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B.Tech- Cyber Security (5thSemester) (Internal Exam-1)

Subject Name: Information Security
Subject Code: CY5001
Duration: 1.5 Hours Max Marks: 30
Instructions: Date: 24-08-2022
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks allocated to that question.
4. Draw diagrams/figures whenever necessary.

Q-1 (A) Answer the following in brief. (Any 1) [2]

1 Define:
Attack and Threat.
2 Draw a model for network security.

Q-1 (B) Answer the following in brief. (Any 2) [4]

1 Enlist different active attacks. Explain any one of them.
Discuss following security services:
2 I. Authentication
II. Integrity
3 Differentiate active and passive attacks with examples.

Q-2 (A) Answer the following in brief. (Any 2) [4]

1 Differentiate substitution cipher and transposition cipher with
2 Explain steganography and its techniques.
3 Explain monoalphabetic cipher with example.

Q-2 (B) Answer the following in brief. [2]

1 Given the plaintext and cipher text, find out the algorithm and key
Plaintext: persistence is the key to success.
Ciphertext: ujwxnxyjshj nx ymj pjd yt xzhhjxx.

Q-2 (C) Answer the following in brief. (Any 1) [6]

1 Encrypt the given message with given key using the hill cipher. Also
perform decryption and show all the steps.
Key – hill
Message – short
2 Encrypt the message ‘moonmission’ using play fair cipher where key
is ‘keyword’. Perform decryption and show all the steps.

Q-3 (A) Answer the following in detail. (Any 1) [6]

1 State the differences between block and stream cipher. What is
significance of s-box? Explain the working of s-box.
2 Draw feistel structure for encryption and decryption. Derive
equations for encryption and decryption.

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Q-3 (B) Answer the following in detail. [6]
1 Draw the block diagram of S-DES key generation. Determine key1
and key2 for given master key: 1010010010 using S-DES.
P10 = [ 3 5 2 7 4 10 1 9 8 6 ] and P8 = [ 6 3 7 4 8 5 10 9 ]

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