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2012 - 2015
1. The library provides excellent materials for carrying out ……… (A)
Home work (B) Research (C) Routines (D) Civilization
2. The library today is a ……… on which all academic activity in any
educational institution revolves. (A) Pivot (B) Bindery (C) Storage (D)
3. The library could be described as a collection of ……… (A) Houses
(B) People (C) Books (D) Knowledge
4. The library is an essential part of an ……… institution. (A) Objective
(B) Academic (C) Record (D) Organized
5. There are ……… types of libraries. (A) Two (B) Three (C) Four (D)
6. The ……… library is mainly established for studies and teaching. (A)
School (B) Public (C) National (D) Special
7. The school library is referred to as an institution where you “catch
them ………” (A) Old (B) Good (C) Young (D) Youth
8. The public library is an institution referred to as “the ………” of the
people. (A) Bindery (B) University (C) House (D) Room
9. The National Library of Nigeria is a ……… library. (A) Legal
depository (B) Public library (C) A & B (D) Special library
10. The use of the virtual library requires high ……… (A)Interest (B)
Organization (C) Network (D) Computer literacy
11. An example of a special library is ………. (A) Nigerian Institute for
Oil Palm Research (NIFOR) Library (B) Edo State Library Board (C) Public
Library (D) Manifesto
12. The virtual library is ……… (A) One which stocks books (B) An
online library (C) A desktop publishing (D) Ambrose Alli University
13. The university library remains ……… on public holidays. (A)
Monday – Friday (B) Vacation (C) Closed (D) Open
14. A reader is not allowed to ……… (A) seat in the library. (A) Damage
(B) Borrow (C) Register (D) Reserve
15. Registration of students usually takes place in the ………
department. (A) Circulation (B) Technical services (C) Lecture room (D)
16. For books on loan, readers pay a fine of N5.00 for everyday the
book is ……… (A) Author (B) Title (C) Overdue (D) Budget
17. ……… service is rendered on commercial basis. (A) Photocopying
(B) Typing (C) Printing (D) Shelving
18. The bindery unit in an academic library is part of ……… (A)
Technical services (B) Readers’ services (C) Administrative department
(D) Collection development
19. Reference materials include the following: (A) Bibliography (B)
Fiction (C) Autobiography (D) Gazetteers
20. ……… is Ambrose Alli University’s current Librarian. (A) Mr. S. A.
Amune (B) Prof. (Mrs.) A. O. Ekundayo (C) Pro. D. O. Aigbomian (D) Dr.
(Mrs.) E. I. Ifidon
21. Every ……… has its book selection policy. (A) Library (B) Loan (C)
Gift (D) Publisher’s catalogue
22. Charging and discharging of books also mean the process of ………
(A) Inter-library loan (B) Issuance of identity card (C) Borrowing and
returning of library materials (D) Registration in the library
23. There are various ways through which the library can increase its
collection. (A) Gifts and exchanges (B) Bequeathals (C) Purchase (D) All
of the above
24. The purpose of Cataloguing and Classification is to ……… (A)
Differentiate one work from the other (B) See also (C) Pure notation (D)
25. Ambrose Alli University, like many other academic libraries, uses
the ……… (A) Library of Congress Classification Scheme (LC) (B) Dewey
Decimal Classification Scheme (DDC) (C) Elizabeth Moy Classification
Scheme (D) Special Classification Scheme
26. Which of these is the bedrock of all other language skills? (A)
Listening (B) Listerning (C) Speaking (D) Writing
27. What is the trust of speaking skills? (A) Expressiveness in
communication (B) Clarity of one’s intention in conversation (C) To
impress (D) All of the above
28. A speaker is advised to ……… (A) Ruminate his words carefully (B)
Incline his words thoroughly (C) Know his people very well (D) Choose
his words carefully
29. The solution to regression is ……… (A) Consentration (B)
Concentration (C) Concentration (D) Reading well
30. Which of these skills does not ends with tertiary education? (A)
Writing (B) Listening (C) reading (D) None of the above
31. Recognition, emphasis on sound production and correct visual
skills are all important. (A) Yes (B) No (C) Sometimes (D) Somehow
32. Which of these is a more subtle problem which deserves a
stronger attention? (A) Short span of recognition (B) Regression (C)
Pointing to words (D) Sub-vocalization
33. Drill procedure is a solution to ……… problem. (A) Eliminating
word by word (B) Slow Reading Speed (B) Regression (C) Pointing to
words (D) Sub-vocalization
34. The need for improvement of reading skills cannot be over-
emphasized because of the following. (A) Reading is a development skill
(B) Reading skill points out reading errors and the solutions (C) Reading
occupies a significant portion of the student’s studying time. (D) All of
the above
35. Who canvassed that writing should be handled as a dynamic
process in which both form and content grow out of each other? (A)
Barry Taylor (B) David Parker (C) Barry Tailor (D) Richard Williams
36. ……… can help tremendously in improving the quality of work
already written. (A) Edition (B) Edicting (C) Editing (D) Reading
37. Attention should be paid to both what is written and how it is
crafted. (A) True (B) False (C) Sometimes (D) When necessary
38. There are basically ……… classes of report identified in this study.
(A) Three (B) Oral and written (C) Two (D) Special and routine
39. A report must be relayed in a grammatically flawless language for
clarity. (A) False (B) True (C) If you can (D) According to your ability
40. Good writing should reflect economy of words. (A) Yes (B) No (C)
If what you are writing is not lengthy (D) With style
41. Which of these essays rely on the past form of verb to relay an
event? (A) Narrative (B) Descriptive (C) Expository (D) Argumentative
42. Argumentative writing is not quarrel but the power of persuasion.
(A) True (B) False (C) Force (D) Nil
43. ……… writing involves a process of explaining something
systematically as to reveal what may be considered hitherto unknown.
(A) Expository (B) Expository (C) Descriptive (D) Argumentative
44. Which of these writing needs the power of observation? (A)
Descriptive (B) Writing (C) Narrative (D) Expository
45. ……… is the true test of literacy. (A) Writing (B) Language (C)
reading (D) All of the above
46. Survey and surveillance mean the same thing in SQ3R. (A) Yes (B)
No (C) All of the above (D) None of the above
47. SQ3R is a formula that outlines a strategy for study reading. What
then does SQ3RRR mean? (A) The same as above (B) Nothing (C) Study
reading (D) True
48. Writing means ……… (A) One of the enduring legacies of mankind
(B) The graphic representation of what is either spoken or heard (C)
Linguistics (D) Language
49. What must exist before an argument? (A) Doubt and conflict (B)
Interpretation (C) Anger (D) Quarrel
50. Proofreading is very important for a neater work. ()A True (B)
False (C) Not necessary (D) Maybe
51. In the sentence: “Violently slamming the door, he went out” the
underlined word is an example of ……… (A) Verb (B) Gerund (C) Adverb
(D) Participle
52. In studying language, the accepted model is ……… (A) Variety
according to interference (B) Variety according to education (C)
Standard variety (D) Variety according to geographical location
53. The underlined word in the sentence “He walked quickly” is an
example of ……… (A) Conjunction (B) Adverb (C) Preposition (D)
54. Objects are usually ……… (A) Verbs (B) Subjects (C) Nouns phrases
(D) Compliments
55. The adverbial in the sentence: “she did the job grudgingly”, is an
example of an adverb of ……… (A) Concession (B) Manner (C) Reason (D)
56. He came here, ………? (A) Will he (B) Did he (C) Didn’t he (D) Won’t
57. Mary has a red bag, ………? (A) Doesn’t she (B) Does she (C) Has
she (D) Hasn’t she
58. She’ll he here tomorrow ………? (A) Will She (B) Can she (C) Won’t
she (D) Can’t she
59. The sentence used in expressing diverse emotions is called ………
(A) Emotional sentence (B) Interrogative sentence (C) Exclamatory
sentence (D) Declarative sentence
60. An effective sentence is a sentence that has ……… (A) A clause (B)
A phrase (C) A finite (D) None of the above
61. Language variation according to use is ……… (A) Specific language
(B) Register (C) Language (D) Variation of language
62. In sentence expansion, only the ……… can be explained. () Noun(B)
Verb (C) Adverbial (D) All of the above
63. The predicate ……… (A) Says something above the subject (B) Says
something about the verb (C) Says something about the object (D) Says
something about the compliment
64. The type of question that must have a negative particle is called
……… (A) Interrogative question (B) Yes/No question (C) Tag question
(D) Declarative question
65. An effective sentence is one that has ……… (A) A clause (B) A
phrase (C) A finite independent clause (D) None of the above
66. The sentence “do you know the boy”, is an example of ……… (A)
Wh-question (B) Yes/No question (C) Alternative question (D)
Declarative question
67. The biennial seminar will take place next week. This means that
the seminar takes place ……… (A) Once a year (B) Twice a year (C) Once
every two years (D) Twice every two years
68. The use of the written medium entails ……… (A) Rhythm (B)
Intonation (C) Stress (D) Explicitness
69. “John cried” is an example of ……… (A) A phrase (B) A simple
