New 9th Class (Power Point)

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What is

Python is a computer programming language often used to build
websites and software, automate tasks, and conduct data
analysis. Python is a general-purpose language, meaning it can be
used to create a variety of different programs and isn't specialized
for any specific problems
What can Python do?
Python can be used on a server to create web applications.
Python can connect to database systems. It can also read and modify files.
Python can be used to handle big data and perform complex mathematics.

It is used for:
• Web development (server-side),
• software development,
• mathematics,
• system scripting.
Why Python?
● Python works on different platforms (Windows, Mac,
Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc).
● Python has a simple syntax similar to the English
● Python has syntax that allows developers to write
programs with fewer lines than some other
programming languages.
What is
As we know, to communicate with a person, we need a
specific language, similarly to communicate with
computers, programmers also need a language is
called Programming language. Before learning the
programming language, let's understand what is
What is Programming Language

A programming language is a computer language that

is used by programmers (developers) to communicate
with computers. It is a set of instructions written in any
specific language ( C, C++, Java, Python) to perform a
specific task
Usage of Programming Language

A programming language is mainly used to develop

desktop applications, websites, and mobile
applications and other softwares.
Hardware Software Firmware

Programming Language
System Software Application software Software
language software

Low Level P-L High Level P-L

Low Level Programming Langage
Low-level language is machine-dependent
(0 and 1) programming language. The
processor runs low- level programs
directly without the need of a compiler or
interpreter, so the programs written in
low-level language can be run very fast.
But understanding low level language for
user are very difficult
High Level Programming Language
High-level programming language (HLL) is designed for developing user-friendly
software programs and websites. This programming language requires a compiler or
interpreter to translate the program into machine language (execute the program).
The main advantage of a high-level language is that it is easy to read, write, and
High-level programming language includes Python, Java, JavaScript, PHP, C#, C++,
Objective C, programming language.
What is program
Programs are collection of
instructions executed by computer
or user to perform specific tasks on
Program is a collection of data and a
set of
Instruction or procedure on that data
to do a
Specific task.
How we can make a software
For making a program we must know the
programming language programs like c, c++ , c# ,

If we know these programs we can make a program

or a application
The basic program in making software and program
or websites in python
What is Python
Python is a computer
programming language often
used to build websites and
software, automate tasks,
and conduct data analysis.
Python is a general-purpose
language, meaning it can be
used to create a variety of
different programs and isn't
specialized for any specific
Usage of Python
• Using of Artificial intelligence in python
• In dynamic web designing
• In making robots
• For testing software and webpages
• For Cyber security
• For making simple Script
• For making program
• For linking database to web sites
• For making Mobile Application
What is Editor , Compiler
Compiler List
▪ Programiz.
are the programs which we can
▪ PyDev. write the codes on it
▪ PyCharm.
▪ Sublime Text. compiler is a special program that
▪ Thonny. Convert our written statement in
a programming language into
▪ Visual Studio Code. machine language or “Binary".
▪ Jupyter Notebook.
▪ Vim
What is Variable
A variable is a way of storing information in a
computer program. Think of a variable like a
container and the name of the variable as the
label on the container which shows us what is inside


Variable Names
A variable can have a short name (like x and y) or a more descriptive name (age, F_name,
total_volume). Rules for Python variables:

• A variable name must start with a letter or the underscore character

• A variable name cannot start with a number
• A variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _ )
• Variable names are case-sensitive (age, Age and AGE are three different variables)
• A variable name cannot be any of the Python keywords.

myvar = "Ahmad"
Example my_var = "Ahmad"
2myvar = "Ahmad"
_my_var = "Ahmad"
myVar = "Ahmad" Illegal variable names: my-var = "Ahmad"
Legal variable names: my var = "Ahmad"
MYVAR = "Ahmad"
myvar2 = "Ahmad"
Print(keyboard+Computer) it gives Error

What is Data Type
A data type, in programming, is a classification that specifies which type
of value a variable has and what type of mathematical, relational or
logical operations can be applied to it without causing an error , and these
are the data types

age = 1 Number(int)
Y = 1.2 Float
Z = 1j Complex
P = ‘ahmad’ String

Print(x) it show the data type of a variable

Welcome to Power point
What’s Microsoft
Microsoft is a company which Make
Computer and computer programs
And also this company produce Other
Technologies ( mobiles , Xbox, Clouds)..
The Programs Which Produce By Microsoft
1-MCP ( Windows)
2-MCSA ( Microsoft Certified System Administrator )
3-MCSE ( Microsoft Certified Solution Expert )
4-Microsoft Office
What is Microsoft Office
Is a collection of programs which solve office problems and Daily activities


