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Date of Implementation: Aug.

24-28 Week
No. 1
A. CONTENT STANDARDS : The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
the formation of the universe and the solar system; the subsystems (geosphere,
hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere) that make up the Earth; the three
categories of rocks.
B. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS : The learners shall be able to: make a concept map
and use it to explain how the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and
biosphere are interconnected; make a plan that the community may use to
conserve and protect its resources for future generations.
C.1. Describe the characteristics of Earth that are necessary to support life.
C.2. Explain that the Earth consists of four subsystems, across whose boundaries
matter and energy flow. (S11ES-Ib-4)
C.3. Identify common rock-forming minerals using their physical and chemical
properties. (S11ES-Ib-5)


SUB-TOPIC Universe and solar system ; Earth and Earth systems
REFERENCE Earth and Life Science for Senior High School (page 298-324)

Breaking Through Earth Science for SHS (page 3,19-20)





COREVALUES COMMITMENT. The students are committed in learning
INTEGRATION because the lesson corresponds with their daily life.
MATERIALS/ PowerPoint presentation, Google classroom, video
STRATEGIES Interactive Discussion

1. Prayer
2. Vision and Mission Recitation
3. Greetings
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Checking of Agreement

Teacher will ask the students to arrange the following jumbled letters to
form words related to the earth and say something about the formed


Teacher will post and have the learning competencies shared to the whole
class. Explain what are expected from the students at the end of the lesson.
Day 1
ACQUIRE (30 minutes) ● Introduce the lesson briefly by stating that they will
be learning about Origin and structure of the
earth. Relate the motivational activity to the lesson
of the day.

● Teacher plays video about the uniqueness of earth

that are necessary to support life.
Questions to be asked after playing the video:
a. What are the uniqueness of the earth based on
the video?
b. How does it support Life on Earth?

● The students will be given more examples about

uniqueness of earth.

● Ask the students a question:

● Why do you think earth is special?


● Geology is the study of the Earth. It is a multi-

disciplinary science that aims to understand
processes occurring within and on the surface of
the planet.

● The early Greeks, including Aristotle and Ptolemy,

describes a model of the universe that is
geocentric. This model locates earth at its center.

● According to Big Bang Theory, the Universe formed

approximately 13.7 billion years ago from a
cataclysmic expansion which hurled all the matter
and created space.

● Universe is all of space and time and their

contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all
other forms of matter and energy.

● The Solar System is the gravitationally bound

system of the Sun and the objects that orbit it,
either directly or indirectly.

● Our planet earth started from the collection of

dust and other particles drifting in space for some

The structure of the earth is divided into four major

● Crust - is the thinnest layer of the Earth and is the
layer we live on.

● Mantle - It is the thickest layer of the Earth at

2,900km thick.

● Outer core - It is made of liquid iron and nickel and

is between 3,500-4,000°C.

● Inner core - It is the hottest part of the Earth

reaching temperatures between 4,000-4,700°C,
which are as hot as the surface of the sun.

Uniqueness of Earth
1. Earth is at the right distance from the Sun, the star it
2. The presence of an atmosphere makes Earth livable.
3. Presence of water is another key factor.
4. Time for evolution
5. Earth's core allows the recycling of material and
generates a magnetic field that protects us from

Everything in Earth's system can be placed into one of four

major subsystems: land, water, living things, or air. These
four subsystems are called "spheres." Specifically, they are
1. Lithosphere (land) - contains all of the cold, hard
solid land of the planet's crust (surface), the semi-
solid land underneath the crust, and the liquid land
near the center of the planet
2. Hydrosphere (water) - contains all the solid,
liquid, and gaseous water of the planet.
3. Biosphere (living things) - contains all the
planet's living things.
4. Atmosphere (air) - contains all the air in Earth's
MAKE MEANING Activity (Individual-Oral) *Integration of real-life
situation “Think and share scenarios that represent a
uniqueness of earth.”
Call students to express their answers about the essential

(Time Allotment: 5 minutes)

Activity 1 (through LMS) *Integration of 7C’s: (Critical

The students will answer the activity through google

document which is posted on the google classroom. They
need to submit the activity after the allotted time given to
them within that day.

Answer the following.

A. Give 3 examples of uniqueness of earth that is
necessary to support life.

B. Identify the four major components/structures of the

earth and describe each.

C. List down the four subsystems of the Earth and kindly

explain each.

(Time Allotment: 20 minutes)

Day 2 (Part 1)
ACQUIRE (30 minutes) ● Introduce the lesson briefly by stating that they will
be learning about common rock-forming minerals
using their physical and chemical properties.

● The students will be given more examples about

rock-forming minerals using their physical properties
and chemical properties.
ROCKS- made up of crystalline materials we call minerals.
Mineral- a naturally occurring, inorganic, homogeneous
solid with definite chemical composition and ordered
internal/crystalline structure.

Physical properties to identify a mineral including;

● Luster – is the ability of a mineral to reflect light to

its surface.

● Hardness – it is the resistance of the mineral to

abrasion or scratching.

● Color - is sometimes caused by the presence of trace

elements or compounds within a mineral

● Streak – It is the color of a mineral in powder form.

● Crystal Form/habit – refers to the common or

characteristic shape of a crystal or combination of

● Cleavage – is the ability of a mineral to break along

planes of weak bonding.
● Fracture – can be an irregular fracture when a
mineral breaks and exhibits uneven surface.