sentence (C) An incomplete sentence (D) A clause
70. The verb “be” has ……… forms. (A) 9 (B) 8 (C) 7 (D) 6
Pick out the odd items from the questions below
71. (A) Walk (B) Swim (C) Sleep (D) Write
72. (A) Work (B) Dance (C) Drink (D) Plant
73. (A) Come (B) Is (C) Were (D) Ought
74. (A) Dare (B) Might (C) Would (D) Have
75. A particular speaker can make switches according to need and
purpose because ……… (A) He its versatile (B) He has a collection of
varieties (C) He know the topic (D) None of the above
76. Which of these best describes the final bibliography? (A) A
chapter on the works consulted (B) A list of all the works seen in the
course of writing (C) All the works consulted in an alphabetical order
longer than a working bibliography (D) All the works found valuable in
an alphabetical order shorter than a working bibliography
77. In research writing, someone that give general guidance to the
research is called ……… (A) A research guide (B) A supervisor (C) A
research assistant (D) The lecturer
78. In research writing ……… is always underlined. (A) Titles of articles
(B) Title of poems (C) The year of publication (D) Title of books
79. One of these is not included in a research proposal. (A) Final
bibliography (B) Methodology/procedure (C) The introduction (D)
Working bibliography
80. A research essay is different from a normal essay in terms of ………
(A) Its length (B) Its form and subject (C) Its form and purpose
81. The purpose of a long essay is to prove that ……… (A) The student
has acquired enough intellectual confidence and independence (B) The
student can write very well (C) The student has passed through the
university and should be awarded a degree (D) The student can cope
with the rigours of everyday life
82. All the concepts below are correct for research writing except. (A)
Library catalogue (B) Bibliographies (C) Grade points (D) Index
83. The abstract of a research is ……… (A) A list of the final
bibliography (B) A list of working bibliography (C) A brief summary of
the major courses you did (D) A brief summary of the major sections of
the work
84. A plan of a research work is called ……… (A) A planned work (B) A
proposal (C) A proposal literature (D) A working bibliography
85. A section where materials that have no place in the body of the
long essay may be presented is called ……… (A) Bibliography (B)
Abstract (C) Table of content (D) Appendix
86. One of these styles of writing focuses more on date and year of
publication (A) APA style (B) MLA style (C) ALM style (D) APP style
87. Review of literature discusses ……… that have been consulted in
addressing the topic. (A) Topics (B) Works (C) References (D) Authors
88. The scope determines the ……… of a research essay. (A) Limits (B)
Hypothesis (C) Methodology (D) Introduction
89. One of these is not important in choosing a good topic. (A) It
should be objective (B) It should be subjective (C) It should not involve
too much (D) It should not be developed from a single source
90. Quotation are used when ……… (A) One want to support a point
(B) The authors words are being paraphrased (C) Wants to plagiarize (D)
Writing anonymously
91. One of these is unimportant in referencing two or more books by
the same author. (A) Giving the name in the first entry only (B) Writing
the titles of the books (C) Writing the year of publication (D) A repeat of
the name of the author
92. Plagiarism is an offence committed when you ……… (A) Cite where
an information was gotten from (B) Do not acknowledge you source of
information (C) Document your evidence correctly (D) Acknowledge a
source of information
93. One of these is odd. (A) Objective of the study (B) Background to
the study (C) Literature review (D) Research questions
94. A good essay is restricted and ……… (A) Precise (B) Narrow (C)
Subjective (D) Broad
95. Ellipses is used to indicate that ……… (A) No word has been
omitted from quotation (B) A word has been added to the quotation (C)
A word or more has been omitted from the quotation (D) A word or
more has been included to the quotation
96. One of these is odd. (A) Joining your sentences (B) Developing
your topic (C) Selecting your materials (D) Gathering your materials
97. Reading through to correct all the mistakes made in a research
essay is called ……… (A) Reading proof (B) Proofreading (C) Proof
correction (D) Reading through a proof
98. MLA style of writing refers to ……… (A) Modern Language
Association style (B) Method Language Association style (C) Modern
Language Appendix style (D) Method Language Appendix style
99. One of these is not important in a research essay (A) The number
of chapters (B) Highlights of each chapters (C) A one paragraph account
of what each chapter would contain (D) A detailed study of the work
100. Writing a research proposal should include all the following except
……… (A) Working bibliographies (B) Footnotes (C)
Methodology/procedures (D) The introduction

1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B
11. A 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. A 16. C 17. A 18. A 19. B 20. D
21. A 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. A 26. A 27. B 28. D 29. B 30. D
31. A 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. A 36. C 37. A 38. B 39. B 40. A
41. A 42. A 43. A 44. C 45. A 46. B 47. B 48. B 49. A 50. A
51. A 52. C 53. B 54. C 55. B 56. C 57. A 58. C 59. C 60. D
61. B 62. D 63. A 64. C 65. C 66.B 67. C 68. D 69. B 70. B
71. A 72. C 73. A 74. D 75. A 76. D 77. B 78. D 79. A 80. C
81. A 82. C 83. D 84. B 85. D 86. A 87. B 88. A 89. B 90. B
91. D 92. B 93. C 94. A 95. A 96. A 97. B 98. A 99. C 100. B
1. Technical services division of Ambrose Alli University Library
takes care of the ……… of books. (A) Cataloguing and classification (B)
Selection and ordering (C) Shelving & Shelf Reading (D) All of the above
2. ……… established the size of the cataloguing card in the 19th
century. (A) Elizabeth Moy’s (B) Melvil Dewey (C) Cyril Barnard’s (D)
Ngozi Nwalo
3. When cataloguing books, librarians normally follow ……… (A)
Cataloguing cards (B) Cataloguing steps (C) Cataloguing codes (D) None
of the above
4. The process of describing the various obvious features of a book is
called ……… (A) Descriptive cataloguing (B) Subject analysis (C) Subject
organization (D) Subject filling
5. ……… gives a brief summary of a book, journal article, report and
thesis. (A) A dictionary (B) A directory (C) An encyclopedia (D) An
6. Recall notice is sent to a reader for the book lend out for ………
reasons. (A) When another user is waiting for book (B) When
cataloguing corrections are to be made on the book (C) When the book
is to be put on short loan (D) All of the above
7. Class “J” in the Library of Congress subject headings belongs to
……… (A) Social sciences (B) Technology (C) Education (D) Political
8. Readers items are kept in ……… at owners’ risk. (A) Conference
room (B) Reading room (C) Cloak room (D) Reserve room
9. ……… are specialized information sources which serves as guide to
the subject. (A) Government publications (B) Handbooks (C) Atlases (D)
10. The Library of Congress classification scheme is presently in ………
volumes. (A) 33 (B) 40 (C) 100 (D) 20
11. Some of the problems associated with book acquisition includes
the following except ……… (A) Time lag (B) Financial problem (C) Poor
power supply (D) Lecturer’s attitude to book selection
12. A ……… reference is used to refer a user from one used heading to
another (A) “See also” reference (B) “See” reference (C) Cross reference
(D) None of the above
13. The notation that used a combination of both alphabets and
numerals is called ……… (A) Nemonic (B) Pure notation (C) Systematic
notation (D) None of the above
14. When choosing a subject heading the ……… are always put into
consideration. (A) Users (B) Statistic (C) Collections (D) None of the
15. In the LC scheme, the alphabets represent the ……… (A)
Subdivision of the subject (B) main subject class (C) Entry of the subject
(D) All of the above
16. Class B.BJ represents ……… subject. (A) law (B) Fine arts (C)
Philosophy, psychology (D) Bibliography, library science
17. The oldest surviving classification scheme is ……… (A) Dewey
decimal classification (B) Universal decimal classification (C) Library of
Congress classification (D) Bliss Classification
18. ……… arranges all knowledge into ten broad subject classes. (A)
DDC (C) UDC (D) All of the above
19. The process whereby a library is borrowing from or lending to
another library is called ……… (A) Inter-library cooperation (B) Inter-
library loan (C) Inter-library services (D) All of the above
20. A ……… is a systematic list of all published materials on a given
subject or country. (A) Dictionary (B) Handbook (C) Bibliography (D)
21. In descriptive cataloguing, place of publication, publishers and
date can be referred to as ……… (A) Collation (B) Imprint (C) Physical
features (D) None of the above
22. Badly mutilated books and books that have worn out due to
excessive use are usually taken to ……… for repairs. (A) Circulation unit
(B) Technical unit (C) Reserve unit (D) Bindery unit
23. ……… is the library finding list. (A) Public catalogue (B) Classified
catalogue (C) Private catalogue (D) All of the above
24. ……… services are rendered on a commercial basis in the library.
