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The Posterior Parietal Region

two lobules: superior parietal lobule, inferior parietal lobule

The supramarginal gyrus - hat of the Lateral Sulcus

The only fissure - the interhemispheric one; all the other ones ale called sulcus


The Limbic Lobe - not visible in the lateral surface, but the mesial surface

- surrounds the corpus callosum

- Two parts:
- Dorsal (superior) - cingulate gyrus
- Ventral (inferior) - Parahippocampal Gyrus - the Uncus is the final part - Hippocampus (it
is hidden, more laterally positioned)
- Hippocampus + Parahippocampal Gyrus = the Ventral Limbic Lobe
- Mesial surface of the frontal lobe - paracentral lobe + superior frontal gyrus
- Central sulcus - lateral extension and mesial extension
- Paracentral lobule

The Occipital Lobe:

- Calcarine Sulcus - separates dorsally the Cuneus from ventrally the remaining part of the
occipital lobe (lingual gyrus)
- Mesial includes the posterior part of the Fusiform Gyrus

The Temporal Lobe:

- the fusiform gyrus (posterior - occipital lobe,

- Inferior temporal lobe -

Uncus - primary olfactory cortex

- Olfaction does not go through the Thalamus

- long intrahemispheric connections
- Interhemispheric connections are called commissures !
- All fasciculi have bidirectional connections
- The 5 main fasciculi:
- 1. Superior longitudinal fasciculus
- The most dorsal
- Posteriorly connects the occipital, parietal, temporal lobe with anteriorly the
frontal lobe
- Direct connections
- 2. Inferior longitudinal fasciculus
- Connects posteriorly the occipital lobe with anteriorly the temporal lobe and
the ventral part of the limbic lobe
- 3. The uncinate fasciculus
- Connects the anterior parts of the temporal lobe to the inferior part of the
frontal lobe
- 4. The frontal-occipital fasciculus
- Connects the frontal and the occipital lobe
- More ventral
- 5. The cingulum
- Connects the anterior part of the temporal lobe and the anterior part to the
inferior part of the frontal lobe
- Made by white matter
- Not confuse with the cingulate !
- Runs beneath the cingulate gyrus but continues beneath the parahippocampal
- The main fasciculus connecting the cingulate gyrus and the parahippocampal
- Can receive and send connections to the surrounding gyrus
- Short fibers:
- Shorter than fascicul
- Don’t have specific names

Korbinian Brodmann

- studied the structure, form, dimensions and the parts of the neurons
- Neurons have similar characteristics but also differences
- Found 52 areas - some of them are totally unknown
- Approximately two thirds of the cortex are within the sulci
- Primary somatosensory areas
- 17 - primary visual cortex
- Primary visual cortex
- Primary acoustic cortex - 41, 42
- 1,2,3 - primary somatosensory cortex (tactile info, temperature…)
- Uncus - primary olfactory area
- 4 - primary motor area - Precentral gyrus
- Vernicke’s Area - occupies the most caudal of 22; only the posterior part
- Broca - occupies entirely area 44
- 37 - language processing
- 20,21 - language, semantic memory
- 9, 10 - different executive functions
- 39 - Angular Gyrus
- 40 - Supramarginal Gyrus
- 13 - the Insula - covered dorsally and ventrally by the Operculum

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