● Specific Gravity - is the ratio of the weight of the

mineral to the weight of the water with an equal

● Special properties – taste, odor, attraction to

magnets, fluorescence, radioactivity, and reactivity.

Chemical Properties of Minerals

● All minerals have a certain arrangement of elements

in their crystal structure.

● The chemical properties of minerals depend on their

chemical formula and crystal structure.

● Solubility refers the ability of a substance to dissolve

in a solvent at a specified temperature.
Melting point refers to the temperature at which
solid turns into liquid.

For example: Halite

Chemical Composition NaCl
Luster non-metallic – vitreous;
transparent to translucent
Hardness Soft (2-2.5)

Color White

Streak White

Crystal Form/Habit Cubic

Cleavage Perfect cubic

Specific Gravity Light (2.2)

Other Properties Salty taste; very soluble;

produces reddish spark in

The most common rock-forming minerals are:

1. Quartz - It is a glassy-looking hard substance with
white streaks.
2. Feldspar - It is a light-colored material, usually white,
but they can have lighter shades of red or green. It
has a glassy luster.
3. Mica - It is easily identified by its perfect cleavage,
reducing it to thin smooth flakes. Its shine is
responsible for the flashes of light in rocks such as
granite and slate.
4. Augite - It has a glassy luster with streaks of white,
light green, or light brown. It is generally black in
color and has stubby prismatic crystals.
5. Amphibole - It has a glassy luster and an opaque
characteristic. Its crystals are very long and very thin.
6. Olivine - It is known for its distinct olive-green color
and commonly used in the gemstone industry as
peridot. It is a glassy looking and transparent
substance that is almost as hard as quartz.

MAKE MEANING Activity (Individual-Oral) *Integration of 7C’s

“How to identify common rock-forming minerals?”

Call students to express their answers about the essential

(Time Allotment: 5 minutes)

Activity 2 (Individual) (through LMS) *Integration of 7C’s:

(Critical thinking, Communication, Creativity)
The students will answer the activity through google form
and google document which is posted on the google
classroom. They need to submit the activity after the
allotted time given to them within that day.

A. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a solid, inorganic, naturally occurring substance with
a fixed structure and a definite composition.
A. rock
B. magma
C. salt
D. mineral
2. It is the ability of a mineral to resist scratches.
A. luster
B. hardness
C. cleavage
D. crystal habit
3. It describes how the mineral sparkles in light.
A. luster
B. hardness
C. cleavage
D. crystal habit
4. It refers the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent
at a specified temperature.
A. melting point
B. solubility
C. luster
D. hardness
5. It refers to the temperature at which solid turns into
A. melting point
B. solubility
C. luster
D. hardness
B. Identify what rock-forming mineral is being described in
each sentence.
1. It is easily identified by its perfect cleavage, reducing it
to thin smooth flakes.
2. It has a glassy luster and an opaque characteristic. Its
crystals are very long and very thin.
3. It is a glassy-looking hard substance with white streaks.
4. It is known for its distinct olive-green color and
commonly used in the gemstone industry as peridot.
5. It is a light-colored material, usually white, but they can
have lighter shades of red or green.

C. Identify the physical and chemical properties of the

following rock forming minerals. (Use a table to represent
each rock-forming mineral)
1. Quartz
2. Amphibole
3. Olivine

(Time Allotment: 25 minutes)

AGREEMENT Browse on the internet and search for the classification of

The students will gather information on the internet and

they need to put all the information needed on the google
document attached in google classroom.

The submission of the Agreement is on or before August 31

after the real time class.

The schedule of our next virtual class is on August 31, 9:00-

10:00 am. Please make sure to attend the google meet class
ten minutes before the actual time.

Day 2 (Part 2)
Online Learning Plan – Use of Learning Management System
ACQUIRE ( 30 minutes)
● Teacher will post or upload in the LMS so that the
learners can access the materials.

● The Teacher will play a video about common rock-

forming minerals.
● Instructional enrichment activity to be posted and
accessed through the LMS.
Activity 3 *Integration of 7C’s (Critical Thinking)
The students will make a summary report base on the video
that they watched.

The students will answer the activity through google

document which is posted on the google classroom. The
deadline of submission of the activity is on August 27 at
12:00 pm.

● Output Accomplishment to be posted and accessed
through the LMS

DAY 3 (Part 2) - Online CHAT

All students are subject for Online CHAT. They are to be
classified into groups: (1) enrichment learning, (2) had
problems to comply or attend during real-time TL: and /
or did not achieve the competency. Fill out the form

● What are the important things to take note about
uniqueness of the earth?

● What are the four subsystems of the earth?

● How can we identify the rock-forming minerals

using their physical and chemical properties?
TRANSFER (Weekly Output 1)
The students will do the output which is posted on the google

The submission of the weekly output would be before or at the

end of the semester.

A. Think of 5 minerals and make a digital flash cards. Include their

common uses and identify the specific property/properties that
made them for that purpose. You can use google slides or google
documents in making digital flash cards.

For example:


Physical Properties:


having a black streak

2. hardness of 1-2

Chemical Properties:

1. Carbon (C)

Common Uses: It is used in pencils due to its ability to leave

marks on paper and other objects).

A. No. of learners who earned 75% on the

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for remediation?

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.

of learners who have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation

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