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The Goal on Caring – the heart of social

work which focuses on well-being and welfare
APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCE of the individual.
LESSON 1: THE DISCIPLINE OF 2. The Goal in Curing – the aspect of
treating the people with problems in social
Social Work
3. The Goal on Changing – the active
- As an art, social work requires great skills
participation of social workers in social
to understand people and help them help
reforms and aims to pursue long lasting social
- As a science, it requires the use of
problem-solving methods and objectivity
Scope of Social Work
- As a profession, it encompasses the
1. Social Work as a Primary Discipline
attributes of a profession.
Social work in terms of child welfare:
- child protection, adoption services to
Republic Act No. 4373 – “profession which is
unmarried people, foster care, residential
primarily concerned with organized social
care, support in own home, protective
service activity aimed to facilitate and
strengthen basic social relationships and the
Social work in terms of family services:
mutual adjustment between individuals and
- family counseling, family life education,
their social environment for the good of the
family planning
individual and of society.
Social work in terms of income maintenance:
Social Functioning – the match between the
- public assistance, social insurances
needs and abilities of one and the opportunities
and demands of the environment.
2. Social work as an Equal Partner
1. Positive Relationship with Others
Social work in terms of aging:
2. Satisfaction with life roles
- support for people in their own homes
3. Feeling of self-worth
- support for people in long-term facilities
Goals of Social Work
Social work in terms of community services:
- to develop humans and assist other
- community organization activities
institutions in attaining the basic human
- community planning
needs and in empowering the lost, least, and
- community development
the last.

3. Social work as Secondary Discipline

Social work in terms of industry:
Specific Goals of Social Work
- social workers as support to both Resource Management: Broker, Advocate,
managers Mediator and Activist
and employees of the companies Education: Teacher, Trainer, Outreach
Social work in terms of medical and health Worker, Research/Scholar.
- social workers attend to the psychological Areas of Specialization of Social Workers
and social factors attributing to the medical Child and Family Social Worker – deals
condition of patients. with helping a child on its situations
Social work in terms of schools: Medical and Health Social Worker – works
- facilitate provision of direct educational in hospital settings and helps navigate
social services, act as pupil advocate, consult struggles that a serious medical attention can
with school administrators, etc. cause an individual or family
School Social Worker -helps student at
Principles and Core Values of Social Work school like grief over a death and helps
Service – commitment to help people in need parents find the right resources for their child
and to address social problems. who is suffering from mental illness
Social Justice – giving same rights and Community Social Worker – helps plan,
opportunities regardless of race, ethnicity, coordinate, and organize efforts within specific
religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc. communities and works with community-
Respect for the Inherent Worth and based nonprofit organization in tragedies.
Dignity of the Person – placing important Hospice and Palliative Social Worker -
focus on one’s uniqueness and individuality helps or cares for someone who is seriously or
and his rights with respect to the interest of terminally ill
the society in general. Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Importance of Human Relationships – Social Worker – assists individuals who
values all forms and levels of human struggle with addiction and substance
relationship. Psychiatric Social Worker – works with
Integrity – professionals practicing social disturbed adolescents with behavior problems,
work must abide by standards of behavior conducts family therapy, helps psychiatrists
required. assess new referrals and liaisons with others.
Competence – acquisition of competency Military and Veterans Social Workers –
doesn’t end with profession certification. helps solider and their families with post-
traumatic stress, role adjustment of returning
Professionals and Practitioners in Social home.
Work International Social Worker – direct
Consultancy for Problem-solving: Enabler, services in refugees programs, implement
Facilitator, Planner, etc.
relief efforts and helps developing countries
formulate service delivery systems. 2. Group and Organization as Client of
Social Work
Other Specializations - group of people with similar or common
Gerontological Social Worker – deals with identity
care of old people in their homes Types of Social Groups
Criminology and Correctional Social Support Groups – manage life stresses
Worker – works in prisons, halfway homes, Educational Groups – help members gain
crime and delinquent prevention programs understanding of one’s self and their society
Research Social Worker – carries on social Growth Groups/Encounter Groups – provide
research. members opportunities to enhance capacities
Therapy Groups – help members replace