(A) Photocopying (B) Charging and discharging (C) Stock taking (D) None
of the above
25. The best known library in the ancient world was established in
……… (A) Jerusalem (B) Alexandria, Egypt (C) Babylon (D) Algeria
26. ……… refers to the way in which the eyes move across a line of
print. (A) Erratic eye-movement (B) Eractic eye-movement (C) Erractive
eye-movement (D) Erractic eye-movement
27. The faults mentioned as reading deficiencies cannot be rectified in
a fiat. (A) True (B) False (C) Why (D) A & B
28. Why should one read? (A) To increase knowledge (B) To learn (C)
To attain perfection (D) All of the above
29. Through which of these means can one write effectively? (A)
Constant practice (B) reading well (C) Constant relevant practice (D) All
of the above
30. Writing cannot be the graphic representation of what is either
spoken or heard. (A) True (B) False (C) Yes & No (D) True & false
31. Do you agree that it is unwise to edit a written work? (A) Yes (B)
No (C) Sometimes (D) Always
32. Which among these scholars is not part of those who suggested
ways of evaluating writing? (A) Barry Taylor (B) David Williams (C)
Richard Parker (D) Williams Parker
33. Is argument contentious in nature? (A) Yes (B) No (C) Absolute Yes
(D) Emphatic No
34. Which of these is out of place on this list? (A) Listening skill (B)
Language skill (C) Speaking skills (D) Writing skills
35. ……… is a subtle form of vocalization. (A) Sub-sporting (B) Sub-
recognition (C) Sub-vocalisation (D) Sub-vocalization
36. What differentiates a good reader from a poor reader? (A) The
amount of words taken in per-fixation (B) Drill expert (C) Reading well
(D) None of the above
37. Do you agree that effective learning demands effective listening?
38. Do you agree that wandering is an impediment to reading? (A) Yes
(B) No (C) What do you mean (D) None of the above
39. What are the consequences of regression? (A) Waste of time (B)
Low reading speed (C) A & B (D) Short memory
40. From your reading and writing skills manual do you agree that the
brain needs a maximum of half a second to interpret a word or a group
of words? (A) No (B) Yes (C) Somehow (D) The time is too short
41. As students, you need to adopt one the following reading
methods depending on the time variables available to you. Which one?
(A) Scanning (B) Skimming (C) Study reading (D) All of the above
42. Choose a synonym of comprehension from this list. (A)
Comprehensible (B) Understand (B) High level of IQ (D) None of the
43. Do you agree that the level of one’s vocabulary affects one’s
reading efficiency? (A) It is irrelevant (B) Yes (C) No (D) A & B
44. The choice of a reading method depends on which factors. (A) The
aim of the reader (B) The nature of the reading material (C) The time
available to the reader (D) All of the above
45. These are guidelines for note-taking except ……… (A) Note only
what is understood (B) Notes from books should have their sources
identified (C) Note major ideas clearly in the form of headings and sub-
headings (D) Skimming
46. It is true that “descriptive” means giving a picture in words about
anything. (A) Yes (B) No (C) How can? (D) Far from it
47. Argumentative essay does not appeal to the emotion but to
reason. (A) True (B) False (C) A & B (D) None of the above
48. Logical flow is essential and major in which of these essays? (A)
Narrative (B) Descriptive (C) Expository (D) Argumentative
49. One function that reading performs is that it directs students to
the proper ways they can study without hindrance. (A) Yes (B) No (C) A
& B (D) All of the above
50. There are several reasons why students should work to improve
their reading skills. (A) True (B) false (C) True and false (D) None of the
51. ……… is a piece of language used for a specific purpose. (A0
Variety (B) Register (C) Style (D) Subject matter
52. She can’t drive that car, ………? (A) Will she (B) Can she (C) Won’t
she (D) Wouldn’t she
53. Neither the boys nor Peter ……… here. (A) Are (B) Is (C) Come (D)
54. ……… are verbs that have specific number and persons. (A) Finite
verbs (B) Auxiliary verbs (C) Active verbs (D) Action verbs
55. When he joined the staff of the school, he had various duties
……… to him. (A) Detailed (B) Assigned (C) Prescribed (D) Enlisted
56. To be extravagant is to be ……… (A) Rich (B) Luxurious (C) Careless
(D) Wasteful
57. Based on the facts before me, I have no alternative ……… to
terminate your appointment. (A) But (B) Than (C) AS (D) Only
58. People dislike Jobe because h is a ……… young man. (A) Trickery
(B) Ticking (C) Trickful (D) Tricky
59. There are ……… on spelling and pronunciation at the end of the
book. (A) Appendexes (B) Appendix (C) Appendices (D) Appendises
60. It is clear to me that you won’t visit Mary this holiday, will you?
(A) Yes, I won’t (B) Yes, I will visit (C) No, I won’t (D) No, I will not visit
61. ……… are the building blocks of writing. (A) Words (B) Phrases (C)
Sentences (D) Letters
62. A ……… gives a command, makes a statement, asks a question or
expresses an exclamation. (A) Subject (B) Noun (C) Element (D)
63. Due to their mobility nature, ……… can occur at any point within
the sentence structure. (A) Verbs (B) Nouns (C) Adverbs (D)
64. ……… complements what is said by gestures. (A) Spoken medium
(B) Written medium (C) Letters (D) Sentences
65. ……… is central to all human beings. (A) Language (B)
Communication (C) Variety (D) Elements.
Pick out the odd item from the option provided
66. (A) Dance (B) Greet (C) Blend (D) Wear
67. (A) Wind (B) Give (C) Write (D) View
68. (A) Have (B) Were (C) Been (D) Do
69. (A) Is (B) Dare (C) Will (D) May
70. (A) Water (B) Grease (C) Oil (D) Egg
71. Objects are usually ……… (A) Verbs (B) Phrases (C) Noun phrases
(D) Compliments
72. Punctuation marks are necessary in writing because ……… (A) It
reduces stress (B) It saves time (C) It captures the pace of the
expression (D) It is compulsory
73. A ……… is one of the things that should be avoided in an formal
letter. (A) Slanting (B) Block (C) Breaking of phrases (D) None of the
74. The sentence used in expressing diverse emotions is called ………
(A) Emotional sentence (B) Declarative sentence (C) Exclamatory
sentence (D) Interrogative sentence
75. Language variation according to use is ……… (A) Specific language
(B) Register (C) Language specific (D) Variation of language
76. The research essay is more serious than an essay in terms of ite
formal ……… (A) Content (B) Presentation (C) Topic (D) Subject
77. Long essays are special reports on pieces of ……… research. (A)
Academic (B) Teacher’s (C) Students (C) Study
78. Printed catalogues are supplement to card ……… (A) Titles (B)
Notes (C) Abstracts (D) Catalogues
79. A good thesis is restricted, unified and ………. (A) Broad (B) Long
(C) Objective (D) Precise
80. The proposal of a research essay normally has at least ……… main
stages. (A) Four (B) Eight (C) Seven (D) Six
81. The background to the study may discuss the state of ……… that
help(s) to explain the need for the study (A) Affairs (B0 Introduction (C)
Work (D) subject
82. Hypothesis refers to ……… to be proved right or wrong in the
course of pursuing the objectives of the study. (A) Discussion (B)
Projection (C) Analysis (D) Prediction
83. The scope of a research essay explains the ……… of the study. (A)
Unification (B) Limitations (C) Consideration (D) Presentation
84. The chapter that discusses the references that have been
consulted in addressing the topic is called ……… (A) Introduction (B)
Review of literature (C0 Bibliography (D) Discussion of findings
85. The final chapter of a research essay is called……… (A) Conclusion
(B) Appendix (C) Final chapter (D) Bibliography
86. The objectives of the research essay are stated in the form of
research ……… (A) Questions (B) Hypothesis (C) Analysis (D)
87. The introductory section of the long essay contains all the
