressed you know The Hulk's name."
"Why are we in such a rush?" She went on to ask before adding "The pier is
not going to be that busy. Everyone has school on Monday. People have
essays to finish."
"No. That is just you." I rebutted with a haughty smile, knowing that she
still had her English project waiting for her at home "Some people don't
wait until the last minute to start on their English essays. You now have two
days to plan and write an essay and I wish you the best of luck."
Lana was more of a creative person. She was in her own world writing
songs and singing them to herself when nobody was watching. Her whole
life was music.
I was somewhat creative myself in a more literary way. I could not sing but
I could come up with a good story. The difference between us was that I
could put my creativeness to paper and finish my schoolwork on time.
"That is plenty of time." She tried to argue, waving me off.
"Oh really?" I replied, "It took you a month to write a half-page and it was a
personal essay."
"Maybe you are just a massive nerd, Freak Show." She stuck out her tongue
at me while nudging her hip against mine "Ever think about that?"
"Freak show?" I repeated before scoffing "You wish you were as cool
dressed like me."
If I was being honest, then I was kind of envious of her colourful wardrobe.
Ever since I dyed my hair luminous green, I found myself wearing black
"I will give you the fact that you can pull off a pink dress better than me." I
admitted, motioning down to her sundress.
We tried swapping wardrobes for a joke one time and it did not turn out
well. The results made me look like something found in a pantomime or a
Dark clothes and dark make-up was the only thing that suited me.
If I had a flowery fashion sense then I would look less like an eighteen year
old girl and more like a china doll.
People were always quick to comment on my pixie-like appearances. My
facial features were dainty and small apart from my large bug-eyes. The
bright colour and the long length of my hair added to the whimsical look.
The sparkly silver eyeshadow and sharp black eyeliner might have had
something to do with it as well.
We eventually arrived at the main seafront and the long promenade. The
Santa Monica pier was a place of good food and a place that held a bustling
atmosphere. It was the most visited attraction of the city, and it was also
where Lana and I spent our nights when we were free of homework.
When the neon lights from the Ferris wheel and the other attractions were
so close that they lit up the sidewalk, my phone made a buzzing noise.
The first thing I noticed about the text was the name of the person. The
second thing was the details of where they wanted to meet up.
I replied with a quick text of acknowledgement before putting my phone
back in my pocket.
I cringed when I realised that I had to gently break the news to Lana that
our two would soon become a three.
Chase Andrews was the quarterback and captain of the football team at our
school, and he was my current fling. He was popular and cocky and
everything that filled the criteria of the cliche football player.
The footballer and I were not confirmed girlfriend and boyfriend or even
exclusively dating. We made out and we fooled around. We hung out and
we understood each other. I was not interested in entering a relationship
with him and he had never shown any interest in entering a relationship
with me.
Lana seemed to be admiring the lights of the pier reflecting on the sea when
she hummed “Who were you texting?"
I gently delivered "So…Chase is going to meet us on the pier."
"What?" She whined, obviously not jumping up and down with joy at the
news "Chase is coming?"
"If you don't want to meet up with then I will ditch him. No questions
asked." I assured her sternly before adding humorously "We will pull the
period and sore stomach card and run away."
My voice was light-hearted and playful, but I was deadly serious.
She laughed but then her face contorted to confusion when she questioned
"Do you even like him, Ella?"
Chase and I had been seeing each other for the two months. I had already
known him for a few years prior, but we had just been merely classmates
that spoke a few words when passing. I went to one of his parties and we
got talking and that was that.
He was nice enough. When I felt alone at my house and when going to
Lana's house too often would make her suspicious of my loneliness then he
was a place I could go to.
"I know opposites attract and all but is he really boyfriend material for
you?" My best friend voiced rhetorically, her tone giving away what she
really thought.
Not knowing how to answer the liking him part of her question, I mustered
up a weak reply “I don't want a boyfriend."
Lana frowned before softly explaining "I just think that you need somebody
that challenges you."
"You were the one that kept pushing me and him together." I noted.
"Yeah, but that was way before we got to know him." Her nose crinkled a
little in the middle as she spoke "He is so full of himself."
I could see the flashbacks of encounters with him whizz around in her
brain. The one where he punched a guy on the football field in gym class.
The time he got expelled for peeing into a Starbucks cup at the back of the
class. The one time he got drunk, and strip teased the whole school at a
"He is fun." I shrugged, looking down as I spoke "Also, you don't come and
see sci-fi movies with me, so I end up going with him."
The wind blew her blonde hair across her face as she gave a shrug.
"I am not expecting my epic cheesy love story anytime soon." I said so that
she did not get any ideas about matchmaking me with somebody again.
I knew fair well that none of the boys at Leavendale High had a romantic
bone in their body.
"Deny it all you want but we both know you are a helpless romantic." A
grin broke out on her face as she teased "I saw you tear up at the end of the
Notebook when we watched it at my place."
"I don't remember that." I lied, crossing my arms and keeping them close to
my chest.
She laughed at my dishonesty before exclaiming "You claimed you were
allergic to my bed duvet covers!"
It sounded like the worst lie at the time but now it seems like the most
idiotic thing I had ever said. I just did not want to admit the ending of some
chick flick movie made me cry.
Not knowing what to say, I stayed quiet when we crossed the road.
"Don't worry, Little Lana." I reassure her as we neared our destination "We
will find you a new beau soon."
"Who are you calling little?" She sassed "You are way smaller than me."
I rolled my eyes, letting out a huff.
"Maybe Chase prefers taller girls." She joked.
I punched her arm, faking to her and myself that the idea of him being
stolen away offended me.
"You have six inches on me max." I stated, making the measurement with
my two fingers to point out the size "Don't get ahead of yourself."
"I am more his type." She remarked, reaching out and messing up my hair.
Wrapping my arm around her so it rested on her shoulder, I smiled evilly up
at her "You are so right. Bimbos are his thing."
Lana was the furthest thing from a bimbo but out relationship thrived on
teasing and taunting one another.
One time a girl moved to our school, and we were assigned to show her
around. We invited her to lunch and by the end of it, she reported us to the
principal for bullying each other. She just did not understand our loving
torment to one other was just part of our relationship. It was fine anyway
because she and I worked better as a duo.
We complimented each other perfectly. I was book-smart, and she was
socially smart.
"If Chase doesn't win me the biggest teddy on the pier, then I will riot." I
informed her very seriously "He might run to you after I am finished with
him. This stuffed toy is pretty much a dealbreaker in our not-so
"You can keep your playboy." She tutted, her big blue eyes sparkling with
I burst out laughing "Like you were not drooling over the football team
photo in the school hallway a matter of weeks ago."
Her reaction was to elbow me in the ribs before she mumbled "Take it back,
I cringed at her use of my full name. She knew that my name was one of
my most guarded secrets and that I planned on keeping it that way until
someone had to see my death certificate.
Drizella was a horrible reminder of my mother's fascination with the fairy-
tale of Cinderella. Drizella was a painful reminder that she named me after
the ugly wicked stepsister and not the heroine herself.
I would wring Lana's neck if she told another living soul my real name.
The sun was almost gone from the sky. The only acceptable time to go to
the pier was at night. The colours were something that the Northern Lights
would be envious of. At night was also the only time the hot dogs were
sold. A reason itself to go was the food.
"So what am I meant to do while you go canoodling with Chase?" She
asked and I did not miss the meaning behind her eyes.
She did not want me ditching so that I could go make out behind the cotton
candy stall.
"We will not be canoodling." I delivered with a roll of my eyes "He is
simply there so he can win me a massive teddy."
Her eyebrow raise was full of scepticism.
"I can not throw far enough with my short arms." I explained while waving
my hands around in a Mexican wave motion.
"So you are not coming on the Ferris wheel with me then?" Her face was
full of mischief as she said it.
She knew fair well that I would rather sell all my clothes, organs and all
other possessions than go on that death trap that they called an amusement
"No way!" I uttered in horror "I am not letting that thing go all Final
Destination Three on my ass."
"The Ferris wheel is the slowest ride ever." She dragged out the syllables to
taunt me while not hiding her amusement "And Final Destination Three is a
rollercoaster. Not a metal wheel."
"Final Destination Six then." I sassed, trying not to turn green at the thought
of going on "The new instalment starring yours truly."
Like a true best friend, she should have shown support and comforted me.
She should have told me that I did not need to go on any rides if I felt
uncomfortable. However, I felt like if we were not already at the pier then
she would have been googling quotes from the wacky horror movie or
making chicken noises.
The pier had the best ice cream parlour and the best mini amusement park
in all of California. The lights from the rides lit up the now dark sky and the
music was blaring from the speakers. The waves hit up on the wooden
structure of the pier adding to the atmosphere of the place.
It was quiet for a Saturday night. It was unusually quiet which had me
wondering where everyone had gone to.
Maybe there was more Lana's than Ella's in the world. Maybe there was
people that had to give up a night at the pier to go and finish their
assignments due at the start of the semester.
As we walked past the ice cream place and passed the first stall, my phone
went off again. It was Chase letting me know he had arrived at the meeting
"Not even a love heart on his contact name." Lana tutted as she peered over
my shoulder at my phone screen.
I texted back and kept my gaze on my phone while replying "We are just
speaking casually. I'm not expecting a declaration of undying love with my
candy floss."
It was partly true. I did not expect a full-blown Drew Barrymore rom-com
love story in my life but it was dishonest of me to say that I did not go
home and read romance novels every night and wish that my life was
somewhat like that.
I read a lot of books about love. A few were of the erotica genre, but most
were Bronte and Austen and other classical romance authors.
Where Lana was publicly known as boy obsessed, I was more of a secret
sucker for romance. In the comfort of my bedroom was where I obsessed
over literary males and lived a vigorous romance through the pages of a
good book.
Lana had never had a boyfriend because she was waiting for the one.
Sometimes I sat and wondered if she thought a knight on a white horse
would turn up and sweep her off her feet.
Even with only a few people traversing the pier, the place was in full swing.
The lights and the music made everything seem alive and I allowed my eyes
to shut momentarily.
I closed my eyes taking in the smell of cotton candy and other sweet treats.
"How I wish rides played good music." I eyed the waltzers in disgust.
Lana bobbed her head to the music but not before telling me to shut up.
"Who are you telling to shut up?" I asked before mentioning "It is not like
the ride going to hear me and be offended."
She rolled her eyes, but her smile was still intact
"It is like the rides think to themselves what could make a spinning chair
with migraine causing light worse." I told her with a sigh "So they decide to
blast some overrated and repetitive song. Waltzer? More like torture?"
We had conversations about our contrasting music taste not long ago and it
seemed clear our tastes could not be further apart.
"What is wrong with this song?" She laughed, her eyes flicking down to my
wardrobe "It is not like they are going to play Smells Like Teen Spirit. This
is a tourist attraction. Not a convention for emo's."
"Why not?" I asked pointedly "I might actually attempt to go on the puke
machine if Nirvana was on. Plus, I heard Celine Dion playing one night
next to the teacups."
"So…that is a stupidly slow song. That does not really set the mood either."
I answered.
"Maybe it is because it reminds you of Titanic." She landed the blow in her
sweet as honey voice "Did you cry at that movie too?"
"It was my allergies."
"Sure." She let out a small giggle "You know I really hope you unleash your
inner romantic one day."
"Never!" I gasped like the idea was ludicrous while sticking my arms in
front of me as if love was going to sucker punch me in the face.
"Ella," My best friend sighed "I am pretty certain that if you met the love of
your life on this very pier tonight, you would run away from him."
I dismissed the idea entirely "It is a good thing I am not planning on
meeting Prince Charming tonight."
I did not let many people in. I did not let anyone get close enough to do
that. I had trained myself to be talkative so that it covered up the anxiety I
had of socialising.
Smiling large enough and telling people over and over again what they
wanted to hear was how to avoid suspicion.
Lana tilted her head slightly and mentioned the song choice of the pier
again "My Heart Will Go On is a good song."
"For a funeral, Lana." I deadpanned before adding "To think you are meant
to be the musical one of us."
The blonde girl tutted "Well, it is a good thing that you are dressed for a
My eyes fell to the edge of the pier where the railing was the only thing
stopping someone from falling into the ocean below.
Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. Everything apart from
chest that was moving erratically.
Our walk to the hook-a-duck stall felt like the longest walk of my life as I
tried to keep my gaze on anything but the ocean below.
"Ella?" Lana's voice was no longer teasing, and it had been replaced with a
soft tone as she spoke "You would tell me if you were not alright. Wouldn't
I nodded once and I painted a smile on my face. I knew that if I spoke then
it would be very possible that I would be sick.
The answer to her question flashed in my mind. Like a big neon sign. It was
brighter than any other light on the pier.
I was not ready to talk about it. I was not ready to talk about my mother at
All I wanted was for this night to be carefree. I did not want it to take a full
One thing that nobody could call me was a buzzkill.
"I am fine." I voiced the same words I had told her for the last year "You
don't have to worry about me."
She searched my face looking for any sign of lying. I held eye-contact with
her and counted to three to try and make it convincing
If I said it enough, then it would come true.
Lana looked away. I was not sure if she bought it. She was my oldest and
probably my only true friend. She had probably smelt the lie from me
stronger than she smelt the sea air, but she never said anymore.
"Don't worry about me." I repeated before referencing "I am merely the
support person. I am just the sidekick in this story, but it is fine because I
like Robin a lot better than Batman."
She raised one of her light eyebrows as she challenged "Like you would
ever sit back and watch things happen and life pass by."
"What is that supposed to mean?" I questioned, a cold chill shooting you,
my spine.
"Sidekicks usually just sit and do nothing." She mentioned before laughing
the next few words "You have a big mouth, and you are not afraid of
She was right but I stuck my tongue out at her anyway while putting my
hands in my jacket pockets to warm them up.
A small circular object touched my hand as I rested my hands inside the
small denim holes. Wondering what it was, I pulled out the mystery object
and inspected it.
It was a quarter piece that I had probably just stuffed into my pocket when I
had got change for something.
I looked around for some pinball machine to get rid of the coin.
My eyes skimmed over the open space before eventually landing on a
solution. A solution in the form of a rectangular shaped green box with a
mannequin-like figure inside.
I walked over to the box that was randomly placed in the middle of
nowhere. No other stalls were situated near it.
Through the window of the box was the top-half of a dummy holding a
crystal ball. The mannequin of the old fortune-teller had grey hair and a
purple waistcoat which had the letters Ht. Rowknad written on it.
It was weird and whimsical looking but the coin slot part of the machine
read twenty-five cents, so I knew what to do.
The reflection on the box showed Lana laughing.
She questioned my actions as I stuck the quarter in the slot "I thought you
said you did not believe in fortune tellers and fate."
"I need to get rid of the change." I mentioned to her as the man in the box
moved around "All things like this are a massive waste of money. They give
you fortunes that are quite open ended and interpretable. The same one it
gives to fifty other people the same day."
The machine made a small bell-like noise and a piece of paper slipped out
of another opening that was not for the money.
Lana beat me to it and grabbed the small piece of paper. Her blue irises
flicked over the words on the slip of paper before she burst out laughing.
"What is it?" I asked, moving closer to see what she was laughing at.
Her reply came in the form of a series of giggles "You will meet your
soulmate here tonight."
I grabbed the paper out of her hand and read it for myself only to find out
she was telling the truth.
You will meet your soulmate tonight.
Without much more thought about it, I crumpled the sheet and threw it in
the nearest trash can as Lana and I walked further along the pier.
Chapter Two
A familiar smooth-sounding male voice stopped us in our tracks "Ella!"
"Here he is." Lana announced dramatically in a hushed voice before she
referenced the fortune from earlier "Your soulmate."
"I already told you." I shushed her with a glare before mentioning "That
machine probably gives the same fortune to fifty other people today."
We followed the voice and the single wave to the hook-a-duck.
Chase was leaning against the wooden stall in his letterman jacket like he
was posing for a photoshoot for Abercrombie. The idea of that was not
impossible to imagine. He was tall and buff and blonde. He was attractive
and the sort of a guy I usually found myself attracted to.
He bounced up from his leaning stance to give both of us a quick nod of
acknowledgement which was in jock language was a hello.
Two months with him and I was not entirely fluent in the language and not
any closer to understanding him.
"Hey." Chase's deep smooth voice filled the air as he wrapped an arm
around my waist and pulled me towards him "I have been waiting for you."
I should have been focusing on the show of affection. I should not have
been measuring him for my ulterior motive for meeting up with him.
I studied his quarterback arms and concluded that the giant stuffed toy was
already in my arms.
Lana looked shocked at the slight display of affection from the blonde boy
and that made two of us.
Chase had sometimes acknowledged me in the corridors of school, but it
was not in a romantic way. The most public we had been was a make out
session under the bleachers. The smell of teenage sweat did not add to the
mood, so the kiss was not that memorable.
My feet did a little shuffle to the side and away from him, but he did not
look too disheartened at the space.
"What's up, Lana?" He decided to greet the other person standing in the
little triangle we had unintentionally made.
I did not have to be a mind reader to know what was going on in Lana's
head. She was probably wondering why he was putting on a voice that
resembled a high surfer.
"Hi Chase." She greeted politely with a smile.
Their conversation started and ended there because the blonde quarterback
turned to me and murmured "Are we getting out of here?"
I blinked and then blinked again before I mumbled "What?"
"Three is a crowd." He said, glancing Lana's way before meeting my eyes
I did know how I expected the night to go with the three of us. I was not
stupid enough to think that we were going to chat away all through the
night. Apart from inviting Lana to the pier because she was my friend and I
wanted to hang out with her, I also needed her there.
Sometimes there would be an awkward silence when I was with Chase.
Whenever we talked, it became painfully obvious how different we both
were. Going out and spending time together was different from sitting
watching a movie.
A common behaviour I had with all boys I had dated was that I did not talk
to them a lot. If I spoke to them then they would realise that I was a little bit
of a whack-job and a complete nerd and then they would choose not to stick
I shook my head at him with a frown before I argued "No way. Lana and I
are a package deal."
"But no. I’m not ditching her." I cut him off before rhetorically asking
"Who is she going to hang out with? The statue of the hot dog?"
Lana grabbed my arm in an attempt to gain my attention while she spoke up
"Ella, it’s fine."
"It is not." I replied.
She sent me a smile before giving me an encouraging nod "If I had a hot
guy trying to steal me away, I would leave you."
"Thanks." I muttered sarcastically despite the fact I knew she was lying.
"It is not like you are going to come with me on the Ferris wheel and I
really want to ride." She mentioned before asking "Unless you have
changed your mind...?"
I shook my head vigorously.
Guilt built up at the bottom of my stomach, so I questioned "Are you sure?"
"I will meet you late." She replied with a nod and a smile "Text me when
you are done with him."
Chase finally spoke up again and his words were directed in Lana's
direction "Is this not the point where you warn me not to break your best
friend's heart?"
I swallowed down the remark about him having to have my heart in the first
place to break it. I bit my lip to stop the syllables from rolling off my
"I would not worry about that." Lana promised him "If a miracle did happen
and she did fall for you, I would not need to harm you if you hurt Ella."
The guy that was next to me tilted his head cockily "And why is that?"
"She would castrate you all on her own." Lana told him acutely while
sending a grin my way "Do not be put off because of her small height. She
is scary and she will kill you."
Lana blew me a kiss before heading off in the direction of a stall selling
candy apples.
I waited until the blonde girl was out of view before grabbing Chase's hand
with my own.
"It is your turn to shine, pretty boy." I grinned up at him before pulling his
body along with mine as I began walking "It is time for you to win me a
giant teddy."
He rolled his eyes, but he let me drag him to the first stall I saw with big
cuddly creatures hanging from the roof of the small shack.
I needed something large and warm to cuddle into at night.
Adorable black and white pandas were right in front of me and in reach.
They were practically begging to be taken home with their cute little faces.
"No pressure or anything but if you don't win me that panda then I will
never speak to you again." I delivered with a small smile, my tone teasing
even if my heart would break if I did not leave the pier with a giant panda.
In the apartment that I called home, the room that was once occupied by my
parents was now pretty much dedicated to my stuffed animals. I decided to
move them out of my room after one traumatising encounter at night. I had
woken up to see a snake's eyes looking right into my soul. All of them
ultimately were moved into boxes and shoved into the empty room.
It was not like my father needed the space in his bedroom. He was never
Pete the Panda would live in my room, however.
Chase took my money and handed it to the old man behind the counter. The
stall keeper then handed him three balls which I assumed had to throw into
the little cans stacked up two meters away from the both of us.
The footballer raised his hand with one white ball in it and squinted his eye
in a concentrated way to aim for the can.
I watched him silently, not wanting to put him off.
He lowered his arm before he could throw the ball and his tone was laced
with curiosity when he asked, "What is that over there?"
His arm stretched out towards the sea and the horizon.
I followed the direction in which his finger was pointing and looked at what
had him so distracted.
It was a green light. It shone from afar over the dark horizon.
The light that had him so distracted was what I assumed was a light from a
Turning back to the jock, I muttered "I don't know what it is, Old Sport."
Chase's face scrunched up in confusion as he looked down at me laughing
my head off at my own reference.
One of my life philosophies was that there was always a reference to be
made. Either from a book or movie, there was always a quote to fit every
situation. Unless I was feeling overly original and decided to make up my
own lines.
I stopped laughing when I noticed that I was the only one that found my
remark amusing.
"The Great Gatsby." I told him, trying not to add a duh to the end of my
I would not usually react so badly to him not knowing classical literature. I
could not blame everyone else for not spending all their days reading
nonstop like me. However, I knew he had read the book because it was on
the syllabus last year.
"You are in my English class. We read it last year." I stared down at the
ground while explaining to him "It is not funny if you have to explain the
whole plot of The Great Gatsby for you to get the joke."
"I don't really pay attention in English." He replied with a shrug that
showed how much he did not give a shit.
"You don't say." I joked while taking another glance at the green light.
Silence hung in the air.
He stood staring at me, so I felt inclined to say something.
"The green light is probably an alien." I voiced and then went on to move
my hand between my mouth and my ear so that I could pretend it was a
walkie-talkie "Houston, there is no sign of intelligent life anywhere near
The look on the blonde quarterback's face made apparent that he either did
not understand what I was saying or that he was not interested in listening.
I wanted to crawl into a ball and hide. I was only proving to myself why I
should not speak to guys.
Chase never said anything else as he resumed aiming the ball towards the
cans at the back of the stall.
I have never seen him look so concentrated before. I wondered if it was
because he was competitive or because he was taking my threat seriously
and he feared the consequences of not getting the stuffed animal.
I once attempted to go to one of his football games with Lana. We had to
leave before the game even started. We had eaten two chilli corn dogs and
drank five strawberry milkshakes each. It did not mix well, and we ended
up throwing up all over the place.
He offered me a side-glance when he gently asked, "Have you spoke to
your Dad lately?"
"What do you think?" I chuckled humourlessly before I asked him the same
question "What about you?"
His answer was the same as mine "What do you think?"
One thing that he and I had bonded over was our non-existent relationship
with our parents. His dad was always working, and his mom had run away
with her new boyfriend. It was one of the only things we confided in with
each other.
It was good having someone to talk to about my home problems. Even if it
felt like he never listened to what I said most of the time.
We used each other in a way.
Chase still had not thrown the second ball of the three yet. He was still
moving his hand back and forward and he had one of his eyes shut as he
concentrated harder.
I figured it would be best to leave him to it. I made my way to the edge of
the pier and peered over at the water.
The ocean was wild. The waves thrashed against the wooden pillar
underneath my feet in time with my heartbeat.
Most people would describe the sound and sensation of the sea as calm and
comforting but when I leaned over the railing and looked down below at the
unknown of the dark waters, I thought back to that night.
It flashed in my head, and it hit me more brutal than any wave could.
Nothing was out of the ordinary on that day. Then the day turned to night. I
was on the sofa napping with a headache when my father burst into the
apartment along with three policemen. The rush to the hospital and the time
in the waiting room were all a blur.
I wish I knew what had gone on in my mother's mind when she was still
alive. I wish I knew what drove her to the edge and made her end her own
My mother always seemed to be happy like a big bundle of energy, but I
could not help but feel like it was all a lie.
All my memories of her had been tarnished.
Just knowing that I was not enough for her to want to stay was enough to
make me want to scream. The thought had not left my mind since last year.
The shock and the pain did not hit me until I woke up on Christmas Day to
an empty house.
My mother was dead, and my father was mentally and physically absent. It
was all too much.
The sea air was a usual temperature, but I felt overheated and clammy. The
heat was suffocating, and it was going to swallow me whole if I was not
I did not know I was crying until the tear running down my cheek
plummeted down into the ocean below.
A hand came on to my shoulder and I turned to see Chase standing there
with a giant panda.
He was not looking at me though. Neither was he looking at the cute animal
that he had squished too hard under his arm. Whatever was on his phone
seemed much more important.
Chase continued to type on his phone, and he did not look up at me.
"Is everything okay?" I asked the preoccupied blonde as I rubbed under my
eyes and got rid of the traces of tears.
"My buddy Kyle said that there is a fight on at the beach." He answered
while finally putting his phone away.
"What? Is this some weird version of fight club but they prefer sand?" I
questioned in confusion "Usually if two guys disagree on something then
they would just throw fists at each other straight away and not organise a
time and place"
Chase shook his head at me "It is more like a professional fight."
"A professional fight on the beach at night?" I raised my eyebrow at him
while replying "That seems legitimate."
"The guys are really good fighters." He explained further "It is kind of a
competition, but they make profits out of the bets people place."
"I still don't see what that has to do with you." I pointed to his phone while I
tilted my head at him "Are you going to fight? Have you turned into The
His eyes rolled at my remark, and he replied once his phone rang again "I
am going to watch the fight. It is the first one ever and I don't want to miss
it. That is why I am heading there early. I need a good front row view."
"Okay." I added a load of fake disappointment to my voice as I responded
to his news.
"You could come with me?" Chase suggested.
"No. It is fine." I assured him "I need to go meet Lana anyway."
He kissed me on the cheek before he ran off down the pier. He almost
knocked down a cart of candy floss on his frenzied way.
I would have said farewell and hasta la vista but then I noticed the large
panda in his arms that was moving further and further away from me.
Pete the Panda was with him.
He was a stuffed toy stealing little shit.
For him to ask me out and make me leave my little sanctuary that was my
room with all of my books was fine. Even for him to ditch me was fine but
stealing the panda was an unforgivable crime.
I did not think the night could get worse.
With one buzz of my phone, I knew I had jinxed it.
I brought the phone to my ear and greeted Lana "Hello."
"How was your date?" She quickly blurted out and she did not wait for my
reply before speaking again "I have met this amazing hot guy at the ice
cream place."
It was good that one of us was getting a romantic night at the pier or at least
a date that had stayed until the end.
"That is great." I told her before explaining "Chase had ditched me to go to
some beach fight. Don't ask."
Lana hardly ever pursued the guys she liked. She had never introduced
herself or tried to start a conversation, so I knew this ice cream parlour guy
had to have made an impression.
"That is awful of him." She commented.
"Tell me about it. He is away with my stuffed panda." I said to the girl on
the other end of the phone call "I might just go home and mourn my loss.
The loss of the panda, not Chase."
The phone went quiet for a second or two.
I looked around and wondered if I appeared as stupid as I felt. I was
standing alone in one of the most romantic spots in the city. I felt like I
should have been filmed for a heart-breaking angsty music video.
"There is no way you are going home. Get your little butt here now." She
ordered of me before adding "I want to know what you think of this guy. I
think he is my soulmate."
We had only been away from each other for twenty minutes.
"Yuck!" I blurted out, smiling to myself knowing she could not see it.
It was not that I did not believe in and want the white picket fence happily
ever after. I just did not believe that was possible with a guy from high
Teenage relationships were nothing but fickle. Rarely any lasted.
"He has a friend." Lana's voice lowered as she informed me "So you will
not be a third wheel. I promise."
I groaned and agreed before I hung up on her.
My walk to go and meet her was intentionally slow. My pace was
somewhere in between one of a snail and an old lady walking to the bingo.
A few minutes later and I was in front of the ice cream place. Along with
the overall theme of the pier, the building was lit up like a Christmas tree.
The place gave off an eighty’s diner look with the bright interior and neon
I eyed the decor through the big windows while I pushed open the door to
the rectangular building.
The bright red booths of the place were almost empty. Only two tables were
occupied and one of them was by a man that looked freakishly like Danny
I spotted the back of Lana's blonde hair at a four-seater table in the middle
of the room. The back of her head faced me. She looked too engrossed in
the conversation with the guy opposite her to notice that I had arrived.
I assumed that the one she was talking to was the guy she was interested in.
I could see exactly why she took in an interest in him.
He was extremely good looking with dark skin and dark hair that was
cropped short into a buzz-cut. He was wearing a turquoise short-sleeved
shirt that showed off his impressive arm muscles and his significantly sized
chest. The mixture of his blue shirt and his supermodel-worthy face
radiated an exotic vibe like he spent all day on the beach surfing.
I tore my attention away from Lana's guy and peered at the other male at the
I stopped moving because he was a whole other level of hot.
Against the bright eccentric lights of the place, he stood out with a dark
domineering presence. His pitch-black hair and his leather jacket made him
look like someone found in a motorcycle gang. A start of a tattoo was
visible where his neck met his chest, but his plain black shirt stopped me
from seeing any more.
This man had the meanest and grouchiest face I had ever seen in my life,
but he was stunning. So stunning that it was hard to assign a word to his
darkly ethereal looks. He was not beautiful in a traditional way but there
was something about his dark eyes and his rough facial features that made
my heart start beating rapidly.
Even with a terrifying scowl on his face, he was by far the most attractive
man I had ever seen.
I blinked twice before studying him further.
He was the largest human I had ever seen. He was sitting down but it was
not hard to tell that he was over six and a half feet and weighed well more
than three hundred pounds. His legs were not under the table but at the side
and he looked far too large for almost about anything. His arms and chest
swallowed his seat whole.
He looked so immovable like he was made up of testosterone and
everything else that was all man. His shoulders were wide which made him
look even more like a bodyguard and added to his intimidating appearance.
He had the upper body of a wrestler with thigh-sized biceps and forearms
the size of swollen calves.
The giant leather-jacket-wearing man was on his phone, and I doubt he was
playing candy crush saga. He was not engaging in the other two at the
table's conversation.
His dark eyes moved away from under the table as he noticed me standing
there. His hard gaze studied me with intent, leaving me frozen in place. His
attention roamed over me and left none of my body untouched by his eye.
His focus remained on my face for what felt like a small eternity before he
pulled his attention away from me and back to the floor.
I took another look around the place and tried not to look at him. I peered at
a random picture on the wall as I watched the sexy skyscraper move in his
Once the well-built stranger moved, Lana and the guy she was talking to
moved their head to face what he was looking at.
I turned back to see that they were looking at me.
Lana's face became visible as she twisted her body to face my direction.
She tilted her head at me as if she was wondering why I was just standing
My face must have looked like a rabbit in headlights.
"Ella." She called and motioned with her hand for me to come over "Get
over here."
I nodded my head before joining them at the table. I took the seat next to
Lana and sent her a smile, but my attention quickly strayed back to the man
across from me.
The leather jacket-wearing Goliath was even more attractive up close.
Being opposite him gave me a closer observation of him.
His dark eyes were almost black as he watched me too. His jaw was
clenched, and the strict line looked like it could cut my skin if I ran my
finger along it.
Nobody could have been that devastatingly handsome. There had to be a
flaw with him despite the obvious which was that he was kind of scary.
I turned my attention back to Lana who was too busy in an intense staring
contest with her surfer dude. Neither of them was speaking. They were just
smiling at each other.
If I was not so glad that she had found someone that she liked, I might have
puked. It was like something out of a movie where hearts floated around in
the air and little kiss shaped emojis floated around them.
It was completely nauseating in a sweet kind of way.
"Are you going to introduce me?" I muttered under my breath to Lana
because I was starting to feel awkward that I was just sitting there.
"This is Brennan." She giggled softly while motioning to the boy across
from her and then her voice came out nervously when she motioned to the
large man next to him and added "And this is his friend Stone."
The large man was called Stone and I almost burst out laughing at how
much the name suited him.
He looked so big and powerful. He towered over everything, and he oozed a
dark, dominant energy that threatened to consume me whole. He radiated a
pure alpha male energy.
Stone glanced at me and then looked back at the floor before glancing at me
again. His mean-looking face went strict, and his features tightened like he
was clenching his jaw or grinding his molars.
His few glimpses were discreet and if I blinked then I would have missed
"Hi." I spoke up, offering both guys a little wave "I'm Ella."
Brennan looked away from Lana to greet me back "It is nice to meet to you,
I smiled and replied a little awkwardly "You too."
The huge man or Stone as he was called was looking right at me.
He stayed completely still for a few seconds, entrapping me in his gaze with
his dark pupils.
I did not know if they were unusually black or dilated at that moment.
I met his gaze head-on and offered him a small smile.
His jaw tightened and it showed off the sculpted edges of his rough-looking
face before he forced himself to turn away and focus on something outside.
He had not smiled at me or even tried to look friendly. He had just looked at
me before going back to not acknowledging me at all.
I peered over at the stoic face and concluded that he did not like talking.
Silence hung in the air at the table and it had me thinking that I should have
just gone home.
"So, you are The Notebook crier then?" The friendlier male Brennan
questioned with a smirk.
It had become apparent he was the talker of the two and the opposite of the
silent killer type of man next to him.
"What?" I let out the word with a small laugh, twiddling my thumbs
together as I rested my arms on the table.
"That was what Lovely Lana told me." Brennan pointed out, his teasing
playful smirk still decorating his mouth.
I was shocked that he had given her a nickname ten minutes after meeting
her and I was shocked Lana had ratted me out about my love of the
romance film.
I had a reputation to hold of a semi-cool person. Not a girl that cried at
Nicholas Sparks' greatest creation.
My lip pursed and I narrowed my eyes in an attempt to pull off an angry
face. It needed work however and I found myself pondering if the giant
opposite me would be willing to help.
The giant seemed to have the whole intimidating expression perfected that
would have grown men running home to their moms.
"I told you it was my allergies." I defended and crossed my arms before
adding "I have never cried at The Notebook."
Lana had her hand on her mouth, trying to contain her laughter.
I smiled at her evilly and got ready to take my revenge.
"Brennan, I think you should save yourself and run now. Get out of future
dates with her before it is too late." I stage whispered over to him while
motioning with my head towards my best friend "This Lovely Lana as you
have nicknamed her likes to watch Barbie movies in her spare time. The
movies with the fairies and the flying horses and the sparkly castles. She
goes to the cinema with the five-year-olds."
I also went with her and the five-year-olds to see the Barbie movies. It was
my best-friend duty to have the mortifying job of taking her to see the films.
Lana blushed at my comment and looked to her lover boy, waiting for his
reply as she softly kicked me under the table.
Brennan chuckled before sending a wink to Lana "I think that is cute."
I rolled my eyes at my backfired plan.
"For a seven-year-old maybe." I deadpanned before adding in the direction
of Brennan "Anyways, you should be on my side."
"And why is that?" He rebutted, cocking his head to the side.
"As the Spice Girl's once said if you want to be her lover," I pointed to Lana
who looked to be telepathically communicating with me to shut up while I
spoke, "Then you got to get with her friends."
A pair of dark eyes belonging to the silent broody man were set on my face.
He was staring at me fiercely like I had the answers to the universe on my
My whole face was heating up from his unfaltering stare. My cheeks were
starting to tingle from the sheer heat of his study on me.
I was feeling particularly friendly, so I tried thinking of a way to include
him in the conversation.
"Do you by any chance like Barbie films?" My voice came out quiet and
soft as I uttered the question.
Stone was already watching me when I turned my attention to him.
He did not give me an answer or any kind of words of acknowledgement.
He grunted a deep noise and that was it.
"I will take that as a no then, Lurch." I commented on his rudeness.
He was too volatility attractive to have an award-winning personality
Lana elbowed me and Brennan's eyes went wide as he turned his head
towards his friend.
They were acting like I had poked a bear with a stick. Like the guy that was
in front of me was a bomb about to go off.
The silence stretched until a small miracle happened.
A guttural noise came out in a rough series of words "What did you just call
His voice was deep. Deeper than any voice I had heard before. It was strong
and husky and low. That voice was one I could tell kept people up at night.
I could not help but imagine him reading for a thriller audiobook.
Scary but hot was a pattern with this guy. He might not have given anything
away about himself, but I could rule out that his flaw was his voice because
it was certainly not squeaky. It was the opposite and the low-octave sound
vibrated through me.
When walking in here, I felt a lot better being inside and away from the
sight and sound of the sea. It turned out that I had found myself in a
different type of danger from the wrath of the mysterious man across from
"Lurch from The Addams Family." I answered and then I went on to
explain "He is the big guy that never speaks and only groans and grumbles
His face remained stoic. His eyes however told a different story as they
watched me unfalteringly.
I had the urge to jump up and scream boo to try and scare him. I wanted to
make his expression budge, but it appeared quite a challenge.
I wanted to know how much he worked out to get so big and muscly. I
wanted to know why his eyes were so black and if he wore contacts. I
wanted to know if he was capable of smiling.
"Wait! I think he has a catchphrase." I spoke aloud before changing my
voice to one of a monotoned heavy smoker male when I remembered the
famous phrase from the character of Lurch "You rang?"
Brennan sat still in his seat next to the giant. He was watching Stone for his
reaction like he was waiting for a jack-in-the-box to pop or for a volcano to
Stone's mouth twitched upwards for a split second as he continued to watch
The small smile was too quick to memorise which I should have because I
suspected I would not see it again.
"Maybe you are Wednesday Addams instead." I suggested to him before
breaking contact so I could explain my hypothesis to Lana "It is like that
scene where she tries to smile and it looks like it causes her actual pain to
do so."
I glanced back at Stone who I had now decided to refer to as Lurch.
He was looking at me too. So intensely that my face was starting to heat up
The giant stranger watched me like he could not believe what was
happening. He watched me as if I was something other than human.
Maybe he was not used to being called a name. I admitted to myself that
even I would not like to be on the bad side of his muscles.
His body was built like a gorilla. Not even a normal gorilla but more like
Everything about him was closed off and monotonous. Even his eyes had
no colour.
They say eyes are the windows to the soul, but his windows were hidden by
blackout curtains and a brick wall the size of him. They were a complete
He was a complete mystery.
I shook myself out of my trance-like state and focused on the happier side
of the table. Brennan was watching Stone watch me and Lana was just
watching me.
Lana's gaze flickered between Stone and me until she settled on me and
asked "Anyway, how was your date?"
"It was fine." I shrugged before replying "The whole twenty minutes of it."
The small hint of a second-long smile was without a doubt gone from
Stone's face now.
His hands were balled into fists resting on the table. His jaw clenched and
unclenched like a ticking time bomb. He was grinding his molars as he
listened to the conversation and his scowl had deepened even further.
Stone appeared murderous. Every part of his muscular body was tensed as
if he was fighting back a predatory streak that lingered near the surface of
his emotionless facade.
I had no clue why he looked so vicious like one more little thing could set
him off on a killing spree.
He probably did not need a reason and I was looking far too deep into it.
Brennan sent a small smile my way as he mentioned "Lana mentioned you
only went on the date for a stuffed teddy."
It turned out that this guy was not just a massive flirt. He was also a
massive tease. It made me wonder why he hung around with the dark cloud
beside him.
The scowling scary man looked like someone that did not take well to
insults. He looked like he dealt with them fist-first.
"You must be a pretty damn good flirt." I commented before asking "How
did you get all this out of Lana in the twenty minutes that I was not there?"
Brennan delivered with a mere roll of his shoulders "Just worked my
Swivelling around in my seat on the booth, I pointed at Lana accusingly
while challenging "Did you give him my bank details as well?"
Her response was a shrug and a small guilty filled smile.
I shifted in my seat when I felt the dark pair of eyes that were still
unwitheringly studying my face.
"How did you two meet?" I asked while glancing between Lana and
Brennan to keep myself distracted.
A dreamy sight left Lana before explaining "I went to get a candy apple at
the stall and there was only one left. Brennan took it."
I was confused at how she found that romantic. If some random person had
stolen food from me then I would not stay and chat. I would kick their ass
or at least try to anyway.
Lana continued with her story "He promised that he would give me half the
candy apple if I rode the Ferris wheel with him."
"I have to give it to you, Lover Boy." I delivered to Brennan with an
impressed laugh "You are pretty smooth."
"I try my best." He replied with a smirk before adding "It is not as good as
The Notebook where he climbed the wheel. That is probably why you are
not fangirling right now."
I flipped him the middle finger but I smiled at him, so he knew it was light-
hearted. I secretly admire his sense of humour, so he had earned the stamp
of approval for me.
My best friend nudged my shoulder "You still didn't answer my question."
"What?" I replied, turning to her.
"How did your date go?"
Our table shook violently and indomitably before I could answer.
Living in Santa Monica meant that my first thought was that it was an
earthquake. I quickly changed my mind when I saw the face of the man
opposite me.
Stone had kicked it or punched it or his tensed body had moved it in a way.
It was clear by the way he was clenching his jaw and the thunderous fury in
his eyes.
I wanted to ask him who had peed in his ice cream.
Then I noticed he had not gotten an ice cream like the other two at the table.
I almost let out a laugh at the idea of him with a colourful sweet treat. The
rainbow sprinkles would clash with his all-black look and stern serious
I ignored him like he had ignored me.
"It was fine." I answered Lana's question "I guess."
Brennan laughed and cocked his head to the side while pointing out "You
are not very convincing."
"The main issue was that he never got my Great Gatsby reference." I replied
before going ahead and explaining "He saw this green light in the distance
and asked what it was. Naturally, I responded by calling him Old Sport. He
looked at me like I was insane and that I was speaking some sort of ancient
alien language."
Lana let out a small giggle "Not everyone can be as big a book nerd as you
are, Ella."
"He is also away with my stuffed panda." I sighed and shook my head at the
image of him running away with Pete "He better bring it to school on
Monday or I will go all Kung Fu Panda on him."
I made a mock ninja pose to show how serious I was about the matter.
"You are going to carry a panda around the corridors?" Brennan questioned
in disbelief "Does that not go against..."
Brennan trailed off and he did not complete the sentence as he stared at my
wardrobe that consisted of a shirt, a black leather skirt and a pair of fishnets
"I could just say the teddy is for a satanic ritual." I returned.
"I'm sorry. I never meant to offend you." Brennan quickly assured me
before complimenting "You look really cool."
"Oh." I said in surprise, glancing down at my hands on the table "Thank
A gruff noise sounded from the man opposite me that sounded like a
strangled carnivorous animal.
I tried not to think about what that noise was supposed to mean.
Brennan glanced next to him before continuing to speak "What colour is
your hair anyway? Emerald?"
I opened my mouth, but my reply got lost in the air when a new voice
"Puke Coloured?"
The voice was deep. Too deep and too rough to be owned by anyone other
than the giant. The best way to describe it was gravelly or guttural.
The silent skyscraper had finally spoken and he had insulted my hair.
I happened to love my hair. The green suited me. Much more than my
natural brown hair had. I loved my green colour and there was no way I was
going to let him insult it.
Everything happened so fast. One minute I was narrowing my eyes and
sitting back in my seat and the next I was leaning over the table and
pointing a finger at the grumpy face of the man who had insulted me.
"Listen here, Lurch. You obviously have bad taste in colour." I bit out the
words while narrowing my eyes further "It is fairytale green."
A pause of silence filled the space between him.
Stone grumbled, his voice hoarse and demanding "What the fuck is fairytale
I leant back in my chair and let out a huff. I pursed my lips together and
blew a strand of green hair that had fallen onto my face when I moved
The words escaped me before I could stop them.
"It is the green of the trees at an outdoor wedding. It is the green of the
grass where you sit with your partner when you're old, shaking your fists at
the neighbour’s kid who trespass on skateboards. It is the green of my hair."
I rambled on in one quick breath "It is fairytale green!"
He made me expose a rant about colours and fairy tales and I had no idea
where it came from. The words just slipped my mouth before I could hold
them back.
I narrowed my eyes and glared at the man opposite. He maintained eye
contact back but with a slightly softer expression than mine.
The eye-lock broke when Brennan coughed which made me look at him.
What I found was him staring at Stone with a face of bewilderment.
Brennan then stage whispered to Lana "Is she always this scary?"
"Yep." Lana replied instantaneously before giving an example "One time a
guy called me a dumb blonde and he never approached me again after Ella
was finished with him."
One guy in our French class called her a dumb blonde so after class ended, I
grabbed him and threatened him. I threatened to pluck every hair out of his
head while he was sleeping, make a voodoo doll out of it and then hex him.
It sounded ridiculous but it worked. I never seen him around the school
Lana went on to tell another story about me. Brennan listened to her while
laughing at the appropriate parts.
Stone was strangely interested too because he had leaned forward
"We should go out again some time." Lana suggested to the guy across from
her "Maybe next time I will get a full candy apple."
I liked Brennan but I was going to keep an eye on him. He was too smooth
for my liking. I had to make sure he had no intention of hurting my best
The other male at the table was not going to be a problem. I doubted he
would be seducing anyone any time soon with his petrifying scowl and his
hatred of speaking.
"I like sharing my food with you." Brennan said with a single chuckle
"Maybe next time, we should share spaghetti. Like Lady and The Tramp."
"That ends in a kiss though." Lana replied absentmindedly.
"Whatever you wish, lady." Brennan replied, bowing his head slightly.
Lana responded to him before she could think her words through "Okay,
I cringed with second-hand embarrassment at her reply.
I had to my bite lip to restrain myself from laughing but it was no use. A
small light laugh escaped from me and filled the air.
Stone who had his attention focused on anything but me turned his head so
quickly at the noise that I thought he was about to snap his neck.
The movement was rapidly quick and almost desperate.
My laughter died out when I met his eye.
"It is a date, Lovely Lana." Brennan delivered to the blonde whose cheeks
were bright red before he motioned to me "We might have to leave her at
home next time."
"Fine by me. More of your cringey romance might make me barf. It is so
bad that I might actually puke on your friend here." I butted into their
conversation before meeting the pair of dark eyes and referenced his
comment from earlier “You might end up having the same colour hair as
Stone chuckled. It was deep and hollow-sounding, and it sent a shiver down
my spine.
The man with muscles the size of melons leaned closer. His arms rested
against the table as he leaned over slightly.
Even sitting down the ridiculous height difference between us was apparent.
"Are you free for their next day?" The deep voice of the large man rebutted
"I heard Disneyland is opening back up and the haunted mansion wants
their extras back."
I opened my mouth and closed it again. I repeated the action a good few
The giant had delivered a good insult. I could not deny that. Nothing came
to mind and I remained quiet.
He had thrown me off-course.
"Haunted Mansion is actually my favourite ride so the joke is on you." I
ranted lamely to seem not taken aback by his sudden capability of speaking
"I doubt you have ever been to Disneyland. You have probably only gone to
Florida to join The Outlaws because there is no way you wear that stupid
leather jacket without owning a motorbike."
I wished that he was an ugly looking troll.
His black wardrobe only highlighted his immorally good looks. The leather
jacket and the dark jeans only compliment his big burly body and added to
the scary biker vibe he had going on.
I wanted to know if he ever got caught off guard when he saw the colour of
his obsidian eyes.
Stone had no emotion present on his face when he grumbled "It is a
"Wow." I exaggerated a gasp while speaking "Do you expect a round of
applause or something?"
I noticed I had leant over the table. I had moved closer to meet him halfway,
so I hastily rushed to sit back in my seat once I noticed our proximity.
I crossed my arms and continued to glare at him, trying to rid my brain of
the thought that motorbikes were cool.
Looking at the other half of the table, I watched as the other two exchanged
numbers while trying to forget the steadfast dark gaze heating up the side of
my face.
"Are you not giving Stone your number?" Brennan peered up from his
phone while speaking "He is feeling unusually chatty tonight."
There was only one thing to do at that moment.
I made a phone shape with my thumb and pinky finger and mouthed to
Stone "You rang?"
I swore I saw the corner of his lip twitch. It was that or the neon lights of
the ice cream parlour had messed with my vision.
"Did you just smile or am I seeing things?" I asked before raising my hands
upwards towards the ceiling "Have we just witnessed a miracle?"
"Maybe it is just you that made me smile."
I felt my body still as the deep guttural words hit me.
Stone's jaw clenched and he stared at something else other than me while
grunting "You probably put a spell on me or something, witch."
It was not the first time someone had insulted me for my appearance or for
my personality. It was not even the hundredth time, and it would not be the
last but I had learned to stick up for myself over the years.
I had learned to fight back.
Rolling my eyes, I rebutted "If I was a witch then I would have made you
disappear already."
I was not going to easily forget his little comment about my hair. I also was
not going to forget him calling me a witch.
A fierce heat travelled from the tip of my toes all the way up to where my
forehead met my hair. A wave of warmth shot through and powered me.
The man opposite had managed to bring out a side of me that I did not
"At least I am wearing a little colour." I remarked before motioning with my
narrowed eyes to his big hard chest "You look eviller than me with your all-
black wardrobe. I think you should drop the jacket and maybe you would
look a little less like a gangster."
Nothing apart from his dilated pupils and his jaw ticking gave away that he
was listening and receiving my words.
I tried to remain unbothered. I tried to keep calm and collected but the more
I looked at him the more heated I felt.
He was jacked. He was a mountain of a man with his chest spanning the
width of two of me and his muscles the size of my thighs.
"I could fight you." I tried to deliver confidently while sizing him up "I
would win too."
I would win because he would have to bend down to reach me. I would use
that time to punch him in the gut.
Insulting my hair was an unforgivable crime and I would never forgive him.
Not that I was planning on ever seeing him again.
A chuckle left his chest, the throatily sound making his adam's apple bob
"Whatever, Rock." I huffed.
"Stone." He grumbled, his tone full of vexation.
"I don't care." I bit out.
Brennan intervened by coughing "Well then."
Bafflement was written all over Brennan's face as he watched Stone with a
small smirk.
Lana spoke up and broke the weird intensity hanging about my side of the
table "Do you both go to school?"
"I am starting on Monday." Brennan answered, "Some school called
Leavendale High."
"Ella and I go there!" Lana examined with excitement "We will show you
Stone was still watching me when I turned back to look at him. His eyes
darkened in the process of studying my features.
Brennan smiled at the both of us "I guess I will see you both on Monday."
I let out a sigh of relief when I realised Brennan had used a singular subject
pronoun and not plural.
As I started to feel my attention gravitate towards the giant, I remained
determined not to look at him. Instead of giving in to temptation, I took my
phone out of my jacket pocket and checked the time to see that it was just
before nine o'clock.
"Shit." Brennan cussed abruptly "We have to go."
Whereas Brennan was in a rush to go, Stone looked reluctant to move from
his spot opposite me.
I figured that only he could be moved by his own accord. Nobody would
manage to move that huge frame by force.
"That is okay." Lana assured him "Ella and I have to go anyway."
Both of us stood up first before they could. I walked around the booth to
join Lana on the other side of the table while she said her awkward
goodbyes to her lover boy.
Stone had sat forward, and his eyes had followed me around the table.
Something primal passed between his irises as his gaze zoned in on me.
One of his large veiny hands on the table flexed before turning into a fist.
"I would say it was nice to meet you." I addressed the giant who was still
watching my every move "But it really wasn't."
He chuckled again. It was deep noise filled with something that felt a lot
like a promise or maybe even a threat.
"I will see you soon." Stone offered me the five words with a small nod of
his head, his expression still unreadable.
"I hope not." I replied with a fake sweet smile.
Lana led the way to the door of the ice cream parlour. I followed behind but
I could not resist a final look back.
My eyes met the pair of dark ones for a split second before I turned back to
face the other way.
Before I opened the door to the exit of the ice cream parlour, I rose my
middle finger up in the air and flipped him off over my shoulder before I
The walk back was filled with Lana's romantic gushing. She narrated every
single detail of her encounter with Brennan. Now that she had found out he
would be attending Leavendale, she would not stop going on about how
good it would be to have him there.
I knew that on Monday morning, she would be the talk of the school. She
was already popular for her kindness and musical talents, but a good-
looking guy would only make her more talked about.
We parted ways at my street with her continuing to walk ahead up the hill
towards the nice identical rows of houses. She lived a matter of blocks
away, but it was a completely different world from where I stayed.
I walked into my apartment building and climbed the stairs. It was like
something out of a horror movie with the flickering light, the dark hallway
and the unlocked door of the place I was supposed to feel at home.
A horror movie would be more favourable than what lay behind the door of
my apartment. I would take a chase from Freddy Kruger over a
conversation with my dad any day of the week.
"Dad?" I called into the dark as I closed the door behind me and switched
on the light.
My father was sitting at the square glass table in the kitchen. If it was not
for the glass table reflecting his face, I would have guessed he was sleeping.
His head was bobbing up and down like he was trying to remain conscious.
Without thinking much about it, I crept forward to him and laid a hand on
his shoulder. I gave him a gentle nudge but he did not respond.
I whispered softly with a voice that came out more childlike than I intended
His body jolted when he felt my touch. He stood up abruptly at the contact
causing me to cautiously step away.
His eyes were now wide open. They quickly filled with disgust once seeing
"Are you okay?" I voiced, reaching my hands out to help him find balance.
The resentment in his eyes strengthened and it stopped me in my tracks.
I let my arms fall to their side before I brought them back up and crossed
them over my chest.
"What are you doing here?" He spat out, his voice bitter and distant.
"I live here." I replied, raising my voice so he could hear me clearly "That is
more than what could be said about you."
He stumbled slightly but he did not fall.
"Where have you been the past month?" I asked, trying to keep my posture
and my words strong.
He did not need to answer. The stench of whisky and vodka and every other
alcohol was overpowering from metres away.
My father slumped back on the chair at the table, and he closed his eyes
where slurring "This place is not home anymore."
Derek Miller was once a lawyer at a big firm. He did not make a fortune out
of his job but it was enough for us to be comfortable.
Instead of a big house, my parents decided to buy a small apartment and
focus on travelling the world. Our apartment was only the place we stayed
when I had school to go to and could not go with them on vacation.
That was all until my mother decided to leave us and my father started
At my mother's funeral, one of her friends came up to me and said that my
father just needed time to grieve. I feared that no time long enough would
heal him. Sometimes I sympathised with him and sometimes I resented him.
It was wrong but sometimes I really did hate him.
My father left for weeks on end. He only came back to pay the bills and
leave some money for me. He also came back for a duffel bag of clean
I often wondered where he got the money to pay rent and to live. It was
certainly not from the law firm that had fired him six months prior.
I changed my tone, so it was harsher when pointing out "You did not
answer my question."
"She made it like that." He uttered quietly.
He was acting like I did not also lose my mother. Like I was not losing my
other parent.
"No." I bit out agitatedly "You did."
Just as I was, he was too dealing with the loss of her. It was just in a way
that meant he was never present. A way that offered no comfort to me.
I did not want to break again. I had already cried.
Crying was never something I had seen as a weakness. I cried a lot, but I
had never done it in front of people.
My vision became blurry, so I chose to leave my father where he was and
go to the safety of my bedroom.
The wasted white walls greeted me as I closed the door on my way into my
room. I slid the lock on the door into place securely.
I repeated the action of bolting the door shut three times to assure myself
that I was locked in. It was the only way I could feel at ease when trying to
get to sleep.
The books on my floor were scattered so I tried to put them in piles to make
the room seem half presentable. It offered a good distraction from the sound
of crashing and stumbling from the other side of the door.
I had learnt the hard way not to try and stop my father when he wanted to
trash the place.
After I changed into my pyjamas, I cosied into my bed with a Jane Austen
It was incredible how books allowed an escape from reality so easily. One
day I could be a pirate or a young eligible maid. I could live romance
through books, and I could cry with the characters.
I could pretend I was somebody else.
As my eyes started to feel heavy, I fetched my phone from my nightstand
and read the text from my lovestruck friend.
Lana's long paragraph detailed how excited she was to meet with Brennan
again. She also listed everything that could go wrong with the meeting as
her text turned into a panicked rant.
Texting back a quick few word, it dawned upon me that our duo could
possibly come to an end if Brennan chose to hang around with us.
I would have to become the third wheel.
What also crossed my mind was if Brennan hung around us then the big
unfriendly leather jacket-wearing giant would be in the picture too.
I would see him again.
The thought of that brought on a feeling in my lower stomach. It almost felt
like anticipation. I had never felt anything like it before. I convinced myself
that it was eagerness to only insult him further.
He had insulted my hair, so I cursed him in my mind again and wished his
pillow grew spikes during the night.
Chapter Three
The weekend had passed quickly. Too quickly. The two days had passed in
a blur of reading and having three-hour-long calls with Lana gossiping
about her new love interest. I also spent the two days in my room and
hiding from my father.
I studied the depressing looking apartment building as I leant against the
cool metal my car.
To some extent, I was glad school was starting again. I needed a distraction.
I needed something to occupy my mind.
Lana appeared at the top of the hill on my street. She was skipping down
the sidewalk with a happy and content smile on her face. Her face was
beaming, and her cheeks were flushed.
At least one of us was in a good mood being forced to wake up this early in
the morning.
"What time do you call this?" I asked her as she neared "It is never like you
to be late. That is my job."
She never needed to answer. The answer to my question was visible as I
looked down at what she was wearing. Lana was always well dressed but
never as extreme as she was currently. She looked like she had rolled out a
I wolf-whistled as she strutted the last few steps to my car.
"Did the Kardashian's have a yard sale?" I remarked sarcastically.
Straightening her skirt, she smiled shyly before explaining "So I had
planned to wear jeans and a t-shirt, but I suddenly had a change of heart. I
opted for a cute, patterned skirt and an off-the-shoulder top."
The two of us climbed into my small green car before doing up our
I laughed before teasing “Does this change of heart have to do with a
certain new student?"
"No." She prolonged the word, her voice not nearly convincing enough to
fool me.
"That was a rhetorical question." I smirked while I started up the car "Of
course I know you are dressed like something out of Zoolander to impress
She rolled her eyes as she threw her bag on the floor and then motioned
down to my clothes before voicing “It looks like you have decided to
change things up."
I pulled the car out onto the road, and I pressed down on the pedal while I
stole glanced at the nervous blonde girl next to me.
Lana then blurted out "He has not texted me today."
"It’s half eight in the morning." I pointed to the radio before teasing "Give
the guy a chance."
Her eyes widened while she let out a sigh "I was going to show him around
"Who cares if he texts anyway?"
"I do, Ella." She whined.
"There is plenty more candy apples in the stall." I joked before explaining
"That’s my version of plenty more fish in the sea. If you did not click on."
"I got it." She replied before peering out the window at the passing city.
"The first guy that you are interested in is not going to be yours forever. Not
all great couples end up together." I tried my best to deliver a pep-talk
"Look at Spike and Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Even though they
were both amazing characters and had great chemistry, they did not end up
together. We can rant all we want on Tumblr but that is not going to change
the fact that Spike is dead."
She looked to be digesting as she stared at me with a confused expression.
"I can kind of see what you are trying to hint at. In your weird Ella way."
She said with a small laugh "You do not fall madly in love with the first guy
you are attracted to."
Lana shook her head with a hint of a smile "I don't understand why you
pretend to be so cynical. You are secretly a bigger romantic than me."
"Who?" I rebutted, acting like I had no clue what she was talking about
"Your whole speech to Brennan's friend about fairytale green proved that."
I grimaced at the memory while responding with a murmur "Well it’s fine
because I don't plan on speaking to him ever again."
Her mouth opened like she was about to but then her phone buzzed. She
picked up her phone and whatever was on it made her smile.
She read the message aloud "Hello, Lovely Lana. We are nearly at the
school. See you there."
"What does he mean by we?" I blurted out in a panic because that was the
only part of the message I paid attention to "Who else is going to be there?"
"Stone." She uttered sheepishly "He is coming to Leavendale High too."
I gaped at her for a few seconds before turning back to face the road.
"Brennan was also shocked." Lana mentioned, studying the shock on my
face "He says that Stone was possessed with determination to go."
The car stopped as we approached a set of traffic lights. I took the time to
sink into my seat and ran a hand through my hair in a way to make it look
more presentable.
I silently plotted. I was preplanning insults for the large man in case I
needed them.
Lana threw her phone at me and pleaded "You type something back to
"Just text him back saying okay." I teased "Add an emoji to it if you are
feeling brave."
"This is serious!" She exclaimed.
"The time you eventually text back, he will have a new phone." I
deadpanned "Probably an iPhone Thirty-two at this pace."
Her facial expression gave away that she was unimpressed. She waited
impatiently as I typed a reply to Brennan on her phone.
My typing took ten seconds, so she started to become suspicious.
The set of lights turned green, and I handed the phone to her before
focusing on the road again.
"What did you write?" Lana anxiously asked like she was not sure if she
wanted to know or not.
I sent her an evil grin "Check for yourself."
Mortification dawned upon her face as she read the message.
She gritted out the words that I had written on the text "Hello, surfer dude. I
have been awaiting your text all morning like a very sad person. The truth is
I want to give you a tour of the school so bad. A tour of the janitor’s closet.
See you soon, Sexy."
Her phone buzzed again, and her face turned to the colour of a cherry.
She turned the screen around so I could catch a glimpse of what he had
"Look!" Lana exclaimed.
I switched car lanes before laughing my reply "Are you talking about the
message itself or the lack of capital letters?"
"They are already at school." Lana squealed in her seat "We need to hurry."
"Who do I look like to you?" I joked to her as I drove slightly faster "Vin
"Ella." She said my name in warning like she was trying to scold me.
"Is it too late to stop off for a McDonald's breakfast?" I questioned while
grinning evilly at her.
"Drive, Ella." Her tone went demanding while she continued to type on her
I put my foot down on the pedal and sped up for the last ten minutes of the
drive until we eventually pulled into the parking lot of Leavendale High.
We both grabbed our bags and made our way through the crowded parking
lot. We passed the other students who all looked like zombies as they
headed towards the old fashioned two-storey building.
Lana began waving like a lunatic when she noticed a certain someone near
the entrance of the school.
Only one person stood out to me, and he was leaning his large self on the
wall of the school's main entrance watching as I approached.
The tall and scary-looking man appeared way older than eighteen. He was
all man, and he did not appear like he belonged.
Stone was large looking while sitting down but now that I had seen him
standing up, he had brought a whole new meaning to the word huge.
I had never seen someone as tall as he was before. With his broad shoulders
and his overall well-built body, he appeared more like a bouncer than a boy.
I did not want to stand next to him. It would only make my shortness more
visible. I was pretty sure I did not even reach his chest.
Brennan bounced off the wall and walked towards us while greeting "Hey
there, Lovely Lana."
While she greeted him with a hug, I held back a few meters and watched
them. I looked at them to stop myself from looking at the other person
standing there.
"Hi, Ella." Brennan nodded his head in my direction as he acknowledged
He looked like he was going to the beach. He was wearing denim jeans and
a white coloured shirt that was well fitted across his torso. An outline of a
six-pack was visible under the blue material which my eyes could not help
but admire for a split second.
Both Lana and Brennan made small talk. It was something about the school,
but I was not fully listening to them.
Something else had caught my eye and I knew it was only so long I could
go without meeting his eye.
Stone was studying me and he did not look in any hurry to stop.
The brutally handsome face was focused down on me. The nearly black
eyes moved, looking from one of my eyes to the other and back again.
Our gazes deadlocked. We were caught in an intense stare-off where neither
opponent wanted to back down.
The only thing that could have added to the intensity was if some cowboy
showdown music was playing.
He remained silent. He did not break his concentration.
Something told me that he was not going to start the conversation, so I
chose to be the bigger person and act somewhat civil.
I made my mouth set in a straight line to mirror his expression while I
spoke up “Hello, Lurch."
The corner of the giant's lip turned up.
"Medusa." The deep voice uttered, the hint of a smirk remaining on his
The name caught me off guard. My stomach dropped at the single word that
left his mouth and the gruff way he said it.
I frowned as I placed my hands on my hip and challenged "Medusa had
snakes for hair. I have green hair. Not all snakes are green. There are albino
snakes that are white and—"
My rambling stopped as soon as I saw that his mouth had raised further.
It was not a full smirk. It was not even close. It was a small movement that I
had to move closer to get a better look at.
Stone almost appeared pleased with himself that he had found my
kryptonite which was insulting my hair.
All I wanted to do at that moment was wipe that smirk off his irritatingly
attractive face and bash it against the outside of the school wall.
If I thought that I could have reached his neck then I might have attempted
to throttle him.
"Just remember that Medusa's victims were Stone." I voiced while shooting
him a bored look.
"You going to keep me in your lair forever, Medusa?" He returned while
taking a step closer to me.
"No." I rebutted before thinking quickly on my feet for something to say, "I
would sell you to some old building so you can guard it like some ugly
His penetrating stare remained bound and determined so I turned my head
to the side before my face had the chance to turn flustered.
Lana and Brennan were still talking among themselves, so I tried
concentrating on what they had to say.
"You will probably have a lot of competition for my attention. I am pretty
irresistible." Brennan commented gracefully "Don't worry though. I only
have eyes for you."
I snorted at his arrogance.
"You are very sure of yourself, aren't you?" Lana pointed out.
Brennan glanced between me and Lana while questioning "You don't think
the school will be effected by the arrival of two good looking guys?"
I scoffed before meeting the eye of the large man and deadpanning "Where
is the other good-looking guy then?"
Stone grumbled something under his breath. The guttural noise carried
shook his chest a little.
The noise reminded me exactly why I decided to call him Lurch.
He cocked his head while never taking his eyes off me. The gesture was full
of disbelief like he was challenging me to lie further.
"What are you trying to imply?" I spoke up when I noticed that he was not
going to.
The giant glanced down at my arms that were crossed over my chest before
meeting my gaze again. Nothing left his mouth as he continued to watch me
in silence.
I sent him a fake smile before feeling the need to clarify to him "I find you
as hot as a lake found in the North Pole."
His head remained cocked to the side and an amused look lit up the
obsidian colour of his irises.
Lana coughed before I could lie further, and she tried to change the subject
"Do you two have your timetables?"
"Stone went and got it." Brennan told her.
I could not help myself. I turned my body back towards the large man and
spoke again.
"Did old Mrs Robinson at the school office understand your grunting?" I
challenged before humming "She probably did. Her husband is ninety, so he
probably makes the same noises as you do."
I should have just stopped talking but I had caught a bad case of word
Stone did not laugh. The only indication that he found the comment slightly
funny was the corner of his lip hiking up and the movement in his jaw.
The mountain of a man took a step closer and lessened the space between
He was wearing a black shirt with dark jeans which was topped off with his
leather jacket. The clothes were tight fitted against his bulging muscles.
His eyes widened slightly as he stopped a metre or so in front of me. He
peered down and his eyebrows furrowed when he noticed the ridiculously
large height difference between us.
I was at eye level with his stomach.
Lana spoke up again "Should we show you both around now?"
I faced her and nodded before discreetly moving away from the giant so
that I felt a little more taller.
Brennan's sights were set on the school building when he answered back
"Lead the way."
Lana never moved because was too busy staring at Brennan, so I took it
upon myself to move first. I walked through the double doors and into the
hallway and the three of them follow behind shortly after.
Stone was the one quickest to follow. He lingered closely behind me and
matched my pace as we entered the building.
The hallway of the school was a time capsule because it had not been
decorated since Nixon was the president. The lockers were a mustard colour
and a dusty banner hung from the ceiling advertising the spring fling even
though it was August.
I glanced back at the other three, but I did not stop walking. I had a genuine
fear that I would be trampled over by the giant if I suddenly came to a halt.
He was walking so close behind me that it felt like I had developed a
second shadow.
"Hello Brennan and Lurch." I called over my shoulder to break the silence
"Welcome to your very own personal Leavendale High tour. I'm Ella and I'll
be your tour guide."
Brennan turned to Lana and asked, "What is happening?"
I shushed him "Please keep all questions until the end of the tour. Thank
The three of them trailed behind me as I walked further down the corridor.
The further we went, the more apparent it became that being a tour guide
was not in my future.
"If you look to your left, you will see lockers." I announced while waving
my hand to the side and then I switched arms before adding "If you look to
your right, you will see more lockers."
Lana sighed at my theatrics before she addressed the other two "Do you
guys have your locker numbers?"
"Mine is a hundred and seven." Brennan answered, "Stone's is a hundred
and twelve."
It took half a second to realise that my locker was number a hundred and
His locker was way too close to mine for comfort. I did not want a cocky
remark or a mythology-inspired insult every school day of the year.
Stone had not spoken a word since entering the school. His striking
obsidian gaze just narrowed in on me like an animal eyeing up its dinner.
I walked faster and he did too. I then slowed down and he did too.
A chill shot up my spine like a bolt of electricity. It warmed the whole of
my body like a blanket of security.
I slowly came to a stop when we neared the correct set of lockers. I turned
around and then looked up at him, my neck straining as I lifted my chin.
"Do you speak?" I questioned up to the silent man.
He directed his head downwards so that he could lean further towards my
body and tower over me.
"When I want to." His deep voice was gruff and hoarse like he was not used
to stringing a sentence together.
The faintest hint of black stubble covered his harsh jawline. His dark hair
was parted to the side in a tousled way and a strand had fallen onto his
I narrowed my eyes up at him while declaring "My plan is to avoid you
A guttural noise that sounded like it had come from a deep dark cave
escaped him as he uttered "You are breaking my heart."
Someone overhearing the conversation might have believed his words if it
were not for his emotionless face.
I was in a fight or flight mode, and I so happened to have picked fight.
"Do you even have a heart?" I countered back while eyeing him up and
down as I shortened the distance between us "Perhaps you do. Maybe it is
just hidden deep in that big steroid infested body."
Everything about this man made me nervous and it was not just because he
was the most intimidating being I had ever seen.
My bones felt weak, and my knees felt like jelly. My body felt like it was
burning and being obliterated. My whole nerve system had shut down and
refused to let me move.
"It is all real muscle, Medusa." He rasped out, the deep voice an almost
grunt "Do you want a feel?"
I blinked up at him.
I hated making eye contact with people. I always had since I was a little
girl, but I had learned how to do it, so I did not seem overly rude.
The obsidian gaze currently heating up my face gave me no choice but to
make eye contact with him. The gaze was demanding and domineering.
I eventually turned my head to the side before giving him a side glare while
I murmured "My plan is definitely to avoid you forevermore."
Stone chuckled once while his eyes set on the green hair that ended just
above my belly button.
"I will buy a sombrero." I gritted out through clenched teeth.
His warm breath hit my cheek as I continued to act nonplussed while he
leaned further over me.
"I'd noticed you anywhere." The gruff voice grunted lowly.
I looked up at him again and tilted my head at his comment.
A few seconds later and the same rough sounding noise escaped his chest as
he added to his previous statement "Might need a magnifying glass."
I was four foot eleven, but I rounded that up to five foot two when people
"I am not small!" I erupted, subconsciously standing on my toes to appear
taller and to wiggle my finger closer to his face "You are just abnormally
Lana and Brennan fell into a fit of laughter and it suddenly reminded me
that they were still standing there.
My lips parted and I let out a sigh before taking a step away from his
entrapping gaze.
"Both of your lockers are near Lana's." I voiced to both guys, but I only
looked at Brennan "She can show you the way. I'm off to homeroom."
"But your locker is right next to mine—" She began but stopped when she
noticed my glare.
Brennan laughed at my attempt at a getaway before pointing out "That was
a quick tour."
I shrugged before turning to go "I am not getting paid."
A deep voice stopped me before I could leave.
"Where are you going, Medusa?" Stone grumbled out demandingly.
I swivelled on my heel and faced him with a sigh, fighting the urge to flip
him off "I am going to class, Lurch."
His scowl deepened and his eyes darkened while his large hands twitched
into fists at his sides.
I walked away from them, stealing once glance over my shoulder back at
the pair of dark irises following me down the hall.
I prayed to every god and every school schedule maker that the giant would
not end up in one of my classes.
Chapter Four
It was the period before lunch, and I was glad. One of the reasons was
because I was starving and the other was because my next class was
English was my favourite class with my favourite teacher.
Lana was also in that class with me, and I was eager to hear more about her
loverboy. I had not seen her since the encounter at the lockers. I had also yet
to run into the two newcomers.
I turned the corner into the English block and hurried to pass the classrooms
until I arrived at mine. The door was open and many of my classmates were
already inside.
As soon as I stepped inside the classroom, my eccentric English teacher was
there waiting to greet me.
"Hello, Ella!" The best teacher in the world stood up from his desk and
spoke in his gleeful voice.
Mr Dankworth was a sixty-year-old man who loved books more than
anything. The way he behaved made him seem more fitting for a librarian at
a mental institute rather than a teacher. His passion and craziness for
literature was the thing that had drawn me to him.
We were kindred spirits in a way. Through our shared love of books and
cult classic films, we had grown a friendship over the years.
"Hi, Mr Dankworth." I replied, grinning back at the old man.
"I hope you had a great summer break." He delivered hopefully before
questioning "Did you get time to read War and Peace?"
On the last day of term, he had given me the book by Tolstoy to read over
the vacation. If he enjoyed a book, then he always gave it to me straight
after so he could get my opinion on it too.
"It had a slow start but I kept powering on. It picked up pace in the middle
and I could not put it down." I gave him my honest review "I finished it in
under two days."
Mr Dankworth looked shocked. His bushy white eyebrows almost hit his
receding hairline.
"The book is one thousand and two hundred pages long." He pointed out
and then praised "I have to say I'm impressed."
More people rushed their way into the classroom while Mr Dankworth
opened one of his desk drawers and pulled out a book. He handed the large
book to me and encouraged me to take it.
I looked at the title that was not familiar to me. I trusted his judgement
entirely so I would read it straight away.
"Thank you, Mr Dankworth."
The old English teacher smiled but he was not looking at me. He appeared
to be watching over my shoulder.
"Do you know the new students?" He questioned, curiosity in his tone.
His words made me turn around and face the rest of the room. Most of the
class had taken their seats at their desks.
I scanned the room until I found Lana who had saved us both a seat. Her
back was to me and she was facing the two new additions to the school.
The giant man whose attention was fixed on the front of the class was at the
desk behind my own.
Stone would be sitting behind me for the rest of the year.
Turning my head back to Mr Dankworth, I asked confusedly. "Why would
you think that?"
"The large gentleman in the black is looking at you." He told me while
moving his brows suggestively.
"I insulted him." I answered before adding to the statement "I think he
wants to kill me."
Mr Dankworth hummed before replying "Please tell him to wait until after
class. It would be a lot of paperwork for myself to fill out of he did not
restrain himself."
A laugh bubbled from my chest as I rotated on my heel and headed in the
direction of my seat.
While I walked down the middle aisle between desks, I placed the book I
was given in my bag which added a significant amount of weight onto my
shoulder. I had very little muscles so I feared the weight of my back would
result in me looking like The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
I sat down on the seat without looking behind me as I did so. I got out my
English folder and pen and attempted to ignore the heat on my neck caused
by a pair of dark eyes.
"Hello again, Ella." Brennan voice from his seat diagonal and behind mine
"This must be fate."
"I would not exactly call being in the same English class fate." I returned,
continuing to look to the front of the class.
A steady beat was present from the desk behind mine. Stone tapped his pen
on the desk loudly and repetitively like he was trying to draw attention to
The noise made me turn in my seat.
Stone spoke up, his gravelly voice low like he only wanted me to hear his
words "Then what do you call us being in the same class together?"
"A class with you, Lurch?" I answered him with a deadpan tone "There is
only one thing that is. A nightmare."
Brennan tipped his head back and laughed. His amusement did not dull
down as he nudged the man next to him with his elbow.
The giant reciprocated his taunt by sending him a scowl that belonged to a
stone-cold killer
My pun was intended.
Everything happened so quickly. The nearly black eyes rapidly moved back
to me like they had not even budged in the first place.
"You are a funny little one, Medusa."
The rough gravelly sound of his voice curled around the single word. It was
as if he was claiming the words for himself. His voice was commanding
like he was enforcing himself to be heard.
"Call me that again and you will get a little kick to the balls." I threatened
while sending him a smile that was not at all genuine.
His eyes were on my mouth. The colour of his irises darkened when he
watched the smile slowly disappear from my face.
My threat was not at all logistic. My leg would not be able to kick that high.
"The book I have in my bag is over eight-hundred pages and it is hardback."
I threatened while keeping my glare on him "I will knock you out with it."
He never replied but his top lip did twitch after the words left my mouth.
Mr Dankworth started the class before I could say anymore.
"Hello class! How was your summer break?" The English teacher spoke
from the front of the room "As much as I've missed everyone, I am
distraught that I can no longer spend all day reading."
Lana giggled from beside me "He is literally the male older version of you."
"No way." I turned and whispered to her "If he was forty years younger then
he would be the perfect man for me."
"Try a hundred years younger." She joked back "He looks two minutes from
death's door."
Mr Dankworth stood proudly in his purple waistcoat and bright orange
trousers at the projector when he asked, “Did anyone read anything
interesting in the holidays?"
A familiar male voice answered from the middle of the classroom. The
voice from where the jocks would typically be found.
Chase leant back in his chair as he announced "I read a book called How to
Stop Being So Appealing To The Ladies. It wasn't a very useful read
because they are still over me."
All his friends laughed around him and praised him like he had delivered
some kind of great joke.
In my opinion, Chase should not consider stand-up comedy for a living.
The English teacher faked a thinking face before responding "I don't think
I've heard of that book, Mr Andrews."
I bit my tongue, but it failed miserably.
"That is because he forgot For Dummies at the end of the title." I called out.
The whole class erupted into laughter.
Even the teacher sent a nod of appreciation my way. Chase's friends were
laughing too and I could not help but be pleased with myself.
Chase turned in his chair and sent the combination of a sneer and wink my
way "You are lucky you are hot, babe."
A low, deep rumble sounded from behind me.
I ignored it and replied to the quarterback with a bitter tone "You are lucky
you are far away from me, babe."
Mr Dankworth continued with the lesson, and everyone resumed focusing
on the front excluding a few who were too busy trying to catch a glimpse of
the two new students who might as well have been fresh meat.
Brennan leaned forward in his seat and poked both Lana and me with his
"Chase?" Brennan inquired before glancing my way "As in the guy you
were on a date with at the pier?"
I stayed quiet and Lana nodded.
Amusement filled Brennan's words as he let out a single laugh "No wonder
you left him to come meet us."
A dark rough noise came from behind me again.
Slowly and with caution, I adjusted myself in my seat so that I could see
why it sounded as if a mountain lion or some other predatory animal had
appeared at the back of my English class.
I turned and raised my eyebrow at Stone questioningly, wondering why he
was making the deep rumbling noise.
Stone stopped his anger-filled sounds as soon as my eyes met his. His scowl
stayed intact but his eyes appeared a lot lighter.
Lana leant to the side towards me and whispered, "Why do you still go out
with that douchebag?"
"Chase is usually nice when we are alone." I told her quietly "I also need to
keep him on side because he still has my panda."
Another noise came from behind me. It was not a growl but instead it was
the sound of paper being crushed.
For what felt like the hundredth time in two minutes, I turned in my chair
and faced the giant who was currently ripping twenty pages of paper at a
time out of a perfectly good notebook.
I flickered my gaze between the murderous male and the bunches of paper
being destroyed by the veiny skull-tattooed hand belonging to him.
"Trees did not give their lives for you to start ripping out paper like an
origami fanatic on crack." I informed him.
He stopped ripping the paper, but his dinner-plate sized hands remained
balled into tight fists.
Brennan spoke up while shooting a nervous glance towards his oversized
friend "You have horrible taste in guys."
Lana butted in and agreed with her loverboy "You do have terrible taste in
"So do you." I replied, insulting her and Brennan in one-go.
Mr Dankworth called out enthusiastically from the front of the class,
earning everybody's attention.
"I bet you are wondering what fun assignment I have planned for you. You
need not wait any longer to know." The English teacher rambled out quickly
like he could barely contain his excitement "Your first essay will be a
personal and Shakespeare one combined. You must write about a character
in a Shakespeare play that you relate to."
I enjoyed English a lot and as depressing as it sounded, I enjoyed getting
assignments. The Shakespearean theme just added to my excitement. I had
pretty much read every single play by him, so I had many ideas of what I
wanted to do for my essay.
"Fun assignment?" Lana cried, showing her contrasting view of the
assigned work "I would rather stick pins in my eyes."
Smiling at her amusingly, I tried to be supportive while assuring "You are a
songwriter. Just imagine you are putting your thoughts into a Shakespearian
"That is what I did last time, and I got a C." She huffed "You better help me
with my essay. I'm a lost cause without you."
I would eventually help her, but I still had to taunt her.
"One day you will have to do this without me." I hummed "In college, you
will have to write essays about music. You will have to start learning to do
it for yourself."
"That is not fair." Lana cried, throwing her pen at her notebook.
"Fair is foul, and foul is fair. Hover through the fog and filthy air." I quoted
dramatically, knowing she hated when I quoted classical literature.
The teacher continued with listing the details of the assignment "It must be
a thousand words long and it is due a week from today."
"I thought he was meant to be a nice teacher." Lana exclaimed; her words
muffled because of her face being planted on the desk "I feel like crying.
This is hell."
"There, there." I patted her head and comforted her before I hit her with
another Shakespeare quote "Hell is empty. All the devils are here."
Her head popped up from the desk and she narrowed her eyes while
rebutting "Can one thy shut up?"
The two males at the desk behind us chuckled at our interaction. They had
been eavesdropping on the whole conversation.
My neck grew goosebumps as the owner of the deeper and raspier voice
moved closer.
"Are you always this nerdy, Medusa?" Stone asked, his deep spoken words
filled with taunt.
"My name is Ella. E-l-l-a." I emphasised my words while biting them out,
but I never gave him the satisfaction of turning around again as I spoke "If
you cannot make sense of that then you are in the wrong English class. I
would happily escort you to the nearest preschool."
He had moved closer towards me. The sound of his chair creaking and the
increasing goosebumps on my skin were evidence of that.
"You will not get rid of me that easily." He grumbled under his breath.
The lesson continued. I hardly paid attention. I was too busy looking around
the class at the curious spectators who were whispering. All the twenty or
so pair of eyes of my classmates were on the two new males.
Most girls were stealing glances and giggling at the sight of fresh new meat
which made me roll my eyes.
From listening to the whispers and the hushed conversations, it was easy to
conclude that every person in the room feared the man seated behind me.
In the middle of the room where the jocks were also talking about the
newcomers, Chase was staring in my direction.
The quarterback met my gaze and frowned before mouthing "Are you
friends with them?"
I shrugged and ignored the tingling sensation that tickled my neck.
Lana was speaking to Brennan, and I pretended I was listening to them
instead of what I was really doing.
I pretended to look down at my notebook while I turned to the side and
watched the grouchy and mean-looking face in my peripheral vision.
Stone had a clenched jaw and a look of thunderous fury on his face.
Mr Dankworth began showing the class a slideshow of different literary
techniques and it made me think about how weird it was that he never got
the two newcomers to stand up and introduce themselves.
It was so unlike the English teacher as he always had a keen interest in
knowing his students. However, he never asked them anything. It was like
he already knew who they were.
I could understand why the English teacher never got Stone to stand up and
talk about himself. His demeanour was not something for a friendly
introduction to the class.
His glare and scowl were so terrifying that it was kind of impressive. I
entertained the idea of sticking horns on him and keeping him for
Halloween to scare away the trick or treaters.
Other girls in the class quietly giggled and it was obvious they found him
impressive too.
He was scary and intimidating but he was not ugly. He was the furthest
thing from it, unfortunately.
Chase stuck his hand up in the air and everyone in the room turned to look
at the middle of the room.
"Yes, Mr Andrews?" Mr Dankworth drawled out his word like he was
dreading what came next.
"Can I share some poetry with the class?" Chase queried innocently.
The English teacher let out a sigh “We are not doing poetry but go ahead."
Chase placed his foot on the desk with a thud and pointed towards it before
clearing his throat and uttering "Just like my leg is wrapped up in this sock,
soon Ella behind me will be wrapped around my—"
Mr Dankworth stopped him before he could go any further "That is
I was mortified as the class started laughing.
He had never done anything like that before. He had never pulled a stunt
like that before.
I wondered why Chase had chosen specifically today to start suggesting to
everyone that we were sleeping together.
More sounds of angry paper ripping started to fill my ears. Along with a
series of grumbles and murderous growls. Growl was the only way I could
describe the noise that was so deep and rough but perhaps I was
exaggerating due to my sensory sensitivity.
As I listened, I found it somewhat extraordinary the number of sheets he
was destroying at a time. He had destroyed his notebook and Brennan's in a
matter of seconds.
"Ella, I’m turning around to face my computer." My favourite teacher told
me as he faced away from everyone "You may go and slap Mr Andrews."
The paper shredding came to a stop. Then deep gnarls escaping the hollow-
sounding chest filled the silence.
Brennan was the one to speak up next "Where did you find that asshole,
"A poetry reading." I deadpanned to lighten the mood.
The bell signalling the end of the period and the start of lunch rang out. The
noise was loud but not loud enough that it overpowered the dark vicious
sounds that came from behind me.
Mr Dankworth raised his arms to stop everyone from moving out of their
seats while he announced, "Why did Shakespeare write using quills?"
Nobody answered as I packed up my bag and got ready to leave.
"Because he got confused with pencils." The old man delivered after a
dramatic pause "Two-B or not Two-B."
"He is the perfect man." I remarked to Lana as we both stood up from our
seats "He is my soulmate."
Another guttural noise that I had gotten familiar with happened again.
I stopped walking towards the door of the class. I turned around and tilted
my chin up to the man following closely behind me.
"What are you grumbling at now?" I sassed, putting my hands on my hips
and standing on my toes to grow closer to his face.
"What fucker do you think is your soulmate?" He grumbled again.
His voice was deeper. Even smokier and deadlier like he was restraining
himself from something.
"The man who is my kindred spirit and loves classical literature." I replied,
biting my lip to hold back my laugh.
Stone appeared more pissed. His dark eyes grew blacker in hue as they
flicked over my face.
"Mr Dankworth is my soulmate." I told him with a wink "My one true
The round wide shoulders belonging to him relaxed but only slightly.
The four of us walked down the hallway and through the English block into
the science corridor. Lana grabbed my arm and pulled me further ahead so
that a few people from the busy crowd were between us and the two new
"He is so freaking scary." Lana whispered with widened eyes and a small,
amused smile.
I did not need to ask who she was speaking about.
"Yeah." I agreed "He is."
Her curious voice grew even more hushed when she questioned "What is up
with you and Stone?"
"I'm sorry." I told her genuinely even tough my tone was sharper than the
blade of a butcher’s knife "I know that you were really excited about
Brennan coming here but his friend gets me fired up."
She let out a small laugh.
"Can you believe what he said about my hair and height?" I mumbled,
getting fired up even thinking about him.
"It is not like you did not hold your own." She pointed out, her tone turning
playful "He seems to enjoy teasing you. The only time I have heard him
speak is when he is speaking to you."
"What do you mean?"
"He never spoke after you left this morning for homeroom." Lana replied,
glancing over her shoulder as she did so "I tried asking him something to be
friendly and he ignored me. A few girls said hello to him, and he glared at
them until they went away."
I burst out laughing as the image of an army of people running away from
the large man made its way into my mind.
"It was terrifying." Lana added to the story.
"You should have just called him Lurch like I did." I said to her "That
seemed to get him to talk."
Lana made a face like the very thought was unthinkable as she affirmed
"Not everyone has a death wish like you."
I glanced over my shoulder and what I saw made me bite my lip from
smiling again.
Stone did not have to move around to make his way through the swarm of
people. He was large enough that everyone just moved out of his way
He had not seemed to have noticed that everyone was taking one look at
him and moving out of his way. Some people were even fleeing. He
appeared used to the looks of terror.
"The other periods leading up to English have gone too slow. I have learned
nothing today except Oxygen has a valency of two and that Napoleon was
once attacked by a bunch of bunnies." Lana complained as we turned into
the lunch hall "The latter I learned from you."
As expected from a cliche high school everyone had their set tables. There
were not any specific labels to the groups apart from the large huddle of
footballer jocks at one big table.
Chase was sitting on the table and all his friends were watching him down a
glass of milk with a slice of pizza in it.
I gagged before looking away from him
Brennan scooted in the space between Lana and I before he put his arm
around the blonde girl and asked, "So are we allowed to sit at your table?"
Lana let out a nervous giggle "Of course you are."
"Ella?" Brennan asked hopefully while glancing behind me.
"Unless you want to sit on the floor." I teased in the nicest way I knew how
to discreetly say yes.
"You know what, Ella." Brennan never removed his arm off Lana as he
spoke to me "I think we might become good friends."
We reached our normal table which was situated at the very back of the
lunch hall. Brennan took Lana's hand and made her sit next to him while
Stone sat at the bench on the opposite side of the table.
Everyone was seated except me. I stood up with my arms crossed while
glaring at the large body I was expected to sit next to.
My new lunch buddy Lurch was occupying the whole space at the bench
and I knew it was going to be a tight squeeze.
"So, I'm guessing I have to sit next to you?" I let out an exaggerated sigh
before uttering "Lucky me."
Stone's gruff voice remained deep and monotonous when he challenged
"Unless you want to sit on my lap."
I blinked twice.
"I would rather sit on an electric chair." I spluttered out.
My feet done a nervous shuffle on the floor when I noticed that he was at
eye level with me when he was sitting down, and I was standing up.
I lifted one leg over the bench and then the other as I took my place next to
He claimed the space of the bench we shared. His large thick biceps were
touching the side of my face. His knees were hitting the bottom of table and
the side of his right leg was touching my left.
I figured that he was uncomfortable, so I slid to the edge of the bench to
give him more space.
His response was to relax his legs further until his leg was touching mine
Brennan looked shocked yet amused at the scene unfolding as he watched
us from the opposite side of the table.
"Ella, don't take notice about the lack of emotion in Stone's voice. The fact
that he is talking to someone at all is a rarity." Brennan told me matter of
factly "He must like you."
I glanced at Stone before pointing out "He must really like making fun of
"He does not go around asking girls to sit on his lap." Brennan replied with
a haughty grin.
A wave of surprise hit me, and I glanced again at the owner of the large
body occupying the whole space at the table.
Stone never spoke. He just continued to watch me in silence.
"No wonder. They would probably run for the hills." I finally managed to
overcome my surprise and force words out of my mouth "His whole aura
does not exactly scream shopping mall Santa."
The corner of Stone's mouth twitched upwards while his study on my face
never withered.
To avoid his smirking, I opened my school bag and stuffed my head inside
it so that I could find my lunch.
My eyes landed on the food I had brought from home, and I let out a small
"Is everything okay?" Lana called.
I pulled my head out of my bag and ignored the hair covering my face as I
complained "I usually have chemistry before lunch. I had it almost every
day before lunch last year. My teacher used to let me use the kettle to boil
my noodles."
"Your teacher let you make your lunch in class?" Brennan questioned in
I nodded my head and placed my un-boiled pot of noodles on the graffitied
"I could just go and put some hot water from the bathroom in it. It might
taste a little like a sewage rat though." I rambled on while my stomach
started to churn uneasily "Or I could just eat it raw and crunchy."
Lana's nose wrinkled in disgust at my words before she softened her face
and asked lightly "Did you not bring any money?"
"No. That was the point in my noodle cup." I purposely left out my father
and our lack of income as an explanation "It saves me money."
My Dad left a hundred dollars a month for the food shopping. It seemed a
lot of money on paper, but it was not in practise. I had been living off toast
and jam for the past week.
"Here." Lana insisted, taking out her sandwich and splitting it in half "Take
I smiled at her gesture, but I shook my head anyway.
"I'm not taking your lunch. That is all you have." I told her sternly before
assuring "It is fine. I'll just have something when I get home."
Brennan removed his arm from the back of Lana's chair as he stood up and
announced "I'm going to get something from the cafeteria. Do you two want
Lana shook her head.
"No, thank you." I politely declined before informed him of our lovely
lunch hall "Now it is time for the briefing. Do not buy milk because it is out
of date. Do not buy any fruit because the flies from the kitchen live there.
Do not buy the custard because I found a bee in it once. Line up for food
and do not push because Dinner Lady Mary will kill you and put you in a
pie if you do."
Brennan eyes widened and he appeared completely weirded out when he
uttered "What?"
I shrugged while declaring "She is like Sweeney Todd without the barber
The bench underneath me creaked as Stone stood up and followed Brennan
to the lunch line.
My whole left side went cold at the loss of contact.
When Lana turned her head and saw that the two of them were in the lunch
line, she leaned over at the table towards me and whispered "So?"
I sent her a puzzled look before suggesting "So…?"
"Do you think Brennan likes me?" She questioned with a hopeful smile "I
know it's early days, but he is sitting with us."
"Of course, he likes you. You two are sickeningly sweet." I felt the need to
assure her before I made a joke "I have only known him a day but I can tell
he has a horrible taste in girls so you should be fine."
She broke a piece of her sandwich off and threw it at me. It did not touch
me. It instead landed on the person behind me's head as I ducked in time to
dodge it.
A few minutes later and the two new students returned with food. They
came back with enough to feed a small village.
I peered between the two trays and seen every food served by the cafeteria
on their plates.
I did not realise I was drooling over the fries until Brennan offered one out
to me. I reached to take it from his hand, but he pulled it away and laughed
at me. I frowned and glared at him until he gave it back.
"How can you manage to eat all of that?" I queried, trying to keep the
impressiveness in my tone at a minimum "I have a massive appetite and I
would struggle to finish a quarter of the food on your plate."
Brennan chuckled before informing "We are big guys, Ella."
"Yeah." I replied absentmindedly while peering at the giant next to me's
arms and torso and his overall body "I noticed that."
My attention was still on the bulky arm at the side of my head when it
moved to grab a plate of sweet chilli chicken and noodles from the lunch
Stone set the plate of noodles in front of me.
I quickly looked up at him and tilted my head in confusion.
The large veiny hand belonging to Stone nudged the plate so that it was
closer in front of me.
"For me?" I asked him, my voice struck with confusion.
His head cocked to the side and his obsidian eyes remained on my
expression when he nudged the plate further towards me.
The smell of the food was mouth-watering, but I managed to retrain myself
I sent him a small grateful smile before I shook my head "I can't accept
"Eat." Stone growled.
"That means I owe you, Lurch." I pointed out the obvious while I began to
move the plate back towards him.
"Eat, Medusa." He growled again, grabbing the plate and placing it in front
of me.
Stone handed me a fork and stared at me. He did not move. He just waited
for me to take the first bite.
I took the fork and motioned it towards him "I will pay you back
He scowled and grunted "No."
"Yes." I argued, trying to match his demanding gruff voice but failing.
The gesture had started to change my opinion on him. I thought to myself
that maybe he wasn't so bad.
"The food will shut you up for a couple of minutes." The gravelly voice of
the man next to me uttered lowly.
I had understood him right on first impression because he was that bad.
"You do know that I am purposefully going to talk nonstop from now on." I
shot him a wicked grin "Just to annoy you."
His reply was not what I expected. He did not frown or grumble but instead,
his lip twitched upwards again. It twitched higher than I had seen it go
I picked up some of the noodles on my fork before sucking one up into my
My eyes widened because I was not expecting such a good taste for a
cafeteria meal. The noodles were soft, and the sauce melted on my tongue.
It was so amazing that I had let out a small moan.
The leg against mine stiffened and the wide shoulders belonging to him
Stone stopped moving completely.
"Do not do that." He grunted out like it was too painful to talk.
I raised an eyebrow at him before I took another bite of the chicken and
noodles. I closed my eyes and moaned again except I made it louder and
His eyes darkened and a string of curses left his mouth as he looked away
from me for what felt like the first time since the beginning of lunch.
The other two were too busy with their conversation to notice our side of
the table.
Lana asked the person next to her "Which Shakespeare character are you
doing for your essay?"
Brennan finished eating his mouthful before answering her "I don't really
know. Have you got any ideas?"
She gave him a helpless shrug "I don't know my Macbeth's from my
"Romeo and Juliet are the perfect characters for you. Minus the family
drama and more of the cheeky one liners from Romeo and it is pretty much
you two." I intervened by interrupting them "Also, hopefully the dying part
can get left out."
"Who are you writing about?" Lana turned so she should direct her question
to me.
"I have a few ideas on interesting characters." I claimed, "I just don't know
which ones are like me."
A rough husky voice spoke from next to me "Puck."
I sat still for a few seconds in shock. I was in shock that Stone had spoken
and that he had Shakespeare knowledge.
Titling my head towards him, I challenged "Why do you think I'm like
"Mischievous and meddling." He answered with a grumble after a few
moments of silence "You are also tiny."
"Meddling? I am not meddling!" I blurted out.
Lana sent me a look that gave away she agreed with the giant's statement.
I angrily stabbed my sweet chilli chicken and imagined it was his face.
He had only known me five minutes and he seemed to think he was an
Brennan quietly murmured to Lana "Do you know what they are talking
She shook her head.
The table was too busy talking about the English assignment that we failed
to notice Chase standing at the side of the table.
I looked up to find the quarterback with his arms crossed and his glare
switching between the two guys sitting down.
I had not forgotten what he said in class, but I did not want to speak about it
in front of everyone. Especially in front of the one next to me who looked
ready to rip the quarterback's head off.
Stone appeared like he was seconds away from going on a murdering spree.
His whole body had tensed. His veins bulged in his hand as he made fists,
and his jaw was ticking rapidly.
Nobody welcomed him so I decided to cut the tension by speaking up "Hi,
"Do you want to go out tonight?" He sent the question my way with a
glance in my direction before he eyed the two men sitting at the table.
"I'm going to Lana's house." I replied truthfully before adding "Maybe some
other time."
"Can you not cancel?" Chase suggested.
"No." I bit out sternly "I am not going to cancel plans with my best friend."
"Why not?"
I had seen the quarterback and his friend interact, so I knew there was no
point going into detail about the laws of friendship.
"Her Mom is making macaroni and it is the best food ever. Italian
restaurants have nothing on Lana's mother's macaroni cheese." I declared,
"The food trumps everything you are willing to offer."
"I can offer you anything you want, babe." Chase winked with his
I felt the whole of my body vibrate as I felt the large chest adjacent to my
left side shake violently.
"It is a hard pass." I sarcastically remarked.
"Is this about my poetry?" Chase questioned with no guilt present on his
features "It was just a joke with the boys. I didn't even get to finish it."
"What do you mean finish it?" I raised my voice in annoyance "It does not
take sparknotes to figure out what you were going to say next."
Brennan seemed entertained by Chase's arrival. His amusement drained
however when he saw the reaction of his friend.
Stone looked anything but entertained.
If looks could kill, then Chase would be long gone.
He would be buried six feet under and had his grave pissed on by Stone.
I took a bite of chicken and looked down at my plate to ignore the scowl I
was being sent from the man pressed up at my side.
Chase finally took the hint and left to go back to his lunch table.
"Lana's Mom's macaroni is better than sex with Chase?" Brennan remarked
with a chuckle "Ouch."
The fists rested on the table caught my attention. Fists as in plural. Both of
Stone's huge hands were clenched so hard that his knuckles turned white,
and his veins bulged out in a rhythm.
I glanced at his murderous expression and wondered if he slept with a scowl
on his face.
"I'm not sleeping with him." I pointed out before adding "Although, Lana's
mother's macaroni is better than anything. That probably includes sex."
The large bulky chest next to me stopped shaking.
"Please don't ever say my mom and sex in the same sentence again." Lana
said as she pretended to shiver "Like ever."
We all laughed and even Stone looked a little happier.
Happy was probably an overstatement but he was no longer scowling.
It came as a surprise that Chase did not try and recruit the massive man
made out of muscle for the football team.
Stone would knock everyone and everything out in his path. He had the
most intimidating body I had ever seen and that included wrestlers and
weightlifters I had seen on the television.
Lana and Brennan were talking among themselves as I stood up and
grabbed my bag from under the table.
"Where are you going?" Lana voiced in confusion.
"I have to run to my locker for my stuff for next period." I explained to her
while ignoring the pair of dark eyes following me as I moved away from
the bench "I will see you after school."
The corridors were empty as I drifted through them to my locker. I didn't
desperately need to get my folders, but I wanted to give the couple some
time alone.
I also wanted a minute away from the heat that came with being pressed up
against a certain someone.
Tidying up the small compartment of my locker, I rearranged my folders
into alphabetic order and placed the book Mr Dankworth gave me with the
others I had stored.
I then noticed a large veiny hand rested on the locker beside mine.
A few breaths later and I slowly turned around to face the person lingering
behind me.
Stone had taken his jacket off. His black short-sleeved shirt showed off his
arm muscles that were covered in black ink. Both of his ponderous arms
were sleeves of tattoos. Thickly heavy lines covered all of his visible skin
which included bottom of his neck and start of his chest
There was no way this man was high-school aged.
I stared at his stomach and grew a weird wish to know if his whole body
was covered in tattoos.
He remained stood in front of me with one hand on the locker beside my
head. His other hand was by his side but I felt entrapped by his gaze, so I
did not move.
I tilted my chin and looked up at him when I realised, I had spent a good
while staring at his tattoos.
"Are you always going to be lurking around?" I asked, meeting his eye.
His chest grew closer to my face as he neared closer and bent down so my
body was within inches of his.
I put my hands together and twiddled my thumbs as I continued to meet his
"I am just so lucky." I remarked humourlessly "Out of two thousand or so
lockers, you just had to get the one that's two away from mine."
The corner of his mouth hiked up a millimetre.
I leaned on my toes and stretched up to observe his minuscule hint of a
smile closer. I also rose in my toes to appear taller and stronger.
"Must be the green hair that gives you all of that luck." He grumbled, his
expression remaining unreadable.
"What is your obsession with my hair?" I raised further on my toes while I
gritted out the question.
He never answered. He only cocked his head and studied my angry pout
and my narrowed eyes.
"I don't point out the colour of your hair." I rebutted because I could not
think of anything else to say.
His head cocked further to the side and his emotionless rumble of a voice
had a hint of amusement in it as he probed "What is the colour of my hair?"
Stone's hair was black. Black like midnight. Black like his obsidian eyes.
Black like the dark.
Nothing came to mind to reply so I ended up blurting out "The colour of a
cow pat."
Once again, his mouth twitched upwards. The movement disappeared as
quick as it had appeared.
"It is nearly the end of the day. I am too out of energy to give good insults."
I lamely made up an excuse to recover from my cow-pat comment
"Tomorrow I'll be ready."
He moved closer. He stole the space between us and neared so that his scent
filled my senses. He smelled like leather and cologne and everything
My goal was to remain strong and act unaffected but that thought quickly
got thrown to the wind.
The thick muscly arm brushed past the top of my head before moving past
me and reaching into my locker.
A book was in his hand when he pulled his arm back.
Stone held my book up close to his face so he could read the title which
meant it was out of my reach. He did not even have to raise his arm up for
me to be jumping in an attempt to get it back.
"Give it back, Lurch!" I demanded, continuing to jump up higher and
If I knew I was going to have to climb a mountain, then I would have
brought a harness with me to school.
He noticed my stretching to try and get the book because his dark eyes lit
up in amusement as I kept on shooting him an angry glare.
I felt like I was back at middle school when the boys in my class would
steal my frog shaped cookies and hold them out of reach from me.
The giant finally took pity and lowered the novel, so that it was in reach.
I took it and placed it back in the locker. I never stopped glaring at him as I
did so.
"I have had enough of you today." I huffed as I slammed my locker
The bell for the end of lunch filled the empty hall.
Before the bustling crowd of noisy students filled the hall, Stone lowered
his head and uttered gruffly "See you tonight, Medusa."
People flooded into the corridor from either side of us, but I could not focus
on any of them. I could not focus on anything else but the broad shoulders
looking gown on me
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I questioned with widened eyes.
He did not answer. He took off down the hall towards the exit of the school
but not before stealing another look at me over his shoulder.
Chapter Five
"So, are we going for horror or action?" I asked while sprawled out on
Lana's living room sofa, holding up two DVD cases "I think we should
watch an action film for a change."
Lana shook her head before sheepishly insisting "They are doing a showing
of a Barbie movie on the kids station."
"We have seen all of them a thousand times. They are all the same." I
sighed "Girl finds out something bad has happened and then discovers her
magical powers. Girl defeats bad guy and gets with good guy. It is not
going to change or get any more interesting the more we watch it."
"Please." She begged, putting her hands together while sending me a
pleading smile.
"The things I do for you." I huffed out as I threw the two DVD cases on the
She grinned while letting out an excited "Thank you."
"It is fine. Die Hard has many flaws anyway. Like Bruce Willis climbs up
elevator shafts and through vents and then he comes out with his shirt
looking fresh from the store" I explained before an idea popped into my
head "I have a theory."
Lana rubbed her at temples while letting out a small groan "Not one of your
Theories were kind of my thing. Sometimes a weird hypothesis or thought
would come into my head and I would either explain it to her or I would
write it down. I even used to have a blog where I would share my ludicrous
theories with the few people that chose to follow my wacky site.
"Die Hard was out in nineteen-eighty-eight. A massive decade for the
laundry detergent business. At this time, all companies were promising
squeaky clean clothes." I stated before going on to theorise "I think in the
movie there was probably a deleted scene with Bruce Willis cleaning his
clothes with this top brand cleaning product before he gets caught up in all
that Christmas drama."
Silence fell between us as Lana stared at me wide-eyed.
"We have been best friends for ten years, Ella." She shared vocally "And I
am still not any closer to knowing what goes on in that head of yours."
Before I could share my theory about the Bermuda Triangle, Lana's mother
walked into the room with a friendly smile on her face.
"Hi, Mrs Armstrong." I greeted, wondering if she would enjoy my theories
more than her daughter.
"Hello, Ella sweetheart." The woman's voice was filled with energy as she
spoke "How are you?"
"I'm good." I answered back, crossing my arms over myself as I sat up from
her sofa.
"How did it go with school today?" Mrs Armstrong turned to her daughter
with curiosity flowing through her words "Did you get closer to that boy
you like?"
Lana's cheeks turned crimson when she mumbled "Yes, Mom. I did."
"I heard his friend was starting too." The older woman set her sights on me
with a grin as she continued her interrogation "What is he like?"
I bit down my instant response to the question which would use very
colourful language.
Shrugging, I shared with her “Well...he growls and grumbles a lot."
"Growls?" Mrs Armstrong repeated, appearing confused "Like an animal?"
"No." I answered, not mentioning the huskiness and the dark appeal of it
"More like a broken vacuum."
Mrs Armstrong laughed before she sauntered through to the kitchen and
came back through with a bundle of washing. She then left to go upstairs.
Just as she left, the front door opened, and Mr Armstrong made his way into
the house with a few bags of groceries.
Lana ran over to give him a quick hug and to help him carry the bags.
A pain went straight to my chest as I watched the two of them.
Every single time I set foot in her house; it was like a hit to the gut. The
emotions that I was trying to keep down resurfaced when I saw them all
laughing and spending time together.
A family eating together and sharing stories about their day was something
so simple yet it was all I wanted. The Armstrong household was a painful
reminder of what I did not have. What I wanted but could not ever have.
It was not like Lana, or her parents ever made me feel unwelcome. It was
the opposite. They considered me family and always welcomed my visits
with open arms.
I had mixed feelings about spending time at their house. I enjoyed their
company but then I had to eventually go home to my own empty house, and
it only made me miss what I once had more.
"Hello, Mr Armstrong." I greeted as I walked over to take a bag from him.
The round man gave me a small hug before placing a bag in my hand "How
are you, Ella? Are you staying for dinner?"
"It is macaroni night." I told him with a grin "Nothing could keep me
We took the shopping to the kitchen and started to unpack it as Mrs
Armstrong appeared at the doorway with a small smile.
"I have already made a start on the dinner." She informed while making her
way over to the oven to make sure the cheese was melting properly "It will
be ready in about twenty minutes."
"Twenty minutes too long." I whispered to myself, already drooling at the
smell in the kitchen.
Mrs Armstrong must have heard me because she laughed quietly to herself.
"Oh, Lana." Mrs Armstrong turned to her daughter and her face lit up like
she was just remembering something "I forgot to mention. There is a cute
boy throwing rocks at your window."
Either Brennan was trying to gain her attention at her window, or we had
picked up a stalker on the way home from school.
"So that was what he was doing?" Mr Armstrong spoke to his wife over his
shoulder as he placed the groceries in the fridge "I seen him and his friend
pull up in the truck."
I stilled where I stood.
"Was his friend hugely built, evil-looking and wearing a leather jacket and a
scowl?" I forced out the question because I was unsure if I wanted to hear
the answer.
"That is a very accurate description actually." Mr Armstrong chuckled.
Stone's parting words in the school corridor made sense now.
Lana and I shared a matching look. That was until I bolted away from the
kitchen and up the stairs.
"Ella!" She called as she raced after me.
I got up the stairs in record time, but I was short of breath as I made it to her
bedroom. Lana also sounded out of breath, and I cackled at the image of her
standing in front of Brennan all red and sweaty.
I raced to her bedroom window and what I saw below made me burst out
Brennan was standing on the driveway, and he was reading something on
his phone with a look of bafflement on his face.
My eyes only momentarily rested on the guy below the window because my
attention quickly went to the black truck parked on the sidewalk.
Stone was leaning against the vehicle with his large arms crossed over his
broad chest. His face was emotionless as he stared at nothing particular.
The dark eyes noticed me because his gaze then rested upwards towards the
window I was standing at.
I welcomed him by flipping him off.
A small smirk took over his strict and serious features.
Lana held back a few steps from the window. She looked too scared to see
what Brennan was doing so I decided to grab her arm and yank her beside
"What is that idiot up to?" I spoke while nodding down to the guy who was
currently smiling up at us.
Lana pushed her window open and stuck her head out to shout "What are
you doing here?"
"Don't you know, Lovely Lana." He called up to her "I have a school
project to do."
I shot her a confused look because I had no clue what he was about to do.
Brennan raised his phone to eye level, and he read aloud "But soft, what
light through yonder window breaks? It is the east and Juliet is the sun!
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with
grief. That thou her maid art far more fair than she."
I understood then what he was trying to do
"Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, Having some business, do entreat
her eyes. To twinkle in their spheres till they return." Brennan continued
reading from his phone "What if her eyes were there, they in her head? The
brightness of her cheek would shame those stars."
"Can you believe him?" Lana's tone went all dreamy when she admired
"Yeah." I deadpanned while sticking my head out of the window so that he
would hear my comment too "He just skipped a massive part."
Brennan ignored my criticism and called up to Lana "I needed evidence that
I was like Romeo for my English essay."
Lana's blue eyes went glazed over in admiration as she peered down at him.
Nobody had ever turned up to her garden and re-enacted Shakespeare
before. Not even me.
"So, what now then?" She shouted down to him "We drink poison and die
"That is not quite what—" I started to argue but I got cut off by the sound of
the front door opening.
Lana's mother was outside, and she was practically sprinting towards the
"Hello, Mrs Armstrong." Brennan did not look fazed at all when he spoke
to Lana's mother "I'm Brennan, Lana's friend."
Mrs Armstrong wrapped her arms around him to welcome him. She also
gave him a kiss on the cheek as she hugged him tight.
Lana was staring out the window with a dropped jaw.
I was too busy laughing to show any sympathy towards her.
"I haven't even kissed him yet." Lana muttered under breath.
Laughing evilly like an animated villain, I patted her back "Don't worry.
There is plenty time for kissing after he meets his new in-laws."
She shushed me before peering out the window and watching the rest of the
scene unfold.
"It is so nice to meet you, Brennan." Mrs Armstrong declared
enthusiastically, waving her arms around in the air "Do you like macaroni?"
"I love macaroni." Brennan answered, shooting a grin up at us.
"You must come in for dinner." Lana's mother insisted and then her
attention went to the large man standing by the black truck as she added
"Invite your friend too."
"I will go and get him, Mrs Armstrong." Brennan told her with a friendly
smile "Stone is not a talker."
Mrs Armstrong did not hug Stone on arrival, and I could not blame her for
that. I could not imagine hugging him. He would squash me like a bug.
Both men walked over to the house and followed Mrs Armstrong into the
I snapped out of watching them and grinned at Lana while taunting "Looks
like dinner has got a bit more interesting with your loverboy."
"You will have to spend more time with Stone." She rebutted.
My grin fell.
"Does that mean less macaroni?" I cried.
She brushed off my concern for the food and pointed down to herself before
asking "Do I look okay?"
"You look fine." I assured her "I don't think Brennan is expecting you to
change your outfit three times a day for him."
Her hand grabbed mine and she dragged me out of her room and down the
The two well-built guys were already sitting down on the sofa. Brennan was
talking to Lana's mom while Stone made eye contact with me as I
descended the last step of the stairs.
Lana sat down on the sofa opposite them while sending them a smile. Her
face then blushed as Brennan smiled back.
"Hello Brennan." I said in acknowledgment while I flopped down on the
seat next to my best friend "Lurch."
"Medusa." The gruff voice delivered lowly.
"Hi, Ella." Brennan was chattier because he added a question to his greeting
"How is it going?"
"It’s not changed since the last time I seen you." I hummed while
pretending to stare at my wrist that had no watch on it "Because that was
only two hours ago."
Stone occupied a large amount of the sofa. He leaned back and spread his
legs while he continued to keep his black irises set on me.
I knew that this surprise dinner visit was premeditated.
The giant had warned me at my locker. He had come to annoy me and
potentially kill me if insulted him further. Which I would.
"I'm away through to the kitchen to make sure the food is cooking just
fine." Mrs Armstrong announced while making her way towards the other
room "Is lemonade okay for you boys?"
Brennan nodded and smiled, and Stone just nodded.
My eyes narrowed at the large man as I grounded out "What are you doing
The massively wide shoulders belonging to him shrugged and his gravelly
deep voice went quiet when he revealed "I can't stay away."
His idea of a joke made my eyes narrow further at him.
"Meeting the parents?" Lana joked with a nervous giggle "That is a big
Brennan leaned back and made himself more comfortable on the couch as
he spoke up "I have a confession to make."
"You don't really like lemonade?" Lana suggested, the blush on her face
"I didn't come here to recite Romeo and Juliet.” Brennan chuckled "We
came to try this famous better-than-sex macaroni."
The stunning obsidian-coloured eyes connected with mine as I finally grew
the courage to meet his gaze.
Everything else ceased to exist apart from the feeling of my body burning
under his study.
I should have found his fixed observation on me unsettling, but I did not. I
should have been scared of the fact that that he could crush me between his
finger and his thumb, but I was not.
Brennan sighed as he peered between the giant and me "Why don't you two
try to be nice to each other?"
Stone's gaze homed in on me and he cocked his head like he is waiting for
me to answer.
"In the book Anne of Green Gables, she does not talk to Gilbert Blythe for
like two years after he insults her hair." I referenced before pointing to the
large man opposite me "He is lucky I am talking to him at all."
Lana and Brennan sent me a blank look like I was speaking in Latin.
"They go on to get married and have six kids." The gravelly masculine
voice spoke up.
I would have strangled him if I was not so taken aback by his book
"Tell me, Broccoli." Stone grumbled out his words, his lip curling up in
amusement "Do you want me to buy us a cottage in California and we can
name it Green Gables?"
He had called me Broccoli. Like the nickname Carrots in the book but
instead he had used a green vegetable for my green hair.
I palmed the side of the sofa and fought the urge to launch myself at his
unshakeable body and kill him.
Mrs Armstrong's arrival interrupted my glaring at the giant.
"Dinner is nearly ready and the table is set." Lana's mother sung teasingly "I
will let you arrange your seats but no footsie until dessert."
Once we were all through to the dining room, the two men paused and
waited for us to sit down before taking a seat.
I sat down in my normal seat and picked up the cutlery before beginning to
tap it on the placemat. Lana sat down next to me, and the male guests took
the hint to sit opposite us.
"Can you stop tapping?" Lana sassed while nudging me "You are acting like
you are never fed."
Stone's head turned to me immediately. He eyed me across the table with an
emotion that I could not decipher. His jaw clenched while his shoulders
"I'm so hungry." I faked a small whine "I feel like Hannibal Lecter in the
asylum being prevented from a good meal."
"Minus the human meat?" Brennan questioned with a chuckle.
"No." I assured him quickly before pointing my dinner knife at Stone "Why
do you think we let you both in?"
"Ella, please refrain from killing our guests." Mrs Armstrong interrupted
my cannibal threats as she set the big dish of macaroni in the middle of the
table "There we go. Dig in."
Lana filled her plate and then Brennan did the same.
Stone did not move. He looked at me then the food then back at me.
My mouth quirked up a little. I hid my hint of a smile away from him as I
scooped a large spoonful of food onto my plate.
Both of Lana's parents took the last two remaining seats at either end of the
"It is nice to meet you both." Mr Armstrong told the boys as he offered
them a jolly smile "We have heard so much about you."
"Really?" I laughed after swallowing down my macaroni "I don't remember
mentioning them."
Lana kicked me in the shin which resulted in some perfectly good food
getting dropped on the table.
She sent me a look of warning to be nice.
"It is nice to meet you too, Mr Armstrong." Brennan replied charmingly
before motioning with his head towards his friend "I'm Brennan and this is
Stone remained silent and nodded his head once in his idea of a greeting.
Mrs Armstrong finished her mouthful before questioning "So how did you
meet the girls then?"
"We met them at the pier." Brennan answered "I met Lana when we both
wanted the last candy apple from the stall. I offered to share it and then we
went on the Ferris wheel."
"That is so romantic." Lana's mother gushed before her motherly instincts
kicked in "What are your plans for the future?"
"Mom. Stop. This is dinner." Lana tried to nicely enforce her mother to be
quiet "Not an interrogation."
"It is fine." Brennan assured Lana before answering the question "Surfing is
my passion. I want to teach other people how to enjoy and love the waves
as well. I have always wanted to teach young kids how to surf. It was a
massive thing growing up for the both of us."
I paid extra attention to the last part of his sentence.
Stone was a surfer, and it came as no surprise to me because nobody got to
his size without exercising vigorously. He had to do more than grunting and
glaring to earn that muscular figure. His arms were the size of my thighs,
and I only had a small gap between them.
I took a drink of the lemonade and forced myself to ignore the existence of
the man on the opposite side of the table from me.
"What about you, Stone?" Mrs Armstrong's voice grew a little quieter when
she spoke towards the quiet one "Any plans?"
I stopped eating and looked up at Stone to wait for his answer. I waited to
see if he would answer.
He glanced at her for a split second but then his attention drew back to me
as he disclosed "I work as a mechanic."
My list of facts about him had grown. I knew that his name was Stone. I
knew he was large, intimidating and reserved. I now knew he was a
mechanic. I knew he was smart and maybe even secretly a nerd. I had
gathered that from the Midsummers Night Dream and The Anne of Green
Gables reference.
"The macaroni is delicious, Mrs Armstrong." Brennan commented.
I shook myself out of my trace and looked anywhere else apart from across
the table.
"You are both lovely boys." Mrs Armstrong beamed while cooing "You can
come over anytime."
"As much as I want Brennan to come over here every night," Lana leaned
over and whispered into my ear "I don't want it to be with my parents
watching us like their very own reality show."
I laughed at her but then my eyes landed on the empty macaroni bowl.
"Ella, is everything okay?" Lana's dad asked when he noticed my solemn
"No, it is not. Mrs Armstrong kindly makes me up a box of leftover food
for my lunch for the next day. Even though there is no microwave at school,
I still eat it cold because it still tastes so good and now look," I ranted
dramatically before pointing to the now empty bowl in the middle of the
table and then to the two guys "These greedy pigs have eaten it all!"
"I will make more next time." Mrs Armstrong promised, stifling back a
"Why do you even have a six-seater table?" I asked both of her parents
before taking another drink of my lemonade.
Mrs Armstrong grinned as she confessed "We always knew you were both
going to bring boyfriends back and here we are."
I almost spat out my drink.
I had to put my hand over my mouth so that the soda did not spray all over
Stone and make him look like a wet dog.
I then second guessed myself and reconsidered spitting it out.
Before I could shut down her comment about Stone and me, Lana corrected
with a nervous smile "Brennan and I are not a couple."
"Yet." Brennan added with a wink in her direction.
Her parents matched his ear-to-ear smile while I thought I was going to
puke up all my food from the flirting going on.
Mr Armstrong decided to change the topic of conversation "How was
school today, girls?"
"It was good." Lana replied.
"Awful." I declared, sending a secret smile towards Stone before putting on
a sad voice while telling them "This new guy in my English class likes to
insult me. He made fun of my hair and my height."
Stone sat back in his chair and homed in on me with interested like he could
not wait for what I was going to say next.
Mrs Armstrong appeared shocked when she uttered "And you did not punch
"I wanted to." I answered her but I never took my gaze off the amused giant
"I just couldn't reach."
After we all finished our food, Lana's mom stood up from the table and
started to collect the plates. Lana and I got up to help her with the dishes,
but she shook her head quickly.
"Your mother and I will clean up." Mr Armstrong insisted to his daughter.
"Lana, go and show Brennan the garden. Spend some quality time
together." Mrs Armstrong suggested commandingly before adding "Ella and
Stone can go and sit on the sofa."
I gaped at the back of Mrs Armstrong's head as she and her husband went
through to the kitchen, leaving us all standing there silently.
"Is that okay?" Lana turned to me and asked.
"I am perfectly fine with getting left with the wicker man." I told her before
looking up towards Stone "I can handle him."
Brennan barked a laugh before he asked, "What is a wicker man?"
"The Druids, the enemy of the Romans, had this humongous statue of a
man. They believed that they had to set the wicker man on fire and hand it
—" I started to explain but I got interrupted by the wicker man himself.
"Human sacrifices." Stone finished off for me with a grunt.
"It is a very clever reference if you understand it." I explained, "Stone is
large and he looks like he wants to kill everyone around him."
I was not used to people getting my references. I usually had to explain the
joke or the point I was making. I had become accustomed to laughing on
my own at my jokes and nerdy comments.
I peered down at the floor and smiled at how Stone had gotten my
Lana appeared hesitant to leave. She looked between Stone and I and she
remained standing beside me.
"Go." I insisted her while I took a step towards the large man "Stone and I
will not kill each other. Well, not today anyway."
She did not look convinced.
I sighed before reaching out and tugging at the bottom of Stone's leather
jacket "Come along, Lurch."
Stone instantly followed me through to the living room as I skipped ahead.
As I walked on further, I noticed how near he was lingering behind me. His
body trailed so closely that I feared again if I stopped suddenly, he would
run into me and flatten my body in the process.
My back slumped against the sofa as I let myself fall back onto the pillow.
The material under me then moved as Stone sat right next to me.
There was a whole other empty sofa in the room, yet he had sat next to me
so that the whole of the side of my body met his. My head was close to
resting against his elbow.
If I moved a single centimetre then I would have been sitting on him.
I was about to ask about the proximity, but I was interrupted by my phone
buzzing against my chest.
I fetched the phone out of my bra before checking what had made it buzz.
Stone's eyes darkened when he saw what it was.
A notification from a dating site lit up my phone.
The colossal sized body remained motionless which contrasted with the
emotions swirling about in his black eyes. He looked completely and utterly
furious and bloodthirsty as I opened the app.
His gaze darted between my face and my phone while his eyes darkened
further until he appeared even more unhinged.
Tapping around on the date site, I ignored the manic and crazed expression
he held as he clenched his jaw.
He was always angry, so I thought nothing of his current attitude.
"I don't actually meet up with anyone." I spoke to fill the silence "I just like
to bring arrogant guys down a peg or two. I like hitting them with an
awesome comeback to their pickup lines. It is quite therapeutic."
His mood did not lighten.
The round wide shoulders remained tensed, and his jaw was ticking
furiously while he watched me.
"This guy wrote Haven't I seen you someplace before?" I read an example
off my phone screen "So I wrote back Yeah, that is why I don't go there
A carnivorous grumble left the large chest.
I ignored the noise "He is probably crying in a corner right now."
Stone was scowling at the phone like it was his long-lost arch-nemesis.
"Do you want a go at writing something smart back to one these guys?" I
asked to break the tension of his gaze on my face "You might find it
therapeutic too."
He snatched my phone from me in one vicious flick of his wrist. He gripped
onto it so tightly that it was a miracle the phone did not crush in his hold.
One thick finger was all he used as he pressed three times on the screen.
The widget was gone from my home screen. He had deleted the dating app
from my phone.
"Why did you do that?" I asked, sending a frown up at him.
Stone said nothing else. The only time he moved was to place his bulky arm
on the part of sofa cushion behind my head.
I shrugged before muttering to myself "I guess that is one way to get rid of
all of those flirty messages in one-go."
Chapter Six
The school changing rooms were disgusting. The smell of over-sprayed
perfume and sweat filled the room. The walls were peeling at the sides and
the ceiling was flaking at the corners.
Leavendale High changing rooms were infamous for the paper towel game
which entailed throwing a wet cloth on the ceiling and waiting for it to fall
on someone's head.
"So, you haven’t spoken to Brennan since the kiss?" I asked her while
nudging down my bra that had risen slightly when I had taken my shirt off.
While Stone and I were having our long staring contest on the Armstrong's
sofa, Lana was having her first kiss with Brennan outside in the garden.
"Brennan didn't wait outside school this morning to meet me and I never
seen him on the way to homeroom." Lana's voice grew quiet as she spoke.
"Don't worry. I'm sure you will see him." I assured her "Gym class usually
has like forty people per class. He might be there."
Her right shoulder rose in a small shrug, but I could tell by the look on her
face that she was moping.
"He might also sing some Frankie Valli while dancing on the bleachers." I
added in hopes of cheering her up.
"You have been watching too many rom-coms." She pointed out with a
"It was you that made me watch Ten Things I Hate About You." I crossed
my arms and scoffed the words out "I was held against my will."
"Did I force feed you the popcorn too?" She rebutted, sending me a side
glare as she tied her shoelace.
My school bag was heavy due to our planned beach trip after school. Lana
had phoned the night before and asked me to go to the beach with her and
the two new additions to the table. My original answer to her question was a
firm no when I found out Stone was going but then Lana begged, and I
finally gave in.
I started to dig my hands deeper into my bag when I could not find my gym
shirt. The bag was packed full of my beach towel and my bikini that I was
struggling to find my gym clothes.
"What are you looking for?" Lana asked, noticing my struggle.
"My t-shirt." I laughed because I was stressed while continuing to search
my bag "This is your fault. I would not have had a full bag today if I was
not getting dragged to the beach."
"You need to come." She sighed before adding "Stone is coming too and he
only talks to you."
"He does not only talk to me." I argued.
"Yes. He does." Lana affirmed, "The most I have heard him say is Medusa."
Letting out a huff, I changed the subject "Gym for the first class of the day
should be a crime. Gym in general should be a crime."
I released a sigh of relief when I finally found my gym shirt. I pulled it over
my head and yanked it down but then I stopped.
The material of my shirt stretched to the bottom of my chest and went no
After yanking at it again and it did not budge, I cursed.
Lana studied my midsection and raised one of her light eyebrows "Ella, is
your shirt meant to be that tiny?"
"No." I whined before concluding "It must have accidentally shrunk in the
washing machine."
My favourite skull shirt barely made it past my boobs. If I raised my arms
the tiniest bit, then I would end up flashing everyone my bra.
At the sight of the skeleton head on my chest that looked less like a head
and more like a white spot due to the shortness of the material, Lana held
her stomach as she began laughing.
"This is not funny, Lana. The t-shirt is teensy." I covered my face with my
hands and groaned.
"Do you have a spare?" She quietly questioned while offering me a
sympathetic smile.
I shook my head and let out a sigh "What am I going to do?"
"Come on." Lana tried to keep her tone affirmative as she encouraged me
"It looks fine."
I was about to argue with her, but it was too late because Lana grabbed my
arm and guided me out of the changing room and into the gym hall.
The gym hall fit in with the rest of the theme of the school that looked like
something straight out of the eighties. The large room smelt like sweat and
it made me doubt that anyone had cleaned the place in the past decade. The
lines of the basketball court were fading, and the bleachers were a murky
grey colour.
Something else that looked like it belonged in the eighties was my gym
teacher. He was small with a potbelly and a moustache. His patterned
tracksuit made him look more like a doughnut than an athlete.
He currently looked like a very angry doughnut as his eyes landed on my
"Hi Coach," I said with an awkward smile while I crossed my arms over my
The crossing of my arms only drew more attention to my chest because the
action made the material rise. My black lace bra was slightly visible.
"Miss Miller." The gym coach uttered in disbelief "Do you want to explain
your outfit?"
I laughed nervously and looked around "So this is not a Vegas strip club...?"
He shook his head and told me sternly "You can’t participate in basketball
in that attire."
"So, I have to sit out?" I concluded while trying to keep my excitement to a
The gym teacher nodded.
"I am bringing a smaller shirt next week." I mumbled under my breath.
Lana raised her hand sheepishly to ask the teacher "Can I sit out, too?"
"Why, Miss Armstrong?" The angry doughnut questioned.
"What if I get kidnapped and snatched from the bleachers?" I exaggerated
while taking a step closer to Lana "I need her to protect me."
"Miss Miller, you and I both know you are more than capable of defending
yourself." The coach did not look convinced as he pointed out "I still
remember the case with poor David Walker."
"David tried to take the ball away from me!" I defended.
"We were playing football." The gym teacher exclaimed, "That is the aim of
the game"
I widened my eyes to make them appear sadder while I argued "I'm just not
feeling that well and Lana can come and look after me"
The gym teacher looked so done with the conversation, so he finally agreed
"Sit at the bleachers and do not interrupt my lesson."
Both Lana and I smiled victoriously as we headed to the bleachers. We
walked past the crowd of our classmates that were whistling and cheering.
Most of the cheers were male and it was not because they were excited to
play basketball.
My whole face turned the colour of a tomato as I shrank in my seat and
tried to hide. I pulled down my shirt and pulled my hair over my shoulder to
hide my face.
The class were getting split into teams for the basketball game. Lana looked
around the bustling court for a specific someone and I joined in with her
There was no sign of Brennan or Stone in the gym hall.
As two teams were sent on to play on the court, a flirty voice from the side-
lines called out "If you wanted to give me a sneak peek then you could have
at least done it in private."
I faced the culprit of the words that came in the form of the blonde captain
of the football team.
"Not that I am complaining." Chase added while letting his gaze roam my
exposed stomach.
"You better get a good look." I gritted out as he neared "This is as much as
you will be seeing from now on."
The quarterback let out a laugh like he did not believe me.
"Should you not be coming up with a game plan with your buddies right
now?" I pointed out in a subtle way of trying to get rid of him "We both
know you hate to lose."
Chase offered me a cocky smile as he conveyed "We will have to see if
your friends offer any competition."
I followed the footballer's gaze as he turned and looked at the two well-built
males standing at the side of the court.
Stone was flicking his dark feral gaze between Chase and me. He appeared
even more slaughterous and ruthless than normal.
I did not know how I did not notice him as soon as he entered the room.
The giant stood way taller and broader than the rest. The clenched jaw and
the tensed body looked like he was about to go war radiated his wrath and
that made him noticeable also.
Chase turned back to face me, and he cleared his throat before speaking "So
are you coming to my back-to-school party Friday night?"
I would normally jump at the opportunity to go to a party with him, but I
was not feeling it. I told myself that it was because of his comment in
English class.
"I think I’m busy." I answered vaguely before swiftly changing the subject
"When am I getting my panda?"
"Oh." Chase uttered in surprise "Did you actually want the panda?"
I tilted my head and retorted like it was obvious "Yeah. I did."
"I put it in the trash." He informed me with no sympathy at all.
"You did what?" I blurted out and then I raised my voice to curse at him
“You...You stuffed animal sociopath!"
Chase laughed, still unapologetic about Pete's passing "I will get you
another one next time."
A feeling in my gut told me that there was not going to be a next time.
I never enjoyed myself the last time. I ended up ditched and panda-less.
"How was your stupid fight thing that you ditched me for anyway?" I asked
him to make conversation "It must have been important because I have
never seen someone move so fast."
His whole playful demeanour dropped suddenly. His smirk fell into a
"It was terrible and they weren’t even that good." Chase tutted bitterly "You
can tell your friends that."
"Why would I want to tell my friends about an illegal fight club on the
beach?" I remarked confusedly.
Silence filled the space of the bleachers for a few minutes before anyone
"Come to my party on Friday." The quarterback insisted again.
I opened my mouth to reject him again, but I was cut off before I could.
Lana spoke up while shooting Chase a polite smile "We will be there."
"We will?" I quietly muttered to her.
Chase nodded his head. He then ran off towards the court when he noticed
that the teams were switching over.
I watched him leave before I turned to Lana and demanded to know "Why
did you say yes to him?"
"It is something we can both do together." She revealed while twiddling her
finger in her hair "I don't want you to feel left out because the two guys are
sitting with us now. I want you to know that I am not abandoning you for
"We could do something that is not Chase's party." I told her before
shuddering at the memories of the last one party went to "They always end
up in ruckus. Last time, a guy drank ten shots of straight vodka and spewed
it all over Chase's neighbour's cat."
Lana scrunched up her face in disgust.
"There is still traces of it its fur." I added to point out how horrible his
parties are.
She shook her head before encouraging "Come on. It will be fun."
"Fine." I gave in with a sigh "We will go."
The whistle went off and the two new teams on the court started playing.
One team was made up of Chase and his football friends. The other team
was made up of Brennan and Stone.
I leaned forward in my seat and watched as the other players watched the
giant with a look of fear on their faces.
There was something about the way Stone moved around the court. It was
fast yet deliberate. The movements were strong. He dominated the area
around him, and he radiated authority among the players.
Nobody dared themselves to go near the large muscular man.
"Who knew basketball shorts could look so good on a guy?" Lana uttered as
she watched Stone reach up and place the ball in the hoop for the sixth time
in a minute.
My head snapped to her as soon as she said the words.
"I thought you liked Brennan." I pointed out.
"I do." Lana confirmed as she sent me a weird look.
Something built up at the bottom of my stomach, but I managed to force out
a laugh and a few words "I'm sure it is not too late to change your affection
towards his friend instead."
The players moved back into the starting position as the whistle blew again.
Stone strode back into the middle of the court. He had not even broken a
sweat. He looked more ready than ever to knock everyone out of his path.
Suddenly the dark pair of eyes met mine across the room.
I felt like I had been caught doing something I should not have been. I
continued to look at him, but I shifted in my seat and crossed one of my
legs over the other.
His gaze captured mine until another whistle filled the hall again.
"I think Stone is taken." Lana's attention flickered between the game and
me before she let out a giggle.
I continued to watch the game. I put extra effort into watching all of the
players and not just the largest one of them.
Lana leaned to the side so that she could whisper into my ear "Do you find
him attractive?"
"Who?" I asked, feigning innocent even though I knew exactly who she was
talking about.
"You know who."
There was no point in denying it. To try and say that Stone was not lethally
attractive was the same as arguing that the guillotine did not take someone's
head off.
"I guess he is." I eventually told her with a nonchalant shrug "That doesn’t
change the fact that he is an annoying ass that I can't stand."
She looked like she was going to say something else, but she was
interrupted by a voice coming from the court.
"Ella!" Chase shouted as he dribbled the ball "If I score this basket, will you
lift your shirt and give us all a treat?"
Most of the players were laughing as they took a glance at my tiny top.
The one huge, tattooed person that was not amused grabbed the ball from
the quarterback and effortlessly rammed into his side.
The movement was so harsh and powerful that Chase fell over. He flew a
good ten meters at the impact before he hit the floor with a bang.
All the laughter from the players died out as they stared at the scene with
wide eyes.
I also stared wide-eyed after wincing at the brutal sound of Chase hitting
the floor.
Stone did not spare a single glance at Chase when he took the shot from
midcourt and threw the ball right into the hoop.
A chorus of screams and cheers broke the silence as everyone admired the
remarkable throw of the ball.
Brennan jogged over towards the angry giant, and it looked like he was
trying to reason with him. Stone was too busy scowling at the boy on the
floor and clenching his hands into fists to listen to whatever Brennan was
Lana blinked a few times before muttering "What the hell."
I blinked to make sure what had happened was real.
"Remind me never to shoot some hoops with Lurch." I mumbled to her.
The game resumed for another twenty minutes before Chase's team lost to
Stone's. The score ended up as two and forty-four.
Nothing was said to Stone about his violent streak. The gym teacher
appeared far too intimidated to approach him and tell him off.
Stone's face still did not look any less enraged as he crossed his arms over
his bulky erratically moving chest and set his sights on me.
When the coach dismissed the class and told everyone to go and get
changed, I got up as fast as I could and rushed to get out of the gym hall.
I kept my head down as I fled so I was not expecting to run into a hard
The muscular wall caught me off guard and I stumbled backwards as I
bounced against it.
Huge hands carefully gripped onto my waist, keeping me on my feet as I
grabbed onto the surface which happened to be a hard chest.
My skin that touched him started to feel heated as I peered up at the large
figure who saved me from falling.
What I found was that Stone was looking down at me with a clenched jaw
and a darkened gaze.
"Woah. What are you made up of?" I could not help but ask him as I poked
his stomach with one of my fingers "Bricks? Titanium? Stone?"
He cocked his head, and he narrowed his eyes down at me. The large hands
belonging to him that were set on my waist tightened.
I slowly removed my palms from his chest and made my way around the
wall-like obstacle of a man before walking away.
After a long few periods of dissecting a sheep's heart in Biology and
watching a Shakespeare adaption in English, I was relieved it was lunch.
I was also relieved that I had remembered to bring a sandwich.
I was deep in thought as I munched at my food. My mind kept going back
to the event in gym class.
I had not spoken to Stone all today. I saw him in English but he was in a
foul mood so I decided it would be best not to bicker with him or taunt him.
Lana took out her lunch from her bag while motioning to my own "No
noodles today?"
"I have learned my lesson." I told her with a roll of my eyes "I still have to
pay Lurch back."
"Do you know what the whole gym body slam thing was about?" She
queried, her expression turning a little scared as she thought back to gym
I opened my can of soda and shrugged "Maybe he didn't like Chase's
comment about my t-shirt."
She hummed in response "It seemed like he had a personal vendetta against
"I guess he doesn't like cat-callers." I said as I thought about it further.
"He acted so aggressively" Lana replied after sipping her cherry cola "It
was not an accident. He bulldozed right into him."
I saw and perceived him as intimidating, but I did not think he would be so
blatantly violent.
It sounded ridiculous that I was thinking about it so much. I barely knew the
guy and it was none of my business anyway.
Lana was about to add something to her point but the arrival of the two
guys stopped her from opening her mouth.
Brennan and Stone sat down in the same place as yesterday placing their
full buffet of food on the table.
The large lean leg touched mine as Stone stole all the space of our bench.
"What are you two talking about?" Brennan asked on arrival as he sent the
both of us a smile.
"I thought you were just testing the food yesterday." Lana quickly changed
the topic of conversation by pointing at his molehill of a tray “Are you
going to eat all of that?"
Brennan laughed while tucking into his first plate "We are growing boys."
I watched them talk but I could no longer ignore the heat on my face.
The dark eyes were on me. They were not amused or taunting like they had
usually been. His eyes were narrowed in on me like he was making sure
that I did not move from my seat.
I had taken enough of his death glare already, so I turned on the seat and
faced him with my own glare.
"What are you staring at, Lurch? Have you banged your head and lost your
memory?" I uttered, my voice dripping with sarcasm "You look like you
haven't seen me before."
Stone raised an eyebrow and studied me in silence for a few minutes.
He kept his darkened gaze on me as grunted out roughly "Maybe I didn't
recognise you with clothes on."
I opened my mouth and then closed it.
"It reached to the top of my stomach." I grounded out the lie so that I had an
argument "It was not even that bad."
A grumble of inaudible words left his mouth.
"It is not like I wore a bikini. Which I will be at the beach after school." I
pointed out before challenging "Will that offend you?"
Nothing else left his mouth in reply. He looked away for a few seconds and
closed his eyes. His hand scrubbed over his face and rested on his jaw
before he met my eye again.
"My shirt shrank in the wash." I did not know why I was defending myself,
but I was "I didn't see it until it was too late."
The veiny hands resting on the table relaxed and so did the giant pair of
"Were you put in that load in the washing machine too?" The deep voice
went gruff as the words left his large chest.
My eyes narrowed at him as I gritted out "What did you just say?"
Stone's obsidian irises flicked over my face as he uttered lowly "Did you
shrink too?"
"Five foot two is a perfectly normal size for a girl of my age." I told him
before narrowing my eyes further "Just because you are a giant does not
mean I will not kick your ass."
Stone's lip curled in amusement as he listened to my threat. The corner of
his mouth hiked up further as he noticed my pursed lips that had gone out in
A familiar voice that did not belong to a person at the table broke the
tension hanging between me and the large man.
"So good game, boys." Chase stood at the side of the table with his arms
crossed and the bitterness in his tone audible in his voice.
He was in far too good a mood for someone that went flying in the air and
smacked against the floor in front of all his peers.
Chase met my eye when he asked, “Are you coming to mine after school?"
I felt the shoulder near the top of my head tense.
"She is coming to the beach with us." Brennan informed him while
watching in my direction.
"Is this true, Ella?" Chase questioned like the idea was unimaginable.
I had no idea what to answer so I offered him a small reply "Yeah."
"So, they are part of your table now? Chase sneered, his attention on the
lack of space between Stone and me on the bench "One day together and
you are off to the fucking beach with them?"
"I'm going to the beach." I voiced in a fed-up tone "Not joining a cult with
Chase laughed but it was full of malice and not at all genuine.
"Have I seen you somewhere?" The quarterback shot the question in the
direction of the giant.
Brennan answered instead, his voice controlled and the most serious I had
heard it since meeting him "What is your issue with us?"
"My dad is chief of police." The blonde jock said to them in a matter-of-fact
I tilted my head at Chase before mouthing to him "What are you doing?"
He ignored me, still looking at the larger one of us all.
"Stone is not a very popular name." Chase spoke through clenched teeth "Is
it your real one? Or is it just another one of your alias'?
My attention went back to Stone. More specifically my attention went to his
white knuckles and his fists that rested so strenuously on the table that I
feared it would break.
Chase had not finished with his interrogation because he then went on to
ask "Are you both some sort of gang leaders or maybe you are—"
"Fuck off." Stone bellowed.
His words were so rough and so harsh that I almost fell off my seat from the
startlement of his commandment.
Stone noticed my reaction. His nearly black eyes shifted to me, and they
softened immediately.
Lana cleared her throat to gain my attention before she mouthed to me "Do
With Stone looking a little less furious, I seized the opportunity and get up
to grab Chase's arm.
Another guttural noise left the giant which made me second guess my
"Right, Sherlock." I spoke to Chase while motioning for him to leave "That
is enough interrogation for one day."
I escorted the quarterback back to his lunch table and left him there without
saying another word.
My walk back to the table was watched by the eyes of the large, tattooed
man. His furious gaze trailed me as I made my way back to him.
It was only when I sat back down that Stone relaxed completely. It was only
when I sat back down that an oddly satisfied look crossed his harsh facial
Before I could forget, I grabbed my bag and brought out a five-dollar bill to
repay him for the noodles.
I placed the five-dollar note on the table and slid it over to him.
Stone never said a word as he glanced at the note. He slammed his large
hand onto the money and moved it back towards me.
Glaring at him, I pushed it back in his direction.
He moved it again back towards me. He also pushed a plate of noodles and
chicken from his lunch tray over to my side of the table so that it was in
front of me.
"I had a sandwich." My glare disappeared when I quietly argued "I don't
need any more food."
His glower left no room for argument. The stern scowl he sent my way
meant he was not going to take no for an answer.
"I don't need it." I assured him softly.
"Medusa." His was rough and came out commandingly.
I deepened my voice and exaggerated a grumble "Lurch."
He remained silent. He only moved to hold out a fork for me.
I gave up ten minutes later and took the fork from him before dipping it into
the noodles.
"Thank you." I delivered with genuine gratitude before I added more
argumentatively "I will find a way to pay you back."
Brennan interrupted our conversation by asking "So, are we still going to
the beach after school?"
I nodded my head once before I felt the thick muscular leg against mine
Lana replied to Brennan about how excited she was to spend time with him.
They both spoke for a few minutes more before falling into silence.
I was not the best at interpreting social signals. I watched people closely for
reactions but I could never understand what exactly they meant.
I was able to pick up on the awkward silence that had fallen between Lana
and Brennan.
I randomly blurted out an icebreaker question "If you were a planet then
which one would you be?"
"What kind of question is that?" Brennan chuckled so hard that it made his
forehead crease.
A small shrug was my reply.
Nobody answered my question until the giant leant closer and hunched
downwards so that he was closer to my face.
"You would be Pluto." Stone uttered lowly.
I knew exactly what he meant so I sent him the scariest look I could manage
to paint on my face.
Pluto was the dwarf planet. Pluto was small which was just like my size.
"I will kill you." I blurted out while trying to bite my lip to contain my
His comment was kind of funny, so a laugh was threatening to break out
from the confinements of my chest. I held it back because I did not want to
give him the satisfaction of making me laugh.
Stone's gaze went to my mouth. His eyes lightened when it fell upon my lip
that had uncontrollably moved up in a small, amused smile.
"Kill him, Ella." Brennan encouraged from the other side of the table.
The giant never offered him a single glance. He kept his attention fixed on
me as he reached out and picked up an apple that was on his lunch tray.
"You never eat apples, Stone." The smoother and silkier voice of the two
men spoke up "I thought you didn't like them."
I turned to see Brennan grinning like a madman.
Biting into his apple, Stone sent a terrifying glare across the table that was
enough to deter an army from getting close to him.
I flicked my gaze between Stone and Brennan and wondered why they were
hating on apples.
I loved the smell of apples. I loved it so much that I always used apple
scented shower wash and body butter.
