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REG.NO- 12116106
1Q. Analyze the emotions of Jeff Bauman in the movie.
the movie Stronger portrays the emotional journey of Jeff Bauman
after he lost both his legs in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing.
Here is an analysis of the key emotions depicted
Initial trauma & shock
For Jeff, the bombing itself as well as the moments that followed are
clearly extremely traumatic. He feels astonishment, terror, and
excruciating physical pain as a result of his severe wounds. He is
naturally deeply shocked by this life-changing experience.

Struggle with new reality

Jeff struggles with emotions of worthlessness, self-doubt, and

uncertainty over the "hero" status that has been imposed upon him as
he embarks on his arduous recovery journey. He loses his
independence and sense of self when he loses his legs. Scenes show
his anguish as he struggles to relearn fundamental activities during
physical therapy sessions.

Post trauma stress

Jeff experiences severe panic attacks and intense memories brought

on by objects and noises that remind him of the bombing. In a moving
sequence, his PTSD-related outburst during a hockey game highlights
his psychological anguish. You can feel him struggling to deal with
these bothersome recollections.

2Q. Comment on the behaviour of Aaron (his girlfriend) and Patty

(his mother) towards Jeff.
Erin (Jeff's girlfriend) and Patty (Jeff's mother) exhibit contrasting
behaviors towards Jeff in the movie "Stronger"
Erin’s behaviour
According to the evaluations, Tatiana Maslany's character Erin is a
dependable and powerful companion who helps Jeff get through his
difficulties following the bombing incident. Several salient features of
her conduct:
She is referred to be the "voice of reason" and is among the movie's
most endearing characters. Erin is patient with Jeff despite his self-
destructive behavior and propensity to snap at her, and she confronts
him when necessary. Her performance, which shows a variety of
emotions as she assists Jeff in getting back on track, is hailed as one
of the more sophisticated parts of the movie. Erin's emotional high
point in the relationship is the parking lot argument with Jeff, which
shows her dedication to him.

Patty’s behaviour

Jeff's mother Patty, portrayed by Miranda Richardson, on the other

hand, is portrayed as controlling and indifferent to Jeff's pain. She is
called a "borderline caricature" of a naive Boston townie who is more
interested in capitalizing on Jeff's hero status than he is.
Reviewers take issue with her crude one-liners and noisy, ineffective
conduct toward Jeff. Patty's portrayal lacks complexity and nuance,
making it difficult to understand the nuances of a mother coping with
her son's life-altering circumstance. She is seen to be more concerned
with Jeff's notoriety and attention than with his wellbeing.
Patty's portrayal lacks empathy and comes across as unsympathetic to
Jeff's emotional and physical suffering following the bombing,
whereas Erin is seen as a kind spouse attempting to aid Jeff in

3Q. Identify the moments of internal and external motivation of

Jeff in the movie?
These are the internal and external motivations
Internal motivation

Want to be independent again: Jeff's internal urge to become

independent again is fuelled by his battle to adjust to his new reality
as a double amputee, which keeps him going through the difficult
recovery process. Guilt and self-doubt: Jeff struggles with emotions
of worthlessness and conflict about being praised as a hero, which
drives him to demonstrate his merit for the praise. Love for Erin:
Jeff's sporadic relationship with Erin, who he refers to as "Aaron" in
the question, provides him with a strong internal drive to get over his
trauma and start a new life with her. Anger and frustration: Post-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) exacerbates Jeff's emotional turmoil,
which makes him feel angry and frustrated and drives him to face his
inner demons. Look for your purpose: Jeff is driven by the life-
changing experience.

External motivation
Erin's support: Jeff benefits greatly from Erin's unshakable dedication
and harsh love, which serve as an external motivator that propels him
forward in his rehabilitation. Family dynamics: Jeff is frequently
hampered by his mother Patty's domineering demeanour, although his
family's expectations and presence act as an outside motivator. Public
recognition and hero status: Jeff is under external pressure to live up
to the "Boston Strong" spirit as a result of the city of Boston's
adoption of him as a resilience icon. Rehabilitation and therapy: Jeff
receives external motivation to regain mobility and independence
from the structured rehabilitation program, which includes physical
therapy and prosthetic fits. Getting to know Carlos Arredondo: Jeff is
externally motivated by his poignant encounter with Carlos, the guy
who saved his life, who serves as a reminder of his second chance at

4Q. Assess the problem solving skills of Jeff?