following except ……… (A) Background to the study (B) The objectives of
the study (C) The scope of the study (D) The modality for the study
88. The proposal of the long essay contains the following except ………
(A) The title page (B) Abstract (C) Table of content (D) Research
89. Jacobson, Roman and Linda R. Waugh. The Sound Shape of
Language. This is an example of a book by ……… (A) A single author (B)
Four authors (C) Two or more authors (D) Two authors
90. Encyclopaedia of Virginia. New York: Somerset, 1993. This is an
example of a book by ……… (A) A dead author (B) an anonymous author
(C) A single author (D) Two authors
91. Single quotation marks are used to mark quotations ………
quotations. (A) Within (B) Beside (C) Outside (D) Below
92. The dash is a specialized punctuation ……… (A) Symbol (B) Sign (C)
Mark (D) Image
93. One of these styles of writing is used mainly in the Arts and
Humanities. () MAL style (B) MLA style (C) APA style (D) PAL style
94. In footnote referencing, the place, publisher and ……… of
publication are given in the first reference to a book. (A) Date (B)
Author (C) Name (D) Page 95. Ashby and Anderson, P. 30. This is an
example of ……… in footnotes. (A) First reference (B) Omitted reference
(C) Article reference (D) Subsequent reference
96. The sources for the researcher are all of the following except ………
(A) Library catalogue (B) Periodicals (C) Bibliographers (D) Telepathies
97. One of these styles of writing is used mainly in the sciences. (A)
MAL style (B) MLA style (C) APA style (D) PAL style
98. The working bibliography is a ……… bibliography. (A) Final (B)
Partial (C) Tentative (D) None of the above
99. One of these does not form a chapter in a research essay. (A)
Bibliography (B) Review of literature (C) Conclusion (D) Discussion of
100. The organization of the work in a research essay is usually part of
chapter ……… (A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four and five
ANSWERS TO GST 101: 2012/2013
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. D 7. D 8.C 9. B 10. A
11. C 12. A 13. A 14. D 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. A 19. A 20. C
21. C 22. D 23. A 24. A 25. B 26. D 27. A 28. D 29. D 30. B
31. B 32. D 33. A 34. B 35. D 36. A 37. A 38. A 39. C 40. A
41. D 42. B 43. B 44. D 45. B 46. A 47. A 48. D 49. A 50. A
51. B 52. B 53. B 54. A 55. B 56. D 57. A 58. A 59. C 60. C
61. A 62. D 63. A 64. A 65. B 66. D 67. A 68. B 69. A 70. D
71. C 72. C 73. A 74. C 75. B 76. B 77. A 78. D 79. D 80.C
81. A 82. D 83. B 84. B 85. A 86. A 87. D 88. D 89. D 90. B
91. A 92. C 93. B 94. A 95. D 96. D 97. C 98. C 99. A 100. A
1. ……… libraries keep African collections. (A) Virtual (B) Public (C)
Academic (D) All of the above
2. Library’s special collection consists of ……… (A) Rare books (B)
Local history collection (C) African collection (D) All of the above
3. A ……… is any publication that comes out at regular intervals. (A)
Journals (B) Books (C) Monograph (D) All of the above
4. A ……… library is mainly established from studies and teaching
with no emphasis on research and documentation. (A) Public (B) School
(C) Special (D) All of the above
5. CRIN Library is situated in ……… (A) Lagos (B) Enugu (C) Ile-Ife (D)
6. The best known library in the ancient world was established in
between ……… (A) 393 & 445 BC (B) 492 & 550 BC (C) 367 & 283 BC (D)
None of the above
7. FIRO means ……… (A) Federal Institute of Industrial Research,
Oshodi (B) Federal International Institute of Research, Oshodi (C)
Federation International Institute of Research, Oshodi (D) None of the
8. Processing of books by stamping the relevant pages with the
ownership stamp is done mainly in the library by ……… department. (A)
Technical Services (B) Reader Services (C) Collection Development (D)
All of the above
9. Class “S” in Library of Congress Classification Scheme stand for
……… (A) Agriculture (B) Fine Arts (C) Political Science (D) History
10. Tidiness of the stock and assistance to readers are duties
performed in ……… unit. (A) Reference (B) Circulation (C) Reserved Book
(D) None of the above
11. In Library of Congress Classification Scheme, the alphabets
represent ……… (A) Subject (B) Title (C) Author (D) All of the above
12. ……… gives a detailed alphabetical list of topics, names and
persons, ideas and places. (A) Encyclopedia (B) Abstract (C) Bibliography
(D) Index
13. The Library of Congress classification scheme is presently in ………
volumes. (A) 33 (B) 40 (C) 100 (D) 20
14. The catalogue is referred to as the ……… to the library. (A) Cabinet
(B) Scheme (C) Key (D) All of the above
15. ……… section of the library houses the “United Nations
Publication”. (A) Collection Development (B) Research (C) Technical (D)
All of above
16. The public catalogue of Ambrose Alli University Library is
subdivided into ……… (A) Title and author (B) Author and subject (C)
Author, title and subject (D) None of the above
17. ……… helps students and researchers to know what has been
published on a subject or country (A) Directory (B) Bibliography (C)
Index (D) Abstract
18. Directories provide information on ……… (A) Universities (B) Types
of buildings in town (C) Address and names of persons and places
19. Monographs are ……… (A) Non-printed materials (B) Journals (C)
Newspapers (D) In form of a short book
20. Computers accept ……… and bring out processed information. (A)
Training (B) Data (A) Correction (D) None of the above
21. The process of removing absolute materials from the shelves is
called ……… (A) Weeding (B) Costing (C) Correcting (D) All of the above
22. ……… is the electronic version of the card catalogue. (A) TIN LIB (B)
OCLC (C) OPAC (D) None of the above
23. Students are allowed to borrow ……… books for two weeks. (A) 5
(B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 2
24. The modern library stock not only books but ……… (A) Pamphlets
and periodicals (B) Journals (C) Electronic resources (D) All of the above
25. Which of the following statement is true about bibliographies? (A)
Bibliographies are found at the end of all the chapters. (B)
Bibliographies are found at the beginning of all the chapters (C)
Bibliographies are found at the centre of all the chapters (D) All of the
26. If the “what” of a matter is the meaning or message, then the
“how” is the ……… (A) Subject (B) Intention (C) Pacaging (D) Packaging
27. The indispensable characteristic of a good writer is a style marked
by ludicrousness. (A) True (B) False (C) Somehow (D) Sometimes
28. Which of these comes first before response? (A) Talking (B)
Writing (C) Listening (D) B & C
29. How is clarity to be achieved? (A) Mainly by taking trouble (B) By
writing to serve rather than to impress (C) All of the above (D) B & C
30. Learning the various phonetic sounds aid your ……… (A) Writing
skills (B) Listening skills (C) A & B (D) None of the above
31. To attain a level of proficiency in speaking skills you need which of
these? (A) Thinking carefully before speaking and choosing your words
accurately. (B) Oration (C) Action (D) None of the above
32. Arriving at ideational system via sound is appropriate. (A) Why (B)
Why not (C) No (D) Yes
33. A carelessly proofread paper can give a wrong impression. (A)
True of False (B) True (C) False (D) All of the above
34. ……… is the habit of glancing back and re-reading words, word or
sentence already read. (A) Redression (B) Regression (C) Regrission (D)
35. ‘Evaluate’ means ……… (A) Re-read (B) Judge or calculate the
quality, importance, amount or value of something. (C) Measure (D)
None of the above
36. Reading does not need tears if only you abide by the rules. (A)
How can? (B) There is no way you will not shed tears (C) Reading is hard
(D) None of the above
37. To achieve effective social intercourse between the social strata
of the society, words have to be put in their proper order. (A) True (B)