A triumphant grin made its way onto my face when I seized the opportunity
to pay the giant back. I waited until he was distracted with eating and then I
slipped the five dollars into the pocket of his leather jacket.
Stone never noticed my slipping of the money in his pocket, but he did
notice my smile because he questioned demandingly "What has made you
smile, Medusa?"
My grin grew when I hummed tauntingly "I'm reminiscing about that
wonderful time at the ice cream parlour when you were completely silent.
Chapter Seven
"Do you think Stone has calmed down yet?" Lana voiced her concern as we
strolled out of our last period class "He still looked livid at lunch"
"I hope so." I replied while thinking back to the gym episode and how
angry he still was at lunch "We are getting in the car with them. I don't want
it to turn into a scene from Road Runner."
"Are you trying to say he might run us off the road?"
"I still believe he has an elaborate plan to kill me so yes." I mentioned to
her with a shudder "Road rage is one of the biggest causes of accidents on
the road. Look it up."
The corridor was packed with people. Everyone was crammed into the
narrow corridor like sardines in a tin.
I could not see where I was going until I caught a glimpse of light from the
main door of the school. I headed in the direction of the exit while trying to
budge others out of the way.
"Move out the way!" I called while I waved my arms around to try and
escape the teenager tsunami "Lana has a date!"
A few people stopped to look at us but most continued to rush to the exit.
Every person was eager to leave the building and that meant the whole
crowd would trample over others to leave the school.
We finally made it out of the doors and onto the parking lot. Both Lana and
I searched around the busy lot for any sign of the two guys we were
supposed to meet.
Two minutes later and we found Brennan and Stone leaning against a black
truck parked at the very back of the parking lot.
"What are you going to do about your car?" Lana questioned as we neared
Stone's truck and passed my car "Are you just going to leave it here?"
"Shit." I cursed at myself "I never thought about that."
Brennan stood up straight at my outburst and cocked his head "Is
everything okay?"
I sighed "What am I going to do with Kermit?"
Kermit was the name of my small green car that I bought last year when I
first got my license. I fell in love with the car at first sight because it
reminded me of the one Mr Bean drove. The car was a little old and run-
down, but I had grown an attachment to it.
Stone grew to his large, towering height as he stood straight and demanded
to know "Who is Kermit?"
"My pet frog that I have been carrying around in my bag all day." I
sarcastically remarked.
The giant took a step closer and waited for the real exposition.
"My car is called Kermit." I told him while pointing at the littlest and the
greenest car in the lot.
"You called your car Kermit?" Brennan asked while laughing.
"It is small and green." I challenged "What else was I going to call it?"
"How about Ella?" The deep voice of the large man delivered gruffly and
slightly tauntingly.
I crossed my arms and bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. I tilted my
chin and offered the large man a glare.
"How about I run you over with Kermit?" I threatened up to Stone.
My gaze dropped to the huge chest as the words left my mouth. My
conclusion was that if a car tried to run him over then it would only be the
vehicle that got hurt.
"I thought you had a motorbike, Ghost Rider." I mentioned with a
challenging tone "I have only seen your black truck."
"A motorbike only takes two." Stone rebutted with a hint of amusement to
his monotonous gruff voice "If you wanted it to be only the two of us then
you should have asked."
I rolled my eyes while I quickly disclosed "No, thank you."
"You could just follow behind us or you can leave the car here and walk to
school tomorrow." Brennan suggested to me.
I hated exercise but I knew there was no point in taking two cars to the
"Okay." I nodded while deciding "I'll just leave my car here."
Brennan and Lana made their way around the truck to get in at the other
side meanwhile I reached for the door handle.
Stone got there first and opened the door for me before asking "Do you
need a hand up, Medusa?"
There was a significant height between the ground and the car, but it was
not a large enough one for me to struggle to climb into the truck.
"I am not that small!" I exclaimed to the man towering over me.
I got into the truck and sat beside Lana in the back. I looked around at the
interior of the car while sitting back in the extremely comfortable leather
The truck was lavish. Each seat was leather with spongy armrests and
headrests. Each door of the car had twelve buttons that controlled
something different.
I had no clue about cars, but I knew that this one was expensive. I wanted to
know how Stone could afford a truck like this and a motorbike.
Stone adjusted the rear-view mirror. He tilted it so significantly to the side
that I managed to look up and see his reflection in the mirror.
Lana looked at the back of Brennan's head when she spoke up "How often
do you go to the beach?"
The car pulled out of the school grounds onto the main road and the large
veiny hand shifted the gear stick.
"Every day." Brennan finally answered the question "I have never gone
twenty-four hours without surfing the waves."
"What happens if you do?" Lana teased "Does a sea monster come and eat
Brennan turned his head towards us, and he smiled while explaining "Every
day is a new wave. Never two days does the same wave surface. It would be
a shame to miss one."
I leant over to Lana and whispered, "I feel like what he said is a metaphor
but even I don't understand it."
The car radio blasted a song that I immediately recognised as one by
Nirvana as we continued driving along the road.
I started to tap the beat of the song on the door with my hand as I let my
gaze drift outside.
When I looked back in front of me, Stone was watching me with an amused
expression in the reflection of the rear mirror.
"Sorry about the shitty music." Brennan complained "Stone's car, Stone's
rules as he likes to say."
My immediate reaction was to defend the music but then I realised I would
be complimenting Stone on his good taste in music. I did not want to
compliment him on anything, so I bit my tongue and stayed quiet.
"So, what kind of music do you like?" Lana questioned Brennan, attempting
to get to know more about him.
"I don't really like music." Brennan answered sheepishly to her.
Disliking music was probably the only flaw that Lana had found in Brennan
since meeting him. It might not have seemed like a massive deal, but I
knew it would cause problems for them in the future.
Music was Lana's life and ambition and she wanted somebody to share her
passions with.
We were approaching the main beachfront. The palms trees whizzed by as
we passed onto a new street. The scene was aesthetically beautiful. The sea
in the distance glistened under the sun and it highlighted the turquoise
The place made me feel uneasy.
I felt sick at the realisation I was going to have to go to the beach. I felt I
was going to faint at the realisation that the sand was going to touch my
toes and that the sea air would fill my lungs.
I was too caught up in wanting to be there for Lana that I forgot why I
avoided the beach like the plague.
My feet had not touched the sand since my mother's passing. My body had
not touched the ocean since my mother walked into the water and never
came back.
Maybe it was because of the sun beating down on me through the window
or because of the confinement of the truck or perhaps something else but I
needed out.
An abrupt uncomfortable heat started to swallow me whole and threaten to
suffocate me.
Knowing we were only a few minutes away from the beach made me panic
more so I pushed the button in the car and rolled the windows down to try
and gain my breath back.
A gust of cool wind hit my face and I let out a breath. I closed my eyes and
stuck my head out of the truck. I focused on my breathing and tried to
forget everything else.
I then sat back and my chair and let my head rest against the seat.
My eyes opened and they instantly met Stone's in the reflection of the
He wore a foreign expression on his face as he watched me. It was still
stern, yet it was softer than I had ever seen it.
Stone did not look away when I caught him staring. He continued to watch
me carefully.
"What are you looking at, Lurch?" I tried to remain calm as I forced out the
question from my dry throat.
The soft look in his eyes remained as the corner of his mouth twitched
"I was just wondering if you are going in the water with your clothes." The
gravelly voice was quiet and low when he shared his thoughts "I have not
seen you anything but your band t-shirts."
"You are one to talk." I pointed out before laughing "Do you ever stop
dressing like Danny Zuko?"
He shifted the gear stick as he let out a single rough chuckle. Or what I
assumed to be a chuckle.
To keep myself distracted from panicking, I spoke to him again "Band tees
make up ninety five percent of my wardrobe."
"What is the other five percent?" Stone questioned, continuing to watch me
in the mirror and occasionally glancing at the road.
"I have a dress but that is for special occasional." I told him before
remarking "I am saving it for your funeral when I get to dance on your
Stone laughed. It was a rough deep noise that shook his chest and
reverberated around the car.
It was not just a chuckle. It was a full-on laugh.
A wave of accomplishment hit me from achieving the impossible and I
could not help but smile.
I could not explain the toe-curling euphoria I got from making him laugh. I
felt my whole body tingle and my heartbeat faster at the grumble of a laugh
that was hard to call a laugh because it was so low octaved.
I was grateful for Stone in that moment because he had offered a distraction
for me. Unconsciously or not, he had made me forget for a moment or two.
I closed the window when I started to feel slightly better and then I turned
to Lana to mention to her "It is boiling outside. Like Sahara Desert hot."
"Did you not get enough breeze in gym class with your t-shirt?" A husky
voice interjected from the front of the car.
"Right. That is it." I responded with a scowl before leaning forward and
closer to the driver seat while I ranted out "What I do and what I wear is
none of your concern. If I want to traverse the halls naked then you keep
your eyes down, shut your mouth and you mind your own business."
Stone caught the irritated look in my eye.
I narrowed my eyes up at the mirror that he was watching me through.
Silence filled the car until a grumble came from the bulky hollow-sounding
chest that sounded a lot like "Sorry."
"What was that?" I asked him so he would speak louder.
Stone said it louder, but it was not any less of a grumble "Sorry."
"Good." I glared at him while sitting back in my chair and affirming "You
should be."
Brennan was staring at the driver seat with a dropped jaw.
"Ella, I think you have broken Stone." Brennan shared with me "He has just
laughed and apologised. He has never done either one of those things
before. Let alone in the space of two minutes."
I looked back out the window to see where we were.
The beach was busy, and I was starting to doubt I could go out there and
pretend I was okay.
I stared at my feet that were shaking like they might flee as soon as the car
stopped moving.
The truck parked up on a grassy area before Lana and I parted ways with
the two men and left to go and get changed in the public changing rooms
I said nothing because I was more focused on putting one step in front of
the other as I made my way towards the changing rooms.
The changing cubicle smelt of sea salt and sunscreen. My slightly shaky
hand bolted the door to the enclosed space as I started to remove my
clothes. The walls seemed to be closing in on me, so I rushed to get on my
bikini top and my shorts.
As I opened the cubicle door, Lana was ready waiting for me. She smiled at
me while I picked up my school bag and towel.
"You look stunning. That bikini does wonders for your figure." She gushed
before adding "Although, I am shocked you are not wearing black."
My matching two-piece bikini was silver and shone multiple colours when
the light hit it.
I did like the bikini even though it made me look like a turkey in tinfoil
ready to get cooked.
Lana started to fan herself as we walked along the beach back towards
where we left the guys "It is so hot."
"Tell me about it." I mimicked her action at the sweltering heat "I feel like a
snowman in a sauna."
The texture of the sand on my toes made it all too real. I heard the ringing
in my ears and I felt my chest start to move as we continued walking on.
I clutched at my chest like it would magically make the pain stop.
Two hands touched my arms as Lana got me to look at her. She let out a
gasp when she realised what was happening.
"How could I have been so ignorant, Ella?" Lana held onto me tighter as
guilt flooded her words "I am so sorry."
"It is okay." I tried to wave off her concern.
"It is not okay." She argued with a sigh "You have not been here since your
mom's passing."
"Lana, I am fine." I tried to convey to her "I live in Santa Monica so I could
not avoid this place forever."
She tilted her head at me before she delivered sternly "If you want to leave
then we will go. No questions asked. We will make up an excuse and ditch
the two of them and get out of here."
I shook my head and mustered up a smile as I asked her "Do you know
what would make me feel better?"
"Ice Cream?" She suggested while matching my smile.
"Well, yes." I laughed in agreement before I gave her the real reason "I want
to see you have a good time with Brennan on your date."
One more reassuring smile her way and she put an arm around my shoulder
while we made our way past the people sunbathing and swimming.
We stopped when we found the two men we were supposed to be meeting.
Lana stopped to admire Brennan.
Brennan was wearing royal blue shorts which stood out against his dark
skin. His large chest and his six-pack were on display as he held his
surfboard under his muscular arm.
"How does his six pack look wet?" Lana whispered to me with a reddened
face "He has not been in the water yet."
My attention was captured by Stone and the heartbeat I had just gotten in
control spiralled again.
Stone's bare chest was a sight to behold. He was ripped and every inch of
his chest was covered in dark inked lines.
I found myself wanting to run my finger along the markings and wanting to
know what they all meant.
I was finding it hard to look away as I let my gaze drop lower.
Everything about this man was huge. Every inch of him was oversized. It
was like he had been engineered to be the best of the human species.
He did not look real. His body did not look real.
My study continued to his stomach. I tried counting his abs, but I kept
losing my train of thought. It took me two minutes to realise that he had an
His weight in muscle mass had to be more than double my body weight.
Maybe even three times.
Unlike Brennan's body inviting someone to look, Stone's was more of a
warning to look away.
I forcefully made myself look away from Stone but that was short-lived.
A pair of eyes were on me. A dark pair of eyes roaming up and down every
inch of me.
If my body was not warm before then it was certainly heated now. The
black orbs left no inch of skin untouched by their gaze.
Stone clenched his jaw and his head quickly turned to the side as he
grumbled out "Fucking hell."
I felt my face grow hot, so I looked down at the sand.
The black eyes rested on the ocean as his jaw ticked violently. The darkened
irises turned back to me and then looked away and then they went back to
me. The moment was rapid like he could not control himself.
"Are you ready for a surfing lesson, Lovely Lana?" Brennan asked while
cutting the tension that hung in the air.
Lana looked hesitant and I knew it was because of me.
"I'm going to stay here with Ella," Lana quickly told him "You just go
ahead without us."
"No." I argued, turning to face her "You should go with him."
"Ella?" Lana's voice grew quiet when she spoke to me "Are you sure?"
I nodded with a falsely confident smile.
Lana still did look convinced, but it was too late because Brennan walked
over and took her hand. He led her towards the water and helped her onto
his board as they reached the ocean.
Stone was standing with his surfboard under his arm while he watched me
I ignored his attentive eye and placed my beach towel down on the sand.
A tattooed hand touched mine before I could sit down. The electric-like
feeling in the spot of my skin where he had touched made me stop moving.
The large skull-tattooed hand enveloped my own as his whole palm
wrapped around my hand.
My attention went to behind him where he had left his surfboard in the
sand. I then glanced down at the heated touch that had swallowed my small
I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.
"We are going for a walk." He ordered rather than asked while he kept his
hand on mine.
I did not argue with him. I pulled my hand away from his gently so I could
pick up my towel and place it back in my bag.
I had no idea how he knew I needed to leave. I stared up at him in shock as
he waited for me to walk in front.
Stone stayed right by my side as we turned onto the path right next to the
beach. His head remained directed downwards so he could keep his eyes
fixed on my smaller frame.
He never spoke as we began our walk along the promenade. His eyes were
set down on me and his jaw was ticking continuously. He looked far too
concentrated on watching me to speak.
I started to fill the silence by blabbering. I talked about anything and
everything. I voiced everything that came to mind.
For a whole hour, I shared my theories about the universe with him. I spoke
about everything from aliens to Russian dynasties. From theories about
assassinations of famous presidents to the origin of the world itself, I told
him almost every single theory that I had ever had.
His attention on me never faulted at all during the time of my theory-telling.
It never strayed once. It remained steady.
He listened like he was genuinely interested in every single syllable that left
my mouth. He listened intently and keenly because he never spoke once
during my rant. He only sent me a little smirk at the wildest parts.
When I realised how long I had spoken for, I shut my mouth and focused on
something else other than him and his bare torso.
He broke the silence by demanding in his rough voice "Keep talking."
I let out a small laugh "What?"
"Keep talking." He grumbled out, unhappy that I had grown quiet.
I did not talk. I was more interested in looking at his tattoos.
"Medusa, I don't think you are going to find the answers to the universe on
my chest." He uttered quietly and gruffly with a hint of amusement in his
usually monotonous voice.
"I was not looking!" I denied before deciding to put our height difference to
some good use "Your abs are at my eye-level. That is not my fault."
Stone's lip quirked up for a millisecond.
"Maybe I am just trying to work you out." I shared with him, continuing to
keep my chin tilted upwards so I could keep looking up at him.
One of his dark eyebrows raised, silently asking a question.
"Brennan and Lana might be spending more time together so we are forced
to speak." I fibbed and then went on to smile as I pointed out "I should get
to know my acqenemy."
His attention was on my smile when he grunted "Your what?"
"Acqenemy." I repeated before elaborating "It is a mashup between
acquaintance and enemy. That is us."
"I'm glad I inspire you to make new words up, Medusa." He delivered
I stopped walking and Stone stopped too.
I took a step closer to him and watched as his eyes turned darker. They
appeared completely black as he watched me like a lion watching its prey.
All I wanted to do was stand still and study the lines of his tattoos, but I
restrained myself.
I rose on my toes and leant close to him. I wanted to catch him off-guard
like he had caught me off-guard many times.
"You inspire me to do a lot of things." I told him, lowering my voice into a
mere whisper.
The round shoulders moved up and then down. The sharp line of his jaw
clenched, and his Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat. The towering man
hunched over me so he could lessen the gap between us
"Like what?" He released hoarsely.
"Plan murder, mostly." I quickly affirmed with a grin before I took a step
Stone released a deep breathy chuckle that still sounded hoarse as he
watched me turn and walk back the way we had come.
One footstep of his equalled four of mine so he caught up in no time. He
lingered near my back while he followed behind me.
"You did not have to stay with me." I told him over my shoulder "You could
have been out in the sea surfing."
He grumbled back like he was somehow offended "I will stay with you."
I quickly looked away from him. I watched the shore as the sea foam
moved in and out and I took a breath every time that it did.
The giant split his time between watching me and glowering at the men that
passed us. He split his attention between looking down at me and making
sure his scowl made the passing men run away.
The waves were crashing against the shore more violently as the sun began
to slide down the sky and leave an orange trail on its way.
A gravelly voice pulled me out of my daydream "Twenty questions."
"Twenty questions?" I repeated while sending him a confused look "You
want to play Twenty questions with me?"
He nodded once. It was a small movement that if I blinked then I would
have missed it.
"I do want to know more about you." I accidentally said aloud so I covered
it up by joking "Keep your friends close but your acqenemies closer."
Stone has still not taken his heated gaze away from my face. His study
continued flicking between my mouth and my face while he waited for me
to say something more.
"What if one of us doesn't want to answer a question?" I questioned.
Curiosity picked at my insides, and I quickly replied, "What kind of
His dark irises once again flicked between my eyes and my mouth. His
fixed gaze rested more upon the latter of the two.
I tilted my head up at him and waited for an answer.
"A compliment." He finally forced out.
The deep raspy voice was husky every time he spoke. It always sounded
like he had not spoken in a while, or he had just woken up. There was
something primitive about the way he spoke. It was like every word
counted for something.
My body always reacted to his voice. My toes curled and a shiver ran down
my spine which forced my chest to edge out a little more.
I gasped dramatically at the idea of paying him a compliment.
"You are an evil man, Lurch." I informed with a hum before I agreed "I'm
"You can go first, Medusa."
"How chivalrous." I said sarcastically before coming up with a random
question "If you were abducted by aliens and you could only take one thing
then what would you choose?"
There was no hesitation from him. He did not even take a second to think
about his answer.
"You." He grumbled out quickly and nonchalantly.
I almost tripped over my own feet. I took a breath and told my feet to keep
moving before I faced him again.
"Why?" I asked while frowning up at him
"To annoy you." Stone did not meet my eye when he answered, nor did he
when he changed the subject "What are you most scared of?"
"Apart from getting abducted by aliens and having to spend the rest of my
life with you?" I rebutted.
His eyebrows furrowed slightly, and his mouth dropped into a small scowl.
"Apart from that." He said through clenched teeth.
The answer to his question came to mind straight away. I looked out to the
horizon where the sun was meeting the sea and I had my answer.
I doubted he was interested in hearing about my trauma or the tragedy in
my life, so I decided to lie.
"Heights. I hate even looking at the Ferris wheel." I replied and then added
to my answer, so it seemed more legit "But I guess some good came from it.
If I went on the wheel with Lana that night, then she would never have met
"You would not have met me." Stone uttered so lowly that I almost missed
I let out a laugh before I stuck my tongue out at him "On second thought,
maybe it is all bad."
Stone did not laugh. He searched my face like he was looking for
"You are lying." The deep voice concluded after a minute of silence.
I did not know if he meant lying about my biggest fear or about meeting
My eyes wandered all of him. I did not want to compliment his appearance
or his muscles, so I looked for something else.
"Your shorts are nice." I finally squeaked out as my eyes landed on the plain
black material.
The obsidian eyes widened infinitesimally as the mouth usually set in a
frown twitched once.
It was my turn to ask a question, so I thought long and hard about what I
wanted to ask.
I asked up to him "What is your last name?"
I blinked twice and then I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing.
"Your name is Stone Stone?" I concluded.
"No." He grunted with a hint of amusement "Stone is my last name."
"Oh." I said in surprise "So what is your first name?"
He cocked his head to the side before informing me "It is my turn."
"Fine." I huffed, curiosity to know his name eating at me "Ask away."
"What is your favourite book?"
"I can't choose. There is so many good books out there and there is still so
many I haven't read." I exclaimed before finally giving somewhat of an
answer "If I had to pick then it would be my collection of Edgar Allan Poe
poems. He is my favourite writer."
A few more questions were exchanged as we walked back along the
sidewalk of the beachfront.
Stone managed to answer every question vaguely.
My questions were more fun than deep. His questions for me were the
complete opposite as he tried to squeeze all the information out of me that
he could.
"What do you want for your future?" I asked him "Does Lurch want to get
married and have kids?"
"I thought we discussed this, Medusa." He replied with no hint of teasing on
his serious expression "We are having six kids and moving to Green
"You are so annoying." I pointed out the obvious as I glared up at him.
It was his turn to ask a question and it looked like he had just remembered
something because a dark look crossed his face.
His whole demeanour changed from relaxed to wrathful in a matter of
seconds. His tattooed chest puffed out and his jaw ticked in a furious
rhythm. A part of his skull tattoo that decorated his knuckled disappeared as
he clenched and unclenched his fist.
"Does the blonde prick think you are dating him?" He grounded out
I blinked a few times in surprise before I mumbled "It is complicated."
"No." He growled.
"No?" I repeated, not sure what he meant.
A rumble left his chest again "No."
"He is usually nice." I tried to convey to him "He is fun, and he is my type."
"Your type?" Stone gritted out, his stumbled jaw ticking faster.
"Yeah." I murmured, "My type is blonde, skinny but lean with no tattoos."
"You are describing the opposite of me." He gritted out, his voice growing
"No." I argued, "I'm describing my ideal man."
I turned my head upwards to avoid his penetrating stare. The sky was filled
with almost every colour but blue and I wondered how long we had been
walking and talking.
"What is your first name?" I questioned.
Stone had not unclenched his fists when he gnarled "Why are you with
He was so intense. He looked ready for some kind of war. Along with his
ticking jaw, the veins in his neck, arms and hands bulged in an angry beat.
"I don't think that is any of your business." I remarked softly.
His big burly body came to a halt. He made his way in front of me so that
he could stop me from escaping. His wide shoulders and his large hard
chest blocked my view of everything else as he guarded the space around
"Why do you hate Chase so much?" I queried.
He growled at me "Why are you with him?"
"Don't you growl at me." I shouted up at him in reply and when he growled
again, I added "He is a good kisser."
Stone did not see the funny side of my comment.
The rage and the murderous fury simmered off him in waves. His large
chest was moving up and down erratically as if he was close to losing every
single hint of humanity. A ten Richter scale earthquake would shake less
than his chest and probably appeared safer to approach as well.
"Let’s see how good he kisses when he is fucking dead." He gnarled out
I pushed up on my toes so that I appeared strong and taller as I tilted my
head at him.
"If he ever so much as breaths the same air as you again then I will rip his
heart out of his chest and make him eat it." Stone barked the threat, running
his hand along his jaw.
"My next question is if you are a serial killer." I deadpanned.
He continued to take deep frenzied breaths. He flexed his hands while he
looked away and closed his eyes.
"The comment Chase made about me in English class was not okay, but I
am handling it." I remarked while pointing a scolding finger up at him "I
don't need a gorilla-sized babysitter. I fight my own battles."
Rage continued to ignite across his face as his thick jaw clenched and his
nostrils flared.
The look was so intense that it made me shiver.
A small buzz interrupted the tensed moment.
The giant took out his phone and let out a deep curse "Fuck."
I almost jumped back from the harshness of his voice. I widened my eyes as
I looked up at him.
Stone noticed my reaction and quickly tried to soften the roughness of his
voice as he uttered "Sorry."
"Is everything okay?" I asked while motioning to his phone.
"We need to go. Now."
I followed him along the seafront while trying to match his speed. He was
striding determinedly while forgetting that I had small legs.
He then slowed down when he noticed I was struggling to keep up with
The time we had arrived back at the beach where Lana and Brennan were, I
had to fight the urge to keel over and catch my breath while lying down.
"Where have you been?" Brennan appeared slightly vexed when he turned
to Stone and questioned him "It is half eight."
Stone glanced at me before recollecting his surfboard from the sand where
he left it.
Lana watched the two guys as they packed away their stuff in a hurry. I
stood next to her and joined in as the two men rushed around.
"What is going on?" Lana asked them.
Neither one of them answered her.
"I don't know what is going on." I whispered to my best friend "Maybe their
surfboards turn to pumpkins at midnight. Or in their case half eight."
Brennan jogged over to Lana and kissed her on the cheek.
Clenching his jaw, Stone glanced at me for a few seconds before he looked
away again.
"I'm really sorry. We have to go." Brennan told Lana with a small
sympathetic smile "I'll see you tomorrow."
I offered Brennan a small wave before he walked over towards Stone.
The giant had his sights set on me when he insisted in a way that came out
more as an order "I will take you home."
I shook my head at him "That is okay. Lana and I will probably go and get
some ice-cream anyway."
Stone gave a stiff nod as he ran a vein-struck hand through his hair.
Both two males left the beach in a rush without an explanation. The two
large bodies became small dots in the horizon as they rushed away into the
falling night.
I noticed then that the beach was empty of people. It was like everyone had
suddenly disappeared.
Lana commented on the weirdness of their sudden disappearance while we
strolled back to the changing cubicles.
Our conversation about them lasted a good half an hour as we changed back
into our clothes and made our way back along the beach.
The black truck was still parked on the patch of grass where Stone had left
it when first arriving.
"Stone's truck is still here." I pointed out to her "They have not left the
beach yet."
"That is strange, huh?" Lana commented with a hum.
A gust of wind blew past us and something from my school bag blew into
the air. I quickly grabbed hold of the item before it could blow away.
In my hand was a five-dollar bill.
I never usually carried money around with me. I did not have the luxury of
being able to carry spare money around with me.
Then something clicked in the back of my mind as I stared down at the five-
dollar note.
It was the money I had slipped into Stone's pocket for my lunch, and he had
given it back.
Lana chose to look at the positive side of the beach visit instead of the
weird ending. She started retelling her whole time with Brennan to me. She
was far too invested in her romance to question how unusual their getaway
She might not have been suspicious about them, but I was.
Chapter Eight
In my years of watching movies, I had noticed a pattern in the romance
genre. They all had an epic dressing-up scene. The girl stands with her
bestie and tries on designer clothes while an upbeat song plays in the
This was not a scene from one of those movies.
"Why are we going to Chase's party again?" I groaned.
"To spend some time together." Lana was throwing a dress across the room
when she answered, "Now help me pick out something to wear."
I stared at Lana's wardrobe with my hands on my hips "How about you
wear that pink dress with the big bow on it?"
"I've wore that to a party before." She replied, "Why don't I just wear jeans
and a top like you are?"
My eyes went to the full-length mirror and to what I was wearing. My dark
choice of outfit gave off a spy vibe. I was confident in saying that it was
more James Bond than Austin Powers. My ripped jeans were topped off
with a black lace top. The material that covered my chest ended at my
stomach and was close fitted which made it look like a corset.
Clothes flew everywhere as Lana kept on searching for what she wanted to
wear. She eventually pulled out a red long-sleeved dress and placed it
against her chest to see what it looked like.
"I forgot I bought this." She uttered to herself "It’s beautiful, but I think it
might be a little too short."
"Put it on." I insisted "Who cares if it is too short? You will get a breeze
right up your—"
"Okay." She stopped me mid-sentence "I'm putting it on."
Lana changed into the dress and proved me right that it was amazing on her.
The red colour suited her. It was apparent she liked it too because she
swirled around as she looked at herself in the mirror.
"You look great. Brennan is missing out." I commented with a wink.
Her light happy expression dropped slightly.
"When we told the boys about the party, it never seemed like he cared." She
delivered quietly before adding "Not compared to the other person at the
The memory of Stone gnarling as we mentioned Chase's party came to
"Stone always looks pissed off." I stated before mentioning "Maybe
Brennan will show up at Chase's party. I think it would be totally romantic.
He can't stand the idea of guys admiring your dress and trying to talk to
you, so he comes to stop it."
She went back to looking at herself in the mirror while she replied "I think
you should wear this dress instead. You are much smaller so it would fit you
"No way! You have the best legs out of the two of us." I affirmed "Plus, I
can't wear red with my green hair. I will look like a Christmas tree."
We went downstairs and said a quick goodbye to Mrs Armstrong. She gave
a few words of warning to behave ourselves and to be careful. Which was a
reasonable response to us going to a party. The last party we both went to
ended up with Lana walking home herself as I took Chase to the emergency
After leaving the house, we made our way to my little green car and began
our drive towards the beachfront. The radio was blaring from the speakers
as Lana and I sang along to the lyrics.
"Have you been to Chase's house before?" She shouted over the music.
"Once or twice." I answered her while tapping a beat on the steering wheel
"He plays a mean game of Mario Kart."
"Is Mario Kart code for something?"
"It is not a euphemism." I sent a frown her way as I denied her claim "If
that is what you are asking."
"Then why do you spend time with him?" Lana questioned while I turned
the car as we approached a junction.
What I wanted to tell her was the truth. I wanted to tell her that I sometimes
went to Chase's when I felt lonely.
"We are not sleeping together." I promised her "Chase and I are just friends
that sometimes go a little further. I have fooled around with him in the past,
but I haven't even kissed him since..."
Lana turned to face me and encouraged me to continue my sentence "Since
"Since you met Brennan."
"I don't think it has anything to do with me or Brennan." She commented
before hiding her face from me as she looked out the window.
The view was stunning from the beachfront. The lights of the amusements
from the pier were in the distance. I studied the colours of the orangey-pink
sky while I pretended to ignore what she had said.
Lana made conversation by asking "Do you have any idea where Brennan
and Stone went on Tuesday?"
"I don't know." I told her before explaining "I never got the opportunity to
ask. Stone and I were too busy insulting each other. Then today after the
whole conversation about the party, the giant went into one of his foul
moods and looked like he wanted to kill everyone."
"Yeah." Lana agreed but she then added, "But he still talked to you."
"I have come to the conclusion that I hate him." I voiced.
She let out a laugh like she did not believe me "How did you conclude
"I...I... I just do." I uttered.
The feeling was too strong to be dislike. The fierce emotion built up at the
pit of my stomach when I saw him and when I thought about him.
Sometimes the burning sensation at the core of me overtook my whole body
and fuelled me.
It was earlier in English class when I was staring at him that I discovered
that I hated him.
I hated his tallness and how he towered me. I hated his strength and
largeness. I hated the smirk he wore when I would insult him. I hated his
chuckle when he called me Medusa. I hated the heat that would rise to my
skin as his hand brushed against mine accidentally. I hated that sometimes I
thought about him and could not stop. I hated how it was not rational and it
was completely relentless. I hated him so much.
I hated Stone as much as he hated me.
Lana's voice broke me out of my thoughts "Did your dad give you a
Running a hand through my hair, I replied "I can be home anytime."
"Ella." She said softly before questioning "I am always here for you if you
needed to talk. You do know that, don't you?"
"Of course, I know that." I told her confidently before assuring her "You
have nothing to worry about, Barbie."
She stayed quiet as I parked the little green car on the sidewalk adjacent to
the largest and noisiest house on the street.
"Let's go then, Freak Show." Lana insisted as we both started to get out of
the car.
I took a minute to admire the house as I walked up the path towards it.
The house near the beach was huge. It was a modern two-storey white
house that appeared to have only been built only a few years ago. It might
as well have been made with dollar bills because it radiated richness.
Even from outside of the building, I could hear the head-banging music and
the noise of drunk people clattering about. The flashing lights and
silhouettes were visible through the large front window.
Walking into the house held the same experience. The hallway was just as
fancy as the outside with the same theme of clean white marble walls. The
house appeared more of a showroom rather than a home. There was no
ornaments or photographs in sight.
I nudged Lana who was busy looking around the place "Are you looking for
an exit already?"
She never answered.
"It was you that wanted to come here." I pointed out.
Her voice sounded sarcastic as she remarked "I'm just looking for the pool
and the butler's quarters."
The indoor pool was situated downstairs, but I did not tell her that. It would
only have her asking more questions about much I visited the house.
A door at the end of the corridor led to a big open-spaced room. It was the
size of my whole apartment. The walls were white but the multicoloured
lights from the disco lights danced on the marble and lit up the place.
There were about thirty people in the room. Some I recognised from school
and most I recognised from the football team.
Before I could think about asking Lana if she wanted to head home, Chase
was in front of us with a beer in each hand.
None of the beers in his hands were for us.
"Thanks for coming." Chase said to the both of us and then he leaned in and
kissed the corner of my mouth as he added quietly "I'm sorry about the
whole thing at gym. I'm glad you came."
I nodded and smiled back at him as he nodded in Lana's direction.
I had not fully forgiven him but there was no point arguing with him over
the loud sound of the music.
Lana nodded politely at him before speaking "Hi Chase. Cool party."
"Thanks." He replied, taking a sip of his beer before he motioned across the
room "I have someone for you to meet."
Another guy that looked similar to the quarterback himself was standing
near the large window of the living room. He had Sandy blonde hair and
bright green eyes.
Chase introduced him as Kyle.
Lana grabbed my arm and pulled me to her so that she could whisper "I
didn't know Chase was a matchmaker."
"Neither did I." I muttered back.
Kyle offered me a small smile before he waved his beer bottle at Lana and
asked, "So you are Ella's friend?"
"Yeah." She answered him shortly.
The four of us talked for a while. It was the typical small talk and it felt
extremely forced. It was not at all easy and carefree like it was with the two
men that sat at our lunch table.
It was awkward and it had me missing aggressively conversing with Stone.
Chase took a gulp of his beer before he spoke again "So I have this theory."
His words had caught my attention.
I loved theories and it had me thinking that perhaps me and the quarterback
had more in common than I had originally thought.
"You know how they say you can laugh a girl into bed." He remarked
completely seriously "I think you can play her into bed."
I removed the last thought from my brain as soon as the words left his beer-
breathed mouth.
"I have known you three years and I have heard some pretty bad stuff leave
you mouth." I pointed out with a roll of my eyes "But this has to trump
them all."
"Not like that. Hear me out." Chase held up in his hands in a faux surrender
while he quickly tried to explain himself "You can play music to get a girl
into bed."
"How is that sentence any better than your first?" I gritted out.
Chase faced his friend Kyle as he gave the scenario "So picture this. You
are driving your date home and you want to score. You judge the girl and
put on a song you think they will like. It gets them in the mood."
I could not believe what I was hearing.
"What ground-breaking logic do you have behind that?" I huffed out.
Chase shrugged before speaking again "If I wanted Lana then I would play
something like One Direction"
Lana stood there uncomfortable, not saying anything.
I made a funny face at her while motioning my head to the boys. She smiled
a little, but I could tell she was starting to regret coming here.
"I need something strong to drink if I am going to listen to you." I spoke but
then remembered my car was parked outside so I sighed "Never mind, I
drove here."
Drinking from his two beer bottles, Chase glanced at Lana before
questioning "Do you want anything?"
"I take it there is no chance of a Piña Colada." Lana joked.
"It is a house party." Chase dismissed "Not a bar in the Bahamas."
"Maybe the hospitality would be better there." I claimed with a clipped
The boys continued to talk while 'e and Lana stood there making funny
faces at each other and generally making fun of them.
When he finished talking about his new sports car, Kyle asked my friend
"So what do you like to do?"
Lana started telling him about her music and song writing. Kyle seemed
uninterested and I had the urge to hit him. He was being so rude, and Chase
was trying to talk to him while she was speaking.
Kyle replied with a bored tone "What else do you do?"
Her eyes went to me, and I deciphered her secretive look.
She wanted me to make him go away.
"Well Kyle, I don't know what you want her to say. You do know that girls
are the same as boys." I blabbered on in hopes that my rant would scare
them away "Take me for example. I eat, I sleep and even though I am a
lady, I also fart really loudly. Like air horn loud."
That was maybe a bit too much, but it did the job because both guys looked
shocked and a bit weirded out.
I had done such a fantastic job that both Chase and Kyle left us to go to the
When they left our sight, Lana turned to me and laughed out "What was
"We wanted to get rid of them and I did." I shrugged with a proud smile.
Lana let out another laugh, but her eyes were wide like she thought I was
"Like a great philosopher said, the body is a temple." I delivered to her like
I was some omnipotent being "Do not let horny teenage boys in the temple
or near it in general."
She continued to giggle as she asked me "What great philosopher said
"Me." I said in a duh tone "Obviously."
A deep and rough voice thundered from behind me "Who the fuck is trying
to get into your temple?"
I knew I had jinxed it by admitting to myself that I had missed him slightly.
I did not need to turn around to know who it was. Nobody else sounded as
authoritative or as commanding as the giant.
"Too many people to count." I deadpanned while turning around to meet his
Stone had on his normal leather jacket encasing his broad shoulders. He
also had on his usual black t-shirt that fitted tightly against his muscles
which were currently bulging in time with his ticking jaw.
"Who?" He barked.
Grinning up at him, I lied "Too many to name."
"Medusa." He growled.
His eyes had turned into two small eclipses as he roamed me from head to
toe. His study on my laced corset top with a V-shaped neckline lasted a few
more seconds than I thought was intended.
He did not comment on my wardrobe. He had learnt his lesson from last
Brennan laughed at the scene in front of him before commenting "Ella, I
think you have a bodyguard for that temple of yours."
I continued to glare at Stone who was continuing to look at me.
Clearing his throat, Brennan turned to the blonde girl and greeted "Fancy
meeting you here, Lovely Lana."
Lovely Lana's face had turned a shade of pink when she pressed the
question "What are you doing here?"
"I would love to say it was to see you in that dress, but it wasn't my idea to
come." Brennan informed her while wrapping his arm around her shoulders
"It was Stone's."
My attention went back to the leather jacket-wearing pain in my ass.
"I don't remember you being invited." I remarked, tilting my chin up and
facing him.
"I don't remember giving a fuck." Stone grumbled in return.
"So, what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"
He stepped closer and towered over me before demanding to know "What
are you doing here is my question?"
"It was Lana's idea." I chose to be honest because expression gave away
that he was not in the mood for jokes "I did not want to come."
Stone's wide shoulders visibly relaxed.
Lana spoke up "You can play Mario Kart with him but not go to his party.
That doesn't make sense."
The giant shoulders that had just eased up suddenly tensed again as he
searched the room with a darkened gaze.
"I was mad too, Lurch. He never let me play as Luigi." I let out a laugh as I
mentioned up to him "Green is my colour."
His crazed gaze stopped searching the room when he heard my laugh. His
attention quickly ventured back down to me and stayed tethered there.
"Yes." The gravelly voice agreed "It is."
I frowned up at him as I tilted my head. I wondered if I had imagined the
words leaving his mouth.
Noticing my confusion, Stone took a step closer and questioned "What is
wrong, Medusa?"
"If I stare hard enough at you, I might incinerate you." I rebutted while
continuing to keep my chin up and my eyes on him "The chances are low,
but I need to try everything in an attempt to get rid of you."
He leant over so he was closer to my face and so that his warm breath
tickled the tip of my nose as he chuckled deeply "You are going to have to
try harder than that."
Underneath the rough and scary exterior of the mountain of a man, there
had to be a soft spot.
I shuffled away from Stone and moved closer to Brennan before asking him
"What is Lurch's weakness?"
Brennan smirked right at me as he answered, "I only know of one weakness
of his."
Just as I was about to ask what it was, the appearance of a new person
approaching the small circle we were standing in stopped me from talking.
The girl's heel clicked against the floor before she came to a stop right next
to the giant man. She glanced at the other male in the small circle before
she turned her head to Stone.
"Hi, I'm Lacey." The new girl introduced herself before drawing out her
next sentence in a honeyed voice "I haven't seen you at one of Chase's
parties before."
Lacey carried herself with confidence and glamour. Her small periwinkle
coloured dress was tight against her curves and showed off her long legs.
Her hair was styled into long blonde curls and her lips were painted a dark
blue colour.
I quickly looked up at Stone to see what his reaction was to her.
He had not even acknowledged her. He continued to keep his firm gaze
down on me.
The beautiful blonde girl was not discouraged by the silence because she
continued speaking to the well-built man.
I tuned out of the one-sided conversation and turned to face Lana and
Brennan had dropped his arm from Lana. His flexing hands were by his
side. His attention was directed upwards at the ceiling as the tendons in his
neck looked ready to snap.
I neared Lana and put my mouth up to ear so that she could hear me over
the music "I’m going to get a drink."
I turned on my foot before she could say anything.
A large hand caught my wrist and tugged me gently back as I took a step
Stone kept his touch on me. He squeezed my hand carefully like he was
trying hard to keep me in his embrace but also trying not to hurt me.
I looked down at where my skin had grown goosebumps from his touch and
then I peered up at him.
"Stay, Medusa." He rasped out, his dark eyes on me as the half-plead half-
demand left his mouth.
Watching a girl flirt her way into his mind was not on my list of things I
would like to see. Leaving and not standing like the odd one out was at the
top of that figurative list.
Nothing came to mind that I could reply. I could not muster up any words,
so I pulled myself out of his grip and walked towards the kitchen.
Chase and his friends were taking shots when I arrived. They were all
huddled around the island counter and cheering as they downed the full
glasses of alcohol.
The smell of whisky hit me, and it lingered in my nose as I took a step
closer. The smell was a reminder of my father and how he drank the whisky
to forget about me and the memory of my mother.
I was reminded that I had nobody to go home to. I was reminded that
nobody cared.
I sauntered past the group of people towards the counter full of drinks. I
picked up a bottle with my shaky hand and turned the lid with a quick
sudden movement.
Twenty minutes later and I was perched on the marble counter and
entertaining myself in a drinking game.
I poured myself a shot of straight alcohol every time a jock mentioned
football. I poured myself a shot every time someone hinted, I had slept with
Chase. I poured myself a shot every time I thought about how empty and
lonely my house was and how I was.
My vision grew slightly blurred and the room felt like it had tilted as I
jumped off the countertop.
"Do you boys never find something else to talk about?" I let out an irritated
sigh before I increased the volume of my voice as I addressed the group of
jocks "Don't you just get bored of talking about your last hook-up or your
last touchdown?"
Chase's head shot up when heard my voice. His eyes went to my face and
then to the counter behind me where the empty bottle of whisky was.
"Ella?" Chase softened his voice as he addressed me "Are you drunk?"
"No!" I tried to deny but my words were coming up in hiccups "What a
ridiculous thought. Why would you think that?"
One of his friends hollered from beside him "She won't be any use to you
I stuck the middle finger up in the direction the guy was standing that had
said it.
The room was spinning like a broken carousel, and everything looked like it
was dancing to a rather fast hip hop track.
"How much have you had to drink?" Chase spoke louder and he almost
sounded concerned.
Some other guy to the left of me started speaking "I heard she was hanging
around with the god."
I figured I had misheard him because of the ringing noise in my ear.
"She is drunk." A new male voice whooped to the rest of the guys standing
around the counter "Ask her some questions..."
A different jock shouted the question in my direction "Who do you think is
the hottest at school?"
"I will tell him." I answered, pointing an unsteady finger at Chase and
motioning for him to come closer "I need to whisper it to you. It is a secret."
Chase rushed over to me. He placed his hands on my elbow and tried to
steady me on my feet.
"You shouldn't have drunk so much, Ella." He mumbled his words like he
did not want anyone else but me to hear them "Do you want to sleep it off
I rose on my toes and whispered "Stone."
"What?" He said a few seconds later
"It is Stone." I muttered, unable to keep the words to myself.
He pulled away from me when he realised what I meant. He dropped his
hands off me and I stumbled backwards slightly.
The quarterback walked back to his friends and left me standing there.
"I bet she is crazy in bed." One of Chase's friends hooted "She looks like a
little freak in the sheets."
I watched them all as they fell into a chorus of laughter.
"She is. Just like the Joker." Chase said to them before laughing "Get it
because she has green hair."
A rush of heat shot up my toes to the top of my head. A streak of fury made
its way into my body, and I suddenly felt the urge to scream.
"If I am the joker then does that make you Catwoman?" I delivered loudly
so that everyone including the quarterback himself could hear it.
"I don't get it" A random guy commented.
I stumbled my way across the kitchen until I was standing in front of Chase.
I looked up at him with an expression full of disgust.
"Catwoman because you are a pussy." I sneered.
The crowd went wild with laughter. A cheer of Oh’s and ah's filled the air.
"You are too scared to be yourself. You are always trying to be the big man
and centre of attention." I pointed up at the blonde man that I once
considered my friend "You are always trying to be something you are not,
and I feel sorry for you."
Chase studied the room and his friends before he sent me a bored look.
"I would never sleep with Chase Andrews." I delivered to the whole of the
audience that I had gained "I would never even touch him with my pinky
finger again. I might be the joker, but I am certainly not joking."
The room was filled with whoops and cheers from the football team.
"I thought she was your girl, Chase." A male voice called out through his
I uttered lowly so that it was only me and the quarterback that could my
words "Just because I sucked your dick a few times does not make me
Every person in the room was still howling with laughter as I left.
The room was spinning, and I felt like I was spinning with it.
I was nearly out of the kitchen when I took a stumble. I grabbed ahold of
the doorframe and tried to regain my balance.
Lana's blonde hair and rosy cheeks came into view when she rushed over to
"Where have you been?" She questioned loudly so she could be heard over
the music "Stone has been looking all over for you. I think he has had
enough of being a third wheel."
"Was he not with that girl?" I hiccupped my sentence.
"He didn't even speak to her once." Lana informed with a laugh "He got rid
of her with one glare."
A giggle escaped me as I voiced "Lurch is such a meanie."
My best friend studied my current predicament. She studied the way I was
hugging the doorframe and holding on to it.
"Are you okay?" Lana frowned while the rhetorical question left her
"I want to dance." I waved off her concern and whined "Can we dance?
Let's go dance."
Nobody else was dancing but I wanted to dance.
Her eyes widened and she exclaimed, "You are drunk!"
I unwrapped myself from the doorframe and let out a cry.
"I am such a terrible friend. I can't drive you or myself home." I told her
while I staggered over to her and wrapped my arms around her "I'm sorry. I
just wanted to forget for a while."
Her arms wrapped around me, and she rested her chin on my shoulder as
she murmured
"What is going on, Ella?"
I was about to tell her the truth but a familiar face across the room caught
my attention, so I raced towards him.
"Brennan!" I shouted excitedly while I made my way through the crowd to
He stopped when he saw me. His eyes scanned my clumsy movements
before he let out a curse.
"You came here for Lana." I cooed up at him before hardening my tone
"You better take care of her, or I will destroy you."
Brennan let out a small, strained laugh.
"Just not right now because I feel like I am on the spinning teacups." I told
while holding onto my head.
The surfer murmured, "He is not going to be happy about this."
I continued smiling up at Brennan when I admitted "I like looking at you."
"W-what?" His voice shook slightly when he questioned me.
"I like looking at you." I repeated.
"Fuck." Brennan mumbled under his breath "He is going to kill me."
"I am not attracted to you!" I quickly disclosed in the nicest way possible "I
just like looking at your face like I like looking at a painting."
His blue eyes blinked before he replied, "Thank you, I guess."
"You are welcome." I told him with a lazy grin.
Brennan was huge and he was all man. He was at least six foot four and he
had to have weighed over two hundred pounds.
I never noticed how big Brennan was. It was probably due to my
fascination with his friend and how my eyes always seemed to be on Stone.
The room would not stop spinning. It kept going around and around and
"Where is Stone?" I questioned, realising that his attractive face was not in
the room.
"He was looking for you." Brennan informed before he added distractedly
"Although, I don't think we should let him see you."
Lana stood beside Brennan, and she was watching me worriedly.
I hated the concern on her face, so I looked away at something else.
The first thing that caught my eye was the huge muscular figure ducking to
get through the door.
His eyes scanned the room like he was on some sort of mission. The black
eyes then zoned in on me and his gaze stayed in place.
"Lurch! You are here!" I shouted eagerly before I took off on a run towards
the outraged giant.
Chapter Nine
"Where have you been?" I asked as I stared up at the furious face.
Stone's black eyes were frantically moving around my body as he watched
me away from side to side.
"I have been looking for you." He grumbled, his neck veins bulging out so
much that they looked close to exploding.
The floor started to feel closer as I felt myself drift to one side. I raised my
hands upwards and grabbed the first thing I could to stop myself from
The closest thing just happened to be Stone's chest.
My hands fisted his black t-shirt, and I kept them there as I felt what was
underneath. Even with a layer of material between my palms and his skin, I
could feel his generously sized muscles.
I fisted the material of his shirt so tightly that his chest tattoos were on
I looked up at him to see him watching me closely.
His gaze was so intense. His eyes always shone when I looked into them
but now it was as if they had a whole galaxy of stars swirling around in the
black orbs.
"What are you doing?" He rasped out, his voice hoarse.
I wanted to bring him more towards me so I could see his tattoos closer.
I just wanted him closer.
"What are your tattoos of?" I questioned before reaching out and running a
hand over the exposed skin "They are like symbols, and I want to study
Stone cocked his head and reached down to grab gently a hold of my hips
as I started to sway again.
"I want to study them like that guy from the DaVinci Code." I exclaimed
and then I lowered my voice so I could whisper up to him "Although, I
don't think Robert Langdon wanted to lick the symbols like I want to."
His large, calloused hands moved up from my waist to cup my face. His
touch was gentle and warm as he held onto my face and brushed his thumbs
against my cheeks.
I wanted to relax into his touch.
He lowered himself so that his rough demanding voice was audible to me as
he spoke "Who gave you the drink?"
"I have two hands." I told him while wiggling my fingers in his direction "I
got the drink myself."
The heat of his touch made me feel all warm and fuzzy. It made me feel
protected, so I let my eyes shut for a second or two.
Before I knew what he was doing, Stone leaned down and moved his strong
arms around me. He wrapped one muscular arm around the back of my
knees and the other around my waist. He hoisted me up and cradled me to
his chest.
"Oh." I let out a small laugh in surprise as I looked at his face because I was
not used to being at eye level with him "What are you doing?"
"Taking you home." His rough voice informed me.
I did not feel tired anymore. I peered back down at the ground and felt like
it was flying.
"I’ve never been to the top of the Empire State Building before." I
whispered as he adjusted me, so that I was more comfortable and relaxed in
his arms "But I imagine this is what it feels like."
His expression was serious and full of concern as he walked out of the room
with me in his arms. He clutched me close to his massive chest and I rested
my cheek on his left pec while I listened to the hard erratic beating of his
My attention was not on where we were going but rather on his face.
I reached out and ran my finger along his jawline and then it strayed to the
edge of his mouth.
"Why does it never move?" I muttered while keeping my index finger
perched on his lip.
His dark eyes connected with mine as he grunted "What doesn't move?"
"I want to see you smile." I frowned up at him as I replied.
All of a sudden, the corner of his mouth that was under my touch twitched
I pulled back my finger in surprise and let out a giggle as I realised, he had
His gaze softened like molten rock as he listened to my sounds of
We were approaching Lana and Brennan when I finally got over the shock
of his smile and spoke again.
"I’m like an ant compared to you." I whispered up to the giant "Am I really
that small?"
Stone let out one gruff word "Yes."
I let my body further relax into the thick muscly arms while I listened to
Brennan and Stone's conversation.
"You were the one that drove me here and Ella was the one that drove Lana
here." Brennan pointed out "We’re stranded."
The deep voice seemed threatening as he affirmed "I am staying with her."
A few more points of argument later and they had come to some sort of
agreement. I did not know what I was because I was too busy poking the
scowl on the giant's face.
Lana took a step closer to the both of us and her expression turned stern as
she scolded "Ella, you need to go to bed and sleep it off."
"Sleep what off?" I asked in the form of a hiccup "I just want to dance."
Stone let out a grumble of disapproval before he began walking away with
me in his arms. I started wiggling around to try and escape his hold, but his
response was to hold me tighter.
"I want to dance." I complained while I threw my arms up and my head
back in surrender.
He sent me a stern look as he rebutted fervently "I want you sober and
"Please." I pleaded up to him and gave my best puppy dog eyes and a pout.
His eyes went to my eyes and then my mouth and then he kept his attention
on anything else but me as he growled "Medusa."
I exaggerated a growl back "Lurch."
"Are you trying to intimidate me?" He questioned after a cavernous rumble
resembling a laugh left his chest "You just look cute."
"I am not cute!" I exclaimed, "I am Ella!"
Stone shook his head once. His usually emotionless expression contorted to
one that almost looked like concern as he peered down at me.
All that went around in my head was the question of why he was doing this
and why he cared so much about me getting home safe.
"I can look after myself." I delivered softly.
He did not answer. He only sent a glare my way that meant there was no
point in me arguing with him.
He was taking me home and that was final.
The smell of whisky on my clothes made me feel sick. It made me feel like
I was just as worse as my father.
I remembered watching my father turn up to my mother's funeral wasted
and falling all over the place. The priest at the church even suggested we
remove him. I vowed then never to end up in a state worse than him.
I had broken the promise I had made myself.
I guess both my father and I's promises were like the bottles of alcohol in
our apartment. They were completely and utterly empty.
We were nearly at the front of the door when someone shouted my name.
The big burly body carrying me stilled before turning around and facing the
new voice.
Chase ignored the fact that I was cuddled into the chest of the giant because
he only looked at me when he apologised "Ella, I am sorry."
Stone's eyes grew darker, and his jaw clenched when he looked down at me
and uttered gruffly but softly "What did he do to you?"
The expression on his face was one that could give grown men nightmares.
His tensed body and his terrifying scowl promised bloodshed if he did not
like the next thing that left my mouth.
"I called him Catwoman." I giggled in reply instead of telling him what
really happened.
"Ella." Chase said again.
"Sorry I couldn’t be much use to you tonight." I remarked sarcastically as I
turned my head towards the quarterback "Have a nice party, Catwoman."
The arms around me were shaking. The veins bulged and the muscles
flexed as he held on tighter to my body.
"Much use to him?" Stone thundered before snarling in the direction of the
blonde guy "What did you say to her?"
Eyes widening, Chase pleaded "Ella, Come on—"
Stone took one large step forward. Then he stopped. He tilted his head
downwards towards me cradled on his chest and he ceased moving towards
"You are so fucking lucky she is in my arms right now." The furious man
The blonde footballer ignored him and tried again to speak to me "Ella."
"Silence!" I shouted at him like some medieval king "I do not wish to hear
from you."
Savagely, Stone remained frozen in place with his wrathful gaze staying on
his target. The heat of his fury only stopped when I tugged at his shirt and
gained his attention.
"Can we go now?" I whispered.
The giant offered me a silent nod. He offered the other person in the
hallway a dark look that felt a lot like a threat and a promise rolled into one.
I could feel the obsidian gaze on my face as he carried me out of the house
and down the driveway. He held me tightly like I was some sort of precious
possession that he did not want to lose.
Everything was dark outside. I could only make out a few silhouettes of
trees and cars.
I was not in my right mind, but I was pretty sure the man carrying me
dipped his mouth close to my head and brushed my temple with his lips as
he continued his stride towards the black truck.
"Are you sure we can't stay a little longer?" I yawned "I want to dance."
"But—" I began to argue.
"No." He grumbled again.
"Do you always get your own way?" I asked, my words muffled because
my mouth was against his chest
"No." He spoke through gritted teeth "I don't."
I tilted my chin up and looked at him.
"If I always got my own way then you would not touch him. You would not
smile at him. You would not look at him." He grounded out roughly like the
words eating away at his insides "Fuck. I don't want you to even think about
The night sky was dark so I could not see his face clearly. I wondered if his
jaw was clenched, or his eyes had grown blacker.
An image of him killing me and throwing me in a ditch came to mind and I
shivered in his embrace.
"Are you going to murder me, Lurch?" I asked quietly
I then facepalmed because I had called my potential killer a nickname that I
used to insult him.
Stone released a single chuckle that shook his chest "I will not kill you,
"You promise?"
"I promise." He lowly recited without hesitation.
I swore I heard him mumble something under his breath, but I did not
stretch up high enough in his arms to catch his sentence.
"What did Chad say to you?" The deep voice spoke up again, his tone
"Chad?" I repeated as I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing "Do you
mean Chase?"
"You said you were sorry you were not much use to him." Stone's words
were so low that they were dangerous as he pushed them out of his
clenched jaw "What did he said to you?"
To avoid him going on a murdering spree, I kept my explanation brief "It
was nothing serious. He was just showing off in front of his friends."
"At your expense."
"I handled it." I replied with a sigh.
The animalistic noise of disapproval that shook his chest and reverberated
through me indicated that he was not happy.
We arrived at his truck parked a few minutes away from the large beach
house. Stone took all my weight on one arm as he opened the car door and
carefully placed me inside the passenger seat.
His large vein-struck hand reached over my body, and he fastened my
seatbelt for me. He then removed his leather jacket from his shoulders and
placed it over my chest.
I rested my head back against the car seat as I watched him round the car
and sit in the driver's seat.
"I could walk home." I suggested to him before pointing out "You should go
back and enjoy the party."
He turned his head quickly to the side so he could send me a frown.
"I only came for you." He uttered lowly, staring straight ahead as he turned
the engine on.
"You are dragging me away from a perfectly good party." I told him with a
small laugh "You are such a party pooper, Ponyboy."
"From The Outsiders." I explained as I snuggled into his leather jacket "You
look like you should be in some sort of gang like The Greasers. A
motorbike gang specifically."
Stone chuckled again "Only you would make book references while you are
"Where is your motorbike?" I sighed "When am I going to get to ride it?"
"When you are sober."
My attention dropped down to the veins in his arms as he moved the
gearstick. Then my gaze dropped even lower, and my eyes widened.
"Woah!" I said while pointing at what had caught my attention.
His eyes flicked to the side, and he looked concerned as he queried "What?"
"Look at your feet! They are humongous!" I exclaimed before I voiced
"What size are they?"
Stone glanced my way again before answering "Size fourteen."
I giggled "You know what large feet mean."
A deep strangling noise left the bottom of his chest.
"It means large socks." I replied before covering my mouth and trying to
control my belly laugh.
"Ella." He said in a dark tone of warning.
The car turned the corner as I sat curled into the seat with a grin like the
Cheshire Cat.
His gaze dropped to my lips before he questioned "What has you smiling?"
My smile grew and I leaned closer to the driver's seat as I drawled out
"Your voice sounds so sexy when you say my name."
Stone's black eyes widen until they appeared like two large obsidian
"Have you always had such black eyes?" My voice came out quieter than I
had intended
"The only colour I have seen in them is when I see the reflection of my
green hair."
He focused on the road when he responded, "Where do you live?"
I let out a sigh before I told him the address.
"Why did you drink so much?" He asked, his tone growing more serious.
"I wanted to forget." I rested my head on the window and watched the
horizon of the sea as I admitted to him "Even just for a night."
"Forget what?"
"Everything" I whispered and then shook myself out of my sad state before
remarking "Did you know us humans have explored and understood more
on Venus and Mars than our own ocean?"
The concerned black eyes stole a glance my way.
"We have no idea what goes on under there." I voiced while looking out to
the sea "We never will."
"Are you scared of the water?" Stone asked.
"Yes. Metaphorically, I am." I uttered quietly "It is what the beach unlocks
for me. I'm not scared of the jellyfish if that is what you were thinking."
Silence filled the car, and I felt my eyes start to grow heavy.
"Have you got any other facts about the ocean?" Stone's deep voice spoke
up again.
I knew that he knew I needed a distraction.
"The male anglerfish is much smaller than the female. When he takes an
interest in a girl anglerfish, he shrinks even smaller until he is just a sperm.
He implants himself into the woman and will stay there for the rest of its
life, impregnating her whenever he wants." I rambled on "She will be none
of the wiser until she starts having little fish babies."
Stone raised an eyebrow as he watched me in his peripheral vision.
"Usually that fact would creep me out." I admitted, "It still does but I feel a
lot better now."
When he focused back on the road, I decided to switch on his radio which
had a CD inside. I started to sing along to the music, laughing when I
slurred on some of the syllables.
"You have good taste in music." I confessed, "I wanted to tell you that when
we went to the beach, but I didn't really want to compliment you."
"I know you did." He revealed, taking another glance my way before he
looked at the road ahead.
The black truck parked up on the sidewalk outside of the miserable-looking
apartment building.
The day my parents bought the apartment was one I remembered vividly.
My mother was not a massive fan of being tied down to one place. That is
my parents bought the small cheap apartment so that we had more money to
spend on vacations. My mother even insisted on not buying much furniture.
My mother always said home was not a place but rather a person. Her logic
was that it did not matter where you chose to live. It was all about the
people you had around you.
If my mother's philosophy was right, then I had no home.
I removed my seatbelt and turned to the driver before delivering "Thank
you for the ride, Lurch."
His reply is not heard because I quickly get out of the car and closed the
door. I made it a few rocky steps before my knees started to feel like jelly.
My legs gave in, and I was about to drop to the floor like a sack of potatoes
until two arms caught me.
Stone once again hoisted me up so that I returned to being carried bridal-
style by him. He held me closer than the first time. His grip was secure and
"Be careful." He gritted out, his jaw continuing to tick.
He carried me like I was weightless as he made his way up the one flight of
"Am I not heavy?" I mumbled into his chest.
"I lift weights four times the heaviness of you daily for a warm-up
I tilted my head and mumbled in astonishment "Really?"
"You are as light as a feather." He remarked, a hint of amusement to his
deep voice "Maybe because you are so small."
"I’m not that small!" I argued as he gently set me down at my front door.
His hands remained on my hips in support as held me up and questioned
"Do you have your keys?"
I brought my hands up to my chest and squeezed my boobs. I felt my phone
in my bra but not my keys.
"Kermit has my keys." I whispered in realisation.
"You left your keys in the car?" Stone summarised.
I nodded before bending down. I felt my butt brush his leg as I turned over
the doormat and retrieved my spare key.
"That was a close one." I laughed in relief as I jiggled the keys happily.
The tendons in his neck looked like they were going to snap as he rubbed
his hand along his stubbled jaw and cursed.
"You keep a key under the mat?" His voice grew deeper and more vexed as
he lowered his head and scolded "Do you know how dangerous that is?"
"It’s okay." I told him before I started fumbling with the lock on the door
"A few people have told me that if I got kidnapped then the kidnappers
would end up returning me in the first few minutes because I am so
Silence hung in the small space between my body and the huge muscular
"Not funny." Stone grunted, "Not funny at all."
I pushed the door open and went stumbling inside. I was about to dive
headfirst onto the floor, but Stone caught me for the hundredth time and
lifted me up.
He held onto me by my underarms brought me up to his chest so that I had
no choice but to wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his
"This was not how I expected to meet your parents." He grumbled softly.
"You don't need to worry about that." I assured him before shouting into the
vacant house "Honey, I’m home."
Stone scowled at the empty space of my apartment when he grunted "Are
your parents on vacation?"
"Something like that." I replied vaguely.
His expression hardened further when he noticed my change in mood. His
lip dropped further into a frown when he noticed me trying to hide my face
away from his view.
"You are not putting that key back under your mat." He commanded rather
than ask of me
"It is not safe."
"There is nothing valuable here for a burglar to steal." I assured but then
something came to mind, so I added to my original argument "Except my
collector’s edition of Pride and Prejudice. On second thought, I will hide the
key better."
"Where is your room?" He questioned as serious as ever.
I grinned up at him while wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.
"You are the most attractive man ever, but I can't have sex with you." I
delivered to him with a huff "I'm wearing a mustard-coloured bra that still
has stains from the taco I ate last week. I thought that if Chase tried
anything, it would scare him away."
"Where is your room?" He ordered to know again but he growled the words
this time.
I pointed down the corridor and he nodded once before storming down the
hallway with me still in his embrace.
Not caring what he thought, I cuddled into his chest for warmth.
"I wish you weren't the sexiest guy alive." I whispered absentmindedly as I
stared up at him.
Stone's eyes widened slightly, and they shone with an unknown emotion as
he quickly turned his head downwards so that he could look at me.
"I can't be attracted to you." I voice aloud although it was more to myself.
His jaw clenched and the strict line of his jawbone grew even harsher. A
strand of black hair fell onto his forehead as he grounded his molars
"Why not?" He tried to soften his voice as he asked the question.
"We are rivals. We are acqenemies and we can't stand each other." I pointed
out "We hate one another."
He watched me closely as I yawned then tilted my head upwards so that I
could see him better.
"I wish you were an ugly little troll." I admitted to him and then I let out a
cry "Although, I don't think that would make a difference."
"Why not?"
I smiled while I reached up and ran my finger along his bottom lip "Can I
tell you a little secret?"
The giant nodded.
"Sometimes I like talking to you." I admitted quietly while dropping my
gaze to my hands "I like your company when you are not mad at me."
His expression changed suddenly. The features on his face remained hard
and defined but the emotion he wore was nothing but soft.
"I am never mad at you." He affirmed with a gruff sigh "Fuck, I could never
be mad at you."
Another yawn escaped me as I spoke again "I think that I might secretly
like your personality, and I have no idea why. You are so annoying."
Stone chuckled and I basked in the warm rumble of a sound. I wrapped my
arms and legs around him tighter as I listened to the deep noise in his chest.
"You are going to regret everything in the morning, Medusa."
I stretched up and placed my chin on his shoulder before murmuring "I
probably won't remember anything."
My messy room that appeared like a bomb had gone off in a library
welcomed us.
The goliath guest looked around the area as if he was trying to memorise
every part of the room before he left.
Stone walked over to my bed and pulled back the sheets. He gently set me
on the bed so that my head carefully rested again the pillow. He pulled the
bedsheets over me and made they were covering up to my neck.
I looked up at my ceiling. The same ceiling, I peered up at when I cried
myself to sleep at night.
"Can you stay a while longer?" I whispered into the darkness.
The bed creaked and drastically shook when the colossal sized man sat
down on the mattress next to where I lay.
I reached out into the dark with my hand and it quickly got enveloped by a
larger hand.
A tingly feeling like electricity danced along me as Stone gently caressed
the skin on my palm.
We stayed like that for what felt like an hour. We stayed in silence as the
large hand caressed my own and I looked into the darkness and wished that
I could see his face.
"Why are you with him?" The deep demanding voice spoke up after a long
while of quiet.
"I don't know." I replied which was truer than the first answer I gave him at
the beach "Maybe it was to make myself feel less lonely."
The heated tingles continued to tickle my hand. They also touched my face
when the other hand belonging to the man on my bed softly moved a piece
of hair so that it was tucked behind my ear.
"You smell like leather and engine grease. Like a really manly smell." I
admitted when he neared to move my hair "I love it."
Stone never said anything. He continued to hold my hand in the dark.
"Do I smell like anything?" I voiced when did not speak.
"Apples. You smell like apples." He admitted, his voice deepening and
roughening "I ate five today."
"You ate five Ella's?" I shrieked in horror.
Another chuckle left him as he tried to order sternly "Go to sleep, Medusa."
I smiled in his direction. I let my smile grow wider when I remembered that
he could not see me in the dark.
"You have so many things to tease me about now, Lurch." I mentioned.
His fingers intertwined with mine and I held onto his hand.
"We will be back to being acqenemies the next time I see you, but I want
you to know that I am grateful for tonight." I delivered softly "Thank you."
"You never need to thank me for anything." Stone returned gently yet
I felt my smile grow in size.
"I'm just glad I got to see Medusa's lair." The gravelly voice added.
I let the side of my face fall onto my pillow when I teased him "Are you not
going to stay and give me a bedtime story?"
A few minutes later, he cleared his throat and grumbled faintly "There once
was a girl with puke coloured hair—"
"It is not puke coloured!"
"Who said it was about you?" He rebutted with a hint of amusement in his
tone before he continued "She lived in a tower where she left her key under
the doormat. She was not the most sensible girl."
I interrupted him "You are so terrible at telling a story."
He let out a husky laugh "What were you expecting? A fairytale?"
"No. I am not." I breathed out a sigh "It is okay though. I never really
wanted a Prince Charming."
My eyelids grew heavier. I let my eyes shut and bathed in the comfort that
came with knowing he was there.
"I can't keep you in my lair forever." I whispered again into the dark "You
can go."
The room went quiet for a minute or two. The silence stretched on and on
until it shattered.
"I don't want to leave you." The low raspy voice delivered "Not ever."
As the sound of footsteps went quieter and quieter until there was nothing, I
convinced myself that I had imagined him saying that. I told myself that it
was part of my wildest dreams.
Chapter Ten
"I hate you." I sneered at Stone over my shoulder.
The reason for my hate was his grade on the essay. I had shown him my A-
plus in large red writing and he mimicked my action by showing me his
paper. He had gotten the same result as me and he looked very smug about
"Who did you even write about?" I asked while I turned around in my chair
in defeat.
His monotonous voice was filled with a hint of triumph when he replied
"Lady Macbeth."
I swivelled around and faced the back of the English class so I could glare
at him "I should receive some credit. I suggested that character for you."
"Who did you write about?" He rebutted.
My essay was about my personality being similar to Puck's. I had taken his
suggestion of the character, but I did not want to admit that to him, so I lied
and gave him the name of a random Shakespeare character.
"Show me your essay then." He said, unconvinced by my fibbing.
"Fine. I did write about Puck." I quickly admitted before defending "I was
going to write about him before you even mentioned it."
Stone's lip twitched upwards.
Before I could tell him where he could stick his A graded paper, Mr
Dankworth stood up from his desk and silenced the class.
"I am sorry about the late marking." Mr Dankworth apologised "I was too
busy reading that I had forgotten to mark your papers but at least you have
them now.
"I wish he hadn't marked them." Lana spoke as she looked down at her
results "I got a C. Stupid Shakespeare and stupid Dankworth."
I pretended to send her a glare her way "You better not be insulting my
soulmate like that."
A deep and aggravated noise came from behind me but there was no paper
crushing. That was due to the fact that he had already used up all his
notepads with his aggressive origami.
Brennan half coughed and half laughed "Why do you think the old English
teacher is your soulmate?"
The whole thing was an inside joke Lana and I had started since we first
began Mr Dankworth's class. I definitely did not believe the sixty-year-old
happily married gay man was my soulmate. It just gave us a few giggles
during class to keep us entertained.
"Why not?" I said while biting my lip to stop myself from laughing "Older
men have experience."
"Experience of what?" The deep voice belonging to the giant bit out "The
care home?"
Lana felt the need to speak up and explain "Ella does not really think that.
We have just had this joke since the start of freshman year."
Mr Dankworth interrupted our conversation by pointing to his PowerPoint
"Today we are going to be talking about modern day interpretations of
Shakespeare. In movies, shows and books, William Shakespeare's work has
inspired many stories. Can anyone name any?"
Brennan then started to quietly sing "You're just too good to be true, I can't
take my eyes off of you"
Lana looked mortified as she whispered to me "Did you get him to do this?"
"What are you talking about?" I quietly said back.
"Pulling a Heath Ledger like we talked about that day in the changing room.
About him singing on the bleachers." She rambled out with widened eyes
"Oh my god. Did you convince him to sing in front of the class?"
"You mean the conversation we had weeks ago?" I asked while laughing at
her face "No, you lovesick idiot. He is meaning Ten Things I Hate About
You is a Shakespeare inspired movie."
Brennan had stopped singing so he could lean over his desk and tell her
"Don't worry. I am not pulling a Heath Ledger as you called it. Not yet
anyway. I will have to until I am on a football field."
"You don't play football so I am safe." She laughed nervously.
I side glanced Brennan while begging "Please don't. You singing those two
lines were enough. My ears still have not recovered."
Mr Dankworth was looking over in our direction as he called "Is everything
okay over there?"
"Yes, Mr Dankworth." I replied for all of us "We were talking about how
Ten Things I Hate About You is a Taming of the Shrew retelling"
"Very good, the four of you." He praised before returning to his lesson.
"Talking about romance films, they are doing a showing of The Notebook at
the drive-in cinema at Greenway Park tonight. " Lana mentioned before she
purposed, "I think we should all go."
Brennan agreed and surprisingly so did Stone.
"Wait. Why do we have to go?" I motioned to myself and then Lurch behind
me "It kind of sounds like a date. Don't you two want some alone time?"
Lana shook her head "Brennan and I have been out a lot lately and I miss
hanging out with you."
They had been out a lot. It had been a month since we met the two of them
at the pier and Lana had been on a few dates with Brennan. On those few
dates, he always disappeared without an explanation before nine o'clock.
Sometimes Lana and I would make up theories about them being special
agents that only worked at night. My theory was that they were some sort of
Stone had become a permanent fixture in my life. More accurately a
permanent pain in my ass. It was hard to think of a time when I did not
trade insults with him every two minutes.
"You have to come, Ella." Lana pleaded before she whispered, "You love
The Notebook."
"Fine." I bit out, not commenting on my love for that movie "I will go."
"Don't forget the tissues." Stone's gruff voice tickled my neck, and he
leaned forward and teased me.
"I have never cried at that movie!" I lied as I glared at him over my
shoulder "How do you even remember that conversation? It was ages ago."
He ignored my question and swiftly moved on by taunting in his deep voice
"Just be careful. I heard water melts the wicked witch of the west."
"I have green hair. Not green skin," I pointed out before turning around and
glaring at him "But you are going to have blue skin in a minute when I
strangle the air out of your lungs, Ponyboy."
Stone smirked and rested back in his chair as he pointed out "You have
already called me Ponyboy."
The unspoken rule of our game was we could only use an insult once. If one
of us repeated a reference, then the other called it out. The names Medusa
and Lurch were the only ones allowed to be used all the time. They were
the constants.
"When did I call you that?" I asked, unsure if he was telling the truth or not.
He was no longer amused as he leaned closer and grumbled angrily "When
I had to tuck you into bed because you drank too much."
It had been three weeks since the night of the party and he had never
mentioned it once. I never asked him what had happened that night.
The whole event was a haze. I figured that it was probably selective
amnesia and I had done something embarrassing the night of Chase's party.
"You could have just left me at the party if you didn't want to help me." I
informed him.
His eyes widened slightly, and he almost appeared taken aback by words.
He blinked once while his jaw ticked at a steady beat.
"There was no fucking way in hell that I was leaving you." He affirmed
with a growl like it was some sort of law to himself.
I turned around in my chair and ignored the hammering of my heart against
my rib cage.
Lana leaned sideways so she could quietly question "What is he talking
"I don't know." I shrugged, "He is delusional."
The bell rang throughout the room, and everyone collected their things
before rushing out of the classroom. The four of us also packed up our
things before we joined the cramped space of the hallway.
Stone was the only person that stood out among the crowd because he was
taller and broader than anyone else.
The appearance of him in the hall sparked conversation in people who
passed by. Whispers filled the area along with clattering and footsteps. The
many that were speaking lowly in their groups were eyeing the giant.
Despite everybody's interest in him, nobody approached Stone.
He was sort of like fire in a way. Sinisterly yet ethereally tempting. You
admired from afar but you did not get too close and you did not touch.
Lana pulled me in front so she could speak to me without the company of
the other two "What do you think everyone is gossiping about?"
"No idea." I replied before joking "I feel like some of them are close to
asking one of them for some sort of autograph."
She laughed and then lowered her voice as the boys neared "Please come to
the drive-in-cinema. It gets awkward with Brennan and I when he
disappears suddenly."
"Does he ever explain where they both go at night?"
"Brennan said they were helping his grandmother install a new oven." Lana
explained like it was a reasonable explanation.
It had the same vibes as the dog-ate-the-homework excuse.
I was planning to interrogate the two men when about their whereabouts
when Lana was not around.
The two males caught up with us. Brennan started a conversation with Lana
as they walked in front. Stone lingered near me like my second shadow.
When I stopped at my locker to exchange my textbooks, the giant stopped
I switched around my supplies for my next class as the large veiny hand
belonging to Stone reached into my locker and pulled out one of my books.
He held it up to his face so he could read the title and then he turned it
around to inspect the blurb.
Glaring up at him and my out-of-reach book, I voiced "Why do you always
do that?"
Stone ignored my question and instead asked his own "Does this book not
end on a cliff-hanger?"
My head tilted as a taunting smile made its way onto my face "How do you
know that? Have you read it?"
Ignoring my question again, he looked down at me and asked, "Why do you
like it?"
"Because imagining your own end can be sometimes better than the real
thing. Reality is a disappointment compared to fantasy."
He cocked his head as a foreign expression flicked across his rough-looking
"Give me my book, Lurch." I demanded up at him with a glare "Or I will
knee you in the gut and take it for myself."
He chuckled "Even then I would still be much taller than you."
His remark about my height had me eager to prove him wrong and get back
my paperback so I stepped on his toes.
The reaction was not one of pain as I put my whole weight onto his left
foot. It was one of pure amusement as he peered down at me.
"That does not even hurt you, does it?" I realised with a sigh.
Stone shook his head as his lip twitched up.
I had spent a whole month with this man, and I had still never seen him
I put my other foot on his free one until I was entirely on him. My feet on
top of his meant that my whole body was pressed against him. I tried
reaching up for the book again but failed.
During my mission to get my book back, my chest brushed against his
upper stomach.
The contact made his raised arm with the book falter and lower.
I took the opportunity of his weakened moment and grabbed the book from
him. I victoriously shook it in front of his face before I backed away and
put the book back in the locker.
The lunch line was long by the time we got to the cafeteria. Lana was
already waiting in the line when Stone and I sat down with Brennan at the
I figured this was the best time to ask them a few questions.
I cleared my throat and flicked my gaze between the two men as I delivered
"If you two are hiding something then you need to come clean now."
Stone stilled in his seat and reminded silent. His leg that rested against mine
did not move and neither did his big muscular chest.
Brennan frowned while asking "What do you mean?"
"You disappear at night like some reverse vampire." I mentioned to him
"You have left Lana a few times and it is always at the same time."
"We just like to get home to see our parents." Brennan tried to deliver
"Is that before or after you have installed your grandmother's fridge?" I
"That is funny." I leant over the table and whispered just in case Lana might
be miraculously listening "Lana told me that you were installing an oven."
The surfer's eyes widen before he released a sigh "I don't know what you
want me to say, Ella."
"Just admit that you are secret night-ninjas."
"We are not secret night ninjas." Brennan let out a small laugh.
I sighed and added more seriously "Promise me you will not hurt Lana."
For the first time since we sat down at the table, Stone spoke up "What
about you?"
"What about me?" I asked while tilting my head upwards so that I could
peer at him.
"Would you not be hurt?" The gravelly voice asked.
Stone and I had a weird dynamic. I thought to myself about how empty it
would be without being called Medusa every day. I would be empty without
his teasing and taunting every day.
A small part of me would be hurt.
To avoid saying the truth, I stuck my tongue out at both of them before
delivering sassily "I don't like you both enough to get hurt."
The thick muscular leg against mine stilled again.
"Anyway," Brennan changed the topic of conversation "Before Lana comes
back, I wanted to tell you that I am going to ask her to be my girlfriend
"That is great." I gushed, my inner romantic threatening to escape.
"Tomorrow is Saturday—" Brennan began.
I cut him off with a smart comment "Thank you for reminding us, Father
He rolled his eyes but continued "We are all going to the beach and then the
pier. I'm going to ask her to be mine at the Ferris wheel where we first met."
My inner romantic was happy, but I was still confused on why he said we.
"Have I been trapped in a hallmark movie?" I deadpanned "I'm happy for
you and all but why do I have to go?"
Brennan scratched the back of his head while his gaze shot to Stone.
A few minutes later, Brennan muttered "I want you both there."
"Why can't you ask her tonight?" I asked.
There was no answer from him.
Lana came back with a tray full of food for everyone. She sat down but
instead of eating the food, she started eating at Brennan's face.
I froze where I sat, not knowing what to do with myself.
Their kissing looked almost awkward and sloppy, so I tried to look
anywhere else but them.
I hoped that I did not look like that when I kissed guys.
Brennan and Lana finally pulled apart and I almost let out a sigh of relief.
"You have put me off my lunch." I mentioned to the two opposite me "I
might have to go out and find a boyfriend just so I can make out with him
and put you off your lunch."
The deep rumbling that sounded like the mix of a hungry tiger and a fire
breathing dragon sounded from beside me.
Lana laughed before encouraging me "You should go out and get a guy,
"That is not a good idea." Brennan quickly disapproved of the idea "Stone
will snap the poor guy's neck."
I turned to the quiet one next to me. His face did look murderous, and he
did appear capable of snapping someone's neck.
"Do not worry, Lurch. We can find you someone, so you are not a fifth
wheel." I smiled sweetly up at him as I delivered gently "It might take us a
while to find a willing person though. Especially with that sourpuss face of
His eyes darkened as he grumbled out "It is not fucking happening."
"I was just kidding. About me getting a guy, that is." I cleared up before
pointing to myself "I'm a pretty cool person all by myself."
Stone seemed to have relaxed when he said, "Whatever floats your boat,
seaweed head."
"A-ha. You have used that insult before."
"When?" He grunted, not believing me.
"Last week." I told him before grinning "So take that, Mad Max."
"Mad Max?" He repeated, his attention on my smile as it grew.
"He wears a leather jacket too." I mentioned as I motioned to his jacket
"Talking about your jacket, do you ever take it off?"
He cocked his head and his dark eyes remained on my smile.
"I'm starting to think you bathe with it on."
"Only one way to find out, Medusa." He rasped out while leaning close so
that his words tickled my neck.
An image of him drowning me if I was ever in the same bathroom as him
came to mind.
His mouth rose half an inch. His hint of a smile only lasted a second though
because it quickly turned to a sneer when he noticed something behind me.
A person who I had not spoken to since the party was standing at the side of
the table.
Chase was only looking at me when he spoke "Can I speak to you?"
"What else is there to say?" I replied to him, keeping my tone neutral.
"Come on, Ella."
I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. I wanted to at least hear what
he had to say for himself.
I was about to stand up, but a warm grip stopped me from moving.
A tattooed skull stared up at me as I looked down at Stone's large hand on
my thigh. His hand covered the width of my leg with warmth. His fingers
curled around my thigh and gently squeezed.
The pressure was not painful, but it was firm. It was enough to make me
bite my lip to keep a noise from escaping my throat.
It was obvious Stone disliked the quarterback.
For some unknown reason, I did not want to upset Stone, so I did not
remove his hand from my thigh.
I offered the giant next to me a close-lipped smile before I stood up.
My thigh and the whole of my body went cold as I watched Stone move his
hands into fists. He rested his clenched hands on the table.
Chase headed towards an empty table, and I followed behind him. We both
sat down on opposite sides of the bench.
"What do you want?" I quietly murmured, aware of the dark eyes watching
every move of mine.
"I never meant to say what I did at the party." Chase quickly excused and he
almost sounded genuine.
"You didn't?" I scoffed.
"Ella, I am sorry." He apologised before trying to deliver his reasons "I was
mad, and it was in the heat of the moment—"
I cut him off with a question "What is your excuse for the other times
Chase sighed "I know, and I am sorry."
"You like to show off with your friends at my expense and I am not going to
sit back and take that."
"I know you shouldn't." He agreed, his eyes not meeting mine "I feel like
shit that I made you feel like that. You have enough to worry about with
your dad."
I really did not want to get into that conversation with him again.
"We can try to be friends but that is all there is between us." I quickly
The quarterback blinked twice before he bit out "Is it because of him?"
"Your tattooed buddy that is watching me like he is seconds away from
turning me into his own punching bag." The blonde chuckled humourlessly.
I resisted the urge to look back at my table and back at the giant.
"There is nothing going on between Stone and me." I voiced while crossing
my arms over myself and slouching in my chair.
"Good." He replied like he was telling me off for doing something bad "You
don't know him."
I raised my voice slightly as I rebutted "And you do?"
"You also don't know the other guy that is into Lana." Chase pointed at my
table with a frown as he kept talking.
I was a little suspicious of the two men's whereabouts at night but they both
said nothing was going on. I had to trust that and them.
"You don't even know his name." I pointed out with a huff "Brennan is a
good guy. Just leave it alone."
"Do you remember that night when we were at the pier, and I said I had to
go to—"
I cut him off again "Chase. Please just stop. Lana really likes Brennan. Just
let this thing that you have against them go."
Chase slammed his hands against the table and stood up before walking
My eyes widened as I watched him leave.
The quarterback called back over his shoulder "Try not to get hurt by him."
My feet carried me back to my table as my mind raced a million miles an
hour trying to make sense of what Chase said.
As soon as I sat back down next to the huge frame, the very tensed giant
moved closer and made sure our sides were touching.
"What did he want?" Stone growled as he watched and waited for me to
"He wanted to warn me about you." I answered nonchalantly as I got my
sandwich out of my schoolbag.
"Why?" The gruff voice gritted out.
I did not want him to get mad, so I thought it was best to try and answer
light-heartedly "Because you are scary."
His reaction was not what I thought it would be.
He did not chuckle or smirk or anything. He just looked at me. He really
looked at me like he could see right through to my soul.
Stone sounded like he was trying to soften his deep voice, but it failed as he
asked me "You are scared of me?"
My attention got lost in my sandwich. I thought about the origin of the word
and how it was named after an Earl of Sandwich. It made me think about
how much I wanted a food named after me.
He spoke again, still trying to soften his husky voice "Ella, are you scared
of me?"
I noticed how everything about him had turned serious, so I answered him
honestly "Of course, I’m not."
His shoulders lowered and I could audibly hear a deep breath being
"Do I have a reason to be scared of you?" I questioned his tenseness about
the topic.
"Everybody else, yes." He grounded out with determination "You, never."
Something had caught my eye on his jacket. I leaned closer to see the long
single strand of green hair that contrasted the black leather.
I reached out to get rid of the strand of my hair on him.
Stone quickly but gently grabbed a hold of my wrist before I could get to
the green hair.
His gravelly voice went deep in demand as he ordered "Leave it."
"Why?" I curiously remarked before putting a faux expression of horror on
my face "Are you planning to clone me with that piece of hair? Have you
built a cloning machine?"
"One of you is more than enough." He chuckled.
"Hey!" I exclaimed while pulling my hand back from his embrace "What is
that supposed to mean?"
Stone stayed silent but continued to watch me with a raised lip.
I had grown tired of his selective mutism, and I decided to stop looking at
I was still waiting for the day he would smile.
My gaze travelled around the lunch hall before it landed on the jock's table.
My look at Chase was brief because a calloused hand touched my chin and
made me lose all concentration.
His touch was warm as the hand belonging to the large man grabbed a hold
of my chin. His gentle caress of my neck and face continued as he made me
look up at him.
He made me meet his hardened unfaltering stare.
The obsidian irises flicked between my mouth and my widened eyes.
He leant closer and whispered huskily "Keep your eyes on me, Medusa."
Chapter Eleven
The dark green trees swayed in the night wind and cast shadows across the
projected screen. It ruined the quality of the movie and I started to get
annoyed that I was missing the rain scene where Ryan Gosling confessed
his undying love.
Shadows were not the only reason that I was struggling to concentrate on
the film. One reason was the kissing noises Lana and Brennan were making
next to me. Another reason was Stone's heated gaze on the side of my face.
Old tires had been removed from the back of Stone's truck so the four of us
could sit inside the little compartment and watch the movie.
The cargo bed was a tight squeeze for the four of us. Especially when a
giant was taking up all the space.
"Can you see okay?" Stone asked from beside me.
I turned my head so he could get a clear view of my death stare "One more
height joke and I will destroy you, Lurch."
He chuckled but he did not go back to watching the movie. I did not think
he was watching it in the first place.
Lana was sitting beside Brennan at the front of the cargo space and closer to
the movie screen. They were not talking but they were watching the movie
while occasional making sloppy noises with their mouths.
"This is your fault, Lurch. I know we are acqenemies, but we must join
teams, so we don't have to watch the love birds play tonsil-tennis." I huffed,
"We can think of an excuse to get out of going to the beach tomorrow."
His expression went serious as he told me a stern "No."
"Why not?"
Stone grumbled, "I only see you three hours at school—"
I thought I could predict his next words, so I cut him off "And they are the
worst three hours of your day?"
"And they are the worst three hours of your life?" I tried again.
"No." He grated out, a little more aggressive than the first.
Tapping my chin, I concluded, "And you need more than three more hours
to fully torment me."
Silence filled the space between us before he let out another quiet "No."
I sat back against the back of the compartment of the truck and sighed "I
give up. I have no idea why you want to go to the beach tomorrow."
He shook his head at me while I grabbed my bag of gummy bears and
started to open them.
His seriousness faded as I grinned at the little jelly bears. His usually
permanent scowl had faded as he watched me smile as I ate my candy.
"So good." I exaggerated a moan as I remembered how much he hated me
making a noise.
His question came in the form of a strangled groan "Do you moan at all
I sucked the whole candy into my mouth as I replied "Yep."
"Fucking great." He muttered under his breath.
My gaze wandered to the proximity of us. In the small confined space, I
was pressed up against him due to his broad shoulders.
My body overlapped his as my whole right side was leaning against his.
This had caused one side of my body to be extremely hot. It was a complete
contrast to the lonely jealous side of my body that was not touching him.
Stone interrupted my thoughts by leaning closer and whispering deeply in
my ear "Are you not crying yet?"
I turned my head so that our noses were inches apart. He did not retreat
back as I narrowed my eyes at him. In fact, the closeness meant that I saw
his smirk up close.
"For the last time, I have never cried at The Notebook!" I bit out, nearing
him even further.
Lana giggled from in front of us "It is okay to admit that it is a sad movie
and you got upset. Everyone knows that you are a softie, Ella."
I crossed my arms as I pulled away from Stone and leant back against the
metal "I am not!"
The enormous man who seemed to have moved closer and taken up more of
the space teased "Sure you are not, Medusa."
"Okay, I admit it. The love story is epic, and I cried at the ending, but it was
only a single tear. I wasn't as bad as Lana" I argued, "I thought a full
exorcist was taking place right next to me."
"I was not that loud!" She argued.
"Tell that to the next-door neighbour that thought their dead relative was
reaching out to them."
Brennan laughed at me before he motioned to the screen "This is a good
movie and all but why does it take so long for them to get together?"
"What do you mean?"
"Surely if you wanted something so badly then you would just take it?"
Brennan questioned, his tone teasing as he sent a secretive look in my
"Is this your first romance film?" I asked before explaining "The movie
would only be about twenty minutes if that was the case. There would be no
angst or suspense. No build up. Every great romance has a few obstacles in
the way."
"Like what?" Brennan questioned, sounding unconvinced and that was
probably due to his and Lana's instant connection.
It was not me who answered him.
"Like a blonde prick." A deep voice grumbled.
"Exactly." I nodded at Stone's suggestion while agreeing "Usually
something like that."
Looking back up the screen, I saw the older version of the movie couple. I
did not feel any tears come. That was probably because of my constant
audience which consisted of a pair of dark eyes.
"This place has suddenly got a depressing atmosphere." I voiced aloud
while looking around at the many cars parked.
Brennan nodded while looking bored "Maybe we should blast some music
to lighten up the mood"
I didn't think the two others were watching when I winked at Lana and
mouthed "They have been talking to Chase."
She laughed but I could not hear it over the dark rumbling noise coming
from the large chest next to me.
"Why would we talk to that asshole?" Brennan questioned with a scoff.
I did not answer. I was too busy watching a veiny muscle-filled arm as it
moved behind me and rested there.
Lana spoke up "We should tell them about what he said at the party. About
The Playing Theory."
Brennan looked between the two of us, confused "What is this Playing
"Chase said to us he had this theory about how he would sleep with a girl.
He said he would guess what music a girl would like then he would use it to
get her in the mood."
"It has to be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard." I added to Lana's
"Fuck." Stone's darkened gaze shot to me as he gnarled "Did he try that on
"He doesn't know what music I like." I honestly said "Plus, I think he was
just trying to show off to his friend. I don't think he has ever tried it."
The defined rugged jaw ticked as Stone grew deadly quiet.
Sending a smile my way, Lana joked "So you are telling me that if a boy
played some song from an emo band like Nirvana that your underwear
would not just melt off?"
I thought about it for a second, ignoring the obsidian orbs drilling into the
side of my face.
"You might have a point." I shrugged as I munched another gummy bear.
Speaking of bears, I thought there was one near due to the loud noise that
followed my revelation. It turned out just to be Stone releasing a deep
As I watched him, I could not help but speak aloud absentmindedly "I have
a theory about you."
He tilted his head at my confession.
"I think your constant grumpy face is because of your amount of
testosterone. You have an extremely huge build, so you need more of the
chemical to cover the large lengths of all of you." I informed him "It is
His lip quirked up, amused at my theory.
"That or you don't smile because have bad teeth." I insinuated even though I
knew that was not true.
I had caught glimpses of his thirty-two perfect teeth.
The small smirk had grown into a half-smile, and it was further evidence of
his irritatingly good looks.
I pointed at his mouth with a teasing smile "Hmm. They look pretty healthy
to me so it must be my first theory."
Brennan chose then to butt into the conversation "I'd hope they were
healthy with all of those apples he insists on eating."
Stone ignored his remark as he studied my bag of sweets. He seemed to be
finding how much gummy bears I was eating at a time amusing.
I held the bag out to him "Do you want one?"
Stone shook his head.
"It is just one." I told him "I am not holding out an olive branch. You are
still my rival. A gummy bear will not change that."
Another chuckle left him as he continued to watch as I downed five candies
at a time.
The more the movie went on, the more stars filled the sky and the colder the
night became. I was trying hard not to shiver as I moved my knees up to my
The next thing I knew, a hand touched my arm before a vexed Stone
grumbled "You are freezing."
"I am fine." I tried to argue as I crossed my arms over my chest.
He did not listen to me as he took off his jacket. His actions were hurried
and desperate as he tried to put the material on me.
I stopped him and denied "I am not cold."
His glare was nothing short of commanding as he gave me an ultimatum "It
is either my jacket or both my arms."
I rolled my eyes while biting back my smile "Fine then, demanding ass."
The jacket drowned me. It was huge enough that Stone managed to wrap it
around my body three or four times.
I looked like a leather jacket burrito.
Lana was whispering to Brennan when I turned back to face them.
"Do you think our relationship is moving too fast?" Lana questioned lowly
to the guy next to her.
"I don't think so." Brennan muttered and then he went on to change the
subject "What time is it anyway?"
Pulling out his phone and glancing at the screen, Stone let out a curse "It is
nearly quarter to nine."
Brennan sat up quickly and abruptly. Lana jumped in response at how fast
the movement was.
"We have to go." Brennan announced suddenly.
Stone gripped onto the side of the truck before he leapt over and landed on
the grass. He turned back instantly and offered his hand.
I was perfectly capable of getting out of the truck myself, but I took his
hand anyway.
He pulled me to the side of the cargo until I was close enough for him to get
a grip on my waist. He lifted me up like I was weightless before he slowly
set me on the ground.
His hands never dropped from my waist when my feet landed on the grass.
I did not move away from him.
It was like the rest of my body had stopped working. The only part that
needed to function was the cells in my waist that were screaming to be
remained touched by him.
His hold on my hips still did not waver as he peered down at me and let his
mouth twitch upwards.
"What are you smirking at now?" I asked while narrowing my eyes up at his
"You are blushing." He chuckled.
My eyes widened.
I slapped my cold hands to my warm cheeks before I denied his observation
"I don't blush."
"Then why has your freckles gone darker, and your face flushed?"
"I am allergic to tree pollen." I lied, crossing my arms and rising on my toes
My face goes all puffy when I'm outside."
I took one last look up at him before I hesitantly pulled back. I joined Lana
in the back of the car who was chatting to an unsettled Brennan.
When Stone started the engine and started to drive away from the park,
Lana spoke up in an agitated tone "Do you have another oven to install?"
In the seat in front of her, Brennan was busy typing on his phone when he
replied "What?"
"You installed the oven for your grandma last time." She asked, sounding
completely unconvinced by the lie he had come up with "Do you have
another one?"
He stayed quiet for a couple of seconds before answering "Yes."
As we turned a corner onto the main road, I whispered to an unhappy Lana
"Maybe his grandma owns a pizzeria and there are several ovens?"
She knew I was trying to make her feel better, so she laughed before
sending a smile my way.
I decided to speak up when the truck stopped at a red light "So where are
you both away to then?"
Stone did not answer. He was silent as he gripped onto the steering wheel so
strongly that it made his knuckles turn white.
"Just some family stuff." Brennan started vaguely.
When the traffic lights turned green, Stone put his foot down on the pedal
and the truck shot down the street rapidly.
If I didn't have my seatbelt on then I would have gone flying through the
Buildings passed in a haze and Stone looked like he was not going to be
easing his foot off the accelerator any time soon.
The two boys sat in silence at the front while Lana and I chatted quietly in
the back.
My attention flicked between her and Brennan who occasionally looked at
the side of Stone's face anxiously.
I took a hold of Lana's hand because her expression was full of annoyance. I
squeezed her fingers in reassurance.
"I have always wanted to feel like I was in a Fast and Furious film." I
quietly exaggerated to Lana "But If he drives any quicker then I’m going to
throw up all over his leather seats."
We both fell into a fit of laughter.
After my laughter died down, I faced the front of the car and my eyes met
Stone's in the rear-view mirror.
"Away to kill someone, Lurch?" I remarked while sending him a taunting
"No killing" He assured me.
"How about maiming?"
There was no smirk on his face when he said, "No maiming."
I was about to question him further, but I then noticed we had pulled up in
front of the Armstrong's house.
Lana and I both got out of the truck without saying another word to the two
still in the vehicle.
A deep voice stopped me from walking any further away from the truck
"Where do you think you are going?"
I raised a brow at him before I realised, I still had his jacket on. I
unwrapped it from around my midsection and passed it to him through the
open driver's window.
"I was not meaning the jacket, Medusa." He grunted in disapproval "How
are you planning on getting home?"
"I'll walk." I answered back.
Stone went silent as his jaw worked in an angry rhythm. A stern expression
quickly made its way onto his face.
"That is not happening." He gritted out in warning.
I tilted my head at him as I challenged "Why not?"
"It is dark outside and not safe." Stone's voice went low and cautious like he
was thinking about every scenario that could possibly happen "Just get in
the car. I will take you home."
"It is only a five-minute walk." I mentioned with a sigh before I encouraged
"You are in a hurry. Just go."
The giant did not move a single inch. He continued to hone in on me with
his dark eyes.
"Look on the bright side." I joked to him "If I get kidnapped or murdered
then you will get rid of me."
"Ella." He growled my name.
"Bye, Stone." I offered him a small wave before I turned to go.
"We need to go." Brennan spoke loudly and urgently from the passenger
seat before he leaned forward and addressed us "We will see you at the
beach tomorrow."
Lana swivelled on her foot and nodded in their direction, answering for the
both of us.
Both Lana and I walked up the drive towards her house and we did not once
look back at the black truck that was probably long gone.
"You just had to pick the secret agent to go out with." I joked to her.
She slapped my head playfully as we headed inside.
After I said a quick hello to Lana's parents and stole some of their food, I
left the house and made my way on foot along the dark street.
The walk left me alone with my thoughts.
I was still suspicious about their whereabouts, especially after their lame
excuses. I chose to believe that whatever they were doing was important.
My front door was slightly ajar when I climbed the one flight of stairs and
approached my apartment.
The open door meant only one thing. The awful feeling of dread knotted in
my stomach as pushed open the door further.
"Dad?" I called into the dimly lit apartment.
I walked into the living room and found my father on the sofa with a beer
bottle in hand.
The television was not on, and he was not on his phone. He just stared into
the dark as he chugged down the alcohol.
I spoke again "Dad?"
He did not look at me, but he did scoff a question in acknowledgement
"Where have you been?"
"I could ask you the same thing." I replied and I tried to keep my voice void
of emotion so that I would seem stronger "Where have you been for the past
"That is not your concern, Drizella."
I winced at the use of my name.
He never called me Drizella. My name was very much my mother's idea
and he used to find it funny how much I hated it.
"How is that not my concern?" I questioned him, my voice rising so loud
that it hurt my throat "I’m your daughter and you are never here."
My dad's laugh was cruel "You are eighteen. You don't need anyone."
I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs.
I raised a hand to my throat and restrained myself from telling him how
much I did need someone.
My father never drank a lot when my mother was alive. He only drank on
special occasions. Which differed greatly from now where his diet only
consisted of alcohol.
I asked him every time I saw him about his whereabouts, but I was not
entirely sure I wanted to know.
"Maybe you do need someone." He let out a humourless laugh as his eyes
finally addressed "You are left to your own devices and now look at your
"What is wrong with my hair?" I quietly uttered as I ran my hand through
the green locks.
People had always commented on it, but I had never cared.
Not until he commented on it.
"I always talked with Mom about dyeing my hair green" I mentioned to him
He sprung to life. He leaned forward on the sofa and pointed a shaking
finger at me.
"Do not mention her." He spat out in disgust "She would be so disappointed
in you."
"Yeah, because it would be me she is disappointed in." I remarked
sarcastically "It would definitely not be the drunk that drowns his sorrows
in whisky. The one that lost his job because he is such a mess. The one that
only comes back to pay the bills and then leaves his daughter and
disappears for months at a time."
No reply leaves him. Nothing left him.
He had fallen back onto the sofa unconscious.
I rushed out of the room and wiped my eyes as I went.
I ran into the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. I locked it before
I fell back onto the wall. I leaned my head against the hard surface as I
closed my eyes and placed my hand on my shaking mouth.
The reflection of myself in the mirror above the sink greeted me. The sight
of the person looking back at me made me want to cry harder.
Black mascara ran down my cheeks and a red puffiness decorated my nose
and the area around my eyes.
I rubbed at my eyes and scrubbed the charcoal colour all over my eyes. It
made me look like a wrecked and broken china doll.
Sobs escaped my chest as I looked in the cabinet under the sink for
something to wipe my eyes with. I pulled out toilet roll, shampoo and hair
dye remover.
The last item caught my eye, so I took it out.
I read the back of the box as it shook in my hands.
It was true that I never cared about other people's opinions. I loved my
green hair. I believe it was part of who I was. Sometimes I even let myself
believe it was my natural hair colour.
The sound of the running water drowned out my cries as I rubbed the hair
dye remover into my scalp.
I watched the shower floor turn green while I thought back to scolding
Chase about not being himself. I watched a part of my identity wash down
the drain and I had never felt more like a hypocrite.
With a towel wrapped around my body, I quickly raced through to my room
and locked the door behind me.
A shiver ran down my back at the temperature of the house and I hoped that
the gas bill had been paid.
Worry after worry piled on top of me. My body grew heavier like it wanted
to collapse again the ground and not get back up again.
I changed into my pyjamas and hurried into my duvet so I could snuggle
into my pillow. My wet brown hair touched the softener, and the sight made
me want to cry harder.
The thing that stopped me from breaking down completely was the sound
of my phone buzzing.
I reached for the phone on my nightstand and looked to see an unknown
number was calling.
"Hello?" I spoke into the phone, curiosity filling my tone as to who was
A deep gruff voice greeted me "Did you get home safe?"
I smiled to myself as I replied, "Hello stranger that is either a stalker or
"Did you get home safe, Medusa?"
My eyes rolled at the use of the nickname before I questioned into the
phone "How did you get my number?"
The vague reply from the gravelly voice tickled my ear and made a shiver
run down my spine "I asked Brennan for it."
I frowned confusedly while asking "How did Brennan get it?"
"He asked Lana for it." He answered after a second or two.
I bit back a smile as I sprawled out on my bed like a starfish and looked up
at the ceiling.
The commanding tone returned to his husky voice as he demanded to know
"Did you get home safe?"
"No." I answered as seriously as I could "I have been picked up by a UFO. I
am being held captive by aliens who want to invade earth."
"And they let you keep your phone?" He challenged.
"The aliens knew that you had my number." I claimed, "You calling me is
part of their torture technique to torment me."
He chuckled once.
"Although, you calling me kind of makes me think you kind of care about
my well-being." I said suggestively into the phone "Has the real Stone been
Another deep noise that resembled a laugh came through the line.
"They probably mistook you for being one of them." He mentioned, a hint
of amusement in his tone "Your green hair is eye-catching."
My smile dropped. My attention went to the brown strands spread out
against my pillow.
"Not anymore." I murmured.
Silence hung between us for a full minute before he spoke again.
"What do you mean you got rid of the green?" His deep voice grumbled.
"I got rid of the green." I repeated, my throat shaking as I uttered the words.
"You love your hair." Stone grumbled again.
"I just wanted a change." I said instead of telling him the truth.
He went silent. The phone went completely quiet, but I could tell he was
still there. I could hear his deep intake of breaths.
His words were hoarse, and his voice was softest I had ever heard it as he
asked, "It was not because I made fun of it, was it?"
"No. Of course, it wasn't." I assured him, my mouth quirking up "I don't
hold your opinion in that much of a high regard."
He chuckled and released another deep breath from his chest.
"You are going to find it hard to insult me now." I pointed out.
Stone taunted lowly "You are no longer the wicked witch of the west."
I asked, "Then who am I?"
"You can now go and live in munchkin city with all of the other short
I moved the phone away from my face so that he could not hear me
laughing. I calmed myself down and then brought the phone back to my ear.
My laughter did not last long.
I was reminded that he could no longer call me Medusa because I did not
have green hair.
At least I could still call him Lurch. I doubt he would ever stop growling or
"Are you still there?" I questioned quietly after a minute or two of silence
The deep voice confessed, "I'm going to miss your hair."
I almost dropped the phone onto my face in shock.
"What?" I said, thinking that I had misheard him.
"Fairytale green is the most amazing colour I have ever seen." He replied
My eyes blinked a few times. I had definitely misheard him.
I told myself what he really said was I'm going to miss insulting your hair.
Fairytale green is the worst colour I have ever seen.
"Are you high?" I asked, "Are you a stone-r?"
He did not laugh at my pun and instead repeated his question "Why did you
get rid of your green?"
"I told you. It was time for a change." I lied and then decided to change the
subject "You can no longer call me Medusa."
Stone let out a grumbling sound of disapproval before he claimed, "You
will always be my Medusa."
Chapter Twelve
My confidence might have gone down the drain along with the green hair
Lana sighed as she pointed towards the no longer green head of mine "I still
can't believe you got rid of your green hair."
I tried to smile at her as I claimed, "It was time for a change."
"You loved your wacko hair." She mentioned softly before she asked, "Are
you sure everything is okay?"
We walked along the beachfront with our bikinis under our clothes. I was
glad that we would not have to change in the small sweaty cubicles.
My father left the apartment before the sun rose. I was up most of the night,
letting my imagination run wild with worry. I spent the late hours listening
at my door to the sounds of my dad stumbling around the place until I heard
the front door slam shut.
As well as brown hair, I had dark circles under my eyes. I had spent a good
while making sure make-up covered everything.
"So, how is it going with lover boy?" I started a conversation to stop myself
from thinking.
"It is going fine." She replied, "Brennan is really sweet and he is
I laughed "I want to be the maid of honour at your wedding."
"Only if I get to be yours."
Shaking my head as we walked onto the sand, I told her "I will need to find
someone that wants to marry me. Before that, I need to find a guy that
wants to stick around."
"Ella, loads of guys have shown interest in you and you have always tried
to scare them away." She laughed gently while pointing out "Which you
always succeed at."
"They did not want to date me. They wanted to sleep with me. There is a
massive difference. I have never had someone that wants to stick around." I
explained while pulling at a thread on my jean shorts "Plus, I’m not good at
picking up on social cues so I will probably end up an old cat lady."
As we got nearer to the water, I did not even have enough time to register
how much I hated this place because something else caught my eye.
Stone looked in his element. His muscles were visible as he gripped onto
the board with one hand. He rode the waves effortlessly as he kept balance
on the board. The deadly combination of the sun and the water made the
tattoos on his chest glisten.
Lana sent me a smile. It felt secretive and it was full of hidden meaning.
The two men made their way towards us, surfboards underarm. They neared
closer and closer until Stone was towering over me.
I looked anywhere else but his well-built body.
"Lovely Lana." Brennan greeted her with a wink before he smiled at me
"Little Ella."
I rolled my eyes before I turned to my best friend and warned "You better
take him away before I knock him on his ass."
She giggled but then she stopped suddenly "Are you sure you are going to
be okay here yourself?"
"Of course, I am." I reassured her before I hit her arm "Go be with lover
boy in the water but keep in mind that this is a family beach."
Brennan chuckled before taking Lana's hand "I can't promise anything."
They both headed towards the water which left me alone with the giant who
was currently studying my face like he was looking for something. He
looked intent on finding some kind of answer there as he continued to
watch me.
I tried to ignore the heat rushing to my cheeks as I laid out a beach towel on
the sand and sat down. I adjusted myself on the ground and sat crossed-
legged before I looked up to see Stone still watching me.
"You do know that you don't have to keep me company." I said before
suggesting "You should go back to surfing."
He did not move.
He simply let his mouth rise in a small smirk as he asked, "Do you want me
to go back to surfing so you can go back to watching me?"
Rolling my eyes, I sighed "Fine. Suit yourself. Stay."
The corner of his lip twitched upwards as he sat down right next to me.
That is when I concluded that his plan had worked. He teased me right into
letting him stay. It made me wonder how much he knew about me. He
always seemed to know what to say or what to do to push my buttons.
Looking him up and down, I thought about his reason for watching me so
closely. He had obviously taken time to study my actions and my
Perhaps it was his way of keeping his friends close but his acqenemies
I did not know I was staring at his abs until he motioned to his torso and
questioned "Do you want to rub sunscreen on them?"
"I wasn’t staring at them!" I tried to defend myself as I crossed my arms
"Plus, your eight-pack is too wet to put the sunscreen on it."
He lifted his head upward and looked at the sky as he laughed. I watched
his Adam’s apple move as his deep chuckle made my skin cover with
"Stop laughing!" I exclaimed before sending him a glare "I was looking at
your belly button."
"Of course, you were." He said, his tone taunting.
I huffed "I have never met someone so smug in my life."
Stone chuckled again "Like you are not smug as well."
"I am not." I argued before tutting "How am I smug?"
His eyes met mine as he half-smirked "When you get one up on me or you
think of a good insult, it is like you glow as you smile. You might as well
jump up and down."
"We bicker every second we are around each other." I pointed out "Are you
trying to say that I enjoy all the time I spend around you?"
I scoffed as I moved my hair behind my shoulders "That is so not true."
"You do know I can tell when you are lying, Medusa."
Shaking my head, I looked away and hid my smile.
As soon as I turned away from him, the breeze from the ocean hit me and so
did the memories. The night still played in my mind like a tragic film. The
whole event was crystal clear and sometimes I wished I forgot.
A hand rested on my shoulder, and it sent a shiver down my spine. I became
aware of where I was and who I was with so I faced him.
Stone sounded softer than his usual rough voice as he questioned "Do you
want to talk about it?"
"Talk about what?"
"Whatever has made your smile disappear." He replied with a grumble.
I took a deep unsteady breath and I decided to confide in him.
"Last year, my dad I were at home, and we were waiting for my my mom to
come home. She worked late nights at a store, so we did not suspect
anything was wrong. It just felt like a normal day..." I trailed off because of
the pressure in my chest.
"Ella, look at me." The owner of the gravelly voice said as he placed his
hand gently under my chin and tilted my head so I would meet his eye "I
want you to tell because you want to. Not because you feel you must. I will
wait however long it takes."
"I want to tell you." I admitted quietly before I continued "My Dad got a
phone call from the hospital saying my mother nearly drowned. A lifeguard
forgot his phone, so he came back here and saw her in the water. He saved
her in time and called the ambulance. We were relieved that she was alive,
and he managed to save her. Then we got to the hospital, and we were told
that something went wrong."
Stone's hand overlapped mine as my pinky finger curled around one of his
large fingers.
"She still had water in her lungs. She died with secondary drowning." I
rushed out my words "That was not the worst part of it all. It was when the
police officer had to break the news that it was not an accident and she had
decided to take her own life."
"That is why you hate being here." He stated rather than asked.
"This place is a horrible reminder that she wanted to leave, and she was
He responded by squeezing my hand. I could not see his face because I was
too busy looking down at the sand.
"We can go somewhere else." He suggested in one grumble of a breath "We
can go anywhere you want."
"I live in Santa Monica. I could not avoid this place if I tried." I whispered
and then I decided I was not going to be sad anymore "Can we talk about
something different?"
Rather than letting go of my hand, he held on tighter as he nodded.
"Your tattoos are passable to look at." I commented lamely, still not wanting
to compliment them "When did you get your first one?"
I smiled "I bet your parents were really happy about that."
He shook his head before grumbling something under his breath.
"What is it?" I asked gently.
"My parents are dead."
I felt my eyes widen.
"I'm so sorry." I quickly apologised and fought the urge to bury myself in
the sand "I never thought. I'm really—"
"Medusa." He stopped my blabbering with a chuckle "It is okay. It
happened a long time ago."
The wind had moved my hair into my face, so I moved it back as I asked
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"I was ten when my mom got sick. Cancer. She died and my dad was
devastated." Stone uttered quietly while not meeting my eye "He could not
handle her death and had a heart-attack a few weeks later. Doctors said his
heart strings broke apart and he died with a broken heart."
My vision became unclear as I looked away from him and to the ocean. I
did not blink because I did not want to cry.
It was hard to think about him in that situation. To think about him being
hurt. I had always seen him as what he appeared to be.
He was big, strong and intimating as hell Stone.
I had the urge to hug him.
However, I restrained myself. I thought about the repercussions of wrapping
my arms around his large form. I had the image of him throwing me away
from him and into the sea like a javelin.
Looking down towards our joined hands, I noticed how my hand dwarfed
his. Everything of mine was so tiny compared to him.
I moved my hand from under his hold and put it on top of his huge one. It
was my turn to squeeze his hand.
"I'm really sorry." I said again before adding "Ten years old? That must
have been so difficult."
He shrugged and his deep voice filled the space between us again "It
worked out fine. Brennan's parents adopted me after they passed."
"That was nice of them." I mentioned with a smile "Do you still live with
"Yeah." He replied lowly, his gravelly voice a little less hoarse "Brennan is
my brother in every way that counts."
It was obvious that blood meant nothing to the two men, and they were
Evidence of that was the fact that he was spending time with me. He
listened to everything I said like he cared, and he spent more time than
necessary with me.
The though of him putting up with me for the sake of Brennan and Lana
pondered around in my head.
I looked to the two others at the seashore before I peered back at the giant.
"It is not like that." Stone growled, "Never think that."
"What?" I questioned, confused.
His face was not teasing nor smug when he grumbled out scoldingly "What
you were thinking, it is not true."
I tilted my head at him "How do you know what I am thinking about?"
"I'm an Ella-Expert." He replied, a small smirk making its way onto his
A noise from Lana and Brennan in the water made me jump and, in the
process, I removed my hand from Stone's.
Stone scowled at my hands that now rested on my knees and then he
scowled at the pair in the ocean.
He eventually peered back down at me with a stern expression. He studied
my face as he continued to be deep in thought.
His seriousness never cracked as I stuck my tongue out at him in a way to
cut through the tension.
"Right." I ordered, "Out with it, Lurch."
Stone chuckled "What?"
"I know you want to ask me something." I mentioned, "I can sense it and
I’m not even a Stone-expert."
He cocked his head.
"Wait." I laughed out my question "Would that not just be called a
"Where is your dad?" Stone questioned gruffly.
This man was the most perceptive person I had ever met.
Perhaps he was an Ella-expert.
I was not ready to talk about my dad. I had no idea where I would start.
"He is away on a business trip for a few weeks." I lied.
He watched as I crossed my arms. He studied me sceptically like he did not
believe my lie.
"Do you think you will ever go back in the ocean again?" Stone asked.
"I don't know." I answered honestly "Maybe one day, I will try. Just not
right now. I still need to conquer my fear of the Ferris wheel."
"You are scared of the Ferris wheel?" He repeated.
"Yeah." I confirmed before I let out a humourless laugh "Do you think the
world is ending?"
Stone raised an eyebrow at my last sentence.
"We just had a heart to heart. We went ten minutes without insulting each
other." I pointed out "Now, I truly believe anything is possible."
His husky laugh vibrated through me as his burly body moved closer.
"I think you should insult me." I mentioned with a loath "Us being nice to
each other is too weird."
He laughed again but did not say anything. His face grew serious as he
looked at my hair that was absent of the vibrant green colour.
"Are you struggling to find an insult because my hair is gone?" I teased as I
nudged him with my elbow.
"There is always your height to make fun of."
I sent a glare his way "Can you not think of anything else?"
His black pupils met mine as he smirked "Your eyes."
"My eyes?" I questioned, "What is wrong with my eyes?"
The answer he gives does not answer my question, instead, he described
them as "Large brown doe eyes."
"Do you just sit and find all my flaws?" I asked as I rolled the things he
called large brown doe eyes "Anything wrong with my nose?"
"Little button nose." He claimed.
The weird thing was that he described my attributes while staring out at the
sea. He seemed to be reciting them from memory.
I shook my head at his comments "These are terrible insults."
Stone chuckled again "Why don't you start us off with an insult?"
Nothing came to mind as I let my gaze roam every part of his exposed
"I can't think of anything because you are not wearing your leather jacket."
I said lamely "I can't exactly make fun of your naked torso."
His chuckle grew into a deep husky laugh as I realised that I pretty much
complimented his god-like body. I covered my face with my hair to hide my
visible sign of embarrassment.
There were no trees around so I could not exactly blame my blush on my
As the two lovebirds made their way out of the water and towards us, Stone
spoke again "Let’s face one of your fears today."
I frowned "I don't think I'm ready to go in the water."
He shook his head once before suggesting "Go on the Ferris wheel with
"No way!" I blurted out "I am not going on that death trap!"
A few seconds passed before a smug half-smirk grew on his face. It was
like he remembered something.
"If you go on then I will get you a stuffed panda." His deep voice promised.
This man knew how to work me.
I wondered why I chose to open up to him and why I felt so at ease while
doing it.
"You have yourself a deal, Lurch." I said back to him with a smile.
The pier was busy by the time we arrived. The place was filled with kids
running around.
It did not have the same feeling during the day. The neon lights were
nowhere to be seen and the sun annoyingly shone in my eyes.
Brennan and Lana were walking hand in hand to the wheel. He did look at
all nervous for what was coming next. I just hoped she would say yes to his
relationship proposal, and it would not turn out awkward.
Stone and I followed behind as we made our way nearer to the Ferris wheel.
For the past twenty minutes, he had been constantly sending taunting looks
my way. He was acting like I was going to fall off the wheel and plummet
to my death.
When we stopped in front of the big terrifying ride, I stopped and faced him
before blurting out "Stop looking at me like that. If there is one person that
is falling off that death trap, it is you. That will be due to the fact that I have
pushed you."
"I'm just surprised you are allowed on the ride, Medusa." He teased, his
eyes remaining on me "I thought you be under the height restriction."
"There isn’t even a minimum height!" I exclaimed before glaring at him
"You are so going to die by my hand in the next ten minutes."
The two others were already in the queue so when Stone and I followed on
behind them, Lana turned around to face me as she gasped "You are going
"Yes." I gritted out "Only because Lurch is forcing me."
She still looked to be in disbelief as she asked Stone "How did you do it? I
have been trying to get Ella on a ride for years."
Brennan joined in with the teasing as he patted the giant's back "He is the
"No. He is not." I argued.
Lana smiled at me before delivering in awe "I have never seen you
anywhere near the Ferris wheel. Stone is a miracle worker."
"He is a pain in my ass. That is what he is." I commented as I sent the
person in question a side glare.
"So how did he manage to convince you go on?" She asked.
"I'm only doing this for my stuffed panda as my first one was brutally
Brennan laughed but then he realised his plan was in jeopardy "You two are
getting your own carriage, right?"
Before I could answer, Lana quickly dismissed the idea "No way. We can
go on as a four."
I remembered that his grand plan was to ask her out where they first met.
"You two should go on yourself." My inner romantic took over and I shook
my head before rejecting her offer "Lurch and I will go ourselves."
The blonde girl frowned "Are you sure?"
"Yeah." I said for definite "We can get to know each other better."
Lana finally agreed. She and Brennan were next in line, so they got into the
next free carriage as Stone and I remained in the queue.
Once they were away, I turned to my smug acqenemy "Just so you know.
What I said to her last physically hurt me to say."
His lip quirked up an inch when roughly let out "Whatever you say,
When it was our turn to get on to the death wheel, I was still planning my
escape. I thought about running but then remembered that the large man
was faster and stronger than me.
I cursed his tallness.
I just needed to remind myself why I was doing this. It was solely for the
Stone sat across from me in the small, confined carriage. It meant that there
was no way of hiding my facial expression from him.
There was no way to hide at all.
In my head, I vowed not to cry in front of him.
We were halfway up in the air when I scowled at him "I can't believe you
are making me do this. This is not safe. There were no windows in this
He flicked his dark irises between my widened eyes and my mouth.
"What if I fall out?" I asked him.
"You are not going to fall out." He assured me, his eyes shining with
amusement "I would not let you."
"I'm pretty sure you would. This was your plan, wasn't it?" I shrieked in
horror "You are going to kill me on this thing."
He laughed at my theatrics before grumbling "Any last words, Medusa"
I tapped my chin before I grinned at him while revealing "You are not
invited to my funeral, and I hope we don't meet in the afterlife."
The view was stunning. I could see the whole pier and the beachfront. I
even saw some houses beyond that.
What was surprising was that I did not mind it up here. I liked being at the
angle where I could see every wave and ripple in the water. I felt almost
"It’s beautiful." I said aloud but quietly to myself.
Stone nodded his head in agreement even though he was not looking
outside of the little space we had between us.
He was staring right at me.
I closed my eyes and felt the wind on my hair as I voiced "I can't believe I
haven't done this this before."
A deep rumble of a laugh is what I heard in return.
When I opened my eyes, the two people a few carriages down were kissing.
It just happened to be the two people I knew.
"It looks like he has asked her to be his girlfriend." I mentioned to the giant
while I pointed towards Brennan and Lana.
He followed my finger and glanced and them before turning back to face
I peered down at them again as I voiced "Do you think they will last?"
He mumbled something under his breath that I could not make out before
he asked, "Do you?"
"I hope so."
"He won't hurt her, will he?" I questioned.
The giant who was too big for the seat continued to study me before he
stated "No. You do not have to worry."
I nodded before changing the subject "How did you and Brennan meet?"
We were rising into the air again when he answered "I was an angry kid. I
was walking along the beach kicking rocks into the water. I kicked one hard
and it hit the back of Brennan's head."
A small laugh escaped me as I questioned "What did he do? Did he come
and hit you back?"
"No." He answered with a gruff sigh "Brennan kept trying to talk to me. I
ignored him but he continued to talk anyway. He was persistent and he
didn't take the hint to fuck off."
"No doubt you gave him your signature death glare or your dismissing
grunt. Some things never change." I mentioned as I smiled at the thought
"Maybe you were not as scary at ten years old as you are now."
He cocked his head at my words.
"If I didn't know you and you glared or growled at me then I would run
home screaming." I remarked with a laugh.
"I doubt that." Stone grumbled while chuckling to himself "You called me
Lurch five minutes after meeting me."
"That is because you called my hair puke- coloured. Which I still have not
forgiven you for." I replied as I twirled a strand of hair on my finger but
then noticed its colour "I actually regret removing the green."
He did not reply. He only continued to watch as I frowned at my brown
pieces of hair.
Noticing below me, I motioned to Lana and Brennan "I hope they pull away
before the end of the ride. Imagine the kid's and parent's faces if they were
still heavily making out."
"Do you not want that?"
"Brennan's tongue down my throat?" I asked amusedly "No, I don't want
that that."
Stone's eyes darkened when he growled "No. You are not having anybody
else's tongue down your throat."
"And what will you do if someone tries to?" I challenged "Cut it off and
store it in a jar?"
He leaned closer and gnarled "Damn right, I will."
I tilted my head before referencing his question earlier "What did you mean
"Do you want romance?" He asked, his gravelly voice growing slightly
lower in volume.
I almost let out a laugh because I never imagined Stone wanting to speak
about such a thing as romance. I never knew it was in his vocabulary.
My arms crossed over my chest when I rebutted "Why do you want to know
"I don't see anyone willing to stick around." I answered him with a sigh
"But it is okay. I am cool on my own."
The grumbling under his breath started again as I stared out at the horizon. I
tried to act non-perplexed and uninterested in what he was darkly mumbling
My plan backfired because in the next thirty seconds I surrendered to my
curious side and asked, "What are you grumbling at?"
He challenged with a half-smirk "Why do you want to know that?"
I held eye contact with his obsidian pair of eyes and gave him the same
vague response he did me "Curiosity."
For the rest of the ride, I only broke from our staring contest if it was to
glance at the smirk on his mouth.
I really should have looked away, but I could not. It was like a magnetic
pull. Being trapped in a small pod on a Ferris wheel made us impossibly
There was nowhere to escape from his intense stare and I was entirely not
sure if I wanted to escape or not.
The ride stopped and I took Stone's hand as he helped me down onto the
We were greeted by the new happy couple who told us all about their
romantic venture.
Brennan lowered his head towards me and whispered "Ella, why is Stone
glaring at me?"
Stone was glaring at him with a scowl worn on his mouth. His black eyes
were narrowed while he started at the lack of space between me and
I ignored him as I walked in front with Lana who was ready to tell me all
about Brennan's romantic speech.
After a few hours together on the pier and when the sun disappeared and
drowned into the sea, we all said our goodbyes.
The two men mentioned that they had to meet some friends before they left
us to walk home.
The only thing on my mind was my newest furry friend. The reminder that
Stone kept his end of the deal.
I squeezed the large panda bear Pete the Second as I walked home with a
large grin on my face.
Chapter Thirteen
Sunday was always a day that I looked at with mixed feelings. It was a
good day because it meant that it was the. It was a bad day because it meant
the school week would start again in a matter of hours.
The weeks were a never-ending loop. The days trapped in school felt
dragged out. Then the weekend went by in a flash. One of my theories was
about how time chose when to be cruel.
I considered picking up a different hobby other than reading to pass the
time but then I decided against it. I was far too unathletic and lazy.
I would usually spend all day Sunday in the house, but I decided to go for a
drive and let Kermit venture away from its parking spot outside my house.
My car Kermit did not like moving. Perhaps it was because my car was lazy
like me or because it was not used to driving so far out of the city.
The car began making weird noises.
I thought about turning back and driving home but I had a purpose for my
long drive.
I wanted my green hair back.
Screw what my father thought and what anyone else thought. I was Ella
with green hair and I did not need to apologise for that. Neither did I have
to change myself to suit someone else.
The weather was awful as I headed further on route for the hair dye. It was
humid and uncomfortably hot but there was no trace of sunshine in the sky.
This had caused the car to feel like a steam room. I turned the air
conditioning onto try and cool down.
Halfway to the drug store and right in the middle of the road, Kermit's
noises turned into loud ones. It turned from squeaks that sounded like the
muppet I had named the car after to massive bangs of metal crashing
The car jolted and I slammed on the brakes.
After a few breaths, I considered my options as I drove slowly to a random
opening on the road.
A million questions went round in my head. I wondered if Kermit was dead
and if the car could be resurrected. I wondered where the closest mechanic
was and how much it would cost to get the car fixed.
Googling the nearest repair shop and garage was the most sensible thing to
do. I feared if I drove any further then the car and I would be toast.
The nearest shop turned out to be one a mile and a half away called Mike's
Carefully, I drove slowly while following the directions on my phone. The
GPS app took me down a road full of abandoned-looking buildings and a
few factories. The whole estate looked like it was run by zombies.
Mike's Motors was a small green building at the end of a narrow road. The
shutters were up which allowed me to see inside the mechanical workshop.
A car was on a small ramp and from the rattling noises sounding from it, it
was getting repaired.
I got out of the car and took in the surroundings. I looked around the
outside of the garage where a few racks of tires were found along with a
parked black motorbike.
The most noticeable thing about the auto repair shop was the sign hanging
off the roof of the building. The name of the place was written alongside an
animated picture of an older man who I assumed was the owner.
A man's voice interrupted me from my study of the sign "Hello."
The voice belonged to the animated sign man come to life. It was almost
humorous how alike the man looked to the cartoon drawing. He had a small
round body with a large bald head. He wore a friendly smile that matched
the large one above his head on the roof of his business.
I found myself smiling back at him.
"Hi! I am really sorry to turn up randomly. My car started making really
funny noises while I was driving." I explained to him, keeping a friendly
smile on my face "Would there be any chance of you taking a look at it or
are you busy?"
"Of course not." The old mechanic assured with a grin "I will look over
your car right away."
"Thank you." I sighed in relief.
"Would you like to come inside and wait while I do?" The man questioned
before adding "The office has a great hot chocolate machine."
I let out a small laugh before nodding "How could I say no to that?"
"I'm Mike by the way." He told me as he turned and led us into the building.
"I would never have guessed." I sarcastically remarked as I pointed to the
sign while we walked into the workshop "I'm Ella."
The old man chuckled at my comment before responding "Nice to meet
you, Ella. Great car by the way."
I did not know if he was making fun of me or not. Even I could admit that
my car was a little shitty.
"Kermit is on death's door." I pointed out while stealing a glance back at my
small car "I'm just hoping you can save it."
His grey eyebrows rose as the mechanic tilted his head at me and asked,
"Your car is called Kermit?"
"Yeah." I answered before feeling the need to explain "I thought it was a
funny name at the time. The car being green and all."
Mike looked around like the workshop like he was searching for something
or someone. He then quickly brought his attention back to me. More
specially, he brought his attention back to my hair.
"Did you by any chance have green hair?" Mike the mechanic asked.
This was perhaps not a friendly old man. He could have been a stalker.
Maybe even a killer. He might have been a mechanic so he could hide my
body in the trunk of a car.
I considered my options carefully.
I could have rushed to my car but that just happened to be broken. I could
have run away but I was just as slow as a tortoise. I could have roundhouse-
kicked him like the karate kid, but he was still an elderly man which made
me a horrible person.
"Yes. I did." I lamely replied with a shrug.
His face morphed into a mischievous grin as he shouted in the direction of a
door "Stone!"
I froze where I stood and hoped that stone was another word for a spanner
or some other mechanical tool.
The first thing I saw when the person entered the room was black. I let my
eyes roam over the black jeans and the black tank shirt that showed off the
muscles and the black tattoos.
Taking up all the space of the doorframe in all of his glory was Stone.
He had engine grease on his thick arms and a little on his rough-looking
face. He appeared sweaty and dirty and hot.
Stone's hands were big and rough and covered in black grease. His thick
calloused fingers flexed at his sides with a confident dexterity that
demanded to be watched.
I was sure of two things. One was that I was never going to be more
attracted to another man in my life. The other was that I needed a new set of
An inferno of heat pulsed its way through my body and made my back
shoot up straight. The hot sensation lingered at my core and between my
legs. The extinguishable feeling that had first surfaced the night I met the
giant quickly shook my legs again.
He was a vicious wall of honed muscle and a colossal-sized statue of inked
I closed my lips and breathed through my nose and then I finally forced out
a shaky sentence "What are you doing here, Lurch?"
The widened pair of dark eyes flicked across my body in shock. As if they
could not believe I was standing there in front of him.
His big burly body leaned against a wall a few metres away from where I
was standing. His gaze was still locked on my face when his greased-up
hands flexed again by his sides.
"I work here." The gruff voice finally spoke up.
It took me a good minute of stunned silence to think back to dinner with
Armstrong's where he mentioned he was a mechanic.
Out of all of the garages in the whole of Santa Monica, I managed to end up
at the one he worked at.
Stone was to his full towering height as he pushed his muscular build off
the wall and made his way over to me. His ginormous body neared as he
stole back the distance between himself and me.
The deep voice spoke again "What are you doing here?"
I forced myself to keep a serious expression and tone when I replied, "To
see you."
One of his dark eyebrows rose as he tilted his head downwards so that he
could study me further.
"Just kidding!" I laughed before telling him the real reason "Kermit has
The old mechanic next to us chuckled and reminded us both that he was
standing there.
Mike turned to Stone and informed him "As soon as she said Kermit, I
knew it was your Ella."
I felt my eyes widen.
"His Ella?" I mumbled under my breath "What the hell is that supposed to
The giant looming over my body narrowed his eyes down at me.
"I can't believe this." I spoke up again to try and keep myself distracted
from the heat running through my bloodstream "It is like my life is a
labyrinth and at every end there is Stone. I can't escape you."
His chuckle was a deep rumbling sound that made my stomach flip.
Stone then looked back down at me with a serious expression when he
uttered demandingly "What happened to you, Medusa?"
"I was driving to get some hair dye. Then my car made a massive booming
noise." I sighed before explaining myself "I googled the nearest repair shop,
and I ended up here."
The harsh line of his jaw stuck out as he grounded his molars.
"She has probably blown the gasket." The giant grumbled towards the other
man in the room before he turned back to me and added "You might as well
just get a new car."
"How could you say such a thing?" I accused, knowing he knew how much
I loved my car.
"It is a hunk of junk."
I inhaled loudly to let him know that the idea itself was shocking.
Kermit was old but irreplaceable. I also did not have enough money to
afford a new car unless I raided my dad's room for cash.
"How long will it take to fix?" I asked aloud.
"Two or three days." Stone gruffly replied.
"How much is it going to cost?"
The grumpy good-looking face scowled even further as he growled "No."
I tilted my head at the one-word answer.
"So, it is going to be cheap to fix?" I concluded with a sigh of relief.
Stone shook his head once and sternly assured with a grumble "I'm not
going to charge you."
"Why not?"
I peered over to Mike. I was shocked to see that the boss and the owner of
the place did not interject about Stone not charging me for the repair of my
Mike was grinning from ear to ear as his gaze flicked between the large
man and me.
"Don't you worry, Ella." The old man reassured "Stone is a fine mechanic. I
trained him myself. Your car is in safe hands."
I turned back to Stone and questioned up at him "I thought you said you just
moved to Santa Monica?"
"This is a new shop. My old shop was a good hour and a half away but this
area had lower expenses, so I packed up and moved my business here."
Mike was the one to answer when the other man in the room stayed silent
"Stone would drive the distance to come and work before he moved here
I forced my gaze down the floor. I started picking at a strand of loose thread
on my jeans as I avoided the dark eyes watching me closely.
"What is the catch for you fixing my car?" I queried before joking "Do I
have to sit and listen to you sing Grease Lightening while you do it?"
The corner of Stone's lip hiked up for a second.
"You were right." Mike let out a laugh as he walked over and reached up to
pat the large back of the giant "She is so cute."
My eyes widened once again as I looked between the two mechanics.
"I would have known it was your Ella sooner if she still had her green hair."
Mike added, his grin still lighting up his wrinkly face.
I was stunned into silence.
"I was planning on getting my green back." I mentioned, choosing to ignore
the other part of his stent ends "I was heading to get dye when Kermit
threatened my life."
Stone's gravelly voice filled the air as he delivered authoritatively "I will
take you."
"What?" I blurted out in surprise.
His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat before he rasped out "I will take you
to the store and then home."
It was not a request. It was a command.
"That is okay." I quickly dismissed "I will just walk."
I took a step backwards away from him. He followed the movement with
his narrowed eyes like he was glaring at the air between us.
His rough voice turned to a growl when he ordered "You are not walking."
"I am sure it's not that far."
He took one large step towards me so that his gruff words rumbled through
my body "You are not walking."
I crossed my arms over my chest and shot him an annoyed look.
The giant lowered his voice as it turned taunting with an underlying
authority to it "I promise not to sing Grease Lightening."
I felt my lip twitch up as I surrendered "Fine."
His wide shoulders visibly relaxed.
"Talking about Grease, where is your leather jacket?" I questioned before
commenting "I thought it was attached to your skin."
Stone looked down at his big bare tattooed arms as he mentioned "It gets
hot in here."
I could see that. I had definitely noticed.
My attention fell from his face to his muscular arms that looked like they
held an unmeasurable amount of strength.
I shuffled on my two feet and tried to discreetly squeeze my thighs together.
Shaking out all Stone related thoughts out of my head, I tried to focus on
the words Mike was uttering as he spoke.
The old man slowly made his way through to another room before he came
back with a clipboard and pen.
"I just need some details before you go." Mike mentioned to me as he
danced the pencil between his fingers "What is your last name?"
"Miller." I replied.
The dark eyes continuing to watch me narrowed slightly.
"Phone number?" Mike questioned.
I recited my number, and the old mechanic jotted it down. He then took my
keys and waddled his way back through into the other room of the auto
repair shop.
"How is your boss so cool about you leaving to take me home and working
on my car for free?" I questioned while peering back up at the large man.
Stone did not reply.
"I just hope you don't do that for all people." I pointed out with a laugh
"You will put that poor man out of business."
"I only do it for people with green hair." His deep voice uttered lowly.
"Do you know any other people with green hair?" I asked.
"I used to have a troll as a kid. It used to live under my bed." He replied, his
gruff tone playful "That had green hair."
"A troll under your bed?" I repeated angrily before I threatened up at him
"One of these days I'm going to take you down and I pray for you then."
His eyes roamed the whole of my small body while the corner of his lip
I shook my head and huffed out "I can't believe you just compared me to a
"The troll was cute and tiny."
I took a step closer to him and raised myself on my tiptoes so that my chin
lingered near the bottom of his chest.
"The difference between me and your troll is that I will never go anywhere
near your bed." I rebutted.
I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth.
My heels fell back on the ground and my hands twitched to move up and
cover my heated face.
The man towering over me leaned over and uttered his dark promise "We
will see about that."
I shivered before gaining the courage to look back up at him.
I had no idea what to reply so I randomly spoke the first thing that came to
mind "Was that your motorbike outside?"
Stone remained close as he nodded once.
"Is that how you are taking me home?" I questioned, my voice coming out
quieter than I had intended.
He nodded, his mouth hiking up in amusement at my reaction.
"Then what are we waiting for, Iron Giant?" I was practically jumping up
and down in excitement as I squealed "Let's go for a ride."
I skipped ahead to the bike outside while revelling at the no sign of his
usual truck. Stone followed closely behind me
The large man watched me circle his bike with a small smirk.
"You look like a kid on Christmas." The deep voice mentioned with a
"Why do you think I tolerate you?" I delivered eagerly while grinning at
him "It has all been leading up to this. I'm getting on your motorbike."
Stone shook his head. His jawbone ticked and his cheek twitched as he
sauntered over to the bike. He swung one of his strong legs over the
motorbike before his large hands gripped the handlebars and he revved the
"Get on, Medusa." He ordered while holding out a helmet for me.
I climbed on the seat behind him. I scooted myself closer to him and it
suddenly became apparent how close the proximity would be for the ride.
The cushioned seat of the bike was a tight squeeze. That was due to the
extremely huge man occupying all the space.
I had never been on a bike before, but I assumed I would have to hold on to
him tightly.
My hand reached out and grabbed the helmet from him but then I noticed
there was only one.
"You only have one helmet." I felt the need to point out to him.
Stone glanced at the black helmet before continuing to watch me
I held the helmet back out to him when I insisted "You need it."
"Put it on." He grounded out demandingly.
"What about you?" I asked.
"It is dangerous." His voice grew deeper as the words left his large hollow-
sounding chest "I am not going to let anything bad happen to you."
"I would make a smaller mess of mush on the road." I deadpanned.
He moved in a series of frantic feral movements. He grabbed the helmet
from my hand, his warm calloused skin brushing mine in the process. He
then gently placed the helmet on my head and secured it into place.
The giant remained silent as he switched on the engine and made the bike
roar to life.
The bike's vibrations sent a jolt of adrenaline through me and made my
body move towards the large one in front.
Before we could go, Mike rushed out as fast as he could manage while
calling to us "Wait!"
Stone did not turn off the engine, but he kept his feet on the ground.
Mike made eye contact with me instead of Stone when he informed: "I tried
putting your name into the computer system but there were no results."
I frowned in confusion and then I realised what the problem was.
"Ella is just my nickname." I admitted begrudgingly.
The man in front of me turned his head around rapidly. It was such a quick
movement that I was surprised he had not snapped his neck while turning to
face me.
"Your name is not Ella?" Stone's deep voice sounded vexed and confused as
he grumbled the words quietly.
Mike seemed to be amused at our interaction while he asked "What is it
your name then?"
"Bond." I answered back with a grin "James Bond."
"It suits you." Mike joked, laughing to himself.
The two mechanics continued to stare at me as they waited for a real
My name was awful. My name would give Stone something other than my
height and my hair to tease me about.
I tried to mouth it to Mike so Stone would not see it "Drizella."
The older man scrunched up his eyebrows like he could not understand me.
I mouthed it again "Drizella."
Mike shook his head and shrugged "Sorry. I can’t quite make you out."
"I give up." I sighed in frustration before announcing "It’s Drizella."
The old mechanic turned on his heel and headed back inside before he
called over his shoulder "Yeah I know. I understood you the first time."
He was obviously on Team Stone. He managed to get me to reveal my
embarrassing name in front of the giant.
Stone repeated my name. It was like he was testing it on his tongue. Like he
was tasting the syllables. He seemed to enjoy how it danced on his taste
buds because he smirked.
I rose on the seat and leant forward so I could whisper into his ear "Call me
that again and I will shove you onto the road and then I will steal your
He moved his head so that my lips were no longer at his ear. My mouth now
lingered millimetres from his own.
I could feel the warm air of his breath on my skin as he remained close.
"Do you not like your name?" The deep voice questioned.
I did not move away from him. I let my gaze drift from his mouth to his
His irises were so black and dilated that I could see in the reflection of them
that my cheeks were flushed.
"No, I don't." I finally answered him "It sounds like a cake topping or an
infection. I'm not sure which one yet."
He let out a single chuckle while I forced myself to pull back and sit down
on the small, cushioned part of the bike.
I did not add that I was named after the wicked and ugly stepsister from
Cinderella. I knew it would only lead to more taunting on his part.
I was also starting to warm to the nickname Medusa, and I did not want him
to stop calling me it.
"You are going to have to hold on tighter than that." The deep guttural voice
mentioned, "We do not want you falling."
I wrapped my arms around his waist, moulding our bodies together. My
hands felt on fire as I clutched onto him. My inner thighs pressed against
his legs and my chest leaned on his back.
Every cell in my body that was touching him was set alight and I almost let
out a gasp at the electric feeling that pulsed through my body.
The muscular body I had wrapped my arms around was moving. The hard
muscular chest was moving up and down and the deep noise lodged in his
throat made its way out of him.
I had to stretch my arms painfully to remain clutched around him. I did not
manage to fully wrap my arms around his large body, so I had to press my
chest harder against his back.
Stone let out another low guttural noise at the contact.
The wind blew through my hair as he hit the pedal and headed down the
His speed was fast, but I felt like he was holding back. I felt like he was
going slower than he usually would and I felt like it had something to do
with me.
I clutched him tighter as a sign for him to go faster. I heard his chuckle over
the rev of the engine before he sped up.
He parked outside a drug store and waited for me as I ran quickly inside and
grabbed a hair dye.
I was surprised that he waited for me instead of leaving me stranded.
Even after half an hour on the bike, the excitement never faded away. I
never wanted the ride to end.
He did not speak as he drove. The only thing I heard from him was a rough
grumbling noise lodged deep in his chest when we turned a corner and I
held on tighter to him.
My apartment block came into sight when he turned the bike into a free
space up against the sidewalk of my street.
Stone removed himself effortlessly off the bike before he offered his hand
to me.
I took his hand while his free arm wrapped around my waist and lifted me
off the leather seat.
After he gently set me down on the ground, he opened the storage part of
the bike and took out the dye that I got at the drug store.
He offered the dye to me while he gruffed out the question "Fairytale
I took the dye from him and nodded in confirmation "Fairytale green."
"Good." He grumbled in approval.
To hide my smile, I turned back around and walked up the steps to the front
door of my building.
A sigh left me before I turned around and faced the man next to the
"Thank you for taking me home and for offering to fix my car." I delivered
to him softly before I added more sternly "Which by the way, I am paying
His eyes narrowed and he sent me a scowl that warned me not to argue with
"I am giving you the money when it is fixed." I stubbornly stated.
"No. You are not." His deep voice informed before adding "I would do it for
any acqenemy."
I tried to fight back another smile while I looked down at the ground to stop
myself from staring at him.
"I better be your only acqenemy, Lurch." I called to him.
"Don't worry, Medusa." He chuckled "You are."
Satisfied with his answer, I should have turned around and walked into the
building. I should have left all my thoughts about him at the door, but I
could not move.
I was stuck staring at him.
He did not look in a hurry to leave either.
"I can't believe I am saying this." I mumbled under my breath before I
spoke up towards the giant "Do you want to come in for a while? I have
The Addams Family on DVD."
I had never seen him move as fast as he did as he followed me inside.
Chapter Fourteen
Stone motioned to the screen and grumbled "Why do you think I’m like
him again?"
He was sprawled out on my living room sofa with one of his arms set firmly
on the cushioned part of the seat behind my head.
I had never noticed how small my sofa was until the giant sat down and
took up the whole space. He made everything seem smaller.
Throughout the start of the movie, I tried to budge over and give him more
space. It never worked because every time I looked away and then back, he
had bridged the gap between us.
"Lurch is tall and scary." I explained while laughing at the figure on the
screen "You are tall and scary."