Initial struggles
Following the incident, Jeff struggles greatly on both a physical and
emotional level and shows little capacity for problem-solving. His
self-destructive behaviour, including snapping at his partner Erin and
wallow in self-pity, is highlighted by the sources. This behaviour
implies that Jeff does not have the resilience or coping strategies to
deal with the life-altering position he finds himself in at first.

Rehabilitation and growth

As the film goes on, Jeff's rigorous rehabilitation regimen steadily
improves his problem-solving abilities. According to the sources,
there are moving scenes where Jeff learns how to do everyday things
like taking a shower, changing his bandages, and putting on prosthetic
legs. These incidents show Jeff's will to reclaim his freedom and
adjust to his new physical constraints, demonstrating a growing
problem-solving attitude. Furthermore, Jeff's attempts to balance his
newfound hero status and the spotlight are indicative of his emotional
development. Jeff initially struggles and feels uneasy in this role, but
he ultimately comes to terms with it, showcasing his capacity to
change his viewpoint and find meaning in his survival.

Perseverance and Resilience

Jeff's ability to solve problems is demonstrated throughout the film by

his tenacity and fortitude in the face of extreme hardship. He keeps
moving forward in spite of obstacles and emotional upheaval,
progressively regaining mobility, independence, and a sense of
purpose. This tenacity to overcome obstacles and discover answers—
even when they are not immediately obvious—is evidence of Jeff's
growing problem-solving abilities. In conclusion, Jeff Bauman's
problem-solving abilities are shown in the film "Stronger" as a
journey of personal development. Although his tragedy initially
overwhelms him, Jeff eventually becomes a symbol of strength and
perseverance as he learns to adapt, face emotional obstacles, and
discover workable ways to recover control over his life.

5Q. What are your takeaways from the movie?

Powerful Performances

The film's strength lies in the powerful performances by Jake

Gyllenhaal as Jeff Bauman and Tatiana Maslany as his girlfriend Erin.
Their nuanced and committed portrayals bring authenticity to Jeff and
Erin's complex emotional journeys and the strains on their

Complicated Family Dynamics

The movie explores the complicated family dynamics surrounding

Jeff, particularly the contrasting roles played by Erin as a supportive
partner and Jeff's overbearing mother Patty. It highlights how their
differing approaches impact Jeff's recovery process

Subverting Inspirational Tropes

While marketed as a triumph-over-adversity story, "Stronger"

subverts typical inspirational tropes by acknowledging that trauma
isn't always inspirational for the survivor. It depicts Jeff's ambivalence
towards being hailed as a hero and the pressure to embody the
"Boston Strong" spirit

Resilience and Personal Growth

Ultimately, "Stronger" is a story of resilience and personal growth, as

Jeff gradually learns to adapt, confront his emotional challenges, and
find purpose beyond just being a symbol

6Q. How you would motivate an individual in such a situation?

Acknowledge and validate their feelings.

Jeff struggled with a variety of strong feelings, including self-doubt,

rage, impatience, and trauma. It's critical that, as a motivator, you
accept and give meaning to these emotions rather than ignoring them.
Understanding the extent of his difficulties is demonstrated by your
empathy for his psychological troubles.

Encourage a nurturing atmosphere

Jeff's progress was frequently impeded by his domineering family, but

Erin offered invaluable emotional support. Creating a supportive,
understanding atmosphere and surrounding Jeff with individuals who
support his rehabilitation can be tremendously encouraging.

Determine his motivations.

Recognizing Jeff's fundamental desires—finding meaning,

establishing a life with Erin, and regaining independence—enables a
motivator to support him through challenging moments by reminding
him of his "why."

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