Microsoft Office Version
M-Power point
M-Access 2007
M-Publisher 2016
M-info path

M-share point
What's Microsoft Power point

Microsoft PowerPoint is presentation

software that is part of Microsoft Office and
Microsoft 365; it's an excellent tool for
business, classrooms, and personal use. Or
Power point is a program Which is Use for
Creating and Managing presentations.
What’s Extension
Two or three letter which comes After Dot (.)
-By Extension Computer Know The Program
-By Extension we can change the format of program
-By Extension we can search Files

Extension of Microsoft Power point is pptx and ppsx

Other Extension : MP4 Mp3 JPG

How we can Open Power point
At First Install Microsoft Office
Run = Winkey + R = Powerpnt
Start Menu = Power point
New = Power point
Environment of M-Power point
Power point Icon

Environment of M-Power point
Back Stage
Environment of M-Power point
Quick Access Toolbar

Title Bar

Caption Buttons
Environment of M-Power point
Tabs Bar


Environment of M-Power point


Environment of M-Power point

Scroll bar

Status bar
Environment of M-Power point
Zoom Level

it Bring a text for practice
Power point Program - File Menu
Always Open File Read only

If we on it will send as a message Yes or No if we check yes we can open it read only
and if we click No we can open the file and we can change it also.

Encrypt With Password this option give password point to our file and we can not open it with out
password point.

Restrict Editing

this option give password to our file and we can open it but we can not bring changes.

Restrict Access
from this option we can restrict user from bringing changes into a slide.
Power point Program - File Menu
Add Digital Signature
this option is use to make a place for Signature.

Mark as Final
if we on this option it will send as message to don’t bring changes in the Slide.

Inspect Slide

This option is use to check the changes on a Slide or This option is use to
check where we brought changes.
Check Accessibility

This option is use to check which option of the Power point program is disable or
not accessible.
Power point Program - File Menu
Check Compatibility
If we click this option it will show to us which feature or parts are not
supported in earlier versions like 2003, 2007

Recover unsaved Slide

This option is used to recover as the unsaved files or this option is user
the files automatically

Delete All unsaved Slide

This option is used to remove all the unsaved Slide or this option is use to
delete all the files which saved automatically
Power point Program - File Menu
New Ctr+N
This option is use to make a new slide

Open Ctr+O
This option is used to Open a slide we can open a Power point file from
Computer , Network , One Drive

Save Ctr+S
This option is used to Save a Slide we can Save Power point file To
Computer , Network , One Drive
Power point Program - File Menu
Save As Alt + F + A
This option is use to Save the changes separately if we want to save the
changes on other name and place we use save as

It is use to show the history of what we downloaded

Print Ctr+P
From this option we can print a page or a Slide
Power point Program - File Menu
From this option we can share our Slide to other users or from here
We can Email Our Slide to anybody
PDF : portable Slide Format

This option is used to Save Power point Slide into different Formats
Like : Notepad , PDF ,Power PDF , Webpage…

Close Ctr+W
It use to close Power point page
Power point Program - File Menu
We can sign in a Email in Power point Program from this option

I Like Power point
I Don’t Like Power point
I Have a suggestion
Power point Program – Home Tab- Clipboard
Cut Ctr + X
This option is use to cut a text from a place and put it in clipboard for paste.
Copy Ctr + C
This option is use to copy a text from a place and put it in clipboard for paste.
paste Ctr + v
It is use to put the cut or copy content in the Slide
Paste Special Ctr + Alt + V
It is use Make link between tow files or two programs
Format painter Ctr + Shift + C Ctr + Shift + V
This option is use to copy design of a text a and paste the design into other text
Power point Program – Home Tab- Font
This Command is use to change the style ( Font ) of a text.
Font Size
This Command is use to change the size of a text 8p , 72p
Increase Font Size Ctr + ]
This command is use to increase the size of text
Decrease Font Size Ctr + [
This command is use to Decrease the size of text
Change Case
This command is use to change the sentences to uppercase or lowercase
Power point Program – Home Tab- Font
Clear Formatting
This Command is use to Clear the style of a text.
Bold Ctrl + B
This Command is use make the text bold or strong
Italic Ctr + i
This command is use to make the text fallen , willing , or italic
Underline Ctr + U
This command is use to Bring line Under the text
Strike through
This command is use to Bring the text in the line
Power point Program – Home Tab- Font
Text shadow
This command is use to add shadow on selected Text