"You do not seem scared of me." He mentioned with a frown, nodding
towards our touching legs.
"The closeness is not my fault." I pointed out "It is all to blame on your
wide shoulders."
He did not look happy as I forced myself to shimmy away further from him.
"Move closer, Medusa." He demanded with a scowl.
I turned from the screen to him and raised my eyebrow while I questioned
"You are hanging off the edge of the sofa."
"If I move any closer then I am going to end up on your lap." I mentioned to
him, eyeing up the small scale between our bodies.
He did not say anything. His lip quirked up as he moved his attention back
to the television.
Pretending that I was unhappy about it, I let out an exaggerated sigh as I
moved closer until one of my legs propped up on his.
For someone with such a cold expression and attitude, he was surprisingly
He was like a giant teddy bear with a killer glare.
The Addams Family played in the background. I tried to focus on what was
happening but it was really hard. Especially when Stone's hand was nearing
my leg.
His large hand ventured under the thigh of my right leg until he lifted it up
and placed it on his lap.
"What are you doing?" I asked, my voice coming out as a squeak.
He remained silent. He only took my other leg and placed it with my other
so that my body swivelled and I was lying across him.
When I watched him in peripheral vision, I noticed that he was not focused
on the movie. His attention was always on me and he was not even trying to
hide his fixed stare.
"Medusa." He called quietly.
I hummed in reply.
"Where is your Dad?"
The question threw me off. I wondered why he wanted to know and why
the question had come to his mind.
"He is still on his business trip." I answered while crossing my arms and
sitting back on the sofa.
"When is he back?" The gravelly voice spoke as the dark eyes looked down
at my crossed arms.
"Maybe next week."
Stone's voice went deeper and more demanding as he interrogated "What
does he do?"
I tried not to panic. I squeezed my arms around myself and looked around
the room while I thought of what to say.
"A real estate agent." I finally mustered up an answer as I started at the
haunted house on the screen instead of him.
He did not look convinced. He frowned at me while the hand behind my
back gently brushed my neck.
Goosebumps covered my skin as the calloused warm fingers brushed again
over the back of my neck and through my hair.
I felt I had to sell the lie so I came up with an obscure excuse so he would
not question it "He is selling houses in Paraguay."
"Why did you not go with him?"
"What is with the interrogation?" I huffed out a sigh while I replied to him
“I have school. I had to stay because I need my education."
"I doubt that." Stone chuckled but it came out as low strained noise "You
are already a massive know-it-all."
At the words know-it-all, I grabbed the pillow from behind me and threw it
at his stupid smug face.
He caught it before it hit him while his deep chuckle filled the air again. He
threw the pillow back at me but with less force than I used which I was
grateful for.
If he threw the pillow with even a quarter of his normal strength, then I
feared I would go flying into the atmosphere.
"Like you are not a massive know-it-all too." I mumbled with a slight pout
"I know that you are secretly a nerd."
Stone sent me a small glare but as soon as I let out a laugh at his grumpy
face, his features softened.
For the next hour, we sat in comfortable silence as we watched the movie. I
laughed at the deadpan humour and the eccentric darkness of the story and
tried to seem nonchalant that Stone was watching me rather than the film.
It surprised me how comfortable I was in the position on the sofa. My head
rested against the armrest as my feet laid on top of Stone's leg. His large
hands laid on my calves which warmed up my whole body.
When the credits to the movie rolled, I was unwilling to move. I did not
want to leave the warmth that spread snuggled me like a blanket.
I sighed before looking up at him and asking, "Do you want to stay and
watch the second movie?"
His lip quirked up infinitesimally. I had to stretch up to see it, but it was
definitively a small smile.
"There is a second movie?" The deep rough voice asked.
I gasped in faux horror "You haven't seen the sequel?"
He chuckled and lifted his arms until they crossed and rested behind his
head. He wore a smug expression which I watched with intent instead of
glancing down at where his t-shirt had risen at the bottom.
"I will stay, Medusa." He grumbled out to me before adding in a teasing
tone "Only because you insisted."
Rolling my eyes as I got up, I walked away from him and through to my
bedroom. I opened the drawer of DVDs and grabbed the second movie
before I noticed what was on my bed.
Pete the Second was perched between my pillows.
I moved it just in case Stone seen and it made a comment about how I had it
there because he had won it for me.
Not that I was planning for him to be allowed in my room. Again.
When I got back to the living room, the giant figure was taking the first
movie out of the disc machine. I passed him the new one and took the old
one back, our fingers brushing for a few seconds in the process.
Stone joined me back on the sofa and reclaimed the larger portion of the
small seat. I was squished between him and the side of the sofa until he
moved my legs back onto his lap.
As the theme song played, he looked around the cramped apartment and
voiced "Your house is not what I expected."
I tilted my head at him and questioned "What did you expect?"
"Something more Ella."
Preparing myself for a smart comment from him, I frowned as I questioned
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Even your bedroom walls are plain." He uttered lowly with a rough sigh "I
thought you would have something more green."
"Yeah. I hate my bedroom." I told him in agreement "I plan on painting it
but I haven't had the chance. I can't reach the whole wall."
"I am surprised you can reach the door handle with your tininess."
I grabbed the pillow from behind his back and launched at his chest. It did
not do anything damage. It only bounced off him and landed somewhere on
the floor.
"You infuriate me." I bit out as I crossed my arms.
His lip quirked up as he looked down at me glaring up at him.
All the amusement drained from his expression, and it was quickly replaced
with a more serious emotion as he demanded to know "Why don't you get
your dad to paint your room?"
"I told you why." I swallowed down the truth and bit out the lie "He is in
My words caught his attention because his eyes frantically scanned my
face. His dark irises pierced and penetrated my soul.
"I thought you said he was in Paraguay." Stone murmured so lowly that it
came out as more of a growl.
"Same thing." I quickly blabbered out before I sent a silent apology to the
people of South America.
He narrowed his eyes as he looked away from me and down at the ground.
He looked to be deep in thought as he scrubbed a hand along his stubbled
jaw that was ticking in an angry rhythm.
A few minutes passed and neither of us spoke. We each took turns glancing
at each other.
"I was not shocked when I saw all your books in your room, little nerd." He
remarked to change the subject "Your whole floor was covered in them."
I ignored his name-calling and decided to be a proud bibliophile as I
replied, "I do love books."
"Is Edgar Allan Poe your all-time favourite?" He questioned before adding
"It was on top of your pile, and it looked like it had been read a few
hundred times."
"Try a few thousand." I confirmed "The poems and the short stories are
some my favourites. I reread them like every week."
Stone chuckled at my enthusiasm before he questioned "Which work by
him is your favourite?"
"That is like asking a mother who her favourite child is." I joked before I
answered his question properly "I really like The Tell-Tale Heart."
"Is that why you let me in?" He challenged, his dark eyes continuing to
search my face "To kill me and keep my heart under your floorboard."
I could feel my lip twitch as he referenced the story.
My respect for the leather jacket-wearing giant had gone up. Slightly.
To show I was not taken aback that he knew the poem, I laughed his words
off "I only keep things that are valuable. That doesn’t include your heart."
As an interesting scene appeared on the screen, I side glanced at him with a
smile "So you are a book nerd then?"
The gravelly rough voice grumbled "No."
"It is okay, Lurch." I let out another laugh as I winked at him "Your secret is
safe with me."
His pupils seemed to dilate as he listened to the sounds of my laughs.
"If you were a nerd then it might make me like you more." I mentioned in
hopes that he would admit it.
"You like me just fine." He gruffly released the sentence from his chest like
he was trying to convince himself rather than me.
I looked around and noticed that I had run out of pillows to throw at him.
"No." I smiled as I denied his statement "I really don’t."
"Brennan's mom reads a lot of books." Stone's deep voice mumbled quietly
"I might have read one or two from her."
"What are his parents like?" I questioned, not knowing where the sudden
curiosity came from.
"They are good people. I consider them my parents." He stated before he
went on to tell me "One of the first times I got kicked out of school was
because I got into a fight with this fucker that said that they were not my
family because they had a different colour of skin."
"What an asshole." I said aloud.
I did not bother to ask who won the fight. The answer was obvious. Stone
had to have been the tallest and most well-built person I had ever seen. He
was also the most intimidating.
The giant and I fought verbally but he would be the last person I would get
into a physical fight with.
I was one hundred percent sure he could squash anyone.
"How many times have you been kicked out of school?" I questioned,
realising that he made it sound like there had been loads of occasions.
Silence hung in the air for a while.
Stone peered at my legs that were resting against his lap, and he did not
meet my eye when he answered "Seventeen."
"What for?" I asked gently, trying my best to hide my astonishment.
"Great." I joked with a teasing smile "I have let Rocky Balboa into my
His head rapidly turned to the side and his eyes quickly traversed my face.
His jaw clenched and unclenched in a vicious tempo as he removed a hand
from my leg and ran it through his inky black hair.
"Ella." His deep voice was hoarse and quiet when he assured strongly "I
would never hurt you. I would rather—"
"I know." I cut him off by shaking my head "It was just a joke."
A rough, ragged breath left him as he relaxed back against the sofa.
I felt the need to change the topic of conversation, so I asked, "Did Brennan
get into trouble a lot?"
"Not as much as me." Stone answered, not meeting my eye once again "I
usually took the blame for him when he did something wrong."
I could understand that. Brennan and Stone were as close as blood brothers.
They were raised together. I had a similar feeling about Lana who was not
even my sister. I would take the blame for something she did.
I thought about Stone said he considered Brennan's parents his own. I
wondered what they thought about him getting expelled.
"I bet your parents were not too happy about you fighting and getting
kicked out of school."
"No. They were not." He affirmed with a single chuckle "Brennan's mom
Kelly was mad but not as mad as she was when I got my first tattoo."
I let my gaze drift across the lines of ink on his exposed muscular arms and
then I rested my attention on the large skull-covered hand.
"You have quite a few." I mentioned before asking "How often do you get
them done?"
"I go every few months."
"I noticed on the beach that you don't have your back tattooed." I spoke up,
my words sheepish "Are you going to get that tatted up too?"
I let my head fall back further on the armrest so that I could see him better.
Stone nodded.
Curiosity took the better of me and I asked another question "So what is
going to be your next tattoo?"
The corner of his lip hiked upwards, and his jawbone stuck out as he
throatily uttered “I have an idea for one."
Over the next two hours, I found it hard to follow along with the movie.
The small discreet touches and the stolen glances made it hard to think
about anything else other than him.
The thick muscly arms rested on my legs. He would let his vein-struck
hands traverse up to my thighs. He even went as far as touching my
stomach for a second.
It happened too often to be an accident.
I had moved further and further down the sofa throughout the movie. My
head was on the cushioned part of the sofa and the bottom of my bum was
perched on the side of his leg.
It was almost the climax of the film when my phone rang.
Tearing my eyes off the television screen, I fetched my phone and read the
caller id before I answered.
"Hi Lana." I spoke into the phone while I eyed Stone in my peripheral
"We haven't spoken all day." She mentioned with a sigh "What have you
been up to?"
"Not that much."
"Brennan took me to this Italian restaurant." Lana told me with a dreamy
sigh "It was really romantic and nice."
"How cute." I joked with a monotonous tone "I’m very jealous."
"Don't be like that, Ella." She laughed before assuring "You know that you
are the real love of my life."
"Yeah. I know." I smiled to myself as I answered her.
"I just wanted to check in and make sure you were okay." Her light happy
voice came through from the other end of the line "What are you up to?"
I looked between the television and the giant while replying "I... I’m
watching a movie."
Stone cocked his head at me and one of his dark eyebrows raised a single
I sent him a glare while I spoke into the phone "Are you still on your date
with Brennan?"
"Not really. He is rushing to leave." She sighed her words disappointedly
"Brennan is trying to get a hold of Stone."
On cue, Stone's phone started ringing from the pocket in his jeans.
The large man in my living room stood up with his phone in his hand. He
strode away into the hallway while he brought the phone to his ear.
The last thing I heard before he disappeared into my kitchen was his harsh
rough voice mutter "Fuck. It is quarter to nine."
I remained lying down on the sofa as I quietly spoke into the phone "Do
you know where the two of them go at nights yet?"
"Brennan says it has to do with his family." She mentioned before moving
swiftly on "Would it be okay if he took me to school tomorrow?"
"Of course, it is." I assured her "My car is currently getting repaired so I
will need to walk to school anyway."
"I love you, Freak Show."
I smiled to myself as I said back "I love you too, Barbie."
We said our goodbyes before hanging up.
Stone sauntered back into the room without a word. He picked up my legs
from the sofa and then sat before placing them back down so that they were
on top of him.
"Is there somewhere you need to be?" I asked him.
He shook his head. Once.
"You don't have to stay here, you know." I informed him with a smile "If
there is somewhere else you need to be then you can leave."
His permanent scowl deepened, and his eyes grew darker. He sent me a
stern expression that was usually followed by a growl or grumble.
"I don't want you to feel you have to stay here. I can always watch the
movie myself and—"
"I am not leaving." He lowly growled.
I could not hold back the smile as I sank back down on the sofa and
resumed watching the movie.
The television became background noise as my eyes began to feel heavy. I
let them shut after it became too much of an effort to keep them open.
My body seemed to be awake because it refused to rest. It wanted
something desperately.
I wanted the warmth that tickled my legs, so I adjusted myself and felt
around for the source of the heat.
My hands trailed to a hard yet soft surface. I pushed it and it willingly
moved so I could crawl on top of it. I wrapped my arms and legs around the
something that brought me warmth and security.
I let out a sound of content as the warm pillow moved a little. It was so
comfortable that I found myself relaxing and snuggling into the well-built
Chapter Fifteen
The worst thing about my apartment was the sunlight. It shone through the
windows from the early hours.
As well as something Brobdingnagian poking my leg and waking me up,
the light from the window interrupted my sleep.
It was one of the best sleeps I had ever had.
I frowned at getting woke up until I realised what I was laying on or more
accurately who I was laying on.
My palms were flat against the moving chest that I had thought was a
pillow. I felt around and noticed that the thing I thought was an inanimate
object had hard toned muscles.
The more I rubbed at my eyes, the more my mouth dropped in shock.
All that I remembered from the night before was The Addams Family
playing and me closing my eyes before falling asleep. I dreamt I was
sleeping on a big comfy cloud and wrapping my legs around the source of
It was not a dream, and it was not a cloud. It was a large body that I had my
legs wrapped around.
I had slept on top of Stone. All night.
At the realisation that I had crawled on top of him and that it was a Monday,
I let out a groan into the large chest.
A sense of panic took over me and I was determined to get off him before
the large body before he had noticed what had happened.
Slowly and steadily, I tried to raise my body upwards, but it was proving
difficult. Mainly because the thick arms holding on to me acted as a vice
around my waist.
"Medusa." The hoarse voice under me spoke, "I am awake."
I blinked twice and looked up at him from my place again this chest.
His voice in the morning was even deeper and rougher. The sexy morning
voice was the best sort of alarm to wake up to.
I sat up quickly and jumped off him while exclaiming "Why did you not
push me off you? Or throw me away?"
Stone sat up, his t-shirt creased and his hair a tousled perfect mess.
"Why would I do that?" He questioned gruffly.
My legs felt like jelly under me. I stretched before running a hand through
my hair.
My hair was a mess. It was tangled into one big bird's nest.
"With your bed head you do look like Medusa" Stone chuckled, his voice
still rough and hoarse.
"I didn't even get that chance to dye my hair back to green because you
were here." I gritted out while trying to comb my fingers through my hair
"Anyway, you are hypocrite. Your hair is messy too."
The small smirk he wore grew in size. He was enjoying my flushed state far
too much.
Stone's veins on his left bicep bulged out as he tried to tame the black short
strands of his hair "That is because a certain girl who slept on top of me
kept touching it."
"Shut up!" I exclaimed, "It is too early in the morning to deal with you."
I remained embarrassed as he still wore the small smirk on my face. He
continued to watch me as I paced the living room with a red face.
"It was a coincidence that I ended up on top of you. I was tired and I didn't
know what I was doing." I felt the need to defend myself "I have never done
anything like that before."
He rose to his full towering height as he gnarled "I should hope so. I would
have to go and kill someone."
I blinked once and he was in front of me.
His huge torso blocked my view of anything else as he lingered above me.
My stomach growled and I almost mistook it for being Stone.
To break the tension of our closeness, I peered up at him and delivered
quietly "Are you hungry?"
His dark eyes rested their sights on my lips when he grumbled out one word
"I make really great pancakes." I blurted out "Just pick an ingredient."
This guy really did have an obsession with apples.
I nodded before I made my way through to the kitchen and grabbed the
I grabbed a glass bowl before adding eggs, milk and some sugar to a
mixture. I grabbed two apples from a bowl and peeled them before I
attempted to mash them.
After five attempts of trying to mash the apples with a spoon, two arms
came from either side of me and did it for me.
Stone was standing directly behind me as he did so. His heavy body pressed
me as he continued to help, and he leaned down so that his warm breath
tickled the back of my neck.
I turned my head and raised an eyebrow at him while I curiously challenged
"Can you crush an apple in one hand?"
He grabbed another apple from the bowl and after two seconds of him
gripping it tightly, it crushed under his strength.
"Wow." I accidentally voiced and then I coughed before crossing my arms
"That is hardly impressive. I could even do that, Lurch."
"Of course, you can, Medusa." He rebutted while chuckling to himself as he
took a seat at the island counter in the middle of the kitchen.
I poured a little bit of the mixture into a frying pan so that two separate
pancakes were cooking at the same time.
The giant apple crusher had moved himself from his seat and was now
inspecting the inside of my fridge. My very empty fridge.
"What are you doing?" I asked as I flipped the pancakes.
"Why is it the Grapes of Wrath in here?" He asked in his demanding tone.
A laugh bubbled out of me as I put a hand on my hips while facing him
"Was that a book reference I just heard from you?"
He ignored my comment while studying what I had in the fridge and what I
had to eat.
"You just referenced Steinbeck." I said in a sing-song voice.
"Why is there no food in here, Ella?" He barked unhappily.
I watched the pancakes as I lied "I have not been grocery shopping yet."
He slammed the fridge door with force while going to sit back on his chair.
I rolled my eyes at his dramatics before I put his two apple pancakes on a
plate and gave it to him. With the remaining mixture, I put another two
pancakes on the pan for myself and waited for them to cook.
Turning around, I nervously questioned, "Are they okay—?"
My question stopped mid-sentence and hung in the air because I did not
need a verbal response.
Stone's plate was already empty.
I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing while I questioned "Do you want
another one?"
He nodded.
"I guess big guys do have big appetites." I muttered to myself.
"Does that mean you have a small appetite then?" Stone grumbled from
behind me.
"I am not small!" I huffed and then I could not think of a good comeback,
so I ended up blurting out "I am going to eat you!"
Stone tilted his head at me as his arms folded on the counter.
"Actually, on second thoughts, breakfast is the most important meal of the
day." I said tauntingly to him.
My words enticed him to get up and move towards me. I took a step back
and he took one forwards. It kept going this way until my back hit the
kitchen countertop.
He stopped in front of me until our chests were merely a breath away. He
towered over me as his gaze ran up and down my form like a hunter
watching its prey.
My hands went behind me and gripped the surface as his hands reached out
and rested beside them. He leaned over me, and it gave me a closer look at
his dark obsidian eyes.
"Your point, Drizella?" He rasped out.
I used my grip on the counter to lift myself onto my toes and to reach
upwards so that I could whisper to him "I don't think you taste good
The large body pressed up on mine stilled.
The giant mumbled something under his breath before he struck. He moved
rapidly and feral like he could not hold back any longer. He grabbed the
back of my thighs and lifted me off the ground.
I gasped at the feeling of his large hands on the back of my thighs, and I had
no other choice but to wrap my legs around his midsection and my arms
around the back of his neck.
Stone set me on the kitchen counter. He kept between my legs as he pulled
back. It was far enough that he could look me in the eye but not far enough
for both of us to lose the heated contact between our bodies.
His face moved until it was millimetres away from mine. His lips brushed
against the flushed skin of my face until he lingered near the corner of my
"Only one way to find out." Stone released hoarsely from the deepest
darkest part of his chest.
Every cell and nerve knew he was near, and my blood rushed towards my
pounding heart.
It took everything inside of me not to grab his shirt and bring him to where
I wanted him to be.
The grip on my thighs tightened as he proceeded closer to me. His long
fingers sprawled out as he held onto me tighter.
Just as his forehead leaned against mine, the loud siren of the smoke alarm
went off.
My eyes widened as I jumped out of his hold.
I switched off the cooker hob and took out the cremated pancakes that were
now the same colour as Stone's eyes.
After I waved the smoke alarm with a tea towel until it went off, I noticed
that Stone had remained in the same position.
The large back was to me, and his veiny hands were gripping onto the
countertop so hard that his knuckles were turning white.
The moment was gone, and I was hit with reality.
I was seconds away kissing the large man and I had wanted it more than
I poked at the burnt pancake and let out a laugh to cut through the tension
"You can have this pancake if you want."
Stone kept silent. The only noises that left him were a few grumbles.
"Shit. We have school." I cursed when I remembered that we were not the
only two people in the world "I don't even have Kermit."
He pushed off the counter and ran his hand along his stubbled jaw as his
deep voice filled the small space between us "I will drive you to school this
"It is fine." I answered slightly breathily "I'm okay walking."
A rough noise from the back of his throat escaped him "I'm taking you."
"Does that mean more rides on your motorbike?" I asked with a hopeful
He nodded with a small chuckle.
I ran through to my room to get changed for school. I ran away from the
tensity that came with our eyes locking.
I told myself that the near kiss in the kitchen was a moment of madness. I
planned to never mention or think about it again.
Chapter Sixteen
I was thinking about the near kiss experience.
Stone drove me to school. It caused a ripple of whispers among the
gossiping students when I turned up with him on the motorbike.
When I had to wrap my arms around him on the way there, it brought up
flashbacks of that morning. I was just glad that he had to face the road so he
could not see my tomato-coloured cheeks.
As soon as he parked at the school lot, I made an excuse about how I was in
a hurry to get to class and dashed away.
It was hard to admit but I, Ella Miller for the first time in my life was lost
for words.
I was too flushed to even offer him a semi-decent insult.
Nobody asked to my face why I had come to school with Stone. The only
questions people asked during the day was where my green hair had gone. I
answered them all the same and said that I was planning to dye it back.
I left out the part that I was planning to the night before but I got a little
distracted climbing on top of a giant and falling asleep there.
The period before lunch rolled around and I was dreading it. I had managed
to avoid speaking to Stone all day. I doubted I would manage to ignore his
existence when he sat so close behind me.
Mr Dankworth was writing on the board when I took my seat next to Lana.
She offered me a smile before turning back around to listen to the two guys
"Where were you last night?" Brennan asked the large male next to him
"Did you fall asleep at the garage?"
The only person that was not watching him was me. I looked to the front
and pretended like I was not interested in the conversation.
Stone did not reply. He did not even grumble or grunt.
His silence was deafening. It seemed like he was in some sort of rage. He
usually gnarled when he was unhappy about something, but the atmosphere
of the classroom gave away that what he was feeling was stronger than that.
"You have on the same clothes as yesterday." Brennan pointed out "You
couldn't have been at work because you would have had spare clothes
I kept looking ahead and avoided the dark unfaltering stare.
"He wears the same thing every day." I spoke up "There is only so much
black clothes a man can get."
"Where were you last night?" Brennan asked, his voice full of mischief and
clarity as he spoke to me.
I realised how defensive I had sounded and how that might have come
across like I was defending Stone.
Lana questioned him with a confused frown "Why are you asking her that?"
"Yeah." I added, "Why are you asking me that?"
"No reason." Brennan replied and I could hear the smirk in his voice.
The lesson continued and none of us said anymore for the next half an hour.
I thought the conversation was over until Lana leaned to the side and
whispered in my ear "Maybe Stone has a secret girlfriend."
Her voice was not quiet nor discreet because Brennan commented "That is
what I was thinking, Lovely Lana."
I snorted because they were so wrong.
Stone did not have a lover.
Then I thought about it harder. He was secretive and he never spoke about
himself so maybe he did have a secret girlfriend.
I could have come clean and told Lana and Brennan that he was with me
but I did not want to.
I wanted to keep last night between us. A secret that I would keep close to
my chest and the front of my mind.
"What do you think, Medusa?" The deep voice filled my senses.
For the first time since sitting down, I turned and faced him, humming in
response to his question.
"I don't know if you have a secret girlfriend but if you do, I'm happy for
you." I gritted out "However, condolences for the poor girl locked up in
your basement."
"She did not come to my house. I went to hers. The girl that I was with last
night did not have a basement." He said, his tone void of any playfulness "I
got to know your house quite well."
At that moment, I forgot other people were around us. Our eyes locked and
we continued to silently battle. My eyes narrowed at him and as the minutes
passed with my attention still on him, his tensed shoulders started to relax,
and his eyes became slightly less dark.
My eye contact with him broke when Brennan laughed, and I let my gaze
wander to him.
"How does Stone know your house quite well, Ella?" He asked, grinning.
"I don't know." I quickly replied, trying to appear nonchalant "Maybe he
dreamt about it."
Stone chuckled. His smirk was evil, and it promised my very own teasing
"That is maybe what it was, Drizella." He spoke in a low voice "Although, I
have this vivid image of your kitchen counter."
He had won that round between us.
I retreated in my chair and crossed my arms and silently cursed his arrogant
infuriating self.
Lana leaned in once again and queried "How does he know your name is
I shrugged.
"It took five years for you to tell me and still to this day, you threaten to
decapitate me if I ever use it." She mentioned.
"I don't know how he knows." I rambled out a lie "He probably found it out
while looking for information for his I-Hate-Ella shrine."
The bell rang indicating lunch. We all got up out of our seats when Mr
Dankworth called out "Ella, could you stay back for a few minutes?"
I nodded, knowing he probably wanted a book recommendation or
Lana giggled "I hope you know that you don't have to flirt with him to get
your A to an A Plus."
"Please." I scoffed, matching her playfulness "I will be flirting with him
with no hidden agenda. He is my soulmate after all. Also, I already have an
A Plus in this class."
I walked to the front and noticed a very grumpy Stone behind me. I sighed
and tried to think of a way to break the tension.
"Do not worry, Lurch." I laughed "I promised not to use all my nerdy pick-
up lines on him. I will save some for you. I know you like a good book
remark. Talk Tolstoy to me."
He leaned in like he was trying to get a closer listen to my laugh.
Stone then noticed what I had said so he grumbled out "I don't read books.
Let alone Tolstoy."
"Whatever. You are totally a Frodo Dolokhov." I said as I poked his chest
The gravelly voice spoke, "It is Fyodor."
I smiled triumphantly. He had fallen right into my trap. I had changed the
name of the bad guy from War and Peace and hoped to catch him out when
he corrected me.
"A-ha. I got you" I pointed at him "You are so a book nerd."
The giant figure towering my form was too busy looking down at my smile
to care that he let himself be caught out.
He stole a last glance back over his shoulder before he begrudgingly walked
out of the classroom and joined Lana and Brennan.
As soon as it was just me and Mr Dankworth, I walked over to the desk and
studied the old man with the swirly patterned trousers and the purple
His friendly smile lit up his wrinkled face when he greeted me "Ella, have I
ever told you how cool you are?"
A laugh escaped me before I joked "Please don't be offended but when your
teacher calls you cool, you are not actually cool."
"Then have I ever told you how smart you are. You will go far in life."
I crossed my arms, recognising his sweet talk a mile away "Okay, Mr
Dankworth. What are you after?"
The English teacher sighed, and his grey almost non-existent eyebrows
dropped slightly "I need you to tutor Chase."
"He is failing English." Dankworth explained, "The essay about setting in a
Shakespeare play is due next week and he needs help."
"I get that but why me?"
"You are extremely gifted when it comes to analysing and other skills
required for English." He said pleadingly "You are the only one that can get
through to him."
A solution came to mind, so I forced out the words
"There is someone else who has the exact same grades as me. Who is just as
good." I rambled out before adding "Just don't tell him I told you that."
The old man's eyes widened like what I was suggesting was forbidden and
pretty much blasphemy.
"Mr Stone is out of the question." He quickly assured "I think it is necessary
for Mr Andrews to survive the study session."
I did love explaining a book to someone and I also liked teaching and
helping. I did say to Chase that we were friends and friends help one
Mr Dankworth saw my contemplation and begged "Please."
"Okay." I finally agreed with a heavy sigh.
He could not expect me to work a miracle and make Chase interested in
learning, but I would give it my best shot.
The cafeteria was busy when I arrived. Lana and the boys were sitting at
our normal table. I was starving and eager to get to them but then I saw
Chase and the football squad sitting at one of the middle tables. I would
have to organise a time to tutor him and that meant going over and asking.
As I stood contemplating what table I should go to first, I froze from
moving towards my seat when a tall blonde girl sat down next to Stone.
I recognised her as the girl at the party, Lacey. She spoke to the giant while
running a hand through her hair.
From the angle I was standing at, I could not see if the giant was flirting
back with her or not.
"Hey Ella." A voice interrupted my staring at the scene in front of me.
I did not look at the blonde quarterback as I said "Hey."
Chase stood next to me and looked at where I was looking which was at the
girl who had taken my seat.
He put a hand on my shoulder "Do you want to come and sit with us?"
Dragging my gaze away from my table, I nodded and followed him to the
table full of the jocks.
I sat down on the same bench as Chase when I greeted his friends. A few
said hello and others have a single nod in response.
My body with a mind of its own leaned forward so I could see past the
quarterback and back to my table.
The pair of obsidian eyes were not focused on the girl beside him. They
were scanning the lunch hall and looking for something. He looked
determined to find and claim whatever he was searching for.
His eyes met mine. He blinked twice before realising where I was and who
I was sitting with. His dark orbs became darker, and his jaw ticked as he
watched me slowly sit back and hide behind the back of the jock.
At that point, he appeared to be seconds away from starting a rampage.
I dropped my head down and avoided his gaze.
The guy that I recognised also from Chase's party that I remembered as
Kyle spoke up "What happened to your hair?"
For the hundredth time today, I explained "I wanted to change it but now
I've changed my mind. I'm dyeing it back to green tonight."
Kyle looked confused when he pointed to my head "But you look much
better as a brunette. Less freaky and more cute."
Some of the guys laughed. It was not a surprise that Chase joined in
because what is a pack of laughing hyenas without their leader. I glared at
him, and he mumbled a sorry.
"Well, Kyle." I addressed Chase's friend "It is a good thing that I could not
care less what you think."
I did not care about being cute. Unless it was the kind of cute that would
inspire Edgar Allan Poe to write dark poems about me like Annabel Lee.
Caring too much about what people thought was what had made me get rid
of my hair in the first place and I was not going to make that mistake again.
"Anyway," I tilted my body to Chase so I could tell him "I have agreed to
tutor you and help you with your English essay so is there are a certain time
and place that works for you?"
He nodded, happily "How about my place?"
I did not know if he said it because he was serious or he was trying to
insinuate something. By the immature chuckling of the table, I was leaning
more towards the latter.
Kyle felt the need to add to it "I don't think there is going to be a lot of
I glared at all of them "Yeah, there will be more than study going on. If
Chase keeps on being an asshole, there will be a lot of shouting."
"Screaming?" One of the boys hollered and high-fived the guy next to him,
obviously not meaning the aggressive screaming.
I let out a breath and rubbed at my temples "Chase, can we please just agree
on a place and time. Then I will leave so you and your buddies can go back
to talking about whatever you were before I arrived."
He did not answer, instead, Kyle did "We were talking about going to the
fight at the beach before you came but you would know all about that
though, wouldn't you?"
I raised my brow in confusion "Chase mentioned it a few times but I have
no idea what fighting goes on at the beach."
"It is like an illegal fighting league that takes place on the beach at night.
You can make money on betting on a fighter." Kyle explained, thinking that
I cared.
"So, is it boxing or wrestling?" I asked, pretending that I was interested.
"None and both." Chase answered "It is dirty fighting. No rules."
"How often does it happen?"
It sounded rough and dangerous and barbaric.
Kyle replied "Nine o'clock. Every night. The fighters must be making a
fortune but no wonder, they are pretty good."
One guy at the table added, "Neptune is the best."
"No way. Vulcan is!" Another guy argued which made all the guys at the
table nod in agreement.
All the guys except Chase because instead, he scoffed "No. He’s not."
I looked over to my table. The girl who was flirting with Stone was gone.
Lana kept switching her attention from me to Brennan who was fully
focused on talking to Stone. He looked to be trying to calm the giant down.
The attention from Stone never withered away. He remained to stare in my
direction, and he remained absolutely furious.
I shivered in my chair.
His heated stare was burning holes through me, so I distracted myself by
asking more about the beach fight club "What is with the Roman god
Kyle half laughed and half coughed "Why don't you ask—"
"Shut up." Chase said, cutting him off "She doesn't want to know."
I was about to question him when Kyle opened his mouth again and asked,
"So are you getting with him?"
"The guy who looks ready to storm across this room and snap all of our
necks for even looking at you."
I nudged Chase in a playful way "I hate to break it to you, but a lot of
people secretly want do that."
The whole table started laughing and I felt a small feeling of pride.
Kyle stopped laughing to ask again "Seriously though, are you getting with
"Not to sound like an owl but again, who?"
Chase did not look happy as his friend retorted "I definitely think your girl
is secretly getting with the tattooed guy."
I started to think that I had I nearly kissed Stone written on my forehead.
"Okay, first off no. Second of all, I am not Chase's girl. I am nobody's." I
quickly dismissed their comments "Chase's study buddy, yes. On that note,
when and where are we meeting?"
"Ice cream place at the pier" Chase replied.
I nodded "Tomorrow night?"
"Can't." Chase took a bite of his lunch "Football practice."
"How about Wednesday night?"
He thought for a minute and then smiled "That works for me."
Picking my bag up off the floor, I said goodbye to him and the boys before
strolling to my table. What waited for me was the two love birds and the
terrifying male.
Stone's face promised bloodshed.
I could feel the tension in the small space of air between him and me as I sat
down. His skin brushed against mine and I could feel the storm brewing
inside of him.
The tongue lashing from him was what I anticipated. I did not expect for
him to be silent.
Maybe Stone was right. Maybe bickering with him did make me glow.
Maybe it did make me happy.
His leg moved so it was touching mine. It had a feeling brewing inside of
me. The only way I could describe it was like a rollercoaster. It was
completely alarming but it was exhilarating.
The silence broke when he growled, "You have been avoiding me."
I did not look at him when I claimed, "No. I haven't."
"What were you doing with him?" He demanded to know, his tone
Lana and Brennan stopped their conversation to spectate what was going on
at our side of the table.
I ignored their stares and replied to him "Mr Dankworth asked me to tutor
Chase. I just went over there to organise a time."
That did not calm him down.
"You said yes?" He growled again.
I twisted in my seat, so I was facing his harsh features and his outraged
expression. I matched his anger and tried not to get distracted by staring at
his eyes or his lips.
"I do not need to explain myself to you. If I want tutor him then I am going
to." I claimed and then added before I could think "If I want to hook up
with him then I will."
Not sure what had possessed me to say my previous sentence, I tried to
seem confident but as I watched his fingers curl into tight fists, I regretted
my words.
"Oh no." Brennan quietly let out.
One of Stone's fists forcefully slammed on the table. A noise that could
break the sound barrier filled the large lunch hall. The cans of juice over
spilling and the wood creaking underneath his hand.
I was surprised that the table did not split in half.
Lana's eyes were wide open, and her mouth hung open at his outburst.
The deep and demanding voice had never made me shiver before because
deep down I always knew it was just part of our weird dynamic. This felt
oddly different. Now his voice sounded deadly serious.
"Try it, Medusa. I dare you." He barked/
"Why do you even care anyway?" I spat out.
He looked down at me and continued to study my face.
Lana stood up which made us all look at her.
She gave me a pointed look before announcing "I'm going to the bathroom.
Ella is coming too."
"I am?" I asked, moving away from the tight grasp that Stone's eyes had me
She walked around the table and grabbed my hand to pull me out of the
lunch hall. Lana finally let go of my hand when we reached the girl's
Her head bobbed as she searched the cubicles to make sure nobody was in.
Once she was sure it was just us, she stood in front of me and questioned
"Okay, Ella. What is going on?"
"What are you talking about?" I said, straightening out my black skirt.
"You and Stone." She elaborated in a duh tone "What is going with you
Except he stayed over last night and we nearly kissed this morning, not
I felt bad for not telling her but I could not find the words. I could not even
comprehend myself what had gone on between him and I.
Lana spoke again "You two dance around each other like wolves. I don't
know if you two want to rip each other apart or rip each other’s clothes off."
"What kind of wolves have you seen that wear clothes?"
"Ella!" She said, exasperated.
I avoided the topic again "How are you and Brennan getting on?"
"Come on! You two are totally into each other!"
"Me?" I pointed to myself "Into Stone?"
"Yes. You!"
"I am not." I crossed my arms over my chest "Stone is also not interested in
She looked fed up "You need to let someone in eventually. I think you
already have. You told him your real name. That has to mean something."
I did not think mentioning how my car broke down and I ended up at his
place of work then he drove me home and then I slept on him would help
my argument,
"You are just a romantic." I informed her before joking "Imagine if we did
like each other. Our friend group would turn out to be like ABBA. Look
how that turned out."
"So, you are telling me you have no feelings for Stone?"
A few seconds passed and I tightened the hold on myself “We have this
weird chemistry…”
“No shit” Lana scoffed.
“It won’t last. It is temporary.” I argued as I felt my shoulders deflate “My
experience with chemistry is that it fizzles out.”
Lana did not look like she believed me, but she did not ask any further.
We walked back through to the cafeteria and sat down in our seats. Brennan
kissed Lana on the cheek before going back to sitting in silence while they
ate their lunch.
I stole a quick look at the giant next to me.
Now thinking about it all, maybe I had let him past the walls I had built up
around myself slightly.
"You are not tutoring him." He commanded.
"Are you stilling going on about that?" I narrowed my eyes at him "I’m
tutoring him. End of story."
"Over my dead body."
Rising myself on my seat so I could try and match his eye level, I
threatened "I can arrange that."
His lip twitched when he noticed how I had grown in size as I leaned on my
"How are you going to do that, Medusa?"
Winding up the giant had become the best part of my day.
"I-I could squash you."
He looked me up and down. His gaze trailing over the length of me. The
small length of me.
"Squash me?" He repeated, a smirk forming on his face.
I nodded and ignored how ridiculous it sounded "I am really heavy. I could
sit on you."
That is when he said something that took me by surprise.
"Do it."
Lana and Brennan wore matching expressions. They looked in amusement
like they could not wait to see what was about to happen.
Stone sat back in his chair and his irritating smug face looked at me in
All I wanted to do was watch the smirk fall from his face. With that in
mind, it spurred me on to stand up and glare down at him.
I could not back down now. I had to go through with it.
I climbed on to his lap.
My plan was to hurt him, but the impact did no damage.
As soon as I was on him, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled
me towards him, so my back rested against his chest.
My plan had backfired. It was supposed to hurt him. I had expected him to
let out a noise of disapproval or at least push me off him.
I wiggled around "Let me go, Lurch."
"No." He grumbled, his grip tightening.
After a few minutes of trying to remove his big muscular arm from around
my stomach, I gave up moving and mumbled "Am I not heavy?"
"Whatever." I mumbled before leaning forward and taking a few fries from
his plate "I am stealing your food."
Brennan raised his brow from the other side of the table "You enjoying
yourself there?"
"No." I replied, munching on Stone's lunch "I am hating every second of
"Then why are you still on his lap?" Lana asked, biting the inside of her
cheek to stop herself from laughing.
"He won't let me." I motioned down at his strong vice-like arms before I
started eating the burger from Stone's plate "Plus, I’m torturing him."
"Yeah, because he looks like he is getting tortured." Brennan commented
while nodding towards the guy behind me.
Stone had a small smile on his face as he watched me devour his
One of Chase's friends was watching the scene with a judgemental
expression on his face. I flipped him off and carried on with what I was
I stretched over to grab more of his fries and then I slammed back onto his
lap. Only this time I rested more further back so that my tailbone rested
higher than his thigh.
A deep noise erupted from the bottom of his chest, but he did not let me go.
"Now he might be in torture." Brennan chuckled.
Slowly, I could not help but turn around and look down. My attention fell to
the large bulge before I peered back up and met the pair of dilated pupils.
"That better be a spanner, mechanic- boy." I teased before turning around
and eating the rest of his burger.
Chapter Seventeen
"Are you on the menu?"
"No. I'm not." I replied to Chase with a sigh "I thought I was here to teach
you Shakespeare. Not how to read."
The last thing I wanted to be doing on a Wednesday evening was attempting
to teach Chase a Shakespeare play. I would have rather been at home alone
and that was saying something.
I wanted to be home at home admiring my hair. I had dyed it back to green
and now it was even more luminous than before. The green was probably
bright enough to be seen from space.
The ice cream parlour was quiet with only a few tables occupied. I counted
the number of people in the room to keep myself entertained.
I eventually turned back to my supposed student who was too busy
laughing at something on his phone.
I waved my hands in front of his face as I called to him "Chase, can you
please focus?"
He put his phone down and put his hands up in fake surrender as he argued
"I'm looking at the poem on my phone."
I leaned back and blew a stay hair out of my face while I informed him "It
is a play, and you were laughing at your phone."
"So, you are writing about Romeo and Juliet. An example of a tragedy." I
pointed out, trying to keep my cool "What is there to laugh about?"
Chase's phone went off again and I shot him a dirty look until he put it on
"I'm sorry. I'm listening now." He mumbled before leaning back in his chair.
"Romeo and Juliet is set in Verona which is in Italy." I told him before
asking "Why do you think that is?"
His response was a shrug and a few lazy set of words "Maybe he liked
"You are going to get such great marks on your essay if you write that." I
sarcastically remarked.
"I might." He argued "We were not around back then. We have no idea why
he really chose that place to set it in."
In a weird way, he had a point. It was unlikely however that William
Shakespeare was walking around eating a spaghetti carbonara thinking up
the Capulets.
"If you can write a whole essay about the playwright's eating habits then
you do that." I laughed "But I will teach you the real reason."
After I finished explaining why the setting was important to the play, I sat
and waited for him to write some notes.
Looking around again as Chase copied down what I had just said, I noticed
that there were a group of guys outside of the ice cream parlor.
five well-built men were visible through the large window. Three of which
had their back to me. One of the guys facing my way had brown hair and a
noticeable scar on his eye like the villain from The Lion King.
Standing next to one of the unknown males was another guy who looked
familiar. I leaned closer to get a better look, but the setting sun blinded me
in the process.
I blinked a few times before I realised who was standing outside.
My action of moving closer only and staring at the group made Brennan
notice me.
Brennan's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw me sitting there.
He then switched his gaze to the guy across the table from me and his eyes
widened further.
I had never considered myself a perceptive person. It was probably because
I always had my head in my clouds or because I was dreaming up
One of the men outside who had their back to me was much larger than the
rest. He was a thick body of muscle, and he was wearing an infamous
leather jacket.
The boy with the scar who I had never seen in my life before pointed right
at me.
Stone's well-built body moved to turn around.
Instinctively, I slid down in my seat and covered my face with my hand.
Maybe the re-dyeing of the green was not such a good idea.
Chase looked up from his notebook and raised an eyebrow at my hiding
"What are you doing?" The quarterback questioned.
I said the first thing that popped into my head "I am re-enacting what
Romeo would have looked like hiding under Juliet's balcony."
"This is visual learning." I blurted out as I sank further into my seat.
The blonde footballer did not look convinced by my excuse. He instead
looked over his shoulder at what I was looking at.
Stone was storming towards us. He was taking long violent and determined
steps towards our table and his expression was furious. His dark eyes were
zoned in on the two of us as his jaw ticked viciously. He looked like a caged
beast that had been set free.
The light of the ice cream shop darkened. A shadow was cast across the
table as the large figure towered over us.
His presence created a cold atmosphere in the place. Which was a complete
contrast to what I was feeling.
I felt overheated and my skin felt on fire.
The giant remained silent as he stared down at me.
I offered him a little wave as I greeted "Hi."
"What are you doing?" The deep guttural voice that was nothing short of
wrathful grounded out.
I pointed to the glass on my side of the table and squeaked out "Having a
"What is he doing here?" Stone ordered to know, his question a rough-
sounding demand.
My finger moved an inch before I replied again "Having a milkshake."
Not amused by my excuse, Stone's jaw ticked in an angry rhythm as he
looked between me and the quarterback opposite me.
My attention went to the bulging veins in the giant's tightly clenched fists.
Chase spoke up with an amused laugh “What are you doing here, man?"
Stone did not answer him. He gave him a once-over with a look of pure
hatred. The way he only spent a split second acknowledging the
quarterback's existence was like he was looking at a bit of dirt on his shoe.
"Can you leave?" Chase appeared amused when he delivered his question
towards the man looming over us "We are trying to have a date here."
I was about to correct him. I was about to defend myself and assure both of
them that I was not a big enough nerd to have a Shakespeare oriented date.
Just as I was about to speak, Stone struck furiously by grabbing Chase by
the collar of his shirt. The thick strong arm lifted the blonde guy up and off
the ground until he was dangling off the ground.
"I suggest you do not open your mouth again before I end up fucking killing
you." Stone barked in warning, the tendons in his neck close to snapping.
"I get it, tough guy." Chase taunted, still held in the air from the iron grip
"You are intimidated by me."
The deep humourless laugh sent a shiver down my spine. Stone chuckled
darkly like what Chase had said was the most amusing thing in the world.
I could see why he was laughing. Chase was ripped and tall, but he was
nothing compared to the giant hovering over both of us.
"You are intimidated because you think that Ella might like me more than
you." Chase insinuated with a smirk "She does by the way."
"I think Ella can speak for herself." I huffed but they were both not
Stone's jaw could cut someone. He was grinding his molars as his hand
folded into a dangerously tight fist. His knuckles turned white and tremored
I stood up and ignored the stares around the room while I placed my hand
on his fist.
My hand dwarfed in comparison to Stone's as he uncurled his fist and
latched onto my hand.
His black eyes were dark, and his pupils dilated as he turned to look at me.
I whispered in an attempt to diffuse him "Calm down, Lurch."
He kept his heated black gaze on me as he let go of Chase's shirt and
allowed his body to plummet back onto his seat.
"You have got it bad, haven't you?" Chase threw his head back and laughed
"It is a shame she is here with me."
I let go of Stone's hand which made him scowl further.
I was sick of the conversation and them treating me like I was not there.
Turning my body back towards Chase, I threatened "She is not going to be
here much longer with you if you don't stop speaking about her like she is
not here."
"Damn right." Stone growled, his voice turning feral "You are coming with
"That does not mean I’m going with you either." I bit out as I tilted my chin
upwards so that I could meet the dark pair of eyes "I actually need to tutor
Chase. I have no reason to go with you."
Stone's obsidian irises flicked over my face while his eyebrows furrowed,
and his jaw ticked.
"No reason?" He grumbled while dragging his glare to the floor.
I went to sit back down on my seat, but Stone quickly stopped me.
An electric shock shot up my arm as the large warm calloused fingers
belonging to the giant wrapped around my arm. The clutch on my arm was
firm but gentle as it pulled me towards the largest chest.
I collided with him. More specifically his chest.
My forehead planted against his torso which might as well have been a
concrete wall for how hard and unforgiving it was.
A small noise left me as I landed against him.
The hand quickly dropped from my arm while the deep voice rumbled out
quickly "Sorry."
I knew that he did not mean to pull me that hard and I knew that he did not
realise his own strength, so I sent him a small reassuring smile.
"Your car is fixed." His chest shook slightly as the deep voice spoke the
words "I finished it this morning. We need to go pick it up."
I promised Mr Dankworth that I would tutor Chase. I had tried for a good
two hours to teach the footballer something.
Stone's deep voice lowered and grew hoarser as he lowly asked me "Do you
want to stay with him?"
My mind was already made up.
I wanted to go with Stone. Even if he was being a giant pain in the ass.
"I'm sorry." I turned to Chase and uttered an apology "Can we maybe do
this another time?"
What I was expecting was his reply to be glad that the study session was
over but instead he shrugged and laughed "That is okay. We can continue
another day. Maybe at my house tomorrow night."
Stone was not oblivious to the underlying meaning of Chase's words. He
stepped forward and slammed his palm onto the table before he leant down
to the jock and lowly threatened him.
I did not hear what Stone said but it made Chase go pale.
With my mouth agape, I reached up and tried to pull him back. Without
saying another word to my second-long-study-buddy, I pushed Stone away
from the table and towards the door.
He willingly moved under my touch. There was no way I would be able to
move the massive multiple-hundred-pound pile of muscle if he did not want
to go.
When the sea breeze hit my face, I walked a few metres ahead of him
before motioning back inside and asking, "What was that back there?"
"He is so fucking lucky." He gritted out, the veins in his neck pulsing
viciously "For what he was trying to hint about you, I wanted to end his
pathetic life."
"He was trying to get a rise out of you." I sighed frustratedly "And it
His big hard chest moved up and down erratically. His dark eyes were
flicking between me and the ice cream place like he was contemplating
going back and finishing taking out his rage on the blonde quarterback.
"I was teaching him centuries old literature." I felt the need to clarify "We
were not having a candle lit dinner."
Stone strode over and closed the gap between us so that he could hover over
men. He moved so close that I had to crane my neck upwards so that I could
peer up at him.
"We are just friends." I told him with an aggravated sigh "He is not trying to
get with me."
The words left the bottom of his chest in a deep carnivorous grumble "Yes.
He is."
I leaned on my toes so that I was a little closer to him. The action was not a
choice. It was a need and an urge.
"He has been there, and he has done that." I sighed "And knowing him, he
has probably got the t-shirt."
He stopped moving. His shoulders stilled and his darkened eyes rested on
my face.
"What does that mean?" He forced the words out; his voice was lower and
quieter than I had ever heard it.
"It means we dated, and it didn't work out." I answered before murmuring
"And calling it dating is an overstatement."
Stone cocked his head before letting out a rough, ragged grumble of a noise.
His eyes closed for a few seconds before his darkened eyes set on me and
he spoke through a clenched jaw "I am going to go insane."
"Not my problem." I rebutted, keeping my posture strong as I met his gaze
“I'm not asking for your permission the next time I need to meet him for a
He studied my face before letting out lowly "You are so frustrating,
"You are not exactly a walk in the park either!" I raised my voice and
blurted out before I turned on my heel and walked away from him.
He followed me instantaneously.
We walked in silence. I could feel the tension in him as he lingered closely
behind me.
I glanced at his black truck parked on the street before I walked right past it.
"Get in the car, Medusa." He barked from behind me.
I stopped walking but I did not turn around
"What?" I sassed over my shoulder "So I can frustrate you in the car too?"
"Ella." His deep voice grew strained and demanding when he uttered my
My eyes narrowed as I turned around on my heel and faced him.
"No thank you, Wreck-it-Ralph." I called to him, placing my hands on my
I watched him as his jaw ticked impatiently. We stood staring at each other
for a few minutes. None of us surrendered.
"You either get in the car or I put you in the car." He gave his ultimatum
and made it clear that it was either by hook or by crook that I was staying
with him.
His tone was as serious as a heart attack, so I knew he was not joking.
"Fine." I huffed, finally surrendering "Just because I can't be bothered
I got into the black truck and put on my seatbelt while waiting for him to
make his way around to his side. He opened the door, got in and slammed
the door with brute force.
Sighing as I turn on the leather seat, I interrogated "What has got you so
"He thought it was so fucking funny." He growled; his voice so quiet that I
almost missed his statement.
"Who?" I asked to break the intensity of his stare even though I knew who
he was talking about.
He started the engine while he shook his head. The large wide shoulders
tensed until they were rigid.
"Chad." He bit out like he was tasting something disgusting on his tongue.
"What did he think...?" I trailed off.
Stone turned to meet my eye. His obsidian irises blazed with a scalding
My heart lurched.
I could hear the beating of my heart as he leaned closer towards me, his
dark eyes never leaving mine. My skin tingled in anticipation as he neared
so close that I could feel him circulating my whole being.
"What did he find funny?" I tried again.
"You and me." He breathed out against my neck, the words ticking my
I opened my mouth but then closed it.
Seconds stretched on but not for nearly long enough. When he sat back in
his seat and shifted the gear stick, I felt cold.
Stone had his truck instead of his bike, so it made it easier to send him
glares as he drove along the promenade.
I was too busy staring at the side of his face to notice where we were when
he pulled up outside my apartment building.
"I'm not a mechanic at your work or anything but I am pretty sure my house
is not the place you were fixing my car." I mentioned quietly to him.
He turned off the engine and faced me, but he did not bother speaking. He
just watched me in silence.
"Why are we here?" I questioned our whereabouts "I thought we were
going to get Kermit."
"Your car is not fixed." He uttered unapologetically "I just wanted you away
from him."
I exaggerated making a strangling motion with my hands as I glared at him.
"You are such a..." I tried to think of a word, but nothing came to mind so I
ended up saying "A... Lurch."
"If I have to become some kind of monster to keep you with me then so be
it." He let out deeply and determinedly.
My mouth opened and then closed once again.
I had no idea what to say to him, so I opened the door to the truck and
climbed out.
"I'm not grateful for the reason why but thanks for driving me home." I held
onto the door as I called back into the car.
His expression was foreign to me. The one he wore was hard to decipher. It
almost looked like he was ashamed.
"Ella—" He began to deliver gently.
"Try and calm down before you drive again." I cut him off "On the way
here, I thought I was in Wacky Races."
I shut the door to his truck and walked away. I rushed up the stairs and I did
not bother to look back.
Going through the hall on the first floor of my apartment building, I did not
hear him drive away.
When I walked into the corridor of my floor and put the key in my door and
found it already open, I found myself feeling nauseous.
I pushed open the door and faced the messy apartment. The living room that
was usually the cleanest part of the house was covered in empty beer
I was naive. I found myself hoping every day that my father would come
back sober, and we would be able to live our life to some normality.
Derek Miller was hunched over the coffee table looking at a photo album.
I stepped closer cautiously and the aroma of cheap booze hit me. My
sudden nearness made his head snap up and he looked to be trying to work
out who I was for a minute.
He pointed to the photo opened in the book with the top of the beer bottle in
his hand.
The picture was of the three of us at the beach. My father was standing with
his arm around us. My mother was holding six-year-old me with our cheeks
squished together while we both grinned.
I had forgotten how similar looking I was to my mother. I wondered if that
was the reason my father could not stomach the sight of me.
My father kept his sad gaze on the picture as he whispered, "You are the
reason she is dead."
It was not the first time he had said those words and it would not be the last.
The breath I released from my chest was painful "What do you mean?"
I almost did not recognise my voice. It came out far more vulnerable and
childish than I intended.
He never stuck around to explain what he meant by those words.
Slamming the picture book shut, he stood up and pointed at me with so
much venom in his eyes that it scared me.
"She was happy and then suddenly she wasn't." He spat out "You don't
think that has something to do with you?"
I shook my head, refusing to listen to his words.
"Maybe it was something to do with me." I whispered, "But I don't think it
is solely all my fault."
In a blink of an eye, he was in front of me and in my face
"What are you trying to hint at, you little bitch?" He bit out, the beer strong
on his breath.
"That maybe it was not my fault." I matched the bitterness in his tone as I
replied "She never left a note. We will never know why."
He staggered back until he was a few meters away from me.
It all happened so fast. Maybe my tears had something to do with my
delayed reaction.
I ducked just in time before the bottle smashed against the wall behind me.
If I had moved a second later then I would been hit by the beer bottle.
His eyes widened as soon as it happened.
My body was shaking violently. My sobs were shaky too.
I closed my eyes and let out quietly "Get out."
"What?" He replied, his voice just as quiet.
I could not breathe. My chest and my throat were shaking too much and the
air in the room did not feel safe enough to inhale.
"Get out of here!" I screamed with the last remaining energy I had in me "I
have never wanted you to leave before. I have always wanted you to stay
but now I don't want to see your face again. Get out."
My father opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but he chose
not to say it.
"I'm so sick of being alone. I'm so sick of waiting for you to come home.
I'm so sick of waiting for you to step and become my dad." I sobbed out,
my throat aching as the words left me "I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I have no
desire to call you my father and I'm sorry I don't want anything to do with
you. I'm sorry for what I am about say next."
He watched and waited for what I was about to say next.
"Get out of here and don't come back." I said quietly "I don't want to see
you ever again."
An exhale of his breath hit me, and the smell of whisky made me even
I pointed to the door "You have never had a problem with leaving before so
My father did not say another word as he grabbed his jacket and walked
away. He shut the front door behind him softly.
Perhaps I was reading too much into it, but the small slick of the door
almost felt like an apology.
I closed my eyes and stood still until I no longer heard the footsteps in the
The apartment looked like a bomb site, and I knew I would have to tidy it
up, but I did not have the energy.
I had no energy to do anything. I crouched to my knees and covered my
mouth to contain the sobs.
Another knock on the door was the last straw for me.
I stood up from the floor and I marched over to the door.
I screamed shakily as I yanked it open "If you are here to tell me that I
killed my mother again or call me any other names then you can go and fu
I stop myself from saying any more when I saw who was standing at the
The unexpected giant visitor took up the whole space of the doorframe.
Stone's eyes were blazing with concern. He barged past the door with no
invitation and kept his eyes down on my face as he neared. He came right
up to me until every part of him was almost pressed against me.
His large warm calloused hands cupped my face as he studied my
expression. He looked down softly at my trembling lip and I could see the
heat of his concern.
He looked past me, not letting go of my face. He scanned the room
furiously and looked for the source of my tears.
"Baby, what the hell happened to you?" He rasped out.
I discovered at that moment that I did not find it difficult to be strong. I
found it hard to allow someone to see me vulnerable.
"Ella." He said softly, as soft as I had ever heard his rough voice.
"I am fine." I argued as I tried to swat him away.
His warm hands remained cupping my face and his thumbs continued
gently wiping my tears away.
I did not know I was crying until I pulled away and wiped my face with my
hands. My palms were wet and so was my shirt with the shed tears.
Stone reached out for me again. I did not fight him. I was too exhausted,
and I felt myself falling.
He caught me. His large arms wrapped around me and pressed my small
self firmly into his chest.
For the first time in a long while, I felt warm and protected.
Another sob came from me and that only made him hold on tighter.
Even though I could not get my arms fully around his huge frame and even
though he was holding onto me a little too tightly, it was my favourite hug
I took a deep breath of his scent between my sobs. His presence was
enough. The smell of leather and engine grease made me feel like nothing
could touch me. Like nothing could hurt me.
His head hung down and his mouth nuzzled my hair as he demanded to
know "Who did this to you?"
"I am okay." I released shakily "I am fine."
Stone's grip tightened and his words came out strained like he was the one
hurt "Medusa, you are killing me here."
I clung to him tightly "Can you...can you just hold me?"
A few beats of his heart later and he huskily let out "Always."
Stone let go of me, but it was only for a second. He bent down and wrapped
one of his arms around the back of my knees before he picked me up.
I wrapped my legs around his torso, and I wrapped my arms around the
back of his neck while I rested my forehead on his shoulder.
One of the arms snaked around my waist. His other arm made its way up
my back so that he could dip his fingers into my hair.
"I just need a few more seconds." I mumbled into his shoulder.
His hand cupped the back of my neck to hold my head in place. His rough
calloused fingers caressed my hair and the back of my neck so that he could
keep me cradled against him.
I sucked in a breath through my nose and pressed my face even closer into
him. I held on tighter to him and I could feel how strong and immovable his
hard muscled body was.
I had leaned more of my weight on him than I had ever let someone else
hold. I let him support me more than anyone else ever had and he managed
to hold me without an issue.
We stood like that for a while.
I closed my eyes and the same moment played over and over in my head.
The image of the bottle hurtling towards me replayed over and over again.
My breathing started to become rapid. I felt like clutching my throat to get a
better chance of receiving air. My heart pounded in my ear, and I felt the
room close around me.
He rushed over to the sofa before setting me down. His two hands rested on
my legs before he knelt down to see me better.
"Take deep breaths, Ella." His deep voice ordered frantically while he
moved the hair out my face "You are okay. I have got you."
I had only experienced this feeling twice. It was still a daunting experience.
It felt a lot like dying and the thoughts of not being able to breathe only
made me panic more.
His hand moved from my cheek to the back of my neck. He massaged the
skin there gently as he watched me with such caution. He appeared so
distressed at my state.
I felt I had to reassure him that I would be okay, but I could not. I could not
"Ella." He released the words from his chest as gently as he could "I need
you to do something for me."
I nodded, trying to breathe in and out.
He spoke again in his gravelly voice "I need you to list books by Jane
Austen in alphabetical order."
Confusion took over me. It almost drowned out the panic. Then I realised
what he was doing. He was trying to get my mind off everything by setting
me a task to do.
My breaths were still shallow, but I thought about it. It only took ten
seconds because I did know the alphabetical order. I quietly listed the books
from Emma to Sense and Sensibility.
If he was not so concerned about me, I could imagine him being impressed
at how fast I rattled off the titles.
He changed his tactic and spoke while his large hand gently caressed my
knee "List everything you hate about me."
I managed to let out a small shaky laugh "The limit of the list does not
Stone smiled. It was small and strained but it was a hint of a smile.
"Name them." He gently replied.
My eyes met his. His that reminded me of dark chocolate. His gaze was the
same. Sweet yet bitter. He looked at me softly, but I could see the specs of
anger in them as well. Anger to destroy the thing that had brought me pain.
I admitted in the form of a whisper "I can't."
He tilted his head as my breathing subsided.
Once he had noticed that I had relaxed, he scooped my body up into his
arms and held me to his chest bridal style as he carried me to my room.
Stone gently placed me back on my feet when we reached the threshold
between the hallway and my room.
"Go and get changed into your pyjamas." He instructed after setting me
down "I will wait outside."
I nodded before stepping inside and shutting my bedroom door behind me.
I opened my drawer and looked through my clothes. The only pyjamas that
were not in the washing pile were my Princess and The Frog ones.
Letting out a sigh, I undressed and changed into the green shorts and tank
top pyjama set before I opened my door again.
Stone was leaning against the hall wall waiting for me. He had one of his
hands knocking an impatient beat on the part of the wall that met the
As soon as he saw me, his eyes went to my face before falling to look at
what I was wearing. A hint of amusement made its way onto his expression.
He never commented on my Disney Pyjamas. He instead ushered me back
into my room and towards the bed.
My bed had never looked so good. I could feel my eyes closing. I just
wanted the day to be over.
Sometimes I would stay up at night and make up theories about the world
just to distract myself from the hollowness of the apartment but now I had
something to think about.
I was thinking about the enigma that came in the form of the mountain of a
This was the second time he had put me to bed. It had also been more than
two times that he had made me feel better without even knowing it.
Stone's exterior was large and terrifying, but I knew he was more than that.
I had considered being nicer to him and insulting him less, but I did not
want our dynamic to end. Our back-and-forth battles ignited something in
me, and I wondered if I had ever done something more passionately than
tease him.
"What are you thinking about?" He questioned gently, looking down at me
as I climb into bed.
"Can you stay with me?" My voice was a small hopeful noise as I spoke.
"I am not going anywhere, Medusa." He assured sternly before taking a step
away from the bed "I'll take the sofa."
My hand had a mind of its own and reached out to grab him. I rose on my
knees on the mattress as I placed my hand on his arm.
"Can you stay in here with me?"
Mentally facepalming, I wanted the bed to swallow me whole after the
words left my mouth. I was mortified as I fell back on the bed be let go of
his arm.
He took a few steps away from the bed while remaining silent.
I never knew how much I needed him there until he walked away. I
slumped onto the bed and buried my head in the pillows and let out a groan.
Then I felt the bed move drastically under me at someone else's weight.
The wide shoulders took up all the room on the mattress as Stone laid down
next to me.
I rolled over and removed my head from the pillow. I noticed that Stone had
switched the light off and that is why he walked away momentarily.
All I could feel was his closeness.
His warmth and presence were comforting but it was not enough for me to
forget the words uttered by my father earlier.
I turned on my side so that I could hide my tears from him.
Stone reached over and placed his hand gently on my neck. He took my
chin between his thumb and his index finger and gently move my head so
that he could see me.
"Stop crying, Medusa baby." He growled softly "I can't stand it. Your tears
drive me insane."
I rolled my eyes while wiping them.
"Baby better a term of endearment and not because I'm crying." I joked to
him "If it is then I will castrate you."
He chuckled and I joined in laughing while trying to keep my sniffling to a
A question popped into my mind, and I suddenly remembered to ask "Why
did you come here?"
"I came to apologise."
I frowned while questioning "For what?"
"For losing it back at the pier. I should not have acted like that." His gruff
voice delivered strongly yet lowly "I was not mad at you."
I nodded and managed to send him a shaky smile "Apology accepted."
The bed covers moved under his grip as he moved them, so they were
covering me fully.
Turning back on my side to hide my smile into my pillow, I quietly voiced
"Goodnight, Lurch."
"Night, Medusa." He said back, making it known that he was near to my
I let my eyes shut but my body was very much awake. I felt a lone finger
wipe a tear from my cheek. I also could have sworn that I felt a gentle kiss
being bestowed on my shoulder.
Chapter Eighteen
Nature and animal documentaries were never really my thing but the one
time I did decide to watch one, it was about Koala Bears. The little
creatures slept with their legs and arms wrapped around a large tree.
That was also exactly how I woke up. Except the tree was not a tree and
instead was a giant.
It took me at least forty-five seconds to wake up and be fully aware of my
When I realised, I was on top of Stone, I hoped that I had just moved on to
him and that I had not been there all night.
Carefully, I tried to pull away and lift my leg away from him. It felt all very
like a sequence from Mission Impossible.
A chuckle interrupted my movement and proved my ninja skills were not
that good.
I slowly looked up at the guy under me and he did not appear as if he had
just woken up. He looked wide awake as his lip twitched upwards at the
sight of my widened eyes.
I jumped away to the other end of the bed and pointed at his amused face
before accusing "You are not sleeping."
He chuckled as he watched me rub at my eyes.
"Do you ever actually sleep?" I asked, remembering that it was the second
time I had woken up on top of him "Why did you not push me off?"
Stone shrugged before his raspy deep voice affirmed "I am not going to say
no to a small hot water bottle. You kept me warm all night."
I did not miss the way he dragged out all night in a taunting tone. I had
spent the whole night on his hard yet comfortable chest.
"There is no way I would have done that willingly." I let out a groan in
reply before I quickly recovered by accusing him "I think that you placed
me on your chest."
He said nothing and instead changed the subject by motioning towards my
white shorts with the frogs on them "Nice pyjamas."
"Do not mock them." I said to his amused face "Princess and The Frog is a
cinematic masterpiece."
If somebody had told me even a week ago that Stone would be in my bed
and that I would be talking about how good a movie about talking frogs was
then I would have called them a dirty liar.
"I can't believe you slept in your clothes." I laughed as I looked down at his
creased top and the outline of his abs.
His eyebrow raised and the side of his lip turned upwards when he
questioned "Next time, should I sleep just in my boxers?"
My whole body went warm at the thought.
After I gained composure, I replied "There isn’t going to be a next time."
Our laughter died out and the atmosphere changed. The playfulness
disappeared as there was nothing else to joke about.
Unanswered questions about last night flew around the room and the
tension from the other person on the bed was noticeable.
I picked at a thread on my shorts as I avoided the dark gaze and uttered
quietly "I'm sorry."
Stone's expression contorted to a much more serious one when he gruffed
his words out "You have nothing to apologise for."
"I do." I argued, "I shouldn't have broken down like that and you shouldn't
have been forced to deal with it."
He scowled. He looked to be a second away from giving me a stern telling
"I am only going to say this once." I joked to make the conversation less
serious "You are not ugly. Some might argue that you are above average
and that your face is pretty symmetrical. There are girls at school lining up
to speak with you."
His head cocked to the side and his darkened expression almost appeared
"You are not hard up on female companionship so why’d you choose to stay
with a crying mess of a one?" I continued my joke.
Silence filled the small space of my bedroom.
"That is a stupid fucking question." He grumbled lowly.
I was grateful for what he did. I owed him for calming me down and
looking after me when I needed it the most
"Okay." I sighed "I will shut up now."
"Medusa." His deep voice turned scornful as he rasped out "I would talk
with you all day and all night."
I shot him a small grateful smile as he moved closer until our shoulders
"What happened yesterday?" He tried to ask gently but his voice came out
rough and demanding.
"It was nothing." I waved him off.
"It was not fucking nothing. Something that makes you upset is not fucking
nothing to me." He growled out his words like they hurt him to say, "I was
worried about you."
I offered him a small smile as I questioned "Really?"
"Ella." He breathed out, sternly yet softly.
"My dad doesn’t live here with me." I admitted while avoiding his gaze.
Stone went silent for a second.
His fixed dark gaze never left my face when he spoke again "I thought as
I turned my head to the side and upwards so that I could meet his eye as I
asked, "How could you have possibly known that?"
"You are a terrible liar." He mentioned with a rough sounding sigh.
"Maybe you are just psychic or something." I spoke absentmindedly "I've
convinced Lana that he is still around for about a year now."
I realised what I had said as soon as I said it, but it was too late to take it
"You have done what?" The giant on my bed grumbled.
"I don't want to worry her." I rambled out my explanation "I feel really bad
about lying to her, but I just don't want to see the look of pity on her face."
Stone did not speak for a while. He just sat there and studied me. His jaw
ticked and the veins in his neck bulged while he watched me deep in
"What is going on, Medusa?"
If there was one thing that I knew for definite in this world, then it was that
I was a stubborn person, and he was also a stubborn person.
My gut feeling told me that Stone would not push me for an explanation if I
was not ready to talk about it.
The scary thing was that I wholeheartedly wanted to open up to him.
I cleared my throat and spoke "When my mom died last year, it was really
hard for me, but it was much harder for my dad. I know that grief is
different for everyone, but he was a whole other level of messed up.
Alcohol was his only comfort. He even showed up to her funeral wasted..."
He watched intently as I paused my story to take a breath. He then offered
me a small twitch of his lip.
I understood the tiny movement of his mouth as a smile of reassurance to
continue my story.
"My father is never here because he can't look at me without feeling
disgusted." I told him the cold hard truth with a sigh "He spends all of his
time bar crawling and drinking twenty-four seven to avoid looking me in
the eye. He can't stomach the sight of me."
Stone moved a little. I felt him move closer like he wanted to reach out. He
stilled near my body as he decided on something. His hands twitched like
he was struggling to hold back from enveloping me with his huge bulky
He eventually settled for placing a large hand on my leg. His long thick
fingers sprawled out against my thigh.
His next words were slow like he wanted me to hear every syllable and
understand him "That is not true."
"It’s not?" I asked as I moved my hand, so it was touching his that rested on
my knee "Last night before you came, he said that I was the reason my
mom took her own life."
The hand that made mine look minuscule moved and rested on top of my
hand. He gripped my fingers and squeezed. His touch was comforting but it
was also like he was telling me off for thinking such a thing.
I tried to look away from him and ignore the feeling blossoming in the pit
of my stomach.
He noticed that I was trying to hide my face from him because he reached
out with his free hand and clutched onto the higher part of my neck. His
fingers gently but demandingly moved my face so that I was facing him
Every word he said was emphasised vigorously through his tyrannical tone
"You did not kill your mother."
"You don't know that. I don't know that." I argued while shaking my head
"One of the worse things about her death was not knowing. She never left a
note and she never said goodbye."
"Your father is just looking for someone to blame." Stone grumbled, his
eyes still on me as his grip warmed my hands and the whole of my body
"That does not make it true."
The pair of obsidian eyes darkened like a thought that made him murderous
had surfaced to the front of his mind.
"Did he hurt you?" He demanded to know, his body stiffening like he was
on high alert.
"There was a smashed bottle." Stone mentioned, his jaw ticking faster and
his hand tightening around mine "Did he hurt you?"
His whole demeanour screamed vengeful. He looked ready to start a
murdering spree if I muttered the three-letter word.
I chose not to mention how my father threw a bottle at me and instead I
shook my head.
Stone relaxed but only slightly. The scowl etched onto his harsh features
remained and he appeared to be deep in thought.
To lighten the mood, I stuck my tongue out at him. My tactic failed as he
continued to look down at me with a serious expression.
"What are you looking so worried about, Lurch?"
"Do you get lonely here yourself?" The gravelly voice was quiet when
uttered his concerns.
I did get lonely myself. I sometimes felt so hollow that I had conversations
with myself. I got so bored that I sat and made-up theories about Egyptian
mummies and Scandinavian Vikings to keep myself entertained.
"It is not that bad." I lied to him with a shrug of my shoulder "I have peace
and quiet to get through my collection of books."
"You are lying." He gruffly remarked, his husky voice growing deeper.
I crossed my arms and challenged "And how did you gather that?"
"I told you." He grumbled, his serious scowl never breaking "I am an Ella
"You are a pain in my ass." I rebutted, trying to act serious but I failed
because I smiled at him "That is what you are."
Stone's attention flicked to my smile and his tensed wide shoulders relaxed.
"Why am I a pain in your ass, Medusa?"
I opened my mouth and then closed it.
"Because...Because you are everywhere," I lamely replied as I stared up at
him "And when you're not then I end up wondering where you are and
when you are going to show up again."
The permanent scowl that he usually wore on his face disappeared for a
good minute. The corner of his mouth hiked up in a small triumphant smirk.
I looked down at my legs and fought the urge to crawl back into my bed in
"You are always thinking about me?" The words left his large chest in a
raspy drawl "Is that what you are trying to say?"
"I think about you because I hate you so much." I rebutted with a nervous
He chuckled while the corner of his lip twitched again.
I was still holding out to see him smile.
"What the hell was yesterday with Chase?" I finally remembered to ask,
"You turned full Tyler Durden."
Stone shook his head, his lip twitching upwards as he spoke "Trust you to
make a Fight Club reference."
I shushed him "First rule of fight club is to not talk about fight club."
"You are changing the subject about you thinking about me all of the time."
He mentioned with a deep sigh.
While attempting to tame my hair, I glared at him "You are changing the
subject about yesterday at the ice cream place. So, we are even."
"I will be honest with you when you are with me."
I sighed because he was right. I nodded my head in agreement.
Instead of asking what I meant when I said I thought about him, he asked
"Do you ever get lonely?"
He knew I was lying last time so there was no way out of his trap. I had to
answer honestly.
"Of course, I do. Being alone sucks." I admitted before feeling the need to
add humour to my statement "That is why when I’m older, I am going to
have loads of kids. If I have a lot of little people running around, I will
never be lonely again. I also want kids so I can sit at the cinema and watch
animated films without judgement."
His dark eyes turned a little softer as they flicked over my face.
"Oh, and also to swing freely on the monkey bars at the park without
getting dirty looks." I added.
My outburst had definitely gotten carried away. I brought my knees to my
chest as I faced him, and he looked down at me with amusement in his
"You do know that you are too small for the monkey bars. You might hurt
yourself if you fall off." He grumbled lowly "You will need to marry a tall
"I am not that small!" I shouted up at his smug-looking face.
"Sure, you are not." He chuckled before adding "Little Medusa."
"It is my turn to ask a question." I pointed out while frowning at him "Why
did you lie about Kermit being fixed?"
Stone's reply was a short angry mutter "I could not bare to see you with
"What do you have against Chase?"
Chase was a douchebag with an audience but one-to-one he was a nice
enough guy. He just liked to wind up people.
The thick muscular leg brushed against mine and he leant down so he could
move a strand of hair behind my ear. A tingly sensation shot its way up my
neck and to my face and followed his touch.
"I can't see or think about you with another guy." He spoke in his deep
voice like a god who was speaking an ancient law "I would end up killing
I raised an eyebrow at him when I quietly challenged “I thought I was your
best friend's girlfriend's best friend?"
"Is that what you think you are?" He demanded to know, his voice dropping
an octave.
Shrugging, I then nudged him with my elbow and spoke up with a teasing
smile “I think you are starting to think of me as more than an acqenemy.
Maybe even a friend."
Silence filled the room.
"I am not your fucking friend." He growled like the thought poked at the
predatory animal inside him.
"Fine." I forced out a laugh while I held my hands up in surrender "I’m not
your friend."
I tried not to let my disappointment show and I kept a smile on my face. I
tried not to be too disheartened because I knew that Stone did not like
people in general.
"Medusa—" He began to grumble a response as his large round shoulders
"You are not my friend, and you might be a little more than an acqenemy." I
recovered the conversation by teasing him "The only explanation is that you
want a piece of the Ella Éclair."
"The Ella Éclair?" His deep voice recited, his shoulders relaxing slightly.
"Shut up!" I laughed my words out "It had to be an alliteration and Ella
Escargot does not have the same temptation."
He hummed in reply. I did not miss how his lip twitched again in a small
smile. My attention fell on his lip and it had me wondering how I would
manage to see him with a full smile.
A chuckled broke my train of thought and I stopped staring at his mouth.
"What?" I quickly said, acting like I was not thinking about him.
"You do know that you have been staring at me for the past five minutes."
"I was not!" I defended.
He smirked before he stood up from the bed and asked, "Can I take a
"I don't know." I muttered, still embarrassed I was caught staring "Can
"Why?" He questioned, peering down at me as his lip twitched again "Do
you want to come and help me?"
I crossed my arms over my chest and let out a sigh "Go and take your stupid
shower, Rasputin."
"Yeah. You are both tall and huge and evil." I explained, "I also want to
assassinate you."
His dark chuckle was heard down the hall as he made his way through to
the bathroom.
My feet swung off the bed and I slowly got up from the mattress. I walked
out of my room and through the hall, passing the sound of running water.
As I made my way through to the kitchen, I tried not to think about the fact
that Stone was naked in the room next to me.
The living room was clean when I entered it to get to the kitchen. The
bottles of empty liquor were nowhere to be seen. It meant that Stone had
gotten up during the night and cleaned it up.
Just as I was about to make myself some breakfast, my phone went off so I
sat down at the kitchen island and answered it.
"Hey Barbie." I greeted my best friend, holding the phone to my ear.
"Ella, are you okay?" She rambled out her words in a rush "Why are you
not at school?"
I pulled my phone away from me so I could look at the time. The screen
read ten o'clock. I had been too busy thinking about the large man in my
bed that I had forgotten to set the alarm for school.
"I’m sorry." I quickly replied to Lana "I'm not feeling that well today so I'm
just going to stay home."
Lana sighed "Are you okay? Do you want me to bring you anything after
"I will be fine." I smiled at her caring nature before laughing into the phone
"No doubt you have plans with Loverboy tonight."
The other side of the line went quiet before she spoke again "Maybe."
"Enjoy school." I remarked sarcastically "Have fun in English without me."
"It will be quiet in class today." She stated before explaining "Stone is not
here either. There must be an illness going around. Brennan mentioned that
last night Stone said he was not coming to school today."
"Last night?" I repeated, deducting that Stone had already decided we were
both not going to school before this morning.
Speaking of the bane of my existence, I heard him shut the bathroom door
being him.
Lana asked, "What have you caught?"
I swivelled on the stool to keep myself entertained but when I noticed the
sight in front of me, I stopped.
Stone was standing at the doorway with nothing on but a towel around his
bottom half. A very low hanging towel.
His dark hair was wet, and a strand fell onto his face. His black tattoos
glistened under the light and his eight-pack was soaking wet. A drop of
water fell from his hair and ran down onto his chest, making me watch it as
it did so.
The only thing stopping him from being fully naked in all of his glory was a
"Ella?" Lana called to me "Are you still there?"
"Yeah. Sorry." I put my phone back to my ear and forced myself to look
away "What was your question?"
"What have you caught?" She repeated before suggesting "The cold? The
My attention had been compelled back to the half-naked giant and how the
veins bulged in his muscular arm as he adjusted the knot on his towel.
I panicked and ended up answering "Lurchiatias."
"I don't think I have heard of that." Lana hummed to herself, not picking up
on the significance of the name before asking "What are the symptoms?"
"You feel hot." I muttered to her "Your body feels all hot all over."
"Okay. Hope you feel better." She delivered gently "I love you."
"I love you too." I replied before saying a quick goodbye.
I placed the phone down on the table and faced Stone. I pretended to be
unaffected by the sight of his soaking wet upper half in front of me as I
glared at him.
He had his big arms crossed over his chest as his deep voice demanded to
know "Who was that?"
"Lana." I told him before asking "Why did you not wake me up for
"We are skipping today." He stated like it was non-negotiable.
I studied his face for a good few seconds. I forced my gaze to remain
centred upwards.
"Why are you doing this?" I sighed before elaborating "I said I was lonely
but I'm not a little home-goblin that doesn't leave her house. I don't need
cheering up."
His gravelly demanding voice repeating "We are skipping."
"Fine," I gave in, thinking to myself that there were worse ways to spend
time than with an irritating giant "But I get to pick what we do today."
Stone nodded once in agreement.
Getting up from my seat, I sauntered over to the kitchen cabinets to get
some cereal. The cupboard with the cereal just had happened to be the
tallest one.
I climbed onto the counter and reached upwards to grab the box.
I almost had the box when I got pulled off the marble unit and lifted by a
large set of bare arms. I was set on the ground before Stone grabbed the box
without effort and handed me the cereal.
"I almost had it." I argued with a huff.
He looked down at me with a scowl as he gritted out scoldingly "Be
As I fetched a bowl, the larger one of us went to sit on the barstool at the
kitchen island. He watched as I poured some cereal. He also never let his
gaze wither away from me as I got the milk out of the fridge.
"Do you want some?" I asked while I dipped my spoon into my bowl
Shaking his head, he remained silent.
"I know what you want." I told him with a mouthful of cereal "You want
apple pancakes. I am a mind reader."
"You are a mind reader?" He raised an eyebrow while challenging "What
am I thinking about now then?"
I twirled around twice before I joked to him “You are thinking about how
good I look in my Princess and The Frog pyjamas."
Stone did not answer. He was too distracted looking at something else. I
followed his heated stare to my bare legs.
After a minute or two, his gaze roamed back up my body so that he could
meet my eye as he asked “What do you want to do today?"
I jumped up onto the countertop to sit on it so that I could face him.
"Who says we have to stay together today?" I pointed out with a taunting
smile "I'm already stuck with you at school."
His stare was intense. Even more intense than normal.
I looked down at myself and the realisation hit me.
The last time I was on the countertop top with him was when we nearly
I pushed myself off the surface and stood up as I started to distract myself
by counting the colourful contents in my bowl.
He followed every one of my little movements with his dark eyes.
"What are you thinking about?" The deep voice spoke up.
"I'm thinking about how I can kill and hide a very tall person."
The giant rose to his full towering height as he made his way over to me.
"Did you know that in some myths they believed that gorgons like Medusa
turned a person into stone because of a kiss?" The words were a guttural
rasp from his large hollow-sounding chest.
It became apparent that he was also thinking about our last kitchen
It was uncharted waters. I had expressed many times how I had found him
annoying but I never spoke about my attraction towards him.
I began to list reasons why to never let my immense attraction show.
Reason one was that it would result in me surrendering the weird rivalry
between us and declaring him the winner. Two was that his already big
enough ego would grow. Finally, reason three was that he might not have
found me attractive.
He had stayed in my bed, and he had comforted me but that might have
been because he felt sorry for me.
I was not an ugly troll, but I did not think of myself as anything special. I
was not traditionally beautiful or supermodel worthy. I believed that what I
lacked in looks, I made up in my personality. I believed that I was funny
and that was all that really mattered to me.
My eyes fell to his chest and then to his abs and then back to his mouth. His
mouth was in up in a small smirk.
"What are you looking at, Medusa?" He questioned; his usually
monotonous voice amused.
"Your lack of clothes does not bother me." I said and felt the need to add
more to my sentence to sell my lie "I have seen loads of naked guys."
His eyes darkened before he gnarled "Who?"
"Too many to name." I smiled before leaning against the counter and
crossing my arms.
Stone neared me so that he was hovering over me. He leant down and
entrapped me between the counter and himself.
"You are lying." He affirmed like the fact that I was lying was essential for
his state of mind.
I rolled my eyes as he neared even closer.
"What are we doing today?" The raspy voice questioned before adding
"Except from me trying to stop you from killing me and hiding my body."
"That is very nice of you to look out for me, Lurch."
He smirked while placing a hand on the counter behind my back and
remarking "I don't think they make prison overalls for people as tiny as
I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. I instead shot him a murderous
"I want to go to the beach today." I decided aloud.
I needed to get over my fear at some point. I was feeling a little braver after
standing up to my father the night before.
His expression contorted from surprise to concern when he quickly
questioned "Are you sure that is what you want to do?"
I tried to stand straighter to seem taller. It failed because he still towered
over my small form.
"You don't think I can handle it?" I asked while frowning up at him.
The words left him in a deep hoarse grumble of a noise "Maybe I am the
one that cannot handle it."
I tilted my head upwards and queried "What do you mean?"
My question forced him to meet my curious eyes.
He leant down so that his warm breath tickled my earlobe.
"I don't think I can handle seeing you in a bikini again. I am struggling to
hold myself back now with those shorts of yours." His voice was a soft yet
husky sounding growl "I want to steal you for myself and place you on the
counter and finish what I started last time."
My ear was already heated at where his mouth lingered near it. That heat
reached over my face and down my neck towards the rest of my body
I released a shaky breath as I tried to act like my heart was not about to
I wondered what his aim was. I wondered if he wanted to leave me flustered
because he genuinely wanted to or because he was playing some sort of
game with me.
Intentions were not something that I could understand. Especially when
they were someone else's.
I made a rule to myself that I was not allowed in any circumstance to kiss
my acqenemy. No matter how badly I wanted to.
My face felt on fire as I kept my gaze on the floor. My eyes slowly but
surely traversed the well-built body until I reached his face.
"Clothes." I blurted out.
The corner of his mouth rose infinitesimally.
"If we are going to the beach then I am going to need to get changed." I
stated the obvious as I forced myself to pull away from him "And you will
need to put some clothes on."
My hips had a mind of their own and I ended up walking away from him
and down the hall with a little more movement in them. The dark eyes
followed me down the hall before I shut my bedroom door behind me.
It was dangerous territory we were walking together.
Chapter Nineteen
Smells like Teen Spirit by Nirvana blared through the speakers of his car.
With the windows rolled down, people on the sidewalk were shooting all
sorts of different types of dirty looks.
When we first got in the car, it was silent. It was like something hung in the
air between us. I did not address it and neither did he.
He stole glances my way a few times every minute as we drove closer to the
I kept my attention on the outside of the car and tried not to feel the heat
rise on my face from his penetrating gaze.
The tension broke when Stone turned on the radio and pressed the CD
button, so Kurt Cobain's voice and guitar filled the confined space.
I ended up humming to myself as I let the wind blow my hair. My eyes
remained on the passing water, but I could feel his smirk as he watched me
tap a beat on the door.
"Where is your bike?" I asked, missing the thrill that came along with the
"It’s at Mike's." Stone replied before his deep voice filled with smugness
"Why? Are you missing your arms around me?"
Not answering back, I rolled my eyes and faced the other again. I let my
hand wander out of the window so I could feel the air between my
His gravelly voice spoke again "What are you so deep in thought about,
I hated that he knew my name. It was like fourteenth-century witchcraft
when people believed that if you knew a witches' name, you could
manipulate her. Him using my name only manipulated my temper. Not that
I was a witch but if I was then I would have turned him into my very own
pet snake by now.
I quickly replied, "I was just wondering if you always look like someone
from Sons of Anarchy."
He chuckled while he shifted the gearstick. He kept his eyes on the road,
but I could tell he was watching me in his peripheral vision.
"I just can't wait to tell everyone that you have Disney pyjamas." He said,
sending me an irritatingly sexy smirk.
"Don't you dare!" I squealed but then I realised, "You don't talk to anyone
Stone glanced again at me before looking back at the road.
"Why is that?" I questioned, remembering that I had never seen him
converse with anyone else but myself and sometimes Brennan.
His lip twitched “I don't like people."
I rested my head back on the seat so and tilted my head to the side to see
him "Is that why you scare them away?"
"Scare them away?" He repeated, amused
"Everyone is scared of you." I stated before explaining "I don't know if it is
the height or your build or your tattoos or your terrifying scowl. Maybe it is
all of them combined but they are."
"Good." He spoke gruffly "I don't want them to talk to me."
A small laugh escaped me, and I shook my head "You want to know what I
"What do you think, Medusa?"
"I don’t think you are as heartless as you make out." I said aloud, straight
from the core of my thoughts.
The side of his lip quirked up "You are the only one to think that about me."
"I consider myself special." I joked before asking "You say you don't talk to
anyone, but you talk to me."
"You are an exception. The only exception."
It was my turn for my lip to twitch but I covered up my smile by sticking
my tongue out at him "That is fine then because I think you are stuck with
The sound that escaped his throat was rough and husky "You are definitely
stuck with me."
"What have I done to deserve this fate?" I asked dramatically while looking
up at the roof like I was pretending to ask a divine force.
He shot me a glare which I ended up laughing at. His narrowed eyes then
turned soft as he listened to the sound of my light laughs.
My phone buzzed in my pocket, so I turned away from the amused giant
and looked down at my phone.
Brennan was calling me.
I brought the phone to my ear and spoke up "Hello?"
"Lana told me you were feeling sick." The silky sounding voice belonging
to Brennan sounded amused as he spoke the words "I hope you are okay."
The words did not sound like something Brennan would say. I was
expecting a punchline or some other form of a joke.
"Thank you, Loverboy." I replied.
"Hope you feel better soon." He chuckled before adding "Say hi to Stone
for me."
"Okay." I answered absentmindedly before I turned to Stone and told him
"Brennan says hello."
Then it clicked. I had a moment of enlightenment and noticed my moment
of stupidity.
Stone also looked baffled by the omniscient Brennan that knew I was with
Brennan was laughing as I remained stunned into silence.
The giant who was busy driving flicked between looking at me and the
"You didn't tell him you were with me?" I asked Stone, already knowing the
answer by the look on his face.
"No. I didn’t." He replied, a softer expression taking over his face "I didn't
want to tell him about..."
I understood. He did not want to tell Brennan that I had a breakdown. He
did not want to share something that was not his to share.
"Thank you." I uttered quietly.
"You never need to thank me for anything, Medusa."
The question of how Brennan assumed we were together still played on my
I brought the phone back to my ear and asked the man on the other end of
the line "How did you know?"
"Call it a feeling." Brennan hummed.
"You are so annoying." I spoke into the phone "I want to give you a feeling
in your face by punching you in the jaw."
Brennan let out a laugh.
"Enjoy English without me." I taunted "You won't be able to copy my
"I miss you too, Little Ella." Brennan chuckled again before he mentioned
"I don't always copy from you. There is Stone as well. He is just as much of
a smartass as you. That is why you are perfect for each—"
"Bye Brennan." I cut him off before ending the call.
Stone continued stealing glances my way.
"Brennan is annoying." I huffed.
"Try dealing with him for years." Stone grumbled.
"Where did you two live before?" I questioned, curious to know more about
him "I don't think you have ever said."
"San Andreas." He replied, almost begrudgingly.
"That is quite far." I pointed out before asking "Why did you move?"
"Better surfing spots."
"Just like that?" I said in disbelief "You up and move your life to be closer
to the coast because you enjoy surfing. There is no other reason?"
Stone did not meet my eye when he said "No."
"Do you like it here?" I spoke when he went quiet.
His next reply was when he finally looked at me. His lip twitched again in a
small smile as he offered "I didn't when we first moved."
"You do now?"
He covered his mouth and rubbed his jawline "There is one reason worth
sticking around."
"Your oven cleaning business?" I deadpanned.
His deep chuckle filled the car before he but went back to focusing on the
I dropped the subject as I noticed that we were nearly there. As the lights
turned red, his head went back on the headrest and to the side so he could
see my hair.
"Your hair is brighter in the sunlight." He affirmed.
"I know." I said, twirling a strand of my now brighter green hair "It was a
different dye I used but I like it."
"I do, too."
"I’m sure you do." I said in a sarcastic tone, remembering his comment
about it being puke coloured "The green is a little out there but at least I
don't look as plain as I did."
"Plain?" He repeated in his harsh voice like he could not believe what I was
I did not know why he did not seize the opportunity to agree with me. To
mock me or crack a joke.
"Yeah. Dark brown hair. Dark brown eyes. Plain." I told him "Even my
freckles are even. I have thirteen on each cheek."
Stone shook his head, his sentence coming out as more of a grumble "You
are everything but plain."
The light turned to green, and he looked back ahead. That is when he chose
to lighten the mood with an expected taunting comment.
"I'm surprised you don't describe your eyes with a made-up colour." He
remarked "Like happily-ever-after brown or something"
He was never going to let the whole colour thing go. I doubt he would ever
forget fairytale green.
I let out a breath and admitted "I should have kept my mouth shut that night
and never have mentioned fairytale green."
The annoying large man in the driver seat replied, “Then I wouldn't have
something to say to make you squirm."
The waves crept closer, and the feeling of dread took over me. In all that
fear, there was also a slight sensation of excitement. I took a deep inhale
and told myself that I was strong enough to do this. I had to jump into the
deep end but maybe it would be better to get a push.
Lurch spoke and his words were reassuring "I'll be here every step. Nothing
bad is ever going to happen to you."
"So, you are not going to let the fish eat my carcass after you have killed
"No. I am not." He assured me.
Strangely enough, I believed him.
We left the car ditched at a grass hill near the beach promenade. Before we
headed down to the sand, I removed my tank top and my jean shorts leaving
me with just my black two-piece bikini.
Stone also removed his clothes until all that was on him was a pair of black
shorts that exposed his muscular legs. His lack of shirt showed off his abs
once again.
I doubted I would ever get used to the sight of him.
As we walked side by side down the path towards the shore, the giant
peered down at me. His eyes flicked over every inch of my skin before he
let out a string of rough deep sounding curses.
The beach was empty. I was glad for the void of people because it meant
that if I ran away crying then I would not have an audience.
However, I promised myself that I would cry as it gave a certain annoying
Goliath enough material to tease me for the rest of our lives.
My feet reached the part of the land where the blue met the sand. As the
water engulfed my feet, I let out a deep breath. I did so every time a wave
reached the shore.
To distract myself, I decided to try and push Stone into the sea.
I started by nudging him. When he did not move a single millimetre, I dug
my feet into the sand before putting my back into it.
"Medusa, what are you doing?"
After two minutes of using all my strength to move the boulder of a man, I
gave up and finally looked up at his amused face.
"I was trying to push you in the water." I mumbled.
"Were you?" He smirked "I didn't notice. I though a fly had landed on me."
His comment gave me more of a reason to push him in the water so I tried
My attempt did not last long because he effortlessly bent down, put one
large arm around the back of my legs and hoisted me up until I was
haunched over his shoulder.
"Put me down!" I demanded while trying to push away from him "I get it.
You are really strong."
This guy had to be close to seven foot and had to have weighed more than
three hundred pounds in muscle.
When he did not put me down, I turned my head to look at the back of his
head and I said "Are you enjoying the view?"
I felt him move against me. His head moved downwards towards the part of
my body that was closest to his face.
He did not reply. He only let out a deep noise from the bottom of his throat
that sounded like a hungry lion.
Stone put me down back on the ground when he was thigh-deep in the
water. Which made it like waist-deep for me.
The turquoise ocean and had me thinking to myself if I should keep going
and how much I would be able to take before the memories resurfaced.
"You can do this." A voice said. A voice way too deep and scary sounding
to be my conscious.
Stone's hand grabbed mine and he squeezed reassuringly.
The water did not seem that terrifying anymore. Not compared to the
feeling that came along with spending time with him. What sent shivers
through my whole body was the thought that I had let this guy in. I had built
up so many walls and secluded myself inside of them but now it had
seemed like he had come crashing into my life with the strength of a bullet
I was quite a good swimmer when I was younger, but I found myself
relying on him for support.
The sea only reached up to his chest when I had to start moving my arm to
keep my head above water. That was when he dropped my hand and held
my hips in his embrace to keep me afloat.
A rush of the ocean hit my back and I was pushed further into his bare
chest. There was nowhere else to do but wrap my arms around the back of
his neck.
Our faces were so close that I could see mine clearly in the reflection of his
eyes. I looked down to break the intensity.
I always wanted to know what every tattoo of his meant, but I was too
scared to study the lines close enough in case he caught me staring. Our
proximity meant there was nowhere else to hide. It was just us.
On the side of his torso was a tattoo of a tree. The large tree's trunk stood
tall but the top was slightly tilted and leaves were falling off. It was intricate
and completely alluring.
The curiosity bubbled out of me as I continued to investigate his body art
with my finger "Why a tree?"
His head tilted downwards, and he joined me in looking at the black
drawing of the tree and he answered "My mother was obsessed with all
things nature."
"What was she like?" I asked softly.
I second-guessed my decision in asking him that. Perhaps it was too prying.
Rather than telling me off for being nosy, he replied with a hoarse voice
"She was kind and compassionate. She was always outside strolling through
a woodland or growing plants in the garden much to my dad's disapproval.
Our yard looked like a jungle."
I matched the small smile he had while talking about her.
I wanted to hear more so I pressed, "What else?"
"She was always making up quotes. Whenever I got into trouble, which was
a lot, she would always give me a half an hour pep-talk full of metaphors."
I let out a small giggle at that "She sounds amazing. What did she used to
His mouth lifted further at the memory "Whenever we were at the beach,
she always said that love was like the bottom of the ocean. If you are that
deep, you can’t see it, but you know it is there. You know that even if you
cannot touch it, it is there because you can feel it."
My smile grew. I loved that.
I wondered if he got his good looks and brains from his mom or his dad. I
figure it was probably both.
Letting my finger trail to the tattoo sleeve on his arm, I questioned "What
was your dad like?"
"Everyone said that he was like me."
"Your mother must have had her hands full then." I commented with a
His laugh sent vibrations through me and because of our proximity his
warm breath hit my neck, making me tilt my head back slightly exposing
my neck to him further.
"You always have to have a smart answer." He said, chuckling while
nearing my face.
I lightly punched his chest as I softened my voice "You love that I give you
shit, and you know it."
Stone's lip twitched twice as he looked down at me and shook his head.
The sun was beating down on both of us and my whole body went warm.
With his touch around my waist, my lower body was kept uphold as I
arched back and let my back and hair get wet.
I closed my eyes, so I did not have to see his facial expression as I did it. I
tried to think about anything else but him. I thought about Lana at school
and how she was getting on with Brennan. I thought about my dad and what
he was doing.
Each time a new thought popped into my head; it only disappeared a second
later. It seemed my brain was too preoccupied with thoughts of the hands on
I wondered what he was thinking about. I wondered if he was reminiscing
about his parents or his old life in San Andreas. I wondered if maybe he
was thinking about the same thing I was.
I never thought over my action to arch my back before I did it. I was more
interested in cooling down that I did not think about how the position would
look from his angle.
Especially with just a bikini on.
I slowly straightened my back until I was back in the position I was before.
The only difference was that I did not wrap my arms around him.
Instead, I inspected him. From his pitch-black hair to his even darker eyes.
From his ripped body to his mouth that always seemed to be up in a smirk.
The mouth that challenged me more than anyone else had.
He gave me a run for my money every single day. It was constant and I was
determined to win. He was my match but also my rival. He was the person
to make me switch between the desire to strangle him and to wanting
something else.
Something else that I wanted at that moment. Something that went against
the rule I had just made that morning.
Stone moved a piece of hair out of my face as he chuckled "Your hair looks
even more like seaweed."
"Shut up!" I yelped while I have his chest a gentle swat with my hand.
He shook his head while he chuckled again "Such a violent little thing."
The heat spread from the tip of my toes to my cheeks.
"You are not exactly a calm and collected person either, Lurch." I made my
point by adding "Mr I've-been-kicked-out-of-school-seventeen-times."
His lip moved again as if he was about to smile but he stopped himself.
Maybe it was because he was too busy preoccupied with stroking my hip.
"You don't get into any fights at our school though." I mentioned
Staring at me for a good few minutes, he eventually shook his head once.
"Why not?"
"I can't get kicked out of school this time." He replied, determinedly.
I tilted my head.
He moved another stray hair from my face as he elaborated "I can't leave
you in English. You would miss me too much."
My eyes rolled before I scolded "Well, keep it like that. No fighting. I will
not visit you in prison."
"Why not, Medusa?" He asked with an eyebrow rose.
"I'll send you a postcard." I joked before adding "If you are lucky enough."
As his stare intensified so did his grip on my hips. He moved me closer
until I was pressed up against him.
We kept our gazes matched.
His eyes were like two blackholes. I had been sucked in and I was not sure
if I would be able to escape.
I was not sure if I wanted to.
One of his hands moved from my hip to my cheek until he caressed his
thumb on the side of my face.
I had read a lot of books in my time. One of the techniques common among
them was foreshadowing. An event that is hinted at throughout the book. A
warning. My life was not any sort of book but this was my story and I had
never predicted this.
Our faces were so close. So close that I could how dark his eyes had
His deep voice pulsated through my body as he growled "Fuck it."
Then he kissed me.
His mouth crashed on to mine as he gently lifted my chin to accommodate
the large height difference. He bent down from his neck and cradled my
face as his lips brushed mine. His lips were so gentle yet wonderfully harsh
as he kissed me with such a ferocity.
His tongue brushed over my lip lower, asking for more.
My body thrummed as I opened my lips to him and threw my arms around
the back of his neck.
He kissed me slowly as if he was savouring every detail and every stroke of
my tongue. I tilted my head to give him more access as he dominated my
I pulled back for a shaky breath "Do not stop."
"I wasn't planning on it." He growled before bringing my lips back to his.
Stone went back to gripping my hips as he deepened the kiss. He threw my
body up above the surface of the water until he caught me again and my
legs were wrapped around his middle.
Our tongues danced in a silent battle. Desire ran through every cell of me as
I let my hands roam up to his hair and clutched the strands as a dare for him
to never stop.
I could kiss him forever. The sea could have swallowed me up for all I
If this was some sort of trick he had planned to get one up on me, I could
try and regret it later.
I was too busy embracing the warmth from his lips to care. I had never
experienced something so passionate. He was dominating my whole body
as he led the kiss in such a way that was sweet yet savage. It was a wordless
war between us. A war that I was unsure what we were fighting for.
Our breaths were unsteady as we pulled apart. He rested his forehead on
mine. I kept my eyes closed not wanting to face him yet. No doubt he was
smug. I did not initiate the kiss, but I did not hold back.
The water submerged me as I shimmied out of his hold and ducked into the
water. I did not dare face him. Before the splashing of water, the last thing I
heard before my head was underwater was a husky laugh.
I looked down at the seabed where fish of multiple colours swam. The light
from the sky lit up the water, reflecting colours of blue and even green. It
was not that terrifying down there.
I wondered if she was scared that night. I wondered if she was too busy at
the depths of despair to admire the depths of the ocean.
When I ran out of breath, I swam back up to the surface. My hair covered
my face so I moved it so I could see Stone's expression.
He did not look smug at all. Instead, he looked attentively at me as he said,
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah." I truthfully answered him "I am."
He nodded and he started to take a step closer. With my newfound
confidence in the water, I splashed him and swam away in the direction of
the shore.
After he erupted with a deep noise that sounded like a half-laugh half-
growl, he followed behind.
The surfer was faster at swimming than me and he caught up in no time.
However, he did not pounce or splash back. Maybe he was worried that I
would end up drowning.
As soon as the sand touched my feet, I started to walk up the beach.
He followed behind quietly. Too quietly. Like a predator before it kills its
I turned around and he smirked at me evilly.
Flight or fight set in, and I chose flight. I was worried that he would still try
and kill me, so I broke out into a sprint away from him.
As I reached our clothes that were randomly placed in a heap on the sand, I
picked up the towel and wrapped it around me.
Stone did not run after me. He casually strolled up to me, chuckling at my
ridiculous attempt to flee from him.
I let out a laugh as he neared and towered over me with a devilish smirk.
I thought he was going to kiss me again but just as he moved closer, his
phone went off.
He let out a cuss as he rummaged through his jacket pocket until he picked
up the phone and answered it.
After he hung up on the caller, he appeared furious as his attention drew to
the other end of the beach.
"Is everything okay?" I asked.
His jaw ticked but when he looked down at me, his dark eyes lightened but
only slightly.
"I need to go." He grumbled.
My eyes widened before I offered him a single nod.
I tried not to show him how disheartened I was.
I stayed silent on our way back to the truck and I stayed silent the drive
back to my apartment building.
The conclusion I drew from his disappearing act was that he could not wait
to escape me.
He regretted the kiss.
Chapter Twenty
The stairs dug into my back as I waited patiently for Lana to arrive. I was
deep in thought as I sat and arranged my hair into a side-braid.
I was still left with so many unanswered questions from the day before. A
million thoughts had kept me up at night. My brain had constantly been
making theories about where the leather jacket-wearing giant had
disappeared to.
All my theories were the same. My conclusion was there was no place he
had to be.
He just needed to go somewhere that I was not.
I planned to avoid the large man like the plague.
After I tied my hair into a side-fishtail and fixed the stray hairs, I returned
my gaze to the parking lot as I waited for my best friend.
Lana had texted me in the morning telling me to meet her earlier at school.
She sounded urgent and stressed out. It was unlike her, so I was instantly
To keep myself entertained, I counted the cars in the lot. My counting
resulted in me missing Kermit more. I had still not got my little green car
back because it was still being repaired.
Stone had driven me to school every morning except this one. I had decided
to leave my house early in hope that I would not cross his path.
I did not know why I was acting in such a frantic way. I had kissed many
boys and never spoke to them after.
This felt like a different situation entirely. The kiss was different.
The cobbled steps tapped under Lana's cherry pattered shoes as she hurried
in my direction. She raced over my way before joining me on the cement
stairs leading up to the school building.
Her smile was strained, and it did not look genuine.
Scooting closer to her, I put my arm around her shoulder and asked softly
"What is wrong, Barbie?"
She shot me another fake smile before assuring "Nothing, Freak Show."
"Out with it." I said sternly, concerned about her "I know something is
wrong. I can read you like a book."
"And you do read a lot of those." She commented with a small laugh.
I stuck my tongue out at her and then realised she was still trying to deflect
the conversation away from what was bothering her.
"What is going on?" I asked again.
"Brennan and I were sitting having lunch yesterday and he just got up and
left." She sighed like she was tired "No explanation. He just ran out of
school to go somewhere."
I realised that was similar timing to when Stone dropped me off at my
apartment building and left.
A small exhale of relief left me that he had not entirely left me because of
the kiss.
I focused again on the very distraught Lana and squeezed her to my side as
I offered her a reassuring smile.
"You know what he is like. He has done this a few times now so it must be
important." I tried to keep my voice strong while I spoke "Have you asked
him why he leaves so out of the blue?"
She shook her head.
"It is not just Brennan's disappearing that has me doubting our
relationship." Lana added.
"Then what is it?" I asked softly.
Her expression went sheepish as she revealed while playing with the bottom
of her white summer dress "I feel like sometimes there is so much awkward
silence between us. Sometimes when we are hanging out, we just run out of
things to talk about."
I had noticed their awkward silences, but I never brought it up with her. I
just thought that maybe I had picked up the wrong signal from them which
was usually the case.
"I feel like I have to put so much effort in to talk to him. It does not flow
naturally." She revealed before uttering "Not like you and Stone."
I choked on the air "What?"
She laughed at my expression before pointing out "You two never run out
of things to talk about. He looks like he hangs on to every single word you
speak and that he would die to hear a word from your lips."
No reply left my mouth because it was hung open in shock at her statement.
"You two always seem to be talking." She stated.
"That is because we are always arguing."
"You don't argue." She corrected "You bicker."
"There is not a difference."
"Drizella Anastasia Miller, queen of all things nerdy and the English
language." Lana scolded while tutting "You know there is a massive
I shushed her "Never use my full in name in public. It is bad enough that I
know my name and am constantly tortured by it."
We laugh before the amusement died out and we get back to the problem at
hand. It had become my problem now because any problem that was hers
was mine and I would always try and help her.
"I want more affection." She revealed before giving an example "I want a
cute nickname. You get a cute nickname."
I rose an eyebrow at her while asking "What cute nickname?"
"An ugly monster in mythology." I added before asking "How is that cute?"
"It is." She argued.
"You get called Lovely Lana. That is cute." I pointed out before mentioning
"Nobody has ever found me lovely."
"Lovely is just bleh." The blonde said before she thought of something else
and spoke again "I don't know if Brennan and I have chemistry."
"Sure, you do." I quickly replied but then I wondered if what I said was the
Lana was shy to people she did not know but when she was comfortable
was when she showed her personality. She was funny and sassy when she
felt at ease.
I wondered if she would ever show the true side of herself with Brennan or
"We don't hold a candle to you and Stone." Lana quietly murmured.
I blinked a few times in shock at her statement.
"Stone and me? Chemistry?" I scoffed in hope she would believe me, and I
would believe myself "Nope. No. Na-da. There is nothing between us."
I wanted to tell her about the kiss. I needed someone to talk to about it but it
was not the time. Not when she was dealing with her own problems.
Lana shook her laughing before she started tapping a beat on her knee "I
know I sound ungrateful, but I just want more."
"That is not ungrateful." I told her, squeezing her closer "If that is how you
feel then that is how you feel. You don't need to feel bad about your
"What am I going to do?" She questioned, looking off into the distance as
she sulked.
"You like Brennan. That is obvious. You just need to find something to talk
about. Even if it is the most bizarre thing ever. Talk about anything. The
crazier the better." I suggested to her and then added some more advice "In
the meantime, write a song about what you are feeling. You said you were
struggling to find your muse, and this is it. Every flaw in Taylor Swift's
relationship was written down as a song. If you do write a song, then tell
Brennan about it and that gives you something to talk about."
She smiled gratefully before nudging me with her elbow “When did you
become such a love guru?"
I rolled my eyes before nudging her back.
"For that advice, I am expecting a song dedicated to me when you become
famous." I told her seriously "Actually screw that. I want a whole album
dedicated to me."
She giggled but then stopped herself like she had just remembered
"Are you okay?" I asked her.
"Do you think I should..." She spoke up but could not finish her sentence,
so she instead moved her fingers around in a suggestive motion.
I tilted my head to the side and gave her a confused look.
Lana let out a frustrated sigh before she blurted out "Do you think I should
have sex with him?"
"Only you can know if you are ready to take your relationship to the next
stage. It should be when you are ready and when you one hundred percent
want to." I gave her the best advice I could "This is one thing that I can't tell
you what to do. It should be solely up to you.
"Please." She pleaded "I want your opinion."
"I’m not some sort of sex-expert." I laughed the words out "I’m not a
relationship-expert either."
"You are more experienced than me." Lana mentioned.
"I have fooled around." I murmured, "But I have not went all the way to
Her lip quivered before she burst out into a fit of laughter "Pound-town?"
I bit my lip to contain my own laughter before I told her "I think that the
fact that you are asking me about whether or not you should sleep with him
is an answer in itself."
She nodded before her attention went to something in the distance.
A familiar black truck was pulling up into the parking lot.
My heels twitched and I had the urge to run away.
"Brennan is in the car too." Lana observed as she stared at Stone's truck.
I stood up abruptly from the stairs and quickly blurted out "I will leave you
to it. I need to go to my locker anyway."
"Any last advice?"
"Make conversation with him. Just not about the menstrual cycle." I joked
"Guys get really creeped out about it for some reason."
"Can we have a girl’s day tomorrow?" Lana asked, her head tilting up so
that she could look at me "Just the two of us. I have really missed watching
TV and eating junk food with you."
"Definitely." I agreed and offered her a smile.
I set off in a small run so that I could get away from the two men before
they came over. More specifically to get away before Stone came over.
I sped walked through the corridors of the empty school. It turned out most
people were not in the mood to arrive at school early and I could not blame
Thinking about Lana and Brennan as I scurried further away from the
entrance of the school, I truly hoped that everything worked out between
I wanted the group to stay intact, and it was not just for the two of them. I
had another selfishly confusing motive that had to do with the other giant
male at the table.
Opening the door to my locker, I was about to pick up a folder when a body
leaned against the wall next to me.
Chase pretended to reach out to try and give me a hug.
"Get away!" I swatted him with one of my jotters "You are all sweaty."
"I had football practise." He laughed before rubbing his arm over his
forehead "Why are you so early today?"
"I had to meet Lana." I replied while taking what I needed from the small
compartment before closing the locker and facing him completely "I'm
sorry for what happened at the ice cream place. I hope you managed to do
more of your essay."
"It is not your fault." Chase said while waving my apology off "I am
actually surprised that your pet monster is not here now."
My mouth opened and then closed.
"My pet monster?" I repeated quietly.
"He is always watching you." He said like it was an observation rather than
an exaggeration "He follows you around like your very own pet monster.
He looks ready to rip apart anybody that comes close to you."
I had no clue what to reply to him so I changed the subject and offered him
"I could send you some of my class notes on Shakespeare if you want."
Chase's attention went to something or someone over my shoulder before he
"I have looked at notes online. I just can't seem to take them in." The
quarterback informed before proposing "I was thinking another study
session one on one would help me."
"Sure." I agreed, not thinking much about it.
His tone changed from serious to flirty as his eyes flicked over my shoulder
again "My house straight after school? I would have done later but I am
going to the beach tonight—"
I should have known who was standing behind me by the huge shadow cast
on the lockers and the chill that went down my spine at his presence.
The temperature had risen significantly at his arrival and his fury.
Turning around, I faced the giant bulldozer of a man who lurked behind me.
Stone's face was completely emotionless, yet the stance of his large form
gave away that he was furious. His anger was not directed towards me,
however. His eyes flicked over the blonde quarterback while the veins in his
neck bulged in an angry rhythm.
The scowl had to have been his scariest yet. It had the capability of making
the devil cower before him.
Even I was a little taken aback by how petrifying he looked.
Chase did not address the murderous one and instead spoke to me "I will
see you tonight."
The ground shook for a split second as Stone neared him and gnarled "No.
You fucking won't."
The jock laughed at him before he swaggered away. He seemed to walk
away a little faster than normal which was probably because of the dark pair
of eyes watching him as if they were about to incinerate him.
Stone slowly turned his head until our gazes locked. The dark emotion still
swirled around in his irises as he stole a step of the distance between us.
Unlike the way he looked at Chase like he wanted to snap his neck, the
heated wrath changed when he peered at me. He still appeared seething, and
he looked down upon me as if he wanted to tie me to his bed and leave me
there to rot.
I was trapped by his gaze, and I did not move. Even if the best plan was to
break out into a supersonic run.
We took turns taking a step. He took a step towards me, and I took a step
back away from him.
When my back hit the locker was when he prowled. His body pressed
against mine and both of his hands slammed up until they were at each side
of my head.
His head lowered until his warm breath tickled my neck, leaving me
entrapped and vulnerable.
I eventually had no choice but to meet his pitch-black eyes.
"Hi, Lurch." I greeted him, pretending as if I did not feel him everywhere.
"You are not going to his house." He growled, not bothering with
Crossing my arms, I challenged "Oh really?"
His response was to lean closer and harshly whisper "I think you are just
meeting him to piss me off."
"I think you are giving yourself far too much credit for my decision
making." I rebutted "I don't make choices and keep you in the front of mind
as I do so."
Still being mad at him for ditching me at the beach might have played a
small part in my decision but I was not telling him that.
Frustration radiated from him. From his harsh pants of breath to his ticking
jaw and to the veins bulging in his arm and in the hands on the locker next
to my head.
"Has it occurred to you that I actually need to tutor Chase?" I mentioned to
"You are not going." He repeated, his guttural command shaking his chest.
"I really think I am getting through to him. He even made this comment
about pasta and Shakespeare." I changed tactics and pointed out that the
meeting was entirely educational "We have spent so much time studying
together that he is starting to sound like me.
Stone gnarled "What part of that sentence was meant to make me feel
"I am going." I argued, rising on my toes.
"You are not." He grumbled, flicking his attention from my glare to my lips.
"It is none of your business." I told him.
He chuckled humourlessly and then it died out as he gritted out "Say that
"Am I speaking Swahili?" I deadpanned before repeating "It is none of your
"You are my business."
One of the large hands on the locker lowered until it brushed against my
green plait.
Wondering why I was still choosing to remain in his hold, I ducked under
his arm so that I was no longer cornered by him.
His vein-struck hands remained on the locker for a second longer before he
dropped them and faced me.
"I am going." I stated and made it final "Mr Dankworth trusted me to help
him so that is what I am going to do."
The sharp jawline ticked until he spoke again in his rough voice "It is not
"What are you going to?" I mocked, waving my hands around in the air
dramatically "Stop me?"
An evil smirk graced his features. He nodded once, a declaration of way.
"Game on, Medusa." He promised darkly.
After what felt like an eternity of him studying me, his gaze softened as he
noticed my crossed arms and my angry pout.
I was left speculating what his next move would be as I walked away from
Chapter Twenty-One
"So, you have to tutor Chase again?" Lana asked while staring up at the
clock above the teacher's board.
I nodded as I watched the seconds tick by. It was the last period of the week
and I only had to listen to French sentences about directions for another five
Tapping on the desk with my pencil, I replied to her "Unfortunately. Friday
evenings are for a person to go home and do absolutely nothing. Not
As she shut her textbook, she rose an eyebrow "But you go home to read
"Fair enough." I gave her the benefit of the doubt before pointing out "You
and Brennan seemed to look okay at lunch."
Lana blushed and I took that as a sign that things were better between them.
"He is taking me out for dinner tonight to make it up to me for bailing
yesterday." She voiced with a small smile.
"That is great that he is making an effort." I told her "I'm happy for you."
She smiled and then her grin dropped when she remembered something
"What was with Stone today?"
"What do you mean?" I said, acting like I had not noticed the giant's
"He looked so mad."
I replied with a small laugh "He always looks mad."
She made a noise of disagreement, but it came out as more of a tune of a
"He usually spends all of lunch bickering with you." Lana mentioned, her
tone sounded full of worry "Today he just sat looking at you like he was
plotting something."
I had noticed the same thing.
"This is a very serious and intense battle between us." I agreed as I
continued tapping my pencil on the desk nervously "He is planning
"You got one thing right. It is definitely intense between you two."
Tidying the desk, I started to put my things back in my bag. I was getting
ready to run when the bell rang. Something told me that Stone's words were
not something to take lightly.
His declaration felt quite real. I did like winding up and taunting my
overgrown rival, but I never wanted to see him angry. I did not want him to
be angry at me.
I was going to avoid running into him so that I could avoid running into
conflict with him.
Lana looked from my clear desk to my feet that were ready to run and she
asked, "What are you doing?"
"I am just so excited for the weekend." I lied "Plus, I hate this class"
"That is because you don't put any effort in learning the language."
Fake gasping at her true statement, I replied "Je suis trop paresseuse pour
apprendre une langue."
"What if one day I decide to move to France?" She huffed out.
The end of day bell rang and by the time the noise stopped, I was already
halfway out of the classroom.
"If you moved to France then you would still be able to speak English." I
turn back to Lana and blew her a kiss as I called back to her "Au Revoir!"
Lockers and classmates whizzed past me as I walked as fast as my little legs
could go. I was one of the first people to exit the main entrance of the
I let out a sigh of relief.
That relief was short-lived as I noticed that Chase was not one of the people
Tapping my foot while I waited for him, I analysed every single person that
came out the school door.
Chase finally walked through the double doors of the school and sauntered
towards me.
"Sorry I'm late." He said as he came to a stop a meter in front of me "You
ready to go?"
"Sure." I replied before turning around and getting ready to walk towards
the quarterback's car.
I was in disbelief that it was that easy. I was in disbelief that the giant had
decided to let me go after all.
That changed suddenly.
The world turned upside down in a blink of an eye.
A bulky arm wrapped around my waist before hoisting me up.
It took a few seconds to realise where I was and how I had gotten there.
My stomach rested on a strong shoulder while the rest of my body slumped
over against the huge muscular back.
Stone had appeared so quickly that it was like he was lurking in the
shadows and waiting for his opportunity to pounce.
Before I could protest, the giant began to walk away with me hunched over
his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
His back was to the school, and it gave me a clear view of the shocked
quarterback as I got carried away.
Chase shouted towards us "Dude, what are you doing?"
No reply came from Stone. Nothing apart from a series of grunts and gnarls.
"Let me down!" I shouted in protest.
The vice-like arm on my waist tightened as the man carrying me grumbled
"Let me down now, Lurch!"
"No." He released from his chest gutturally "You are the only thing keeping
me from painting the sidewalk with his blood."
I fought him every step of the way. I thrashed wildly against him and
pounded my fists firmly but carefully into his back as I remained over his
Nobody dared to stop him. Every person in the school lot stepped out of the
giant way's way with an open mouth and widened eyes. They all did
nothing as they watched the caveman steal his plaything.
"You big brute!" I shouted as he tightened his grip around my waist as he
carried me to his truck "You gorilla sized idiot! You overgrown man! You
large kidnapper!"
I was scared of heights.
He unlocked his truck and opened the passenger side door. He carefully
placed me on the seat before locking the door. He unlocked the truck again
when he got around to his side and climbed into the driver's seat.
Stone gripped onto the steering wheel as a low-pitched noise left his throat.
"What do you think you are doing?" I shouted accusingly at him "This is
Finally turning to me, Stone finally grumbled "Your car is fixed."
"I have heard that one before." I scoffed while rolling my eyes "Even if I
did believe you, which I don't, what kind of customer service involves
kidnapping a person?"
He turned the ignition before he returned to gripping the steering wheel. His
knuckles had turned white, and the veins bulged out of his large hands as he
did so.
"Why are you so mad?" I felt my chest move up and down as I asked the
His darkened eyes met mine. He leaned over in his seat towards my one so
that he could see me better.
"I went to your apartment this morning and you were not there." His voice
was sharper than knives as he revealed to me "Then I worry so I race here.
Only to find you with the blonde prick."
"I was meeting Lana. You know that. Brennan came to school with you so
he should have told you we were meeting early." I retorted back honestly
before asking "Anyway, how are they going to get back home?"
"Do not change the subject, Medusa."
"I met Chase at my locker, and he said he needed more help with his essay."
I told him honestly "Nothing more interesting than that happened."
The closeness between us surprised me as I noticed the proximity. I had
leaned over too to be closer to him.
I tried to avoid looking at his lip that was curled into a scowl.
He snarled like the very thought alone was enough to drive him mad "He
has a lot more than studying on his mind."
I did not back down as I asked the question that had been sitting on my
tongue for a long time "Why do you care?"
His eyes softened to a pool of black liquid as he stared down at me.
"Why do I care?" His deep voice repeated with a humourless chuckle.
"Yeah." I confirmed and asked again "Why do you care?"
Stone remained silent.
"Why did you steal me away?"
"Fuck." Stone let out gruffly while running a hand through his inky black
hair "I don't know how to do this."
"Do what? Kidnap people?" I questioned, my tone turning deadpan "I hate
to compliment you but you are doing a pretty good job at it."
The tense heat between us continued to build up and it was no closer to
shattering as we stared at one another.
The four words that escaped his mouth set the small amount of air in his
truck on fire.
He released his confession out ferally "Because you are mine."
"What?" I asked quietly, thinking that I had misheard him.
His voice was not any less carnal as he stated the words like there was no
way of changing the law of them "You are mine."
My eyes widened. It took a while for the words to fully sink in.
I slowly backed away from him and tried not to think about the feeling in
my stomach.
"Excuse me?" I bit out so that he would not notice the redness of my face
"Have I entered the DeLorean instead of your truck and we have travelled
back to a time where women are seen as objects?"
"I do not think of you as an object." He grumbled like even the idea of that
in my head insulted him "You are my Medusa."
Stone pulled out of the parking space and did not speak as he did so.
I did not look at him when I finally broke the silence "Where are we
We were on the main road when he gruffly informed me "Somewhere I can
keep my eye on you. Where you will not leave my sight."
I figure his place of work was going to be his personal Ella dungeon and
surveillance room for the day as the car neared the green pained garage.
"What have you done to the girl?" Mike said to Stone as we entered the
repair shop "She looks like she wants to murder you."
The mechanic's workshop had two cars parked inside. A silver sports car
and a familiar small green one. I tore my attention from Kermit to the old
man in front of us who was waiting for us to reply.
Stone did not look in any hurry to answer so I did instead.
"Does all of your employees kidnap their customer to hand deliver them to
their car?" I questioned the old mechanic.
Mike's mouth went up in a smile and it made his cheeks more wrinkled as
he answered, "Stone is the only person that works for me so yes."
My giant abductor chuckled before he walked over to a workstation.
"I think you should fire him." I told Mike, pointing to Stone "I know you
want your customers to feel valued but picking them up, carrying them to
their truck and then driving them here is a bit excessive."
The dark pair of eyes narrowed in on me when he gnarled "I should have
taken the blonde prick's eyes for even thinking he could lay them on you."
My heart hammered against my chest.
I did not reply. Not because I did not have a hundred insults to come back
with but because I was starting my silent treatment against him.
"Ah." Mike said in realisation "You two are having a domestic dispute."
"Dispute?" I mumbled to myself "I am going to kill him."
To keep my silent streak ongoing against the giant, I decided to start a
conversation with the old mechanic to distract myself from the urge to talk
to Stone.
"I like the colour of this place." I voiced, motioning to the open door and
the outside of the building "The green bricks match my hair."
Mike's round face broke out into a grin as he delivered amusedly "Stone
painted it a few weeks ago."
If I had not sworn to give the large man, the silent treatment then I would
have asked him more about his choice of colour to paint the building.
"Would I be able to take my car home today?" I spoke up and asked.
"Of course." The old man said and then he smiled mischievously when
adding "Although I can't recall where I put the keys. Stone was the one
servicing it."
"Funny that." I sarcastically remarked, contemplating if I should give both
of them the silent treatment.
Grabbing a set of car keys that did not look like mine from the table, Mike
dramatically gasped and slapped his head "I just remembered that I have to
go and pick up something at Manhattan Beach."
I let out a breath of frustration and pleaded "Can I please get my car?"
"I’m really sorry, Ella." Mike answered unapologetically "It is Stone that
dealt with your car. I have a lot of other staff to look after."
Fighting the urge to stamp my foot, I pointed accusingly and huffed "You
just said that he was your only employee."
"Oops." The traitor of the old man chuckled to himself as he walked out the
garage door.
"This is ridiculous." I mumbled to myself as I watched Mike leave the two
of us alone.
Stone appeared amused at the situation because the corner of his lip hiked
My vow of silence against him lasted only a further thirty-four seconds
before I gave up.
"Give me the keys, Lurch." My voice raised as I grew more agitated.
I took a step nearer to his huge frame and repeated "Give them to me."
A frustrated sigh left me before I bit out "Why not?"
"I am not giving you the keys so you can go to that prick's house." He
gritted out, his jaw ticking violently "You can keep me company here."
"Lucky me" I huffed in a sarcastic tone.
His lip twitched again as he removed his leather jacket from his body,
giving me a look at his muscled arms and tattoos as he picked up a spanner.
"Give me the keys of the car or else." I threatened.
"Or what?" He challenged "Are you going to sit on me again?"
"No." I affirmed, "That was meant to be a torture technique and you seemed
to not totally hate it."
He chuckled, shaking his head as he walked over to the silver car next to
my green one.
"Give me my keys, Lurch." I demanded again as I walked over to him and
grabbed an unknown tool from his toolbox "Or I will take this tiny metal
thing and cut you open. Then I will scoop your insides out and mix them
together to make soup."
Stone ignored me as he opened the hood of the car he was working on and
started to mess around with the valves and parts insides.
I tried to tear my gaze away from the veins bulging in his arm and how the
heat from the engine added a layer of engine grease to his black ink.
The vehicle was not the only thing that was getting messed around with
inside because I could feel the fluttering of my stomach at the sight of the
engine grease on his bulky arms.
"Fine." I huffed out "I am just going to walk home."
Carrying on fixing the car, he never turned around to face me as he retorted
"No you won't."
"And why is that?" I asked the back of his head.
"It is at least an hour walk from here to your house." He mentioned with a
small, strained chuckle "For you, it will be three hours with your little legs."
The irritating mountain had a point. I did hate unnecessary exercise.
I glared at the back of his head while informing him "You can't see me right
now, but you should know I look furious."
"I don't need to turn around." His gruff voice spoke up before explaining "I
know you have transitioned from a gizmo to a gremlin."
My eyes widened while I spluttered out "You are annoying!"
He finally turned around and looked down at me, his eyes shining with
amusement when he rebutted "You are stubborn."
I tried to think of something else to say. I opened and closed my mouth
while I let my gaze roam him.
"You are...too big." I blurted out.
Stone chuckled at my lame response before rasping out "You are too head-
We kept exchanging things we disliked about the other person as we both
subconsciously neared each other.
By the time, I was backed up against the car and he was towering over me
when I had run out of things to say.
I ended up making up something "You are a really bad hugger."
That seemed to catch his attention because he cocked his head to the side.
"Do you know in the book Of Mice and Men when Lenny does not realise
his strength and ends up embracing his pet mouse too hard and it ends up
being squished to death." I referenced before pointing to myself "That is
you when you hugged me."
Stone moved an infinitesimally amount of distance between us as his voice
went hoarse "Really?"
I thought about the time when he embraced me. The day I broke down in
his arms. The warmth and the comfort made it hard to even lie to myself.
"No." I whispered before clearing my throat "I guess your hug was not the
worst thing I have ever experienced."
The giant's mouth twitched twice.
I shook my head and tore my attention away from his face and focused on
the matter at hand which was getting Kermit back.
"If I burst out crying then would you give me the keys?" I asked hopefully,
ready to pretend to shed a tear.
"Do not cry." Stone commanded.
"I will and you will have to deal with it." I threatened before mentioning "I
am a really ugly crier."
"No." He deeply said, sounding like an almost growl "You are not."
I bit my lip to contain my smile.
I had to get out of the small space between us. If I stayed and started to
enjoy my time with him then he won. I could not just let him drag me away
and willingly stay with him.
The only way to get him to give me the keys was to annoy him until he
wanted to get rid of me.
I spotted a black radio on top of a workplace, so I skipped over and jumped
up to sit on the high counter.
Sitting next to the old speaker that looked straight out of the eighties with a
big antenna, I called over to Stone "Last chance. Give me the keys or I will
start singing at the top of my lungs and it will make your ears bleed."
He looked up from the car and raised an eyebrow, a silent way of telling me
that nothing was going to make him change his mind.
After a few attempts of hitting the right button on the forty-year-old
machine, I got it to start playing.
As soon as I heard the first line of the song, I swung my legs in delight to
the time of the music and started to sing loudly enough that I could even
hear how bad I was.
"Her name is Noelle. I have a dream about her. She rings my bell."
Stone continued to stare at me, and he looked shocked at how appalling I
was at singing.
His judgement did not intrude my performance of Teenage Dirtbag by
"I've got two tickets to Iron Maiden, baby. Come with me Friday, don't say
maybe. I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby like you."
He watched from the hood of the car. His eyes were on my face as I sang
and laughed through the lyrics. His gaze only strayed when I started to
shimmy my hips to the rhythm.
The song finished and silence hung in the air until something miraculous
Stone started howling with laughter. It was a deep rough noise of
amusement, but it made me feel a little proud of myself that I had achieved
the impossible.
"Stop laughing at my singing!" I pretended to be mad "I have been
practising to master that song for years. It is the best song in existence."
He went back to fixing the car while I thought of other ways to bedevil him.
His voice interrupted my scheming "You think Teenage Dirtbag is the best
song in existence?"
"In the afterlife, Beethoven is secretly asking himself why he did not think
of it." I joked before adding seriously "It is the theme song of my life.
Nothing says adolescent angst like that song."
Stone shook his head and let out a chuckle "So you are saying you are a
teenage dirtbag?"
"Some people might say I am." I explained with a shrug "Other people say
I'm a goth or even a nerd. Personally, I don't think I fit into a category. I
transcend all stereotypes."
He did not offer a reply as he walked over to collect a different tool to fix
the car.
As he was preoccupied, I quickly ran to steal his most prized possession.
His leather jacket.
With it in my hand, I ran back to the countertop and hastily put it on until
the leather material wrapped around my body thrice.
When he returned, he did not notice his lack of jacket.
"Let's make a trade." I called to the giant "My keys for your jacket back."
His eyes did not shine the emotion that I expect them to. Anger is not
present in his look but rather what looked to be a mixture of approval and
awe. There was also something else swirling around in his darkened gaze.
I grinned "I think it looks much better on me than you."
He flicked his attention over me again. It was slow and deliberate, and it
left heat in its path.
"I can't argue with that." He revealed gruffly.
"This will keep me nice and cosy when I walk home." I mentioned as I
wrapped the huge material around myself.
I blinked and he was in front of me. My slightly parted legs dangling from
the counter was enough room for him to step in between them.
"You are not leaving."
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms to show my resistance to him. The
arms crossed only drew attention to the largeness of the leather jacket and
how it was too long on my little arms.
Stone kept standing where he was as he used his arm to wipe a bead of
sweat forming on his head. The arm raised meant that his shirt had risen at
the bottom and given me a quick peek at his abs.
My lip was held tightly by my teeth as I looked up to meet his eye.
His attention was on my bitten lip as he let out a harsh "Fuck."
One thing I had noticed about him was that he liked to swear a lot. I felt the
need to point it out "I am starting to think that is your favourite word."
"It is not." He assured me before he smirked, "My favourite word is a tie
between Ella, Medusa and Drizella."
"Those are not words." I rolled my eyes "They are names. My names which
makes me suspect that they are not really your favourite."
The bulky male eventually left and popped the small bubble of closeness
between us.
As he went back to fixing the car, I took out my phone and noticed that
Lana had tried to phone me.
I phoned her back before greeting her "Hello."
"Guess what I have bought for our girl's day tomorrow!" She squealed
"It better not be what I think it is." I groaned into the phone.
"Barbie movies!" She confirmed, "The DVDs were only a dollar at the
dollar store."
"No wonder." I taunted "Nobody would pay more than that."
"I would."
I let out a laugh "I know you would, you weirdo."
"Come to mine at nine tomorrow." She insisted "We have five movies to get
"Nine in the morning?" I let out a whine "That is way too early for a
Saturday morning—"
"If you are not there by nine then I will eat all the gummy bears I had
bought for you."
I laughed at her before agreeing "Fine. I will be there."
We said our goodbyes before she hung up.
Stone made a deep noise that sounded a mix between a cough and a gnarl,
making me draw my attention away from my phone to him.
He started to wipe something in the car with a cloth as he questioned "What
are you laughing at?"
A lightbulb went off in my head and a great plan had formed in my mind.
I lied "I was just phoning my ride to ask them when they are coming to get
Stone did not look convinced.
"You are not going to give me the keys, so I had to find another way to get
He still did not seem convinced.
I added innocence to my tone when I told him "I will tell Chase you said hi
when he picks me up."
His reaction was instant. He slammed the boot of the car with brute force
before he stormed out of the room and came back seconds later with a
familiar set of keys.
I beamed in response that my plan had worked. My victorious state dropped
when he came marching up to me with a sense of determination.
The keys hung from his hand at a height that was far too high for me to
"You take them, and you drive home." He spoke with a tone that held no
room for argument "You do not go with him."
"Okay." I agreed, reaching up to get the keys.
He remained to keep them out of reaching distance "You better be going
"I promise." I said as he set the metal chain in my hand.
Jumping off the counter, I skipped away towards the exit of the garage to
taunt him about me winning.
As I reached the door, a deep voice stopped me "Medusa."
I turned around "Yes, Lurch?"
His expression was full of visible boastfulness as he revealed "I finished
fixing your car a few days ago."
"What?" I bit out, remembering how he told me it was not ready two days
He did not answer with words. It was just a big tantalising smirk that
taunted me.
I opened the car door as I questioned "Are you trying to say that you fixed
my car a few days ago and it was only today that you are telling me?"
Stone nodded.
I exclaimed, "Why would you do that?"
Stone did not even acknowledge the question because he remained silent.
"What was the point in that?" I demanded to know "It was you that suffered
for it. You had to take me to school almost every day this week."
"Not today, I didn't." He said, his voice husky and strained.
"Why did you say it was not fixed after the ice cream parlour? What was
the point in the double bluff?" I ranted out "Actually it is kind of a triple
bluff because you told me you fixed it then you said you had not."
He looked down at me with a soft look in his eyes as I continued to ramble.
"Why didn't you tell me the truth?"
"I needed you away from him, so I took you here." He revealed with a
rough sigh "I was planning to keep it for a while longer."
"You are evil." I told him "How dare you keep my car away from me.
Thank the car gods that I don't have to ride to school with you anymore."
I got into the car and put on my seatbelt to stop the impulse to go and wring
his neck.
He was still watching me when I rolled the window down on my door and
stuck my head out to see him.
"I was on the phone to Lana, by the way. Not Chase." I informed him with
an evil grin "There was no ride home."
The smugness had been wiped from his face as he shook his head "Wicked
I beeped the car horn I smirked at him.
When I turned back to the rear-view mirror was when I noticed that I still
had on his jacket.
With one last queenly wave out of the window, I motioned to the new
addition of my wardrobe "I am keeping your jacket by the way."
"That is fine, Medusa." He replied before he pledged "I will come and get it
"Yeah. Whatever." I stuck my tongue out at him before I pushed down on
the accelerator.
Chapter Twenty-Two
The giant’s threat to come and get his jacket back was forgotten by
I flicked through the television channels between scooping up large
spoonful’s of ice
cream into my mouth straight from the carton.
There was not a lot to watch at night, so I had settled for a crime
During a commercial break was when I started to hear noises. I lowered the
volume and listened to the large sounding footsteps.
I had expected my father's drunken stumbles it did not sound like that.
When the sounds turned to a knock at the door, I slowly walked up to the
door and carefully opened it with caution.
Taking up all the space of the doorway with his wide shoulders stood Stone.
I leaned against the doorframe as I crossed my arms over my frog pyjamas,
glaring at him "What are you doing here?"
His eyes flicked over me once before he chuckled "I told you I would come
back for my jacket."
"I didn't think you were serious!"
I realised my mistake. Stone was always serious. The permanent scowl was
evidence of that.
"It is twelve at night." I stated before instructing "Go home."
He did not move. Neither did he look like he was going to budge any time
soon so I stood to the side and let him in.
Leaving him in the living room, I made my way to my bedroom to retrieve
his jacket before returning through the hall with it.
When I returned, I found the ginormous bulky man sprawled across my
"Make yourself at home." I said in a sarcastic tone before joining him on
the sofa.
The giant did not make room for me to sit down so I ended up resting one
of my legs on top of his.
My words were muffled by my full mouth of ice cream as I held the carton
out to him "Do you want some?"
He shook his head as he watched me shovel another large spoonful of the
mint choc chip content in my mouth.
"More for me then." I voiced before faking a shudder "I did not want your
cooties anyway."
Stone cocked his head, a small suggestive smirk making its way onto his
I rolled my eyes and moved my head away so that he would not see my
The midnight visitor motioned to the television showing the murder
investigation before chuckling "This is grim to be watching at night. Are
you trying to get inspiration on how to get rid of me?"
"Of course not." I said softly before laughing "I already have a plan. That is
why I let you in. My bathtub full of acid is waiting for you."
He chuckled again before his attention drew to something else. His dark
eyes set on my mouth.
His hand reached up and neared my face. He flicked his thumb over my
bottom lip, rubbing at the spot of ice cream. He then brought his thumb up
to his mouth and sucked the content that was once on my mouth.
The sound of my heartbeat was heard in my ears as I quickly looked away
from "I... I am going to change the channel."
I switched the station over to one that was showing an alien documentary.
We watched the show quietly as I started to relax further and further into the
sofa until I had my head near the sturdy shoulder.
"I wish I would see an alien." I said as I watched the man who had seen one
being interviewed on the television.
"Medusa, that guy is lying." Stone pointed out as he switched his gaze from
the show to me.
I sat back and looked up at him "How do you know that?"
"It is obvious."
My head went down as I stared at my hands and uttered quietly "I can't
really understand people's behaviour. I have never been able to pick up on
social cues. It took me to the age of eight to learn how to point at something
and recognise what it was at the same time."
My brain worked differently from others. It was whimsical and sometimes
even irrational.
I did not just lose my mother a year ago. I lost a part of who I was. I had
learnt my behaviour from her. I had been told since I was young that I
copied my mother's mannerisms and reactions and took them on as my own.
I had learned how to mask my lack of social skills by practising how my
mother treated people.
A year ago when I lost her, I had to learn more about who I was as an
individual. I had to learn who Ella was and how she reacted to the world
and others.
Stone's head tilted downwards as he gave me his undivided attention.
"I can explain why aliens chose to abduct cows, but I struggle to understand
humans." I murmured with a small laugh.
His mouth twitched as he moved his arm, so it was resting on the cushion
behind my head.
"Why do you think aliens abduct cows?" He asked.
"My theory is that they are testing for an animal to genetically advance to
defend their planet and eat all of their enemies." I explained "The best
animal to take is a cow. Cows have four stomachs and that means they can
eat more people."
He kept quiet until he let out a rough laugh "You are wild, Drizella Miller."
"I don't know if you have noticed but I am a little crazy."
"I know." He claimed nonchalantly "It is the only thing that is not little
about you."
I grabbed the pillow behind my back and threw it at his face.
"If I was an alien, I'd choose you to defend my planet." I admitted.
"Yeah." I confirmed "Look at the size of you! You definitely have more
than four stomachs to eat the enemies."
Stone's lip went up in a small smile as he shook his head down at me again.
"Are you planning to go home anytime or are you planning to sleep over?" I
He sent me a lazy smirk before insisting "Pass the pillow behind you."
"For what?"
"To sleep." He answered like it was the most obvious thing ever.
"Excuse me?"
The colossal pain taking up all the room on my living room seat laughed
"I’m staying."
"No. You are not." I argued before muttering "Demanding ass."
I never said anything more for a while because my eyes were starting to
flutter shut. I felt my head fall back onto his shoulder before I jerked back
"Fine. You can sleep here." I yelled in frustration, giving up "But you are on
the sofa."
His smirk was too triumphant. Too aggravating.
"This does not mean I forgive you for keeping Kermit away from me or for
kidnapping me." I pointed at him accusingly "I am only letting you stay
because it is late. I don't want you falling asleep while driving."
"Careful Medusa." He taunted "You are starting to sound like you care
about me."
"Pfft. No." I crossed my arms as I argued "I just don't want to see that
motorbike of yours damaged."
"Whatever you say." He replied, his voice teasing.
I walked over to the television and switched it off at the wall before I turned
back to face the sofa "Goodnight."
"Night Medusa."
"Don't let the bed bugs bite." I joked before walking away.
"Same goes for you." He rebutted, an underlying meaning to his words "I
hope nothing crawls into your bed."
"I don't mind bed bugs crawling into my bed." I replied as I pressed the
light switch "As long as it is not a large Lurch."
When I turned away and headed down the hall, the last thing I heard was a
husky whisper.
"I can't make any promises."
Racing off to my room, I feared I would stay up thinking about him. The
other thing that scared me was that I had purposely left my bedroom door
I lay on my bed for a while. I rolled around until the sheets became
The dark ceiling was the thing I focused on as I tried not to think about the
occupant of the room down the hall.
Letting out a groan, I pulled the duvet covers back and quickly yet quietly
tiptoed through back to him.
It was dark but I could see the huge outline of him on the sofa. He took up
the whole space and I figured that it could not have been comfortable.
His large body made everything look small in comparison. He made all my
furniture look like it was made for children.
Like I was a few minutes ago, Stone was staring up at the ceiling deep in
That was until his gravelly voice called from the darkness "Medusa, I know
you are there."
I could not even see his face, but I knew he was smirking. It was clear from
his voice.
"Have you ever seen the structure of The Great Wall of China?" I called to
He hummed a deep rough noise "What about it?"
"We are going to build it out of pillows." I told him "You are going to stay
on your side of the bed, and I will stay on mine."
Stone got up in a haste from the sofa.
I turned on my foot and marched down the hall. He followed instantly and
was quick on my heel. He walked so near behind me that I feared if I
stopped, he would collide into my back and run me over.
Grabbing the pillows, I built a significantly tall wall in the middle of the
The pillows took up a little room on the bed. It was the large giant that took
up all the space with his wide shoulders.
I turned on my side and closed my eyes until I heard a noise.
The sound of metal from a belt and then something hitting the floor broke
the silence.
"What was that?" I asked, my voice quiet and nervous.
"My jeans." The deep voice replied.
"So, what do you have on now?" I questioned, warily.
I blurted out "What!"
"Relax, Medusa." He chuckled "I still have my boxers on."
Turning around, I faced the wall of pillows and noticed that they were
shaking slightly. It was like a mini earthquake.
The next thing I knew, one of the pillows flew across the room and hit the
wall. . A layer of the wall had been destroyed.
The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was a grumble.
A deep grumble enunciated the words "Fucking pillow wall."
Chapter Twenty-Three
I let out a moan.
My eyes opened and the deja-vu took over. My face was planted on a rock-
hard chest meanwhile my legs were at each side of the humongous bed
Stone's vice-like arm was wrapped around my waist tightly as if he was
planning to keep my stomach glued to his chest forever.
My hands rested on his torso as I tried to pull myself away from the trap of
his arms. It was no use as I kept on moving up and down and nothing
happened. Nothing except a monster-sized something poking at my thigh.
I told myself over and over again in my head not to look further down than
his abs as I tried to tickle his arm so he would let go.
The man below me took a deep breath and release it slowly.
"You are not going anywhere, Medusa Baby." He whispered, his gravelly
voice rough near the top of my head.
Before I could question his awakeness, he moved.
Two of his arms moved so that one was set firmly across my back. The
other thick muscular forearm rested just under my butt as he applied
pressure. A wonderful amount of pressure.
