Nisha Agarwal - Synopsis - Ienergizer - Sahil

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Study on Performance Appraisal Process and

Employee Satisfaction At iEnergizer

Submitted By:

Enrollment No:

Under The Guidance Of:

Submitted To:

INDIRA Gandhi National Open University

In partial fulfillment for the award of the Master’s Degree in Business

Administration (Human Resource)

Chapter I

1. Introduction of the topic
2. Need of the study
3. Scope of study
4. Objective of study

Chapter II

1. Literature Review

Chapter III

1. Research Methodology

Chapter IV
1. Data Analysis & Interpretation

Chapter V
1. Conclusion
2. Suggestion
3. Limitation

Annexure I
1. Bibliography

Annexure II
1. Questionnaire


As organizations exist to achieve goals, the level of success that individual employees

have in achieving their individual goals is critical in determining the performance of an

organization. Assessing how employees have helped meet their goals, therefore,

becomes a critical part of HRM. This leads us to the topic of performance testing.

According to Beach “Performance Appraisal is the systematic evaluation of the

individual concerning his job her performance on the job and his potential for


According to Andrew Sikula, employee appraisal or performance appraisal is a

systematic evaluation of a worker’s performance and potential for development. It is

the process of estimating or judging the value excellence, qualities, or status of some

object person, or things. Performance appraisal is a process of gathering analyzing and

disseminating information about the performance of employees.

Appraising the performance of individuals, groups and organizations is a common

practice of all societies. While in some instances these appraisal processes are

structured and formally sanctioned, in other instances they are an informal and integral

part of daily activities. Consciously of unconsciously evaluate our own actions from time

to time. In social interactions, performance is conducted a systematic and planned

manner to achieve widespread popularity in recent years.

Performance appraisals should be conducted on a regular basis, and they need not be

directly attached to promotion opportunities. Personal Attention During a performance

appraisal review, a supervisor and an employee discuss the employee's strengths and


This gives the employee individual face time with the supervisor and a chance to

address personal concerns. Feedback Employees need to know when their job duties

are being fulfilled and when there are issues with their work performance.

Managers should schedule this communication on a regular basis. Career Path

Performance appraisals allow employees and supervisors to discuss goals that must be

met to advance within the company. This can include identifying skills that must be

acquired, areas in which one must improve, and educational courses that must be


Appraising the performance of individuals, groups and organizations is a common

practice of all societies. While in some instances these appraisal processes are

structured and formally sanctioned, in other instances they are an informal and integral

part of daily activities. Thus, teachers evaluate the performance of students, bankers

evaluate the performance of creditors, parents evaluate the behavior of their children,

and all of us, consciously or unconsciously evaluate our "own actions from time to time.
In social interactions, performance is conducted in a systematic and planned manner to

achieve widespread popularity in recent years.

Introduction to the organization

iEnergizer Inc. is a Delaware US Corporation incubated exclusively to undertake

Multimedia Contact Center Operations in India. The company started its call center

operations through its affiliate company – Granada Services Private Limited, India in

January 2000, under the Brand Name – iEnergizer.

iEnergizer is an AIM-listed, independent, integrated software and service pioneer. The

Company is a publishing and technology leader, which is set to benefit from the dual

disruptive waves of big data and the cloud in the digital age. With its expertise and

cutting-edge technology, iEnergizer is uniquely positioned to facilitate the

transformation to a digital world and support clients in this transition.

iEnergizer provides services across the entire customer lifecycle and offers a

comprehensive suite of Content & Publishing Process Outsourcing Solutions (Content

Services) and Customer Management Services (Business Process Outsource) that

include Transaction Processing, customer acquisition, customer care, technical support,

billing & collections, dispute handling, off the shelf courseware, Anti Money Laundering

and KYC services, and market research & analytics using various platforms including

voice – inbound and outbound, back-office support, online chat, mailroom, and other

business support services.

iEnergizer is one of the largest and most progressive International Call Center in the

Asia Pacific region. It undertakes Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) projects in voice-

based & web-based processes as well as provides back-office support in Finance,

Banking, HR, Claims processing- Insurance, Healthcare, etc. to leading Fortune 500

companies around the world. iEnergizer makes use of the latest state-of-the-art

infrastructure with world-class standards in networking like earth station, IPLCs to

provide instant connectivity to its global customers through calls, e-mails, chat, etc.

iEnergizer’s Team combines experience with acquired knowledge that results in

expertise strongly complimenting that of our Clients’. The iEnergizer Team understands

the issues, the products, the services, and the challenges facing US creditors. The

iEnergizer business process design team has developed documented processes built

around common Customer Care, accounting and industry business practices. Combining

sound, proven practices with the latest technologies and the educated, low-cost labor

force of India.


