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24. 3. 30.

오전 7:54 Sadlier Connect™ - Practice Quiz

Unit 4

Practice Quiz
Name: Date:

For Numbers 1 through 5, read the sentences. Then choose the word that best
completes both sentences.

1. The baseball caused the window to _______.

One bad movie can _______ an actor’s career.

a. shatter b. capture c. exclaim d. insist

2. A chess game ends when you _______ the king.

Mystery books _______ most readers’ attention.

a. passage b. coward c. capture d. talent

3. The plan was _______, so it did not work.

Stay in the _______ end of the pool!

a. restless b. sensitive c. gloomy d. shallow

4. The music teacher wrote a new _______.

The train takes a _______ through the mountains.

a. talent b. passage c. bargain d. resource

5. After the loss, the team felt _______.

With the shades down, the bedroom is _______.

a. gloomy b. sensitive c. restless d. shallow

For 6 through 10, read the passage. For each numbered blank, there is a list of words
with the same number. Choose the word from each list that best completes the meaning
of the passage.

Last week, Mr. Ruiz announced tryouts for the school play. I knew that my friend Anna would
_(6)_ that I go for it. I did not want to because I have no acting _(7)_. I am also a _(8)_ about
going on stage. Anna said it would be fun, though, so I agreed. The night before the tryouts, I 1/2
24. 3. 30. 오전 7:54 Sadlier Connect™ - Practice Quiz

was _(9)_ and had terrible dreams. The next day, though, I read my part and it went well. Then,
Mr. Ruiz posted the names in the cast. I heard Anna _(10)_, “We both made it! Yay!”

6. a. insist b. capture c. exclaim d. shatter

7. a. capture b. resource c. bargain d. talent

8. a. passage b. value c. coward d. gasp

9. a. gloomy b. restless c. shallow d. sensitive

10. a. exclaim b. insist c. vary d. shatter

Vocabulary Workshop Green Copyright © by William H. Sadlier, Inc. All rights reserved. 2/2

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