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IELTS Modular

Verbs and interrupted actions in Speaking Part 2

1. Put the verbs into the correct tense to complete the story.

When I was about 5 years old I was playing (play) with friends one day in a

wood near my home. I'm not sure why, but the other boys suddenly took (take)

a dislike to me, and pushed (push) me into some stinging nettles. It was

summer and I was wearing (wear) a t-shirt and short trousers. My arms and

legs were (be) covered in stings, and I ran (run) home to my mother, crying all

the way. My mother immediately put (put) some cream on my skin to get rid

of the stinging. As she was putting (put) the cream on, there was a knock at

the door. My friends were standing (stand) at the door. They were holding

(hold) bundles of dock leaves to stop the stinging. Obviously they were feeling

(feel) guilty about pushing me into the nettles.

2. Write the verb phrases that give background information for the story.

a. I was 5 years old.

b. I was playing with friends.
c. ____________________________________.
d. ____________________________________.

What verb tenses are used to give ‘background’ information?

- Past simple tense

- Past continuous tense

Why are some verbs used to describe background information not used in the past
continuous form? Past continuous is not used for “state” verbs, eg I had a headache,
NOT I was having a headache
IELTS Modular

3. In the story, 2 events happened at the same time, but one of these events began
before the other. Here is an example:

I was playing with friends.. > The other boys took a dislike to me..

a. In this example...

i. Which event began first? playing

ii. Which verb form was used to describe the event that began first? Past continuous

iii. Which verb form was used to describe the second event? Past simple

b. Can you find another pair of events in the story that behaves like this? As she was
putting the cream on, there was a knock at the door.

Now work with a partner and tell a story of your own, while your partner listens for
good organization and a variety of verb tenses.


Practice speaking for 2 minutes using the topics suggested.

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