Neg Med Draft

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Strategic Strong Points:

Filmware Productions LLP (“Filmware”) is a well-established partnership firm that functions

as a renowned production house bearing the same name. This production entity boasts an
impressive portfolio of multiple short films, each of which has made its debut at highly
esteemed film festivals across the subcontinent, garnering critical acclaim.

Filmware has a legally binding contract with Red Hunter that explicitly outlines the scope of
work, payment terms, and other obligations. This contract provides a solid foundation for
Filmware's position in the negotiation, as it demonstrates an explicit agreement between the

Filmware can assert that the additional payment of Rs. 25,00,000 for services beyond the
initial scope was mutually agreed upon. Any documented evidence of this agreement
strengthens Filmware's position and underscores the need for Red Hunter to adhere to the
original terms.

Filmware retains the option to pursue criminal actions against Mr. Majnu Shetty for
forcefully snatching the video memory card. The video memory card stored crucial moments
and sequences from the web series, including its climax moments.This potential legal action
can serve as a strong deterrent and bargaining chip during the negotiation, compelling Red
Hunter to consider Filmware's terms more seriously.

Filmware has complained of alleged misconduct by Red Hunter's employees on the sets,
including verbal abuse and manhandling. This can highlight Red Hunter's breach of conduct
and support Filmware's claims regarding the deterioration of the working relationship.

Weak Points:

The dispute between Filmware and Red Hunter could potentially lead to delays in the release
of "Vishwaas Ghaat" or even jeopardize its success. Any delays may result in financial losses
and damage the reputation of both parties.

Filmware's senior employee's negative tweet about Red Hunter and Mr. Shetty poses a
significant risk to Filmware's reputation. The negative perception generated by this public
statement can influence stakeholders and public opinion.

ColdStar Digital's concerns regarding the dispute could exert substantial pressure on
Filmware to expedite the resolution process and ensure that the dispute's outcome does not
negatively affect the release and publicity of "Vishwaas Ghaat." and also not affect firmware's
relationship with coldstar
Needs and Interests:

Filmware's primary need is to promptly resolve the dispute to guarantee the timely release of
"Vishwaas Ghaat." They also aim to safeguard their reputation within the industry and among

The firmware would need to ensure that the video memory card containing important scenes
and sequences from the web series is retrieved intact and without any corruption.
Filmware is concerned about the negative image created by the tweet from one of its senior
employees, which labeled Red Hunter and Mr. Shetty as "goons and fraudsters." They may
seek a resolution that addresses this issue and minimizes reputational damage.
Filmware wants to maintain a positive relationship with ColdStar and address their concerns
to ensure that ColdStar does not delay or negatively affect the release and publicity of
"Vishwaas Ghaat."
Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (B.A.T.N.A.):

Objectives and Goals:

Reach a mutually acceptable agreement with Red Hunter to resolve payment disputes and
address any remaining issues.
Ensure the timely release of "Vishwaas Ghaat" without any negative impact on its quality.
Address and mitigate any damage to Filmware's reputation caused by the public tweet.
Address ColdStar Digital's concerns and provide assurances of a smooth release.
Strong Points:

Red Hunter has a clear Scope of Work agreement with Filmware, outlining specific
responsibilities and services to be provided. This serves as a strong foundation for Red
Hunter's position in the negotiation. Red Hunter contends that Filmware demanded services
beyond the initial scope, justifying their request for a revision of the payment terms. They can
argue that the original agreement did not cover these extra services.
Red Hunter can assert that the additional Rs. 25,00,000 was insufficient for the extra services
provided during the shooting schedule. They can give a breakdown of the extra work
performed, emphasizing the value and importance of these contributions to the successful
production of "Vishwaas Ghaat."
Red Hunter can align their position with ColdStar Digital's concerns about the impact of the
dispute on the release and publicity of "Vishwaas Ghaat." They can stress their commitment
to resolving the matter promptly to reassure ColdStar and align the interests of both parties.
Red Hunter can underscore the importance of protecting their reputation in the industry. They
can emphasize that any negative public perception resulting from the dispute could have
long-term consequences for both parties..

The negative tweet from Filmware's senior employee has the potential to harm Red Hunter's
reputation and influence public opinion. Now Red Hunter has the option to pursue a criminal
defamation case against firmware which can serve as leverage in mediation for Red Hunter's

Weak Points:

The conduct of Mr. Majnu Shetty, specifically the snatching of the video memory card, puts
Red Hunter at risk of potential legal actions, which could be costly and damaging to their

In the original contract it was only mentioned 25 lakhs as additional payment for the extra
service provided by Red Hunter
Filmware received numerous complaints concerning the behavior of Red Hunter's staff on
set, which encompassed incidents of verbal mistreatment and physical handling.

Needs and Interests:

Red Hunter needs fair compensation for the additional services provided beyond the initial
scope of work. They also want to protect their reputation in the industry.

The red hunter insists on public apology from Firmware regarding the retweet from firmfare
official Twitter handle, which tarnishes the reputation of Mr. Majnu Shetty
Red Hunter is interested in maintaining a professional working relationship and ensuring
conflicts are resolved amicably.

Red Hunter has an interest in avoiding potential legal actions, which could be costly and
damaging to their reputation.

Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (B.A.T.N.A.):

Objectives and Goals:

The primary objective for Red Hunter is to secure fair and reasonable compensation for the
additional services provided beyond the initial scope of work as outlined in the Scope of
Work Agreement. Red Hunter's goal is to ensure that their contributions to the production are
adequately acknowledged and compensated.

Red Hunter's goal is to avoid the escalation of the dispute to legal actions, which could be
costly, time-consuming, and potentially damaging to its reputation. They want to resolve the
issue amicably through negotiation and compromise.

Red Hunter seeks to maintain a positive and professional working relationship with
Filmware. Their goal is to resolve the dispute in a way that allows both parties to continue
collaborating on future projects. They want to avoid any long-lasting damage to the

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