He made a feel-good groan as he buried his face into the crook of my neck.
I went still. I was too stunned to move. Then I felt myself smile as I realised
something. Stone was a cuddler.
"You are a cuddler." I said aloud.
"No." He grumbled into my neck.
"Yes. You are." I teased him.
He chuckled quietly after a moment of silence "Just with you."
"What a privilege." I joked as I tried to push the boulder off me.
When he eventually pulled away from the crook of my neck, he sat up and
rested his head on the headboard. While doing this, he still did not let go of
my body.
His hair was a little messed up, but it looked good. A stand fell on his face
and nearly reached his dark eyes that were studying me intently.
I moved one leg off him, so I was no longer on top of him. This made his
jaw tick once.
"What are you looking at, Lurch?" I teased as I crossed my legs while
staying near him. I then noticed the lack of pillows "How did I end up on
top of you? What happened to The Great Wall of China?"
"Maybe it just fell down."
My attention went to the pillows on the floor at his side that looked like
they had been bashed.
"Oh yeah?" I asked, scowling "It just fell down? Then what? Did a ghost
decide to take the fallen pillows and place them at your side of the bed?"
"A ghost would explain the sounds." Stone rebutted with a smirk "All
through the night, I heard little snores."
I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes before I glared at him "I do not snore."
"It was more moans than snores." He informed "It was small whimpers, and
you were saying a name. I think someone was dreaming of me."
"No, I wasn't!"
He hummed in a cocky manner.
"I was probably dreaming of a landslide." I pretended to put my hands up
like there was actually a landslide occurring before I pretended to call
"Stone! Stone!"
His head went back against the headboard as he let out a rough laugh, his
Adam’s apple bobbing.
A hint of a smile made its way onto his face. It was the first proper smile I
had seen from him.
"I should have let you drive home."
His deep laugh was all husky, and I made a mental note that his voice in the
morning was even more darkly sensuous than normal.
I continued to glare at him "I should have sent you on your merry way
home. It was a way to get rid of you and steal your bike after you died. I get
the bike and rid of you. Two birds and one stone."
Stone chuckled again before he looked around the room "I am here so often
that I might as well move in."
"That is a cruel thing to even make me think about." I said, crossing my
My instincts fought against my conscience. It was a battle not to let my eyes
wander downwards. In the end, my instincts won, and I let my gaze travel
I gasped at what I saw.
There was a massive red cut crossing the left-hand side of his abdomen. I
reached out and let my finger trail near the cut and the redness that it
"How did this happen?" I asked as I looked up to find Stone staring at me.
"A knife."
I went back to checking the cut while I questioned "When did it happen?"
"Last night." He replied gruffly.
I got up from the bed and quickly made my way through to the bathroom.
After finding what I needed from the cabinet under the sink, I came back
through to him.
Leathering my hand in the antiseptic cream, I applied it evenly to his cut. I
then wrapped it up, so it did not become infected.
During my cream application, I had happened to have moved one of my
legs to the other side of him so I could get better access to his cut. It meant
that I was straddling him.
"You do not get hurt again." I scolded before I cleared my throat and
motioned downwards "I am not doing this again."
Stone looked to be in a trace as he continued to study me unfalteringly as he
rasped out "My little nurse."
I rolled my eyes before warning "Next time, look after your cuts yourself."
"No." He argued before his voice went to demanding "I need you to kiss it
His tone was smug like he was enjoying it all too much
I wanted to shock him. I wanted to shut him up, so I leaned down and left a
small kiss right above the bandaged area.
The mouth of the giant twitched as he rumbled "You are so fucking cute."
I flipped him off because of his teasing before I began to try and get off
He stopped me by clutching my hips in his large hands.
"Can I help you, Lurch?" I tilted my head at him.
"I have a cut on my lip too."
I hummed "I don't see anything."
He smirked as he reached up and held my face in one of his hands. His
thumb flicked over my lip before touching my cheek and then moving a
hair behind my ear.
My cheeks felt on fire, so I blurted out "I don't blush!"
His smirk grew "I never said you did, Medusa."
Rearranging his arms so that they rested behind his head, he grinned evilly.
His pose was full of cockiness, and it looked like something straight out of
a portrait.
Someone should make a statue of him. He was ethereally attractive, and his
face was like a stoic statue with no emotion most of the time anyway.
It perplexed me how much I wanted to sit back and analyse him. I wanted
to know all the things that ticked him off, that made him mad, that pushed
him over the edge. I also wanted to know all the things that made him
happy and that made him laugh. I wanted to know what thoughts went
through his head.
Like any interesting book, you needed to read all of it to understand the full
story. I was reminded then that I did not even know the title.
"You still haven't told me your first name." I pointed out, curiosity bubbling
out of me.
"No, I haven't."
Crossing my arms, I sighed in frustration "Are you seriously not going to
tell me?"
He nodded.
I mentioned to him "You know my name."
"That is because you told me it." The nameless Titan tried to argue.
"I didn’t tell you, my name." I argued, "Your little ally of a boss forced it
out of me."
Stone did not try and deny it. Rather, he still refused to tell me his name.
"Your name can not be any worse than mine." I voiced before adding an
exception "Unless it is something like Balthazar."
"Balthazar?" He repeated.
Stretching my arms and letting out a yawn, I replied "Actually thinking
about it, Balthazar is a pretty cool name. It sounds like some kind of fantasy
antagonist. Evil like you."
"My name is not Balthazar."
"That is a pity" I admitted, standing up from my bed "I will just call you
"You know the little guy from that fairytale. The only thing wrong with my
analogy is that you are gigantic. The name thing however is accurate." I
"I have not heard that story." The deep voice replied.
"Rumpelstiltskin was the guy who helped the liar of the princess convince
everyone that she could turn straw into gold. Long story short, she promised
the little creature who she did not know the name of, that if he helped her
then she would give him her first born. Unless she could guess his name in
three days then she could keep her baby."
He nodded "Let's do it then."
I looked down at him with baffled as he lay on my bed "What do you
mean? I'm not giving you my firstborn."
Something that he was thinking about made his lip move upwards. It was
like he was trying to contain a smile.
Stone shook the thought out of his and clarified for me "I'll give you three
days to try and guess my name."
"What happens if I can't guess it?"
He answered, "Then you kiss me."
I burst out laughing but then I saw his face. It was as serious as a volcanic
explosion taking out a village.
My mouth opened then closed as I finally spoke "You are serious?"
Memories of our last kiss resurfaced. I still felt his touch on my skin and his
lips devouring my mouth. It would be the biggest lie in the world if I told
myself that I did not want it to happen again and again and again.
I wanted it to happen an infinite number of times and that thought alone
was terrifying.
I did not want to let him know that I was replaying the scene of us on the
beach so I sarcastically utter "I am not that desperate to know your name."
Before I could even think to praise myself for covering up how mystified I
was by him, he was in front of me.
I unconsciously moved nearer because being close to him was not close
enough. We were in a stance that from an outsider’s point of view might
look like a face-off. I knew better. I knew he was waiting.
Like a predatory animal, he waited before attacking.
His hands pounced on my waist before he placed me down on the bed,
climbing on top of me.
I was suddenly aware of his lack of clothes and my exposed stomach from
the rising tank top.
He moved until he lingered at the side of my face, the hot air for his mouth
tickled my neck "Guess my name."
I met his eye, wondering how I was supposed to guess when I could not
even think straight.
"James?" I guessed.
He did not look like a James, but I could hardly come up with an educated
guess when my mind was preoccupied with other thoughts.
Stone's head moved up ever so slightly so that his words ran along my ear
"Try again."
I tried to come up with something better, but I suddenly forgot all names in
existence when he took my earlobe softly between his teeth.
I tried to guess again "Tom?"
Moving slowly, his lips became adjacent to mine. His eyes had darkened as
he let his mouth trail to the side of mine "I am starting to think that you
want to kiss me."
My answer was my racing heartbeat. It was also my fingers twitching to
destroy the gap between us.
My attempts were getting worse as I asked "David?"
The man on top of me growled.
I closed my eyes at the nearness, and I gently laughed "What are you
growling at?"
"I do not like other names that are not mine leaving your mouth."
Sitting up slightly, I grazed his ear with my lip "Then tell me your name."
He shook his head, determinedly "I am getting that kiss, Medusa."
My laugh was near his jaw as I felt his stubble rub against my lip "Someone
told me that a kiss from Medusa turns one to statue."
His head tilted downwards, and his lip brushed my nose when he spoke
gravelly "It is a good thing I am already Stone."
Another name did not leave my mouth. Neither did a smart comeback. I
could not even dispute that I had three days to find out his name.
The way he was looking at me at that moment was the only thing I could
seem to think about.
A loud noise made me jump away from him.
Stone did not move. He just continued to observe me.
I broke eye contact and listened to the noise again.
When it happened for the second time, I jogged out of the room and into the
hall. Somebody was at the door.
"Who could that be?" I mumbled to myself.
Another knock came from the door along with a familiar female voice
"Ella! Are you still sleeping, or have you just decided to ditch me?" She
asked then she huffed "Knowing the lazy person you are, I am going to say
the first option"
I had forgotten that I was supposed to meet Lana.
I let out a curse when I noticed that Stone had followed me through to the
hall. Out of panic, I charged at him and tried my best to push him back to
my room.
After a while of him not moving and me just feeling his chest, he let me
drag him to my room.
"It is Lana." I whispered "I was meant to meet her. Oh my god. What time
is it?"
"Just after ten."
"I was meant to meet her at nine. I have to go and get the door." I groaned
before urging him "You need to hide. She can’t see you."
"Why not?" He asked, finding the situation highly amusing.
My head tilted down towards the black material covering very little of his
large self.
"You know why." I tried to yell quietly "Hide under the bed!"
He chuckled "I am not hiding under your bed."
"I guess you are too big." I said, more to myself before I told ordered him
"Stay here."
I was out of breath by the time I had opened the door to the impatient
blonde who was waiting at the doorway.
She pointed to my pyjamas and frowned "I can't believe you forgot about
our movie day."
"I am so sorry. I did not forget about it." I told her as I let her into the
apartment "I just slept in"
I purposely left out the part about being trapped by a pair of massive arms.
Lana looked around the place for something and when she could find what
she was looking for, she raised an eyebrow "You are acting weird."
"Am I?"
"Yeah." She replied, her voice full of inquisitiveness.
I apologised and tried to draw the attention away from my supposed
weirdness "Sorry. I’m probably just tired. What did you expect when you
said to meet at nine? It is the weekend, and this is an ungodly hour to be up.
The only reason i said yes was because I love you. On that note, I will go
and get changed right now."
Running away from her before she could say anything else, I slammed my
bedroom door behind me.
Stone looked up from where he was sitting at the bottom of my bed. He
now had on jeans, but he had not covered his tattoo-covered eight pack and
his exposed wide shoulders.
A wave of realisation hit me. I had said to Lana that I was getting changed.
She was waiting in the hall, and he was in my room. He could not leave the
I released a sigh and thought about it. I had on a bra and panties. It was not
like I was nude, and he was facing the wall, so I decided to remove my tank
top and my shorts.
When I opened my wardrobe to grab some clothes was when Stone lifted
his head and stopped cold.
His eyes ran over me for a second, darkness taking over his irises as he did
so. The second seemed to drag on until he let out a rough curse and turned
the other way.
"Fuck, Ella." He practically bellowed.
I did not know what had gotten him so riled up. It was not like I was naked.
The dark green lace had covered up everything.
"My bikini covers less." I mentioned as I slipped on a shirt "You have seen
me in less at the beach."
Stone grumbled under his breath "Because I handled that so fucking well."
After I slid up my jeans, I sighed "You need to stay here until I leave."
"Why is that?" He stood up and made his way over to me.
"She would get the wrong idea." I replied as he towered over me.
"What idea would that be?"
"You know exactly what idea I am taking about." I spoke up from my level
at his chest.
Surprisingly, he did not argue or tease any further. He instead asked, "Why
did you not ask Brennan and I to come?"
The idea of inviting him had crossed my mind but then I remembered my
conversation with Lana about her relationship. We had not had a chance to
talk. Just her and I.
His voice had been teasing but I answered him truthfully "Because it is a
girl's day."
As I sat down to put my shoes on, Lana shouted from the other side of the
door "Ella! Hurry up!"
"Just wait two minutes after we are gone to leave so she does not see you" I
muttered to him before turning to leave
Stone half laughed and half grunted, "Maybe I will go get Brennan and
come give you a visit."
I fell for his threat and harshly hissed "Don't you dare, Lurch."
Before he could say anything, Lana called again "What is taking you so
long? I know you take a while to get changed but this long? Really?"
Giving him a last glance, I opened the door and left him in my room.
Lana had her arms crossed when I reached her at the front door. She looked
behind me "Who were you talking to? I thought I heard voices."
"Singing." I blurted out "I was singing."
"I thought I heard a deep voice." Lana raised her light brow.
"I was practising my Darth Vader impression." I lied
She did not look convinced, but she did not say anything other than "Okay.
Let's go."
We took my car to drive to her house. My lateness was quickly forgiven as
Lana told me all about her outing with Brennan. She also mentioned the
new music she had been working on.
I wanted to tell her about Stone and my encounters with him, but I did not
want to load more problems onto her. Not when she was facing difficulties
in her relationship.
When we arrived at her house, we rushed inside and got our binge-worthy
banquet ready before putting on a Barbie DVD.
"So, Brennan and I talk fine when it is all four of us together. We always
have something to talk about when we are with other people. Like we talk
about you and Stone and school in general. However, when we are alone, it
is so different. When it is just us, sometimes we sit in silence." Lana
explained as she stuffed a handful of gummy bears in her mouth.
I was sitting crossed leg on her living room sofa as I tried to steal one from
the bag, she was trying to keep to herself as I replied, "Is it a comfortable
"I don't know." She admitted.
We had been talking about Brennan and her for about an hour. I knew
something was wrong when she didn't hum along to the intro music to the
animated Barbie movie. I did not sing to it either because I was still trying
to convince her that I hated it when secretly I liked the movies.
I was also pondering over my thoughts about my overnight visitor. I was
trying to focus on the whimsical fairyland and bright pink dresses but found
myself thinking about the giant. I wondered if he had snooped around the
place after I left or if he left as soon as I did.
Lana rearranged herself restlessly on the sofa like she had been for the past
hour as she let out a huff "Do you think he is bored of me?"
"I'm not a boy expert," I stated before giving her a confidence boost "but I
can tell that Brennan really likes you. Anyone can see that"
She thinks for a minute before questioning "What if he doesn't want to be in
a relationship?"
Shaking my head, I told her "These are questions that I can't answer. The
only person that can is Brennan. There is no point of us to sit here and
wonder what is going on in a guy's mind. Males are complex species. I don't
think they even know what is going on in their mind. Although, I can’t say
girls are any better."
"That is not very helpful." She informed me.
"Sorry." I said, "As I said I am not exactly the most qualified to give dating
Biting another gummy bear head off, she frowned in disagreement "You
went out with Chase."
I rolled my eyes and feel the need to justify myself "I never officially dated
Chase. Now we are just friends. We get on good."
"Friends like you and Stone?"
"No." I affirmed instantly "Stone is different."
My reply lit up her entire face and she sings her next question "And why is
It was nothing I could put into words, so I ended up responding with "I
don't know."
"Maybe it is because you are actually attracted to Stone."
Trying to sound persuasive, I failed by sputtering my next words "I am not
attracted to Lurch."
She hummed, unconvinced.
I moved the conversation on "Anyway back to you, are you going to ask
Brennan about your relationship?"
"What am I going to do?" She whined "Write him a letter saying Do you
still like me? Check yes, or no?"
"Don't do that."
She shoved five gummy bears in her mouth "Do you have a better idea?"
My imagination and train of thought were so weird that I surprised myself
with the solution
I smiled at her "I have a great new theory that will test if you are on his
"Your theories are always so random but okay..." She trailed off, sceptical.
"The Gummy Bear Theory." I announced like it was a big scientific
discovery. Watching her munch the little bear-shaped candies and offer me a
weird look, I described my new philosophy "So you ask him the question; if
you are in a car driving really fast and you see me standing with two
gummy bears on the road, one red and one purple. You realise that you
can’t brake and that you can only avoid hitting one thing, who would you
pick to save and why?"
She usually looked at me like I was an oddball but now she was gawking at
me like I was from a different planet.
While still bug-eyed, she replied "That question is the most random thing I
have ever heard.
"Just answer it"
Lana did after a second of thinking "I like the purple bears better so I would
save the purple one."
"There you go." I pointed to her "This theory proves your deduction skills
and how much you are thinking about the person. I said you see me
standing with two gummy bears on the road, one red and one purple so that
means you are in the equation too. If the person you are asking is really
thinking about you then they will pick up on the me part. The correct
answer is to say I would save you over anyone."
Giggling, she remained to look at me like I was crazy "That is the stupidest
thing I have ever heard. I am going to ask him that the next time I see him
just to prove you wrong."
I was about to explain it further, but I was interrupted by her mom walking
down the stairs with a load of laundry.
Mrs Armstrong greeted us with a smile "Hello Ella. I feel like I have not
seen you in forever. How have you been?"
"I'm good." I said, returning her smile.
"What are you girls talking about?" Mrs Armstrong asked us.
"Boys." Lana replied.
Mrs Armstrong laughed as she walked to the kitchen. She stopped right at
the door and turns around, remembering something.
She grinned "Taking about boys, your ones are outside right now."
The idea of a girl's day was thrown to the wind.
Lana walked over to the window and confirmed that both boys were indeed
I motioned for her to come back "Just ignore them. They will go away
She shook her head in disagreement and went over to the door "How did
they even know we were here together?"
I joined her at the door and contemplate chasing Lurch down the street.
Rather than tell her the truth, I lied "I am telling you that those two boys are
secret agents. Have you seen the muscles on them two? Especially Stone."
A voice I instantly recognised as Brennan's came from outside, behind the
front door "Thank you, Ella. As much as we love you complementing us,
can you let us inside?"
I managed to hold my laughter back as I called to the two intruders
"Nobody is home. We have gone out. Try again later."
"Really? So, who are we talking to right now?" Stone asked sounding
amused at my stupidity.
"A figment of your imagination?" I replied.
Brennan chuckled and retorted "That actually sounds about right, Little
Lana sighed and opened the door. The two males were grinning smugly.
Brennan gave her a small hug while crossed my arms and glared up at
The giant sauntered over to me and spoke deeply yet quietly so the other
two could not hear "I told you I would pay you a visit."
"What a treat." I deadpanned and walked away back to my seat.
The three of them followed. The two lovebirds went and sat on the sofa
opposite. That left the only place for Stone to sit was next to me. With room
for at least three people, he settled right next to me so that our legs were
touching. Never mind my leg, every cell in my whole body was aware of
the contact.
As soon as the characters on the screen broke out into song, Lana's eyes
were glued to the screen and Brennan looked to be trying to enjoy the
movie for her sake.
However, Stone's gaze was fixated on me. I side glanced at him and saw
him smirking in my peripheral vision.
I turned my head to ask, "What are you staring at?"
He looked like he wanted to say something but whatever it was, he
swallowed down and asked instead "Do you like Barbie films?"
Offering him a small smile, I nodded once "They are okay. Lana loves them
and I love Lana. I have watched them so many times that they just seem
like the normal to watch on a Saturday."
It went silent between us until I spoke again "There is no point asking you
if you enjoy them"
Stone laughed He knew fair well that his scary appearance and his no
emotion attitude did not exactly scream pink princesses and magical castles
He questioned anyway "Why not?"
I explained, "Because last time I asked you, you just grunted and did not
even answer me."
"When?" He demanded to know.
"When we first met." I answered before reminiscing "The night at the pier
feels like forever ago."
He nodded, his lips up in a small smile "It is hard to remember a time I was
not getting insulted daily by a tiny green gorgon. I can’t image a day
without your nerdy insults."
"That sounds like you are trying to make me the bad guy. Do not act like
you do not give just as bad as you get." I pointed out while I ate a gummy
bear "I can’t imagine not knowing being insulted daily by you either. Who
else would insult my green hair? Although you are still kind of a stranger
Looking a bit taken aback, he raised an eyebrow "Why do you say that?"
"I don't even know your name." I pouted up at him.
Stone's dark eyes lowered to look at my lips before he rasped "That is
because you haven't guessed it yet."
"I still have three days." I pointed out.
"Why do you want to know so bad?" He teased, already knowing that I was
extremely curious
My excuse was pretty lame, but it made sense "You know my name. I feel
like you are one-up on me on the Ella and Stone scoreboard. Which will
soon be changed to the Ella and whatever-your-stupid-first-name is
"You are determined," He stated in his deep voice "but you won't guess it."
"Yes, I will." I declared persistently which did not make his smug face falter
so I resolved to another tactic "I will because there is no way I am kissing
you again."
He smirked before leaning closer "And why is that Medusa?"
"Because...Because I don't want to." I ended up saying as I crossed my arms
over my chest.
The gravelly sounding male spoke "Little liar."
I came up with a different answer "Acqenemies do not kiss. It is a rule.
Everyone knows that."
"Bullshit." Stone called me lit "Acqenemies is an Ella term. There are no
"Yes, there is." I told him while restraining myself from moving closer "No
"Are you saying that you are backing out of our deal? He asked, his tone
full of dark menacing.
"I am not a quitter, Lurch." I argued "If that is what you are suggesting. I
am going to find out your name."
His next words rolled off his tongue and I wondered if he meant for them to
be so seductive.
"Then guess." He said.
As I was about to say a name, I was stopped by his hand going down to my
leg. His fingers trailed from my knees up to my thigh. He stopped abruptly
then began to draw circles on my leg. Even with material between his touch
and my skin, his hand sets the lower half of me on fire.
It was unfair. There was no way of guessing his name when I could barely
remember my own. Not with him touching me.
"Giving up already, Medusa?"
Incapable of putting a sentence together, I tried the name "Noah?"
He responded lowly and huskily "No."
Thinking about every name I knew; I blurted out a few "Liam? Mason?
Stone just shook his head and continues to move his finger along my leg.
Attempting to ignore it and trying to seem unfazed, I quietly asked more
names "How about John?"
"Your guesses are getting worse."
"George?" I guessed as a joke "Paul? Ringo?"
He chuckled "Now you are just naming members of The Beatles."
"I know," I admitted "but I am running out of names. I think out of all the
names I have said so far, Rumpelstiltskin fits you the most."
When Brennan coughed, I instantly reached forward for another gummy
bear which made forced Stone's hand off my leg.
I did not think Brennan had seen us because he did not mention our contact
and instead asked "So what made you want to have a girl’s day?"
Lana looked at him and asked, "Do I need an excuse to spend time with
At that, the guy next to me whispered tauntingly in my ear "She does not
need an excuse. I just do not see why she would want to."
"Says the guy that came willingly to my house yesterday." I rejoinder in a
low voice as I grinned up at him.
His lip twitched twice as he moved his hand over his jaw "I have a warped
I nudged him with my elbow.
Lana spoke aloud and retold everyone about my lateness that morning "Ella
slept in this morning so I went over to her place to go and get her. She took
another thirty minutes to get dressed."
Brennan grinned "Maybe she has an imaginary friend that made her take so
I did not need to be a rocket scientist to know what he was trying to secretly
"Yeah." I said, putting fake sarcasm into my voice even though what I said
was true "That is what it was. My imaginary friend is a massive pain in the
ass and that is why it took so long for me to get changed."
Lana shook her head "Ella's head is always in the clouds. She is too busy
thinking up crazy theories or dreaming about different dimensions. That is
why she is slow at everything. She is too busy somewhere else."
She had a point.
Her voice filled the room again "Talking about theories and craziness. Ella,
I think you should test your ludicrous theory."
"You are going to have to narrow that down. I have made a lot of theories
over the years."
She motioned down to the bag of gummy bears. The Gummy Bear Theory
was a perfectly valid one. I just had to prove that.
I turned to Stone and asked him "If you were driving a car down a road
really fast and you see me with two gummy bears on the road, one purple
and one red. Then you realise that your brake is not working, and you can
only avoid hitting one thing, who would you save?"
He chuckled, shaking his head as he peered down at me. His reply came out
in one breath "I would save you, crazy girl."
Lana was staring at me with wide eyes before she praised me "Your theory
actually works."
I crossed my arms and shook my head.
Stone just picked up on the me part of the theory because he was
"No. It does not." I burst out with "There is no logic to my theory. I was just
making random stuff up."
I shot a dirty look at Stone. Who did he think he was, getting my theories
After an hour of the fairy film and cheesy music which I had to say was fun,
the movie ended. I had never seen two males look so bored in their life.
Brennan spoke up as the credits rolled "So my mom is inviting you to
dinner tomorrow night."
"Really?" Lana said, excitedly.
"That is a big step." I teased her "Meeting the in-laws. You better not mess
it up."
Brennan laughed “That is okay, Little Ella. You will be there to keep her in
"What?" I asked, confused.
"Stone told mom that you are coming too." He informed me, nonchalantly.
"He did what?" I erupted before turning to the giant and asking him "Why
did you you say that I was going? What if I had plans?"
He challenged “What are your plans then? Sitting on your bed and reading a
"Nerd." He taunted, chuckling to himself.
Lana put her hands together and pretended to beg "Please, Ella."
"My momma makes a mean barbecue chicken and rice." Brennan tried to
lure me in.
"Keep talking."
"She makes her own mint chocolate chip ice cream." Stone added, knowing
that it was my favourite.
It was quite scary that he knew me so well. It was scary how that fact alone
made my stomach flutter.
Stone had won me around, but I tried to play it cool.
"I just remembered that I have a clear diary. I can make it." I told him with
a small shrug.
"Thought you might." A deep rough voice inputted.
Chapter Twenty-Four
"Why do I have to knock?" Lana complained while stalling outside the
address that had Brennan sent us.
She looked extremely pale. Maybe because it was dark at night or maybe it
was because she was scared to meet his parents.
"You have to knock because it is your boyfriend's house." I replied before
adding "I'm just your plus one."
Nodding understandably, she muttered "What if they don't like me?"
Surprised at her frantic state, I told her "It is impossible to hate you, Lana.
They are going to love you. Brennan has probably been telling them how
great you are."
Nodding her head again, she finally plucked up the courage to knock.
The house was quite large and modern. I did not know what I was expecting
but I thought that it would be closer to the sea, knowing how much both
boys spent most of their time at the beach. However, the building was not
close to the sea and instead situated on a hill.
As we waited outside, Lana tapped her feet as she turned to me and asked,
"I was meant to ask you last night on the phone you were all stressed,
"I could not find my Edgar Allan Poe book." I huffed "It is my favourite,
and I can't find it."
From inside the house, I heard footsteps approach the door. That is when I
started to feel my heartbeat hammer.
I wondered if his parents were going to like me.
Before we had arrived at the house, Lana video called asking me what to
wear. That is when I panicked too because nothing in my wardrobe was
appropriate for a dinner party. Lana instructed me not to wear any skulls or
anything that looked like it belonged in a cult or a band tee.
Her input pretty much eliminated every piece of clothing that I owned. I
had to go hunting to the very back of my closet to find a plain black silk
tank top.
"The girls are here!" The female voice screamed from inside and she
sounded elated.
I thought Lana was about to turn around and say something to me but
before she could, the door opened.
There stood a woman with the warmest smile I had ever seen. She was a
large lady with her arms in the air, enthusiastically. Her round body looked
ready to embrace both of us in a hug.
Lana seemed to relax at the sight of Brennan's mother, and I could tell she
thought the same about the woman.
"Come in! Come in!" The friendly middle-aged lady gestured for us to
come inside "This is so exciting. I have been telling the boys for weeks now
to invite you."
As soon as we had one foot in the door, Brennan's mother was already
embracing Lana in a hug while gushing "It’s so nice to finally meet you."
My smothered friend let out a small giggle while pulling away to show off
her smile "It is so great to meet you too, Mrs Lewis."
"You are a lovely girl." The woman said back, her twinge of an accent
strong as she admired both of us.
Lana remembered that I was there also she motioned to me "This is—"
Mrs Lewis cut her off immediately by moving on from Lana to me as she
blurted out enthusiastically "Ella!"
Instantly wrapping my arms around the woman to greet her back, I replied
"Thank you so much for having us for dinner."
She pulled back and took my face in her hands and she studied me
thoroughly. Her smile was bright and hopeful as she squished my cheeks.
I had thought about how I would die a little, but I never expected that the
cause would be squashed to death by Mrs Lewis.
"I have heard so much about you, Ella."
The flashbacks started to occur and every single insult that I had ever said
to Stone ran through my head.
"Oh no." I let out a small nervous laugh "All bad I presume."
Shaking her head violently but still with a smile on her face, she replied
"No. It is completely the opposite."
Looking around his house, I noticed a few pictures on the wall. I made a
mental note to try and sneak through to find an ugly picture of the giant.
On second thought, that seemed unlikely. I could not imagine him being
anything else but captivating.
Already shuffling down the hall, Mrs Lewis shouted in her happy voice
"Boys! Come downstairs! Your girls are here."
As we followed behind her, Lana turned to me and pointed out "You do
realise that you are going to have to try and be nice to Stone."
I wanted to refuse and tell her that it was impossible. It was not that I ever
was intentionally mean to him. It was just part of our weird dynamic and I
secretly liked it that way.
Although I did have to try make an effort in front of his parents so keeping
that in mind, I sighed "This is going to be one of the hardest things I ever
have to do."
We entered the kitchen and found Mrs Lewis stirring something in a
massive pot while talking to a man.
The man looked exactly like Brennan. Just older. He was also helping to
prepare the food when he spotted the us both standing at the doorway. His
warm smile was just like his wife's as he walked over to us.
"Hello girls. How are you?" He asked.
Lana was quick to reply "We’re really good, Mr Lewis. How are you?"
"Better now that both of you are here." Mr Lewis expressed to us before
focusing more on me as he added "I have been wanting to meet the girl who
keeps our Stone on his toes."
I had no idea what to say to but thankfully I did not have to reply because
the boys chose then to walk in.
My gaze went straight to Stone. More accurately his stomach as it was at
my eye level. I then looked up and met his eye.
Brennan circled his arms around Lana and gave her a quick peck on the
cheek while I paid no attention to them and instead glared at Stone.
The glare was for no particular reason. I was trying to get all of my death
glares out of my system before I pretended to be nice to him in front of the
"Medusa." The gravelly voice spoke as he took a step towards me.
"L—" I began to say his nickname but then remembered that we had an
audience, so I covered it up by instead saying "Lovely to see you, Stone."
Mrs Lewis' laugh filled the kitchen as she skipped over to me and took my
face in her hands again.
She squashed my face between her palms as she spoke to Stone "Stone, she
is gorgeous."
I was glad that her hands covered my reddened face.
The straightforward woman pulled back and smiled "Boys, go and show the
girls to their seat in the dining room. The food is nearly ready."
Brennan led the way in front of us to the dining room which was down the
hall. Lana stayed beside him. Meanwhile, Stone held back with me.
I tilted my upwards so I could study him. His face was stoic, yet I could see
the amusement in him. His obsidian irises sparked with light.
The trick to finding out what Stone was thinking was to look into his eyes. I
always looked to his eyes first as it was a rare occasion when he gave away
his emotion on the rest of his face.
"What do you look so smug about?" I questioned before sighing "I have
only been here two minutes and I am already getting sick of trying to be
somewhat nice to you. It is exhausting."
He raised an eyebrow at the last part of my sentence "You are trying to be
nice? Is that what that was back there?"
Stone tried to lessen the roughness of his voice but failed as he tried to
imitate me "Lovely to see you, Stone."
"I do not sound like that!" I exclaimed before mentioning "Just so you know
that saying those words actually physically hurt me to say."
The giant bends down so he is nearer the top of my head as he huskily
informs me "One of these days, you are going to compliment me."
I tutted "I would not hold my breath if I was you."
Just as we were about to enter the dining room where the two lovebirds
were already sitting, he moved a hair out of my face and tucked it behind
my ear "You will be complimenting my mouth in a couple of days."
That made me stop in my tracks. Pivoting to face his far too taunting face, I
crossed my arms.
His words were only partly true. I would never come out and comment
aloud about his lips but I would be thinking about them. I would be thinking
about how they felt soft yet harsh again mine and how he dominated my
whole body as held my face in his large hands.
Jolting all rogue thoughts about him away, I finally came back with "That
will not be happening. I am going to find out your stupid name one way or
With that, I strutted away and over to the table.
Lana was sitting right next to Brennan and whispering under her breath.
So much for getting away from the bane of my existence because I ended
up being seated right next to him. The good thing about my seat was that it
gave me perfect access to kick him under the table.
Stone sat down in the chair, his muscular arm resting on my chair right
behind my head. His large legs were hitting under the table, so he moved
them so one was touching mine.
Mr Lewis entered the room with a few plates. He placed them on the centre
of the table and sat down. He was just about to put some rice on his plate
but dropped the spoon as soon as his wife entered with a face like thunder.
She shot him a look as she set down a massive pot of chicken covered in a
red sauce "The guests are to be served first. You know this."
"Sorry, Kelly." Mr Lewis said sheepishly but sent a small mischievous
smile our way that made me compare him with Brennan once again.
Once everyone was sitting at the table, I restrained myself from leaping to
help myself to the food. I was grateful when Mrs Lewis gave the all-clear to
help ourselves.
I was fast to load up my plate with the delicious smelling food. Just like the
smell, the taste was just as good. My reaction to the chicken on my tongue
was to let out a small moan that was only loud enough for Stone to hear.
The leg against mine stiffened.
As I munched on the food, Stone watched me and let out a small chuckle "If
you eat any faster then you are going to get heartburn."
I pointed at him with my fork "You should be grateful that Mrs Lewis is
such a good cook. This gives me another reason to still talk to you. So, I can
get another invite to dinner."
Everyone at the table laughed and I was reminded that we were not the only
ones in the room.
"So, Lana, what are you plans for after graduation?" Mr Lewis took the
chance to start a conversation "I am sure Brennan mentioned you were
The blonde girl nodded while she smiled "I love singing. I can’t imagine
doing anything else. I guess I will try and make it in the music industry."
What annoyed me was how she put herself down. The music industry was
tough but if there was one person that could make it then it would be my
best friend.
I had the urge to defend her future stardom, so I spoke up "She is an
amazing singer. Lana writes her own music, and she has a great voice. She
will make it big."
Lana smiled in gratitude from the other side of the table before mouthing
"Thank you."
I winked at her, and I hoped she would read it as an encouragement to show
the other two how amazing she was.
After she started to speak to Brennan, I got back to eating but was quickly
interrupted by Stone nearing my ear.
His deep voice whispered along my earlobe "I am just grateful that it is not
you wanting to be the singer. My ears have still not recovered from your
Teenage Dirtbag performance."
Not being able to hold back my laughter, I coughed while trying to swallow
the piece of chicken at the back of my throat. When I took a drink and
looked at Mrs Lewis, I expected to see her looking at me weirdly but
instead, she was smiling from ear to ear at the both of us.
The older lady asked curiously "What do you want to do after school, Ella?"
"I have always loved books, so I am thinking about studying English lit at
college." I told them "I would love to be an author, but I have always
wanted to teach so I am unsure still."
Stone grumbled from beside me "You never told me that."
My expression morphed to confusion as I lowly replied, "You never asked."
"It is rare to see a young person being so interested in literature." Mrs Lewis
said before asking "What is your favourite book?"
"It is hard to choose but if I had to pick an author then I would pick Edgar
Allan Poe." I answered her before remembering "Although, I can't read
anymore because I have lost it."
Mrs Lewis' smile dropped as she looked to Stone. Her husband next to her
however peered between me and Stone with a face of amusement.
"The boys tell us nothing, so we have no idea how you all met." Mr Lewis
spoke up.
Brennan replied to his father "Well Lovely Lana and I met in the line to a
candy apple stall. There was only left so I said I would share it with her if
she went on the Ferris wheel with me."
"Very smooth. I have raised you well." Mr Lewis interjected with a chuckle
before he motioned to my side of the table "Now, how did you two meet?"
Stone was watching me and waiting for me to reply. His attention never left
me as I retold the story.
I laughed while telling them about our infamous first encounter "I was
actually really nice to Lurch—I mean Stone. Then he said that my hair was
the colour of puke."
A gasp came from Mrs Lewis "That is awful! I hope he apologised."
I was about to shake my head and maybe let out a fake cry when the man in
question spoke up while letting out a deep laugh.
"You got even." Stone replied, "You still call me Lurch."
"You call me Medusa." I argued, "If you never insulted my hair, I would
have been nice to you from the start."
"I doubt that." He accused, raising a brow.
I hummed "Maybe you are right."
Stone then lowered his voice until it was a deep rough murmur "I would not
change how we met."
For a second I forgot that everyone else existed. It was just me and him. I
found myself half surrendering to the small battle between us because next,
I revealed "I would not change it either."
Brennan's mother's voice pulled me out of my intense eye-lock with Stone
as she asked me "What was your first impression of him before he insulted
your hair?"
"I thought a giant had raided the ice cream shop." I answered safely, not
wanting to admit what I really had thought when we met. I was not going to
flatter him and lose my dignity while at it.
Everyone had burst out laughing.
"My first thought was woah this guy is huge." I joked and then added,
"Then I had the urge to strangle him."
The giant shook his head, chuckling down at me "Medusa, you cannot even
reach my neck."
I narrowed my eyes at him while laughing "I can when you are sitting
"Stone is just not as charming as me." Brennan inputted cockily.
Mrs Lewis shook her head "Ella and Lana, do you see what I have to deal
Lana giggled and then responded by asking both of his parents "How did
you both meet?"
The woman at the head of the table sighed dreamily "Baron and I actually
met at our school prom. We were at school together but had never spoke.
Not until that night. We danced all night long."
Mr Lewis added to his wife's story with the same dreamy look "I could not
keep my eyes off her—"
Brennan sighed and he sounded bored "Do you really have to tell the
"I think it is romantic." Lana said to Brennan.
So, did I. It sounded like a beautiful story. You could still see the love in
their eyes for each other. I really hoped I would have that when I was their
I eventually wanted someone to look at me that way and continue to look at
me that way for years later.
Watching them put a smile on my face. Which I automatically hid with my
hand as soon as I saw Stone watching me with a small smile of his own. A
smile that I had to lean closer to see properly.
Dragging her gaze away from her husbands, Mrs Lewis asked "Is there any
dances coming up at your school?"
"There is the Fall Ball coming up at our school, but Lana and I never
usually go." I mentioned.
The Fall Ball was a yearly event at Leavendale High where the smelly gym
hall was transformed into an autumn-themed wonderland. It gave students a
chance to dress nicely, get drunk and hook up.
Brennan's mother looked at me like I was crazy as she expressed "You have
to go. There is no point in wasting your teenage years not going to high
school events."
Lana told her "Ella hates school functions. Every year I try to convince her
to come but she has none of it. She once told me that she would rather sell
all of her organs than step foot in the school building after school hours
"How can anybody have fun at those type of places? Like who wants to be
prom queen? Have they not seen the movie, Carrie? If I ever had to go, I
would simply just wear my pyjamas." I ranted "It would save me from
going out shopping and overspending on a dress that I will only wear once."
They all laughed at my outburst and as they start to talk about the good
things about dances, Stone was watching me.
He neared my ear again as he taunted "Should I buy a green tie now? One
that will match your Princess and The Frog pyjamas?"
I tilted my head so that I was facing him head-on. I attempted to avoid the
feeling that came along with being so close to him or even thinking about
him. I was starting to think it was inescapable.
I said the next sentence slowly so that I did not stutter a word and make it
clear that I was flustered "What makes you think I would let you take me to
a school dance?"
His eyes darkened immediately as he gnarled "Well there is no way you are
going with some other fucker."
"Oh, am I not?"
"No." He growled.
I rolled my eyes at his antics before I felt my mouth go up in a smile. I had
visions of him dragging me out of the gym hall by throwing me over his
It had become a signature Stone move.
"I don't want to go to the dance." I said, "It is not really my scene."
"Then it is settled." He affirmed "Brennan and Lana can go. We will stay
home and watch Addams Family."
"That is great. Perfect almost." I spoke, my tone sarcastic "Only one tiny
"You are never setting foot in my house again." I stated as I voiced what I
was thinking quietly so the others could not hear "I have just realised that
my Edgar Allan Poe book disappeared after I left you to go with Lana. You
stole it!"
All he did was release a dark chuckle from the bottom of his throat.
"I only have so many books for you to steal. You will never enter my
apartment again." I told him.
"You have a lot of books, Drizella." He teased "If I was only taking one
each time, I was over, then it would take me five years to steal your
collection. My tiny nerd."
At the mention of my full name, I made a mental reminder to ask one of his
parents for his name.
The anticipation to know his name was eating at me. I wanted to know his
name more than I wanted to know the secrets of Area Fifty-One and that
was a lot.
Mrs Lewis glanced at Lana and then at me before she asked "I know the
meeting stories for everyone else but you two. How long have you been
"Ella and I have been best friends for ten years." Lana replied.
"Did you two meet at school?"
Lana nodded "Yes. I was really shy at school, and I would not talk to
anyone because I did not have the confidence to start a conversation. Ella
She trailed off when she realised what she was about to say. She looked at
me and she appeared apologetic.
"I was bullied in middle school." I continued for her "We met, and we stuck
Nodding, Lana sent a smile my way.
"That is awful!" Mrs Lewis gasped "How could anyone bully such a sweet
"I was the smallest person in the school, and I was weird and nerdy." I
added humour to my tone as I spoke.
The only person who had not spoken since the conversation was the male
beside me.
Stone did not look at me as I turned my head to him.
His expression was murderous. His jaw clenched and unclenched in a
rhythm as his nostrils flared.
There was something else swirling around in his black orbs. An emotion
that was unrecognised by me. One that made him unable to meet my eye.
Clenched tight was also his hands at his sides. Instinctively I reached under
the table and laid my hand on top of his fists. I had no idea why I done it
but I interlocked our fingers until his large hand wrapped around mine and
He finally met my eye and I almost gasped at how much emotion was on
his face as he stroked my hand with his thumb.
"Kids can be so mean." Mr Lewis commented with a sigh.
I took a deep breath and watched as everyone at the table turned to look at
"People sometimes don't understand different." I voiced quietly "I'm on the
spectrum. I was diagnosed in middle school and others were ignorant to
what that meant. Some guys in my class found the concept hard to grasp so
they picked on me for being a little different."
The large strong hand tightened around mine.
"It is okay though." I added with a small laugh "The experience made me
grow thick skin and I leaned not to listen to what others thought about me."
Stone never let my hand go for the remainder of the dinner. He would not
let me go.
Everyone finished their food after a long talk about school and other
random topics.
Mrs Lewis started to pile the plates and clean the table up as she told
everyone "I’ll clean this up and then come join you back in the living
I got up from the table with the others but was stopped when the woman
spoke again.
"Ella, could you come and help me in the kitchen please?" Mrs Lewis asked
"Of course." I replied to her, grabbing a few plates and carrying them to the
next room alongside her.
I set the dirty dishes on the kitchen counter and just as I was about to load
them into the already open dishwasher, a hand stopped me.
A twinkle gleamed in Mrs Lewis' brown eyes as she told me the true motive
behind the cleaning duty.
"I’m not going to let you clean the dishes, Ella." The woman spoke with a
mischievous grin "I am here to find out why my future daughter in law is
not dating my Stone yet."
Chapter Twenty-Five
My jaw dropped at her question.
Mrs Lewis and I were similar in a way that we both liked to ask people
invading questions, but I had never been on the receiving end of one.
I had no idea what to say so I kept my mouth closed
Mrs Lewis noticed that I was not in a rush to respond so she spoke again
"You and Stone need to just get together. I have never known two people
more suited for eachother than you and him."
"It is not like that between us." I tried to argue by swallowing down the lie.
Of course, I knew how Stone touched me was intimate. Everything in my
body knew it. I just could not acknowledge it yet because my fear of letting
someone in and getting hurt was just as deep as my attraction towards the
Her smile was small and full of disbelief "Then what is it like?"
If I said it enough times aloud then maybe it would come true.
"Stone doesn’t feel that way about me." I tried to state confidently before I
further explained, "He probably feels obliged to talk to me because Brennan
is going out with Lana."
She shook her head side to side violently like the words I were saying were
"Both of my boys are very different. Brennan is my son and I know him
better than anyone. Since he was little, he could get on with anyone. That
boy could charm the socks under his bed." Mrs Lewis told me "On the other
hand, Stone is a little more difficult. You have probably seen it first-hand
that he does not like speaking. There are very few people he can tolerate."
A laugh bubbled out of me as I think about all the times at school or if we
were out and someone tried to talk to him. Mrs Lewis was right. He would
just stay silent or offer one-word answers to anyone who attempted to start
a conversation.
One scowl from him and most people ran for it.
"You can say that again." I smiled in agreement before I laughed again
"Although when it is just us then it is shutting him up that is the problem."
The meddling Mrs Lewis' grin was nothing short of triumphant as she
mentioned "So you can imagine my surprise when he came home and spoke
about a girl. A small green-haired girl with a smart mouth who he described
as the most beautiful girl he could have ever imagined."
My breath hitched.
"Maybe he was talking about someone else?" I replied stupidly, aware that
what she had said was a description of me.
"Do not tell Brennan that I told you and don't tell Stone that Brennan told
me." She looked sheepish as she informed me "The night you all met on the
pier, guess the first thing Stone did as soon as he came back home from
meeting you?"
"Make a dartboard with pictures of my face?" I deadpanned, remembering
our bickering that night.
"He came home and watched both Addams Family movies because you
talked about them. He watched both movies because you called him a name
from them."
Heat rushed to my face and the room started to feel overwhelmingly hot. I
hoped the interrogator in the form of Mrs Lewis did not notice how rattled I
Laughing it off, I told her "Maybe he just wanted to understand the movie
reference. If he admitted that he had no idea what I was talking about then
no doubt I would made fun of him for it."
"It is not that." Mrs Lewis objected "I love Stone. He is my son in every
way that counts but he is difficult. He is not approachable, and he is not
nice to others. Some people find him quite scary."
I had a humorous comment on my mind, but I decided it was not the time to
say it.
"Ella, you are the only that challenges him. You are the only he would let
challenge him." She smiled as she spoke, "I think you two argue and bicker
to show each other you care about one another without coming out and
saying it."
"That is—"
"I seen you both at the table." She cut me off "Everyone did. The only
person that does not believe you two are going to end up together is you."
"What about Stone?" I challenged "He does not believe that."
"He is well aware that you two are going to be together"
I had just met the woman but I could easily tell that she had no filter. As
much as I loved her forwardness, I could not help but feel bare. She would
make an excellent special forces interrogator.
"You make him so happy." Mrs Lewis affirmed.
I shook my head "I did not do anything. I do not do anything."
"You do not have to." She assured, "You just make him happy."
Due to wanting to get away from her questions and because I drank a lot of
her lemonade with my dinner, I asked "Can I use the bathroom?"
Mrs Lewis nodded her head and just as she was about to answer, she closed
her mouth again.
An impish smirk made its way onto her face as she replied, "It is up the
stairs and is the second room on the right."
Turning away from her and walking to the kitchen door, I stopped at the
doorway as I was suddenly reminded of my current challenge with Stone. I
recalled our wager.
I swivelled around to face her again as I questioned "Mrs Lewis, what is
Stone's first name?"
Her reaction was kind of expected after our whole conversation, but I was
still shocked by how delighted she was.
The woman was practically jumping up and down as she inquired "Why do
you want to know?"
I wanted to know because of the game between us. I wanted to know
because he knew my name. I wanted to know everything about him.
I picked the first reason because it was the easiest to explain "We have this
game between us. I have three days to guess his name."
She looked to be thinking to herself and then it appeared she had reached a
"I will tell you it." Mrs Lewis decided "Only because I know that whatever
game you two are playing, he would want you to win. Stone is definitely
Team Ella."
"Even if it is against himself?"
"Even then." She said.
I knew it was a good idea not to go into detail about the Rumpelstiltskin
deal. If I told her that a kiss is what we were fighting for then she would not
tell me his name.
The name that left her mouth made my heart skip a beat.
"His name is Valentine."
Valentine. His name was Valentine Stone.
I could not come up with a better name for him if I had tried. It suited him.
There was something about the name that showed authority and dominance.
It sounded mysterious yet majestic.
"Thank you." I said to her before I skipped out of the kitchen in victory.
I felt the pulse in my neck quiver as a hope bloomed in my chest.
“Mrs Lewis, has Stone ever had a girlfriend?” I questioned with a heated
face and a anxious gut “Has he ever been interested in a relationship?”
Mrs Lewis scoffed and then laughed “Of course not!”
My head nodded autonomously, and I tried not to physically deflate at the
news that he did not date.
My heart stopped racing as I climbed the stairs of the house. The white
walls of the upper floor welcomed me at the top of the staircase, and I was
glad to be out of the embrace of the meddling woman.
I reached for the door handle on the second door on the right of the hall like
Mrs Lewis had told me. I pushed the door open and what I found only had
my breathing unsettled again.
The room was not a bathroom. Four grey walls boxed the area with the only
two prominent things being a black bed and a bookcase.
I was in Lurch's lair.
My feet were on autopilot as I took two steps forward. I was too far inside
his bedroom to turn back now.
Running my hand along his collection of books, I smiled to myself.
The leather jacket wearing, motorbike riding, scowling giant was a
I knew that he always understood what I talked about when I mentioned
books but not that he had read them.
I had leverage on him now. He could no longer give me shit about being a
nerd when he had a miniature library in his room.
My finger trailed along the shelf from Dickens to Oscar Wilde. From
Homer to F. Scott Fitzgerald. The only item that was not a book on the shelf
was a small black velvet box right next to The Great Gatsby.
I was jealous of how organised his books were.
I could not believe he had the nerve to call me out for my love of books.
Something on his bed caught my eye and made me flick my attention from
the shelf to his pillow.
My collection of Edgar Allan Poe poems was situated on top of his pillow.
It was positioned perfectly on the cushioned surface like a rare artefact.
A deep voice pulled me out of my snooping "What are you doing?"
I froze where I was.
Stone was leaning against the door, taking up all of the space between the
doorway. He watched me closely from his position at the entrance of the
Caught in the act, I put my hands up while exaggerating my innocence "I
was just trying to find the bathroom."
His mouth went up in a smirk "Does this look like the bathroom to you?"
"No." I answered "It looks like a bedroom. A book nerd's bedroom."
He took a large step and stole the distance between us. His expression
morphed to more of a serious one as he neared.
"What you said at the table." He said vaguely in his gruff voice that gave
away that something was troubling him.
"About what?" I enquired before guessing "What I said about the bullying
He nodded, his jaw ticking in a rhythm as his chest puffed out like he was
seconds away from ripping someone's head off.
I asked, "What about it?"
"The image of you hurt makes me deranged, Ella."
My head craned upwards so I could study his face as I took a step closer to
"What I would do to someone that had hurt you would land me in jail for a
very long time." He informed me, his tone rough.
I neared him and noticed how his breaths were ragged like the very thought
alone made him manic. I stepped forward and placed my hands on his chest
in order to calm him down as I peered up at him.
Stone's darkened gaze softened as I laid my palms on his chest.
"My intention was never to hurt you." He voiced husky and lowly "You
have to know that, Medusa."
I realised that the emotion along with his anger back at dinner was guilt. He
had thought he had hurt me by teasing me.
"I know that, Lurch." I said softly.
His lip twitched once as his large, calloused hands went to my waist.
"I give out as good as I get." I smiled up at him.
The mouth of the giant twitched twice as he looked down at me with a soft
gleam in his black orbs
My gaze flicked over him as I studied Valentine Stone. He was giant, not
just in height but his large build. His face was striking in a rough way. His
short black hair was the colour of midnight. The wide cheekbones and his
strong jaw added to his scary yet attractive appearance.
I was suddenly reminded that I knew his name and that I had to plan how to
weave that into the conversation
"You look pleased with yourself, Medusa." He pointed out before asking
"What are you smiling at?"
I grinned wickedly at him "I am just excited to tell everyone that you are
just as nerdy as me."
He smirked and it was one that sent a chill of excitement through down my
Stone stepped closer. I took a step back. We continued our movement until
my back was forced up against his bookshelf. I became completely trapped
as he towered over me pressed himself against my body. His hands went to
each side of my head.
The position was familiar. Too familiar but it still managed to leave me
feeling light and dizzy. Captured was how I felt. There was nowhere to go
or to escape to.
Not that I wanted to leave.
He leant neared until he was near my lips. His words promised something.
Something that I did not know what it was.
His words were a low grumble "What makes you think that you can leave
here to tell anyone?"
I did not move. I wanted to seem nonplussed as I thought up my plan.
"Don’t worry, Lurch." I told him mischievously "I was planning to write
Stone reads books in the girl’s bathroom but if you tell me your first name
then I will write that instead. If you tell me then nobody will know it’s you I
am talking about."
Stone tilted his head and kept his eyes on me as he chuckled "Nice try,
"Come on. Have a little faith in me." I swatted his arm "I might be able to
guess your name in two days. I have thought up some names and I think
they are possible contenders."
"Let's hear them then," He said, amused.
Stroking my chin, I pretended to guess "Is your name Chris?"
His eyes were focused on my lips like he had already won the wager. He
shook his head as his eyes met mine again.
Acting disappointed for a moment, I then tried a different incorrect name
"I am running out of names." I whined before adding "I will take a final
"A final guess?" Stone repeated, his study of my lips continuing "Then you
are giving up?"
I nodded, faking innocence.
The suspicion built in the air as I stayed silent, and he smirked at me.
"Is it Valentine?" I whispered to him as I smiled wickedly up at him.
His smirk had been wiped off his face.
By the veins in his arm, I could tell that he was putting more pressure on the
shelf on both sides of my head as he growled "You are a little cheat."
"You obviously do not know the story of Rumpelstiltskin. The girl sends a
spy into the forest to find out his name." I grinned in victory "You need to
brush up on your fairytales, Lurch."
My victory was short-lived because he was about to pull away from me.
The deal was if I got his name right then I would win. I never realised what
it meant if I did. I was so focused on learning his name that I forgot what it
meant. What I would miss out on.
I wanted to kiss him.
So, I clutched the fabric of his shirt and pulled him to me. I stood on my
tiptoes and waited for him to bend down.
Then I put my lips on his.
I grabbed the back of his head and sealed every molecule of air between us.
I held on tightly so that his body was pressed upon mine.
My control did not last long. His dominance took over as he crushed his lips
against mine harder.
God, this guy could kiss.
I moved my hands up from his face up so I could grip his hair. I breathed
him in and welcomed his tongue further into my mouth as his hands gripped
my waist. He clutched my hips tightly as if he was securing me in place.
He let out a deep groan of satisfaction as he deepened the kiss. The
movement stole the breath from my lungs as I remained pinned between
him and the surface of the bookshelf.
We pulled back for air about twenty minutes later, panting.
"You wanted to kiss me, Medusa?" He asked with a risen mouth, his voice a
hoarse low sound.
"No." I giggled near his lips "I just felt sorry for you. Losers deserve
something too."
Stone gnarled as his hands roamed further down from my hips to under my
butt. He then lifted me up, so I was hovering for a second before catching
me. My legs wrapped around his middle as my back remained against the
I told myself that Stone was every other guy that had shown interest in me
and that I could keep it casual with him. I loved casual with other guys.
The position was needed as it helped lessen the large height difference.
He peppered kisses on my neck as my arm reached up and gripped one of
the shelves. He took skin between his teeth lightly earning a moan from me.
His mouth trailed upwards and brushed the skin from my neck to my chin
to my lips and then he let out in a darkly sensuous tone "Say my name."
I pulled back slightly to raise an eyebrow at him "I thought the reason you
hid your name was because you didn't like it."
"I like it when it leaves your mouth." He declared gravelly "I like it when it
forms from your tongue."
My reply got lost in the air and I remained speechless.
"Say my name, Medusa." He said as he traced along my jaw with his
"Valentine." I breathed out.
His lips were on mine again. They were once again taking over my senses
and filling my head with thoughts of him. His aroma of leather and engine
grease enveloped me as did his body as he pressed against me.
I pulled back and glared at him "I am mad at you."
He chuckled as he kept his hands on the back of my thigh as he still held me
"What for?"
"You stole my book." I stated before asking "Why?"
"It is your favourite. I want to read it."
A knock at the door broke us apart.
Stone growled in the direction of the door as he let me go gently onto the
It was Brennan who called from the hall "Get out here! You have been away
for like thirty minutes."
My eyes widened at his words.
The giant reluctantly walked over to the door as he let out grumble after
grumble. He pulled open the door handle and greeted Brennan with silence.
Meanwhile, I was trying to calm down my breathing. I ran a hand through
my hair and tried to fix the mess caused by the large hand.
"Mom sent me up to tell you that dessert is ready." Brennan told him before
he noticed me in the room "Ella? We have been looking for you. What are
you doing in here?"
I did not miss the suggestive tone in his voice at the end of his sentence.
"I sneaked up here to try and steal my book back." I lied, trying to appear
nonplussed "Stone caught me."
Brennan hummed before grinning "That book over there? Still untouched
on Stone's bed?"
I narrowed my eyes at loverboy before I quickly walked over to the bed and
took back my book.
My gaze kept anywhere apart from Stone as I hurried out of the room.
A hand stopped me.
"What were you two doing in here?" Brennan whispered in my ear before I
could go "You have to stay here and protect me, tiny woman. Stone looks
like he is going to kill me for interrupting your alone time."
I let out a small awkward laugh before I turned out of the room and
descended the stairs.
The mint choc chip ice cream I was promised was amazing. However, I
could not spend a lot of time savouring it because the two boys were
adamant about pushing us out of the house.
I did not think they meant to be rude, but they seemed in a rush for
When I asked Stone if anything was wrong, he offered me a one-word
answer and nothing more. He even avoided meeting my eye completely.
The time on the analogue clock in the hall was half eight as Mrs Lewis
escorted us through the house. The two males followed also as we reached
the front door of the house.
Lana hugged Mrs Lewis and thanked her "Dinner was amazing. It was nice
meeting you."
"You too, dear." The older woman replied before she moved on to me.
Her arms swallowed me in a large tight hug before she cupped my face
again. It left me wondering if I had chubby cheeks.
"Do I really have to say goodbye?" Mrs Lewis sighed before turning to face
Stone "Can we not keep her?"
I let out a small nervous laugh.
"You can stay here, Ella. We have plenty of space. You can live in Stone's
room. He has a double bed." Mrs Lewis blabbered on.
My mouth went agape as I tried to escape from the grasp of her.
Brennan stood outside as we said our goodbyes to the Lewis'. He gave Lana
a hug and a quick peck and then said bye to me by ruffling up my hair.
Stone stood there, watching me. His expression was hard to read.
Lana elbowed me "We better go before Mrs Lewis kidnaps you."
I met the giants' eye as I joked "Now we know where Lurch gets it from."
A small smirk graced his mouth as he said "Medusa."
"Bye Lurch." I voiced before turning and heading down the dimly lit
The heat at the back of my neck made me feel as if he was watching me
walk away.
The sky was almost dark with only a ray of sunlight on the horizon. The
street lamps were on and illuminating the busy road. Many cars passed and
were heading down in the direction of the beach. What lit up the car though
was the time on the radio. It read eight forty-six.
Lana rolled down the window of Kermit as she revealed "I think that went
well. His parents were really nice."
"What did I tell you? Of course, they were going to like you." I replied,
"You are very hard not to like, Lana Armstrong."
"You are not so bad yourself. Drizella Miler." She said back with a smile
"His parents seemed to really like you."
"That does not really matter though. Does it?" I asked her before pointing
out "It is not like I am dating their son."
Her voice seemed accusing when she asked, "Where did you go?"
"What do you mean?"
"You left for like half an hour after dinner." She asserted "You went away
Switching lanes, I pressed harder with my foot on the pedal as I claimed, "It
was not half an hour."
"Well?" I mimicked.
She let out an exasperated breath "Well, where did you go?"
Not being able to avoid the conversation for longer, I used the same excuse
I told Brennan "Stone stole my book. I had to go and steal it back."
"How did he even get your book in the first place?"
This would be the perfect time to slip in the fact that Stone had been in my
house but that would lead to more questions. For some reason, I wanted to
keep it a secret. I wanted to keep whatever it was strictly between us.
"I probably had it in my bag at school and he took it then. I don't know." I
"You don't take books to school." Lana mentioned "Not your own ones
anyway. You are afraid they will get ruined."
"You have gotten quite inquisitive in your old age, Lovely Lana."
At the nickname, she stilled and then asked quietly "It did go okay tonight.
Didn't it?"
"Why would you think that it had not?"
She laughed a little but there was no humour in it "You saw Brennan ten
minutes ago. Everything was fine until he started pushing us out the door.
Do you think I have done something wrong?"
"No. I don't." I answered honestly "I think the same thing they both have
been doing at nights for as long as we have known them is still going on."
She nodded.
"Ella?" Lana said quietly.
I hummed in response.
"Why do you not admit it?" She spoke vaguely.
"I don't want to admit it." I replied in a whisper, knowing exactly what she
was talking about.
I was not ready, and I was too scared.
My thoughts quietly turned back to the incident in Stone's room
I began to feel it. The sensation of change. Something that only affected
half of our little group. Something blooming that had been there for a while.
I was not sure when it started or even how it had happened, but I knew it
was not going anywhere.
Chapter Twenty-Four
I was pretty certain that time worked differently within the walls of
Leavendale high. It was the start of the week already and I was back again
for another week in the limbo of lockers.
Everyone including myself was gliding through the hallways like mindless
zombies heading to the cafeteria.
The day had stretched on. From waking up and arriving late until my
current position cramped in the lunchroom with a hundred bodies.
It had been such a hectic day that I had not even seen Lana yet. Neither had
I spoke to Brennan nor Stone.
Although thoughts of the giant had been turning around my head in an
endless loop. Every single detail was crystal clear. We had kissed twice and
now I was starting to doubt that it was a fluke.
Whatever I did feel for Lurch was only confirmed as I got closer to our
usual table in the lunch hall. My stomach dropped and my last remaining
ounce of happiness at being back at school disappeared at the sight.
Lana and Brennan were talking with each other and on the opposite of the
table Stone was not alone.
The tall blonde girl who was speaking to Stone was in my seat.
Lacey was chatting away while twirling her hair around her finger.
Stone's back was to me. It left me wondering what his reaction was to her.
I had never been so hopeful for him to grunt and growl her away.
Lacey was beauty queen perfect with her long wavy blonde hair and blue
done up eyes.
The feeling was a new one. The only way I could describe something near it
that I had experienced would be when Mr Dankworth told me that he got a
limited edition copy of Gone with The Wind for Christmas. Only this
sensation of envy was stronger.
I was angry at myself for allowing this to happen. I was angry because he
could talk to whoever he wanted, and it was none of my business.
The emotion I was feeling was irrational and confusing. I had no idea why I
was feeling such a way.
My legs carried me to the table, and I acted unaffected as I approached
"Budge up, Loverboy." I said to a solemn Brennan because of my lack of a
Brennan moved to the edge of the bench and allowed me to squeeze in
between him and Lana.
Sitting down, I focus fully on my best friend "Hey, Barbie."
"Hey, Freakshow." Lana smiled widely "We were just talking about going to
the beach after school. You in?"
I was about to answer her, but I could not. I was too distracted by the heat
of the dark gaze penetrating the side of my face.
Stone was watching me.
His obsidian eyes were focused on the side of the table rather than next to
him. His attention never withered away from my direction once as I spoke
to Lana.
I finally gave in to the warmth covering my face from his unfaltering stare.
I faced him.
A harsh breath escaped me as I got a look at his face.
The area around his left eye was slightly swollen and an ugly mix of purple
and black. The new bruise did not soften his already intimidating aura.
I was filled with curiosity at the sight of the mark on his face and a million-
question rested on the tip of my tongue.
The female invader to the table spoke "Hey. It is Ellie, right?"
"It is Ella but close enough" I replied to Lacey.
"Are you okay with me sitting here?" She said in a tone that gave away she
was not asking "It is a free country after all."
"To some extent. I think that is debatable—" I began.
Lana's nudge and small giggle cut me off.
Stone's mouth twitched before I shut my mouth and kept my thoughts to
I guess it was not the time to share my theories on the government. Not that
the blonde intruder was there to talk to me.
I did not blame her for flirting with him, but I was not thrilled about it. I
was gritting my teeth at the sight.
Lacey started talking to Stone again. Her flirting was effortless like every
word came naturally to her. Yet it did not seem that effective as she was
having a conversation by herself with no reply.
I tried to tune out of what she was saying and instead listen to what Brennan
and Lana were talking about. As they talked about classes and teachers, I
nodded at the right times of their conversation rather than give in and look
over to the other side of the table.
"Medusa." A deep voice pronounced.
I turned and met the pair of dark eyes. Stone was still not paying any
attention to the girl. He remained to give me his full attentiveness.
The giant spoke again in his rough tone "Come here."
I tilted my head at him and remained seated where I was.
"Are you okay, Brennan?" I asked to distract myself and to point out his
lack of teasing like normal.
Brennan nodded, the tendons in his neck close to snapping as he looked
away from the table.
"Do you think Stone has a girlfriend?" I joked, motioning to across the
A hint of confusion flicked over his face before he chuckled. Brennan
watched me with a smirk as he replied, "He wishes."
My stomach dropped again as I sneaked a peek at the giant again before
keeping my head down.
I needed to distance myself from him. I needed to start avoiding him.
Lacey's silky seductive voice filled the silence "You are so strong. How
often do you work out?"
I bit my lip and tried to contain my laughter.
I waited for Stone's response but there was not one.
Lana giggled in my ear "He is not even answering her back."
I shrugged my shoulders and acted nonchalant as I brought out my peanut
butter and jelly sandwich which that I made that morning.
The heat from a certain gaze did not wither so I stole another look ahead of
me. Stone's jaw ticked as he studied my position that was not next to him.
His glance did go next to him once and his expression contorted to
emotionless as he did so.
About to start quietly eating my lunch, a quarterback caught my eye who
was walking towards the table.
"Hey," I greeted Chase as I swivelled on the bench to face him.
"Hey, Ella." He said back as he took a bite of the green vegetable in his
hand and then held it out to me "Do you want my pickle?"
"Chase." I put a hand on my chest and laughed "At least take me out to
dinner first."
He threw his head back and laughed.
The last time I checked, the cafeteria did not have a petting zoo. However,
you would think that it had from the deep predatory noises made from
behind my back.
"How was your weekend?" I asked the quarterback, ignoring the snarling
from Stone.
"Could have been better." Chase answered before chuckling "I had to finish
my first draft of that essay for English."
"How did you get on?"
He looked to be debating and then answered honestly "I don't really know.
At least you sent me some notes. They helped a lot."
I let out a laugh at him. He had absolutely no faith that he had done well.
Trying to reassure him, I joked "As long as you have not written about
Shakespeare liking pasta for your setting paragraph then I think you will be
"Mr Dankworth has his standards too high." Chase tried to argue "The old
man thinks we are all are actually interested in what he is teaching."
"Hey" I pointed to him dramatically "Do not insult Mr Dankworth. You
have had an extension on your essay. It is justified that he is expecting a
better essay from someone that has had an extra week to do it."
Chase laughed but he looked more amused at the sight behind me. I
followed to where he was looking at a glowering Stone.
His glare was intense and stoic. The glowering was an indication that his
rage was barely being contained. The dark eyes switched to a deep feral
hunger as he set his sights on me.
I rolled my eyes and looked back at Chase.
"Maybe another study session would be helpful for my final draft." The
quarterback said as he kept his eyes trained behind me "Ella. You free?"
Stone spoke for the first time since the arrival of Chase, and it was more of
a bark than words "Fuck off."
Mockingly laughing, Chase did walk away. Not without sending a few
smug looks to an already fuming giant.
I swivelled around in my seat and turned to Stone "Why should I not go
with him?"
His eyes softened as I met his gaze.
Only slightly though because the intensity between us remained. The
challenge had us deadlocked. It was so fierce that I had to look away from
him to stop myself from feeling on fire.
I noticed that Lacey had disappeared. She had probably taken the hint from
Stone's scowl and lack of conversing.
He did not even acknowledge her as she left the table.
Stone finally answered my question "Because I do not want you to."
"So, if you tell me to jump then I ask how high?" I sarcastically remarked
before I stated, "That is not a good enough reason."
"Either you get rid of him, or I get rid of him." He gnarled, his voice
deepening at the last part hinting that getting rid of part involved violence.
I laughed at his dramatics.
Then I changed the subject to what I wanted to ask, "Have you got yourself
a girlfriend, Lurch?"
He went still and he went mute. He only moved his head to the side to
shake his head. It is in disagreement, but it appears as more. His expression
showed disbelief at what I had said.
I could not help but stare at his black eye. It was so big and bruised that it
could not have been an accident.
The urge to reach out and touch it was overwhelming.
"What happened to your eye?" The question bubbled out of me.
His lip went up in a small smirk.
"Why are you smirking?" I narrowed my eyes at him as I questioned his
"You are just awfully caring towards your acqenemy."
I crossed my arms "Whatever. I don't care."
Stone let out a small deep chuckle, telling me that he did not believe me.
I was glad that his eyes did no longer hold a murderous gleam. More of a
determined look graced his striking features.
"Come." He ordered.
"Excuse me?"
He motioned to my crammed body between Lana and Brennan "Come
"Medusa." He darkly let out in warning.
"Whatever." I challenged "What are you going to do? Make me?"
His smirk turned evil as he got up from his seat, rising to his full skyscraper
height. He slowly rounded the table before he leaned over until his breath
was brushing my ear.
"Should not have said that Medusa." He rasped before he gently set his
hands firmly on the place of my hips.
"Ston-aah." I let out as he lifted me up into the air.
My feet wiggled around as he held me tightly by the waist and carried me
back to his side of the table.
"I do not like you." I bit out as he set me down next to him.
Stone was more interested in making sure my leg was touching his.
I made the spiteful purposed move to scoot along the bench only to be
pulled back by a large set of hands.
"Do you just do what you want?" I said to him as I narrowed my eyes.
"I take what I want."
Brennan coughed and that broke our intense eye lock.
"Beach tonight." The surfer across from us broke the tense silence "Are you
both up for it?"
The giant nodded but did not let his study on me wither away.
I turned my head and nodded also "Sure. As long as Little Miss Sunshine
next to me cheers up."
"I do not know what you were expecting." He bit out, his jaw clenching and
unclenching "I am not going to sit here and send you on way with prince
fucking charming over there."
I raised an eyebrow at him "Maybe I should."
Stone leant closer to me. His ferocious attitude had returned as he growled
near my ear "I dare you."
"I like dares." I smiled sweetly at him "A little study session never harmed
anyone, Lurch."
There was something lethal building up in his eyes. Like a storm about to
ruin the whole world. Large arms crept along my waist, and he ensnared me
in his embrace as he started speaking lowly.
His words were a dark promise "If you go near him then he will be
unrecognisable after I am done with him."
"It is wholly innocent. I am genuinely trying to help him in English." I
affirmed in the form of an exasperated sigh "Have you not ever had
someone over to your house and in your room just to read? It is not heated
His smirk went malicious as he spoke "I have had a small green haired girl
in my room, and it was heated stuff."
Touché to the mammoth.
I turned away, my face going a beetroot colour.
Stone then remembered something because he turned his neck quickly to
the side so he could gnarl out "He is not coming to your house."
"Whatever." I tutted, having the urge to go and sit next to Chase just to spite
He let out a deep breath before his shoulders relaxed from their previous
tensed state. He did not remove his hand from my waist and instead moved
me closer until one of my legs hitched up onto his.
His relaxed state was short-lived when Lana pointed to the other boy that
was making his way to the table.
"Ella, look who it is." She pointed towards the scrawny boy with curly
brown hair.
"Who is it?" Brennan asked.
"Biology Boy." Lana and I said at the same time.
"What the fuck is a Biology Boy?" A deep voice interjected.
We called him Biology Boy because we had no idea what his name was. All
we knew is that he liked to talk to me all period when we were in biology.
"He likes Ella." Lana quietly informed them "He even got a little excited
when he had to put her into the Heimlich Manoeuvre."
A deep bang hit the lunch table and shook it like an erupting volcano.
I cringed at the memory.
The problem was that Biology Boy could not take the hint and see that I
was uninterested. He was a really nice guy, and I did not have the heart to
be mean to him but it was hard to gently let him down.
I needed something to scare him away.
Then it clicked. I was sitting next to the scariest person on the planet, and
he just happened to be in a foul mood at that moment in time.
Biology Boy smiled at me and spoke in his high-pitched voice "Hey Ella,
would I be able to borrow some of your notes for biology? I wasn't able to
jot them all down."
I nodded "Sure. Let me just get them out of my bag."
Quickly kicking my bag under the table in direction of Stone, I then curled
my arm around the large muscular one next to me and pulled myself closer
to the huge build.
"L—Love, can you pass my bag please." I quickly corrected my almost use
of his nickname.
Stone went from furious to amused as soon as I said the words. His
darkened eyes softened as I smiled at him.
I shot him a look that read as play along.
He snaked his hands around my middle and lifted me up onto his lap. Then
he buried his head into my neck.
My body froze completely when he started to kiss the delicate skin under
my chin.
I moved my head so I was closer to his ear, and I could whisper "What do
you think you are doing?"
His hand reached up and tipped my head back so he could go back to
kissing my neck "I want to know if you taste like apples all over."
A delicious shiver went down my spine and I had the need to close my eyes
and roll my head back.
Biology Boy coughed and looked between us "Is he your boyfriend?"
"Yes." I lied.
My supposed boyfriend's hands on my hips twitched and started caressing
my waist.
The rough authoritative voice spoke, "She is mine."
I felt slightly bad as I watched the brown curly-haired boy meet the eyes of
the tattooed giant. He looked like he was going to wet himself.
The Biology Boy scurried away without a word.
"What about the notes?" I shouted but he was too far gone to hear.
The urge to move against the thick leg between my legs was becoming too
much. My chest was panting and my muscles wanted to move my core
against him over and over again.
I crawled off Stone's lap when he was distracted. He was too busy looking
pleased with himself. I could tell he was inwardly grinning like the
Cheshire Cat.
"Well, that was one way to get rid of him." Brennan chuckled.
A frown had etched on Stone's face and his lighter expression was no longer
"I am going to have to lock you away." He said in the form of a grumble.
"No, thank you." I snorted "A few hours at school with you is more than
enough. I can’t handle any more than that."
He shook his head, his lip curling up.
I let myself glance at his lips before I narrowed my eyes at him again. I was
more reassuring myself when I spoke aloud "I hate you."
"Do you?" He raised a brow, unconvinced.
"I hate you." I said again before elaborating while I raised myself on my
knees, so I was at his face level "I hate you more than anything. I cannot
think about anything else except how much I hate you."
Stone moved a piece of hair from my face and behind my ear before he
dropped his thumb, so it brushed my lip "For a little nerd, I am unsure you
know what the word hate means."
My gaze flicked over the mountain of a man before I sighed.
He was right.
Brennan spoke up "You two just need to hatef—"
The glare from Stone shut him up and made him not continue his sentence.
Lana choked on her juice and almost spat it out.
I had nothing left to say so I sat and ate my peanut butter and jelly sandwich
in silence.
Chapter Twenty-Five
The boys were unloading their surfboards from the back of the black truck.
After school, I drove back home to change into shorts and a bikini. I also
ditched Kermit on my street before Stone picked me up.
We had not spoken since our conversation at lunch. It hung in the air
between us. It was only a matter of time before the elephant in the room had
to be addressed.
As the two boys continued to mess around at the truck, Lana and I started
walking ahead onto the sand.
She nudged me with a smile "So what was that at lunch? Have you been
keeping something from me?"
"I don't know what you are talking about." I claimed.
Lana laughed again at how blatant my lie was before she mentioned "He
was totally hinting that something had happened between the two of you."
"He is deranged." I pointed out before trying to get away from answering
the question "Did you see him with Chase? He looked like a pure psycho.
He was definitely lying about whatever he was trying to hint at."
"The only liar here is you. You are lying to yourself." She replied,
"Everyone could see how jealous Stone was when you were speaking to
Chase and Biology Boy."
Looking out to the waves, I pretended to feign confusion "That is ridiculous
She did not stop her accusation there "I think you were jealous too."
"Jealous of what?" I blurted out.
"You should have seen your face when you saw Lacey talk to him."
I muttered, "I could not care less who Stone speaks with."
"She tried to speak with him." Lana spoke again "He didn’t even say
anything to her. He was watching you the whole time. She was extremely
flirty, but he never once strayed from you. His eyes were on you as soon as
you came into the cafeteria. Just like it was at Chase's party."
A small smile made its way onto my face, and I could not fight it.
Lana noticed it and pointed to my face "See. You are happy about it."
"No. I am not!"
"It is safe to say that the green eye monster came out today." She joked.
My jaw unhinged at her choice of words "Did you just quote Shakespeare
and use it in the right context?"
"So, you were jealous then?"
"Typical that this is the conversation you choose to do it." I uttered, still
shocked at her Shakespeare remark.
"Oh my god." Lana squealed "You have a crush on Stone."
I cut her off by shouting but it came out all high pitched "No!"
The word crush did not feel tight. It sounded immature and insignificant.
Which was not what I felt for Stone.
It was more than that.
We sat down at a random place on the beach. The sand was warm on my
legs and bottom as I relaxed into the texture, not hating the way it felt.
My best friend's face contorted to more of a baffled expression as she tilted
her head "You seem much more at ease than the last time you were at the
beach. You seem calmer and happier. What has changed?"
It was because the last time I was at the beach I was with Stone. He helped
me dip my toe in the water and then he helped me to jump into the deep
end. He supported me and made me face my deepest fear.
I had not even noticed that I was not panicking or anxious about behind
Everything felt more than okay.
I answered her vaguely "I had a little help."
Looking around at the stunning scenery in front of me, I thought of my
mother. When I was younger and my dad was at work, she would take me
here. She would build great big sandcastles and let me bury her in the sand.
One day when she was teaching me how to swim and when told me that I
was ready to take my armbands off, she said to me Ella, it normal to have
these feelings. You can’t fear your emotions. You can only embrace them.
I did not want to fear my emotions. I wanted to embrace them.
All memories about this beach drifted away until only one remained in my
thoughts. Stone and I and the kiss.
There was no point in trying to deny it to myself anymore. I felt for Stone.
More than an aqcenemy or even a friend.
The thought made me want to run away and never come back.
It was then that I noticed that both males were standing behind us.
I hoped that he had not heard me, but I was starting to guess that he had
heard the conversation. The evidence to back up my suspicion was his smug
My decision to go with them to the beach now did not seem like a good
one. I was meant to be convincing everyone else and myself that I did not
like Stone.
I could not do that if I was too busy staring at the tattooed bare chest.
Stone had an extremely effortless talent to be sinfully seductive. He just
stood there and was naturally irresistible. Maybe it was his good looks or
his mysterious aura. Maybe it was his artistic tattoos or his toned body.
Maybe it was him as a person. A secret nerd that was funny and challenged
me in every way possible.
Maybe it was all the reasons and so much more.
I could also feel his gaze on me. His eyes travelled from my being in
contact with mine to my lips and then to my two-piece black bikini.
I felt bare under his watch. It was like he always knew what I was thinking
He shook out of his trance like state and came to sit down next to me.
Brennan sat down at the other side of me as he grinned "See, Little Ella.
This is so much more fun than tutoring that asshole, Chase."
Flipping him off, I replied "What is your problem with Chase? I don't get
what he has done to you."
"He has not done anything to me," Brennan admitted, "but I have to support
my guy, Stone."
"How nice." I deadpanned before I turned to Stone and asked, "And what is
your great reason to hate him?"
The expression of disbelief from lunchtime had returned.
He grumbled his response. It was too low and too quiet that there was no
way Lana and Brennan could hear it "You know why."
I shook off the need to ask more on what he meant by that and told Brennan
"It was actually Lana that tried to push me and Chase together at the start."
Brennan went wide-eyed in shock as he looked at her "Why would you do
"I thought it was a good idea." Lana held her hands up "I thought Ella was
lonely and needed somebody."
"Hey!" I reached out and swatted her arm "I am a pretty cool person on my
"Of course, you are." She agreed, her tone the opposite of sarcastic.
"I feel kind of lame that my best friend had to go hunting to find me a
possible boyfriend and someone that would want me."
She countered back with "That is nonsense! I can name at least five guys
that have tried to pursue you—"
Growling cut her off.
Lana held back a giggle and continued "You have always pushed people
away. You are trying to hide your inner helpless romantic."
Stone's jaw unclenched and stopped ticking.
"Drizella Miller. The Notebook crier." The giant whispered in his husky
I rolled my eyes before I stuck my tongue out at him "Call me that again
and I will give you something to cry about."
He chuckled deeply "So much violence compacted into such a tiny body."
"I am not that small!" I yelled before I lied "I am five foot two."
My argument left out the small detail that five foot two was my height with
heels on and that my real height was less than that.
The love birds eventually upped and left in the direction of the water.
Brennan and Lana's disappearance meant I was left with him and the truth.
I readjusted my position on the sand and brought my knees up to my chest
as I avoided meeting the eye of the smug Goliath.
Sighing, I surrender to temptation and questioned "What are you smirking
at now?"
His harsh striking features went slightly softer, and his eyes were not an
However, his voice was evil and taunting. It was also an indicator that he
had heard the earlier conversation.
"So, Medusa, from what I have heard, you have a crush on me."
"Crush on you?" I repeated before tutting "You misheard. I was talking
about how I wanted to crush you."
He looked up at the sky and let out a small deep chuckle "I think someone
secretly likes me."
I moved my head to hide my smile from him "I guess you are not the worst
person I have ever met."
My confession made Stone laugh louder and he smiled. It was not a small
one or even a signature smug one. It was a full smile that showed off all his
perfect teeth.
It infuriated me how attractive he was.
Even with the big bruise around his eye, he managed to look flawless.
Giving up and deciding not to care about him knowing that I care, I pointed
to his eye "What happened to your face?"
Stone's smile dropped instantly.
He blinked twice before answering "The hood of a car fell on me at work."
Leaning back, I put my hands on the sand to match his pose and replied,
"Yeah and I am the Dalai Lama."
He raised an eyebrow questioningly.
"Both of those statements are the same." I further explained "Complete
"And what are you basing that judgement on?"
"Maybe I just know how to read you." I replied.
A smirk grew on his face as he casually started caressing my bare hip "I
think Drizella Miller does have a crush on me."
"I think Valentine Stone is asking for another black eye" I threatened with a
sweet smile.
After he threw me a faux glare, I burst out laughing. His gaze softened as I
covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing further. He joined in my
amusement with a chuckle.
I wondered then if I would ever meet someone that could make me laugh
more than him.
He was worth keeping around.
My hand reached out and I gently ran my finger on the darkened part of his
eye. I made sure my touch was gentle so it would not hurt him.
"What is your verdict then, Medusa?" He asked, amusement in his tone
"Will I live?"
I hummed "You look like you will be fine...unfortunately."
Stone shook his head and let out another husky laugh.
I studied the eye as I leaned closer and then my attention dropped to his
suggestive smirk.
"I don't think a kiss heals black eyes, Lurch." I spoke.
"There is no harm in trying."
My lip gets pulled by my teeth to hide my smile as I rebutted "My lips do
not have magical healing abilities."
"Yes," He let out hoarsely as his gaze dropped to my mouth "They do."
"Then perhaps I should share my gift with the rest of the male population."
I teased.
"No." Stone growled "You should not."
Our amusement died down and that is when the studying eye of the giant
became more heated. More intimate.
"Why do you dislike your name?" He asked gently.
I was caught off guard by his question. It was so abrupt and random that I
felt my eyebrows raise.
I tilted my head "Who says I hate my name?"
He offered me a smug smile. One that silently informed me that he could
read me like a book.
I loathed his smugness and his ability to know me better than anyone else.
However, I indulged him anyway "I was named after the wicked and ugly
stepsister from Cinderella."
Stone let out a chuckle from deep in his chest. It was like he was waiting for
me to laugh as well like I was telling him a joke.
When I did not, his features hardened, and he went back to his usual
serious-looking exterior.
Lana and Brennan were splashing around in the water. I was watching them
to avoid the pair of obsidian eyes as I revealed the story behind the name.
"My mother was obsessed with Cinderella." I began to tell him "It was her
favourite fairytale. She watched the movies all the time religiously. It was
her obsession while she was pregnant with me. She loved the story so much
that she named me after it. Just not Cinderella. Instead, I was named
Drizella. The ugly stepsister. The side character. The girl that was desperate
for her own fairytale but does not end up getting it."
I had never told anyone why the name had bothered so much and there I
was opening up to him.
He listened like he hung on to every word I spoke. Like what I said was the
most important thing in the world to him.
"Did you know that in the original story, Drizella cut off her toes so the
glass slipper would fit her, and she could marry the prince?" I recited before
pointing out "Which is ludicrous. Who would cut their limbs off for a stupid
Prince? If it was for a sorcerer that could conjure up a massive library, then
maybe I would consider it."
If my life was a fairytale, I would be one of the talking animals that broke
out into song. If this was someone kind of coming age of movie, then I
would be the character that only made an appearance when the main
character needed help.
I had felt this way most of my life. Like a side character. Someone of
Books were my escape from reality. I used them to transport into mystical
realities much better than mine.
Although, my view has started to shift as I met the dark pair of eyes. The
energy between him and I was enough to make my life more intriguing.
"You were named after the ugly stepsister?" He repeated, his usual deep
voice showing a hint of disbelief "You must have been an ugly baby."
I rolled my eyes "I am choosing to see that as a really backwards way of
you saying that I am not completely ugly now."
Stone's lip quirked upwards as he let his obsidian irises flick over my face.
There was nothing but honesty in his voice and his expression showed no
sign of humour. He said his words like they were the undeniable truth.
"You know that you are stunning." He rasped "You are the most beautiful
creature I have ever seen."
I blinked twice to make sure that I was no imagining what he had said.
He called me beautiful. He thought I was beautiful.
The heat rose to my cheeks, and I blushed in stunned silence, replaying the
words in my head like a broken record.
I hoped with everything in me that this was not his idea of a cruel joke.
Remember his choice of words, I let out a nervous laugh "Creature? Are
you insinuating that I am not human."
"There is nobody like you, Ella."
My heart was pounding. It was pounding so much that I could hear it in my
ears. Every single syllable he said I focused on just to make sure that it was
real and not some kind of dream.
"There is plenty of people like me." I dismissed his idea "I am sure if you
went out and did not try to scare everyone away then you would see that.
You are just too antisocial to talk to new people."
"I do not want to talk to anyone else."
My hands moved to behind my shoulders so I could move my overly long
hair to cover my face. I was hoping that the green would hide my red face.
"I think if you want something then you will get it." Stone spoke, his
gravelly voice strong "So what if you are not called Cinderella. She talked
to rats all day and was a push over. You on the other hand are a fighter. You
will fight for your fairytale. Whatever that is."
I smiled at him, a silent thank you.
"I happen to like Drizella a lot better." He confessed.
My smile widened and I was grinning at him. He took his index finger and
traced it over my lips and then drew over the curve of my mouth.
Stone added with a smirk "You even have the fairytale green hair."
I closed my mouth and frowned at the mention of the made-up colour.
"Will you ever let that go and forget about it?" I asked.
He shook his head twice. His lip twitched again before finally dragging his
gaze away from me and then moving towards the horizon.
The contrast between the light from the sun and the darkness of him was
overwhelming. The sight was devastating.
I wondered if he knew how badly he was affecting me.
By the way, he carried himself with such authority and dominance without
even speaking most of the time suggested that he was aware of his effect on
people, but I wondered if he knew his effect on me.
Giving in to him, I voiced "Thank you."
He studied me quietly before he spoke huskily "For what?"
"For making me feel good about myself." I admitted before reluctantly
telling him the truth "You are a good guy."
Stone smiled. It was small and a little strained, but it was present on his
"I mean that you are a good guy deep down." I tried to explain myself so he
would not get an even bigger ego "Really deep and hidden in the depths of
your dark soul."
"Was that meant to be a compliment?" He said, chuckling to himself.
"I see past the leather jacket and the scary scowl and the overall
intimidating-ness of you." I laughed "I know that you are a big giant teddy
bear on the inside."
He scowled and I laughed. His scowl disappeared after a second and his lip
twitched again.
The silence and closeness left no room for lies.
I panicked and I felt the need to say something else. He had called me
beautiful and what I had said back was that he was barely a good guy.
I blurted out "I guess what I’m trying to say is I like you."
There was no guessing about it but I did not add that to my confession.
Before he could respond, Lana and Brennan's laughter as they approached
us interrupted the moment.
The two lovebirds sat on the sand next to us and they both stopped chatting
as they noticed the atmosphere.
Brennan appeared a little scared as he looked at Stone but quickly
recovered by laughing like he was trying hard to contain his amusement.
"Sorry, have we interrupted something?" Brennan asked, grinning.
"No. Of course not." I quickly disclosed before changing the conversation
back to them "You two were not in the water for long."
Lana looked slightly uncomfortable when she shrugged "We wanted to
make sure you two had not killed each other."
"Or other stuff." Brennan added while wiggling his eyebrows "Sex on the
beach should just be a cocktail. Not a Stone and Ella Monday evening."
Picking up a handful of sand, I threw it at Brennan.
He threw some back and chuckled while doing so.
Stone sat there silently watching me with a look of deep thought for the rest
of the day.
I wished that I could explain the comfort that I got from the dark eyes
following my every move.
It did not make any sense, but it did not need to. I did not want to unravel
the mystery that was us. I feared that it would end whatever it was we had. I
did not want it to end. I wanted it to last for as long as possible.
Chapter Twenty-Six
The chicken was taking far too long to cook. That is why I started to read a
book in one hand while I stirred the mixture in the pan with my other.
I had also been watching the darkness take over the sky and cast a shadow
on the apartment buildings across the street.
That was until Lana had called.
I had expected her to call as soon as we got back from the beach. I could
tell there was something off about her since then.
My phone laid on the kitchen table and on speaker as I continued to mess
around with the food.
Lana's voice came from across the speaker loud and slightly muffled "It is
so awkward. You do not understand. When it comes to small talk, we are
okay. Then we get to deeper and more intimate, and it goes to a mess. We
have to put so much work in romantically."
"Have you talked to Brennan about this?"
She gasped like the idea was absurd.
"I love Brennan. He is perfect." She said as if she was talking about
something as normal as the weather "I do not want to lose him and I would
if I mentioned how I was feeling."
"What about how you are feeling?" I asked her.
"I can’t just tell him that I think we are losing our spark."
I was not exactly good at this whole relationship advice thing. It was Lana's
first relationship, so it was my first time trying to come up with half-decent
The only real experience of love I had was in books and movies. Fictional
relationships were always farfetched, so I did not have a lot to go on. I had
read as extreme as protagonists ending up in comas or moving halfway
around the world to be with their loved one and I was not going to
recommend that to her.
"The only way to know is to have a conversation. You deserve to be heard
but Brennan also deserves to know where he stands." I told her.
"Sometimes I..." she trailed off.
"What?" I asked gently.
She began again "Sometimes I feel Brennan is looking for someone else. I
feel like he is always seeking out for something."
"I think you should talk to him."
She hummed and then her tone changed to concern when she remembered
something "My mom mentioned that it is your mother's birthday
I stayed quiet and continued to cook the food.
"Are you going to go and see her?" Lana asked.
My plan was to not make a drama of it but I should have expected for her to
find out. Her mother had been friends with mine for years.
I answered after a while "I am just going to visit her grave after school."
"Ella." She said gently yet scornfully "It is your first year without her. I
don’t think you have given your self time to fully grieve yet. Take the day
off. Go and see her."
Biting my lip as I listened to her, I eyed the flowers in the vase that I was
planning to take tomorrow.
If I allowed myself to think about it too much, then I would only break
I pondered over the thought that my dad would go and see her but then my
afterthought turned to him being too drunk to know what day it was.
Shaking my head to myself, I eyed the phone and Lana's profile picture and
replied "I can’t just take the day off. I have classes to go to."
"Ella, you already know everything." She tried to joke but then went back
to her sympathetic voice "You need to do this for yourself."
"Okay." I finally agreed.
Lana did not sound any less concerned as she questioned "Do you want me
to stay off and go with you?"
I knew she would happily stay off and come with me if I asked. She would
drop everything in a heartbeat.
"I think this is something I need to do myself."
"Only if, you are sure." She affirmed.
"I am." I said surely "Thank you, Barbie."
She giggled at the nickname "Anything for you, Freak show. Now I better
go before my dad starts shouting at me for not going down for dinner."
"Love you. Bye" I replied before ending her call.
Just as I was about to stir the pan again, a knock came from the front door.
I was not expecting anyone, and it left me hoping that it was not my dad.
I wanted it to be the large leather jacket-wearing nerd at the door, so I
hesitantly walked down the hall and hoped for the best.
A small sigh of relief escaped me as I opened the door and found the giant
taking up all the space at the doorway.
The relief did not last long as for a good minute we just stood there looking
at one another.
Stone did not say anything. He just stood there holding onto the doorframe
with a look of determination.
After a while longer, I broke the silence with a little wave "Hello."
He did not say anything in reply. Instead of speaking, he barged right past
me and into the apartment. It was with such confidence that I almost forgot
that I was the one living there and not him.
Remembering that I still had the stove on, I closed the door behind him and
walked back to the kitchen.
I had my back to him, but I know he was there. Not because of his footsteps
but because of the feeling in my stomach.
For such a tall and broad person, he did not make any noise at all.
He was the silent killer type.
While taking the food off the stove, I finally faced him "You are like a stray.
I have fed you once and you will not stop coming back."
Stone still did not speak. He just remained stood a few feet away and
towering over me. The skull tattoo on his hand was staring at me too as his
hand twitched.
It was like he was restraining himself.
I crossed my arms, suddenly feeling self-conscious under his gaze "You are
here so much that I am really considering giving you my spare key."
It was too silent. Even for him.
I was starting to worry so I tried to tease further "I am starting to think that
you are like an evil spirit haunting my house. I will have to say Beetlejuice
three times."
A small smile started to make its way onto his face, but he still did not talk.
I finally just asked him straight up "What made you come here?"
He stalked closer. I focused on his movement as he took large steps to me.
The closeness brought a wave of excitement to take over my body and the
only thoughts I had at that moment were about him.
I felt like screaming Just kiss me already.
The giant knew me so well because that is exactly what he did.
His mesmerising obsidian eyes kept me grounded as he cupped my face.
When he slammed his lips to mine, I gasped.
I felt my toes curl at his satisfied groan. That and I had to bend my feet to
try and reach his height.
Stone's large hands drifted through my hair and then back to my face. He
tightened his hold on my face as his tongue slipped further past my lips.
The moment muddled my thoughts. So much that I did not feel myself
being lifted until I was off the ground. Gripping my butt, he lifted me and
placed me on the counter.
The same counter as last time when we nearly kissed.
I let out a breath as I tilted my head upwards and gave him better access.
As I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around the back of his
neck, he let out a deep sound of approval.
He pulled back slightly and rested his forehead on mine. His lip twitched
again mine and then he smiled. It was the biggest smile I had seen from
him, and it was magnificent.
I was gasping for air when I whispered onto his lips "The kitchen counter is
where the magic happens. I think you have a thing for them."
He chuckled against my mouth as he left a quick kiss on my lips.
His eyes narrowed with sureness and gleamed with possessiveness as he
assured "No. I just have a thing for you."
I pulled back slightly to see him better but still not removing my legs from
his waist or my arms around the back of his neck.
"I am obsessed with you, Ella." He said lowly "I could not leave the
conversation at the beach like that."
My jaw did not get the chance to drop neither did my heartbeat get a chance
to lower.
I could not even show my disbelief at what he was saying because he
lowered his head and began trailing kisses along my jawline.
His mouth went from my jaw to my ear and then to the corner of my lip. I
twined my hands around the back of his neck and dragged him closer, so he
was fully tasting me. He took over immediately and dominated the kiss.
I closed my eyes as his tongue once again slipped past my lips and danced
with mine. My hands with their minds of their own gripped his hair. His
own hands roamed, one remained cupping my cheek and the other went
past my hair and then to the back of my neck.
I felt centred to him. Like two magnets or an object in a gravitational field.
We pulled back and I let my head rest on his chest. The scent enveloped me.
The familiar smell of engine grease, leather and aftershave circled me.
I inhaled him as I wound my hands around his bulky chest, so I was
hugging him.
Both of his hands cupped my face as I smiled.
"I like you." I felt the need to say again before adding "And it takes a lot for
me to recognise what I am feeling so you should count yourself lucky."
"I am lucky, Ella."
My smile turned to a grin.
I then went on to question, "What did you want to say to me at the beach?"
He raised a brow "Did the kiss not speak for itself?"
"I don't know." I taunted “You might have to do it again. Just to make sure
the message is crystal clear."
The giant leaned closer and pecked the side of my mouth before whispering
darkly "You wicked girl, you know exactly what I am trying to say."
I was still unsure what his intentions were. A probing feeling like a knife
poked at my insides like a warning.
The thing about Stone was that he never asked for anything from me. He
never made it clear what he wanted. It always seemed like it was enough for
him to be even just around me. Like he was content with the bare minimum.
I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind and reminded myself to
resurface them later.
Smiling at him while playing with the zip on his jacket, I asked shyly "Do
you want to stay?"
He kept his thumb against my cheek as he pushed some hair behind my ear.
"I was going to watch Addams Family." I suggested to him "You could
Stone grumbled while checking the time on his watch. "I can't, Medusa."
I nodded and let my gaze lower away from him.
His hand went to under my chin, and he moved my head so that I was
looking at him again.
"I want to." He rasped before cursing "Fuck, I want to, but I can't."
I nodded and offered him a small smile.
He appeared deep in thought like he was contemplating something as he
watched me.
"You should go." I waved him off "It is okay. I will finish reading Jane
He smirked after a few minutes "Little nerd."
I rolled my eyes before proclaiming "There is nothing better than rereading
a good book."
"Even this?" He asked deeply and determinedly before he descended back
onto my lips.
I responded back before pulling away and smiling. I still had my eyes
closed when I giggled "Still debatable."
Stone let out a tenacious growl before lifting me off the counter and up so
that he could kiss me while I was wrapped around him.
He kissed me harshly yet softly. His huge, calloused hands were capable of
soft delicate touches. He treated me like he yearned for me, but he also
treated me as if I was something precious that he did not want to break. It
was a perfect balance of both.
He proved that there was something way better than reading.
We stayed in our little bubble in the kitchen for what felt like a small
infinity. However, it seemed nowhere near long enough.
He left begrudgingly when his phone went off, running away into the night
like some vigilante, leaving me flustered and dizzied by him.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
The flowers' stem was going to snap. I was clutching onto the bouquet
tightly as I exited my apartment building. The look of the white flowers
made me feel a little nauseous.
Every year on my mother's birthday, we would sit and watch old reruns of
random shows and eat junk. I had inhibited my bad habit from her.
I would do anything to go back to the time where I could do that with her. A
time with her.
The fresh air hit me like a ton of bricks as I stepped out into the street. The
air came with the realisation that I was about to visit her grave and I would
have to do it completely alone.
My black and white patterned summer dress flew a little in the wind as I
turned to head towards my car.
I took three steps down the sidewalk before I realised who was stood there.
The well-built giant leant against his black truck as he waited for me to near
Stone eyed me with the same expression I imagined Lana had on her face
last night as she called me. It was concern. I could tell from the way his jaw
was ticking in a steady rhythm.
Taking another small quick step towards him, I motioned at our
surroundings with the blooming buds in my hand "What are you doing
His head tilted slightly as his dark eyebrow arched. His expression gave
away that he thought what I was saying was a rhetorical question and it did
not require an explanation from him.
The leather jacket was nowhere to be seen. The hot weather meant that
Stone was wearing a short-sleeved black shirt that showed off his muscled
tattoo arms.
I made the point of asking again "What are you doing here?"
"I am here for you."
"This is not Ferris Bueller's Day Off." I tried to add humour to the
conversation before I informed him "I am visiting my mom's grave."
The obsidians eyes softened, and he even tried to lessen the deepness of his
voice as he spoke "I know."
"How?" I asked, shocked.
"Lana was telling Brennan last night about how she was worried about
you." He explained before adding "For once I was grateful for them
speaking so fucking loud."
"That still does not answer my question." I pointed out as straightened out
the skirt part of my dress "What are you doing here, Stone?"
He opened the door to the passenger side of the truck as he kept his
attention on me "I thought you might need someone."
The words were enough to put a small smile on my face. I could feel the
side of my lip tug up at the fact that he was worried enough to drive here
and offer me a ride.
I walked the remainder of the space between myself and him. Before I
could get into his truck, he stopped me by offering his hand out.
"I am not that small." I mentioned but I took his hand anyway and let him
help me up onto the seat.
My skin felt a surge of electricity before he let go of my hand and rounded
the car so he could join me inside.
Staring at the side of his head, I shyly let out "Thank you."
He pulled out of the parking space and quickly glanced at me before
reversing "What for?"
"For being here." I elaborated "I would have been fine on my own, but I
guess your company is appreciated."
Stone let his head fall back for a second to let out a deep laugh "That
sounded like it caused you pain to say."
Joining with his laughter, I shrugged "I guess I'm not used to all of this
niceness between us."
He glanced at me as he chuckled before shifting the gearstick.
"It is kind of nice." I admitted before I joked "Although, I really do not
want to stop insulting you. I still have a few good comebacks in me."
"I do not doubt it."
The sun shone down on both of us, and I felt the warmth start to crawl to
my face. I felt like I could not breathe. I was starting to think that going to
the graveyard was not such a good idea.
Even the thought was enough to make me panic. I did not like to confront
things that made me feel too deeply.
Hence, my denial of the dark enigma that was seated beside me. I knew
something was there but I was still unsure what. I thought that ignoring the
feeling I had with him meant that it would eventually go away.
That was still my philosophy for going forward with him.
"Medusa." Stone called gently to break me out of my daydream "Where
about is the cemetery?"
It took me a minute to realise what he was saying and when I did, I
muttered "It is Willow Cemetery. Just off the road that is near that big gas
He nodded before his concerned eyes wandered down to my leg. I followed
his gaze and found that I had not realised that my own leg was shaking
I put my hand down on my knee and tried to calm down the tremors as I
took a deep breath in and out.
Stone did not mention it but it looked like my uneasiness bothered him. His
attention switched between the road and my shaking leg as he clenched and
unclenched his jaw.
"So why green, Medusa?" He asked, obviously changing the subject.
I let out a breath "What do you mean?"
"Your hair." He said before questioning "Why did you choose to dye it
"I don't really know. I have always been fascinated by the colour. I guess
the colour green symbolises nature and energy. “I tried to come up with a
reason better than telling him that just liking the colour.
My eyes widened when I realised that energy and nature had no correlations
to me at all.
"Oh my god. Green is not even my colour." I shared with him "None of
those things represent me. I don't leave my house to enjoy nature and the
only kind of energy I require is to change the channel on the remote or turn
over a page in a book."
Stone found my little outburst amusing because he rubbed his jaw as a
small smile graced his features.
"Green is definitely your colour." He stated before explaining "It is not just
your hair. It is your whole aura. You shine green."
The rest of the drive went by quickly with traded insults and a few
backward compliments. His company almost erased the building up of
dread in my stomach.
He also stopped my leg from shaking by putting a hand on top of my thigh.
His generously sized hand squeezed the skin on my thigh in reassurance.
I laid my hand on top of his that rested on my leg for a short second before
he had to pull away and drive with both hands.
The truck pulled up at the start of the dirt trail pathway leading up to the
cemetery. I took my seatbelt off and avoided the penetrating gaze as I
focused on the forest of tombstones.
As I clutched the door handle to get out, he stopped me in my tracks by
putting an arm on my shoulder to make me face him.
His voice was low and gravelly "Do you want me to come with you?"
I shook my head once and I gave him a small smile "I will be fine."
Stone had already gone out of his way to drive me to the cemetery. I was
not going to make him sit with me as I sulked. That would be weird, no
matter how much I wanted him there.
He nodded once and looked anywhere but me as I climbed out of the truck.
Willow Cemetery was a large graveyard outside of the city with a number
of about fifty thousand people buried there. Sometimes you would see
relatives of the deceased scurry the rows of graves just to find their loved
ones in the vast space.
Fortunately, I did not have that problem. My mother's grave was under the
very namesake of this whole place which was the willow tree at the very
start of the green land.
A shadow was cast over me as I walked under the great leaves of the tree. I
kneeled down on the damp grass and placed the flowers next to the
They managed to brighten up the small space and I admired the beauty of
them as I ran my finger along the engrained words.
Lauren Miller.
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.
Beloved Wife, Mother and Friend.
A lone tear made its way down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly because
something behind the memorial caught my eye.
An empty bottle of alcohol. More specifically whisky. The kind that my
Dad drunk.
He came and visited her at least. Just not in his normal state of my mind. I
told myself that bad company was worse than no company at all to remind
myself to not to be too disheartened at his absence.
The trees rustled and the birds sang a sad song as I sat there for a while
watching the leaves sway back and forward.
Then the sounds of nature were not the only thing I heard.
A person's faint footsteps became louder and louder until a body sat down
next to me. A large bulky body.
Stone never said anything. He did not have to. My fingers that were resting
on the ground, interlinked with his as he reached for me. Warmth spread
through me and travelled from the tips of my fingers to the bottom of my
He finally spoke after a while. His voice was soft. As soft as his deep scary
voice could go as he read her gravestone To live is the rarest thing in the
world. Most people exist, that is all
"Your mother liked Oscar Wilde?" He asked after recognising the quotes.
If the circumstances were different, then I would tease him for being a nerd.
"No. She didn’t." I replied with a laugh "We had this joke between us. She
always said that when she died, she wanted something written by a famous
writer on her gravestone. She wanted to appear smart, sophisticated and
well read."
"That sounds like something you would do."
"Excuse me. I am well read." I feigned a gasp before I mentioned
"Although, I didn’t think I would want a quote from someone else on my
grave. I would want to write my own words."
He offered me a small smile "Like what?"
"I don't know." I said before thinking about it "Something funny like Dear
Ghosts, you are not ready for the mean green machine."
"It is original anyway." He replied like he was holding back another
chuckle, but his slight smile dipped when he noticed the empty glass bottle
behind the gravestone.
Any hint of playfulness from him was completely gone and now replaced
with worry.
"It is my dad's." I stated the obvious "I guess he was not drunk enough to
forget her birthday."
My hand dwarfed his as he held on tighter. He applied more pressure to my
"Everything has just fallen apart," I voiced "And I do not know how to fix
The soft tone disappeared from the giant's voice as he demanded to know
roughly "Did he ever hurt you?"
Quickly shaking my head, I answered him "He has never hurt me."
"That night at your house you were crying..."
The truth about the bottle being thrown was on my tongue but I swallowed
it back. Stone appeared murderous and as if he was about to start a riot if he
found out something did happen to me.
I did not want to make him angry, so I told him part of the truth.
"My dad would not hurt me. Even if he wanted to." I spoke and avoided his
eye as I did so "The night that you came around was when I kicked him out.
He said that I was the one that killed my mother. It was the same words he
said to me at her funeral, and it was all a painful reminder."
Stone closed his eyes and exhaled before he gently pulled me closer to him,
so my side was pressed against his.
"It was not your fault, Ella."
"What if it was?" I asked as I tilted my head upwards to look at him "The
worst thing about her death was the not knowing. I hate being kept in the
He put his arm around me and made sure I was leaning against his sturdy
frame as he kissed the top of my head.
I looked up at him in shock.
"It was not your fault." He repeated, "I promise, Baby."
"How do you know that?" I said more to myself, knowing that there was no
answer he could give me.
He did answer and his voice went hoarse as he did so. The words felt direct
and like an uncovered veracity.
"I know because I can’t imagine someone ever wanting to get away from
you." He said lowly against my hair.
The rest of the visit went by silently. He never said anything more. He just
held my hand.
Even his presence brought a sensation of security. Just by him being there
was enough for me to feel less alone.
He never let go of me until we got back to the truck.
We decided to stop off at a diner not far from the cemetery on the way back.
Stone mentioned that he was hungry. It led to my train of thought turning to
how much he ate. He always seemed to be eating but I guess one did not get
to his humongous size without eating a lot.
The small rectangular building was empty. It was an abandoned diner in the
middle of nowhere and had the same vibe as the ice cream place but with
fewer neon features.
The small booth at the back of the restaurant was where we both sat
opposite each other. Our position face to face meant that there was no way
to hide from his questions.
"You should tell Lana about your dad." He insisted "She would want to be
there for you."
I took a long sip of my cola and then answered him "I don't need help.
There is nothing to help. Everything is fine."
All he said in the form of a harsh breath was "Medusa."
Turning the conversation to him, I spoke "Tell me more about you and your
parents. I doubt they were as eccentric drinkers as my father."
"My dad never drank." Stone replied, "He was a boxer back in the day."
"Really?" I said, wanting to know more about him.
"He would take me to his gym every Saturday. He was the one to try and
help me control my anger."
"You are intimidating, and I have seen grown men look like they are about
to pee themselves when speaking to you, but I have never seen you unleash
your anger." I told him.
He nodded "It is not something I plan to ever let you see. I do not want you
to see that side of me."
"Did your dad's teaching not work?"
"I learned how to control it after years of training as a kid but then they
died, and it went to shit." He replied bluntly.
Studying him, I tried to think back to a time that he acted violently. I could
not think of any. Sure, he was threatening at times, but he never acted on it.
That reminded me that I still had not gotten to the bottom of how he got his
black eye so I asked him "How do you control your anger now?"
Stone did not answer. He avoided my eye and looked out the window with a
clenched jaw.
I took the hint and chose to change the subject “What about your mom?
What was she like?"
"She was passionate about everything. She was a librarian." He mentioned
before explaining "That is how I make sense of your nerdy references."
"Yeah right." I scoffed "You are so a nerd. You are the only person that does
not look at me like I have grown a second head when I speak about books.
You are just as big as a reader as I am."
He sat back in his chair with a small smirk as he nonchalantly rebutted "I
am just interested in what you have to say."
I hummed to show my disbelief.
Then I suddenly remembered the previous conversation and I felt the need
to reassure him "You know that if I had to name the top ten-character traits
of you, aggressive would not be one of them."
His expression showed genuine disbelief and he almost appeared happy at
my confession.
"However," I began with a sweet smile "Annoying ass would definitely
make the list."
Shaking his head, he let out a deep laugh from his chest.
"I do not see you as violent." I revealed to make sure he knew that I did not
feel scared of him "Even with the whole scary yet hot thing you have going
His taunting smirk grew, and my eyes widened when I realised what I had
I looked down at the table and wished that I had the ability to teleport.
Once I noticed a young guy was approach us, I pointed to him and blurted
out "Food!"
The waiter put the two plates of food that we ordered in front of us but
lingered at the edge of the table after he was finished serving them.
My attention went to him, and I noticed he seemed oddly fascinated by me.
He looked to be around about the same age as me with a boyish face and
naturally bright blonde hair. He had on an apron and under that a Harry
Potter t-shirt with the Hogwarts house Hufflepuff.
"Thank you." I spoke out of genuine gratitude and to fill the awkward
silence as he continued to stare at me.
The waiter shook his head and smiled "I’m sorry for staring. It is just that...
you are very pretty."
Instantaneously for some reason, I looked to Stone and not the flatterer.
He was gritting his teeth and I could see from the other side of the table that
his jawbone was clenched tightly. He was not looking at me, however. He
was glaring at the waiter darkly like somehow the poor boy would
disintegrate under his hateful watch.
I believed that Stone could get rid of the boy in one snap of his fingers. The
waiter looked like a twig compared to the muscled man across from me.
Finally, I dragged my attention back to the waiter and smiled with flushed
cheeks at the random compliment "Thanks. I am not—"
The intruder cut me off just as I was about to shut down his attempts at
Waiter boy directed his entrance to the trenching looking guy who had arms
crossed like a bodyguard "I am sorry. I did not know she was taken."
"She is." Stone growled.
The waiter was a fine example of someone that looked like they had peed
their pants from the darkened gaze of the giant. He sprinted away but not
before he sent me a small apologetic smile.
Stone did not look happy. He looked vicious as he watched the waiter run
back into the kitchen.
"Hey!" I said, "What if I wanted to make friends with him?"
"Fuck that." He growled.
"He had a Harry Potter shirt on." I mentioned, "He is a nerd and I like
He looked like wanted to say something, but he kept quiet.
I took a bite of my pizza and then noticed that the giant had not turned back
to friendly so I asked, "What has got your underwear in a twist, Lurch?"
"You smiled at him." He gritted out.
"You are mad because I smiled at him?"
His exposed tattoo arms crossed as he nodded.
"I was just trying to be nice because he paid me a compliment." I told him
before adding "You did not have to scare him away like that."
The huge shoulders did not relax, and he shook his head in disgust "He is an
I took another bite of food and shot him a confused look.
At my confused expression, he elaborated "He called you pretty."
"He is an idiot for calling me pretty?" I asked, trying not to feel bad about
"Pretty is such a weak word. People think that the view from the pier is
pretty or the reflection from the sun on the sea is pretty." Stone scoffed
"You...You are fucking enchanting."
The waiter's complement felt like nothing. Not compared to that. His was
Once I could say for certain that my face had lost its redness, I teased "Do
you want me to call over the waiter again and you can explain that to him?"
"Fuck no." He snarled.
I got back to trying to eat the content on my plate. The portion was large,
but I was going to give it my best shot. Just because I was small did not
mean that I could not eat a lot.
Stone was smirking at my determined face and the size of my pizza.
"What are you so smug about, Lurch?" I asked
"Medusa, there is no way you are finishing that."
"I can handle a twelve inch." I defended.
He rose a brow as his lip moved up infinitesimally.
"Oh no." I covered my face in embarrassment "That sounded so bad."
A deep chuckle was heard from him.
"Shut up!" I replied and pouted "I was talking about my ability to eat the
pizza which on second thought, I might not be able to."
Chuckling was heard again from the other side of the table.
"Just because I am not a massive giant with a massive appetite." I said back
lamely while pointing to his own banquet on his plate "I hope you lose all
your muscle and let yourself go when you are older."
"You would think you would be nicer on our first date."
"This is not a date." I scoffed and crossed my arms "This is like an anti-
date. If this was a date between us, which I am not saying that it is, I would
have ordered garlic bread with garlic sauce just so my breath was so bad
that you would not attempt to kiss me."
Shrugging, his face was full of amusement "I would just order it too so we
would not have anything stopping us."
"How charming," I remarked while holding back a laugh "Speaking of
charming. If this was a date, I would be expecting to be wooed with some
great pick-up lines."
Stone had nothing to say to that
I waved him off before assuring "It is fine, Lurch. I have some amazing
nerdy pick-up lines and lucky for me, you are a book nerd."
He gave me his undivided attention as I cleared my throat and smiled at
"Are you a library book?" I asked before adding "Because I can’t stop
checking you out."
Silence filled the air.
"It is fine. I have got more." I finished a bit of pizza before saying another
"My favourite place to be is between the covers. Join me?"
He looked to be containing a laugh "These are getting worse."
I frowned before saying my ultimate nerdy pick-up line "Boy, you like a
best seller, and I am like a book. I could be on you for weeks."
"Consider me seduced." He deadpanned, obviously not meaning it.
"Fine then." I resulted to before smiling sweetly "I will get the waiter back
and see if he likes my pickup lines."
"No." Stone growled "You will not."
"Did you like them then?" I asked, my smile turning triumphant.
"I knew those lines would do it for you, nerd" I asserted "Now if this was a
date, this would be the time that if I did not feel it between us, I would go to
the bathroom. As you tell me every day, I am small. I would fit right
through the bathroom window and make my escape."
"And if you are feeling it?" He questioned.
"Then I would stay."
We had continued our smart remarks back and forward like a tennis match
until I was trying to devour my way through the last bit of pizza.
I decided to ask him more about himself because I wanted to know, and it
because it was an anti-data "So do you think you will run a mechanics shop
after school?"
"I doubt I will leave Mike's." Stone replied, "The old man is good
"Yeah, he seems pretty cool. Cool and meddling." I said as I recalled the
whole plot against me to reveal my name "How long have you known
"Five years."
"Five years?" I repeated, "That means you have been working with him
since you were barely a teenager."
He nodded "I have always been a damn good mechanic."
"I will give you that." I begrudgingly admitted, "Kermit is running
smoother than ever."
"So, what about you?"
"What about me?" I asked, confused.
He smirks "What does Drizella Miller, The Mean Green Machine, plan for
I find myself rolling my eyes at him quoting me on from earlier that day.
"I would love to teach literature. So, I will probably go to college and study
English." I answered "I want to meet someone and settle down. Start a
family. The whole nine yards."
Stone smiled but it seemed more to himself. The smile felt secretive.
"Did you not say you wanted to write a book?" He remembered.
"Maybe in the future." I replied, "I am struggling to find inspiration."
"Surely you have something, Medusa."
"I could always write about an evil dictator called Balentine Bone." I
suggested while giggling.
He pretended to scowl at my remark and the weird twist on his name.
"Is he the love interest in the story?" Stone asked after a few seconds of
I breathed out "He was meant to be the heroine's antagonist. Her
His head cocked to the side and his rough sounding voice spoke up "I can't
see why he can’t be both."
"Neither can I." I admitted quietly so that he could not hear it.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
I missed Stone.
The hollowness hit me harder as I glanced behind my shoulder at his vacant
seat in the English classroom.
He had not been at school all day and I was starting to get worried.
In first period, Lana commented about my sulking which I replied with a
fake grin and telling her that I did not care.
It turned out that I did care a lot. I cared that I did not have him to talk to
about books or even to talk to about things as casual as the weather. I cared
that he was not here to make me laugh or to challenge me in class. I cared
that I did not feel his eyes on me or that I did not have the feeling that came
along with his dark gaze.
Lana put a hand over the pencil that I had no idea that I was tapping
"What has got you so agitated?" She asked.
With a sigh, I told her "I feel unfulfilled."
Her face contorted to a confused expression as she raised a perfect blonde
eyebrow "Why?"
Biting my pencil in the corner of my mouth, I thought of the best way to put
it without sounding like I missed the giant. A way that she would not
interpret as me sulking.
"It is just that I land some great blow to his ego in English." I explained, "I
usually come up with great book-centred insults and references and he is
not even here to hear them."
I cursed Stone in my mind. He would definitely revel if he knew what I was
talking about. He would have something to tease me about.
"So, you miss him?" Lana asked with a large smile "I guess it is true what
they say. Distance makes the heart grow fonder."
"No!" I exclaimed too quickly. Quickly enough that it sounded fake and an
utter lie.
An even larger grin grew on her face as she said "You are such a little liar!
Just admit it. You like Stone."
I crossed my arms and looked over at Mr Dankworth's board lesson as I
muttered "I guess a little but that is only when he is not here, and I can’t
hear him."
"So, if you don't like him, I guess you would not be interested in knowing
why him and Brennan are not at school..."
"I am kind of interested." I admitted instantly after she said it.
Lana covered her hand as she giggled "I don't actually know where they are.
All I know is that you are a bit too keen to know where a guy that you
supposedly don't have feelings for is."
"And I know that you are getting a bit too good at sneakily getting things
out of people." I rebutted.
A shrug was her reply before she voiced "I have learned from the best. All
that time spent with you."
Sticking my tongue out at her, I then asked, "So you really don't know
where they both are?"
"No. I don't." She replied, shaking her head "Brennan did not even tell me
that he was staying off today."
The shift between Lana and Brennan's relationship had become way more
noticeable. It was no longer rainbows and butterflies between them. The
honeymoon phase for them was over.
She sat forward in her seat with a small, frustrated groan "I don't even know
what his favourite colour is."
I bit my lip to try and to hide my amusement "I don't think that matters,
Lana. Unless you are kindergarten then it is life altering."
Her frown did not turn upside down as she explained "It does not matter
how small something is. It is about getting to know the person. It counts
because every small thing about them adds up to a bigger picture."
"But favourite colour?" I repeated, unconvinced "It does not reveal any
person's thoughts or intentions."
She swivelled around in her chair, so her body was facing me as she
interrogated "What is Stone's favourite colour?"
"What is the point in this?"
"Just answer the question." She insisted.
"Black." I answered but then I thought about what he would say if he was
there "But he would not say that. He would probably say fairytale green to
annoy me."
"See. Colours tell you a lot about a person." She pointed at me like her
point had been made "He would say his favourite colour is that because it
reminds him of you."
"That is not what I meant—" I began to argue but I was cut off.
Mr Dankworth stood at the very centre of the front of the class and waved
his dramatically "It is time for another assignment. Which will be carried
out in pairs."
The whole class groaned but he continued "In your pairs, you will get to
really know each other. Learn everything about that person and write it
down in a five-hundred-word essay. Five hundred words is not a lot, so I am
expecting every word to count for something."
Lana whispered, "When was five hundred words not a lot?"
Getting a list from his desk, Mr Dankworth told the class "I have already
decided the pairs before you start looking around the room for a partner."
He started calling names for the pairs, but Lana and I were only listening
for our own.
We started to tune in more as he read the last couple of names "Chase and
Daniel. Brennan and Michael. Mandy and Lana..."
At that, Lana let out a small groan "Why do I always end up getting Mandy
as a partner? She does nothing."
The final pairs got called out even more dramatically by the over-the-top
English teacher "Finally the last couple is Stone and Ella."
I regretted telling the universe that I missed him.
The next conversation with the smug skyscraper was going to be an
interesting one. I could already imagine his smirk when I would have to tell
him that we had to work together.
When the class went back to work, Mr Dankworth caught my attention by
Then he did something odd. He put his thumbs up. It was like he was giving
me a sign for some secret mission.
I thought that I was maybe imagining it until Lana commented on it.
"Looks like Mr Dankworth is trying to set you up with Stone." She giggled
"You are right, Ella. He is a very smart man."
Scowling at her, we packed up our bags at the sound of the bell.
Lana started humming the song she had been writing for a while now. Her
voice filled the corridor as we hurried to our lockers.
While she was busy putting her combination into the lock, I leaned against
my own locker and took my phone out.
There was no hesitation in my fingers when my phone lit up with an
incoming call from Stone.
I pressed accept before bringing the phone to my ear and greeting him "You
rang, Lurch?"
"Medusa." The deep guttural voice greeted back.
"Why are you not at school?" I tried to make the question seem nonchalant,
but my tone came out as worried.
"Are you missing me, Medusa?"
I smiled to myself before rebutting "You would know if you were here."
"If I was there then you wouldn't miss me." The grumble of a voice
I slapped my forehead and let out a groan as soon as the word left my
"What I meant was that if I was missing you then it would true." I tried to
cover up my previous mistake by rambling on "Which it is not. It is not true
because I don't miss you—"
"Drizella." The rough husky voice of the man on the other end of the line
uttered "Do you have your arms crossed or is your hand running through
your hair?"
One of my hands was holding my phone and the other was tangled in my
green hair.
I untwisted a strand of my hair that had been wrapped around my finger and
"I was so not doing that!" I blurted.
"Of course, you were not, Medusa."
I huffed out my question "How did you know?"
He chuckled but he did not answer.
"You are such a stalker." I told him while I leant my back against my locker
"Do you just sit and watch me?"
The gravelly voice was unapologetic and blunt when he grumbled "Yes."
I felt a smile take over my face as I rebutted "I think you are the one that
misses me, Valentine."
There was no reply from him for a while. A few minutes passed and all I
could hear through the phone was deep breaths.
"Hello?" I said into the phone.
"I am working late tonight." He stated gruffly before demanding "Come to
the garage."
I hummed before telling him "Say please and I will consider it."
"Come to the garage." He ordered again.
"Fine. If I must, demanding ass." I let out after a second or two "Just know
that I'm not happy about it."
Stone chuckled before uttering lowly "Get your hand out of your hair and
stop being such a little liar."
My green hair was wrapped around my middle finger, so I dropped my left
hand to my side.
I let out an aggravated noise before I said a quick bye and hung up on him.
Lana closed her locker and turned to me while asking "Who were you on
the phone to?"
"Nobody." I muttered quickly.
"So, you are just beaming ear to ear for no reason?" She replied,
A slam on the lockers made us both jump.
I swivelled to face the noise and found the blonde quarterback leaning
against my locker.
Offering the intruder, a polite smile, I greeted him "Hey Chase."
He nodded at Lana before he spoke to me "I just wanted to tell you that I
might not be able to take you to the fall ball next week."
"Oh no," I sarcastically remarked because there was no way I wanted to go
anyway "How come?"
The quarterback revealed dramatically "Litora Bello is having its biggest
night yet."
I could tell he was saying something in Latin, but I had no idea what he was
talking about, so I gave him a confused look.
"Litora Bello?" I repeated, "It sounds like a cheese festival."
"It is the beach fight club as you like to call it." Chase replied, "The big
fight night is on the same date as the fall ball."
His jock buddy Kyle appeared from nowhere and butted into the
conversation "There is also a big fight happening right now instead of
tonight. I can't believe we are missing it—"
"The local fighters are shit." Chase scoffed "Even the almighty Vulcan got a
blow to the face on Sunday night."
Kyle shook his head and corrected him with a look of admiration on his
face "Vulcan still won. He always does. His opponent was one of the best
fighters in Nevada, but Vulcan still destroyed him."
Their talking became background noise. I was too busy rolling my eyes and
making funny faces at Lana to listen to their conversation.
Lana glanced between them and acted as if she was interested "So the
Litora Bello thing happens at our beach every night? This whole big fight
club thing that everyone is raving about happens so near to home?"
Both of the boys nodded, and Kyle appeared like he was going to say more
but he could not as the warning bell rang out among the halls.
The noise signalling the start of the period made them say their goodbyes
and saunter away.
Lana put her arms around my shoulder as we made our way towards French
"So you want to do something after school?"
"I can't." I said and then apologised "Are you not going out with Loverboy?
I am sure he is free."
She shook her head while grinning "I think you know that Brennan will be
free because you are going to be taking up Stone's time."
I slapped her head playfully before downright lying "I don't have feelings
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Mike was rolling a massive tire out of the building as I parked Kermit on
the side of the road.
He was standing right under the shop's logo with his big, animated face
plastered on it. An image of a grumpy animated Stone in its place
interrupted my thoughts and made me laugh to myself as I stepped out of
the car.
The old mechanic stopped himself and the tire once he spotted me.
He waved with a friendly smile on his face "Hello again, Ella."
I walked over to him, matching his smile "Hey Mike. What are you up to?"
He tapped the large tire before lifting it up and onto the back of his pick-up
truck. It looked heavy and by the look on Mike's face, I would say he was
After taking a large breath, he told me "I have got to deliver these tires to
another shop down the coast. I have not sat down today. Business is
"That is great." I commented before I asked, "Would you like some help
loading up the tires?"
Mike shook his head "Stone would not like that. He would not allow
something that means a chance of you getting hurt."
I had no idea what to respond so I instead assured "I promise that I’ll not
keep Stone long."
"Oh no." Mike put his hands up dramatically "You stay as long as you want.
You are always welcome. Stone is in there waiting for you. I would love to
stay and see his longing face light up, but I better get going."
Awkwardly laughing at that, I gave him a wave "I will see you later."
After placing the last tire into the back of the truck, he climbed into the
driver seat and said “See you some other time, Ella. Also, if he starts
slacking off work, you get him told."
"Do not worry." I promised before walking inside "I will."
The small green building only had one car inside. A silver sports car was
situated in the middle of the room with its hood up as the giant fixed
whatever was wrong with it.
Stone turned something inside the car, and I was transfixed watching him.
My eyes were glued to his arms as the veins bulged out of his muscles.
He shut the hood of the car and chuckle which made me jump out of my
"How did you know I was here?" I asked.
"Medusa, you make a lot of noise for such a small person."
His bulky arm went up and rubbed some grease off his forehead as he spoke
roughly " Are you not going to express how much you missed me?"
Tutting at his cockiness, I crossed my arms "I was taught it is bad to lie,
Stone stepped forward. It was only one step, but I know what he is doing. It
was like an animal playing with its food before it pounced.
He motioned to my arms "What you were not taught was how to hide your
"Excuse me?" I asked, tightening my hold around myself.
The large hands grab mine in his before he raises them above my head. He
then took both of my wrists in one of his hands as his other palm rested on
my stomach as he spun me around. His warm breath was felt on my neck as
he pressed up behind me.
"Like I told you earlier," He let out lowly against my earlobe "You either
cross your arms or play with your hair when you lie."
I tilted my head upwards to meet his eyes.
"You did miss me." He stated.
My head shook violently as I tried to deny it. I tried to argue against
something that I was obviously lying about. My whole body was screaming
out the truth. That I had missed him.
I blinked and he had rounded me. My hands dropped to the side as he sent
me a malicious smirk.
That was before he picked me off the ground.
My legs dangled as I was lifted into the air. The height difference meant
that I had no other option but to wrap my legs around his waist.
That was what I told myself. I used that reasoning to cover up the fact that I
was very content with where I was.
I punched his chest lightly as I questioned "What are you doing?"
It was strange to be at face level with him. I usually had to lean on my toes
or nearly break my neck trying to look up at him.
I liked the view from up there, wrapped around the giant. I could study his
expression better.
His hard defined facial features showed that he was serious when he
proclaimed, "I am not letting you down until you admit that you missed
"Well, it is a good thing you have got large muscles because I’m not
admitting that any time soon." I declared stubbornly.
He did not do anything. Except move his hands to my hips as he studied
Minutes later and we were still in the same position.
It did look like any of one of us was planning to move anytime soon. We
were as stubborn as each other.
It took every ounce of strength to restrain myself from reaching out to him.
To touch him. I liked everything about him and his stupid face.
"You missed English today." I quietly voiced "We got set a new assignment
to write an essay about your partner. Mr Dankworth assigned the pairs and
my unlucky self got put with you."
Stone chuckled and I felt the vibrations from his chest ripple through me.
"It is good to get your thoughts on paper, Medusa." He teased in his
taunting tone "If you write it down, you might be able to stop thinking
about me."
I was too busy getting lost in him that I never thought about what I was
The words flowed out me smoothly and slowly "Do you want me to stop
thinking about you?"
His expression was not like anything I had ever seen before.
He looked taken aback
I could only describe it as wonder that clouded his face. Wonder that made
his dark eyes look like they had stars in them.
I wished that I had a camera to capture the moments
"No." He growled "I want every thought of yours to be about me. Just so we
are both even. Every thought of mine is about you."
After a while of staring at his lips and digesting his words, I caved.
I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and smiled at him. He
flicked over my lips with his thumb before he closed the distance between
our mouths.
His lips kissed mine softly. It was a slow kiss that still managed to leave me
breathless. It still sent a shiver down my spine.
He curled his fist into my hair and combed the strands as he tilted my head
and delved deeper into my taste buds.
The soft kisses were history as they were turned into white-hot ones.
Between us was passion and hunger and truth.
All weapons and armours were put down between us. There was no way for
us to fight anymore. Not when we were both too occupied. With each other.
Oxygen did not seem essential at that moment.
I felt him moving us both, but I was too caught up in his lips to notice
where he was taking me.
He did not break away from my mouth as he sat me down on the hard
surface of the hood of the silver car. He stepped between my legs as he kept
his sweet assault on my sensitive lips.
"I still didn't miss you." I said into his mouth as I pulled back for a breath.
Stone left another gentle kiss on my lip as he chuckled "Of course you did
not, Medusa."
He was about to capture my mouth again, but I quickly put my finger to his
mouth and stopped him.
"I feel sorry for the poor guy whose car I am on now." I joked as he kissed
my jaw.
"I’m a mechanic." He said into the crevice of my neck as he breathed me in
"If it gets broken then I will fix it."
That was a good enough answer for me, so I let him cup my face and bring
my mouth back to his. I tilted my head and allowed him to change the
pressure of the kiss.
He kissed me like I was his salvation and that if he did not have me then he
would die.
He was darkness. From his clothes to his hair. From his eyes to his aura.
The dark was only comforting as it swallowed me whole.
There was a certain relief about it. It was like I had let myself be consumed
by him and I could not fight it. Not anymore.
I pulled back and rested my forehead against his.
"So, you are still not admitting that you missed me?"
"Maybe I missed you a little." I teased "Like a mouth ulcer."
Stone pulled back slightly "Like a what?"
"A mouth ulcer." I repeated before explaining "You think that you want it
gone but then when it is, it feels weird. You feel around for it."
A husky laugh escaped him before he pecked my lips "You are wild."
He did not move from his place against me as I asked him "Are you
planning to say off school again?"
"Good." I affirmed and then questioned, "Why were you off today?"
At my question, he pulled back. My legs dropped from him and nearly hit
the car.
His expression was unreadable as he avoided looking at me. He was
thinking too hard about something. It was obvious from the tension in his
Eventually, he came up with a response "Brennan and I had to go and see a
"Is everything okay?" I asked quickly.
He nodded once.
The silence drags on until I tried to lighten the mood "Do you ever get any
work done in this place? When I am here, it always seems like you never do
His face became less serious as the right side of his lip rose. His darkened
gaze flicked over my face and the rest of me before he admitted "It is
because you are quite the distraction, Drizella."
I smiled tauntingly before I got up from the car "Then I guess I better
He moved almost instantly by gently getting a hold of my arm and turning
me around to face him again. He grumbled something under his breath that
I could not make out. All I knew was that he sounded determined.
"Mike warned me to tell you off if you were slacking." I mentioned "Which
you are. Making out in the workplace is just not professional."
His lip twitched before he spoke again "Go out with me tonight."
I hummed and tapped my chin to pretend that I was thinking about it.
"I guess I could spare you some of my time." I told him with a small smile
"What did you have in mind?"
"I was planning to get another tattoo if you wanted to go."
My eyes widened "You want me to get a tattoo?"
"No. I want you to come with me." He replied gruffly "I will pick you up at
"Do you want me to come with you to hold your hand?" I teased.
He chuckled and a smirk was on his face as he nodded.
I tilted my head at him "You would think that with at least fifty-three tattoos
that you would be okay with the pain."
"Fifty-three." He repeated before pointing out in his smug tone "That is
"That is the amount I counted."
The biggest grin known to man broke out onto the giant's face as he asked
amusedly "You have counted?"
My mouth opened and closed as my eyes widened.
I had been caught out.
The only thing that would have made it worse was if I admitted how
intently I had studied his tattoos. I knew that he had fifty-three tattoos.
Thirty-two large ones and the rest slightly smaller. They all were detailed
and interlinked across his arms and chest and abs.
I did what any flustered person would do in that situation.
"Okay bye! See you at eight!" I shouted back at him as I ran out of the
The deep sound of amusement followed me to the car.
I shouted again and this time over my shoulder "I hate you and all of your
fifty-three tattoos!"
I was so mortified that I truly believed Kermit was laughing at me too.
As I drove away from the green building and him, the embarrassment was
quickly replaced with excitement for the upcoming night.
Chapter Thirty
"Are you going to tell me what you're getting tattooed on you?" I asked as I
unwound my arms from his waist.
Stone got off the bike and then helped me down.
The place where his hands touched my waist as he lifted me off the
motorbike felt overly heated. His hands remained on my waist, even after
placing me on the ground.
I had a sneaky suspicious that he was trying to distract me to avoid the
"Come on, Lurch." I swatted his rock-hard chest "I think I deserve to know.
I did come here with you out of the kindness of my heart."
"Really?" He chuckled "That is not how I see it."
I understood what he meant. I reminisced on half an hour ago when I raced
down my apartment building stairs to meet him. He commented on my
eagerness to meet him, but I responded by telling him that I had missed his
He seen right through my lie, and it left me wondering if he was some sort
of Ella-Expert.
"Are you going to tell me what your tattoo is going to be of?" I asked
At the shake of his head and a cocky smile making its way onto his face, I
pulled back from his embrace and started to walk away.
Not before throwing him a teasing smile.
He effortlessly caught up with my strides in a few large steps.
I glared at him and then at my tiny legs.
"Fine. Do not tell me then." I huffed out before curiosity took over and I
pleaded "Please. Give me a clue. Just a small one."
"It is Greek.” He answered back vaguely
I narrowed my eyes at how unhelpful his clue was and then I stared to guess
what it could be "Olives? Hummus? The Parthenon?"
Stone shook his head as his lip twitched.
He then went on to ask, "Have you ever thought about getting a tattoo?"
Crossing the road and following him into an unfamiliar smaller street that
broke off from the main road, I nodded.
"Yeah. I have always wanted to get one, but I want something that means
something." I stated before explaining "So no skulls or cringe worthy
quotes in mandarin for me."
He let out a husky laugh.
My need to know his future tattoo took over me and I asked, "Does the
tattoo you want today mean something?"
His reply came in one quick breath "It is the most important one."
"You can’t just say that!" I outburst and pointed to him with a scowl on my
face "That makes me even more curious. Greek, that could be anything. It is
just cruel what you are doing. Tell me!"
"No." Stone replied, trying to contain his amusement.
He stopped walking as we approached a large neon sign. There was no store
front. Instead, a set of stairs led downwards to more fluorescent lights. It
looked like some underground club.
In all my years living in Santa Monica, I had never been close to the area. It
was nothing like I had ever seen before.
"A tattoo parlour that is underground and in the middle of nowhere." I
voiced aloud as I sent him a faux look of horror "Are you sure you are not
taking me down here to kill me?"
"If I was going to kill you then I would have done it at your apartment." He
spoke smugly "I have had plenty of opportunities."
His taunting tone gave away that he was trying to suggest that he was
always with me.
I shot him a glare while I stood on my toes to appear slightly taller.
Stone noticed what I was doing and barked a laugh.
"Maybe you are a killer with traditions." I suggested "This is where you
lead all of your girls to kill."
His breath tickled the back of my neck as leaned down and rasped "You are
the only one, Drizella."
A smile could not be fought from my face as I gripped the railing at the top
of the stairs and started to descend.
I turned over my shoulder and smiled sweetly at the giant "I hope the actor
who plays you for the reconstruction video in the crime documentary of us
captures all of your ugliness."
The theme of bright lights continued inside the shop. The stairs led to a
large room lit up by neon signs. There was no normal lightbulbs or lamps.
Everything was a bright purple, blue and green. It was like the northern
lights compacted into a small space.
Covering the walls was sketches of all different kinds of things. From
animals to portraits of people to landscapes of cities.
I stepped closer to admire the drawings as Stone went further into the shop
to start talking to someone.
One drawing in particular caught my eye as I flicked my gaze over the wall
of sketches.
It was a dragon. The creature took up the whole space of the paper. The curl
of the tail reached the bottom of the page. It was extremely detailed from
the talons to the few flowers at each side of the fire breathing creature.
The dragon looked like something straight out of a storybook. A fairytale
came to life. I instantly fell in love with it.
"That would suit you." An unfamiliar voice called.
I turned from the drawing and hurried over to the two guys.
Stone's dark eyes watched me as I joined him at his side.
I forcefully drew my attention away from him to look at the other guy in the
The stranger had hair that was a mixture of red and brown. He was skinny
with a larger height than me. He was nowhere near the height of the giant,
however. Overall, he was quite handsome. The rounded glasses perched on
his nose suited him.
I might have found him attractive if I was not too busy looking at the larger
male beside me.
The red headed stranger smiled and let out a laugh when I looked back up at
Shaking myself out of the eye lock, I spoke to the other person in the room
"Hi. I am Ella."
"Oh. I know." The stranger grinned "I am Reed. It is great to finally meet
you, Ella."
"It is nice to meet you too." I said back before I asked, "Are you a friend of
Reed let out a chuckle "I do not think Stone would class me as his friend.
He does not have friends. Non-sociable asshole that he is."
I nudged upwards at Stone's ribs and stage whispered, "I like this guy
The giant glared at Reed before he finally spoke up in his rough sounding
voice "Are you going to start this tattoo or not?"
The poor tattooist rolled his eyes at his rudeness and turned to me "How do
you put up with him every day?"
Laughing, I grinned wickedly at the subject of conversation "It is hard
work, I will give you that."
Stone never said anything more. He just watched me with a softer gaze than
he had a minute ago.
Reed took the hint that Stone wanted to start the tattoo but before he done
anything, he motioned to the wall behind me "Did you want a tattoo done,
"Oh no. That is okay." I quickly replied.
"I saw you look at the dragon." Reed pointed out "I think you would suit it
and I would happily do it for you."
"It is okay." I repeated and then pointed to Stone "We are here for the
second cousin of Big Foot's tattoo. I am only here to hold his hand."
The tattooist burst out laughing before he said to Stone "She is hilarious."
"I know." The giant replied.
"And very cute." Reed added.
"I know." Stone said again but that time his voice went deeper and scarier.
Looking up at him, I raised an eyebrow at Lurch.
He looked back and insisted "If you want the tattoo then get it done."
"You just do not want me to go with you so you can keep me in the dark
about what tattoo you are getting." I pointed up at his face accusingly "You
plan to torture me."
"Of course not, Medusa." He said with a smirk.
Reed appeared shocked as he looked between us a couple of times. He then
spoke to Stone "You have not told her what you are getting tattooed on
Stone sent him a stern glare. He seemed to be telepathically communicating
with the tattooist about something.
The message was received because Reed nodded before turning to me and
asking "Do you want the tattoo? It gets you away from sitting next to the
dark cloud. Plus, I will do
it for you for free."
The response bubbled out of me because I did really want the dragon on my
skin "Okay. How could I say no to that? But only if, you are sure."
"What happened to not getting anything random put on your skin?" Stone
asked, sounding almost concerned.
"It is not random." I replied, "I am going to literally be the girl with the
dragon tattoo."
The expression on his striking features did show concern and he appeared
unsettled. He looked away from me with his jaw ticking as he grumbled to
Reed watched him with amusement as he questioned "Are you happy to get
yours done by someone else if I do Ella's?"
Stone nodded but only once.
"I will take Ella through to get tatted." Reed said and then smiled at a tense
Stone "It might take a while, so you better say goodbye to your girl."
I blinked twice.
"I’m not his girl." I interjected with a small awkward laugh like I was not
fully convinced of my statement.
I was surprised at how much my voice sounded weak and unsure.
The surprise still coursed through me when I met the obsidian eyes.
His jaw was clenched as his eyes shone with longing. He flicked over my
form until his evade rested on my face. The defined jaw remained ticking as
his expression presented his devastating hurt.
Guilt swarmed the pit of my stomach. It was so overwhelming and
confusing. I had no idea what I had to feel guilty about. Neither did I know
why he was so angered.
It was like he was in a trance. He was so deep in thought as his facial
expression contorted to one that looked determined.
Possessiveness radiated off him and his actions as he took a gentle hold of
my hips and brought me closer to his side.
He kept his large hands on my waist as he caressed the skin while asking
"Are you sure you are going to be, okay?"
"Of course, I am." I assure him before I smiled up and teased "I am starting
to think you really do want me to hold your hand while you get inked."
His tense demeanours fell apart as he noticed my smiling.
"It is the opposite." He grumbled "Do you want me to come in with you and
hold your hand?"
I waved him off "No. I will be fine."
"Are you sure?" He said, his fingers curling in and out of fist like he had a
nervous twitch.
"I am sure." I said for definite before throwing another taunt at him "You
just want to see my underwear."
Silence filled the room.
Then he bellowed "What?"
Raising an eyebrow, I started picking a piece of loose thread on my jeans
and tried not to look offended as I spoke "It was a joke."
He shook his head as his eyes darkened “Why are you taking your clothes
"I’m not taking my clothes off." I replied.
His shoulders visibly relaxed.
"Just my jeans." I added.
Stone stiffened again and then he growled.
Reed coughed but it sounded a lot like laughter "The dragon is quite big,
and it curls so the perfect place is the thigh to the hip. Ella is right."
His words do not settle Stone. Instead, Reed became the victim of the
terrifying scowl.
I walked over to the design of the dragon and took it off the wall as Reed
instructed me to do so.
When I had my back to them, I heard Stone grumbling something and his
rough tone could have been interpreted as tyrannical.
His irises went back to a softer shade of black as I walked back over to
them and gave him in an encouraging smile.
"Whipped." Reed spluttered between pretending to cough.
The tyrant behaviour of Stone was back as he commanded "Take care of
Reed nodded "Yes boss."
There was no hint of humour in his reply or his use of the word boss.
I was too busy gaping at Stone's public show of concern for me to question
Shock was still what I felt when I was escorted further into the store by the
red-haired male. He led me into a small dark room. The confined space had
one chair that took up all of the room. There was also a small desk that
contained an assortment of different coloured inks.
"Take a seat." Reed insisted as he closed the door behind him and started to
put on a pair of black rubber gloves.
A little embarrassed, I sat on the chair and pulled down my jeans before
relaxing on to the chair sidewards, so I was facing away from him.
He scooted closer on his stool and started filling up the needle with the
black ink.
Reed mentioned to my exposed thigh "Did you see his face when you
mentioned sitting in your underwear? I have never seen him so caught off
The tattooist stared to sketch the design in pen on my leg as he spoke again
"I thought he was going to kill me."
I laughed "He would not have killed you."
"He was close to." He exaggerated with a look of horror on his face
"Imagine if it was another tattoo artist doing this? Or even I was straight,
me doing this? He would have really snapped my neck then."
The middle part of his rant caught my attention, so I asked, "You are gay?"
"Of course, I am." Reed laughed "Did you really think Stone would allow a
straight guy to see you like this? He threatened me that if I looked at you
then I would be a dead man."
Trying to ignore the feeling in my stomach that rooted from his statement
about Stone, I quickly changed the topic "I am just sad for my gender's loss.
You are a total catch."
"I know. Also, a catch for guys but unlucky for them, I am very much
taken." Reed said with confidence as he sent a wink my way.
He knew I tried to turn the conversation back on him because he changed it
right back again.