Font Color
This command is use to Change the text color
Power point Program – Home Tab- Font
There are two different between Power point commands and indicator
1- all setting in the command are temporary but we can set it from
indicator permanently

2- the advance settings are exist in indicator

Power point Program – Home Tab- Paragraph
This Command is use to Bring symbols before the text if a text has sectors
We bring symbols before it
This Command is use to Bring Number before the text if a text has sectors
We bring number before it
Increase indent
This command is use to increase space or indent of a paragraph from left
Decrease indent
This command is use to increase space or indent of a paragraph from Right
Power point Program – Home Tab- Paragraph
Right To Left ( Dari )
This Command is use to change the direction of the text from right to Left
Left To Right ( English )
This Command is use to change the direction of the text from Left to right
left Ctr + L
This command is use to bring the text in left of the page
Right Ctr +R
This Command is use to bring the text In Right of page
Center Ctr + E
This Command is use to bring the text In center of page
Power point Program – Home Tab- Paragraph
Justify Ctr + J
This command is use to Justify a text
Line and paragraph spacing Ctr + 1,2
This command is use to add space between line and paragraph
This command is use to add color at the background of the tex
This option is use to bring border or line on text or page
Power point Program – Home Tab- Paragraph
1-Text Direction
from this option we can change the direction of text to horizontally or
vertically in a text box
This option is use to split our text into two or more then two parts or
Power point Program – Home Tab- Paragraph
Find Ctr + F
This Command is use to find a text in Microsoft Power point
Replace Ctr + h
This Command is use to change a text into another text
Select All Ctr + A
This command is use to select all data in Microsoft Power point page
Selection Pane
This command is use to Show how many pictures or shapes are in the page
Power point Program – insert Tab
New Slides
This Command is used to add new slide on our presentation
Table ( Insert table )
This command is used to create a table in Microsoft Power point
Table is the collection of rows and columns
Power point Program – insert Tab
Draw Table
From this option we can draw our own table ( user choice )
Fixed Column width
This option is use to fixed the size of a column in Microsoft
Power point Slide
Auto Fit To content
If we select these option the table is making fix of the text
Auto Fit To window
If we select these option the table is making fix page
Power point Program – insert Tab
Convert text to table
This Command is use to change a text in to table
Excel spread Sheet
From this option we can insert Microsoft excel in Power point
Or we can bring excel in Microsoft Power point and make tables.
Power point Program – insert Tab
From this option we can insert a picture in a page or this option is use to
open a picture in Microsoft Power point page
From this option we can draw multiple shapes in Power point or if you want draw shapes
like rectangle , oval , line , arrows you can use shapes in Power point
From this option we can take picture from the open files in our computer and we can bring it
to Power point Slide
Power point Program – insert Tab
Smart Art
From this command we can make process, Diagram or
We can deliver graphical information's , Organization chart , and etc.
This Command is use to change a text into chart ( bars , area , line
chart)the benefit of charts is that everyone know it better and it Make
comparing easy
Get Add ins & My Add ins
From this command we can add new functionality to
Office ( Power point ) and we can install new software to help
Microsoft Power point.
Power point Program – insert Tab
This command is used to Create a link in our Slide for
Accessing quickly of a file or a website or email