False (C) True & False (D) No
38. SQZRR cannot be a strategy for study reading. (A) False (B) True
(C) Why not (D) If not
39. Which of these reports does not require greater skills to prepare?
(A) Routtine report (B) Rautine report (C) Special report (D) Routine
40. The different categories of the essays discussed in class be said to
have a commonality, because they are ……… (A) Written (B) Special
reports (C) Reports of one kind or the other (D) A & C
41. A quarrel and a fight are effective ways of enforcing an argument.
(A) Sure (B) Yes (C) It is needful (D) No
42. Does ease, speed and high level of familiarity with a written
material have a correlation with comprehension? (A) Yes (B) No (C) Yes
& No (D) We can’t really say
43. One of these inhibits efficient comprehension of written
materials. (A) Drill procedure (B) Eaves dropping (C) Short memory (D)
Failure to adjust speed to purpose
44. Which of the following is superior to the others? (A) Production of
ideas (B) Original sentiments (C( Neatness (D) None of the above
45. Who advocated that writing should be handled as a dynamic
process in which both content and form grow out of each other? (A)
Barry Taylor, 1981(B) Barry Taylor, 1990 (C) Williams David, 1981 (D)
Barry Talor 1981
46. Recall is a crucial step in study reading. (A) No (B) Yes (C)
Sometimes (D) At Times
47. There is a time it becomes too late to acquire reading skills. (A)
True (B) False (C) Yes (D) Yes it is true
48. Do you agree that students should not take note or underline
words or phrases on the first reading of a text.? (A) No (B) Students
should take note (C) Yes (D) Yes & No
49. Is argumentation and reputation method and taking a position in
a contentious subject allowed in an argumentative essay? (A) Why (B)
The person should take a position (C) It is not allowed (D) It is allowed
50. Reports can only be written. (A) True (B) False (C) Yes (D) Maybe
51. ……… are the basic building blocks of writing. (A) Sentence (B)
Verbs (C) Words (D) Nouns
52. ……… make a statement, ask a question, give a command or
express an exclamation. (A) Sentences (B) Phrases (C) Declaratives (D)
All of the above
53. A sentence has ……… elements. (A) 6 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 3
54. ……… is the logical arrangement of the parts of a sentence. (A)
Sequence (B) Unity (C) Emphasis (D) Coherence
55. The predicate must contain a ……… (A) Noun (B) Phrase (C) Verb
(D) Sentence
56. In the sentence “He explained that he was on a diet”, the
underlined is an example of ……… (A) VB + PP (B) VB + NP (C) VB + ADV
(D) VB + Sentence
57. In ……… transformation, the object assumes the position or status
of the subject. (A) Sentence (B) Passive (C) General (D) Active
58. ……… is the use of certain vocabulary items that are peculiar to a
certain field. (A) Language (B) Dialect (C) Register (D) Jargon
59. The elements that are relevant to the understanding of registers
are ……… in number. (A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 2
60. The sentence, “I am here since Thursday”, is an example of ………
(A) Variety according to education (B) Variety according to social status
(C) Variety according to interference (D) Variety according to medium
61. Forms of speaking peculiar to a group of people in a region is
known as ……… (A) Varieties (B) Dialect (C) Language (D) Community
62. Regional variety is realized in ……… (A) Language (B) Phonology (C)
Dialect (D) English
63. Standard English refers to ……… (A) English that has received
official approval (b) English that is widely accepted as a model (C)
English that is important (D) None of the above
64. The ……… verb has different forms. (A) Auxiliary (B) Be (C) Modal
(D) Lexical
65. An effective sentence is one that has ……… (A) A finite
independent clause (B) A clause (C) A phrase (D) A noun
66. The ……… question must have a negative participle. (A) Declarative
(B) Rising intonation (C) Tag (D) Yes/No
67. The sentence, “did you see the white cap?” is an example of ………
(A) Why-question (B) Yes/No question (C) Alternative question (D)
Declarative question
68. “Mary laughed” is an example of ……… (A) A phrase (B) A simple
sentence (C) An incomplete sentence (D) A clause
Pick out the odd items from the questions below
69. (A) Talk (B) Dance (C) plant (D) Sleep
70. (A) Write (B) Ring (C) Swim (D) Work
71. (A) Is (B) Were (C) Come (D) Dare
72. (A) Ought (B) may (C) Would (D) Has
73. The sentence used in expressing diverse emotions is called ………
(A) Emotional sentence (B) Exclamatory sentence (C) Declarative
sentence (D) Interrogative sentence
74. In sentence expansion, only the ……… can be expanded. (A)
Adverbial (B) Noun (C) Verb (D) All of the above
75. Objects are usually ……… (A) Complements (B) Noun phrases (C)
Subjects (D) Verbs
76. The abstract of a research essay is a kind of brief summary of the
major sections of the ……… (A) Conclusion (B) Essay (C) Introduction (D)
77. The proposal of a research paper should include ……… (A)
Methodology (B) Lecture notes (C) Photocopy (D) Abstract
78. The term “essay” which means “trying out” was first coined by
……… (A) Achebe (B) Soyinka (C) MacCrimmon (D) Montaigne
79. One of these is odd. (A) Proposal (B) Literature review (C)
Conclusion (D) Introduction
80. Quotation are used to support one’s ……… (A) Conclusion (B)
Literature review (C) Abstract (D) Argument
81. A research paper could also be called ……… (A) Readily text (B)
Library paper (C) Research book (D) All of the above
82. The summary of the findings of a research essay is in the ……… (A)
Proposal (B) Research findings (C) Research review (D) Conclusion
83. A research essay is different from the primary or secondary school
composition in terms of ……… (A) Style and length of time (B) Form and
purpose (C) Topic (D) The conclusion
84. Bibliography means ……… (A) The list of the book read in the
course of writing a research essay (B) The list of recommended to you
by your supervisor (C) The list of source used in the course of the
research (D) The list of books your supervisor recommendation to you
85. Notation set off at the bottom of any page in research writing is
called ……… (A) Bottom page notes (B) footnotes (C) Footnotes notation
(D) Notes kept at the foot of the work
86. One of these styles focuses less on the date and year of
publication. (A) APA (B) MLA (C) APP (D) MAL
87. APA documentation style is used mainly in the ……… (A) Arts (B)
Humanities (C) Medicine (D) Sciences
88. The main objective of research essay is to test the students’ level
of ……… (A) Cultural independence (B) Mental independence (C)
Research independence (D) Intellectual and academic independence
89. The goals of the intended study is called the ……… (A) Objectives
(B) Scopes (C0 Research goals (D) Goal limitation
90. Stating the specific focus of the topic means ……… (A) Delimiting
the research topic (B) Delimiting the subject area (C) Delimiting the
topic the supervisor’s taste (D) All of the above
91. One of these is not an important element in a research essay. (A)
Reading all the books recommended (B) Stating the objective (C)
Making use of footnotes (D) Methodology
92. The hypothesis refers to the ……… to be proved right or wrong in
the course of the study. (A) Prediction (B) Conclusion (C) Proposal (D)
Research questions
93. The APA style of bibliographical referencing is same as the MLA in
all the following points except ……… (A) The title of books are always
underlined (B) The year of publication is written after the author’s
name. (C) The author names are always written in alphabetical order
(D) Title of works in an anthology are enclosed quotation marks
94. MLA documentation style is used mainly in the ……… (A) Arts (B)
Humanities (C) Medicine (D) Sciences
95. Single quotation marks are used to mark quotation within ………
(A) The research essay (B) The content (C) Chapters (D) Quotations
96. The objectives of a research essay are essay are stated in the form
of ……… (A) Research questions (B) Research objectives (C) Hypothesis
(D) theoretical framework
97. Two books by the same author would include all the following
except ……… (A) Repeating both the author’s name (B) Repeating the
publication information (C) Writing the title of the book (D) Writing the
year of publication
98. Plagiarism is a ……… in academics. (A) Crime (B) Good (D) A must
99. The topic chosen in a research essay should not be too ……… (A)
Competitive (B) Abstract (C) Subjective
100. In choosing a research topic, one of these is odd. (A) A medication
of previous works (B) Be the same as already carried out (C) Lead to
reporting new facts (D) Lead to suggesting solutions to problem little
ANSWERS TO GST 101: 2013/2014
1. D 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. A 10. B
11. A 12. A 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. D 20. B
21. A 22. C 23. D 24. D 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. B 30. C
31. A 32. D 33. B 34. B 35. B 36. D 37. A 38. B 39. D 40. D
41. D 42. A 43. D 44. A 45. A 46. B 47. A 48. C 49. D 50. B
51. C 52. A 53. B 54. A 55. C 56. D 57. A 58. C 59. C 60. A
61. B 62. C 63. B 64. A 65. A 66. C 67. B 68. B 69. D 70. D
71. C 72. D 73. B 74. D 75. B 76. B 77. A 78. D 79. A 80. D
81. B 82. D 83. B 84. C 85. B 86. B 87. D 88. D 89. A 90. B
91. C 92. C 93. B 94. B 95. D 96. A 97. A 98. A 99. C 100. B
1. ……… libraries keep African collections. (A) Virtual (B) Public (C)
Academic (D) All of the above
2. Library’s special collection consists of ……… (A) Rare books (B)
Local history collection (C) African collection (D) All of the above
3. A ……… is any publication that comes out at regular intervals. (A)
Journals (B) Books (C) Monograph (D) All of the above
4. A ……… library is mainly established from studies and teaching
with no emphasis on research and documentation. (A) Public (B) School
(C) Special (D) All of the above
