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Annexure-11 -B, Page I 185 Q ~

Course Codt: ENCl.5120

Course Tltle: Rts..rcb Proposal W~iti11:
Credit Hours: 3(3t-0)


To enable the studcnis to write up a rcsoearch proposul for their MPhil rcsean:h.

Cour~ outllne:

• Definitions ofa research proposal

• Struclun: of a re:sc:an:h proposal

► Title
► Abstract
► Introduction
► Literature Review
► Methodology and Procedures
> Rcfc~ nccs
► Appendices

• Academic writing 0on\'entions

• PD111graph dcvclopmcn1
• Lexis
• Syntax
• Spelling
• Register
• Punctuation
• Coherence
• Writing proc=
► Planning
► Drafting
► Revising
► Editing
► Publishing

tAnnexure-11-B, Page ( 186 of 26~

Rttommtndcd Rt adlngs:

• Cohen, L. Mllllion. L and Morrison, K. (2007) Resct1rch met/rods in lliuct11inn (5th edition).
London: Routledge.
• CresweU, J. \V, (2013). Qualitari,., inquiry and research dusign: Choosing amo11g ffre
opproaclres (3rd ed.). TI>ousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
• Field, A. and Hole G. (2007) I/ow to ,lcslgn and n,porl C.</H:rim~ms. London: Sage
• Fmenklcn, J. R. and Wallen. N. E. (2000) /low to design ,md 1Mil11lJte reuarch in cd11..11/on
(4 edition). New York: McGraw Hill Book Co.
• Schellckcns, P. (2007) The Oxford £SOL Handbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
• Silva, T. and Maisuda, P.K. (2002) Writing. In Schmin (cd). 2.S l -266.

~ nexure-11-B, P!9! , 187 or264'

CouneCodt: ENCl.5132
Count TIU•: Pbootlk$ ■nd Eni:llsb Phonology
Crodll Hour,: J(J-l-0)


• Build on lhe backgn,uod knowledge or phonological description and lhco,y in order 10

explain lhe lheories and the principles regulating lhe USI! of sound$ in spoken language;
• Train srudcnts in the skill of transcribing spoken lnnguagcs panicularly English; & examine
cross-linguislic simtlarities & variation in .sounds particularly English & Urdu.

Courw ouUioc:

I. lntroducelon to Plooncliu & Phonology

• lnrroduclion to Phonetics & Pbooology
• Brunches of Pbooo1ics
• Difference b<1wecn Phonetics and Phonology
2. St■gH ID lb• production or lpec<b
• Spce<:h organs
• Manner of anicula1ion

3, Sqimtat■I Pb.oooloK)'
i. Phonemes and allophones
• Consonants
• Vowels
• Diphlhongs and tripblhongs
ii. Syllable and syllabic stNcrun:
• Consonant clusters
• Syllable
• Word SlrCS$: nouns, verb:.. and adjectives

◄. Supr■r,egmtD!II Phonology
i. Sounds in connccled speech
• Wenk form.s
• Asslmila1ion, elision nnd linison
iL Scnlcncc >U'<Sll and intonation

~ nexure-11-B, P!9! , 188 or 264'

5. Conlrastivt l'honolou
• Teaching or pronunciotlo.n

Rttommcndtd Readlng1:

• Burqurst, D. A. (2001). Phonological onlfl)'sis: A functional approach. Dallas: SIL

• Cclcc-Muroia, M.. Brinton, D. & Goodwim, J. (1996). Teaching Pronunciation: rtferencefor
Teachers ofEnglish to speakers ofOther Languages. Cambridge: CUP.
• Cruncndcn, A. ( 1994). Gimson ··s Pron1111Cialion ofEnglish. Oxford:
F.dward Arnold.
• Giegerich. H. (1992). Engli,h Phonology: An Introduction. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
• Giouon, A. C. (1984). An lntrotlucrion ro the Prommdution of Eng/i.,1,.
London: Edwnrd Amolcl.
• Hos& R & Mc Cully, c.B. (1987). Mctric,,a/ Phonology: A Cormi, Boole.
Cambridge. CUP.
• Kenworthy, J, (! 9$7). Tro,;l1lng English f't(lmtnc/11tion , L<!llllon:
• Knowles, 0. (1987). Po/terns ofSpoken English. London; LonSJIIAn.
Kn:idlor, C. W. (1989). 'lite Prommc/otio,s ofEng/isl,. Oxford: Basil
• Roach. r. (2000). EngliJh Pl1onclics und Phonology: A Practical Co11rs~.
• Rooca. I & Johnson, W. (2005). A Course in PhoncJics. Oxford: Basil