"I bet you Stone comes in to see you." Reed said before nodding down
towards my panties "It is like you knew that before coming here. Your black
lacy underwear is definitely going to catch his attention."
My face went heated as I laughed nervously "At least I’m not wearing my
ones with the cute little frog faces."
"Did you see his solemn expression when you said you were not his girl?"
Reed asked while he tipped his head back and chuckled "I almost felt sorry
for the moody fucker."
For some reason, I felt the need to defend the giant "He is not that bad. He
is only moody when he has to talk to people."
"He is only moody when has to talk to people that are not you." He
I adjusted myself on the seat to give him better access to my hip.
"You do know that you have changed him, right?" Reed asked.
"Changed him?" I repeated.
He nodded his head and then went on to explain "He is happier with you.
The first time that I heard about you was a complete shock to me. I almost
did not believe it."
"Believe what?"
"Now I see it." Reed said "He came in today and he smiled at you. He
laughed also."
"Are you trying to say that I have broken Stone?"
"No." He disagreed "You fixed him."
For the second time that night, I found myself defending him "There is
nothing wrong with Stone. He is perfect."
Reed chuckled at the last part of my defence, making my face go red again.
This made me rest the side of my head and hide my blushed cheeks.
"Why are you not with him?" He asked
He repeated his question "Why are you not with Stone?"
"Stone is not interested in me like that."
"You are right." Reed confirmed before adding "It is not a mere interest."
"Then what is it?" I asked, trying to prepare myself for disappointment at
his answer.
"Ella," Reed delivered softly "You do know that Stone is in love with you."
My mouth opened and closed again.
"That is...That is not true." I stumbled on my words.
"It is not?" He asked sceptically.
Grabbing a piece of my hair that was falling on my forehead and twirling it,
I eventually countered back with "We are in the same friend group because
of Brennan and Lana. He maybe feels he has to be close to me for
Brennan's sake."
Reed appeared amused at my rant.
"I actually call him my acqenemy which is a mixture of acquaintance and
enemy." I kept talking.
"You are the worst liar I have ever seen!" Reed burst out laughing "And I
can't even see your face because you are hiding it in the chair."
I kept my mouth shut and continued to hide my flustered face in the chair.
I had to deny it. I had to deny it to myself another because I could see
myself slowly but surely growing attracted.
He then went on to ask, "Do you kiss all the people that are in your friend
"How do you know we kissed?" I questioned while turning my head to the
side to see him over my shoulders
A triumphant grin took over his face.
"I didn't. Now I do." Reed chuckled before questioning "So how many
times have you kissed?"
"I would answer that but moving my mouth would result in moving and that
might end up ruining my tattoo."
"I am not inking you yet." Reed mentioned.
"Shut up." I mumbled before I queried "Stone is your friend. Do you not
have loyalties to not talk about him behind his back?"
"Nope." He answered, over pronouncing the four-letter word and dragging
the syllables out.
"I believe Stone is somewhat kind of attracted to me." I voiced, the
conversations still on my mind "That is all it is though. It is not that big
word you used earlier."
He hummed before he changed his voice to a gentler tone "I am ready to
start inking. It is going to be sore. The thigh is one of the worse places plus
it is your first tattoo."
"That made me feel so better." I uttered sarcastically before I said to him
"Just do it. I will be fine."
The needle pricked my skin and I almost squealed at the pain. He started to
move the needle gun and what he left in its path was the feeling of a
thousand bee stings. The vibrations sent a wave of pain through my leg.
I put a hand on my mouth to stop from screaming.
"Are you okay?" Reed called over the buzzing noise which rang loud in my
"Distract me." I bit out "Tell me about something."
"I would like a song from Prince at my funeral." He told me "You will be in
charge of my funeral once Stone kills me after hearing your screaming."
I thought about Stone getting his tattoo done in the other room, so I spoke
through gritted teeth "What tattoo is Stone getting?"
"That would be telling."
Giving the tattoo a dirty look, I shouted out in a strained voice "Oh, so now
you have loyalties."
One knock at the door made Reed stop and me take a sigh of relief at the
small break from the pain
He wipes away the excess ink before calling "What is it?"
A deep voice came from the other side of the wall "I am coming in."
"I have lived a good life." Reed muttered to himself.
The huge wide shoulders filled the doorway as he watched me from a few
metres away.
I looked away to avoid his eye as I tried to endure more of the ink related
My plan to not show the pain I was in to Stone did not last long because
that giant set down a chair right beside me. Right at the side where I was
His pupils were dilated and had become two big black orbs as his gaze
trailed to my thigh. A blink later and he was back to focusing on my face.
"How was your tattoo finished so fast?" I asked, remaining to bite back my
screams "Mine is just getting started."
"I got it started a few days ago. I just needed a few more details finished."
I could not hold it back anymore. I winced and let out a small whine.
Stone went from teasing to concerned in a record-breaking time.
He looked to the tattooist and growled "I swear to fuck, Reed. If you—"
"Hey." I stopped him by putting a hand on his chest "It is not his fault. I
wanted this. He is not directly causing the pain."
Stone nodded but he did not relax.
"Now say sorry to him." I ordered.
The dark eyes remained on me as he grumbled out "Sorry."
I grinned.
Reed coughed again "Whipped."
"Now hold my hand." I demanded him.
He set his large hand out in front of me, and I took it instantly. The huge
hand squeezed my fingers in reassurance. The contact sent warmth and a
sense of comfort thought me. It was miraculous but his touch made me feel
a lot better.
"How could you get this done several times?" I said up to him.
His reply was full of undisguised taunting "Fifty-three to be exact."
That was the number that I counted on him. That was the number I told him
I counted earlier that day.
At his remark, I warned him "Now is not the time to be teasing me. I will
rip your head off, squeeze your brain for the juices and use that for the ink
for my next tattoo."
"There will not be a next time." He assured me in his rough and dark tone.
"Who are you to—" I began but was caught off by my own squeal.
Stone started to run his free hand over my hair as his other kept clutching
mine as he glared at the other person in the room.
"My favourite song by Prince is Purple Rain." Reed tried to quietly say to
"Do you know what would make me feel better?" I asked Stone to keep him
occupied and to prevent his bloodlust from taking over.
"What?" He quickly replied
"If you told me what tattoo you got." I told him and tried to appear
He tried to remain serious, but his lip twitched "No."
Pouting, I tried to negotiate "At least tell me where your tattoo is?"
"My upper back."
"I have already got my jeans off." I pointed out "Just take off your t-shirt
and let’s make this a party, Lurch."
Before he could answer, I squirmed and restrained myself from jumping up
in the chair. My action made Stone close his eyes and take a deep breath.
His jaw ticked in a rhythm as he continued to stroke my hair.
He kept his hand there while looking down at my thigh and assured me "It
looks good."
"He is not meaning the tattoo, Ella." Read spoke up and reminded us of his
presence "He has got a good view from there."
Besides the pain, I found myself laugh. Which was a completely different
story from the giant. He was not amused.
I turned to Reed "Did you say Purple Rain for your funeral?"
The tattooist let out a strained laugh, but he had paled.
I distracted myself from my agitated leg by asking them both "So how do
you two know each other?"
Reed was the one to answer. He began to say "The beach—"
Stone finished his sentence "Reed likes surfing as well."
I nodded my head and closed my eyes after suddenly feeling a bit woozy.
Stone picked up on my sudden lack of energy because he started to stroke
my face a little quicker.
I forced my eyes open to see his ones. They looked soft staring down at me.
He tried to distract me by asking "Why a dragon?"
Grinning lazily, I managed a wink at him "I will tell you mine if you show
me yours."
"I will get it out of you eventually, Medusa"
A quick shoot of pain stopped me from rolling my eyes.
Stone just sat there, and he looked so stressed and on edge.
"What are you thinking about, Lurch?"
"I am thinking that this is the perfect opening sentence to my essay about
you. Drizella Miller does not have a high pain tolerance."
Laughing, I replied “It would be a good start. You just need a few more
weird facts about me because I doubt you could write good things about
me. Definitely not five hundred words worth."
In the corner of my eye, Reed moved away somewhere. I did not bother to
see where because I was more interested in listening to what Stone had to
The giant leaned down nearer and squeezed my hand tighter "I would
struggle to find something bad to write about you. Five hundred words to
describe you is impossible. Five million is also not manageable. I do not
think there is words out there that really capture you. You are simply
everything. Nothing is as extraordinary as you."
I turned to the tattooist and questioned "Does the ink make you
"No. It doesn't." Reed answered "Stone wants you to stop and I think you
should too. You don't look well."
Widening my eyes, I shouted "No! I want my dragon tattoo. I have already
come this far."
Stone shook his head and grumbled out roughly "Ella—"
I cut him off by shushing him "I will be fine. Just don't let go of my hand."
He never let go of my hand.
The tattooist just tutted "You have got yourself a stubborn girl there."
The pressure on my hand increased as the deep voice spoke again "Yes. I
I felt my eyelids grow heavier and I listened as the buzzing of the tattoo
needle became background noise.
My face rested against the chair as I stared at the beautifully dark ethereal
face that was made up of rough and harsh lines.
"Stone?" I whispered to him.
He hummed a strained noise that was a grumble of disapproval that I was
still getting tattooed.
"Move closer." I demanded of him with a sweet smile on my lips "I need to
whisper something into your ear."
Stone leaned forward so that his face hovered next to mine and his warmth
breath tickled my mouth and my nose.
I moved so that my lips were his ear before I giggled the words "Your
tattoos turn me on."
A deep dark guttural noise that sounded like it had been lodged in his throat
for a while now made its way out of him.
I let out a laugh and I kissed him on the jaw before the pain took over me.
Chapter Thirty-One
It was midnight by the time we got back to my apartment building. My
current position was off the floor and in the embrace of the two bulky
tattooed arms.
"You didn’t have to carry me all the way back." I told Stone as I prodded
his chest.
I tried to stop him back at the parlour from picking me up bridal style. His
response was to send me a glare and tighten his hold on me.
If I was being honest with myself then I had no objections to getting
transported in the large arms. However, I felt bad that he had carried me
from the tattoo place to his bike and then from his bike to my floor in the
apartment building
"I promise that I’m okay now." I assured him while looking up at his
ridiculously good-looking face that currently looked stressed.
He grumbled "Ella."
"There is nothing wrong with me." I tried to convince him "I only half
"There is no such thing as half fainting." He said in the form of a deep noise
as he frowned down at me.
Letting out a huff, I considered throwing myself over his shoulder and
sticking my head down his t-shirt to see his tattoo.
He had still not told me what it was, and I was growing impatient.
Before I could weigh up the pros and cons of pouncing on him, he set me
down gently on the floor in front of my apartment so I could open the door.
I fumbled with my keys and the lock meanwhile Stone kept ahold of my
waist and made sure I did not fall over.
His voice was husky and strained as he admitted "You really scared me
back there."
I pushed open the door but I did not go in and instead, I turned around and
faced him with a small smile.
"I am fine, Lurch." I repeated to him for the millionth time "Did I not
mention before that I don't handle pain well and I usually faint?"
"No," He growled, "You did not mention that."
If he was on edge about the whole tattoo thing, then I was dreading seeing
him when it was my time of the month, and I fainted a lot.
Stone followed me into the living room and sat on the sofa as he dragged
me to also sit down.
My leg kept twitching. It was a weird sensation like pins and needles
touching my skin. The jeans covering the area of my leg did not help.
Deciding that it did not look like the giant was going anywhere, I
announced quickly before making my escape to my bedroom "I am going to
go and get changed into my pyjamas."
The deep voice called from afar "If you do not feel well then you shout me,
I wasted no time in getting rid of my jeans that were agitating the newly
inked skin as soon as I closed the door to my room. I discarded my current
wardrobe and changed into an oversized Metallica shirt. I thought about
putting on some shorts but then decided against it as I did not want any
material rubbing against the plastic-wrapped tattoo.
He was still on the sofa when I returned though to the living room. He faced
me as soon I walked into the room.
Stone's gaze travelled from my face and down to my bare legs. Then his
darkened eyes slowly tailed back to meet my eyes.
I suddenly felt the urge to cover up. I felt exposed and it was just not due to
what I was wearing.
"Are you okay, Medusa?" He asked.
I did feel okay. I was more than okay.
He was there with me.
I liked him with me. I liked him when he was not around. I liked him.
He was just sitting there and studying me and that was enough.
One thing that I was never good at was understanding other people.
Science, maths and literacy techniques all came easy to me. What I
struggled with was working out what people thought.
Stone was no exception to that.
He might have made fun of me more than anyone else and teased me to the
point that I wanted to strangle him, but I had gathered that he cared for me a
It was not the first time that Stone had looked after me. He took me home
when I was drunk. He helped me when I panicked after my run-in with my
father. He helped me conquer my fear of the Ferris wheel and the situation
with my mother and the ocean.
He made me laugh. He made me happy.
I stepped forward and chose not to overthink what I was about to do. I did
not want to cower out of something that I wanted so badly.
His hands went up to my hips as I stood in front of him. His head reached
my chest as he remained sitting down.
My palms rested on his shoulders and as I placed one knee on one side of
him and the other knee on the other side so that I was straddling him.
To my delight, he quickly wrapped one arm around my waist to keep me in
place on his lap and to bring my chest closer to his. The other large hand
reached up and touched my cheek as the obsidian stare softened.
I moved my touch to his face and let my fingers gently touch the harsh
features as I kissed his stubbled jaw.
When I pulled back, he grumbled unhappily.
"What is it?" I asked while motioning to his scowl.
He rumbled deeply again "I want another one."
A small giggle escaped me as I leant closer once again to kiss the other side
of his jaw.
His voice was gravelly, and he sounded mystified as he uttered "Are you
feeling okay?"
I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and rested the side of my
head on his shoulder. I took a deep breath and welcomed the smell of
engine grease and leather. His warm touch went to the back of my neck as if
he was making sure that I was going to stay against him.
As much as I loved his hugs, I did have an ulterior motive.
"I have never been better." I replied to his question before pulling back the
top of his shirt and sticking my head inside.
The large section of his upper back that had been inked was covered in a
white bandage so I could not see it.
His grip on my waist tightened as if he knew I was going to pull back.
He whispered hoarsely in my ear "Are you trying to see my tattoo?"
"Well, yes." I pulled back but did not remove myself from his lap "I also
just wanted to hug you. Consider it a thank you."
"For what?"
My smile made him gawk at my lips as I spoke "For everything."
"It is not all selfless." He confessed while dragging his finger from my
cheek to my lip "I look after you for my own sake and sanity too."
A yawn escaped my mouth and stopped me from grinning. I rubbed my
eyes as I asked, "What time is it?"
"It is just after midnight." He answered while checking his phone.
"Really?" I asked in disbelief "I am going to be so tired at school
None of us bothered to move. I knew that we both had to get up early
tomorrow and I was really tired, but I did not want him to leave.
That was what made me whisper to him "Stay."
"I am not going anywhere, Medusa."
He stood up with my body still wrapped around him. His hands remained
on my back like he was being careful not to hurt or drop me while he
walked us to the bedroom.
I was set on the bed carefully before Stone went back out to the hall.
As I got into the duvet and laid on my side while waiting for him, I
wondered where he had gone to.
The sounds of large footsteps were followed by the bedroom lights being
turned off. The room was in complete darkness as he neared.
The huge dark outline of the giant stood near his side of the bed as he
removed his clothes.
Stone joined me in the covers which resulted in the bed sinking down and
his wide shoulders taking up all of the space.
His hand found my hip instantly and he rolled me over to my side so that I
was facing him. I complied and leant on my elbow so I could see him better.
I adjusted to the position even though I was leaning on my tattoo.
"Lurch?" I said into the darkness.
"Yeah?" He replied and I could feel how close he was by his warm breath
on my earlobe.
"Tell me something about you that nobody knows."
He chuckled and adjusted himself on the bed, so he was leaning on his side
facing me too "Like what?"
"Anything." I said back.
A comfortable silence filled the air between us. He seemed to be thinking as
he caressed the side of my thigh.
Stone finally replied, "My favourite book as a kid was Alice in Wonderland
by Lewis Carroll."
My eyes felt heavy and started to close as I let out a small laugh "Really?"
I had not expected that book to be liked by Stone. It was whimsical and
crazy and completely different from Stone.
"I studied Alice in Wonderland last year when I wrote a paper about authors
on drugs. It was crazy." I mentioned before asking curiously "Why did you
like it?"
At my comment about the book, he let out a deep breath that sounded like a
half-laugh "I do not know why I liked it. Strange kid I guess."
"You are still strange now." I deadpanned while laughing.
My comment earned a chuckle from him as he shook his head at me. I
imagined him smiling a little in the dark.
I tried to be more serious as I said to him "You know I would say that you
should let more people know that you are a nerd but I kind of like that it is
our little secret."
"I am not a nerd." He argued.
"Give it up." I said as I laughed "I already know you are."
He gave in and lowly replied, "I do love the idea of having something we
only know."
"Does Brennan not know about your obsession with books and your
The outline of his head shook as his deep voice filled the darkness "He
knows about the books in my room. I could not really keep that from him.
Brennan does not know about the Wonderland thing. You are the first to
I hummed as I moved closer to him on the bed.
The thought made me smile. I imagined the large intimidating man reading
about mad hatters and tea parties as my lip moved into a smile.
We spoke further into the night. I asked him about his favourite books so I
could make a list and read them all. We debated about literary characters
until the noise of traffic on the street below stopped.
I had no idea that heated arguments about worlds among pages could make
someone so tempted to kiss a person.
It was mad. Stone drove me to insanity. I was losing my mind.
"Is it just me or is really cold in here?" I questioned him as I cuddled into
him for warmth.
He remained silent. He only brought me closer until my head was resting on
his chest.
"You still have not answered my question, Medusa." He spoke, "Why the
"Are you going to show me your tattoo?" I countered back.
I stifled back a laugh and sternly told him "Then I am not telling you."
He grunted in disapproval, but I could hear traces of amusement in it. Just
as I could feel the smirk he wore on his mouth as his face was buried in my
"I answered your question." He referred back to the Alice In Wonderland
"Fine." I gave in and tried to find the words to explain my reasoning behind
wanting the tattoo "It is something unfairytale like. That conversation we
had about the ugly stepsister had me thinking. I wanted to embrace my
stupid name. A dragon in a fairytale usually represents some kind of
obstacle. It is unique looking and sometimes scary. It is something that
stands in the way of getting the fairytale."
"The tattoo suits you." He said deeply and lowly, still against my head.
I could not take it much longer. I had my legs draped across Stone and I still
felt so cold. I had to wrap my arms around him also.
Eventually, I huffed and stood up from the bed which made the giant let out
a rough dissatisfied noise.
"Where are you going?" He called, sounding as if he was minutes away
from carrying me back to bed.
"I could have sworn I switched the central heating on." I said more to
myself as I checked the small closet in the hallway.
The switch was not on, and the radiators were cold.
I marched through to my room with my hands on my hips "Did you put the
heating off?"
Silence graced the room.
I moved closer to interrogate him, but he only used my nearness to his
advantage. He pulled my knees until I fell on top of him with a thud.
"Stone—ahh." I let out as I was crushed to his chest.
He grumbled under his breath as his large, muscled arms enveloped me and
trapped my body to his.
I looked up in the direction of his face “Did you switch off the central
There was no reply from him.
"Why did you do that, Lurch?"
"If you are cold then you have to cuddle into me." He mumbled, determined
to keep my small body on top of his large one.
"That is... evil and slightly genius." I admitted while throwing my head
back and laughing "I can’t even be mad at you for that."
My finger roamed to his chest as I moved on to my stomach. He watched as
I traced his tattoos. The darkness meant that I could see nothing, but I knew
the black lines from memory.
Even though I was tired, and I could feel sleep taking over, I could not drift
off. There was something I had to do first.
Something that I could blame on the symptoms of sleepiness if it went
To make sure he was not sleeping, I quietly called out "Stone?"
"Ella." He replied.
Whatever I wanted to say got lost in the air. I closed my mouth and rested
my head back on the large chest.
He spoke instead and he asked me "Why do you act oblivious to us?"
I knew what he meant. He meant oblivious to him and his touch. To his
stares and actions overall.
"Who says I’m acting?" I deadpanned.
Stone grumbled "I know you."
I quietly admitted to the shadow of the man underneath me "I’m scared of
getting hurt."
"Ella." He said deeply and lowly, his voice full of determination "I would
never dream of hurting you."
I believed him wholeheartedly.
A sense of relief washed over me when I opened my mouth. I was
expecting to find it hard to admit something so massive to him, but it was
surprisingly easy how the words poured out of me.
"What if I told you that I really liked you?" I uttered into the darkness.
The deep voice spoke back "I would say it is about time."
"I think I liked you from the start." I said aloud but more to myself.
Then I felt it. The overpowering sense of enlightenment. I had been running
from the realisation for too long. I did not want to develop a connection and
I did not want to grow attached.
It was too late. Far too late.
It was pitch black in the room, but I swore I could see him smiling and
maybe I was imagining it, but it was the truest and most handsome smile I
had seen.
I had fallen down the rabbit hole and there was no return.
Alice in Wonderland. I did remember reading it. In the book, Alice lists six
impossible things before breakfast. I recalled the information as I planned
to also list six impossible things of my own.
I listed the most preposterous statements.
It was impossible to find true randomness in nature, everything is meant for
a reason. It was impossible for humans to beat the speed of light, no matter
how great the invention helping them is. It was impossible also for humans
to breathe on Mars. It was impossible to read with your eyes shut. It was
impossible to teach a goldfish algebra.
My sixth and final impossible fact lingered in my mind.
What was unimaginable was hating Valentine Stone.
Even just liking him was unthinkable. What I felt for him was a lot stronger.
Stone pulled the covers up the bed until I was covered completely. He
kissed my head before he said "Go to sleep. Dream yourself up a fairytale."
I relaxed into him and closed my eyes but even then, all I could see was
him. I spoke aloud before sleep took over "I might already have it here
awake with you."
The room went silent. It stayed that way for a good few minutes. In that
time, a large rough hand made its way onto my bare thigh and started to rub
circles on the skin.
I was no longer tired.
He stopped rubbing circles on my thigh because he pulled his hand back.
He then snaked his muscular arm around my waist and pulled me onto him.
My legs planted on the mattress at either side of him. He was so well-built
that I had to open my legs wider to accommodate him between them.
His facial expression never gave anything away. However, his eyes dilated,
and his jaw clenched when he looked down at my body. I was straddling his
boxers when I was only in an oversized t-shirt.
Everything happened so quickly. His hands found my back and he slammed
me down closer to his body. His mouth found mine which was already
parted in anticipation.
Stone dominated the kiss. His mouth was warm and demanding as he
dragged his tongue across my bottom lip. I opened my mouth wider and let
him taste me better. Over and over again, he devoured me.
He was crushing me to his body as our kisses got deeper. It was rough and
almost bruising.
The hands planted on my lower back moved in rush. One hand combed
through my hair and the other held my jaw in a tight cradle. He kept me
close while his greedy tongue continued to rule over my mouth.
A groan made its way out of his large chest.
It was relentless how his tongue stroked over mine in a needy manner.
For a few seconds, I entertained the idea of moving against him and dulling
the ache between my legs.
The giant used his strong arms to hold me to him. His grip was demanding
and desperate. Almost like he wanted to chain me to him.
Something colossal and hard brushed against my thigh.
My eyes widened as I pulled back and looked down.
There was a wet patch on the black boxers, and I knew it had come from
me. All I had on under my shirt was a bra and a thong. The wetness
between my thighs had leaked onto him and gave him indication of my
"I am really sorry. Really, really sorry." I panted out while jumping off
Stone and the bed like they were both made of fire.
I heard the gruff voice call my name, but I ignored it and ran out the room
through the hallway and into the kitchen.
Never in my life I had ever wanted to disappear more than right this
My body was small, but I did not know if it was small enough to fit in the
fridge. There was only one way to find out. I needed to cool down and be
able to hide so it was a win-win situation.
I had one foot in the fridge when Stone walked into the kitchen.
He never said a word as he stormed towards me. His large steps were full of
intent. He only had one thing on his mind and that was to capture me.
His hands found my hips and he bounced me upwards until I landed at eye
level with my legs wrapped around him. His lips connected with mine once
again while my hands went to his tattooed chest.
It felt like a firework had gone off in every single pleasure point in my
body. My erogenous zones were pretty much calling out to him.
My ass landed on the kitchen counter as Stone pulled back to look at me.
His eyes went even darker as I opened my legs wide and gave him a full
view of my panties.
He let out a rough sounding noise before burying his face in my neck. His
stubble tickled my jugular as he left soft kisses on the skin.
I tipped my head back and mewled his name.
"I know, baby." He rasped out, not leaving his position against my neck
"Can I take your shirt off?"
I managed to nod my head.
"Yes." I breathily answered "Yes. Please."
The huge hands moved faster than lightning. He took a hold of my butt
firmly and drew my body forward until I was on the edge of the counter.
The marble dug into the back of my legs as he gripped the material and
I was too busy watching him that I forgot to lift my arms.
Stone could not get the shirt off my body normally, so he became frustrated.
With a deep grumble, he ripped the t-shirt with one hand. He chucked the
useless fabric away with a savage gnarl.
"Hey!" I scolded before asking "What am I going to wear to bed now?"
"You can wear my shirt." He growled.
His eyes went black with hunger as he let his gaze travel across my figure.
He let his attention roam from my pouty lips to my cleavage to my thighs.
His traversing of my body stopped momentarily at the flimsy laced
underwear that showed off a lot of skin.
I looked down at where he was eyeing. My nipples were hard against the
black lace.
"I am cold." I lied, motioning down to my pointed nipples against the
flimsy black material “Someone turned off the heating."
A hoarse chuckle left him before he attacked my mouth in kisses again.
While he tortured my mouth with tantalising kisses, his busy hands
massaged, squeezed and nipped at every part of my body.
The oxygen got knocked out of my lungs and I panted into his mouth.
"Please," I begged him.
He slowly moved one long rough finger to the waistband of my panties. He
tugged teasingly before slipping the lone finger inside.
I was a wiggling mess against him, and he had barely even touched me yet.
My legs opened wider, and my back ached back against the kitchen counter
as Stone tugged my black laced panties to the side.
A low growl made its way out of his chest as his dark eyes set on the space
between my legs.
I could have come right then and there at the sight of him. I could have
come at the sound that left his throat. I could come from how intensely he
was looking at the small wet hole between my legs.
"Fuck. Medusa." He rasped out "You are so beautiful that it physically hurts
to look at you."
My knees buckled and my legs widened further.
"I need to touch you." He released gutturally like the desire was eating him
The flimsy material of my black bra moved up and down with my chest as I
let out a whimper "What is stopping you?"
His fingertip swept over the wetness, and I released a light noise from my
"You are soaked, Drizella." He rumbled while moving his finger to a crease
between my cleft and my thigh "Is this for me?"
I could not even deny it, so I nodded my head. I was lost for words.
His desire was like a wave, flowing from him and wrapping around me. It
made me feel safe and protected. It made me feel cherished and worshiped
and wanted and needed.
"You want my finger inside your perfect little pussy?" He asked in a low
harsh grumble.
The words alone could have tipped me over the edge. A mixture of the
sensual words and his gruff voice could have sent me to a place full of
One of his fingers was equal to two of mine in width. I was going to die and
what a wonderful death it would be.
My eyes fluttered shut and I panted the word "Yes."
Stone's finger slipped into me. He moved so slowly that I thought I was
going to faint from the mere pleasure.
I had never felt so full or so complete.
Moan after moan left my mouth. I started rolling my hips involuntary as his
pace increased. His free arm wrapped around my low back and stopped me
from moving as he pulled my body closer towards him.
Our mouths found each other. His movements became faster, harsher and
more demanding as my walls squeezed his finger. He rocked against me
slightly as he continued to hit the one perfect spot of mine over and over
I could not believe I was doing this with him.
He began to leave soft kisses along my jawline. He left no skin untouched
as he trailed the wet kisses all the way to my ear.
The kiss is hard and punishing just like he is. His tongue pushes right into
my mouth without teasing or tentative asking. He was taking what he
wants, and he was claiming me as his as he fucked with me with his hand.
I slid my hands up his chest and into his hair as I grab hold of him. I climb
his body as my legs go around his waist, wanting to be closer to him as the
heat takes over my body.
I pull back moan into his mouth as the raw passion hits through him. I have
never had feelings like the ones he ignites inside me.
His lone thick finger speeds up and I begin to whine his name.
My impending toe-curling orgasm was so close. I was slightly embarrassed
that the best feeling that I have ever felt was caused by one finger, but I was
too dazed in my lust-state to care.
"You belong to me." He whispered harshly against my earlobe as his finger
slid up against my clit.
The words tipped me over the edge.
I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and held on tight as my
whole body began to shake. I muffled my mouth with his chest so that the
scream would drown out against his bare skin.
Stone held me tightly and not once did he let go. He kissed me everywhere
as the pleasure rolled through me.
He kept the finger pressed on my spot for the full twenty seconds of my
high and commanded "Keep your eyes on me, Medusa."
Pulling his hand back, he inspected the mess I had made on his finger.
Black irises zoned in on my face and never left my gaze as the man against
me popped the wet digit into his mouth.
My chest heaved up and down as I let my forehead fall onto his chest "That
Mind-blowing. Earth-shattering. Phenomenal.
There was no word to describe it.
The deep voice shattered the silence "I am not done."
I pulled back and peered up at him "W-what?"
"I want you all over my hand." He whispered, a dark promise to his eyes "I
will not stop until you have covered it."
The wet sound of him moving in and out of me filled the kitchen again and
again. He began to move his finger even faster while his thumb moved to
circle my clit. The euphoric feeling built up at the centre of my body
countless times in repeat.
My chest moved up and down erratically while I tipped my head back and
mewled his name.
I came and came and came and came.
My eyes were closed when I collapsed against his chest and snuggled into
the warmth his bare chest had to offer.
Stone kissed my forehead and wrapped his large arms around me.
I looked up and rested my chin against his skin when I spoke "What about
It was hard to ignore the Brobdingnagian monster pulsating against my
inner thigh. The long hard length was jutted against the material of his
"I want you to feel good too." I whispered to him shyly "I want to touch
The obsidian orbs softened but he shook his head "You are tired, and you
are going to bed."
"But...But..." I tried to get the words out, but I was still tongue-tied from the
euphoric tingling feeling of pleasure between my legs.
His tattooed hands cupped my face, and he left a soft kiss on my nose.
"That was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen." He rasped out "The
greatest pleasure I could feel is by seeing you in pleasure."
Embarrassed, I covered my face with my palms and forced out quickly "I
need to clean myself up."
"That is my job." He grumbled out while picking me up by the hips and
carrying me through to the bathroom.
I yawned my question "Then can we go and cuddle?"
His chuckle filled my ear as he buried his face in my neck. He never gave
me a vocal answer but his grip on me tightened.
Chapter Thirty-Two
The next day consisted of Stone touching me more often. It would alternate
from small brushes of our hands to him resting a hand on my thigh. It was
like he had held back from touching me for ages and now he would unleash
it and not hold back.
I liked it. A lot.
That was until lunch when he did the inexcusable unforgivable crime that
left me furious.
"I don't like you." I pointed to him as he stole more fries from my plate.
He leaned closer and lowly replied with a smirk "I must have been
hallucinating when I heard you tell me you liked me last night while you
were in my arms."
My eyes narrowed at the giant "My exact words were what if I told I liked
you. That is not a statement. Rather a thesis."
He cocked his head and let out a chuckle. He did not believe me.
"How can you even be hungry?" I asked him before mentioning "Did the
seventeen apple pancakes for breakfast not fill you up?"
I was annoyed at him and not just because he stole my food. Every time that
I tried to eat something or speak to Lana, he would move his hand on my
thigh a tiny bit higher. Which made it all that harder to concentrate and
form a sentence.
I glared at him a few times and all he did was smirk, but not once did he
remove his hand.
Brennan spoke up from the other side of the table by gleefully asking
"Little Ella, I heard that you went and got a tattoo with Stone."
Lana dropped the fork that had a piece of what the school called pasta on it
from her mouth in shock.
Her head snapped up in my direction as she shouted, "You got a tattoo, and
you never told me?"
"Well—" I started.
She quickly cut me off so she could ramble "Why did you not tell me? This
is ridiculous. What did you get tattooed? When did you go? Did it hurt?"
I let out a small laugh at my best friends’ questions and then answered them
all except the last "I had not told you yet because it was only last night I got
it done and I got a dragon on my thigh."
"Did it hurt?" She asked, noticing that I had never answered that part the
first time.
About to lie that I took the pain of the tattoo like a badass, I was stopped by
the expression on Stone's face. He looked like he was reigning in a laugh.
Glaring at him, I kicked his leg under the table which earned me a
sidewards smirk from him.
I remembered how worried he was about my fainting episode after the
tattoo parlour, so I then considered pretending to faint off the bench just to
get some sort of revenge.
When I looked back at Lana, she was watching both of us and decided to
direct her question to Stone "Did she find it painful?"
He answered her back but remained smirking at me "She handled it."
Lana nodded her head, but she was not done talking about it "I can’t believe
you two managed to hang out without their being any La Petite Morts."
The juice I had in my mouth went everywhere as I entered a coughing fit at
her incorrect French phrase.
"What?" I said, mortified.
"It is French." She explained like she truly believed the meaning was
innocent "It means a war that ends up resulting in a small death. Like a
blow to the ego."
Brennan had a hand over his mouth and Stone sat back in his chair with a
small smug smile.
She was obsessed with France. She took French as a subject but I guess the
curriculum did not cover sex phrases.
"It does not mean that." I told her.
She looked at the two boys and frowned confusedly "Oh. What does La
Petite Mort mean then?"
Brennan then added while grinning mischievously "Yeah Ella. What does it
I sneered at him before responding to Lana "Ask your boyfriend."
Lana nodded and then proceeded to ask, "So was it something else you did
last night?"
"No!" I shouted and resisted the urge to climb under the table and live there
for the remainder of the day.
I wished that I was a good liar. I wished that I was not thinking about good
he made me feel with one little touch of finger.
"Not yet." Brennan muttered.
I glared at him.
The terrible French speaker smiled at her boyfriend before announcing to us
all "Guess who cancelled his plans the night of The Fall Ball to take me
there? Is he not the sweetest?"
Pointing to my saviour Brennan with a handful of fries, I told him "You are
back in my good books, Lover Boy. Now I do not need to go to this stupid
"How is that?" Lana argued, unimpressed by my unwillingness to go.
"Because he is taking you and that means I don’t have to."
"That is not how it works." She said to me before claiming "We all have to
go together as a group."
Stone leant down to ask me while the other two were busy talking "Why
don't you want to go to the dance?"
I raised an eyebrow at him "Why would I want to go?"
Lana spoke so loudly that it broke me out of my intense eye-lock with
Stone. We all looked at her as she ranted to Brennan.
"We have not spent any time together all week because you have been so
busy." She let out a sigh before snapping at him further "Where do you have
to go that is so important? You are always busy, and you never tell me
The Houdini acts by Stone had completely blanked my mind. Spending
time with the man next to me had affected my thoughts and changed my
My leg went cold as Stone's hand moved away from me. I looked up at him
to see him scowling in the other direction.
The quarterback's arrival could not have come at a worst time.
Chase stood at the end of the table and his attention was on the mountain of
a man next to me.
He was smirking at the giant meanwhile Stone addressed him with an
emotionless glance.
None of us said anything to him.
The blonde quarterback was the one to fill the awkward hostile silence by
meeting my eye and asking, "Can I speak to you?"
That was when Stone went from emotionless to ferocious. He was a
sleeping bear at that moment and one move would result in Chase leaving
the school in a body bag.
I missed the La Petite Mort chat.
"Is it about your Shakespeare paper that you asked me to mark?" I asked
He nodded "Yeah. That is what it is about."
"It is in my locker." I told him and then I thought it best to keep Chase away
and safe from the wrath of Stone, so I added "I have to go there anyway to
get the stuff for my next class. I will go and get it now."
Chase put a hand on his chest and feigned hurt "You only want to talk to me
as as my tutor. I thought we were more than that."
A growl was heard, and it reminded me that Stone had as much social
etiquette as someone raised by wolves. He was also as ruthless as one, so I
stood up and did not meet the pair of dark eyes.
I could feel them on me though. They followed me until I left the cafeteria
with the jock.
The corridor was empty when I arrived at the locker with Chase. We made
small talk from the cafeteria to the hallway. The usual stuff from football to
parties to gossip. Topics that I did not care for, but they kept the
conversation going.
Putting in the combination for my locker, I pulled out my English folder
and rummaged through the unorganised pieces of paper until I found the
one that was not in my handwriting.
Handing him the essay, I smiled in encouragement "It was a good paper, but
I think you need to work on—"
Chase put his hands up to cut me off and then he laughed at me "Ella, did
you really think I wanted my work back?"
"No, I thought you were taking me out of the lunch hall to take me to
Disneyland." I bit out sarcastically "Of course I thought you wanted your
work back."
Ignoring my sarcasm, He explained his real motive "Come to the dance
with me."
"I thought you said something about not being able to go." I recalled, "You
mentioned that there was a massive event at your beach fight club thing."
Chase nodded "Litora Bello got pushed back until midnight so I can now
make it."
I bit my cheek to contain my laugh. The way he pronounced Litora Bello
like it was some god-given sacred gift in his dramatic tone was amusing.
"You know that I loathe stupid school functions and I hate dancing." I spoke
truthfully "Also, I am sure you would rather take someone that is more than
a platonic date."
He did not seem disappointed at all. He was not looking at me at all.
Something behind my shoulder him occupied his attention but he still
replied cockily "You are missing the opportunity to go to the dance with the
best-looking guy in the school."
"And the most humble." I joked before I apologised "I am sorry. It is just
not really my thing."
A smirk made its way onto his face as he moved in closer. I was just about
to pull away, but he managed to leave a quick kiss on my cheek.
"It is fine, Ella." He assured me "We can do something else another time."
The move was a dead giveaway. I turned around to see what Chase had
been looking at or more appropriately who he had been looking at the
whole time.
The ginormous eavesdropper was leaning on a wall of lockers a few steps
away. His expression was not like anything similar to what I had seen in the
past days. He looked mad. Mad was not a strong enough word for it. Livid
was probably a better description.
His jaw muscles were tightened, and his hands were clenched. It was
predatory and ravening.
Stone did not say anything, but it was enough to make Chase disappear
down the corridor. The blonde male was gone when I turned back to face
One thing I had learned about Stone was that his muteness was one of the
most intimidating things about him. He went quiet and calculating when he
was mad.
That is why I never shied away from him. He was never silent around me.
Although if I had received even a quarter of the fury, I had seen a minute
ago then I would have run down the corridor too.
His silence was chilling.
There was no point in avoiding him so like a lamb to the slaughterhouse, I
loitered over towards him.
His face and dark eyes softened when he seen me making my way to him.
Only slightly because faster than I could say Chase-and-I-were-only-
talking, he was dragging the both of us into the closest room to where his
lookout spot was.
He lifted me into the janitors closer and slammed the door behind him.
The small, confined space smelt like feet and cleaning chemicals. I had
never been in the tiny room. I was not one for a rendezvous in the janitor’s
I did not get a good look around the place. That was due to Stone's large
body blocking my view as he caged me against the wall. His two hands
went to either side of my head as he neared me.
He was still furious. His eyebrows were furrowed, and his gaze was
darkened. His veins bulged in his arms and hands as his jaw ticked in a fast
The way he asked his question was more like a demand "What were you
doing with him?"
"I was giving Chase his English paper back" I replied and then added, "He
also had something to ask me."
"I know he had something to ask you." He growled, "I was listening the
whole time."
"Why would you eavesdrop?" I asked him as he pressed his whole body
against me but not enough to fully squash me.
He did not answer.
I poked his solid chest to tease him and to turn the conversation light-
hearted "Were you jealous?"
"I am not jealous." Stone gritted out, roughly.
"You are not?"
"Jealous is when you want something that is not yours." His face moved
until it was inches away from mine then he growled “I am territorial. I am
protecting what is already mine."
I tilted my head and narrowed my eyes “I really want to slap the smugness
out of you."
The darkened eyes lightened a little as he replied, "I am sure there will be a
stepladder in here for you to do so."
"I am not small!" I stood on my toes but ended up just falling onto his chest.
"The little fucker kissed you on the cheek." Stone grumbled murderously to
The funny thing was that Chase was over six foot, so he was hardly little to
a normal-sized human. He was to the giant in front of me.
"A kiss on the cheek?" I repeated in shock "That is what has got you riled
"Drizella." He uttered my name darkly like it was a curse and a prayer "I
am envious of the wind that touches your skin."
Stone closed any remaining space between us and I thought he was about to
kiss me when he gnarled again.
"What has got me wanting to destroy the little blonde prick and take his
pathetic life is that he is trying to get my girl."
The last two words sounded so tantalising and sensual coming from his lips
that my knees almost gave in.
"Your girl, huh?" I crossed my arms "Since when?"
"Since fucking always."
I went back on my heels and argued "Well that is the first of me hearing
about it."
He ignored my comment and instead darkly assured me "You are my girl."
At his words, I tilted my head to face him again "You can't just stop Chase
from talking to me—"
"I can."
"I wouldn’t stop you from talking to Lacey." I countered back.
It was my argument, but it was not a very strong one. If she tried to speak to
him again then I would probably try and gauge out her eyes.
"Who the fuck is Lacey?" He replied and he sounded genuinely clueless as
to who I was speaking about.
If we were not arguing, then I might have twirled in glee.
I was not going to remind him of the pretty blonde who was trying to flirt
with him. Alternatively, I kept quiet and tried not to kiss him.
I was scared of him. I was so scared of him but not in the way everyone else
was. He could hurt me. If I did not have strong feelings for him then I
would not have been terrified of getting hurt.
Stone spoke but it was in a much softer tone "Are you ignoring me now?"
"I am not ignoring you." I answered honestly "I am simply evaluating.
Sometimes I don't think I know you."
He cupped my face and gently moved my head upwards, so I was looking at
"Ella, you know me better than anyone."
"Lana is upset about the whole disappearing act that Brennan does and I
don't know how I feel about it either."
The body against mine stilled and the wide shoulders tensed.
I interpreted his tenseness as the cause of the earlier topic, so I made sure he
knew "I don't not like Chase. He is my friend-ish and I don't have any
romantic feelings for him."
The lip that was set in a frown twitched once.
"Although," I lingered on the words.
"Although what?" He replied in his deep commanding voice.
I smiled up at him "I am really starting to second guess wanting a guy that
pulls me into smelly closets and does not bother to kiss me."
His smile turned to a full one and I could not help but mirror his expression.
I leant on my toes and noticed that I only managed to reach the top half of
his chest, so I said, "Get down here, Lurch."
A chuckle left him, and his mouth twitched into a smile as he stared down
at me.
"Get down here." I ordered, motioning for him to bend down closer to me
"Or I will have to climb up there."
His laugh became closer as he leaned down and brushed a piece of hair out
my face.
Just when our lips brushed, the door to the closet gets slammed open and
we pulled apart.
Mr Dankworth stood in the doorway with an expression that should not be
on a teacher that had caught two students kissing in a cleaning closet. He
looked full of glee.
The English teacher sounded apologetic as he rambled on "I am so sorry.
This is usually where I go to get some peace and quiet to read. Some loud
birds sit on the window of the classroom, and I cannot enjoy Dickens there.
However, I will find somewhere else to read today. See you crazy kids
I was standing there gaping at him as he started walking out of the small
The old teacher was about to shut the door but then felt the need to add “I
knew you two were getting together. You two are just like something out of
Pride and Prejudice."
The door closed and I let out a groan as I let my head fall onto the well-built
Stone chuckled at my embarrassment, and I found myself laughing into the
chest of my darker, scarier, leather-jacket wearing Mr Darcy.
Chapter Thirty-Three
The deep voice commanded "Be ready for me in five minutes."
After flicking through the channels for a good ten minutes, I finally found
something worth watching. Two grown women pulling at each other's hair
and fighting one another for their same interest in a man.
I was no longer watching the television because my phone rang from an
incoming call from the giant.
"Where are we going?" I questioned while trying to keep my excitement to
a minimum.
"I am taking you out."
I smiled to myself before I asked, "Like as in a date taking me out of as in
an assassin taking me out?"
Stone chuckled before rasping out "Come and find out."
"How do I know it's worth my time?" I teased into the phone "I think I
might just stay here."
"I'm outside." The rough low voice grumbled playfully "Get your tiny self
down here now."
I hummed teasingly.
"Yes, Lurch?"
"You are coming with me whether you like it or not." The gruff sound
escaped his throat demandingly "I will come up there and drag you down."
He would do that. I knew he would. He had flung me over his shoulder
several times before. I was well acquainted with his arms and shoulders.
I might have challenged him to throw me over his shoulder again but the
smell from the kitchen stopped me. I had just had my dinner. If he threw me
over his shoulder, my stomach would probably react. The consequence
could be that his leather jacket gets ruined, and I did not want to do that. I
was planning to steal it at some point.
I really liked that jacket.
"You are going to have to convince me, Lurch." I voiced to him while I
turned the television off "At least give me a clue on where we are going."
I was going to go and meet him, but I liked to see him all agitated. It was
not like he did not purposely go out of his way to annoy me either.
Skipping through to the hall, I grabbed my jacket from the coat-hanger
before turning to face the mirror on the wall and fixing my hair.
My black shirt had a skull and some flowers on it. It had a low hanging V-
neck so I spent some time arranging my boobs so that there was the perfect
amount of cleavage showing.
"We might be going somewhere that involves books." The deep voice on
the other the end of the line informed.
"Okay." I sighed "But I do have boobs up here."
My eyes widened as the words left my mouth. My mouth hung open when I
released my mistake.
I was meant to say books, but I was too busy preoccupied with fixing my
boobs that the wrong word slipped out.
The phone line went quiet for a few seconds.
"We should definitely stay home then." Stone chuckled.
I could not think of anything to say so I hung up the phone and made my
downstairs to the ground floor of the apartment building.
His large form and irritating smirk became visible as I walked over to his
black truck.
He watched me walk over to him with a glare and his response was to smirk
even more at me.
"It was autocorrect!" I blurted out lamely.
"We were on the phone."
"Be quiet, Lurch." I shushed him before murmuring jokingly "I don't why I
said it. I have never spoke about my boobs to anyone before—"
Stone grumbled, a dark rumble of a noise "You better not have."
The amusement in his eyes returned as I put my hands on my hips and
narrowed my eyes at him.
"I hate you, you big oaf." I laughed the words at him while ignoring his
hilarity at the situation and climbing into his truck "Let's go."
He circled the truck, got in and started the engine while stealing a few
glances my way.
"Are you sure you do not want to stay home?" He questioned amusedly "I
was planning to carry you if you put up a fight, but you have convinced me
to stay."
As I put on my seatbelt, I glared at the side of his head. His tone was smug
and annoying, and I knew I was never going to hear the end of my
accidental boob speech.
"Drive." I tried to growl but it sounded too playful and not at all like his
animalistic growls.
We pulled off my street and drove along past the beach. I was not paying
attention to where we were going because I was too busy glaring at the side
of his head.
He kept his eyes on the road, but his lip twitched every so often when I
looked at him from my seat.
When we approached a set of lights, Stone gave me his full attention as he
mentioned "I have told you something about me nobody knows but you
have not told me anything."
I thought back to his love of Alice in Wonderland and I smiled.
"Well, what do you want to know?" I replied.
Raising a brow, he let out a single laugh "If it is something nobody knows
then how would I know what to ask?"
"Smartass." I coughed but then I decided that it was only fair to let him
know something, so I admitted “I hate coffee with a passion."
"That is a big secret?"
I nodded "Nobody else knows that."
He continued driving when the lights turned green, but he shot me a look of
confusion "Why is you not liking coffee a secret?"
"I drink coffee because I feel I have to. A bookworm is always depicted
drinking a cup of coffee while reading. It is pretty much a universal truth
that coffee and books are the perfect mix." I explained before further adding
"When I read at the library or at a cafe, I always order coffee and I stomach
it because I feel I need to. As a nerd, I have an obligation to drink coffee."
The car went silent.
Then Stone tipped his head back and laughed.
It was deep and rough. It was loud and so unexpected that I almost jumped
out of my seat.
He remained to laugh while shaking his head to himself "Where do you
come up with this stuff?"
Turning slightly in my seat, I faced the side of him and asked, "You are a
classified book nerd, do you drink coffee?"
Stone nodded.
I then proved my point by asking him further "Have you seen someone in a
cafe reading with a hot chocolate or tea?"
He remained silent and I was left feeling victorious.
"Let me guess. You only drink black coffee." I voiced with certainty.
"What makes you think that?" He asked, his lip twitching.
"The colour matches your soul." I joked before adding on a more serious
note "I can’t see you sitting with a Frappuccino with whipped cream,
marshmallows and sprinkles."
"Yes, Medusa." He confirmed, "I only drink black coffee."
I did not have any coffee in my apartment, so I made a reminder to myself
to buy some when I went grocery shopping. I also needed to pick up some
more apples because he had wolfed down two bags of them last time.
"Tell me something else." He insisted persistently "Surely there is more
secrets to Drizella Miller."
I tried to think of something interesting about myself. Nothing came to
mind, and I was left with the thought that I should probably pick up a new
When something finally popped into my mind, I told him "When I was
thirteen, I had a blog where I would post theories every day."
"You had a blog when you were thirteen where you posted theories?" He
"Is that not what I just said?" I sassily replied, watching his lips move up in
a minuscule smile.
He glanced at me, and he chuckled "That is so fucking cute."
"I do not know what you are laughing at." I rolled my eyes "Thirteen-year-
old Ella knew what she was talking about. I once got one hundred and fifty
thousand views."
"What kind of theories did you write?"
Stone was definitely teasing me, but I was too far into the conversation to
turn back.
"Just the usual theories." I said before listing some of them "Existence of
aliens, alternative universes, Elvis still being alive, time travel—"
"Wait." He stopped me mid-sentence "You think Elvis is still alive?"
"Not so much now." I told him "I was eleven when I wrote that one. There
was a whole blog post about how Jailhouse Rock was a hint that he was
stuck in a prison of his own making and faking his death was an escape. It
was a load of bullshit but my argument on it was very convincing."
He smiled evilly. A smile that I imagined the devil had just before he
released sin into the world.
"I am sure it was." He retorted "If you give the name of your blog then you
will have one more view to add to your one hundred and fifty thousand."
"No way." I argued, knowing that he would be able to terrorise me for the
rest of my life with that kind of information.
The street was dimly lit so I could not see that well where we were, but it
looked familiar. Really familiar.
I leaned forward in my seat and looked out of his window. Once it hit me
where we were, I looked to Stone who was already watching me as he
parked the black truck.
"Why are we at the library?" I asked before feeling the need to mention "I
doubt they are open at night."
"Come." He said as he opened the truck door.
I hesitantly opened the door and followed him.
He gently grabbed my arm when I walked over to him. He pulled me to his
side and then walked with my arm still in the embrace of his calloused
"We will miss it." He said as he took long strides that were hard to keep up
I was going to question what we were going to miss but I was unable to
because I was out of breath trying to keep up with his pace.
"Can you slow down?" I huffed as we walked inside the old looking
building "I am out of breath here, Lurch."
Stone did slow down and rubbed at my back like it would magically make
me fitter.
"Sorry, Medusa." He said with a chuckle "I forgot you had such small legs."
I swatted his arm in response, following him into the large open space filled
with books.
The library was a lot more classic looking than other ones in the city. The
shelves were wooden, and they towered the place. The place still had
modern books, but a lot of the largest aisles were filled with old hardbacks
to fit the aesthetic of the building.
I never really visited this particular library a lot. I should have because I
loved the feeling of the place. It reminded me of the one from Beauty and
The Beast and it made me want to prance around the aisle of books.
The library however looked different. In the middle of the large room, the
shelves had been moved to clear a large space. Instead of books, people
were sat facing a white sheet hung on the wall.
The white sheet had a black and white scene of Santa Monica pier playing
from the projector a few metres away. At least fifty people were sitting in
front of the scene watching intently.
Turning my head away from the mini cinema to the awfully quiet Lurch, I
asked "What is going on here? Why is the library even open at this time?"
He was about to reply but stopped when the film everyone was watching
started playing on the speakers.
The first words I heard were familiar from the film were "It was many and
many a year ago, in a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom
you may know—"
"By the name of Annabel Lee." I finished the line and looked to Stone
while tilting my head.
Stone did not meet my eye when explaining "In the thirties, some actors
from a theatre in Los Angeles came to Santa Monica to practice film
making. They filmed themselves acting out Edgar Allan Poe poems. This
library has the only copy on film, and they show it every year."
I was lost for words. Completely and utterly stunned into silence.
He picked up on my silence and quickly added as he rubbed his jaw "I
thought you would like it but if you want to go somewhere else then—"
My excitement could not be contained any longer. I let out a high-pitched
squeal that surprised Stone and myself.
Thinking about how much I did not want to miss a single poem, I grabbed
his hand without thinking and pulled him to where everyone was sitting.
Once we were sat in the crowd of people, the warmth in my fingers
travelled to my face as I realised that I had grabbed his hand.
I tried to pull away, but he did not let me.
I did not try to untangle our fingers again, but I raised an eyebrow at him.
While squeezing my hand, he nonchalantly told me "It is mine now."
To hide my smile, I focused on the screen where a man sat on a cliff's edge
and looked to the sky. My eyes stayed glued to the screen as a few more
poems were acted out.
I did not understand why the films were never shown in the theatre. They
were amazing and beautiful. I did not watch a lot of black and white movies
but this one I could not imagine in colour.
It was perfect in monochrome. It was perfect the way it was.
Kind of like the guy who was beside me who laughed at my quoting of
every line from memory.
"I feel bad." I whispered from beside me.
He was already watching me when I turned to face him.
Stone frowned and asked, "Why?"
"You are kind of losing your street credit by being here." I told him with a
small laugh "Imagine if I told someone at school that the terrifying silent
giant was sitting watching people from ninety years ago reciting poetry.
They would never believe me."
The hand which was not clutching mine reached out to move a piece of hair
from my face as he questioned "Why do you feel bad about that?"
"You have to sit here through this with me." I stated like it was obvious "I
don't even know if you like Edgar Allan Poe."
"I have read a few of his poems." He said back and then added, "I would
have read more if a small green girl did not steal her book back."
"How did you even know about this?" I motioned to the screen.
He did not answer.
"Stone, thank you." I told him and meant it "I think this is the nicest and
most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me."
His large arm nestled around my waist before he lifted me onto his lap. His
attention went on to the screen as he did so as he overlooked my shoulder.
I was going to argue but I figured I owed him for his gesture so instead I
turned my head to the side and glared at him, but I did not move.
"Next time we will do something that you love doing." I whispered to him
He said lowly against my neck "What did you have in mind?"
"I don't know." I voiced before thinking of something "We could always
just go to a public place and glare at everybody to scare them away. You
love doing that."
His glare was not successful because he ended up letting out a rough laugh
after it. This was also after I let out a small giggle.
A smart comeback was probably on the edge of his lips but a middle-aged
man in front of us turned around and shushed us.
The angry shusher in front of us quickly apologised after meeting the gaze
of the scary man I was resting on.
Covering my mouth to stop myself from laughing, I focused back on the
short film playing. I let my head rest back on to his chest as I remained to
lose myself in the words of the poet.
I watched it intently for a while until I saw that Stone was not watching it
"Are you bored?" I asked in a hushed voice over my shoulder
"No." He replied, still not even bothering to look at the screen.
I moved my head back so I could look up at him and I could utter "Then
why are you just watching me?"
"Because you are beautiful." His mouth said against my hair "You are also
mouthing every word. I am not missing a thing."
Flustered, I tried to hide half my face by pressing myself into his jacket. I
could feel his laughter by the vibrations of his chest. The last poem was
being performed so I focused on that instead of his compliment.
I attempted to put it to the back of my mind anyway. I do not see how it was
possible when he was pressed up against me and his lips were near my jaw.
"The only thing that would make this better is if there were gummy bears."
I said but it was more to myself to plan for the next time that I left the
Stone moved from behind me and fetched something out of the pocket of
his leather jacket. I heard rustling before he put something on my lap.
He had bought me a packet of gummy bears.
I grinned up at him before I opened them and started picking out the apple
flavoured green ones and handing them to him.
"Thank you, Medusa."
It was still hard to believe that he had planned something like this for me.
What I said about it being the nicest thing anyone had done for me was true.
It was probably an understatement.
Watching the man on the screen talk to the raven, I thought about how I had
no idea how to even start to show my appreciation to Stone.
Nothing seemed a big enough thank you.
The credits on the short film rolled. I could not help but feel disappointed.
Disappointed that the marathon of dark poems was finished and that I had
to pull away from him.
Without letting go of his hand, we stood up and walked out of the library. I
pretty much skipped out of the library feeling giddy and grateful. He
watched me amusedly as I twirled on my toes.
When we stepped outside the main door of the library, I pulled him closer to
me and directed him towards the side of the building instead of the parking
He followed willingly as I led him to a side alley and leant my back against
the wall.
I rose on my toes when he neared the front of my body.
Stone watched as I stretched upwards and then he took pity and lifted me
up, so I was at eye level with him.
Before I could lean in, he kissed me.
His lips collided with mine. His arms wrapped around my waist instantly
and mines tangled hastily behind his neck to bring him closer. He lightly
nudged my chin up so he could deepen the ferocity of the kiss. It was full of
need and desire. His tongue trailed over my lip before meeting my own as
my lips parted more to let him take over. Stone demanded dominance and I
happily complied.
It should have been impossible to have felt as much sweet pleasure and
warmth from merely a kiss.
It was not mere. It was everything. It was scary how addicted I found
myself to the kiss. To his kiss.
I could not imagine it ending or wanting it to.
Unfortunately, it did. We pulled away as our need for oxygen matched our
need for each other.
Stone did not let go of my waist and he instead kept his forehead against
mine as he huskily asked, "What was that for?"
"It was a thank you." I revealed "Thank you for bringing me here. I loved
He chuckled against my lips before he roughly let out “A kiss for bringing
you here? It is a real fucking shame that they only show it once a year."
I released a small breathy laugh, and I was about to kiss him again when my
phone went off.
Disappointedly, I pulled back and bit my lip to stop myself from letting out
a moan of discontent while looking at my phone.
"Hello?" I spoke while I put the phone to my ear.
"Hey, my bestest friend in my world." Lana replied, "You know I love you
more than anything, right?"
"What are you after?" I asked into the phone "It better not be a Barbie
marathon again."
"Brennan just picked me up from my house to go to the pier. It is really
awkward." She sighed before pleading with me "Can you come?"
"You want me to come with you on your date?"
"Please." She replied "I have convinced Brennan to text Stone as well so
you will not be alone.
I looked up to Stone and he was reading his phone too. He must have
sensed that I was staring at him because he turned his attention from the
phone to me.
"Ice cream?" I insisted nicely to the giant.
"I am going to kill Brennan." He grumbled under his breath.
I let out a small laugh as we walked back to his truck.
Stone sped down the road and he looked to be deep in thought. Whenever
the road was not busy, and the traffic did not require attention then he
would look my way.
"I had a really good time." I spoke up.
"When did you start liking Edgar Allan Poe?"
I laughed before looking down at my lap and admitting "I meant that I had a
good time with you, you jumbo-sized jackass."
He never said anything until he howled a deep laugh. I joined in and
laughed into the wind as I rolled down the window to the truck.
The ice cream parlour was not that busy when we arrived. A few people
occupied the booths and that included Lana and Brennan who were sitting
at the same seats we were at when we all met.
"So, you two just bumped into each other?" Brennan asked us both, looking
unconvinced at our lie.
Stone silently nodded and I acted like I was concentrating on devouring my
mint chocolate chip ice cream cone to hear him.
Once Brennan dropped the question, I looked up from the delicious green
gloop and spoke "What have you two been up to?"
None of them looked in a rush to reply.
"Let me guess." I tapped my chin and lore tended to think "It is Brennan so
no doubt he took you to get a candy apple to reminisce on how you two
"You know me so well, Little Ella." Brennan replied, "That was my plan
after we left here."
Lana had not spoken since we first arrived.
The place we sat together was where Lana and Brennan met back when it
was all rainbows and butterflies. What was left was an awkward silence.
The pier and the ice cream place were also where I met him.
Things had changed from back then, but they had also stayed the same.
Everything had been heightened since then.
When I peered at him now, I realised that the feeling I had when I looked at
him was the same feeling that I had the night of our meeting and every time
with him since. It was just a lot more obvious.
I guess it took me a while to address the big elephant in the room or more
appropriately the big Lurch in the room.
I had meant every word when I told him that I had liked him from the start.
What I lied about was how much.
Eating the remaining spoonful of ice cream and staring at him, I was not
paying attention to anything else.
That is why Lana felt the need to kick me under the table to gain it.
I jolted in my seat and looked to her, telepathically asking What is it?
She communicated back We need to talk.
I nodded my head at her in understanding before we both got up from the
Stone's gaze remained on me the same as it was a minute ago but one of his
dark eyebrows had raised.
Brennan's expression was similar, but he voiced what he was thinking
"Where are you going?"
The person who he wanted to answer did not and that left me to quickly
think on my feet.
I ended up blurting out "We are away to powder our nose."
"Powder your nose?" Stone chuckled at my pathetic excuse of an excuse
"Are you also away to travel back to the nineteenth century?"
I rolled my eyes "Would you rather I say I was away to urinate?"
Lana and I scurried away from the boys to the bathroom. As soon as the
door to the bathroom closed, she looked around for a sign of anyone else
being there. She confirmed that there was nobody in the cubicles before she
let out a small breath.
"What is going on, Lana?" I asked while putting a hand on her arm to stop
her from pacing.
She closed her eyes for a few seconds and then told me "I don't know. I am
"About Brennan?"
Nodding, she pulled herself onto the edge of the sink for a seat "Sometimes
it is so good between us. We get on well and we laugh, and he is amazing.
He is more than amazing."
"But.” She started to explain "Other times I feel that am forcing everything
between us."
I joined her by sitting on the sink next to her as I questioned "You think you
are forcing your feelings for him?"
"It sounds stupid." She huffed "Surely this is a just a phase and I will feel
different in the long run."
"Maybe but it might not be." I insisted before adding "I just want you to be
happy and sure of yourself."
I felt guilty and I felt like I had betrayed Brennan. It was a confusing
situation because Lana was my best friend, but Brennan also meant
something to me.
My parents never had any children other than me, and I had always wanted
a brother. If I could have picked anyone in the world to be my brother, then
I would choose Brennan without a doubt.
"What do I do?" She sighed.
"I know best friends always know best but I really do not know." I tried to
be helpful "Brennan is a great guy but if you are not happy with him then
you need to be honest with yourself."
She nodded as she let her head fall on my shoulder.
"I am terrible at this kind of stuff. I am sorry." I replied lamely "I have
never had an epic romance or a great love story."
Lana seemed to brighten up at my words and she cocked her head with a
smile "Are you not?"
I did not miss how she used present rather than past.
The chequered floor looked like a good place to focus on instead of her.
At my action, she laughed "Like you said best friends always know best."
Still avoiding confronting what she was hinting at, I patted her back "Let's
go back. He will be wondering where you are. Talk to him. If he tries to buy
you a candy apple or take you on the Ferris wheel, then work with him.
Maybe you will reconnect."
We walked out of the bathroom and made our way back over to the two
who were already watching us.
Lana at least appeared a bit calmer than she did before. She offered Brennan
a smile which he returned instantly.
On the other side of the table, I stuck my tongue out at Stone who was
smirking in his seat.
Brennan started a conversation with Lana while Stone leaned closer and
rested his thick muscled arms on the table.
His voice was a deep low noise "What was that all about?"
"I just had to tell Lana some stuff." I kept my answer as vague as possible.
"Like what?"
I gave him my biggest and sweetest smile "Just telling her how amazing
and how smart Valentine Stone is."
He smirked and his reply was dripping with sarcasm "Really?"
"Of course."
Stone shook his head while chuckling "What drugs did this place put in
your ice cream?"
"I can compliment you." I argued before giving an example "Lurch, you
have an excellent taste in companionship to take to an Edgar Allan Poe film
An hour passed with several backhanded compliments between us. He
definitely had a few good insults but not enough to win the round.
Brennan pitched into our conversation by smirking at Stone and asking me
"Ella, is Stone your type?"
"No," I joined teams with Brennan to tease Stone "I usually go for more
well-built and larger guys."
It was a complete and utter lie. There was nobody bigger than Valentine
The giant sat back in his chair and silently challenged me like he did not
believe me for one second.
His question came out as a small growl "Like who?"
I shrugged "Brennan is pretty buff."
"Yeah. I am." Brennan added, kissing his arm muscles.
Another growl from Stone and then the two males decided to go against
each other in an arm-wrestling match.
Poor Brennan had to get his dislocated shoulder put back into the socket
We all got up and left the ice cream parlour. By the time we were outside,
none of the rides nor stalls were open. The pier was only lit up by the lights
on the railings.
I slowed my pace so Lana and Brennan could get a few yards in front, so
they had the opportunity to speak.
Stone hung back with me, and it was not long before he started the teasing
He eventually asked, "So what are we going to do about them then?"
"What do you mean?" I questioned, wondering if he had picked up on the
tension between the two.
"We told them we bumped into each other." He mentioned before adding "I
am your ride home"
"We could just make a run for it and ditch them here." I joked then gave
him a real answer "I can just walk home."
"Not happening." Stone dismissed the idea in his commanding voice "I am
not letting you walk home, and I am not missing out on watching you
pretend to hate inviting me inside your apartment."
I nudged him "Who says I am letting you inside?"
He shot me a cocky grin and I glowered at him.
"Especially after that stunt you pulled last night with the heating." I added,
pretending to be angry about it.
I was going to let him in, but I would make him wait outside my door for a
good ten minutes to appear that I was not eager for his presence.
I changed it to five minutes when he saw me shiver from the night air and
he placed his leather jacket over my shoulders.
Chapter Thirty-Four
Mr Dankworth's classroom was one of the most aesthetically pleasing
places I had ever been. I appreciated the handwritten book quotes stuck on
the wall and the books lining the shelves.
Lana took her seat next to me and pulled out her English notes before she
spoke to the three of us "My parents are having a barbecue tonight and they
told me to invite all of you."
Both males behind us nodded their head. The one I stole a glance at smirked
at me.
I whispered to the blonde girl “I thought you were only inviting Brennan?"
When I was watching Addams Family on the sofa with the large giant after
we had gotten back from the pier, Lana had texted and talked about inviting
Brennan to hers for dinner.
She must have changed her mind.
"Charlie is getting dropped off by my aunt because she has an
appointment." Lana told me before she added "It was not going to be just
Brennan and my parents anyway. Plus, you are the only one that can handle
Her little cousin Charlie was five and a troublemaker. I liked to think of him
as a kindred spirit. He was the mini creature that helped me realise that I
wanted to pursue a job that involved kids and teaching.
Lana and her parents were always surprised at how well Charlie behaved
when I was around. That led to many babysitting sessions with him. Not
that I minded. I got on well with the small boy and it gave me an excuse to
go to places such as the arcade and ice cream place.
"So, I’m only getting invited tonight to babysit?" I accused.
"Of course not. I want you there." She argued and then she smiled "My
Mom wants you there and for you to bring your boyfriend."
I blinked before repeating "My what?"
There was a small grumble from behind me that sounded like a volcano
Lana motioned to behind me "She told me to invite Stone."
I had not sat down and spoke to Lana about my feelings towards Stone. I
was scared to. I did not want to throw it in her face that I was getting on so
well with the giant when she was barely making it through the relationship.
"He is not my boyfriend." I denied before making the point of pointing
backwards to strengthen my half-lie "I am not anything to him—"
I did not believe that I was nothing to him, but I thought that maybe the
others would buy my lie and believe that I was insignificant to Stone.
A dark chuckle was heard before the large body behind me leant close until
he was behind my ear "Finish that sentence."
Stone sounded furious.
That was the moment when Mr Dankworth decided to stand up and start the
"I have decided to give you some time in class for your paired essays." He
announced, "I know what you are all like these days and you think that
everything is better over social media and phone, but the best way is face to
Multiple sighs were heard across the room, but I did not hear any from the
desk situated behind mine.
"So, get in your pairs and ask each other questions. Deep ones. I do not
want to be reading what your partner watched on TV last night." Mr
Dankworth instructed.
I could sense a pair of eyes on the back of my neck. The dark gaze made
my whole body feel warm like I was on fire in the best possible way.
I let out an exaggerated groan so I could hide my smile as I grabbed my bag
and moved into the seat next to the large angry looking Goliath.
The class moved around, and the people arranged themselves into their
pairs. Lana stayed where she was and waited for her partner to come over.
Brennan moved a few rows in front so I could take his seat.
Instead of a normal greeting like a hello or how are you, I got a growl.
"You think that you are nothing to me?" Stone demanded to know, his rough
voice deepening.
"No. Of course not." I replied and then joked "I think I am a nuisance to
He did not find my remark funny and instead he grabbed my chair. His two
huge hands gripped the seat at each side of my legs. He picked up the chair
and lifted it so I was facing him fully.
My eyes widened as he neared until he was millimetres away from my face.
"You are mine." He grumbled "You are everything."
"Last time I checked I think I was Ella." I deadpanned.
His eyes lightened slightly. Maybe it had done with my humour or maybe it
had to do with our proximity.
Opening my notepad and tapping my pencil, I stuck my tongue out at him
and acted like I was not happy about the change in seating. I had never been
happier about a seating arrangement since I won a round of musical chairs
back in middle school.
"Do you have anything to ask me for your assignment?" I asked curiously
before mentioning "I think I have all the material I need for my essay."
He raised a brow and his deep voice spoke against the top of my head "Do
"Yep." I replied and started to write a sentence on my page of paper.
I wrote my sentence before I picked up my notebook and faced it his way
then I read out my starter sentence aloud "Valentine Stone is gigantic. He is
also a gigantic pain in my ass."
His lip moved up as he watched me excitedly tell him about my plans to
write all about him in the most teasing way possible.
I shrugged "I think my opening line is fantastic. It introduces the rest of
what I will talk about in the essay."
"Just don’t say Valentine."
I was about to make a comment on how one time he was asking me to say
his name, but I decided to keep my mouth shut.
A question came to mind, and I asked, "Do you not like your name?"
Stone shook his head.
There was no way he could find Valentine a worse name than Drizella.
"Why do you not like your name?" I asked before I ended up blurring out
"It is totally sexy."
He let out a small deep chuckle.
I ended up blurting out to try and save myself from the humiliation of my
last comment "Your name kind of sounds like something found in a
jewellery store."
Smirking, Stone tried to glare away at me, but it was short lived as he looks
at my smile.
"You know what I will just write your name as Val instead." I teased to try
and get back at him for laughing at me.
"No. You will not."
"Cheer up, Val." I said as I winked at him "I will not call you that. I already
have enough nicknames for you as it is."
Continuing with my taunting, I hid my notebook close to my chest and
pretended to write something.
He twirled his pencil in his finger as he gave me his unfaltering attention
"What are you writing?"
"My essay," I replied "And I am not showing you the final product until I
am finished. Maybe not even then."
Stone let out a husky laugh at my actions before he mirrored my stance so
he could hide his piece of paper. His notepad was moved to his knee so I
could not see what he was writing.
I did not like it. I wanted to see what he was writing about me.
His pencil touched the paper, and he scribbled something down. I could not
see what it is was even though my neck was stretched like a giraffes.
He noticed my spying and voiced what he had supposedly wrote "Drizella
Miller thinks Elvis is still alive. She is mad."
"How do you like mine?" I asked before pretending to read my page and
making up a starter sentence on the spot "Stone's favourite book is Alice in
Wonderland. The quote says all the best people are mad. I think this
suggests that I am his favourite person ever."
Time passed with small glances at each other while writing. I jotted down
little things I had picked up over my time with him that I could talk about in
the assignment.
However, I could not string words together to make a full sentence yet. So
instead, I started making a list of things about him. My favourite things
about him.
Stone seemed to be doing the same. He was not writing that much and
instead he was more interested watching as I laughed from behind my
A tap on the desk drew my attention for my paper to him. He leaned back in
the chair as he questioned "How are you getting on?"
"Good." I hummed "I am nearly done describing your bad qualities. I have
went past five hundred words already though."
He sent another glare my way but he had a small smile on his face. It was
not fair how even a small smile on him was alarmingly darkly charming.
Before I could back out of asking, I quickly forced my words out "Were you
planning on going to Lana's after school?"
"Do you want me there?"
"I would not complain if you were there." I said as I smiled down at the
A rough laugh was heard from beside me before he spoke again "Good. I
was going anyway."
Mr Dankworth got up from his swirly chair at his desk and started to walk
around the class as he addressed everyone "Because I am such a great
teacher and you are my favourite class, I have made questions for you to
ask your partner. These will help you get to know one another properly. It
will also help you write your essay when it comes to it."
I watched as my teacher made his way around around everyone and handed
out small sheets of paper to the pairs around the room.
The grey-haired English teacher left our table to the very end. He grinned at
both Stone and I as he handed us a piece of paper and then retreated to his
desk at the front of the room.
"Okay, Lurch. First question" I said and then went on to read the question to
him without looking at it beforehand "Are you attracted to green hair?"
I opened my mouth in shock before I looked back down at the paper.
The question had made the corner of his mouth rise.
"Medusa," He did gruffly and seriously "You already know the answer to
"No. I do not."
He cocked his head "I love your hair."
"Says the guy that called it puke coloured when we first met." I rebutted.
Stone shook his head as he chuckled.
I added "Also says the guy that I look like a haunted mansion extra."
The amusement I showed about the whole thing was not shared with him as
a serious expression took over his harsh features.
"I did not mean it." He stated and his eyes pierced into me "I just wanted to
meet you so fucking badly."
My cheeks blushed and I had the urge to cover my face with my notepad.
"You did not need to pretend that your question was one on the sheet." He
"It really was on the sheet though." I argued honestly.
He read aloud what was on his sheet of questions "Do you find yourself
attracted to tattoos?"
I grabbed the paper out of his hand to see for myself the list of questions he
had. My jaw dropped at the typed-up sheet. My eyes scanned the oddly
specific inquiries.
Are you attracted to tall height? Do you like names that are related to
rocks? Would you consider your dream relationship including bickering and
hate flirting? Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you have a date for
the Fall Ball?
There was no way that I was answering those because it was supposed to be
an essay and not a round of speed dating.
In the seat in front, Lana swivelled around in her chair and mouthed help
me while pointing to her partner who was sitting there doing nothing.
Wondering if she had tailored questions as well, I replied "What questions
did you get on your sheet?"
She looked back down to her desk and then answered "Just trivial stuff.
Biggest fear, favourite movies and other stuff like that. Why?"
"No reason." I nonchalantly responded while zoning on past her to Mr
Dankworth who was sitting happily looking at the computer.
Mr Dankworth took his job extremely seriously. He had gone to extreme
lengths by making put those questions.
I focused back to Stone who was already watching me with a glint of
amusement in his obsidian irises.
He met my gaze and pointed out "You never answered the question."
"Are you attracted to tattoos?" He asked as his own tattoos came into view
as he ran a hand through his hair.
Reading between the lines, I knew what he was really asking so I answered,
"You already know the answer to that."
"Yeah. I do." He agreed smugly "I just wanted to see you squirm as you
tried to deny it."
Rolling my eyes at his cockiness, I countered back with "I have never said I
was not attracted to you. You are ridiculously good looking. I have never
argued against that."
He raised an eyebrow and disbelief was written all over the small action.
"Okay. Maybe I did deny it." I admitted in the form of a mumble "I just did
not want you to know that I found you attractive."
"I knew, Medusa."
Crossing my arms, I commented "It is a real shame that you have a shitty
personality, or you would have been the perfect guy."
He raised an eyebrow again. Even without a word from him, I knew he
knew I was lying.
The lie was bitter on my tongue. I could only hold in the inevitable for so
I wish there was a stronger word than like or attraction because that is what
I felt.
In the next second, I caved "Fine. I’m lying."
Stone's deep chuckle filled my ears once more and I revelled in the dark
melodious sound.
"Shut up and get on with your essay!" I said after a while of us been caught
in an intense eye lock.
"Medusa" He said after a while.
I looked up from my paper and blew a hair out of my face before I replied
"Yes, Lurch?"
"I am not attracted to green hair. I am attracted to you." He spoke sternly
like he was making sure I knew "I like your green because it is you. Your
hair is so bright that sometimes I cannot see anything else."
Trying to ignore the fluttering in my stomach, I smiled down at my desk
like a weirdo.
The determination to start my essay was over before it started because
something entering the room caught my eye.
Chase waltzed into the class ten minutes before the period finished without
a care in the world. He noticed the change in seating and winked at me
before going to sit with his partner up front.
Out of politeness, I offered him a small wave.
The interaction stirred the person next to me because a low octaved gnarl
erupted from him. The bellow was followed by something being grumbled
under his breath as he moved his vein-bulged hand in and out of a fist.
"I was just trying to be friendly." I pointed out in a light tone.
My light tone was a contrast to his deep one that promised bloodshed as he
bit out "He is being too friendly."
"He is my friend. What do you expect?" I said before I tell him "I am not
going to stop talking to him because you do not like it."
Everyone knew Chase and I were not the closest. Including back when it
was more than a few words between us. The truth was I was not really
defending my friendship with the blonde quarterback. It was more proving
a point of principal to Stone. I could talk to whoever I wanted.
Stone tilted his head. The action was almost a challenge. The subtitles of his
little head motion scream You bet that I cannot keep him away from you?
The giant had perfected the skill of being intimidating without every trying.
His dangerous aura was effortless and authentic.
"You need to let me talk to who I want. You can’t just decide that I can’t
talk to Chase." I pointed out before I added "If you want something to
command then get a dog."
We glared at each other. I kept eye contact, so he knew that I was not going
to back down. Neither did he break contact.
"Fine." He finally growled out.
I was not convinced so I further elaborated "So I can walk to my locker
with him for example and you will not go full on hulk?"
He leant back in his chair and crossed his arms, his muscles flexing as he
did so.
Stone then nodded but it was sharp and quick. If you blinked, then you
would have missed it.
"And you will not mind?" I added
"Of course, I will fucking mind." He grounded out as his jaw tightened.
With a sigh, I faced the front in my seat.
The large skull tattooed hand made its way onto my thigh as I kept my
attention to the front of the class.
I could not stay mad at him, and I ended up sending him a faux glare that
turned into a smile. He sent a small smile back.
Brennan was watching us in his chair from a few yards away as I turned
away from Stone.
"You two are a match made in Bedlam." Brennan said with a shark grin
"Cupid must be crazy to put the two of you together. Two of the most strong
willed and stubborn people that I have ever met who are crazy for each
other. Although it is crazy to think about you both without each other."
I could not imagine my life without him either.
Chapter Thirty-Five
The rest of the day went by in boring classes and never-ending note taking.
What had me distracted was the thought of Lana's mom's cooking. I was
really looking forward to not cooking for myself.
In the past, I had always been eager to go to the Armstrong's because it
meant that I would not be alone. That thought had not crossed my mind in
the present because I had not felt lonely the past few days.
That was due to my overgrown overnight guest.
We took two cars to Lana's house. Brennan and Lana in one car. Stone and I
in the other. I was unsure if they had realised that I was no longer taking
Kermit to school but instead arriving with Stone. Maybe they did know and
just wanted to leave us to it.
The three of us waited behind while Lana opened her front door. We
followed her inside as she let her mom know we were there.
Not long after, Mrs Armstrong sauntered into the room, and she looked
happy to see us. She kissed her daughter’s cheek and then went to hug me.
She then stood in front of the two boys with a warming smile.
Brennan began charming her "Thank you for having us again, Mrs
"You are always welcome here." She waved him off and focused on the
other male who was not that inclined to talk "You too, Stone dear."
That earned her a small nod from the giant. It was something anyway. It
was enough for Mrs Armstrong to not be disheartened by the small
"Ella, a small visitor has been waiting for your arrival. He is very excited to
see you." Lana's mother told me before calling the little boy's name
The five-year-old came racing through from the other room. As soon as he
seen us standing at the door, a grin appeared on his small face, and it
showed off his two missing front teeth.
I bent down automatically and got ready to embrace him. I was mortified
when I realised that he had grown and was about half the size of me.
His little arms coddled me as he shouted excitedly "I have missed you,
Drizzy was his nickname for me. I absolutely hated the shortened name of
Drizella that he decided to start calling me at the age of two. I never
corrected him or tried enforcing a different name because his little face lit
up when he said the nickname. He was too cute for his own good.
"I have missed you too, Cutie." I said back and matched his grin.
Charlie moved his hand from my back to my cheek and scolded "You need
to babysit me again. We have not played together since forever."
"Later." I promised him.
Lana interrupted by pretending to cry "How about some love for your actual
"Sorry, Lan Lan." Charlie pouted while moving over to her and giving her a
hug "I did see you yesterday. I have not seen Drizzy in a million years."
Brennan laughed and waved at the boy "Hey little dude, I am Brennan.
Lana's boyfriend."
Just noticing the two new faces, Charlie rushed back to my side and hid his
face in my stomach. I patted the top of his head and encouraged him not to
be shy.
"Hi." Charlie waved at Brennan.
The small boy then turned and tilted his head upward to see the other guy in
the room.
Stone towered me so it was understandable for Charlie to see him as a
"Wow. He is a giant." The infant said as he laughed in my arms.
Everyone started laughing and even Stone let out a chuckle.
The boy attached to my side broke away and pointed towards Stone "Big
Giant Man, you can’t be Drizzy's boyfriend."
Brennan laughed and asked him "Why not?"
"Because I am her boyfriend." Charlie pouted "She likes me better."
I watched as the young troublemaker skipped out of the room and into the
kitchen. I kept my head in that direction, so I did not meet the eye of Stone.
His response however I could not help but tune in to.
It was a deep grumble that sounded a lot like "Lucky bastard."
"He is five." Brennan lowly said as if he was trying to contain his laughter.
Mrs Armstrong ushered us through the house and into the garden. The sun
set was clear from the low levelled fence and turned the grass a golden
colour. Mr Armstrong was flipping burgers on the barbecue and putting the
ready food on the table as we stepped outside.
We all hovered at the back door when Stone turns to me with a taunting
"Why does the boy get to call you a nickname without the verbal abuse?"
He asked.
"He is cute." I answered and then added "You are not."
His smirk was summoned as he retorted "No, you just find me hot."
I was about to lie my pants off but I bit my tongue when realising that he
was quoting me from earlier. I tried to rack my brain for a life-shattering
insult, but I could not seem to find any.
A mini hand grabbed mine and saved me from stuttering out a reply to him.
The small saviour dragged me away to go and play with his action figures. I
happily gave in and sat down next to him on the large patch of grass.
Charlie handed me a superhero figurine while asking causally "Do you like
that big boy, Drizzy?"
"I know that you are not really my girlfriend." Charlie said before
explaining "I just told him that to protect you, but I can see that he likes
"What?" I said again "Why do you think that?"
His attention was on the superman figure when he replied, "He watches you
and I think he finds you pretty."
I wondered what my life had come to. I was sitting listening to a pre-
schooler’s thoughts on my relationship.
"Thank you, my little knight for protecting me." I kissed his forehead and
then whispered, "Do you want to know something top secret?"
"Yes, yes, yes." The little boy cheered.
"Promise not to tell anyone?" I voiced while peering over at Stone who was
standing at the other side of the garden, watching the both of us.
Charlie held out his little and I stuck mine out too as he pinky promised me.
That is when I moved in closer to share with him "I really like him."
"Do you really, really, really like him?" He asked, beaming.
"Yes. I really, really, really, really like him" I replied honestly before
reminding him "Don't tell anyone. Especially the giant."
"Is he your Prince Charming?" The little boy asked with a grin of delight.
"No," I answered as I let my gaze float back to the largely built man "He is
more like my big scary dragon."
After three rounds of superhero smash with Charlie, Mrs Armstrong called
Lana and I to go inside and help her carry the food out. She got Lana to put
out chips into a bowl and me to butter the rolls in the kitchen while the boys
helped Mr Armstrong with the barbecue.
While I was spreading the bread, I was bombarded with questions. All
about him.
"What is happening with you and Stone?" Mrs Armstrong questioned
before informing "You need to make your move. Get your man."
I was so not ready for the conversation. It was too daunting to think about. I
was comfortable with just continuing to act oblivious to everything.
I let out a laugh and shook my head at her words of wisdom "He is not my
My whole face grew red, and my mouth twitched upwards as I looked down
at the ground.
I found myself always wanting to discuss Stone and I with Lana. I needed
someone to share it all with, but I did not want to hurt her. She was going
through a lot with Brennan, and I still did not want to bombard her with
stuff that she did not need to be worrying about.
Lana hummed in agreement with her mother "You should see them at
school. The sexual tension is out of this world."
My response to her comment was to stick my finger in the butter and smear
it on her nose. That resulted in her squealing before wiping it away.
“Mrs Armstrong, you know what I’m like with guys. I have horrible taste.”
I blurted out before realising what I had said “No offense.”
The woman waved me off “I know what my son is like.”
My relationship or my not-so-existence relationship since he moved to
Australia with his band with the elder Armstrong sibling was a taboo
We carried the plates and the cold food to the wooden table outside where
the boys sat.
Brennan seemed to be making small talk with Lana's dad and surprisingly
Stone was listening intently to Charlie talking about his explanation of
Superman's powers.
Stone then startled talking back to him which earned a laugh from the little
boy. I watched them in awe as they conversed, and I was also in awe that
the infamous silent giant had spoken to him.
Both the large male and the small troublemaker lowered their voice as I
reached the table and placed the buttered rolls in the middle of the table.
There was not even a single thought behind my action. It was all instinctual
of me to automatically go and it myself down in the seat by Stone.
The dark eyes turned to me as soon as I sat down. I smiled at him as he put
a hand on my leg under the table.
It never failed to make me laugh how he was a little too big for everything.
Stone looked too big for the seat with his wide shoulders. His knees had hit
the bottom of the wooden table also.
Charlie walked over me with two of his action figures in hand and jumped
on my lap. He swivelled his legs so he could sit and face me with a smile
"Stone is a friendly giant, Drizzy." The young chaos causer announced
loudly while patting my head "No wonder you really, really, really, really
like him."
"I’m never telling you anything again." I whispered down to the little traitor
"And you can forget about me taking you for ice cream when I babysit you
Charlie looked up and pouted but there was nothing apologetic about the
The rest of the table laughed at the scene, from what I could see. I could not
bring myself to look at Stone's face although I could hear his husky
Brennan put the thumbs up at the boy on my lap in praise and then asked,
"What else did she say?"
Before Charlie could answer, I planted my hand on his mouth to stop him
from speaking.
It was not like I told him anything else that could humiliate me, but I was
not prepared to risk it. I reached over and took a burger from the pile and
replaced my hand on his face with it.
Thankfully he chewed happily away and did not answer Brennan.
I quickly glanced at Stone who was watching me like a hawk.
Once he saw that I was paying attention to him, he leaned to the side and
closer to my seat as he spoke "How does the kid get a confession out of
you, and I do not?"
"You know that I like you." I admitted again as my gaze fell to the ground
"I have already told you that."
He smirked and he built up his teasing tone when he added a really to his
sentence "You never told me that you really, really, really really, really liked
"I only said really four times. Not five." I corrected him before I crossed my
arms over my chest "At this moment in time, I do not like you at all Lurch."
He shook his head with triumph etched all over his handsomely striking
Just when I thought I had escaped being humiliated any further, Mr
Armstrong took the opportunity to prove me wrong as he voiced "I had
been wondering where I had heard Lurch before."
"What?" I said as I pretended not to know what he was talking about.
Lana's father asked, "Was Lurch not the guy in that movie that you had a
crush on when you were little?"
"I-I have no idea what you are talking about." I countered back with.
Mr Armstrong being oblivious to my hand signals telling him to shut up
continued to talk "You were about twelve at the time. You came around here
all the time and watched The Addams Family almost every day. You would
say every time Lurch came on the screen that he was your favourite
Lana, my now ex-best friend, added to her father's statement "Oh my god.
You are right."
I glared at her.
"Ella always said that Lurch was pretty cool because he looked scary but
was actually nice and that his silence was pretty mysterious and sexy." She
spoke to everyone.
My eyes widened and I quickly stuttered out a fib "I don’t remember that.
You both are just making this up."
The whole table looked amused. That included Stone who had a small smile
of satisfaction on his lip.
His husky deep voice danced along my earlobe as he lowly said, "You
better like me better."
"No. I do not." I deadpanned as I removed a piece of fallen hair from my
There was no way of getting out of this. I could no longer convince anyone,
even myself, that I did not want Stone.
I could no longer deny that a part of me had always wanted him since our
very first encounter. A large part of me wanted him.
I changed tactics and pointed to the other side of the wooden table "Why
are we not talking about how Lana's first crush was Lightening McQueen?
That is way worse than mine."
Brennan cocked his head to Lana with a risen eyebrow "Lightening
McQueen? As in the car?"
She answered him with a blush covering her cheeks "I was like five."
"That is cute." He replied, "I am just upset you did not give me a nickname
that secretly meant you had the hots for me like Little Ella over there did
with Stone."
When I saw that Mr and Mrs Armstrong were having a conversation on
their own and not tuning in to ours, I ripped a bit of bread from my
hamburger and threw it at Brennan.
Mrs Armstrong started to take us down memory lane as she started to tell
the two boys about us. That left me and Lana embarrassed and wanting to
run away from the table.
Lana then decided to join in "Do you remember that time in middle school
when I was changing for gym and the fire alarm went off?"
I mouthed to her as I knew exactly what she was going to say, "Shut up."
"What happened?" Brennan asked with a laugh.
"I could not find my jeans, so I had to leave the building in only my
underwear. I was so humiliated, and I was crying hysterically." She
explained while laughing back at the story "So guess what Ella did?"
I pleaded "Please do not tell them. It was so embarrassing."
The blonde traitor continued with her story "Ella stripped off her jeans and
walked down the corridor in her underwear with me so we could share the
humiliation. She did not want me to be alone,”
Everyone let out a laugh and I hid my face behind Charlie's back.
"I knew then that Ella was going to be my best friend forever." Lana added.
I smiled and told her honestly "I would do it again."
My words made Stone narrow his eyes at the side of my head and deeply
grumble "No. You will not."
Charlie started to fidget on my lap as faced away from his food and asked
"Drizzy, can you take me to the toilet?"
"I thought you could go yourself now." I whispered back, hoping that he
just meant that I had to walk him to the toilet.
"It is a number two." He informed me while flapping two little fingers in
my face.
I let out a small sigh and fought the urge to start crying "Why do you hate
me? What have I ever done to you? Why do you not ask your favourite
cousin Lan Lan to do it."
He jumped off my lap and whined "I want you to do it, Drizzy."
"Fine. Let’s get this over with." I groaned as I took his hand and lead him
inside to the bathroom.
After five minutes, I was starting to feel claustrophobic. The Armstrong's
downstairs bathroom was a converted closet under the stairs and the space
was not enough for two people. Even two small people.
Charlie was not in a rush to finish the job at hand. He was swinging his legs
and singing while sitting on the toilet.
I was about to tell him to hurry up, but I got distracted by the sounds of
heavy footsteps out in the hall.
The voice was instantly recognisable. Deep and husky. An undeniable
authority to it.
Stone seemed to be on the phone with someone. He answered and replied
one-word answers as the other person on the phone seemed in a hurry to
explain something to him.
I pressed my ear closer to the bathroom door, but I could not hear that
much. Just some deep grumbling and curses from the giant.
A small voice called from the toilet "My mommy says it is rude to
"Well, my mom used to say that I should know how to wipe my bottom by
five years old but you do not see me complaining or telling you off." I
replied to him while sticking my tongue out before I instructed
"Concentrate on what you are doing."
From the other side of the door, I heard the gravelly voice curse "Fuck.
Next Friday? We pushed it back to midnight."
Silence followed and I could only assume that Stone had hung up.
Then more footsteps approached the hall, and I heard Brennan ask, "Is
everything alright?"
"That was Reed." Stone replied.
Brennan waited for a few seconds before asking "What did he want?"
"They are on to us."
The words spoken by Stone was the last I heard as the hallway went back to
A horrible water noise filled the small space as Charlie sang "I am
I distracted myself by wondering what the two males were talking about as
I tackled the smelly situation.
My hands were thoroughly scrubbed with layers of soap when I left the
toilet of terror with Charlie. He ran off ahead as I followed behind with my
mind occupied with thoughts about what Stone's conversation on the phone
Lana laughed while asking Charlie who was now sitting on her lap "Did
you and Ella have fun?"
Sending her a glare, I made my way back to my seat. Mrs Armstrong
tapped my arm when I passed her seat. It was a silent thank you for dealing
with Charlie and saving her from doing it.
Noticing that the little traitor had ditched and discarded me for Lana's lap, I
stuck my tongue out at him again. He stuck his out back and giggled at my
funny face.
Stone and Brennan were also back at the table, acting like nothing had
happened. Like there was not a serious phone call about five minutes ago.
A large hand made its way onto my leg as soon as I sat down. I looked
down at the tattooed skull before I met the obsidian eyes.
"You were not lying you when you said you love kids." Stone chuckled.
"Not when I have to take them to the bathroom, I don't." I joked before then
answering seriously "I do love kids. They are small non-judgemental
humans with big imaginations that have fun all day. What is there not to
"So, you were also telling the truth when you said you wanted a load of
"A small army of them." I confirmed before explaining "Enough of them to
help me steal all the books out of a library in one go."
He let out a deep laugh and shook his head at me.
I joined in with his laugher even though I was serious. Children had tiny
arms and probably could not carry a lot of books so I would have to pop out
a good few.
"I have no idea why you are laughing." I jested "When I do have kids then I
will be dropping them off at their Uncle Lurch's."
As soon as I said the words, a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach built
up and I instantly regretted saying what I did.
It hurt to think of him being something so insignificant in my future life.
Stone's eyes darkened and one of his hands clenched. It was a look of
determination like a dictatorial leader ruling with an iron fist. It was like he
was about to proclaim something that was determined and inevitable.
"I am not going to be their uncle, Medusa." He bit out.
"You are right." I agreed before trying to land a blow to his ego "You are
just not cool enough to step up and be the cool uncle for my kids."
He growled lowly so only the two of us could hear "I can't be."
I indulged him "Why not?"
"I am going to be their dad." He stated, his rough tone pronouncing every
syllable of his sentence.
My eyes grew in size. I could feel the shock of his statement on my face.
My brown irises were already larger than normal, so I imagined them
looking like two large chocolate buttons as I gawked at him.
I laughed his remark off "I would not bet on it."
Stone grumbled determinedly "I would bet on it."
His hand remained on my thigh as I swivelled around in my chair to face
him. I decided to play along with him, so I tried to muster up some
confidence to argue against him.
"Okay." I spoke aloud "Lets bet on it because I can guarantee I will never
have your babies."
The reply he gave seemed random and completely irrelevant as he uttered
"Who slayed Medusa the gorgon in myth?"
I tilted my head in confusion and answered, "I think it was the hero called
My AP class in Greek Mythology last year was finally of some use to me.
"Perseus." He repeated with an arrogant smirk "That is the bet. In the
future, when we get married. Not if but when. You must call our firstborn
Perseus. The name of the hero that destroyed Medusa. A reminder that you
do not know everything, and you were wrong about us."
"What do I get if I win?" I asked as I leaned in closer "Except not carrying
your devil spawns."
With a shake of his head, he replied with a dark chuckle "You will not win."
"I will." I tried to seem confident, but my voice came out slightly weak
"What do I get?"
Stone met me in the middle of the space between our chairs as the warm
breath from his mouth tickled my lips "You can call your firstborn whatever
your heart desires."
What was funny was that I liked the name Perseus.
I could always start a tradition of unusual first names in my future
The giant had to be joking around. That or he had completely lost his mind.
I had always known Stone was calculating and a little mad but to what
extent I still had no idea.
I had never backed down from a challenge from him before so that is why I
agreed "You are on."
On the opposite side of the table, the situation was completely different.
Lana and Brennan were eating in silence and there was no sign of playful
teasing. It was enough to make myself inwardly cringe at the scene in front
of me.
Mrs Armstrong, picking up on the awkwardness starts a conversation asked
"It is Saturday tomorrow. Does anyone have any plans?"
Lana finished eating and then answered her "I was planning to go shopping
for a dress for the Fall Ball."
The atmosphere changed drastically.
Brennan smiled at her sheepishly as he admitted "I need to tell you
She frowned "What is it?"
"I can’t take you to the Fall Ball next Friday. Something has come up."
Brennan tried to let her down gently but failed miserably as he blurted out
the news.
"You promised, Brennan." She said to him with a glare before she started
her interrogation "What is so important that you have to bail on our plans?"
He glanced at her parents uncomfortably before he turned back to Lana and
answered “I want to take you. I really do. It is just—"
Lana cut him off as she bit out "Save it."
She looked so disheartened. She could not even look at her boyfriend. The
dance was important to her so whatever Brennan had to do must have been
I knew it had to do with Stone's conversation on the phone. I just did not
know what.
"We both are going shopping tomorrow." I attempted to cheer her up "It
looks like I will need something to wear if I am going to this stupid dance."
Her face lit up as she asked, "You are going to come with me?"
I nodded and bit my cheek to stop myself from letting out a groan at the
Lana smiled gratefully before she said, "You will be a much better date than
Brennan anyway."
"Hey!" Brennan said, pretending to be insulted.
"No problem, Barbie." I replied to her before I said to the ditcher "I’m
sorry, Lover Boy. It is true. I am a much better date. Plus, I am way sexier
in a dress than you."
Stone watched me curiously, his dark eyes following my every move.
I looked up at him "Can I help you?"
"What happened to the big rant about you hating school dances?"
"My love for Lana is much stronger than my hatred for school functions
and I like to think of myself as a semi-decent friend." I explained.
Lana clapped her hands at my statement, excitedly "This is going to be so
fun. Do I get to pick you a dress?"
I shook my head in horror "I don’t love you that much."
She pretended to act upset as she asked, "What is wrong with my style?"
"Nothing." I told her "I just do not want something too sparkly or too in
your face."
Brennan tried to speak to Lana again but fails as she continues to ignore
him. Instead, she talks to her parents and Charlie.
When everyone was busy, Stone spoke lowly against my ear as his hand
moved an inch higher on my lap "If I was not busy then I would have taken
My heart hammered in my chest and my stomach felt like it was floating.
The goosebumps arose on my skin because of the large hand.
I could not see him at a school dance. I could not even see myself at a
dance. However, I did see the two of us watching films together and reading
while I pretended to hate his touch.
Spiked punch and dancing to overrated pop songs with people who I was
forced already to spend school hours with was not my idea of a good time.
My definition of a perfect Friday night was in bed with a good book and
maybe even a large guest with me too.
"I will probably buy a black dress and you will not have anything to wear to
match." I joked because all he ever wore was black.
After eating all the Armstrong's food, I decided to call it a night. Lana and
Brennan needed time to talk.
Well, that is what I told Stone so he would leave with me. Although, there
was not much arguing on his part as we both said our goodbyes and left the
We were both making our way down the path from the front door when
Charlie came chasing after us.
"Drizzy!" Charlie shouted while he hugged my leg "Promise you will come
and see me soon."
I hugged him and promised him. That made him light up with glee before
he ran back to the front door.
Just as Charlie was about to close the door, he turned back and shouted,
"Bye Big Giant Man. Remember what I told you."
Once Charlie had disappeared from sight, I raised a brow wondering what
the boy meant "What was that all about?"
"Nothing." Stone disclosed.
I shrugged it off and climbed into Stone's truck.
"Does your parents not wonder where you are?" I asked as I put my belt on
"I do not want Mrs Lewis to think that I am stealing you away."
"Are you not?" He replied while smirking at me "Kelly works night shift a
lot at the hospital. She knows where I am anyway."
"Did you tell her?"
He shook his head once with a small smile.
Taking a last look at the Armstrong house and thinking back to Lana and
Brennan's last conversation, I asked Stone "Do you think they will be
"I don't know." He replied, obviously knowing who I was talking about.
Tapping my fingers on the door of his truck, I tried to swallow down my
other questions.
That failed miserably because once he pulled out onto the road, I ended up
telling him "I heard you on the phone when I was with Charlie in the
He stole a quick look at me while turning off the street and questioning in a
slightly demanding tone "What did you hear?"
"Not much." I truthfully answered, "But you sounded pissed off."
"People say that I am always pissed off."
"I don't think that." I disagreed before I added "What I think is that you
don’t care what people think."
Stone kept his eyes on the road, but he smiled “No. I do not. I only care
about what you think."
My head rested on the leather seat of the car as I tilted my head to see him
"Why?" I asked.
He glanced at me, and it was breath-taking how intense a second long look
from him could make me feel.
His husky voice rang out through the truck "You know why."
A grin wandered onto my face. I could not fight the feeling of happiness
overwhelming me. It was like we were in our own little bubble of delirium,
and I never wanted it to burst. I never wanted it to end.
I could not help but think that the juxtaposition of us was beautiful. The
contrast of us was flawless. My green to his black. His large figure to my
short. The Medusa to his Lurch. Him and I.
"Stone." I called softly before looking out to the window at the ocean
passing by "You know how you said that when you were younger, you got
angry. Do you still get mad, now?"
His reply was short and not so sweet "Yes."
I reached for the hand that was resting on the stick shift and intertwined it
with mine "What makes you angry?"
"Everything and sometimes nothing at all." He said before elaborating "At
times I can lash out at the smallest of things."
My voice was merely a whisper when I questioned "Have you ever wanted
to lash out at me?"
His head jolted to the side like he was double taking on what I had said. His
eyes widened like he could not believe that I was even asking such a thing.
The confined space filled with silence as he swerved the car off the road.
His hands gripped the wheel as he pulled up at a grass clearing that
overlooked the beach.
The sun was dying and melting into the ocean below so that the night could
conquer the sky. It was like something from a painting.
Stone switched off the engine and faced me with a bothered expression.
"No. Fuck no." He spoke like my question was in an ancient language and
he did not understand the concept of what I was trying to insinuate "Ella, I
could never be angry at you."
"Even when I am being annoying?" I teased.
His shoulders became less tensed as he let out a strained laugh "You are
always annoying."
I faked a gasp before I pretended to glare at him.
He looked out at the blue waves and said the next sentence to himself
"Fuck. I can’t believe you thought that I would hurt you. I could not. Not
ever. I—"
A rush of adrenaline took over my body and I found myself talking off my
seatbelt and climbing over the console that separated us. I lifted my leg over
him, so I was straddling his lap.
Nothing about his expression was smug or teasing when he saw my need to
be near him. He watched me intently as he put a stray hair on my face
behind my ear.
I almost let out a tiny whimper at the small gesture but then I remembered
his last sentence.
"I don’t think you would ever hurt me, Stone. I never thought that once." I
told him the truth before I explained "I just want to know what sets you off.
I want to know if there are specific things that trigger your anger. Even if it
is something that I do."
He kept his head hung low as he listened to me.
I moved closer and cupped his rugged jaw so that he would look at me. The
bone ticked under my touch, and I had the urge to kiss it.
"I just want to know everything about you." I admitted quietly.
His eyes lightened to a soft black while his finger trailed my cheek.
I thought that even though his eyes were void of colour they were my
favourite pair to gaze into because they were his.
I did not think that was ever going to change.
"Nothing you could do could anger me." He rasped out as he left a soft kiss
on my mouth "I am enamoured by everything you do."
"Enamoured?" I repeated with a hint of smugness "Aren't you a
He growled playfully before bringing my face to his. The kiss started
slowly at first. It was slow and passionate, and it said everything that I was
too scared to say.
Then I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and kissed him as my
life depended on it. He brought me closer and explored every single
meaning in the kiss. He made me feel as if I was flying yet I was grounded
all at the same time.
He kissed me like I was his only source of life.
I could kiss him forever. I could do it on loop and never get sick of it. I
could never get sick of him. I could never get enough of him. I could write
thousands of poems about one millisecond of time with him.
I wished that I could split apart time and live in the moment with him.
We broke apart for air. I let my head fall to his chest as he wrapped an arm
around my waist and kept me glued to his well-built body.
Three things were heard in the air. Our unsteady heartbeats and the waves
crashing against the shore. Both were merciless and wild.
The image of our first kiss swam into my thoughts. I reminisced what he
told me about what his mother used to say about the ocean.
I had concluded that she was right. That strong emotion being like the
bottom of the sea. The feeling that overtook your senses that could not be
seen or touched. Only felt.
I felt Stone everywhere.
Chapter Thirty-Six
"I gave you my book and you are not even reading it." I accused while
staring up at him.
We had been reading in the living room for an hour. Trying to read anyway.
I had read the same sentence about twenty times.
My distraction was him studying my face while I laid across his lap.
Both of us were sitting normally on the sofa for a matter of minutes before
he pulled me to him. My head fell onto his lap, and I ended up staying there
with my book held above me.
Stone had my Edgar Allan Poe poem book, but I doubted he had even read
a word of it. His gaze was set firmly on me.
I pointed out "You are distracting me."
"No." His deep voice argued, "You are the one distracting me."
Giving him a mock glare, I turned back to my book and tried to concentrate.
That did not last long. My attention was drawn back to his stupidly
ravishing face. I could see myself staring at him in the reflection of his
It was obscure how I find his harshly defined features comforting. How I
found his large well-built body a comfort.
My shaky hand reached up and I drew my finger along the side of his sharp
jawline. I stopped as soon as I spotted Stone's lip caught in his teeth as he
sent me a cocky look.
"Are you okay down there, Medusa?" He asked before mentioning "You
seem deep in thought."
"I am just trying to guess how tall you are." I replied quickly.
That was not what I was really thinking about while my head was on his
lap. However, I was genuinely interested to know what his height was.
"Six foot seven." He answered.
"Six foot seven?" I repeated in shock.
He nodded his head in confirmation. His expression was not teasing. It was
completely serious.
I exaggerated "Six foot seven? I am almost certain that is the height of
Mount Everest."
Stone chuckled and diverted his stare to my small legs in my pyjama shorts
that barely reached the end of the sofa
"How small are you?" He asked curiously while his lip twitched upwards.
I glared at him for asking how small I was instead of how tall.
"I am five foot two." I answered while I crossed my arms tightly over my
"Yeah, with heels on." He commented while he let out a husky laugh.
Nudging him in the stomach and feeling up his abs while I was there, I said
a height a little closer to the truth "Fine. Five foot one then."
He shook his head as an evil smile etched onto his face. He did not believe
I could not help but ask him "Does it bother you, Lurch?"
"Does what bother me?" He asked while confusion filled his tone.
"My tinniness."
"I love your height." He affirmed while frowning at me.
He cleared his throat before adding "I can keep you in my pocket."
I burst out laughing and stuck my tongue out at him as I wiggled my toes
that were enveloped in my fluffy socks.
"I do not like being this small." I admitted.
"Why not?"
"Well for starters," I told him "Every time I want to kiss you then I have to
climb you like a tree."
Stone laughed. It was loud and husky. So deep that the vibration pulsated
through my body below him.
He seemed happy at my reply though because he replied with a smirk "So
you admit you want to kiss me a lot?"
"I guess kissing you is not the worst way to spend my time." I admitted
with a heated face while I kept my attention firmly on his stomach.
My face still felt all hot, so I picked up my book again and hid my face
between the pages.
Another hoarse laugh was heard before Stone pulled my book back so he
could see my face. I glared up at his amused facial expression.
"How much do you weigh?" I could not help but ask the questions that I
had been dying to know.
"Nearly three hundred pounds." He answered gruffly with a shrug of his
shoulder "Last time I checked."
He was nearly three times the size of me.
My eyes widened and I felt my mouth make an o-shape.
We found ourselves in an intense staring contest as he caressed the side of
my face.
I was fully captivated by his mesmerising darkened eyes.
He broke the silence by motioning to the book and asking me "Why do you
not write a book?"
"I was hoping to in the future." I answered and then elaborated "Sometimes
an idea comes to mind, and I write it down, but I never feel it is good
enough. I read my ideas and I grimace at the thought of people reading it or
actually wanting to read something I have written."
The gravelly voice spoke, "I would read it."
I tilted my head to study him because he looked like he genuinely meant it.
"Thank you." I said quietly to him.
"Only if I get it dedicated to me." He added tauntingly after my gratitude.
I rolled my eyes as I sat up from him and asked, "What time is it anyway?"
"Eleven." He answered back after checking his phone.
"I have to get dressed! I’m meeting Lana in half an hour!" I squealed as I
jumped off the sofa in a hurry.
The edge of Stone's lip dropped unhappily as he grumbled "Where are you
"Dress shopping." I informed him before I mentioned "I need to get one
because Brennan bailed on her for The Fall Ball"
He sat quietly and then a dawn of realisation contorted his face. He stood up
to his full height and towered over me.
"I need to go out today anyway." Stone spoke.
"Oh, where?" I retorted, disappointed that he would not be there when I got
"Work." He stated after a long pause.
"Tell Mike that I am asking for him."
Stone met my eye with a serious look "It was probably a good thing you are
not home because I would probably end up not going."
Grinning, I turned around to start walking away as I asked "What kind of
influence would that make me? Surely you can go a day without seeing
His hands were instantly on my hips. He snatched me back to his body and
kept me there as he declared "No. I cannot."
Then I was off the ground and floating in the air with his hands still
moulded to my side.
When I reached a height that meant that I was at eye level with him then I
voiced what I was thinking "Can I ask why I’m levitating?"
With unconcealed smugness, He chuckled "So you do not need to climb me
like a tree."
A giggle erupted from me, and I buried my face into the crook of his neck
as he lifted me nearer.
Once I had gotten control of my laughter, I then peered out from my hiding
spot and teased "Who said that I wanted to kiss you now?"
He kissed my lips lightly. Only once. It was just a gentle brush, but it was
enough to make me surrender to him.
I pulled back and silently pleaded for more as I held on tightly to him so
that I did not go plummeting to the ground.
My heart pounded in my chest as his gentle fingers lifted my chin so he
could devour me. He bent from his neck so there was no space between us.
My hands gripped his hair as he cradled my waist.
"I have to go, Lurch." I told him as I tried to pull away from him.
"No." He growled playfully but he walked to the hallway with me in his
Our lips crashed against one another's again, so he redirected his direction
and changed course from the bedroom to the kitchen.
Without breaking apart, he continued to brush his tongue over my own and
my bottom lip as he set me down on the kitchen counter.
Stone moved to stand between my legs, and I had to part my thighs as far
apart as they could go to accommodate his huge build. His lips were gentle
against mine as he savoured every touch and stroke of my tongue.
He moved away a little to look me in the eye. I almost forgot how to
breathe as the obsidian eyes swirled with emotion.
His mouth took mine again in a long tantalising kiss. Heat filled my body
slowly. Inch by inch as he took over my senses. His hands dropped from my
face to my back and then it dropped to my butt as he lifted me again.
"Damn, Baby." He let out gruffly as I smiled into his lips.
"You definitely have a thing for kitchen counters, Valentine Stone." I mused
with a giggle.
He pressed a soft yet harsh kiss against my lips before grumbling something
under his breathing.
The muscular arms clutched me tightly as the giant walked with my body in
his arms. He took long determined steps before stopping right beside the
dining table.
Stone was a mountain of man. He was so big and thick that it looked like
we could have sex standing up. He could just pluck me up with his big
strong arms and slide me down his dick.
My lip caught between my teeth and Stone watched the movement hungrily.
I peered up at him and raised a brow while he set me onto the surface of the
dining table "What are you doing?"
"I have a thing for you." He promised, his rough voice growing even deeper
"I want you everywhere."
The big hands carefully set me down on the edge of dining table. His eyes
fell onto my shorts and there was a dark glint of mischief in his eye.
His veiny meaty hands palmed my thigh and nudged for me to open my
legs wider.
Everything happened in a demanding haste. My shorts became a ball of
ripped jean material at the other side of the dining room.
The dark pair of eyes surveyed me silently as his hands flexed at his sides.
"What is it?" I uttered to him quietly.
"Your size." He answered softly "You are so small, and I never want to hurt
I leant back and opened my legs further while I shot him a taunting smile
"You can't hurt me with your tongue."
One of his dark eyebrows raised as he challenged gruffly "No? It is wider
than the small piece of heaven between your legs."
I felt my face grow heated as I gave him a small pout of disappointment.
My exposed back went cold against the glass of the table suddenly. My eyes
that were once looking into Stone's were now peering wide up at the
The calloused fingers tangled in my thong in a haste to get no barriers
between us. He did not take them off, however. He only pulled the material
to the side.
Little gasps and whimpers left me as the giant looming over my body
snared the moment. He began to leave kisses on the valley of my breasts
before moving down to my stomach and then lower.
His hands roamed determinedly and desperately, gripping skin and stopping
me from moving too much.
I liked him manhandling my body. I liked him as the commanding presence
in the room.
Warmth was felt again my bare skin between my legs. A gush of air was felt
against the sensitive skin as Stone teased and nipped at it.
"Stone." I gasped pleadingly "Stone."
The dominating mouth of the man kissed harshly up my inner thigh as the
rough finger remained hooking my panties to the side.
"Want them off." He rumbled, pulling at the material and lifting my hips up
The muscular forearm came down and treaded on my hips. He pinned me to
the table, kneeled down and brought his face closer to my thighs.
"Look at you." Stone uttered hoarsely, his warmth breath tickling the
wetness between my legs "So fucking perfect."
My blush covered my whole body. That or it was just the heat of a thousand
suns travelling across my skin.
I felt his tongue steadily touch the valley of my sex. It was slow and sensual
and completely euphoric.
The huge monster of a man groaned like he had never tasted anything so
good in all of his existence.
If he stopped then I would die.
His tongue licked again. This time over my pulsing clit. The movement
over the bundle of nerves had me shivering and whimpering.
The man feasting upon me groaned at the taste again. He then growled and
lost every single hint of self-control he still had because he began devouring
He pushed his tongue in deep and traced my opening. He then dragged his
greedy tongue up to my aching clit.
It was too much. It was the sexiest moment of my life.
The strong arm on my waist snaked underneath me and lifted me higher and
closer to his mouth. It was like he was trying to get more of me inside his
The sounds he was making while his tongue slid in and out of me were
ferocious. He was licking my centre and then my sweet spot that had
appeared just for him.
Valentine Stone ate like it was his last meal on earth. He ate like a starved
man. He ate like a predatory animal consuming its prey.
His shoulders were a beautiful testament to masculinity, and they flexed
while his moments grew more desperate. His dark hair was buried between
my thighs as he never came up for air.
All I could do was gasp for air and sob as my all the muscles in my body
My thighs shook uncontrollably. Stars began to cover my vision that
reminded me of a certain pair of obsidian eyes.
Everything in the world faded away. Everything was insignificant apart
from him and I. All that mattered was the intense pleasure that was building
in the bottom of my stomach.
The man in control of my body then chose to take one hand of my hip and
pressed it against where he had his tongue. With one thick finger, he applied
firm pressure to my g-spot and rotated it to the side.
I could not hold back the piercing scream from leaving my mouth as my
eyes fluttered shut.
My whole world exploded around me as I called out his name. My body
shook. I tried ground myself, but I could not. My back arched as he
continued feasting on me.
I screamed his name and grabbed a fistful of his hair as he swirled his
tongue around my clit and made me come again.
I thought I had travelled to a far-away planet full of fairies and back.
He was a sex-God. That or he had magic fingers and a magic tongue.
Stone picked my body up bridal style and began to clean me up. He rubbed
between my thighs with a cloth while pressing a kiss to my forehead.
"You are beautiful when you let go." He praised, never taking his eye away
from me.
I sent him a shy smile before I looked down at the ground.
His hand went under my chin, and he made me look up at him before he
stated gruffly "I want the taste of you on my tongue three times a day."
I could not hold back my laughter as I repeated "Three times a day?"
"Three times a day." He repeated before growling "Minimum."
Chapter Thirty-Seven
After a long make-out session that I had to pull myself away from, I quickly
drove to the Armstrong's house and apologised to a not very patient Lana.
She eventually forgave me after thirty minutes in the car and when we
pulled up at the mall. She became talkative as she started to pull me into
every store to browse all of the clothes.
Lana waved a pink sparkly dress in my face as we entered our tenth dress
store "This would look so good on you."
"Yeah, for a kids fancy dress party." I replied.
"Ella, work with me here." She complained, "You have said no to every
dress I have picked up."
"That is because you have terrible taste."
"No, I don't! You are just a harsh critic." She argued while putting the dress
back on the rack.
Our conversations had been a recurring pattern since we had arrived at the
mall. The same exchange of arguing had happened in the past five stores.
Lana had flapped over fifty horrendous dresses in front of my face. I had to
hold myself back fifty times from strangling her with the garment.
Even if the shopping experience was the worst thing humanly possible, I
loved spending time with my best friend.
"Why do you hate shopping so much?" Lana asked as we walked down
another long aisle of clothes.
"I do not hate shopping." I said before adding "I just hate shopping with
"You need to pick something. I have at least ten dresses that I want to try
on." She waved her occupied hands that were filled with extravagant
dresses in a variety of colour.
Having had enough of her awful choices, I shooed her away "Just you go
and start trying them on. I will keep looking and then meet you in the
changing rooms."
She left with a sigh and headed over to the dressing room at the back of the
This left me to check out the rest of the choices in peace. I explored every
inch of the boutique, going from aisle to aisle, passing all different colours
and shapes of clothes until I spotted a black dress.
It was quite short with spaghetti thin straps. I picked it up and examined the
silk material that shined under the light. It did not look like something that
should be worn to a school dance. The dress was slightly longer and a little
more acceptable than a nightdress.
It had caught my eyes and I loved it so without much more thought, I
wandered through to the changing rooms with it.
"Lana." I called her name as I walked down the line of small, separated
She drew the curtain back from her little changing space with a pained face.
I looked down to the cause of her expression and understood.
The dress she had on made her look ridiculous. It was light pink, and the
short skirt part of the dress was frilly like a tutu.
"You look like a marshmallow." I commented.
She glared at me before drawing back the curtain and disappearing without
a word.
Hoping the dress that I picked out would look good enough, I made my way
into the changing room next to hers and undressed. Once my clothes were
spread all over the place messily, I pulled the silky material over my head
and pulled down until it stopped mid-thigh.
I turned around and faced the mirror on the wall. I let out a small gasp and
how well fitted it was. The dress hugged my body tightly and highlighted
every curve. It left nothing to the imagination.
Just as I was weighing up the pros and cons, like the shortness of the dress,
I heard footsteps from the other side of the curtain.
"Get out here." Lana called "I want to see what you picked."
I slowly pulled the curtain to the side which revealed Lana standing there as
her jaw dropped.
She looked me up and down before hollering "You look beautiful, Ella.
That dress really shows off your assets."
My eyes rolled as she wiggled her eyebrows.
"What do you think about my dress?" She asked as she motioned her
towards her new change of clothes.
Looking at her choice of dress, I tried to be as honest as I could be "It is"
"That is what I was thinking." She said with a huff before retreating into her
changing room and shouting "Wait there. I think this is the one."
Standing there in the middle of the room, I felt overdressed and like an
idiot, but I could not help but look down and compliment myself.
I wondered if Stone would like the dress.
A few minutes later, Lana walked out twirling with a red sparkly cocktail
dress on. It suited her well and I could tell by her smile that she liked it too.
"You look gorgeous." I gushed.
She giggled and then joked "We are going to be the envy of Leavendale
"You will be." I told her "Nobody will see me because I plan to hide in the
corner of the room. Far away from the dance floor all night."
"No, you will not." She scolded before looking at me again "You look
amazing, Freak Show. Really, your choice of dress is stunning. I think there
may be hope for you in a fashion-based career."
I scoffed "No way. I would never go into fashion. Everyone should just
wear pyjamas all the time. As a society, we should encourage it."
She laughed "Yeah, I see it now. Drizella Miller on a Milan runway with her
Princess and the Frog pyjama set."
"What is wrong with my Princess and The Frog pyjamas?" I asked before
carelessly arguing without thought "Stone likes them."
The last part of my sentence caught her attention and she questioned " How
has Stone seen what you wear to bed?"
Trying not to look guilty, I waved her off and shrugged "It is nothing."
She pointed at me while looking far too excited "Have you slept with him?"
"If you mean in the same bed as him then yes."
"How many times?" Lana interrogated me enthusiastically "Also why did
you not tell me?"
There was not any point in lying to her further, so I admitted "He has stayed
overnight pretty much all week."
"Again, why did you not tell me?" She shouted, "Have you two kissed?"
I told her the half-truth "I might have tripped and accidentally let my mouth
collide with his."
Lana laughed and grinned at the news.
I tried to lie to her "It does not mean what you think it means."
"What do I think?"
"That him and I are together." I answered her.
"Are you trying to tell me you are not?"
"Yes." I let out sadly.
It was only then that it hit me that I was disappointed at the fact that I was
not with him.
She laughed again and it was full-on belly laughing. She clutched her
stomach trying to control herself.
Once she gained composure, she sympathetically said "Poor Stone."
"What do you mean Poor Stone?" I accused "You are meant to be on my
side for anything and everything."
"Not when you are being a fool. Ella,” She told me "I feel like hitting your
head until you see sense."
I put my arms over my chest as we both kept quiet. There was nothing I
could argue back because the truth was that I knew she was right.
Lana shook her head and pointed out "We both are a mess when it comes to
"What is going on with you and Brennan?" I questioned gently, knowing
that something was going on and the issue was sensitive.
She leaned against the wall between our two changing rooms and sighed
"Brennan told me he loved me."
"You do not love him back." I stated rather than asked.
Her head shook and her eyes closed as she let out a sigh "I don't know."
"What did you reply when he said it?" I asked and then joked to try and
make light of the situation "Thank you?"
Lana went silent and her face contorted to guilt. It was a dead giveaway that
she did in fact thank him.
"You did not!" I said in shock, imaging the scene in my head.
"I panicked!"
I made another joke because I had no idea what to say "To think people say
I am the heartless one."
"I am just kidding. You know that." I said before I tried to make her feel
better "I think it is better that you did not lie and lead him on. At least you
did not tell him you loved him when you did not. At least you are being
"Unlike some of us." She replied as she began jogging on the spot.
A normal Lana action was to jog on the spot when she was anxious.
She resulted to saying, "I am going to search it up."
"Search up what?" I questioned as she ran and fetched her phone.
Lana came back with her phone in hand. She stood still for a full minute
before she tapped her phone while replying "I am searching up what love
"Calm down, Barbie. It is not a big deal." I sighed and tried to hold back a
laugh "Some people our age can’t even spell love. I am being serious. One
of Chase's friends spells it like l-u-v. Like the texting way."
She ignored my attempt at a joke and read from her phone "A website
describes love as an extreme feeling of affection and attachment. You do
not just want them, but you need them with you. You respect them but want
to challenge them in every way. You care and seek to know everything
about them. With every decision you make, you wonder what they would
think. You want to know what they are thinking about all the time. You
can’t see your future without them in it. The symptoms and signs that you
are in love include feelings in the chest and stomach, a desire to touch the
person and—"
It all sounded too familiar. Far too familiar. It was so recognisable what she
was describing that I continued her explanation.
"— and you want them so much that it scares you. You want them around
all the time. You want them in your English class at school and you want
them with you for ice cream at the pier. You even want them in your bed to
discuss books all into the night." I finished.
She nodded her head and encouraged me to go on.
"It is teasing each other and hiding your amusement so they do not think
that you love everything they are saying. It is appreciating that they know
you. Know you so well that they take you to an Edgar Allan Poe because
you love the poems, or they sit with you at your mother’s grave because
they know you need someone there and not just anyone but them. It is
knowing them so well that you know what their favourite childhood book
was or how many tattoos they have got. It is the desperate need to know the
newest one they have. They take you on the Ferris wheel and help you
swim in the ocean because they want you to conquer your fear and you
can’t help but fall for them and their desire to help you overcome your
worries. It is the feeling that takes over your body when they say your
nickname that is only designed for you. It is the bitten down laughter you
get when they make fun of you. Mostly about your hair and height. It is
everything about him. It is him."
Once I had finished my revealing rant and I was panting for breath over my
stumbled words, I looked down at the floor and let out a gasp.
Lana smiled joyfully "I cannot relate to anything you just said."
"But I can." I whispered.
This feeling was not foreign. It was just being discovered. It was just being
brought to light.
It was like an emerald. Back in Ancient Egypt, Greek miners discovered the
green gemstone and thought they had found something spectacular and rare.
It was found and given a name in two thousand BC but the emerald had
always been there. It had always been encrusted in the Earth since the
beginning of time. It had just been waiting to be brought to the surface.
"I am in love with him." I said aloud but more to myself in realisation "I am
in love with Stone."
Lana smiled and then she let out another giggle "Honestly, it took you far
too long to figure it out. That is why I done it."
"Done what?"
She turned around her phone to reveal a black screen. Her phone had run
out of charge and that meant she had not searched up what love was.
"I did not need to put it into the internet for the definition." She uttered
"You were already aware of what love was. You just needed a little push."
"How did you even come up with the first bit?" I asked, shocked at her
flawless definition.
"I just recited what you have told me." She explained "All of those things
that I said were what you have told me about Stone at some point since
meeting him."
I was lost for words.
The only thing I could do was laugh it off to hide my raw terror at my
revelation "To think people say that I am the conniving and scheming one."
She made her way over to me and grabbed my shoulder "Now you know.
What are you going to do about it?"
"Run away. Leave the country." I answered her "I have heard Antarctica is
nice this time of year."
"Be serious." She told me off.
"Okay fine. That is a bit drastic." I admitted before changing my plans "I
just need to isolate myself. Just stop speaking to him until it goes away."
My panicked state had not disappeared and I scowled at Lana "Why did you
not tell me that I was in love with him?"
"Everyone knows. I think you are the last person to realise that you are
crazy about him." She informed me "It is not just going to go away, and I
know you do not want to stop feeling for him."
I hated how she could tell what I was feeling better than myself.
"What am I going to do? I cannot just tell him." I ranted "What would I
say? That I am so madly in love with him, and I probably have been since I
met him, but I was too scared to let myself feel."
That the thought of potentially losing someone else I loved just like I had
with my parents scared the hell out of me.
"Why not tell him that?" She asked.
"I can’t say that." I argued, "It would give him enough material to tease me
Lana went all gooey-eyed and dreamy "Also madly in love? You have
become such a romantic in your old age."
"Shut up!"
She smiled wickedly "Nothing has actually changed. It has always been you
two. You are just realising it. For someone as intelligent as you are, you
sure are slow."
"Working out people has never really been my thing." I replied, trying to
defend my ignorance.
Her smile turned warm, and her eyes held a bit of sadness as she spoke “I
don't think it is that. I think it is your self-esteem. For some reason, I think
you think you are unloveable. I don't know if it has to do with your mom or
if it is something else, but you need to know that you are amazing."
I kept quiet. I could not think of an excuse.
"All my life, you have built me up and kept my chin high. Now it is my turn
to repay the favour." Lana smiled at me as she continued her speech "You
are beautiful and smart and so funny. Stone knows that. You need to have
some confidence. You need to tell him."
I could feel my lip start to tremble. That is why I shook my head and let out
a small giggle "This is far too mushy. All this feelings and stuff."
"You need to tell him." She repeated.
"What if he does not feel the same way?" I asked quietly.
Her arms crossed and she looked slightly annoyed "You are just trying to
find an excuse to back away. It is not in your nature to just sit back and
watch everything unfold. What happened to my best friend that threw
popcorn at the TV screen when the main heroine would sit back and wait
for her love interest to come and get her?"
My hands went to tug down my dress because I started to feel exposed.
"You once told me that you despised Cinderella for sitting around and
waiting for her prince." Lana added.
She was right.
I was not Cinderella, I was Drizella. Just like Stone had told me.
The words repeated in my head like a never-ending poem. I loved him.
All this time, I was not really challenging him. I was challenging myself not
to fall for him and that failed miserably.
It was inevitable.
To others, he was intimidating and rude. To me, he was caring and selfless.
He had a great sense of humour and never failed to make me laugh. He was
smart and as big of a nerd as I was. He was the best guy I had ever met and
probably always would be.
Only he alone could set my soul on my fire. He annoyed me like nobody
else in the best possible way. He was the only one that could linger on my
mind all day and all night.
I could compare it to falling off The Golden Gate Bridge. I was holding on
so tightly to stop myself from descending, but it was inescapable. I was
going to fall anyway. It was destined. Just because I convinced myself that I
was not falling did not change the outcome.
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Store after store, minutes slipped away until morning became afternoon
then night. Lana and I really did shop until we dropped. The dropping part
just happened to be at the food court where we spent a good amount of time
refuelling ourselves after a stressful day of dress shopping.
My mind however was somewhere else. I could not even fully enjoy my
pizza because I was too busy thinking about how my next encounter with
Stone would go.
That train of thought still ran around in my head as I made my way up the
stairs in my apartment building.
The hallway was brightly lit due to the darkness outside. I was counting the
lightbulbs on the ceiling as I walked upwards, trying to reassure myself that
he would not be there because he had a full day of work. I told myself that
he would be back at his house.
Even the possibility of facing him made me want to flee. I wanted to run
away from trying to explain what I felt to him. There was no word to
describe how I felt. None that had a name anyway. None that were strong
Love did not even compare to what I felt for him. It was so much more.
Sometimes I thought too much. I lived in my head and weighed up each
decision I had ever made.
A good example of that was when I was six years old. Christmas rolled
around and I found myself doubting the existence of Santa Claus. I
recollected sitting under the Christmas tree and comparing the width of my
chimney to the depiction of the jolly fat man in red. I also compared the
number of houses around the world to the hours from night to morning.
Due to all my overanalysing, I missed a childhood of believing in magic. A
few years later was when I started writing down small theories on
farfetched things in an attempt to retrieve that magic again.
Overthinking had the potential to steal away small miracles in our life.
That is why I decided that the next time I saw Stone, I would tell him how I
felt. Then run away for the hills.
Just as I had calmed myself down, my breathing hitched once again as I
went to unlock my front door. It was already open and that meant only one
I had forgotten about my dad. As ludicrous as it sounded to say, it was true.
I had forgotten that he was absent, and he was who knows where and doing
God knows what. For the past week, I never thought once about how much
he despised me.
I had been too busy with Stone. He seemed to make the bad thoughts melt
away just by being there.
With caution and an expectation to see empty drink bottles on the floor and
a familiar stranger in the room, I pushed open the door.
Two steps into the room and I was taken aback. Instead of smashed bottles
in the living room, there was a pile of books crowding the space. Mostly
books anyway. There were a few other objects there. Most of the things I
recognised were from under my bed.
On the arm of the sofa, Pete the Second sat. I frowned in confusion at the
stuffed panda that Stone had won for me.
The nicely laid out mess was not the work of my father. The objects were
organised neatly and with purpose. Not by a drunk.
The only question was why.
With questions unanswered, I dropped my bag with the black silk dress that
I bought earlier on the pile of books.
"Stone?" I called while walking into the dark corridor leading to my
My bedroom door was closed but I could see the light was on from the
slightly ajar wood.
Every step was more difficult. It was quite a frightful thing walking into the
unknown. Further and further. Curiouser and curiouser.
Not waiting any longer, for the second time tonight, I pushed my door open
not knowing what I would find.
I would never have guessed it. My hand instantly flew to my mouth as I let
out a loud gasp.
My bed was misplaced. Instead of being right next to the wall, it was
centred alone in the middle of the room.
However, that was not the first thing my eyes fell upon on.
All four walls of my bedroom that were once a plain and dreary white were
now vibrant with colour.
Not just any colour.
I thought that four walls of the same bright colour would be overpowering
but it was not. It was impeccable. For a cold colour and one usually
associated with nature, the walls made warmth spread through me.
Even with the green surrounding, that still was not what my eyes landed on
first. What I was drawn to first was him.
The man that I loved had a paintbrush in hand and a splatter of the colour
on his black t-shirt as he finished painting a small spot near the skirting of
the wall.
Stone stood as soon as he saw me standing there. Yet he did not move an
inch. He stilled and just watched me. Waiting for a reaction.
I could not give him one. A thousand words of gratitude wanted to escape
from me, yet I remained frozen.
He had listened about how much I hated my room and he had remembered
weeks later. He had gone out of his way to paint my bedroom for me and
not just any colour but my colour.
I would drive myself crazy thinking about him going out of his way to find
the right shade.
I did not know I was crying until Stone took long determined steps across
the room to coddle my face in his large hands. He gently wiped my tears
Stone broke the silence as he quietly told me in his deep voice "Please don't
cry. If you do not like it, then I can paint it back."
"No—No." I rushed out while taking small breaths "I love it. I love it so
I loved him so much.
This was one of the times that my crying was tears of joy. I was so
overjoyed that I thought that I might have burst with happiness.
Even the crying that happened after watching the notebook was nothing
compared to this. Lana was right. I had become a hopeless romantic over
the past few weeks.
"I can’t believe you did this for me." I said, still in shock.
His face filled with so much raw emotion that I was taken aback at how
tenacious yet vulnerable he looked.
"I tried to find the exact colour. I searched everywhere for the shade, but it
was nowhere to be found." He spoke while motioning to the green around
us "This is the closest they had to your colour."
I whispered, "It is fairytale green."
"Yes." He confirmed while staring deep into my eyes, but it felt like he was
looking a lot deeper "It is fairytale green."
"This is the best thing I have ever been given. I cannot tell you how much
this means to me. I cannot begin to thank you." I expressed with a shaky
He wiped another tear of mine away with his thumb as he gave me a small
smile "It is not entirely selfless. I do plan on spending all my time here with
"You hate the colour." I accused "That is why you tease me about my hair."
Stone cocked his head "Fairytale green is the best fucking colour. If I could
paint the whole world, it then I would."
In the next blink of an eye, I had leapt into his arms. One reason was to
embrace him and fill the gap between us. The other was to hide my face in
his chest so he could not see my expression which I had no doubt had the
truth written all over it.
If he looked me in the eye, then he would know every single emotion that I
was feeling.
He pulled back so he could see me, and his voice was full of concern "What
is wrong, Medusa?"
"How do you know something is wrong, Lurch?"
His breath warmed my head as he talked down to me while I kept my gaze
strictly away from his.
"You look terrified." He spoke hoarsely.
"I am." I replied
He gently touched under my chin and forced me to look up at him. I did and
I tried to mask my expression but there was no use. As soon as he saw my
face, he nodded like he understood.
I was caught in his eyes as he continued to study me.
"I push people away." I said aloud "That is what I do."
"Fuck no. There will be no pushing away." He affirmed "You push me away
and I will bring you right back. I will grab you and pin you to the wall. We
do this together."
"Demanding ass." I called him with a small shaky laugh before I mentioned
"The wall is wet with paint so please do not do that."
Stone chuckled and I felt it pierce through me. Right through my heart. It
was enough to make the organ skip a beat.
"I have always wanted to know why you always call me a nickname and not
actually my name." I tried to change the subject and avoid the topic "Why
did you start it?"
Fair enough that I was the one to start on the pier by calling him Lurch but
after that he kept it going with Medusa. It was strange to think of a time
when he was not one of the most important things in my life. If not the
He removed a fallen piece of hair from my face that was acting as a shield.
There was nowhere to hide anymore.
"The nicknames were something to say until I could call you mine. That is
what it means." He told me "Every time I said and will say Medusa, I am
telling you that you are my girl. My everything."
The air had suddenly removed from the room. My chest was thumping
loud, and my eyes became even wetter.
His words gave me a rush of bravery because I wrapped my arms around
him and leaned on my toes.
I confessed "I did not know it then but every time that I called you Lurch or
some other name. I was really just trying to tell you that I am yours."
He rubbed his thumb over my bottom lip and then my top with a hand that
begun to shake. I could feel him tense. I suspected that he was losing
control and his restraint to hold back.
"It was my way of telling you that I wanted you." I professed with full
certainty "Because I really do. I want you."
Stone leaned down and smashed his lips against mine. He claimed my
mouth with so much passion that my mind blanked in response. He ran a
hand through my hair and deepened the kiss. Enough to take the last
remaining oxygen out of my lungs and enough to make my hesitation
I was palming his shirt so tightly that it started to rise, and I could see a hint
of ink. I started to feel dizzy at the hotness of his mouth as I removed his
shirt. He bent down to allow me to get the fabric over his head.
Once I got it off, I reached up and ran my finger over his erratically beating
heart while still not breaking the kiss. The dance of our tongues tasted of an
endless number of confessions.
Speaking of confessions, I had forgotten something. With all my might, I
pulled away and spared him a smile before walking around him so I could
get an eyeful of the mysterious tattoo that he refused to tell me about on his
What I saw had me covering my mouth once again.
My intake of air was so loud it filled the room, but Stone did not turn
Instead, he stayed still and let me examine the tattoo of the gorgon.
The head of Medusa was in the centre of his upper back and the twenty-ish
snakes stretched nearly to the edge of his shoulders. There was no chance of
missing the tattoo. It covered the whole of his upper back and was inked
boldly with dark prominent lines.
I reached out and stroked the closed eyes of the gorgon making sure it was
real. That everything was real.
The question was rhetorical. I could feel the answer in the air and in the
way he was watching me over his shoulder, but I wanted to hear the words
from his lips.
"Why did you get medusa tattooed on your back?" I asked because I needed
him to confirm the reason and hear it from him.
He turned around. His lips were up in a small smile as he wrapped one of
his bulky arms around my waist and pulled me to him.
I closed my eyes at the contact and waited for his reply.
"Because it is forever a reminder of the girl I am in love with." He rasped
"What?" I managed to voice to make sure it was not a wild and wonderful
"I am inexorably in love with you, Ella."
He said it with such ease like it should not have come as a surprise to me.
There was no beating around the bush. He said it such surety that it seemed
that his feelings were irrevocable.
I pointed towards myself, still in shock "Me?"
"Yes. You." He chuckled "Drizella Miller. The mean green machine, you."
"You do know that tattoos are permanent. That means you cannot get rid of
them." I blurted out.
His grip on my waist tightened as he let out in his rough voice "I am well
aware. Now when people see my back, they will know who I belong to."
"When what?" He replied.
"When did you catch feelings for me?"
His head shook "I am not telling you that."
I frowned "Why not?"
"You came in here and looked like you wanted to flee." He answered, "I am
not scaring you away by telling you how fast I fell, and it would scare you
to know how fast I did."
At his words, I crumbled. If my poker face had even slightly remained a
second before, it had gone now. I wanted to shout a million names and
insults at him for making me feel this way, but I also wanted to smash my
lips on his. There was nothing else to do but surrender.
"You are insane." I pointed out with adoration present in my tone as I got a
sudden urge of confidence "I love you."
His pupils dilated and for a moment I thought I could see stars in them.
They were endless dark matter filled with so many different emotions
swirling around. Some I could interpret. His eyes contained delight,
warmth, hunger, and most prominently love.
He bent down and lifted me up so that I was bridal style against his chest. I
wrapped my arms around the back of his neck as he pulled me closer than
"Say it again." He growled.
"I love you."
His tone went deep in demand "Again."
"I love you."
He rested his forehead on mine as his voice became hoarser "Again."
"I love you." I raised my voice in assurance "I love you so much that our
story is my favourite story."
"You are my favourite everything, Medusa." He told me.
Then a buzzing noise from his phone went off. The pocket of his jeans lit up
and showed that someone was trying to call him.
l caught a quick glimpse of the time displayed. It just after nine o'clock. I
could not be sure though because Stone hurled the phone across the room,
and it hit the wall before he attacked my lips once again.
He eventually let me down. He placed me on the floor so that my back was
towards him. He peppered my neck with kisses and bit on the skin as I
threw my head back to give him better access.
"You are mine." He gnarled.
My right arm reached out and I grabbed the back of his head as I asked,
"Are you mine?"
His large hand cupped my chin and turned my head to the side so I could
see him.
He answered in his gravelly voice "I always have been."
A jolt of what felt like electricity sent a shiver down my spine at his touch.
"Valentine?" I quietly let out.
A kiss was left at the side of my mouth in reply.
I turned around and faced him as I uttered "I need you."
"I need you too, Drizella."
I repeated my words to make them explicit "I need you."
"I need you." He rasped out as a growl escaped his throat.
He needed me and I needed him. We needed each other. Desperately.
A ripping noise was heard.
Rest in peace my slipknot shirt. It would be severely missed. It was a good
thing I had three more of the same kind.
I was too caught up in him to care that he was demolishing a fraction of my
wardrobe as he continued to greedily take off my clothes.
My ripped clothes fell to the floor like a discarded mess. He was in a haste
as he undressed me but then he slowed down. He seemed to be savouring
the moment.
He kissed me again as I was left with only my underwear covering my
body. Then that was gone too.
Stone pulled back to see me.
I had never felt so seen. Being bare to him brought a blush to my cheeks
and I crossed my arms over and started to rub at my skin.
"Do not do that." He tried to soften his rough voice as he spoke "Let me see
My self-consciousness faded away as soon as I saw his expression. He was
looking at me like nobody ever had before. Like I was his most prized
The black orbs darkened with desire.
"You are so perfect." His voice sounded thicker as his gaze flicked all over
me "You are the most tempting entity to walk this earth. You are the snake
in the garden of Eden. You are also the apple."
I bit my lip and giggled "I think you are only with me because I smell like
apples. I know how much you love them."
"I only love apples because they smell like you. Because they taste like you.
They remind me of you." He said against my earlobe.
He leaned down and cupped the back of my legs to scoop me up in his
arms. I was carried to the bed in the middle of the room.
Two steps later and he laid me on the mattress. Next thing I knew he had
climbed on top of me. His starvation was completely undisguised as he
went back to showing my mouth attention.
My fingers found the back of his shoulders. Right where his medusa tattoo
was. I found myself gripping the skin as he moved his lips to my neck.
His lips trailed over my jaw and my throat until he reached my collarbone.
He sucked on the skin as I allowed my eyes to roll to the back of my head at
the pleasurable torture. I panted desperately for air as he did so.
A soft moan escaped my mouth and that made him go rigid against me. The
ardour became feral as a growl ripped from his chest.
When I heard the small deep groan from his chest and felt the absence of
the hot air on my neck, I opened my eyes and found him staring at me as
softly as I had ever seen him.
Stone gripped the bedsheets beside me as met my gaze and asked tenderly
"Are you sure you want this?"
I bit my tongue to hold back a laugh because I felt like teasing him as I
questioned "What if I wanted you to wait forever?"
He reached for my hand and brought it to his lips as he left a gentle kiss
there "Then I would wait forever for you."
It was not too fast. It had always been in the making. There had been such a
build-up of emotions since had I met him that surely the release was going
to be explosive.
"I want you." I assured him as I smiled up at his devastatingly attractive
face "I have never been so sure of anything in my life. I am more sure of us
than any of my theories."
Satisfied with my answer, he clutched my thigh and lowered his head to the
tattoo on my thigh. Then he kissed it. He left soft kisses all over the ink,
curling along the shape of the dragon’s tail.
Once he had covered every inch of the intricate details of the tattoo, he
moved on to my stomach then higher to the valley of my breasts then my
neck then my chin and finally he reached my lips.
The movements were slow and passionate. I was expecting passion but
what surprised me was the pace.
His large hands roamed every inch of me. Every curve and crevice. Every
He worshipped it all.
Stone still looked like a drowning man coming up for air. He appeared to be
desperate, yet he took his time learning and touching every surface cell of
my skin.
It was like he could not believe his luck that this is happening. That we
were happening.
His lips moved against mine with a blazing passion that knocked the air out
of me. The only thing I needed in the world was him. He kept me in his
arms as every part of us pressed together in the most intimate of ways.
The way he touched me was so gently yet so raw and vehemently. A deep
desire bound us together and wrapped us in one bundle of need.
His tongue darted out and trailed over my lip. It had me tightening my grip
on his wide shoulders as I let out whimper after whimper. He then moved
my hands, so they were swallowed by his large ones as he intertwined our
fingers. He then pinned my arms above my head with one of his hands as
the other continued to roam the rest of my body
I yearned to touch him and for him to touch me. I craved him so badly. I
could not handle the heat that built up inside of me
Stone's touch and gaze were like shackles. They kept me entrapped in a
gentle prison full of love. I was imprisoned in the best way possible.
"Mine. Mine. Mine." He said over and over again as his tongue flicked over
my skin.
Great, I thought to myself, he had gone all caveman.
The pleasure was so out of the world that I was having trouble thinking. I
could not see straight. I struggled to remember my own name; I could only
sigh his.
My eyes were mostly closed at the feeling but when they were not, I caught
a few glances of him. All of him. The sight was enough to make my knees
feel weak.
I thought that I was going to faint. Even when I was lying down.
Stone smiled. His mouth went up fully. It was true and it was devastating.
"I am so in love with you." He spoke in his gravelly tone "Holy fuck."
I grinned at him, and he traced the outline of my smile with his thumb.
"I have imagined infinite things I want to do to your beautiful little body."
He admitted as his voice went deeper.
My body instantly grew hotter. If he was not careful then I was going to
combust under his touch.
I brought his huge, calloused hand so it was laying on top of my racing
"My heart feels like it is going to explode." I stated, "I think you have stolen
the air out of my lungs."
If I went into cardiac arrest, then mouth to mouth would certainly not help.
Not with his punishing kisses.
"It is retribution." He replied, his voice uneven, his fingers running lines
over my chest "That is exactly what I feel..."
A kiss later and he added, "When I hear your voice."
Another Kiss.
"When your laugh fills my ears."
Two Kisses.
"When you tease me." He continued to list.
Three Kisses.
"When you smile."
A trail of kisses along my jaw and he added as he sucked on the skin "When
you are in the room."