5. CRIN Library is situated in ……… (A) Lagos (B) Enugu (C) Ile-Ife (D)
6. The best known library in the ancient world was established in
between ……… (A) 393 & 445 BC (B) 492 & 550 BC (C) 367 & 283 BC (D)
None of the above
7. FIRO means ……… (A) Federal Institute of Industrial Research,
Oshodi (B) Federal International Institute of Research, Oshodi (C)
Federation International Institute of Research, Oshodi (D) None of the
8. Processing of books by stamping the relevant pages with the
ownership stamp is done mainly in the library by ……… department. (A)
Technical Services (B) Reader Services (C) Collection Development (D)
All of the above
9. Class “S” in Library of Congress Classification Scheme stand for
……… (A) Agriculture (B) Fine Arts (C) Political Science (D) History
10. Tidiness of the stock and assistance to readers are duties
performed in ……… unit. (A) Reference (B) Circulation (C) Reserved Book
(D) None of the above
11. In Library of Congress Classification Scheme, the alphabets
represent ……… (A) Subject (B) Title (C) Author (D) All of the above
12. ……… gives a detailed alphabetical list of topics, names and
persons, ideas and places. (A) Encyclopedia (B) Abstract (C) Bibliography
(D) Index
13. The Library of Congress classification scheme is presently in ………
volumes. (A) 33 (B) 40 (C) 100 (D) 20
14. The catalogue is referred to as the ……… to the library. (A) Cabinet
(B) Scheme (C) Key (D) All of the above
15. ……… section of the library houses the “United Nations
Publication”. (A) Collection Development (B) Research (C) Technical (D)
All of above
16. The public catalogue of Ambrose Alli University Library is
subdivided into ……… (A) Title and author (B) Author and subject (C)
Author, title and subject (D) None of the above
17. ……… helps students and researchers to know what has been
published on a subject or country (A) Directory (B) Bibliography (C)
Index (D) Abstract
18. Directories provide information on ……… (A) Universities (B) Types
of buildings in town (C) Address and names of persons and places
19. Monographs are ……… (A) Non-printed materials (B) Journals (C)
Newspapers (D) In form of a short book
20. Computers accept ……… and bring out processed information. (A)
Training (B) Data (A) Correction (D) None of the above
21. The process of removing absolute materials from the shelves is
called ……… (A) Weeding (B) Costing (C) Correcting (D) All of the above
22. ……… is the electronic version of the card catalogue. (A) TIN LIB (B)
OCLC (C) OPAC (D) None of the above
23. Students are allowed to borrow ……… books for two weeks. (A) 5
(B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 2
24. The modern library stock not only books but ……… (A) Pamphlets
and periodicals (B) Journals (C) Electronic resources (D) All of the above
25. Which of the following statement is true about bibliographies? (A)
Bibliographies are found at the end of all the chapters. (B)
Bibliographies are found at the beginning of all the chapters (C)
Bibliographies are found at the centre of all the chapters (D) All of the
26. If the “what” of a matter is the meaning or message, then the
“how” is the ……… (A) Subject (B) Intention (C) Pacaging (D) Packaging
27. The indispensable characteristic of a good writer is a style marked
by ludicrousness. (A) True (B) False (C) Somehow (D) Sometimes
28. Which of these comes first before response? (A) Talking (B)
Writing (C) Listening (D) B & C
29. How is clarity to be achieved? (A) Mainly by taking trouble (B) By
writing to serve rather than to impress (C) All of the above (D) B & C
30. Learning the various phonetic sounds aid your ……… (A) Writing
skills (B) Listening skills (C) A & B (D) None of the above
31. To attain a level of proficiency in speaking skills you need which of
these? (A) Thinking carefully before speaking and choosing your words
accurately. (B) Oration (C) Action (D) None of the above
32. Arriving at ideational system via sound is appropriate. (A) Why (B)
Why not (C) No (D) Yes
33. A carelessly proofread paper can give a wrong impression. (A)
True of False (B) True (C) False (D) All of the above
34. ……… is the habit of glancing back and re-reading words, word or
sentence already read. (A) Redression (B) Regression (C) Regrission (D)
35. ‘Evaluate’ means ……… (A) Re-read (B) Judge or calculate the
quality, importance, amount or value of something. (C) Measure (D)
None of the above
36. Reading does not need tears if only you abide by the rules. (A)
How can? (B) There is no way you will not shed tears (C) Reading is hard
(D) None of the above
37. To achieve effective social intercourse between the social strata
of the society, words have to be put in their proper order. (A) True (B)
False (C) True & False (D) No
38. SQZRR cannot be a strategy for study reading. (A) False (B) True
(C) Why not (D) If not
39. Which of these reports does not require greater skills to prepare?
(A) Routtine report (B) Rautine report (C) Special report (D) Routine
40. The different categories of the essays discussed in class be said to
have a commonality, because they are ……… (A) Written (B) Special
reports (C) Reports of one kind or the other (D) A & C
41. A quarrel and a fight are effective ways of enforcing an argument.
(A) Sure (B) Yes (C) It is needful (D) No
42. Does ease, speed and high level of familiarity with a written
material have a correlation with comprehension? (A) Yes (B) No (C) Yes
& No (D) We can’t really say
43. One of these inhibits efficient comprehension of written
materials. (A) Drill procedure (B) Eaves dropping (C) Short memory (D)
Failure to adjust speed to purpose
44. Which of the following is superior to the others? (A) Production of
ideas (B) Original sentiments (C( Neatness (D) None of the above
45. Who advocated that writing should be handled as a dynamic
process in which both content and form grow out of each other? (A)
Barry Taylor, 1981(B) Barry Taylor, 1990 (C) Williams David, 1981 (D)
Barry Talor 1981
46. Recall is a crucial step in study reading. (A) No (B) Yes (C)
Sometimes (D) At Times
47. There is a time it becomes too late to acquire reading skills. (A)
True (B) False (C) Yes (D) Yes it is true
48. Do you agree that students should not take note or underline
words or phrases on the first reading of a text.? (A) No (B) Students
should take note (C) Yes (D) Yes & No
49. Is argumentation and reputation method and taking a position in
a contentious subject allowed in an argumentative essay? (A) Why (B)
The person should take a position (C) It is not allowed (D) It is allowed
50. Reports can only be written. (A) True (B) False (C) Yes (D) Maybe
51. ……… are the basic building blocks of writing. (A) Sentence (B)
Verbs (C) Words (D) Nouns
52. ……… make a statement, ask a question, give a command or
express an exclamation. (A) Sentences (B) Phrases (C) Declaratives (D)
All of the above
53. A sentence has ……… elements. (A) 6 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 3
54. ……… is the logical arrangement of the parts of a sentence. (A)
Sequence (B) Unity (C) Emphasis (D) Coherence
55. The predicate must contain a ……… (A) Noun (B) Phrase (C) Verb
(D) Sentence
56. In the sentence “He explained that he was on a diet”, the
underlined is an example of ……… (A) VB + PP (B) VB + NP (C) VB + ADV
(D) VB + Sentence
57. In ……… transformation, the object assumes the position or status
of the subject. (A) Sentence (B) Passive (C) General (D) Active
58. ……… is the use of certain vocabulary items that are peculiar to a
certain field. (A) Language (B) Dialect (C) Register (D) Jargon
59. The elements that are relevant to the understanding of registers
are ……… in number. (A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 2
60. The sentence, “I am here since Thursday”, is an example of ………
(A) Variety according to education (B) Variety according to social status
(C) Variety according to interference (D) Variety according to medium
61. Forms of speaking peculiar to a group of people in a region is
known as ……… (A) Varieties (B) Dialect (C) Language (D) Community
62. Regional variety is realized in ……… (A) Language (B) Phonology (C)
Dialect (D) English
63. Standard English refers to ……… (A) English that has received
official approval (b) English that is widely accepted as a model (C)
English that is important (D) None of the above
64. The ……… verb has different forms. (A) Auxiliary (B) Be (C) Modal
(D) Lexical
65. An effective sentence is one that has ……… (A) A finite
independent clause (B) A clause (C) A phrase (D) A noun
66. The ……… question must have a negative participle. (A) Declarative
(B) Rising intonation (C) Tag (D) Yes/No
67. The sentence, “did you see the white cap?” is an example of ………
(A) Why-question (B) Yes/No question (C) Alternative question (D)
Declarative question
68. “Mary laughed” is an example of ……… (A) A phrase (B) A simple
sentence (C) An incomplete sentence (D) A clause
Pick out the odd items from the questions below
69. (A) Talk (B) Dance (C) plant (D) Sleep
70. (A) Write (B) Ring (C) Swim (D) Work
71. (A) Is (B) Were (C) Come (D) Dare
72. (A) Ought (B) may (C) Would (D) Has
73. The sentence used in expressing diverse emotions is called ………
(A) Emotional sentence (B) Exclamatory sentence (C) Declarative
sentence (D) Interrogative sentence
74. In sentence expansion, only the ……… can be expanded. (A)
Adverbial (B) Noun (C) Verb (D) All of the above
75. Objects are usually ……… (A) Complements (B) Noun phrases (C)
Subjects (D) Verbs
76. The abstract of a research essay is a kind of brief summary of the
major sections of the ……… (A) Conclusion (B) Essay (C) Introduction (D)
77. The proposal of a research paper should include ……… (A)
Methodology (B) Lecture notes (C) Photocopy (D) Abstract
78. The term “essay” which means “trying out” was first coined by
……… (A) Achebe (B) Soyinka (C) MacCrimmon (D) Montaigne