LESSON 2: CLIENTS OF SOCIAL maladaptive behaviors and deal with their

personal problems
Socialization Groups – facilitate transitions
Biopsychosocial Model – by George Engel
through developmental stages
which tells a person is a biopsychosocial being
Play/Recreation Groups – aim to provide
Bio – physical/genetic characteristic
participants with entertainment
Psyche – psychological such as emotions,
personality, attitude, beliefs
3. Community as Client of Social Work
Social – such as socio-economic status,
- social workers help communities function
socio-environmental, cultural factor
- focus is on community transformation
Categories of Clients of Social Work
- community organization is at the heart of
1. Individuals as Client of Social Work
social work in the community practice
- an individual who has to be assisted to fit in
a larger environment
Focus of Community Organization
- particular bias for the poor, depressed,
- Remove blocks to growth
disadvantaged, oppressed, or the most
- Release the potentials of individuals, groups
vulnerable sectors.
and communities as a whole
Voluntary or Walk-in Clients – persons who
- Develop the capacity of indigenous leaders to
chose to voluntarily seek assistance
lead their community
Involuntary or Reach-out Clients – who
- Develop the ability of sectors to function as
may not consider asking for help because they
united whole
think they are fine or unaware
- Strengthen people’s capacity for problem-
Referred Clients – clients being assisted by
solving, decision-making and cooperation
another person
- Full use of inner resources
- be competent, fair and respectful in

LESSON 3: TO BE A SOCIAL evaluating supervisees

- be conscientious in managing organization’s
How to be a professional social worker?
4. Ethical Responsibility as Professionals
According to Republic Act No.4373, Section
- competencies
- uphold honesty and avoid fraud and
- He or she is a citizen of the Philippines
- He or she is at least twenty-one years of age
- seek professional help for personal problems
- He or she is in good health and good moral
- do not practice discrimination
5. Ethical Responsibility to the Social Work
- He or she has received a diploma as a holder
of a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree
- engage in activities that promote respect for
- He or she has completed a minimum period
the profession
of one thousand case hours of practical
training in an establish social work agency
6. Ethical Responsibility to the Broader
Philippine Association of Social Workers INC.
- provide professional services in public
National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
- advance the general well-being of society
- engage the public to participate in shaping
Six Clusters of Ethical Standards
1. Ethical Responsibility to the Client
- never engage in dual relationships
Methods of Social Work
- set clear, appropriate and culturally sensitive
1. Social Case Work
- primary method
- practice informed consent
- deals with individual problems through one-
- ensure fees are fair
to-one relationship
- respect client’s self-determination
- attempts to repair the impaired relationship
2. Ethical Responsibility to the Colleagues
of the client
- treat colleagues with respect
2. Social Group Work
- recognize coworkers’ area of expertise
- another primary method
- discourage colleagues with unethical practice
- guides interaction through planned programs
3. Ethical Responsibility in Practice Setting
activities to relate themselves with others
- commit to your employees
- use of group as a potential tool
- ensure that documentation of client records
3. Community Organization
is accomplished accurately
- heart of social work in the community
- main concern is organized and collaborative Survey Reports
effort of the members of the community Case Study
4. Social Welfare Administration Summarized Process Recordings
- refers to process where social policy is Ecological Map – a simple paper-and-pencil
transformed into social service simulation developed as an assessment,
5. Social Work Research planning and intervention tool.
- refers to the systematic and critical enquiry
of the questions encountered by social work LESSON 4: COMMUNICATION
- find answers to the existing and emerging
– a process by which information is
6. Social Action
exchanged between individuals.
- to bring desirable changes for ensure social
- a complex process that involve the uses of
symbols which facilitates human interaction
- attempts are made to mobilize people to
and relationships.
create awareness on existing problems
- seeks to relate the community needs with
Four Main Goals of Communication
the solution of the problems
• To develop a career
• To inform and be informed
Tools in Social Work
• To build and maintain relationships
Interview – face to face interaction
• To persuade and influence
Community Resources – programs and
services offered by different agencies and
Five Main Functions of Communication
Surveillance – refers to news and information
Program Activities – general class of
role of communication. Monitoring and reporting
activities for process of treatment
of what is happening in the environment.
Records – to keep track and monitor
Interpretation – refers to analysis,
commentary, context and other meanings found
in a message. Persuading and influencing
Types of Records
attitudes or opinions.
Progress Notes/Reports
Socialization – refers to establishing linkages
Case Conference Reports
and transmission of values and culture within a
Home Visitation Reports
After Care Reports
Entertainment – refers to functions related to
Closing Summary
relaxation, reward, diversion and reduction of