1. Existing Files
2. A part of presentation
3. New presentation
4. Email Address

From this command we can set a task(link) for a shape or a text
Power point Program – insert Tab
This Command is use to add a comment or note about selected text
Header and Footer
From header and footer we can add a text at the top and bottom
Of pages , header is use to add a text at top of page
And footer is use to add a text at bottom of page
When we add a text in header and footer it will add
Automatically in all pages of a Slide
Power point Program – insert Tab
Slide Number
This Command is use to add slide number in all Slides
Word Art
Word art is use to change the style of a text in Power point program
,or text designs are exist in Power point art.
Text Box
This command is use to Draw a box for writing a text.
Power point Program – insert Tab
Date and time
This Command is use to add current date and time to page.
Object is use to link two or three programs with each other , or
From object we can use multiple programs in one Slide.
This command is use for writing of mathematics notes.
From this option we can Bring Symbols and signs to pages
Power point Program – Design Tab
From this command we can change the Themes and Style of slides and content of slide
Like color , shadow , font , and etc…
Slide Formatting
This Command is use to change a text design or style
like Font , paragraph spacing , Title Designs ,
From this command we can just change the color
If we change the color from themes it will change other
Attributes also but color is use to change just color of
Contents which exist on the page
Power point Program – Design Tab
From this command we can just change the
Font or style Of the text
If we change the font from themes it will change other
Attributes also but Font is use to change just style of text
From this command we can just change the Effect ( shadow , Border )
If we change the Effect from themes it will change other
Attributes also but effect is use to add or remove shadow or border in
Contents which exist on the page
Power point Program – Transition Tab
What is Transition
• Slide transition in PowerPoint is the visual effect applied to an individual slide. The effect is visible when one slide
changes or transitions into another. PowerPoint allows you to customize and control speed, sound, and other
effects for certain transitions using the “Transitions” ribbon.
• transitions are basically animation-type visual effects that are applied to slides (instead of the elements on the
slides) in PowerPoint. Using slide transition can make a subtle but huge impact in making your presentation feel
• There are different types of slide transitions (we shall learn more about them in the next section). Additionally,
you can further control certain aspects of the slide transition.
• You can also add sound during the transition of slides although I highly advise against doing so. But, I’m sharing
this just to show the level of customization of transitions offered by PowerPoint!
Power point Program – Transition Tab
What is Animation
Animation in Microsoft PowerPoint is a feature that allows you to add movement and effects to objects on a slide.
Animation can be used to make presentations more engaging and interactive.
You can animate text, shapes, images, and other objects on a slide.
With animation, you can set an object to move, grow, or shrink in size, or add effects such as spinning, flashing, or fading in or out.
Animation in Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful feature that can be used to bring presentations to life.
It allows users to add visual effects to their slides, which can help to create a more engaging and professional-looking presentation.
Animation in Microsoft PowerPoint can be used to transition between slides, highlight certain elements, or draw attention to specific points.
Animations can be created by selecting pre-made animations from the Animations tab or by creating custom animations.
The most common animations available in Microsoft PowerPoint are transitions, which allow users to move between slides with a variety of effects, such as fades,
wipes, and slides.
Animations can also be used to draw attention to specific elements, such as text or images, by applying fade, zoom, or spin effects.
Animations can be applied to elements on the slide individually, or to multiple elements at once.
Custom animations can be added to slides to create more complex effects, such as bouncing or spinning images.
Animations can be used to make presentations more engaging and can help to create a more professional-looking presentation.
Animations can be used to draw attention to specific elements, such as text or images, or to transition between slides.
Animations can be used to highlight certain elements, or to draw attention to specific points.
Animations can also be used to add visual interest to presentations.
By using animations, presentations can become more engaging and professional-looking
Power point Program – Transition Tab
What is the difference of Animation and Transition
Slide transitions are the animation effects that are applied to whole slide
whereas animation effects are applied to objects (text, shape, picture etc.)
on a slide. For a slide you can have only one transition effect while each
object on the slide can have multiple animation effects.
• An animation is a special effect that applies to a single element on
a slide such as text, a shape, an image, and so on.
• A transition is the special effect that occurs when you exit one slide
and move on to the next during a presentation.
Power point Program – Review Tab
Spelling and grammar is Use to check and fix spelling and grammar problems

In Microsoft Powerpoint

This option is use to translate a word English by English or its use to find the synonyms of words

This Option is used to Translate a word into Different language it work online

From this Option We can Select a language For Microsoft Power point

Power point Program – Review Tab
New Comment
From this command we can add a note or information about a word or sentences

Next Comment
It is used to show the next comment in a Slide

Previous comment
It is use to show the previous comment which exist in previous pages in a Slide

Delete comment
Delete Comment is use to delete the comment which exist in a Slide

Show and hide comments

From this comment we can show and hide the existing comment in the Slide
Power point Program – Review Tab
Compare is use to compare two same files in Microsoft Power point and find the different and
changes in both of them

Hide Ink
this option is used to hide the highlight and the light pen colors and lines.
Power point Program – View Tab
View Mode on Microsoft Powerpoint
From This Option we can set how the text and slides appear in the PowerPoint Program.

We have 5 mode of views in Microsoft word

1- Normal View

2- outline view

3- slide sorter

4-Notes page

5- Reading View
Power point Program – View Tab
This Option is use to show the Ruler on the Slide

This Option is use to show the Gride and Gridline on the Slide

This Option is use to Zoom in or zoom out our Slides

New Windows
This Option is use to copy our text in a new Slides

Arrange all
This command is used to show all pages and windows at once

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