79. One of these is odd. (A) Proposal (B) Literature review (C)
Conclusion (D) Introduction
80. Quotation are used to support one’s ……… (A) Conclusion (B)
Literature review (C) Abstract (D) Argument
81. A research paper could also be called ……… (A) Readily text (B)
Library paper (C) Research book (D) All of the above
82. The summary of the findings of a research essay is in the ……… (A)
Proposal (B) Research findings (C) Research review (D) Conclusion
83. A research essay is different from the primary or secondary school
composition in terms of ……… (A) Style and length of time (B) Form and
purpose (C) Topic (D) The conclusion
84. Bibliography means ……… (A) The list of the book read in the
course of writing a research essay (B) The list of recommended to you
by your supervisor (C) The list of source used in the course of the
research (D) The list of books your supervisor recommendation to you
85. Notation set off at the bottom of any page in research writing is
called ……… (A) Bottom page notes (B) footnotes (C) Footnotes notation
(D) Notes kept at the foot of the work
86. One of these styles focuses less on the date and year of
publication. (A) APA (B) MLA (C) APP (D) MAL
87. APA documentation style is used mainly in the ……… (A) Arts (B)
Humanities (C) Medicine (D) Sciences
88. The main objective of research essay is to test the students’ level
of ……… (A) Cultural independence (B) Mental independence (C)
Research independence (D) Intellectual and academic independence
89. The goals of the intended study is called the ……… (A) Objectives
(B) Scopes (C0 Research goals (D) Goal limitation
90. Stating the specific focus of the topic means ……… (A) Delimiting
the research topic (B) Delimiting the subject area (C) Delimiting the
topic the supervisor’s taste (D) All of the above
91. One of these is not an important element in a research essay. (A)
Reading all the books recommended (B) Stating the objective (C)
Making use of footnotes (D) Methodology
92. The hypothesis refers to the ……… to be proved right or wrong in
the course of the study. (A) Prediction (B) Conclusion (C) Proposal (D)
Research questions
93. The APA style of bibliographical referencing is same as the MLA in
all the following points except ……… (A) The title of books are always
underlined (B) The year of publication is written after the author’s
name. (C) The author names are always written in alphabetical order
(D) Title of works in an anthology are enclosed quotation marks
94. MLA documentation style is used mainly in the ……… (A) Arts (B)
Humanities (C) Medicine (D) Sciences
95. Single quotation marks are used to mark quotation within ………
(A) The research essay (B) The content (C) Chapters (D) Quotations
96. The objectives of a research essay are essay are stated in the form
of ……… (A) Research questions (B) Research objectives (C) Hypothesis
(D) theoretical framework
97. Two books by the same author would include all the following
except ……… (A) Repeating both the author’s name (B) Repeating the
publication information (C) Writing the title of the book (D) Writing the
year of publication
98. Plagiarism is a ……… in academics. (A) Crime (B) Good (D) A must
99. The topic chosen in a research essay should not be too ……… (A)
Competitive (B) Abstract (C) Subjective
100. In choosing a research topic, one of these is odd. (A) A medication
of previous works (B) Be the same as already carried out (C) Lead to
reporting new facts (D) Lead to suggesting solutions to problem little
ANSWERS TO GST 101: 2013/2014
1. D 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. A 10. B
11. A 12. A 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. D 20. B
21. A 22. C 23. D 24. D 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. B 30. C
31. A 32. D 33. B 34. B 35. B 36. D 37. A 38. B 39. D 40. D
41. D 42. A 43. D 44. A 45. A 46. B 47. A 48. C 49. D 50. B
51. C 52. A 53. B 54. A 55. C 56. D 57. A 58. C 59. C 60. A
61. B 62. C 63. B 64. A 65. A 66. C 67. B 68. B 69. D 70. D
71. C 72. D 73. B 74. D 75. B 76. B 77. A 78. D 79. A 80. D
81. B 82. D 83. B 84. C 85. B 86. B 87. D 88. D 89. A 90. B
91. C 92. C 93. B 94. B 95. D 96. A 97. A 98. A 99. C 100. B

1. Reasoning is a development skill which can never be fully acquired

through ……… (A) True (B) False (C) True or False (D) None of the above
2. “S” in the formula for study reading can stand for surveillance (A)
True (B) False (C) They are the same (D) They are similar
3. Editing is the same as ……… (A) Proofreading (B) Provereading (C)
Proof-reading (D) Profredy
4. Effective reading habit must be cultivated. (A) Yes (B) It is not a
plant to be cultivated (C) Why (D) Sometimes
5. SQ3R is a formula for study reading. (A) Yes and NO (B) True (C)
Partially (D) False
6. Drilling procedure is the cure for pointing to words. (A) True (B)
False (C) Partially (D) Well
7. Reading skills precedes writing skill. (A)Yes (B) No (C) One of them
is the senior (D) All of the above
8. Report can be ……… and ……… (A) Writing and oral (B) Oral and
Orally (C) Orally and another (D) Oral and written
9. For better understanding shade or underline your work at first
reading. (A) Never at all (B) No (C) Yes (D) It helps you to assimilate
10. The power of observation is important to which of these
writings/essays? (A) Descriptive analysis (B) Descriptive posits (C)
Narrative and descriptive analytical process
11. An understanding of the basic rules which governs a language is
important for effective communication. (A) No nee (B) Why not (C) One
of the below (D) True
12. Could it be true that you cannot differentiate between narrative
and descriptive essays? (A) False (B) Lie (C) True (D) Yes
13. What you say and how you say it are of equal importance in
communication. (A) True (B) False (C) It may not be so (D) One of the
14. The feature of a special report is its length and that is what makes
it a special report. (A) True (B) False (C) That is right (D) Sure
15. Who among these scholars canvassed for more reward for the
production of ideas? (A) Richard Perker (B) Richard Parker (C) Williams
Don (D) Williams David
16. Per-fixation means ……… (A) One glance (B) The amount of printed
words that your eyes can take in at once (C) Intake of words (D) Power
of recognition
17. Physical aspect of reading and reading speed influence ……… (A)
The eyes (B) Compression (C) Composition (D) Comprehension
18. Which of these helps students to devise an appropriate reading
approach? (A) Determinism (B) Efficiency (C) Determining the level of
familiarity with reading material (D) None of the above
19. Cartside advocates for economy in the use of words. (A) No (B)
Yes (C) Maybe (D) Cartside
20. Language is at its best when used to (A) Document (B)
Communication (C) Communicate (D) Speak
21. Clarity is achieved mainly by taking trouble and by writing to serve
people rather than to impress them. (A) True (B) False (C) True or False
(D) None of the above
22. Do you believe that a carelessly proofread work can give a wrong
impression about you even when the reader has not met you
physically? (A) How can ? (B) Yes and No (C) Yes (D) No
23. Bad reading habits will disappear naturally if you have faith. (A)
False (B) True (C) Yes (D) No
24. The ability to remember what was read before is called ……… (A)
Memory (B) Idea (C) Power to recollect (D) Power of recall
25. You need a teleprompter to improve your English and speed. (A)
Maybe (B) No (C) Yes (D) Very important
26. ……… are marked by the placing of the operator before the
subject. (A) Interrogatives (B) Sentences (C) Exclamations (D)
27. Sentences that have the initial phrase usually introduced by
‘what’ or how are called ……… (A) Interrogative (B) Questions (C)
Commands (D) Exclamatory
28. ……… is a useful tool in the hands of human beings. (A) Language
(B) Communication (C) English (D) Sentence
29. ……… varies according to user and use. (A) English (B)
Communication (C) Language (D) Sentence
30. ……… is a form that is peculiar to a group of people in a region. (A)
Language Variety (C) Dialect (D) Register
31. ……… is any piece of writing used for a specific purpose. (A)
Language (B) Variety (C) Dialect (D) Register
32. The choice of vocabulary in a speech situation determines the
……… (A) Language (B) English (C) Field (D) Tone
33. ……… is the medium of communication between participants. (A)
Mode (B) Language (C) Dialect (D) Register
34. Setting is the ……… of language used. (A) Mode (B) Occasion (C)
Field (D) Type
35. ……… is the social relationship between interlocutors (A) Tenor (B)
Field (C) Friendship
36. The ……… variety has gained prominence over others. (A) Informal
(B) Formal (C) Standard (D) Geography
37. The ……… style is characterized by inexplicitness of expression. (A)
Formal (B) Informal (C) Local (D) Variety
38. The part of a sentence that says something about the subject is
the ……… (A) Verb (B) Noun (C) Adjective (D) Predicate
39. A sentence has a ……… as an obligatory complement of structure.
(A) Noun (B) Adjective (C) Adverb (D) Finite verb
40. The ……… of a sentence can be direct or indirect. (A) Subject (B)
Noun (C) Object (D) Verb
41. Sentence in which the subject is always present is known as ………
(A) Declaratives (B) Imperatives (C) Interrogatives (D) Exclamatory
42. If the parts of a sentence are logically arranged the sentence is
said to be ……… (A) Clear (B) Unified (C) Correct (D) Coherent
43. The ……… question has two identifiable parts. (A) Wh- (B)
Alternative (C) Yes/No question (D) Tag
From Questions 44-50, select the option that best explains the
information conveyed in the sentence
44. Though Mr. Iro is our new chairman, he views other members
with jaundice eye. (A) he takes an unfavourable position concerning his
members (B) He takes a sickly view of his members (C) He takes a
rather hazy view of his members (D) he takes a rather forceful position
in dealing with his members.