"You seemed like you knew what I was thinking as soon I walked in the
door." I peered up at him and tilted my head "Was it written all over my
"Yes." He answered with a chuckle "That and I am an Ella-expert."
"Just because I love you does not mean that you are not the most irritating
person on the planet." I spoke as I threw my head back against the mattress
as he continued to cause the ecstasy feeling on my body "That will never
He leaned into my ear and bit the lobe. He then whispered sweet nothings
against my skin which caused a ripple effect of goosebumps from my neck
to the rest of my body.
"You are infuriating as well, Medusa." He spoke "I really thought I was
going to have to spell it out for you. It was so painfully obvious that I loved
you. Everyone knew I was crazy for you. Except from you."
"Sorry." I said in embarrassment and then felt the need to add "I have been
pretty slow. Are you sure you love me?"
"Undeniably." He affirmed, his dark tone taking over to make it known that
his word was a law "If you left me waiting any longer then I think I would
have gone mad. I would have waited nonetheless."
I became aware of the green walls surround us. The four surfaces cornered
us and shone green across us.
The colour was the second-best thing in the room.
His gaze was so soft as he uttered "I do not want to hurt you, Ella."
"I will be okay." I tried to keep my voice strong while I kissed his jaw, and I
tried not to glance down at the monster looking up at me.
When a new thought made its way into my head, I announced it in the form
of a moan "I have a theory."
Stone hummed in response waiting for my explanation. He moved back
slightly so he could see me. It was like he had to hear what I had to say and
that he might have died if he did not.
"My theory is that red is not the colour of love. It can't be." I stated before
telling him "Not when fairytale green exists."
"That is not a theory. That is the truth." He told me as he moved towards me
once again.
I leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his neck while wrapping my
arms around him and pulling him closer on top of me.
He pulled back enough to peer at my breasts. His breathing became ragged
as he took in the sight of me naked. He swallowed and the large bulge at my
thigh twitched.
The huge, calloused hands captured my hips in a tight grip as he leaned
down and caught one of my nipples between his lips. He sucked the flesh
until they were sore.
I moaned and arched my back off the mattress. I rubbed my body against
the hard thick shaft against my leg.
Deep rough curses left his mouth lowly while he peppered kisses all over
my collarbone and breasts.
I was going to combust. I was going to die.
Temptation and desire ran through my veins and my fingers reached out to
tug at his boxers.
He groaned and thrust his hips up between my legs. The broadness of his
erection was peeking out from beneath the elastic of his underwear.
Moans and groans filled the room as I tugged at the material keeping him
from me.
My hands shook as I pulled down his briefs and allowed his erection to
break free against his stomach.
I felt my eyes widen as I took in the humongous size of him.
I almost screamed bloody murder.
There was no way of describing the unapologetic length and breadth of him.
Veins wrapped around his broadness and his sack was heavy. He was as
long and as thick as my forearm, maybe even bigger. The thick black hair at
the base of him seemed miles away from the tip.
He was all man.
I certainly did not mean what I said at the diner that day we visited the
grave. I could not handle it.
One of his fingers was enough to fill me. Never mind his large monster that
lived in his trousers.
I wanted to cry.
A small yelp left my mouth which I could not contain.
Concern filled his expression instantly and he immediately tried to pull
away from me while reassuring me that we did not have to do anything I
did not want to.
I put on a brave face and pulled his large body back towards mine with all
my strength.
"Ella." He growled, trying not to flatten me with his broad chest "We don't
need to do anything. This was not what tonight was about."
Nothing could stop us. I wanted him so badly and I felt how badly he
wanted me.
"I need you now." I panted "Please."
He gently grabbed my hips and yanked me closer so that he could position
his hard sex over the seeping hole waiting for him.
A moan left me as he settled his hard shaft on my clit. He then slowly
dragged the head down, parting the swollen bare lips between my legs.
I shuddered in anticipation as he gently pressed the thick head of his cock
against my opening.
Stone peered down at where both our pelvis nearly met. His eyes widened
and he let out a curse as he noticed the bareness of both of us.
"Fuck, baby." He grumbled in realisation "I don't have anything."
I looked down and then back up at him "I am on the pill, and I trust that you
He nodded his head, and it appeared like he wanted to add something else
to the nod.
His eyes turned into a galaxy full of stars.
My core felt like it was on fire. A fire that could only be ignited by one
"I want you more than I have ever wanted anything." He rasped out "You
are all I have ever wanted."
"I want you too." I moaned "Please."
"I would do anything for you." He promised, leaving another gentlest kiss
on my forehead.
I mewled and mewled as his hands squeezed and beautifully ruined every
part of my skin.
His tongue dominated my tastebuds as he bucked his hips to mine. His
largeness nudged my opening and demanded more room. I opened my legs
to accommodate him.
The shaft slid up and down the smooth lips of my sex without breaking the
"Valentine." I released breathily "I need you now."
Tears pricked my eye as he notched the first few inches of his member into
my wet heat. Everything went numb and All I could feel was him.
There went my sanity and my ability to move.
A tear fell from my eye when I noticed that he was hardly even a quarter in.
To the scientist wondering if a cucumber could fit into a polo mint, then the
answer was a maybe. It was just painful.
Stone noticed my tears and his eyes went wide with panic.
He instantly went to pull out, but I stopped him by wrapping my legs
around his back and keeping him inside of me.
His eyes fluttered for a second, but his expression remained strict as he
barked "Ella."
"I just need a minute." I whispered, reaching up and cupping his stubbled
jaw with my small hands "Can—Can you kiss me?"
"Always." He uttered lowly.
The devouring kisses were slow and passionate. Each brush of the tongue
was filled with love and lust and everything in between.
"Just do it." I moaned, finally adjusted to the mere few inches "I want to
feel all of you."
The giant's attention never faltered away from my face as he slowly edged
himself into me. Inch after inch after inch, he made his way inside of me as
far as he could.
"I am so sorry." He uttered lowly, continuing to pepper kisses on my face.
Pleasure and pain filled my whole body and I screamed. I had never felt so
full or so connected to someone. I had never felt anything like it.
Stone cupped my face and his thumbs wiped away the tears as I adjusted to
his utterly huge size.
"Hey, Lurch " I whispered up to him, a smile pulling at my lips.
He smiled back, his black irises dilated with lust and pleasure "Hey
"What is your favourite colour?" I asked to change the subject.
"Green." He released hoarsely from his throat "Fairytale Green."
I continued talking "You are far too big for me."
A few kisses later, he shut his eyes and released gutturally "You are far too
perfect for me."
I pouted up at him.
"Stop looking at me like that." He groaned out, the black of his eyes
growing and darkening.
"Why?" I asked, pouting even more.
"Because this will be over before it begins." He growled, his voice close to
Valentine Stone looked like he was on the brink of sanity. He appeared on
the edge of control. Lust was about to overtake him and if he was not
careful then he was going to lose all semblance of control.
A few minutes later, I kissed his jaw and whispered, "You can move."
He rocked against me slowly. He was so gigantic that he managed to fill me
to the brim and hit the bundle of pleasure nerves at the same time.
I grabbed his large hand and placed it on part of my stomach "You are in
"Baby." He murmured, his voice rumbling through my body.
Never mind my stomach, Stone's cock was inside my brain. Figuratively
and probably literary. He was turning all my thoughts to mush.
The slow pace was perfect and wonderfully euphoric, yet I could tell he was
trying to control himself for me.
His forearms were strained, the veins running up them were popping out.
His jaw was gritted as he continued to keep a soft easy pace. He was trying
so hard to be sweet and gentle with me but I could tell his restraint was
I swallowed back a moan so that I could reach out and cup his rugged jaw.
He swallowed hard as he looked down at me with his dark irises and dilated
"Don't hold back." I sobbed "I want you rough."
"Ella." He released hoarsely, his control slowly disappearing.
Fire raced over my skin. A tickle formed between my thighs. His cock was
reaching a sensitive and undiscovered place inside of me while also
stimulating the small bundle of nerves.
"I know you want to fuck me harder than this, Valentine." I whispered up to
The control in him snapped. It was gone.
He grabbed my waist, his curled fingers digging into my soft flesh as he
yanked me into him. I reached up and grabbed onto his shoulders as he did
I braced myself as he pulled my hips up, about to hit even deeper. I was
ready for it. My control had disappeared too.
I wanted it raw and rough. I wanted him unrestrained and untamed. I
wanted every part of him that he felt he had to hold back from me.
"You want to get fucked by your man?" He growled.
I let out a small whine as I nodded my head. I glanced at his flexed broad
chest before meeting his eye.
The time for holding back was over because Stone thrusted into me quickly
and harshly. He held my hips possessively while he dove into me again and
again and again.
"Oh." I moaned as he thrusted his big cock deeper while raising my hips
He pulled back out and then slammed back in. Again, and again. His pace
was ruthless.
"Fuck baby." The man inside me grunted "You are so fucking tight."
I screamed each time he entered me. The pain was replaced with pleasure
and the tears became full of ecstasy.
"You are griping me so tight." He rasped out, never once stopping his
wonderfully brutal thrusts "Like you never want me to leave."
"I don't." I whimpered through my cries of pleasure.
He went savage. He went like a wild animal when he fucked. He growled
and groaned and told me how much I was his as he did so. He claimed me
like a wild beast while delving into me again and again in a rapid pace.
With his inhumane black eyes of lust and his large, tattooed build, he
looked like a mountain man with only one goal and that was to be inside me
for the rest of his life.
His mouth moved from my ear to my neck to my throat. He sucked every
inch of skin that arrived in his path while his hard pelvis smaller into my
aching clit with every powerful thrust.
I was so close. I moved my hands off his arms and gripped onto the
bedsheets at the side of my head.
Stone pounded his cock into me, his pelvis slammed into my clit and my
whole body erupted.
I screamed his name as the unrelenting squeezing inside of me bursts and I
let myself go all over him. I was swallowed in the sensation.
I was drowning in the pleasure and Stone never stopped once.
My eyes watered. Tears streamed down my cheeks.
He slowed his pace while he left a gentle kiss on my mouth "Are you okay,
I nodded, my eyes remaining closed "Never better."
His stubbled tickled my skin as he moved his mouth to my ear so that he
could whisper "Am I hurting your little pussy?"
"I love it." I gasped the words out "Don't stop."
My words encourage him to continue.
I was dazed with euphoria as he sped up and continued his relentless pace.
He drove his thick length into me while I was most sensitive and made
ecstasy shoot through my body. My toes curled and my hands tightened
around the sheets.
Stone kept his mouth at my ear as he rasped out happily "You like my
I felt my walls trying to trap him inside me. I felt myself grip him tight.
"I have been keeping it for you." He exhaled his words out strenuously as
he pressed his forehead against mine for a second or two "It is all yours."
I smiled up at him because I was too dazed in pleasure to make out what he
was saying.
"My Little Medusa is so needy." He grumbled while continuing to worship
my body with his hands while he slammed into me faster "Only needy for
I whined in agreement while shutting my eyes and gripping the sheets at
either side of me harder.
"Keep your eyes on me." He growled out, nudging into my channel
Instantly, I opened my eyes and kept my gaze centred on him while I moved
my hands and held onto him.
I feared I would go through the wall at how fast he was fucking me. The
bed was not going to be able to handle his strength. The bed did not just
creak. It screamed beneath us and threatened to break.
Stone leant down and kept his mouth at my ear. He whispered the most
primal and most territorial things to me while he roughened and quickened
his pace.
He was a beast of a man, and he was all mine.
I fell in love with all of him in that moment. I loved him when he was
gentle and sweet. I loved him when he was wild and crude.
Our eyes locked. I could see the hunger in his eyes, and he could see the
need in mine. His hands roamed to my ass as he lifted me up and angled
himself deeper into me.
He hit the spot repeatedly as he pounded brutally into me.
I loved him barbaric. I loved him in control and when he did not hold back.
My whimpers told him to keep going at that angle. To keep delivering at the
same pace and the same ferocity.
He groaned a masculine noise as he poked at the nought that was about to
be pulled for the both of us.
"I love you." I moaned.
His face buried into my neck, and he told me gruffly "I love you more than
fucking anything."
My mouth formed an o-shape. I palmed his chest as I let go again. I could
no longer hold it. My flesh vibrated and rippled around him. I writhed
underneath him as my vision went unclear. He became a blur of stars and
"Stone. Stone. Stone."
Hearing his name from my lips turned on something in him. He went more
animalistic and never spoke a word as he growled while throttling into me.
It was like touching me flipped some primal switch inside of him and he
went more commanding.
With a hoarse roar, his thickness invaded all available space within me.
Him drilling at such a pace into my snug channel was enough to have it
convulsing with need.
Orgasm after orgasm rippled through me. I had lost count as he continued
his sweet attack on my body.
Sweat covered the both of us in beads as we continued in our own little
bubble of pleasure.
I did not think I would ever get used to the savagery of his thrusts.
The bottom of his spine twisted, and he bucked into me for a final time. It
was so powerful that I levitated in the air for a split second.
"Fuck." He ground out, the sound of wet slaps echoing in the tiny room.
"You are mine."
He spoke even more like a caveman when he was turned on.
I dug my nails into his back while I whined for more. I scratched his back in
an attempt to grab onto something as I wiggled underneath him.
"That make you hot, baby?" He grunted, rattling the headboard behind us
"Knowing that I own you. That you belong to me."
I screamed so loud that the whole of California must have heard it.
Nothing would be the same again. Not when I had reached nirvana. Not
when I felt like I had learned the secret of the universe.
Stone found his high and slammed against me for the final time. He
collapsed onto of me but made sure not to squish me. He began to kiss my
neck and suck the skin between his teeth. He acted like he was not even
I panted and panted, unable to breathe "I think you have ruined me."
None of my limbs were working. My bones were numb, and my spirit was
away in the clouds.
"You have ruined me." The gravelly rough voice argued "How am I meant
to do anything when all I can think about is your sexy little body?"
I could not move. I watched my chest move up and down as I blew a strand
of green hair away that had stuck to my face.
His rough calloused hands cupped my face as he stroked his thumbs across
my cheek.
"You are going to fall asleep with my dick inside you like this." He rasped
out while leaving kisses across my face "You are going to wake up to my
cock sliding in and out of you. You are not even going to be able to eat
without me trying to rip your panties off and bury my face between your
thighs. You are going to tell me all your crazy theories while I hold you in
my arms. You are going to gift me that big, beautiful smile of yours after
every time I have pleasured you."
I could not feel anything apart from my flustered face, my huge grin and the
tingles that were returning between my legs.
"I am going to fuck you every second of every day." He released throatily
as he pressed his lips against my hair.
A giggle left me as I teased "I have created a monster."
"You have no idea, Medusa."
Stone rolled off me but instantly picked me up and placed me on his chest. I
rested the side of my head against his racing heart so that I could hear his as
well as mine.
He trailed kisses along my jaw and ran his hand though my green hair as he
smiled down at me.
"Lurch?" I quietly spoke.
His hum in response was deep and throaty.
"Can we do that again?" I asked while sending him a faux innocent look.
I was already not going to be able to walk the next day. Might as well go
big or go home.
A chuckle vibrated off his chest and into me.
Once again, he was inside me and I was reaching for orgasm two hundred.
At this point, I did not think the number was an exaggeration.
My fingers went through his hair as entered me again and I moaned out
suggestively "Is the green walls dry yet?"
Stone pulled back and smirked lazily at me "There is nobody like you,
Drizella Miller."
I smiled at him. It was full of lust and love.
"You are never leaving this fucking bed again." He gnarled before picking
me up, both of us still connected.
The night passed with the two of us in a bubble of euphoria with our legs
and arms and everything else intertwined together.
Nothing else mattered.
The love echoed through the walls.
That one French phrase came to mind and this time it was in the right
context. Yet even the idea of a little death seemed too weak to describe what
we shared as the dark hours turned to light.
It was us and it was perfect.
Chapter Thirty-Nine
A million memories from the previous last night flooded back as the rising
sun peeked through the curtains. I woke up with a smile and the inability to
If it was not for the feeling of Stone's large arm resting on my stomach, then
I would have thought it was a dream. It was out of this world. Earth
shattering. I had never felt so seen nor so loved before.
Because I still believed it was a beautiful dream, I lifted the bedsheets and
glanced underneath.
It was real and nothing could be better. Nothing. Out of this world was an
understatement to describe what he made me feel. I could not articulate how
amazing it felt waking up in his arms.
My bare body was firmly held by the pair of hands as I woke up on top of
him. My chest rested against his and my feet were bundled between his
Stone was awake when I looked up from my position on his torso. He was
smiling down at me as he ran a hand through my hair.
"Morning Lurch." I spoke.
The sexy husky morning voice replied, "Morning Medusa."
I turned so I was fully lying on my front on him. I probably flashed him for
a second in the process, but I wanted to see him better.
The sun that bounced off the green walls illuminated his sharp defined
features and his god-like form. The sight looked like something that should
be capture led and hung in an art museum. It was the best thing to wake up
We could not stop smiling at each other. We were still giddy and glowing
from the night before.
He kissed my forehead as he asked, "How are you feeling, baby?"
"Like I have been impaled." I said in a humorous tone even though I was
being deadly serious "Never mind Vlad. It should be Valentine the Impaler."
Stone grew frantic. He pulled up the covers and started scanning my body
to make sure that I was fine.
"Relax. I am okay." I giggled as I pressed down on his chest
He let out a sigh of relief as he rested back on his pillow and tightened his
grip on my hips.
"But seriously though," I began to say as I stuck my head under the covers
which muffled the next part of my sentence "I think that while you were
surfing your reproductive part got replaced with the kraken."
The giant moved his muscled arm to cover his face as he laughed. He
laughed and laughed. It was for a good minute that I felt the tough
vibrations underneath me.
I wished that I was exaggerating.
If the Knights of Camelot ever came looking for Excalibur, then I would
point them in the direction of the giant who had it in his pants.
I swatted his chest "That is a reasonable explanation. It is the only that
explains how it is so gigan—"
His hand cupped my face as he kissed me.
He pulled back with a small smile "You are wild."
"I don’t understand why you are laughing." I pointed a finger at him "It will
be your fault when you have to carry me everywhere for a month."
Stone smirked.
My face moved into his chest as I spoke after my relaxation "You would
like that, wouldn't you?"
"Immensely." He grumbled into my hair as he left a kiss there.
He pulled back while removing some hair from my face. It must look like a
bird's nest. I could not count the number of times he had combed through it
with his fingers during the night.
"What are you thinking, Medusa?" His tone teasing yet inquisitive.
My eyes closed because I was still sleepy, but my large smile was still intact
as I replied to him "I am thinking that you have ruined me for all men."
A growl emerged from him.
I opened my eyes in time to see him manoeuvre myself and him so that he
was on top of me. His face was serious as he wound his arms around me
tighter, caging me in.
"It is funny that you think I would let you go and meet other guys. Let alone
let you leave this bed." He gnarled, his words a dark promise "I have no
intention of letting you go."
I considered standing up to defy him but there would be no point. He knew
as well as I that I did not want to leave our little sanctuary. He knew that
nobody else could compare to him.
Stone was it for me.
My head fell back onto his chest as he went back to cuddling with me on
the mattress. I snuggled into him as I became completely content with the
fact that I solely belonged to him.
"That actually sounds kind of perfect." I admitted before saying "We could
be the Boo Radleys of Santa Monica."
He seemed to have lightened up as his chest moved in a chuckle "I like your
To Kill A Mockingbird reference."
I let out a yawn as I started to trace his tattoos "Thanks, Lurch."
"You are fucking hot when you nerd out on me with that big brain of yours"
He rasped out.
"You must be invariably tempted by me then." I replied with a laugh.
A nod then three words from the gravelly voice "That is true."
With a lone finger, I reached out and traced the lines of the tattoo on the
right side of his torso. Then my hand wanders up and stroked the tattoo on
his hand that was touching my shoulder. I ran my hand over the fine details
of the skull covering his knuckles.
Once I was satisfied that I had touched every inch of ink on his body, I went
higher and explored his mouth. The side of his lip was curled in a smile as I
touched it. I had never seen him so happy, and I was revelling in it.
The scariest thing about him was how badly his smile made my stomach
"You know what I just noticed?" He asked, his tone sounding amused.
He teased "You said Stone more times last night than the past few weeks."
His innuendo made me pull back and made me try and give him my best
death glare. It failed because he just chuckled at me.
All that time spent with the intimidating giant, and I had still not perfected a
better glare.
"If you get evicted from this place for noise complaints then you can always
come and live at mine." He taunted.
The blush on my face darkened.
I took a few deep breaths and resisted the urge to suffocate him with a
He really knew how to push my buttons like no other.
"You are not exactly innocent either." I calmly pointed out, referencing his
growling and gnarling.
Stone left a kiss on my shoulder before he uttered "I am going to have to
buy us a house in the middle of nowhere."
"Why would you need to do that?"
His kisses trailed to my neck as he grumbled "I do not want anyone else to
hear you."
I rolled my eyes and bit down my laugh.
Valentine Stone was a little possessive and a little bit of a smartass. It was a
good thing that I loved him.
"Medusa." He said before asking "Are you trying to shove me out of the
"No." I lied as I tried my very hardest to get him to fall off the mattress.
Nodding, he sent me a smirk "Good because it just feels like you are ticking
"We can’t all be immovable skyscrapers." I countered back as I gave up my
attempt to push the big boulder off my bed.
He tilted his head, and it seemed like something had crossed his mind.
"Are you okay?" I asked as I left a kiss where I was resting which was on
his stomach.
"Of course, I am, Medusa. I have never been better." He answered before he
told me what was on his mind "You were surprised that I loved you."
I faced him and I told him the truth "I did not think it was possible for
someone to love me."
Stone scowled as he held my face once again his hand "Why would you
think that?"
"I guess it stemmed from my parents." I voiced "My mom left, and my dad
did too."
"Ella, that was not your fault." He let out roughly and it left no room for
"Thank you." I said to him as I went back to resting my face on his
freakishly comfortable rock-hard abs.
"That kid Charlie picked up on it faster than you." He chuckled.
"He did?" I asked sheepishly.
The giant nodded and it almost appeared like he was embarrassed because
he did not look down at me while talking.
"I asked him how to win you over. He said that you loved green, and I
should give you something that colour." His deep voice informed me "I
already had the paint bought before then, but I was waiting for a time when
you were out of the house to do it."
I smiled into his chest "I can’t believe you got romance advice from a five-
year-old. I am never going to let you live that down."
His fingers caressed my face as he let out a husky laugh "I know you will
not, but I was pretty desperate at that point."
The gleeful and once teasing expression from my face dropped at the need
for him to know the truth "I thought that you saw me as some sort of
challenge, and you were trying to rattle me. I thought you were trying to
throw me off guard by making me fall helplessly for you and then you
would laugh in my face."
He wrapped his arms around me tightly while he stated "I do challenge you.
I will always challenge you. Just as you do me."
I smiled up at him and he smiled back.
Then Stone grumbled "Make no mistake. I am keeping you forever."
"Good." I said "Keep challenging me. I am still going to aim to beat you at
everything. I hope you know that. English test scores, bickering, nerd offs.
All of it, I am going to win."
"We will see about that." He rasped as he moved closer.
My body reacted in anticipation, but I remembered my current state. My
very naked state. He was moving closer, and I just wanted to hide under the
I lifted the covers and hid my whole self under there.
A deep chuckle came from outside the bedsheets "Don't get shy on me now,
I popped my head out before I pulled the whole sheets away with a laugh.
"I was right. You must be some sort of other creature." He said in a
wondrous tone as he scanned my body "Nothing could ever compare. You
are otherworldly beautiful."
Weirdly enough as he gazed down at me, I felt beautiful.
My hands went to his back as I pulled him down in me as I voiced "You are
not so bad yourself."
"Is that so?" He smirked.
I teased against his mouth "A lot better with the lights off."
"My little liar." Stone hoarsely let out as he gripped my hips and moved on
top of me.
The bedsheets rose with him on top and I saw everything of him once again.
It was only further evidence that I was the biggest liar on the planet. The
He slanted his mouth and his lips descended over mine. At the warmth of
his tongue enmeshing with mine, my eyes closed. A husky groan came
from his chest as I twined my arms around his neck.
Just like the previous night, it was a good thing that the bed was beneath me
as I was sure my legs would have given way. I doubted they were working
properly. I do not think any part of me was working properly.
We were so familiar with one another, yet every kiss was filled with
exhilaration and eagerness for each other like it was the very first time.
"I love you." I whimpered into his mouth between a break that allowed me
to catch my breath.
Stone replied instantaneously like his words had been bottled up and he was
desperate to let them out "I love you. So, fucking much that I think it would
terrify others to know what I would do to make you happy."
"You do not need to do anything. You make me happy." I assured him
gently while staring into his eyes.
A few minutes passed with the two of us in the same position before I
kissed his jaw again.
"You could make me a hot chocolate to make me extra happy." I said as I
left a quick peck on his mouth.
He let out a laugh before he looked past where I lay and apologised "I am
sorry about your bed."
I shrugged, glancing at the mess behind me and the general mess of the
room "Headboards are overrated."
Stone grinned at my remark and in response started to kiss my collarbone.
He pulled back and let out a low groan "You taste heavenly."
"It is my apple scented body wash." I revealed and that reminded me that I
had to force myself out of bed and away from him "Speaking of body wash,
I need a shower."
I untangled myself from him with much unwillingness on his part. Sitting
up on the bed, I notice that all my clothes and his were scattered on the
other side of my room. Some of them had made their way into the hall.
My clothes had been ripped to shreds so I grabbed the nearest material of
his and slipped it on.
The giant's t-shirt was far too big on me. It was more like a dress as it
reached my knees.
He watched my hobbled movements with desire and a look of longing as I
crossed the room and grabbed a new pair of panties from my chest of
There was an incessant throb between my legs that reminded me exactly
how huge Stone was everywhere.
I leaned against the doorframe and crossed my arms as he sat up on the bed
and stretched. The movement made his muscles stick out even more and his
veins bulge out.
Stone met my eyes with a question present in his eye. I was starting to think
that I was a Stone-expert because I knew what he was asking.
"Come along then." I said and tried my hardest to keep my voice void of
over excitement.
Standing up ever so slowly, he mentioned in a thick voice "Saving water is
good for the planet."
"What a saint, you are." I uttered while biting my lip to stop myself from
"There is nothing saint-like about what I am about to do to you." Stone
affirmed, his deep voice a warning.
Then in two steps, he had caught up to me and he had thrown me over his
shoulder. I was shouting and laughing while everything was upside down as
he carried me to the bathroom.
I poked his back as I told him "You are still making me hot chocolate after
our shower."
"If I do then will I officially be out of the acquenemy zone?" He asked from
"Add whipped cream and I will definitely think about it." I replied like there
was ever such a thing as an acquenemy zone.
He took long strides of determination before he opened the door to the
"Are you not hungry?" I asked as I felt my stomach start to grumble.
"Starving." He assured me.
"Well then should we not head to the kitchen?" I asked in a taunting tone.
"I want apples." Stone spoke, his gravelly voice deepening as he slammed
the door behind us.
My bare feet turned cold as he set me down once, we entered the bathroom.
The bright light of the room was blinding. I squinted my eyes slightly as I
ignored the hungry gaze that came from the man pressed behind me.
I let my head fall back so that I could look up at him when I complained
with a pout "I need a shower."
He leaned down and kissed my mouth once before grumbling "I need you."
I needed him too, but I was a little apprehensive in this lighting. The times
he touched me before was always in a darker setting with a dimmer light.
The fluorescence of the bathroom would hide nothing away from him.
Swivelling around on my heel, I wrapped my arms around the huge body as
far as I could manage and stuck my face into his stomach to hide my
blushed face.
"Medusa." The deep voice uttered against my hair "What is wrong?"
"I am shy." I mumbled, his hard chest muffling my reply.
His large palms ventured up and cupped my face. He gently tilted my head
upwards so that I was looking at him and no longer hiding.
"You are perfect." He delivered as if it was a commandment rather than a
I rolled my eyes, but I felt the side of my lip turn up.
"You are a little goddess." He gruffly expressed while rubbing his thumbs
over my cheek freckles "Now I am going to worship you."
The veiny hands let go of my face slowly before grabbing the material of
his shirt that was covering my body. I lifted my arms up and allowed him to
throw away the shirt.
He leaned down and gave both my nipples a quick peck. The buds hardened
instantly at the brief contact and my breasts suddenly felt heavy on my
My legs already felt like jelly. The two limbs grew suddenly weaker when
he left a soft kiss on my nose.
Stone fell to his knees in front of me.
The huge height of him and the smallness of me meant that kneeling down,
he was almost at eye-level with my face.
His tight grip went to my hips as he pulled me forward and closer to him.
He hooked his thumb into the top of my panties.
I stilled and waited but he did not remove them. Not yet anyway.
I peered down at where he kneeled and watched as he pressed his forehead
to my stomach. Silently, I weaved my fingers through his black hair and
held him close.
We remained like that for a small eternity. We were so entrapped in each
other and in our own little bubble that it felt like a blissful dream.
Stone took deep breaths against my skin. He placed his lips below my
bellybutton and lingered there as he slowly started to drag my thong down
my legs.
The whole of my body felt weak and immobile. The whole of me felt
lenient on him.
He tapped my right ankle and I managed to lift my shaky leg. He then done
the same with my left leg until my black thong was a discarded piece of
Suddenly his face was buried in between my legs and my whole body jolted
at the sudden warmth of his tongue.
"Ohhhh!" I let out as my head fell back and my grip on his hair tightened.
One long and wicked lick of his tongue had me screaming.
He clutched my hips which caused me to jerk wildly.
The hotness of his tongue circled my hypersensitive nub and I felt like I
was going to collapse. He was the only thing holding me up as he circled
the bundle of nerves.
Ever so slowly he moved his tongue downwards and then with one precise
movement he was delving deep into my bare core.
I could not see straight from the sheer pleasure.
There was not one single part of me that he was not exploring.
Stone increased the pressure of his tongue on my heat. He dug his fingers
into my hips to control my movements as I tried grinding into his mouth.
I did not know if I was going to survive. I was being tuned into a melting
puddle of a mess. It was not going to be long until I fell apart.
The surging pressure crashed down into my groin, making my mouth part
and having me hold my breath.
My heart lodged in my throat and so did my scream.
He devoured as if it was his last meal on earth.
"You taste unearthly." He roughly released from his throat, momentarily
delaying his consuming of all of me "I could taste only you for the rest of
my life and I would never get enough."
Long rushed breaths left my mouth as my head fell back further.
"Please." I begged and it came out as a whine "Please."
"Someone is needy this morning." He chuckled against my wet core before
leaving a small kiss on the sensitive bud and then continuing his attack
“Pull me in tight. Show me how badly you want my tongue."
Tears were rolling down my face as I combed my hands through his hair
and gripped on tightly.
One of his large hands fell from my hips. I whimpered at the loss of heat
that came with his touch on my body.
Suddenly two fingers plunged into me, and I was sent into orbit.
I mewled and whimpered his name. The whimpers turning to moans as I
pleaded with him.
He stretched my opening with his fingers. He continued his powerful even
strokes of his tongue against my bare lips while circling and thrusting his
thick fingers inside of me.
It was a torturous pleasure that I could live in forever. However, I could not
endure it due to the increasing pressure weighing down on me and
demanding release.
I screamed his name desperately.
With a few more measured strokes of his fingers and his tongue, I had
found enlightenment. It felt I had been hurled off a cliff and I was free-
falling into bliss.
If he was not holding me then I would most likely collapse.
He lapped and sucked. His movements grew slow and steady which helped
me lower my dangerously high heart rate.
His tongue travelled up the middle of my stomach then higher between my
breasts as he rose to his feet. He continued to trail up my neck and he
skimmed my chin before pulling back to look at me.
Stone's obsidian gaze fell onto my face before he buried his face into the
crook of my neck and nuzzled while whispering "God, I have missed you."
"How have you missed me? I haven't been anywhere?" I rebutted
confusedly but I wrapped my arms around him anyway.
"You have been sleeping."
I pulled away from him and laughed "We have only had two hours sleep,
you weirdo!"
He let out a grumble at the loss of contact that came with me pulling away.
Then as the proactive demanding man that he was, he grabbed my hips and
nudged me towards him.
I moved into his warm embrace more than willingly. I rested my chin
against his firm stomach while I looked up at him.
I was so in love with Valentine Stone.
Leaving a kiss on one of his eight abs, I then peered up and delivered "I
really do need to shower."
"I really do need to fuck you in the shower." The gruff low-octaved voice
The heat covering my reddened face had shot down to my core and once
again I was shaking with excitement.
My lip twitched upwards, and I kept eye contact with the giant as I slipped
my hand down past the waistband of his boxers. I never took my attention
away from his face as I let my hand curl around his erection.
I frowned unhappily when I could not wrap my hand around the largeness
of him. His ridiculously mammoth-sized monster was definitely a two-hand
Stone took the opportunity to lower his forehead onto mine, blessing me
with a closer look at his content smile.
Giving up with trying to wrap my hand around him, I decided to stroke one
lone finger along a bulging vein on the underside of his shaft.
"I love this." I whispered to him while rubbing my finger back and forward
and feeling him twitch under the contact.
He let out a husky and hoarse laugh when informing me "It is all yours,
I showed my approval at his words by smiling up at him and by running my
finger along the tip of his thick lengthy arousal.
"I really love this." I expressed but then I looked away from him when I
added "I don't think I will ever stop being a little intimidated by it though."
Stone groaned in appreciation, the noise completely primal and full of
He swooped down and claimed my lips. He ravaged my mouth possessively
and viciously which forced me to realise my grip on his hard length.
His hands were on my hips when he picked me up. He was desperate and
commanding with his movements as he carried me towards the shower.
We were in a frenzied rush. Our love and lust for one another challenged
time as we became a hurried mess to be under the hot water of the shower
Simmering steam surrounded the space. The condensation smoked up and
clouded the glass door to the shower. The white tiles of the shower wall
were wet and hot.
I was unsure what was making the bathroom hotter. The water spurting
from above us or the smouldering darkened gaze of the man about to ravish
I was yanked closer to his chest, and I felt the full powerful impact of the
blow of his hardness pushing into my groin.
The urgent need to have him inside me had me breaking our kiss and
tugging at his boxers to get them down his long muscular legs.
He released one hand from my waist to assist the riddance of his boxers.
Seconds later and his massive bulky erection was pointing straight at me.
I needed him.
The twitching and the moisture beading on the tip of the impressive length
suggested that Stone was very much in need of me.
His clutch returned to my hips, and he pulled me back towards his heaving
hard chest.
Warm air tickled my neck as he sucked at the soft skin of my throat.
"Wrap your legs around my waist." He growled while lifting my body again
as if it was a mere feather.
I complied without a thought. I wrapped my legs around his waiting body
as he lifted me into the air.
A loud needy cry escaped my mouth when his arousal slipped over my
swollen entrance.
I gasped so loud that it drowned out the sound of the running water.
He crashed his lips against mine, moaning as our tongues performed a
ceremonial ferocious dance in one another's mouths.
My hands ran down from his hair to his stubble and then to his hard chest.
One of his hands was busy with my left nipple while the other arm had
wrapped around my waist and pinned me to the tiled wall.
Hot water rained down our bodies as he worshipped my mouth with his
tongue and my breast with his calloused hands.
"I have got you." He rasped out the promise as he pulled back from my
swollen mouth "I have always got you."
I nodded while looking into his eyes "I know."
I was burning all over. Every inch of me was scorching and it had nothing
to do with the hot water pouring over us.
I moved my hands around to grip his back when I felt him rear back. I felt
my toes curl as I watched him get ready to enter me.
"Spread your legs for me." He ordered gently with a tender look in his eyes
"Let me see you, beautiful girl."
My thighs relaxed but I had to stretch wide further to accommodate the size
of my giant.
Bringing his hand down from my breast, he guided himself to my entrance
and looked straight into my eyes as the head of his erection probed at me.
I shivered and my back rolled against the wall.
"I think we are more than acquenemies." I managed to whisper though a
He grumbled, his chest moving closer to mine.
Smiling at him, I told him tauntingly "We are getting a little friendly."
And on a sharp shift of his hips, he thrusted upwards. He filled me to the
absolute hilt while slamming his hand back onto the wall beside my head
with a roar.
I screamed in delight.
"Does that feel good, Drizella?" He forced out throatily between powerful
relentless thrusts that pushed me further up the tiled wall "Is there anything
friendly about the way I am giving you my cock?"
I clawed at him to try and get some grip but the water running down his
back made it impossible to hold onto him.
I rocked my hips up to meet his every thrust and he lowered his mouth to
mine. He attacked my lips barbarically, matching his relentless rapid hip
rhythm with his tongue.
He murmured my name again and again against my mouth as if it was
mantra. As if he was pleading with a divine spirit.
"You are mine." He growled between his ravenous kisses "Always have
been and you always will be."
Panting like crazy, I threw my head back and let the moans fall from my
mouth like a waterfall.
Stone was pushing me further towards absolute ecstasy.
His lips moved from my mouth to my exposed throat. The hot water
pouring down allowed him to skim and slide over my heated skin.
Feeling him move inside me had me screaming for more. Feeling the large
man tremble with lust had me digging my nails into his shoulder to motion
for him to go harder.
Emotions were attacking me left right and centre.
I did not know if I wanted to cry because of the mix of pleasure and pain or
because my heart might burst with love.
He moaned into my mouth as I moved my hands up to his face and cupped
his stubbled jaw.
"You were made for me." He released in a series of grunts and groans "This
is your soul finding its other half. This is me taking what belongs to me.
This is your pussy finding the only man who is destined to touch it."
"It is yours." I gasped while shifting my hips towards him "Do whatever
you want with it."
"You are all mine now, my Medusa." He delivered gruffly and gutturally "If
anyone besides me sees you like this or even thinks about you like this then
I will rip their fucking throat out."
"I know." I moaned while meeting his pair of dark eyes "It's so hot."
I wanted to soak up the passion radiating from every inch of his body and
revel in it.
As his hunger grew, his thrusts turned hard, fast and merciless.
I locked my thighs around his waist tighter and I tried to keep my muscles
strong even though they wanted to collapse and allow my body to become
dependent on his.
I was jerking up and down the wall to the rhythm of Stone's dick. I did not
need to hold on because his brutal thrusts kept me up and his hands were
holding me tightly.
He was owning my body. He was taking it like he had waited his whole life
for a chance to take me.
The giant shuddered and began grumbling incoherent words against my
lips. Whatever he was uttering sounded possessive and territorial in tone.
Continuing with his voracious and vicious tempo, he nibbled at lip before
groaning against my mouth "You feel so fucking perfect."
I was dying from the pleasure.
Stone's head tilted back slightly as he pulled in and out of me once again
"Fucking hell."
My whole body was shaking uncontrollably due to the tortuous pleasure. It
was all too much yet I never wanted it to stop.
"Valentine." I used his name in a way to plead "Please."
His eyes met mine. The obsidian had darkened so much that I could see my
reflection in his irises perfectly. The pupils of his eye had dilated
He growled deep in his throat while increasing his thrusts to an even more
determined and purposeful pace.
It was such an unforgiving cursory pace that before I had never thought was
I felt myself moulding to him as flesh hit flesh.
He was going to rip in me in half. He was going to wreck and ruin me and I
was going to let him.
I tightened my thighs to the point of pain but that only increased the friction
and thankfully also my pleasure.
I was thrown over the threshold and I erupted around him on a scream.
My eyes fluttered while I cried in happiness. I let them close while I entered
cloud nine and then flew past the seventh heaven.
"Eyes open." The deep guttural voice barked in demand, slamming into me
at every word he spoke "Look at me."
I was shaking so badly that the kinetic energy could probably power a
house or perhaps burn down a skyscraper.
I felt myself milk him to within an inch of his life
A claiming roar left his throat as he moved one last time and held himself
deep inside of me. He bellowed my name as his large burly body jerked
against mine and as the warm sensation of his release filled me to the brim.
I dropped my forehead against his chest. I was panting loudly, and my
heartbeat was triple what it should have been.
He held me in place against his chest with one arm. His free forearm rested
against the wall of the shower while his face buried in my neck.
Stone was breathless yet he did not look tired.
The shower was pouring down on us, but I could still hear our uneven
breaths over the pounding water.
I sighed in content.
My mind had turned to mush, and I knew that if he set me down on the
floor, I would fall and then not be able to get back up for a month or two.
Stone turned so that his back was against the tiles. He slid down the wall,
taking me with him so that I was straddling his lap on the shower floor.
I kept my face hidden in his shoulder as I tried to calm down my body. It
was near enough impossible though because he was still lodged inside of
me, and he was pulsating once again.
I never thought it was possible to feel so close to someone.
I was totally and utterly wrecked.
After staring at his medusa tattoo for a good few minutes and leaving a kiss
on his shoulder, I pulled back to look at him.
He cupped my face with one of his large rough palms. He removed the wet
green hair stuck to my face so that he could see me better.
"I love you, Ella." He grumbled out as softly as he could as he stroked my
wet back with his free hand.
"I love you too." I said back with a smile before I leaned closer and
upwards to kiss his jaw.
To distract myself from the sensation of him growing inside of me and
stretching me out to unmeasurable lengths once again, I peered around the
shower. I studied the mark on the wall where my body had been handled.
Finally, I drew my attention to where part of his erection had disappeared
inside of me. Part being only half of him, yet it was enough to impale me.
"That was..." I trailed off breathily because I was unable to describe what
had just happened.
Stone hummed in agreement.
I stared into his eyes, and he stared into mine. I let him see my happiness
and he let me see his.
All of this was getting too lovey-dovey for my liking, so I decided to poke
at the dragon. It would not be us if I did not tease the large man.
"We are pretty good together." I giggled while allowing my finger to run
down his chest "It is a real pity that this is just a one-night stand."
Half a second later and he had pounced. My back was on the shower floor,
and I was looking up at the pair of dark eyes looming over me
"Drizella." He growled, nudging my entrance once again with his hardness
while his hands dragged down across my breasts "I already claimed you as
mine. There is no going back."
I felt my lips pucker slightly as I questioned haughtily "And when did you
do this claiming?"
I was taunting him so he would show me once again who I belonged to.
He leaned down, left a kiss on my nose and then pulled back so he could
watch my reaction as he entered me again "Since the second your eyes met
The hot water continued to run down our bodies as Stone began bearing
down on me savagely and brutally.
Chapter Forty
"For the past two hours I have been trying to mix acquaintance and enemy
and lover to make a new name for you, but nothing is really working." I
told him as we made our way onto the beach.
"You will just have to call me your boyfriend then."
I taunted him with a sweet smile "Who says that I am your girlfriend?"
His hands snaked around my waist as he gruffly spoke "I doubt you will let
me marry you so it will have to do. For now."
Decided to play along with him, I laughed "Marry me? I must have made
quite the impression last night."
Stone grumbled something under his breath that was inaudible to me.
When he asked what I wanted to do that day, I told him that I had built up a
fondness for the beach. I did not elaborate that it was because of him. That
is when he suggested that he would teach me how to surf.
I thought surfing looked cool, but I was not naive in the way that I thought I
was going to be any good at it.
Stone kept walking ahead as I held back and watched him. More especially
his back. From a couple of yards away, you could still tell what was
tattooed on his back for all to see.
It still sent my heart racing at the view of the gorgon's head. That was
despite spending at least an hour studying each line the previous night in
bed. At which at the same time, he watched me watching him with an
amused smile.
I also spent a good two hours apologising to him for the marks on his back
due to my nails. I felt so bad that I almost cried but he reassured me with a
grin that he was going to wear the scratch marks like a badge of honour.
The medusa head disappeared as the large man turned around. He had the
same contest and entertained expression that he had hours ago.
I jogged to catch up with him and when I did, he linked his free hand that
was not holding the surfboard with mine.
"Do you like your mark on me, Medusa?" He asked.
I assumed he meant the tattoo and not my claw marks. I was going to have
to convince him to get his whole back tatted.
Nudging him with my hip in response, I did not let go of his hand as I
replied, "You know that you are kind of a romantic, Lurch."
He sent me a glare "No. I am not."
"Should I expect you to recite sonnets to me soon?" I teased.
Stone smirked "It is a shame that your love poem is in my other set of
I smiled suggestively "It would not hurt for me to check the ones you have
on now."
His head lowered slightly, and I thought he was about to pull me closer
when a voice called his name from near the water.
Reed was also carrying a surfboard as he ran in our direction. The tattooist's
hair looked more copper in the sun and his round glasses were gone.
He reached us and it was apparent that he was serious. His demeanour was
nothing like what I saw of him at the parlour.
His presence also made the smile on Stone's face drop.
Then I realised that the night I got my tattoo was not the last time they had
spoken. Reed was who he was speaking to on the phone when I was
eavesdropping in the Armstrong's bathroom.
Whatever issue they had then they still had now. The tension in the air was
thick and I could feel Stone next to me start to tense.
The red-headed male ignored Stone completely as he smiled warmly at me
"Hey Ella."
"Hi." I replied before trying to fill in the awkward silence "How have you
"I have been great. Just really busy at the tattoo shop." He answered but I
could tell that the reason for him running over here was not to make small
conversation with me
"You are very talented. I am always admiring your handiwork on my leg." I
said as I motioned to the ink on my thigh.
"Your dragon might have been my best freehand work. That or Stone's
tattoo." He then added while looking at the giant "I can see that you have
shown her it."
Stone did not speak. He gave a glare of warning to the guy opposite us.
"I bet you thought he was crazy when you seen it." Reed laughed.
"Yeah, crazy is an understatement." I responded, "It was just last night he
showed it to me."
"So, you two are together now?" The tattooist smiled and he looked
The silent one of us finally decided to speak up "Yes."
All went silent again and I could feel Stone's hand twitch in mine. That is
why I let go of him and pulled back slightly.
"I am going to leave you both to it." I voiced as I looked between the two of
them "It seems like you two have something to work out."
"Ella—" Stone began.
I cut him off "It is fine. I will just walk ahead, and you can catch up."
He nodded once and I waved goodbye to Reed before I walked away from
them, wondering what could have them so mad at each other.
My steps were a lot slower than normal because I tried to catch part of their
Their voices were fast and quiet. I could differentiate between the two of
them because Stone's voice was a lot deeper, and his answers were only a
couple of syllables.
That seemed to be annoying Reed because he started talking louder.
From about twenty metres away from them, I could hear Reed shouting
clearly "Where the fuck were you?"
Stone's reply was too low to be heard.
"I get it." Reed said, "She is your priority and the only thing that matters to
you but—"
Their voices faded as I walked on further along the beach. I started to get
closer to the waves until I could no longer feel the grains of sand between
my toes.
When I got as far as the sea up to my ankles, I sat down and rested back on
my hands.
The scorching sun shone down on the waves and the water sparkled. The
heat made me close my eyes and for the first time in a long time, I felt
content. I could truly tell myself that I was happy and that I meant it.
My eyes opened when I felt someone sit down next to me.
Stone matched my position, and I could see his hand a millimetre from
mine in the clear water. He was not looking at me though. He was staring
out to the horizon with a clenched jaw.
I reached that millimetre and laid my hand on his.
"Is everything okay?" I asked.
He turned his head and finally met my eyes "Yeah. Reed was just pissed at
Brennan for something."
Frowning at my knees, I knew that was not the problem, but I was not going
to push him for the truth. I just hoped that when he was ready to tell me
then he would.
The giant hand squeezed mine and I could tell he was starting to calm
I attempted to change the subject "What are you thinking about?"
"I am remembering how someone told me that we have discovered more of
Mars and Venus than our own ocean." He said with obvious amusement at
the memory.
"This person sounds very intelligent."
"They are." He agreed before chuckling "They also said they wanted to
study my tattoos like the guy in the Da Vinci Code does with symbols."
"I did not say that!" I half muttered and half-shouted
The night of Chase's party was blurry, but I did remember saying that. Even
if I did not remember then I still would have known it was me. It sounded
exactly like something I would say.
I stood up and glared down at him while trying to hide my reddened face
"So are we going surfing or what?"
My boyfriend had the surfboard in one hand and the other wrapped around
my waist as we walked deeper into the sea.
My boyfriend. The title sent a whirlpool of emotions swirling around me,
yet the name did not seem efficient enough. It was not enough for what I
felt for him.
Once the water was up to my waist, he held the board in place on the
surface of the waves and told me to get on. I put my hands on the side of the
board and pushed myself up so I could fling my leg over.
When I did, the board rocked with unbalance, and I went plummeting into
the water.
I swam up to the surface and ignored the chuckling from the colossal sea
monster holding the board in place.
With a quick glower his way, I grabbed the board and tried again. The next
time I tried to grip onto the board with more body strength to pull myself on
I was on for a good half-second before I was emerged in the water again.
Even underwater, I could hear a deep chuckle which fuelled my
determination even more.
The attempts went on for another ten minutes. None of which were
successful. He tried to help me, but I pushed him away as I was so adamant
about getting on the thing.
Just as I was about to begin attempt one hundred and one, Stone beat me to
With one hand on the board, he leapt onto the thing effortlessly and I tried
not to gape at how easy he made it look.
He did not waste any time because picked me up by the hip and placed me
on the board, so we were facing each other.
Stone had a cocky grin as he motioned to my solemn face "I did not think
you were going to be this bad. You are really terrible, Medusa."
I began to make up excuses "I did not get much sleep last night. Someone
kept me up. I am tired."
My argument was strong. I thought back to the eight different rounds and
the countless times that I had felt like I had gone to another universe and
A grin grew on his face at my excuse. He raised an eyebrow at my remark.
I quickly dipped my hand in the water and splashed him with all my power.
It still did not wipe the smirk off his face.
"You just need more practise." He stated the obvious "As your teacher, I
think I might need to see you every day for lessons."
Rolling my eyes, I leaned closer "You would like that, wouldn't you?"
"I would." He confirmed roughly.
With much compliance, I let him bring my body to his. He tilted my chin up
and began to lean closer.
My plan was ready to be carried out because as soon as his lip stroked mine
and he was distracted, I tried to nudge him off the board.
He did not move, and I cursed his largeness.
His face was what I imagined a lion would look like as it chased a gazelle.
He smiled sinisterly as he leaned to one side. He grabbed me as we both fell
into the water.
Stone did not let go of me as we swam back up the surface.
I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck as his hands rested on my
hips and then I kissed him for real.
Chapter Forty-One
Stone's arm rested on the back of my chair and every minute his hand
moved up and brushed my neck. A small movement that might not have
looked like much, but it was enough to send my heart racing. It was enough
to make me think of things that were not deemed appropriate for in the
school building.
From the other side of the table, Lana grinned at us.
During period one, two and a bit of four, she had me explain what had
happened after my revelation at the mall. Once I had finished telling her
everything except the intimate details, she hit me with a load of I-told-you-
so's and a few more comment about my obliviousness.
Despite that, the blonde helpless romantic squealed "So are you two finally
officially together?"
The giant answered for me and spoke one strong syllable "Yes."
It was unusual to see Brennan quiet. He had not said more than five words
since the start of lunch. All he did was look around the lunchroom for
something or someone.
The relationship between Lana and Brennan was not doing so well. I had
asked Lana about it a dozen times, but she just changed the subject.
Brennan seemed to shake off what he was thinking because he gained back
his smile as he turned to my best friend and said, “It looks like I owe you
ten dollars, Lovely Lana."
Lana did not meet his eye, but she did reply "Yeah. It does."
Pointing at them accusingly, I questioned a with sharp tone "Did you have a
bet about when Stone and I would get together?"
"Of course, we did." Brennan responded with a smirk "Lana was the closest
with two months. I said three weeks and I was so sure of it. I lost thanks to
you, Ella."
"I know my best friend and her stubbornness." She explained with a smile.
I sent a glare their way before turning to Stone and asking, "Can you
believe they had a bet about us?"
He stayed quiet with a small smile on his lips and no trace of surprise about
what had just been said.
"You do not look shocked." I voiced before going on to put my hands on
my hips and asserting "Why are you not shocked about this?"
Stone leaned closer until he was grazing my ear with his mouth. He did not
seem to care that we had company or that we were in a public place.
I was frozen still at the contact and as much as I wanted to move my head to
the side and see his face, I did not. I wanted to hear what he had to say.
"I lost the bet." He said with no elaboration as he nibbled my earlobe softly.
At his words, I turned my head and raised my brow "You were involved in
this little bet too?"
"A week is what I had my money on." Stone answered before adding "That
is what I hoped for anyway, but my girl happens to be very strong willed."
My face began to heat up as I was lost for words. I blinked while I was still
trying to process what he was telling me.
"Ha-Ha. You lost." I retorted tauntingly while smiling up at him "Maybe
you just need to work on your flirting."
His arm that was around the chair moved to around my waist and it was
pulling me closer towards him. So close that I was practically on his lap. He
was getting his revenge because he put his veiny hand on my leg and started
to draw circles on the inside of my thigh.
My ear was back in the grasp of his teeth as he quietly and gruffly disclosed
"I never really lost. I got you."
"Yeah." I released breathily "You did."
I hated public affection. I used to feel sick while watching couples snogging
in the corridor. I currently wanted to jump the giant's bones and it left me
feeling like a hypocrite.
Brennan tutted from the other side of the lunch table "If I thought you two
had it bad for each other before then it is worse now. The flirting is now
even hotter."
"I never flirted with him at the start." I tried to argue.
"Really?" Brennan said, unconvinced "It was not the traditional way of
flirting, but it was flirting all right. Freaky hate flirting. It is like you both
speak a secret language only you two know. All nerd-talk that nobody else
Embarrassed at the conversation, I let out a small giggle while paying an
unnatural amount of attention to the noodles on my plate. Stone chuckled at
my mortified state.
I jabbed him in the ribs by that only resulted in him touching a part of my
leg that he knew was ticklish.
When I finally remembered that he and I were not the only two people in
the world, I looked up and found Lana with a puzzled expression on her
She asked with a gleam of inquisitive in her blue eyes "What does your dad
think about you two?"
"Also due to Stone's bedroom never being occupied anymore, I can only
guess he stays at yours." Brennan added in a mischievous tone "What does
your father think about that?"
I grew tense in my seat. The hand on my lap squeezed in response, probably
in encouragement to finally tell Lana the truth.
It was the perfect opportunity to come clean and tell her about my dad, but I
did not.
Keeping full eye contact with her so she did not suspect that I was lying
through my teeth, I crossed my arms that leant on the table and explained
"My dad knows about Stone. He just does not know that he stays over.
Lurch climbs up to my room. He is like a spider monkey."
Lana and Brennan could not contain their amusement.
"Actually, he is more like a giraffe." I corrected before explaining "I live
one storey up so his head is pretty much poking through on the ground
After my funny and obscure rant of an explanation, Stone did not laugh. He
appeared worried as he watched me.
The other two looked convinced and went back to having a conversation
with each other. Their talk did not last long as Lana only nodded as he
Lana stood abruptly up from the table and announced "I am actually going
to go and practise in the music room for a while. I have an assignment and I
really need it to be perfect."
Suspecting that it was not just about music, I smiled up at her while already
pulling myself away from Stone's embrace “Do you want me to come with
Her hair swished as she violently shook her head "I do need to practise. You
just distract me by finding a drum or even a triangle to make noise with."
I let out a small laugh "That is how I show my support."
She waved and laughed before walking away. Her reply did seem genuine
when she hinted that she wanted to be alone. Maybe it was a music
assignment that occupied her mind. If it was that or something else, then I
hoped she was okay.
Once she had left, Brennan shook his head before smirking towards Stone
"Mom is asking that you come visit tomorrow night. She has not seen you
for a week. Plus, she is desperate to hear the latest about Ella."
Feeling unbelievable guilty that I was the one stealing him away from his
family, I glared at Stone and told him "You are going. I can't believe you
have not been home. Mrs Lewis must hate me."
"She loves you, Ella." Brennan scoffed before explaining "Mom knows why
Stone has been preoccupied. She says that she wants to borrow him from
you for a night."
I turned to the guy next to me and repeated "You are going."
Stone interjected, "But I told you that I would take you out tomorrow
"I do not care. You will go back to your house or..." I stopped and thought
of a threat that would work "Or I will not kiss you for a week."
His eyes darkened as he challenged me to even try to stop him from kissing
He let out a smile grumble before he surrendered to my bargaining chip and
asked Brennan "What time?"
I grinned at Stone as Brennan laughed while he typed on his phone.
Once Brennan had finished texting, he smiled at the two of us "Now I know
where to go if I need something from Stone."
"Little minx." The giant commented from beside me and then lowered his
hoarse voice "You are coming with me."
Brennan butted in "Of course she is coming. I think mom wants to see your
roommate more than she wants to see you."
The hand on my leg started rising teasingly as Brennan continued talking
about the difficulties of life without Stone in the house like how he had
more chores.
I could not focus on any details of what was is saying.
When I started to feel a sigh about to escape from within me, I pulled back
and thought of anything that I could to make myself less flustered.
"I need to go to my locker to switch some books for my gym clothes. Also,
I need to grab the massive list that I wrote for Coach Carson." I voiced in
the form of a groan "He is failing me for gym class so I have written him a
mini essay on why he should let me pass."
"No wonder you are failing." Brennan replied "You sit and do nothing all
"I do not have enough speed or stamina." I complained.
It was when Brennan went back to eating his lunch that Stone looked over
at me with a suggestive smirk.
He mouthed "Liar."
Standing up to go, I leaned over his shoulder and whispered sweetly "I am
going to kill you, Lurch."
Stone turned his head and made it so I was inches from his face. The hot air
from his mouth hit my bottom lip as I licked my lips. His black eyes
darkened once again as he focused on my mouth.
I found it difficult to not bring his lips to mine and climb on top of him.
Cafeteria be damned.
He shook his head with a smile. Not a smug one but one of content as he
spoke "I do not think you will, Medusa."
"Why is that?" I returned.
"Because you love me."
Covering my mouth to try and wipe off my grin, I glared at him before I
turned to leave "I can love the memory of you after I have got rid of you."
"Not possible." He rasped darkly.
The halls were empty. Just an endless stretch of mustard-coloured lockers
as I passed them. A few of the plain lockers were decorated with posters for
The Fall Ball.
One of them in particular stood out as Chase's. A sticker with the logo of
his football team was on the top of his one.
The quarterback leaned against the door of his locker. A few of his friends
were there too. About four of them were play fighting with one of the guys
in a headlock.
I was a few lockers away from his, so he noticed when I opened my locker
to exchange my chemistry books for a change of clothes. I tried to keep my
attention on the back of the locker as he approached.
The next conversation was one that I had been dreading all day. I was never
really in a relationship with Chase, but I thought out of decency that I
should tell him about Stone.
Chase had been of the first people I had confided in about my parents. He
had also opened up to me and shared his story about his broken home. As
little as a bond we had, it was still a bond.
He rested his arm on the locker next to mine as he greeted me "Gym, huh? I
bet you are excited for that."
I let out a nervous laugh "You know me. I just love exercising."
"Is that why you are not going to the dance?" He joked while chuckling
"You are just too lazy."
"Actually...I am going."
All amusement drained from his face. He tensed and frowned.
"So, you are going with him then?" He spat.
"No." I answered truthfully "I am going with Lana."
He laughed but it was void of amusement and sounded more mocking "But
you are with him now?"
It went quiet between us until one of his friends standing in the place he
was before, called over "Shocker! We all knew it was going to happen!"
The holler reminded Chase that he had a small audience and that is why he
sneered and spoke again in a bitter tone “He only wants you for one thing."
I questioned, "And what is that?"
"I am going to be honest with you because he will not be." Chase tutted
"You are hot, and you have daddy issues. The only two things that matter to
"Daddy issues?" I repeated with the same amount of malice he had in his
voice "Are you serious?"
"He is going to fuck you and then he is going to ditch you." He moved in
closer while continuing his angry rant.
"Excuse me?"
"Then where does that leave you?" Chase asked before answering "Poor
little Ella Miller, heartbroken."
I opened my mouth and then closed it again before I raised my tone "What
the hell!"
"Whatever. I do not care." He shook his head while chuckling "You will
probably end up just like your mom anyway."
As much as I wanted to slap that stupid grin off his face, I remained cool
and emotionless because I knew that would annoy him.
It did. He had insulted me for the theatrics and the reaction, and I was not
going to entertain him.
He continued "I can understand why your dad runs a mile every time he
sees you."
At the mention of my father, my bottom lip felt as if it was trembling and
all I could see was red. He had brought back thoughts that I had tried to
press down.
I took a step closer subconsciously and I was up in his face while insulting
him “My dad is a drunk. He is under the influence of alcohol. What is your
excuse for your parents hating your existence?"
Chase said nothing.
I continued "Even in their right mind, your mommy and daddy will not
come home to you."
A chorus of oh’s and ah's come from behind him, and I suddenly felt a
small, twisted feeling of pride.
I was about to walk off and claim my victory when he grabbed my arm.
Tightly, he held my wrist and pulled me back to him and I almost cried out
in pain.
I did not back down from his glare. I could not see my arm, but I knew it
was probably red at the strength he was putting on it.
Chase smirked down at me, and it made me want to punch his teeth out.
"Do you know where he goes at nights, Medusa?" He asked, his tone
turning lighter.
"Do not call me that." I bit out.
He noticed that I had avoided the question because he leant closer "You are
a game to him. You were hard to get. Now that he has you, he will not want
you anymore."
I froze and listened to him.
"Where did you think he goes at nights?" Chase asked, "He is away getting
with every other girl stupid enough like you to fall for him."
After a few breaths and fighting the urge to hit his head off the lockers, I
exhaled "Fuck you."
"Do not come running back to me when you find out." He spat.
A few boys were laughing from behind us. I did not really care. All I
wanted was to get out of there. Throwing my bag over my shoulder, I
swivels around and watched my feet as I walked away.
Then I heard a bang.
Chase was against the lockers and Brennan had him by the collar.
Brennan looked furious. As furious as I had ever seen him.
I knew then that Brennan was not just the easy-going guy as I thought. He
had a hidden anger like an underwater predatory animal hiding in the depths
of the ocean.
I reached for his arm and tried to calm down "Just leave him."
I was so determined to get out of there without reacting that I sent Brennan
another pleading look before he finally gave in, and we walked away.
The science block stairs came into view as we sauntered away. I dropped
down on the steps and let out an agitated moan
Brennan sat down next to me and put his arm on my shoulder "Ella, are you
I nodded my head and then laugh humourlessly "How much of that did you
"All of it." He admitted "I was heading to the bathroom and seen you at
your locker. I was about to come up to you, but that asshole beat me to it."
"He makes jokes to show off all the time, but they are usually harmless." I
said to him "I am just humiliated that it is out there now about my dad—"
"Chase is an ass. That is it. None of that was your fault." He reassured
before apologising "I never would have mentioned your dad back at the
table if I knew."
Turning on the stair, I pleaded "Please do not tell Lana."
"Why have you not told her?"
Rubbing my arm discreetly which felt like it still had pressure on it from
Chase's grip, I let out a small chuckle at his expression as I pointed to it "So
she does not look at me like you are right now."
"Like what?"
"Like I am some puppy that has been kicked." I replied with a small smile
"I do not need sympathy and I do not want to worry her."
The surfer spoke while glancing down at my reddened arm "You need to
tell Stone about what Chase said."
"What good would that do?"
Brennan let his jaw drop like it was an obvious solution "He can kick the
living shit out of him."
I did not have any intention of telling Stone. I hated what Chase had said
but I did not want him to be six-foot underground.
The only thing going through my head was Chase's words. Over and over
A soft but stern voice broke my train of thought as Brennan spoke again
"Don't you dare even think that anything Chase said was true. Stone would
never look at anyone else."
Nothing left my lips in reply.
"There was nobody before you and there will be nobody after you."
Brennan said as if it was the undeniable truth "You are it for him. All he
sees is you. You are the most important thing to him in the whole world. If
not the only."
Chase words disappear from my mind, and they seemed so irrelevant and
insignificant compared to what Brennan had said.
I was digesting every word he had said but my expression must not have
changed because Brennan kept speaking.
"I love my brother, but he is one moody fucker. He never showed any
feeling to anything at all." He retold with a grin "Then you walked into the
ice cream parlour that night at the pier and his breath hitched as soon as he
seen you. You opened your mouth and spoke all of your nerdy stuff and I
think that his heart skilled a beat. It was like he was cast under some sort of
I was lost for words.
"Ever since that night, he laughs, he jokes, and he is happy." Brennan
continued "That is all because of you."
My breath hitched and I had no idea what to say because there were no
words. It only could have felt better if it was Stone telling me the words.
"Should you really be telling me this?" I questioned.
"No." He muttered to himself as he looked at the floor "But at least I am not
telling you about the Addams Family thing."
"Oh, I already know about that."
His head snapped up "What? I did not think that he would tell you."
"He didn't." I replied, "Mrs Lewis did."
"I told her not to tell anyone." Brennan chuckled but it sounded strained and
full of fear "Promise me you will protect my face when Stone comes to
pummel it."
I could not help but admire their relationship. They really were brothers in
every way that mattered.
"You two are so cute" I mentioned.
"You are insulting our masculinity, Little Ella." He joked before adding
seriously "You need to tell Stone."
"It does not matter." I argued.
"Yes. It does." He affirmed
"What is done is done." I sighed.
Brennan noticed my dishearten behaviour and wrapped his arms around me
before pulling my body into his embrace as he spoke "You need a Brennan-
Deep determined footsteps were heard from behind me.
Stone was standing in front of us like some avenging fallen angel. He
towered over my sitting stance, casting a shadow.
"Give her to me." Stone growled.
I pulled away and rolled my eyes at his terminator stance.
The dark gaze flicked over my face determinedly. Then his expression
contorted to an alarmed expression.
I blinked and he had moved in front of me. He kneeled beside me so he
could cup my face in his large hands.
I thought that I was good at hiding what I was thinking. Even when I was
upset. Turned out that I was not.
At least not with the person who knew me most.
"What is wrong? What happened to you?" He tried to ask softly but it came
out as pressing and darkly impatient.
"Nothing." I gave him my best attempt at a smile "I am fine."
His tone was rough and commanding as he spoke my name "Ella."
It both made my heart soar and annoyed me how he seemed to know my
thoughts better than myself.
When I just kept staring into his eyes and not saying anything, he scanned
up and down my body until his attention lingered on my arm for longer.
I looked down at where he was frowning at. There was no explanation
needed, the redness and the faint marks of a hand mark spoke for itself.
"I am fine" I tried to reassure again.
At this point, Stone was shaking with anger as he gnarled at Brennan "What
"Well—" The surfer began.
Stone cut him off as he snarled in a dark and threatening tone "Who do I
need to kill?"
I shot Brennan a pleading look.
He ignored me as he told Stone "Chase said some stuff to Ella and—"
That was all the giant needed to hear because he took his hands from my
face and clenched them into fists.
If he was angry before then he was outraged now. It was the most wrathful I
had seen him. His dark pupils darkened further, his jaw clenched, and his
nostrils flared.
Before I could even comprehend his intentions, he was already storming
down the halls away from us. Away from me.
I sent Brennan a look of concern before I rushed down the hallway after the
large figure while shouting "What are you doing?"
Chase and his friends were still standing in the same place they were
before. Like sitting ducks.
Stone took large steps towards the quarterback like he was on a warpath and
as graceful as a cobra without warning, he grabbed Chase by the T-shirt and
threw him against a locker.
The sound of his back hitting the metal travelled through the halls and made
me wince. What also had me concerned was the fact that four lockers had
been dented from the impact.
I was shouting and so were some other people, but Stone did not care. The
boys that were standing with Chase just watched as they appeared too
scared to say anything.
None of them dared to cross the path of Stone.
"You fucking touched her?" Stone bellowed into the footballer's face, the
tendons in his neck so tight that they looked like they were going to snap.
Chase laughed.
I had never compared the two males before. Chase, I had always considered
tall but now he seemed to cower in front of the mountain who had a hold of
him. Chase was well built but that was nothing compared to Stone's build
that was over three hundred pounds of muscle.
There was not a second thought about who would win between them. I
could not name one person that I thought would have the courage to take on
the man built like a gorilla.
Stone had Chase off the floor and in his grip while he lowly sneered at him
under his breath. The grumbling threats of Stone were too low to be heard.
The quarterback's eyes widened in fear.
Then Chase grew some sort of courage because he retorted loudly to Stone
"What are you going to do when she finds you out? What are you going to
do when you lose her?"
Stone reacted instantly to the words. He let out a growl as he wrapped his
skull-tattooed hand around his neck and squeezed.
Chase quickly turned blue as Stone continued cutting off his oxygen supply.
I blinked a few times before I quickly unfroze from my stunned place.
I reached up and placed my hand on the flexed forearm that was holding the
blonde guy's neck.
The contact did not stop Stone glaring at the guy pressed up against the
locker with all the hate and terror in the world.
I applied more pressure to the bulky arm and tried shaking him, my gaze
flicking between Stone and a very blue Chase.
Stone did not move an inch. It was like he could not hear me, and he had
entered a fit of rage that nobody could break.
Everyone could feel the anger pulsate through the room, but nobody
"Stone." I tried to sound calm but stern despite my panic "He has had
A realisation hit me that made my voice come out panicked as I called his
Stone could murder someone with a flick of his wrist.
The giant relaxed when he heard my voice. The taut tendons and the
bulging veins in his arms faded away under my touch.
What Chase said was horrible and wrong, but I did not want him to get
seriously hurt.
He was still the Chase that was the person most there for me when my
mother died. He was still the Chase who let me sleep over in his guest room
when I felt too lonely or too scared to go home. He was still the Chase who
helped during a dark time.
The quarterback fell to the floor with a thud as Stone let go of his neck and
turned to me.
The hardness in his rough face and dark eyes disappeared as he looked
down at me. His expression went soft and loving like he was not just
strangling someone a second ago.
Before Chase could run away, Stone barked in his direction "If you ever
touch her or talk to her again then I will fucking gut you."
The blonde jock nodded.
Once he and his buddies walked a few metres away, Chase started laughing
mockingly like he was wanting a rise from him.
I felt the tension in Stone's arm muscles and watched as the veins bulged.
That is why I grabbed hold of his hand to stop him.
"Do not do anything." I begged, "Just let him go."
Stone gazed down at me and gritted out "Why?"
"It has been dealt with. I did not just stand there and not defend myself." I
told him before trying to guilt-trip him into calming down "Do you not
think I can handle myself?"
"He hurt you." He gritted out like it was causing him pain to see my
reddened arm.
"I do not need you to swoop in and save me." I gave him a pointed look "I
love that you care that much but I can take care of myself. Plus, I don’t
want you in trouble."
His harsh facial features relaxed a little as he removed the tension from his
fists. He uncurled his hands and rested them on my waist.
"I know you can stick up for yourself, Medusa." He stated before explaining
"But you should not have to. He fucking hurt you and that is never going to
sit well with me."
I tilted my head at him.
"I want to hurt him." He replied gruffly.
I placed my hands on his chest as I stepped closer "Please calm down."
My marked arm was now visible and that did the very opposite of what I
was encouraging. As he saw it and let out a deep rough noise.
His jaw clenched once again, and he closed his eyes "I am going to need a
better reason not to hunt him down."
There were a million reasons why I did not want that to happen, but I went
for the one line of persuasion that was most likely to work.
"I do not want you getting kicked out of school for an eighteenth time." I
spoke while smiling up at him "Because believe it or not, I kind of like you
here with me, Lurch."
My smile seemed to do the trick because I could see a ghost of a smile on
his lips. The big arms around my waist pulled me closer to his chest as he
kissed my head.
A voice that I recognise as Brennan called from next to us "I am gonna go
Laughing as Brennan scurries away, I peered up at Stone's happier face and
asked, "Are you okay now?"
"I should not have lost control like that." He bit out, his voice depending on
determinedness "Not with you that close."
I shook my head and decided to change the topic "I once read this article
about how to calm yourself when you are mad. To relax you need to list
stuff for a few minutes. Nothing elementary like the alphabet but something
with loads of different answers. Like name countries or animals."
His grip on my hips strengthened once again like he was scared that I was
going somewhere or that I was going to be stolen away.
He whispered into my hair "I could name all the things that I love about
I hummed to myself in content because I could never get enough of hearing
those words from his lips.
I smiled wickedly up at him before teasing "I said a list for a few minutes.
Not one that lasts all day."
Stone finally relaxed completely, chuckling while kissing my head again
"You are wrong because my list would last a lifetime."
Chapter Forty-Two
I watched the veins in the muscular tattooed arms bulge out while Stone
turned something with a spanner inside the hood of the car.
My bare legs swung in a rhythm while I sat on one of the worktops of the
car repair shop. I had spent almost all day in the same position, and I was
not at all bored. In fact, I loved seeing Stone in his element.
Even if he kept turning his head over his shoulder to peer at me every two
"Can you pass me a hand-drill, Medusa?" The rough voice said, meeting my
eye for the hundredth time that minute.
I reached into the toolbox next to my butt and searched for the hand drill
before I threw it over to him. He caught it with one hand and continued his
job on the broken car.
"I am getting so good at all this mechanic stuff." I announced, very pleased
with myself "Soon I will be better than you."
Stone stopped what he was doing. He put down his current tool and faced
me with a smirk. He rose a black eyebrow as I sent him a cheerful grin.
"Come here." He demanded, motioning with a finger for me to go to him.
Purposefully at a slow pace, I jumped off the countertop and walked
towards him and the open hood of the car. I stopped a metre in front of him
and tilted my head challengingly.
His huge hands gripped at my hips before he tugged me towards him.
Clutching at my waist, he moved me so that I was standing in front of the
car with my back to him.
I felt him lean down to linger close to my neck.
One of his hands moved from my hip to point to a circular part in the car
"What is that part called?"
"The air filter." I answered after a long pause.
The giant looming over me hummed in response.
I sent him a victorious smile over my shoulder.
He reached for the towel in his jean pocket and wiped his fingers before
pointing to another part in the hood of the car.
Following his finger, I studied the white rectangular shaped item that had
four sockets with wires coming out of them before I answered, "That is a
spark plug."
The huge hand that was now clean of engine grease started to travel down
from my hips. His palm went past my leather skirt before stopping. He
began inching up the material.
Warmth touched my neck as the commanding mouth started sucking on the
skin below my jawline.
"Which part is the intake hose?" Stone uttered against my skin.
That was when he chose to take his calloused palm and rip my panties off.
His habit of ripping my clothes was soon going to leave me without a
My breathing went erratic as I pressed my back against him and tipped my
head upwards slightly. I ignored the excitement building up at the bottom of
my stomach and pointed to the large thick pipe near the left of the hood.
Stone planted a kiss on my neck while moving his fingers until they
covered the whole of my bare mould.
"Good girl." He rasped out in praise.
"What happens if I get an answer wrong?" I whispered my question.
He chuckled hoarsely and evilly "Then you are all mine."
Thank all the sex gods that Mike was away on vacation with his wife to
Hawaii for their fiftieth anniversary.
A lone finger slipped into my wetness, and I shook at the sensation. I leant
all my weight onto the front of the large man standing behind me as I let my
eyes flutter shut for a few seconds.
"Point to the throttle body." The deep voice amusedly uttered against my
His thick finger began to move. In and out. Filling the hole and flicking
over the spot that was needing attention.
There was no use trying to think about the correct answer. There was no use
trying to think at all. Not when I felt the infinite amount of pleasure and
My shaky hand pointed to a random place under the hood as I gasped
"Right there."
Stone released a dark laugh as he moved faster against my sex. He kept
going until he felt my walls convulse against his index finger, trying to trap
him in.
He stopped moving.
I let out a single cry at the loss of momentum.
"That is wrong, Medusa." He stated and did not bother to give me the right
All I could do was rock my hips and try to find my high by riding his finger.
The friction was not enough. I let out a frustrated moan as I tried to
encourage him to move.
That moan turned to a sad whimper of loss when he removed the finger and
brought it to his lips.
I turned around quickly, full of agitation. I ended up hitting my forehead
against his stomach that felt made up of steel. Before I could bounce off his
abdomen, he leaned down and caught the back of my thighs.
"I need you." I whined, rubbing myself against him impatiently.
"You will only ever need me." He stated like it was a commandment from a
superior being.
The well-built man with the look of unadulterated raw hunger in his eyes
lifted me so that I had no choice but to wrap my legs around his middle.
He moved in a haste to carry me towards the nearest available surface.
Which so happened to be his motorbike.
My butt perched on the end of his Ducati as he set me down and got rid of
the leather skirt blocking his view of me.
The leather seat of the motorcycle was vibrating. It was not because the
engine was switched on. It was all due to my whole body shaking with need
and excitement.
Like the caveman he was, Stone got rid of the fabric covering my upper
half. He shredded the material for having dared to come between him and
my skin.
I sat naked on his bike while he stood fully clothed towering over me. The
contrast made my body warm with heat. I felt so vulnerable and exposed
yet so lusted over.
Stone stopped and watched me for a second. Taking in the view of my
panty-less ass on the leather seat.
I pouted up at him nervously "What if someone comes in and sees?"
A low-octaved gnarl left his mouth as his hands protectively roamed my
body "Do you think that I would let anyone see you?"
That answered my question. He would probably be a little mad if another
man saw me naked.
The large hand reached out and rested between my breasts. Not on either of
them but between. My nipples were begging to be touched but he continued
his torture. He gently pushed me back until the leather was smooth against
my back.
My open legs dangled off the bottom of the bike while the rest of my bare
body was sprawled across the motorcycle.
I watched as Stone's veiny hand went down to wrestle at his zipper. His
desperate jerky movements only heightened my anticipation. The look of
love and starvation in his eye only dampened the folds between my legs.
He growled "This bike might not survive what I am about to do to your tiny
The leather material under me was definitely wet.
"Please." I begged, moving my hand and brushing it over my chest
"Fuck Ella." Stone cursed, pushing down the waistband of his boxer briefs
"You make me so fucking hard."
His unnaturally large and thick shaft was finally free. It sprung against his
stomach before the meaty hand wrapped a fist around the thickness.
I watched the scene with whimpers escaping me and liquid dripping down
my thighs.
"Does that get you wet?" He demanded to know, his rough gravelly voice
deepening "Knowing that I can only get hard for you and only ever you?
Knowing that it is only you that is allowed to touch me? Knowing that I can
only love and worship you?"
He knew exactly what his words were doing to me.
I shimmied down the bike slightly so that I could angle my hips and open
my legs further.
That full smooth tip pressed up against my entrance and I braced for the
impact. I consciously reached upwards with one hand and gripped the
handlebar of the bike.
His pelvis rocked against mine and he nudged me slowly and tauntingly.
"Tell me that you belong to me." He released gutturally from his throat.
I loved his possessiveness. I loved him demanding and taking control.
I would never tell him that, however.
Meeting his eye, I managed to suppress my moan and offer him a
challenging hum.
He glided the tip over my entrance over and over again.
Stone let out in a low seductive drawl "You are blushing, Medusa."
"No. I am not."
His laughter was a husky deep sound. It travelled straight to the burn
between my legs.
Nothing could have prepared me for the savage first thrust. With a gnarl, he
dove into me and filled me as much as my body could take.
The black irises glistened, and his pupils dilated as he took in the view of
my pleasure-filled expression.
"I will have to remind you who you belong to then." He gritted out
determinedly while allowing time for me to adjust to his size "I will have to
fuck you until you are unable to move. Make sure you cannot leave me."
I was panting so loud that it filled the large room full of cars. I held on
tighter to the handrail of the bike as he started to pick up the pace of his
"I will have to fuck you so hard that you can only remember my name.
Make sure that you only ever think about me." He growled, continuing to
rut against me at an animalistic speed.
He entered me like he owned the place. Like he owned me. He was rising to
my challenge and showing how much he possessed me.
Nothing had ever felt so perfect.
My mouth was desperate to part as tears filled my vision at the force of
pleasure coursing through my body. Whimper and whimper left my o-
shaped mouth at the sensation of his sex against mine.
Creaking noises came from the bike underneath me as I received the
pressure from the giant's merciless thrusts. The whole mechanical machine
shook underneath me as I held on firmly to the handlebars.
I breathed out his name in the form of a whine as the force exerting on my
clit increased. His huge body pressed between my thighs as he filled me to
the hilt. I screamed at the feeling of being impaled and feeling so connected
to him.
The image of me naked on his bike while he was pounding into me roughly
still fully clothed was enough to make me tip over the edge.
"Stone." I gasped and then I gasped even louder "Stone."
All I could think about was him. All I could think about was how perfect he
felt inside of me.
My legs began to shake as my fourth orgasm rolled through me. My little
legs that dangled off the edge of the motorbike wrapped around his waist so
that I would not lose feeling in them.
Every time he touched me, it was like he was doing it for the first time.
Every time he looked at me, it was like it was the first of him seeing me. It
was almost as if he was just grateful, I was there.
His hands moved to my hips and moved my body so that I was now sitting
up. He continued to go at a vicious pace while never letting his gaze drop
from my face.
As well as legs wrapped around him, I moved my hands around the back of
his neck and held onto his broad shoulders for dear life.
"Nobody can hear us." He grunted, moving the skull-tattooed hand to cup
my jaw "Scream for me, baby."
I did. Until my throat went sore.
The skull covered hand brushed hair behind my ear that had stuck to my
face as more wetness coated the most sensitive part of me.
He held me as I came apart in his arms.
I would never get accustomed to how big he was. Even if we were together
for a million years, his hugeness would still shock, terrify and excite me all
at once.
The giant released gruffly "Will never be able to look at this bike without
thinking of my sexy little girlfriend."
I moved closer until I was hugging his large body. We were still connected
when I leaned in and dragged my hands into his black hair.
"Am I your girlfriend?" I teased through my moans "Because I don't
remember you asking me."
His hands moved to my thighs as he moved me faster and faster against
him. I held on and rested my face against his shoulder as he bounced me on
his cock.
"Keep your eyes on me, Medusa." He growled out, unhappy that he could
not see my face.
I pulled back. I took in the sight of him watching me while he pleasured my
body. He was stunning like a dark dangerous god. His bulky muscles were
clenched. His eyes were unearthly as they softened while continuing to
keep his full attention on me.
The euphoric feeling raced through me once again and I watched as his
expression filled with pleasure and love.
I pulled back and managed a lazy smile "Ask nicely and I might consider
being your girlfriend."
I loved challenging him. I loved poking the beast and watching as it came
out to devour me.
He moved out of me and then in again. Still erect. The body two or three
times bigger than my own pressed against me.
My jaw slackened and my chest bounced against his broad middle at every
one of his brutal thrusts.
"Mine. You are mine." He gnarled, burying his face into my hair "I am
taking what is mine."
Every ounce of his overly huge figure was filled with possessiveness. It was
running through his blood and strengthening him. He rubbed at my thighs
soothingly while he continued to show me who I belonged to.
"Your body. Your soul. Your heart." His deep voice grunted, "Every perfect
part of you is mine."
I let my head fall back as my eyes rolled in ecstasy. My attention drifted
away from him for a split second before he tugged under my chin and made
me look at him again.
The large veiny hands went back to my thigh and squeezed as his huge sex
organ pumped into me faster and rougher.
A contacting ripple went through my core as a strangled ear-pitching noise
left my mouth.
"Fuck." He cursed after leaving one kiss right on my nose "You are mine."
"Yes. Yes. Yes." I told him in whimpers as I held onto him even more
His hips bucked forwards and backwards desperately. He kissed me all over
my face as he continued to send me into a land full of pleasure for the
umpteenth time.
"Oh my god." I moaned "Oh my god."
"That is not my name, Drizella." He growled, angered by the fact that it was
not his name leaving my lips.
"Stone, fuck, Stone." I released, letting my forehead rest against his "I am
We were not conventional. We did not fit together. But we made it work.
I palmed his back and wrapped my legs closer to him while I whispered
breathily "My boyfriend fucks me so good that nothing else could
A claiming roar left his mouth as he slammed into me deeper than ever
His neck tendons looked ready to break and his veins went so thick that I
did not know where they started and ended.
"Fuck yes. He does." He grounded out in his deep masculine throaty voice
"I always leave my girl satisfied. Every fucking time."
Sex was not just about pleasure. It was about love. It was about trust. Both
people are left vulnerable and bare. Both need to give and take and revel in
each other.
I stared into Stone's eyes. I never wanted to leave his sight.
This was the place I wanted to stay for the rest of my life.
Stars in the obsidian orbs and stars in my vision due to the intense feeling
became hard to tell apart. They were one and the same now.
We were one.
Stone walked with my form in his arms to the next nearest surface. He was
still lodged deep inside of me when my back touched the cold hard surface
of the wall.
My shaky weak knees hugged his body and my back arched off the wall in
the need to be closer to him. I dug my nails into his back as I felt the tears
roll down my face.
I did not want it to end.
The hot vibrations grew to a rapid pace. His deep groaning mixed with my
screams made a perfect sympathy.
"Too good. Too good." I sobbed, my lip wobbling "I can't, Stone, I can't."
Calloused palms cupped my cheek and wiped away the tears of joy that ran
down my face. He continued to do it while uttering sweet yet dirty nothings
to me.
I smiled at him, and he smiled back.
Valentine Stone was breath-taking.
"You are so beautiful, Drizella." He rasped out, his gaze zoning in onto my
face and capturing me.
He claimed me. Over and over again.
"I can't." I moaned again "Too good."
"One more." He commanded, his hand moving up and resting on my neck
"Want to turn you fucking limp."
He drove deep into me. Deeper and deeper. Then he stopped. He stilled and
then he shuddered violently with a roar.
I writhed under his exhilarating attack. My string of screams lingered in the
air as he moaned gutturally against my forehead.
He was filling all of me. My body. My mind. My heart. My soul.
Stone was close. The spasms of my channel squeezed him tight. The
whimpers from my mouth were enough for him to twitch rhythmically
against my clit. My closeness left him satisfied.
Our mouths met in a passionate war of tongues. Stone dominated and
controlled. He held my jaw and let his hunger take over him like a territorial
wild beast.
It was not merely physical. It was everything. The connection was
emotional and soulful and every single tether in the world. Our hearts
hammered against one another. Our lips met and our bodies sighed with
happiness repeatedly.
He rocked into me one last time. He speared deep while looking into my
eyes. He growled my name when he unlocked the piercing and searing
pressure in both of us.
My screams turned to pants. His gnarls turned to kisses.
Our sweat-beaded foreheads met, and we both smiled. We panted against
each other and caught our breaths.
We had the best sex. Every time.
I slumped against him. I could not feel my legs or any other part of my
body. I relaxed into the large body because Stone did not seem keen to let
He had entrapped me in his arms while walking over to fetch a clean towel.
He wiped at my thighs and between my legs before leaving gentle kisses on
my most sensitive parts.
"I have got you." He breathed out, his fingers combing through my hair
soothingly "I have always got you."
The side of my face rested on his shoulder as I smiled "I know."
His palms found my face and he forced me to look up at him. I smiled up at
him while moving my head so that I could kiss one of his hands.
"I love you." He declared so easily and so strongly like he was merely
telling me that he needed oxygen to breathe.
Stretching up and leaving a small kiss on his jaw, I whispered back
instantaneously "I love you too."
A small grumble left his chest.
"What are you grumbling at now?" I giggled.
"Want a kiss." He grumbled again.
I shook my head at the insatiable man and pointed out amusedly "We just
kissed like five minutes ago."
He moved his arms so that they wrapped around my waist possessively.
"It can be two seconds and I miss touching you, Medusa."
I kissed his jaw again and pulled back with a wink. He sent me a playful
scowl and my smile turned to a grin.
There was a healthy sex life in a relationship and then there was us. We had
a lot of sex. Maybe even too much. Both of us were still new in our
relationship but I had a gut feeling that our need to be close would not ever
fade away.
Maybe it was Stone's giant build. Maybe it was his strength. Maybe it was
his need to be touching me twenty-four-seven. But he had an unearthly and
unnatural amount of stamina.
"Always needing to be touching me." I tutted teasingly before adding
"What would you do without me?"
The large body stilled.
Gruffly from his throat, he rebutted "Where do you think you are going?"
I rolled my eyes "It is a figure of speech and I know you know that,
He buried his face into the crook of my neck and left a kiss on the skin
before he rasped out "I would destroy the whole fucking world to get you
back if you left. Nothing and nobody could keep you away from me.
"Caveman." I muttered under my breath as a shiver shot up my spine.
"Are you cold?" He demanded to know as he quickly moved his head back
to study me.
"Considering that I am naked, yes." I laughed as another shiver travelled
through me.
Stone moved quickly. He set me down on the ground before removing his
shirt. He then tapped my hips and motioned for me to put my arms up. He
placed his shirt on me and the material fell to my knees.
His muscular arms opened, and I understood straight away what he was
wanting. I stood up on my toes and hugged his middle. I rested my chin on
his chest and looked up at him as I embraced his bulky body in a hug.
I had such a sore back. The cause was a mixture of the rough attention
Stone had shown me and the fact that I had to stretch to merely reach his
"I have a theory that UFO's orbit the area of the thing they want to take." I
voiced quietly to him "You are like my UFO. Always lingering. Always
ready to take."
"And you are my little alien." Stone chuckled before leaning down and
placing a kiss on the top of my head “I will follow you to the end of the
My cheeks hurt from smiling.
"So, Lurch," I asked randomly "Are you a boob or an ass man?"
I was very curious because he always seemed to show attention and
worship every part of my body. He seemed to favour every part of my skin.
"I am an Ella-man." The deep voice answere

Chapter Forty-Three
The truck stopped at the last remaining space outside the Lewis' house.
I recognised Brennan's white car in front that already beat us there. Lana
had phoned me about an hour before and explained how she was invited.
She did not seem in the mood for a night with her boyfriend's parents, but
she had shown up.
They had fought earlier that day and the air between them was awkward.
I had only met Mrs Lewis once, but I knew for certain that she would pick
up on the tension instantaneously. I also knew she would notice the shift in
Stone and me.
There was still playful fighting in our relationship, but it was more of a
fight to keep our eyes and hands off each other. It was not a secret anymore.
It was obvious by the stolen kisses when nobody was watching, the brush
off our hands when we passed and the small smile and the softening of his
eyes when he looked at me. A contrast to his normal grouchy face.
We both got out of the car. It was when I took my first foot on the ground
that he was already next to me and taking my hand in his as we walked up
the driveway.
I leaned into his side to get as much contact as I could before I would have
to behave in front of his parents.
Before we reached the front door, he wrapped his arms around my waist
and bent down in an attempt to kiss me.
"Nuh-uh." I tutted, reaching up and putting my hands on his chest to stop
him "I said no kissing until you went to see your family and you have not
been yet."
He tilted his head and chuckled before pointing out "So what do you call
yesterday, last night and this morning?"
I could not help smiling up at him while shrugging "I forgot about my threat
and made a little mistake."
"The same little mistake a couple of hundred times?"
To shut him up, I leaned on my toes and met him halfway. Just as his mouth
was about to meet mine, I then pulled away and smiled evilly.
"I think I will just make you wait." I sang.
He frowned but I could see the amusement that he was trying to hide "Let’s
see how long you last."
Stone knocked on the door and the noise made me remember the clattering
around last night.
"Did you go somewhere last night?" I asked him before mentioning "When
I woke up during the night, you were not in bed. I heard you walking
He faced the door for a few more seconds before glancing at me sidewards
"Brennan called."
I nodded once "Was it about Lana?"
"Yes." He answered directly before recovering himself with a taunting smile
"I think someone missed me in our bed last night."
A giggle escaped me, but I shook my head "No way! Why would I miss
The taunting smile turned to a smirk on his face as he seen right through my
lies "So it was not you that climbed on top of me the second I came back
last night."
"Okay. I can admit that I like snuggling into you." I confessed, "For
someone with the coldest stare on the planet, you are the most warm and
toasty teddy bear to cuddle into."
He shook his head and sent me a glare at the word teddy bear.
"I would not have made that fuss about Pete the Second if I knew I was
getting you."
Stone smiled again and I could see all his perfect teeth. He continued to
watch my matching grin before bending down and kissing the top of my
"Why did you knock on the door?" I questioned as I had only just noticed
that he had.
There was no reply from him.
"This is your home." I said to him softly before I asked again "Why did you
His reply got lost in the air as the front door of the house opened quickly
and revealed a delighted Mrs Lewis who I suspected had been watching us
from the window a few seconds ago
She waved us in with a large smile on her face and once we were both in
the house and the door had closed, she snatched me into a hug.
I quickly wrapped my arms around Mrs Lewis, and I noticed that was still
wearing her work uniform. A pair of blue scrubs.
Mrs Lewis pulled back with a grin still in place as she cupped my face and
squeezed my cheeks "Ella, it is so good to see you. I have been trying to get
Stone to bring you here again for a week now. I have also been trying to get
him to bring himself here."
Her tone had gone sterner at the end of her sentence, so I found myself
apologising "I am really sorry. It is kind of my fault. He has been staying
with me."
"Of course, it is not your fault, sweet girl." She said softly, squeezing my
face again "It is his. Do not get me wrong, I was cheering when I found out
that he was staying with you but I thought he would at least come back to
visit his old folks."
The meddling Mrs Lewis was now scowling at Stone with her arms on her
waist and that led him to let out a small sorry.
"It is fine." She waved him off and her smile reappeared "As long as you
two are together now."
I let out a nervous laugh.
Mrs Lewis sighed as she pointed to Stone "Honestly if you had left it any
later to tell Ella that you loved her, I was planning to do it myself."
The black eyes widened slightly like he had no clue that she knew that he
was in love or that she knew that he had told me.
My eyes were wide too. If it was not for the hospital scrubs that she had on,
I would think that the woman was a detective or behaviour analyst.
Her voice sounded all dreamy as she addressed Stone again "Do not give
me that look, boy. Someone as far away as mars could see that you are
crazy about her."
Stone did not look embarrassed. Not at all. He just let out a single deep
chuckle and looked over at me.
I was trying to hide my blushed cheeks with my hair. That and to hide them
from Mrs Lewis hands.
"Thank you for having me again, Mrs Lewis." I said to her as started
walking down the hall.
"Ella, please call me Kelly." She said with a grin as she led on in front "Or
mom if you would like."
She left to turn into the room on the left. I was left speechless. Stone looked
amused at my expression as he stood behind me and moved us both into the
living room.
The room was on the smaller side, but it was cosy. The wallpaper was teal
coloured with flowery patterns swirling across it. The two cream shaded
sofas were already filled. One by a gloomy-looking Brennan and Lana.
Lana and Brennan both smiled and sat up in their seat as they saw us.
On the sofa opposite was Mrs Lewis who had just sat down and Mr Lewis
who was looking lovingly at his wife.
There were no seats left so Stone and I ended up sitting on the floor. I was
sitting right up close to him and his arm was resting on the floor right
behind my back. His fingers were twitching like he wanted to move me.
More specifically manoeuvre me onto his lap.
He knew that I knew what he was wanting to do and sent a smirk my way.
Before I tuned into the conversation between Mr Lewis and Brennan, I
mouthed to Stone "Behave."
Suddenly, Mrs Lewis shouted randomly "It is Lana and Ella's first game
"Game night?" I repeated quietly to Stone "If it is trivial pursuit then I am
going to kick your ass."
Stone shook his head and let out a deep laugh knowing that he would
definitely give me a run for my money.
Brennan instead answered "We play two truths and a lie every week. It is a
"It is a fun way to try and get things out of the two boys." Mr Lewis added
"Kelly and I get told nothing."
"That is clever." I could not help but praise their parenting techniques
"What else do you do? Truth or Dare? Questions such as truth, did you
sneak out last night to a party? Or dare, do your dirty laundry."
Everybody laughed and Mrs Lewis pointed my way "That is such a good
A groan comes from Brennan "Thanks a lot, Ella."
"You're welcome." I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Now I have to put up with another stupid game that might result in myself
having to do chores." Brennan replied, "More of them now that you are
keeping Stone in your lair."
Mrs Lewis went onto explain the concept of Two Truths and a Lie like we
had not all played it in middle school or high school parties. She then
insisted that Lana went first and then it would go clockwise around the
Lana thought for a while and then listed her two truths and a lie "I can play
the trombone. I can speak fluent french. My grandmother's aunt's third
cousin once removed was Marilyn Monroe."
I kept quiet because I did not want to ruin the game. Lana had the voice of
an angel but her musical talents ended there as she never bothered to learn
an instrument.
"The third one was in too much depth to be a lie." Brennan's mother said
before guessing option one.
"Yeah. You are right." Lana confirmed in defeat.
Up next was Mr Lewis and he seemed prepared as he rattled off his list "I
can still do a perfect handstand. My mama gave birth to me and my brother
in a small liqueur store in Nigeria. Finally, I completed my law degree at
college in five years."
The two other boys and Mrs Lewis kept quiet as they knew the answer
already. That left Lana and me to guess. Lana shrugged her shoulders my
way and left me to guess.
I thought about it then voiced "I think number three. Does it not take at least
seven years to do a law degree?"
"Number three is correct." Mr Lewis told me "But you are wrong because I
completed the degree in three years."
"That is very impressive." I sent a smile his way "You must be a gifted
Mr Lewis lost his happiness as he elaborated "That and I was the only black
man in a college full of rich white men. There was a hurry for me to
"Baron, you are one of the most successful lawyers in the state." Mrs Lewis
interjected as she kissed her husband's cheek "Excuse my language but all
of those rich assholes are bankrupt now."
The image of them made me feel happy. They both were so in love with
each other. I hoped I had what they had when I was older.
Mrs Lewis said her list "I was once the leader of a choir in my local church
when I was a little girl. I fear Spiders. Last one is that I lost my first kiss to
a member of Iron Maiden."
"Iron maiden?" I sat up at her revelation "I really hope that is true. That
would be some story."
"You do not look scared of anything, Mrs Lewis." Lana said with a smile "I
will guess number two."
The older woman smiled "I can’t sing to save myself and I never went to
church when I was little."
"Iron maiden." I repeated with excitement in my tone "It must have been
great meeting them. Which one did you kiss?"
"I will not say who because Baron gets annoyed when I say his name." She
glanced at her husband, laughing "I was invited to the one of the band
member’s funerals and my loving husband went all caveman so I never
The married couple exchanged quiet words with love and adoration in their
eyes. I watched them in awe as Mr Lewis reached over and kissed her lips
gently. Mrs Lewis seemed to remember where she was and that she had an
audience because she smiled at us shyly.
Brennan let out an exaggerated noise like he was throwing up.
"Did you know that the boys in Iron Maiden liked their girls feisty?" Mrs
Lewis said to me as she winked in my direction "Ella, you would have been
their ideal girl."
Her suggestive face gave away that she was trying to wind up Stone. That
she was trying to get her revenge for him not coming to visit.
As I wanted to keep my good impression and stay on Mrs Lewis' good side,
I played along "Looks like I need to go out and buy an Ouija board to get in
contact with them."
Stone's finger twitched against my skin, and I could feel his hand on my
back. It wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to him so that I was
sitting in between his legs and my back was up against his hard rock chest.
The giant leant down and whispered roughly into my ear "Are you
forgetting something?"
I turned around and smiled up at him innocently "I do not think so."
A harsh breath and a deep drawl of three words was his response "You are
His reply sent flutters to my lower stomach, and I had the urge to let him
bring my body onto his lap.
I let out a laugh to indicate to him that I was just teasing "Are you seriously
getting jealous of a dead rock star, you dork?"
Mrs Lewis sent another wink but that time it was to Stone. He caught on
that we were just trying to poke the beast because he shook his head and
grumbled under his breath.
The game resumed but Stone refused to take a turn. He said that he was
more interested in what I had to say. That results in another nudge from my
finger onto his chest at his lack of participation.
After coming up with no three good things to say, I listed them aloud
"When I was little, my parents entered me into a child genius competition,
and I came second. On a trip to Egypt when I was ten, I got kicked out of
The Valley of The Kings because I shouted that Tutankhamun was going to
rise and that would lead to the aliens coming back for the pyramid. Lastly,
my favourite film is The Addams Family."
My last option which was one of the truths made Stone smirk down at me.
He then got back to trying to guess the lie "Number one?"
"Why?" I asked.
His smile was taunting as he replied, "I do think you were entered into a
child genius competition but knowing you then you would most likely came
There was a hum of agreement around the room. Except for Lana who was
smiling that they had all got it wrong.
"I did actually get second place in that competition." I corrected them "The
lie was the second one."
"But you went into so much detail that I thought that it had to be true." Mr
Lewis sighed.
"I did get kicked out of the Valley of the Kings," I replied sheepishly "but it
was because I threw my chocolate spread sandwich at the hieroglyphics."
The room filled with laughter, and I could even feel Stone's chest vibrate
with a low chuckle.
Brennan glanced over at Lana who was not looking at him before he listed
his two truths and a lie "I have surfed a wave bigger than twenty-five-foot
wave. My favourite thing to drink is milk. Finally..."
He trailed off and that is when Lana eventually turned her head in his
As he looked her straight in the eye, Brennan revealed his third option "My
girlfriend does not even like me."
It went silent.
Brennan's head dropped while Lana blinked while shifting uncomfortably in
her seat.
The silence dragged on.
That is why I randomly blurted out "Is it option number two?"
Lana let out a small awkward laugh before she stood up. She shot his
parents a smile before she hurried out of the room.
I did not think about it twice. I jumped up from my place on the floor and
did not look back as I followed her onto the hallway.
The kitchen was the first place I stuck my head in to look for where she had
gone. Once I saw it was empty, I walked down back in the direction of the
front door.
She was sitting on the stairs with her head in her hands. Her blonde hair
was the only thing visible.
I joined her on the bottom step and pulled her into my side. She
immediately hugged back and let out a sob. Her head popped up from being
rested on my arm after a minute. Her eyes were puffy, and she had snot
running down her nose.
Wiping away her tears, I smiled at her reassuringly "Do you want to talk
about it?"
"I am just embarrassed." She admitted "Here I was thinking that I would
come tonight and be a good girlfriend. I would show up and try to reconnect
"He is just hurt and confused." I tried to assure her that there was no malice
on his part "Brennan did not want to humiliate you in front of his parents."
She wiped her fresh tears away "I feel like the bad guy. He is right but I do
not want him to be. Brennan is amazing. He is funny and kind and
considerate, but I do not love him."
I tightened my arms around her and moved her hair out of her face
"I do not think I will ever be able to." She continued "We both agreed that
we do not feel a fraction of what you and Stone feel for each other."
"You can’t compare your relationship to others. That is where the trouble
starts." I tried to sound sure of myself, but I was not.
The truth was that I could not imagine anyone feeling anything close to
what I felt for Stone.
I kept my tone optimistic as I spoke again “If that is really how you feel
then you need to tell him. Maybe you can work it out."
"Can we talk about something different?" She asked, fed up with the
conversation "How about your birthday?"
I repeated "My birthday?"
"Yeah. Your birthday." She said again before mentioning "I already have
you a small something, but I wanted to know if you wanted anything else?"
"When is my birthday?" I asked, cluelessly.
Lana frowned "You do not remember when your birthday is?"
"Of course, I do. It is the same date every year. It is also Halloween so I
cannot forget about it." I laughed at her "I know the date. Just not the day."
"It is not this Friday but the next." She answered before questioning "So
what do you want for a present?"
"Nothing." I responded honestly "I want to keep it as lowkey as possible.
Let's just go and see a movie or something like that."
She crossed her arms and made it clear that the cinema was not an option
"What about what we had planned a few years ago?" Lana mentioned, "We
said that when we both turned nineteen, we would try to sneak into nineteen
different bars and sing nineteen different karaoke songs and kiss nineteen
different guys."
My eighteenth was something similar except I only attended eighteen bars
and I only kissed eighteen guys.
"I think Stone might have something to say about the last one." I
commented, thinking about how he would react to the news.
"Something to say?" Lana scoffed before giggling "The morgue would get
nineteen bodies that night."
I rolled my eyes "That is a bit dramatic."
"Actually, thinking about it," She corrected "Stone would hunt down and
kill every male in California before any kissing happened."
"Well, it is a good thing I only want him then.” I joined in with her laughter
"He can get my nineteen kisses. More, if he is lucky."
The light from her eyes was once again gone and she tried to keep smiling.
At her expression, I brought my arm around her again "Why don't I come
over for a sleepover at yours and we eat our own weight in gummy bears
and watch The Notebook?"
"That sounds really good." She replied, sniffling "Are you sure you do not
want to go home with Stone?"
"Nothing has changed, Barbie." I assured her "If one of us is upset then the
other must make the excuse of period and stomach cramps and then we both
go home. We watch cringey films and we stuff our faces with food. That is
how we work, and no guy could ever change that."
"Thank you, Freak Show" Lana laughed before motioning down the hall at
the two males who were coming our way "I need to talk to Brennan."
I nodded once as the two guys approached abs, I pulled myself away from
Meeting Stone's eye, I tilted my head towards up the stairs. He nodded
before he took my hand and led me up the stairs while Brennan joined Lana
on the steps.
His room was just as I remembered. One bed and a bookshelf and not a lot
else. It was plain and it made it understandable why he wanted to sleep in
my fairytale green room.
Before the giant hands could get hold of me, ran out of his grasp and
jumped on his bed. I lay splat on my back like a pancake while staring up at
the ceiling.
Stone remained where he was against the doorframe. He took up the whole
space with his wide shoulders as he watched me with a chuckle.
Moving around on the sheets, I hummed my question "What do you think
about while laying here at night?"
He moved towards means joined me on the bed. His hand roamed down
from my hips to my butt before he lifted me and placed my body on top of
his so that I was straddling him.
"I am never here anymore but before all I thought about was you." He
"You will have to think of me here tonight." I took the opportunity to tell
him about the situation with Lana "I'm sleeping over at Lana's."
He frowned up at me while putting a rogue piece of hair that had fallen onto
my face behind my ear. He studied my face for a while before he moved his
hands higher and higher.
Then he pulled me down so he could entrap my mouth with his own.
My eyes fluttered shut as he moved his mouth onto mine. The kiss was
gentle yet incredibly hot. It felt inescapable like I was melting into him. He
was tempting me, and I was letting him win because my hand reached and
grabbed his shoulders while my lips begged for his touch.
I pulled away and whispered, "I am not changing my mind, Lurch."
Stone ran a finger along my swollen lips. He looked deeply into my eyes,
his darkened gaze penetrating me. His grip became tighter like he had no
intention of letting my body leave from his side for a lifetime.
His kisses travelled down my jawline until his tongue comes in contact with
my neck. The heat and sensation left me panting and fisting his shirt.
Pushing away and letting out a final involuntary moan, I crossed my arms
and sit up "I have to stay with Lana. She needs me."
"I know." He nodded understandingly but heat me firmly on his lap "I will
just miss you."
"I will miss you too." I spoke back.
"I need you in my arms, Medusa." He let out lowly and gruffly.
To distract myself from the desire to wrap my giant and I in a cocoon for
the night, I read all the titles on his bookshelf. However, my admiration of
the hardbacks ended just as it had begun because I could feel him watching
"If you could go any place in the world, where would it be?" He randomly
asked in his husky voice.
The answer came straight to mind because it had been the same answer
since I was twelve years old.
"The Royal Portuguese Reading Room in Rio De Janeiro." I answered
before I started my rant "It is this old yet beautiful library that looks like
something from a Disney film. I have always wanted to lay in the middle of
the room and not care about the stares from locals or other tourists. I would
try to steal an expensive book even if it was in a foreign language. If I was
found out, I would just run to a busy beach or I would blend into some
extravagant festival that was taking place. I would—"
He cut off my description of my dream place and continues it perfectly
"You would sit in a small bar drinking a fancy cocktail that had a cut open
piece of exotic fruit for a glass. You would have a room with a beach view.
One that would let you feel the sunrise from your bed when you woke up."
"That is freaky!" I exclaimed after he had finished "It is like you have read
my mind or..."
I stilled and I glared at his smirk.
"Oh no!" I shirked in horror "You found my blog that I had when I was
Stone smiled evilly while staring up at my shocked expression "Ella
Explains Everything is the cutest name. It did not take me long to find it."
"No." I groaned as I let my head fall onto his chest.
He kissed the top of my head before he continued to tease me "My personal
favourite post that young Ella wrote was about your planned trip to the
library in Brazil and your theories about how little creatures guarded the
books at night."
My hands went to cover my face as he pulled me away from his chest so
that he could see me.
I let out a small huff of annoyance "Why do you make it your mission to get
me so riled up?"
"Same reason it has always been since the night I met you." He stated
before explaining "When you give it out to me, your doe eyes go wider for
a second and then your nose crinkles. Then a beautiful blush covers your
cheeks and highlights your freckles even more. It is breathtaking."
I could not keep up my act of annoyance after that speech, so I just cuddled
into his chest again. His muscles arms wrapped about my body instantly
and kept me trained to him.
A voice that was so soft yet so deep made my head move up to see him as
he cupped my face in his calloused hands.
"Meeting you was like going through the looking glass." He revealed,
"Nothing has been the same since."
"In a good way?" I whispered as I stared down at him.
"In the best fucking way."
Grinning, I poked his chest playfully "I know that you are the Alice and
Wonderland superfan, but I thought that phrase was meant to describe the
world around a person changing."
Stone's lip twitched before his gravelly voice filled the room "Drizella, you
are my world."
"I still cannot get over how you like the Lewis Caroll book." I admitted
before I explained, "I never thought that you would like crazy and
Heat touched every part of my skin as his gaze trailed over me.
"I love crazy." He said as his hands rested on the back of my thighs "I love
We stayed in the room for a further fifteen minutes, both agreeing that Lana
and Brennan needed more time to sort things over. We were in our own
little bubble for a significant amount of time, yet it seemed not enough.
It was not our best idea to have such a heated fifteen minutes in a house
filled with other people and with me leaving with Lana straight after it.
It left Stone with a problem. More accurately a huge problem.
Leaving him in the room with a triumphing grin, I descended the stairs and
found Lana waiting.
She pointed to me as I approached her "Ella, what is that on your neck?"
"A mosquito bite." I lied.
She bit her lip to stop smiling "It is massive."
"It was a large mosquito." I shrugged while covering my face with my hair
"A very large annoying mosquito."
Chapter Forty-Four
I had a theory that dreams revealed our truest desires. My theory was
heavily inspired by Freud's idea of wish fulfilment, only there was a little
less sex involved.
All my dreams recently had been about sex with Stone.
A warm mouth nuzzling into the side of my neck woke me from my
I felt around for the large chest before I swatted gently with my hand. I then
let out a giggle as the face buried in my neck nuzzled again.
"Medusa." The deep voice grumbled to complain "Wake up."
The bedsheets felt smooth against my bare legs. The large black shirt that
had belong to the giant encased me like a warm hug. The position I was in
was comfortable and had me ready for a small nap.
"Stone, I am lazy." I swatted his chest again as I let out a yawn "You are
meant to love me for who I am."
His warm breath tickled my earlobe as he demanded with a grumble "Open
your eyes."
My mouth went up in a smile and I kept my eyes closed shut as I huffed out
"Why are you trying to wake me up?"
A few minutes of silence later, Stone eventually answered "You have been
sleeping for three hours and you won't be able to get to sleep tonight."
I was going to make a comment about how he never let me sleep at night
but I decided against it. It would only stroke his ego more about how long
he was able to last.
Yawning, I opened my eyes and rolled onto my side. I ignored the smirk of
the man on my bed as I peered around him at my alarm clock on the
bedside cabinet.
"Lurch!" I exclaimed, "My nap has only been twelve minutes long!"
"Twelve minutes too long." Stone grumbled under his breath.
I laid back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling as I tried to keep my smile
hidden from him.
The man greedy for all of my time began leaving kisses along my jaw and
my neck as he uttered roughly "I missed you."
"Tough." I giggled before closing my eyes and pretending to sleep again.
A grumble of a noise shook the large chest close to my own and I felt the
dark pair of eyes drilling holes into my face.
Nothing happened for the first few minutes of me pretending to sleep but I
knew he was up to something.
Large, calloused hands made their way onto my hips as he slid the shirt on
my body up my waist. The big meaty hands pulled at the material until my
breasts were free and my nipples had hardened at the cool air touching
When Stone realised, he could not get the shirt over my head because I was
lying down, he fisted the material with his two hands and ripped it in half so
that my body was on display for him.
I had given him permission to wake me up in whatever way he wanted.
Which he seemed to take full advantage of as he always woke me up by
impaling me on his long thick waiting length.
My eyes opened when I felt him grab one of my knees in each of his hands.
My loud gasp escaped my mouth when he spread my legs apart, so they
were wide and open for him.
His head went straight towards the space between my thighs.
The wide greedy tongue attacked my folds without warning, and I let out a
loud scream of pleasure and delight.
I felt his tongue at every part of my heated wetness. It went hard and
relentless and punishing. He sucked and licked at my opening before he
flicked his tongue over my clit.
Stone kept his thick fingers digging into the skin of my thigh as he kept my
legs wrenched open and as he kept on ravaging my sensitive skin with his
His tongue licked again and again until I was delirious. This time his
devour of me continued over my pulsing clit. The movement over the
bundle of nerves had me moaning his name.
The man feasting upon me groaned at the taste of me. He began to consume
and devastate me with a ferocity that would have a wild beast resentful.
I moaned again when I peered down and seen his black hair and his broad
shoulders that were decorated with the medusa tattoo between my legs.
My body shuddered with pure unadulterated ecstasy when he wrapped his
lips around my clit and grazed it with his teeth. He then took the small bud
into his mouth and sucked on it like his life depended on it.
The hotness and roughness of his tongue circled my hypersensitive nub and
I felt like I was going to collapse. He was the only thing keeping me from
melting into a puddle on the bed.
Ever so slowly, he moved his tongue downwards and then with one coarse
movement he was delving deep into my bare core with his demanding
I let my hands move down to him and I gripped onto his hair as I whined
his name
I rolled my hips and shook against him as he played with my clit.
His large voracious hands grabbed my ass and pulled me further into his
face. He lifted me higher and closer to his mouth. It was like he was trying
to get as much of me in his mouth as he possibly could.
His tongue was relentless and vicious, and I knew that he needed my
orgasm just as much as I did.
Grunts and groans of approval gutturally released out of him as he ate my
pussy out like it was his last meal on earth.
I began to shake. My legs, my arms, my core, my heart and my soul began
to shake.
Stone increased the pressure of his tongue on my heat. He dug his fingers
into my hips to control my movements as I tried grinding into his mouth.
The sensation made every cell in my body alight with fire and shake with
the power of a world-wide earthquake.
I threw my head back and cried out. I released the scream that had lodged in
my throat.
My head was back, and my legs were shaking. My mouth was open, and my
eyes were weeping with tears of pleasure.
His licking ravaged again and again as I squeezed his ears with my thighs
and as I pulled harder at his hair.
He lapped and sucked slower. His movements grew steady which helped
me lower my dangerously high heart rate as I came down from the state of
The giant pulled back and licked the glistening liquid off his lips as he sent
me the sexiest stare I had ever seen.
He crawled on top of me and his mouth was on mine a second later. His
hand ventured into my hair as he attacked my mouth with soft yet forceful
His cock dug into my belly. The length fighting to escape from his black
boxers was hard and thick and ready for me.
My chest panted as I studied the man I had fallen in love with.
Valentine Stone was the kind of hot that should have been illegal. His broad
shoulders and his ripped eight-pack were a symbol of his masculinity. His
dark eyes and his predatory smirk were examples of the heated animistic
lust he was fighting back.
He kissed me raw and hard. His tongue ventured inside of my mouth and
duelled with mine. His dominance took over and he claimed me fully.
I laid bare for him as his kisses turned soft. I felt my breasts grow heavier
and my inner thighs grow so wet that the sheets underneath me were damp.
I moved my hand to cup his stubbled jaw as I whispered to him "I've never
been this happy, Valentine."
The man smiled at me as he murmured "Neither have I, Drizella."
His mouthed moved to my throat and he left kissed on the ticklish part of
my neck when he questioned "What were you dreaming about?"
My smile turned sheepish as I met his eyes.
"Ella." He growled out in warning.
"I love the way you look at me." I sat up on the bed and moved away from
as I fiddled with my hands and admitted "I had a dream that you were
chasing me and you pinned me down and..."
Stone's dark eyes flicked over my face as his lip twitched upwards.
I breathed out heavily "I had a dream I was your prey and you caught me
and made me yours."
My whole face went red. I moved the side of my face into my shoulder as I
avoided looking at him.
His hand moved out and caught me. He cupped my face with both of his
hands as he made me look up at him.
He leaned down and left a kiss on my nose before he pulled back and
growled "Run."
I blinked a few times before I muttered "W-What?"
"Run and hide." He repeated, his tone rough and ordering "Because when I
catch you, I'm going to devour you whole."
I kept eye-contact with him as I moved slowly. I got up from the bed and
made my way over to the door.
"Ten." Stone's voice had turned dark yet amused as he began counting down
There was no way I could get far from him. There was no way I could leave
the apartment naked and not end up causing someone's death by Valentine
A cunning wicked plan formed in my mind that would taunt the large man.
I was a genius.
I skipped into the bathroom and quietly shut the door behind me. I bolted
the lock on the bathroom door before I quietly made my way to the bathtub.
My butt perched on the edge of the bathtub, and I threw one leg over it so
that I was straddling the white edge of the tub.
"Five...Four...Three," The deep voice sounded almost irritated as he
continued counting down "Two...One."
The loud strides of the large man thundered on the floorboards of the hall as
he hurried to find me.
I arched my back and began moving my hips so that the inside of my thighs
was rubbing against the edge of the bath. I began riding the surface as I
heard him grow closer and closer to the other side of the bathroom door.
The bathroom door handle jiggled as the pounding of fists began to hit the
"Ella." The man growled from outside.
I let out an exaggerated moan as I began moving my hips faster.
"Ella." Stone gutturally roared again at the noise as the door shook again.
"You don't like it?" I called the taunt to him as I slipped one of my fingers
into my wetness "You don't like when I play with myself for you."
A noise so deep and so ravenous made its way out of him that made me
doubt he was human.
The pressure built up in my stomach and my moans began to turn real.
"I wish you were watching me." I whimpered loudly as my finger sped up
and began to circle my clit "I wish you were seeing what I was doing to
myself for you."
The bathroom door creaked with every pound of his fists.
"Let me in, Ella." He growled out like he was in pain "You know nothing is
allowed to touch you but me."
"Not even myself?" I whined as I continued drawing lazy circles on my
sensitive nub.
"No." He gnarled with the ferocity of a thousand lions "Not even yourself."
"Yes." I moaned to argue as I began to rock my hips faster "Yes. Yes. Yes."
"Fuck, baby. I hear your little finger slipping through your pretty cunt." He
clawed at the door as the dirty words left him in a rough curse "Wait until I
get my hands on you. Wait until I fuck you hard again and again until you
can't even move."
I pulled my finger out of me and grinned evilly at the door as I let out
another exaggerated moan.
"Last chance." His growl was nothing short of furious "I am warning you."
"Oh, Stone." I cried out as I tried to hold back my laughter "I'm so wet that
you could just slide right into me."
The door flew off its hinges and landed in front of me with a bang.
My mouth dropped open and I wouldn't be surprised if my jaw hit the floor.
Stone took up the whole space of the doorway. His chest moved like a
shifting mountain range as deep cavernous noises left his mouth. His jaw
was ticking, and his eyes were so dark as they set their sights on me.
I removed myself from my straddling position on the bath and stood up. I
offered him a small wave and a bright smile.
"Sorry." I giggled out with a small shrug.
"That was the last time you ever touched yourself." He growled out as his
eyes met mine "The only person that gets to touch your perfect little pussy
is me."
He was in front of me in a matter of milliseconds. He was pulling down and
kicking off his boxers in the next.
My body was shaking with anticipation. My breasts felt heavier and my
arousal between my legs pooled even more.
The length that looked like it spanned miles between the thick black hair at
the base and the angry swollen tip was thick and heavy. The balls were
heavy too and the veins were bulging out of the twitching cock.
His hands moved to my hips and moved my body so that I was now
hovering in the air. He lifted me up so that I was at eye-level with him and
so that my opening was resting against the beginning of the long length.
As well as legs wrapped around him, I moved my hands around the back of
his neck and held onto his broad shoulders.
The full smooth tip pressed up against my entrance and I braced for the
impact. I consciously reached onto his shoulders and clutched onto him
His pelvis rocked against mine and he nudged me slowly and tauntingly. He
glided the tip over my entrance repeatedly.
His hands moved to my thighs as he moved me faster and faster against the
tip. I held on and rested my face against his shoulder as he gilded the thick
cockhead up and down my folds.
I pulled back. I took in the sight of him watching me while he pleasured my
He walked into the hallway with me in his arms and with me moving my
hips back and forward so that his tip was gliding smoothly against my
Stone groaned before he murmured in my ear "I need to get you on that bed
and fuck you hard, so you know never to leave me again."
I whined "I'm not going to make it to bedroom."
Another gnarl shook his chest as we both rutted against each other and fell
to the floor. My back found the carpet of the hallway as Stone carefully
crawled on top of me.
A thick bulky arm belonging to him wrapped around my waist before he
flipped me over so that I was on all-fours.
I leaned on my knees and my forearms as I looked over my shoulder and
sent him a taunting smirk while I began crawling away from him.
The noise that left him was furious as he grabbed my hips and brought me
back to him. His hands moved from my waist to my ass as he palmed the
cheeks and brought his nose right up to the hole between my legs.
"You smell so fucking good." He released gutturally as he rubbed his nose
up and down and coated himself in my wetness.
I whined at the feeling of his hot breath on my wet lips.
He snapped his teeth near the apex of my thighs as he released out ferally
I bit my lip and closed my eyes in ecstasy before I shot him another teasing
smirk and began trying to crawl away from him again.
Stone grabbed my thighs and brought me back to him as he let out
gutturally "It looks like I have captured my prey."
I applied more pressure to my knees as I spread my legs further and showed
him how wet I was for him.
"I think it's time for me to enjoy my prey, don't you?" He questioned
rhetorically with a dark chuckle "I think it's time I enjoy my little prize."
"Yes." I moaned out as I felt his hand near my ass "Yes."
He ran his finger down my pussy slit. He stopped when he reached my hole
and then he shoved that thick finger right into my wet heat.
My muscles clamped down on his digit as he moved his mouth to my right
Stone took the skin of my ass between his teeth as he bit down gently.
It was the kind of pain that was pleasurable. I knew it would leave a mark
and I was glad.
He was showing me who I belonged to.
"You cannot imagine what the taste of you does to me, Drizella." He rasped
out with every single ounce in him "It turns me into some sort of beast."
"I know." I cried in pleasure "It's so sexy."
"I'm going to have my dick in in here." He stated as he began pumping one
thick finger in and out of me "I'm going to fill you with my come and make
you mine then when it runs down your leg, I'm going to slide it back inside
of you."
I could not help the sound that left me.
He pulled his finger out and immediately lifted it to his mouth to suck the
glossiness from it.
"So fucking good." He growled out in praise "I could live off the taste of
I turned my head to the side and looked over my shoulder back at him.
"You want a madman, do you?" He gnarled out the question as he held onto
my hip with one hand and aligned the tip of his dick at my entrance with the
other "You want to drive me insane?"
A whimper left me at the feeling of his thick cockhead right at my hole.
"Please." I pleaded with him "Please, Stone."
"You test my limits." He mentioned with a groan as he began to press inside
of me "You test my sanity."
He used his knee to nudge my legs apart even further and then he was
pushing into me with a slow but thorough thrust.
Stone rumbled out in praise "You are doing so well, my beautiful little
My eyes momentarily closed as I moaned the question "How long are you
going to keep me for?"
The question had done nothing to settle the beast raging inside of him.
His expression darkened further, and he let out a low sound before he
shoved every single inch of himself inside of me in a forceful thrust.
My head tipped back, and a strangled scream left my throat.
"You think I will ever let you go?" He chuckled humourlessly.
I was filled completely. I was stretched to the point where I felt like I was
being split in half. I was stuffed full of him so much that I felt like my guts
were being rearranged. I was being ruined in the most beautiful way.
The crude, desperate thrusts of his enormous shaft deep inside me were in
harmony with the deep animalistic noises that left his chest "I would burn
the world down if you ever tried to leave me."
Stone started fucking me with long yet quick desperate strokes. He shoved
himself to the hilt inside of me over and over again.
My inner muscles clenched around his length, and he grunted while picking
up his speed and intensity.
He let go of my waist and spread my ass cheeks wide so that he could see
his cock moving in and out of me.
The angle of everything was so tortuous and perfect. I felt him in my throat.
It was as if the giant had been possessed by an animal that belonged to the
top of the food chain. He held my hips possessively while he dove into me
again and again and again.
"Fucking hell, baby." He uttered roughly as he picked up speed and
slammed harder into me. "Your cunt is so fucking tight and wet and hot."
The words were enough to tip me over the edge.
I whined his name as I felt my release shake my body.
"You are so primed for me." He uttered as he bent down and left a kiss on
my back "You were made for me."
He went savage. He went like wild when he moved against me. He growled
and groaned and told me how much I was his as he did so.
His dick worked inside of me in long deep strokes and I reached forward
and held onto the carpet until my knuckles turned white.
"Keep your eyes on me." He barked to order me.
I bit my lip and looked over my shoulder back at him.
The dark eyes were glazed and his heavy lids dropped as he grumbled "You
want to watch as I rut you like an animal?"
Nothing left my mouth. All I could do was nod.
He continued to thrust into me with a pace that was inhumane and ruthless.
It was brutal and savage.
"You want to come?" He growled out as he pulled out so the tip was at my
entrance again.
I nodded again as I was unable to form a coherent word.
"Come all over my cock like a good girl." He ordered of me, his tone
demanding and desperate "Keep your legs open and let me take care of
I screamed his name as the unrelenting thrumming inside of me burst and I
let myself go all over him. I was swallowed in the sensation.
I was drowning in the pleasure and Stone never stopped once.
He thrust back in so powerfully that I jolted forward.
He drove deep into me. Deeper and deeper. He stopped tauntingly and then
started again.
I let my head fall back as my eyes rolled in ecstasy. My attention drifted
away from him for a split second before he tugged under my chin and made
me look at him again.
"I will never let you leave me. I will give you anything and everything you
want but never freedom from me." He uttered with determination as he
continued his long barbarous stokes "You will have to kill me to be free of
Tears of pure happiness and pleasure fell from my eyes as I tipped my head
back and mewled "I love it. Don't stop."
"Never run from me again." He bellowed as his clutch on my hips tightened
"I will murder anyone that tries to take you from me."
"Yes, I'm yours." I said in a rush as I looked back and met his eyes "You
own every part of me."
Like a predator who has been waiting for the right moment to capture his
prey, Stone's muscled arm shot out and took ahold of my hip. He dragged
my body up so that my back was against his chest and so that my knees
rested on the floor. He never stopped thrusting into me as he did so.
His obsession and possessiveness radiated from every inch of his body. His
erection jutted crudely in and out of my spread legs and his words were so
dirty and needy.
I had already been claimed by this man and I planned to stay that way my
whole life.
One savage drive of his hips and he was buried to the root.
A scream left me because no matter how many times I had him inside of
me, his largeness still took my breath away.
"Stone." I wailed as I tipped my head back and rested my head against his
bulky chest "Stone."
I tipped my chin back and he looked down at me as my fourth orgasm
rocked through me.
Right before the high left me, Stone pulled out of me and turned me around.
He placed me back on the floor with my back on the carpet.
Stone reached between us and gripped my thighs and pulled them open. He
placed his cock back at my entrance. He then shoved into me hard as I
arched my back and whimpered his name.
I opened my mouth on a silent cry at the feeling of being so filled and
stretched. I was so tender and sore I knew I would feel him in me even
when he was not inside inside of me.
He was breathing hard now, his massive chest rising and falling as he rolled
his hips into me.
"I am going to devour you, my beautiful girl." He remarked as the sounds of
skin slamming against skin filled the hallway "I am going to fill every inch
of you."
"Yes," I found myself whispering.
The strong muscles and the tendons that were laced and bulging under his
skin made me feel so feminine. His strength made me feel so small and so
cared for.
The thick crest of his cock pressed against my pussy hole again and he
paused for a second. He was taunting me. That or he was struggling with
holding back the last remaining string of control he had.
I gasped at how forceful his thrusts were and how my whole body was
edging further along the carpet.
Stone pounded onto me in a snarling frenzy as he descended over me again
and again. His giant body bared down on me with unrestrained force.
I threw my head back and panted, my chest moving up and down
"Look at me." Stone ordered, his voice was deep and commanding "I want
you to watch while I slam my cock into you."
It was like everything around me faded until there was only this one
moment in time.
"I want you to watch as I make you mine." He grumbled out as he slowly
pulled out of me.
I watched his cock become visible and I noticed how my cream coated his
thickness. Stone admired the mixture of both of us before he pushed back
inside of me.
"Yes." I whimpered "Please."
The man above me closed his eyes and groaned "Need to come in your little
"It is yours." I gasped as the force of his thrusts drove me along the carpet
more "Come inside me as deep as you want."
The veins in his arm bulge as placed his hands on the floor at either side of
my head and descended down on me. His movements had turned ruthless
and reckless.
I moaned louder than I ever had before. It was half a moan and half a
A growl of possession erupted from deep inside him as he buried himself
inside of me and stilled.
His flesh pulsed and jerked as a sticky warmth flooded into me.
"Mine." He buried his face into my neck and murmured "No one touches
you but me."
"No one." I agreed "Just you."
Sweat coated both our skins as Stone cuddled into me and nuzzled his nose
against the skin of my throat.
He pulled back to look at me. His usually dark eyes were a lighter obsidian
colour as he stared down at me in awe.
"Stone." I whispered, opening my arms and hitting for him to snuggle into
me "Stay with me?"
"Yes." He uttered lowly and roughly "Always."
I wrapped my arms behind his neck and pulled him to me. I let my hands
roam through his hair as I pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"I will love you and protect you until the end of time." He told me as if it
was the only truth he knew "You are my girl, my obsession and my whole
heart. I love you in a way they haven't invented yet and in way others find
"I love you too." I said back before adding sheepishly "I also can't feel my
He smiled it me. It was a large devastating smile.
His mouth moved to my ear and the warm breath tickled my earlobe as he
chuckled "I'm taking you on every surface of this apartment. Then I am
going to buy every apartment in this building so I can fuck you there too."
We were happy and we were in love. We surrounded ourselves with each
other because we could not live without one another.
I pulled back and frowned as I pointed up at him and said, "You are fixing
that bathroom door!"
Chapter Forty-Five
The bell rang and indicated the end of the day. Mr Dankworth wrapped up
the lesson as everyone in the classroom gathered up their stuff and got
ready to leave.
Just as the first person reached the door, the old English teacher called to
the class "Remember that your paired essays are due. They were meant to
be in for tomorrow, but I know all of you are excited for The Fall Ball so
submit your essays online by Saturday please."
The Fall Ball had been the talk of the school, but it was not the only one.
Travelling through the halls of Leavendale high was the excitement for the
beach fight club or what they liked to call Litora Bello.
I had not spoken to Chase, and he was the only one that spoke about it to
me, so I never knew a lot about the upcoming fighting event. I do however
know it was a big one. I heard one guy in biology say it was the semi-finals
or something along those lines.
Lana and Brennan walked in front. They had both decided to work through
things, but they planned to do that slowly.
Stone and I walked out of the classroom last because I wanted to give Mr
Dankworth one of his books back. The old man only thanked me and
exchanged it for another.
Mr Dankworth's mood had been more jovial than normal. I had a suspicion
that it had something to do with the gigantic male that had his muscular arm
around my waist.
The halls were crowded and noisy and that is why Stone leaned in to say
"Getting another book from your teacher. You are such a nerd."
"The pot calling the kettle black." I nudged him in the stomach "Do not
think I will let you borrow the book after I am done with it."
From a few meters in front, Lana turned around and her expression was
filled with fear "Did you know people are already applying for college?"
"Applications usually do need to be handed in by Christmas" I tried to
break the news gently.
"How could people have applied already?" She moaned in frustration "It
has not even been Halloween yet."
I joined Lana as I walked next to her down the corridor, so I did not have to
shout "Do not stress. You have plenty of time. I thought you had your heart
certain on UCLA and the music programme there."
A weak nod was her reply before she looked to the boys "Have you applied
"I am not planning on going to college. I do not need any further
qualifications to get into training for a surfing instructor." Brennan replied
before sharing a look with the larger guy who was looking at me "Stone is
already a fully qualified mechanic. He is not going either."
Lana nodded then turned my way "Have you?"
I offered a shrug "I am going to apply to a few and keep my options open."
"What about your dream?" She countered back with.
"Yes. A dream. That is all that it was." I voiced, knowing what she was
talking about.
Stone interjected while peering down at me "What was your dream?"
"It is nothing and it is stupid." I waved it off.
Tutting, my best friend elaborated "Since she was five years old, it has been
Ella's dream to go Harvard and study English literature."
"I do not care that much about it."
Lana rebutted "I even have a photo of five-year-old her with a jumper on
that has the Harvard logo on it."
"You do?" I asked, unconvinced that she did.
She did not answer me and instead, she spoke to Stone while getting out her
phone from her bag "Do you want to see it?"
Stone nodded at her before sending a smirk my way.
Lana turned her phone, so the screen was facing in our direction. To my
absolute horror, it was a picture of five-year-old me. The picture was of me
on a park swing with my Harvard logo sweatshirt and my two missing front
teethed smile.
Mortified, I bit out "Why do you even have that?"
"Cute." Stone's rough voice said against my ear as he leaned down to tease
"Shut up." I uttered before addressing Brennan "Do you have any baby
photos of Stone?"
"No." Brennan laughed "Why would I?"
I pointed accusingly at him "You are no use to me."
Brennan started a conversation with his maybe-girlfriend when Stone's
large hands rested on my hips.
The giant made me face him as he told me gruffly "You need to apply to
My head shook at his words "I cannot do that."
He frowned "Why not?"
"There are a million reasons." I stated before I began to list them "The
acceptance rates are staggeringly low. Like under twenty percent and that is
for people in wealthy areas and private schools. Then the English course is
two point something percent acceptance. That is crazy—"
"And you are crazy smart." Stone cut me off in a tone that sounded so stern
that it left no room for argument "Apply."
Crossing my arms, my bottom lip went over my top in an almost pout "Not
happening, Lurch."
He scowled and I almost let out a laugh at his scary he looked.
"I have as much chance of getting into Harvard as you have of fitting
through a cat flap." I told him as I smiled up at the grumpy face.
"You are the smartest person I know." He uttered determinedly "They
would be fucking idiots not to want you."
Jumping up, I put my hand on his forehead for a split second before
grinning "Now I have only read two medical books in my life, and I am in
no way a professional, but I think you are lovesick."
Stone chuckled. He shook his head at my silliness, but he did not deny it.
Brennan butted in as he sent Stone a smirk "I think if we called mom for a
professional perspective then she would agree with Ella's diagnosis."
The four of us said our goodbyes before Stone and I walked in the opposite
direction across the parking lot.
He took my hand and led me to his motorbike but before I could put on the
small green helmet that he had bought me a few days ago, he lifted me up
and put his lips on mine to show me how much he had missed me.
I crossed my legs on the sofa as I continued to bash the keyboard of my
laptop in an attempt to finish my essay.
The trouble with getting it finished was due to the fact that I always seemed
to write something a little too personal for a personal essay about Stone.
I had given up trying to hide what I was writing from the unfaltering gaze
of the guy who was next to me.
In my peripheral vision, I saw a small smirk from Stone as he pointed to the
computer screen and voiced "I like that line."
"Everyone exaggerates in their essays. None of the good things I am writing
about you are not true." I replied as I tried to cover my smile "Are you not
working on your paper?"
"I finished mine a week ago."
I stopped typing and I peered over at him while sending him a taunting
smile "That is because you have a much more interesting subject to talk
"That I do." He chuckled "Although you seem to be getting on fine. You are
nearly finished writing about me."
"I would have had mine done sooner," I stated before accusing "If it were
not for you distracting me."
I heard his husky laugh while I saved my work and exited the page. I was
about to go off the programme when he stopped me by putting his hand on
Following where it looked like he is reading, I noticed the document titled
Untitled Book.
"Did you write a book?" He asked as he loved his attention to me "I thought
you said you had not."
Twirling a strand of my hair, I stared down at the pattern of the sofa while
speaking "I wrote a few chapters, and it was not very good. I was always
meant to go back and finish it but I guess I never got the chance to."
His lip moved up in a small teasing smile "Can I read it?"
"No way!" I exclaimed before manoeuvring the laptop further away from
Stone laughed at my flustered face, but he questioned while sounding
intrigued "What is it about?"
"It is a sci-fi story about the nature of humans." I told him "An idea just
came into my head a year ago and I wrote down the first chapter and a few
ideas. It was meant to be a futuristic social experiment kind of book. Think
Lord Of The Flies with UFO's."
He was studying me as I spoke and listening intently like he did not want to
miss a word.
Then he offered a response "I need to read it, Drizella"
I glared at him and he glared right back. I deduced that he was not going to
give up so I handed him the lap begrudgingly
"Fine. There you go." I said with a sigh "If you laugh then I will take that
pillow behind your back and suffocate you."
Clicking on the file, he started reading eagerly and a smile lit up his striking
face. I, on the other hand just sat while fidgeting with a piece of thread
loose from the sofa.
Deciding that I could not stay and wait for him to read the book, I
announced “I am hungry. I am going to make toast. Do you want some?"
A nod was all I got because he was too busy glued to the screen like the
words had put a spell on him.
I stomped through to the kitchen, annoyed at myself for letting him read it.
It had been a year since I wrote the chapter, and I could not remember
exactly what I had written. It could be complete trash. I expected his
taunting laugh to fill the small apartment in no time at all.
However, it was silent as I took out the bread and placed two bits into the
In my opinion, toasters were too advanced because the toast was ready in
no time at all. It meant that I was closer to facing the humiliation and facing
I took out the jam and spread it over my piece like it was going to be hung
on the Louvre. I coated the same area three times to kill some time.
Muscular arms snaked around my waist as Stone pressed up behind me. He
leant down and nuzzled his face into my neck.
A shiver travelled down the length of my spine as his deep voice
reverberated against my earlobe.
"Turns out that my girlfriend is one hell of a talented writer." He spoke.
"You are just saying that." I laughed nervously while licking the jam of my
finger "It was one chapter. It is nothing."
"The way you describe things is beautiful, Medusa." He rasped out "You
have a way with words. I do not think you even need college. I do not think
you need to get any better."
Embracing his warmth, I let my neck fall back so I could see him as I spoke
"What are you after, you flatterer?"
"Does writing make you happy?" He asked, ignoring my question.
He smiled at me "Then I want you to finish it."
"Thank you for believing in me" I said gratefully before I grabbed both
plates and handed one to him "Here. Now, let’s go watch a movie."
"Addams Family?"
"Addams Family" I confirmed while matching his grin.
He went through and set up the movie while I sat down and tucked into my
toast which was way too sickly. The jam needed a shovel to be taken off. I
munch away at the food as I got myself comfortable on the sofa.
Stone joined me after he was done with the TV. He lifted my legs and then
sat down to place them back where they were but now, I was resting on
As the opening credits appeared, he was more interested in laughing at my
sparkly galaxy socks that read cutest in the galaxy.
"So why is this your favourite movie?" He questioned in an amused tone.
"The witty dialogue, the spooky aesthetic of the movie, countless other
things and not at all because it reminds me of someone." I teased while
inwardly grinning wickedly "Why did you like it when you first watched it,
Avoiding my eye for a second or two, he then met my gaze and admitted "I
had never heard of it until you mentioned it the night we met."
"Really?" I said while acting clueless.
"I watched it the same night." He lowly confessed before grumbling "So
fucking whipped."
The last bit of his sentence was quiet, and I did not think I was meant to
have heard it.
I found it so cute that he was shy. I found it really endearing that he chose
to open up to me so much.
He was staring at me intently and that is when I realised that It should have
been a shock to me. I covered my mouth and gasped. It was no Oscar-
winning performance, and anyone could have seen that I was faking my
Stone sent a glare my way, but I could see a hint of amusement "You
already knew that, didn't you?"
"No." I replied sweetly, shaking my head violently.
His death glare continued before his attention went back to the screen. He
acted like he was unhappy as he kept his eyes firmly on the television. It did
not last long as he caved after thirty seconds. He grabbed my foot and
pulled me onto his lap. His arms wrapped around my body instantly.
I poked his chest to wind him up further, but I could not help but grin up at
him "You look like this big scary tough guy, but you are secretly just a big
"Only for you." He spoke, his voice dropping an octave.
After the conversation, it felt unfair that he had confessed something, and I
had not so I decided to even out the playing field.
"I was attracted to you instantly. Like as soon as I met you." I said as I
rested the side of my face on his chest "It was actually kind of terrifying."
"I know you were."
Crossing my arms, I stumbled over my words "But...but I thought I hid it so
"You did."
At his light and totally not serious tone, I elaborated on my original
statement "Then you called my hair sick coloured and I wanted to kiss you
and kill you at the same time. After then what I had to do was remind
myself of all the stuff I did not like about you, so I did not end up liking you
"Like what?" He chuckled "What do you not like about me?"
I gave an example "Nobody can annoy me like you. You know exactly what
to say or do to push my buttons. I love yet hate how you know me better
than anyone else. You know me better than I know myself. I also love and
hate how competitive I get when I think that you might beat me at
something. It used to scare me how you were my match in every way."
He left a kiss on my collarbone "What else?"
"Well..." My mind went blank, and I muttered out lamely "Nothing is
coming to me. Give me a minute."
"Do you want to know what I dislike about you?" He asked but as he gazed
down at me it was not dislike present in his eye.
"What do you mean?" I stuck out my tongue "I am perfect."
"You are my first thought when I wake up and before I fall asleep and every
second in between. I love it but it is hard to get anything done when I am
too busy thinking about what you are doing." He professed while staring
softly down at me while he played with my hair "Also you sleep too long in
the mornings. I wake up early and you are still sleeping. Even if you are in
my arms, I miss you speaking to me. So, when you are still laying asleep in
the morning, I try to wake you up so you will talk to me, but you do not
I was speechless. I stared up at the giant with a dropped jaw.
"I think you would sleep through a hurricane." He mentioned.
"What time do you get up at in the mornings usually?" I curiously
"I was going to compromise my sleep time but there is no way I am getting
up at six a.m." I said in faux horror before asking "What do you do in the
mornings before I wake up?"
"Work out." He replied.
"You work out here?" I replied in disbelief.
I would definitely get up at six in the morning to see that. What a sight that
would be to wake up to.
He nodded and explained, "Just sit ups and push ups."
"Why? It is not like you need to get any bigger." I pointed to his hugely
built body "You are already unbelievably ripped."
Stone laughed and pulled me closer into his unbelievably ripped chest while
he stared down at me.
Something came to mind, so I shared it to him with delight in my voice "I
just remembered something that I dislike about you."
His eyebrow raised as he watched me grin.
"You do not put anything on your toast." I motioned to his plate with the
plain toast "No butter or jam or anything. What kind of mutant does that?"
"That is your only big dislike about me?" He taunted and he looked too
pleased with himself.
Rolling my eyes and taking another bite of my toast, I looked back at the
Lurch on screen "There is plenty more. I just do not want to hurt your
It looked like he was leaning in to kiss me and that is when I see my
chance. I reached for my plate and swiped some jam onto my finger. Just
when his lips were about to meet mine, I wiped the jam on his nose down to
his cheek.
He pulled back. Only slightly but it was enough space so I could jump off
his lap with a giggle and admire my work.
His smirk was predatory as he chuckled darkly "You have three seconds to
I did not linger. I bolted out of the living room and into the hallway like a
bat out of hell.
I knew there was no use. Three of my steps were equal to one of his. He did
not waste any time before catching me.
He took one step forward and I took one step back. I was being backed into
a corner. Eventually, our steps came to an end as I was caged between him
and the wall.
His body was pressed right up against mine. It made me lean my head back
against the wall to see him. He towered over my trapped from with a smirk.
That was until he brought his mouth down onto mine and punished me with
sweet torturous kisses.
A low groan escaped from his chest, and it had to have been the sexiest
sound I had ever heard.
Stone was kissing the life out of me. He grabbed my butt and lifted me up
and onto him so that my legs had wrapped around his middle.
I was never planning to stop bickering with him. Especially when the
reward was his mouth on mine.
I always compared everything to something else. It was just how I learned
to understand the world around me, but I had no comparison for him. He
was everything.
Something vibrated against my foot, so I pulled away and looked down at
the pocket in his jeans. His phone was lit up with a call. I did not get the
chance to read who it was because Stone grabbed it.
He let out a deep sigh of frustration before he picked it up.
I was about to climb down from him, but he tightened his hold on me.
His greeting to the person on the phone was complete silence. He said
nothing and listened before he offered a sentence "I will come and pick it
up now."
My body was placed on the ground as he hung up the phone and put it back
into his jean pocket.
I tilted my head at him in question about what he was doing.
His mouth went back on mine for a quick kiss before he half-explained "I
need to go and pick up something from work. I will be half an hour."
I nodded and offered him a small smile to hide my disappointment "It is
fine. I need to proofread my essay and then I might have a bath. My back is
still really sore from sleeping on Lana's floor all night."
He kissed the top of my head before he left.
I went back through to the sofa and spent some time editing my essay. After
I was happy with my work and made sure that none of the details would
give Mr Dankworth a heart attack, I submitted it online.
With relief that the essay was finished and I had it done by the deadline, I
skipped through to my room and cleaned the place up a bit. My messy book
piles became a slightly more organised messy book pile. After twenty
minutes of cleaning in the loosest term of the word, I stripped my clothes
off and grabbed a towel before heading to the bathroom.
As soon as the bathtub was filled and the bubbles nearly reached the top, I
climbed in and emerged my whole body including my face into the water.
The warmth made my eyes close and for a matter of a few minutes, I felt
That was until the knock on the door.