~ nexure-11-8, Page ', 207 p f 26~

Course Cock!: ENCLSIJ4

Course Title: Ad•·••••d Pr2gma1ks and Semaaliu
Credit Hours: 3(3+0)


• The siudcnts will be able lo s1udy fac1ors that go\'cm rboicc oflnnguage in sociul in1c111c1ion
and lhe effects of lhcse choices on 01hers.
• It will introduce s1udcn1S 10 lhc basic concepts of scm:u11ics and prasmn1ics wi1h the aim 10
help 1hcm conceptualize ~,e rclu1ionship be1wccn words and !heir meanings, and 10
undcrs1onJ ~,e foc1ors th.II govcm eho,cc, of language in social in1cmc1ion ond the cOccts of
1h= chokes.

Course Outline:
• Spe,.-ch ncl theory-<:omplCJ< •~-..-cl! DCIS
• Felicity condilioru
• Conversational implicature
• The coopera1i,·c principle
• Con\·c.r~1tion.1l o:u,xirns
• Rclcwmcc
• Poliu:ncu
• Pha1ic cokcns
• DcL"tis
• Theories of Semantic nnd Pragmatics
• Types of meaning
• Semanlic field
• Sense Rclalions and Lexical Relations (llyponymy: S)"llOnymy; Anltlnym)•; Homon)'"'Y ond
• S)11tuctic Scman1ics (Con1mdic1ion. Ambigu,1y, Scman1ic anomaly,
l!n1nilmcn1. Presupposition)
• Speech net theory
• Conversational lmplicaturc
• The Cooperative Principle

~ •ure-11 -B, Page I 208 of fil

Rcconunrnrled Rrndfn~1':

• Grice, H. P. ( 19S9) S1111fl,•s in th<> ll'<ty of Wonl<, lbrvnnl Unh·crsity Press.

• l.ccch, G. N ( 1983) Pr111cip/es ofPragnruric.<, Longman.
• u:vinson, S. (1983) l'r,,gm1111cs, Cambridge Um-.rsity Press.
• Levinson. S. (2000) Pr,•s,u11ptfre ,\lrtmi,rgs: n,c T11t'O'J' of (ic11t•f'nli:c•d Convcrs111io11fll
lmpllc,uure, MIT Press.
• Vers<:heure.11, J. (1999) U11das1ttntlurg Pragmatics, Arnold.


• Bunon•Robens, N. (Ed.). (2007). Pragmatics. Palgnvc Mncmillnn.

• Cruse, A. (2011). Meaning in l.on1,o,uge: An lncr<>d11c1ion to Semantics mu/
Pragma/ics. (Third edition). Odon! Textbooks in Linguistics.
• Cutting. J. (2002). Pmgmatics and Discourse: a reso11rtt hook for st11den1s.
• Davis. S. & Gillon. S. 8. (200-I). Semantics: .4 Reader. Oxford University Press.
• Davis. S. (Ed.), ( 1991 ). Pragmatics: a reada. Oxford Vniv~r;ity Press,
• Frawley, W. (2002). linguisricS<'manlics.Cambridgc:Cambridge UnivcrsityPn.".iS.
• Griffiths. P. (2006). ,In ln1rodue1ion to E:nglish s..,,,antics and Prt1gnw1ic.,.
Edinburgh Unfrcrsity Press Lid.
• Grundy. P. (2000). Doi11g l'ragmmirs. Arnold.
• Ho"ard, G. (2000). Scman1ics: lar.guagc Workbooks. Routledge.
• Murford. R. J., He.lSlcy, B. & Smith, 8. M. (2007). Semanrics: a course book.
(Second edition) Cambridge: CUP.
• Kcnms, K. (2000). Semttn1ics. Palgra,·c Modem Linguistics. Great Brilllin.
• Lyons. J ( 1996). lir.gui.sllc S.:mtmli<s: An ln1rod11e1ion.Cnmbridgc: Uni\'crsity of
• Ricm<r. N. (20 I0). /,ttmduclng S.•manlic.<. Cambridge Introductions 10 Language
und Linguistics.
• Su,-.:d. I. J. (2009). Semantic,. (Third edition). WilcyBfoc~·wcll.
• llorn. R. L.. & Wnrd, L. G. (Eds,), (2005). The lwndl""'k ofprogmotics. Wil:1ey-