Intake Forms
Summary Records
Mobilization – refers to communication and Advertising – paid communication about
media’s ability to generate public action about a goods, services, and institutions through mass
social issue. media designed to inform or influence.
Public Relations – management of persuasive,
Scope of Communication advocacy, communication to establish, maintain
• In Personal Life or strengthen an organization’s relationship with
• In Social Life its constituencies.
• In the State Affairs
• In Business 1. Corporate Communication – deal with
• In Religion communication in corporate or business setting.
• In International Affairs a. Internal Corporate Communication –
used for making announcements and for
Elements of Communication Process sharing information and views within a n
• Sender – source of information organization.
• Receiver – destination of the message b. External Corporate Communication –
• Message involves creating a brand or building a
• Channel – medium of the sent message reputation, communicating with investors,
• Context using media tools such as TV, newspaper ads.
• Noise – interference on the message 2. Journalism – practice of investigating and
• Feedback – the response reporting events to the mass audience.
• Effect 3. Broadcasting – utilizes the technology to
transmit messages and programs using the air-
Levels of Communication space.
1. Intrapersonal Communication 4. Film Industry – involved with the creation
2. Interpersonal Communication and distribution of films
3. Group Communication 5. Digital Communications and Multimedia
4. Public Communication – people transmit and receive information
5. Mass Communication electronically such as online journalism,
6. Computer-Mediated Communication podcasts, streaming video and music.
6. Research – important in acquiring insights
Communication Specialists about audience perception and behavior.
- builds and maintains relations between their
organization, the media and the public. Rights of Communicators
- serve as the public representative of “The 1987 Constitution guarantees press
companies and work to support profitability freedom”
and growth. Press Freedom – a guaranteed by the
government of free public press for its citizens
Article III, Section 4: No law shall be passed Audiences of Communication and Their
abridging freedom of speech, of expression or of Communication Needs
the press or the right of the people to peaceably Individual as Audience
assemble and petition the government for Level of Communication:
redress of grievances. 1. Intrapersonal
Article III, Section 7: Grants public access to 2. Interpersonal
information such as government data and 3. Mass Communication
official records 4. Computer-mediated
Article II, Section 24: The state recognizes Needs:
the vital role of communication and information Diversion – escape from problems
in nation building. Personal Relationship – companionship
Personal Identity – reality exploration
Responsibilities of Communicators Surveillance – information-seeking
Professionals Groups and Organizations as Audience
Philippine Journalists’ Code of Ethics Level of Communication:
1. Mass Communication
Six Main Limitations of Press Freedom: 2. Interpersonal
1. Libel – Article 353 (Revised Penal Code) 3. Group Communication
Slander – verbal defamation 4. Public Communication
Cybercrime Law 2012 – defamation online has 5. Computer-mediated
become punishable by law Needs:
2. Right to Privacy – Bill of Rights, Section 3 To inform: inform who the group are
3. Anti-obscenity – Article 201 prohibits To build understanding or change behavior
practitioners from propagating immoral To resolve conflict or prevent
doctrines, obscene publications and exhibitions misunderstandings
and indecent shows. To present a point of view or project an image
4. Copyright Law To lower barriers between groups
5. Laws on National Security – prohibiting
people to sedition rebellion against the state Methods of Communication
6. Contempt of Court – direct or indirectly 1. Verbal Communication
impeding, obstructing or degrading the 2. Nonverbal Communication
administration of justice 3. Written Communication

Audience – the receiver of message or a group Models of Communication

of individuals consuming a particular form of 1. Linear Model – a one direction of
communication. communication
Aristotle’s Model of Communication – b. Mobile Phone
focuses on the sender who connects with their 3. New Media – the most interactive medium
audience without expecting feedback due to its feedback capability
Shannon’s Weaver Model of Forms:
Communication – the most popular model Social Media
which suggest message starts from the
sender through a transmitter and towards the
receiver while encountering various kinds of
2. Interactive Model – internet-based and
mediated communication
Osgood-Schramm Communication Model
– sender and receiver both equally encode
and decode messages
3. Transactional Model – most dynamic model
where it is a cooperation process where people
in a communication are referred to as
Barnlunds Transactional Model – circular
proves and a multi-layered feedback system

Three Types of Communication Media

1. Mass Media – reaches large audience
a. Print – for detailed events,
advertisements rural areas, but non-
b. Radio – used for commercial in rural areas,
has low demand on literacy skills, but limited
on delivering visuals
c. Television – a visual form, but airtime for
advertiser can be expensive
2. Telecommunication – involves convergence
of different technologies to transmit information
a. Telegraphs and Telephone

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