45. People are not interested in who rules. (A) People are not
concerned about who rules (B) The rulers are not concerned about the
people (C) People who rule are not interested in the ruled (D) People
are not ruled by the leaders they want
46. It is always good to steer a middle course in whatever one does.
(A) It is always good to act with moderation (B) It is always to move
away from the forefront (C) It is always good to work very hard (D) It is
always to move away from the forefront
47. The witness said he had no axe to grind with his brothers (A) He
had no axe and therefore stole the machete (B) He had no axe and
therefore borrowed their machete (C) He had no vested interest in the
brothers (D) He has no hatred for the brothers
48. As regards the matter, we have crossed the Rubicon. (A) We are
irrevocably committed (B) We are already qualified (C) We are perfectly
committed (D) We are completely at a loss
49. I couldn’t buy the biscuit because of the hold-up in the
supermarket. (A) The shop had not opened (B) The attendant was slow
(C) Armed robbers were there (D) There was nobody to attend to me.
50. You could have heard the sound if you weren’t asleep. (A) You
were not asleep so you heard the sound (B) You were asleep so you
didn’t hear the sound (C) You heard the sound though you were asleep
(D) You did not hear the sound though you were not asleep

51. Nearly all research builds on ……… (A) Ongoing research (B)
Previous research (C) Present research (D) Lecture notes
52. Whenever you draw information or idea from another’s work, you
must document ……… (A) Your research (B) Your method (C) Your Idea
(D) Your source
53. An essay is a written composition in prose which discusses a ………
(A) Subject (B) Formula (C) Long essay (D) Method
54. The term essay means ……… (A) Carry out an assignment (B) Trying
out (C) Writing (D) Research
55. The term essay was first coined by Montaigne in ……… (A) 1960 (B)
1510 (C) 1580 (D) 1958
56. Another name for the research essay could be all except ……… (A)
Long essay (B) Reading paper (C) Theses (D) Lecture paper
57. One of these separates a research essay from an ordinary essay.
(A) Its form (B) Its writing (C) Its library (D) Its essay
58. The research essay is more serious in terms of its ……… (A)
Reading (B) Writing (C) Formal presentation (D) Length
59. Long essays are special reports on pieces of ………(A) Academic
research (B) Notes taken in the course of reading (C) Reports (D)
Academic lectures
60. The long essay differs from the ordinary composition on account
of being the test of an undergraduate, of the student’s level of ……… (A)
More independence (B) Academic independence (C) Spiritual
independence (D) Academic pursuit
61. The actual composition of a research essay includes all except
……… (A) Defining your purpose (B) Selecting your materials (C)
Consulting your supervisor (D) Developing your materials into a unified
62. The research topic is the subject you want to ……… (A) Submit to
the department (B) Discuss with fellow students (C) Study and write a
paper on (D) Study and discuss with your supervisor
63. The options opened to students attempting to choose a research
topic are all except ……… (A) Past abstracts (B) General encyclopedias
(C) Asking suggestions from the supervisor (D) Past appendices
64. In choosing a good topic, the topic should be one that ……… (A)
Can be developed from a single source (B) Can be developed from
personal experience (C) Must be narrowed down to a specific idea (D)
All of the above
65. In choosing a good topic, the topic must ……… (A) Be objective (B)
Subjective (C) Be very wide (D) Very narrow
66. One of these is not a section in a research working proposal. (A)
Literature review (B) Introduction (C) working bibliography (D)
67. The title page of a long essay states the title, the full names of the
student submitting it and ……… (A) The method of writing (B) The
purpose that it serves (C) The supervisor’s name (D) All of the above
68. The general introduction of the final draft includes all the
following except ……… (A) References that have been consulted (B)
Objectives of the study (C) Theoretical framework (D) Methodology
69. The section on methodology/procedures in a research essay deals
with how the data was ……… (A) summarized (B) Discussed (C) Written
out (D) Collected and analyzed
70. All except one of these could be include in the appendix section.
(A) Bibliography (B) Photocopies (C) Maps (D) Questionnaire
71. APA documentation style is widely used in ……… (A) The Arts (B)
Humanities (C) The Sciences (D) Medicine
72. A type-written list in alphabetical order of names of authors or
book titles placed at the end of your finished long essay is called ………
(A) Working bibliography (B) Appendix (C) Abstract (D) Bibliography
73. In one of these documentation styles, the date is given more
prominence. (A) APA (B) MLA (C) APP (D) ALM
74. (Achebe 1958, p.100). The example of shown here is an example
of ……… documentation style. (A) APA (B) MLA (C) MAL (D) APM
75. The MLA as a documentation style stands for ………
documentation style. (A) Method Language Association (B) Medium
Language Association (C) Modern Language Association (D) None of the
76. Library’s special collections consist of ……… (A) Africana’s
collection (B) Local history collection (C) Rare books (D) All of the above
77. A book is entered by the title when it is written by a ……… (A)
Single author (B) Co-operate body (C) Two authors (D) Corporate
78. The unit responsible for the issuance of letters of
introduction/recommendation is ……… (A) Reserved book unit (B)
Reference unit (C) Circulation unit (D) Inter-library loan unit
79. Accessioning of books is done in the library by ……… department.
(A) Collection development (B) Readers services (C) Technical services
(D) All of the above
80. Books that are available for browsing on regular loans to staff and
students are kept in ……… (A) Reservation book collection (B) Open
access book collection (C) Recall notice book collection (D) None of the
81. ……… at his death left a personal collection of 18,000 volumes
comprising standard works in the humanities and the arts. (A) Henry
Carr (B) John Holt’s (C) John Harris (D) None of the above
82. ……… provides services to everyone in the community. (A) School
library (B) College library (C) Virtual library (D) Public Library
83. ……… is an example of a legal depository library. (A) Academic
library (B) National library 9C) School library (D) All of the above
84. Ready reference and referral services are duties performed in
……… unit. (A) Circulation (B) Research (C) OSIWA (D) None of the above
85. Class V in Library of Congress Classification scheme represents
……… (A) Medicine (B) Technology (C) Science (D) Naval Science
86. ……… Classification scheme is used to organize law materials. (A)
Elizabeth Moys (B) Cyril Barnard’s (C) LC (D) None of the above
87. A reader is not allowed to ……… (A) seat in the library. (A) Register
(B) Damage (C) Reserve (D) Borrow
88. ……… are used to locate organizations, institutions and people. (A)
Abstract (B) Directories (C) Dictionaries (D) Encyclopedias
89. Which of these lists in alphabetical order of topics/headings
treated in an information storage book, and indicate where further
information about the topic can be found? (A) Handbook (B) Map (C)
An index (D) all of the above
90. One of these accommodates new knowledge. (A) LC Scheme (B)
DDC Scheme (C) UDC Scheme (D) BT Scheme
91. Technical services form the ……… of all library processes. (A) Life
wire (B) Backbone (C) Blood bank (D) None of the above
92. If a book is on loan, a ……… can be sent to the person who loaned
it to return it due to pressure in demand. (A) Reservation notice (B)
Introduction notice (C) Recall notice (D) Overdue notice
93. Which of these is the electronic version of the card catalogue? (A)
OPAC (B) SLAM (C) Tin LIB (D) None of the above
94. ……… is the library finding list. (A) Public catalogue (B) Author
catalogue (C) Subject catalogue (D) Title catalogue
95. ……… is an example of a special library. (A) NIFOR FIIRO (C) CRIN
(D) All of the above
96. Bindery unit is often affiliated to ……… department in the library.
(A) Collection development (B) Reader services (C) Serial (D) Technical
97. Which are the ways a library can increase their collections? (A)
Gift and exchange (B) Bequeathal (C) Purchases (D) All of the above
98. Which of these is not the function of a library? (A) Borrowing out
books (B) Purchasing books and non-book materials (C) Discharging
books to users (D) None of the above
99. Which of these schemes has pure notation? (A) Dewey decimal
classification (B) Library of Congress Classification (C) Cyril Barnard’s
classification (D) None of the above
100. ……… are accounts of individuals by themselves. (A)
Autobiographies (B) Biographies (C) Bibliographies (D) All of the above

ANSWERS TO GST 101: 2014/2015

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. D
11. D 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. B 16. B 17. D 18. C 19. B 20. B
21. A 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. B 26. A 27. A 28. A 29. C 30. D
31. D 32. C 33. B 34. B 35. A 36. C 37. B 38. D 39. D 40. C
41. A 42. D 43. D 44. A 45. D 46. A 47. D 48. A 49. B 50. B
51. B 52. D 53. A 54. B 55. C 56. D 57. A 58. C 59.A 60. B
61. C 62. C 63. D 64. A 65. C 66. A 67. B 68. A 69. D 70. B
71. C 72. D 73. A 74. A 75. C 76. D 77. D 78. C 79. C 80. B
81. A 82. D 83. B 84. A 85. D 86. A 87. B 88. B 89. C 90. A
91. B 92. C 93. A 94. A 95. D 96. D 97. D 98. D 99. A 100. A

This material was compiled by;

- SUG Director of Information – Comr. Cletus Oribhabor
- Gift Otote (FreeGift)
- Promise Otoibhi (Mc Frisky)

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