1Annexure-11 -B, Page I 209 of 264)

CourM! Code: ENGL513S

Course Tille, Corpus UagulJtl.cs
Credit Hours: J(J+o)


The muin objc.:tivcs of the course an::

• To inlroducc corpus Linguistics as a11 <mcrsJng branch of linguistics

• To introduce to difli:rcnt pc~i•es in the corpu.s-based analysis of language.
• To teach how 10 use some of the mos• common techniques, tools and software packages in
corpus linguistics.
• To gel familiar with corpus roots in research

Course outline:

• Define ood d=ribc the main pcrsp«tivcs on the analysis oflan~'Ullge from the point or view
of corpus linguistks.
• Describe the difference bctwttn quantitath·e and qualitative corpus linguistics.
Describe 1he difTen.-no:e between diachronic and synchronic corpus-based research.
• Identify the difTen,nces In conduc1ing corpus research on monolingual vs. multilingual
• ldenlify the different levels of analysis in corpus lllll,'Uistics (phonetic/phonological,
morphological, lexical, 5>1113Ctic/pmgmatic, discourse).
• Critieally evaluate difli:rcnt theoretical perspectives in t<>rpus linguistics.
• Explain what it mcan.s for corpus linguistics 10 be a theory or a method.
• O.:SCribe the recent history of corpus lin.guistics.
• Compare Nco-Finhian corpus linguislics 10 corpus,bas<,d linguistics.
• applic:atlon.s of corpus linguistics (dictionary/grammar cn:alion, oducntion, writing,
IAnguuge acquisition, lnni,'U&ge tc~hill8).
• EvalUDte the limitations on the gencnilizations derived &om data.
• Recognize and develop str.11.egies and pr:acticcs to deal with the issues swrounding COfJ>US
collection, stomgc, anoolation and anal)'$is.
• Manipulate the mosl commonly-used tools in c<:>rpw linguistics.
• Develop skills in corpus collc.:tion. searching, anno1a1ion and analysis.
• Apply basic $1alistlcnl 1cchniqucs 10 corpus annlysis.
~ nexure-11 -B, Page I 21O of 264,

Recommended Rentlio~s:

• Biber, D., S. Conrad and R.. Reppcn. (1998). Col]lll.< lini;ui>tics:

lnvcs1igoting Language S1ruc1urc and Use. Cambridge: Combridsc UnM:r>i1y
• Granger, S. and P<lch-Tyson, S. (2<XU). E.ttentling the scvpe u/c:orp11.,-l,1J<•tl rcsct1rc:h: Ne"'
i1ppHc11tions, new clwlh·ngcs. Rodopi.

• Hunston, S. (2002). Corpora in 11ppltcd linguistics. Cambridge Uni,cr..i1y rress. •

Mc l'nery, T. n.nd Wilson, A. 200 I. Cor1,us lini;ui-stles. (2nd &I.) Edinburgh: Edinburgh
University Pn:ss. •
• McEncry. T.• Xiao, R.. nnd Tono, Y. (2006). C1>rp11,-bascd lung1111gc studir.,: An ndwmc.,d
rrsuuro,· book. Routkdgc.
• McEnury, Tony and Andn:w H<udic (2012) Corpus 1.inguls11c.: Mc1hod. Theory und
rmc1icc, Cumbnd~e: Cnmbrid~• Unl\'ersi1y Pre$$. ISBN: 97S0521 S47369.
• S111<:luir. J. (1991). Curpt<r, c:om:nrdmtc·,•. cnll,,c111lon. Oxford: Oxford Univcn<ily Press.
• Sinclair. J. (2004 ). flow 10 "'" C()rpora In lung11ug1· t,·ud,lng. John Bcnjnmins.
• S1ubbs, M. ( 1996). T<M mu/ rorp11s ,mu/pis. Oxford: Blnck\, <II,
• Wynne, Maron (cdi1or). lOOS. Dc,·d oping linl,'IJistic Corpon,: a Guide 10 Good l'ruc1icc.
Oxford: Oxbuw Books. Avadublc online frorn hnp://


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