Performance appraisal is essential to understand and improve the employee's

performance through HRD. In fact, performance appraisal is the basis fore HRD. It was

viewed performance appraisal was useful to decide upon employee promotion /

transfer salary determination and the like. But the recent developments in human

resources management indicate that performance appraisal is the basis for employee


According to the past survey it was noticed that the performance appraisal system in

this company was not up to the mark. Hence there would be scope for giving few

suggestions as per my knowledge to improve the performance appraisal system which

was quite essential for the better performance of the employees.


Study on Performance Appraisal Process and analyze the Employee

Satisfaction with it at iEnergizer.


 To review and analyze the process of performance assessment in iEnergizer.

 To analyze employee satisfaction towards performance appraisal process of


 To study the objective and fairness of assessment of performance and potential.

 Identifying areas for improvement in the performance appraisal process

 Understanding the impact of the performance appraisal process on employee

motivation and engagement


To fulfill the objective of the study both primary and secondary data has been collected.
Primary data is the data collected specifically for the study. Data will be collected directly from
people working there via questionnaires or surveys before being analyzed to reach conclusions
concerning the issues covered in the questionnaire or survey.

NATURE OF DATA: In research methodology data must be collected and there are two sources
of collection of data i.e.

a) Primary data:

The primary data are those, which are collected freshly and for the first time, from the

employees directly. It will be collected through the following methods.

1. Questionnaire: A structure of questionnaire was prepared and distributed among the


2. Interview: Personal interviews and interaction with the employees.

3. Observation: By observing the working environment.

b) Secondary data:

The secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone or else which

have been passed through statistical process. Sources of secondary data can be categorized

into two broad categories named published and unpublished statistics.

Sample size:

A sample of 50 employees will be selected. Although it looks to be a small sample keeping

in view the large number of employees it has to be limited because of time constraint and

current situation .


Since employees from all levels (strata) namely the top level, the middle level, and the

lower level are bound to experience stress, the sample has to include employees from all

levels. Stratified random sampling technique will be selected while preparing questionnaire

as this is the only technique that would help to draw conclusions accurately.


As the study revolves around the performance appraisal of human resources aspects the

overall organization performance cannot be ascertained. In spite of giving honest and

sincere efforts there are several limitations, which are as follows:

 The period of study is only about 1 month, which is a constraint.

 The perception bias or attitude of the respondents may also act as hurdles to the study.

 The study is only confined to one location of iEnergizer.

1. Is Performance Appraisal helps in the assessment of individual potential?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

2. Does the Performance Appraisal system follow in the organization is rational and fair?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

3. Whether the Job expectations are informed and the superiors set the tasks?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

4. Does the performance Appraisal followed in the organization helps to assess

the training and development needs of the employee?

 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
5. Does the performance appraisal in the organization help to
recognize the competence and potential of an individual?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

6. Whether the employees happy with the assessment of

Performance followed in the organization?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
7. Do the Employees appraise fairly according to the company’s policies?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
8. Do the Advises and suggestions are given to the employees
during the appraisal process?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
9. How do the employees accept the appraisal feedback?
 Positive way
 Negative Way
 Uninteresting
 Neutral

10. Who should be the appraiser?

 Superior
 Subordinate
 Peer Group

11. How often should an employee be assessed?

 Once in 3 months
 Once in 6 months
 Once in a Year
12. How did the performance appraisal follow in the organization?
 Motivate
 De motivate

13. What types of errors/problems have an impact on

performance rating in the organization?
 Influence
 Biased
 Subjectivity
 Status Effect

14. Are you aware of a 360-degree appraisal?

 Yes
 No


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