Stone walked in and noticed me in the tub. He made his way into the
middle of the bathroom, and he sat down next to the tub. Even when he was
sitting down at a lower level than I was, he was still much taller.
I was not embarrassed. I had a layer of bubbles covering my body and it
was not like he had not seen everything already.
He had. Countless times.
Yet the way he looked at me was like he had not. Every time he saw me his
pupils would dilate, and his face would fill with wonder like it was the very
first time he was seeing me bare.
I smiled at him as I slid further down the bathtub "Hi Lurch."
"Hi Medusa." He greeted as he leaned against the edge of the white tub.
"You are not joining me in here." I told him sternly as I interpreted his eyes
flicking over the bathtub as him measuring the thing against his size.
"Why not?" He grumbled in his rough voice.
"You are too big." I stated the obvious "You will break it."
He shook his head unhappily before he spoke again "You know when I
imagined you in a bath, I always seen you with a book in hand."
"Have you been thinking about me naked?" I teased him before explaining
"I would love to read in the bath, but I always have a fear that I will get my
book wet. I might need to invest in some audiobooks."
Stone stayed quiet and then he abruptly stood up. He walked out of the
room before I could even ask him where he was going.
His hands held a book as he came back through to the bathroom minutes
later. It was only when he sat down that I noticed that it was one of my
"What are you doing?" I asked as I swirled around in the bubbles
While opening the book and looking for my bookmark, he answered "I will
read to you."
"I think I wrote a theory along the lines of when a guy sees a girl in the bath
and sticks around then he must really like her." I mentioned as I watched
him intently.
"You did." He chuckled, peering up from the book.
Crossing my arms and kicking a big pile of bubbles with my foot so it hit
his chest, I tried to sneer at him "Did you read every post on my stupid
"Once I have figured out my password, I am deleting all of them." I
mumbled to myself.
"I have got photos."
Setting my hands on the edge of the tub and leaning my chin on them so I
was closer, I laughed loudly "The only reason I am not splashing you right
now is because you are holding my book."
He started to read the book. He read and read, and he did not stop.
Occasionally he would steal a few glances at me while reading aloud my
favourite lines from the book.
I did not think I would ever be able to read a book by myself again. Or any
other book. His deep masculine voice added a whole new feeling to what I
had for the book. It was mind-blowingly sensual.
Stone continued to read until the water turned lukewarm. I never took my
eyes off him once.
That was due to three reasons. One because he brought a whole new
meaning to the word drop-dead gorgeous. In a dark ethereal way. Two, his
voice sent a ripple of goosebumps through my body, and I swore the water
surrounding me heated up. Reason three was that I loved him.
"I love you even more than I am annoyed by you. Which is an
immeasurable amount." I voiced once he had stopped reading.
He took a deep breath. One that sounded of satisfaction at my words. He
put my book down on the floor before he reached for me.
I happily sat up and let him glide me so that I was leaning over the side of
the tub. He moved so that he was on his knees, and he could hold me.
His arms pulled me in so that I was against his chest. He did not care that I
was wet. He only cared that I was touching him.
I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and smiled. A matching
smile had appeared on his face.
I had learned over the course of my time with him that his mouth never
gave much away. His happiness was mostly visible in his eyes. The
obsidian colour grew, and you could see every detail in them like little stars
when he was joyful.
"I love you more." He said, his eyes a galaxy "You have no idea how
I would never get sick of hearing him say those words. Never. Even if I
could feel his love all of the time. I did not know why I did not pick up on it
His actions toward me and his soft gaze had existed long before his
The love was shown in his actions. The way he would look at me and his
black irises would expand. The playful smirk he sent me when we bickered.
The feeling of his skin on mine.
It was also the three words he would whisper as he kissed my head before
he fell asleep. The words that I would purposely stay up and wait for so I
could have the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. The magnificent three
words that I suspected he whispered to me long before my bedroom walls
had turned green.
Stone had not only brought colour to my walls. He had brought colour to
my life.
Which was ironic because he was the very personification of monochrome.
Every day I looked forward to. I did not just exist. I lived. I did not need to
make theories to make life more interesting because he did.
My hands went to grip his wide shoulders as he pressed my wet body to his.
Then I tightened my grip and moved my lips against his. His lips
ferociously demanded dominance and I happily let him deepen the kiss and
take over.
His tongue flicked over my bottom lip which sent a jolt through my body. A
large hand trailed through my hair before caressing my cheek softly. His
mouth was another story. One of undisguised raw desire. His pleasurable
kisses made their way down to my jaw and collarbone and then further
"I have never listened to an audiobook in bed either." I whispered against
his jaw.
He smirked and lifted my body out of the bath bridal style before he twirled
me around “We will have to fix that."
Chapter Forty-Six
The mirror attached to the closet door was small. That is why I was sitting
on Lana's bedroom floor to see properly as I applied eyeliner.
In the mirror, I could see Lana coming out of her small ensuite bathroom,
finally dressed.
She swirled around in her red dress while she sang a song about cherries.
One that she had been singing on loop a lot lately.
After I finished perfecting my second cat-eye to look the same as the first, I
stood up and whistled "You look great. That shade of red looks amazing on
She twirled again and then mimicked my whistle "You do too. You are
definitely the hottest date I have had."
I winked at her "Thank you."
"Now, let me curl your hair." Lana sang while motioning to my hair that I
was now protecting with my life.
"No way!" I argued, in a stern voice "I am already being dragged to this
dance. You always have to push it."
Lana pouted and her eyes went all sad "I will never ask you for anything
ever again."
"I find that hard to believe." I tutted before giving in "Fine. I will let you
curl my hair. Only if we go for food after the dance."
"I will even pay." She replied with a grin.
I jumped onto her bed and waited for her to come over with the curlers. She
started separating my hair into strands while I looked myself in the mirrors
My eyes went down to my black dress again and I could not help but
admire the way the silk fitted me.
Then I happened to notice that my green laced bra was sticking out from
underneath my dress.
Lana started to curl a piece of hair while I tried to tuck the bra back inside,
so it was not noticeable.
"Can you sit still?" She exclaimed, "These are hot, and I do not want to
burn you!"
"I am trying to fix the dress." I replied, "You can see my bra."
She looked down at where I was still pushing at "Just take it off."
After she finished another strand, I gave up and nodded while reaching to
the back of my dress to unclip the clasp and throw the green material on the
"Why did you want to go tonight?" I asked curiously.
A sigh escaped her before she answered "I thought Brennan was going to
take me. I thought this would have been something we could have done
together. Anything to keep the relationship afloat."
"It is just weird." I said to her as curl fell on my face "You two met and it
was all gooey eyes and rainbows. It is weird how things do not work out."
"It is like you said. Not all great couples end up together." Lana hummed
"What was your example again? Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Spike. Like
you said high school relationships are fickle."
"I was wrong." I vocalised, thinking about one person in particular who
would love to hear me admit I was wrong.
Lana pulled away and switched off the curling wand as she sent a knowing
smile my way "It is weird how things do work out."
Small but harsh knocks at the door end our conversation when a child's
voice called "Lan Lan, can I come in?"
Excited to see the little troublemaker, I rushed to the door and opened it.
When Charlie saw that I was standing there he then jumped into my arms.
"You will ruin your hair!" Lana shouted in an agitated but amused tone.
I pulled back but stayed at his level while tickling his cheeks "How is my
favourite boy doing?"
"I'm super-duper, Drizzy." He said while tickling my back but then he saw
what I was wearing so he added "Wow. You look like a princess. A sea
witch princess."
"The best kind." I told him while laughing at his imagination.
A hand grabbed my arm and Lana yanked me back "I have missed a piece
of hair. Quick, get here. Before the curlers cool down."
Charlie looked around the room in boredom while Lana demanded that I
stayed still once more.
The small boy danced around the room excitedly before he stopped. His
eyes landed on something that interested him. My bra.
The next thing I knew, he had it against his chest and he was prancing
around "I have boobies."
Lana and I had no idea what to say to him, so we just laughed as the little
boy continued to hold the bra to his chest.
"I think that I am going to end it with Brennan." My best friend blurted out.
"I am sorry." I let out gently, not knowing what else to say.
She admitted "I just wanted him to be the one. He is what I wanted. I told
myself repeatedly that it would all work out. I wanted it so bad. I wanted it
to be him so bad."
I stood up and pulled her into a hug while I reassured her "There is nothing
wrong with changing your mind. You just need to be honest with yourself
and with Brennan."
Once she had pulled back, she nodded and then her face contorted from
heartbreak to confusion "It has got awfully quiet in here."
I searched around and seen no sign of Charlie before I looked back to Lana
with horror "He is away with my bra."
Her hand waved me off "He is probably away showing my mom it. He will
be back upstairs with it now."
She was right because I heard small pitter-patter footsteps up the stairs a
minute later. The bedroom door swung open, and the little menace stood at
the threshold with nothing in his hand.
"Where is Ella's bra, Charlie?" Lana asked while giggling.
The boy tilted his head "What is a bra?"
"The boobies." She corrected, biting her lip to stop herself from laughing
even more.
I was laughing too but my laughter died down when Charlie spoke up.
"I gave it to Ella's boyfriend of course." Charlie replied "The giant did not
really like it though. He looked mad."
The small body had a wild imagination, so I nodded and pretended that I
believed his story. I did not have the heart to tell the boy that Stone was
busy and could not come.
"That is unrealistic. You would think Stone would be happy that it was off."
I joked to Lana.
Lana shook her head "Not when you are about to attend a room full of
spiked punch filled teenage guys without him."
Mrs Armstrong came into the room in a hurry, and she smiled largely when
she saw us both in our dresses "Both your boys are here. They wanted to
come and see you before you went. How sweet is that."
It was sweet and I would have been happy that Stone had come to seen me
if it was not for the fact that I was too busy glaring at the back of Charlie's
When the little boy turned around, my anger disappeared because he was
way too cute.
I crossed my arms at him and asked hopeful that he was just joking about
the bra "Where is it?"
He pouted "I told you, Drizzy. I gave it to the big giant. He looked angry
but I think he might have secretly liked it."
"Ella dear, Stone does have your bra." Mrs Armstrong inputted.
"Charlie, why would you give him that?" I questioned, leaning down to
meet his level while trying to hide my amused smile.
"I am his spy." The little boy explained "Like last time in the garden. You
were in the kitchen with Auntie and Lan Lan while the giant gave me a
whole dollar to tell him what you told me in secret. I told him that you said
you really, really, really, really liked him."
I bit my lip to seem like I was annoyed. It was really amusing the picture
that I had in my head of Stone giving the small boy a dollar.
I instructed Charlie "Well go and tell your spy boss that he has five seconds
to run because I am going to wring his neck with that bra."
"What is a bra?" He asked again.
"The boobies." I exclaimed while sending him on his way downstairs.
Lana and her mom were in hysterics at the situation, and I joined in with
them begrudgingly before our laughter died down.
"You cannot keep him waiting, Ella." Mrs Armstrong said.
Going down the stairs first was Lana. I was close behind with Mrs
Armstrong, but we held back to watch Lana smile sadly at Brennan making
polite conversation with her dad.
Then like a magnetic pull, my eyes went to Stone.
His eyes were on me. I felt my body heat up as his gaze trailed slowly down
and then back up. The dark irises covered every inch of my body. He
looked almost hypnotised. His obsidian orbs held me in place, freezing me
and grounding me.
The bone in his jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed infinitesimally as his
attention lingered on my legs.
It was so intense and luring that I felt myself being pulled towards him.
"I have never seen anyone look at anyone like the way he does at you." Mrs
Armstrong whispered from beside me "I knew it the first time you brought
him here. That boy loves you more than anything."
I smiled but I did not take my eyes from him. I was not tearing away from
our heated eye gazing match.
"I did not bring him here." I pointed out "He came charging into my life and
demanded a place in it but I would not have it any other way."
"You glow when he is near." The woman's smile was noticeable even from
my peripheral view as she said it.
I think I did glow when he was near.
Mrs Armstrong's attention fell to my bare feet as she asked, "What shoes
are you wearing?"
"I have got my green converse."
Her expression changed to one of almost disgust "Green converse?"
"They are my best pair." I shrugged while wincing at the idea of wearing
heels all night.
Brennan stood up from the sofa and made his way across the room to his
girlfriend who was fidgeting with a red thread on her dress.
He smiled but it did not reach his eyes as he looked at Lana "You look
"Thanks." She replied quietly.
My attention shifted back to the large figure who was still looking over my
Stone never took his eyes off me as he walked across the living room with
large, determined steps. When he was in front of me, his arms wrapped
around my waist, and he pulled me close. He kept a small distance between
us so he could study the whole of me further.
"I think you are meant to make some sort of nice comment about what I am
wearing." I joked, feeling flushed at his unfaltering gaze "Even if it is a lie."
"You look beautiful. Always too fucking beautiful." His mouth moved up
slightly as he said it but then his jaw clenched again "I should be there with
"Why?" I smiled up at him.
He sneered "To make sure fuckers keep their wandering eyes to
Crossing my arms, I tilted my head at him "What would you do if you were
there? Gauge their eyeballs out?"
Stone went quiet. He almost appeared to be contemplating the idea.
I shook my head at him and attempted to hide my amusement "I think you
have made it pretty clear to everyone that I am yours."
That is when he chooses to pull my body into his chest as his husky voice
tickles my lips "Damn right."
Feeling the need to mention it before he did, I asked with a nervous laugh
"Did you like Charlie's present?"
His mouth moved until it was against my ear "Why are you not wearing a
"It is visible under the dress." I explained.
My sentence did not lessen the tension in his wide shoulders. It also did not
stop his jaw from ticking.
I could not resist poking the bear as I feigned innocence "So is it a bad time
to mention my lack of lower underwear?"
"What?" He bellowed, his rough voice deepening.
Jumping up, I gave him a quick kiss on the jaw "Just kidding."
A low grumble came from his chest "You are going to be the death of me."
"Maybe you will be the death of me." I mentioned while shamefully feeling
up his chest "You are not even dressed up and you are still ridiculously
handsome. I think you would look great in a tux or even just a dress shirt. It
is a real shame you cannot come."
He placed a piece of my curled hair behind my ear before apologising "I am
"It is okay." I let out a small sigh "I know you and Brennan are busy. Plus, I
would not make you go with me."
"I would go anywhere for you." He spoke before complimenting me again
"You are bewitching."
"Bewitching? Who are you? Mr Darcy?" I teased as I smiled up at him
"Charlie said that I look like a sea witch princess."
Stone's chuckle came out hoarse "The most beautiful sea witch princess."
From what I had gathered, he had eased and was more relaxed now that the
conversation about him not being able to come with me was over.
I was not finished there. I needed my revenge on him for paying a little boy
to spill my secrets.
"I will have to dance with somebody tonight though." I taunted.
Then he growled "What?"
"It is a dance, and I can’t just sit around." I mentioned before adding more
of a lovey-dovey tone to my voice "I have also always wanted to have a
magical dance. Like in the movies. Where my heart will soar, and I will be
swept off my feet."
His eyes lightened at my sarcastic tone, but he did not completely lose his
Another soft growl left his mouth as he promised "You will get your
I was left confused as he took my hand and lead the both of us to the front
door. He only stopped his purposeful steps once Lana called us.
"Where are you two going?" She asked from the living room.
Shrugging, I glanced at Stone who answered for the both of us "I will have
her back in twenty."
Lana did not look mad. She grinned widely as I was whisked away down
the driveway and into his black truck.
Once he had started up the car and set off down the street, I looked out my
window in the direction we were heading which was towards the ocean.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
A smirk but no answer was all I got for the next five minutes as he
continued to focus on driving.
Just when I had come to the conclusion that he might be kidnapping me, he
parked the car up on a small patch of grass on an empty part of the
I was about to ask why we were at an abandoned part of the seafront when
he opened the door to the truck and stepped out.
Walking around to my side, he lifted me out of the car and placed me down
a few yards away from the car without a word. He then returned to his side
of the car where the door was still open, and the engine was still running.
The sun was setting over the horizon with only a little light left in the sky.
Above us, the sky was dark but not yet filled with stars. The pier's neon
lights shone from a distance but a brighter light from Stone's truck's
headlights lit up the space around us.
I still did not understand what was going on as I stood staring at the back of
him that was still messing with something in his car.
Then it became clear what his intentions were as soon as the familiar beat
of my favourite song filled the air.
Teenage Dirtbag was blaring from his car speakers, and I could not help but
stare at him in awe as he made his way over towards me.
He set out his hand and then commanded "You are dancing with me."
Tilting my head at his demanding tone, I laughed "That is not how you ask
a girl to dance."
Stone grabbed my hand and brought my body closer. Slowly. It was like he
was somehow taunting me. It was working because I wanted us closer. I
took a step forward with his hand still in mine.
Just as my chest was about to touch him, he twirled my body around when
the lyrics from the song started. Then he brought me back into him so that
every inch of skin was resting upon him as we start to sway. His arms
wound around my waist and rested there as the song continues. Mine
moved around his neck which he had to move down slightly so I was able
I had every intention of resting my head on his chest but because of the
largeness of him and smallness of me, my cheek ended up closer to his
"Thank you, Lurch." I breathed into him.
His chuckle vibrated right down to my toes as he spoke "It is our song."
I tilted my head upwards so I could see his face better before raising my
eyebrow at him "Who says it was our song? I said it was my—"
My sentence was lost in the air by his lips colliding on mine. I was on my
tiptoes but that was not enough. His grip on my hips tightened and he lifted
me up so he could taste me properly.
A moan was about to escape me, but it was cut off by his tongue delving
deeper. My hands gripped his shirt when he deepened the kiss, and I could
feel that his heartbeat was just as erratic as mine. I let my hands wander up
until they gripped his hair. I could feel his hands trailing down to my lower
back to grip it. Long passionate kisses and a few small loving ones in
between passed and then we were both gasping for air in each other's arms.
"You were saying, Medusa?" He cockily remarked while looking down with
adoration in his gaze.
Shrugging, I surrendered "I was just about to say that I am willing to share
the song."
He smiled down at me while caressing my face in his huge hands "I know
you were not being serious about the dance thing, but I can’t take any
"Nothing could compare to this." I asserted with a matching smile "I do not
want to dance with anybody else. I only want you. It is you for me. It is
kind of set-in stone."
At the pun of his name, he released out a deep laugh "How long have you
been waiting to use that one?"
"Too long." I confessed before resting my head against his stomach again.
We stayed in this position for a while. The song was fast, yet we swayed
slowly to the sound of our laboured breaths and our beating hearts. I did not
want to let go. Not ever.
Chapter Forty-Seven
The hall looked surprisingly good. The decor really did make the place feel
more like a fall-themed party rather than a smelly gym.
The windows of the large gym hall were blacked out and from the walls,
hung orange-tinted fairy lights. Over the floors, there was a scattered mix of
coloured leaves except from a space in the middle of the room where people
were dancing.
Lana looked around the place with a smile "This place looks amazing."
"Yeah." I agreed "Although the sweaty stench is still noticeable."
When my attention went from the room back to Lana who was in a glaring
match with Lacey who was also making the colour red look good.
I tapped Lana on the shoulder and motioned to an angry Lacey "What is
going on there?"
She shrugged "Lacey dislikes everyone but she has a strong hatred for me.
It has been like that since we came back from summer vacation and started
"Maybe she is just jealous of you." I suggested.
Lana nodded "She glares at me at every given chance she gets. Plus, she
keeps trying to compete with me. You should have seen her in Geography."
"There is nothing wrong with a little bit of harmless rivalry." I replied,
knowing from experience.
"You would know all about that, wouldn't you?" She grinned before putting
an arm around my shoulder "I am so happy that you have Stone. I have
never seen you so happy."
Something caught my eye on the bleachers near the other end of the hall.
From a distance, I could still see several boys gathered around one person's
phone. Whatever they were watching or looking at had all of them glued to
the screen.
Over the loud music surrounding the hall, Lana shouted "Let’s go dance."
I let her drag me to the middle of the dance floor. The music was upbeat, so
I started to sway my hips to the beat. Lana did the same. After a few more
songs, I was starting to enjoy myself a little more. The moves we were
pulling were basic but occasionally we would spice it up with a ridiculous
looking motion which made us both burst out laughing.
It was only when he spoke up that we noticed that a boy was standing near
us. He looked familiar but I was struggling to remember his name. Lana
looked to have the same expression on her face, but she smiled anyway.
The nameless boy kept his eyes on her as he asked, "Do you want to
She met my eye and once I gave her a sign that I was more than happy to
leave the dance floor, she shrugged and took the boy's hand.
I sent Lana a small smile before I retreated to the corner of the room. I sat
down at the lowest level of the bleachers which was a few rows away from
the crowd of the boys.
The crowd of jocks were watching whatever was on the phone with
undivided attention. Their voices were excited, and I could not help but
hear their conversation.
"It is great they are live-streaming the fight." A guy spoke.
Another male voice that was a lot squeakier asked "Who have you got a bet
"The one from Arizona. People are saying he is best in the state."
"Vulcan will still destroy him." Another voice said, "I have got fifty bucks
on him."
Something built up at the bottom of my stomach. I shifted in my seat
because I was suddenly uncomfortable.
The high-pitched voice spoke again "They have taken the whole gladiator
and Roman mythology theme a bit far."
"How come?" The other guy asked.
"Like the names I get but Vulcan getting a massive medusa tattoo on his
back is extreme."
My neck itched as I could feel several eyes penetrating the back of my head
while another familiar voice contributed something.
I recognise it as Kyle, Chase's close friend who uttered "It was not for
Litora Bello."
A million images flashed in my head. It was like jigsaw puzzle pieces
getting put together and the full picture revealed itself.
The first time we all went to the beach and their car was still there. His
black eye and other bruises I had seen on his body. The nights he would
disappear. The overall physique of Stone.
Before I could hit myself for being so stupid and oblivious, Lana jogged
over to the bleachers while her heels made a horrible clacking noise.
She fell onto the seat next to me and sighed "That guy who wanted to dance
with me was way too talkative for my liking."
I could not listen to what she had to say because I was already questioning
her "You know last year when we took Mythology. You know when I was
put in Mr Johnson's Greek class, and you were put in Ms Grey's Roman
mythology one. Do you remember anything from that class?"
Lana tilted her head in confusion, but she answered, "Not really."
"I do not know a lot about Roman mythological names. They stole all the
gods from the Greek, so I just thought they were the same thing and I never
bothered to learn the Roman ones." I shook my head as I let out a
humourless laugh "It would have come in handy now."
"Ella, what are you talking about?"
"Do you remember what Vulcan was the god of?" I asked and I already
knew that I would not like the answer.
"No." Lana said immediately but she thought a little before answering again
"I think the Greek equivalent was something beginning with an H."
"That is it!" She cheered.
The god of blacksmithing and metalwork. In other words, mechanics. Also,
the god of fire and known for having an anger streak. The least easy to get
on with among the gods.
I felt a little sick.
"That is all I needed to know." I said while my voice wavered.
More people made their way into the middle of the room as the music
changed to a slow number. From the crowd, I could see one familiar blonde
swaggering his way over towards us through the sea of people.
Instead of a usual letterman jacket, Chase had on a white dress shirt.
I stood up with determination and stormed my way over towards him while
ignoring Lana's protests.
When I met him halfway, I put out my hand and asked, "Dance with me?"
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chase smirked before he took my hand.
That was before I yanked him towards me and gritted out "That was a joke.
We need to talk. Outside. Now."
Kicking the plastic leaves out of my way, I dragged him out of the gym hall
and through the corridors until we were outside of the school building.
When the cold air hit me, I let go of his hand like it contained a contagious
disease and glared at him "Litora Bello. What is it?"
"So now you want to listen to what I have to say about it?" He chuckled but
it sounded strained.
I repeated my question "What is Litora Bello?"
"I have told you already. It is your fault you did not listen."
Shaking my head at him, I scoffed but I knew he was right. I did not listen
to him. He tried to tell me the first week Stone arrived.
I did not know why I did not listen then.
In my gut, I knew that there was something up with the mysterious giant
that enrolled at Leavendale High. The suspicion withered away over time
because I thought Stone would tell me something as big as that.
Chase studies my expression before sighing "It is a fight club. It started
when they arrived—"
"The night we were at the pier?"
He nodded "It is Roman themed. Kind of like a gladiator fight."
"I got that part." I snapped at him.
"The theme just adds more excitement to it." He spoke in an amused tone
"Don't you think?"
I did not react to his remark and instead asked him "And it is on the beach,
and it happens every night?"
"Yes." He confirmed before smirking "Your Vulcan does not fight every
night though."
"But he always goes every night?" I mentioned as I thought about how
often he would leave with no explanation.
It was almost pity that clouded his face when he replied "He is the leader of
the whole thing. He is the strongest fighter. The one with the worst temper.
The people's favourite to watch."
"Is he your favourite?" I joked while trying to find the humour in the
situation even if there was not any.
He laughed and shook his head with a small smile "No. He is not."
"So, you are telling me that this Litora Bello happens in the middle of one
of the busiest beaches of the whole state and they have not been picked up
by the cops?" I questioned while trying to contain the amount of worry in
my voice "The police pass the pier almost every night. How is it still
"The cops know what is happening."
"But surely they would have shut down the whole thing if they knew?" I
stated, not convinced.
Chase shook his head, and he looked pissed off at the question "They have
tried. They tried to get them done for violence on the streets but none of the
fighters are going to press charges. They are under some kind of contract or
I wrapped my arms around myself as a chill made its way up my spine "I
can’t believe I was so oblivious. I just thought that he would have told me."
Two hands went onto my shoulder and Chase made me look at him.
"Do not worry, Ella." He said like he was reassuring me as he smiled "He is
getting arrested tonight."
Taking a step back, I tilted my head at him and raised my voice "What do
you mean?"
"The cops did not know about the betting system and how they all make
their money." He said while taking a step closer "That is why I told them."
His confession made me take a step forward so that I could shout in his face
"You did what?"
Chase smiled at me again like he had done me a favour "I told my dad
about the betting system of Litora Bello. It is illegal to make money out of a
fight. With the amount of money, they make and the amount of people that
watch, they will be facing charges."
I thought of his words. He had told his father who was chief of police about
something that was illegal. The consequences were going to be drastically
"Why would you do that?" I shouted while moving my hands around in the
air frantically.
"You still care about him?"
"I can't just shut it off." I exclaimed while my voice shook.
I needed to tell him. I needed to warn him. I felt around for my phone and
then I realised that my phone was in my bra. My bra that was discarded on
top of Lana's bed.
"You are taking me there." I demanded.
He shook his head, and it was the most serious I had ever seen him "You
can’t be serious?"
"You are going to take me there." I repeated.
He narrowed his eyes at me "No. I am not getting lifted by the police for
taking you to your fighter of a boyfriend."
"Listen to me, Catwoman. You have had no problem going to see it before."
I snarled while pointing at him.
"That was before my dad was out on a mission to get everyone to do with
Litora Bello arrested."
"You do not need to set foot on the beach." I told him "You just need to take
me there."
Running a hand along his jaw, he finally agreed "Fine."
The main doors to the school burst open and Lana rushed out. Her eyes
flicked between Chase and I before she focused on me.
"Ella, what happened?" She asked as she looked confused as to why I was
outside with the quarterback.
I did not say anything to her as I walked over and embraced her body in a
"What is going on?" She voiced as she hugged me back.
"I need to go." I replied vaguely "I am so sorry. I am a terrible friend."
"Why are you sorry?" She asked before she scorned me "You never wanted
to come here in the first place, but you did it anyway for me. You are an
amazing friend."
I let out a small quiet laugh as I pulled back "I will come back later. Save
me a dance."
Lana smiled "I know where you are going."
"You are away to see your man."
I could not smile, and I could not speak without my voice being laced with
hurt "He is not mine."
Her light eyebrow raised in confusion and then she glanced at Chase once
more before she told me "You need to tell me everything."
"Later." I promised her before I turned on my heel and motioning for Chase
to move as well.
He hurried in front to lead the way to his car. What I was surprised to find
was that he opened a car that was not the one I had seen him in before. It
was a sporty looking neon orange coloured one.
I raised my eyebrow at him as I got in the car.
Chase started the engine and forced out a laugh "A present from my
parents. More of a trade anyway. A shiny new car instead of them coming
There was nothing I had to say to his confession, so I kept quiet and
watched the streets go by as we drove further towards the beach. I kept my
attention outside of the window at the familiar buildings and the few
passing palm trees.
"Ella." Chase spoke, looking over at me before looking back at the road "I
am sorry."
"No, you are not." I bit out "I think you love this. You tried to warn me at
the start so I would not get hurt. Now I am so you can say I told you so."
He ran a hand over his face before he sighed "I do care about you. Besides
what you think."
"I do not believe that."
His hands went white as he gripped the wheel "After you have found out
that he is the leader of an illegal fighting organisations and after you have
found out that he has been lying to you from the start, you still love him."
I did not answer. I looked out the window and let my head move once.
"That night when we were on the pier, I wish that I would have stayed with
you instead of leaving to go see the fight. If I could rewind time, then I
would." He spoke.
A breath later, I replied honestly "It would not have made a difference."
"How come?"
The answer was clear. If I had not met Stone that night in the ice cream
parlour on the pier, then I believed we would have met somewhere else.
Maybe at Litora Bello. Maybe at the beach. Maybe at school or at a
bookstore where he would be trying to hide as he still could not admit that
he was a nerd.
I spoke the easiest way to put the answer "I would still want him."
The fight club was not the main issue I had. If he had told me from the start,
then I could have come around to the idea. It was the lying I had a problem
with. He had so many opportunities to come clean, but he continued to lie
to my face and go behind my back.
When I arrived at the beach, I would warn him about the cops and then I
would go. That would be the end of it. The end of us.
"I am such an idiot." I said aloud "I can’t believe I became so naive around
Chase smiled as he spoke, and it almost looked genuine "You are not an
idiot. On the first day of school, he warned everyone not to tell you about it.
He also threatened every guy in the school to stay away from you."
"On the first day?" I asked in disbelief.
He chuckled "Why did you think every single person was so scared of
"I don't know. Maybe because he is built like a house." I deadpanned before
tilting my head in the direction of the driver's seat
"He is not that big." Chase scoffed.
"You do not shy away from provoking him." I pointed out
"I just can't help myself."
When he stopped the car, it was at the part of the beach with all the
In the centre of the sand between the ocean and the sidewalk was a
significantly sized circle of wooden sticks set on fire. Gathered around the
alight planks of wood alight was around about two hundred people, give or
take. It looked like a scene from a disaster movie. One where the main
characters were stranded on a deserted island and gathered around a
Strangely enough, that was what I felt like. Like I was standing in the
middle of unknown territory, and I did not know what would happen next.
"Ella, I will come with you if that is what you want." Chase said while
turning to me.
I shook my head as I thought about the repercussions if Stone saw me with
"Thanks." I made myself say and then I got out of the car. I then slammed
the door shut and added "Dickhead."
The shoes on my feet started to fill with sand from the small holes in the
converse as I made my way along the sand. I huffed at the discomfort and
took off a shoe and then the other before I held them both in one hand.
I made it to the back of the crowd before they all started cheering. I was not
tall enough to see over the people in front's shoulder. Even when I stood on
my tiptoes.
However, I did hear a familiar voice silence the crowd with a few words.
Whatever Brennan had said seemed important, but I could not be sure as it
was in Latin "Ave Caesar morituri te salutant!"
I looked around to try and find a way around the people but there was
nowhere to go. The crowd was massive.
My eyes then fell on something that could help me. More specifically
The red-haired tattoo artist and the one Stone was on the phone to when I
was in the Armstrong's bathroom, was standing among the crowd.
They are on to us. I remembered the conversation. It clicked that he was
probably meaning the police. The cops were onto them about their fight
"Reed!" I called
At my voice, he almost snapped his neck to track me.
He rushed over to me as soon as he saw me while he raised his voice over
the crowd "How did you find out?"
An unamused laugh left me as I asked, "Do you not think it is overdue that I
find out?"
"Who brought you here, Ella?"
"Chase." I answered.
Reed's eyes widened so much that they were almost bigger than the lenses
of his glasses as he spluttered out "A boy?"
I nodded unapologetically.
"Do not tell Stone that." Reed instructed, "This might be gladiator themed,
but we do not actually intend on killing anybody."
"I will cut to the chase." I said before realising my pun. I might have
laughed if I was not so livid "Chase told the police about this."
His response was to laugh "The cops already know. They have tried to shut
us down already—"
"No. You do not get it." I argued, "They know about the betting system."
He then went from amused to concerned in a matter of seconds as he
flicked over the crowd "It is too late. It has already started. The fight is
being live streamed to over a million people. We can’t just stop it now."
Glancing around as much as I could see, I shouted over the cheering crowd
"I do not see any cameras."
That is when Reed asked to lift me up. I nodded my head before he grabbed
my waist and gently lifted me over his head.
There were two cameras at the very front. One on each side of the lit
wooden torches. I recognised Stone instantly in the middle of the empty
part of the sand.
I would be able to pick him out anywhere due to his height and build. It just
helped that his back was to me and the massive medusa tattoo stared back.
He looked devastating and superior to anything else. Like a Greek God. Or
more appropriately a Roman one.
He did not look like my Stone. He looked emotionless as he circled his
opponent. His stance and expression were vicious and murderous. He
appeared void of any feeling as he stood tall and broad with no shirt on.
His opponent was not somebody I had seen before. He was older with a
shaved head, and he was a little smaller than Stone. I could not say that for
certain though because he was hunched over as Stone kept continuously
punching his rib cage. Over and over again.
The man that was not my boyfriend managed a jab to Stone's face making
me wince.
"Put me down." I instructed, my words panicked and desperate to not see
any more. I then asked the tattooist “Where do you fit into all of this?"
"I don't fight but I am still considered a God." Reed went on to explain
"People call me Mercury. The Greek equivalent being Hermes. The
messenger of the Gods."
I would have laughed if I was not shaking at the coldness.
"So, Brennan is known as Neptune. The God of the sea?" I questioned
although I already knew the answer.
"Yes." He confirmed and gone on to mention "Brennan is a good fighter but
Stone is the strongest. He would not be here at the semi-finals if he was not.
He would not own the whole thing if he was not the best."
Even a distance away from the torches, I could feel the fire start to heat my
face as I snapped "Why did he not just tell me?"
"Maybe he did not want you to see him this way."
I asked, "What way?"
"Like the heartless bastard that he is."
"He is not heartless." I let out as my voice went softer but then I tutted
myself "I can’t believe I am defending him right now."
"You are right. He does have a heart." Reed agreed before he elaborated
"His heart is yours. The only real emotion he shows is with you or when is
talking about you. Which he does all the time. That is the only time he says
more than a few words."
"He does have emotions." I bit out.
At that moment I swore I could hear the sound of bones being broken and
by the crowd shouting the name of the blacksmith God, I assumed it was
Stone doing the breaking.
The Stone that I knew was kind and funny and considerate but that was not
the Stone the world knew. I wondered what version of him was the true one
or if any of them were. I wondered if my version was a lie.
I thought he had opened up to me, but he had not. I wondered how much of
it was a lie.
I knew something was up with him at the start. I knew it in my gut, but I
overlooked it because I grew to trust him.
I had made a mistake. I should have continued to act oblivious to his shows
of affection. I should have ignored my own.
Reed shook his head like he knew what I was thinking about "The official
first night of all this was the night you met him. He came here after meeting
you and everyone thought he had undergone some kind of voodoo spell.
Stone went from a heartless bastard to a heartless bastard in love. He has
never been the same since."
I shook my head "He has kept this from me the whole time. He had gone
out of his way to keep me from the truth."
"We have an unofficial motto of Litora Bello, but everybody knows it." The
red-haired guy smiled, and it looked sad "Ella venit primus."
"What does that mean?"
"Rough translation, it means Ella comes first." Reed explained, "He has
ditched coming here a couple of times just to be with you."
I did not want to hear anymore but Reed continued to defend Stone.
"Stone said that you are more like a God than him. More than anyone. A
Goddess." He laughed quietly before he spoke again "He said that Ella has a
big heart. If you are nice to her then she will protect and love, you with
everything in her but if you get on the wrong side of Drizella Miller then
you will have to face her wrath. The way he talks about makes me think
that you are actually a divine being."
Suddenly the crowd went silent.
My original response was lost when I turned to Reed and questioned "What
is happening?"
His explanation was in Latin "Pugna Ad Mortem."
"English please."
"The fight to the death." He replied while getting out his phone and typing
something "In other words, one guy leaves the fight victorious and the other
He turned the screen and showed me what was on it. Written at the top of
the phone was the words Ultima Ictu and under was two different options.
One green option with a thumbs up and the other red with a thumbs down.
Reed spoke again while pointing to the phone "In Ancient Roman times
before a fighter in the arena could deliver the final blow to kill, they had to
seek approval from the audience. The viewers watching this fight can bet on
a fighter, but they can also pay money to decide if the fighter that is still on
their feet should deliver the final blow or entertain the audience further."
He pointed to his phone again "Thumbs up means they have to keep
fighting and thumbs down means that Stone is allowed to end the other
I gaped at him and the new information before I told him "Lift me up."
"Ella, are you sure?" Reed asked and it sounded less of a question and more
of a warning.
I nodded before I was lifted into the air again.
The people in front had their phones open at the same page Reed had. The
one with the red thumbs down and the green thumbs up. From what I could
see, most people were pressing the red option.
My attention that was flicking over the crowd then rested on Stone who had
the other opponent held on the sand with a raised fist.
The other guy looked dead. Almost unconscious but not yet.
It was Brennan that shouted to the crowd "Thumbs down."
That was all it took, and Stone was planting his fist quickly and forcefully
into the shaved head guy's face. Multiple times.
He did not stop until the blood of his opponent spilt onto the sand. It was
almost animalistic the way Stone fought. It was savage.
I did not know when my hands went over my mouth. I felt the need to
scream but I was frozen in place.
It was only when my eyes met Brennan's from afar that I got myself out of
the state of shock.
Brennan blinked twice before he realised that I had witnessed Stone's
ruthless violence. His eyes went wide, and he appeared panicked.
When the crowd erupted in cheers, Brennan was running into the middle of
the ring and putting a hand on Stone's shoulder and saying something to
him that I could not make out.
I could have guessed what it was due to Stone's reaction.
Stone stumbled back from the half-conscious guy and looked around until
his eyes meet mine. He appeared horrified and what I could interpret as
I had no idea what to do. I remained to stare back with no emotion on my
Reed set me down on the sand for the second time and this time I did not
waste any time in running away.
I walked as fast as I possibly could on the sand, but it was not enough.
When I had climbed up the slight hill towards the sidewalk, I turned back
and seen that Stone had already nearly caught up with me and Brennan was
not far behind.
It almost sounded like a roar when he called from metres away "Ella."
My feet stopped and I stood my ground. I faced them and crossed my arms
as I waited for them to catch up.
Once they both did, I ignored Stone's pleads and turned to Brennan to tell
him "You need to come clean to Lana."
Brennan frowned "Do you think she will care?"
"Ella." Stone spoke again and his voice had never sounded so vulnerable
and desperate "Please."
His eyes glistened and those two big black circles of dark abyss that I had
grown to love were swirling with emotion.
He looked almost scared. Then I became scared because it dawned upon me
that even in my state of rage and betrayal, I wanted to go to him. I wanted
his arms around me and his warmth surrounding me.
"It is not your fault." I stated emotionlessly while avoiding eye contact "It is
mine. I knew from the very start when I first met you that you would break
my heart. I pushed you away. I pushed you away, but you just kept coming
back. I should never have let you in. I should have fought harder against it."
Another beg from him "Ella."
"I let you in." I started to raise my voice and then I moved closer and poked
his bare chest with one finger "I told you everything about me and you
could not do the same. You did not let me in."
He never said anything. He just kept reaching out for me again and again,
but I would not let him.
"You sat there and said nothing. You sat there when I spilled my heart out to
you about how I hated that I was left in the dark with my parents. That I
hated not knowing." I spoke with hatred in my tone "Then you still said
I pulled back and turned to go. I never made it far because he grabbed my
arm and held me in place. He tried to move me back into his chest, but I
fought against him.
I swivelled around and glared at where his skin touched mine then I
directed my harsh glare to his face "Let go of me."
"I can't." He spoke, his voice sounded husky and almost devastated then he
repeated "I can't. Not ever."
"Fuck off." I cursed while trying to escape from his grip.
Shivering from the cold sea air, I crossed my hands over myself and shake
my head "I remember that day at school when I warned Brennan not to
break Lana's heart and then you asked if I would be hurt."
His grip tightens as he cocked his head.
"Was this what all of this was about?" I asked as I looked around at the
crowd of people "You lure me in, and you make me fall for you and then
you hurt me?"
Stone fell back a few steps like he had suffered a physical blow
He then said slowly like the very idea was insane "I would never hurt you. I
would rather die."
"Why did you keep this from me?" I asked then closed my mouth because if
I said anymore then I feared I would burst into tears.
I could not cry in front of him. I told myself I would not.
He breathed out and ran and a hand through his hair roughly "I did not want
to hurt you."
Anger rose from the bottom of me and released from my throat "That is a
cop out."
"I did not want to lose you." He tried again.
"You already have."
"I did want you to look at me like how you are now." He watched my
shivering figure with so much sadness and protectiveness in his gaze.
I said nothing while I stared at him as my eyes blurred with tears.
"Ella." He pleaded again in the softest yet harshest tone.
He never once tried to explain it to me. He never once tried to tell me.
I found it difficult to open up to people. I found it even more difficult to
change my set ways and let someone into my life.
"It is too late." I shouted at him.
I would not make the mistake of letting someone in again.
"Do not say that." He matched my volume and reached forward to gently
cup my face in his large hands "I love you."
I stayed in his embrace for a second. I closed my eyes and allowed the
warmth to take over me but then I remembered the negative feelings
bubbling around inside of me.
This was exactly why I acted oblivious to everything. This was exactly why
I tried to distance myself from him. I knew this was going to happen.
Ignorance really was bliss.
"I am done." I pointed between us "This is done. It is finished."
"No. It is not." He stated gruffly as his hands fell to my arms and rubbed up
and down in an attempt to warm up my cold skin.
"You knew that I hated being kept in the dark with my mother and my dad.
You knew that I hated it and yet you continued to lie to my face." I
"I did not lie—"
"No. You do not lie. You just kept the truth from me. Is that what you were
about to say?" I looked into his eyes for another few minutes before I
finally spoke again "Bye Stone."
"No." He gnarled and it was almost like some sort of beast's growl.
I turned to go but he had already rounded me so that he was in front of me
My gaze travelled over him. He looked so immovable, and I knew I was not
getting around him. My attention lowered to his naked chest and the small
amount of blood splattered across his abs.
I had to remind myself that it is was not his blood, so I did not reach out in
need to help him.
Then a faint sound of sirens filled the night air. They sounded far away but
not too far that it did not send an urge of panic through my body.
I looked at his face again and he either had not heard them or he did not
care. It must have been the second option because the sirens started to
sound closer.
"Chase called the police." I let out and I was still surprised at the lack of
emotion present in my voice "That is why I came. To warn you."
"I don't care."
"You have better things to worry about than me." I stated the obvious with a
humourless laugh.
"No. I fucking don't." He growled, "Nothing is more important to me than
The wailing repetitive noise got louder and louder until I saw blue and red
lights flashing in the far distance.
"Do something. Say something." He said.
"Like what?" I harshly replied, "What do you want me to do?"
"Shout at me. Scream at me. Hit me." He moved closer as his voice
deepened "Just do something."
"I don't want to hit you." I answered softly and truthfully, looking at the
bruises on his face and his stomach and wincing.
"Do something." His voice raised slightly, and he sounded more desperate
than ever.
"Fine." I replied, "You want me to do something?"
In my hands were still my pair of green converse that I took off to go onto
the sand. I raised one of the shoes and with all the anger built in me, I
chucked it straight at him.
It bounced right off him. Just under his chest area. He did not even flinch
and that made me angrier, so I threw the remaining jade coloured shoe at
This throw was not that powerful because I did not intend it to be. Even
with my undeniable fury and the knowledge that nothing I could do was a
match for his strength, I still did not want to hurt him.
"I love you." He expressed before affirming "There is no end to our story."
"Story? Is that the analogy we are using?" I tried to keep my voice level and
emotionless, but I failed because my tone was spiteful.
His jaw ticked and his hands clenched and unclenched like he wanted to
reach for me. Like he wanted to chain and force me to stay by his side.
"You are the dark forest. You are the big bad wolf. You are Rumpelstiltskin.
You are my villain." I bit out while I felt a tear roll down my face "You
have sent me so off course in my life that all I think about is you. You have
written yourself into every aspect of my life. You are in my head and in my
heart. In my bloodstream. My bedsheets smell of you. I cannot look at my
hair or hear my name without thinking about you."
He stared at me. His jaw ticking and an expression of heartbreak on his
"Do you want to know what the worst past of all this is?" I asked
rhetorically before answering myself “I do not want to get rid of you or
unwrite you. That is the worst part. You have ruined me. I have never hated
or even disliked you. Until now."
"You cannot leave me." He held on to my arms with a firm grip like he was
determined to never let go.
I did not think he was ever planning to leave and that terrified me because if
I stayed longer then I would have melted into his touch.
"I am scared of you." I whispered to him.
He let go of me instantly as his black eyes widened. He took a step back
and then another like just his presence would tarnish me.
What I said was not the truth, but it was the only thing that I knew would
make him let me go.
"I will make this right." He said while sounding possessed by
His jaw ticked again and the muscles in his arms and chest tightened. He
looked ready to fight. Fight for me. He appeared ready to fight and conquer
anything to get me.
"Do not come for me, Stone." I forced out "I don't want see you."
He rasped out in a dark tone "You cannot ask that of me."
"I am not asking you. I am telling you."
The two police cars pulled up right next to the pier about a minutes’ walk
away from us.
Stone's voice turned frantic as he turned to Brennan who was standing near
"Get her out of here. Make sure she is okay."
Brennan glanced my way and smiled sadly before replying to Stone "They
know I fight. I am getting lifted too."
I shook my head at both of them and what I said next was more to myself "I
don't need anybody."
"I am sorry. Fuck, I am so sorry." Stone reached out again but then stopped
himself as he neared. He looked so desperate, and his voice sounded so
stern yet like a plea "I will come back to you. I will make this right. We are
not over. I love you."
Latin was a dead language and one that was not popularly known but I did
know one phrase and it happened to be the perfect bittersweet ending to us.
The words I was about to say had two meanings. One of them the popular
meaning that was the ones Julius Caesar uttered last before dying that
meant you had been betrayed and stabbed in the back. The other meaning
was a way of saying you too.
I meant both because I still loved him. I could not imagine myself not being
in love with him.
I blinked away the tears and I said back "Et tu."
Stone kissed my forehead quickly before pulling back. He watched me
longingly as if he needed me to function.
"Go." He commanded.
My voice came out quiet "What about you?"
"Go." He said again but his tone was tyrannical and left no room for
"Goodbye L—" I was about to say his nickname as I took a few steps
backwards away from him but then I corrected myself "Goodbye."
I started with a speed walk and then I broke out into a jog. I forced myself
not to turn back because I knew that if I did then I would have gone back to
The ground felt gravelly under my bare feet, but I kept moving until the
sirens and him were a memory.
I focused on walking away. I would not look back. I was planning my next
steps which were to head back to the school and back to Lana but not before
stopping at my house for something to cover my feet.
The streets were dark and empty. It left me alone with only my thoughts.
That was the worst part of walking up the pitch-black sidewalk.
There was nothing for me to distract myself from what was going on in my
head. All I could see was him.
All I could think about was if he was going to be okay. All I could feel was
worried that he might go down for a crime and I would not see him again.
I had to go back.
Just as I arrived outside of my apartment block and I was about to turn on
my heel and go back to the beach and to him, I saw a shadow sitting inside
the driver seat of Kermit.
I left my car keys on the kitchen counter because Stone dropped me off at
Lana's house. There was only one other person that could have been inside
to have gotten the keys.
The first thing that greeted me as I opened the car door was the smell of
alcohol. A lot of it. The smell pinched at my nose.
The next thing I noticed was my father's appearance. His hair was longer
than I had seen it last, and a generous beard had grown where it was once
clean cut. His eyes were droopy, and his head swayed backwards and
forwards like he could not keep conscious.
I laid a hand on his shoulder "Dad?"
My contact startled him, but he did not fully open his eyes. A small mumble
came from him "Ella?"
"Yeah. It is me." I confirmed softly before patting his arm again "What are
you doing in here? Let’s go inside."
A whimper came from him, and his head started to get closer to the steering
wheel "I tried to help her. I tried to save her."
"Who?" I questioned while trying to pull his head back away from the
wheel "Who did you try to save?"
He answered the name of my mother "Lauren."
"Dad, we should go inside and talk."
"She was so unhappy. It was all my fault. I was never enough for her." My
father cried.
Putting my hand under his chin and pushing him so his head rested on the
car seat, I reassure him "Mom loved you. We do not know why she did
what she did, but I do know that for certain."
His eyes opened fully at my words, and he studied my face for a while
before speaking again "You look like her. You have her big eyes and
"I have your eyes." I argued with a soft laugh.
My father shook his head and hiccupped "You have her shape of eyes. Big
doe eyes. You got that boring brown colour from me."
"Thanks for that." I remarked with a laugh.
His whole body shook as he whispered, "I miss her."
"I do too."
My face was still the centre of his attention. All humour and lightness from
the conversation was gone. He looked sad. Almost lost. Another hiccup and
he nodded his head to himself.
His hand went forward, and he turned the keys to start the engine while
sighing "I need a drink."
With the smell of strong booze still filling the small car, I reached for the
door handle and clutched it tightly, but I did not pull it.
My hand lingered there as I pleaded "Dad, please get out of the car. You are
"Not drunk enough."
My voice shook but I managed to get my full scream out "Please. You can’t
He did not hear me. He only switched the gears of my car.
"Please." I screamed again and it hurt my throat "Get out of the car."
Silence was all that came from him.
I tried one last time to plead with him "Please get out of the car."
Defeat. That was all I felt. Everything else was numb. I had lost my mother
and I could not lose him too.
My hand let go of the door handle and dropped down like it could not even
carry its own weight. I tried to focus on my breathing, but I could not feel
anything as I sat back in the car seat.
Tears blurred my vision for the second time that night. Streaks of white
from streetlights were the only thing that I could make out as they went
whizzing past. They seemed to be moving faster and faster and more
constantly. Then suddenly they all meshed like one big ball of light.
Then there was nothing.
Chapter Forty-Nine
"Ella, can you hear me?"
The voice was feminine and familiar. It was warm and comforting. I felt
like I could open my eyes and it would all be fine.
A white light was the first thing I woke to. It was extremely bright, and I
had to blink a few times before I could focus on anything.
"Do you know where you are?" The comforting voice spoke again.
My mouth felt dry, but I managed to let out a laugh "From the white light, I
would say either the afterlife or the hospital. There is not a massive library
consisting of all the books in the world nor a vending machine with
unlimited gummy bears, so I am going to guess the second option."
Another familiar female voice cried "She is okay!"
I tried to move my head so I could see who they were, but I could not. My
body felt like there was a massive amount of pressure on it and if I moved
an inch then I would break.
I started to panic. I tried to move around as I was desperate to sit up. That
was when I started to feel the surface I was rested on move. The hospital
bed moved until I was sitting upright, and I could see the two figures.
The older woman that I had grown to love that was in her scrubs uniform
asked me "Do you know who I am?"
I nodded "Mrs Lewis."
She smiled at me, and I could see her relief "I thought I told you to call me
Mom or even just Kelly. You are family."
Laughing caused my ribs to hurt and I winced at the pain before looking to
the other side of the bed "Lana?"
Lana's eyes were red, and tears were running down her face when she spoke
"When you are better then I am going to kick your tiny butt for scaring me
like that."
Mrs Lewis was the one to talk next "What is the last thing you remember,
My head ached so I reached up and put a hand on my forehead as if
something was causing me pain while I replied "I was at the beach. I was
with Stone. I was mad at him."
"Do you know what happened after that?"
"No." I answered after thinking about it "The last thing I remember before it
went black was Stone's face."
Once I had gathered up the strength to move my head, I took a glance
downwards where the hospital gown covered my top half. My legs were on
display, but they were cut and bruised badly. At least ten deep cuts were
spread across the skin of both my legs. Some of them looked a raw red.
I let out a cry and tried to move them, but I was stopped by a hand.
"You need to rest." Mrs Lewis instructed, "Your body has went through a
massive amount of trauma."
I tilted my head to the side to study my arms and to my horror, they looked
the same as my legs.
Mrs Lewis brushed a hair away from my face and she stroked my cheek
"The cuts are not too deep so they should not leave a mark. Some might
take some time to heal."
Looking from her to Lana to the state of myself, I asked wearily "What
Lana reached out and took my hand and waited like me to hear what Mrs
Lewis had to say. The older woman looked hesitant to share.
"Please Mrs Lewis." I pleaded because nothing right made any sense.
She cupped my cheeks and smiled but her eyes were not clear as she spoke
"When you left the beach after seeing Stone and the fight, you walked
home. You must have met up with your father and then got into your car
with him. He had been drinking. You both made it as far as a few blocks
away before the car swerved into a tree. The police believe your father went
unconscious at the wheel."
"I do not remember." I interrupted with a sob.
A squeeze at my hand and then Mrs Lewis continued “When the
paramedics got to you, they found you in a critical condition. You were
barely alive. The medics at the scene wanted to prioritise your father as he
was still conscious and able to respond. Your father begged them to focus
on you. To save you."
My neck felt wet from the tears, and I could not stop my chest from
shaking. I tried to make it stop because it hurt but I could not calm down.
"You lost a lot of blood. You are very lucky to be alive." She smiled sadly.
I knew exactly what that smile meant. It was the same practised look the
hospital staff gave us when they were telling us that my mother had died.
I asked anyway "My dad?"
"The time they got you into the ambulance and in a stable condition, your
father had already passed away." Mrs Lewis delivered the news "I am so
sorry for your loss."
With a shaky hand, I covered my mouth to stop the cries from filling the
large quiet room "No."
Lana instantly wrapped her arm around me and tried to remove the hair
stuck to my face with the tears. I managed to move myself to the edge of
the bed so she could get on and sit beside me. I let the heaviness of my head
go and I rested on her shoulder while trying to contain my shaking.
I cried and cried for what felt like hours. I cried until I made myself sick.
The image of my father was the only thing I could think about. My father
before he started drinking. I would never get that back.
"What am I going to do?" I told myself as another sob erupted from me
causing my body to ache.
My best friend wasted no time in asking "What do you mean?"
"Both my parents are dead." I voiced "I have lost them, and I feel like I
have lost part of myself."
Taking my other hand, Mrs Lewis gave it a gentle squeeze "Please try and
relax. You should not be putting too much stress on yourself."
"You need to time to process this, but everything will be okay." Lana
With the back of my hand, I attempt to clean myself up and stop the urge to
break down further "I do not know why I am feeling like this. I lost him a
long time ago."
"You just lost your dad, Ella."
They both tried to reassure me further that everything was going to be fine,
but I did not believe any of it. I could not stop myself from crying. All I
wanted to do was curl up on the bed and go back to sleep. I did not want to
be awake, and I did not want to deal with everything.
"What about my apartment?" I breathed out in small pants "My dad always
paid the expenses, and I was living off his life savings. Where am I going to
live? What am I going to do—?"
"Ella." Lana called my name and cut off my rant "Of course you are coming
to live with me. You do not need to worry about that or anything else."
"College." I spoke with a gasp "I was budgeting with what I had for living
expenses and I was putting money away. Now it is pointless. I cannot afford
it. Not when it is just around the corner."
I was listing insignificant things that did not really matter but I could not
help it. Worry after worry piled on top of me.
"You are the smartest person I know. You will get a scholarship without a
doubt." Lana affirmed.
After a while of comforting me, Mrs Lewis excused herself "I am going to
go and see if the results from your blood tests and CT scans have come
She shut the door behind herself which left a hollowing silence in the room.
I turned to Lana and apologised "I am sorry that I never told you about my
"I wish you did." She replied while holding me tighter against her "I
understand though why you did not. You wanted to handle this yourself.
You did not want pity."
"I am sorry." I said again.
"You have always been the strongest person I have known. You have
always wanted to stand on your own two feet with your head held high, but
I wish you turned to me." She repeated, "I would have been there to help
I used to think that I was strong, but I was not.
What I needed was one person there with me. I wanted one particular set of
large arms around me.
"I wish I told you too." I said, "I just could not admit to myself that I was
struggling and that everything was not okay."
"It is okay for you not to be okay. It is okay to admit that you are
"It is not." I argued before trying to change the subject "I also should have
told you what I was doing last night but I thought that it was maybe better
you heard it from Brennan. I know that I would rather have heard about
everything from Stone."
Lana went quiet until she wiped her new tears away and broke the news
"That was not last night. Ella."
"What do you mean?"
She told me "You have been unconscious for three days."
Her arms held me tighter, and I almost let out a hiss at the pain, but I did not
say anything. I needed the warmth she provided.
"The dance and the accident were on Friday night." She explained, "It is
Monday today."
I hated myself at that moment because my main priority was something that
it should not have been. Someone. The person that had been on my mind
every single second of that night and since I had woken up.
I questioned her "Did Stone get arrested? Is he still in jail?"
"No. He is here." She let out gently and then motioned with her head to the
chair in the corner of the room "He sat in that chair for three days. He did
not move once. All he did was watch you like a guard dog and scare all the
"He did not leave for three days?" I asked, my voice shaking.
Lana shook her head "He was like a statue. He never even slept."
"Where is he? Is he okay?"
"When we saw your arm twitch and when we saw you move for the first
time then we convinced him to let you have some space." She told me "It
did take us four hours to get him to leave you. He refused until he finally
moved to the waiting room."
I tried to sit up but as soon as I did, I started to feel dizzy.
Lana gently pulled me back "You heard Mrs Lewis. Your body has been
through so much trauma. You need to rest."
"I’m such a hypocrite." I affirmed as my head hit the pillow "I shouted at
Stone for keeping secrets, but I kept things from you."
"That is not the same thing." She scolded "I searched Litora Bello, and I
watched his fights. He is ruthless. He enjoys fighting. He is not a good
"Stone is a good guy." I defended "It is not like he has went and attacked a
random person. It was a consensual fight. The other guy and his opponents
train too and were also part of it."
Her face contorted to disbelief as she spoke "He has anger issues. I think he
takes pleasure in fighting. You should have seen him the three days you
were not awake. He was crazed. Almost deranged. He was lashing out at
everyone. It was terrifying."
"When I lost my mother and my father started drinking and resenting me, I
was devastated." I revealed, "However I never really felt like I lost my
home until that night and that was long before I got in the car with my dad."
"You can't want to stay in a relationship with him?" She gaped at me like I
was mad
"I was mad when I confronted him. I was angry and it was the heat of the
moment. I never meant anything that I said to him. It was always in the
back of my head that I would get back with him. I cannot just stop feeling
from him." I admitted to her "All I can think about is that I could have died
and one of the last things that I would said to him would be that I hated
him. Which is the furthest thing from the truth."
"I am just worried about you." Lana expressed as she waved her arms
around dramatically "What if one day he gets angry at you and lashes out
and hurts you?"
"He would never hurt me."
"Not intentionally." She argued again and then she sighed "I know he loves
you more than anything but is that enough?"
I kept quiet and listened.
"Litora Bello is going to be massive. The last fight got two and half million
views." She pointed out before she spoke again "I just want you to be sure
that he is right for you. That he is what you want."
"What happened to you being Team Stone?" I asked, "You were all for him
the other day."
She shook her head "I knew he was slightly aggressive, but this is a whole
new level. From the couple of fights, I watched with him in it, he almost
killed the other guy."
Tears start to drop down my face again and I nodded my head in agreement
"To answer your question, I do want to be with him. I want him and I
cannot think about not being with him. I want to be with him, but I can't
"I just want you to be happy, Ella." Lana voiced quietly "Whatever that is. I
will support you."
Stone did not deserve it. He deserved better than someone that was a mess.
I was broken and I could not see myself ever being fixed again. I had
already relied on him too much. I could not do it to him. I could not put him
through all of what I was going through and be a burden.
I knew what I had to do.
After Lana seen that I had settled and I was no longer such a mess, she
spoke up "My mom is waiting outside. I am going to go home for a quick
shower and then I will stop off at your place for a change of clothes for
I nodded and that left me wincing at the smallest of movements.
"Mrs Lewis said that you will not be discharged today." She informed me
before questioning "Is there anything you want me to grab for you?"
"Go home, Lana." I instructed softly "I am fine."
"Of course, I am staying." She sent a stern look my way and for the first
time, it was a semi-scary one "I’m coming back as soon as I can. I already
feel bad for leaving you now for an hour."
"Would you be able to get my laptop while you are out?" I sighed "I really
need a distraction right now."
"Anything you want." She replied before smiling with tears in her eyes as
she walked to the door "I love you, Freak Show."
Matching her smile, I responded with "I love you too, Barbie."
As soon as she was away, I was getting ready to hoist myself out of the bed.
The room was starting to feel claustrophobic, and I needed to move.
Ignoring the inflictions of pain that got more excruciating every millimetre I
moved, I finally managed to manoeuvre myself, so I was standing and
holding the bed for support.
I hissed every small step I took. The pain was the least of my concerns
because I was too busy focusing on my balance. My legs felt like jelly. I
only made it halfway across the room until I needed to stop.
A deep growl came from behind me "What the fuck are you doing?"
I stilled. I was about to face him and turn around, but it was too late.
Large hands gently scooped under my knees and hoisted me up. Stone
pressed me against his chest in bridal style. His touch was so soft and
delicate like he was trying not to hurt my body.
I did not look up at him. I studied his hands as they tightened their grip
under my legs and around my waist. He was holding on for dear life like he
was afraid that l would disappear. I wrapped my arms around the back of
his neck and buried my head into him. I still did not look at him. I could
I knew if I did then I would go back on my word and I would stay in his
arms and never leave.
He reciprocated my action as he buried his face into my hair and inhaled
Stone pulled back and his touch moved under my chin "Ella, let me see
My head moved back away from his chest, but I did not look at him. I
closed my eyes as he stroked my face and let out a deep breath.
After what felt like a good hour, he moved his hand that held my legs an
inch and I could not help but let out a noise at the pain. That was when he
also let out a noise that mimicked mine like he was hurting too.
He walked with me in his arms and then set me carefully down on the bed.
Once he had made sure that I was comfortable, he let out another deep
breath and stumbled back a few steps until he could study me fully.
That was the first time that I saw him properly since I had woken up. I
started to feel my chest ache at the sight.
He was angry. No, he was worse. Stone was furious. He was not looking
directly at me. His gaze dragged from my face to my marked arms and then
my legs. The bone in his jaw kept ticking, like a bomb and it was about to
go off.
His whole-body stance screamed predatory and gave away that he was
enraged but his eyes were something else. If I had thought that I had seen
him vulnerable before then it was nothing compared to what he was
currently. His black irises were full of torment. The area around his eye was
a bright red and his hair looked like he had run his hand through it far too
many times.
Stone studied me briefly. It was like he could not bear to look. It was almost
like seeing me in such a state caused him physical agony.
He eventually chose to meet my tear-filled eyes. The way he looked at me
made me gulp. I could feel myself heat up as he took a step forward
towards me.
In two large steps, he was towering over my from. Both of his hands
slammed onto the pillow at each side of my bed. He leaned down until he
was face level with me. I could feel his warm breath on my face. So close
that I could see how bloodshot his eyes were and how his usual angry black
orbs were filled with vulnerability and desperation. I could feel the tension
simmering in him.
Every shaky word of his hit me in the face as he gruffly spoke "How could
you do that?"
I kept quiet and tried to avoid his gaze, but he did not let me. He was so
near that I could not escape. His wide shoulders enclosed me in, and his
eyes held me captive.
"W-What?" I uttered.
It was not anger that left his mouth. It was some other stronger emotion that
escaped him as he voiced “Why did you get into the car?"
My lip was trembling when I mustered up an answer "I do not remember
exactly what happened."
He did not calm down. He moved back and ran both of his hands over his
His bloodshot eyes met mine again as he repeated roughly "Why did you
get into the car?"
I trembled over my sentence "I don't know."
"How could you do that?" He roared as his chest heaved.
A few minutes later and he still had not calmed down. He looked so
distressed, and I wanted to reach out to him.
"How could you do that to me?" He asked, his voice growing quiet and
deeper "You might as well have ripped my heart out."
I matched his loud volume as I slammed a hand on my chest "He was still
my father. I don't remember that night, but I do know that I was probably
thinking that he was still my dad. He was the one who read to me before I
learned how to. He was the one that got me interested in making up
theories. He was the one to spin me around or mess up my hair when I was
feeling down. He was my dad."
After my outburst, I realised that I was crying again. It was more volatile
than last time.
A sob left me and that made Stone move quickly. He was in front of me
instantly. He sat in the bed and lifted me up and onto him. I climbed into his
lap immediately
"I’m sorry." He said repeatedly as I sobbed into his chest "I’m so sorry. I
shouldn't have yelled."
The pain did not matter. I wanted his arms wrapped around me more than
anything. It did not matter how much my body hurt It would be more
painful not to feel his warmth on my skin.
I buried my face in his neck until every sense of mine is filled with him. He
rubbed my back as he whispered sweet nothings and reassurance in my ear.
I almost forgot that I was meant to be ending us. It was selfish and horrible,
but I indulged. I needed him.
His head leaned down until it was buried in my neck. He was holding on so
tightly that I did not think he would let me go. All I knew was that I did not
want him to.
Gripping his t-shirt while not moving from my place in his embrace, I
admitted to him "I feel guilty."
Stone kissed my forehead and lingered there "Why?"
His shirt started to feel wet against my cheek when I finally plucked up the
courage to explain "A small part of me feels relieved. I am no longer
worried about where he is or what he is doing. Also, when they told me
when I woke up that my dad wanted to save me over himself, I felt a small
bit of happiness because I knew that he cared. I am a horrible person."
His hold on my body grew tighter as he replied sternly "No. You are not."
A few more breaths later and I explained what was running through my
head "I think he might be in a better place right now. That is what I am
telling myself. I hope he gets to meet up with my mother and finally find
some peace. That is what I am telling myself. That is the only thing keeping
me going."
My face was pulled away from his chest by his hands so that I was looking
up at him. He studies me. His distraught gaze flicked over the whole of me.
He did it multiple times and I could feel his handshake on my cheek.
I had not seen the condition of my face yet but if it was anything like the
rest of me then I could assume I did not look my best.
"I would have left you my apartment if I died." I said at my attempt at a bad
joke to lighten the mood.
Stone was not amused. He looked to be thinking about something with a
scowl, yet his wide eyes give away that's he was still scared of something.
"If something—" He stopped and closed his eyes to take a deep breath "If
something happened to you then how can you not see that it would be the
end of me?"
"I am sorry." I apologised because I hated seeing him so defeated "I am so
"Three days." He bit out "Three days you did not speak. You did not smile.
You did not move. You did not do anything."
I closed my eyes because I could not see the sight of him with his head
hanging low. I could not see the sight of him so destroyed.
"For three days you were not here with me." He said lowly" If you were to
go then you would take me with you."
The dampness of my cries reached my chest, and I could feel my tears soak
the hospital gown as I repeated "I’m so sorry."
"I could have lost you. I have never been so fucking petrified in my life."
He said as he held on tighter to my weakened body "Then again nothing in
my life has ever meant so much to me."
The ache in my chest worsened and I could not help but take one hand that
was wrapped around him and clutched my chest. The physical anguish was
nothing at that moment as what hurt most was to see him hurt.
"Ella." He said so quietly that I almost did not hear him "Are you scared of
"Of course, I’m not." I shook my head "I could never be scared of you."
He sighed in relief and pulled me back to him.
I rambled on "I am sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I do not—"
"There is nothing you need to be sorry about." He told me as he wiped my
tears away "I just cannot bare to see you this way."
I was right earlier. I could not hurt him anymore. I had to end us.
"How does this always happen?" I let out a sigh and then breathed him in.
"What always happens, baby?"
I pulled back and stared up at him "I try to fight it. I try to push you away. I
try so hard, but I always end up in your arms."
"Because that is where you belong." He said to me sternly like it was some
sort of universal truth "You belong with me. Always."
"Stone?" I called quietly, knowing that there was a massive elephant in the
small hospital room "You would not hurt anybody outside of the fight,
would you?"
He frowned when I moved back from his embrace. I decided to remain on
his lap, but he did not look content that I was away from him.
The question made him stay silent until he could come with an answer "We
do not need to talk about this now."
"Yes. We do."
"I am going to kill Chase." He declared nonchalantly.
"He should not have told the police." I agreed
"I do not give a fuck about that." He growled "I told him not to even think
about you let alone approach you. He has the nerve to speak with you and
think he can try and take you from me."
I did not get angry. My voice was neutral when I pointed out "Maybe you
should have told me then. Why didn't you?"
"I did not want to risk losing you." He uttered in his deep voice "I can’t lose
"Let's flip this." I argued "How would you feel if I kept something from
you? How would you feel if I was leaving you in bed every night to go
somewhere without telling you?"
His eyes narrowed at the thought "You could not. I would know if you were
to leave then I would not let you go."
He had a point. If I was not sleeping on top of him then his vice-like grip
was always around my waist all night so I was stuck to his side. I never
once tried to escape from it. Probably because I knew I could not and
because I always loved the feeling of his arms being around me.
I was going to miss that.
"You never tried to tell me." I whispered "You never sat me down and tried
to explain it to me. I would have listened."
"I'm so fucking sorry, baby." He let out lowly and hoarsely like the words
were leaving the bottom of his chest "You will never know how much. I
hate myself for hurting you and I will never ever forgive myself."
I shook my head and closed my eyes.
Stone spoke again "Ultima Ictu is the final blow of the fight. One time
when I had the other guy ready to knock out, he pulled out a knife and
jabbed me right in the side—"
"What?" I exclaimed in horror before looking him up and down in concern
"I have not seen a scar on you."
"I got a tattoo to cover it."
I did remember feeling something when I traced it with my hands. I loved
his tattoos, but I could not help but hate them also. It was a reminder that he
had got hurt.
His jaw clenched and he explained, "The pain of that knife pales to this."
"It pales to what?"
"This." He said while looking at my face and while he took one finger and
lightly trailed down to my marks on my arms and then my legs.
I tilted my head at his expression "They are not deep. They will heal."
"Since I met you, I have been trying to get Litora Bello legalised." He
delivered gently "Brennan's dad Baron helped make a case. A sporting
company based in Vegas are interested in making it a mainstream event.
That is how I did not get charged at the police station. It is under
"Why are you trying to do that?" I asked at his motive.
His stare was so unfaltering as he pronounced every syllable of his next
sentence "I want to be somewhat of a better man. For you."
"Stone, I never wanted you to change. I don't want you to ever change." I
said with all the energy left inside of me, so he knew that I meant it "I just
wanted you to tell me."
"The fights were my sort of twisted fucked up idea of therapy." He
informed while turning his head to the side and not meeting my eye "Litora
Bello started a few years back in San Francisco. It was small and it was
only meant to keep the fighting in the area to a minimum. There was a set
time and place where us guys could fight and take out our anger. It was the
one time and place I could just let it all out."
I listened intently as he told me the history of his fighting with a look of
shame on his harsh features.
"That was until I met you. I could be on the brink of hell but as soon as I
seen your face then it would all change." He continued, his gruff voice
lowering "You alone are my salvation. Ella venit primus."
I remembered what the Latin meant. Ella comes first.
At the last line, I felt myself start to feel suffocated again "Can we talk
about something else?"
Stone nodded "My dad had this theory."
"I would have got on well with him." I smiled sadly.
"Yeah. You would have." He agreed before speaking again "He had a firm
belief about love."
Part of me did not want him to tell me. The other stronger part needed to
I asked, "What did he say?"
"He said that Stone is a suiting name for us. We do not move for nobody,
and we don’t let ourselves feel easy." He told me "It takes a strong force to
move a stone. The men in the Stone family only love once."
"I can’t believe that. I can't." I muttered sadly, tears starting to roll down my
face again.
"It is true." Stone stated like it was undeniable.
I knew what I had to do next, so I breathed out so harshly that it felt like my
lungs were going to collapse.
Rubbing my eyes, I told him "I meant what I said on the beach. It is over.
We can't—"
"No." He growled.
I tried again "We can't—"
He interrupted again with another gnarl "No."
"We cannot be together." I rushed out.
Another soft growl emerged from him "Wrong."
"We both know that this is not just a high school fling." I voiced "This is so
much more and whatever it is, I know that it is not going to end well."
His anger did not seem like it was aimed at me as he looked away and
barked "Why?"
I loved him. Too much. If I got hurt by him then I did not I would survive it.
I also did not want to hurt him again. I was so scared that I would not be
able to piece myself together and that would affect him.
Instead of the truth, I remembered what he said earlier, and I told him "One
of the reasons you moved here was for your fight club. You will be here, or
you will be in Vegas making it big. I never had any intention of staying here
after graduation. I might not get into a big fancy college, but I want to try."
"The practical thing about fighting is that you can do it anywhere." He
raises a brow, not looking any less maddened "Also did you know that I
qualify for a mechanic in every corner of America?"
"Please Stone."
His eyes and stance were full of determination "You are going to have to do
better than that, Drizella."
Saying the first thing that comes to mind, I blabbered "We are young. You
do not need to be held back and tied down by me. You might be fighting
and becoming massive in Vegas in the near future. You should be able to do
things without looking back."
The giant arm muscle and his jaw ticked in a rhythm as heard what I had to
"I don't want to be your setback." I said to him "Without me, you can bar
crawl and hook up with beautiful girls hanging around casinos and—"
Murderous. That was the only way to describe his expression. I stopped
talking because of his obvious fury.
He gently held under my chin, so I had no choice but to meet his intense
The words of his were more of a statement as he spoke gravelly and strictly
"I am not capable of looking at someone else. Not that I would ever fucking
want to. My eyes never leave you and that will never change. It is you.
Nobody else. Nothing else."
I continued shaking my head.
"I will never stop loving you and whatever wild theory you have about the
afterlife then I will love you there." He grumbled out determinedly.
His face was not so clear anymore. He looked fazed out and blurry.
Splashes of colour danced around him.
I closed my eyes and pleaded through the form of more sobs "Please do not
make this any harder than it already is."
Stone did not move an inch.
"I will not leave, and I will not give up. I am never going anywhere,
Medusa." He declared resolutely "I will be here every second and there is
nothing you can do about it. You can push me away all you like but I will
not move. You can make up millions of excuses why I should go but that
will not matter. I only need one reason to stay and that is you. I need you."
Then he told me the same he used to whisper to me every night before I
went to sleep. The three words that always made me feel better.
I whispered it back because it may have been the last time, I said it aloud.
My head was going to explode. It felt that way anyway and I could not
ignore my body pains any longer. The weight of my eyelids was too heavy.
It was too much of a chore to keep them open.
Chapter Fifty
Eleven hours. That is how long he had been sitting by my bedside. Nine
o'clock that morning was when I woke up with him beside me and by eight
at night he still had not moved.
After I fell asleep that morning, he moved a chair to the side of my bed and
he had not left since. Not once did he even move in his seat.
Stone was still motionless in his seat as he continued to watch me type
harshly on my laptop. Over the hours, it started to feel like a game between
us. I would not move and he would not either.
To avoid his fixed stare, I decided to get out my laptop and continue writing
the book that I had started a year ago. I had been hitting my keyboard all
day and going at a supersonic speed to distract myself from him.
I stole another glance to the side, and I could see that he was still watching
me. I let out a deep breath before I focused my attention back on my work
in progress of a book.
I had written twenty thousand words in the space of the few hours, and I
was at least quarter of the way finished to completing the whole book.
We had not talked since the morning. Not since our disagreement. He was
making everything too hard. He was not leaving and all I wanted to do was
talk to him and have his arms around me.
Just as I was about to give up and say something, a knock at the door
stopped me.
I sat forward and crossed my legs while placing my laptop to the side as
Mrs Lewis and another male walked into the room.
The middle-aged man that I did not recognise walked up to the bottom of
the bed and read the chart while introducing himself to me "I am Dr Gus. It
is nice to meet you, Miss Miller."
"It is nice to meet you too." I smiled before letting out a small laugh "Even
if I really do not want to be here."
At my remark, Dr Gus let out small laugh before he got serious "Your
results from your scan and blood test are back and everything looks normal.
There is nothing that looks concerning. You are an extremely lucky girl
given the severity of your crash."
Lucky was the last thing I felt.
The doctor continued "All of the cuts on your body should heal over time.
Some of them might leave a slight mark but I doubt they will be
I let out a sigh of relief "So I will not always look like the bride of
A low grunt of disapproval from my side reminded me that Stone was
listening also. The deep sound that he made indicated that he did not find
my warped sense of humour amusing.
Putting down my medical chart, Dr Gus smiled kindly at the unmoving
stubborn giant next to me before he spoke "This must be your boyfriend. A
committed one at that. He has been making my staff run away in fear for
their lives all day for three days now."
"He is my..." I stopped and let out a breath "He is my ex."
It pained me to say but I hoped that my words would make him leave. I
needed him gone so I could try to hurt less.
Stone's head hung low beside me. He looked devastated as he grumbled
unhappily under his breath "Ex?"
I could not meet his eye, so I turned back to the doctor and Mrs Lewis who
both looked unconvinced at my title for him.
"We are going to keep you under observation tonight." Dr Gus spoke "It is
late, and you need rest. Just tonight and then you can leave tomorrow
If my legs did not feel like they were numb, then I might have jumped up
and down in joy. I had only been concisely aware one day and it was
enough for me to want to pull my hair out.
I nodded his way "Thank you, doctor."
"Do you have any more questions?"
"Yeah." I tried to see the humour in a horrible situation "Why is hospital
food so bad? Do you purposefully make it that way so you can get patients
to discharge themselves faster and you can have more vacant beds?"
"You might be onto something there." Dr Gus walked to the door before
calling over his shoulder as he left "I wish you a speedy recovery, Miss
The doctor left but Mrs Lewis remained at the doorway, and she was
shifting where she was standing.
"Mrs Lewis, are you okay?"
She took a step forward and answered but not before glancing at Stone
"Your father's insurance and will was set up in the company that my
husband works for. He has a few things to discuss with you but if you do
not feel up to it today then that is perfectly okay. We will take this at your
The truth was that I really did not want to talk about everything. I did not
want to think about the consequences of my father's death. I then changed
my mind and decided that it would be better to get it over and done with.
"Is Mr Lewis outside?" I asked.
"He is." She replied.
Stone leaned forward in his seat by my bedside. He grabbed my hand and
intertwined it with his own.
"Ella, you do not need to think about this now." He told me gruffly.
I did not meet his eyes, but I answered him "I will be fine. I would rather
get everything sorted."
Mrs Lewis nodded understandingly and then left the room to fetch her
A squeeze at my hand and Stone moved so he was closer to my face.
"Please Ella." He begged in his deep voice as he closed his eyes for a split
I felt my chest clench as he said it. I had the urge to reach out to him, but I
fought against it.
"Please what?" I asked as I subconsciously squeezed his hand back.
"You are not okay. You just lost your father. I hate that you feel you have to
pretend that you are fine. I hate that you are not speaking to me." He
scrubbed his large hands over his face as his tone went deeper "It is killing
me, Medusa."
"I am okay." I lied to him as I tried to pull my hand away.
He held on tighter, and he would not let go.
"Stone." I let out softly "Go home."
His voice came out hoarse "You are my home."
All I could do was stare at nothing in particular. Anything that was not him.
I gripped the metal sidebar that was lifted on the left side of the bed.
If I looked at him then I would only jump into his arms and never leave.
"You are making this impossible." I muttered.
"Good." He stated determinedly "I am not leaving you."
I decided to take a harsher approach "Hospitals really should have security
so unwanted visitors can be removed. Cops should be stationed outside this
place to get rid of insistent annoying pain in the ass giants."
He stood abruptly and paced the room. He never went any further than a
metre away though. His movements were as if he was protecting my small
space like a guard dog.
His dark eyes captivated mine and never left as he spoke tyrannically "Do
you really think some fucking security guard or cop is going to get me to
move? Do you think anything is strong enough to make me leave your
Stone towered me. He towered everyone but it was not just his height that
made him look intimidating and unconquerable. It was also his whole
frame. The wide shoulders and the overall mountain of muscle contributed
I huffed out a reply because the question itself was rhetorical “No. I don't."
Mr Lewis' arrival interrupted whatever Stone was about to say. The man
walked in holding a brown leather briefcase. Apart from that, he did not
look like a layer on duty. His clothes were casual and the ones I had seen
him in before.
"It is great to see you, Ella. Of course, not under these circumstances." Mr
Lewis greeted me "I am so sorry about your loss."
"Thank you." I said quietly.
The man then turned to address Stone by handing him a piece of paper
"This is the number of somebody you need to call."
Stone shook his head "I am not leaving her."
Mr Lewis argued, "You need to call the number."
I sent Stone a small encouraging nod "Go."
His jaw ticked and he still looked unwilling to move.
After thirty seconds of what appeared like telepathically communicating
with Mr Lewis, Stone nodded before standing up and walking to the door.
Before he left, the large man turned around and met my eye "I am outside. I
am not going anywhere."
Mr Lewis took the now empty seat by my bedside and put his briefcase on
his lap as Stone left the room.
The man was close enough that I could see his friendly features and his
grey moustache contrasting his dark skin perfectly. I could see how similar
he was to Brennan, only older.
He smiled sympathy "How are you feeling?"
My lip moved up and I let out a strained laugh "Like I have been in a car
Understanding that I was just trying to make light of the situation, he let out
a small chuckle before opening the briefcase "Ella, if you are not up for this
then please say so."
"I am fine, Mr Lewis."
He waved me off "Please. Call me Baron. You are family."
"You are worse than your wife." I pointed out while giggling.
Then my laughing ceased when I suddenly reminded myself that he was not
family. I was not planning to be close to his family or the guy outside my
room and there was no humour in that.
Mr Lewis took out a couple of pieces of paper and read from the page
"Drizella Anastasia Miller."
"My father is not getting into heaven or whatever place the good souls go
to." I deadpanned "What kind of decent human being would allow their
child to be named Drizella Anastasia?"
"I think your name is lovely." The man argued before skim-reading over the
first document in his pile "As you are probably aware, your father when he
passed away did not have a dollar to his name."
Rubbing my hands over my face, I sat forward more "I guessed that."
"His account was declared bankrupt two months ago after paying your
monthly rent fee."
"That can’t be right." I inputted with a frown "I received a letter last month
conforming that everything had been paid."
The expression on Mr Lewis' face turned sheepish.
He replied wearily while looking down at his documents "The expenses
were paid from another account. Also, all future expenses of your apartment
are to be charged from the same account."
"Can I see the sheet?" I questioned, curious to see if he was mistaken.
The man handed over the single piece of paper hesitantly. I skipped past the
part that seemed unimportant and that was filled with money terms. I
slowed down at the part where it read transactions.
The name that was printed in bold made my breath hitch.
When I stayed silent, Mr Lewis started flapping another document around
in the air before swiftly moving on "All your home finances are paid. There
was nothing to be concerned about paying back until the accident."
"My medical bill is huge." I stated the obvious.
Mr Lewis nodded "It was. All your health care expenses have also been
taken care of."
My lip quivered when I asked, "Can I see that sheet?"
He handed over the next piece of paper. I skipped to the bottom where the
name of the person that had paid for everything was written. I put my hand
over my mouth in shock as I read the same name as last time.
One lone tear fell onto the sheet and hit directly onto the two words
Valentine Stone.
I handed both bits of paper back to him and tilted my head "Does this not
bother you?"
"What do you mean, dear?"
"Stone has paid for everything. He has spent a huge amount of money and
A hand on my shoulder stopped me from continuing.
"He would do anything for you." Mr Lewis spoke, "I think that if you asked
him for the moon then he would find a way to fight against nature itself to
give it to you."
My intake of breath was so loud that it would have surprised me if Stone
had heard it.
"Plus, that boy makes too much money on his fights anyway." Mr Lewis
"I am going to pay him back." I assured.
The man chuckled "He will not let you."
"Is there anything else I should know?" I asked while looking at the other
paper in the pile.
"No. That is all I have for the moment except arrangements for the funeral."
He responded before enquiring "This is an awful thing to ask for you to
think about, but do you have any ideas what you would like for a funeral?"
"I had not really thought about it." I said aloud but more to myself.
I had not been thinking at all. I did not want to. That is why I spent hours
writing my book.
After concluding the obvious, I eventually gave him an answer "I do not
have any family. Just some distant cousins in Louisiana. My father lost all
his friends when he lost my mother and his job. There is only really me so it
will be something small."
Mr Lewis nodded before moving on "Lastly, I do not think anyone from
social services will visit. Usually under these circumstances they would put
you into foster care but you are eighteen and legally an adult."
A knock at the door and then Brennan walked in with a frantic facial
expression "Dad, the guy on the phone wants to speak with you."
Turning around to face his son, Mr Lewis sorted his files before closing his
briefcase and making his way to the door.
The older man turned around at the door and gave me a last wave "I will see
you soon, Ella."
Brennan hurried across the room. Before I could consider what he was
about to do, he sat on my bed and threw his arms around as he enveloped
me in a tight hug.
I put my arms around him instantly and tried to bite down my hiss at the
"Shit!" He jumped back but remained seated on the bed "Sorry. I did not
mean to hurt you. I have just been so worried."
I smiled and for the first time that day, it was a genuine one.
"It is okay." I reassured, "I would take that hug over the pain any day of the
He tilted his head while having a quick once-over at my condition "How are
"I am fine." I told him before asking "So what brings you here?"
"What brings me here?" He replied while narrowing his eyes, but his soft
smile remained as he spoke "I am here because you are my Little Ella. You
are like my little sister, and I love you. I believe without Lana or even
without Stone, we would still be best friends."
"I love you too, Lover Boy."
Brennan stayed quiet for a while before he let out a chuckle "You gave it
hard to Stone on the beach. I wish I could throw a shoe at him and not face
any repercussions."
I felt like I had to justify myself "I was just so upset, and I felt like I had
been kept in the dark. He had so many opportunities to tell me. I had to hear
everything from Chase. I wanted to hear it from him. I wanted Stone to
explain it to me."
He nodded like he understood.
"You were there that day at the locker when Chase and I were arguing. He
was laughing at me and trying to insinuate that Stone was sneaking off to
see some other girl." I explained "No doubt you told Stone everything that
happened between Chase and I. So why did Stone not tell me then?"
"What would the reality be of that being the truth?" Brennan countered back
with "Stone would never even think about another girl."
I kept quiet and played with my hospital gown neckline.
"I do not think that moody fuck ever stops thinking about you. Period." He
"I know he would not cheat but I am just saying that he could have told me
the truth."
"I think he is ashamed." Brennan confessed, "He probably did not want to
risk losing you or for you to see him losing control on his anger like that.
He tries really hard to be better for you."
"Never once did I think Stone was Mother Theresa." I used humour to push
my feelings down "It does not matter anyway. We just are not meant to be."
"What?" Brennan blabbered like he was in shock.
Twirling my hair on my finger, I explained "I have only seen him fight once
but he is good. That much is obvious from what I have seen and from the
talk around school. This Litora Bello can be something big and he can go
far. I know he can."
"Then what is the problem?"
"He can't go far while I am in the picture." I stated before I elaborated "I am
a distraction. I could see the underlying message when Reed said about how
he missed fights for me. He does not need me holding him back. He
deserves better."
Brennan's mouth parted in shock then he closed it in contemplation before
he explained his view.
"I have to go to school until graduation. A year ago, I applied to this course
to get a qualification so I could teach surfing. They told me that I needed to
have graduated." Brennan told me before he added "Stone has no reason to
be at Leavendale. He is twenty-one. He has no reason to be at school except
from his own agenda."
I cocked my head and listened intently.
"I liked Lana the night I met her, but I did not see it going anywhere." He
admitted before telling me "It was Stone that kept insisting for me to get to
know her better even though he had never been the slightest bit interested in
my love life beforehand."
I stammered over my words "Are you trying to say that...?"
"That he attends school only to see you? That he connived and convinced
me to date Lana so he could get closer to you? That he loved you the
moment he saw you?" Brennan spoke before he said "Yes."
All I wanted to do was erase the last few minutes and the precious
conversation. All my mind was doing was repeating his words over and
over again. I wanted to go to Stone.
After a few minutes of silence, I finally spoke up and changed the subject
"Do you love Lana?"
Brennan shook his head "I wish that I did."
"If I was able then I would kick your ass for leading her on." I threatened
while glaring at him.
"I did want to love her." He sighed before he confessed, "The truth is that I
never really got over my first love."
"Your first love?" I uttered quietly.
He nodded, the veins in his neck bulging.
"What happened?" I questioned.
"I am obsessed with her." He let out lowly like it caused him pain to say
"And she hates my fucking guts."
I wanted to know more. I wanted to ask who it was. I wanted to shout at
him for hurting Lana.
I kept quiet.
"I better go." He smiled sadly and avoided talking about the topic more.
He moved closer and I leaned forward so he could kiss my forehead. His
lips were about to touch my head when a noise stopped him.
It almost sounded like a bear or a lion. It was feral anyway and it was
coming from the guy taking up the whole space of the doorway.
Moving back instantly with hands held up in surrender, Brennan defended
himself "You just missed my massive speech about her being like my little
Stone stayed glued to his spot at the door when Brennan walked to him.
They exchanged a few quiet words before Brennan took off down the
hospital corridor.
The giant returned to his chair by my side.
I put my hands on the bed and tried to manoeuvre myself so I could lie back
onto the pillow. A jolt of pain made its way from the bottom of my spine
right up to the top and I shifted while involuntary letting out a noise at the
discomfort. I attempted to go slower and eased into a better position, but I
could not help but wince.
As soon as I did relax into the pillow, a hard shaky breath filled the room.
The deep ragged breaths caught my attention and I looked to my right and
what I saw made my heartbreak.
He was in the chair that was far too small for him. His elbows were set
firmly on his knees and his forehead resting on his large palms. His wide
shoulders were shaking as he took large, ragged breaths.
Stone was crying.
I was taken aback at the scene in front of me. I could not believe it. Stone
was not one for showing his emotions. He never showed anything on his
face or in his behaviour. That was what led to people believing that he
lacked feeling but there he was crying.
My stomach dropped and tears started to form in my eyes. I could not take
the sight of him hurt. I pulled the blanket that was covering my body off
and I moved to get up, not caring about the pain or anything else but him.
I stood in front of him, but he did not look up at me. He only moved his
hands to my waist and buried his face into my stomach as his shoulders
shook again.
"Stone." I whispered as I moved my hands to his hair.
His eyes were bloodshot as he eventually met my eye.
"You need to get back into bed." He spoke, his voice gentle yet strict.
I did not move.
He stood up with intent. He wrapped one large arm around my waist before
he hoisted me up gently and carried me back to the bed. He was touching
my waist and my arm like I was made of glass and one small move would
shatter me.
I managed to bring my legs back into the covers then I moved over slowly
until there was enough room for him.
Once I had stopped moving, he settled onto the bed and put his shoulder
behind my back so I could curl up into him. My head rested on his bulky
shoulder while my leg found sanctuary over his. His hand reached out and
pulled the blanket to cover me up again.
My hand wandered up and rested on his chest as his heart moved erratically.
He took more deep unsteady breaths. He then buried his head in my hair
and that seemed to calm him down slightly.
I listened to him breathe and that was all I needed to feel safe. I needed him.
It was selfish but I trapped the small moment in time and wrapped myself in
it. I wrapped myself in him.
Wiping my tears away, I kept my cheek remaining pressed on him as I
looked up at him and whispered, "Are you okay?"
His lips went to my hair as he kissed my head "No. You are hurt and I
cannot handle it."
"I am sorry."
"It is not your fault." He declared "It is mine."
"What do you mean?" I asked while lifting my head and frowning at him
"None of this is your fault."
Stone whispered against my skin "I should have been there. If I was there,
then none of this would have happened."
I shook my head so hard that a tear flew horizontally off my cheek "This is
not your fault."
He breathed out harshly only one word "Ella."
My head fell back onto him again and I hugged him tighter. As tight as my
body would allow me to. I buried my face into his shirt and inhaled the
smell of leather and engine grease.
He pressed another kiss to my head as he cupped my face and pulled my
head back so my eyes would meet his.
The black irises looked dull and broken and the sight brought another set of
tears to my face.
His thumb caught every single one of my tears as he rasped out "Tell me
about him."
I knew who he meant. He meant the other person apart from him that I had
tried not to think about the whole day.
I thought back to all the things I loved about my father. There were no more
new memories to be made. I could only resurface the old ones.
Gathering composure, I reminisced "My dad was a really calm and relaxed
person. Quite serious sometimes. The totally opposite of my mother and
me. There was only really two times that he got annoyed by something and
even then, he still found the good in every situation."
Stone smiled at me, and I managed a smile back.
"He took me along to his work colleagues annual quiz night. I sat there and
tried to answer as many questions as possible and when we won, I ran
around the room and shouted boo-ya into my dad's boss' face." I laughed at
the memory "My dad tried to act angry at me, but he found it really funny. I
went every year with him after that."
His attention never withered once "What was the other time?"
"I was eight and it was Christmas. I had opened all of my presents which
cost a lot of money, but I never looked twice at them." I let out a half-laugh,
half cry "I was more interested in the cardboard boxes that they all had
come in. I sat inside one of them and pretended that I was in some kind of
space shuttle. My father tried to get me to play with my real presents. He
pretended to cry about how I did not like my presents from him, so I was
guilt tripped into leaving the boxes alone. I spent all Christmas Day with
my new toys to make him less upset. He was lying because while I was
distracted, he gathered the boxes and glued them together and painted it so
it looked like a cockpit with a window looking out to a galaxy. It was one of
the best presents and Christmases I had ever had."
He wiped more of my tears away as he admitted "Ella, I have met your
I looked up in surprise and then tilted my head in confusion "When?"
"It was only one time. I did not know who he was then." Stone explained
"He betted on Litora Bello a lot. He was at the beach almost every night. He
approached me once."
A small nod and then he continued "Your dad said I was his favourite
fighter and that he always had his money on me."
"I have only seen you fight for thirty seconds but I think he was right to." I
Stone chuckled humourlessly "I do not think I would be his favourite choice
of guy for his daughter."
He placed a finger under my chin and tilted it upwards more.
"I wish that I could have met him properly." He spoke "I would have
convinced him to see me as the best option for you. I would have told him
that you are always going to be safe and loved because I will make sure of
My stomach dropped. I tore my gaze away from him and my chest shook. I
raised my head slightly so my lungs could still receive oxygen. Dying
would probably hurt less than a broken heart.
"I can’t do this with you." I cried while staring down at my hair and fiddling
with the messy strands "I can’t do this to you."
His voice went back to the usual strong and deep sound when his grip on
me tightened. He pulled me further into his chest as he spoke his words like
they were inevitable "You are not going anywhere."
"I can’t—"
"You are lying." He growled, "I can see right through you."
I cursed him for being right as I let go of my hair. It was a dead giveaway
that I wanted him to never let me go.
"Why?" He pleaded, his deep voice demeaning "Why are you doing this?"
I avoided looking at him "I told you earlier."
"No?" I repeated.
There was no further response on his end. He gently moved me, so I was
lying on top of him and so that his arms were surrounding and protecting
My face rested on his chest and my words were muffled by his shirt "I do
not know how to do this."
"How to do what?"
"I do not know how to say goodbye to you." I admitted.
He snarled "You are not."
Ignores his statement, I asked nicely "Can you leave before I wake up, so I
don’t have to say goodbye?"
"No." He growled again "I will fight for you. I am good at fighting."
I bit back a laugh at his neanderthal behaviour before I uttered "Stubborn
His touch was so gentle, but his voice was harsh as he stated, "The only
person being stubborn is you."
I huffed "Are you really not going to leave?"
"Now I know what Edgar Allan Poe was feeling when he wrote The
Raven." I voiced as I felt my eyes shut "I can understand what he was trying
to say about the persistent unmoving presence."
The last thing I heard was his rough voice "It is your favourite poem so you
should know how it ends."
I did know how it ended.
The raven stayed.
Chapter Fifty-One
I opened my eyes with a soft yawn. I blinked a few times before trying to sit
up. I realised that it was not possible as a head resting on my chest stopped
me from moving.
Stone must have moved further down during the night because a portion of
his large form was hanging off the bottom of the bed. This allowed him to
snuggle his head into the centre of my chest.
He was leaning on his side with his ear pressed up against me like he had
fallen asleep listening to my heartbeat.
Staying still where I was because I did not want to wake him, I tilted my
head to see his face.
Even in his sleep he still had an intimidating expression plastered on him. I
almost let out a laugh at his sleepy scowl. He still looked protective and
ready to scare anybody that came near me while unconscious.
I ran one of my fingers along his tensed jaw and then to his lip that was
upwards in a grimace. His features softened at the contact, and he almost
started to look at peace.
A gentle knock at the door made me pull my hand back. Mrs Lewis stood at
the door with a warm smile as she watched the scene before her.
"He has not slept in four days." She walked closer so she could whisper her
words "He must be exhausted."
Guilt instantly jabbed at my stomach as I studied his state.
Mrs Lewis quietly told me "He would not have had it any other way. He
was so worried about you, and he thought that if he blinked then you would
It felt like too much. I could feel the weight on my chest, and I did not think
it was from the big guy resting there.
"I was scared too." Mrs Lewis admitted "You are family. I am so grateful
that you came into my son's life."
I started my soft attempt at breaking the news to her by using her name for
the first time "Kelly, I can't be with him."
Something twitched against my chest. Not inside but against.
"Is this about Litora Bello?" She moved closer and frowned "I think you
should kick his ass into next week for lying to you, but I know you need to
hold onto him."
"It is not that. I know that if the accident never happened then I would have
got back with him." I revealed before I added humorously "I would have
made him grovel, but I would have taken him back."
She smiled but it only lasted a second "Fighting illegally is not what I
wanted for him but I think that is the one time he can let go of that built up
Her smile was warm and contagious, and I could not help but smile back at
I admitted "I would never stand in the way of something that makes Stone
happy or even content. Nothing."
"He has been hellbent on getting Litora Bello legal and mainstream." Mrs
Lewis said, "No doubt that is all for you."
"It would not matter to me if it was not." I replied, "I would still want him
Mrs Lewis sighed "We have good jobs. Baron is a lawyer, and I’m a nurse
but sometimes that is not enough. You know first-hand how much it costs
for even an apartment here."
I nodded.
"Stone is the main provider of this family. He always contributes if we are
struggling." She revealed, "He does not let the world see it, but he is a good
"He is." I stated without a doubt "I know that. I have always known that."
"I know why you are trying to let go." Mrs Lewis mentioned
I stayed quiet so she spoke again.
"I met Baron in high school. It was love at first sight. It was perfect and
wonderful but when it came to graduation, I called it off. Baron was off to
Harvard to get a degree in law, and I was not really going anywhere in my
life. So, I let him go because I thought that was what was best for him." She
told me before continuing "He hated that I did it. He fought for me and look
how it turned out. I married him and had Brennan and then we adopted
Stone. Everything worked out beautifully. I would not change anything."
Stone was who I looked at when I replied "I can’t do this to him. I am
holding him back. I can’t drag him down with me."
The twitch on my chest happened again. However, it was less of a twitch
and more of a mini earthquake.
"You do know that he is not going to let you go." She said while sounding
sure of herself and fully confident "He is not going anywhere."
I did not answer because I could not. I did not have a response.
Stone decided at that moment to wake up. He got up with ease. Almost like
he had been up for a while.
He gently moved his head away from me. I no longer felt buried alive, but I
missed him already.
"You can go home now but you should be on strict bed rest for at least a
few days." Mrs Lewis spoke up when Stone did not, and she addressed me
"Your body might be in pain at times, so I put some pills in your bag. They
are high dosage so only one at a time. If you experience any headaches or
dizzy spells or anything else that seems abnormal, then get yourself back to
the hospital."
I nodded my head at the information before I swung my legs to one side of
the bed and pulled myself up. Stone was there instantly and supporting my
balance by making me lean on him. He took all my weight onto his.
"I will go and fill out the paperwork. You are officially free from this horrid
room." Mrs Lewis expressed before she made her way out of the room.
I waved but my goodbye was short-lived as the woman popped her head
back into the room.
"The only time I want to see you in here again is when you are giving me
my grandchildren." Mrs Lewis quickly added before she disappeared.
My jaw dropped as she ran away. I did not look up at Stone, but I could feel
a small rumble that sounded almost like a chuckle in his chest.
I walked over to the corner of the room where the bag was that Lana had
brought with my clothes in it. I started by pulling on a pair of loose-fitting
pants then I pulled off the ugly hospital gown and replaced it with a plain
black baggy shirt.
Stone lingered behind my body and made sure that I was okay. He left
enough room between our bodies however that meant I had space.
When I turned to go was when he decided that all bets were off. He
grabbed my bag and then he grabbed me. He carefully placed his hands on
my waist and my legs before positioning me bridal style and clutched
against his chest. He made sure my legs and my back were supported.
"Let me down!" I squealed.
"My legs still work perfectly fine." I wiggle them as I said so to emphasise
my point "Put me down! I can walk!"
"No." He grumbled again stubbornly before walking out of the room and
setting down the corridor with me in his arms.
Crossing my arms and avoiding the stares of randoms in the hallway, I
glared at him "You do not need to do this. I am perfectly capable of
He still did not set me down when we went out the automatic doors and
outside into the parking lot.
I avoided his watchful eye when I spoke "If it is too much trouble for you to
drive me to Lana's then—"
His death stare burnt holes into my neck, and it left me no choice but to
look him in his eyes. The intense dark look left no room for argument.
Stone opened the door to the passenger seat of the black truck before he set
me down carefully. He even gave me a deep sound of disapproval when I
would not let him do my seatbelt for me.
He shut my door and made his way around the vehicle to his side. He
started the engine without another word.
The car ride was silent. I flicked my attention between the passing scenery
out of my window and Stone's hardened expression.
His grip on the steering wheel was so hard that the veins in his arms bulged
and his knuckles had turned white.
I could feel the tension simmering in him.
To ease the tension, I spoke up "I’m going to pay you back."
He glanced at me for a few seconds before focusing on the road again "For
"Do not act oblivious." I scolded before changing my voice to a softer
gentler tone "You paid for my apartment. You changed the rent, so all future
fees are charged from your account. You paid for my full medical bill. I am
paying you back."
"No. You are not."
I ignored his stern voice and continued "I will get the money and I will pay
you back every cent."
"Just a promise that you will never get hurt again is enough payment." His
voice deepened as he spoke, "That is all I can ask for."
"I am paying you back. End of discussion." I quickly disclosed before
asking a question to change the subject even though it was none of my
business anymore "How much do you make from one fight?"
His answer was short "Twenty."
Knowing that he definitely did not mean twenty dollars, I replied "Twenty
"Thousand." He said before taking a look at my surprised expression then
adding "I do not need your money."
Twenty thousand. Even I would attempt to put up some sort of fight for that
amount of money.
"I do not need your money either. I will pay you back." I argued.
He did not reply aloud but I could tell he was not giving up.
"I did have a job a year ago. It was at this healthy smoothie place. I was
terrible at the job. I lasted barely a month." I rambled on to fill the silence
"This woman had ordered a Bloody Mary smoothie, so I chopped a lot of
tomatoes for the drink, but I was not paying attention while I done it. Let’s
just say it was definitely a very Bloody Mary."
A small smile made its way onto his face for a split second.
With that in mind, I kept going with trying to use humour to avoid what was
really hanging in the air between us "So I am not good at anything that has
to do with food service. I do not think I would make a very good anything. I
am always too busy thinking or in my own little dream world. Maybe I can
become a stripper—"
"What," He growled and cut me off “did you just say?"
There was not a single hint of amusement in his face as he sent a glower
that was so intense that it sent a shiver down my spine.
Another growl and he emphasised every word of his next sentence "That
will never fucking happen."
I fiddled with my hands, but my arms caught my attention and I let out a
laugh "I guess I can not be one. Especially not when I look like I have been
in a fight with Edward Scissorhands."
"Ella, you could have a million permanent cuts on your skin, and you would
still be the most beautiful girl." His eyes softened as he took a glance in my
direction and affirmed "I said what I said because you are mine."
My head fell back onto the headrest, and I watched the ongoing traffic as I
softly asked, "Why will you not let me go?"
The frown was prominent in his voice. I could hear how unyielding and
how difficult he was going to be about the issue. How immovable he would
be and how hard he would fight against it.
"Like you said. I am your villain." He spoke "The villain does not just give
up and let the one thing that he wants more than anything in the world go. I
will not let you go."
What I wanted to scream was how I never meant anything I said that night
of the fight and accident. That I loved him, and I did not want him to leave.
"In the story, the protagonist usually defeats her villain. Then she gets her
Prince Charming and lives happily ever after." I countered back as I tried to
focus on anything else but the feeling of my heartbreak.
"You once told me you did not want a Prince Charming."
I hummed in agreement because I could not deny it. How could I when the
only thing I wanted and could only ever want was him?
We approached a set of lights and when the car stopped, Stone rested his
arm on the back of my seat before he reached down to the floor at the back
of the car and grabbed something.
He then sat back up and set two shoes gently on my lap. They were not just
any old random pair of shoes. They were my green converse. The ones I
wore to The Fall Ball and the ones that I had threw at him.
"You are not Cinderella." He pointed out in his gravelly voice "She did not
lose both her shoes."
Laughing to stop myself from crying, I met his gaze "I did not lose them. I
threw them at this really large immovable giant that was blocking my path."
He let out a small husky yet strained laugh.
"My hit did not hurt him though." I added.
Stone rubbed his face with one of his large hands before he sat forward in
his seat as the lights turned green "Yes it did."
I knew that he did not mean physically. The shoes bounced off him like a
My shoes were left on the promenade when I threw them and when he got
arrested. I bit my lip to contain my shaky smile as I ran my hand over one
of the green converses. He must have gone back for them. That was the
only explanation there was for him having them.
I had to ask anyway "You went back for my shoes?"
"I got out the police station about an hour after I was arrested. I drove to the
apartment, and you were not there. I did not think you would go back to the
dance, so I went to the beach. Your shoes were there, and you were not. It
was about midnight when I—" He stopped and took a deep breath before he
went to continue "I got the call."
My hand started to shake as I forced myself to look down at my lap and not
at him. I had cried enough the past few days and I had to remain strong.
If I did what I wanted to do which was to crawl onto his lap and reassure
him that I was okay and that I was here, then that would only make it harder
to leave.
"Rumpelstiltskin is also what I called you." I told him "He did not get what
he wanted in the end. He loses to the girl."
"Not without a fight." He pointed out before tapping the steering wheel
almost impatiently "So what do you say?"
I felt my nose twitch as I tilted my head "What?"
"We have done this before." He spoke briefly "Three days."
"I have three days to guess something again?" I asked in confusion before I
said "I already know your first name."
"Three days." Stone repeated before explaining “Three days for you to
come up with a good reason why we should not be together."
I blinked at him twice before I asked, "If I do not by then, what would be
the forfeit?"
He smiled but it slowly turned to a smirk. It was my favourite smirk that he
used to give me when we bickered. It disappeared so he could adopt a
serious expression when he nonchalantly named the forfeit.
"I want you forever." He rasped out.
The heat rose to my cheeks and all I could do was question him "You want
me forever?"
His head turned and he sent a stern look my way. He looked at me as if it
was obvious.
"So, if I win and give you a solid reason why we should not be together
then you will leave me alone?" I asked while trying to cover up my solemn
Stone did not reply.
I asked again "If I win then will you walk away?"
Silence again.
A few minutes passed and so did a hundred times of Stone clenching and
unclenching his fist which resting it against the steering wheel. His jaw
ticked too.
He finally spoke up "You do not have a solid reason."
"I gave you my reason yesterday." I argued before I mentioned, "Actually I
gave you two."
"Not good enough."
Shaking my head, I retaliated with "Yes they were. They are good enough."
"I heard you."
Tilting my head again in confusion, I questioned "What?"
"I heard you this morning." He let out in a small gnarl "I heard what you
He had heard me with Mrs Lewis.
"Then I have gave you three reasons." I let out a sigh.
"They were bullshit." He told me with a scowl.
I argued "No. They were not."
"I would bet any money that you will not come up with a good excuse." He
grumbled determinedly "None that I will not be able to fight against."
"If you are so confident about that then why make the time duration only
three days?" I challenged.
His hand moved and planted itself on my thigh as he confessed hoarsely
"Because I can not go longer without you."
I let his hand stay firmly on my thigh. Even against my better judgement
and the logical side of me.
"The past few days have the worst thing I could of ever fucking imagined."
He admitted with gritted teeth "The next three will be hard but bearable
because I know that I will have you by the end of them. Three days without
you in my arms is all I can put up with."
"I-I do not think we are good for each other." I let out a small cry.
He stilled before he stole another glance. He appeared lost and desperate.
"Ella." He let out like it was a curse of fate "I know that you are a too good
for me. I have known it from the start. I have always known it."
I was about to protest but his deep voice cut me off.
"I know that you deserve so much fucking better than me. I wish that I
could give that to you but I am too fucking selfish." He expressed to me "I
need you and promise that I will be better for you. I will do anything."
"It is not that." I released weakly.
What I meant to say was that I thought he was too good for me. That he
deserved better.
Swallowing down the part of me that wanted to call it quits now and just
surrender myself to him, I replied "I have never backed down from a
challenge with you before. Three days and I will come with a reason then it
will be over. We will be over."
Racking my brain for reasons why we could not be together that he could
not argue against was harder than I expected. We sat in silence for the next
twenty minutes while I thought about it harder.
I did not want to admit to him that I was scared of losing someone else.
That it floated around in my mind the idea that he might wake up and
decide that he wants something better than me.
"I want the three days to start tomorrow. The hospital is not a clear place to
think, and I need at least a day to think." I lamely came out with.
His mouth went up in a small smile at my excuse.
"Fine." He agreed after a few minutes of hesitancy "You have until
midnight on Friday."
Friday was going to be an eventful day. Halloween and my birthday. It was
also from what I had learned a big event for Litora Bello. It would also be
the day that I lost Stone.
We pulled up to Lana's house. He stopped the engine, and I took my
seatbelt off. He did too which made me stop in my tracks.
I grabbed my bag from the back of his truck and avoided looking at him "I
guess I will see you."
"You are hurt." He grumbled determinedly "I am carrying you inside."
Turning to face the Armstrong's house so he could not see that I was on the
verge of tears, I pleaded "It is ten metres away. I can manage. Please just let
me go."
His voice deepened as he spoke "Medusa. Come home."
"It is not mine though, is it?" I asked before pointing out "You are paying
for it so it is yours."
Stone shook his head "It is yours until you decide it is ours."
I opened the door, and I stepped out. I wiped my eyes when I was not facing
him. I then turned back and lingered at the truck door.
"Thank you." I quietly let out.
"I can't do this. Fuck." He cursed before he punched the steering wheel
"What do you want me to do? What do you expect me to do?"
"I guess we do what everyone else does." I replied in a timid tone and held
back a sniffle "We move on."
"So, you expect me to act like you are not my whole world?" He raised his
voice as he ran his hand through his hair and made his muscles bulge out
"You expect me to act like I would not kill to put a smile on your face?"
I could not muster up a reply.
He leaned across the console so he was closer when he spoke indefatigably
"I will be back for you. Do not doubt that."
It slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it “Bye Lurch."
Stone's obsidian eyes widened infinitesimally before he smiled "You called
me Lurch."
I did not say anything more. I just focused on trying to pull myself away
from the truck and away from him.
"I am keeping you forever." He promised like it was inescapable "Nothing
is going to stop that. There is nothing you can do about it."
Chapter Fifty-Two
The ice cream parlour was quiet. The only sound in the place was little
Charlie next to me humming while he played with his new deck of cards
that he had won at an arcade game.
He was shuffling them and asking me to chose a card. I did what he said
and then he shuffled them again.
The little boy picked up a random card and showed me it with a grin "Is this
your card?"
"Yes. It is." I lied
Charlie cheered "I am the best magician there ever was."
"Yeah." I agreed before winking at Lana "I am sure if Penn and Teller
decide to make their duo into a three then they will come right your way."
Lana was sitting on the other side of the booth and it gave her the perfect
view to frown at me "I can not believe we are here. You should be resting,
I shrugged while picking another card from Charlie "I did not get out of a
hospital bed to go and lie in an another bed. Fresh air will be good for me."
"You are inside!"
"The last time I checked the air in here was not rotten." I rebutted while
taking another bit of my mint chocolate chip ice cream "I would rather just
get on with things. I do not want to be in bed just lying around thinking
about stuff. I will only drive myself crazy."
She did not look happy with my answer as she argued "You should be
resting. You were in a serious accident then unconscious for days. Also you
just lost your father."
"You were in an accident?" Charlie asked from beside me, his bottom lip
trembling and his eyes starting to water "Drizzy was hurt?"
"Of course not." I lied to the small boy while picking him up and putting
him on my lap.
I patted his back until he stopped crying and then I moved my ice cream
bowl closer to him
"Here. Do you want the rest of my ice cream?" I asked rhetorically.
My words seemed to do the trick because he smiled and nodded his head
Lana still did not look any less annoyed.
She started explaining with her hands moving around in the air "You can
not just act like nothing has happened."
"I am not doing that."
She argued "Yes. You are."
"I just want everything to go back to the way it was."
Her blue eyes widened as she spoke "Everything except you and Stone?"
I stayed quiet.
"I was wrong." Lana admitted, "I should not have said what I said about
All I could do was shrug at her "You were wrong about what you said. I did
not end things because of that though. I have my own reasons."
"Oh no." She exclaimed, "You are pulling an Ella."
My mouth opened and then closed before I sputtered "What the hell is
"It is your signature move." She explained "Every time you get hurt or you
are upset then you shut everybody out. Something bad happens and then it
is like you build your walls up so high that nobody can get in. You think
secluding yourself away from everything and going into your own little
shell will stop everyone else from sharing your pain."
"I-I do not do that."
Lana's head went to the side as she vocalised "When your mom passed
away, you did not speak to me for two weeks. You did not speak to
Maybe I did do that.
"He is better off without me." I told her about "He deserves—"
"Stop, Ella. You deserve happiness too" She scolded.
I shook my head because I was not going to change my mind. Not even
when that was all I wanted to do.
I was so unhappy. Everything felt so confusing. I had no idea what was
right and what was wrong. Nothing made sense.
"What is with your sudden change of heart about your thoughts on Stone?"
I asked with curiosity.
"I know that I said that stuff at the hospital and it was way out of line. I was
just trying to be the strong one for once. I am terrible at it." She explained
"You are the one that is strong. Not me. You have been looking out for me
pretty much my whole life. I tried to think about what you would do if I was
still dating an illegal street fighter and I felt lied to and betrayed."
I smiled at her sadly "If you did have a boyfriend like that then I would kick
his ass."
Her giggle was almost a snort "I am sorry but I cannot say I would do the
same. There is no way I would go up against Stone."
"He is a good guy, Lana."
"He is the best guy for you." She said, "That is why it is such a shame that
you are pushing him away."
"It is not as easy as that though." I mentioned "We kind of started this wager
where I have three days to give a real reason why we should break up."
"Only you two would do something as crazy as that."
"I have until midnight on Friday to come up with a good reason why we
should break up." I further elaborated "I am not changing my mind. He
should not be with me."
"So if you lose then what do you have to give him?" She questioned.
"Me forever. Apparently."
"That is just like something out of a film." She gushed and then asked, "Do
you really believe that if you do win that he is going to just give up and
I looked away "He will give up."
"He is not going to just give up." Lana told me like it was a statement rather
than an opinion "I think he will fight for you. No matter how long it takes."
Glaring at her dreamy expression, I pointed out "I am planning to win. You
are meant to be Team Ella."
"I am Team Ella." She responded with but then her expression went
sheepish as she started tapping her phone "Yet I do not support your
decision to be here. You should not be out and about. You should be in
Charlie was still on my lap as he sat and ate the remainder of my ice cream.
Once he had finished the whole bowl, he then grinned at me "Does that
mean you can be my girlfriend, Drizzy?"
"Of course it does." I replied while laughing at his cute little face.
Charlie got bored and started looking around the place. Just like the rest of
the pier, the ice cream parlour was decorated in Halloween decorations. All
things from orange and purple string to different spooky figures around the
His chubby finger pointed to the back of the shop "Look at the witch!"
"Did you know a long time ago in some places, girls were not allowed to
wear lipstick because boys thought witches wore it to make them fall in
"Really?" He looked up at me in amazement before motioning to the ghost
statue in the middle of the room "What about ghosts?"
A ghost fact comes to mind and I voiced it "I read this research paper where
fifty random people who had claimed to have seen a ghost, all said that the
ghosts loved the smell of lemons. That means that ghosts love lemonade."
"That is silly!" Charlie exclaimed with a laugh.
Lana looked bewildered "How do you know all of this?"
"I just read a lot. I guess." I shrugged.
Charlie was now looking over my shoulder in the direction of the front door
to the shop as he asked "Do you know any facts about giants?"
"Where do you see a giant?" I asked curiously because I had not seen one
on my way into the store.
I turned my head around and what I saw made my eyes widen.
"I know when a giant looks like that then he is about get very mad at people
that have green hair and are called Ella." I voiced as I began to hide in my
Stone sat down next to me. He was glaring at the table as he occupied the
whole space of the booth. His face was hard and his jaw was clenched. It
was scary how mad he looked. He met my eye and what I saw was that his
face was expressionless. Like he was holding back his fury.
"Fancy meeting you here." I nervously made a joke.
He did not answer. He glared and it gave away everything that he obviously
wanted to say.
Charlie spoke up from his place on my lap "Big Giant Man, Ella says that
she is my girlfriend now."
Big Giant Man as the little boy had called him was now glowering at the
back of the small human's head.
My attention goes went to Stone who was watching me unfalteringly.
I shrugged and attempted to smile at him "You did not specifically say I
could not go anywhere."
"You were in an accident. You are hurt." He snarled "I have made it clear
enough that I do not want you on your feet. Was it not a large enough hint
when I said that I needed to carry you out of the car this morning?."
"Not really." I deadpanned "I have a small feeling that if you had your way
then I would always be carried around by you or in your arms somewhat."
"Damn right you would be." He gritted out, his jaw ticking.
Looking anywhere but him, I reassured "I promise you that I am okay. I just
needed some air. I have been in that hospital room for days."
"Ella." He growled in warning.
I exaggerated a growl back "Stone."
He rested his arm behind me and leaned closer so I could feel how harsh
and deliberate his words were.
"You are injured." He spoke, his dark voice deepening "If I have to haul you
over my shoulder, drag you back and chain you to the bed until you get
better then you better fucking believe that is what I am about to do."
I should not have found that attractive.
I stole a glance at his lips that were set in their usual semi-permanent scowl.
Lana stood up from her seat in the booth and let out a hurried noise
"Charlie, lets go and get some more ice cream."
Charlie let out a happy cheer before Stone picked him up from my lap and
then deposited him on the ground.
The small boy and the blonde girl ran off to the ice cream parlour's counter
while faced the fiery wrath of the giant.
Stone scrubbed a hand along his face before he voiced "What are you
doing, Medusa?"
"It is none of your..." I began but then stopped.
I could not even finish my sentence because it did not sit well on my
He chuckled darkly "Finish that sentence."
I rolled my eyes at him and at the fact that I had subconsciously moved
closer to him. Close enough to see how many emotions swirled around in
the obsidian eyes.
"How did you know I was here?" I asked
"Lana." He answered while still appearing seconds away from picking my
body up and locking me away.
I sat in silence and wondered why Lana had told him that I was here.
"I am pissed off." He stated as his gravelly voice deepened.
"When are you ever not pissed off?" I challenged him while watching his
furious expression.
His jaw ticked a few times before he retorted "When you are happy and
"I am happy. I am having ice cream" I argued "Not so healthy though
because I have had four scoops."
Continuing to glower at me, he repeated himself "Go home. You are meant
to be on bed rest."
"I don't want to."
"I don't care." He said with a tone of warning "I am taking you back."
"No. You are not."
"Ella" He grumbled again, obviously furious at my stubbornness.
"I can not just sit there." I explained while looking up at him "I can not just
sit and think about everything. I will drive myself insane."
"You are driving me insane."
I tried to think of something that would make him leave. I took the last
resort and decided that the option I was about to do was worth a try.
I stuck my bottom lip out in a pout and widened my eyes to give him a
puppy dog look.
My lip trembling did not even get a chance to start because I ceased what I
was doing when he narrowed his eyes at me.
Stone cursed under his breath.
"You cheat, Ella." He growled again and I could feel his voice vibrate
through me.
"Please just leave me."
"I am never leaving you." He stated and waited a minute before he added
begrudgingly "I will let you make your own way back but you better be
going straight to bed."
"Thanks. How kind of you" I muttered sarcastically while ignoring my
stomach doing somersaults at the first part of his previous statement.
"You could have died." He raised his voice as he said it and I could feel him
start to shake "I could have lost you. You are lucky that I am letting you
leave my sight ever again."
I could see how worked up he was so I decided not to argue verbally.
"Medusa, you are going back."
"Yeah. Okay." I fibbed.
Lana and Charlie walked back over and that was when I stood up to meet
them. I looked back over my shoulder and seen the dark eyes watching my
every move.
It took all my energy to draw my gaze away from him and for me to tell
Lana "Lets go."
We walked along the pier. Away from the ice cream parlour and away from
him. Lana held on to my arm like I was going to fall over at any moment.
Charlie ran in front while waving his arms around like an aeroplane.
I turned to Lana and asked, "Why did you tell Stone?"
"Because you should not be on your feet!" She erupted and then she
softened her words as she talked again "He is so worried about you. We all
I shook my head while I looked at the sea "Can we go and grab some stuff
from my apartment?"
Her eyes almost popped out of her head as she spluttered "You can not be
"I just need to grab a few things."
We were almost at the start of the promenade when she let out a sigh and
she spoke again.
"Stone is not going to be happy about this." She vocalised and there was
almost a hint of fear in her tone.
"He does not have to know."
She tilted her head while agreeing "Fine. Just to get your stuff and then we
will head straight back or else I will call Stone again."
"Traitor." I murmured as we turned onto one of the streets taking us away
from the beach.
My whole body was hurting. It was mostly my legs that felt strained. The
hill up to my apartment was a challenge but I just tried to breathe through it
because I did not want Lana making a fuss.
I unlocked the door to the apartment and stepped in while dreading what
feeling would come with it.
Charlie ran past the both of us and jumped on the sofa. Lana looked around
as I stared at the carpet and focused on anything except the sensation in my
throat and my stomach.
The place had started to feel like home but now that was feeling was gone.
The small boy called from the other side of the room as he swung his legs "I
am bored."
Walking over to him, I unlocked my phone and passed it to him "You can
play on my phone until I have packed some of my things."
Lana and I made our war through to my room. I tried to keep my attention
centred on the floor while she gawked at the walls of my bedroom.
"He painted all four of your walls green." Lana pointed out before she
questioned, "Is that not too overpowering?"
I studied my fairytale green walls and had the urge to break down.
"You would think so but it is not." I shook my head with a small smile "It is
She nodded understandingly "I will pack some clothes for you. You get
what else you want to take."
"Okay." I quietly let out.
Her whole body stilled as she took in the sight of the unmade bed. She
turned around with a sheepish look on her face.
"Is there any love zones that I should avoid?" She asked with a red face.
"Love zones?" I repeated while my own face started to heat up.
"Is there?" She questioned while glancing at the headboard "Apart from the
"No." I said instead of the truth.
I was not going to tell her that she should not touch any wall, floor or other
surface of the apartment. I was not going to tell her that she should probably
just wait outside.
I sat on the bed and attempted not to think about anything else than what I
was needing to take. I threw my school stuff into a bag and some books
while I focused on the job at hand.
Lana was busy filling another bag with a few days worth of clothes when
she looked around and whispered "Do you hear voices?"
Staying quiet for ten seconds, I answered "No."
She shrugged before picking up the bag of clothes "I will go and see if
Charlie is fine."
When she left, I moved myself from the bed and onto the floor. I brought
my chest to my knees and took deep breaths. The walls did not seem as
bright or the right exact shade of green as I stared at them. I closed my eyes
after a while and let my head fall back onto the bed.
When I opened them again, I noticed something sticking out from under the
bed so I reached out and grabbed it. Pete the Second was lying there on the
ground. The stuffed panda that Stone had won for me after I went on the
Ferris wheel with him.
I sat the stuffed animal on my knees and bit my shaking lip before I
eventually picked myself up from the floor and dropped the panda onto the
bed. I picked up my bag and got ready to go.
Footsteps came from the door so as I zipped the bag with my school
supplies, I did not bother to look at who was there before I spoke "I will be
there in a second. I hope you never found any love zones."
I turned around and my eyes widened at who was standing there.
The person standing there took up the whole space of the doorway. His
head hung slightly low because if he rose to his full height then he would
hit the top of the wood with his head. He had his hand leaning on the door
and by the way his veins bulged, he was holding on tightly. His obsidian
eyes were trained on my bag with a scowl.
"How did you know?" I started playing with a strand of my hair to distract
myself from going to him.
"You are the worst liar." He mentioned with a scary frown "I called you to
make sure you were heading back and it was the boy who answered."
I raised a brow "Charlie?"
Stone nodded and his fist lightly tapped the wall in a rhythm "He answered.
Told me you were packing your things."
"It is for the best." I gulped after saying it because I did not think my lungs
were working properly "Please just leave me alone. I am just trying to make
this easier."
"Easier for who?" He retaliated in his demanding tone.
Running a hand through my hair and pulling it back from my shoulders, I
walked over to the door with my bag in hand "You need to let me go. I can't
He stopped me from leaving the room as his wide shoulders blocked my
path. His large hand reached out and brushed over my face. He moved a
green strand of hair behind my ear before his thumb flicked over my lip.
"I love you. Relentlessly." He rasped out "I am not going anywhere."
Silence fell between us. All I could hear was the sound of my heavy
breathing and if it was possible then the sound of my heart breaking.
He did not budge from his stance at the door. If anything then he appeared
to stand up taller and both his hands clutched each side of the doorframe
more strongly.
"Has anyone ever told you that you would make a great bodyguard?" I
remarked while peering up at him.
I bit my lip to stop from smiling.
The need to be close to him was so overwhelming that I could not linger
there any longer. I did not even have to duck to get under his arm and walk
right past him and into the living room.
Lana and Charlie arid up when they saw me. However, their attention did
not stay in my direction for long as they watched over my shoulder.
"I have everything I need." I lied "I am ready to go."
The three of us made our way downstairs but Stone still followed behind.
By the way that he slammed the door behind him was a sign that he was
still furious.
It was when we exited the building that Stone looked around before
exploding in rage "You walked."
"I am fine." I argued.
He saw right through my act because in one step he was right in front of me
while scolding in a low deadly tone.
"Is that why every step you are wincing? Is that why you are rubbing your
arms over your marks right now? Is that why your eyes look glassed over
like you are about to cry?"
I instantly dropped my arms to my side and looked up at his worried face.
"That is none of your concern." I said cruelly in hopes that he would leave.
Stone did not like my words.
Viciously yet gently, he hooked his arm around my waist and then placed
me over his shoulder effortlessly.
I was about to protest to him but the look of ferocity and savagery in his
eyes silenced me.
Charlie ran over to where we were and looked up grinning while handing
Stone my phone "Is it high up there, Drizzy?"
I did not reply because I was too busy matching the glare Stone gave me. I
could only send it to the back of his head because as much as I kicked my
feet in the air he would not let me down.
"I will be taking her back." He said to Lana before he rated his large hand
on my back and spoke to me "I am going to make fucking sure that you go
back this time."
Lana looked between us and tried to hide the small amused smile growing
on her face.
"I need to drop Charlie back home and he only lives a few blocks from
here." She excused "You two just go ahead. I will see you back at mine."
"He is going to kill me." I pointed down at Stone in faux horror.
He did not deny it. He just walked over to his truck and set me down before
opening the passenger door and helping me in. He then went to his side and
started the engine without a word.
A few blocks later and then he eventually spoke up, his voice not as strong
as before "Why are you doing this?"
I was doing it because I was a mess and not nearly good enough. I did not
deserve his efforts.
"Medusa, speak to me." He pleaded yet it sounded more like a command as
his rough voice rang out among the space of the car.
I looked at his dishevelled state and then when it became too much, I stared
out the window at the passing city.
"I do not need to give you a reason why until tomorrow. That is what we
agreed. Three days." I reminded him.
"I tried to give you space." He declared while his grip on the steering wheel
tightened "I almost crushed my phone to stop myself from calling you so I
could give you time. Then you go and do this."
"It does not matter" I whispered to myself
"This," He stated, his input harsh and an unbreakable promise "This is not
Stone was kind of like a Trojan Horse in a sense. He was large and
screamed danger yet I underestimated how big of a threat he was. He had
fought past my walls and he had taken down the barrier I had put up around
myself. I did not know if I could rebuild myself without him.
He had conquered me and if I was not careful then he was going to do it
Chapter Fifty-Three
"I am finished!" I exclaimed while throwing my hands up in the air and
giving my fingers a break from hitting the keyboard of my laptop.
Since Stone had dropped me off, I had been typing nonstop. It was a good
It turned out a good way to escape a world full of pain was to write a new
Lana shook her head at me with a small smile "I can not believe you have
wrote a whole book in two days."
"Not really." I argued but I could not help but feel slightly proud of myself
"I have had the idea stuck in my head for a year now. It just took me two
days to write it all down."
She rolled her eyes while sitting at the bottom of her bed "So what did you
finally come up with for the ending?"
The ending of the book took the longest time to write but I eventually got
there. Some things just needed time.
Throwing myself back onto Lana's neon pink pillows, I answered her "The
whole book is more of a sci-fi fantasy human experiment set in space. It is
all metaphorical for the nature of human beings so I left the ending open. I
hate cliff hangers as a reader but writing them are so fun. I feel kind of evil
leaving the ending where it is."
Her blue eyes blinked a few times before she replied "I love you but you
should know that I might not finish reading your book for like two years."
I laughed at her "I was not expecting you to. I do not expect anyone would
want to read it."
"Loads of people will want to read it. You need to give yourself more
credit." She scolded "You have worked really hard on this."
"I do not know what to do now." I admitted, "Now I have finished it, is it
just going to live in my drafts?"
Lana grinned in encouragement "Send it to some publishers."
"I can not do that!"
"Why not?" She questioned.
Shaking my head at her hopeful gaze, I explained "I have wrote the book
but I can not just send it away. It is not even edited."
"No doubt that you checked it as you went." She argued before she
mentioned, "Does publishers not have teams of editors to handle this sort of
"I am not sending anything away. I can't." I assured.
"Why not?" She crossed her arms and tilted her head "Are you scared?"
She was provoking me into sending it away. I knew exactly what she was
trying to do and I was falling for it anyway.
"I am not scared."
Lana mouthed "Sure."
Scowling at her one last time, I put my laptop back on my thigh and started
searching for a list of book publishers. I got up from the bed and scavenged
for a pen and paper before I started to make a list of emails and details for
different companies.
I then took my time to write an email before adding several publishing
email addresses to the recipient box. Some companies sounded familiar and
some did not but I added them all.
I read over my email again and then the panic of realisation hit me "I can
not do this!"
"Yes you can." She argued, "What is there to lose?"
Sitting back so I was leaning against her headboard, I sighed "Only my
She rolled her eyes. Then before I could blink, she grabbed my laptop and
clicked on the mousepad once. The little arrow had clicked on the send
A small scream left my mouth before I covered it in shock. I froze for a
second before I grabbed a pillow and threw it at Lana.
She turned the laptop around and showed me the screen where the email
draft was no longer there. It is too late for any takebacks.
Before I could even plan on suffocating her with a pillow, Mrs Armstrong
walked in and studied my shocked face and Lana's gleeful one.
"What happened?" The middle-aged woman asked, "Why does Ella look
like she is contemplating homicide?"
Lana replied, "I sent the book Ella wrote to about fifty publishers."
"That is great!" Mrs Armstrong cheered.
I reached for another pillow and covered my face with it then let out a groan
"What if they hate it?"
Mrs Armstrong leaned against the door "Then who cares? Loads of writers
get setbacks in their career. You can not just hold back and wonder what if."
"I guess you are right." I said quietly.
Switching her attention from me to her daughter, Mrs Armstrong voiced
"Your dad and I decided to postpone our trip. I know that you are probably
not going to—"
With a wave of her hands, Lana cut her off "I have not told her yet."
"Told me what?" I asked her then I questioned the woman at the door "Were
you planning on going on vacation?"
Mrs Armstrong replied first "We were just going to go away for the
weekend so the house was free but it is fine. We would much rather be here
for you."
"I am okay." I reassured both of them for the fiftieth time today "I just want
everything to keep going as normal."
Lana frowned "Mom and dad were leaving so the house was free. I planned
you a Halloween birthday party but that is not what you need right now."
"Maybe a party would be good." I said while keeping my voice deliberately
strong "A Halloween one, that is. I do not want anything for my birthday."
Mrs Armstrong smiled but she did not look convinced "Ella, you have just
lost your dad. It is still new. The funeral has not even past yet."
"I do not want to dwell on everything." I voiced "I will say my goodbyes at
his funeral on Thursday and then I will feel much better. Everything will go
back to normal."
"Are you sure?" Lana asked, still unsure.
Nodding again, I sent a pleading look to Mrs Armstrong "Please go on your
trip. It would make me feel worse if I knew I was holding you back."
The room went silent for a while and then Lana stood up from her bed and
walked to the door.
She turned back as she reached the door and said "I will go and get us some
snacks because we are going to watch some trash TV and stuff our faces."
Once she had left, I was back to randomly hitting buttons on my laptop. I
had nothing to distract myself from thinking about him. I had not stopped
thinking about Stone since he left but the book had kept me busy.
I shook my head and released a breath as I typed in the two words to the
search engine. It came up with a few results but I clicked the first one.
The background of the website was black with gold writing in the corner
reading Litora Bello. I scrolled past the information about the details of the
upcoming fight. The final of the season read as Vulcan versus Somnus.
I put it to the back of my mind because thinking about how the other guy
had to be just as good a fighter as Stone to be in the final scared me.
I eventually got to a collection of videos. They were all different highlights
of fights. I opened up the first one I saw with the name Vulcan in the title.
The dramatic music played over the fight. I watched as Stone and some
other guy circled each other before they both struck. The fighter that I did
not care about made the first move and it was a quick jab to the face. It did
not affect Stone but it was enough to make me gasp.
I noticed that Stone was slow to react at first. It was almost as if he was
trying to drag it out for theatrical reasons. Then he moved fast and deadly
like a cobra. He landed a blow on his opponent's ribs before making the
final punch to his face. It was powerful enough to break the other guy's nose
and maybe his whole face by the looks of the brutality of the blow. The
video moved in slow motion as the blood splattered onto the sand and the
guy fell to the ground.
After that video finished, I clicked on the next one and watched as the same
thing happened. Stone let the other guy get a few hits on him before
fighting back brutally and mercilessly.
Lana walked in with a packet of gummy bears then she sat down next to
me. She looked at the screen then at me.
I bit a gummy bears head off before glancing at her.
"Is it bad that I find him fighting really hot?" I asked shamefully "I do not
think he has lost any of these fights."
She giggled "You are so not winning this wager that you two have."
"It was never about this." I said while motioning to the screen.
Watching the fight, she tilted her head "I know that guy."
"Who?" I raised a brow at her before looking to see what the name of
Stone's opponent was "Bacchus?"
"His name is Hendrix Jones." Lana mentioned while still being transfixed
by the screen "He thinks of himself as rockstar. He had that song out that
went viral for being too explicit called I want to pop your cherry."
I eyed the mystery guy in the video. He did look familiar. He was brown-
haired and quite tall. Obviously not as tall as Stone because he was not the
height of the Empire State Building.
The very distinctive thing about the guy that Lana was watching
intriguingly on the screen was the large scar across his eye.
"It is funny to think that you thought you would end up with some nerdy
guy." Lana changed the subject quickly "How did you describe your future
husband again?"
"Curly hair and glasses. A cute little nerd." I laughed because I compared
that to Stone who could never be described as cute.
"And you are crazy for a guy that..." Lana laughed before trailing off.
I continued for her "Looks like someone you would not want to meet in a
dark alleyway? Looks like someone that should be on a poster for the death
penalty so criminals are deterred from committing a crime?"
She nodded while holding back a smile "Yeah."
We decided to put on some cringe romance comedy film but I could not
keep up with the storyline. My mind was somewhere else.
It was only when Lana lifted a finger and wiped away a tear in my eye that I
noticed I was crying.
"I am not crying." I attempted to lie while wiping away my tears "Like I
told you when we watched the notebook, I am allergic to your bedsheets."
Lana put her arm around me and pulled me to her so that my head rested on
her shoulder. I stayed there and watched the rest of the movie through
blurred vision.
I started to feel my eyes get heavier just when something made a buzzing
noise. I sat up and looked around for the source of the noise.
My phone on the bedside cabinet was lit up with the name Lurch.
I picked up the phone and stared at it motionlessly. I glanced at the time that
read exactly midnight.
"Answer it." Lana nudged me.
Watching until the call stopped, I shook my head "I can't."
"Why not?" She frowned "You need to stop torturing yourself."
"If I answer then I will miss him more that I already do." I told her before
muttering "If that is even possible."
Lana looked at the phone "You have a message from him."
The screen was still lit up with a phone call from him.
I answered it. I brought the phone in my shaky hand to my ear.
"Give me a reason." The gruff voice greeted me.
His words went over and over in my head.
"What do you mean?" I asked quietly.
"I need a reason why you are not in my arms right now." He grumbled; his
voice sounded too hoarse to be strong.
I could not speak. I did not know what to say.
"Three fucking days." He uttered hoarsely "That is all I can do."
"You know that is not the case." I mumbled into the phone "I'm not going to
change my mind."
"A bet is a bet and I will win." His voice broke as delivered his sentence "I
want my girl back. I want my Ella back."
My eyes closed and I let out a shaky breath.
"I'm really tired." I said into the phone.
A deep sigh left him before he instructed sternly "Please go to bed and
"Okay." I replied quietly.
"I love you." He rasped out before he ended the line.
I threw the phone onto the bed and covered my face with my hands.
I felt sick and I felt nauseous. I felt dizzy. It was like I was being pulled in
so many directions that I did not know what was up and what was down. I
did not know what was right or what was wrong.
Lana took a look at the phone then she focused back on me and asked
"What is the matter?"
"He thinks that my side of the bet is a Sisyphean one."
She adjusted herself so she was facing me before she questioned "You
really expect me to understand what that means?"
"Sisyphus was this man that betrayed the gods so he was sent to the
underworld. His punishment was that he had to roll a massive boulder up a
hill but every time he got up there then the wind would roll it back down. A
Sisyphean challenge can not be completed." I gave her a quick explanation
before I revealed "He thinks that he has already won."
Her eyes met mine and she tilted her to the side as she watched my tear-
streaked face.
"Has he not?" She asked.
Chapter Fifty-Five
Lana leaned to the side so she could whisper "He is going to result to
locking you up."
Stone had started a new approach which was to not speak to me. I did not
know if his silence was a part of some sort of plan but if I could take a
guess then it was probably because he was so enraged that I showed up at
I could feel the classroom walls close around me. All I could feel was his
stormy gaze on the back of my neck. It was so heated that it sent shivers
down my spine. It was enough to make me sit straight up in my chair.
It had not faltered since I had stepped foot in Mr Dankworth's classroom. It
was pretty obvious that me coming to school had pushed him too far and he
was now livid.
As the lesson continued, I finally turn around and faced his thunder-like
expression and I asked "How did you know that I was planning to come to
His fist that was resting on the desk clenched and unclenched but he did not
"Yesterday, he seen that you had a bag with all of your school stuff. We did
not think you would actually come though." Brennan's attention flickered
between him and me and then he spoke again "You should be at home."
I forced myself to turn back around in my seat when I replied "Not you as
well, Brennan."
That morning, Lana was not happy when I was up dressed and ready to go
to school. However after an hour of arguing she finally caved.
I wanted to press on with things and keep going. I was hopeful but I was
also practical and that is why I took the pain medication that Mrs Lewis
gave me so the discomfort was easier. It only helped a little.
Nothing more was said. Lana and I chatted between ourselves until the end
of the period bell rang. The noise made everyone stand up and hurry out of
the room to get to the cafeteria for lunch.
"Remember everyone that I want you to be revising your notes." Mr
Dankworth called and then added "Ella, can I have a word with you
I walked with Lana to the front of the class and nodded at her in reassurance
as she walked out the door.
Stone hesitated at the doorway and I could feel his eyes on me yet I did not
meet his gaze.
He left after ten seconds but by the way, his shoulders slumped it was
"Is everything okay, Mr Dankworth?" I asked once everybody had left the
The old teacher did not say a word when he walked around his desk and
embraced me in a hug. I put my arms around him after the shock of what
was happening dulled down.
Mr Dankworth pulled back and smiled then motioned for me to sit down.
So I did. I jumped up on the desk at the front of the classroom and sat
crossed leg on the wood.
"Are you feeling any better?" He asked while concern filed his old features.
I nodded and put on a smile "It is getting better."
"I tried to come and visit you at the hospital." He admitted before
explaining "I even lied and said that I was your godfather but they told me
there were too many people already in your room. There was one person
that was not willing to leave his place at your side."
My smile dropped and I did not have the energy to put it back on my face.
"That was really nice of you." I managed to keep my voice light as I spoke
"Very special treatment for just your student."
"Ella, I have been teaching for fifty years and I can say without a doubt that
you are my favourite student of all time." He informed with a grin "Ever
since you first came strolling into my classroom and told me all about your
theory that Lewis Carroll was Jack the Ripper because of two anagrams that
you found were similar."
I let out a laugh "I do not think you are allowed to say that I am your
favourite student."
He grinned again but then it fell as he looked to have remembered
something "You and Stone were not arguing about books or anything today.
Is everything okay?"
"We are not together anymore." I responded quietly.
"What!" Mr Dankworth's jaw dropped then he gently went on to ask "I can
only assume that it was you that called it off. There is no way on earth that
he would do such a thing. What happened?"
"I—" I began but he cut me off.
"Is this about Litora Bello?"
Gaping at him, I questioned "You know about Litora Bello?"
"Of course." He said while taking a seat at his desk "I should really thank
that young man. I have won a hundred dollars betting on him."
"It was not about that. I just—" I tried again.
"Is it because you two are slightly opposites from each other?" Mr
Dankworth was eager to talk before me because his words were rushed out
like he could not contain his restlessness "You have met my husband
before. Him and I are very different. Do not tell him but I resent him a little
for favouring movies over books. However I love him and I take him as he
I commented while laughing "What a monster."
He quickly changed back to the topic on hand "What is it that holds you
"It is hard to explain." I muttered before I gave him an analogy "Think of it
as Les Misérables. I am Jean Valjean and Stone is the bread. He is a
necessity. He is my lifeline but if I take him then that is only going to lead
to trouble. None of the conflicts would have happened in the Victor Hugo
book if the main character did not take the bread."
"That is one of the most wonderful yet weirdest analogies I have ever
heard." He laughed before he evaluated "So you are trying to say that you
are putting yourself through a hard time to avoid having to face it in the
future. You are breaking your own heart now to stop yourself from getting
your heart broke in the future."
"Exactly." I sighed
"You are not in the French Revolution. Nor are you in a book." He smiled at
me sadly as he spoke "The only person dictating your story is you, Ella."
We fell into silence until I stood up and walked to the door.
I turned back and told him "I will not be at school tomorrow. It is my dad's
"I am very sorry for your loss."
I nodded once and then swiftly changed the subject "I probably will not
come in Friday either. It is my birthday and I think Lana and I are going to
call in and pretend to be sick."
Mr Dankworth smiled "My present to you is that I will not tell the
"Thank you." I said as I matched his warm grin before walking to the door.
"Ella." The old man called before I could leave.
Turning back around, I tilted my head "Yeah?"
"I am your kindred spirit but I am not your soulmate." He chuckled while
referencing my inside joke with Lana "Your soulmate is the one who makes
you feel at home. Who challenges you and loves you for who you are. The
one that will never give up on you."
Embarrassed about the last thing he said, I rush out the door with an
awkward laugh.
I exited the classroom and found Lana leaning against the wall waiting for
"You did not have to wait for me." I mentioned while we started to walk
along the corridor.
"It was either me or Stone." She stated before letting out a small sound of
amusement "His words. Not mine."
I kept quiet as I was not sure how to reply to that.
Lana picked up on my awkwardness and tried to steer the conversation
away from him "I have got all the decorations for your birthday planned
"We agreed a Halloween party." I scolded her "I do not want anything
birthday based. No birthday balloons. No birthday banners—"
"No birthday cake?" She questioned with a mischievous smile.
"Of course I want cake!" I blurted out "What kind of question is that?"
She giggled and I joined in with her laughter until we both stopped as we
got closer to the lunch hall.
"I have to ask..." She said before trailing off.
"Do you want to be with him?" Lana asked slowly and tenderly before she
then went on to threaten "If you do not then I do not care how freaking
scary he is, I will tell Stone to go away."
As much as I would love to see that, I decided to be honest with her "I do. I
really, really do. I just cannot."
"Then you need to understand that I really, really want him to win this bet
that you two have because I want you happy." She expressed to me "He
makes you happy."
I changed the subject "Would you really tell him to go away if I asked."
She stayed quiet the sighed "Well..."
