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Installing Ubuntu on Virtual PC

Step 01
Create a virtual machine.
 To create a new virtual machine click on create new virtual machine.

Step 02

 Now you have to select your installation method.

 Therefore, you have to select “I will install the operating system later option.” By
selecting tis option, we are creating virtual machine and then we will set the iso

 (If you select installer disc image file, you have to browse and select the location of
iso file.

Step 03

 Select which operating system is going to install.

 Here you have to select “Linux ” as guest operating system and version of linux os
using drop down box.
 Then click next button.
Step 04

Give a name as you prefer to your os , and location where you need to create the virtual
machine . so as the default location it will give “Virtual Machine” folder in
“C:\Users\Documents\Virtual Machines”. Purpose of this is later you can copy this virtual
hard disk in to another computer and work as your own .
Step 05

Specify disk capacity

By this window you can specify the disk capacity. Select split into multiple files it will take a
lesser storage in your hard disk and if you make separate virtual hard disk it will become
problem . Because it will use entire hard, that you allocated and you cannot use it for other

 Set the maximum disk size as default value.

 Select the “split virtual disk in to multiple files “
 Then click next.
Step 06

 Click on customize Hardware to customize hardware

Step 07

In the hardware options section select the amount of memory you want the VM to use. In
the instance I have gone for 1.5GB Leave everything else as it is and click Close.

 Set the default values.

 Then click close.
Step 08

 Then it is ready to create virtual machine.

 Click on finish button.

Step 09

 Now your virtual machine is created.It will display under the “Home”.
 In this image the created virtual machine is displayed as “ubuntu 64 bit”
Step 10
 To install the ubuntu os you have to set the path.
 Right click on the ubuntu 64 bit vm and select the settings.
Step 11

 Select CD/DVD(SATA) tab and click on the CD image icon

 Then select option as “ Use ISO Image file”
 Then browse the give the path of your iso file.
 Then click “OK”.
Step 12

Click on play virtual machine.

 Finally, click on ok button and click on play virtual machine.

Step 13
 It’s ready to install Ubuntu.
 Select the language as English .
 Select the install ubuntu.
Step 14

In this step we don’t select below options.

1. Download updates while installing ubuntu.
2. Install third party software for graphics and wifi hardware
Because we are not going to download updates while installing Ubuntu.
Then click continue .

Step 15

Select installation type.

In this option, select something else.
Click continue.
Step 16

 In this step we have to partition our hard disk in to parts.

 Click on new partiton table option to create new hard disk.

Step 17
 Click on continue to create a new partition.
 Then new free space is created. Select that and there is a a “+” button below .
 Click on + button.
Step 18

 It’s ready to create new partition

 Set the values as below picture.
o Size – 10240 Mb
o Type for the new partition - primary
o Location for the partition – Beginning of this space
o Mount point – / (root)
 Then click Ok
Step 19

 Now we are going to create another partition for home .It is same like earlier.
 Click on the free space option and click the + button

 Then select size, type and location as earlier. In this partition, do not select the default
size. Give other value.
o Size – 8192 Mb
o Type for the new partition - primary
o Location for the partition – Beginning of this space
o Use as – ext4 journaling file system
o Mount point – /home
 Click “OK”
Step 20
Now we are going to create another partition.Itis same like earlier.
Click on the free space option and click the + button
 Set the values as above image.
o Size – 3042 mb
o Type for the new parttion – primary
o Location for the new partition – Beginning of these space
o Use as – swap area
 Click ok

Step 21

 Now we can install the ubuntu.

 Click on install now
Step 22
 Click continue.

Step 23

 Now select the location

 We are going to select Location as New york.
 Click continue.
Step 24
 Now select the keyboard type
 Click ok

Step 25

 Type a name for the your ubuntu os.

 Type user name
 Type password.
 Click continue
Step 26
Then wait until the installtion is completed.
Step 27

 Now you can give the user name, pass word, and log in to system.

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