"I do not think he is one to mess with today." I mentioned while laughing
"He has not been in the best mood lately. He has been even more
irrationally angry."
"Of course he is acting irrationally." She replied "He can see that you are
hurting and you are not letting him be there for you. Also he sees that you
are trying to leave him."
I did not say anything else as we both crossed the cafeteria. The two males
were already seated at our normal table. The only abnormal thing was
Brennan had taken my seat.
I was both devastated and relieved. I could avoid my skin brushing against
his skin but with the giant sitting opposite me then I could not run away
from his gaze.
Stone was watching me from his seat. I was trying not to meet his eye but it
was pretty much impossible. His irises were like two black holes. They
were sucking me in and imprisoning me.
I stole a glance at him before I sat down.
Silence hung in the air between us and the tension could be cut with a knife.
I watched as Lana fiddled with her sleeve and Brennan looked between
Stone and me.
The large man across the table was still focused on me and the small gleam
in his eyes almost looked like longing.
Brennan coughed and decided to fill the quietness "I am genuinely scared
Stone is going to forget that it is not Ella next to him and he starts trying to
touch my leg."
All of the things I thought I saw in Stone's expression was now completely
gone as he sent a glare Brennan's way.
A new voice spoke as I felt someone sit down next time. The blonde
invader forced my body to move closer to Lana to make room for her.
Surprisingly, Lacey who was obviously there for her own agenda addressed
me "I am really sorry to hear about your dad."
I raised an eyebrow at her "Thank—"
She did not keep her focus my way for any longer. The blonde girl started
to speak across the table. At Stone. It was pretty clear that she had wanted
him for a while but I did not think she would move as quickly as she did.
My stomach dropped at the thought of them. I kept my eyes trained on my
hands that were resting on my lap. I tried to tune out of the conversation. I
really did not want to sit and listen to their conversation and think about the
possibility of Stone moving on.
Lana nudged me with her elbow before she leant close and whispered "Are
you really not going to stop this? She is shamelessly flirting."
I shrugged, twiddling my thumbs "I have no right to be jealous."
That did not mean that I was not.
Stone was not looking at her though. His undivided attention was on me.
Minutes passed and Stone and I were still in a heated eye lock. During this
time, Lacey kept talking but his stare was fixed on me and not once did it
Whispering in my ear, Lana asked "Do you think she likes him?"
"I don't know." I tried to sound unbothered but it came out more sad than I
intended it to be "There is only one way to found out."
I announced "The belly button theory."
"Oh no. Not one of your theories." She groaned "What is it?"
"The belly button gives away everything. It is the centre of you and it
gravities towards the person you like most." I explained in a hushed voice
"It is all about the body language. Your body naturally turns to the person
you desire the most. The person you feel most comfortable with in the
After I gave my theory to her, she leant forward so she could look past me. I
mirrored her stance and looked down near where the girl who was too busy
flirting's belly button should have been.
Lacey noticed our staring at her stomach and she narrowed her eyes at us
"What are you two weirdos looking at?"
Both Lana and I sat back in our chairs at the same time and acted like we
were not studying her body language.
"Her belly button was not facing Stone." She shared her side of the results
of our test.
"No. It was not." I agreed, not adding that what I had found out was that her
body faced more towards the other male at the table.
Her body gravitated towards Brennan who had not looked at her once since
she sat down.
I tapped my hands in a rhythm and attempted to ignore the unwavering heat
derived from the pair of eyes across the table. The irises still did not stray
away from mine as the intruder spoke again.
That time I had to listen to what she had to say.
"Do you have a type?" Lacey asked while continuing to exercise her finger
by twirling it through her golden locks.
A growl was heard and surprisingly it did not come from Stone.
"Lacey." Brennan said, his voice sounding like a warning.
The blonde girl went from flirty to an ice queen as she heard Brennan
speak. Her bluish grey eyes froze over like a lake as she sent a glare as cold
as glazier to him.
She ignored him and looked back to Stone before she asked her questioned
again "Do you have a type?"
Stone did not even bother to give her any attention when he spoke one word
"What?" The girl stumbled over her words, confused.
"Ella." He repeated.
Lana spat out the drink she had just taken and covered her mouth to stop
herself from laughing.
My heartbeat was pounding in my ears.
I ignored everyone else and whispered to Lana "I am going to go and get
some air."
She had already started to get up from her chair as she insisted "I will come
with you."
"No." I assured her while standing up "I will only be a few minutes."
My body was on autopilot while drifting through the hallway and away
from the scene. Everything ached and I did not lie to Lana when I said I
needed air.
Stone might not have responded to Lacey's advances but it was only a
matter of time before he did get with someone else. I could not think about
that. Let alone watch it.
I pushed through the double doors of the main entrance of the school and
then slumped down on the school steps.
In my peripheral vision, I could see someone sitting down beside me. He
watched me taking deep breaths in silence.
"Want to talk about it?" The quarterback asked.
Shaking my head, I kept looking ahead in the direction of the parking lot as
I muttered "Not really."
"I am sorry about your dad." He uttered softly.
I adjusted myself on the step so I was facing Chase. That is when I got a
good look at his face. His very bruised face. My eyes widened at the
massive dark mark of a bruise and the small long pieces of tape at the
bridge of his nose.
"You nose looks like a baboon's bottom." I commented before I asked,
"What happened?"
He chuckled while shaking his head at me "Your boyfriend happened."
"Stone did this?"
Nodding, he looked almost sheepish when he admitted "I kind of deserved
"What did you do?" I asked while leaning closer to see the severity of the
bruise and making myself a reminder to confront Stone.
"It was my fault." He replied "I turned up to your hospital room with
flowers. Then I made a couple of comments."
"Is your face okay?" I asked while wincing "It really does look bad."
"Thanks." He responded with sarcasm before explaining "He knocked me
out. It was a good thing I was at a hospital when it happened. He managed
to break my nose into eighteen places in one-go."
Not knowing what to say, I randomly blurted out "What flowers were
He laughed at me before answering "Roses."
"I love roses." I told him because I felt kind of bad for him and his face.
Chase frowned "I do not want you to hate me, Ella."
"I don't. I never did." I assured him honestly before adding "I have to admit
that you are not my favourite person in the world."
His frown contorted to a small smile "I am sorry for everything."
"I don't understand what changed." I admitted "You were once nice to me.
We got on really well and then everything changed as soon as we came
back to school."
"Everyone noticed how he never took his eyes off you as soon he started
Leavendale." He uttered and it was the most vulnerable I had ever heard his
voice "I noticed how you looked at him too. It was not as noticeable but I
could see it."
"So you thought that you would announce to the whole English class that
we were sleeping together?" I asked, "Did you want to mark your
"I did not want to be the joke of the school, Ella." He raised his voice
slightly as he spoke "Everyone knew that I liked you and you were looking
at someone else."
"So you think insulting me was the way to go about it?" I questioned.
"I don't know." He shrugged "I was just mad."
I tilted my head as I pointed out "Before Stone, it was not like we were
really together."
Chase focused on something else in the faraway distance like he could not
meet my eye as he uttered "You were the only person to care. All of my
friends did not. You were the only ever there for me when my mom up and
left. Sometimes, I just wanted to push you away because you were the only
person that I wanted to be there."
That all sounded way too familiar. It hit far too close to home.
He spoke again "It keeps replaying in my head the thought that if I stayed
with you and if I drove you home that night then you would not have got
hurt. You would have been okay and I—"
Cutting him off, I shook my head "It was not your fault, Chase."
"I am sorry." He said and his expression was completely apologetic.
"I am sorry, too."
"You are my only true friend, Ella." His lip moved up in a small sheepish
smile when he mumbled quietly "I need your friendship."
"I would like to be your friend." I replied before I smiled "What is it you do
with your other friends? Fist-bump?"
Laughing, he made a fist and met me halfway as I bumped mine onto his.
"If anyone asks you what happened to my face then it was at football
practise." He laughed as he told me "Also I don't want people knowing I
was in the hospital for it."
"Says the guy who I had to take to the emergency room because he
roundhouse kicked a beer bottle barefooted."
He looked around after our laughter died out and whatever he had seen
behind us made his eyes widened.
I already knew who to expect by the small flick of fear that ran over Chase's
Even from afar, I could feel how tense he was. How murderous his dark
eyes were. How clenched his sharp jaw was. How tightly his hands were
balled into fists.
His stance screamed dominance and deadliness. I imagined it was what a
volcano would look like before destroying a town and everything in its
"Go to him." Chase whispered "My face is too handsome to be smashed.
I stood up and walked towards him. I stopped right in front of him and
peered upwards while speaking quietly "Lurch."
His eyes softened instantaneously.
Then it looked like he was remembering something. He narrowed his eyes
at the person behind me. Any softness in his gaze that was on me was now
gone as his shoulders tensed once again. Both his hands formed fists and
clenched at his side.
"You love roses. Are you fucking kidding me?" He bellowed at me, hinting
that he had heard the whole conversation.
I said nothing.
He kept his voice void of any emotion and that was even more scarier than
him exploding "You can return the gesture by taking him roses to his grave
when I put him ten foot under the fucking ground."
"It was a joke." I defended.
"Do you see me laughing?"
Forgetting that I was meant to be pulling myself away from his embrace, I
reached out and put my hands over his clenched ones. After a second or
two, they relaxed and he intertwined his fingers with mine.
I did not look up at him while I sauntered around his huge form.
Walking down the corridor and leading him away from Chase for the sake
of the quarterback's safety, I did not let go of his hand. It was only when I
could feel him tense that I let go and swivelled around to face him.
"Say what you want to say to me because I can feel the anger radiate from
you." I challenged because if he hated me then he would let me go "Stop
treating me like I am going to break."
He made his way over my way to me in long threatening steps until I was
backed up against the locker.
His hands rest on either side of my head, leaving me entrapped. His
obsidian eyes were dark with fury. It was like looking into a dark sky as a
storm took place. His nostrils flared as his rage simmered on. Once he had
taken a deep breath then his preying unfaltering gaze set on me again.
"You punched Chase." I stated instead of asking "You broke his nose and
fractured the bone into seventeen different places."
"Eighteen." He corrected without an ounce of guilt.
"Why?" I challenged.
"You are mine. I will rip apart limb by limb anyone that thinks differently."
His tone came out hard and husky.
It was filled with undisguised and murderous jealousy.
My heart was a traitor. It clenched at the pain in his voice and the sight of
tension in his stance. My body too betrayed me as the way it was reacting to
him now was out with any of my control.
"Here is a reason we can not be together." I poked his chest as I stated the
obvious "You are a possessive caveman."
"You, mine. I, yours." He spoke like he was actually a caveman while his
lips pressed together in a scowl.
I bit back my minuscule amount of amusement and instead glared at him.
"I want to hit you with one of those prehistoric stick things with the spikes."
I ranted "The caveman club thing that I do not know the name of. I want to
bash your stupid face in."
He leaned closer so his nose brushed against my cheek until he moved to
my ear and huskily replied "Then why are you blushing like crazy and you
are biting your lip right now."
Gulping, I continued to try and slow down my breathing but nothing
seemed to be working.
His possessiveness and dominance should not have affected me in such a
way. Not when I was meant to be trying my best to push him away.
Finally, I managed a reply "You are pressed up against me. It is cheating. I
can not think properly."
His head moved back so he could study my face. His expression could only
be described as desperate as his gaze roamed every freckle and every detail
of my face. Almost as if he had not seen me in years.
"Medusa." His deep voice was barely a whisper "I belong to you. Just like
you belong to me. Why are you fighting that?"
I shook my head in reply to argue against what he was saying. The thought
behind my action was that if I shook hard enough the butterflies would stop
fluttering around in my stomach.
"You are forgetting something."
"What?" I asked, peering up at him.
"I am an Ella-expert." He reached out like he needed to touch me as he
affirmed "I know when you are lying and you are right now. If I really
thought you wanted space or for us to end for a while then I would give that
to you."
"Would you?" I said because I was not convinced he would.
"I would wait any amount of time for you." Stone rasped out "If that what
was I thought you truly wanted then I would. No matter if staying away
from you would kill me in the process."
I did not deny what he was saying because I could not.
Instead, I tried to move the conversation on in hopes that he would not
notice "I asked you for space yesterday and it was hardly five hours before
you showed up again. How is that space?"
"I have tried doing things your way but you do not play fair, Ella." His
voice grew deeper as he continued "You are walking around like everything
is fine. Like you are fine when I know better. You show up at school like
nothing has happened. You avoid me. Then I find you opening up to him."
"Chase and I were just talking."
"You can not expect me to sit back and watch that." He spoke in his
gravelly tone "I can not do that and I will not do that."
I stood on my toes and I tilted my head upwards so that he knew that I was
serious. I wanted to appear tall and strong yet I was lucky if my rant hit his
chin due to the height difference.
"I can talk to whoever I want whenever I want and there is nothing you can
do about it." I argued.
"Do not push me. You know that I go fucking crazy at the thought of you
with another guy." He growled in warning.
"This is ridiculous!"
He scowled and I scowled right back. That is when adoration made its way
onto his expression. His face was a perfect balance of anger and affection as
he stared down at me.
"Can I speak to Brennan without you going all Bruce Banner on me?" I
remarked sarcastically while crossing my arms "Or am I banned from
speaking to every male?"
"Every last fucking one of them."
I did not know if wanted to kick, kill or kiss him.
Infuriatingly, it was mostly the latter option but there were still urges to do
the other two swirling around in me.
Poking his chest again, I muttered "You are irremediable."
Stone let out a deep sigh of content as he continued to watch me silently. It
was only for a moment but it felt like much longer.
Then I manoeuvred myself out of his ensnare so I could scurry away.
Marching down the hall and away from him did not work because he was
already hot on my heels. He did not do anything except walk behind me
silently. I had a feeling that as his prey, he was playing with his food before
he pounced
I was proved right when I reached our table in the cafeteria because before I
could make it to my seat, he wrapped his arm around my waist and picked
me up.
He sat down in his seat and set me on his lap while ignoring my glare that I
was sending his way.
"Let me go!" I tried to escape from his lap but it was no use.
The giant was far too strong.
"You are mine." He grumbled with a clenched jaw "You are not going
I turned my head so I could give him my best-annoyed face before facing
the table again.
"You are really starting to sound like those seagulls from Finding Nemo." I
pointed out.
"Do not look at me like that, bro." Brennan said from next to us "I never
know what she is talking about."
I huffed as I looked around the lunch hall to find not a single person looking
at us. Some people took a small glance but never a second. Everybody was
acting like it was a normal occurrence.
"Under Californian law, a conviction for keeping someone hostage can
result in up to eight years in prison." I informed him.
His arms did not loosen around me. If anything then his hold grew stronger
as he moved me so that my back was leaning against his chest.
His voice, his scent and his warmth were messing with my senses. It took
everything in my being not to relax into him.
From the other side of the table, Lana was grinning our way. I interpreted
her expression as You want him and he is going to win this wager. Stop
fighting it
"Do not look at me like that." I told her while crossing my arms "My belly
button is not facing him."
Stone leaned closer until I could feel warmth tickling my neck as he spoke
"I think you being here on my lap contradicts your theory."
I tilted my head upwards until I could see his smug face as I questioned
"How do you know about the belly button theory?"
"Your blog."
I narrowed my eyes "That it is. I am going to kill you. I do not care how
good you can fight, I will destroy you"
Brennan chuckled "You two are something else."
Attempting to get up and getting nowhere, I finally resulted to asking
Brennan "Help me."
"No way." Brennan held up his hands and took a glance at Stone "What
even brought on this kidnapping?"
"I did nothing." I replied.
"You were speaking to Chase." Stone gritted out.
With a frustrated moan, I argued "I can speak to whoever I want. Again
there is nothing you can do about it."
"Oh no." Brennan exaggerated a shocked face as he asked "Little Ella, do
you want to be responsible for the end of the male race?"
"No. I just want to end Stone."
Stone pulled me tighter towards him until his warmth surrounded my body
like a blanket. He buried his head into the crook of my neck, nuzzling
himself into my skin and breathing me in.
For a few seconds, I let him stay there because I wanted to revel in the
moment. It was like nothing had changed. We playfully bickered and then I
ended up in his arms.
I tried to pull away as I voiced "We are not meant to be—"
A deep humourless chuckle cut me off.
"Do not pretend that we have not been together since the second we met
and do not pretend we are not together now." Stone said tyrannically.
His hand instantly moved up my back to just under my ribs. Chills travelled
through my body until they covered every inch of me.
I looked back at him until my gaze ran down his attractive face to his lips.
"Reason." He quietly grumbled, "Give me a reason why I should not kiss
you right now."
I still did not want to elaborate on the core reason so I lamely replied with
the first thing that came to mind "The height difference."
"What about it?"
"I am only going to admit this once. I am not five foot two. I am five foot
exactly." I told him before going on a rant "You are closer to seven foot. My
head barely reaches your chest. You are still way larger than me now when I
am sitting on your lap."
His mouth moved up in a small amused smirk.
"Do you not think that looks ridiculous?" I asked before I elaborated "You
are way too big."
He put a hand under my chin so I had to look over my shoulder at him.
"I would not change anything about you." He told me, his deep voice strong
"Not one single thing."
With a final once-over of his features, I faced the other way and did my best
to run away. It was another failed attempt.
The pattern was that I pulled away and he pulled me back twice as hard.
It was draining me. I was fighting so hard for something that was the exact
opposite of what I truly wan
Chapter Fifty-Six
The priest finished the service. His whole speech was filled with religious
thoughts and lovely words yet as he delivered them, his face remained
completely emotionless.
I could not help but think that he would have gotten on well with Stone.
Everything went silent in Willow Cemetery. I stared down at the open plot
of land where the coffin would be lowered. The same piece of land under
the tree where my mother was buried.
"Is it too late to tell you that my dad was Buddhist?" I deadpanned to the
priest, in an attempt to ignore the feeling that came along with looking
Grumpy Priest almost looked like his jaw was going to drop. However, his
face remained passive even if I was insinuating that his whole speech meant
"I am sorry." I quickly said "That was a bad time for a joke. I usually do
that when I feel uncomfortable or sad or anything really."
Lana let out a small laugh from next to me.
She had told me that morning that she wanted to be there for me. I did not
say anything to object because I knew that I could not have faced the
funeral on my own. I was so grateful that she was there and very grateful
that she had let me borrow a dress to wear.
I figured that wearing an AC/DC t-shirt was not appropriate for a funeral.
"Is there anything you would like to say?" Grumpy Priest asked while
motioning to the coffin that had not been lowered into the ground yet.
"It was me at the school trip to the science museum in seventh grade that
threw the planet Uranus at the teacher." I vocalised "It was not Lana. Even
though I insisted it was."
"You told him it was me?" She spoke in an accusing tone.
I sheepishly smiled at her "It was not a big deal."
"You knocked the teacher out unconscious!"
Shaking his head, Grumpy Priest coughed and then interjected "I have
never heard something quite like that for parting words before."
An arm wrapped around my shoulder and Lana squeezed me tighter to her
before she said in a hushed voice "You should say something."
"I have no idea what I want to say."
"Speak from the heart." Lana whispered, "Say how you are feeling."
I studied the tree that was shaking in the wind and I watched as some leaves
off the branch fell onto the grass and gravestone
"I have no idea what I am feeling. I do not know what I am meant to feel." I
uttered an I finally allowed myself to be honest "In the last year of his life
we were strangers."
Lana started to talk again and her tone went softer "He was your dad and—"
"He was but I have no clue if this was what he would have wanted." I cut
her off and began to ramble on "Did he even want to be buried next to my
mom? Did he even want to be buried at all? I feel like I am doing
something wrong. Like this is all wrong."
She gave me another gentle squeeze as she responded "He loved you, Ella.
He would have loved anything you decided."
"Why does everything feel so wrong right now?" My question was barely a
"It has not even been a week since you were in an accident. Since you lost
him. You need to let yourself grieve."
"I have." I tried to argue.
"No. You have not." She spoke and it was like she was peering into my soul
"You have handled it so well. Too well. I am worried about you. We all
All I did was nod at her because I did not have the strength to pretend that
everything was okay. That I was okay.
The name that was now engraved into the same headstone as my mother's
stared up at me and I stared back at it. Then I noticed that the priest was still
standing there.
"Thank you for the lovely service." I smiled gratefully at him and hoped
that he took the hint that I was done with the service.
He nodded once "I wish you well, Miss Miller. I am sorry for your loss."
"Goodbye, Grumpy Priest." I waved mindlessly.
My eyes widened when I noticed what I had just said but he was too far
gone so all I could do was laugh. Lana laughed too but hers was more
"I do not have a family anymore." I spoke aloud but more to myself.
"Yes you do." Lana assured me before continuing "You have so many
people that love and care about you."
I shook my head "I never let anyone close enough to care. I have only ever
trusted one person in my life."
Pretending to glare at her, I could not fight back the smile as I giggled "You,
Lana did not sound upset or offended rather more curious when she
questioned "Then why did you choose to tell Stone about your dad and not
"Have you met him?" I asked rhetorically before telling her "He is a little
"So you are telling me that you the most stubborn girl in the world just gave
in to him?" Her voice was dripping with disbelief as she kept going "Ella, if
you truly did not want him to know then you would not have told him. You
told him because you trusted him. You trust him."
I did not give her a reply. I just continued to look at the ground as if the
answer to everything would appear written in the grass. Or as if the ground
could swallow me whole so I did not have to deal with everything.
Moving the hair that the wind had swept onto my face, I uttered "I think I
need some time alone."
She pulled away so that she was standing in front of me before she smiled
and replied "I will go wait in the car with my parents."
Nodding, I smiled back at her before giving her a last hug "Thank you."
Sometimes I wished that I could live in a library for the rest of my life.
There I would be able to escape everything and everyone. In among the
pages of a book, I could forget my troubles and the world.
Someone enveloped my hand with their own. Someone that was not Lana.
A hand that was too large. Too calloused. Too like the man that I loved's
My fingers intertwined with his unconsciously. It was against any rational
thought. It was all biological. The need to be close to him. Every cell of
mine wanted to touch him. I had even made the action of moving close to
him so the side of me was pressed up against him.
We stood like that for a few minutes before I finally looked up at him.
His hard chiselled features were much softer and his eyes told the same
Stone began to speak in his husky voice "Ella, I—"
I let go of his hand like it had burned me and I forced myself to take a few
steps away from him.
I really did not want his pity so I rushed over my words as I walked away "I
do not want to talk about it."
The gravelled path led me past a few rows of graves before I let out a sigh
of exhaustion. I hated to admit it but my body was still extremely sore.
Sometimes I could feel tired after doing the smallest of things. I did not
know if that was because of the side effects of the medication or from lying
to everyone about how I was not in pain.
Halfway down the path, I saw a small memorial bench that just the sight of
made the ache in my legs worsen. I slumped onto the seat and let out a
small breath.
It was only a couple of seconds before a large body joined me on the bench.
"I never cried when my parents died." His deep voice filled the space
between us.
"Why didn't you?" I asked softly, as the image of him being hurt tugged at
my heart.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Stone's attention flick to my marked legs
revealed because of my dress. He then looked at my face and it caused heat
to rush to my cheeks.
"It was not that I was not upset. I was bitter that they had been taken from
me. Instead of grieving in a conventional way, I took every emotion and
converted it into anger. As a kid all I knew was to deal with things with my
fists." He explained before revealing "Sometimes I thought that was all that
I would feel."
I finally looked up at him and I shook my head to dismiss that Idea "That is
not true."
His lip moved up slightly as he stared down at me softly.
"No. It is not." He confirmed as his eyes remained on me
"Does it get any easier?" I asked before elaborating "Losing someone. Does
the pain get any easier?"
"It is always there. It might not lessen but you get stronger. The world keeps
going around and you go with it."
A deep exhale later and I admitted "I do not know if I will ever get over
"You are the strongest person I have ever met, Medusa." He again reached
out and laced his fingers through mine as he told me "You will."
Motioning to his arms and the general muscle mass of him, I joked "I doubt
His attention never withered away from my face. I rubbed at some dirt that I
had got on Lana's dress in an attempt to distract myself from the way that he
watched me.
"It is okay for you to feel lost and confused, Ella." His voice went hoarse as
he pronounced his words "Please just talk to me."
I did not know what to say so I stayed quiet.
"I never understood my fathers death." Stone filled the silence as he
confessed his own hardships.
"You said that he died of a broken heart." I spoke as I remembered what he
had told me at the beach what seemed like ages ago.
"I never comprehended how someone could die of heartbreak." He revealed
and then his tone went deeper as he added "Then I saw you in that hospital
bed and I understood. I got it completely."
I never spoke. I feared that I would burst into tears if I even muttered a
He moved his bulky arm so that it rested on the bench behind my back. It
seemed like he was scavenging for contact and he would accept anything
that I would give him.
"I am sorry about yesterday at school. I should not have acted like that." He
apologised before he sighed "I never want to lose control with you. Never
with you."
"You don't have to be sorry." I told him while meeting his eye so he knew
that I meant it "I would rather you told me what you really thought and how
you really felt instead of bottling it up and staying silent."
Stone's deep gravelly voice went husky when he replied "I never wanted
you to see that side of me."
"Is that why you never told me about Litora Bello?"
He nodded, gazing at me with so much longing to touch me that I almost
I turned my body so that I was facing him while I told him "Stone, I wanted
you. I wanted your truth. No matter how ugly or angry it was."
His whole large frame tensed and he quietly grumbled "Past tense?"
Of course not, I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, I want you
forever, too.
We fell into a comfortable silence again. He gently stroked my hand
occasionally to let me know that he was there. I did not need that to know
he was there. My body had an inbuilt sensor for him. My heartbeat
increased and my stomach fluttered.
The fuzzy feeling all over me was enough for me to know he was there.
I was glad that he was next to me. I needed him more than I cared to admit.
"You never told me your theory about the afterlife." He asserted while
continuing to study my expression.
"I think it is subjective. I think everything in life is subjective." I began by
explaining "The world is how someone perceives it. How we look at
something is so different to others. If I asked you what colour that tree was,
you could say blue and who am I to tell you that you are wrong. The world
could be black and white for all we know and it is us that chooses to see it
in colour."
"So you believe nothing has an answer?"
"Everything is subjective. That is why I make theories because nothing can
be proven." I stated before challenging him "Try and name something that
cannot be argued against."
His gaze was solely on me when he answered "That I love you. Who is
going to argue against that?"
"Nobody." I whispered into the air before adding "Probably because
everyone is too scared to argue with you."
"That priest looked scared shitless when he seen me."
I smiled at myself as I imagined Grumpy Priest seeing an even grumpier
giant enter the graveyard.
"He probably thought you were the grim reaper." I joked.
He chuckled and shook his head with a hint of a smile.
I looked down at our entwined hands and what I saw on his hand made me
gasp. I yanked his hand with the bloodied and bruised knuckles closer to
my face so I could inspect them.
"What happened to your knuckles?" I rushed over my words and glared at
the bruises "Do they hurt?"
Stone tried to remain serious as I glared at him for hurting himself but I
could see the smirk fighting to take over his face.
"Yes." He spoke as his lip twitched "They hurt."
"Are you lying to me?" I asked as I dropped his hand hesitantly.
"Yes." He replied and scowled as I pulled my hand away from him.
The moment where we were both so close and so interested in looking at
each other's mouths was far too intimate for my liking so I stood up and
pulled at my dress as I did so.
Remembering that Lana was in the car with her parents that were waiting
for me so they could get to the airport gave me enough strength to pull
I had finally convinced both of them and Lana that I was fully up for the
party that she was throwing.
"I can't do this, Lurch." I crossed my arms over me because I started to feel
a bitter chill in the air as I spoke.
"We do not have to talk about this right now." He told me strictly.
I looked at him as he sat on the bench with slumped shoulders and his head
hanging low and fought the urge to crawl on his lap and cuddle him.
I shook my head and argued, "We do have to talk about this."
"I will change your mind." He spoke determinedly as if my fate had already
been sealed "No matter how long it takes."
There was nothing to say so I turned on my heel and headed in the direction
of the main gate of the cemetery.
From behind me, I could hear the sound of rustling leaves and the sound of
a rumbling that most likely came from a huge chest.
My feet came to a stop at the corner of the road where Lana's parents' car
should have been.
It was not there. Instead was a very familiar motorbike.
Ignoring the presence behind me, I fetched my phone out of my bra and
angrily tapped my phone.
The phone rang as I brought it to my ear and waited for Lana to pick up.
"Leaving me in a graveyard?" I tutted into the phone "What kind of low-
budget horror film move is this supposed to be?"
"I had to get back to the house to get suitcases. Mom and dad's flight is in a
few hours." She gave as an excuse.
"Why don't I believe you?" I rebutted.
"I know that you need him." Lana delivered gently "Stop running because
you are scared."
I bit my lip and breathed through my noise.
"Please don't hate me." She blurted out before hanging up the phone "I love
With my arms still crossed, I took a deep breath before facing the giant and
huffing "I'm kind of stranded."
A frown was etched onto his features and his jaw was ticking as he watched
me. His fingers twitched at his side. He took a few long steps to his bike
and handed me the smaller helmet that he had bought.
I took it and accidentally our fingers brushed. Sparks flew up my arm and I
almost jolted at the sensation.
No words were passed between us as both his hands went to rest on my
hips. My gasp at the contact could probably have woken the dead.
His eyes were on me but mine were looking straight ahead at his stomach.
He lifted me onto the bike before getting on himself.
My fingers shook as I wrapped my arms around his middle. He revved the
engine as I pressed up against him. I heard a deep sounding noising like an
intake of breath as I did so.
I clung to him as if my life depended on it.
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Pathetic fallacy is the technique used in literature where the writer
purposely makes the weather a certain way to reflects the character's mood.
It hardly rained in California but when it did, I sometimes liked to believe
that someone out there cared. That it was not just me on my own.
The rain was batting on the window. It had been since Stone left. I watched
the raindrops fall for a while until I ended up fishing out an old photo album
from my father's bedroom.
I sat on the sofa with a mug of hot chocolate while taking a painful trip
down memory lane. All while restraining the urge to break down once
Just when I started to feel my chest become heavy, a single loud knock
came from the door. Loud enough that I almost mistook it for thunder.
I shut the book of photographs and stood up to walk over to the door.
I suspected that it was Lana as I made my way across the living room. She
had been probably worried about me being by myself even if I insisted I
was fine. I told her that I needed to face the apartment and the memory of
him eventually.
Opening the door, I held onto the handle tightly as I took in the sight of
him. Of the person I wanted it to be.
"You came back." I uttered in shock.
"I never left." He replied as his eyes trailed from my head to toe and then
Stone looked devastating. His veins bulged from the muscles in his arm as
he ran a hand through his wet hair. His shirt was soaked. So wet that I could
see the outline of his abs.
I did not waste any time.
I took a step closer to him and put my weight on my toes as I reached up
and pulled at his damp leather jacket so he would move down closer to me.
He did not need the pull because he was already moving closer. I reached
up and let my fingers roam through his hair as I smashed my lips onto his.
A moan escaped me as his tongue flicked over my lip and caressed my
senses. He took over and dominated instantly. His mouth rediscovered mine
as his hands stroked down my body until they gripped themselves onto my
hips, lifting me up.
The noise of his deep grumbles in his chest showed how much he needed
me. He pulled me closer than close as we continued to show each other how
much we had missed this. Missed us.
We ended up on the sofa without parting ways. We could not let go of each
other. I clutched at him desperately and he did the same.
I was straddling him as he bit my lip and roamed his fingers through my
hair. My hands went to grip his shirt as I fisted the wet material so I could
push myself up because I wanted to taste all of him. We both were
imprisoned by each other and there was no need for anything else. Just each
He then gently pulled back from me as he rasped out "Ella. Stop"
I did pull back but I did not let go of my grip on his shirt.
"Fuck. I should not have done that." He cursed while running a hand
through his hair again.
"I am sorry." I said while both my hands laid flat on his chest as I pushed
myself back "I get it. You do not want me anymore."
One of his arms wrapped around my waist tightly so he could keep me on
his lap. The other he used to hold my chin with his hand so that I would
look at him.
"What," He let out deeply and lowly "did you just say."
"You...You do not want me anymore." I breathed through the pain "It is
"Now wanting you is like not fucking breathing." He gnarled "It is
I did not meet his eye so he cupped my face and gently forced me to look at
"I always want you. I never stop wanting you" He quietly growled before
softening his voice until it was hoarse "You are grieving. I am not taking
advantage of that."
That is when it hit. There was no rhyme or reason to it. All of the pain
escaped from me and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Large sobs
made their way out from me and I could feel the tears running down my
Stone pulled me closer and put his large arms around me so that my face
was buried in his chest. He let me cry into his shirt until it was soaked even
more than it already was. He ran his hand through my hair comfortingly and
continued to whisper sweet nothings to me as he kissed my head.
When I eventually felt like there were no more tears left in me, I peered up
at him so my forehead rested against his.
"Medusa, baby." He whispered, "Talk to me."
My bottom lip trembled as I explained "I spent the last month or so of his
life hating him. We never once had a nice conversation. It was arguing or if
it was not that then it was just us ignoring each other."
He wiped my tears away with his two thumbs "He knew that you loved
"How do you know that?" I asked while doubting that he had as my vision
became unclear "A naive hopeful part of me thought that he would come
back. That he would get over it and get better. That we would make
amends. I will never get that time with him."
Stone just kissed my head as I continued letting everything out.
"I will never get that time back." I repeated before hurrying over my words
"I will not have him over for Thanksgivings or Christmases. I will not have
him walking me down the aisle if I get married. If I have kids then they will
never have a grandfather. I will never be able to rebuild my relationship
with him."
I continued to cry into him and he let me. I did so until my throat started to
hurt and until my neck was soaked with tears.
I stood up quickly from his lap and wiped my eyes for the final time.
"I am going to go and have a shower." I announced before hurrying away
from him before he could argue.
Locking the bathroom door behind me, I leaned against the wood and let
out a pained sigh. The reflection on the mirror above the sink showed that I
looked just as bad as I felt.
My eyes and nose were red. My already long enough hair reached my
elbows and was long overdue a cut.
The dress that Lana let me borrow hit the floor as I rushed to get out of my
clothes and into the shower. I washed my body and paid closer attention to
scrub gentler the marks that were still visible from the crash.
After I felt kind of fresh again then I wrapped a towel around my chest and
walked over to the cabinet under the sink.
The pills that Mrs Lewis gave me at the hospital were there with some other
medication. I took two of mine and ignored the advice of taking one
because everything hurt.
Then I noticed in the first aid box that there was some cream that we had
for cuts.
Once I had finished up in the bathroom, I took myself and the cream
through to the bedroom. I sat down on the edge of the bed before I hoisted
one of my legs on the mattress to apply the cream.
I only got a couple of cuts covered before Stone walked in and seen what I
was doing.
He quickly made his over to the edge of the bed before kneeling down and
taking over my cream applying. He put some on two fingers before gently
rubbing it on my legs. While he did so, I tried adjusting my towel so he did
not get an eyeful down there. It was not like he had not seen it before but it
was not exactly the sexiest scene at that moment.
However, he did not pay any attention to my exposed thigh and only
concentrated on his job at hand.
"Do they hurt?" He questioned, sounding wounded himself.
There was no point in lying to him because he could see that I was wincing
so I nodded.
After my answer, his head never looked up as he kept on covering my legs
with the cream.
After a minute, I quietly voiced "Lurch, I am so sorry."
"I need to know why you are doing this." He told me as he met my eye with
desperation in his own.
As well as deflecting the conversation, I wanted to cheer him up so I
decided to list more humorous reasons rather than the truth.
"My reason is that your car and motorbike take up two spaces outside of my
apartment." I voiced as I managed to smile at him
Stone looked up and watchesd me with a softness in his gaze "You love that
motorbike more than I do."
My lip twitched and I tried again "You take up all the space on the bed with
your wide shoulders."
"You sleep on me." He rebutted with a hint of a small smirk on his face.
As I rolled my eyes I then thought of another thing "You always need fed.
You eat everything in the fridge."
"You always steal from my plate."
"Another reason is you annoy like me nobody else. Only you can get so far
deep into my skin." I laughed as I spoke.
He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear with his hand that had not got
cream on it as he retaliated with "I have always annoyed you. Just like you
have always got under my skin, Drizella."
"My name." I gave him another stupid reason "You always say my name to
get a rise out of me and wind me up."
The giant had a full smirk on his face as he replied "I like your name."
"Well I do not like yours." I lied "Stone is a stupid name."
He ceased applying the cream on my legs and he tilted his head with a look
of adoration on his face.
"You better get used to it." His rough voice deepened as he informed me
"You will be taking it."
I choked on the air.
"Just tell me the truth." He begged, "I cannot fight for you if you do not tell
me what I am fighting."
Taking a deep breath, I revealed "The truth is that I love you too much. I
love you more than I have ever loved anyone."
He rose on his knees so that he was towering over me as he asked "Then
why are you doing this?"
"It is scary to have someone have your heart in their hands and trust them
not to crush it." I whispered "It is scary to need someone. To love them. To
rely on them not leave you."
"I will never leave." He gritted out while sounding offended that I would
say such a thing.
"I am not going anywhere, baby." He stated while cupping my face once
again "You will never lose me."
I closed my eyes so I did not have to look at him as I spoke "I do not know
exactly why my mother chose to end her life but I know that she felt
trapped. She sometimes looked at me with resentment. My dad too looked
at me that way after she died. I never want you to wake up and feel that
towards me too. I never want you to feel stuck with me."
"How could you think that. I—" He began to raise his voice.
I cut him off by shouting "You are going somewhere. You are going to
make it big with your fight club."
"Ella. Look at me." He demanded in his dominant tone "It is nothing. Not
compared to you. I would choose you over anything. No matter what the
other option was."
"You should not have to make a choice." I said before explaining "You have
a destination. The same cannot be said about me. I have no place to go and I
feel so lost."
His hands fell from my face and gripped the bedsheets on either side of me
so that I was surrounded by him.
"You have just lost your dad." He said, "You need time."
"I have lost everybody." I sighed, my breath shaking "I can not go through
that again. Especially not with you. I will not survive it. I need to let go
while everything is still raw so I do not have to face someone leaving me
"You are trying to leave me." Stone growled before sending me a look of
dark promise my way "Trying being the key word of that sentence. Your
reason is not good enough. I am not leaving. I will never leave you. I do not
care how many times I have to say it until you get it into that beautiful head
of yours. I am not going anywhere."
"It does not matter." I mentioned, "After tomorrow at midnight, it will not
He moved back and shock clouded his defined features as he asked "You
really thought that I was just going to give up after that? And what? Walk
My eyes widened as I argued "You said it yourself. A bet is a bet."
"You still have not gave me a good enough reason!"
"I just did!" I rebutted but my voice was weak.
"No. You did not." He grumbled before his voice grew deeper and his
expression contorted to hurt "Did you really think that I was just going to
give up after tomorrow?"
I could feel my eyes start to water again so I tried to focus on something
else. Nothing worked. Every corner of my room was filled with him. All
walls were coloured in that certain shade of green.
"I am really tired." I said as I stood up and left him kneeling on the floor.
He stood up too and his arms went out like he wanted to reach for me. He
restrained himself and made tight fists at his side.
"I will take the sofa." He told me before taking a last long look my way and
then leaving the room "If you need anything at all then just tell me."
Changing into my pyjama shorts and tank top, I started to feel a little off-
balance and suspected that taking two of the pills Mrs Lewis warned me not
to was not such a good idea.
I pulled back the sheets and got inside the bed. I pushed down the feeling of
I did not lie to Stone. I was tired. Yet as I laid on my bed, I was wide awake.
I tried switching position on the mattress but nothing worked. I let my arm
stretch out as I reached for something that was not there.
Huffing, I jumped up from the bed and sauntered through to the kitchen in a
desperate exigency to be in his arms.
Stone was leaning haunched over on the kitchen counter, gripping the edge
of the marble countertop with his veiny hands. He had taken off his wet
shirt because he only stood in his jeans.
He only noticed that I was in the room when I made my way over to him
and wrapped my arms around his middle. I rested my cheek on his bare
"Come to bed." I pleaded.
Carefully he turned around so my arms still remained around him. He stared
down at me before lifting me up so we could be face to face.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and then I let my arms cross behind his
neck so that I could rest my head on his shoulder.
"I do not want this. I do not want to win this wager." I admitted while
holding on to him with all the strength that I had left in me "I do not want to
lose you."
"You won't." He reassured me before leaving a soft kiss to my ear "I love
you, Medusa."
"I love you too, Lurch." I spoke before yawning.
He gave my exposed neck soft gentle kisses which left goosebumps on the
skin while he carried me back to the room.
Before he could say anything more, I closed my eyes and relaxed into him
with a content s
Chapter Fifty-Eight
There was no evidence that the rain had been. It was like it had never
happened. Even in the morning, the sun scorched itself through the clouds
and shone down on the streets.
I took long hurried strides across the road to Lana's street. I counted how
many steps it took to get to her house to distract myself from thinking about
the look on Stone's face when he noticed that I was gone.
I wondered if there was such a thing as a walk of cuddling shame. If not
then I had invented it.
Two hours was how long it took to pull myself away from him. Half that
time was spent on manoeuvring myself out of his death-grip hold and
replacing my space on top of him with a pillow.
I did not want to leave but I could not face him. My last thought before I
left was that I was grateful that he was lying on his back. If I had even a
glimpse of the medusa tattoo then I would not have been able to leave.
The Armstrong's house came into view and I fastened my pace the last few
yards until I arrived at the cobbled path up to the front door.
Lana was already outside and she was not alone. Brennan was standing
there with his back to me as both of them continued their conversation.
They both had not noticed me standing there.
I watched as Lana fiddled with the bottom of her sundress as she uttered
under her breath "I understand. We were never really going to work out. I
kind of knew that from the start."
Brennan nodded his head "I wish I could have loved you."
I had a theory that Brennan was just as secretive and standoffish as Stone.
He just hid it much better with his charm and charisma. I always felt there
was something he was holding back.
"I wish I could have loved you too." She said back to him with a small sad
Lana then noticed me. Her eyes went wide as she saw me standing there
sheepishly. Brennan turned around to see what had her so shocked. His face
remained passive as he offered me a small wave.
"Sorry." I quickly apologised before motioning behind with my hand "I can
circle the block if you two want to keep talking."
"It is fine." She waved off the idea before skipping over in my direction and
embracing me in a hug "Happy birthday."
"Happy halloween." I replied because I really did not feel like celebrating
my birthday.
Brennan was quick to move and hug me too as he said "Happy birthday,
Little Ella."
I pulled away and smiled up at him "Thank you."
He then looked around over my shoulder like he was looking for something.
More accurately someone.
"Where is Stone?" Brennan asked with a frown.
There was no point in lying because he had obviously realised that if Stone
was not at the Lewis' then he was with me.
"Sleeping." I answered vaguely.
The frown on Brennan's face deepened as he questioned "You left without
telling him?"
"He was still sleeping." I tried to argue "Which is unusual because he is
usually awake by the break of dawn."
Brennan scrubbed his hands over his face as he told me "That is because he
has not slept in days. He is so worried about you."
"I know—"
"Ella, he is miserable without you." He stated before he explained "He
trained all the time anyway but now it is terrifying how much he does. He
broke his phone to stop from calling you. He has shattered a mirror with his
fist and damaged his knuckles. He split open a punching bag. He has
trashed his room and he destroys everything that comes into his path
because he is miserable."
All I could do was look down and bite my trembling lip. I told myself that I
was not going to cry again so I took a deep breath.
Lana was the one to speak up as she raised her voice at him "She is
suffering too. She has just lost her dad and she does not need to think about
this if she does not want to."
"I am sorry." Brennan sighed as his expression grew softer "It is just that
you two are better together."
"I never wanted to hurt him. I still do not want to." I uttered.
He nodded but he sighed once once "I know but you can not just up and
leave. You can not just leave him wondering where you are. He can not take
Brennan's phone started ringing so he reached into his back pocket and
pulled it out.
The ringing stopped after three beats and that is when I heard the deep
rough voice.Even from a few metres away, I could hear Stone roaring from
the other end of the line.
I purposely tuned out of listening to what he was saying. I did not want to
"Calm down." Brennan tried to raise his voice to overpower the noise of the
angry male on the other end of the line but it did not seem to be working.
That was when Brennan resulted to walking over and holding out the phone
out to me.
Brennan mouthed "Talk to him."
I put the phone to my ear but then pulled it back because the volume of the
gravelly voice was too loud.
"Do not tell me to fucking calm down. I have no idea where she fucking is
or if she is okay." Stone bellowed, his voice thick with panic and anguish.
I finally spoke into the phone "Stone."
The line went silent for several moments. All I heard was a deep sounding
rumble then a sigh of relief.
"It is Ella." I said lamely like he did not already know that it was me.
Silence stretched and then he finally breathed out one word.
"Ella." His voice deepened as he said my name.
I looked at Lana's concerned eyes as she watched me squirm. I then looked
to Brennan who appeared worried too. Then I focused on the ground.
"What happened?" Stone demanded to know as his tone changed to one of a
demanding dictator "I wake up and you are fucking gone. You just left and
never said goodbye. You never told me where you were going."
My mouth opened but then closed again.
"Why would you do that?" He gnarled, still sounding frenzied as he asked
"I am really sorry. I didn't—"
Stone's tone was stern and entirely demanding as he spoke "I have being
going insane. I wake up and you are not there and—"
Cutting him off, I whispered into the phone "I could not face you."
The line went silent.
His voice went hoarse as he mentioned "I thought we had figured
everything out."
Shaking my head like he could see me, I uttered "I meant what I said last
night. You are better off without me."
I had nothing to offer him. I was miserable. I could barely look after myself
the past few days. Let alone give effort to someone else.
I knew I was in the wrong. I knew that it was horrible to cuddle into him
one minute and leave the next but I could not help it. Lines between what I
wanted and what I should do were blurred.
I was being pulled into so many directions that I felt dizzy and sick. All I
wanted to do was isolate myself, curl up into a ball and cry
A growl was his reply "Then what was last night? After that conversation?"
"What do you mean?" I queried, acting clueless.
"What I mean is last night when you were in my arms telling me that you
did not want me to let you go." He grumbled.
Even through the phone, I could feel the tension stirring inside him. I
imagined his jaw ticking and his fist clenching.
Wrapping my free arm around myself, I lied through my teeth "I took more
pills than I should have last night. I do not remember any of that. I went to
bed after our conversation in the bedroom."
Stone chuckled humourlessly. It was stained. I could feel his anger through
the phone.
He stated, "You are the worst liar."
My mouth twitched so I covered it with my hand before I took another deep
"Where are you?" He asked sternly.
"I can't—" I tried to plead.
"Where are you?" He repeated and it sounded less like a request and more
of a commandment.
The phone shook in my hand as I lowered it from my ear. I walked over and
thrust the mobile into Brennan's chest before walking over to the stairs of
the Armstrong's porch and sitting down.
Lana was quick to join me as she sat down and put her arm around my
"What happened?" She asked gently.
I watched as Brennan paced the front yard while he talked into the phone as
I answered "Last night, I let the truth slip out."
She tilted her head in confusion.
"All I could think about was about how much I missed him. I had a moment
of weakness and I told him the truth." I told her.
"That you do not really want him to go?"
Nodding, I turned my attention back to Brennan as he made his way over to
"Stone is on his way." He informed us as he put his phone back into his
Lana shook her head at him "If Ella does not want to see him then you both
need to respect that."
"Stone knows what you are doing." Brennan accused "You are trying to
push him away until he finally gives up and leaves."
I did not deny it.
"Ella, You could kill him and he would still come back for more." He stated
like it was a matter of fact "He is never going to give up. You can not take
his only source of happiness away from him."
The bold statement left me speechless.
Brennan did not stop there because he added "He has only known you a
matter of months but it feels like he has been in love with you all of his
I did not want to hear anymore so I stood up and announced "I need a glass
of water."
I felt a lot more stronger physically. The walk from the porch l to the
kitchen did not tire me out. However, I did feel emotionally exhausted and
mentally drained.
Leaning forward, I rested on the counter and ran the tap while taking a glass
and filling it. I gulped down half the content before I put it down. I took a
few deep breaths as I stared out the window at the backyard.
When I looked back down at the glass of water, I saw a hand gripping the
counter on either side of my body.
The largeness of the hands and how one of them had a skull covering the
knuckles was enough of a hint to know who it was.
It was also obvious as to who stood behind me because my body reacted
instantly. Goosebumps covered every skin molecule and heat travelled me
from head to toe.
I knew that I was trapped and caged in between the kitchen counter and his
body so I turned around. I kept my head straight and faced his stomach. I
crossed my arms and did not look up at him.
He reached out and placed a finger under my chin and tugged gently so that
I was looking up at him.
Stone's voice was laced with desperation as he lowly let out "I need to see
There was so much that I wanted to say but nothing left my mouth. I just
watched him silently and counted the number of times his jaw clenched.
"You are so stubborn." He pointed out, his dark gaze penetrating me.
"Then get rid of me." I challenged.
"No." He growled as an emotion I could not quite decipher crossed his face.
It was like the idea of getting rid of me hurt him to even think about.
I could see it. The devastating hurt. The longing. He could also see it in me.
I saw the pain in his eyes and I knew that he could see the pain in mine.
"Why did you leave like that?" He interrogated, his volume dropping an
"Last night, I could not sleep." I answered him as I moved the hair out of
my face "All I could think about was how much I was dreading waking up
and trying to say goodbye to you again."
"You do not have to." He assured me as leaned down until our noses nearly
touched "You are so scared of losing people but it is you that is running
away. I am not going anywhere. It is you trying to leave me."
All I could do was shake my head.
"I should not have left without telling you." I confessed before I told him "I
am really really sorry."
"You don't need to apologise, Ella." He kept his eyes trained on my face
when he uttered deeply "You need to tell me that you will not do it again."
I thought I was going to cry again so I moved my head towards the floor
and studied the tiles intently.
He pulled back but he kept his hands where they were so he could keep me
caged in.
"I am going to need a better reason on why you are trying to run away." He
grumbled challengingly.
I shook my head and offered him no reply.
He scrubbed a tattooed hand over his face as a ragged breath left him.
"The last time that you went off by yourself you ended up in an accident. I
had to watch you unconscious for three days." He panted his words out
gruffly like they hurt him to say "I had to sit and watch you get life support
from a machine. I had to listen to doctors try and tell me that you might not
make it."
"I'm sorry." I muttered.
His nostrils flared and I could see the emotions inside of him fighting their
way out as he grumbled "You can not just do that. I went insane waking up
and wondering where you were and if you were okay."
"Because you are so forthcoming with information." I joked and then
cringed before offering him an apology "Sorry. Low blow."
"Please tell me why you are avoiding me." He leaned his head down so that
he could be closer to me when speaking "I need to know what is wrong and
I need to know how to make things better for you."
"I'm scared!" I blurted out before letting out a small cry "I'm really scared."
His hands quickly came up to clutch at me. He cupped either side of my
face with his strong calloused hands.
"You are never going to get hurt again." He rumbled, his voice rough and
mellow "You think I would let that happen?"
"I'm terrified." I said again before I explained "I'm so terrified that you are
going to leave me. I would rather lose you now when the pain is still raw. If
we stayed together and you left me in the future, I don't think I would be
able to handle it—"
"I am never leaving."
"But—" I began.
"I am only going to say this once." He uttered lowly while he made a fist
with his large hand and pounded it into the middle of his chest "Because it
fucking hurts too much."
I tilted my chin upwards and peering at him while waiting for his next
"If I found you in bed with another man, I would still never leave you." His
deep voice broke as if he needed me to hear the truth but it burst him to say
"I would tear the bastard apart but I would never hurt you. I would take you
home and love you harder so that you would never think of leaving me."
A sob made its way up my throat. It was so painful that I raised a hand to
my neck.
"Nobody loves anything more than I love you." He delivered as if it was a
law rather than a proclamation.
"Valentine, I would never do that." I delivered to him and the sternness of
my voice almost sounded as great as his "I love you and I would never even
think about someone else."
Another guy has never even crossed my mind since I met Stone. Everyone
else seemed insignificant and the thought of having romantic feelings
towards someone other than him was impossible. It was ludicrous to think it
was anyone else but him.
"It is hard for me to deal with grief. I don't understand what I'm supposed to
do or what is meant to be the right thing." I told him softly "I need some
time. Please."
His phone went off before we could argue any further. He pulled it out of
his jean pocket and did not bother to check the name before declining the
The dark eyes never left me as his phone instantly went off again and Stone
declined it once more.
"Answer it." I insisted to him quietly.
He picked the phone up on the third attempt of someone calling and then he
growled into the phone "What?"
Whoever was on the phone spoke to him for a few minutes. Stone said
nothing back while he watched me.
Eventually, he ended the call and put it back into the pocket of his leather
"Who was it?" I asked, using the call to my advantage to change the subject.
"Reed." He said before letting out a rough sound of dissatisfaction "He
needs me at the beach."
I managed to put on an encouraging smile as I spoke "You got to go,
Stone chuckled humourlessly, obviously not happy "I do not feel like
"Then who do you feel like?" I asked while tilting my head as I continued
to watch his jaw tick.
"Orpheus," He answered before explaining "And you are Eurydice. Every
time I feel we are moving forward then I turn back and you are gone. Every
time you are in reach then you disappear."
To avoid the ache in my chest, I let out a small laugh "To think people call
me the nerd."
He shook his head with softness in his gaze as he listened to my laughter.
I voiced "You know how that myth ends. Orpheus loses Eurydice. He
cannot reach her."
"You are wrong. He goes to the depths of Tartarus for her." He told me
gruffly "If I have to do the same for you then so be it. I have been to hell
and back a few times this past week anyway."
"I am not planning to go to hell for a few years yet so you do not need to
worry." I deadpanned.
"Tonight, you will be back in my arms." He stated like it was inevitable and
"You can't be talking about the bet."
Stone nodded his head, looking like some kind of tenacious God ready for
war. An almighty look of someone who would clear anything and
everything in their path to get what they want.
"I am not some kind of trophy to be won." I accused.
"No. You are not." He agreed before glancing at me intently "You are my
Medusa. There is not a fucking chance in hell that I am going another day
without you."
When I did not reply he then pulled something out of his other pocket. A
sheet of paper folded up. He did not quite meet my eye as he handed it to
I flickered my attention between him and the piece of paper that felt
important as I questioned "What is it?"
"You never got to read my essay."
My hand held onto the sheet of paper tightly. I did not plan on reading it. I
would lock it up and keep it hidden like the rest of my feelings.
His phone beeped again and he exhaled sharply before cursing.
"Go." I whispered.
Before I could pull myself away, he brought his arms around me so that I
was crushed against his chest. He rested his mouth on my head and left a
kiss there. I let myself sink into the warmth before I pulled away a minute
He lingered at the top of my head, begrudging to leave.
In his gravelly deep tone, he uttered "Happy birthday, Medusa."
I tried to smile again but it came out all shaky.
The arms trapping me to him fell and he took a last good look at me before
turning and leaving.
As soon as he left the kitchen, I let out the deep breath that I had been
holding. I stared at the doorway and the absence of where he once was.
Dread took over every vein inside of me. He had to leave for Litora Bello.
He probably had to train because it was the final. The big fight was
happening in a matter of hours. Whoever he was facing was going to be just
as good a fighter as he was and that thought made me feel sick.
Not thinking about it any further, I pushed myself off my hold on the sink
and ran through the living room to the front door.
As I felt the fresh air hit me, I ignored the stares off Brennan and Lana who
were still talking on the stairs.
"Lurch." I called but it came out quieter than I intended it to be.
He heard it anyway because he turned around instantly. He took long
determined strides so that he was in front of me again.
"Are you going to be okay?" I asked as undisguised concern flowed from
me "Tonight, I mean. With the fight. Are you going to be okay?"
Stone nodded, his lip twitching.
"I am going to win." He declared "Then I am coming to get my girl."
My heart skipped a beat and all I could do was gape at him.
His voice went deeper as he said one word "Come."
"What do you mean?" I questioned.
"Tonight. Come to my fight."
I could not help but smile as I told him "You kept Litora Bello from me for
weeks and now you want me to go?"
"If I got what I wanted then you would never leave my side again."
His phone went off a couple of times again. It was just a text but he still
looked down at his phone in frustration.
"I can't." I whispered.
Even the thought of him potentially getting hurt was too much for me to
deal with.
I covered up my concern by adding to my reply "Lana's halloween party is
"I wish that I could show you how much I crave you. I wish that I could let
you look into my mind because I only think about you." He cupped my face
and lowered his voice as he spoke "If you could see how much I loved you
then you would not try and leave."
Everything I needed to say got lost in the air.
I ended up whispering "Please come back okay."
I took a step back and so did he. Nothing else was said but I could feel it.
The incompleteness. Our conversation was far from over.
Stone walked away but not before a last glance over his shoulder at me.
Brennan followed foot as he waved a last goodbye to Lana and told me
"See you tonight."
Lana and I went back inside. I strolled to the sofa as she went through to the
I rested my head on a pillow as I rubbed my temples in a circular motion. I
let my eyes close momentarily
The sofa moved as Lana sat down next to me.
I opened my eyes to saw her sitting there holding a cupcake. It was
decorated in green swirl icing and it had one lit candle in it.
Holding the cake out, She smiled encouragingly "Make a wish."
Blowing it out, I used my wish and any others that I might have had for
him. All my wishes were for Stone. I wanted him to win the fight and come
back unscathed.
She set the cake down on the coffee table before walking over to the other
sofa to grab two wrapped presents. She set them on my lap and motioned
for me to open them.
I smiled and started to open the first one. It was a flat package and it felt a
lot like clothes. I pulled out the material with my finger and tilted my head
at the swimsuit.
It was nothing that I would ever choose out for myself but it was nice. The
one-piece suit was ombré and went from yellow to a royal blue.
When I peered back up at Lana, she looked sheepish and unsure what to say
so I spoke instead.
"Thank you. It is beautiful." I told her as I sent her a grateful look.
"Open the other one." She said excitedly.
Tearing open the sparkly wrapping paper, I expected to find some kind of
book because of the feeling of it.
It was so much better than a book. It was a photo album. I opened the first
page and seen photos of us both when we were younger. I flipped through
more pages. There were loads of photos of Lana and me. Some just silly
selfies. Most of them us eating food. All of them were so precious to me
and I could not fight the happiness as I kept going through them.
"I love it." I gushed at the book she made me before I leapt at her to give
her the biggest hug "Thank you so much, Barbie."
"You are welcome, Freak Show." She said back as she wrapped her arms
around me.
"I have been a real shitty friend." I cried into her shoulder.
She pulled back and scowled "That is the furthest thing you have been. You
have always put me before yourself. You are entirely selfless. You have
looked after me ever since we were ten. Now it is my turn to look after
Smiling at her stubborn expression, I thought to myself that she had spent
too much time with me. My stubbornness has rubbed off on her.
"Every time you think about others happiness before your own. That is why
you are pushing away Stone. You think you are a burden to him but you are
not." She emphasised each word as she continued her speech "You try and
hide it but I know that you have a low self esteem. You do not think you are
good enough but you are so unbelievably wrong."
I kept quiet.
"Ella, you are more than enough."
To avoid her scowl and because I loved her more than anything, I brought
her back into a hug.
As I embraced her, I noticed another item on the other sofa. It was not
wrapped. It was just a plain cardboard box.
I pulled away and pointed to the package as I asked her "What is that?"
Lana looked at it before answering "Stone left it. I guess it is your birthday
present from him."
As well as not reading the note, I would not be opening that box.
"Put it in your room." I instructed her and fought against the urge to run
over there and open it "Keep the box from me. There is a piece of paper in
the kitchen from him as well. Put it with it and hide it from me."
She watched me for a second before nodding once.
Then it was like she had remembered something because her face lit up as
she spoke "I also bought you a costume to wear tonight."
"Oh no."
It was going to be a very interesting night.
Chapter Fifty-Nine
The party was in full swing. I could hear it. Yet, I still had not seen it
because I was too busy hiding in the bathroom wearing the ridiculous
costume that Lana had bought me.
"Get out here!" She called from the other side of the door "I am sure it does
not look bad at all."
Her idea was to dress me up as a fairy. I wore a pink satin dress that ended
mid-thigh and rainbow translucence wings attached to the back.
I did look like a fairy. Maybe that was why she picked it. It meshed well
with my long bright hair, dainty features and my wide eyes.
"I liked my idea of a costume better." I moaned while pulling my dress
Lana sighed loudly "Wearing an orange dress and saying you are a carrot is
not a costume."
"It is an original idea!"
She banged at the door "Get out here. You are missing the party!"
I finally surrendered and opened the door.
It was a big mistake. She was waiting there with a deadly weapon. A
makeup brush covered in glitter.
I closed my eyes and tried to push her off as she dabbed my face with
"What was that in need of?" I asked while wiping at my face to get a
handful of glitter off.
"So you look more the part." She answered while grinning triumphantly.
Her costume was also pink. She had decided to dress up as one of her
favourite characters from a Barbie movie. Something about a rockstar
princess. Whatever she was meant to be did not matter because she made it
"Ella?" She called to me sheepishly.
"Yeah?" I answered her.
"I knew that Brennan was in love with someone else." She sighed as she
rocketed nervously on her feet "He told me the very first night we met."
I sent her a small yet confused smile "Why would you choose to date him?"
"Because I thought I would be like Jennifer Lawrence in The Silver Lining's
Playbook. I thought I could make him like me." She huffed out
embarrassedly "I'm a fool."
I decided not to comment on the fact that The Silver Lining's Playbook was
about a lot more so I sealed my lips shut and made my way over to her.
She wrapped her arms around me as I embraced her in a hug. We squeezed
each other tight for a good minute.
"Let's go downstairs." She said as she took hold of my hand.
"Okay." I agreed and let her drag me along the hall to the staircase.
All I could hear was people speaking and shouting. It mostly drowned out
the headbanging music. The volume pretty much gave away that there were
at least a hundred people in the one house.
We reached the bottom of the stairs and blended into the crowd of already
half-drunk teenagers. Some people I recognised and some people I did not.
The first person that stuck out from the crowd was the blonde quarterback.
Chase saw me and started to walk over. He had not made much effort with
his Halloween costume because he had on an old letterman jacket with fake
blood splattered all over it. The only ghastly thing about his appearance was
his nose and unfortunately that was not fake.
"Hey." He smiled before sticking out his fist for a fist-bump.
I bumped it with mine and shouted over the music "Hey."
"You look great." He complimented while giving my costume an
appreciative look "What are you meant to be?"
"A fairy." I bit out so he knew that I was not happy about it.
Chuckling at my distressed expression, he reassured "Well, you are the
nicest looking fairy I have seen."
"Have you seen a lot of fairies?" I asked with a raised brow before rolling
my eyes "You need to get off the green stuff, Chase."
He joined in with my laughter before seeing a friend of his and leaving to
go and speak with them.
Lana had disappeared to the other side of the living room and was talking to
a few girls from our French class.
Feeling kind of awkward in the middle of the room, I started walking
around mindlessly and greeted random people. Some people were swaying
to the music playing and singing along so I just dodged past them.
Ten minutes later and I found myself in the kitchen. It was probably the
quietest place in the house. Which was weird because it was where the
alcohol was.
I ended up standing right where I was earlier that day with Stone.
The song blaring from the speakers in the living room came to an end. For a
small pause, there was just a chattering of people. Until the introduction of
a very familiar song started playing.
Teenage Dirtbag filled the house and my stomach sank.
I hoped Lana's speakers were not expensive because I was planning on
kicking them.
Questions ran through my head. Why would this song play? This song out
of all songs? Our song? It was nearly twenty years old and was no longer
seen as hip. It was also not one usually played at a party.
From the corner of my eye, I saw the wings on my back flap as I exhaled.
I missed him. I missed him so much.
"Hey, Sweetcheeks." A voice interrupted my train of thought "What is your
The owner of the voice was a boy dressed as a vampire. He had on a lot of
white face paint on but I did not recognise him.
"My name is Ella," I smiled sweetly as I crossed my arms over my chest
before I bit out "And I do not entertain random guys who flirt with me at
He looked like he was about to say something else but a hand on his arm
stopped him. The boy who was dressed as a vampire's friend was dressed
up as a clove of garlic.
The garlic was looking at me in fear as he stopped his friend from saying
any more.
"Do you have a death wish?" The garlic asked to the vampire before
elaborating "That is Vulcan's girl."
The vampire looked back at me with raw terror on his face as he asked "Is
that true? Are you Vulcan's girl?"
There was no hesitation in my answer as I affirmed "Yes. I am."
Both of them scurried before I could say any more. I laughed at them as
they ran faster than a bat out of hell.
Stone really was a big scary giant but he was my big scary giant. I could not
deny that any longer.
Just as I was about to go and find Lana, a buzzing came from inside my bra.
I reached into my chest and grabbed my phone.
The caller did not have a name. It was just a random number.
I declined but it rang again.
The number was not recognisable. I frowned at the screen before pressing
Knowing that I was not going to hear the caller in the middle of a room of
drunk teenagers, I ran past the crowd and rushed up the stairs. I closed
Lana's bedroom door behind me as I pressed answer.
The voice was male and it sounded like it was an older man as the voice
was strong and croaky "Hello. Is this Ella Miller?"
"Last time I checked." I joked before clearing my throat and replying
properly "Yes. It is."
"Miss Miller, my name is Robert Smith." He introduced himself before
explaining "I am the CEO executive of Smith publishing house."
"Smith publishing house?" I repeated in disbelief "As in the biggest
publishing company in the country?"
I thought someone was pranking me.
Lana was the only one to know about me sending my draft but she was too
nice to pull such a prank. Plus her light lyrical voice did not go that deep.
Not like the middle-aged smoker voice on the other end of the line.
He hummed in agreement before speaking again "I am sorry to be calling so
late at night. I have been reading over the manuscript that you sent. It is
good. Actually, it is more than good. We would love to publish it."
Moving my phone away, I got over my initial shock and let out a squeal of
"Are you still there, Miss Miller?" The man called.
I quickly brought the phone back to my ear as I remained cool and calm so I
could reply nonchalantly "Yeah. I am still here but are you sure you have
the right person?"
"Are you Ella Miller?"
"Well yes." I confirmed before explaining "Ella is a very popular name
however. So is the last name Miller."
"It says here your name is Drizella," The man said after I heard him
clicking on his computer.
"Then it is me." I told him "I am sure only one person has the absolute
burden of that name."
He chuckled before continuing with the matter at hand "The company
would like you to sign a contract with us for three books."
My book was originally a cliffhanger. It had an open end. I was going to
have to change that. I had to complete my story.
"I would be honoured." I mentioned while still surprising myself that I had
not broken out into a happy dance.
"That is great." The man said before he informed me "We have drawn up a
ten thousand dollar cheque. That is for the rights for the book but you will
earn more once it hits selves. We will discuss the details at a later date."
Still pacing the room because I could not stay still, I replied "Thank you so
"We have your contact details already. We will be touch." He promised
before uttering a goodbye.
I said a quick goodbye before hanging up. As I got off the phone and there
was no need to reign in my excitement I then twirled around on my toes and
let out another large squeal.
A massive wave of pride washed over me. My book was getting published.
I was going to be a writer.
I doubted my book would make it big but the news was massive to me. It
was my dream.
The only thing wrong about it was the person I wanted to revel in happiness
with was not here with me.
Once I had calmed down and stopped spinning, I spotted the cardboard box
on top of Lana's bed. On top of the box sat Stone's essay. Never had a plain
box and piece of paper been so inviting. So tempting.
Lana had not hidden it as I told her to.
I caved. I threw my phone on Lana's bed before sitting on the edge of the
pink sheets. I lifted the piece of paper off the box and brought it to my
chest, holding onto it so tightly that it started to crumble.
There was no doubt about it. His note and present was Pandora's box. If I
opened it then every emotion bottled up inside would pour out of me.
It did not matter. I had already made my mind up.
There was no denying that I needed him.
The essay was handwritten in his neat cursive yet aggressive handwriting.
That was the first thing I noticed about the essay. The second was the title.
I did not waste another breath. I read it.

Fairytale Green
Drizella Miller once told me she transcended stereotypes. I think she
transcends everything. There is nobody like her. Nothing like her. If that girl
told me she was from a different planet then I think I would believe her.
The night I met her, she mentioned that she saw a green light. So did I. It
shone so brightly that I could see nothing else but her. It still does.
In the Great Gatsby, the green light symbolises hope and dreams. The one
thing you want more than anything. She is my green.
My fairytale green. The colour of trees at our outdoor wedding. The colour
of the grass I will sit with her when we are old where we will shake our fist
at skateboarders who trespass. It is the green of her hair. It is her.
Yes, I remembered her whole speech about her colour word by word from
that night because I was a lovesick fucker instantly. I fell in love with her
the second I saw her. She wears her wild and wonderful personality on her
face for all to see. Unashamed and beautiful.
I never gave her the name Medusa because her hair was green. I gave her
the name because my fate by her side was sealed as soon as her doe eyes
met mine. I will forever be next to her, unable to move like a statue. The
name is ironic. Medusa turns people to stone by her gaze but I was stone
before her. She brought me to life.
She has a brightness about her that is so infectious and there is no cure. The
only time I feel at peace is when I see the green. There is so much anger
built up inside of me but as soon as I see the colour, it fades away because I
know she is there. My mood depends entirely on her. When she is happy I
feel complete and when she is not then I know that I would do fucking
anything to put a smile back on her face.
I love how her nose crinkles when she reads and she is trying to
concentrate. I love how she crosses her arms and stands on her toes when
she gives it out to me. I love how she has to drink tea in a cup that you
cannot see through because she is ashamed that she hates coffee. I love how
a blush covers her freckles when she is embarrassed. I love her wacko
theories and I go a little crazy if I go a day without hearing one. I love how
when she eats gummy bears she bites the head off because she thinks she is
giving them a quicker death. I love how she dances and slides around the
kitchen when she thinks I am not watching. I love how she owns three
slipknot t-shirt's even though she does not listen to them. I love how she
tries to deny that she has a big heart and that she does not cry at books and
movies. I love when she smiles so widely that she looks down at the floor to
hide it. I love everything about her.
The word limit of this essay was meant to be five hundred words but it is
impossible to describe her in that short amount. It is hard to describe her in
words at all. She is a synonym of surreal in the best fucking way. She is an
extraordinary dream that I have no intention of waking up from.

He was my fairytale green too, I thought to myself, He was my happiness

and my future.
Only Valentine Stone would curse in an essay.
I really hoped this essay was just for me. I wanted to keep it for myself
forever. I wanted him forever.
Also, I hoped he did not submit the essay because it would make Mr
Dankworth die with happiness.
The door of the bedroom opened. It interrupted my third reread of the paper.
I looked up and seen Lana grinning as she leaned against the doorframe.
There was nothing else but triumph in her eyes as she gazes at the note in
my hand.
"I knew you were not going to last long before eventually giving up and
reading it." She mentioned while sitting down next to me on her bed.
"I really love him. It is not going to stop. I do not want it to." I said aloud
but quietly.
"It is about time you realised that." She giggled before questioning "What
was it that changed your mind?"
Setting the note down beside me, I turned to face her "My book is getting
"What?" She erupted excitedly "That is amazing, Ella!"
"The phone call just gave me a boost." I told her "I needed to know that I
could do something and a reassurance that I could be somebody."
Lana smiled as she spoke, "I am so happy for you."
I thanked her before I promised "I will dedicate the book to you. My
amazing yet annoying friend who clicked send on the email to the
"Annoying?" She poked my arm as she feigned being offended "You owe
me so bad."
When we fell into silence was when I started thinking up scenarios in my
head that I dreaded for them to come true
"What if Stone is finally done with me? What if I have pushed him away so
far that he won't come back?" I rambled on "What if I am not enough for
She swatted my head with her hand in response.
"Ow!" I shouted at the impact while putting my hand on the top of my head.
"Do not be silly." She scolded me while pointing her finger at me
accusingly "Sometimes I do think your dad was right with that one quote he
used to say about you."
"He said it all the time." I reminisced before I changed my voice to a deep
tone and quoted him "Ella, you have so much knowledge and fact in your
mind that there is not enough room in your head for common sense or
social awareness."
Lana leant forward and reached around me so she could set the plain
cardboard box on my lap as she encouraged "I think you should open his
The box length was longer than its depth. I racked my brain for an idea of
what it could be. I had never mentioned anything that I wanted.
There was only one thing that I wanted at that moment and it would need a
much more colossal sized box to hold him.
I ran my nail over the taped seal on the top of the box and opened the two
flaps. I let out a small gasp at what caught my eye.
The inside of the box was not plain. It was painted blue and purple with
white stars among it. Like a galaxy.
He had remembered what I told him in the hospital about my dad. That my
favourite gift was a plain cardboard box because I could imagine it to be
whatever I wanted it to be.
My dad had painted it like a galaxy. Stone had also. He wanted me to have
that feeling again.
Once I saw what was inside the box, I picked it up so I could see the
bouquet of flowers closer. A dozen or so roses bloomed from their stem.
They were beautiful and unlike anything I had ever seen before. They were
not a common red or even white. On top of the dark green stem sat
beautiful petals that were a vibrant shade of green. Fairytale Green.
Stone was kind of in love with me.
Smiling at the flowers, I decided to put them back in the box until I found a
vase for them. I set the flowers down gently before I noticed that they were
not alone in the box.
At the bottom of the galaxy painted box laid an envelope.
My fingers were shaking as I brought the envelope out and into both my
hands. Written in the white sealed paper was Medusa written in his
I looked up to see Lana was still watching me with a massive grin on her
face. She almost looked excited for me to open it.
Tearing open the envelope, I pulled out what was inside. It turned out to be
another folded up piece of paper.
I secretly hoped that it was not another essay or a love letter from him. I did
not think my heart could take another one.
The piece of paper was a booking confirmation that was made a few weeks
ago. A booking confirmation for two plane tickets for next summer.
"He bought me a plane ticket to Brazil." I whispered in absolute shock.
Stone bought me a trip to Brazil. He wanted to take me to Brazil because I
told him that was the one place I wanted to go in the world.
I only mentioned my desire to go to The Royal Portuguese reading room
once but he had listened. He always listened.
He knew every part of me. Every single thing and he had never turned away
or tried to leave.
"He bought me a plane ticket to Brazil?" I repeated louder to Lana because I
was still completely amazed.
Lana giggled while stating the obvious "Well, I think he is planning on
going too."
"This is... I have no words."
"That is a first." She grinned at me before mentioning "You were meant to
open his present first before opening mine. It made no sense that you did."
After a minute or two, I finally pieced it together "The swim suit. It was
blue and yellow. With my green hair, that is all the colours of the Brazilian
She nodded "That is why I got you that ugly swimming costume."
"I liked it." I argued.
Her nose twitched in reply
Setting the sheet of paper on top of my flowers, I uttered "I still can not
believe he would do this for me. He got me tickets to Brazil."
"He also got you two a villa to stay in." She told me "You will not be
sleeping on the streets."
"What!" I erupted before shaking my head "He has spent way too much. I
will be telling him that the next time I see him."
After I have jumped into his arms.
I stood up from the bed urgently.
There was no point in sitting around and waiting. I was going to get to him.
We had spent far too long apart.
Lana called from behind me as I rushed to the door "Where are you going?"
"I am going home."
My mother always told me home was not a but rather a person. Stone was
my person. He was my home. I was not going to give that up and lose the
only home I had ever known.
He was the person I wanted to go home to. The one I wanted to share
everything with. My happiness and my sadness. The good times and the bad
times. Like I wanted him to do with me.
"What?" She replied as we both make our way downstairs and into the
noise of the ongoing party.
At the bottom of the staircase, I turned around to her and shouted over the
music "I need to go to his fight. I need to be there."
"You are dressed as a fairy. You do not even have shoes on." She mentioned
while pointing to my bare feet.
"I have to do this."
She nodded her head, studying my headstrong expression "Then what are
you waiting for?"
The group blocking the door was the jocks. Most of them were too busy on
their phone to see me trying to get past.
What I saw on one of their phones made me stop trying to get past them.
"When does the fight start?" I shouted over the loud noise of the crowd at
"Twenty minutes." One of them replied.
It would have been a really good time to have a car. Rest in peace, Kermit.
"Ella. You are not going to make it." Lana pointed out.
"The beach is just a few miles away."
I said determinedly "I can make it."
"Yeah." She sarcastically remarked, "if you were a track star."
I gave her a quick hug before I pulled back and said bye "Thank you for
organising this party for me. I will come back after. I will see you soon."
"Go and get your man." She replied while gifting me a gentle shove in the
direction of the door but she did not need to tell me twice.
Sprinting down the street as fast as my little legs could go, I started to
realise how unfit I was. I had always known but after stopping about
seventy-two times to catch my breath it became apparent. Especially when I
had to haunch over and grip my knees at the exhaustion I felt.
For a second I consider joining Stone the next time he worked out. Then I
remembered that he got up at six in the morning and I thought better of that
Eventually, the beach came into sight so I picked up my face for the last
part. I got nearer and nearer until I could see the moonlight shining on the
The night sky lit up with stars. I was just glad it was not headlights from
cars lighting up the streets. My attempt at sprinting was ridiculous.
If anyone saw this pathetic excuse of my running then I would just blame it
on my injury. Or on the fact that I was barefooted.
My toes touched the sand as I headed towards the commotion. From the
start of the beach, I could see the ring of fire lit torches among the crowd of
people talking among themselves. The number of people still lingering
around the beach walkway meant that the fight had not yet started.
I walked closer and looked around for any sign of a person I knew.
When looking around, I noticed that there was a large range of different age
groups among the people ready to watch the fight. The fight club was rising
in terms of popularity. The crowd was much larger than it was the last time.
"Ella!" A familiar voice called.
I replied in pants as I asked Reed "Do you know where Stone is?"
The red-headed male grinned "Thank god you are taking him back. The
moody fucker was a whole other level of moodier this week."
"Where is he?" I repeated before motioning to the crowd "Is it too late to
talk to him?"
Reed shook his head "He is at his truck wrapping up his knuckles. I think he
is still at the parking lot."
"Thank you." I responded gratefully before I turned around to go and find
the giant.
As I rushed off, I heard Reed call from behind me "Tell him that he is two
minutes late and tell to get his overgrown self over here!"
There were only a few cars in the lot right next to the path down to the
beach. Brennan's white car and Stone's truck. Two shadows in the dark were
between them.
I recognised my Lurch instantly. It was hard to miss the large form. It was
impossible not to notice the wide shoulders and the well-built body that
screamed danger.
He had his back to me. I could see the medusa tattoo on his back and that lit
me up with joy.
When I neared closer, Brennan peered around the giant's shoulder and met
my eye. He was grinning ear from to ear while paying attention to me and
not Stone's grumble of a rant.
"I know this is an illegal fight club and you are somewhat a criminal but
surely you should still have some sort of time management skills." I spoke
up because I could not bare any more time apart from him "You are two
minutes late."
His dark tone withered away and he stopped. He froze where he stood like
he might have been imagining my voice.
Then he slowly turned around.
The tension in his shoulders disappeared as he took in the sight of me. He
was staring at me with so much adoration in his gaze that I could feel heat
overtake my body. It was like he was in a trance. He blinked a couple of
times like he could not believe that I was there.
After he realised that I was real then his eyes soaked up every inch of me. A
slow grin formed on his face when he saw what I was wearing.
Stone looked at me like I actually was a fairy. Something magical and
beautiful. Like I was weird yet wonderful. He always made me feel this
way. I wanted that feeling to remain for all of my life.
"I am sorry." I uttered because it was all I could manage.
He shook his head as his gravelly voice commanded me "Come here now,
Demanding ass. I would listen to him just this once.
My feet took off in a small run before I jumped. For a second, I was flying
like some otherworldly creature. Then he caught me. He was always there
to catch me.
I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist after I crashed into his firm
chest. My arms wrapped around the back of his neck and my legs found
themselves curled around his waist as I buried my head into his shoulder.
He tightened his grip around me so that I was moulded to him.
He nuzzled his face in my hair and let out a deep groan of content. Then he
left a kiss on the edge of my lips. Right on my smile.
I inhaled his scent before pulling away so that I could see him. My smile
was uncontrollable and my cheeks coloured at his grin.
"What are you doing here?" He breathed out, his harsh features struck with
There was so much that I wanted to say. There were not enough words to
describe how I was feeling. How happy I was that I was there with him.
Instead of saying one of those options about how in love I was, I ended up
letting out "You can not buy me a trip to Brazil. That is too expensive. I am
not accepting it."
His deep chuckle vibrated through me as he peppered kisses all over my
face "That is what you came here to tell me?"
"No. I came here to tell you that I love you and that I am so sorry I got
scared" I replied while feeling the edge of my lip move up "Also to tell you
that you spent too much on me."
"Deal with it. We are going to Brazil" He stated while studying my face like
he has been deprived of the sight for too long "I would give you anything
that you wanted."
I moved closer so that our foreheads pressed together as I spoke "I do not
want trips or expensive gifts. I just want you."
His hands moved up my cold exposed arms in an attempt to warm them up.
Meanwhile, he never let his attention drop away from me.
"I am so sorry." I apologised again, feeling the need to "I thought I was
doing the right thing for you. I thought that you would be better without me.
I never once wanted to leave you."
"You have nothing to be sorry about." He told me while moving one hand
off my hips to cup my cheek "I need you more than anything in this fucking
The other large arms moved so that he could pull me closer than close to his
His voice turned softer and more vulnerable than I had ever heard it as he
pleaded "Do not leave me again."
"I will never." I promised him and myself "It was only three days and I
went crazy, Lurch."
"You went crazy?" He asked as his darkened eyes looked at my lips "I was
I kissed his jaw in another small apology.
"There is no reason for us not to be together." I affirmed, "You won the
"Fuck yes, I did." He assured, the words coming from his chest in a dark
Stone appeared victorious as he leaned in. He was determined to lay his lips
on mine and bring every part of our skin together.
Before he could, I slapped my hand over his mouth and stopped him from
kissing me.
I smiled sweetly at him while he glared.
He was furious at the privation. He looked like he might have killed
someone if he did not get to kiss me in the next few seconds.
I felt the exact same but it had to be done.
As I moved my hand away, I told him firmly "I am kissing the winner of
this fight."
"You are what?" He gnarled, his face contorting to a murderous one.
"I am kissing the winner of this fight." I said it again before warning him
"So you better win."
Another animalistic sound escaped him at my words.
"If you come back with a single scratch on you then I will kill you." I
leaned closer so he could see my stern expression up close.
I was still scared of his fate in the fight and I needed to give him the right
His stance and his expression made it clear that he was ready for war. His
jaw ticked in a steady rhythm as he flexed his chest and arm muscles.
He then looked at me and his gaze immediately softened before he pulled
me back into his chest.
Stone kissed the top of my head multiple times while whispering "I love
you, Drizella."
"I love you, Valentine." I smiled into his chest, finally at peace that I knew
where I belonged which was by his side "I love you more than gummy
A chuckle filled my ear and I smiled as I snuggled into him further.
I pulled back and added, "I would not have ran three miles from Lana's
house to the beach for just anybody."
Silence filled the air.
Then a growl shook the large chest.
"You did fucking what." His deep anger filled tone was a dead giveaway
that he was still insistent that I should be resting with my injuries.
I should probably not have said that.
Chapter Sixty
I looked at his furious face and laughed nervously "You are going to be late.
Let's go."
Stone moved my legs so they were dangling in the air and then he adjusted
me so I was in his arms bridal style. I rolled my eyes at his antics before I
kissed his frown.
"Medusa, you are not leaving bed for a week."
"The day I listen to you is the day I grow taller than you." I said while
poking his chest and attempting to compete with his glare "Never."
His mouth twitched and he was holding back a smile.
A cough interrupted our staring contest.
That was when I noticed Brennan had been there the whole time.
He shook his head at the both of us while wearing his own signature grin as
he pointed out "That was the most warped romantic moment I have ever
seen. It was like the notebook but with much more threats of violence."
A laugh escaped me before I maintained a serious face as I said to the guy
who's chest I was pressed to "You have to let me go."
"Lurch, I will be in the audience." I reassured him while shamelessly
feeling up his bare chest "I am not going anywhere."
Brennan spoke up "She will be with me."
Stone dragged his attention away from me as he grumbled “You will not let
her out of your sight. If one hair on her head is touched—"
"Yes. Yes. I know. I am a dead man" Brennan recited like it was a written
"You are insane," I stared up at the murderous expression as I told Stone
"but I will keep you."
He left a kiss on my forehead before he affirmed "You have no choice in the
matter. I am yours."
Once the giant had set me down on the ground, the realisation hit me about
what I was about to walk into. What I was about to watch.
I clung onto his large arms in an attempt to keep him by my side.
"I am coming back to you." Stone assured, picking up on my unwillingness
to let him go.
I nodded and let my hold on him go hesitantly.
Brennan and I made our way towards the crowd meanwhile Stone headed
off somewhere else.
The sea of people huddled up on the sand around the circle of lit torches
swallowed us. I was lost in the huddle and relied on Brennan to lead the
way to the front of the crowd.
We finally settled at the very front. Only merely a few metres away from
the circle where the fight would take place. One of the torches was so near
that I could feel the heat of the naked flame on the side of my cheek.
While Brennan was on my left hand side, Reed stood on my right. The red
headed male was on his phone and had the infamous Litora Bello page
The words Somnus versus Vulcan were written at the top of the page in
gold font. That was above the two options to click on. The red thumbs
down button and the green thumbs up button.
The crowd shouted impatient by the wait. Two cameras in either side of the
ring rotated to capture the eagerness of the crowd.
My eyes also landed on the two men who looked out of place. They
appeared like business men. Prim and proper with their suit and tie.
I poked Brennan on the arm before motioning to the pair of suits "Who are
He followed the direction of my finger and what he seen made him smile as
he answered "They are scouts from a sports programming network."
Looking up at him in confusion, I asked "What are they doing here?"
Brennan glanced again at them before replying "Do you remember what
Stone said about trying to get Litora Bello legalised?"
"Yeah." I answered back while I thought back to what he had said at the
"My dad has been trying to get in contact with all sports companies in the
country to try and get this mainstream." Brennan replied.
Both of my eyebrows raised in shock as I questioned further "Is that what
the phone call was about when Mr Lewis told Stone to take the call outside
of my hospital room?"
Reed responded instead "Stone has been insistent to get this all legal. To
make something of himself."
"Out of all of us." Brennan corrected.
"He is the best. He will go the furthest." The red haired male replied.
That had landed a blow to Brennan's ego because he mumbled "Well, I am a
better surfer than him."
"Why would he go to such lengths?" I interrogated before explaining "It is
obvious that all of this is on the rise. It is becoming more popular and you
are all making more money."
"Why do you think he is doing it?" Brennan challenged with a smirk.
Chuckling, Reed over pronounced his words as he spoke "For love."
The heat rose to my face. That time not because of the proximity of the
A person entered the middle of the fighting ring. Someone familiar. I had
seen him before. Brown hair and a distinctive scar over his eye.
The one Lana watched with interest on my laptop. The one she could not
take her eyes off as he fought.
"Who is he?" I queried as I watched him trying to settle down the crowd "I
know his name is Bacchus."
Brennan nodded "He is one of the fighters. Hendrix Jones."
"He is a dick. Really arrogant and thinks he is better than everyone." Reed
added "It was great seeing Stone knock him on his ass."
"I heard he was in a band." I mentioned to them.
"He was. I think the other members could not stand him so they left." Reed
responded with a chuckle.
"Hendrix is planning on starting a band here in Santa Monica." Brennan
added "You should tell Lana. She is a good singer."
From within the area lit with fire, the Hendrix guy spoke loudly in his
English accent "Ave caesar morituri te salutant."
The crowd went wild. They started chanting the name of one god like
mantra over and over again. The god of fire and blacksmithing.
Hendrix motioned to the right "Somnus."
Stone's opponent Somnus walked out of the crowd with his hands raised in
the air like he wanted everyone to cheer him on.
They did not. Everyone booed Somnus.
Somnus was well built. Every person that took part in Litora Bello was.
However, he was not as big nor as tall as Stone.
I studied him and found faults in the opponent. I had to hate him. He was
about to try and hurt my boyfriend. I seen him as the enemy. I made a list of
everything wrong with him so that I would find no ounce of sympathy when
Stone destroyed him.
The Somnus guy had greasy hair styled in a stupid ponytail. He also had a
pathetic excuse of a beard growing on his face and his teeth were yellow.
"Vulcan." Hendrix announced while moving his arm to the left.
As Stone appeared from the side, the crowd exploded into cheers and
The giant made his way into the middle. His face was completely stoic. He
looked relaxed and unaffected by the commotion around him. He had his
gaze set on his prey. There was not a single ounce of fear in his eyes. He
looked ready to kill.
The muscles under Stone's tattooed skin flexed as he clenched and
unclenched his fists at his sides. His abs and his biceps flexed as he walked
into the circle.
Stone leaned closer to Somnus and whispered something in his ear. The
opponent of Vulcan paled as a response to Stone's words.
After silence surrounded the space on the sand, Hendrix took a step back
and shouted "Pugna ad mortem."
Somnus took a defensive stance as Vulcan attacked.
Stone went for a jab to the stomach and then a full blown fist to the face
which made his opponent fall to the sand. Instantaneously, Stone bent down
and grabbed ahold of him and raised his fist in the air.
Then he froze.
I watched the scene in shock. It all happened so fast. If you blinked then
you would have missed it.
From what I had gathered from watching all of his old fights, Stone let the
person he was fighting land a few blows before fully attacking.
The fight was different to any others as Stone had struck brutally hard and
Reed and Brennan's expressions matched. Their mouths were agape as they
took in the scene in front of him.
"I have never seen him go as fast and as hard as that before." Reed
Brennan chuckled while looking down at me "Ella told him that she was
going to kiss the winner."
"That will be why Stone looks so savage and homicidal." The tattooist
joined in with the amusement.
As I watched Stone still with his face raised above the guy in the floor, I
asked "Why is he not finishing him off and knocking him out?"
That is when I noticed the screaming crowd were preoccupied on their
phones. All were too busy clicking as they waited patiently for the next part
of the fight to happen.
"People pay to vote for Ultima Ictu. The final blow." Brennan explained
"They will either pick thumbs up or thumbs down."
Hendrix entered the ring to announce "Thumbs up."
Vulcan stood up and took a step away from a bashed up Somnus who got up
also from the floor.
"What does that mean?" I questioned frantically as I watched the two
fighters near eachother again.
"They have to keep going until the crowd decide it is time for one of them
to receive the final blow." Reed answered my question "They have to fight
Somnus moved first. He grabbed on to Stone's thick arm and tried to throw
him on to the ground. Vulcan retaliated immediately by grabbing him by his
ponytail and ramming his knee into his face.
Just as Somnus was about to react, Stone landed his fist on his face. It made
contact in the centre of Somnus' face over and over again until he was on
the ground once more.
Both of them stoped moving as the people in the audience's phones lit up
"I thought this was the final of the season?" I said in disbelief.
I was worried about Stone for nothing. The other guy who was not my
Lurch was dying out there.
"Somnus is one of the best fighters out there." Reed erupted into laughter as
he talked "I just think Stone has the right amount of motivation. You should
come to every fight and threaten him with kisses, Ella."
While watching Stone stand over the other guy, I replied "What is Somnus
the god of?"
"How fitting." I half laughed and half snorted "He does look on the border
of unconsciousness."
The British voice announced from the ring "Thumbs up".
"He has to fight again?" I exclaimed.
"Yeah but I do not think you have anything to worry about." Reed joked.
I turned back to the fight in time to see Somnus land a solid punch on
Vulcan, making me flinch and bring my hands up to my cover face.
Just as I thought another punch was about to be landed, Stone dodged it and
crashed his elbow straight into the nose of Somnus. It was so powerful and
fatal that blood splattered on the sand just by my feet.
There was something about the way Stone moved. It was calculating.
Punishing. Utterly alluring yet ferocious.
As Somnus fell to the ground, the phones of the bloodlusting crowd lit up
again and hopefully for the last time.
My attention landed on a random boy that looked around the same age as
us. He was standing next to Brennan and his finger lingered on the green
thumbs up button.
There was no way that I was going to stand back and watch the possibility
of Stone getting hurt again.
I leaned forward to the boy and threatened "If you do not press that red
thumbs down button then I will shove your phone so far up your ass that
your mouth lights up like a glow stick."
The boy peered at me before obeying my command and voting yes to
Vulcan landing the final blow.
Reed adjusted his glasses as he smirked at me "You are just as terrifying as
Silence filled the arena-like atmosphere as everyone awaited the results of
the vote.
"Thumbs down!"
I looked away in time before the sound of bones breaking filled the night
air. I was getting used to the fighting club but it was still overwhelming.
"Vulcan!" The announcer in the form of Hendrix walked into the middle of
the circle and said the name of the winner.
The audience also repeated the name of the blacksmith and fire god at a
high volume.
When I refocused back on the two boys next to me was when I had realised
that Brennan had moved to the other side of me. He was standing nearer to
Reed as they both got ready to greet the pair of men in suits.
Suit man number one shook both their hands as he assumed "You must be
Neptune and Mercury."
Reed and Brennan nodded their heads in sync while reaching out and
shaking both of the men in suits' hands.
"We are very interested in making Litora Bello a mainstream sport. We
believe it has the potential to be just as popular as football and baseball.
Maybe more popular than both combined." Suit Number One said to them
"The figures that your lawyer Mr Lewis sent was proof of that."
"That is great." Brennan commented while trying to appear nonplussed but I
could see the excitement in him.
Suit Number Two finally spoke "We do have a few concerns though."
Reed was the one to question them "Can we ask what?"
"The theme of Litora Bello is well thought out. It is engaging and people
seem to love the gladiator feel to it." Suit Number Two answered before
elaborating "We have a problem with a venue for the fights. Our
contribution to getting this mainstream also comes with the deal that the
location must be changed. This is a public beach. It cannot remain here."
"Although we are struggling to think of another place where the theme
would fit." Suit Number One added.
I did not think any of it when I spoke up "Build a colosseum."
All four pairs of eyes fell on me.
"Build a colosseum in California. You know it is going to be popular. Make
an arena here in Santa Monica in the style of the Roman Colosseum." I said
before I cleared my throat and continued "Who is going to challenge you
for copyright? Julius Caesar? Augustus? Another Roman emperor?"
Both the suits laughed before the first one said to the boys "Is she in
"Stone is in charge of Litora Bello." Brennan stated before adding
humourlessly "However, Stone is wrapped around her little finger so
technically she kind of is."
The second suit man handed a card with the sports company details on it
and informed them to tell Stone to get in touch. They also mentioned that
they would be very happy to make Litora Bello something and to build a
Once they had left, I turned back to locate where Stone was. I seen that he
making his way over to me. Still topless but now he had the blood of
Somnus wiped off him.
He took long strides in my direction, not letting his gaze leave mine. His
huge form stopped right in front of me and I could see the smirk forming on
his face.
I crossed my arms and raised my brow at him "Can I help you with
something, Lurch?"
His voice grew thick and rough as he smiled down at me "I am here to
claim my prize."
With the largest grin I could manage, I then jumped up and left a soft kiss
on his cheek before teasing "There you go. There is your kiss."
Instead of frowning or grumbling like I expected him to, he smirked.
Then his hands were on my waists so he could lift me me up to him. He
lifted me so the height difference lessened and he could put his mouth on
mine. My legs wrapped around his waist as his tongue met mine.
His kiss was soft and perfect yet savage too. He covered every inch of my
mouth as he claimed it as his own. I threw my arms around his neck and he
gripped at my waist, demanding more.
The loud cheers of the crowd were a white noise. Everything but us faded
away. I clung to him and decide to never let go. He slanted his mouth over
mine again and again as I reached up and clutch his hair in my hand.
I pulled back and rested my forehead against his while smiling as I taunted
"Imagine if I had to kiss the other guy like that."
He growled before hoisting my body over his shoulder. He rested one of his
large hands on my butt as he started to walk away from the commotion of
the fight.
Reed called from afar "Do you not want to discuss the offer from the sports
Stone offered the two boys a glance over the shoulder while walking away
with me before he told them "Fuck off."
Rolling my eyes at his bluntness, I waved to Brennan and Reed and they
waved back.
My portion on his shoulder meant that I could watch as lit torches and
people of Litora Bello appeared further and further away as he walked away
from it all and in the direction of the pier.
The giant then lifted me off his shoulder and arranged his arms so one was
under my legs and the other was holding my back. I moved closer into his
chest and watched him as he smiled at me.
He took notice of my matching grin and pointed out "It is unlike you to not
argue about me carrying you."
"I have missed you." I admitted while shrug and then I wiggled my legs
"Plus I am so tired. I have wasted my lifetime supply of running tonight."
He shook his head. He was still not happy that I ran. I knew that I would
most likely not hear the end of his disapproval.
However, his grumpy frown faltered when he looked at my pink dress and
translucent rainbow wings.
"I was forced into this costume against my will." I argued
Stone left a kiss on my neck as he spoke "I told you from the start you
would make a great Puck."
I smiled at the memory of the first day back at school when he said that
Puck from Midsummers Night Dream was the character that suited me
most. That felt like such a long time ago.
We had come so far since then. We had been through so much but we were
still standing. Together .
"Back to what I was saying before," I got back to bickering with him
because that is what I done best "You should not have spent so much money
on me. You are returning the tickets. I still can not believe you would do
that for me."
"Believe it." He said sternly in his rough voice "We are going to Brazil.
Even if I have to stuff you into my suitcase. You are small enough to fit."
Swatting his chest, I stuck my tongue out at him.
"I loved the roses. They were beautiful." I told him as I reminisced about
what else was in the galaxy box "How did you get fairytale green ones?"
He did not quite meet my eye as he grumbled "I painted them."
"You are such a romantic," I teased while smiling as my cheek pressed
against his chest "And a nerd. You have been reading too much Alice in
Stone sent a glare my way.
"Oh, I forgot to mention that my book is getting published." I tried to
deliver nonchalantly but I failed miserably because I was pretty much
jumping up and down in his arms.
"No way." His voice came out deep and musical and he appeared even more
excited about my news than I was "That is amazing, Medusa baby."
"I know." I let out a small squeal "I am trying not to get my hopes up but I
really want to do well."
"You will, Ella." He stated sternly, showing how much he believed in me "I
will be at every one of your book signings."
I rolled my eyes because he was getting way too ahead of himself but I
could not fight the smile forming on my face.
"I will be at every fight of yours." I promised him "I will be the best
He kissed my head in response.
"It is a good thing I am back with you." I admitted "I kind of named the evil
space lord in my book Balentine Bone."
We arrived at the start of the pier. It did not seem like he was planning to
take me anywhere specific. It was like we were both drawn to the place
where we both met.
He kept walking but he never took his eyes off me as he cradled me to his
"When is your birthday?" I randomly asked before smirking up at him "Is it
Valentine's Day?"
"Fine then. Do not tell me" I huffed before sending an empty threat his way
"No birthday sex for you."
Stone seemed amused and unconvinced.
He tilted his head while asking with a cocky grin "So you are only going to
let me have my way with you on my birthday?"
"And my birthday." I added, fighting back a giggle "Also every day it is
somebody in the world's birthday."
His head fell back a little as he let out a deep laugh that vibrated from his
chest and into me.
"It is a few people's birthday every day." He pointed out, realising what I
was hinting at.
"You make a convincing point, Lurch."
"My birthday is the fifteenth of February." He told me eventually.
"That means you will be twenty-two in a matter of months." I mentioned as
I laughed "Who knew I was with such an old man."
Stone sent another glare my way.
"It is okay, Lurch." I told him "It only means I can get rid of you to the
nursing home earlier."
"You are never going to get rid of me."
He set me down on my feet near the railing at the edge of the pier that
overlooked the water below. Some time ago, I would feel sick leaning over
and looking down. It did not feel so scary anymore. The unknown did not
look so uncertain and intimidating because I could feel his arms around my
waist and the feeling of his chest against the back of my head.
I knew he was there to catch me.
I moved my head upwards so that I could stare into his eyes as I spoke "Just
so you know. I do not have any intention of having you win any future bets
between us."
The warm breath from his mouth hit my neck and I could feel him smile on
my skin.
"We already have a wager set in place." He lowly informed me "I have
every intention of winning. You do not stand a chance."
Watching the waves crash again the wooden structure below, I hid my smile
as I remembered the bet we had made in the Armstrong's backyard.
I decided that I would let him win that one.
"Did you know the night that I met you I got a fortune from a machine
He asked "What did it say?"
"That I would meet an annoying giant that I was going to have to put up
with for the rest of my life."
"I doubt it said that." He chuckled.
"It said I would meet my soulmate."
His grip on my waist tightened as he replied "I never needed a piece of
paper that night to know that."
A green light from across the water shone and I thought to myself that I
would be okay. Time would heal all wounds and one day I would look back
at the memories and only focus on the good ones. One day I would
remember my mother and father with only love and not as much pain.
"Medusa." He uttered huskily, capturing my attention.
I turned around and stood on my toes so that I could wrap my arms around
the back of his neck.
"Yes, Lurch?" I asked.
"I have a theory."
My mouth twitched as I shook my head and scolded him "Hey, that is my
His nose touched mine and he left one gentle kiss on my lips.
"I think Drizella is going to live happily ever after." Stone revealed.
"That is not a theory." I recited the words he said to me when he painted my
walls and my heart a fairytale green colour "That is the truth."
I used to believe fairytales were not real and that happily ever after was
only something you found among the pages of a book. I was wrong.
Fairytales are real.
Anyone who says different has just has not found it yet. It is out there and
you just have to reach for it. You have to fight for it.
I would fight for it. I would fight for myself and my happiness because out
of all of my theories, the thing I believed in most was myself. I needed
Stone in a romantic way but I would never need him to stand on my own
two feet. I could do it on my own but I wanted him there with me.
I wanted him more than anything.
My fairytale was not traditional. There were no pumpkins, magic or
princes. Mine was twisted, crooked and angry but was it was mine. It was
reality and mine was so much better than any story.
It was him. It was me. It was us. It was imperfectly perfect and there was no
happily ever after because there was not an end.
The end was nevermore.
The sun danced on my back and warmed the skin up. However, it did not
warm me as much as the mouth that was trailing kisses down my spine.
"Lurch!" I groaned into my pillow in annoyance that he was disturbing my
Large hands rested on my hips and applied a small amount of pressure to
raise my nightdress further up my body.
Before he could pull the material past my midsection, I turned around so
that I was laying on my back and glaring at him.
Stone did not waste any time. He started kissing my face before moving
down to my neck and taking the skin between his teeth.
I was about to succumb to the feeling and him but I decided to torture him
further. I rested my palms on the hard chest and pushed the big boulder of a
man back.
Not far enough that he was not on top of me though.
The dark black irises were dilated as they stared down at me. The harsh
mouth was up in a smirk too.
His small smile was contagious and I could not help but smile back.
"Morning Medusa." The gravelly voice rasped.
"Do not Morning Medusa me." I scolded but kept my hands firmly on his
muscled chest "Can I ask why you are waking me up at this time?"
The hand with the skull tattooed on it moved the green hair out of my face
as he grumbled out with no shame "I have not heard one of your theories in
eight hours."
A giggle escaped me "Really? That is why you woke me up?
"Really." His deep voice was closer to my ear as he left another kiss on my
neck "I have not seen you in four hours."
"You are so cute, Lurch." I teased as I moved my hands from his chest to
cup his face.
He sent a scowl my way. It was his permanent scowl but a more diluted
version he had reserved for me and our children.
My eyes travelled downwards as I noticed that he had clothes on. His white
dress shirt had the top two buttons undone which showed off a part of his
chest tattoos. However, you could still see all tattoos on his midsection
because they were visible under the thin white material. I could also see his
bulging muscles and his eight-pack.
"Why do you have clothes on?" I questioned unhappily.
His small smile grew when he replied "I had to run into the the workshop
because Reed fucked up something with the colosseum."
I nodded before pouting "Why did you not wake me up to say goodbye?"
One of his black eyebrows raised as he cocked his head.
My amusement quickly turned to concern when I pointed out "You did not
have any sleep last night."
"I wanted to spend time with my wife." Stone uttered deeply while
continuing to comb his hand through my hair.
I knew he was busy with Litora Bello and his other businesses and that he
liked to work early in the morning so that he could come back before me
and the kids woke. It still made me anxious that he was not getting enough
sleep though.
"I am worried about you, Lurch." I told him quietly.
His face contorted quickly to an expression of concern as he gazed down at
me. His jaw ticked rapidly as he studied my face that was filled with
"You do not have to be, baby." He assured me before leaving a gentle kiss
on my head "Please do not worry."
It was always a concern of mine but I tried my best to be supportive of him.
Every night before bed, I would cook up some apple pancakes and leave
them on the kitchen counter for him to have in the morning.
My hands reached up and started to unbutton his shirt slowly as I sent him
an innocent smile. He watched me with a soft look in his eyes as I pulled
the shirt off him. His eyes never left my face as I gripped his wide shoulders
and brought him closer to me.
I ran my hands along his bare back as I kissed up from his chest to his chin.
I ran my tongue along his jawline to the skin near his ear.
"Are the kids still sleeping?" I whispered against his earlobe.
He let out a dark noise from the bottom of his chest as he pressed every
inch of himself on top of me. His huge hands started roaming around my
body as his mouth latched onto my neck and started to move downwards
toward my chest.
I stopped his devouring of me by turning over on the mattress and yawning
"Then you can get some sleep."
Stone then started grumbling under his breath and by the sounds of it, he
was about a millisecond away from killing someone.
"Get in the bed now, Lurch." I said sternly while holding my arms up and
getting ready to embrace his large body "You need sleep."
"I need you." He growled but climbed in the bed anyway.
His arm wrapped around my waist as soon as his back hit the mattress. He
picked me up with one arm and without effort while he brought me onto his
chest. I cuddled into his huge frame as he kissed the top of my head.
"I love you, my little nymph." He lowly declared.
I sat up but kept my legs straddled at each side while looking down at him
with a grin "I love you too."
He closed his eyes for a few seconds before he looked up at me with
tenderness and adoration in his darkened gaze.
"I want one of your theories." He demanded meanwhile his hand moved to
grip my hips.
"My theory is that you have the stamina of a horse." I stated rather than
argued because I was too preoccupied with thoughts of him to think of
anything else.
"Is that so?"
"And you are also evil, Valentine Stone." I teased "You keep me up all night
then wake me up early in the morning."
His expression went serious when he nodded "Fine. I will let you sleep
My silence lasted a staggering two seconds.
"No!" I yelped and swatted his chest gently "Don't you dare."
Stone burst out laughing. The deep noise sent vibrations through my body
as he pulled me close and rested his hands on my butt.
"You were never really going to let me sleep tonight, were you?" I asked,
knowing that he had played me like a fiddle.
"No." He chuckled.
I relaxed the side of my head on his chest and occasionally moved my lips
to leave a kiss on his tattoos as I traced them with my finger.
A smile made its way onto my face as I looked out of the window of our
bedroom. The sun was rising out of the horizon and lighting up the shining
My heart was split into seven equal pieces. One part was reserved for my
husband and the other six were for my sons. My heart had to have been big
because that is where I held them all. With so much love and adoration for
each and every one of them.
Little feet hitting against the floor from the hallway made me laugh. The
collection of stomping from the small feet made me close my eyes and
pretend to sleep.
Every morning my little pebbles would run into the room and wake me up. I
pretended to be asleep every time because I never wanted them to stop
coming to visit me in the mornings.
They had inherited their tenacious behaviour from their father.
Stone knew what I was doing and chuckled when the boys entered the
The bed moved slightly under the weight of the six small newcomers as tiny
quiet laughs filled the air.
"Do not wake up your mother." The biggest hypocrite in the world aka my
husband said to the children while he reigned back his amusement.
I had passed down the ability to defy Stone to my kids because they all
started shouting as they climbed on top of me.
"Momma! Wake up!"
"We want apple pancakes, Mom!" Another little voice called "Dad ate all
the ones in the fridge because he is greedy. Just like you said he is."
Small hands cupped my face and squished as they moved around on the bed
excitedly and impatiently.
"Daddy has not had your kisses in a whole minute! I think he might die!"
My youngest screamed in my ear, trying to gain my attention.
I bit my lip and buried in my face into the pillow to keep myself from
Two pairs of hands moved my head away from the pillow and tapped my
face gently.
"Momma is so pretty." One of my sons shouted.
"Her hair is so pretty too." Another voice praised while tugging at it
"Fairytale green is the bestest colour."
"Dad!" A tiny yet ferocious tone accused "Why would you call it puke-
Stone sighed then grumbled, "I only said it once."
"That is not nice." My eldest scolded "It is also not nice saying that Mom
belongs in a haunted mansion."
"Sorry." My husband huffed regardless of the fact that it was the millionth
time they had brought it up.
I imagined six pairs of black eyes glaring at the large giant.
"It okay, Dad." A few of them said together in unison "Momma loves you
My laughter could no longer be contained. I giggled before opening my
eyes and facing the angry wrath of my sons.
"You are awake!" They shouted while all jumping into me in one big
Stone watched the scene with a shiny gleam in his black eyes as I kissed all
of them on top of the head and hugged the six bodies close to my chest. I
then repeated peppering their small faces with kisses again.
They then moved from my embrace to go and attack their Dad. Stone held
them close to his chest and kissed the side of the heads in the same place I
I shuffled across the bed and squeezed myself into the heap. The large arm
keeping them huddled together moved so that I could rest my head against
my husband's shoulder.
The boys moved back and smiled at us. All with their matching black hair,
black eyes and a tiny hint of a smile on the edge of their mouths.
They all looked like a miniature version of Stone.
Our sons were so special. They were unique in their own individual way but
there were some similarities between them and the giant. Their appearance
being one of them and their intelligence and quietness being the other.
I had six grumpy boys and one grumpy man to deal with. Permanent scowls
and glares were a running theme. Especially to people who were not part of
our family. All of my boys were incredibly quiet when having to deal with
others. They were only loud and wild when in the comfort of their own
home and with Stone and me.
I was never left alone and I would not change a thing.
Perseus was ten and to my horror, he reached my shoulders. He was the
little fighter of the family and had a keen interest in martial arts. Anything
to do with fighting, Percy did it. The shock still has not lessened when I
thought back to his first fight when he won against his forty-year-old
The fate of our next sons was sealed when Stone and I made a bet. It was a
night when we were having a nerd-off. We took turns asking each other
questions about books and the person with the most right had the power to
name our future children. I won and that influenced the next five boys
Edgar was conceived two months after I gave birth to Perseus. My second
born was a welcomed surprise. He was going to be a writer just like me. He
often sneaked into my office when I was writing and gave me weird and
wonderful ideas to create stories about. I wrote and read them to him for
bedtime stories.
Gatsby was probably the craziest seven year old to exist. He was an alien
enthusiast and theorist. His bedroom ceiling was filled with glow up stars
and he always dragged Stone and me to his room to look at his telescope.
His birthday was last week and Stone managed to threaten the government
to let him have a trip to Area Fifty-One.
Fitzwilliam liked bossing people around and glaring at them. He was six
and he liked to read the newspaper and keep up with the numbers in the
stock markets. Stone thinks that he is going to be a businessman and I could
not help but agree. Fitz was good at silently analysing people and situations
which he definitely did not get from me.
Heathcliff was the fixer-upper of the family. He liked building and fixing
things. The four-year old's favourite place was his Dad's workshop where
he could learn about cars and engines. There are at least four cars in our
garage stripped apart for Heath to play around with and learn the ways of
Rochester was the baby of the family. He had just learned how to string a
full sentence together but he was smart. I could tell by the way he watched
us that he knew what was happening. Baby Rock's favourite thing was
riding his little toy motorbike around the house. He was fast on it and I was
worried about how much of an adrenaline junkie he would become when he
grew up.
Stone had a few things to say about the names I chose for our children. A
lot of those things were grumbles and curse words. He had to deal with it
though because he lost the bet.
"Mom." Gatsby called to gain my attention before he told me "Dad said a
bad word this morning."
I narrowed my eyes at Stone before I asked "What did he say?"
"It rhymes with the name of the fairy from Midsummers Night Dream,
Mommy." Heath said before covering his mouth with his small hands and
"We heard him on the phone and he was shouting at someone." Percy joined
in on the elaborate plan to wind their father up.
"That is ridiculous." I agreed with my sons and swallowed down a giggle as
I pretended to be mad at Stone "What should his punishment be?"
"No kisses from Momma for a week." Fitz insisted.
Stone gnarled unhappily "No."
I hummed and pretended to be thinking about it "What do you think,
"No kisses from Mom for a month." He replied.
"No." Stone said again but louder and deeper.
The giant appeared like he was about to have a full-on heart attack.
"Okay." I agreed and sent a mischievous grin to my kids.
"Medusa, I swear to fu—"
I cut him off by placing my hand over his mouth. I stretched upwards and
kissed his jaw and then moved my hand away. He glared but then his gaze
softened when I sent a smile his way.
Baby Rock made grabby hands at me so I picked him up and placed him on
my lap before giving him a kiss on his head. He let out a content laugh
which made us all start laughing too.
"Dad!" Heath called out before choosing to continue the torture on Stone
"Remember that time you called Mommy a witch."
"They live to torment me." Stone grumbled under his breath but he had a
content hint of a smile on his face as he said it.
"Boys, stop bullying your father." I told them while biting back my smile.
"Sorry, Dad." Perseus apologised but with an evil smirk.
Baby Rock chimed in from my lap "Sorry."
"We love you." Heath assured him as they all moved closer to the large man
to give him a group hug.
Stone moved quickly. He stood up and grabbed onto the foot of four of
them. In one large hand, he had Edgar and Perseus hanging upside down
and in the other, he had Fitz and Gatsby hanging too. They swung around
due to the towering height of the giant.
I held on tightly to the remaining two children. Not to save them from being
carried upside down but rather to save myself. I knew that my husband
liked to pick me up occasionally.
When I say occasionally, I really meant always. Stone lifted me up and kept
me firmly against his chest when he wanted my attention and that was a
good few times every ten minutes. He would pick me up at random times
and keep me levitating in his arms until I gave up and kissed him.
The four boys that were upside down in the air got thrown onto the bed.
They bounced a few times screaming and laughing. Stone then picked up
the other two and spun them around but much more carefully because they
were younger.
"Mom?" Edgar questioned, "Were you ever not nice to Dad?"
Memories of us bickering and name-calling and me pretending to hate him
came to mind and I could feel my face light up.
"No." I crossed my arms and gazed at the love of my life as I spoke "I have
always been nice to your Dad."
Stone cocked his head and raised an eyebrow. The side of his mouth tilted
upwards as he watched me.
His smile disappeared and a scowl took its place when he addressed the
boys "Your mother thought that I was going to be your uncle."
Six pairs of widened black eyes looked to me. Seven frowns were now in
the room.
All of my sons were very protective and possessive of me. One time at a
birthday party, I picked up a baby to give them a small cuddle and all six of
my boys were grumbling and glowering. They all wanted my attention
"What?" Percy questioned.
"Silly mommy." Baby Rock said while cupping my face and lightly tapping.
I narrowed my eyes at Stone "You proved me wrong, did you not?"
"Damn right I did." My husband stated proudly while puffing out of his
"Why would you say such a thing, Momma?" Fitz asked with a confused
look on his face.
Gatsby spoke up "Was it because you did not like Dad?"
"Or was it because everyone is scared of Dad?" Heath insisted.
"Lurch is the biggest softie in the world." I said as if they needed me to say
it when they witnessed every day how soft he was for his family.
"Then why did you say Dad was going to be our uncle?"
"I did not want your Dad to know that I was falling in love with him." I
explained truthfully "I knew when I said it that he would be my husband. I
was just too scared to admit it."
Stone's eyes met mine. Even after fourteen years, his gaze still made me
feel all giddy and warm inside.
He was still the person who pushed me like no other and challenged me to
do new things. He was still my biggest supporter and the person who made
me laugh like no other. He was still the person I could tell all my theories to
and talk books to while I cuddled into his huge frame. He was still the
person who gave me butterflies and set my body on fire. He was still the
man I loved most.
Valentine Stone was still the person I came home to.
"Uncle Brennan says that Mom named us after the book men she loves
more than you." Fitz jumped on the bed with an evil grin as he said it.
"Uncle Brennan is going to end up dead in a ditch." Stone rebutted with a
I ran a hand through my hair frustratedly as I sighed.
The black eyes of my husband scanned me head to toe. The gesture was full
of possessiveness like he was trying to claim me with his gaze.
Stone turned to the kids and asked "Who knows what Fahrenheit Four-
Five-One is?"
"Lurch." I gritted out in warning.
Percy frowned confusedly "Is that the story where they burn the books?"
"Well done, baby." I gushed proudly and reached over to kiss the top of
Perseus's head.
"We are recreating it. We are having a bonfire in the garden and burning all
of your Mom's books." Stone commanded the small army in a deep and
demeaning voice "Go and get all of the books that you are named after from
her library."
The six small bodies gave a salute before running out of the room.
As soon as they left the room, I got up from the bed and walked around to
where my evil tyrant of a man was standing. I stood a few steps away from
him and tilted my head upwards so I could send a glare his way.
I pointed a finger up at him accusingly "Do not touch my books."
His hungry obsidian eyes were too busy travelling downwards to notice my
pointed finger. His gaze lingered on my shiny silver nightdress that clung to
my body like liquid mercury.
He took one large step towards me then his movements turned desperate
and full of haste. He leaned down and put his hands on the back of my
thighs before hoisting me up effortlessly off the ground. My legs wrapped
around his waist and my arms around the back of his neck as I clung to him
in the air.
"I want to kiss my little wife." He rumbled determinedly.
Our lips met in one fast movement as his hands dragged through my hair
and brought my face closer to his. His tongue brushed with mine softly yet
harshly. He dominated the kiss and my body as he let his large calloused
hands roam over my skin. He bit my bottom lip before he deepened the
movements of our tongues.
Stone sat back down on the bed but never once broke us apart. I was now
firmly secured on his lap as he kept his tight grip on my butt.
I pulled back and out of breath when I remembered something "I have a
bone to pick with you, Valentine Stone."
He cocked his head and watched as I sent him a glare.
"Do you know what your sons got up to yesterday at the ice cream store?" I
rhetorically asked because he was going to be hearing about it regardless of
his answer.
There was no reply from the giant.
"The six of them glowered and growled at a guy who tried to talk to me." I
shared "The man ran away and he looked genuinely frightened for his life."
A mix of amusement and anger crossed the strict features of his face.
Amusement about what the kids did and anger that some guy tried to
approach me.
"Is there anything you would like to say about our children's behaviour?" I
A pause later and Stone uttered lowly "I have trained them well."
I shook my head and tried my hardest to seem unhappy about his ways.
"I want to lock you in our damn room and never let you out." He grumbled
darkly while burying his face in the creek of my neck "Too fucking
His stubble tickled against my skin and I giggled while wrapping my arms
around him tightly.
"I can't make you apple pancakes if you do not let me out of the room."
"I do not need them." Stone left a soft kiss on my neck before he met my
eyes and spoke gravelly "Not when I can taste you."
"Once a caveman. Always a caveman." I muttered but loud enough for him
to hear.
The giant smirked my way before he lifted me off his lap and dropped me
down onto the mattress. He climbed on top of me so that he was towering
me and we were face level
His words were spoken with full confidence of a man who was never
challenged "The whole fucking world knows that you are mine."
Stone was only ever challenged by me.
"I did not know that." I gasped sarcastically "It is totally not like you tell me
that every day of our lives."
He chuckled before gracing me with one of his rare and genuine smiles.
"The whole world knows that you are mine." I informed him while shaking
my head "Mainly because some crazy man got a tattoo of Medusa on their
The amused smile he had on his mouth was felt against my skin as he
trailed kisses to my ear and started whispering sweet nothings in my hear.
Well, they were not very sweet. They were actually the opposite of sweet.
The course and fouls words from his mouth left my body feeling heated and
that heat travelled down to my toes and back up again.
"I do not blush!" I blurted out as I hid my face in his chest as he pulled back
to see me.
His black irises were centred on my face when he laughed disbelievingly
"Of course you do not, baby."
I cupped his stubbled jaw and kissed it because I whispered "Your genius
peaked at the idea of getting soundproof walls installed."
The mouth up in a smirk twitched a few times and I reached out to touch it
as it did so.
"Actually thing about it..." I tapped my chin and grinned "That is the only
time you have ever been a genius."
A black eyebrow raised as he imposed "Really?"
"Maybe not." I hummed "You did choose to marry me."
Stone's expression went serious as he nodded "The best fucking decision of
my life was going to the pier that night."
I smiled lovingly up at him.
"I love my Medusa and my pebbles."
"I love my Lurch and my pebbles." I said back instantaneously before
trying to slide out from underneath the huge man.
It did not work. Fourteen years of Litora Bello and more years fighting had
made him so immovable that he barely budged an inch. If I thought he was
bad when he was twenty-one then this was a whole lot harder.
"Where are you trying to go?" He questioned keeping his hands fisting the
material of my nightie.
"You better not rip that!" I scolded "I signed up for a professional fighter for
a husband. Not a professional clothes tearer."
"Where are you going?" He asked again but with a small smile on his face
this time.
"To make my pebbles some breakfast." I replied while wiggling out from
underneath him.
"I will make it if you want to go and see them." He offered.
"No!" I blurted out and tried not to shake my head violently.
Stone had many skills but cooking turned out not to be one of them. I had
taken the time to try and teach him but he ended up getting distracted and
burning something. One time I gave him the easiest job of putting some
chilli mix into a taco shell and he could not even do that without crushing
the food under his strength.
His playful scowl lit up his features when he realised I was referencing his
horrible cooking.
"I don't want to die!" I drawled out dramatically "Ella is short for Drizella.
Not salmonella."
"Do not talk about you dying ever again!" He growled and he was
completely serious.
I rolled my eyes at his antics before I left the room and headed down the
marbled stairway of our house.
Green Gables was the only house in a few miles radius. It was secluded and
away from the busy life of the city. Our home was large and very green.
Every corner of the house was covered in the shade that matched my hair
perfectly. Even the six boys chose to have their room a shade of green.
The stairway was no exception. I ran my hand along the emerald coloured
walls as I descended the steps.
My journey down the stairs came to an abrupt end when I was lifted off the
ground and pulled into the chest of a large man. Stone continued to walk
down the stairs with me in his arms bridal style.
I noticed that he had put a shirt on. Unlucky enough for me.
"Why am I getting carried down the stairs?" I asked, knowing that arguing
to be put down was no use.
"You are walking around with no shoes on and I do not want your feet to
get cold." He stated as if it was a normal explanation.
"Any excuse to pick me up." I mumbled while pretending to glare at him.
His lip twitched once.
I stared at his incredibly sexy face as I shared my thoughts "I think after
years of marriage, we are supposed to be a little less obsessed with each
Stone kept his attention firmly on me when he let out a deep noise from his
chest "No."
"You—" I began but got cut off.
"Give me strength." I huffed out frustratedly.
"Medusa baby." Stone uttered quietly and in his gravelly voice "I need to
tell you something."
I studied his expression as his eyes did not quite meet mine. His tight on me
strengthened and he left a quick kiss on my cheek.
"What did you do?" I asked wearily.
A few seconds passed before he finally revealed "I bought the boys a gym."
"You did what now?"
"Perseus needs someone where to train. He loves his marital arts." Stone
tried to argue "Also Edgar, Gatsby, Fitz, Heath and Rock might want to take
it up."
"Rock is barely three." I shouted in frustration "I cannot believe you bought
them a whole freaking gym."
"Can't say no to them." The giant repined "They give me the same look you
I took a calming breath before I yelped "What do you mean by that? All of
them look like you!"
"But they give me the big sad eyes and the small pout." He raised his voice
as he walked along the hall "I can't say no to them."
"A lot like their dad." I remarked and I could not hold back my smile "They
are all just like you. Demanding and dictating."
A weird expression flicked over the strict and scary features of him. His jaw
ticked a few times and he stared out into the distance with a glint of sadness
in his eye.
I cupped his rugged face and gently made him look at me as I whispered
"What is wrong?"
He responded hoarsely "I don't want them to be like me."
My smile dropped as I shook my head.
"You are the best man I have ever met. You are the best husband and the
best dad." I professed between leaving small gentle kisses on his lips "I
want our kids to take that from you and I am so happy that they to look up
to you."
He knew that our sons took after him. They were scary, intelligent, quiet,
impatient and very cute.
Stone's obsidian eyes widened and they were incredibly soft as he stared
down at me "Really?"
"Really." I affirmed, "Of course you are the best man I have ever met. Why
do you think I married you?"
Small laughs were heard from the other side of the door which led to the
library. A library which Stone had built to resemble The Portuguese
Reading Room which he gave to me for our tenth wedding anniversary.
It was Edgar that called through the door "Uncle Brennan says that Mom
only married Dad for his leather jacket."
"No, Edgar." Fitz argued with a tone of someone who knew best "Uncle
Brennan says it was because Momma wanted his motorbike."
"Boys." Stone scolded in a scary tone even though he was chuckling under
his breath.
"You rang, Lurch?" The six of them chorused together from behind the
As soon as I was set down on the ground, I tiptoed over to the door and
pulled it open quickly to scare them. All six of my pebbles screamed in
laughter and then all cuddled up and stuffed their faces into my stomach
and my back.
Stone joined the huddle by wrapping his arms around me and picking two
of the boys up.
"We collected the books, Daddy." Rock cheered while cuddling into the
huge muscle-filled chest.
"You are not burning my books." I told my boys sternly.
"Of course not." The giant agreed before adding "We will keep the books
you wrote. They are my favourite."
"Mommy is the best writer!" Heath praised while latching onto my leg.
"Yeah!" The other five small boys agreed with firmly with a sharp nod of
their head.
Gatsby reached upwards and flapped a piece of paper in my face until I
took it "I drew you a picture of us."
I kissed the top of his head before I studied the picture. Stone was the
largest thing in the drawing, his feet reached the bottom of the page and his
head the top. Next to him and standing at his leg were six small boys.
"Where am I?" I asked with an upset pout.
Percy was so tall that he did not even have to stretch to whisper into my ear
"You are the fairy, Mom."
The fairy with green hair that was drawn on the page was tinier than
anything else. Even smaller than the six boys drawn.
I frowned while everyone else burst out laughing. Stone looked at the
drawing and barked out a laugh too.
"It is because you are abnormally large, Lurch." I gritted out while crossing
my arms "I am not small!"
"Sure you are not, Medusa." He chuckled while bending down to leave a
kiss on the top of my head.
"Whatever." I sighed because I could not stay angry at my boys for long
"Lets go and get some apple pancakes."
"Yay!" They all shouted happily before racing off towards the kitchen
"Apple pancakes!"
"I want mine with gummy bears." I heard one of them say before they
charged determinedly through to the kitchen.
Stone wrapped an arm around me as we made our way through to the
kitchen to join the kids.
I peered between the large man and my ruckus of a group of children and
laughed gleefully "Who knew when we first met that you and I would be
married with six kids?"
"Me. I did." Stone growled before grumbling "I knew as soon as I saw you
that you were my forever."
My husband then took a hold of my hand and brought it up to his mouth
before his dark eyes set on my emerald wedding ring
"Did I ever tell you the story about when I got your ring?" He asked as he
looked from the gem to me.
"You bought it before we set off to Brazil." I said as that was what I always
assumed had happened.
Stone stared at me intensely and unfalteringly as he elaborated "I first met
you the pier on Friday. I bought the ring on the Saturday. The day after."
A laugh left me and then I noticed that there was not a single hint of
amusement on his strikingly harsh feature.
My laughter died out and I opened my mouth. Then shut it again.
"You are not serious." I spluttered "You can't be."
He looked me dead in the eye with his usual serious grumpy face
"You...You crazy man" I mustered up as I was lost for words "I love you."
Decorating the hallway was many pictures of us on the wall. The first
framed photo on the wall was Stone and me on a beach in Rio De Janeiro.
The picture had been taken an hour after our visit to The Royal Portuguese
Reading Room. A place that had changed my life in a way that I had not
I should have known what was happening that day. The clues were there. I
had told him that it was my dream to try and steal a book from the library.
He encouraged me by suggesting to look in the poetry section for an Edgar
Allan Poe book. I found the book and I did hide it under my sundress while
we ran out of the place. I really should have found it suspicious when the
Brazilian librarian smiled at me.
When we stopped outside of the old building, it was only then I opened the
book and discovered that it was not actually a book.
Among the pages and carved into the paper was an opening that held a
velvet box. I remembered the feeling of shock and pure happiness when I
let my attention stray from the box and to Stone on one knee.
He then asked me to marry him. It was less of a questions and more of a
demand. I always laughed when I thought about his proposal. The not so
charming and elegant words of You are marrying me, Medusa as he slipped
onto my finger the ring with the green coloured gemstone.
Like I would ever say no.
Next to that photo was the fairytale esque scene of our wedding. A forest at
night lit up by green fairy lights. The photo was of our first dance.
I still giggled to myself when I thought of the guest's shock when our song
Teenage Dirtbag played as we swayed in the middle of the decorated
woodland. It was our song and it still made sense to me as I was still
nineteen at the time.
Sometimes I wished we had a photo of the ceremony but then I thought
back and realised that I was a mess while constantly crying tears of
happiness as I said my vows.
However, my vision was not blurry enough to miss the lone tear that
escaped from Stone's eye when he saw me in my wedding dress.
My favourite photo however was one of all of us at a play park. The one
where all the boys were laughing while I was perched on Stone's shoulders
reaching for the monkey bars.
If my life was a fairytale, then it would be the best one there ever was.
"Mom!" One of our pebbles asked randomly from the kitchen "Can we get a
"Tell them no." Stone rasped out grumpily.
"Why not?" I challenged "Do you think I will give it more attention than I
do you?"
"You do not need a dog. You have the next best thing." I told the kids while
shooting Stone a mischievous smile “A six-foot seven scary man who
makes the same noises as one."
Fairytale Green was written through a really tough time in my life. Dealing
with mental health issues and overcoming stress and a depressed state
would have not been possible if it were not for my writing. Writing comedy
and romance was a way of cheering myself up and originally the book was
just for myself for a comfort. That was up until I had a conversation with a
few people on the internet book community that spoke about the lack of
enemies to lovers books where the man is obsessed at first sight and
respectful of the protagonist. I made it my mission to write the ultimate
comedy comfort book with the perfect amount of steamy scenes. One
random day, I had a vision of this tiny green haired girl throwing a shoe at
this massive scary giant of a man and then fairytale green was born.
I want to thank my mum and my dad for being so supportive of me, not of
this book though because you don’t know about it and you never will.
A massive thank you to the first boy that ever asked me out, Matthew (even
though he is a massive bully). We never got our enemies to lovers story but
that doesn’t mean I don’t love you more than the twilight saga, loca.
Nothing will ever be as romantic as that story of you and the guy in the
caravan at the market, chlo but I did try. Thank you for being such a
supportive friend and for pinging your pee stick in my eye when you
thought you were pregnant. I love you more than miraculous ladybug.
This book’s harshest critic has to be Murray. My porn star martini buddy
likes to read the smut and laugh. I’m so sorry for spilling your cider over
your lap in the cinema.
After one minute together, we bonded over our love for smut and hot
fictional men. Ellie, thank you so much for reading the book and actually
liking it. Your taste is depraved but very much the same as mine.
Sophie, thank you so much for listening to me plan and write my book
during biology class. We both failed the subject but at least I’m publish a
book and you are in the acknowledgments.
Walking around my estate and yours and talking all things fairytale green,
sonny has been one of the biggest supports for me. We both looked at each
other seven years ago and knew that we would be besties for life.
To my friends that had to pick me up off the club floor when I fainted.
Natasha, Claudia, Rose, Connie and Louise, I’m so sorry you ended up with
me as a friend. One day, you should just leave me on the floor to rot and go
get your cheesy chips from Bobby’s.
I also want to say a massive thank you to Natasha, Alex and Amy. Thank
you so much for getting me through Rome classes and all the
goblins/gobbets we have to write.
It might be in January but the Wallows concert is going to be the highlight
of the year. To the girlies that I drink my weight in cocktails at Slug and
Lettuce with, thanks for judging me for publishing smut. Amanda, Georgie
and Carmen, you are the best.
This book would not even have been started without my grandparents
gifting me a book about mindfulness creative writing. I know this is not
what you intended but...surprise!
Never would the book have been continued without the online readers that
supported me through the past year. I love every single one of you more
than gummy bear.
Lastly, a great big thank you to Ella and Stone. You will always be my first
book characters and you have achieved me so much. the very very very
early drafts, I planned to write the book about Lana and Stone getting
together (I know, ew!) I only got two chapters into writing and it was
obvious Stone only had eyes for Ella. I did not even have to purposely write
the chemistry between Stone and Ella because it just happened. Their
romance wrote itself and I so hope I done them justice
Turn the page to read an exclusive
chapter from Stone’s point of view from
when he first laid his eyes on Ella
Stone’s Chapter
I was going to fucking kill someone.
It was a thought I had at least twelve times a day but
I had had the murderous thought forty seven times in
the past minute. I had also contemplated throwing
myself off the pier to get out of listening to the
droning sound of my brother flirting with another one
of his blonde girls.
My phone nearly cracked under the pressure of my
hand as I typed a one word answer violently to an
impatient Reed who was wondering where we were.
I needed to fight. I needed to do something to feel
one single hint of emotion. I needed something to
remind me that I was alive.
The blonde girl who’s name I did not know and who
I had no intention of knowing threw her head back
and laughed as she rounded up her story “And that is
how I ended up grounded for three months.”
“So you are a troublemaker then?” Brennan’s overly
friendly voice questioned.
I considered letting my next opponent land a blow on
my face in hope that I could erase there awkward
conversation from my fucking mind.
“My brother is the troublemaker. Before he went to
college he was anyway.” The blonde giggled, the
sound like a torturous siren to my ears “You should
have seen my parents’ face when they caught him
and my best friend playing strip poker in the
I let out a breath in frustration that was
unintentionally low yet loud.
The girl’s phone sounded from across the table and I
almost cursed aloud at the annoying ringtone of some
pop star.
I never understood the fascination of dating. I never
understood why people would intentionally want
company. If I had my way, I would live alone up a
mountain somewhere where I would not be fucking
disturbed. I would build a twenty foot wall around
my home and never interact with another soul again.
“He has a friend.” The female voice spoke to the
person on the other end of the phone “So you will not
be a third wheel. I promise.”
For the first time since arriving at this nightmare
place with the overly bright decor, I slowly allowed
my head to lift up. I eyed the two of them as I
narrowed my eyes.
There was no fucking way in this lifetime or any
other that I was talking to some girl.
The blonde shrunk in her seat as I allowed my
shoulders to straiten. Brennan also shuffled away
from me at the sight of my full height.
The dead, dead man next to me nudged me with his
elbow before quietly conveying “Be nice.”
That was the funniest fucking thing I had ever heard.
However, I did not laugh.
“It-it’s um...fine.” The blonde stuttered out as I
finally glanced at her uninterestedly “It was a joke
because Ella is kinda seeing someone. She would
never go for you. You are like the furthest thing from
her type. She always goes for the blonde athletic
asshole type and I’m sure you’re really nice and all
but she loves dickheads. Her words, not mine and I
The rant that was causing me a migraine cut off when
the bell from the front door of the ship rang.
My heart stopped fucking beating.
Then it started again. It beat faster than ever.
I looked away from the door and blinked twice
before I peered back at the door.
The breath gets knocked out from my lungs once
again and my heart skips one fucking beat.
I have died and what a beautiful death it was. I had
either entered heaven and seen an angel or I had fell
to hell and witnessed my damnation. I theorised it
was both.
I could not move. I did not want. I did not want the
girl to disappear. If she was a vision then I never
wanted to live in reality.
My eyes travelled all over her. I watched as her black
boots came to a stop and as her slender legs with the
fishnet tights and jean shorts stopped moving. I
watched as her chest moved up and down under her
thrasher t-shirt, a sign of her heart beating fast.
Her heart that only beat for me. She was born for me.
She was made to be mine.
I could feel the obsession taking over me. I could feel
it growing and spreading to every cell in my body
like an incurable disease.
Her round face was flushed. Her freckles decorated
her rosy cheeks. Her lips were full and pouty, with
her bottom lip bigger and begging to be touched.
There was endless infinite perfections of this girl but
what captured my attention first was her hair. It was
bright green. It was the green of the grass on a
summer morning. It was the shining colour of an
The breathtaking beautiful girl that was destined for
me eyed my large body up and down as her mouth
set into a frown. Her adorable features contorted to
that of determination as she crossed her arms over
her chest.
She was looking at me as if I was a mountain she
wanted to conquer. If I was a beast she had to fight to
get to her happily ever after.
For what felt like the first time in my life, I felt
amusement. It hit me like a bullet train.
I looked down at my hands as they gripped the table
tightly, restraining themselves from grabbing what
belonged to them.
I was her big bad dragon and she was my princess. I
would protect her but I would also steal her away so
that nobody could ever see her but me.
My chest moved up and down rapidly and my fists
squeezed shut as I fought the urges. Everything
inside of me was screaming to rush towards her and
throwing her over my shoulder. Every moment in my
life had been for this moment. This moment where all
I needed to do was bring her home and make her
She was so small and looked so fragile. I would have
to be gentle. I had never been gentle before. I would
have to learn. For her, I had to learn. She looked so
innocent but I knew that she could ruin me with one
look. She already had.
I was about to rise. I was about to go and take my
future wife and attempt to talk to her.
I hated speaking. I had went without saying a work
from zero to twelve. I had to force myself to speak
when I was first arrested at the age of thirteen for
violence. I only ever spoke when it was absolutely
Everyone in this world was a waste of air.
Not her though. Never her.
I wanted to speak to her.
She was too perfect that I doubted she was real. She
was so hauntingly ethereal. So perfectly enchanting.
I cared about nothing in this world except making my
way towards her. I had no care for Brennan and the
girl or her best friend who had still not made an
She was my whole world now. She was in my blood.
I would worship and protect her. One sight and I
knew I was going to love her more than any man
loved anything.
Often, I questioned my existence. Not anymore. I
was put on this planet to be with her. I breathed for
Nothing could stop me from getting to my girl.
The two others who were hazy in my peripheral
vision turned to see what I was looking at.
“Ella.” The blonde called as she waved to my girl
“Get over here.”
My girl broke out into a smile as her attention fell
away from me and as she made our way to the table.
I growled under my breath. I hated that her attention
was away from me. I hated it more than anything in
my life.
Her name was Ella. The love of my life was called
She was even more radiant up close. Her green hair
glowed. The whole of her glowed. Her doe eyes were
the most exquisite shade of brown and they were so
huge and sparkling that I wanted them to be on me
I counted the amount of freckles on her cheeks as I
fell deeper and harder every millisecond.
She had thirteen freckles. Seven on her left cheek and
six on her right.
I wanted to know her body. I wanted to know every
single thing on her mind. I wanted all of her and I
would not settle for less.
The heart beating in my chest was no longer mine. It
was hers. Everything I did now was for her.
Ella rested her tiny hands on the table and tapped her
chipped black nails nervously as she lowly laughed
“Are you going to introduce me?”
My head almost fell slightly and my eyes nearly
rolled to the back of my head at the sound of her
voice. It was soft and light and beautiful and it was
the only sound I ever wanted to hear in my life.
“This is Brennan.” The girl with the blonde hair
introduced “And this is his friend Stone.”
The beautiful brown eyes lit up in amusement as Ella
bit her lip and looked between the two of us.
I did not like sharing her attention.
Her small hand went up in a wave as she replied “Hi,
I’m Ella.”
Brennan smiled at her as he replied "It is nice to meet
to you, Ella."
Her smile grew and her full focus was not on me
when she spoke again "You too."
White hot fury shot up my spine. I had been angry
and I had been furious but never like this. The feeling
I had never experienced before made me want to hit
my brother’s head against the table and then shot-put
him off the pier and into the sea, where he could
never speak to Ella again.
She glanced at me quickly before she nodded her
head and smiled once again.
It was as if someone had punched me in the chest. I
placed my hand over the middle of my middle and
rubbed the spot in which the green girl had took
possession of.
I forced myself to look away for a small relief from
the antagonising need for her as I muttered under my
breath “Fuck.”
The table went silent again and I knew I was seconds
away from begging on my knees to hear one word
from her lips.
A conversation that I had no interested in apart from
what Ella had to say took place. I only listened to the
light voice of the girl opposite me.
She spoke again "Do you by any chance like Barbie
It took me a whole five seconds to realise she was
speaking to me.
The goddess was speaking to me.
Something possessed me and a noise I did not even
recognise left me. Perhaps it was a sigh or a moan.
Her smile faltered and I almost flipped the table at
the thought of her being unhappy.
"I will take that as a no then, Lurch." She
I wondered who this Lurch guy was, what his
relationship was with my girl and how exactly I
could find him so that I could crush him.
"What did you just call me?" I accused, my voice
strong and deep as I yearned to know why she would
address me with another man’s name.
She was mine. I did not care if I had to kill every man
in this world to make sure she chose me. I did not
care if I needed to set this whole world on fire to
make sure it was me and her.
"Lurch from The Addams Family." She answered as
she tilted her head to the side challengingly "He is
the big guy that never speaks and only groans and
grumbles occasionally."
I never took my eyes off her. I was incapable of the
unthinkable action.
"Wait! I think he has a catchphrase." She laughed
lightly before changing her voice to one that was
deep "You rang?"
I almost smiled.
She was so cute and precious and smart. Every
whimsical and magnificent adjective was her.
Her attention once again left me. I was going to go
insane. I was so close to picking up the small girl and
stealing her away.
I concluded that the best way to get her was to pick
her up and not let her down until I pleaded with her
to love me back.
The blonde girl coughed before she interrupted my
plotting to steal away my future wife "Anyway, how
was your date?"
I stopped fucking moving.
I wanted to flip the table. I wanted to roar in anguish
and in murderous. I had never wanted to fight more
in my life. I needed to get blood on my hands and
preferably the idiot of a boy who think he is good
enough for the deity in front of me.
"It was fine." Ella shrugged as if she had not just
tipped my heart out and sent me on a spiral of
insanity "The whole twenty minutes of it."
My knuckles cracked as I clenched my fists and
unclenched them. I balled them up so tight that I
could feel the tension in my brain. I ground my teeth
and scowled as I prepared to face the bastard face on.
I could not even comprehend the very idea of Ella
looking at someone else. Never mind the thought of
anything else.
My stomach churned and I fought the need to go
ahead with my plan to kidnap her and find the nearest
Every single person on this planet needed to know
what I was hers and she was mine. The whole world
needed to know that she was going to said I do to me
and carry my babies in her stomach.
The very thought almost had me calming down.
"How did your date go?" The blonde girl asked
I was spiralling into a pit of rage. All I could see was
red. And green. All I could see was her.
I kicked the table in order to get her attention. I
kicked the table and took out my frustration on the
furniture for keeping me away from the one person
that made me feel something. I kicked the table and
thought of her giving that beautiful smile to anyone
She had unlocked something in me. Something that
no person could distinguish.
"It was fine." Ella answered her friend’s question "I
She would never go on a date again. She would be
lucky if she ever spoke to or saw another male again.
She was never going to be left alone again. She had
her own permanent chaperone.
"The main issue was that he never got my Great
Gatsby reference." Ella huffed before going ahead
and explaining "He saw this green light in the
distance and asked what it was. Naturally, I
responded by calling him Old Sport. He looked at me
like I was insane and that I was speaking some sort of
ancient alien language."
She was perfect for me. So utterly perfect.
I felt the click of our souls meeting.
The next few minutes were a blur. I did not listen to
any words. I was too busy enchanted by the beauty
that I wanted to stare at twenty-four hours every day.
My Ella pretended as if she did not notice me but her
cheeks were flushed. She knew I was wanting her
and needing her. She knew deep down how insanely
obsessed I had become.
I was not apologetic about how crazy I was for her.
I smirked as I imagined maiming the boy who
thought he had a chance with this girl. I would cut off
his hands and use them to fuel a fire to keep my
precious Medusa warm.
Medusa. She had turned me into stone. A statue that
would forever be hers. She had no option but to keep
“What colour is your hair anyway?” Brennan
questioned Ella, adding more to his treason against
me “Emerald?”
I had lost my mind. I could not think or breathe or
Everything was Ella.
"Puke Coloured?"
The question was rough sounding, and it was only
when Ella gaped at me that I realised that it was me
that spoke.
Inwardly, I grinned to myself as the goddess leaned
over table and pointed one small finger at me
All I could think was that I needed to get a green ring
on her perfect little wedding finger as soon as
possible. I needed to get a ring and I would not settle
for anything less than unearthly. It had capture the
essence of her.
Her face was pink and her freckles stood out more.
The colour of her cheeks went irresistibly with the
shade of her hair.
"Listen here, Lurch. You obviously have bad taste in
colour." She bit out the words while narrowing her
eyes further at me "It is fairytale green."
All she was focused on was me and I smirked in
Her faux anger and determination lit up a flame
inside of her and I would be damned if I lost sight of
that fire.
"What the fuck is fairytale green?" I challenged.
She leaned back in her chair, and I almost let out a
growl at the lack of proximity of us.
"It is the green of the trees at an outdoor wedding. It
is the green of the grass where you sit with your
partner when you're old, shaking your fists at the
neighbour’s kid who trespass on skateboards. It is the
green of my hair." Ella rambled on in one quick
breath "It is fairytale green!"
Fairytale green was my favourite fucking colour.
When I first spotted her, it was like my universe had
shifted. I could never have resisted the gravitational
pull she had on me. It was like she was the centre of
the universe and I was the biggest, baddest planet in
the galaxy revolving around her.
I would go to the ends of the earth for her. I would
chase her across time and space. I would do the
imaginable to make her happy.

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